A CinderBella Story

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A Cinderbella Story

I hope you guys like this, I made it up on my way to and from

school. Comment please!!!
These are Stephenie Meyer’s characters except for the ones I
made up. Enjoy!

“Father let me out!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. “Please!

Please Father, let me out!”
I cried out before I slumped back from the door to the floor in

I don’t know what I did to deserve being locked in the basement. I

slowly let my thoughts
drift back to 6 o’clock in the afternoon, where I think it all had

“Isabella!” My mother barked, “For the last time come


“Argh!” I hate my parents! What did they want now?! A tissue, the
remote – my head on
a silver platter?! They are so damn lazy!!!

It doesn’t help that they carry a strange hatred for me. As I grew
up, I always saw that
venomous glare; every time they saw that I was filled with
happiness or a sort of
peacefulness I was sent away with hisses of “Get lost, I can hardly

My sisters were no better. They were beautiful, almost in an

eternal sort of way. I wasn’t
jealous; I controlled my feelings of hatred or envy. In actual fact, I
could have loved them,
but their vanity, shallowness and attitudes were just too much to
handle. If they couldn’t find
they’re mirrors or couldn’t be bothered to get it out, they’d use me
as some sort of talking mirror.

“So how’s my hair?”


“So how’s my skin?”


You know this monologue would go on if it wasn’t for school, or

my parent’s arrival from their
daily duties.

I always felt left out whenever there was some sort of family do
going on. All my family would
dress up like they were going to get a visit from the Queen. Yes,
they wore ballroom gowns, like
‘Good god!’ My sisters would be in one room, laughing, giggling,
snorting halfway and of course
to complete the whole girly thing they would also talk about boys!

And me… (Sigh) I would be ‘miss nobody’, ‘miss invisible’… but

like I cared about that! I don’t
need them to care, I don’t need anyone!

Ding Dong! Damn! Father’s back from work and I’m not ready
yet… Oh man! He’s going to kill me!
They’re going to kill me! I started to whimper, when I
remembered what had happened last time…
Ah! I opened my eyes and banged the alarm clock that was
beeping so outrageously; it was 7:00.
Oh my god!!!! Dinner starts at 7. Father’s going to be very angry
with me.

I quickly threw on a black top and converses. I ran down the spiral
staircase, taking as many steps
as I could without tripping; I could really do without a concussion

I ran into the dining room, passing all the worried looks of the
maids and workers of the house.
Everyone was seated. My father was sitting at the head of the
table, my sisters at the sides and my
mother opposite my father. I normally sat opposite my sisters,
without another glance at my father I
sat down in my seat. A plate was placed in front of me; I
whispered a quick thank you to the maid.
The maids liked me but my “family” didn’t.

“What do you think you are doing?!” A voice boomed. I looked up

to my father’s black livid eyes.

“Eating?” It came out as a question.


TO TALK BACK TO ME!” He stood up from his chair and started
his way towards me.

“Jonathon, don’t,” my mother protested in a small voice.

“Do not get involved Claire!” He barked at her, demanding

instant obedience.
He was getting closer to me; I got out of my seat, slowly backing

“Look at you!” He growled, “Who takes care of you? Who feeds

you? Who gives you clothes?” I didn’t know
if it was a rhetorical question or if he actually expected me to
answer it. I quickly decided to stay silent.

He looked me up and down, when his eyes returned to my face his

face turned into a snarl. “I pay for everything
in this house and you have the nerved to come to dinner dressed
like a TRAMP?!” His voice rose as he continued
to talk.

He suddenly grabbed me by the neck; I could feel my windpipe

slowly closing. Maybe that was his intention;he was
fed up so he was going to kill me. I looked over at my mother; she
was sitting down watching us with mild
interest as if this was daytime television. I moved my eyes on to my
sisters; they were just sitting there, they’re hands
under the table... texting, huh.

