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Procedure no.

: SMS-603-UT-003
Revision no. : 3
PT. SPEKTRA MEGAH SEMESTA Date : 12 April, 2017
Page : 2 of 20


This page is a record of all revisions of the procedure and the following revision (s) has (have) been made to
this procedure.


2 September 25, 2014 All Editorial changes and to add Indonesia version

4 Par. 2, To edit Scope

Par. 4
 To change API 1104, 2012 Edition
5  ASME BPV Code Sect. V, 2013 Edition
 To add ASME B31.8, 2012 Edition
 To add DEP
13 ~ 16 To change attachments

3 12 April, 2017 6 Par. 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, to change year of editions

Par. 10 ( 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 ), to edit instrument
linearity calibration
9 Par. 12.2, to edit DAC construction procedure

19 & 20 To add Table for linearity and Calibration Form

Procedure no. : SMS-603-UT-003
Revision no. : 3
PT. SPEKTRA MEGAH SEMESTA Date : 12 April, 2017
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Daftar Isi / Table of Content

Par. Uraian Par. Description Page

1 Tujuan 1 Purpose 4
2 Ruang Lingkup 2 Scope 4
3 Persyaratan Keselamatan 3 Safety Requirements 5
4 Referensi 4 References 6
5 Definisi–Definisi 5 Definitions 6
6 Qualifikasi dan Tanggung Jawab 6 Qualification and Responsibility 7
7 Perlengkapan 7 Equipment(s) 7
8 Persiapan Permukaan 8 Surface Preparation 8
9 Couplant 9 Couplant 8
10 Instrument Linearity 10 Instrument Linearity 8
11 Kalibrasi Jarak 11 Sweep Range Calibration 9
12 Sensitivity Reference Standard 12 Sensitivity Reference Standard 9
13 Scanning Techniques 13 Scanning Techniques 11
14 Angle Beam ( Scanning Pattern ) 14 Angle Beam ( Scanning Pattern ) 11
15 Sizing 15 Sizing 11
16 Testing Temperature 16 Testing Temperature 11
16.1 Acceptance Criteria 17 Acceptance Criteria 11
16.2 Klasifikasi indikasi 17.1 Classification of Indication 11
17 Standard keberterimaan 17.2 Acceptance Standards 13
18 Dokumentasi 18 Documentation 14
Ultrasonic Report Ultrasonic Report 15
Figure 21 A of API 1104 – Reference Figure 21 A of API 1104 – 16
Block for Manual UT Reference Block for Manual UT
Figure 21B of API 1104 – Establishing Figure 21B of API 1104 – 16
Distance Amplitude Correction Establishing Distance Amplitude
Figure 21C of API 1104 – Transfer Figure 21C of API 1104 – Transfer 17
Correction Value Procedure Correction Value Procedure
Table A2.1. Alternative Reference Table A2.1. Alternative Reference 17
Block untuk Manual UT Block for Manual UT
Table 2. Procedures Recommended for Table 2. Procedures Recommended 18
Common Weld Configuration for Common Weld Configuration
Table. Amplitude Control Linearity Table. Amplitude Control Linearity 19
Calibration Report Calibration Report 20
Procedure no. : SMS-603-UT-003
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1 Tujuan 1 Purpose
1.1 Procedure ini sebagai petunjuk dan 1.1 This procedure provides the requirements
standard keberterimaan untuk pengujian and acceptance standards for the manual
ultrasonic kontak manual untuk pengelasan contact ultrasonic examination for
pada pipa production welds on piping.
1.2 Prosedur ini terdiri dari versi Inggris dan 1.2 This procedure consists of English and
Indonesia, jika ada konflik antara Indonesian versions, should there is conflict
keduanya maka versi Inggris yang dipakai between these versions the English version
shall govern.

