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GFD165 & Control unit

GFD165 &


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GFD165 & Control unit

1 Introduction
1.1. Message to Customer

We are proud that you have selected and bought one of our products for your Industrial
application. This product has been built according to our highest quality standard and material
quality. We have designed it in a way that is the most friendly and intuitive to the user as we
always care about your safety and comfort.

Feel free in commenting our job and in bringing back your input to help us building the next
generation of products, improving existing ones or their conformance to your industrial needs.

In this Operating Manual, we have compiled all data available about the product, its service
and main uses. We have also added images, schematics and graphs to ease the reading and
facilitate the learning.

Please read the following pages to fully understand all aspects of the driving software,
operations and cares to your unit as this will assure you having an extended service life. On the
safety side, a careful read is absolutely necessary because of the importance of operating the unit
safely for yourself but also for neighbouring activities.
Copy requests, modifications or additional Commercial data about this manual may be
directed to the Marketing Department (

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1.2. Manufacturing program

Balteau is a manufacturer of X Ray generators, accessories and Systems since the early
1900's. Located in Belgium our factory produces Gas, Oil or Solid insulated generators from 1 to
450 kV.
Product lines related to X Ray are
· Portable units: BALTOSPOT series
· Mobile and High Power units: BALTOGRAPH series
· Systems and related: BALTOMATIC series

Other products are:

· Endoscopes and Boroscopes BALTOVISION
· Group products
· Sonatest, Dakota, Harfang, NDT Solutions
· Accessories and misc. NDT

Additional information about the manufacturing range and products can be obtained
through the Sales and Marketing Department ( or marketing@balteau-

1.3. Warranty & after sales

Your equipment is generally covered by a limited 1 year guarantee which exact terms are
part of the Sales conditions of your purchase. Terms and conditions specified in our specific Sales
contract are supplementing this general rule.
To get benefice of your guarantee, conditions are applying and a specific procedure has to
be followed when communicating with Balteau or your After Sales service Center if such a Service
has been officially appointed in your region.
Any works operated through unauthorized service centers, local repairs attempts without
precise and written indications from BNDT will void the guarantee conditions.
Service operations and warranty applications may be delayed by failing to send required
information of material when requested or in diligent time. IN no cases warranty will be extended
because of such problems encountered (see General Sales and Warranty conditions)

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1.4. Damages during transit

We packed your equipment with adequate material and cares to ensure proper protection
for the designed transport.
When receiving your package, carefully inspect the external aspect and shape of the box.
Should this box be damaged, If despite our cares, your unit would be damaged or warped,
If this is not the case, Do not open it before having taken some pictures of the box: if
necessary exert all reserves to the carrier, if possible in writings with a copy to Balteau regarding
the reception of the goods.
When opening the box, check that all elements are correctly packed and that seals if any
are intact.
If the equipment is found defective or broken, advise both the carrier and Balteau and wait
for instructions. If your material was covered by an Insurance, inform the latter that some reserves
have to be taken.
In all cases, pictures of the problem should be taken and a copy sent to Balteau ideally by
Email (

1.5. Sending an equipment to Balteau NDT

When calling BNDT for warranty issues, service or calibration requests you will be asked to
provide several information among these are:

· Serial numbers of equipment and connected accessories

· Date of Purchase and contract reference (AAccXXXX)
· Description of failure
· Name of Company and person in charge for future contacts on the subject
· Phone and Email for future contacts

This list is indicative and not limitative.

A document summarizing all these information is available and can be asked to the Service
department (file is 'SAV_informationminimum_GB').

You'll then be given a reference number which will become your unique identification
number throughout the service process for efficient and performing tracking of operations
performed on your equipment.

Unless otherwise indicated, shipment is always at your expenses. In order to reduce all
costs related to transport and transfer to our company, we strongly recommend you to follow our
"ShippingAir" procedure that will be sent to you on request if you contact our Shipping Department
by phone, fax or mail (

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1.6. Calibration

During the manufacturing process your equipment has been calibrated to correspond to the
manufacturing standards and/or other applicable standards.
These operations have been performed with adequate personnel and calibrated material.

We recommend a calibration of X Ray devices every two years at least or 1 year if your
quality requirements are stating so.
Calibration consists in checking several important functions of your equipment like:
· Focal spot check
· HV value check and adjustments
· Dose output check and adjustment

Balteau is offering Calibration services through it's Network (only through Calibration
authorized Service centers) or directly from the factory.
Feel free in consulting us for rates, delays and additional information (service@balteau-

1.7. Equipment disposal

Balteau is providing a Disposal Service at reasonable costs as part of its global Sales
program. Destructions can only be operated at Balteau's facility.

Any X Ray emitting device sold by Balteau can be destroyed on demand if, after
information, approval and payment of corresponding fees, it is sent free of charges to our main
manufacturing place in Belgium.
Under these conditions, after destruction operations, we will provide the user in return with
a Certificate of destruction mentioning the Serial number of the Unit, the Type and Date of
Destruction or Service removal.
This Certificate may be used for further reference to the National or International Atomic
agencies in the Country where the equipment was imported from.
The necessary documents and information for equipment identification and shipment may
be asked at Balteau ( .

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2 Preliminary Information
2.1 Hazardous Material
Industrial equipments may contain hazardous substances and materials that may require
adequate procedure for disposal.
Elements hereafter described are concerning general X Ray equipment and may not all be
applicable to your equipment. Please read the operating manual in chapter "General Description"
or the "Technical datasheet" to know what is applicable to your equipment.
In case of doubts, the manufacturer is offering you a disposal service where you can obtain
updated and more precise data about how to proceed to dispose of your old equipment.

2.1.1 Insulation material

This material is placed inside the generator to prevent the electrical arc to be emitted
between component under high voltage and the ground. This allows sizes to be kept minimum and
is a normal part of the manufacture of an X Ray equipment.

Oil insulated equipment

Oil used for electrical insulation differs from motor or conventional oil by its fluidity,
composition and purpose. This oil often called "dielectric oil" is generally placed in a separate
category regarding disposal. This oil can be removed from the equipment, canned and disposed
according to your local regulation: reprocessing of oil with adequate media is possible and highly
recommended.. It is not allowed to burn used oil which may emit toxic fumes.

Gas Insulated equipment (SF6)

Isolation gas may be Hexafluoride sulphur (SF6) or Nitrogen (N): this is indicated in the
technical datasheet in this operating manual. Both gas are heavier than air and asphyxiating. Gas
must be released through the special nozzle and canned in a specific container for eventual

Solid insulation
Solid insulation is non toxic as such: insulating material can be modified epoxy, silicon or
PU. Insulated blocs may contain Copper, Steel, Silver and or Lead. It is not allowed to burn
insulated blocs to remove metallic materials inside as fumes can be toxic. All insulated blocs must
be disposed according to local regulation.

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2.1.2 X Ray tube

The insert is a bulb which contains a filament and a target built in a vacuum chamber. The
target and filament are generally in Tungsten (W). The anode is made of Copper. Walls of the
insert may either be Ceramic, Glass or Metal ceramic. When new, the insert is under vacuum (>10-
9 mBar). A heat exchanger is placed on the Anode: the heat exchanger can be a combination of
Aluminium and Copper. Pieces of Lead for shielding purposed may be inserted into the heat

Explosion risks
When used in pressurized can (gas insulated units) the tube may become pressurized
(Called Gaseous tube) if punctured by an electric arc during X ray operations and therefore must
be processed with extreme cares if removed from the pressurized can. It is not allowed to remove
an insert from its can but if made by an Authorized and duly qualified Service center.
All glass or ceramic inserts must be destroyed inside a specific container to avoid
explosion and projection of glass or ceramic particles. Please ask your closest authorized dealer to
proceed to this operation for you.

