Surveying Made Easy: Karl Zeiske

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Surveying made easy

Karl Zeiske
This booklet will tell you • What are the main The use of levels and total instruments available today
about the basic principles features of these stations is illustrated by a from Leica Geosystems;
of surveying. instruments? series of practical neither does it touch on
examples. In addition, their individual performance
The most important • What needs to be taken applications programs are features. These aspects are
instruments for surveying into account when described; these are covered by the com-
are levels and total stations; measuring with a level or incorporated into the prehensive brochures, by the
they are intended for with a total station? modern total stations technical consultants in the
routine survey tasks. manufactured by Leica Leica Geosystems agencies,
Anyone wishing to know • What are the effects of Geosystems and they solve and by the home pages in
how and where they are instrument errors? survey tasks even more the Internet
used will find the answers easily and elegantly. (
here. • How can such errors be Equipped with the
recognized, determined knowledge in this booklet,
and eliminated? and with the help of the
appropriate user manual,
• How can simple anyone can carry out
surveying jobs be simple survey tasks
performed? confidently and efficiently.
This booklet does not
describe the range of


The level 4 Measuring distances without a reflector 19

Automatic target recognition 19
The total station 5 Setting out profile boards 20
Coordinates 6
Measuring angles 7 Instrument errors 22
Inspecting the line of sight 22
Preparing to measure 8 Inspecting the EDM of the total station 23
Setting up the instrument anywhere 8 Instrument errors in the total station 24
Levelling-up the instrument 8
Setting up the total station Simple surveying tasks 26
over a ground point 9 Aligning from the mid-point 26
Measuring slopes 27
Measuring with the level 10 Measuring right-angles 28
Height difference between two points 10
Measuring distances optically with the level 11 Applications programs 29
Line levelling 12 Calculating areas 29
Staking out point heights 13 Staking out 30
Longitudinal and transverse profiles 14 Remote heights 31
The digital level 15 Tie distances 32
The rotation laser 15 Free-station surveys 33

Measuring with the total station 16 The applications programs available 34

Extrapolating a straight line 16
Polar setting-out of a point 16 Surveying with GPS 35
Plumbing down from a height point 17
Surveys (polar method) 18

The level
A level essentially
comprises a telescope
rotatable about a vertical
axis; it is used to create
a horizontal line of sight
so that height differences
can be determined
and stakeouts can be

The Leica Geosystems

levels are also equipped
with a horizontal circle that
is very useful for setting
out right angles, e.g. during
the recording of transverse
profiles. In addition, these
levels can be used to
determine distances
optically with an accuracy
to 0.1 – 0.3 metres.

The level • The total station
The total station
A total station consists of a Leica total stations are
theodolite with a built-in supplied with a software
distance meter (distancer), package that enables
and so it can measure most survey tasks to be
angles and distances at the carried out easily, quickly
same time. Today’s and elegantly. The most
electronic total stations all important of these pro-
have an opto-electronic grams are presented in
distance meter (EDM) and the section "Applications
electronic angle scanning. programs".
The coded scales of the
horizontal and vertical Total stations are used
circles are scanned wherever the positions
electronically, and then the and heights of points, or
angles and distances are merely their positions,
displayed digitally. The need to be determined.
horizontal distance, the
height difference and the
coordinates are calculated
automatically and all
measurements and
additional information can
be recorded.


In order to describe the Direction of reference Abscissa (x)

position of a point, two
coordinates are required. P P
Polar coordinates need a
line and an angle.
Cartesian coordinates need
two lines within an D
orthogonal system. α
The total station measures
polar coordinates; these
are recalculated as Ordinate (y)
Cartesian coordinates
within the given Polar coordinates Cartesian coordinates
orthogonal system, either
within the instrument itself X
or subsequently in the
office. Recalculation
given: D, α given: x,y
required: x,y required: D, α

