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Section I- Multiple Choice questions [Total marks- 12]

1] Which of the following is the best definition of cell respiration?

2] What is the difference between anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration in cells?


4] In an experiment to measure the rate of respiration some peas were placed into three test tubes
5] In this experiment to measure the rate of respiration, shown below, peas were tested.

7] In humans what is produced by muscle cells carrying out anaerobic respiration?

8] Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis. What is the source of this oxygen inside the plant?

9] Which variable has the least effect on enzyme activity?

10] What conclusion can be drawn from examining the action spectrum for a green plant shown below?


Section II- Essay type questions [Total marks- 30]

1. Explain the similarities and differences in anaerobic and aerobic cellular respiration. [8 marks]
2. Compare how pyruvate is used in human cells when oxygen is available and when oxygen is not
available. [5 marks]
3. Outline the effect of temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of
photosynthesis. [6 marks]
4. Explain how the rate of photosynthesis can be measured. [7 marks]
5. Explain the role of water in photosynthesis. [4 marks]

Section III- Data based questions [Total marks- 14]

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