Beryllium Window
Some X Ray tubes are equipped with a Beryllium (Be) widow which is toxic by
ingestion. It is not allowed to touch the Be windows bare hands: always wear gloves. Be Insert
must be disposed according to local regulations and considered as toxic material. See chapter
"Disposal" for further instructions and help.
I Ingestion of beryllium can be fatal. In case of human skin contact, thoroughly
wash the concerned area in running water and soap.
I If in contact with eyes, wash them with sterile or clean running water and seek
medical attention immediately

2.1.3 Canister, housings and electronic components

Can and housing elements may be either Aluminium, Steel or Stainless steel.
Cans may be internally layered by Lead for shielding purposes more specially in
Portable units and Housings of Inserts
Electronic components are of Industrial type and will be disposed according to local
regulations. Although the majority of components are ROHs compliant, the presence of Lead
particles due to Radiation Shielding purpose is possible and may not give a guarantee about
ROHs full compliance in all sections of the unit.

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2.2 Safety & Health

An X Ray device is dedicated to emit radiations when in operations. It is therefore classified
as "classified" under the "ionizing radiation’s regulations"
These equipment can only be operated by Qualified and Authorized personnel duly affected
to these operations by their Employer, Certification body or any Local regulating authorities in the
country where they operate the unit.
As an information, please find attached the minimum information brought to your attention.

2.2.1 Radiation emitting material

Radiations are harmful to health after a certain dose level.
The basic Safety principles on Radio protection (ALARA – As low as reasonably
achievable) must always be followed when performing an exposure not only in the parameter
selection, but also in the exposure settings

2.2.2 Usage of equipment

This Equipment has been designed for Industrial applications only: it is not intended to be
used in the Human medical applications like Radiography due to the relatively long minimum
exposure time that is possible to set. Any use outside of the primary sector of applications is to the
sole responsibility of the User.
Only equipment in good conditions, properly Maintained and Serviced only by Authorized
Service centres appointed by BALTEAU shall be used.
Maintenance and calibration is recommended on a regular basis and at least every 2 year.
This will assure you fulfilling your obligations a described here above.

2.3 Personal qualification

ICNDT (International Committee of NDT) has issued recommended training programs for
personal used in Radiographic works (RT).
The document ICNDT WH/85, section 17-85 Radiographic Testing is offering you a good
guideline for implementing your own training program or for checking that your personnel has the
appropriate skills and training to perform X ray operations. It is the same for the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which has issued IAEA TECDOC 628 and more precisely the IAEA
training course series 3 dedicated to X Ray.
At least one section of the training course must include Radio protection and local
environment aspects (Dose to public, local regulations, …)
Although highly recommended, Personnel Certification is not absolutely essential if skills
and training have been demonstrated and well documented. However, for Certification of NDT
ISO9712 is providing a good basis for "Certification of NDT personnel".
Alternative documents like, ASNT-TC1A, EN473 or Specific National Standards may also
be used. According to the standard here above, the recommended qualification level ( or training
requirements) should be Level 1 at least.

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2.3.1 Overview of a minimum training course for operating an X ray tube

The following table of topics is indicative and may not be used as the only reference. It is
intending to give the minimum basis for the implementation of a training course if nothing exists or
is available to the user.

Nature of penetrating radiation

-electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation
-x- and gamma-rays
-Intensity/ inverse square law
X-ray sources
- generators and tubes as an integrated system
- x-ray tubes
- target materials and characteristics/ configuration/ focal spot/ heat dissipation
Imaging (x-gamma rays)
- Film/ principles/ properties emulsions/ classes/ characteristic curve/ radiographic
sensitivity + lead screens and fluorescent screens
Production of the Radiograph
- measurement of image density
- factors controlling image density
- geometric principles
- sensitivity
- contrast and definition
- generation and control of scattered radiation
- use of screens, blocking and filtering techniques
- use of exposure curves (exposure calculation/ exposure factors) for x-rays
- exposure calculations
- film to object correlation and specification
Hazards of excessive exposure to x/gamma-beams
Maximum permissible dose levels
Public and professional doses according to ICRP1990 or other relevant documents
Safety principles on Radio protection (ALARA – As low as reasonably achievable)
Methods of controlling radiation dose by time/distance/shielding
Biological effects of Ionizing radiation
X-ray tubes
- survey
- recording and reporting
- exposure shields/rooms
- operation/alarms and emergency procedures
Ionization measurement and units
- radiation detection by ionization
- exposure/ radiation absorbed dose/ dose equivalent/ dose rate
Dose measurement,
- limits and adequate uses of different measuring devices

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3 General Description
Equipment presentation

The complete BALTOSPOT X-ray set consists of:

· an X-Ray generator
· a control panel
· a cable from the generator to the control panel
· a main power cable

The control panel, CF2000 or HAND-X, uses a microprocessor to control the operating
parameters of the equipment thus giving greater reliability of operation. The panel is designed for
use with all BALTEAU NDT tubeheads of the series. No specific settings are necessary because
the µ-processor is able to recognize the connected equipment when you initiate the system.
Please note that no change of unit can be done without completely stopping the control panel to
reset the original settings and because of safety issues.

Equipment Identification

All connected parts (except the cables) are identified by a silver metallic label which indicates at
· Manufacturer's name and phone number + Email
· Model and serial number of the part
· Manufacturing date
The control panel label is also indicating:
· Mains power and power consumption
The generator label is also indicating:
· Tube type
· Focal spot
· Max kV and mA

Plugs receptacle and connections are clearly identified regarding the function and the wiring
diagram mentioned in the operating manual.

The X-Ray Generator

· On the top cover of the x-ray generator, near the interconnecting plug, you will find
identification labels – those labels contain serial numbers and important specifications of
the x-ray generator.
The remote control
· The serial number is on the back.
The reception module
The control unit HAND-X POWER
· The serial number and most important specifications are located on the side panel.
Interconnecting Cable
- Tube to control unit cable: this cable is generally a 20 m cable with 2 Canon plugs
- Power supply cable: a larger section cable with one free end and a Canon plug
- Warning light: red flashlight on a box with generally a 5 m cable
- Optionally other cables can be supplied.

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3.1 Box Content

Standard unit comprising :

08206450 - GFD165 X-Ray generator with guard rings

08206340 - Centering and diaphragm holder

08201440 - Telescopic centering rod

08209090 - CF2000 control unit

OR 08201760 - HAND-X wireless remote control unit &

08201750 - HAND-X power control unit

08201770 - Mains cable (10 m)

08201790 - Connection cable (20m)

06010260 - Bag for cables and accessories

- Maintenance and user's guide

- Quality test report

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3.2 Data Sheet

Baltospot portable range

Main Specifications

a b c d e f a b g
GFD165 mm 538 269 442 160 138 628 20° 27°30' 55°

HV range kV 50-160
tube current range mA 0,1-5
beam angle (°) 55°
focal spot size (IEC336) mm² 1,5x1,5
inherent filtration (al) mm 6 Al
duty cycle* % 100
max operating temp (c°) 70
Insulation gas sf6
weight without rings kg 12
anode cooling type air
*at a temperature of 86 °F (30 °C) reduced mA

Accessories Generator equipment

Lead obturator. Internal pressure gauge

Warning light. Heavy duty lock type connector
Warning light repeater. 20 m connecting cable
Bag for accessories. Quick release SF6 valve
Transport case. Heavy duty rubber coated hand rings
Cradle. Holder for centering device filter and
Support stand. diaphragm
Hydraulic stand
100-260V adapter