2 Ruang Lingkup 2 Scope

2.1 Procedure ini cocok untuk sambungan butt 2.1 This procedure is applicable for butt weld
weld, kalau procedure ini digunakan selain joints, should this procedure be applied
sambungan butt weld, harus di other than butt weld joints, it shall be
demostrasikan keakuratan hasilnya demonstrated for accurate results including
termasuk personnel NDE yang melakukan individual NDE performing Ultrasonic
pengujian Utrasonic. Examination.
2.2 Harus hati-hati kalau procedure ini 2.2 Caution is advised when this procedure is
digunakan pada inspeksi lasan yang sudah applied to in-service weld inspection due to
dipakai karena potensi cacat material induk potensial parent material and surface
dan permukaan bisa mengganggu imperfections that can interfere with the use
penggunaan teknik ultrasonic. of the ultrasonic technique.
2.3 Semua permukaan yang diultrasonic harus 2.3 All surfaces to be ultrasonically shall be in
dalam kondisi tidak tertutup coating. Lasan the uncoated condition. Pipe seams shall be
pipa harus digerinda rata dengan ground flush with the pipe surface for the
permukaan pipa dengan jarak yang cukup. distance necessary for ultrasonic scanning.
2.4 Demonstrasi procedure testing 2.4 Demonstration of testing procedure
Sebelum aproval tertulis, company harus Prior the written approval, the company
meminta contractor untuk shall require the contactor to demonstrate
mendemonstrasikan semua yang ada di the application of the procedure and
procedure dan sistem ultrasonic. Laporan ultrasonic systems. A procedure
demonstrasi harus dibuat dan hasilnya demonstration report shall be generated and
didokumentasikan sebelum digunakan the results documented prior to use on the
pada lasan di lapangan. Proses demonstrasi actual field welds. The demonstration
seperti berikut : process shall be as follows :
a. Harus dipersiapkan sample lasan dengan a. Welds containing defects and acceptable
defect dan cacat yang acceptable dari imperfections shall be prepared from actual
material pipa produksi menggunakan production pipe material samples utilizing
welding procedure spesifikasi yang an approved welding procedure
diapprove. Perubahan wall thickness , specification. Change in wall thickness ,
bevel design, acoustic velocity, welding bevel design, acoustic velocity, welding
process, repair welds, dan variable lain process, repair welds, and other variables
yang menyebabkan pengaruh that can have an affect on the detecability
kemmampuan deteksi dan resolusi pada and resolution of the system shall require
sistem harus perlu demonstrasi las additional demonstration welds from other
tambahan dari welding procedure corresponding approved welding procedure.
spesifikasi yang diapprove. Lasan Welder Welder qualification weld may be used.
qualification boleh digunakan
b. Radiography harus dibuat dari lasan dan b. Radiographs shall be made of the welds and
Procedure no. : SMS-603-UT-003
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asilnya didokumentasikan. the results documented
c. Ultrasonic testing procedure harus c. The ultrasonic testing procedure shall be
diaplikasikan, dalam range temperatur, dan applied, within the detailed temperature
hasilnya didokumentasikan dan di ranges, and the results documented and
bandingkan dengan radiography. compared with radiographs.
d. Perbedaan pada hasil deteksi harus d. Differences in detection results shall be
didokumentasikan ( perbedaan pada documented. ( differences in detecability
detecability dan resolution antara and resolution between ultrasonics and
ultrasonic and radiography dicatat ). Jika radiography shall be noted ). If required by
diperlukan company, destructive testing company, destructive testing of the weld
dari sample lasan harus dibuat untuk sample shall be made to discover or confirm
menemukan atau konfirmasi method / the method / technique / systems to results.
technique / system dengan hasilnya.
e. Menggunakan ultrasonic testing procedure e. Use the ultrasonic testing procedure on
pada lasan produksi harus didasarkan pada production welding shall be based on the
kemampuan dari implementasi ultrasonic capability of the implemented ultrasonic
testing : testing :
1. lokasi circumferential 1. circumferential locate
2. ukuran atau panjang 2. size or length
3. menentukan kedalaman dari OD 3. determine depth from OD surface, and
surface, dan
4. lokasi imperfection / defects axially ( 4. axially ( weld cross section ) locate
weld cross section ) diperlukan pada required imperfection / defects in the test
test samples. samples.

3 Persyaratan Keselamatan 3 Safety Requirements

SEMESTA harus ditaati selama dalam safety regulation shall be followed during
pengujian. examination.
 Selalu menggunakan PPE such as Safety shoes,  Always use PPE such as Safety shoes, hand
hand glove, safety glass, and helmet. glove, safety glass, and helmet.
 Waspada tempat yang licin dan benda jatuh  Watch out for slippery and falling object.
 Waspada benda berbahaya sekitar tempat kerja  Watch out for the hazard around the areas.
 Berhenti kerja dan lapor ke client an  Stop the activities and report to client and
supervisor untuk tempat kerja yang tidak supervisor for unsafe working condition.
 Pakai alat pengaman ketinggian jika kerja  Use fall protection equipment if working
diatas 2 m above 2 m.
 Pungut sampah dan buang ditempat yang  Collect all waste and put it in agreed place.
 Jangan membuang pelumas, oli atau cairan  Do not expose any lubricant, oil or test fluid
bekas test ke lantai
to the ground.
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4 Referensi 4 References
Written Practice Procedure Written Practice Procedure
4.2 API 1104, 2013 – 21st Edition, Welding of Pipeline 4.2 API 1104, 2013 – 21st Edition, Welding of
dan Related Facilities.(SNI 13-3472-2002), Pipeline and Related Facilities. (SNI 13-
ERATA-1, 2, 3 dan Addendum 2014.
3472-2002), ERATA-1, 2, 3 and Addendum
4.3 ASME BPV Section V, Article 4, 2015 Edition 4.3 ASME BPV Section V, Article 4, 2015
4.4 ANSI B31.8, 2016; Gas Transmission and 4.4 ANSI B31.8, 2016; Gas Transmission and
Distribution Piping Systems Distribution Piping Systems
4.5 ASTM E 164, 2013 Edition; Standard 4.5 ASTM E 164, 2013 Edition; Standard
Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Practice for Ultrasonic Contact Examination
Examination of Weldments of Weldments

