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Author Information

Author Information

Kadri Aavik, PhD, Lecturer in Sociology, Tallinn University, Estonia

Research areas and interests: Sociology of Gender; Intersectionality; Critical
Studies of Men and Masculinities; Gender and Work; Feminist and Intersectional
Qualitative Methodologies; Critical Animal Studies; Critical University Studies
Recent publications:
Aavik, Kadri. 2015. Resistance to Gender Equality at Work: Discursive Practices of Estonian
Male Managers. In Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality, ed. by Michael Flood and
Richard Howson, 182–192. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Aavik, Kadri. 2015. “The Most Important Decisions Are Made in the Sauna”: The Role of
Social Capital in Creating Intersectional Privilege in the Career Narratives of Estonian
Male Managers. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies 10 (1): 39–54.
Aavik, Kadri. 2017. The Vulnerability of Gender Equality Mechanisms in the Post-socialist
Academia: “Doing Neoliberalism” in Estonian Universities. In Gender in/and the Neolib-
eral University: Transnational Processes and Localised Impacts. Gender, rovné příležitosti,
výzkum [Gender and Research], Special Issue 18 (1), ed. by Kadri Aavik, Blanka Nyklová
and Birgit Riegraf, in print. Prague: Czech Academy of Sciences.
Aavik, Kadri, and Dagmar Kase. 2015. Challenging Sexism While Supporting Speciesism:
The Views of Estonian Feminists on Animal Liberation and its Links to Feminism.
Journal for Critical Animal Studies 13 (1): 92–127.

Emília Araújo, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of

Minho, Portugal; Project Principal Investigator Mobiscience: Portuguese Researchers
Trajectories and Movement of Knowledge
Research areas and interests: Culture and Techno-science; Time, Gender and
Academic Mobility

282 Author Information

Recent publications:
Araújo, Emília. 2016. Uma abordagem sobre o tempo de (para) na ciência e academia [An
Approach about Time from (for) Science and Academia]. Sociologia Online 12, 110–136.
Araújo, Emília, and Victor Barros. 2017. “Modo deadline”: uma análise sobre o tempo das
mulheres académicas. Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação 10 (22): 173–186.
Araújo, Emília, and Monica Franch. 2017. Apuntes sobre la pertinencia heurística del
concepto de “tiempo en abundancia” para el análisis del tiempo de desempleo desde
una perspectiva de género [Notes on the Heuristic Relevance of the Concept of “Time
in Abundance” for the Analysis of Unemployment Time from a Gender Perspective].
ARBOR Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura 193 (784): 1–17.
Araújo, Emília, Margarida Fontes and Sofia Bento. Eds. 2013. Para um debate sobre a fuga
de cérebros / To a Debate on Brain Drain. Braga: Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e
Sociedade (CECS).
Martins, Moisés de Lemos, Maria Manuel Baptista, Emília Araújo and Larissa Latif. 2016.
Ciência e conhecimento: políticas e discursos [Science and Knowledge: Policies and
Speeches]. Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais 3 (2): 7–17.

Mariana Prandini Assis, PhD Candidate in Politics, New School for Social Re-
search, United States of America
Research areas and interests: Feminist Political and Legal Theory; Transnationalism;
Human Rights; Legal Mobilization; Social Movements; Gender Studies
Recent publications:
Assis, Mariana Prandini. 2017. Violence Against Women as a Translocal Category in the
Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Direito & Práxis 8 (2):
Assis, Mariana Prandini, and Ana Carolina Ogando. 2014. Confronting Sexual Violence
While Fueling the Apparatuses of the Neoliberal State? Ambiguities of an Emancipatory
Project. Labrys: Estudos Feministas 25.
Kaneti, Marina, and Mariana Prandini Assis. 2016. (Re)branding the State: Humanitarian
Border Control and the Moral Imperative of State Sovereignty. Social Research: An In-
ternational Quarterly 83 (2): 295–325. 

Seabra, Joana Emmerick, and Mariana Prandini Assis. 2016. Transforming from the Mar-
gins: A Proposal for Mapping Latin American Critical Feminist Social Thought. Direito
& Práxis 7 (13): 465–493.