“Do you think they could help you?” He must have seen me
watching my “family” he was laughing at me, at my
hopelessness. He came closer, so he was near enough to whisper
in my ear, “No one could stop me if I wanted

He was still in possession of my neck but he held on my neck was

not hard enough for me to lose consciousness.
He looked me in the eye, “You disgust me, and you also ruined my
dinner,” and with a twist of his wrist he
threw me out of the window. The last thing I could remember is
him walking out of the dining room without a
second glance, and then there was utter blackness.
When I was finally released from the awful flashback I realized I
wasn’t ready; it was 6:30 pm and dinner started
at 7:00 (sigh).

I opened my closet and selected a black dressy corset thing, I don’t

know much about fashion, so yeah, a corset dress.
I pulled my brush through my plain brown hair which reached
quarter way down from my shoulders. I had common
brown eyes which were supposed to suit my hair but I don’t think
it does. I didn’t know much about make – up only
some basics; if you can call it that. I wore upper eyeliner, mascara,
a bit of blusher and to finish off some skin colour
lip gloss. I wore my heart shaped locket necklace as always, I don’t
know why but I always felt like it was extremely

Ding Dong! Oh damn, I wonder who that was, it’s probably my

sisters from the mall or something.

I finished getting ready within 10 minutes. I walked down the

stairs and walked into the living room. 11 pairs of eyes
were on me, 4 of which belonged to my family and the other 7
were gold. We had visitors; I wasn’t allowed to be here
when we had visitors.



My family and I had just moved into Alaska in a place called

Ambler. I wanted to stay away from Denali, away from Tanya.
I gave my family another excuse for not staying there so it
wouldn’t seem as if I didn’t like her. It wasn’t that I didn’t like her,
it was because she had a sort of crush on me, she was very
persistent in trying to get me into bed with her; I tried to gently tell
her that I wasn’t interested but damn! That woman was persistent!

“Edward, sweetheart, are you okay?” I looked into the eyes of my

adopted mother but the only mother I ever knew; I couldn’t
remember my mother in my humanity, everything then was blurry.

He’s so sad, so lonely he deserves someone special, someone who

would love him. I smiled at her, “I’m fine mom”

“Edward,” Alice sang as she danced down the stairs, “Come on, let
me get you ready”.

“Oh right, I forgot we are going to the Swan house tonight,” This
will be fun, I thought sarcastically. Carlisle and our family had
gotten invited to a business man’s house, Jonathon Swan.

After I came down from showering and putting the clothes that
Alice set out from me, Carlisle was back from work and Rosalie,
Emmett, Jasper and Alice were all in the living room.

“Is everyone ready?” Carlisle said as he came into the living room.

“Yes!” We all called.

Alice and Jasper rode with me in my Volvo and Carlisle, Esme,

Rosalie and Emmett went in Carlisle’s Mercedes. The drive there
was very quick and very quiet.

The house was big, probably bigger than ours; we got out and rang
the door bell. We were met by a maid; she had short black hair
and pale blue eyes. Wow, they are really beautiful. I smiled.

“Good evening Sir would you like to come in,” she stepped back
and allowed us in and asking to take our jackets.

“Thank you,” I said. Did he just thank me? No one ever thanks
me... except for Bella (sigh). She sounded so shocked that I
her, do they not treat their maids in a good manner?

“Please follow me,” we followed her to the living room. They’re

was 4 people in there, Jonathon, his wife and I suspect their
I looked at them as they were watching me with eyes of pure lust.
Although I was looking at them I didn’t see them; to me they were
different shades of black and white.

“Dr. Cullen and his wonderful family,” Jonathon Swan welcomed


“Good evening, Mr. Swan-”

“Please call me Jonathon, all of you”.

“Thank you, call me Carlisle. This is my wife Esme and our

adopted children. Rosalie and Jasper are twins and this is Emmett,
Alice and
Edward,” he pointed to us so he spoke.

“Welcome. This is my family, my wife Claire, and my daughters,

Ashley and Sarah. Please do sit down, dinners at 7:00 and now for
a maid came in and set and tray of drinks down onto the table.

“So are any of you single?” he asked. If any of them are then they
can get married to one of my girls.
I told my family what he had thought; I spoke so low that no
human ears would be able to hear.

