Central American Bulletin - Vol. 12 - No. 1 - January 1906

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The Central American Bulletin

Published by the Central American Mi ssion.

VoL. XII. PARIS, TEXAS, U.S. A. , JANUARY 15, rgo6. No. I.


E .A



60 100 150 ~
:Railroad•-- ·
00 Longitude w... from

The Central American Mission GUATEMALA.- Area, 63.400 square miles•

Population estimated at 1,2oo,ooo to r,soopoo•
EV ANGELICA L-U:-IDENOMINA TIONAL. composed of Whites, Mestizos, and Indians•
The purpose of this Mission is to "Preach the the latter vastly predominating.
Gospel to every creature" in Central America. NI CARAGUA.- 58,ooo square mi_les. Pop~la·
tion about 420,000. The predomment rehgwn
SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. is the Roman Catholic, but it is not recognized
nor supported by the Government as a State
Bxeoutive Council, Reli g ion.
~---. Rev. Luther Rees, Chairman, Paris, Texas . HoNDURAS.-43,000 square miles. Po!Jula,
D. H. Scott, Treasurer, Paris, Texas. tion 431,000. More than 300,000 are Indians·
E. M. Powell, Dallas, Texas. partly civilized, but wholly d estitute of the Gos-
Rev. C. I. Scofield, Sec., - Dallas, Texas. pel.
SALVADOR.-Area 7,335 square miles. Pop-
CENTRAL AMERICA. ulation r,oo6,848, or 147 to the square mile,
All religwns are tolerated, but there was no
This beautiful and fertile reg ion which (ex- Missionary in Salvador, until Rev. S. A. Purdu•
cluding British Honduras and the Mosquito
coast of Nicaragua) forms the field of the Ce:J- reached there.
tral American Mi~sion, is <livid~cl, il'\Vl five re- COSTA RI CA.-Area ZJ,OOO square mile~,
publics, as follows: Popvlation 280,000.
Esq., as Treasurer. Mr. Rees was made chair-
fhB Csntral RmsriBan Btlllstin. man of the executive council. In 1893 Bon.
D. H. Scott, of Paris, Texas, was added to the
Published by the council, and accepted the onerous and of .,
Central American Mission. course unpaid office of trea_surer. _Mr. and
Mrs. McConnell the first Mtsswnanes, were
Entered at P. q., Paris, Tex ., as second -class matter, appointed in January, 1891.
and issued quarterly on 15th, ofJany., Apr. July anrl Oct. The following bases are fundamental.
Subscription Price, Twenty Cents per Annum. We believe in one God, revealed as existing
in three equal persons, Father, Son and H?IY
Spirit; in the death of Jesus Christ for our sms
Missionaries, as a true substitute; in salvation by faith alone
W. W. McConnell, ...... . San Jose, Costa Rica without works; in good works as the frutt of
Mrs. W. W. McConnell, " " salvation; in the Scnptures of the. Old an~ ~ew _
Miss H. Ruth Chadbourn, Testaments as verbally insptred m the ongt~al
Miss Grace Eaton, . .... . writings, and in a future state of unendmg
Miss Emma S. Johnson, " blessedness for the saved and unending con-
Mr. Farrand Pierson, ...... Alajuela, scious suffering for the lost.
Mrs. Farrand Pierson, " II. PRACTICAL.
A. E. Bishop, ......... Guatemala, Guatemala. The Mission is undenominational. It does
Mrs. A. E . Bishop " " not seek to reproduce on mission grounds the
J. G. Cassel, .. .. ...... . divisions of Protestantism: Evangelical-It
Mrs. J. G. Cassel, ..... . holds to the faith once for all delivered to the
F. G. Toms, .. .. ..... . . saints : Evangelistic-it believes that the evan-
Mrs. F. G. Toms, . .... . gelization of the world, not its civilization, is
Mrs. Gertrude Bell, .. . the true work of the church. Two other prin-
Fred Gambs ...... . ... San Martin ciples are fundamental: The Mission does not
Miss Anna R. Alloway, San Marcos, personally solicit eifher missionaries or money,
Miss Fannie C. Buck, and ne salaries are paid to any one.
R. H. Bender, . .. .... . San Salvador, Salvador. THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL.
Mrs. R. H. Bender, " " " The Executive Council considers itself, to- ~
Miss Laura Nelsori, . .. . Santa Rosa, Honduras gether with the missionaries, as ·constituting the
Mrs. Margaret N. Dillon, " Mission. .-
Harry L. Carter, .... Towards the Lord's people in the United ~
Mrs. H. L. Carter,. . . . 1
' • states and other lands, the council holds itself
Miss Eleanor M. Blackmore, .. Managua, Nic. committed to recognize and maintain in fellow-
ship as missionaries only those whom it regards
as sound in the faith, of godly lives, endowed
ORIGIN AND PURPOSE OF THE MISSION. with ministry gifts, and truly called of God to
. In the summer of 1888 the spiritual destitu· labor in Central America .
·twn of the five republics of Central America The Council receives the gifts of God's peo-
was brought to the attention of Mr. Scofield, ple for the evangelization of Central America,
and he began to be burdened for the souls of distributing the same to the missionaries ac-
the millions without the Gospel, so near to our cording to their needs.
own JaneL It became a conviction with him The servtces of the council are wholly gratui-
that God would surely hold the Christians of tous, and postage, stationary and printing are
the United States to a stern reckoning for these · the only items of expense.
.perishing ones unaccountably neglected.
It se~med to him also, that the divine plan of The Mission was duly incorporated under the
campatgn for the evangelization of the world laws of the State of Texas, on Sept. 27th, 1901,
laid down in. Acts 1 :8, forbade the passing over and as such is authorized to hold property and
of near regwn5 unevangelized to carry the to receive legacies. ......-· ~
Gospel to the far off lands.
Becoming convinced that none of the de- Any friends wanting the Bulletin one year
nominatiogal boards were prepared to open :::an send 20 ceats · in stamps. On account of
~ · pew Mtsswn m the near future, he, after our large correspondence, payment in stamps
.much prayer, put the whole matter 'before is preferred.
three Christian business men, E.· M. Powell, Friends receiving extra Bulletins will under-
Luther Rees, (who has since entered the stand that we expect them to be used in spread-
ministry), and W . A. Nason, all of Dallas, ing the good news of the Lord's work: in Cen-
Texas. As a result the Central American tral America among new friends. The use of
Mtssion was formed Nov. 14th, I&)o, with these extra copies will give you a real part in
Mr. Scofield as Secretary and E. M. Powell, this good work.