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Baltospot CF2000

Main Specifications

Control Unit (CF2000) characteristics

Mains supply (v)AC 170 to 260 (100V to 260V option)
Frequency Hz 45 to 66
Duty cycle 100%
Operating temperature °C -10 to +50
Dimensions (L x l x h) mm 446x243x315
Weight kg 12
Connectors CANON military type with additional earthing screw when required
Mains ON, X Ray ON, Failure EMERGENCY STOP switch (CE),
Warning lights and safety device
3 positions key switch BUZZER for audible warning
Aluminum, rough construction with protective handles
and cover for control panel
Protection (water and dust) IP 54
mA setting mA 1 to 10 (depending on the tubehead)
KV selection 1 kV/step
Time Step of 1 second, up to 90 min.
Intelligent preheating YES, 90 sec first day + 60 sec/each additional day
Automatic exposure calculation YES, manual or automatic (option)
Keypad 24 keys with embossed touch, anti scratch, long life surface treatment
Display 4 lines, crystal clear, green back lighting, adjustable contrast
Alphanumeric messages and DEL for major actions, Emergency stop
Warning display
design key
Interface RS232 with maintenance and report capabilities (option)

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Baltospot HAND-X

Main Specifications

Power Control Box (HDP) features

Mains supply (v) AC 170 to 260 (100 V – 260 V optional)
Frequency Hz 45 to 66
Current Down to 7 Amps (depending tubeheads)
Duty cycle 100 %
Operating temperature °C -10 to +50
Measure of kV and mA True measure
Dimensions (Lxlxh) mm 446X243X315
Weight Kg 13
Connectors CANON Military type with additional earthing screw when required
Mains ON, X Ray ON, Failure
Warning lights and safety device EMERGENCY STOP switch (CE), 3 positions key switch
BUZZER for audible warning
Aluminum, rough construction with protective handles and cover for
control panel
Protection (water and dust) IP54
Interface RS232 with maintenance and report capabilities (option)

HAND X characteristics
Technology Radio data communication error free technology < 10 mW emitter
Distance range m Up to 100
YES, radio communication is automatically deactivated when the HAND
Onboard use
X is placed on board
Generator recognition FULL AUTO with unique ID. attribution
Irradiation alarm unit * YES (GM type *) adjustable level
kV selection 1 kV/step
mA setting 0.1mA/step
Time Step of 1 second, up to 90 min.
Intelligent preheating YES (90 sec. first day + 60 sec/each additional day)
24 touch keys with embossed pads, anti-scratch and long life surface
Display 4 lines, crystal clear, green back lighting, adjustable contrast
Internal accumulator (2,5 A) – 8 hrs charge capacity
Mains Intelligent charging unit is included in the Power Control
Optional table and car charger available
*This unit is not intended to replace the personal dose monitoring which is a legal obligation acc

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3.3 Generator

CERAM range

The CERAM generators have directional beam. The x-ray tube is made of metal ceramic with
outside anode. The beam goes through a Beryllium window located in the center of the centering
accessories. One aluminum removable disk protects the Beryllium window. One lead stopper can
be mounted into the window to stop x-ray emission during preheating. One collimator can be
assembled into the window to collimate the output beam. The beam angle is 40°.

Emission point
The tube is centered in the can and the emission point is identified by a small point located outside
of the can. A black line around the unit I is also sometimes present to show the axis of the emitting

GF and CERAM range

Telescopic centering device

The telescopic centering device will help you to get the beam on the area you want to inspect. The
telescopic centering device can be replaced by a laser centering device (option).

Located on the top side of the x-ray generator, the manometer indicates the internal SF6 gas
pressure. This pressure is supposed to range from 4,5 and 5 kg/cm² at 20°C.

The x-ray tube anode is cooled by forced air. Any disturbance to the air flow will reduce the
performance of the unit. Air access should always be free from any obstruction.

Interconnecting plugs
All plugs are protected by plastic caps. Before interconnecting elements together, check that all the
contacts are absolutely clean and that no connector pins are bent or damaged.

Clignotix® - External Red flashing light

(option except where this device is mandatory eg. Canada, … )
An external warning Flash light can be connected to the control unit , indicating the emission of X-

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3.3.1 Description


Portable X-Ray generator: 160kV-5mA directional

12 kg - 100 % duty cycle
Glass tubehead - Beryllium window
Focal spot size: 1.5 x 1.5 mm
CF 2000 or Hand-X control unit

Standard unit comprising:

GFD165X-Ray generator with guard rings

Centering rod and diaphragm holder
Diaphragm 10 X 48 mm
Telescopic centering rod
CF2000 or Hand-X control unit
Mains cable (10 m)
Connection cable (20m)
Bag for cables and accessories
Maintenance and user's guide
Quality test report


Spare parts kit (fuses, bulbs, keys,…)

Kit warning light assembled on the generator
Protective cradle
Support with wheels (protective cradle requested)
Pair of trunnions to fix the support with wheels
Transport case
Hydraulic stand with yoke and cradle
Warning flashing repeater without cable
Lead obturator
X-ray leakage certificate (Stückprüfung)
Focus size certificate
AQX07Calibration certificate (incl. focus size certificate)
BALTOGAGE II - All metals thickness gage with 5 MHz transducer and couplant
Inspection by third party
Warning flashing light with 20m cable

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3.3.2 Technical features

Generator insulated with sf6
Monobloc X-ray generator insulated with SF6

Minimum pressure +/- 3,9 kg/cm²

Nominal pressure 4,5 to 5 kg/cm²
Protected if loss of pressure

Main Characteristics:

GFD165 GFC165 GFC205 CERAM235 CERAM35 GFC305 Units

Dose rate 1,80 1,60 1,08 18 20,00 2,25 Gy/h@1m
6,5 mm 1,1 mm 2,6 mm
CDA (1st) 6 mm Al 2,5 mm Al -
Cu Cu Al
Weight 13,2 13,2 26,5 27 31 35 Kg*
Sizes 268-630 268-630 310-759 310-780 310-823 310-839 (dia-L) mm
Shielding Internal Shielding - X-ray leakage < 0,5 **<10 <10 mGy/h@1m
Tube type Glass Glass Glass Ceramic Ceramic Glass -
4,5 - 5 Kg,cm-1
pressure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
50-160 50-160 70-200 70-235 100-300 140-300 kV
Duty cycle
25°C 5mA 50 50 50 100 100 50 %
25°C 3mA 100 100 100 100 100 100
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Cooling Forced Air -
Weather IP64 -
* without guard rings
** can be reduced < 0,5 on request

Focal Spot

GFD165 GFC165 GFC205 CERAM235 CERAM35 GFC305 Units

1,5x1,5 ø4x0,9 ø 5x1,2 2x2 2,5x2,5 ø 5x1,3 IEC336
55x40 360x40 360x40 40 40 360x40 °

Exposure performance

GFD165 GFC165 GFC205 CERAM235 CERAM35 GFC305 Units

Tension 160 160 200 235 300 300 kV
Curent 5 5 5 5 5 5 mA
Time 10 Minutes
SFD 700 Mm
Film type D7 -
Penetration(Fe) 19 13,5 29 44 56 49 mm

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3.3.3 Lay out & pictures

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3.4 Control unit

3.4.1 Description


Interconnecting plugs
1 to the X-Ray generator
2 to the safety accessories
3 to the ground1
4 to the power supply
1 2 3 4

Switches and lamps

5 3 positions key switch 0=OFF, 1=ON, X=ready to start X-ray
6 green lamp the power unit is on
7 orange lamp Activated during pre alarm time before each picture
8 red lamp Flashing during pre alarm time and during each picture
9 emergency switch Cuts off the mains power to X-ray


The n°4 earth point may be used in replacement or in combination with the one in the main plug. In fact our units have been
designed to be used merely on field where power generators are also widely used. These power gens are not always offering a good
earthing point and one can use a separate grounding "pig tail" consisting in an helicoidal rod that is put in the ground to provide

