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Logic with Introduction to Critical Thinking

Name: Ivan Angelo Sanchez Score:
Course: AMT- IV Date: December 10, 2018

1. In my own conclusion Age is a critical factor in stress levels of people at work because nowadays
some people says that they are not satisfied with their jobs especially to the employees that are
aged 37 to 52 years old. They cannot work efficiently because works are getting more stressful
when you are aging. And age is a difficult problem, some people who are at the age of 37 to 52
did not find a suitable jobs and some of them are at the blue collar jobs which they possibly get

2. Income levels have a causal relationship with stress because money is a big factor involved in
man’s life or in a day to day operation. Higher income, the more stress you will get from work
because the employee will seek to reach and pursue his prospective target which is the income.
Gen X are the most stressful ones because of the heavy workloads given and have the
responsibilities which are probably get a higher salary than the others.

3. The conclusion about “over half of professionals are putting themselves at risk for worker
burnout” are generally true. Because workers spend much time on their work rather than
spending it to anything else. Workers are spending time and putting more effort at their jobs
risking it all just to bring satisfaction to themselves after giving their best to that tasks given to

4. The possible nature and source of stress are overthinking your personal matters and overworking
to escape to your problem and sometimes just to not overthink things the employee somehow
create a barrier so that he could be in denial at times. Overworking simply means being in denial
and a reason to escape from emotional breakdown that can affect his job.

5. My conclusion for “Charting a path to happiness at work means focusing not on what makes you
miserable but on what you like to do, the kind of people you want to work with and the kind of
company that inspires you, even if things aren’t always perfect” is making a different path or
making a two opposite directions from enjoying working with others and focusing with your
personal problems that makes you miserable and by that you cannot possibly concentrate with
your work. Charting a path somehow I conclude that workers should set aside their personal
problems when they are at work so that they can do the work efficient and effective.

6. Yes, because the stated articles and conducted surveys are true. It has been proved by the
survey result and by the research and specially by the workers they conducted a survey.

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