His 'IDill is '£est. orers into His harvest is one of the things
BY LUTHER REES. Christ commanded us to pray for, and
Fainting and footsore on life's road, let us expect an immediate answer.
No sun nor star to cheer; The will of Miss Ellen B. Decker, who
When crushed beneath the cruel load, was a Missionary, at Karia , India, and
I thought His will severe. died two years ago • last November, and
When faith rebuked my unbelief, was hurried at Bombay, furnishes a
And Jesus by me stood; glorious christian testimony. She not
I felt the Spirit's sweet relief, only gave her life to the spread of the
And said His will is good. Gospel, but her estate which amounted
to $ro,s8o, was devoted to the same pur-
As I look back life's pilgrim way,
1 pose. After the payment of $rooo, to a
And sweetly in Him rest; christian college, the remainder was di-
With loving confidence I say, vided between five Missionary Socie-
I know His will is best. ties, and the American Bible Society.
To walk by faith and not by sight, This Mission was kindly remembered by
Hence may my purpose be; her. "Being dead she yet speaketh."
To do His will be my delight, · Another year's work of this Mission is
Until His face I see. closed, with all its blessings and oppor-
tunities on. God's part, and failures on
A terrific series of earthquakes and ours. To count these blessings "one by
volcanic eruptions have taken place at one,'' we can never do, but we can praise
Masaya, a town within some 30 miles of Him for each one, and ask for more for
Managua, Nic., and the town is almost the new year according to His matchless
in ruins, but no lives were reported lost grace. We have had sunshine and shad-
at last account. We do not know what ow, but as ''All things work together for
effect these earthquakes have had at good to them that love Him ,'' we say He
Managua, but we urge all our friends to doeth all things well. He thrust out two
pray much for the flock at that city, excellent young messengers into this
now without a shepherd. fie'ld, Fred Gambs and · Walter J. Schief-
, It gives us special pleasure to report erstein, but in ·June called the latter
two natives from Managua, Nic., now in home, to Himself, to receive the bles-
the Bethel Bible Sohool, at Spencer, sings promised to those who die in the
Lord, and the ·'Well Done" of a faith-
... Mass., preparing to preach the Gospel to
thei,r own people. Their names are H. ful servant, who obeyed his Masters part-
Osequeda and D. Ramirez. Both are ing command. The other is in the midst
sprightly young men about 20 years old, of deep darkness in Guatemala, telling
who come out of Miss Blackmore's work. the poor Indians of a Saviour, who died
They both need our constant prayers, for them. Four more, Mr. and Mrs. J.
and especially that they may soon be en- C. Sydenh.am, of Beatrice, Neb. and Mr.
abled to return to that needy land in the and Mrs. J . Paul Hatch, of Escondido,
fulness of the Spirit. Cal., have heard the Holy Spirit's call in
- - -- this land, to come over and help , and each
We are again impressed with the has said, here am I , send me. They are
special need of a young lady helper for waiting for marching orders. All the
our sister, Laura Nelson, at Dulce Nom- Missionaries that came home to this land
bre, Hon., where for some five years,she to recuperate, except 1\'liss Buck, have
returned in improved health , and she
- bas faithfull y labored for the Master.
We are sure our friends will be glad to
help with their prayers in this, and
let us remember that sending IQOr~ lab ·
hop ~s to return soon. Every re3;l nee?-
ba,; been supplied; although at ttmes tt
.seemed as if some would go hungry, but

just in time our Father came to the resc ue. remember that Jesus said, ''If ye shall ask
Pestilence has stalked abroad over much ::tnything in my name, I will do it."
of this land, but "H·e has covered the
M!ssio.naries, with His pinions, and under We are rejoiced tt> hear from Central
Hts wmgs did they trust." Truly , "the American Prayer Circles at various
Lord hath done great things for us, points. In some we find the interest
whereof we are glad ." Can we not make deepening iu the work , and the offerings
the coming year one of still <>TeJ.ter bles- increasing. The work on the field can-
~n~ o not but feel the effects of these prayer
bands. We tru st the number may in-
Miss E. M. Blackmore, our Missionary crease . We will be glad to forward cards
at Managua, Nicaragua, on account of for members hip in these circles, and to
failing health. has taken a vacation with send information conrterning the field. . ./
her pa_rent~ in England, to which place and its needs, to any one upon whose 1

she sat led In Nov., last from Port Limon. heart the Lord has laid these Republics.
She left the work in charge of Braulio
Galen. But Mr. Cassel has just written We cannot too strongly emphasize the
us that he had heard since Mi ss Black- importance of prayer in all departments
more 's departure, he had died. If this of the Lord 's work, and especially in.the
is so it leaves that good work without a foreign field . It was the privilege of the
shepherd, except as the Lord may raise chairman of our council to attend the
up.some one to take charge. 'vVe have Torrey and Alexander Mid- Winter
wntten Mr. Cassel, urging him to go Evangelistic Conference, held at the
there at once, and remain such time as Chicago Avenue ( Moody) Church, in
he can, to look after the work. In the Chicago, Dec. 27-29, 'o5. It was refresh-
meantime, and in direct answer to prayer ing to hear-at first hand-the a~count
the Lord has raised up R ev. J. Paul of the wonderful work, wrought of God,
Hatch and wife, of Escondido, Cal., for through these servants in different parts
that important station,and he already has of the world . And yet they persistently _
the. language. We ask all friends·to join disclaimed any credit for the work done,
us tn the prayer of faith:-!. For the and insisted it was all in answer to
restoration of Miss Blackmore's health· the prayers of the faithful ones, in many
2. For the church at Managua; 3· Fo~ places and especially, in the Chicago
about $350, for the outfit and passage of Avenue Church, where a weekly prayer
Mr. Hatch and wife to the field. meeting for a world-wide revival has been
held for over six years. At the various
A friend of this Mission, who has places where meetings were held, Mr.
done ~ore towards securing a house of Alexander used with telling effect the
worshtp, at Guatemala City, than all little card, reading as follows:
ot?ers, has I?~bly come to the front again
wtth an ~ddtttonal offering of $350. Still Will you make this your
he and hts excellent wife are in quite DAILY PRAYER
moderate financial circumstances but until the answer comes?
rich in faith , and the grace of gi,ving. 0 LORD, send a REVIVAL and
~hose who long for the place of the Mil- begin in !!•
for Jesus' saKe.
bonaire, with his gems and palaces, had Amen.
fa~ better seek the place of these humble
Promises to plead
~htldren of the King. There is still want~ Is. 57:15; P s. 138:7
Resultsto follow P s. 85:6-9; Hos. 14:4-8
~ng some $r6oo to put this Mission house
~n order, and so let us take fresh courage This prayer sincerely offered would
m . prayer, and also as k ou'r Father mean the transformation of lives, and
"What wilt thou have me to do?" and the gospel would soon reach earth's re-
whatsoever He saith unto us do it i a,Qd motest bound .
Mr. and Mrs·. F. B. Pierson and little St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 24, 'o5.
one arrived in the home land early in Please use this small offering in the
Nov. , and we rejoice to learn through a way most needed at present in C. A. M.
letter from him that his health is much Tonight I am so busy, I didn't feel as if
improved. Let us continue to pray that I could spend the time to write, even
he may soon be strong and well again. this word and draw the check, but a
His address is 1127, Dean street, Brook- "Bulletin," on the table beside me seems
lyn, N.Y. to be saying, "send it to-night ," until I
had to stop and do so. My prayers are
The Ideal Ambassador. with the Central American work.
I Read at fiftieth anniversary of the Germantown, Pa ., Nov. 3, 'o5.
Ptinistry of Dr. Theo. L. Cuyler, of Herewith find--- for Bro. Biship.
Brooklyn. When read by Bishop Cheney May we ever abide in the perfect love
of the Reformed Episcopal Church before and perfect will of God.
the Cong'l Minister's Union in Chicago Chicago, Ill., Nov. Io, 'o5.
:recently, one could not but be impressed At last I send--- for the C. A.M .
with it as fittingly describing the Bishops It seems such a long time since I've been
'ministry of forty six years in Chicago. able to remit, but I often think of His
He held the lamp each Sabbath day dear ones laboring in that part of the
Master's Vineyard. Oh, this bond of
So low that none could miss the way,
fellowship between Saints, how wonder-
And yet so high to bring in sight
That picture fair of Christ, the Light, ful it is. Just to think of being a real
comfort to those we've never seen.
That, gazing up, the lamp between,
The hand that held it was not seen. Chicago, Ill., Nov. II, 'o5.
I enclose - - - for native pastor in
He held the pitcher, stooping low,
·-'--To lips of little ones below, Managua. The Lord has laid it on our
hearts to make it this amount, on account
Then raised it to the weary saint,
of th~ conditions existing there, and He
And bade him drink when sick and faint. has given us the means to make it so.
They drank ; the pitcher then between, As we learn more of the need of the
The hand that held it was not seen. Gospel in C. A., and how readily it is
He blew the trumpet, soft and cleAr, believed, by so many, we are sure our
That trembling sinners need not fear, money goes to a Mission Field, that is
And then with louder note and bold, without an equal today in the way of re-
To storm the walls of Satan's hold; turns.
The trumpet coming thus between, Dallas, Tex., Nov. 9, '05.
The hand that held it was not seen. Enclosed find-- for the work. We
And when our Captain says, "Well done! pray Miss Blackmore may be restored to
Thou good and faithful servant, comfl! health and streogth.
Lay down the pitcher and the lamp; Milwaukee, Wis. , Dec. 15, 'o5.
Lay down the trumpet ; leave the camp," Enclosed please find--, the Lord ' s
Thy weary hands will then be seen money. Apply as you see fit, and we
Clasped in His pierc' d ones; naught be- will unite with you in prayer for God's
tween. ANON. blessings on it.
From the Rope•holden. Chicago, Ill. , Dec. I9, 'o5.
Enclosed please find - - - , my small
Dallas, Tex., Dec. 21, 'o5. Christmas offering, which I know you
I wish to have a part in the good work will use for the good cause. Wishing the
which is being done for the Lord in C. C. A. M. a prosperous .New Year, I am-
A. M~y God bless the work.

