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Chapter 5 Basic content of

Church’s Catechesis
Objective Early Believer’s Believer’s 1977 John 14:6 LG 31, 34-
faith Christian acts of synod 35
Doctrine Kerygma Believing(i Head Knowledge Truth Prophet
Creed Didache ndicative Conviction of Word of
(teaching) God

Morals Diakonia Doing Hands Witness Way King

Command (service) (imperativ Commitme Profession
ment e) nt values, of Faith
Virtues Virtue

Worship Koinonia/ Trusting Heart Memory Life Priest

Sacrament Communit (Vocative) Prayer of Celebratio
s y faith n
Prayer Leiturgia/
*Norms in
the Gospel
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
*Centered on the person of Jesus Christ
1. The task of catechesis is to promote a
personal relationship with Jesus
2. Christ is the center of Salvation History and
ultimate meaning of all human history
3. the Gospel message is the living Word of God
4. Central catechesis are the four Gospels.
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
Only by
professing faith in
God, Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit,
can Jesus be
center of
1. The internal structure of catechetical
presentation must always be through Christ
to the father in the Holy Spirit.

2. Following Jesus own pedagogy in revealing

the Father as acting as Son, and the Holy
Spirit by his salvific works

6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
The “Good News of Salvation” is a saving
1. Father is revealed who is among us
2. God offers His gift of Integral Salvation

3. A message
proclaiming salvation
*3. Proclaiming the justice of God, call to
conversion, formation of authentic Christian Values.

*4. Kingdom is inaugurated in the person of Jesus

6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
1.Integral Human Development
2.Moral Education/preferential option
for the Poor
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
*Church Ministry of the Word

*Christian Community Received it, celebrates it,

lives it, and communicates it in many ways.
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
* Based on Biblical Narrative
* Presenting the “Deeds and Words”
* Explaining the Creed
* Connection of the Sacraments within the History of Salvation
* “Deeds and Words” connection to signs of the times
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
*Christ’s incarnation is the original “inculturation”
*Our Model of inculturation.
*Same thing with the inculturation of Jesus, Gospel
Message also penetrates even in different Culture of
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
Catechesis, then. Working from this identity of
human experience between Jesus and his
disciples aims at leading Christians to follow
*Doctrinal themes illumine the basic experience and
values of all human persons.
*Moral catechesis presents the authentic “Good Life”
*Liturgical catechesis.
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
by an organic
6. The Historical Character
1.Christocentric of the Mystery of Salvation

2.Trinitarian Christo- 7. Enculturation of the

centricity Gospel Message

3.A message proclaiming 8. A message Meaningful

salvation for the Human Person

4.A message of Liberation 9.Integrity of the Gospel

5.Ecclesial Nature of the 10.Comprehensive and

Gospel Message hierarchical Message
The whole message is organized around the
mystery of the Holy Trinity from Christocentric
Perspective, to which all other truths are
connected in varying degrees.
*Basic three fold
pattern of Christian
Doctrine in Catechesis
Integration of Doctrine in the CFC
Basic aspects of Doctrine
*Ignorance of the doctrine of the Faith
*Doctrine(creed): impersonal, abstract,
irrelevant and dead formula.
*Difficulties to present the creed as living,
saving, liberating truth.
*Lacking catechesis: result to --- religious
ignorance, vulnerable to the influences of
aggressive fundamentalists and evangelical

*Certain confusion in moving from the simple, definite
memorized catechism answers of the past. To the more
descriptive, less clearly defined, life-experience
centered, post Vatican II catechesis.

*“minimum learning competencies”

*Folk Catholicism

Doctrine in Catechesis
Integration of Doctrine in the CFC
Basic aspects of Doctrine
*Christian Faith and Catechesis ---
doing good and memorizing dogmas

*Doctrine in
Christ’s Message
the mysteries
of faith
*Doctrine in
Unifying Catechesis

Relating to non-
Catholics and even to
non Christian filipino
Our self-identity

Guiding our
* Doctrine serves more own
immediate personal religiosity/
Interpret our needs fanaticism
own daily life
Follow St. peter’s
Doctrine in Catechesis
Integration of Doctrine in the CFC
Basic aspects of Doctrine
Christ is our very Inner organic unity coherence among truths
life, of our self- of the Faith
identity as his Making “alive”
• “come alive” when related with
• Direct their affective religiosity Filipino values
• use of imagination creatively • Inculturating the Filipino values
to the doctrine of faith

“who we are

*Integration of
Doctrine in the CFC
Doctrine in Catechesis
Integration of Doctrine in the CFC
Basic aspects of Doctrine
Doctrine’s inner unity and coherence

Doctrinal development

Doctrinal Hierarchy

Doctrinal relevance to Filipino Catholics

fundamental experiences

*263. To understand any particular
doctrine means to see its
connections with others truths of the
Faith, to get sense of their inner
unity and how they form the
foundation for the ordinary teaching
of the Church’s Magisterium

*Seeing the connections, the
implications and consequences of
Christ’s becoming man in relation to
our creation.

Goal: maturity of faith in a systematic and
holistic way, by inter-relating the fundamental
mysteries of our faith.