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10 22 17 19

13 16

14 15

23 23

18 21 20

Keys Description
10 LCD display 4 lines display for requested messages
11 Connection Pilot LED LED ON means OK, LED OFF means connection is lost
12 X-Ray ON PILOT LED ON during pre-alarm time and X-Ray emitting period
13 Display back light ON/OFF allows to turn ON/OFF the backlight
14 Escape key allows to quit the different menu or escape some selected value
15 Menu selection key allows to access to different menus.
16 Exposure chart calculation access to a program to help the calculation of exposure time.
17 Exposure kV selection allows to select kV value according to the possibility of each X-Ray tube.
18 Exposure mA selection allows to select the mA values according to the X-Ray tube capabilities
19 Exposure time selection allows to introduce the T from the exposure.
20 Validation key enter and valid the selected parameters.
21 Stop Key stop X-Ray emission
22 Scrolling keys scroll information up and down, activated scrolling sign is displayed
23 Double start buttons pressed at the same time at least 1 sec it start ON X-RAY
24 Internal buzzer activated during the pre-alarm time before each exposure.

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Beep sound
Sounds if a wrong parameter is selected.

Chopper and associated electronics devices

The electronics devices are powered by an independent power supply. Two PCB assembled on a
heat exchanger are regulating the kV and mA. This heat exchanger is cooled by forced air.
The regulation and control of the different element are assembled into the last PCB.
Interconnecting cables

Power supply cable:

length : 10 m
2 cores + ground

Generator/Control unit interconnecting cable:

length : 20 m
special core adjustment with different cross section
10 cores – plugs 12 poles
high quality plugs

Flashing lamp:
flashing lamp 24V assembled into red cap
cable length 20 m, 10 cores
possibility to interconnect the door switch, an external buzzer, a pre-alarm lamp (24V 5W max),
a power ON lamp (24V, 5W max)
the equipment should not be used without the flashing lamp, if defective refer to maintenance.

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Hand-X Power

The Hand-X Power contains the electronical devices for security and regulation of the X-Ray
generator parameter.
1 2 3 4


Interconnecting plugs
1 to the X-Ray generator
2 to the safety accessories
3 to the ground2
4 to the power supply

Switches and lamps

5 3 positions key switch 0=OFF, 1=ON, X=ready to start X-ray
6 green lamp the power unit is on
7 orange lamp Activated during pre alarm time before each picture
8 red lamp Flashing during pre alarm time and during each picture
9 emergency switch stop the X-Ray if pressed

The n°4 earth point may be used in replacement or in combination with the one in the main plug. In fact our units have been
designed to be used merely on field where power generators are also widely used. These power gens are not always offering a good
earthing point and one can use a separate grounding "pig tail" consisting in an helicoidal rod that is put in the ground to provide

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Remote control HAND-X

The remote control HAND-X is the link between the user and the control panel. It is a light weight
box containing the keyboard to access to any parameter of the x-ray unit. Furthermore, it includes
a Geiger counting device warning the operator about any accidental irradiation.
The HAND-X can be operated in two modes : radio mode using antenna and high frequency
transmission, or direct mode without radio frequency.
The right mode is automatically selected following the HAND-X position.

Radio mode

This mode is activated as soon as the HAND-X is removed from the

clamp position from the HAND-X POWER. The HAND-X and the
HAND-X POWER are interconnected through bi-directional controlled
radio frequency. The power of this radio connection is limited so that its
field of action ranges from 20 to 100 m depending on the environment.
If the transmission is not good enough or disturbed, the equipment is
stopped and the message “REMOTE LINK LOST” appears on the
display. If this happens too often, working on direct mode could be
more appropriate. All the keys keep the same function in the two
different modes.


In radio mode the HAND-X uses his internal battery, having autonomy of + 8 hours when fully
The battery can either be charged with an external charger or when working on direct mode
through the HAND-X POWER unit. Messages about battery will be displayed on the fourth line, or
when requested through the selection menu.

There is two possibilities to recharge the Hand-X :

You place the Hand-X remote control in the housing of the Hand-X power and you turn the key
either on the stand-by position or the X position. The Hand-X power is connected on the main
supply. In other words the Hand-X power needs to be turned on in order to recharge the Hand-
X remote control.
You connect the Hand-X remote control with the battery charger that was supply with the

For a complete recharge of the Hand-X remote control you must count on +/- 1 hour.
There is an electronic control of the charge that regulates the in and out of the tension so there is
no problem if the remote control recharge for a longer time. However we do not recommend to
leave the Hand-X recharge during a night or a day.

Direct mode

The radio mode is automatically stopped when the HAND-X is clamped on the HAND-X POWER
The HAND-X battery is also connected to an internal battery charger charging and controlling the

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15 18


4 5
6 7
8 10
9 11

16 13



Keys Description
1 LCD display 4 lines display for requested messages
2 Connection Pilot LED LED ON means connected, LED OFF means disconnected
3 X-Ray ON PILOT LED ON during pre-alarm time and X-Ray emitting period
4 Escape key allows to quit the different menu or escape some selected value
5 Display back light ON/OFF allows to turn ON/OFF the backlight
6 Menu selection key allows to access to different menus
7 Exposure chart calculation Automatic parameter calculation if installed
8 Exposure kV selection allows to select kV value according to the possibility of each X-Ray tube
9 Exposure mA selection allows to select the mA values according to the X-Ray tube capabilities
10 Exposure time selection allows to introduce the T from the exposure
11 Validation key enter and valid the selected parameters
12 Stop Key stop X-Ray emission and if pressed 5sec totally switch off the Hand-X
13 Scrolling keys scroll information up and down, activated scrolling sign is displayed
14 Double start buttons pressed at the same time at least 1 sec it start ON X-RAY
15 Battery charger connector allows connection to an external 12 VDC negative
16 Numeric key pad
When the Hand X is placed on the power unit it allows to work without
17 Connection with power unit radio frequency, to take care about the battery charge and proceed to the
recognition to an exchanged sub assembly
18 Computer connection Only works with X com software

Basic exposure calculator
Enter the steel thickness value in millimeters and press "ok"
The calculator will give as a result the corresponding kV, mA and time.
The values are calculated for steel, for an exposure with a Kodak AA film and at a focus to film distance of 700mm.

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3.4.2 Technical features

Control unit

Power supply AC from +/- 170 to 260 V (120 VAC optional)

Frequency +/- 45 to 66 Hz
Requested power (+/-10%) max 1800 W
Cos Phi better than 0,8
Fuses 2 pc 16 amp (AT) 6 x 32 mm

3 positions key switch

X-Ray ON Red lamp
Power ON Green lamp
Pre-alarm Orange lamp

Emergency Switch to stop X-Ray

Working conditions -10°C to 40°C (95 % humidity)
Storage conditions -30°C to 55°C
Weight 13 kg
Weather conditions IP64

Panel X-ray ON signal 2 separate red led


Exposure time selection through key pad from 10 sec to 99 min, second by second. The timer is
starting value kV are at 75 % from the selected kV value.