Dallas, Tex., Nov. 2I, 'os. Sherman. Tex., Jan. 3, 'o6.

Enclosed you will find - - - for the Enclosed is a check for the furtherance
Mission Building at Guatemala. May of the "good news of God," in benight-
God's blessing go with the gift. ed Central America. Our prayers are
weak but they shall continue in behalf
Berkeley, Cal., Nov. Ig; 'os.
Enclosed find - - - for the Mission. of that needy field.
May God help us all to be faithful in Manhattan, Kas., Jan. 4, 'o6.
living Christ. Thanks be unto God for I send a little to help bear the expens1
His unspeakable gift. of those who are dispelling the darknesl
_ Chich go, Ill., Nov., 23, 'os. of heathenism, for all are under such wh!
I enclose - - - for the Mission work. are without the light that Jesus gave t
Wish I could send several times more. the world, but there are millions wh
profess to give that light, whose light i
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 23. 'os. darkness in the sight of Jesus Christ.
Enclosed find - - - for Bro. Bishop
from a few Missionary helpers, in con-
nection with a little company of the A Remarkable Conversion.
Lord's people, in this city. I must regret A. E. BISHOP.
some of the brethren are experiencing a Domingo Castillo, a hopeless drunk-·
shortage. I pray they may yet enjoy the ard, when liberated from jail about a
fullest measure of blessing. year ago resolved to visit the Black:
St. Louis, Mo., Nov. I4, 'os. Christ (?) of Esquipulas (an image) to
Among the many blessings of this field implore his help. Terrified by the fear'
is the "Central American Prayer Circle." of dying a drunkard he starts on hiE!
We met recently and enclosed you will journey of about ISO miles, living on
find - - - for the Mission. alms,-hoping to thus gain more merit.
He went on bareheaded (having thrown____, --
N. Ferrisburg, Vt., Nov. zo, 'os. his hat away) from day to day, reciting
Enclosed you will find - - the work prayers by the hours, his feet swollen
in C. A. It is a Thanksgiving offering. and his clothes in tatters, his shoulders
Seymour, Tex., Nov., 25, 'os. raw and bleeding from carrying a huge
Please make use of the enclosed - - rock (a self-imposed penance. He is
in the C. A. work. lost in a mountain, is placed in jail in a
Detroit, Mich., Jan. 3, 'o6. little town as a crazy man, but, being
Enclosed is a check for - - , one half liberated, finally reaches the end of his
of which is for Bro. Toms, and the other pilgrimage, where with all the devotion
half is for our first monthly payment in of his dark and ignorant spirit he wor-
support of a native Missionary in such ships for days imploring succor. Think-
field as Bro. Toms recommends. · ing he bas help be starts home, is over-
come again by drink in the way, resolves
Mansfield, Ohio, Nov. II, 'os. to return once more to his god to repeat
Just received a copy of the C. A. Bul- his devotions, which be does. He starts
letin. Am glad this work has been called once more for this city, working at his
to my attention. Enclosed please find trade in a town on the way, but is again
- - - which please accept in the name overcome by his appetite, and in a drun-
of Jesus. ken condition continues his journey
Portland, Ore., Nov. I3, 'os. homeward. Reaching Guatemala City,
Enclosed please find check for ·c. A. he is providentially guided to the shoe
M. work. Would like to have as much shop of our dear faithful brother, Marro-
as possible go to Managua, where Mr. quin. who himself was a hopeless drunk-
Schieferstein died. ard and wife beater, and was 63 times in
jail for various crimes previous to his an application to a Board, which passes upon
conversion, about four years ago. He his qualifications, and the place where he should
locate. Now, it is a well known fact that many
gave him work at his trade and brought christians think they have a call, to go to a
him to our meetings where the light foreign field, where it is a mere impulse, pro-
burst in upon his dark heart; his fears duced by some excellent sermon, or the reading
were dissipated and his longings for lib- of a Missionayr's well written expreience of
great battles and victories. But when all the
erty satisfied. What a marvel of the necessary qualifications for efficient work and
grace of God he is today. More than the difficulties, and hindrances of this field are
half a year has gone by and not a doubt properly understood, they shrink from the very
as to his free and eternal justification. thought of going there as a Missionary. Without
the pr-ayerful counsel of a few of God's children
His countenance, once so dark, hard and
hopeless, is today all aglow with the
light and glory of God.
who have this field specially laid on their hearts,
many well meaning children of God might rush
off, and to their shame and humiliation, find they
bad no business there. This will sometimes OC·
cur in any event, but without some mtelligent,
Tbe Scorn of Job- Job 3:19. prayerful body to fully €Onsider and counsel as
to this matter, it might be the rule instead of the
-The Bishop ot Derry and Rap hoe in exception . Speaking of the Missionary impulse
Church Missionary lntelligeucer . -
reminds us of an event that occured under our
"lf I have eaten my morsel alone!" observation in 1891. An excellent Missionary
The Patriarclz spoke in scorn. lady, after some eightJears in India, was visit-
What would lze tlzi1tk of tlzeclzurch were he slw?mz ing the home land, an delivered a Missionary
Heathendom, lmge, forlorn, address to a young ladies school, wherein was
Godless, Chris/less witlz soul unfed, a fine lot of bright young ladie?. She dressed
While the Church's ailments fullmss ofbread in native costume, sang some songs in Tamil,
Eating her morsel alone.? and gave some Scripture quotatiOns in that
language. Many of the young ladies were so
"I am debtor alike to the Jew atzd the Greek,'' delighted that they wanted to go right off, as
The Mighty Apostle cried ; Missio naries to India, and some were not even
Traversing- continents stJuls to seek, Christians. But not one has ever gone to the
For the love of tlze Crucified. foreign field, but all have settled down at home,
( . Centuries' Cetzturies since have sped; and the Missionary IS still battling away in
Millions are famislzing; we lzave bread, India, but. 0, in such need of help. There is a
But we eat our morsel alone. still greater reason for enquiry and counsel for
"Even of those ~tJho lzave largest dower a l,arge class of people, who think of becoming
Shall heaven require the more," Missionaries. Some are led by the spirit of ad-
Ours is aflluence, knowled~e, power, venture, some who have failed to secure work
Ocean from shore to shore; at home, propose to go abroad merely for a job,
Atzd East and West in our ean lzave said, some offer who have no education in their own
Give us, give us your Living bread- language, and hence could never acquire the
Yet we eat our morsel alone. Spanish language, others have no spintual life,
and some art> seeking to run away from sins
"Freely as ye hav e receivrd, so g ive,'' they have not courage to confess and face at
He bade, Who ltathgivm us all. home. Another lot are full of fads and cranks
HtJw shall/he soul in us longer live, that hinder all usefulness, and still others have
Deaf to their starving call, sectarian walls built up around them so high
For whom tlu blood of the Lord was shed that they could not have fellowship with other
And His body broken to give tlzem bread, Missionaries. Sectarianism perhaps constitutes
If 7Ve eat our morsel alone ? the very g reatest Hindrance to the Gospel in
foreign fields on apostolic lines, for which alone
Polity of Our Mlssleo. this Mission stands. It is bad enough at home,
but among poor heathens, and more especially
It seems difficult to make the polity and plan Catholic, it is far worse-"a blighting mildew."
of this Mission clear to the friends of the Gospel. So it is not the question of applying for permis-
It is needless to try to make anything clear to sion, to go out under this Mission, but as to
those who care nothing for Christ's last and whether or not the Lord has called the appli-
greatest command, "Go ye into all the world cant to a foreign field, and this point cannot be
and preach the Gospel to the . whole creation." too well considered. Those dear ones who come
But to those who earne~tly desire to help carry to us with a heart burdened for the lost in dis-
out this command, it is worth while. One tant lands, are happy to have mutual counsel,
friend asks, how can you call this a faith Mis- and prayer over all these matters, and are help-
sion, when each candidate is required to make ed and blessed thereby. As to the place where