Amélia Augusto, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Beira Interior (UBI),

Portugal; Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-
IUL); Member of the UBI’s Commission for Gender Equality
Research areas and interests: Sociology of Health; Gender and Health; Gender and
Technology; Gender Inequality
Author Information 283

Recent publications:
Augusto, Amélia. 2013. Género e Saúde. In Saúde, Medicina e Sociedade. Uma visão soci-
ológica, ed. by Fátima Alves, 29–34. Lisboa: Pactor.
Augusto, Amélia. 2014. A construção social da infertilidade. In Saúde no Prisma da Soci-
ologia. Olhares Plurais, ed. by Maria Engrácia Leando and Baltazar Ricardo Monteiro,
268–281. Viseu: Psicosoma.
Augusto, Amélia. 2015. Comentário: da medicalização à biomedicalização da vida. In Novos
Temas de Saúde, Novas Questões Sociais, ed. by Graça Carapinheiro and Tiago Correia,
83–98. Lisboa: Mundos Sociais.
Sales Oliveira, Catarina, and Amélia Augusto. 2017. El gender mainstreaming en la academia
portuguesa. Ciencia, Técnica y Mainstreaming Social (1): 17–27.
Santos, Mário, and Amélia Augusto. 2016. “Se estava tudo bem, porque é que eu havia de ir
a uma obstetra?” Identidade, risco e consumo de tecnologia médica no parto domiciliar
em Portugal. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas 82: 49–67.

Carla Cerqueira, PhD, Assistant Professor at University Lusófona in Lisbon, Por-

tugal; Postdoctoral Grantee in Communication Sciences at the Communication
and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho, Portugal
Research areas and interests: Feminist Media Studies; Gender; Technologies; NGOs;
Communication Strategies; Public Policies
Recent publications:
Cerqueira, Carla. 2017. Feminist Film Analysis. In International Encyclopedia of Media
Effects, ed. by Patrick Rössler, Cynthia A. Hoffner and Liesbet van Zoonen. New Jersey:
John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118783764.wbieme0112.
Cerqueira, Carla, and Sara I Magalhães. 2017. Ensaio sobre cegueiras: cruzamentos inter-
secionais e (in)visibilidades nos media. ex aequo 35: 9–20.
Magalhães, Sara I., and Carla Cerqueira. 2015. Our Place in History: Young Feminists at the
Margins. In “Young Feminists” Doing Recognition & Reflexivity & (R)evolution. Feminism
& Psychology, Special Issue 25 (1), ed. by Rachel J. Liebert and Lucy Thompson, 39–44.
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Cerqueira, Carla, Sara I. Magalhães, Anabela Santos, Rosa Cabecinhas and Conceição
Nogueira. 2014. De outro género: propostas para a promoção de um jornalismo mais
inclusivo. Braga: LASICS/CECS.
Magalhães, Sara, Carla Cerqueira and Mariana Bernardo. 2012. Media and the (Im)perme-
ability of Public Sphere to Gender. In Democracy, Mass Media and Public Sphere, ed. by
Marta Nunes da Costa, 35–52. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.

Farinaz Fassa, Dr, Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Laus-

anne, Switzerland; Co-Director of the Observatory of Education and Training of
the Institute of Social Sciences; Member of the Equality delegation of the University
of Lausanne

284 Author Information

Research areas and interests: Gender Theory, Education and Training; Higher
Education, Inequalities, Equality and Equity in Careers
Recent publications:
Fassa, Farinaz. 2015. Excellence and Gender: Playing the Game of Scientific Excellence or
Being Played by the Game? The Swiss Example. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An
International Journal 34 (1): 37–54.
Fassa, Farinaz. 2016. Filles et garçons face à la formation. Les défis de l’égalité. Lausanne:
Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (Le savoir suisse).
Fassa, Farinaz. 2016. Politiques d’égalité des chances dans les universités suisses. Bilan
provisoire d’un pilotage décentralisé. In Les femmes dans le monde académique. Per-
spectives comparatives, ed. by Rebecca Rogers and Pascale Molinier, 167–179. Rennes:
Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Fassa, Farinaz, and Sabine Kradolfer. 2013. The Gendering of Excellence Through Quality
Criteria: The Case of the Swiss National Science Foundation Professorships in Switzer-
land. Tertiary Education and Management 19 (3): 189–204.
Roca I Escoda, Marta, Farinaz Fassa and Eléonore Lépinard. 2016. L’intersectionnalité: enjeux
théoriques et politiques. Paris: La Dispute (le genre du monde).