SECURITY Message on the display

DISPLAY LCD 4 lines of 20 characters
BUZZER (pre-alarm time) – adjustable by the user


The control unit contains the electronic devices for security and regulation of the X-Ray generator

All field mains from 170 to 260V. (optional 110V) – 45Hz to 66Hz
Power consumption less than 10 amps
Can drive all GF and CERAM Series
Rough, Ergonomic, Waterproof keypad with color tagging for friendly use
4 lines clear display with backlight
Operators most used functions only
Enhanced full automatic preheating function
Memory of 100 last exposures and additional parameters
Manual or automatic time and exposure calculation (optional)
Built in RS 232 interface
Compact sized

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Hand-X only

Plastic box with protective bag

Radio frequency 433MHz
Emitting Power less than 10mW
Covered Area 100 m on free field
Battery 3,6 V 2,5 AH or 3 x 1.2V 2.5 AH NIMH type
Battery capacity : 8 hours (without black light)
Display : 4 lines 20 characters
Back lighting of the display on request
Weight : 870gr
Sizes : 270 x 180 x 65 mm
Associated with the reception module from the Hand-X Power RF connection in bipolar mode with
a high secured protocol. Any RF perturbation will stop the X-Ray emission.
Patented device
Working conditions :- 10°C to 40°C (95% relative humidity)
Storage conditions : -30°C to 55°C
Weather conditions : IP64

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3.4.3 Lay out & pictures

Control Unit

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4 Options
Extra external buzzer
An external buzzer can be interconnected to the security plug from the CF2000 or inside the
flashing light box (refer to drawing 4811167).

Interconnecting of more flashing light

Interconnecting cable
In standard the unit is delivered with 20 m length cable. Other length can be available on request.
We advise you, this cable is a special one designed to get a free distribution communication
between the CF2000 and the X-Ray generator. Any other cable used is forbidden and may destroy
or damage the unit.
The max length is 75 m.
The performance of the unit is automatically adjusted if cable length is modified.

Door switch
The door switch should have one NO contact with contact impedance better than 10 Ohm when
closed. This contact has to be voltage free connection possible on the Hand X security or in the
flashing light box.

Laser centering device

Tripod support
Support to handle and position the X-Ray generator.

120 Volts AC power supply kit

The control panel CF2000 or HAND-X power can be connected to 120 V AC 50 or 60 HZ providing
an optional kit is assembled on the bottom of the control panel.
This kit allows voltage from 90 V AC to 260 V AC. An automatic selection will be done at the
interconnection to the main.

X-COM exposure data print

This kit contains a cable to interconnect the Hand-x to the computer and computer software.
After installation of the software, it allows you to print the 100 last shots with all details.

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5 Operations
5.1 Preliminary Operations

5.1.1 Advise before interconnection

· Check all cables, connectors, male contact, females pin

IThe equipment needs to be connected only on plugs equipped with
earthing pin. This ground connection is also necessary if you are working
on a power generator.
IThis equipment needs to be connected to the earthing point or ground by a
suitable connector. By default this connection is achieved through the
main Power cable but if this is not the case (use on Pewer generators
without independent Erth connexion), add an appropriate conductor to a
tested point where resistance is less than 10 Ohm.
ICheck that the mains is proving the adequate Voltage and power before
conneting the unit.
· Check the general key switch is on 0 and the emergency switch released.
· Check the gas pressure inside the X-Ray generator is between 4,5 and 5 kg/cm² at
· Check to the X-ray generator and to the control unit that nothing is obstructing the
airflow inlets

5.1.2 Interconnection
3 Cables are to be connected to the control unit:
1 is connected to Clignotix & Security
1 is connected to the generator
1 is connected to the mains

· The power cable has to be connected to the 3 poles socket (1)

· The cable from the X-Ray generator has to be connected to the 12-pole socket (2)

Hand-X only : If the control unit is a Hand-X, the Hand-X remote control has to be placed in its
cradle (Direct mode) before starting the unit.

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5.1.3 Start
Before starting the unit, all elements are independent one to the other. To make them operating
together, a specific "pairing" needs to be done. This is achieved both by interconnecting all
elements together and by switching the elements ON following next steps:

· Turn the 3 position key switch from “OFF” (position 0) to “ON” (position 1)
· You can now hear the warning fan
· If all the interconnections have been done correctly and a security (door switch) is
not opened, a welcome message will be displaying
o the Name of the product,
o the Software version,
o the Name of the Manufacturer

After about 1 to 3 seconds with the Welcome message, the right connection and pairing status will
be indicated by the two green leds (one on each side of the display) that are now ON (Lit). The
display will then show name of the generator connected and corresponding parameters

IThe communication protocol is patented and secured for the maximum safety. Should
the communication be interrupted for any reasons, the unit will go in Stand by mode and
the display will show "link lost"
IPairing assures the user that only interconnected elements at the time of starting will be
operating together. This operation called “Pairing” must be repeated each time one of
the components changes (X-ray generator, control unit or remote control) or power
supply is interrupted.

After 3 seconds the welcome screen is replaced by the operation display.

·The operation display is divided into 4 different distinct lines

1 Menu line
2 kV and mA Parameter line for kV and mA
3 Time, Parameter line for time
4 Status
In X-ray mode, the parameter line is displaying kV, mA and time which are the 3 main
parameters of an exposure
- kV is the “penetration” power of the unit
- mA relates to the dose output of the unit.
- Time is the exposure duration.
When 1 of these values is flashing on the display, this indicates that input through the
numbers in the keypad is possible to enter new data in that field

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Hand-X only : During the starting up, the control unit makes the full recognition of the X-ray
generator and of all of its parameters, and establish one unique Radio Frequency protocol
between the control unit and the HDP to get a real safe transmission.
IThis pairing cannot be done correctly if the remote control is not plugged
correctly into the control unit or if a security switch is open (door).

· Right after the operation the display will show up with the data ready to be set up (kV,
mA, time) and also the “Ready to start” message or “Remote link lost” if the
interconnections are not well done.

· You can now enter your settings. (See chapter “Principle of operations)

5.1.4 Shut off

· The control unit can be shut off with key in position 0. Nevertheless the fans have to
run 2 or 3 minutes after the end of exposure.

Hand-X only : The Hand-X can be shut off by pressing the stop button during 5 seconds. The
Hand-X shut off automatically if any key is used during 30 minutes.

5.1.5 Note

The external clignotix has to be connected in order to start the exposure (safety rule).
If the clignotix is in failure or not connected, in order to work you have to deactivate the
clignotix watching safety system by going into the menu (see specific chapter) to disable it. After
any reset of the control unit the watching safety system has to be again disabled.

Clignotix®: this is a Balteau patented name for designing "warning flash light". In fact it is
not a simple light that we use. We use a Xenon flash light which emits flashes every ½ second
around. This device is also acting like a safety device as the µchip inside the HDP (control unit
Hand X or CF2000) is checking frequency and power consumption of the Clignotix® to determine
whether it is or not functional. This Clignotix® must then be only replaced by an original spare part.

IAlthough we used specific vinyl clear plastic that is known to be robust and lightweight,
the first cause of a Clignotix failure is not the bulb but a breaking due to shock or harsh
treatment. In that case replace the clignotix as soon as possible. You can temporarily
deactivate the function on the keypad. You’ll get then a blinking warning message
mentioning “Clignotix Off” until you replace it by an original spare part.

Inside the Clignotix® may be found few straps to enable or disable the door security switch,
beacon and other optional devices.

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5.1.6 Hand-X only

The Hand-X can work in 2 modes:

1. Direct
2. Remote

Direct mode is a mode in which the Hand-X is used on its cradle and there are no RF
emission. This mode will be preferred in areas where either RF emission is not allowed or where it
can be heavily perturbed or instable;

IIn Direct mode the GM is active. Therefore if the dose at the HDP location exceeds the
preset value, the unit will not be able to be started.

Remote mode is the working mode in which the Hand-X is separated of its cradle and
operates the unit remotely. This mode is useful for field operation where the countering of the area
is necessary. It also allows the user to stay on the safe side regarding exposition to dose.