Carlisle had informed him that Rosalie and Emmett were dating
and Jasper and Alice were also dating. I however was single. I
could hear
the squeals of the sisters in my head; it was enough to give me a

I could hear footsteps walking towards us but I couldn’t hear

anything from them. Why? Why were they so silent to me?

The girl, no, woman that came through the door was beautiful…
there were no words to describe her. She was wearing Victorian
that stuck to her like second skin, they showed all her curves. She
was absolutely beautiful. She had dark chocolate eyes and silky
red hair which came just below her breasts. She wore a necklace a
heart shaped one that fell under her dress, in the middle of her
it was just asking for attention. I could feel myself go hard; that
never happened! Who was she? And why couldn’t I read her

When she saw that everyone was watching at her, she blushed. It
was so beautiful I could only stare. I started hearing things voices.

Aw, Eddie has a crush, how cute! Emmett

Aah! Finally, someone for our Edward, those other girls do not
deserve him. Esme

I am very happy you found someone you like son. Carlisle

Dude I am feeling lust from you and its kind of weird coz I kind of
feel like jumping on Alice; I’m happy for you though, you deserve
to be happy. Jasper

I’m going to get a new sister, look at what she’s wearing a

Victorian corset like omg! But why is she wearing flats?! Alice

Wow, she’s actually kind of pretty – not prettier than me though

but pretty. She’s better than Tanya. Rosalie

Urgh! What is she even doing here? Daddy’s not going to like that
and nobody is going to steal my boyfriend, future husband. Ashley

Oh look what the cat dragged in, why is she here? Sarah

This girl has a death wish Claire

Nobody is going to take Edward away from my girls, whichever

one he picks, not even her! Jonathon

Why were they all speaking so badly about her? While I was
thinking about that, my angel spoke.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize we were having guests,” she looked
down; the sadness in her face was heartbreaking.

“Its okay,” I quickly said before anyone else could say anything.

“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?” Carlisle continued
for me, I whispered thanks to him.

“Isabella, but I prefer Bella,” She said with a sincere smile.

She’s perfect! I always wanted another daughter. Esme sang in her

head. I smiled, happy that I could make her happy.
“Isabella, go to your room!” Jonathon almost barked; she looked
shocked but also nervous. She looked at him, while he was glaring
her. Poor girl, no one likes her, if she was my daughter then...
Rosalie’s thoughts surprised me. She actually liked someone I
that was a first.

Bella broke her gaze with the rich business man and stared intently
at the red carpet, with a quiet sigh she gave us a forced smile and
walked back the way she came.

Edward, she was so depressed, she has such low self-esteem and
she doesn’t even have much self-confidence. I’m worried. Jasper

I spoke lowly so no one but the vampires in the room would hear,
“Me too, Jazz, me too…”



Who were they? They were so beautiful, especially the female

blonde and reddish bronze haired male. I quickly walked across the
carpet so I could get to the safety of my bedroom as soon as

“Bella?” A voice called to me, it came from the kitchen.

“Yes?” I said, poking my head through the door of the kitchen. It

was Maria, the main chef.

“Sweetheart, are you okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Come here,” she said with a smile. I crossed the space between

“Yes?” I asked, curiously.

“Here taste this and tell me if it’s ok,” she cut out a piece of cake
and put it into a saucer for me and gave me a fork.

“Mmmm, delicious!” I smiled at her as I finished my piece of cake.

She smiled at me before giving another piece of cake on my plate.

“Bella, you better go upstairs to your room before Master Swan
comes to check in here, I don’t want you to get into trouble,” it was
the maid Dorota.