Heike Kahlert, Dr habil., Professor and Chair of Sociology/Social Inequality and

Gender at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany; Affiliated Member of the Center
for Feminist Social Studies (CFS) at Örebro University, Sweden
Research areas and interests: Transformations of Knowledge in Modernity; Gender
Relations and Social Change in the Welfare State; Institutionalised Inequalities
in the Educational System; Gender-Sensitive Organisational Development in the
Public-Profit Sector
Recent publications:
Kahlert, Heike. 2012. The Simultaneity of Stability and Change in Gender Relations – Con-
tributions from Giddens’ Structuration Theory. Studia Humanistyczne AGH/Humanistic
Studies 11 (2): 57–67.
Kahlert, Heike. 2014. Gender (In)Equality in Academic Career Promotion of Doctoral Stu-
dents. In Paths to Career and Success for Women in Science. Findings from International
Research, ed. by Britta Thege, Silvester Popescu-Willigmann, Roswitha Pioc and Sabah
Badri-Höher, 37–62. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Kahlert, Heike. 2015. Gender Equality Politics in Ageing Welfare Societies: The Case of the
European Union. In Institutionalizing Gender Equality. Historical and Global Perspec-
tives, ed. by Yulia Gradskova und Sara Sanders, 85–103. Lanham, Boulder, New York,
London: Lexington Books.
Kahlert, Heike. 2015. Nicht als Gleiche vorgesehen. Über das “akademische Frauensterben” auf
dem Weg an die Spitze der Wissenschaft. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 37 (3): 60–78.
Kahlert, Heike. 2017. Exzellenz im Mainstream der Wissenschaft – Gender auch? Frauen- und
Geschlechterforschung in der unternehmerischen Universität. In Zum Selbstverständnis
Author Information 285

der Gender Studies: Technik – Raum – Bildung, ed. by Corinna Onnen and Susanne
Rode-Breymann, in print. Opladen: Barbara Budrich.

Sabine Kradolfer, Dr, Equality Officer of the Swiss National Centre of Competence
in Research LIVES Overcoming Vulnerability: Life Course Perspectives at the Uni-
versity of Lausanne, Switzerland
Research areas and interests: Intersections between Social Inequalities (Sex, Race,
Class); Gender Equality in Academic Careers; Race and Ethnicity; Indigenous
Peoples of Latin America
Recent Publications:
Kradolfer, Sabine. 2015. Switzerland. In Garcia Working Papers – Academic Careers and Gender
Inequality: Leaky Pipeline and Interrelated Phenomena in Seven European Countries. Vol.
4, ed. by Farah Dubois-Shaik and Bernard Fusulier, 116–136. Trento: University of Trento.
Fassa, Farinaz, and Sabine Kradolfer. 2013. The Gendering of Excellence Through Quality
Criteria: The Case of the Swiss National Science Foundation Professorships in Switzer-
land. Tertiary Education and Management 19 (3): 189–204.
Bataille, Pierre, Nicky Le Feuvre and Sabine Kradolfer. 2017. Should I Stay or Should I Go?
The Effects of Precariousness on Career Aspirations of Postdocs in Switzerland. European
Educational Research Journal 16 (2–3): 313–331.
Le Feuvre, Nicky, and Sabine Kradolfer (in collaboration with Maria Del Rio Carral, Fari-
naz Fassa, Gaële Goastellec and Michael Posse). 2015. Switzerland. In Garcia Working
Papers – Constructing Excellence: The Gap between Formal and Actual Selection Criteria
for Early Career Academics. Vol. 2, ed. by Channah Herschberg, Yvonne Benschop and
Marieke van den Brink, 179–240. Trento: University of Trento.

Desiree Lewis, Dr, Professor in the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at
the University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Research area and interests: The Politics of South African and Global Feminisms;
Gender Sexuality and Nationalism; Popular and Visual Culture; Critical Food Studies
Recent Publications:
Lewis, Desiree. 2017. Bodies, Matter and Feminist Freedoms: Revisiting the Politics of Food.
Agenda 30 (3): 6–16.
Lewis, Desiree. 2015. “Another University Is Possible”: Thoughts on Student Protests and
Universities in Postcolonial Africa. Los Angeles Review of Books, December 9. https://
Lewis, Desiree. 2015. Gender, Feminism and Food Studies. African Security Review 24 (4):

286 Author Information

Lewis, Desiree. 2017. Academy-Based Feminist Intellectuals and the Nexus of State, Glo-
balization and Civil Society. In The Role of Intellectuals in the State-Society Nexus, ed. by
Barry Gilder and Angela McCelland, 110–125. Johannesburg: Real African Publishers.

Raili Marling, PhD, Professor of English Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia

Research areas and interests: Gendered Discourses in the Public Sphere and Lit-
erature; Gendered Affects under Neoliberalism; Contradictions of Gender in the
Post-socialist Context
Recent publications:
Marling, Raili. 2010. The Intimidating Other: Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of the
Representation of Feminism in Estonian Print Media. Nora: Nordic Journal of Women’s
Studies 18 (1): 7−19.
Marling, Raili. 2015. World Wide Web and the Emotional Public Sphere. In Metamorpho-
ses of (New) Media, ed. by Julia Genz and Ulrike Küchler, 3−26. Newcastle: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing.
Koobak, Redi, and Raili Marling. 2014. The Decolonial Challenge: Framing Post-Socialist
Central and Eastern Europe within Transnational Feminist Studies. European Journal
of Women’s Studies 21 (4): 330−343.
Örtenblad, Anders, Raili Marling and Snježana Vasiljević. Eds. 2017. Gender Equality in a
Global Perspective. New York, London: Routledge.