any Missionary should locate on this field, we

never dictate, but at the instance of the Mis- EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS PROM THE FIELD
sionary we advise after prayer and consultation
with those on the field. It does not seem that Costa Rica.
the things here referred to hinder, but rather
help faith. No one ever gets too w1se in this W. W. McCoNNELL.-San Jose, C. R.,
world to need counsel when prayerfully given. Dec. 2I, I9os:-I spent a few days in
No one's faith ever gets so great but that it may
be strengthened by the testimony and experi- Grecia recently. Gabrael Mora was there,
ence of others. There is no monopoly of wis- so I soon got acquainted with the be-
dom, faith or self sacrifice, and he who can help lievers and interested people, visiting
others grow in these, is a blessing to man, and there with him. Held some public meet-
a glory to God . There has never been but ont
perfect man, hence all human institutions and ings in our own hired house, which were
organiza tions are imperfec-t, but on account of well attended. Our brothers, Mora,
the Lord's infinite grace, He condescends to Rodrigue-z, and Urena were there a few
use frail man for the spread of His Gospel in weeks ago, and left on a Monday morn-
this sinful world, and the more of these vi.rtues
he possesses the more he can be used. Another ing early. That night a lot of men came
friend asks why d1d not the American Board, or to the house from a near by district,call-
some other of the old Missionary Societies en- . ed San Roque, to attack them, but find-
ter this field. When the rteep need of Central ing them gone, they did nothing to the
America was laid upon the hearts of those who
organized this Mission, they conferred with some local believers, but' that circumstance, to-
of these older societies, presenting the Spiritual gether with the persecution by the Priest,
destitution of this land. They replied, we can- makes some of the people afraid. The
not extend our fields of labor, for the want of Sunday I spent there we had the Lord's
funds and Missionaries, but instead contraction
seems to confront us. Those familiar with for- Supper with the seven believers we have
eig-n Missions will remember that just about there, at 6 p.m., and at 7 p . m . when
th1s time the question was presented to many about to begin a Gospel service, a revol-
Missionaries as to which was bust to curtail the ver or bomb was exploded near the house,
forces at the front or the funds, and ltke true
heroes, they said cut down the funds, an d the and 5 or 6 of the 45 men, women and
battle went on through their self sacrifices. children present became panic stricken
Thereupon it was decided that if the Gospel and left, thinking, doubtless that we
was to be given to C. A. in this generation, an
appeal must be made direct to the Lord for were abont to be attacked. Nothing
.Missionaries and means, with which to do it. further happened however, and we had a
The result was the formation of this Mission, real good meeting, at the close of which
through which more than a thousand lost souls, seven persons, including an entire family
scattered over these five Republics, have been
saved, many of whom have already gone home, of husband, wife, and two sons, stood up
and many more are daily witnessing to the th confess Christ as their Saviour. I am
Gospel under fierce persecutiOns, which always hoping to go there with my family, and
comes where Rome rules. Six faithful messen- Miss Chadbourn, next month, to stay a
gers from this land have fallen at the front of
the battle, and about as many more have given month or two. Mrs. McConnell and I
their health in this hard climate, and can only went out to see Mrs. Shorts one evening
cheer on the work with their prayers and sym- last week, and were quite pleased to find
pathy. We doubt if there is one soul who has her in the hall, Mr. Shorts fixed up for
labored, prayed, or given for this work, who
feels that it was in vain. Another friend says, meetings, with IS native people, study-
. why do you not pay salaries? We have no ing the Scriptures with them. She does
funds except as the Lord directs his children to a good deal that way, and in visiting,and
s~nd it in, and how could we promise any defi- Gospel and tract distribution. David
mte sum to any Missionary. Our plan is quite
simple. Each Missionary makes a monthly Rodriguez _suspended his colportage work
statement of general expenses and receipts,and with the American Bible Soc' y Dec. I,
from this the treasurer is enabled to apportion as the funds were exhausted,and is doing
the funds according to the needs? If funds are secular work this month, but we hope he
scarce, we go to our Father in prayer, and our
greatest need is more of His separated ones who will be able, the Lord providing for his
will constantly and faithfully join us in these support, to spend the rest of the dry
prayers. "Pray without ceasing.'' season in itinerant evangelizing work