“Thank you Dorota for the warning, go on Bella,” Maria smiled at

me for giving the saucer on my hand and walking back to her

I smiled at Dorota before running upstairs as quietly as I could. I

closed my door, flung myself on my bed and let my thoughts
I thought of being someone else, someone beautiful, who was
loved by everyone around her. I sighed and covered my eyes with
my arm.
If only…

I flipped myself over so I was lying on my stomach; I then grabbed

my book which was under my pillow. The reason it was there was
because my so called sisters like coming into my room and
burning them and everything else I like even my most beloved
Wuthering Heights.
The book was called Acheron and it was about ancient Gods. The
Goddess of Destruction, Apollymi had a son Apostolos but her
Archon wanted him dead as he was the Final Fate and basically the
end of the world. Apollymi had to hide him so she put him into the
of the Queen of that time.

The Queen gave birth to twins, Acheron and Styxx, they were both
supposed to be princes. Until they looked into the eyes of Acheron,
swirling silver, like the blind. For that reason they hated him.
When he reached the age of puberty he was what every single
person desired.
Men and women desired him, they hated him too. They hated him
for making them want him. He was sent away to his uncles who
had used
him sexually. He had become a whore. Later we find out that the
reason why everyone had desired him was because he was touched
by the
Goddess of Desire who was concerned for the world and didn’t
want the apocalypse to happen.

Ryssa Acheron’s sister had sent so many letters to her brother but
had gotten no replies so she had begged her father to bring
Acheron back
home but he had refused and basically ignored the fact that he had
another son. Ryssa was so worried, she hated Styxx and to her, her
brother was Acheron and she loved him. She soon got sick of the
King’s refusals so she had set out to go get Acheron herself or just
that he was ok. When she found his door she went in only to find
that her uncle had made Acheron a whore and he didn’t want to go
home where his father had wanted nothing to do with him. When
his uncle died he was sent back home and was imprisoned in the
castles dungeon.

Ryssa tried to come down everyday to check if he was being fed

and was ok. She went to her father and demanded that her brother
have a room of his own. He reluctantly agreed to it but said that if
he put a foot wrong then there was nothing she could do that would
him away from his wrath.

Acheron soon got sick of his life so he tried to starve himself but
his father would not allow it as they found out that if Acheron dies
Styxx would die. So they fed him by using force. He got sick of
that and would welcome death any day so he secretly went to the
temple of
Artemis the huntress Goddess and kissed her hoping for death but
she took advantage of his beauty and used him too. All he wanted
was to
be loved.

Artemis gave him a ring with her symbol on it but when his father
saw that he accused him of stealing it from her temple. Acheron
tried to
defend himself and said that Artemis gave it to him and that she
loves him. That they could ask her and she would come to his
rescue. When
they asked her she claimed she didn’t know him and he was made
sterile and was gutted to the floor at her feet.

Later that night she came to him and asked if he wanted come over
to her bedroom like nothing had happened. He said no and that he
want anything to do with her, she had broken what was left of his

Soon she came back saying sorry and she wanted him. She healed
him, flashed them to her realm and used him again and this
included drinking
his blood like the bitch she was. After they were done she had a
feast laid in front of him showing how sorry she was. She flashed
him back
when he was done so he was alone in his bedroom.

The King arranged Ryssa to become Apollo’s mistress and they

soon had a child. Apollo treated Ryssa almost as bad as Artemis
treated Acheron.

Acheron had gotten into another fight with her father about an
attempt on Styxx’s life when Acheron was with Artemis all night.
Ryssa told
her father this. Acheron had gotten beaten up this and this time
Artemis helped whispering to him that he shouldn’t have betrayed
him. He was sick
of it. He was sick of Artemis and her lies to him. There were
voices in his head and soon he found out that he was the son of
Apollymi from a
demon. He had gotten his powers realized that he did have a loving
mother, Apollymi. She knew what was happening to him and she
never meant
for that to happen. She put him into the family of royalty so he
would be treated the best not the worst. She was trapped otherwise
she would have
destroyed everyone for what they had done to him. She killed her
husband, Archon, the one that had wanted Acheron dead and also
trapped her.
Artemis killed Acheron. Apollymi was set free and destroyed
Atlantis with rage and grief for her son.
Artemis found out that Apollymi wanted her dead since she hurt
Acheron more than anything so she brought Acheron back by
giving him her
blood. Acheron was the son of Creation and Death so by Artemis
sucking his blood she now had a bit of his powers.