RF connection
The Hand-X is RF connected and speaking in bi-directional mode all the time the Hand-X is
in RF mode.
The distance from Hand-X and Hand-X Power is between 20 and 100 m. The RF
connection is perturbed or lost, the message REMOTE LINK LOST will appear on the display, then
the X-Ray emission are stopped. Start button may restart the X-Ray emission providing the RF
connection is OK. If not, go nearer the Hand-X Power or work in direct mode.

The Hand-X is powered with an internal battery having life time of +/- 8 hours when fully
charged. An external battery charger can be used for charging the battery. When the Hand-X is
clamped on the Hand-X Power unit, the battery is also automatically recharged.

The RF mode
Allows you to have max 3 units working in the same time in the same area, and thus
without any action from one to the other one.

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5.2 Principle of operations

5.2.1 Preheating


Every day, the first starting of X-Ray must be done with gradually kV increase. This time or
operation is called preheating. This curve has been memorized into the Hand-X software for each
X-Ray generator and rest time. This preheating will be requested automatically after a rest time
specific for each X-Ray tube.


If requested, the control unit will ask you to proceed to the preheating. The control unit will
show you the needed time.
By pressing the two start buttons, you will start the preheating sequence, the display shows
the remaining time and the kV reached. If you stop the preheating process, it will only be possible
to work below the reached level (90% of this value after full cut off of the unit). If you select higher
kV value, preheating will again be requested.

Preheating can also be requested manually through the menu, this manual preheating will
never be shorter than the automatic one. This point needs to be addressed carefully as it is mainly
an after sales service point of menu. Manual preheating is never recommended nor has to be
used. Indeed the Control unit is able to calculate accurately the necessary preheating time for the
tube that is connected on it. The only exception for performing a manual preheating can be to
bypass encountered difficulties with a "capricious" generator or when the µChip component of the
HDG board (under the Generator's cap) has been changed (after sales or servicing).

IDuring the preheating, the X-Ray generator is producing X-Ray, always position the
output window in a way that prevents any hazardous exposure or place an appropriate
shutter to keep the dose at an acceptable level.

Preheating duration
For the CERAM235 and 35, the minimum duration will be 1 minute after 10 hours rest.
This time will be increased of 90 seconds for each rest day with a maximum of 45 minutes.
For the GFD165 - GFC165 – GFC205 – GFC305 the minimum duration time will be 5 minutes.
This time will be increased by 30 seconds for each rest day, with a maximum of 30 minutes.

End of preheating
At the preheating end, the display will tell the control unit is ready.

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5.2.2 Operating mode

Parameter selection

· kV selection
Press the kV key, the kV value on the display is blinking
Introduce the requested kV through the key pad and press OK
The "mA" value will then be blinking

· mA selection
introduce the requested mA value.
press OK
the "T" will then be blinking.

· T selection
introduce the requested time (minute, point, second)
Press OK

The "Esc" key allows you to cancel and re-enter a new value.

kV – mA – Time– Limitations

· kV - mA:
In the graphic here below, you find the kV and mA limits for the X-Ray generator. If you select
value located outside this graphic, they will automatically be adjusted to the nearest value
with kV priority.

Before X-Ray start, a pre-alarm time with flashing red light, buzzer activated can be adjusted.



0 50 100 150 200

· Time:

The max is 90 min (enter 90, point, zero zero)

The min is 10 sec (enter zero, point, one, zero)

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X-ray start

I When power is applied to this equipment, it generates ionizing radiations that can
cause health damage. Operators should therefore fully be acquainted with all
operating conditions before switching on the equipment.
I This equipment should be used only as specified in the operating manual
no person other than a suitably qualified competent operator should use this
I Persons using this equipment should be registered as "classified" under the
"ionizing radiation’s regulations" and carry a personal radiation dosimeter at all
times when using it.
I Leakage radiation of equipment should be measured at least once a year

The start of the X-Ray emission is done by pressing simultaneously the TWO GREEN KEYS.

If the start cannot be done, a message will appear on the fourth line from the display (refer to
message in chapter Maintenance).

The timer will show the remaining time and at zero will stop the X-Ray emission. The selected
parameters are coming back on the display at the end of the X-Ray emission.
To change those parameters, press escape key and enter new values.

X-ray stop

At any time, you may stop the X-Ray by pressing the STOP key from the control unit (or the
emergency push button on the remote control).

After the X-Ray emission, if the equipment has to be disconnected, we advise you to let the fan
running 2 or 3 minutes before turning the key to 0 and disconnecting the unit.

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Comfort functions


The menu key gives you access to the menu and sub-menus.

- Menu 1: exposure mode

- Menu 2: memory access – a table can be read or filled with X-Ray exposure
- Menu 3: utility
- Menu 4: software versions

To access to one of those menu, select the number and enter. To get out press escape.

· MENU 1 Exposure mode (X-ray operation)

This mode is automatically selected when you start the control unit
It gives access to the exposure parameters and to the production of X-rays.

· MENU 2 Memory mode (User memory)

Give you access to sub menu

Sub menu 1 Display the 100 last exposure parameters by scrolling the table line
by line.
Sub menu 2 Allows to store or restore one of the exposure with all parameters.

To store the exposure parameter :

- select menu 2 memory;
- select sub menu 2, memory parameter
- select 1 save in memory
the display will give you the last empty memory (which can be replaced by selected
one) then press enter

To recall one memory :

- select 2 – Memory
- then submenu 2 - Memory parameter
- select 2, restore memory.

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· MENU 3 Utility mode

This mode will give you access to a sub menus. Some of those sub menus are used to
set up your unit.

"Force Preheating"
"Battery Autonomy"
SUB-MENU 1 Allows to ask manual preheating by
Inform you on the battery charge level
introducing the requested time

"Generator pressure and temperature"

"Force Preheating"
Display the pressure state of the X-ray
SUB-MENU 2 Allows to ask manual preheating by
generator and the temperature (°C) from the
introducing the requested time
tube and the transformer
"Generator pressure and temperature"
Display the pressure state of the X-ray "Prewarning time"
generator and the temperature (°C) from pre alarm time adjustment from 3 to 30 sec
the tube and the transformer

"Set clock"
SUB-MENU 4 Allows you to introduce actual date and
Language selection for the messages
"Display contrast"
"Prewarning time" allows to adjust the LCD display contrast.
SUB-MENU 5 pre alarm time adjustment from 3 to 30 Position 110 is a median position used in most
sec circumstances. At low temperature, this level
can be adjusted.

"Main power detection"

SUB-MENU 6 shows detected power supply (110 AC or
Language selection for the messages
220 AC).

"Radiation detection"
alarm set up ON or OFF and if activated
SUB-MENU 7 to fix the levels of irradiation read with -----------------------------------------------------------

the Geiger.M
"Display contrast"
allows to adjust the LCD display contrast.
SUB-MENU 8 Position 110 is a median position used in -----------------------------------------------------------
most circumstances. At low temperature,
this level can be adjusted.
"Main power detection"
SUB-MENU 9 shows detected power supply (110 AC -----------------------------------------------------------
or 220 AC).

"Clignotix Active" "Clignotix Active"

SUB-MENU 0 Allows to enable or disable the safety Allows to enable or disable the safety watching
watching system of the external clignotix. system of the external clignotix.

I The option (clignotix disabling) is not available in some countries where the
legislation is not authorizing it.

After each reset of the hand-x power (Hand-X or CF2000), the safety will be re-enabled.
When disabled, the message "CLIGNOTIX UNACTIVE" appears on the 4th line of the LCD display
to inform the user.

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· MENU 4 Maintenance mode

This mode shows the software version and the working hours of each unit
(Hand-x power, Hand-x and x-ray generator).

Hand-X only

This chapter describes the alarm given from the Geiger Hand-X which can be activated
through the menu 3 – GM. ((Menu 3 - Item 7)).