with Gabrael Mora. Miss · Grace and ish , so nearly every one got a box when
Gabrael visited the few believers and I got here . Today one man brought his
friends over in the mountains South of box back nearly empty, he had only two
San Jose, 3 weeks ago, spending 2 or 3 papers left , having given them away to
days with them very profitably. One his friends. He wants some more. He
family gave them IS saints of wood and came to Mr. Pierson for medicine and I
paper, to burn, which they much enjoy- told him about the medicine I had from
ed doing. The Sobeys and Witts are the Great Physician. It proved very
back from England, and at their work. good . Yesterday nearly every one in the
Mr. McDonald bas taken a wife unto city bought flowers, wreaths and crosses,
himself. and Mr. and Mr:;. Hayter and and the cemetery was covered with them
child are planning a trip to England and no doubt. Last year we went and gave
Switzerland in May. Mr. Wood,Engli sh out many tracts to the crowds that gath-
Vice Consul at Limon, and Editor of the ered' at the graves. It is a custom here
Limon Weekly News, was returning from to decorate the graves of their departed
Bluefields ten days ago in a Naptha on Nov. 2nd. This past month has been
launch, with two friends, and the boat filled with God's goodness andjoyfulness.
capsized, and they were drowned. The Have found those who never heard the
captain and two sailors were able to cling Gospel before, and it was my privilege to
to a row boat and drift ten miles to shore. to point them to Him. Day before yes-
Miss Blackmore sailed from Limon for terday a woman who cannot read enjoyed
Manchester Nov. 30, and is doubtless so much listening to the first part of Mr.
with her family now . She was in great Moody ' s Way to God. I !:'poke at the
need of the change and rest. I trust the jail one day. We find opposition there
Lord will be pleased to send some one as well as elsewhere, but we know some
very soon to .look after the work in are being reached. Dec. 8, 'os:- God
Managua and vicinity. We have much has blessed me much these past weeks.
to be thankful for, in the work here, and The draft came just at the right time so
pltty of cause for humiliation . Some of there was no lack on the little trip we
th old believers are greatly disappoint- took. Went on horse-back for six hours .
in us, but we praise God for the large It was climbing hills and comming down
n mber of faithful ones. again all the way. We went to a village
ISS H. R UTH CHADBOURN.-S an situated by the Andes range of mountains .
Jose, Costa Rica, Nov. 3, 'os:-.My eyes Gabrael was my guide; be knew all the
ar\' giving me a little extra trouble so people th ere . There were many open
Miss Eaton has offered to write for me. doors. We bad. meetings at night and
I spent last week in Cartago with Mr. visited during the day. One woman
and Mrs. Hayter a nd enjoyed the change gave us fifteen idols to burn. We went
of climate. Dec. IS, 'os:-I felt so poorl y to the house of the man who made one of
that I had to go to Cartago again. these idols, and read to him what God
Spent ten days there. My eyes are better has said about those who trust in idols,
but the Oculist forbids my using them and those who make them; he was much
F until I get some new glasses, for which I impressed and declared he would never
had to send home . make another . The other day I went
Mrss GRACE EATON.-SanJose, C. R ., over to Ala j uel a and called on som e of the
Nov . 3, 'os:-Since my return have en- people. One woman took me across the
joyed visiting the homes of believers and field to explain the Gospel to her neigh-
hearing how the past year has trea ted bor. Had quite an earthquake one
t hem. I brought with me from a Junior evening.
Y . P. S . C. E. at home, some boxes of
'comfort powders. ' The children them- Nicaragua.
selves wrote off the Bible verses in Span - Mrss E. M. BLACK IORE.-Managua,

Nicaragua, Sept. 30, 'os:-The closing the places he found 30 altogether await-
month has been one of great ble~ s ing in ing baptism . Our Bro. Rufino of Sta.
the church . Mr. Keech was with us for Ana gives encouraging reports of his
two weeks, and by clear Gospel addresses work. He bas come over for a few day's
many were led into the light and truth as instruction. It seems they find it difficult
it is in Jesus. A few days after his de- to support him . Sta.. Ana should have a
parture came Mr. Penzotti. He is the resident Missjonary to look after that
apostle John to these C. A. churches, for region .
love and union are the blessed fruit of MRS. R. H. BENDER.-San Salvador,
his labors among the Saints, while his Dec. 2, ' os:-Mr. Bender left Nov. 14,
eloquence draws thinking minds from all for Sonsonate, a large city, an hours ride
walks of lite. He baptised, for us, 13, from the ·Port on train. He remained ~
making 29 who have been received into there a week, preaching every night.
our fellowship this year. Don Braulio of Some who were saved when he was there
his own free will, has given up his em- three and a half years ago, have continu-
ployment again, so as to devote all his ed to push the battle. Others have been
time to study and service. We ought to added to the congregation and a new in-
give him f,rs.oo gold a month, to keep terest is manifested. Then he went to
him and family, and this apart from the volcano of Santa Ana, where he re-
money for travelling to visit scattered mained five days, and reports good inter-
believers. Port Limon, Costa Rica, Nov. est.. He then went to Santa Ana where
29 , 'os:-I wrote you from Nicaragua of he bad an interesting meeting. Bro.
my plan to visit England that I might Penzotti was with us ten davs the first
have opportunity to rest and recuperate, part of Nov. , preaching. -Since then
and I am here on the way. Spent a few David Cardana takes charge of the
days in San Jose. My steamer leaves preaching, while I take the Wednesday
to-morrow. night Bible study: Sunday afternoon
Mrs. Keech and I have classes for b..~
Salvador. children and young- people. Mr. Ben er
R. H. BENDER.-San Salvador, Sept. desires to spend the greater part of be
30, )os:-We have finally secured a house time during the dry season in evangeli tic
but had to pay $roo rent. The church work, and we ask that special pra er
pays $zs of it. This seems high but it may be offered that the means may be
was necessary in order to provide a chapel provided for the extra expenses. Alrea y
and living rooms. We moved in yester- I have lost about all the strength I gam-
day. The ceiling of chapel is high, and ed in the U . S., and my head troubles me
we can seat from rso to 200. This so that it is difficult for me to attend to
month I spent three days in Sta. Tomas, all I need to.
and bad five services with a large attend-
ance. The work tbf}re is encouraging. Honduras.
I baptised an old couple before I left. H. L. CARTER.-Santa Rosa, Sept.
Our new native helper or pastor will be- 28, ,os·-We are all well and getting on
gin with October, and will assist here nicely. Dr. Hermandez continues to
while I am out of the city. Nov. 2, prove a true friend. He has a good
'os:-Since we have come to this place printing press, and offers it to me to get
no new ones have come in, but there have out Gospel literature, upon payment by
been quite a few listening at both win- me of cost of paper and labor. Last week
dows. We have had considerable persecu- I issued a circular on the Gospel which
tion in this new neighborhood. During has created considerable interest. The
the past month our native evangelist vis- Governor General visited us the other
ited several places. In most of them he evening, also one of the native merchants
found considerable interest. In three of and his wife. The meetings continue as