Louise Morley, AcSS, Professor of Education and Director of the Centre for Higher
Education and Equity Research (CHEER), University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Research areas and interests: Gender; Leadership; Equity; Political Economy of
Higher Education Internationally
Recent publications:
Morley, Louise. 2012. The Rules of the Game: Women and the Leaderist Turn in Higher
Education. Gender and Education 25 (1): 116–131.
Morley, Louise. 2014. Lost Leaders: Women in the Global Academy. Higher Education Re-
search and Development 33 (1): 111–125.
Morley, Louise. 2015. Troubling Intra-actions: Gender, Neo-liberalism and Research in the
Global Academy. Journal of Education Policy 31 (1): 28−45.
Morley, Louise, and Barbara Crossouard. 2016. Gender in the Neoliberalised Global Acad-
emy: The Affective Economy of Women and Leadership in South Asia. British Journal
of Sociology of Education 37 (1): 149−168.
Morley, Louise, and Barbara Crossouard. 2016. Rejection, Refusal, Reluctance, Revisioning:
Women in Higher Education Leadership in South Asia. Studies in Higher Education 46
(5): 801−814.
Author Information 287

Blanka Nyklová, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences,

Institute of Sociology; Lecturer on Gender Studies at the Council on International
Educational Exchange at Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
Research areas and interests: Czech Feminist Scene; Gender in Science; Institutional
and Organisational Change; Feminist Pedagogy; Geopolitics of Gender Studies;
Visual Studies
Recent publications:
Nyklová, Blanka. 2015. Through Feminist Eyes. In Democratization Through Social Activism:
Gender and Environmental Issues in Post-Communist Countries, ed. by Katalin Fábián
and Ioana Vlad, 71–94. Bucharest: Tritonic.
Nyklová, Blanka. 2017. Science on the Semi-periphery? Beyond Geopolitics. In Gender and
Neoliberalism in Czech Academia, ed. by Marta Vohlídalová and Marcela Linková, in
print. Praha: SLON.
Víznerová, Hana, and Blanka Nyklová. Eds. 2016. Hledání dynamické rovnováhy. tři generace
výzkumnic na VŠCHT Praha. Praha: VŠCHT, SOÚ.

Maria do Mar Pereira, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Uni-

versity of Warwick, United Kingdom
Research areas and interests: Gender; Feminism; Ethnography; Higher Education;
Science; Academia; Epistemology; Young People
Recent Publications:
Pereira, Maria do Mar. 2012. “Feminist Theory Is Proper Knowledge, But…”: The Status of
Feminist Scholarship in the Academy. Feminist Theory 13 (3): 283–303.
Pereira, Maria do Mar. 2014. The Importance of Being “Modern” and Foreign: Feminism
and the Epistemic Status of Nations. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 39
(3): 627–657.
Pereira, Maria do Mar. 2015. Higher Education Cutbacks and the Reshaping of Epistemic
Hierarchies: An Ethnographic Study of the Case of Feminist Scholarship. Sociology 49
(2): 287–304.
Pereira, Maria do Mar. 2016. Struggling Within and Beyond the Performative University:
Articulating Activism and Work in an “Academia Without Walls”. Women’s Studies
International Forum 54: 100–110.
Pereira, Maria do Mar. 2017. Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: An Ethnography
of Academia. London: Routledge.

Cristiano Rodrigues, PhD, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Federal Uni-

versity of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Research areas and interests: Democratic Theory; Comparative Perspectives on
Afro-Latin America; Social Movements Theory; Black Feminist Thought; Gender
288 Author Information

Recent Publications:
Rodrigues, Cristiano. 2014. Reforma Constitucional, Políticas Públicas e Desigualdades
Raciais no Brasil e Colômbia: um (breve) apontamento analítico. Revista de História
Comparada (UFRJ) 8 (1): 236–274.
Machado, Frederico Viana, and Cristiano Rodrigues. 2015. Movimentos Negros e LGBT
no Governo Lula: desafios da institucionalização segmentada. In Estado, Ambiente e
Movimentos Sociais, ed. by Frederico Viana Machado, Gustavo Martineli Massola and
Maria Auxiliadora Teixeira Ribeiro, 22–45. Florianópolis: Abrapso, Edições do Bosque.
Rodrigues, Cristiano, and Marco Aurélio Prado. 2013. A History of the Black Women’s
Movement in Brazil: Mobilization, Political Trajectory and Articulations with the State.
Social Movement Studies 12 (2): 158–177.