y = D sin α D = √y2 + x2 D
x = D cos α sin α = y/D or X
cos α = x/D

The level • The total station
Measuring angles

An angle represents the The vertical angle is

difference between two therefore correct only if the
directions. zero reading of the vertical
circle lies exactly in the Zenith
The horizontal angle α zenith direction, and also
between the two directions this stipulation is met only
leading to the points P1 under ideal conditions.
and P2 is independent of
the height difference Deviations from the ideal P1
between those points, case are caused by axial
provided that the telescope errors in the instrument
always moves in a strictly and by inadequate
vertical plane when tilted, levelling-up (refer to
whatever its horizontal section: "Instrument
orientation. This stipulation errors"). Z1
is met only under ideal Z2
conditions. Z1 = zenith angle to P1
Z2 = zenith angle to P2 α
The vertical angle (also
termed the zenith angle) is α = Horizontal angle
the difference between a between the two
prescribed direction directions leading to
(namely the direction of the points P1 and P2,
the zenith) and the i.e. the angle between
direction to the point under two vertical planes
consideration. formed by dropping
perpendiculars from P1
and P2 respectively

Setting up Levelling-up the instrument
the instrument
After setting up the consists basically of a
instrument, level it up thread-suspended mirror
approximately with the that directs the horizontal
1. Extend the legs of the bull’s-eye bubble. light beam to the centre of
tripod as far as is the crosshair even if there
required and tighten the Turn two of the footscrews is residual tilt in the tele- A B
screws firmly. together in opposite scope (illustration, bottom).
directions. The index finger
2. Set up the tripod so that of your right hand indicates If now you lightly tap a leg C
the tripod plate is as the direction in which the of the tripod, then (pro-
horizontal as possible bubble should move vided the bull’s-eye bubble
and the legs of the (illustration, top right). is centred) you will see how
tripod are firm in the Now use the third footscrew the line of sight swings
ground. to centre the bubble about the staff reading and
(illustration, bottom right). always steadies at the
3. Now, and only now, same point. This is the
place the instrument on To check, rotate the instru- way to test whether or not
the tripod and secure it ment 180°. Afterwards, the the compensator can swing
with the central fixing bubble should remain freely. A B
screw. within the setting circle. If it
does not, then readjustment
is required (refer to the user C


For a level, the compen-

sator automatically takes
care of the final levelling-
up. The compensator

Preparing to measure
Setting up the total station
over a ground point
1. Place the tripod approxi- 5. Centre the bull’s-eye
mately over the ground bubble by adjusting the
point. lengths of the tripod legs
(illustration below).
2. Inspect the tripod from
various sides and correct 6. After accurately levelling
its position so that the up the instrument, re-
tripod plate is roughly lease the central fixing
horizontal and above the screw so that you can
ground point (illustration, displace it on the tripod
top left). plate until the laser dot
is centred precisely over
3. Push the tripod legs the ground point.
firmly into the ground
and use the central fixing 7. Tighten the central fixing
screw to secure the screw again.
instrument on the tripod.

4. Switch on the laser

plummet (or, for older
instruments, look
through the optical
plummet) and turn the
footscrews so that the
laser dot or the optical
plummet is centred on
the ground point
(illustration, top right).

Height difference
between two points
The basic principle of The height difference is
levelling involves calculated from the
determining the height difference between the two
difference between two staff readings for the points
points. A and B respectively.

To eliminate systematic R = backsight V = foresight

errors related to
atmospheric conditions or B
to residual line-of-sight
error, the instrument
should be about
equidistant from the two A
points. ∆H = R -V = 2.521 - 1.345 = 1.176

Reading: 2.521 27
Reading: 1.345





Measuring with the level
Measuring distances optically
with the level
The reticle carries two Example:
stadia lines arranged Reading on upper
symmetrically to the stadia line B = 1.829
crosshair. Their spacing is Reading on lower B
such that the distance can stadia line A = 1.603
be derived by multiplying Staff section
the corresponding staff I = B-A = 0.226
section by 100. (This Distance = 100 I = 22.6 m
diagram is a schematic A

Accuracy of the distance

10 – 30 cm

Line levelling

If the points A and B are 4. Set up the instrument at

widely separated, the S2 (the staff remains at
height difference between the turning point 1). R V
them is determined by line R V
levelling with target 5. Carefully rotate the staff R V
distances generally at the turning point 1 so
between 30 and 50 metres. that it faces the B
Pace out the distances A S1
1 S3 ∆H
between the instrument 6. Read off the backsight
S2 2
and the two staffs; they and continue.
need to be about the same.