5 Definisi–Definisi 5 Definitions
5.1 Company : Owner company atau 5.1 Company : Owner company or enginnering
enginnering agency yang terlibat dalam agency in charge of construction
konstruksi. Note : a company may act through an
Note : company bisa menyerahkannya inspector or another authorized
kepada seorang inspector atau representative.
representative yang diberi wewenang.
5.2 Contractor : termasuk contractor utama 5.2 Contractor : that which includes the
dan subcontractor yang terlibat dalam primary contractor dan subcontractors
pekerjaan yang dicover di standard ini. enganged in work covered by this standard.
5.3 Primary reference response (level): respon 5.3 Primary reference response (level): the
dari ultrasonic dari refector di blok ultrasonic response from the basic calibration
kalibrasi pada jarak sound path tertentu, reflector at the specified sound path distance,
secara electronic di atur sampai persen electronically adjusted to a specified
tertentu dari full screen height. percentage of the full screen height.
5.4 DAC: Distance Amplitude Correction 5.4 DAC: Distance Amplitude Correction curve.
5.5 Probe (Probe): sebuah alat electro acoustic 5.5 Search Unit (Probe): an electro acoustic
digunakan untuk meneruskan atau device used to transmit or receive ultrasonic
menerima ultrasonic energy. energy.
5.6 Transducer: sebuah alat electro acoustical 5.6 Transducer: an electro acoustical device for
untuk merubah energi listrik ke energi getaran converting electrical energy into acoustical
dan sebaliknya. energy and vice versa.
Probe atau transducer akan digunakan didalam Probe or transducer will be used in this
prosedur ini dengan pengertian yang sama. procedure with the same meaning.
5.7 Kalibrasi: hubungan dari respon sistem 5.7 Calibration: correlation of the ultrasonic system
ultrasonic dengan kalibrator. respond(s) with calibration reflector(s)
5.8 Straight beam: sebuah gelombang getaran 5.8 Straight beam: a vibrating pulse wave train
pulsa yang berjalan normal (tegak lurus) travelling normal to the test surface.
dengan permukaan yang di tes.
5.9 Angle beam: terminology dipakai untuk 5.9 Angle beam: a term used to describe an
menyatakan sudut datang atau pembiasan angle of incidence or refraction other than
selain tegak lurus dengan permukaan yang normal to the surface of the test object, only
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di tes, hanya beam sudut gelombang shear angle beam shear waves shall be used in this
yang digunakan dalam prosedur ini. procedure.

6 Qualifikasi dan Tanggung Jawab 6 Qualification and Responsibility

6.1 Personel yang melakukan pengujian harud 6.1 Personnel conducting the examination shall
dikualifikasi berdasarkan PT. SPEKTRA be qualified in accordance with PT.
Procedure Practice Procedure.
6.2 Personel yang menentukan keberterimaan 6.2 Personnel determining the acceptability to
sesuai persyaratan prosedur iniharus level the requirements of this procedure shall be
II atau III Level II or Level III.

7 Perlengkapan 7 Equipment(s)
7.1 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector analog or digital 7.1 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector analog or digital
bisa digunakan, BNC atau Lemo 1 di unit may used, BNC or Lemo 1 connectors
peralatan. attached in Unit.
7.2 Ukuran transduser: maksimum ½” x ½” 7.2 Transducers Size : Maximum 1/2” x 1/2”
(probe sudut) dan 1” (probe normal) (Angle Probe) and 1” (Normal Probe)

7.3 Tipe probe 7.3 Type of Probe :

a. Straight Beam untuk laminasi : a. Straight Beam for lamination :
MB 2-E atau MB 4-E atau setara untuk MB 2-E or MB 4-E or Equivalent for
ketebalan sampai dengan 1” (25.4 mm) dan thickness up to 1” (25.4 mm) and more.
MSEB 2-E atau MSEB 4-E untuk ketebalan MSEB 2-E or MSEB 4-E for thickness up to
sampai 1” (25.4 mm) atau setara. 1” (25.4 mm) or Equivalent.
b. Angle Beam : b. Angle Beam :
a. MWB 450 - 2 MHz sampai 4 MHz atau a. MWB 450 - 2 MHz To 4 MHz or
setara Equivalent
b. MWB 600 - 2 MHz sampai 4 MHz atau b. MWB 600 - 2 MHz To 4 MHz or
setara Equivalent
c. MWB 700 - 2 MHz samapi 4 MHz atau c. MWB 700 - 2 MHz T0 4 MHz or
setara Equivalent
c. Probe untuk pengujian harus dipilih sepert c. Probe for examination shall be selected as
pada Table 2. shown in Table 2.

7.4 Kalibrasi dan Reference Standard Block 7.4 Calibration and Standard Reference
: Block :
a. Calibration Blocks : IIW - V1, V2 or DC a. Calibration Blocks : IIW - V1, V2 or DC
Block. Block.
b. Standard Reference Block - - Figures 21 A, b. Standard Reference Block - Figures 21 A,
Figures 21B, Figures 21C harus ada N 10 Figures 21B, Figures 21C shall contain N 10
notch dan side drilled hole seperti yang notches and side drilled hole as shown in
ditunjukkan pada Table A2.1 (ASTM – E 164) Table A2.1 ( ASTM – E 164 )
7.5 Kabel: MPKL atau setara 7.5 Cables : MPKL or equivalent
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8 Persiapan Permukaan 8 Surface Preparation

Permukaan dimana transduser ditempatkan Surface where transducer is placed shall be
harus bebas dari spatter, scale, karat dan free of weld spatter, scale, rust and painting
cat dimana dapat mengganggu transmisi that might interfere with transmission
gelombang ultrasonic. ultrasonic waves.
Permukaaan lasan harus cukup rata untuk Weld surface shall be adequately smooth to
menghindari gangguan terhadap pengujian. prevent interferes with the examination. The
Lasan harus dipersiapkan sesuai yang weld shall be prepared as needed to permit
diperlukan dalam pengujian. examination.

9 Couplant 9 Couplant
CMC / Methylant, Light Oil Machine / S. CMC / Methylant, Light Oil Machine / S. A.
A. E 40 atau Grease. E 40 or Grease.