usual. Commerce is beginning to open who has been away from us four years
up after the fever, but everything is very and '·Madame Rumor" said be bad fal-
high. Oct. 25, 'os:-Have bad an ex- len into gross sins. When be came to
ceptional opportunity to get the Gospel us he denied the rumors and we asked
to the people here through the printed the Lord to make him confess his sin and
Word. The local priest publishes a little He did. He gave him one of the clear-
paper called the Catechist, in which some est lessons from the life of Samson in
time ago appeared an article rediculing connection with the "prodigal son."
somewhat the work in Dulce Nombre. How many Delilabs. there are in the
This gave me an opportunity to set forth world and what a terrible thing it is when
in as polite a manner as I could the work a child of God awak-es and finds himself
of our mission. This seemed to produce without the power of God. "And be
a good effect . In hi s next issue the priest wist not that the Lord had departed
referred to my paper, and intimated that fron him." The thoughts he brought
wewere here in.the interestofthegovern- were: The Lord departed--;-the vision
ment, and that we were of the fanatical darkened-an object of amusement for
class of Protestants who had come to sow the world-and a slave of the enemy-
seeds of dissension. I ·wrote another Just what had happened to the poor man
article setting forth what true religion spiritually, but the Lord gave him the
was, and citin g plenty of Scripture. In comforting word in Luke 15-then he
his paper this week the priest had noth- forgot his fear and confessed his sin be-
ing to say. I make no a ttacks on the fore all the church. How perfect is 'the
priest, simply present the truth. Nov . work of our Lord. Some had judged me
3<1>, 'os:-We are thankful for the extra on account of the pity I bad shown to-
amounts sen't as we were put to heavy ward this brother, for they felt sure the
expense by the quarantine. We are glad rumors were true, but I had seen him
tq have sister Dillon with us. We bad 'burn from above' and his growth had
gbod prayer meeting last evening. Dec. given such joy to our hearts before he
13, 'os : -The yellow fever still rages on went into the world-also had heard how
the coast and at San Pedro. he h?d resisted the enemy's attacks at
MRS M. J. DILLON.-El Paraiso,Hon . first and so longed to have him returned
S~pt. 18, 'os:-Poor Hon.d uras was shut by the Lord. He has begun to grow
off from all points for a time, and it again. How much danger there is for
seemed at times we were going to have thesE: bright converts- the enemy tries so
fe ver, famine and war all at once. Up hard to overthrow them. We have one
here we only bear rumors . This year is from La Planeria who has learned to read '
passing so swiftly, ane we have done so since being converted, and he just drinks
little for lost souls. Among the many in the truth and I can have more com-
who have come here on account of sca rcity munion with him now than with many
of food iu other parts, only three have of the older members, but oh how I do
confessed th e Lord. Many have beard try to show him his danger, and long for
and we have some hopes of others. him to keep close to the Shepherd for the
There bas been quite a good deal of sick- enemy bas been trying to get him away
ness lately. I am almost as well as ever. from us, but at last he has his house and
Oct. g, 'os:-Our Missionary has gone now bas determined to stay. Have been
on another trip. There seems to be in- blessed this week in Joshua 14:12. Many
~rest in many out of the way places. times we do not ask great things because
yne man said he would pay any one who we fear the "giants, " great difficulties,
would go to call on him when the Mis- but surely the a ~s urance of Caleb can be
s,onary comes again as he lives up in the ours, "if He be with us, who can be·
~ountains. In the church we are re- against us?" Dec. r, 'os:-Tbere has
joicing over the return of an erring one been much sickness during this year.

There bad not been much here until take the depression away when in came
latel'y. Two of our dear sisters from one of my scholars with her mother who
Planeria went to be with the Lord inside had never attended a service before. I
of one week, and two little children of saw in a minute why Satan didn't want
believers about the same time. In this me to have the meeting. The depression
time of sickness I have been better than left me ar.d I enjoyed the meeting great-
have been since in June. A letter from ly. The woman continued coming, and
our Missionary tells of the confession of Sunday evening brought another woman
two more souls in .Lesquines for '!Vhich who bad m:ver come before. The daught-
we praise the Lord. Two col porters fro)ll er is 1 8 years old, and bas told me she
Salvador have just .come in. would so like to be a christian. I have
Mrss LAURA NELSON.-Dulce,Nom- seen in her many little signs to give hope
bre, Oct. ro, '05:-Never since I have that she now believes. I think the most
been in the country bas there been such hopeful sign I have seen since I came to
a scarcity of everything as this year. My the country is the open opposition of the
corn for the coming year has cost meal- priest of Santa Rosa. At the annual
most double what I usually pay. Beans feast. out here this year, we bad extra
are more than double the usual price; al- meetings as usual, and intended having
so rice, flour etc. Lard is about four street meetings, but were able to have
times what we usually give. V/e have a only one owing to the rains. He got
great deal of sicknef:s. After my letter very much worked up and published an
to you in June I got so much worse that article in which he said we bad gone out
I was very seriously considering return- on the streets to preach to a lot of drunk!s,
ing to the States, but about six weeks etc. Such persecution only serves to
ago I began to improve and now I am strengthen the faith of th~se who a e
quite well. I am sure some one was really the Lord's, and separates tho e
praying very definitely, as the change who are not.
was so marked and sudden. Since my
return from Colinas I have not been able Guatemala.
to do anything outside of this town, be- A. E. BISHOP.-Guatemala City,Gua .,
cause of the famine, my health and the Nov. r, '05:-Just received a letter from
heavy rains, but I have kept up the work Garcia - our native Missionary telling of
here. Sometimes have been almost dis- five more souls saved in these last days
couraged. Never in all my Christian ex- in Chimaltenango. The blessing of the
perience have I had such temptations and Lord seems to be upon their work. Dec.
trials as this year. Some days it seems 6, ' os:-You will be rejoiced to know
as though Satan would get the victory in that Bro. Sturgeon has sent us a check
spite of everything, but praise the Lord, for $350, all of which will be used to
he hasn,t got it yet. Just when I am finish up the meeting room of our new
about to give up then the Lord fulfills building.
His promise not to suffer us to be tempted Dec. 27, '05.-The little assembly of
above that we are able to .bear. One believers in this city, during the year
night as the l].our of service came round just closed, has given to the Lord flr
I was so depressed that I felt tempted local expenses (rent, light, janitor, etc.)
not to have the bell rung, but couldn't and the support of our two native Mi -
quite make up -my mind to let the hour sionaries about $3,500.oo (this money.)
pass, so I had it rung. But a few gath- besides haveing contributed more th
ered at the time of opening and I felt less $I,5oo.oo toward the establishment an
than ever like teaching or leading the maintenance of a school. A numb r
meeting. We were just singing the last have been faithful in tithing. Do n t
hymn preparatory to opening the meet- think they are rich in this world's good •
ing and I was pleading with the Lord to You would consider the manner of li e