IThe Geiger Mueller tube placed in the Hand-x remote control is not a to be considered
as a calibrated measurement device. It is not replacing the personal monitoring unit but
has to be used as an indicative media for dose survey and monitoring.
IGM tube linearity varies with Energy and recombination in the chamber.
IGM tubes are not intended to be used as a monitoring device below 60 kEV.
The Geiger control is made of an ionization chamber containing a given air volume. When
an ionization particle is crossing this chamber the ionizing capacity of the particle delivers a charge
collected by a cathode converted into an impulsion (count) by a specific circuitry. The number of
counts can be converted into a dose rate at a given energy. Those pulses are pushed into a
calculator which is reset every 10 sec.
If activated (Alert Active set to "1") in the menu, 2 independent levels can be adjusted: one
is Alert and the other is Stop. Alert comes before a Stop and obviously must then always be set
below the Stop level. The first level is a "Warning only then Stop" level, the 2nd level is "Immediate
Each scale can be adjusted from 2 to 255.
- The first "level", when reached by X-Ray beam, will show a message RADIATION
DETECTED on the display. The buzzer will be activated (soft ³ V1.6). After 5 seconds,
if the radiation level didn't lower, the HDX will switch off the Generator to preserve the
operator from getting a too high exposure.
- The second "level", when reached will immediately stop the X-Ray emission and display
the message RADIATION HIGH.

Indicative values

Levels Doserate(nGy/s) Doserate (nGy/s)

t = 10 seconds T=µ
10 3,5 2,5
20 6 3
40 10,5 9
80 34 31
100 44 42
150 65 63
200 82 80
255 110 105
Measure done with x-ray beam around 120 kV to 160 kV filtered through 4 mm Pb

IWhen the Dosimeter has been deactivated on purpose from menu 3-7, the 4 line on the th

operation display is flashing during operations with the message "Alert Unactive"

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6 Maintenance
6.1 Preventive maintenance
Power unit and X-ray generator are equipped with 24 VDC big fans. The heat exchanger and Fans
have to be regularly cleaned.

SF6 Gas pressure

The X-Ray generator is SF6 gas insulated the pressure should be 4,5 to 5 kg/cm² at 20°C.
If lost of pressure, leakage has to be found and gas pressure corrected.

The plugs contacts should remain clean dry and without arcing trace.
The cable should be free for many mechanical damage. Any damage has to be repaired or cable

LED from Power unit

Replace the defective LED if not working.
Type 24 V

Flashing lamp
If detective, replace the complete module 24 V 5 W.

6.2 Fuses
F1 to F4 fuses are all placed into the control panel on PCB120

F1 fuse
Placed on PCB120 - value 2A F
This fuse is in the 24volts and feeds the HDG board and the 2 fans from the X-ray generator.

F2 fuse
Placed on PCB120 - value 2A F
This fuse protects the 24volt used for all external accessories.

F3 fuse
Placed on PCB120 - value 0,5 A F
This fuse protect the clignotix (flashing light)

F4 fuse
Placed on PCB120 – value 0,25 A F
This fuse is in the door switch circuit and protects the control panel from any voltage coming from
the door switcher.

Fuse from DC power supply

The 24volts DC power supply is protected by a 4 AT fuse.
This fuse is accessible when removing the dust filter.

External fuses
The complete control panel is protected by 2 fuses 10AT. They are located near the mains

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7 Spare parts List


CF2000 power unit 0 820909 0

Mains plug 1 810171 B

Generator plug 1 810171 L
Security plug 1 810171 K
Rectifier bridge 35 A 0 473003 0
Power supply 0 491037 0
Fuse 4AF Dim: 5x20 0 427061 0
Yellow light
Old version (bulb) 0 460014 0
New version LED 0 460195 0
Red light
Old version (bulb) 0 460015 0
New version LED 0 460194 0
Green light
Old version (bulb) 0 460016 0
New version LED 0 460196 0
Bulb for light 0 460077 0
Emergency switch 0 420145 0
Key switch 0 420008 0
24 V relay 0 422004 0
Fuse holder 0 427003 0
Fuse support 0 427004 0
Fuse 16AT Dim: 6,3x32 0 427002 0
12 V fan 0 462012 0
PCB HDP 120 0 820912 0
Fuse 0,5AF Dim : 5x20 0 427064 0
Fuse 2AF Dim : 5x20 0 427061 0
Power Module 0 820200 0
Flat cable kg 350mm (10c) 0 404087 0
Flat cable kg 420mm (10c) 0 404009 0


HAND-X POWER 0 820175 0

Mains plug 1 810171 B

Generator plug 1 810171 L
Security plug 1 810171 K
Rectifier bridge 35 A 0 473003 0
24 V power supply 0 491033 0
12 V power supply 0 491032 0
Bi voltage power supply 0 491037 0
Fuse 4AF Dim: 5x20 0 427061 0
Yellow light 0 460014 0

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Old version (bulb) 0 460195 0
New version LED
Red light
Old version (bulb) 0 460015 0
New version LED 0 460194 0
Green light
Old version (bulb) 0 460016 0
New version LED 0 460196 0
Bulb for light 0 460077 0
Emergency switch 0 420145 0
Key switch 0 420008 0
24 V relay 0 422004 0
Fuse holder 0 427003 0
Fuse support 0 427004 0
Fuse 16AT Dim: 6,3x32 0 427002 0
12 V fan 0 462012 0
PCB HDP 120 0 820912 0
Fuse 0,5AF Dim : 5x20 0 427064 0
Fuse 2AF Dim : 5x20 0 427061 0
Power Module 0 820200 0
R.F. box (HDR) 0 820187 0

3.6 V battery 0 451020 0
Fuse 1,6AT Dim : 5x20 0 427059 0

Hand X Power plug -


Hand ring 0 190571 0

Anode cooling fan 0 462013 0
Four protective grid 0 462027 0
Anode thermostat 0 431035 0
Hand-X Power plug -

Power cable (10m) 0 820177 0
20m connection Cable 0 820179 0
Clignotix & cable 0 820178 0

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8 Trouble Shooting

8.1 Error messages


Used if X-Ray generator is equipped with flashing light
deflective bulb from the x ray generator to be replaced


Internal temperature or X-Ray tube too high
wait the temperature drop with fans running


Generator internal temperature too low, the gas pressure is not correct
Correct the generator at 20° ambient temperature and wait for the pressure is ok.


Pressure less than 3,9 kg/cm²
keep the generator at 20° ambient temperature and wait the pressure is OK
gas leak to be repaired – contact service center.


Gas pressure to high
check the real pressure
cool down the unit.


The Hand-X flashing lights are defective
repair the Hand-X or contact service center.

The Geiger has detected radiation
the radiation level can be adjusted by the menu.

The Geiger has detected high level or radiation and has stopped the X-Ray.
the radiation level can be adjusted but be careful of radiation. See menu.

The X-Ray emission has been stopped by stop button.


RF transmission lost
reduce distance between Hand-X and Hand-X Power
work in direct mode (No RF)
defective antenna – battery too low

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Internal Hand-X Power fault
test fuses
contact service center
defective x-ray tube insert or faulty power block

Internal demagnetization Hand-X Power fault
test fuses
contact service center

The 3 position key is not in X position
turn the key in X position

Door switch activated or not connected
-test the fuse 2A inside the panel and located on PCB120

Emergency button activated
release the emergency button

12 V LOW
24 V LOW
12 or 24 Volts Hand-X Power voltage low
test fuses inside the panel on power supply
contact service center

The main voltage lower than 170 V
check voltage supplies

24 V I MAX
Too much current in the 24 V going to the external uses
disconnect extra security
Extra security are all wires, loops and external securities belonging to a fixed installation that can
be connected to the unit to interrupt X Ray production in case of activation. All these external
devices must comply to the requirements written otherwise there are serious hazard of internal
PCB damages.