1. Set up the instrument The height difference Station Point Backsight R Foresight V Height Remarks
at S1. between A and B is equal A 420.300
to the sum of the backsight S1 A +2.806
2. Set up the staff precisely and the foresight. 1 -1.328 421.778 = height A+R-V
vertically at point B; read S2 1 +0.919
2 -3.376 419.321
off and record the height S3 2 +3.415
(backsight R). B -1.623 421.113
Sum +7.140 -6.327
-6.327 +0.813 = height B – height A
3. Set up the staff at the
∆H +0.813 = height difference AB
turning point 1 (ground
plate or prominent
ground point); read off
and record the height
(foresight V).

Measuring with the level
Staking out point heights

In an excavation, a point B In another frequently-used

is to be set out at a height method, the required staff 9

∆H = 1.00 metre below reading is calculated in 9

street level (Point A). advance: 9

9 9

V= R - ∆H = 1.305 - (-1.000) 9

1. Set up the level so that = 2.305 9


the sighting distances to The levelling staff is then 9

9 9


A and B are about the moved upwards or down- 9



same. wards until the required 9



value can be read off with 9 B

2. Set up the staff at A the level.
and read off the
backsight R = 1.305.

3. Set up the staff at B

and read off the foresight
V = 2.520.

The difference h from the

required height at B is
R=1.305 V=2.520
calculated as:
h = V – R - ∆H = 2.520 –
1.305 – 1.00 = +0.215m
4. Drive in a post at B and ∆H= 1.00 m ∆H
mark the required height h= +0.215 m
(0.215m above ground B

Longitudinal and transverse profiles

(planned height)
Longitudinal and transverse instrument height. First, po- Longitudinal profile
profiles form the basis for sition the staff at a known Terrain
the detailed planning and station point; the instru-
stakeout of communications ment height comprises the
routes (e.g. roads) and also sum of the staff reading
for the calculation of fill and and the station point height.
for the best possible accom- Now subtract the staff (planned)
modation of the routes to readings (at the points on 25 m
the topography. First of all the transverse profile) Reference height: 420 m
the longitudinal axis (road- from the instrument height;
line) is staked out and this gives the heights of the
stationed; this means that points involved.
points are established and The distances from the
marked at regular intervals. station point to the various
A longitudinal profile is points in the transverse
then created along the profiles are determined
roadline, the heights of the either with the surveyor’s
station points being deter- tape or optically using the Transverse profile 175
mined by line levelling. At level. When representing a
the station points and at longitudinal profile graphi-
prominent topographic fea- cally, the heights of the
tures, transverse profiles (at station points are expressed
right-angles to the roadline) at a much bigger scale (e.g.
are then recorded. The 10x greater) than that of
ground heights for the the stationing of the longi-
points in the transverse tudinal direction, which is Reference height: 420 m
profile are determined with related to a round reference
the aid of the known height (illustration above).

Measuring with the level
The digital level

The digital levels from Leica

Geosystems are the first
the staff stations are calcu-
lated continuously and so
The rotation laser
ones in the world to be there can be no errors re-
equipped with digital elec- lated to reading, recording
tronic image processing for and calculating. Leica Geo- If, on a large construction
the determination of heights systems can offer software site for example, a large
and distances; the bar code packages for post-pro- number of points at
on a staff is read by electro- cessing the recorded data. different heights need to be
nic means, completely auto- staked out or monitored,
matically (see illustration). A digital level is recom- it often makes sense to use
mended for use where a lot a rotation laser. In this type
The staff reading and the of levelling needs to be of instrument, a rotating
distance are displayed carried out; under these laser beam sweeps out a
digitally and can be recor- circumstances the saving horizontal plane, which
ded; the heights of in time can amount to 50%. serves as the reference
plane for staking out or
monitoring heights such as
four-foot marks.