10 Instrument Linearity 10 Instrument Linearity

10.1 Screen Height Linearity 10.1 Screen Height Linearity
a. Posisikan probe sudut pada basic a. Position an angle beam search on the basic
calibration block sehingga muncul indikasi calibration block until so that indications
dari dari side drilled hole ½T and ¾T can be observed from both the ½T and ¾T
basic calibration block. Atur posisi dari side drilled holes in a basic calibration
probe sehingga perbandingan amplitude block. Adjust the search unit position to give
aantara dua indikasi tersebut 2 : 1, yang a 2 : 1 ration of amplitudes between the two
mana indikasi yang besar di set 80% full indications, with the larger set 80% of full
screen height. Tanpa menggerakkan probe screen height. Without moving the search
, dengan menggunakan gain disetting atur unit, adjust sensitivity (gain) to successively
berurutan indikasi yang besar dari 100% set the larger indication from 100% to 20%
sampai 20% full screen height, dengan of full screen height, in 10% increments (or
kenaikkan 10% ( atau 2 dB step jika 2dB steps if a fine control is not available),
pengaturan yang lebih kecil tidak ada ), and read the smaller indication at each
dan baca indikasi yang kecil. setting.
b. Pembacaan dari indikasi yang kecil harus b. The reading of the smaller indication shall
50% dari yang amplitud besar, dalam be 50% of the larger amplitude, within 5%
range 5% full screen height. of full screen height.
c. Seting dan pembacaan harus di estimasi c. The settings and readings must be estimated
mendekati 1% of full screen height. to the nearest 1% of full screen height.
d. Sebagai alternative, bisa menggunakan d. Alternatively, straight beam search unit may
probe normal pada basic calibration block be used on any basic calibration block
yang bisa memunculkan beda amplitude which will provide amplitude differences,
indikasi, dengan jarak kedua indikasi yang with sufficient indication separation to
cukup untuk menjaga tidak overlapping. prevent overlapping of the two indications.

10.2 Amplitude Control Linearity (Lihat Table 10.2 Amplitude Control Linearity (See Table
Amplitude Control Linearity) Amplitude Control Linearity)
a. Ultrasonic instrument harus mempunyai a. The ultrasonic instrument shall utilize an
amplitude control yang akurat dalam amplitude control accurate over its useful
range ±20% dari perbandingan nominal range ±20% of the nominal amplitude ratio,
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amplitude, untuk memungkinkan to allow measurement of indications beyond
pengukuran indikasi diluar linear range the linear range of the vertical display on
dari vertical display pada screen. the screen.
b. Posisikan probe sudut pada basic b. Position an angle beam search unit so that
calibration block sehingga muncul indikasi the indication from ½T hole in a basic
tertinggi pada screen dari side drilled calibration block is peaked on the screen.
hole ½T. Dengan menaikkan dan With the increases and decreases in
menurukkan attenuasi kontrol yang tertera attenuation control shown in The Table “
pada Table “ Amplitude Control Linearity Amplitude Control Linearity ” , the
” indikasi harus dalam batas range yang indication must fall within the specified
sudah ditentikan. limits.
c. Reflector lainnya yang cocok bisa c. Other convenient reflectors from any
digunakan dengan probe sudut ataupun calibration block may be used with angle or
probe normal. straight beam search units.
10.3 Jangka waktu Kalibrasi 10.3 Frequency of Calibration
Kalibrasi screen height linearity dan The calibration of screen height and
amplitude control linearity harus amplitude linearity shall be performed at
dilaksanakan pada interval waktu tidak intervals time not exceed 3 months for
lebih dari 3 bulan untuk type analog dan analog type instruments and one year for
satu tahun untuk type digital atau pada digital type instruments, or prior to first use
setiap pemakaian awal setelahnya. thereafter.

11 Kalibrasi Jarak 11 Sweep Range Calibration

Penentuan range dengan menggunakan Determine Range with use IIW V1 and V2
blok IIW V1 dan V2 untuk menentukan Block to a designated range of Actual Sound
range sound path actual 2 leg + Path 2 Legs + Reinforcement of Test
reinforcement specimen. Pengaturan sweep Specimen. Adjust Sweep Length and Sweep
length dan sweep delay untuk Delay to obtain an exact pulse location on
mendapatkan lokasi pulsa secara tepat base line of screen.
pada garis dasar dari screen