Hand-X Power internal bad contact
check internal interconnection


Hand-X Power flashing lamp defective
replace the bulb

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External flashing light defective
Check fuse F3 from pPCB120
replace the flashing light block
through the menu desable the survey of the clignotix


Hand-X Power chopper temperature too high
wait until the temperature is again OK
check if fan is still working or air flow not obstructed


Hand-X Power temperature too high
wait until the temperature is again OK

Tube current too high
contact service center

Tube current too low or such
check cable and plug contact
contact service center

kV to high regarding to normal value
contact service center

kV to low regarding to normal value
check cable and plug contact
check mains power supply
contact service center


Generator interconnection problem
check cable and plug contact
contact service center


No connection between the Hand-X Power and the generator
check cable and plug contact
fuse F1 (2A) from PCB 120 power unit (in this case the X-ray head fan doesn’t work anymore)
contact service center

Measured KV different from the requested KV
Contact service center.

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8.2 Fault trouble shooting level 1

Turning the key switch in 1 on X position :

- no green lamp ON
- fans are not running

check power supply

check fuses
check power supply inside Hand-X Power
check entry filter from Hand-X Power

Pressing one key from the Hand-X no display

check if Hand-X is correctly plugged
contact service center

The Hand-X gives the message REMOTE LINK LOST as soon you remove from the Hand-X
detective antenna
defective RF module
too much disturbances on the working area

You press START and no X-Ray

the Hand-X Power does not deliver any voltage
check all fuses
power module faulty – contact service center
PCB board from X-Ray generator is defective – contact service center

Message GENERATOR LINK LOST always on the display

cable to the X-Ray generator defective
interconnection with X-Ray generator is objective

Message EXTERNAL SECURITY always on display

Shut down the Hand-X Power and disconnect the Clignotix
Restart the Hand-X Power and check the message doesn’t display anymore.
Check the door contact, it must be linked between the grey wire and the bruin wire in the Clignotix
box or security must be wired properly (See view 5.811.246)
Check the fuses F1 et F2 (2A) on the PCB 101.
Through the menu maintenance it’s also possible to work without flashing device and door

No display at all. (Version < 1.03) or poor contrast

Could be a contrast problem on the LCD.

Start up the Hand-X. – sound -

Press the MENU (6) key
Press the 3 key
Press the 8 key
Lower the contrast value by keeping the scrolling key (13) pressed until something come on
display (110 is an average value)
Select OK (11)
or pressing more than 3 seconds the backlight button will scroll the contrast possibility.
When releasing the backlight button, actual position memorized.

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9 Annexes
9.1 Block diagram / Electrical drawing

Overview 5.811.686
GFD165 & GFC165 schema 4.811.317
General schema Power Unit 4.811.298
Flashing light and safety interconnections 5.811.246
Schematic bloc HDX 4.811.276
Schematic bloc HDX 4.811.278

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9.2 Exposure charts

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9.3 Revision

Reference 06302150 – Basic English version.

Modification notes
Issue Reference Date Comments
0 06302150 October 2007 Original version
1 06302150 November 2009 Preheating

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9.4 Certification

- CEE conformity
- Controlatom certificate

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9.5 Service and Repairs Flow Chart

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Table of content (1/2)
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2
1.1. Message to Customer ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Manufacturing program................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Warranty & after sales..................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Damages during transit .................................................................................................... 4
1.5. Sending an equipment to Balteau NDT............................................................................ 4
1.6. Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.7. Equipment disposal ......................................................................................................... 5
2 Preliminary Information................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Hazardous Material ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Insulation material ................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 X Ray tube............................................................................................................... 7
2.1.3 Canister, housings and electronic components ......................................................... 7
2.2 Safety & Health............................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Radiation emitting material...................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Usage of equipment ................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Personal qualification ...................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Overview of a minimum training course for operating an X ray tube........................ 9
3 General Description ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Box Content .................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Data Sheet ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Generator ...................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Description ............................................................................................................ 16
3.3.2 Technical features.................................................................................................. 17
3.3.3 Lay out & pictures ................................................................................................. 18
3.4 Control unit ................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Description ............................................................................................................ 19
3.4.2 Technical features.................................................................................................. 25
3.4.3 Lay out & pictures ................................................................................................. 27
4 Options ......................................................................................................................... 28
5 Operations .................................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Preliminary Operations.................................................................................................. 29
5.1.1 Advise before interconnection................................................................................ 29
5.1.2 Interconnection...................................................................................................... 29
5.1.3 Start....................................................................................................................... 30
5.1.4 Shut off.................................................................................................................. 31
5.1.5 Note....................................................................................................................... 31
5.1.6 Hand-X only.......................................................................................................... 32
5.2 Principle of operations................................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Preheating.............................................................................................................. 33
5.2.2 Operating mode ..................................................................................................... 34
6 Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 39
6.1 Preventive maintenance................................................................................................. 39
6.2 Fuses ............................................................................................................................. 39

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Table of content (2/2)
7 Spare parts List ............................................................................................................ 40
8 Trouble Shooting ......................................................................................................... 42
8.1 Error messages .............................................................................................................. 42
8.2 Fault trouble shooting level 1 ........................................................................................ 45
9 Annexes ........................................................................................................................ 46
9.1 Block diagram / Electrical drawing................................................................................ 46
9.2 Exposure charts ............................................................................................................. 53
9.3 Revision ........................................................................................................................ 55
9.4 Certification .................................................................................................................. 56
9.5 Service and Repairs Flow Chart..................................................................................... 64
10 Notes ............................................................................................................................. 67

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10 Notes

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Balteau in words…

BALTEAU NDT is a company based and established in Belgium since 1906. The activity of
the power transformers successfully turned into the X Ray business in 1932. Years after years
BALTEAU has affirmed its leadership leading the technology and setting the foundation of modern
X Ray technologies. The first company ever to reach 200, 300 and 400 kV in the past, Balteau has
today brought to the industry new standards that are consciously Safety oriented to allow users to
operate equipment safer and easier. Balteau is also greatly caring about environment and always
uses top grade and specification materials to ensure that the efficiency of the equipment will be at
the top of what is technologically achievable.
On the service and spares side, BALTEAU is providing the buyer with an exceptional and
unequalled commitment of continuous service all through the life cycle of the product.
Qualified engineers and an extensive Worldwide network dedicated to serve our Customers
is actively participating to the success of our brand and to your possibility of always getting, from
the selection of your equipment to its follow up in service, a qualified and professional support.

Balteau in numbers…

BALTEAU has a very long established network in more than 40 countries, some of our
agencies are of second generation proving they rely on the quality of our products and that they
are totally committed to their business in NDT.
BALTEAU has produced more than 13.000 generators spread in more than 60 countries.
We have 3 ranges of products and are the only manufacturer in the world to provide from
Crawlers to Systems built into the same factory.

Balteau in names…

Patented names and commercial brandings are:

BALTOSPOT (Portable and Crawlers X Ray equipment)
GFC (Panoramic portable equipment)
CERAM (Pulsed frequency portable equipment)
HAND X (Radio remote control for portable X Ray)
BALTOGRAPH (Stationary X Ray equipment)
XSD (HF CP X mobile and stationary X Ray equipment – High power)
CLD (HF CP X mobile and stationary X Ray equipment – Low power)
BALTOSCOPE (Radioscopic and Digital imaging)
AIS & Systems (Custom made)

Producer Distributor

Balteau NDT sa
Voie de Liège, 12
B-4681 Hermalle Sous Argenteau

Tel.: +32 4 374 75 75

Fax: +32 4 374 75 85

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