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The Ultimate Guide to Clan Festival, created by Homura Akemi <3

Hi, so this guide will help answer all your questions about clan festival c: I made this to
help everyone have a fun, exciting and enjoyable clan festival as well as help them prepare for
clan festival.

First off, clan festival is the best festival in Monster Super League <3 (in my opinion).
Masters who participate in clan festival can enjoy chances up for 4* and 5* astromons
summoned from the special shop. In my personal experience, I have gotten my best luck in
summoning during clan festival.
There are a few things you need to know about clan festival. Every last day of the month
thru the first two days of the new month, masters can summon astromons in the shop and help
their clan mates. For example, the next clan festival will take place on 1/31/2019 from 12pm to
2/2/2019 at 11:59pm. Clan festival lasts for a total of 60 hours. You can get special gifts during
clan festival. Every time you summon 20 astromons in the special shop you get a special gift for
yourself as well as sending out a gift to everyone in your clan <3! Everyone wins!! There is no
limit on how many gifts you can get and how many you can give out to your clan.
What can I get from these gifts? Well there are many different things you can get from
gifts but most commonly you will get: Energy, Coins, 4-6* Gem Chests, High Secret Eggs (3-5*)
and Astral Essence which can be used to summon a random Nat 5*. You can also uncommonly
get: Superstones, Legendary Secret Eggs (4-5*), High Light/Dark Eggs (3-5* dark astromon) or
6* Gem Chests. The special gift that you get for summoning 20 astromons will tend to give you
better things than the gifts that you obtain from your clan mates. It also gives you a significant
amount of astral essence (Generally around 48-55), whereas gifts you receive give (1-3 astral
essences). Thus, the more gifts you send to your clan, the more awesome stuff you will get!!!!!
Astral Essences: After obtaining a total of 300 astral essences, you can summon a very
special astromon which is a guaranteed natural 5*. You generally will be able to obtain this if
you do a significant amount of summons or if your clan is extremely active and gives out a very
high number of gifts (such as 100-150+). Yes if you obtain 600 astral essences you can summon
2 natural 5*’s but this is EXTREMELY difficult to achieve and in order to even have a chance of
getting 600 essences you would need to send out at least 9 gifts (average of 50 essences per gift
gives you roughly 450 essences and if your clan gives out 100 gifts and you average 2 essences
per gift that gets you roughly 650 essences.) Lastly there is a limit to the number of essences that
you can use to summon nat 5*s. You can get a total of 3 Natural 5*s (900 astral essences
needed), but its nearly impossible to even get near this amount so the limit really affects very
very few players.
Finally, there is a final very special part of clan festival: The legendary golden eggs.
These are obtained by summoning a total of 60 astromons in the clan shop. There is NO LIMIT
to how many of these you can get. The legendary golden eggs give you one random 4-5*
astromon of any element. Yes, you could summon a Dark Indra, Light Valkyrie, Water
Persephone! Any mon that is not an event mon can be summoned with this, BUT usually you
will get a water, fire or wood natural 4 star, such as a Wood Banshee, Wood Yuki, Water Nezha,
Fire Loki etc etc. Nevertheless, I have gotten a Dark Kikimora from this before and I love her! I
have seen people pull Light Valkyries from these, so its possible to pull a 5* light dark mon this
Also, prior to festival it is important to note that you can buy a special clan festival ticket
for $2.99. This ticket gives you one free 10+1 summon in the special shop as well as a special
100 astrogem bonus. Thus, you get the equivalent of 700 astrogems for $2.99. In my experience
it is VERY worth it. There have been times where I am so close to getting a 2nd or 3rd Legendary
Golden Egg and the ticket has pushed me over the top.
Now its time for the FUN! This chart I’m about to show you is the number of astrogems
you will need to get certain rewards in the special shop for summoning astromons. This took me
awhile to make <3! But I love my clan and I want them to be able to see approximately how
many astrogems they need to reach a certain goal.

Minimum Number of Number of Astromons Gifts Obtained from the Special Shop
Astrogems Req. Summoned
1080 Astrogems 20 Astromons 1 Clan Gift sent
2220 Astrogems 40 Astromons 2 Clan Gifts sent
3300 Astrogems 60 Astromons 2 Clan Gifts sent, 1 Legendary G. Egg
4380 Astrogems 80 Astromons 3 Clan Gifts sent, 1 Legendary G. Egg
5460 Astrogems 100 Astromons 4 Clan Gifts sent, 1 Legendary G. Egg
6600 Astrogems 121 Astromons* 4 Clan Gifts sent, 2 Legendary G. Eggs
7680 Astrogems 140 Astromons 5 Clan Gifts sent, 2 Legendary G. Eggs
8760 Astrogems 160 Astromons 6 Clan Gifts sent, 2 Legendary G. Eggs
9840 Astrogems 180 Astromons 6 Clan Gifts sent, 3 Legendary G. Eggs
10920 Astrogems 200 Astromons 7 Clan Gifts sent, 3 Legendary G. Eggs
12000 Astrogems 220 Astromons 8 Clan Gifts sent, 3 Legendary G. Eggs
13140 Astrogems 240 Astromons 8 Clan Gifts sent, 4 Legendary G. Eggs
14220 Astrogems 260 Astromons 9 Clan Gifts sent, 4 Legendary G. Eggs
15300 Astrogems 280 Astromons 10 Clan Gifts sent, 4 Legendary G. Eggs
16380 Astrogems 300 Astromons 10 Clan Gifts sent, 5 Legendary G. Eggs
17460 Astrogems 320 Astromons 11 Clan Gifts sent, 5 Legendary G. Eggs
18600 Astrogems 341 Astromons* 12 Clan Gifts sent, 5 Legendary G. Eggs
19680 Astrogems 360 Astromons 12 Clan Gifts sent, 6 Legendary G. Eggs
20760 Astrogems 380 Astromons 13 Clan Gifts sent, 6 Legendary G. Eggs
21840 Astrogems 400 Astromons 14 Clan Gifts sent, 6 Legendary G. Eggs
22920 Astrogems 420 Astromons 14 Clan Gifts sent, 7 Legendary G. Eggs
24000 Astrogems 440 Astromons 15 Clan Gifts sent, 7 Legendary G. Eggs
25140 Astrogems 460 Astromons 16 Clan Gifts sent, 7 Legendary G. Eggs
26220 Astrogems 480 Astromons 16 Clan Gifts sent, 8 Legendary G. Eggs
27300 Astrogems 500 Astromons 17 Clan Gifts sent, 8 Legendary G. Eggs
*Indicates that summoning one mon under the given number is pointless because you
can get an extra mon from a 10+1 summon costing the exact same amount!

clan festival, please subtract 600 astrogems from each total in this chart to see the
number of astrogems requires to obtain a certain reward. For example, the first
legendary egg requires 3,300 astrogems to be spent in the special shop, HOWEVER,
if you have the clan ticket this will take care of 600 of that amount. Thus if you have
the clan festival ticket and I do not, it will cost me 3300 gems but ONLY 2700 for
YOU. This is the reason the festival ticket is nice, it covers 600 astrogems.

Finally, 4* rebirth festival occurs simultaneously during clan festival as well as a

restart on the rebirth 3* astromon of the month. There is a 300 astrogem reward for
rebirthing 5 times for the 4* rebirth festival. Thus if you have 15 4* astromons that
you are willing to give up for the rebirth astromon it can help you obtain more
astrogems that you can use in the special shop!

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