12 Sensitivity Reference Standard 12 Sensitivity Reference Standard

12.1 Straight Beam 12.1 Straight Beam :
Pengujian denagn probe normal harus The compression wave testing of parent
dilaksanakan pada material induk harus material shall be performed with the second
dengan second backwall echo dari backwall echo from the reference standard (
reference standard ( lihat Figure 21A ) see figure 21A ) adjusted to at least 80% of
diatur pada minimum 80% full screen full screen height.
12.2 Angle Beam Koreksi Jarak-Amplitudo ( 12.2 Angle Beam Distance-Amplitude
DAC ) : Correction( DAC ) :
a. Posisi dari probe ( lihat Fig. 21B ) untuk a. Position the search unit ( see Fig. 21B ) for
respon maksimum : maximum response :
- dari notch sisi dalam dari block - from inside notch of block
b. Atur sensitivity untuk menghasilkan b. Adjust the sensitivity control to provide 80%
indikasi 80% ( 5% tinggi full screen ) ( 5% of full screen height )
Tandai ujung indikasi pada screen. Catat Mark the peak of the indication on the
dB nya. screen. Record the dB
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c. Atur sensitivity control untuk c. Adjusting the sensitivity control to provide
menghasilkan indikasi 40% dari tinggi full 40% of full screen height or 50 % DAC
screen atau 50% DAC (5%), dengan (5%) , by reducing 6 dB from the
mengurangi 6 dB dari referensi level. reference level.
Tandai ujung indikasi pada screen Mark the peak of the indications on the
d. Atur sensitivity control untuk d. Adjusting the sensitivity control to provide
menghasilkan indikasi 16% dari tinggi full 16% of full screen height or 20 % DAC
screen atau 20% DAC (5%), dengan (5%), by reducing 14 dB from the
mengurangi 14 dB dari referensi level. reference level.
Tandai ujung indikasi pada screen Mark the peak of the indications on the
e. Tanpa merubah pengaturan Control e. Without changing the Range Control
Range, Atur sensitivity control terhadap adjustment, adjusting the sensitivity control
referensi level, maka posisikan dari probe to the reference level, then position the
adalah maksimum respon notch sisi luar search unit for maximum response from
dari block ( full skip ) outside notch of block ( full skip )
f. Ulangi langkah ( b ) , ( c ) dan ( d ) diatas. f. Repeat the step ( b ) , ( c ) and ( d ) above.
g. Tanpa merubah pengaturan Control g. Without changing the Range Control
Range, Atur sensitivity control terhadap adjustment, adjusting the sensitivity control
referensi level, maka posisikan dari probe to the reference level, then position the
adalah maksimum respon notch sisi dalam search unit for maximum response from
dari block ( full dan setengah skip ) inside notch of block ( full and half skip )
h. Ulangi langkah ( b ) , ( c ) dan ( d ) diatas. h. Repeat the step ( b ) , ( c ) and ( d ) above.
i. Hubungkan tanda–tanda di screen untuk i. Connect the screen marks to provide the
menghasilkan distance amplitude curve distance amplitude (DAC) curve.
j. Point tertinggi dari DAC / TCG tidak j. The higest point of the DAC / TCG shall not
boleh kurang dari 80% full screen height. be less than 80% of full screen height. The
Reference standard juga digunakan untuk reference standard shall also be used to
menentukan velocity dari sound beam, determine the actual sound beam velocity,
sudut probe, dan jarak sound path dalam refracted angle and sound path distance in
material pipa yang diinspeksi. Velocity the pipe material to be inspected. Unkonown
dari sound beam, dan sudut probe harus velocity and refracted angle shall be
ditentukan jika lasan pada pipa yang beda determined when welds in pipe of different
specifikasi kimianya, wall thickness, chemistry specifications, wall thickness,
diameter, atau dari lebih dari satu pabrik diameter or from more than one pipe and
pembuat pipa dan rolling atau prosesnya rolling or piercing manufacturer are to be
yang diinspeksi. Hal ini bisa dilakukan inspected. This may be accomplished by
dengan menggunakan dua probe yang ber using two probes directed toward one
–hadap2 an ( lihat Figure 21 C ). Jika ada another. ( see Figure 21 C ). When a
perbedaan pada velocity, sudut, jarak difference is noted in velocity, angle, sound
sound path , maka reference standard path distance, another reference standard
harus dibuat dari material pipa yang shall be made from the different pipe
berbeda. material.
k. Semua probe harus ditetapkan sedikitnya k. All search unit shall be established at least
80% full screen height (FSH) dari notch 80% of Full Screen Height (FSH) of inside
dalam (sensitivity level) + dB transfer nilai notch (Sensitivity Level) + dB Transfer
koreksi = reference level. Correction Value = Reference level.
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l. Pengujian lasan dengan ultrasonic manual l. Manual Ultrasonic weld testing shall be
harus dilakukan dengan sensitivity performed at a scanning sensitivity of 100%
scanning 100% DAC (100 % reference DAC (100% Reference Level) plus 6 dB
level) ditambah minimum 6 dB. minimum.
m. Semua indikasi yang melebihi 50% DAC m. All indications that exceed 50% of DAC
harus dievaluasi. shall be evaluated.

13 Teknik Scanning 13 Scanning Techniques

Scaning harus cukup untuk melakukan The scanning shall be adequate to provide
cakupan 100% pada sensitivitas 100% coverage at uniform examination
pemeriksaan yang merata pada area uji. sensitivity of area being examined.

14 Angle Beam (Scanning Pattern ) : 14 Angle Beam ( Scanning Pattern ) :

14.1 Gerakan pola scanning untuk mendeteksi 14.1 Scanning pattern movement to detect
diskontinuitas longitudinal adalah dari 2 longitudinal discontinuities is from 2 surface
sisi permukaan daerah las dan juga dari sides of weld area and also from inside
permukaan dalam jika bisa diakses, harus surface if accessible, it shall be parallel to
sejajar dengan sumbu las dan rotasi the centreline of weld and rotation angle
maksimum sudut 10 derajat dari garis maximum 10 degrees from normal line of
normal probe ke sumbu pengelasan probe to centreline of weld is permitted.
14.2 Pola rotasi sudut probe maksimum 15 14.2 Rotation angle probe pattern is maximum 15
derajat untuk menemukan diskontinuitas degrees to locate transverse
melintang discontinuities.
14.3 Overlap scanning probe maksimum 10 %, 14.3 Scanning probe overlap is minimum 10%,
rata rata kecepatan scanning probe the scanning rate of probe is maximum 150
maksimum 150 mm/second. mm / second.

15 Sizing 15 Sizing
15.1 Kedalaman: 2T - (SP x Cosine Used 15.1 Depth : 2T - (SP x Cosine Used Angle of
Angle of Probe), harus 2 Legs. Probe) , shall be 2 Legs.
15.2 Jarak indeks probe ke indikasi: 15.2 Distance of Probe Index to Indication :
SP x Sine Used Angle of Probe SP x Sine Used Angle of Probe
15.3 Panjang: 6 dB Amplitude drops 15.3 Length : 6 dB Amplitude drops.

16 Testing Temperature 16 Testing Temperature

Temperature ruangan maksimum sampai Ambient temperature up to 1250 C max.