Acheron didn’t want the end of the world so he trapped Apollymi.

After that he led a solitary eternity. It was so sad until the end
where he fell
in love with a human who was searching for evidence of Atlantis
but instead she found an Atlantean God and fell in love with him.
killed her and at the end but Acheron brought her back and she
became a sort of Goddess and lived eternity with Acheron. It was
so sweet;
he finally found someone after all that pain he had been through.

My ears suddenly picked up harsh stomping on the staircase, it was

getting closer and it was coming this way. My door slammed
and there stood…my father.

“Isabella, you better have a good reason of why you came into the
living room or I swear to God-” he broke off and breathed out
slowly as
if he was trying to control his anger.

“I-I never knew w-w-we were having guests, no one told me,” I
stuttered nervously, “I-I didn’t want to be late for dinner.”

“Oh, you didn’t know? Oh, that’s ok then,” he said with child-like
sarcasm. His arm snaked forward and grabbed me by the arm and
me to him. “I wish I never met you!” His eyes scanned me from
top to bottom. “You’re disgusting!” And with that he threw me at
the wall.
My arm hit it with such force that I think I heard a crack. I fell to
the floor with a thud and gave into unconsciousness but not before
I heard
my father’s voice, “You would have been late for dinner anyway,”
he kissed his teeth and then there was silence.


After Bella had left everyone was silent before Jonathan threw a
fusillade of questions my way. “So Edward, how old are you?”

“17,” I answered trying not to let the poison in my mouth from the
rage from the way Bella’s father was treating her go into my voice.

“Well, my girls are both 18, merely a year older, but that doesn’t

“How old is Bella?” I asked most ardently, I could hear my family

either trying to hold in their laughter or cover their smile with their
or they were chuckling low enough humans wouldn’t be able to

Why does he want to know about her?! Ashley snarled in her head.
From her looks you could tell that she could either be your best
or your worst enemy for a human. She had white blonde hair and
ice cold blue eyes. She wore a white dress which came down to the
of her thighs and the top part of her dress showed her cleavage. It's
ridiculous what girls of this century are like.
“It doesn’t matter!” Sarah answered my question quickly but
sternly, “I mean, it doesn’t matter about her,” she smiled and
leaned towards me.
“So Edward,” she tried to sound seductive but ended up sounding
extremely foolish; the way my name rolled off her tongue made
me cringe.
“Are you going to enrol in our school?” She said “you” not “your

“Um, I don’t know actually, so how old is your sister?” I asked


Her again?! That’s it! I have had enough already! Jonathan

growled in my head. What was he planning on doing to Bella?
Kick her out?
If that happened maybe Carlisle can adopt her…I sighed when I
remembered that we are vampires and it would be dangerous for
her to be next
to us. Jasper hasn’t yet controlled his thirst fully and I guess I am
more dangerous to her than anyone else. Venom exploded in my
mouth as I
remembered her scent. No! No, I will not hurt her and the monster
in me will not overpower the man in me.

“Excuse me, I am just going to go check if dinner is ready,”

Jonathan went out of the room and his boots thudded on the
staircase. I thought he
said to go check on dinner…what was he up to? I quietly gave my
family this information.

There was a sudden noise from upstairs like a door slamming open.
I could tell my family heard it too; they were all listening to see
what he
was doing.
“Isabella, you better have a good reason of why you came into the
living room or I swear to God-” Jonathan’s voice growled deeply
then he
broke off like he was trying to calm himself.

“I-I never knew w-w-we were having guests, no one told me,”
Bella spoke nervously, “I-I didn’t want to be late for dinner.”

“Oh, you didn’t know? Oh, that’s ok then,” he said sarcasm

dripping from his voice. “I wish I never met you!” Their voices
sounded closer
together so he must have done something to bring them together.
There was a pause then, “You’re disgusting!” After that there was
a harsh
noise before I heard a crack. No, not Bella. How can someone’s
father do that to them. “You would have been late for dinner
anyway,” he kissed
his teeth then shut the door. NO! I tried getting up but was
restrained with Jasper and Emmett’s hands. “Sorry dude,” they

“Yeah, sorry Edward,” Alice said sweetly.

