Hewan Dan Cirinya (Bhs. Inggris)

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it is a rabbit

it is a mammal

it eats plant<carrot>

it is herbivore

it has head,torso,four legs,and short tail

it lives on land

it long ears

it jumps

2. cat

it is a cat

it is mammal

it is carnivore

it eats fish and meat

it has head,torso,four legs, and long tail

it lives on land

it walks dan runs

it has a beautiful coat and gorgeous

3. sheep

it is a sheep

it is mammal

it is herbivore

it eats plant and grass

it lives on land

it has head, horn,torso,four legs, and long tail

it walks and runs

> Elephant = gajah

Big, long trunk, heavy ( besar, belalai panjang, berat)

> Peacock = merak

beautiful, rare (cantik, langka)

> Cheetah = macan tutul

fast, slim (cepat, langsing)

> Turtle = kura-kura

slow, has hard shell ( lambat, punya cangkang keras )

> Snake = ular

long, poisonous,

> shark = hiu

sharp teeth, sharp nose ( gigi tajam, pembauan tajam)

> Giraffe = jerapah

long neck, herbivore (leher panjang, pemakan tumbuhan)

> bee > lebah

small, can fly (kecil, bisa terbang)

> Crane = bangau

can fly, long beak, long legs ( bisa terbang, paruh panjang, kaki panjang)

> Tiger = harimau

carnivore, wild ( pemakan daging, buas

Cat = it has soft fur.
it has four legs.
it has two ears.
it is tame animal.

Elephant = It has a trunk,

It has four legs,
It has ivory

Lion = It has a sharp teeth

It has four legs,
It has fangs

1. I have long neck, a pair of wings, and pink body. What am I ? A

2. 4. I am a bird, but I can fly. I'm black and white. I can live in a world of
ice and I can swim. What am I? A penguin.
3. 8. Everybody need me, but they always give me to someone else. What am I? Money.
4. 9. What kind of bear you can keep at home? A teddy bear.
5. 10. At first, I am white and usual, later on, I am colorful and beautiful. What am I? A butterfly.
7. Simak lebih lanjut di Brainly.co.id - https://brainly.co.id/tugas/175823#readmore

I'm an animal,
I fly in the air, I
have wings,
who am I ?

I'm an animal
I live in the jungle
I have four legs
I eat meat
The people call me "The King of the Jungle"
1. It looks like a cat but it is very big and wild. It has black and yellow stripes. It eats meats. What is
Answer : TIGER
Ia Nampak seperti kucing tetapi ia lebih besar dan buas. Ia memiliki garis hitam dan kuning. Ia
memakan daging. Apakah itu?
2. It has either one or two humps on its back. It used in desert countries for riding and for carrying
goods. What is it?
Answer : CAMEL
Ia memiliki satu atau dua punuk di punggungnya. Ia digunakan didaerah padang pasir sebagai
tunggangan dan juga untuk mengangkut barang-barang. Apakah itu?
Jawaban : UNTA
3. I am the most closely resembling a man. I live in Borneo and Sumatra. Who am I?
Aku menyerupai manusia. Aku hidup di Borneo dan Sumatra. Siapakah aku?
jawaban : ORANG UTAN

4. I am very tall because I have a very long neck, I eat grass. Who am I?
Answer : GIRAFFE
Aku sangat tinggi karena aku memiliki leher yang panjang. Aku pemakan dedaunan. Siapakah
Jawaban : JERAPAH
5. It looks like a horse. It has black and white stripes. It eats grass. Who is it?
Answer : ZEBRA
Ia seperti kuda. Ia memiliki garis hitap dan putih ditubuhnya. Ia pemakan dedaunan. Siapakah
Jawaban : ZEBRA
6. It has a big body with a long trunk and two tusk. It ears are big. But its eyes are small. What is it?
Ia memiliki tubuh yang besar dengan belalai yang panjang dan dua buah gading. Telinganya
besar. Tetapi matanya kecil. Siapakah dia?
Jawaban : GAJAH
7. It has a horn on its nose and a thick skin. It legs are short but strong. What is it?
Ia memiliki sebuah tanduk diatas hidungnya dan kulit yang tebal. Kakinya pendek tetapi kuat.
Siapakah ia?
Jawaban : BADAK
8. It is a big reptile with hard skin and sharp teeth. It looks like a big lizard. Who is it?
Answer : KOMODO
Ia adalah retil yang besar yang memiliki kulit yang tebal serta gigi yang tajam. Ia Nampak seperti
kadal yang besar. Siapakah ia?
Jawaban : KOMODO
9. This animal isstrong. It is called the king of beast. What animal is it?
Answer : LION
BInatang ini kuat. Ia dikatakan sebagai raja dari binatang buas. Binatang apakah ini?
Jawaban : SINGA
10. This animal looks like a dog. It eats meat. It often howls at night. What animal is it?
Answer : WOLF
Binatang ini tampak seperti anjing. Ia pemakan daging. Ia sering mengaung pada malam hari.
Hewan apakah ia?
Jawaban : SERIGALA.
11. It has a long body but it has no leg. It generally has poison. It eats small animal especially frog.
What is it?
Answer : SNAKE
Ia memiliki tubuh yang panjang tetapi tidak memiliki kaki. Ia umumnya memiliki bisa. Ia memakan
hewan-hewan kecil seperti katak. Apakah itu?
Jawaban : ULAR
12. It has four legs but the front legs are short. It can hop very fast. We can find them in Australia.
What is it?
Ia memiliki empat kaki tetapi kaki depannya pendek. Ia bisa melompat dengan sangat cepat. Kita
bisa menemukannya di Australia. Apakah itu?
Jawaban : KANGURU
13. Cat = it has soft fur. ...
14. Elephant = It has a trunk, ...
15. Lion = It has a sharp teeth. ...
16. Tiger = It has a black line in his body, ...
17. Cow = It has four legs , ...
18. Penguin = It has a soft and many fur, ...
19. Chicken = it has two legs, ...
20. Fish = It live underwater.

1. beruang
2. kuda
3. rusa
1. Has a sharp teeth, has a brown or black fur, have a sharp claw, included to a wild and vicious animal,
loves to eat fish, has a big body with big appetite, will protect their region from others, has four legs,
included to mammal, included to carnivore

2. Has four legs, can run fast, strong, can be used as a transportation equipment, has long tail, usually
has a brown hair, has bad vision, included to herbivore, loves to gallop around, included to mammal

3. Has four legs, has a horn, has a short tail, can run fast, included to mammal , included to mammal,
included to herbivore, it's main predators is big cat family such as lion, tiger and puma

4. Has four legs, can run fast, can howling, has a warm fur, included to mammal, loves to eat meat,
included to carnivore, has an average tail in length, has sharp teeth, included to vicious an

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