17 Acceptance Criteria 17 Acceptance Criteria

Umum General.
Semua indikasi yang melebihi 50% DAC All indications that exceed 50% of DAC
harus dievaluasi. shall be evaluated.
17.1 Klasifikasi indikasi 17.1 Classification of Indication
17.1.1 Indikasi yang dihasilkan oleh pengujian 17.1.1 Indications produced by ultrasonic testing
ultrasonik belum tentu defect. Perubahan are not necessarily defects. Change in the
geometri lasan karena alignment offset weld geometry due to alignment offset of
ujung pipa berbatasan, perubahan dalam abutting pipe ends, changes in weld
profil penguatan pengelasan dari root reinforcement profile of I.D. root and O.D.
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IDdan O.D. capping, chamfering internal, capping passes, internal chamfering, and
dan gelombang konversi mode ultrasonik ultrasonic wave mode conversion due to
karena kondisi tersebut dapat such conditions may cause geometric
menyebabkan indikasi geometris yang indications that are similar to those cause by
mirip dengan yang disebabkan oleh weld imperfections but that are not relevant
ketidaksempurnaan lasan tetapi yang tidak to acceptability.
relevan dengan penerimaan
17.1.2 Indikasi linier didefinisikan sebagai 17.1.2 Linear indications are defined as indications
indikasi dengan ukuran terbesar dalam with their greatest dimension in the weld
arah panjang lasan. Tipikal indikasi linier length direction. Typical linear indications
dapat disebabkan oleh, tetapi tidak terbatas may be caused by, but are not limited to the
pada jenis berikut ketidaksempurnaan; following types of imperfection; inadequate
kurang penetrasi tanpa high-low ( IP ), penetration without high-low ( IP ),
kurang penetrasi karena high low ( IPD ), inadequate penetration due to high low (
inadequate cross penetration ( ICP ), IPD ), inadequate cross penetration ( ICP ),
incomplete fusion ( IF ), incomplete fusion incomplete fusion ( IF ), incomplete fusion
due to cold lap ( IFD ), elongated slag due to cold lap ( IFD ), elongated slag
inclusion (ESI), cracks (C), undercutting inclusion (ESI), cracks (C), undercutting
adjacent to the over pass ( EU ) or root adjacent to the over pass ( EU ) or root pass
pass ( IU ), and hollow bead porosity ( HB ( IU ), and hollow bead porosity ( HB ).
17.1.3 Indikasi Transverse didefinisikan sebagai 17.1.3 Transverse indications are defined as
indikasi dengan ukuran terbesar di indications with their greatest dimension
las.indikasi melintang Tipikal dapat across the weld. Typical transverse
disebabkan oleh, tetapi tidak terbatas, indications may be caused by, but are not
untuk jenis berikut ketidaksempurnaan: limited, to the following types of
cracks ( C ), isolated slag, inclusions ( ISI imperfections: cracks ( C ), isolated slag,
), and incomplete fusion due to cold lap inclusions ( ISI ), and incomplete fusion due
(IFD) at start/stops in the weld passes. to cold lap ( IFD ) at start/stops in the weld
17.1.4 indikasi volumetrik didefinisikan sebagai 17.1.4 Volumetric indications are defined as three-
indikasi tiga-dimensi. indikasi tersebut dapat dimensional indications. Such indications
disebabkan oleh satu atau beberapa inklusi may be caused by single or multiple
atau pori-pori. Rongga terisi sebagian, pori- inclusions void or pores. Partially filled
pori, start/stop di pass lasan mungkin voids, pores, at start/stops in weld pass may
disebabkan indikasi yang lebih besar dalam caused larger indications in the transverse
arah melintang dibandingkan dari arah direction than in the weld length direction.
panjang lasan. Tipikal indikasi volumetrik Typical volumetric indications may be
dapat disebabkan oleh, tetapi tidak terbatas caused by, but are not limited to the
pada jenis berikut ketidaksempurnaan: following types of imperfections: internal
internal concavity ( IC ), burn-through ( BT
concavity (IC), burn-through ( BT ), isolated
), isolated slag inclusion ( ISI ), porosity ( P
slag inclusion ( ISI ), porosity ( P ), and
), and cluster porosity ( CP ).
cluster porosity ( CP ).
17.1.5 Indikasi yang relevan adalah yang 17.1.5 Relevant indications are those caused by
disebabkan oleh cacat. Indikasi relevan imperfections. Relevant indications shall be
harus dievaluasi pada tingkat evaluasi dan evaluated at the evaluation level and to the
dengan standar keberterimaan. the acceptance standards.
Catatan: bila ada keraguan tentang jenis Note: when doubt exist about the type of
ketidaksempurnaan yang diungkapkan oleh imperfection being disclosed by an
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indikasi, verifikasi dapat diperoleh dengan indication, verification may be obtained by
menggunakan metode pengujian non- using other non-destructive testing methods.
destruktif lain.
17.2 Standard keberterimaan untuk API 17.2 Acceptance Standards for API 1104 dan
1104 dan ASME / ANSI B31.8 ASME / ANSI B31.8
17.2.1 Indikasi harus dianggap defect bila 17.2.1 Indications shall be considered defects
beberapa kondisi berikut ada: should any of the following conditions exist:
a. Indikasi yang dipastikan crack (C), burn- a. Indications determined to be cracks (C),