Catarina Sales Oliveira, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Beira Interior

(UBI), Portugal; Researcher at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology
(CIES-IUL); President of the UBI’s Commission for Gender Equality
Research areas and interests: Gender; Transports, Mobilities and Inequalities;
Work and Organisations
Recent Publications:
Martins, Ana, Catarina Sales Oliveira and Manuel Loureiro. 2016. Assédio e capacidade
para o trabalho. Um estudo exploratório numa universidade portuguesa [Mobbing and
Working Capacity. An Exploratory Study in a Public University]. International Journal
on Working Conditions 12 (Dec.): 35–53.
Monteiro, Alcides, Silvia Ferreira and Catarina Sales Oliveira. 2015. Applied Theatre, Gender
Consciousness and Transformative Learning. In Perspectives on Community Practices:
Living and Learning in Community, ed. by Sabina J. Krasovec and Damijan Stefanc,
209–218. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press.
Sales Oliveira, Catarina, and Amélia Augusto. 2017. El gender mainstreaming en la academia
portuguesa. Ciencia, Técnica y Mainstreaming Social 2017 (1): 17–27.
Sales Oliveira, Catarina, and Nuno Jerónimo. 2016. Small but Focused: Women (Self) Em-
powerment in a Rural Village. In Overcoming Gender Inequalities through Technology
Integration, ed. by Joseph Wilson and Nuhru Gapsiso, 93–122. Hershey: Information
Science Reference.
Sales Oliveira, Catarina. 2015. (Auto)Mobilities and Social Identities in Portugal. Sociologia,
problemas e práticas 77: 137–151.

Sigrid Schmitz, Dr, Professor of Gender & Science at the Department of History,
Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
Research areas and interests: Feminist Science Technology Studies; Brain Research;
Neurocultures; Body Discourses; Feminist Epistemologies
Author Information 289

Recent Publications:
Schmitz, Sigrid. 2012. The Neuro-technological Cerebral Subject: Persistence of Implicit and
Explicit Gender Norms in a Network of Change. Neuroethics 5 (3): 261–274.
Schmitz, Sigrid. 2015. Gender in Science: Bis hierhin und wie weiter? Potenziale und
Grenzen genderbezogener Interventionen in/mit den MINT-Fächern. In Akademische
Wissenskulturen und soziale Praxis. Geschlechterforschung zu natur-, technik- und
geisteswissenschaftlichen Fächern, ed. by Tanja Paulitz, Barbara Hey, Susanne Kink and
Bianca Prietl, 228–250. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Schmitz, Sigrid. 2016. Science. In Handbook Gender: Sources, Perspectives, and Methodologies,
ed. by Renée C. Hoogland, 347−362. Massachusetts: Macmillan.
Schmitz, Sigrid, and Grit Höppner. Eds. 2014. Gendered NeuroCultures. Feminist and Queer
Perspectives on Current Brains Discourses. Vienna: Zaglossus.

Pia Vuolanto, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Tampere Research Centre

for Knowledge, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, Finland
Research areas and interests: Science and Technology Studies; Controversies in
Science; Gender Research in Controversy; Gender Perspectives in Nursing; Nursing
Science in Controversy; Development of Academic Nursing; Women in Science;
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Recent Publications:
Vehviläinen, Marja, Pia Vuolanto and Oili-Helena Ylijoki. 2010. Gender Equality in the
Interface Organisations Between Science, Technology and Innovations. Journal of
Technology Management and Innovation 5 (1): 64–74.
Vuolanto, Pia. 2015. Boundary Work and Power in the Controversy Over Therapeutic Touch
in Finnish Nursing Science. Minerva 53 (4): 359–380.
Vuolanto, Pia. 2016. Academic Nursing: An Epitome of a Conflict-Prone Domain. In
Paradoxes of Conflicts, ed. by Giovanni Scarafile and Leah Gruenpeter Gold, 109–122.
Cham: Springer.
Vuolanto Pia. 2017. The Universities’ Transformation Thesis Revisited: A Case Study of the
Relationship Between Nursing Science and Society. Science and Technology Studies 30
(2): 34–52.
Vuolanto Pia, and Anne Laiho. 2017. The Gender Perspective in Nursing Research: A Theo-
retical Treasure Chest or a “Thorn” in the Side? Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning
and Policy: in print. doi: 10.1007/s11024-017-9318-0.


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