A detector is slid down a

levelling staff until it
encounters the laser beam;
the height can then be read
directly from the staff.
There is no need for an
observer at the instrument

Extrapolating a straight line Polar setting-out of a point

1. Position the instrument 4. Transit the telescope The setting-out elements 3. Rotate the instrument
at point B. again and mark the point (angle and distance) here until a appears in the
C2. Point C, the mid-point relate to a known point A display.
2. Target point A, transit the between C1 and C2, and to a known starting
telescope (i.e. reverse it) corresponds exactly to direction from A to B. 4. Guide the reflector
and mark point C1. the extrapolation of the carrier (person) into and
line AB. 1. Set up the instrument along the line of sight of
3. Turn the instrument 200 at point A and target the the telescope, continually
gon (180°) and target A line-of-sight error is re- point B. measuring the horizontal
point A again. sponsible for the discre- distance until point P is
pancy between C1 and C2. 2. Set the horizontal circle reached.
to zero (refer to the user
Where the line of sight is manual).
inclined, the influence of
the errors is a combination B
of target error, tilting-axis
error and vertical-axis error.



Measuring with a total station
Plumbing down from a height point

Plumbing down from a The mid-point between the For work of this type, make
height point, plumbing up points B and C is the exact sure that the total station
from a ground point, and plumbing point. has been levelled up pre-
inspecting a vertical line on cisely, so that the influence
a structure, can be carried The reason why these two of vertical-axis tilt on steep
out exactly in just one tele- points do not coincide can sights is minimized.
scope face, but only if the be a tilting-axis error
telescope describes a pre- and/or an inclined vertical
cisely-vertical plane when axis.
it is tilted. To ascertain
that this is so, proceed as A

1. Target a high point A,

then tilt the telescope
downwards and mark the
ground point B.

2. Transit the telescope,

and repeat the procedure B
in the second face. Mark C
the point C.

Surveys (polar method)

To create e.g. a location

plan, the position and
height of a point on the
object are determined by
measuring angles and
distances. To do this, the
instrument is set up on
any prominent point in a
local coordinate system.
A second prominent point
is selected for the purposes
of orientation; after this
has been targeted the
horizontal circle is set to
zero (refer to the user

If a coordinate system
already exists, set up the
instrument on a known
point within it and line up
the horizontal circle with
a second known point
(refer to the user manual).

Measuring with the total station
Measuring distances
without a reflector
Each of the TCR total The "DISTO" hand-held
stations from Leica laser meter from Leica
Automatic target recognition
Geosystems includes not Geosystems is another
only a conventional infra- simple instrument that
red distancer that measu- uses a visible laser beam
res to prisms, but also an and needs no reflector; it is The TCA total stations from after establishing the initial
integrated laser distancer particularly suitable for Leica Geosystems are contact with the target the
that requires no reflector. indoor measurements to equipped with an automatic instrument locks on to it
You can switch between ascertain spacings, areas target-recognition system and tracks it. The practical
these two distancers. and volumes. ("ATR"). This makes tar- applications of this option
geting faster and easier. It is include the precise
This arrangement brings enough to point the tele- guidance of construction
many advantages where scope approximately at the machinery.
points are accessible only reflector; a touch on a
with difficulty or not at all, button then automatically Advantages of ATR: High
for example during the triggers the fine pointing speed of measurement,
recording of frontages, in and the angle- and distance combined with a constant
positioning pipes and measurements, and records measuring accuracy that
for measurements across all of the values. This is independent of the
gorges or fences. technology also makes it observer.
possible to carry out fully-
The visible red laser dot is automatic measurements
also suitable for marking with the help of a computer.
targets in connection with
the recording of tunnel The ATR can also be
profiles or with indoor switched to a mode in
work. which moving targets can
be followed and measured;