through ( BT ), kurang penetrasi tanpa burn-through ( BT ), inadequate penetration
high-low ( IP ), kurang penetrasi karena without high-low ( IP ), inadequate
high low ( IPD ), penetration due to high low ( IPD ),
b. Indikasi individu dengan dimensi b. Individual indications with vertical height
ketinggian vertikal (through-wall) (through – wall) dimension determined to be
ditentukan lebih besar dari seperempat greater than one quarter of the wall
dari ketebalan dinding thickness.
c. Indikasi lebih dari satu dilokasi circum c. Multiple idndications at the same
yang sama dengan jumlah ukuran vertikal circumferential location with a summed
(through – wall) melebihi seperempat dari vertical height (through – wall) dimension
ketebalan dinding exceeding one quater the wall thickness.
17.2.2 Indikasi linear surface (LS) (selain crack) 17.2.2 Linear surface (LS) indications ( other than
diinterpret terbuka di permukaan LD. atau cracks ) interpreted to be open to the LD. or
O.D. harus dianggap defect bila beberapa O.D. surface shall be considered defects
kondisi ada: should any of the following conditions exist:
a. Panjang agregat indikasi LS dalam a. The aggregate length of LS indications
setiap 12 in (300 mm) kontinu in any continuous 12 in. (300 mm)
panjang lasan melebihi 1 in (25 mm). length of weld exceeds 1 in. ( 25 mm ).
b. Panjang aggregate indikasi LS b. The aggregate length of LS Indications
melebihi 8% panjang lasan. exceeds 8% of the weld length.
17.2.3 Linear didalam (LB) indikasi (selain retak) 17.2.3 Linear buried ( LB ) indications ( other than
ditafsirkan bawah permukaan dalam las cracks ) interpreted to be subsurface within
dan tidak LD. atau O.D. permukaan the weld and not LD. or O.D. surface
dihubungkan harus dianggap cacat bila connected shall be considered defects should
salah satu kondisi berikut ada: any of the following conditions exist:
a. Panjang agregat indikasi LB dalam a. The aggregate length of LB indications
setiap 12 in (300) kontinu panjang in any continuous 12 in. (300 mm)
lasan melebihi 2 in (50 mm) length of weld exceeds 2 in. (50 mm).
b. Panjang agregat indikasi LB melebihi b. The aggregate length of LB indications
8 % panjang lasan. exceeds 8 % of the weld length.
17.2.4 Indikasi melintang (T) (selain retak) harus 17.2.4 Transverse (T) indications (other than
dipertimbangkan volumetrik dan cracks) shall be considered volumetric and
dievaluasi menggunakan kriteria untuk evaluated using the criteria for volumetric
indikasi volumetrik. Huruf T harus indications. The letter T shall be used to
digunakan untuk ditunjuk semua laporan designated all reported transverse
indikasi melintang. indications.
17.2.5 Volumetric cluster (VC) indications harus 17.2.5 Volumetric cluster (VC) indications shall be
dianggap defects jika maximum dimensi considered defects when the maximum
dari VC indications melebihi ½ in. ( 13 dimension of VC indications exceeds ½ in. (
mm ) 13 mm )
17.2.6 Indikasi Volumetrik Individu (VI) harus 17.2.6 Volumetric Individual ( VI ) indications
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dipertimbangkan sebagai defect jika shall be considered defects when the
ukuran maksimum V1 indikasi melebihi 1 / maximum dimension of V1 indications
8 inci (3 mm) exceeds 1/8 in. (3 mm).
17.2.7 Indikasi Volumetric root (VR) diinterpret 17.2.7 Volumetric root (VR) indications interpreted
terbuka sampai I.D. permukaan harus to be open to the I.D. surface shall be
dipertimbangkan sebagai defect bila considered defects should any of the
kondisi berikut ada: following conditions exist:
a. Dimensi maksimum indikasi VR a. The maximum dimension of VR
melebihi ¼ in (6 mm) atau nominal indications exceeds ¼ in ( 6 mm ) or the
tebal dinding, mana yang terkecil nominal wall thickness, whichever is less.
b. Panjang total indikasi VR melebihi ½ in b. The total length of VR indications
(13 mm) dalam panjang kontinu 12 in exceeds ½ in. ( 13 mm ) in any
(300 mm) continuous 12 in. ( 300 mm ) length.
17.2.8 Penjumlahan 17.2.8 Accumulation
Setiap akumulasi indikasi relevan (AR) Any accumulation of relevant indications (
harus dianggap sebagai defect ketika salah AR ) shall be considered a defect when any
satu kondisi berikut ada: of the following conditions exist:
a. Jumlah Panjang indikasi diatas a. The aggregate length of indication
evaluation level melebihi 2 in (50 mm) above evaluation level exceeds 2 in. (50
pada setiap panjang 12 inci (300 mm) mm) in any 12 in. (300 mm) length of
lasan weld.
b. Jumlah Panjang indikasi diatas b. The aggregate length of indications
evaluation level melebihi 8% panjang above evaluation level exceeds 8% of
lasan the weld length.
17.2.9 Cacat – cacat Base Material 17.2.9 Base Metal Imperfection
Cacat – cacat didalam base material yang Impefection in the base material detected by
terdeteksi oleh ultrasonic testing harus di ultrasonic testing shall be reported to the
laporkan ke company. Keputusan dari company. The disposition of these
cacat – cacat tersebut harus dapat petunjuk imperfectins shall be as directed by the
dari company. company