“I should go up there and make sure everything is ok,” Carlisle

said concernedly.

“Poor girl, I would never do that to my child,” Esme said tears in

her eyes.

Jonathan came back downstairs; all I felt like doing was grabbing
him by the neck and slowly torturing him before ending his life.
“Could everyone
now make their way to the dining room please,” he smiled. How I
wished I could grab him and suck the life out of him; I wanted to
see the light go
out of his eyes; I wanted to…I wanted to kill him? For a human? I
smiled to myself as I pondered this but then my mind clouded wish
red rage as I
thought of Bella lying there cold, white and still. I was still in
control of the monster but the hold was very fragile.

“Can I go to the bathroom to freshen myself up?” I asked Jonathan

in a controlled voice.

“Yes, of course,” he said almost immediately; from his mind it

sounded like he liked the fact I wanted to be clean, huh.

“Actually I want to go to,” Carlisle said, I need to see if she is ok

Edward. I nodded trying not to be conspicuous.

“Ok then, there if a bathroom in the 1st floor, 2nd door to your left.”
Jonathan smiled at us before leaving to go into the dining room.

As soon as everyone was out of the room Carlisle and I rushed up

the stairs, careful not to make any noise. Bella’s room was on the
3rd floor, the only
door to the left of the spiral staircase.

Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder as I gently pushed the door

open. Bella… She was lying there near the wall, her eyes closed
and her body limp.
I could feel a growl in my chest; my vision was clouded with
murderous rage.

“Edward, there’s no time for this, I need to check if she’s ok,”

Carlisle told me before moving past me and crouched on the
ground checking Bella over.

Carlisle looked over to me before talking in a soft, slow voice as if

I was a patient, “Edward, she has a broken arm.”
I could feel my non-beating heart go cold as the words registered. I
turned around and ran downstairs, towards the monster…and away
from Bella.

I didnt get far as Emmett and Jasper were on the staircase and
blocking my path to Jonathan. "Dude, he's not worth it," Jasper
pushed me back up the
stairs "And Bella needs you remember." I nodded, breathed out
and entered her bedroom for the second time.

"Carlisle, is she ok?" I asked taking a larger stride.

"Yeah, I bandaged her arm so she just needs rest. Let me jsut pack
my equipment up so I can put her into bed-"

"I'll do it!" I interrupted. I slowly adjusted her in my arms so my

hands was holding her head and touching her hair. So soft. I bowed
my head so I could
smell her hair. Strawberries, urgh! So sexy! My head whipped up
as that thought entered my mind; I dont think I had ever said that
about anything, ever,
in my whole life both as a human and as an immortal.

What is it with this girl that seems so plain but is far from that. She
was beautiful and anyone whoever thought she was plain was
I gently lay her on her bed and covered her up with the duvet. I
bent over slightly and lay a kiss on her forehead.

I heard a quiet laugh in my head and looked up to meet Carlisle's

gaze, "What?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Nothing son, it's just good to see you so happy after a long time.
Now come on, they're going to get suspicious if we are any
longer." Oh yeah, I had
forgotten about them, I had actually forgotten about everyone
even Carlisle and he was in the same room as me. This girl must
affect me very badly
for a vampire not to notice the person in the same room as them.

We ran down the stairs and walked into the dining room.
Oh, he's soo dreamy! Sarah sighed in my head, oh great this was
going to be one long dinner.

I wish he sits next to me because I am the most beautiful girl here

well maybe that other blonde, Rosalie might be competition but I
dont think so.
She's pretty but not as pretty as me, huh. I could hear Ashley's
thoughts and then I knew where not to sit.

Jonathan smiled at me as Carlisle and I were about to take our sits

next to our family but Jonathan stopped me. "Edward, wait, why
dont you sit here?"
Noo! I was in the middle of them. No! NO! NOOO! Please, angel
come save me, I pleaded to Bella although I knew she was sound

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