Setting out profile boards

During building alignment, 2. Mark the point A at the 6. The points on the profile
it is useful to extrapolate defined distance d from boards are then set out
the sides of the building to the upper boundary; it in a similar manner,
beyond the limits of the ex- will be the first location starting from the points
cavation and there to erect for the total station. A1 to A6 respectively.
profile boards on which the
extensions are marked 3. Using a boning rod, mark If the foundations have not
exactly by hammering in the point B at the end of yet been excavated, you
nails. These can be connec- the baseline. can set out the sides H1H2
ted to strings or wires at and H1H3 of the building
any time during the con- 4. Set up the total station on directly and use them as
struction sequence, indi- point A, target point B, the starting line for
cating the required and set out the points A1, marking the points on the
positions of the walls. A2 and A3 in this align- profile boards.
ment in accordance with
In the following example, the planned length of the For smaller buildings it is
profile boards are to be side of the building. easier to set out the profile
erected parallel to the pro- boards using an optical
posed walls of a large 5. With point B sighted, set square (right-angle prism)
building and at distances of the horizontal circle to and a measuring tape.
a and b respectively from zero, turn the total station
the boundaries (illustration, by 100 gon (90°) and set A building-alignment
left). out the second line AC software program
with the points A4, A5 incorporated into many
1. Establish a baseline AB and A6. Leica total stations enables
parallel to the left-hand profile boards to be set out
boundary and at a freely- directly, starting with any
selectable distance c. instrument station.

Measuring with the total station

Inspecting the line of sight (two-peg test)

In new levels, the com- 3. Read off from both staffs

pensator has been adjusted and calculate the height
at room temperature, so difference (illustration
1.549 1.404
that the line of sight is hori- above).
zontal even if the instru- Staff reading A = 1.549
ment is tilted slightly. This Staff reading B = 1.404
situation changes if the ∆H = A – B = 0.145 B
temperature fluctuates by A ∆H
more than ten or fifteen 4. Set up the instrument d d
degrees, after a long jour- about one metre in front
ney, or if the instrument is of staff A and take the 30m
subjected to strong vibra- staff reading (illustration
tion. It is then advisable to below).
inspect the line of sight, Staff reading A = 1.496
particularly if more than
one target distance is 5. Calculate the required
being used. reading B:
Staff reading A = 1.496
1. In flat terrain, set up two - ∆H = 0.145
staffs not more than 30 Required reading Ist 1.496
Actual Soll 1.3511.351
metres apart. B = 1.351

2. Set up the instrument 6. Take the staff reading B. B

so that it is equidistant If it differs from the A ∆H
from the two staffs (it required reading by more
is enough to pace out the than 3mm, adjust the line
distance) of sight (refer to
instruction manual).

Instrument errors
Inspecting the EDM
of the total station
Permanently mark four
runs within the range
typical for the user (e.g.
between 20 m and 200 m).

Using a new distancer, or

one that has been cali-
brated on a standard
baseline, measure these
distances three times.
The mean values, corrected
for atmospheric influences
(refer to the user manual)
can be regarded as being
the required values.

Using these four runs, mea-

sure with each distancer
at least four times per year.
Provided that there are no
systematic errors in excess
of the expected measuring
uncertainty, the distancer is
in order.

Instrument errors in the total station

Ideally, the total station between plumb line and user manual. Vertical-axis tilt Note:
should meet the following vertical axis). does not rate as being an The instrument errors
requirements: instrument error; it arises change with temperature,
The effects of these three because the instrument has as a result of vibration, and
a) Line of sight ZZ perpen-
errors on the measurement not been adequately levelled after long periods of
dicular to tilting axis KK
of horizontal angles increase up, and measuring in both transport. If you want to
b) Tilting axis KK perpen-
with the height difference telescope faces cannot measure in just one face,
dicular to vertical axis VV
between the target points. eliminate it. Its influence on then immediately before
c) Vertical axis VV strictly
the measurement of the the measurements you
Taking measurements in both horizontal and vertical angles must determine the
d) Vertical-circle reading
telescope faces eliminates is automatically corrected by instrument errors and store
precisely zero at the zenith
line-of-sight errors and means of a two-axis them.
If these conditions are not tilting-axis errors. The line-of- compensator.
met, the following terms are sight error (and, for highly- V
used to describe the precise total stations, also d) Height-index error i (the
particular errors: the tilting-axis error, which is angle between the zenith
generally very small) can direction and the zero K Z
a) Line-of-sight error, or colli- also be determined and reading of the vertical
mation error c (deviation stored. These errors are then circle, i.e. the vertical-
from the right angle bet- taken into consideration circle reading when using
ween the line of sight and automatically whenever an a horizontal line of sight),
the tilting axis) angle is measured, and then is not 100 gon (90°), but Z
b) Tilting-axis error a (devia- it is possible to take mea- 100 gon + i. K
tion from the right angle surements practically free of
between the tilting axis error even using just one By measuring in both faces
and the vertical axis) telescope face. The deter- and then averaging, the
c) Vertical-axis tilt (angle mination of these errors, and index error is eliminated; it
their storage, are described can also be determined and V
in detail in the appropriate stored.
Instrument errors