18 Dokumentasi 18 Documentation
a. Hasil Pengujian Ultrasonic harus ditulis a. Ultrasonic Test result shall be reported in
dalam Ultrasonic Examination Report. the form of Ultrasonic Examination Report.
Semua indikasi yang di observasi ( All observed indications ( evaluation level
evaluation level dan melebihi ) harus and above ) shall be reported
b. Ultrasonic testing report lasan yang b. The ultrasonic testing report of inspected
diinspeksi harus termasuk weld number, welds shall include the weld number, datum
datum location, length, depth, dari OD location, length, depth, from the OD surface,
surface, dan defect clasification ( linear, or and defects clasification ( linear, or
volumetric ) dari semua indication. volumetric ) of all reported indications
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Job/Contract No. : Work Order No. : Report No. :
Project :
Location : Drawing No. :
Customer :
UT Equipment : Serial No. :
Surface Condition : Welded Ground Flush Other ( )
Couplant : Oil CMC Other ( )
Calibration Block : BCB IIW V1 Other ( )
Face of Examination : Face A Face B Face C ( )
Welding Process : GTAW SMAW Other ( )
Test Range : Procedure No. :
Scanning Technique :
Probe Identification : Applicable Code :

Desibels Record of Discontinuity Result

Discontinuity Type
Transfer of Losses

Screen Height, %

Angular Distance

Surface Distance
Reference Level
Scanning Level
Probe Angle

Length (mm)


Identification Remark

Discontinuity Type : Cr = crack IF = Incomplete Fusion IP = Incomplete Penetration EL = Elongated Ind.


Examined by : Reviewed / witnessed by : Reviewed / witnessed by :

Name :
NDE Level :
Date : Date : Date :
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Dimensions :
T : Nominal Pipe wall thickness
N : Notch depth = 10% of notch depth
A : 2 in. (50 mm) minimum length
B : 0.125 in. (3.2 mm) maximum notch widh
C : 11.35 T plus 2 in. (50 mm) minimum width
D : 3.1 in. (80 mm) minimum width
E : 1. in. (25 mm) minimum notch length
R1 : Out side radius of pipe
R2 : Radius of inside notch = R1 minus 0.9 T
R3 : Radius of outside notch R1 minus 0.10 T

Figure 21 A of API 1104 – Reference Block for Manual UT


Position the trnsducers in line with the outside notch at double the distance used pick up the inside notch ( position B ).
Verify that the outside notch echo peak is at or near zero depth reading. This establish that the refracted angle and
velocity settings are sufficiently accurate.

Figure 21B of API 1104 – Establishing Distance Amplitude Correction

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Using the two transducers of equal angle and frequency, one transmitting and the other reveiving, maximize ( peak up )
the echo receiving. Measure the surface distance between the transducer exit points. Half the surface distance divided by
measured wall thickness equals the refracted angle tangent. Without changing instrument setting, repeat this process on
pipe with unknown velocity, refracted angle, and attenuation to determine any ndifferences.

Figure 21C of API 1104 – Transfer Correction Value Procedure

Thickness ( T ) Hole Diameter

mm mm
Up nto 25.4 mm 2.40 A
Over 25,5 through 50.8 3.20 B
Over 50.8 through 101.6 4.80
Over 101.6 through 152.4 6.40
Over 152.4 through 203.2 7.90
Note :
1. For each additional 50.8 mmof the thickness add 1.60 mm to the hole diameter.
A. The 2.40 mm diameter hole shall be drilled to a depth of 38.1 mmminimum and located
at T/2
B. The 3.20 mm df 50.80 mm minimum and located at T/4iameter and larger holes shall be
drilled to a depth
Table A2.1. Hole Diameters of ASTM E 164
( Alternative Reference Block for Manual UT )
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Table 2. Procedures Recommended for Common Weld Configuration
Weld throat Thickness, in. [mm]

1/ to 1-1/2 in
Less than ½ in 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 in 2-1/2 to 5 in 5 to 8 in
Weld Type ( 12 to 38 mm )
( 12 mm ) ( 38 to 63 mm ) ( 63 to 127 mm ) ( 127 to 200 mm )

Primary Top 1/4 Primary Top 1/4 Primary Top 1/4 Primary Top 1/4 Primary Top 1/4
70,60, or
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 70 or 60 45 or 60 45 or 60 60 or 45 45 or 60 60 or 45 45
1, ( 2 or 3 ), 1, ( 2 or 3 ),
Suggested technique A 1, ( 2 or 3 ) 1 1, ( 2 or 3 ) 1 1, ( 2 or 3 ) 1 1 1
4 4
Face A
70,60, or
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 5 5 5 5,4 5,4
Face B
70,60, or
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 5 5 5 5,4 5,4
Face C
0, ( 70 or
Recommended angle, deg 0, 70 0, 45 0, 45 0, 45
Suggested technique 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7 6,7

Face A
70 or 60,
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 8 8 8 8 8
Face B
70 or 60,
Recommended angle, deg 70 70 or 60 60 or 45 45
Suggested technique 8 8 8 8 8
Face C
Recommended angle, deg 0 0 0 0 0
Suggested technique 9 9 9 9 9
Double Fillet Corner
Face A
Recommended angle, deg 45 45 45 45 45
Suggested technique 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11
Face B
Recommended angle, deg 45 45 45 45 45
Suggested technique 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11 10, 11

Note : A ~ D see Figure 1 ~ Figure 11 of ASTM E 164

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Amplitude Control Linearity

Indication Set at % of Full dB control Change Indication Limits % of Full

Screen Screen

80% - 6 dB 32 to 48%

80% - 12 dB 16 to 24

40% +6 dB 64 to 96%

20% +12 dB 64 to 96%

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100 % FSH % FSH 51 % FSH % FSH

88 % FSH % FSH 40 % FSH % FSH

81 % FSH % FSH 30 % FSH % FSH

70 % FSH % FSH 20 % FSH % FSH

62 % FSH % FSH

Tolerance : + 5% of FSH

Result :


80% FSH - 6 dB ( 32 - 48 )%

80% FSH - 12 dB ( 16 - 24 )%

40% FSH + 6 dB ( 64 - 96 )%

20% FSH + 12 dB ( 64 - 96 )%

Result :

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