of the best of them as but misery and kindly donated the varnish and woodfill-
p verty. A goodly number are await- er, and has paid the freight to the port.
ing baptism as soon as the marriage of This is quite a htlp-amounting to prob-
some three couples can be arranged, who ably $125. During the last days I have
have already lived together-one of them been led to change somewhat, the man-
as much as I 8 years. God bas signally ner of my petition for the needs of the
blessed the labors of our native Evan- building, asking that the Lord may re-
gelists and Colporters. Our Brother more the hindrances from our receiving
Rivera is again working in the vicinity the amount necessary, believing that He •
of Jalapa (6o miles east) among a num- bas answered c,ur petition, but for some
ber of hungry souls, after a three reason because of the power of the ene-
month's detention by quarantine in the my, we have been hindered in receiving
infected low fever district where many it. Dec. 27, '05 :-Another year is fast
hundreds were swept into eternity with- drawing to a close; a year of such long
out hope. But oh! bow much remains suffering, patience, love and faithfulness
yet to be accomplished. on the part of our Heavenly Father to-
F. G. To11rs.-Guat. City, ·Guat., Oct. ward us, His messengers in this unknown,
18, 'os:-Our Father bas been pleased to benighted land, that our hearts melt be-
allow our funds to get a little low, but fore Him. Truly there is no God like
He bas not allowed us to suffer. Our our God. Many and fierce have been
hearts go out in gratitude for His man·el- the temptations, and the testings not a
lous and abundant provisions. About 4 few, though all have been according to
weeks ago Herbert was quite sick with I Cor. 10: 13; none greater than we were
·what we all judged was erysipelas in his able (by His grace) to bear, though at
legs. He was in bed some ten days, but the time we may have been tempted to
in obedience to Jas. 5:15, the Lord was think they were. only because we allow-
pleased to quickly raise him up again. ed our eyes to be taken off Him, and
We are reminded in many ways that thus could not see the way of escape al-
Satan is not bound, but our hearts are ready provided. The fierce persecutions
encouraged as we remember that his of tbe people have quieted down, and
p wer is limited, and his time is short. there ,are no outward manifestations ex-
T e signs are multiplying, and we be- cept the occasional calling of names, as
li ve our Lord is near. Nov. 14, 'os:- we pass on the streets; although in many
It bas been very precious to see the ways we can see their hatred of us. Of
L rd's tender care of us in these days, course this is only true among the more
a d to receive His definite answers to ignorant and fanatical, while on the other
prayer. On the 3 I of last month we band, among the more intelligent and
were without money to pay our rent, thoughtful, we have more friends than
which was due the next day, as we pay we have ever bad. God is thus causing
in advance, but on that day our Father their blood-thirsty rage against us to
sent us enough to pay the rent, and buy work out for His own glory in making
a few needed things besides, so that we some, at least, to see the difference be-
w~re not put to shame before the world. tween tbe Spirit of the false and that of
SejVeral times money bas arrived just as the true, and thus making their hearts
thfe other bas been spent. For these evi- more susceptible to the Gospel. The
dences of His tender Fatherly care, our outlook for the work is, I think, especi-
hearts go out to him in great praise and ally encouraging from most every veiw,
our confidence is increased. We continue point. While we have not been without
the work on the building, but cannot go marked visible results of God's working
very fast, as money comes in very slow- among us during the year in the salva-
ly. Mr. Berry of Berry Bros. Varnish tion of precious souls, we look forward
Manufacturers of Detroit, Mich., has to a yet more marked manifestation of
' two principal enemies are religious ig-
"His arm .made bare," in the days that
remain while Jesus tarries. The four otry and a deadly indifference as to thi gs
evangelists, (two supported by the native religious, and the latter I believe ism re
church in this city; one supported by the formidable than the former. Fr m
Missionaries themselves; and the one ·for Chimaltenango I passed through Antiqua
whom I have been personally respons- ( holding two services there)to Escuiu~la,
ible,) are constantly in the front, enter- a coast town, where I spent nearly• a
ing new territory, and preaching the un- week with another native worker and
• searchable riches of Christ. They report then returned by train to the city. The
much interest and blessing, and are priv- horse I bought after my other one was
ileged to see many turn from their idols, stolen, has not proved to be a very good
to serve the true and living God. As a one, and I am obliged to sell him at con-
result of their labors new doors are open- siderable loss. For this puryose I left
ed and there come cries of "send us some him on the coast with a friend to sell for
one who can live among us, and teach us me. For the travelling I do I need a
the way," but there are none to send. good strong animal. I learn that Miss
Who will go? With you in the Home- Blackmore has gone to England, and that
land, there are so many christian work- the native pastor at Managua (Braulf'o)
ers, there is scarcely any place to serve, bas died.
while here, and in other heathen lands, MISS ANNA R. ALLOWAY.-San Mar-
there are so many places and none to cos, Oct. 2, 'os:-I took two trips this
serve. Oh beloved, ·when will you wake month-one to Quezaltenango, to do
up to understand what our Lord meant some buying and have some dental work
when He said, "Go ye into all the world done-the other to the coast, to visit
and preach the Gospel to every creature?" among our native believers (Indians)
What crowns lay unearned! How much there. Ob, how my heart was uplifted
the coming of our blessed Lord is delay- to see their happy faces, and hear their
ed by the unwillingness of His redeemed singing and their testimonies. No ·less
ones to go. Eternity alone will reveal than 30 gave testimony. I imagined .I
what were your possibilities, and how was travelling through African pa hs
and why you failed. while passing the roads of the nati es
J. G. CASSEL.-Guat. City, Dec. 13, living on the Coffee farms, and more sa
'os:- Yesterday I returned from a little black naked form could be s en
month's absence from home. Most of peeping out from behind a hut, or r n-
this time was spent with the two native ning across the road. God wonder£ lly
workers in the department of Chimalten- blessed us on this trip . The greatest 'n-
ango. Together with them I visited a convenience was the rain, which ca e
number of towns in that department, or pouring down when we . were only Ualf
county, as we would say, but most of way. We were heartily received by the
the time was spent in the two towns of farm holders and the native christians.
Cbimaltenango and San Martin, where At Quezaltenango also had a pleasant
small groups of believers already exist. time. Stopped with two of our San
We found a few interested ones in other
places, altho' in general the soil seems
Marcos converts, now members of 1be
church there, as the man's work is th re.
bard and dry for the spiritual seed, yet The work there is carried .on under he
the seed is being sown in one way· and supervision of Mr. Me Bath--Presbyter an
another; by reading and speaking to those Missionary. The little church is n w,
who will hear , giving away tracts and pleasant and inviting. The old one as
Gospel papers, and selling Gospel books, partially destroyed by the earthquake.
to such as care to buy. Vve pray that I found much joy in mingling with a
God may bless the seed sown, as be has number of the believers, who are hospit-
done in many instances already; The able as well as spiritual. San Marcos,