Line-of-sight error (c) Tilting-axis error (a) Vertical-axis tilt Height-index error (i)
(Hz collimation) (V index)

Aligning from the mid-point

If intermediate points are 4. From point 3, align point

to be aligned within a line 4 in the straight line 3 – A
of measurement and each and continue in the same
of the two end points manner until no further
cannot be seen from the lateral deviations are
other, proceed as follows: visible at the two inter-
mediate points.
1. Select two points 1 and 2
(both approximately in
the alignment) from
which both end points A
and E are visible. Use
sight poles to mark the

2. From point 1, align point

2 in the straight line 1 – A A
3. From point 2, align point
3 in the straight line 2 – E 1 E


Simple surveying tasks
Measuring slopes

If slopes are to be deter- Using the telescope,

mined in % or to be staked determine the instrument
out, e.g. for gutters, height i at the staff.
pipelines or foundations, The vertical-circle reading
two different methods are giving the zenith angle
available. in gon or degrees can be
reset to % (refer to user
1. With a level manual) so that the slope
Measure the height can be read off directly ∆H
difference and the in %. The distance is
distance (either optically irrelevant.
with the stadia hairs or
with the tape). The slope A reflector pole fitted with
is calculated as follows: a prism can be used
100 ∆H / D = slope in % instead of the staff. Extend
the reflector pole to the
2. With a theodolite or instrument height i and use
total station the telescope to target the
Place the instrument on centre of the prism.
a point along the
straight line the slope of
which is to be deter- V%
mined, and position a
staff at a second point
along that line. i

Measuring right-angles

The most accurate way to central fixing screw of the an unrestricted view of the
set out a right-angle is to tripod. Then turn the object point. You as the
use a theodolite or a total horizontal circle by hand to observer can position
station. Position the zero in the direction of the yourself in the survey line
instrument on the point survey line or of the (defined by two vertically-
along the survey line from longitudinal profile. Finally, positioned alignment rods)
which the right-angle is to turn the level until the in that you move perpen-
be set out, target the end index of the circle is set to dicularly to the line until
point of the survey line, set 100 gon (90°). you see the images of the
the horizontal circle to zero two rods exactly super-
(see user manual) and turn An optical square is the imposed. Then you move
the total station until the best solution for the yourself along the survey
horizontal circle reading is orthogonal surveying of a line until the object point
100 gon (90°). point on a survey line or and the two images of the
vice versa, and for the alignment rods all coincide.
For setting out a right- setting out at right-angles
angle where the accuracy of a point in the near
requirements are less distance. The beam of light
demanding, e.g. for small from the object point is
buildings or when turned through 90° by a
determining longitudinal pentagonal prism so that it
and transverse profiles, the reaches the observer. The
horizontal circle of a level optical square consists of
can be used. Set up the two superimposed
level over the appropriate pentagonal prisms with
point of the survey line their fields of view facing
with the help of a plumb right and left respectively.
bob suspended from the Between the two prisms is

Applications programs
Calculating areas

1. Set up the total station

in the terrain so that it is
within view of the entire
area to be surveyed. It is
not necessary to position
the horizontal circle.