* Doctrine: not all the same

* “there exist an order or hierarchy of truths

* Development of doctrine is “timeless”
* They are truths whose expression has been
hammered out over centuries

*Basic aspects of
Doctrine: Certain
266. Priorities of Church
1. Empowerment of laity for social
2. Family evangelization
3. Ecumenism
4. Inter-religious dialogue
5. Formation for mission


*Morality in Christian

*Morality in CFC

*Emphasis in
Contemporary Catholic

*Intimacy of Trinitarian
The Gap that exist between faith as
communicated, and everyday life

Practical atheism materialism

282. One sided catechesis
Separating morality and faith

*281. Philippine
context: Problem

Moral catechesis that ignores sin and

temptation almost completely while uniquely
on God’s love and human values


*Morality in Christian

*Morality in CFC

*Emphasis in
Contemporary Catholic

*Intimacy of Trinitarian
*288. Integrating approach to Catholic
Morality is developed by combining the
“Traditional moral catechesis” with the
more recent “experiential, personalist

*This achieve balance between the two.

2. The level of precepts
1. The ground level of and commandments which
fundamental transcendent protect foster these
human values values.

*Integrating approach to
Catholic Morality
3. The level of conscience
applying universal moral norms
to individual acts.

*290. The basic realities of moral life
are best understood by grasping their
essential inter-relations.

*Morality in CFC
Ch. 13 Moral Agent Ch.14 Context Ch. 15 Moral norms

Person Faith and Morality Moral vision

Freedom Kingdom; Church Norms: Scripture/Tradition

Conscience Sin Moral Decision

Moral Attitudes Christian Spiritual Senses Images of God

Trust Radical dependence As Creator

Reasoning and will Gratitude As Provident

Self-criticism and Repentance As judge
Accountability Obligation/duty As orderer and sustainer

Ordering acts to moral Direction and Purpose As final end


*Morality in Christian

*Morality in CFC

*Emphasis in
Contemporary Catholic

*Intimacy of Trinitarian
Helps us to integrate rules with Exercise major role in learning,
values, prescription with vision, deepening, and exercising our
individual free choices, with conscience in applying moral norms
to our concrete acts
out fundamental commitments

Personal moral
vision that
provides the
orientation to all
our moral acts.

Forming images and Learn from practical imagining,

symbols that inspire to discern what is the
and motivate our appropriate Christian course of
moral judgments and action in a given situation
1.Why should
we do *

2. What should
we do good?

3. How?

*Morality in Christian

*Morality in CFC

*Emphasis in
Contemporary Catholic

*Intimacy of Trinitarian
* “Love one another, as I have loved you” Jn 15:12

* The meaning of love for St. John is, “Not our love for God, but
God’s love for us when He sent His Son to be the sacrifice that
takes our sins away.

* We are created in his image and likeness.

Worship in Catholic faith
Integrations in Worship
Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit
Descriptive Definition
of Ritual Sacraments
Worship and Values
* Filipinos are characterized by their religiosity
* Worship: parishes and dioceses, the Eucharist is
celebrated in the vernacular.
* School prayers, Bible Study Groups
* Devotions, Processions
* Problem: Severe Gap with their Worship and
Practical Life

what they are Assume the proper
attitudes that should
doing and what
underlie their actions
is really taking and gestures in the
place in the Liturgy
ental Catechism
can Help Filipino
Catholics to: Strive to live
according to
what they
believe and
Worship in Catholic faith
Integrations in Worship
Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit
Descriptive Definition
of Ritual Sacraments
Worship and Values
* 307. “The Liturgy is the summit…”

* 308. Catechesis needs to introduced and

develop authentic Catholic Worship.

* This is necessary to help the Filipino Catholics

to participate more fully, more personally.

*Worship in Catholic
* 309. Filipino Catholics feel the need for a more
active, more affective worship.
* Too Formal and Priest-centered.
* “Empty routine rituals”
* Abuses: unbalanced emotionalism (Sects like

*Worship in Catholic
Worship in Catholic faith
Integrations in Worship
Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit
Descriptive Definition
of Ritual Sacraments
Worship and Values
* 310. Common Ground for Catechesis on
worship: Schools, Parishes.

* 7 Sacraments, Sacramentals, and liturgical


311. Challenges: Catholic Worship must always

be linked with moral responsibilities.

*Integrations in
Corporating us to the Church

Prepare us Spirit Vivifying our
now (grace) Sacramental
For life Gives life
everlasting life by:

* Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit

Worship in Catholic faith
Integrations in Worship
Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit
Descriptive Definition
of Ritual Sacraments
Worship and Values
* 312. This grace in Christ has its sources in his
Paschal Mystery.

* Pierced His side: water and blood flows, water-

Spirit and Baptism, Blood-Eucharist

Worship in Catholic faith
Integrations in Worship
Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit
Descriptive Definition
of Ritual Sacraments
Worship and Values
*315. Rituals: Encounter
with the Risen Christ

*Descriptive Definition
of Ritual
First, the insistence on the need of faith in no
way detracts from the objective power of
*To avoid
misunders Second, defining sacraments as symbolic acts
means they are more real
with the “continued in, by and for the Church
Fourth, the role of Christ is his Paschal Mystery and
: the empowerment by the Holy Spirit add essential
elements of an adequate understanding of sacrament
Worship in Catholic faith
Integrations in Worship
Christ our Life: Worship in Spirit
Descriptive Definition
of Ritual Sacraments
Worship and Values
* 319. Regular Sacramental life------Holistic

*Worship and Values

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