Oct. 21, 'os:-I must tell you about our festation of the Spirit's work in some
las~. Wednesday evening prayer meeting. hearts during the past month. One lady
T~yre were present at least so persons, especially, who lives in the room below
co 1 nting the tiny tots . The spirit of it mine seems to have a real interest in the
w~ very sweet The work here has Gospel, and with tears in her eyes bas
ta en on new intere t, and there seems expressed her desire to have the faith
to e more love among the members. At that saves. Her mother likes the Gospel
tbi meeting two bright young men gave too, and has been sending her grand
tes imony to their faith in Christ, and at daughter to Sunday School, hoping the
andtber recent meeting, a lady-a mother teaching there will change her life. After
of one of the principal fa'm ilies in the being in the Catholic Church so years,
town-also cor:fessed the Saviour. Her she has to confess that all their forms,
son accompanied her !.-1 st night. Another ceremonies and teachings cannot and do
son, now studying Jaw in the capitol, al- not change the life.. We are praying the
so confessed Christ before leaving San Gospel may have power in the girls life.
Marcos. Two of the daughters-one the Others, who for a time showed interest,
wife of our leading lawyer have accepted have after being refused financial aid,
the Saviour. Gnat. City, Nov . 12, 'os:- absented themselves entirely from the
I came here with Mr. and Mrs. Allison, meetings, showing that their motives
of the Presbyterian Miss. on their return were purely mercenery. We have all
from a visit to San Marcos. I felt the kinds to deal with, and it is a little dis-
ne~d of a change-not having visited couraging sometimes to see the little
Gt at. since the first n)()nths of being on character some have, and the deception
th field. The father of the family men- they use. Bnt there are others who are
tio ed in the last letter testified to his honest and sincere. Next Thursday ex-
faith in Christ. at the last meeting I held pect to take the S. S. children to the
in San Marcos. After he sat down three c0untry.
of his servants, two men and one woman, F. GAMBS.-San Martin, Guat., Oct.
~- - also confessed Christ. Guat. City, Dec. ro, 'os:-It seems difficult to secure any
3,fos:-Am still here. Last week re • room for public preaching. The owner
cei ed a letter from one of the believers of the, house which served for this pur-
in an Marcos, telling me they have con- pose died last month, but the family
tin ed the meetings, with blessing, dur- wants to put it in good shape, but it can-
in my absence. Guat. City, Dec. 20 , not be occupied for a mqntb. At the
'o :-Was expecting Miss Buck would beginning of this month I was invited to
.., be here by this time, to return with me, . go with our native brethren and evange-
but I cannot stay longer from my work. lists to a setttement, near the "Rio
Have enjoyed my visit here very much, Grande," to hold meetings. It is the
and have been strengthened in spirit, place where the turpentine men work,
soul and body. and is 16 miles from here. Concerning
MRs. GERTUDE BELL.-Guat . City, the Indians, I expect more results among
, Oct. II, 'os:-1 am glad to report that them, as they are the poor, the despised
during another month our Father has class of the people in this country, and
been faithful. His blessings are more such people are, everywhere, more ap-
th~n can be numbered. When we think proachable. It, however, seems slow
of the blessings of the Lord, we are apt work on account of liquor and vices, they
to think only of the pleasant and agree- are inclined to, together with the more
able things, but the Lord is helping me cultured class of. people. Their languuage
to understand that many times the hard may not be so difficult to acquire but one

r and disagreeable things are the greatest needs to be among the people to learn it.
blessings, and fit us for better service. Nov . I, 'os:-For two weeks I had the
Dee. I, 'os:-We have seen the mani- privilege of being with our native breth-

ren, Victoriana, Garcia and Don Maria not done so before. The congregations
Ramirez, who have a prom ising work for were good, and more hearers at the
the Lord. Several testified in the pub- door. In order to reach the unsaved, _
lic chapel , at Chimaltenango, who had who are mostly outside, the preacher
~tands almost in the door.
At San Martin there seems
to be greater oppositipn.
and the people are mpre
fanatical, but the Word::
says, ' Greater is He that is
in you than they that are ~
in the world. ' The believ-
ers in San Martin have had
considerable sickness, but I
trust they will soon recover
and profit by the exper-
ience. Dec. 6, ' os .-Lately
we bad the privilege of
a visit from Bro. Cassel.
We trust his visit will
give a general uplift to the ·
work here , but we cannot
forct! things in God's work.
There is a time of sowing,
and also a time of reaping,
but with patience we must
wait for it. We expect
soon to have the baptism
of the worthy believers .
One needs a discern ng
eye to discover who t ey
are, that the Lord's na
may. not be brought into
proach by them afterwar


Total receipts to la st report, Oct. 1st, 1905 , ... ... . ...... .. .. . . .. . . .... ........ ... $93,11 2 43
Total receipts since last report, gifts Nos. 55 50 to 561 7, inclusi ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,914 •o
Grand tota l receipts to Jan . 1st, 1906 .. . . . ... . , ... ... ...... . . .. .... . ... .. . . . $96,026 p
Ca sh on hand Oct. rst, 1905. .. . . ..... . . . . . .... ... ..... .... . . . . . .. · $ 428 00 .J.......

Receipts from Oct. rst, 1905, to Jan. 1st, 1906 .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . ... . . . . 2,914 IO -$ 3.342 Jo
Paid to Missionaries on th e field, . . . .... . . .. . . ........ .. ... .. . . .... ..... $2,285 20
Paid for pnnting Bulletin, Oct. 15, 1905, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 oo
Paid on Guatema la Miss ion H ouse, . . . . .. . ... . . ... . . ......... ... ..... . . 372 oo
Paid for sta ti onery and pos tage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r 1 oo-$ 2,703 :::o
Balance on hand Jan. rst, 1906, . ... . . ... ..... . . . ... . ..... . .... .. . . .... . ... .. $ 638 90
Balan ce on hand for special purposes . ..... ... . .. ... .. . .. . . . ... .. .. ....... ... $ 389 oo
Bal an ce on han d in general fund .. . .. ... . . .... . .... .. .... . . .. . . . .. . . .. ..... . $249 c;o

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