2. Determine the boundary

points of the area
sequentially in the B
clockwise direction. You
must always measure a
distance. AA C
3. Afterwards, the area is
calculated automatically
at the touch of a button
and is displayed. D

Staking out

1. Set up the instrument at Alternatively, the coordi-

a known point and nates of the points to be
position the horizontal staked out can be trans-
circle (refer to the sec- ferred beforehand, back in
tion "Setting the station” the office, from the
in the user manual). computer to the total
station. Under these
2. Enter manually the coor- circumstances, in order to
dinates of the point to be stake out, only the point
staked out. The program number then needs to be
automatically calculates entered.
direction and distance
(the two parameters
needed for staking out).

3. Turn the total station N

until the horizontal circle
reads zero.

4. Position the reflector at

this point (point P’).
5. Measure the distance; P
the difference in the
distance ∆D to the point P'
P will be displayed α

Applications programs
Remote heights

1. Set up a reflector verti-

cally beneath that point
the height of which is to
be determined. The total
station itself can be
situated anywhere.

2. Measure the distance to

the reflector.

3. Target the high point.


4. The height difference H

between the ground
point and the high point
is now calculated at the
touch of a button and is

Tie distances

The program determines

the distance and height
difference between two

1. Set up the total station at

any location.

2. Measure the distance to

each of the two points A
and B.

3. The distance D and the

height difference H are
displayed at the touch of
a button.

Applications programs
Free-station surveys

This program calculates The options for measuring,

the position and height of and the measuring
the instrument station, procedure, are described in
along with the orientation detail in the user manuals.
of the horizontal circle,
from measurements to at Note:
least two points, the When performing survey
coordinates of which are tasks that involve
known. determining heights or
staking them out, always Hz=0
The coordinates of the tie remember to take the
points can be entered height of the instrument H
N (x)
manually or they can be and that of the reflector
stored in the instrument into account.

Free stationing has the

great advantage that, for
large projects involving
surveying or staking out,
you can choose the most
favourable station for the
instrument. You are no
longer forced to use a
known point that is in an
unsatisfactory location.
E (y)

Surveying with GPS

GPS surveys use the tasks that until recently

signals transmitted by were carried out using
satellites having trajectories electronic total stations.
such that any point on the
Earth’s surface can be The new GPS System 1200
determined around the from Leica Geosystems
clock and independently of enables the most diverse
weather conditions. The range of survey tasks to be
positioning accuracy carried out with centimetre
depends on the type of accuracy – on the tripod;
GPS receiver and on the on the plumbing pole; on
observation and post- ships, vehicles and
processing techniques construction plant; and
used. using both static and
kinematic applications.
Compared with the use of a
total station, GPS surveying
offers the advantage that
the points to be measured
do not have to be mutually
visible. Today, provided
that the sky is relatively
unobstructed (by trees,
buildings etc.) and there-
fore that adequate satellite
signals can be received,
GPS equipment can be
applied to many survey

Surveying with GPS
GPS Reference Stations

Also known as a Conti- with a CORS Network

nuously Operating Refe- infrastructure.
rence Station (CORS), this
is typically a dual-frequency CORS are controlled
GPS receiver located at remotely by a specialised
known coordinates, software program, such as
supplied with permanent Leica GPS Spider, which
power and connected to connects to the CORS via a
several communication range of telecommuni-
devices. cation media; serial, radio
or phone modem, even the
A CORS normally logs GPS Internet. Once configured,
data for use in post- a CORS network with
processing tasks, or GPS1200 and GPS500
supplies real-time GPS receivers will run con-
correction data to DGPS tinuously supplying the full
and/or RTK applications. In range of GPS data, DGPS,
many cases, it performs RTK and network RTK
both tasks satisfying the services to users in the
demands of many different network.
applications including
surveying, engineering,
construction, geodetic
control, GIS, monitoring,
tectonic studies and hydro-
graphy. With additional
CORS, larger areas even
countries can be covered

Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Illustrations, descriptions and technical data are not binding and
may be changed. Printed in Switzerland. Phone +41 71 727 31 31
Copyright Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland, 2004
Fax +41 71 727 46 73
722510en – VII.04 – RVA

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