Cost & Revenue Ayam Kroyok

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Time Plan Dukbox

Oleh; Hudi & Ridho

Job List Sub Job list April Mei Juni Juli Agust Sept Okt Nov
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*Beli Bahan
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*Final Receipt
*Konsep design; Posisi & layout
*Proposal (Kelayakan Bisnis)
*Cari man power (Team)
*Cari tempat pembuatan gerobak
*Cari titik lokasi usaha
*Beli peralatan, perlengkapan
*Beli Bahan Baku
*Menu dalam
*Porsi Promo
*Plastik Obat
*Galon & Gas Cadangan

Estimasi Budget "Ayam Kroyok"
15 450 4,500,000
I.Bahan Baku
Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Biaya/hari Biaya/bulan Biaya/Tahun Ket

Ayam 1 Ekor Potongan 10

Bumbu Rendaman;
Kecap asin
Saus tiram
Bawang putih

Bahan tepung;
Bawang Putih Bubuk
Tepung Terigu
Susu bubuk
Soda kue
Bubuk Cabe

Bumbu Ungkep;
Bawang Merah
Bawang Putih

Torabika Cappucino 1 Box 35,200 35,200 Isi 25 sachet

Indocafe Cofemix 1 106,300 106,300 Isi 100 sachet
Maxtea Tarix 1 45,500 45,500 Isi 30 sachet
Indomie Grg Spec 1 Ctn 84,800 84,800 Isi 40 Pcs
Indomie Kari Ayam 1 86,600 86,600 Isi 40 Pcs
Indomie Soto Mie 1 80,200 80,200 Isi 40 Pcs
Indomie Ayam Bawang 1 80,200 80,200 Isi 40 Pcs
Maxtea Lemon Tea 1 29,000 29,000 Isi 30 sachet
ABC Kopi Susu 1 21,000 21,000 Isi 20 sachet
Torabika Ex Flcr 1 21,200 21,200 Isi 20 sachet
Milo Activ go 3 12,100 36,300 Isi 11 sachet
Sus Gula Pasir 1 23,450 23,450 Isi 2 kg
Kapal Api Spec Mix 5 11,300 56,500 Isi 10 sachet
Goodday Kopi Moca 1 32,700 32,700 Isi 30 sachet
Bendera SKM Coklat 5 6,850 34,250 Isi 6 sachet
Luwak White Coffee 1 23,900 23,900 Isi 20 sachet
Kuncimas Myk Grg 1.00 22,250 22,250 Isi 1,8 liter
Bango Kecap manis 1 43,000 43,000 1,6 liter
Carnation Scc Kaleng 10.0 11,400 114,000 495 gr
Nutrisari 3 15,700 47,100 Isi 10 sachet
Sasa saus tomat 1 14,100 14,100 Isi 950 gr
Sasa saus sambal 2 17,200 34,400 Isi 950 gr
Forvita Margarine 3 9,400 28,200 Isi 250 gr
Cap Botol the hijau 5 2,350 11,750 Isi 40 gr
Tong Tji The premium 1 3,900 3,900 Isi 50 gr
Bihun jagung 1 5,000 5,000 Isi 2 pcs
Minyak grg 1 6,500 6,500 1/2 ltr
Telor 1 6,000 6,000 1/4kg
Bawang putih 1 2,000 2,000 1 ons
Bawang grg 1 12,000 12,000 1 bks

Total Biaya Bahan Baku 1,147,300

Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Biaya/hari Biaya/bulan Biaya/Tahun Biaya Total Ket
Meja Kayu 3 Pcs 333,000 3,202 83,250 999,000 999,000
Kursi 12 Pcs 150,000 5,769 150,000 1,800,000 1,800,000
Halco Teko 1 Pcs 104,000 333 8,667 104,000 104,000
Keranjang sampah 2 Pcs 17,100 110 2,850 34,200 34,200
TMR Saringan GG Mera 1 Pcs 25,000 80 2,083 25,000 25,000
TMR Saringan Minyak R 1 Pcs 37,500 120 3,125 37,500 37,500
Owl Dressing Pot 400ml 6 Pcs 6,600 127 3,300 39,600 39,600
Hommy Jeremi 5222 3 Bh 2,000 19 500 6,000 6,000
GLF Tempat Telur Eggie 1 Pcs 8,400 27 700 8,400 8,400
Akebono Frypan 3d 28 1 Pcs 203,000 651 16,917 203,000 203,000
Bangku bintang metalik 2 Pcs 18,600 119 3,100 37,200 37,200
Modelline Rak Piring 1 Pcs 109,000 349 9,083 109,000 109,000
Migi Gelas Bola 12 Pcs 3,000 115 3,000 36,000 36,000
LS Termos Corona 50H 1 Pcs 73,200 235 6,100 73,200 73,200
TMR Asbak SS Warna 5 Pcs 5,000 80.13 2,083 25,000 25,000
Asvita gelas bir zumba 12 Pcs 10,600 408 10,600 127,200 127,200
Rinnai kompor gas 1 Pcs 200,000 641 16,667 200,000 200,000
Serbet kotak-kotak besa 3 Pcs 4,000 38 1,000 12,000 12,000
Yoshikawa tempat tissu 4 Pcs 6,900 88 2,300 27,600 27,600
Miyako kipas angin 1 Pcs 188,000 603 15,667 188,000 188,000
Polytex Spon Multy 1 Pcs 6,000 19 500 6,000 6,000
Sc Basket 1 Pcs 5,000 16 417 5,000 5,000
Food Pail 3 Pcs 31,500 303 7,875 94,500 94,500
Tools Siku Rak 4 8,900 114 2,967 35,600 35,600
Parutan Keju Kecil 1 7,900 25 658 7,900 7,900
- - -
Total Biaya Peralatan 4,621 120,158 1,441,900 1,441,900
III Others
Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Biaya/hari Biaya/bulan Biaya/Tahun Ket
Save Toilet RL (Tissue) 1 Pcs 57,100 183 4,758 57,100 57,100
Wipol Clas Pine 2 Pcs 14,500 93 2,417 29,000 29,000
Sunlight 1 9,900 32 825 9,900 9,900

Total Total others 308 8,000 96,000 96,000

IV. Man Power
Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Biaya/hari Biaya/bulan Biaya/Tahun Ket
Supporter 1 pcs 500,000 16,666.67 500,000 6,000,000
- - -
Total Labour 16,667 500,000 6,000,000

V. Sewa Tempat
Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Biaya/hari Biaya/bulan Biaya/Tahun Ket
Tempat Usaha 1 Tempat 46,154 1,200,000 14,400,000
Kontrakan karyawan 0 Tempat - - -
Total Biaya Tempat 46,154 1,200,000 14,400,000
VI. Lain-lain
Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Biaya/hari Biaya/bulan Biaya/Tahun Ket
Lain-lain 1 pcs 20,000 10,000 260,000 3,120,000

Total Biaya 77,442 2,080,158 24,961,900

Description Qty Satuan Harga/satuan Pendapatan/hari Pendapatan/bulan Pndapatan/Tahun Ket
Kopi 20 Porsi 4,000 80,000 2,080,000 24,960,000
Tehh manis 20 Porsi 3,000 60,000 1,560,000 18,720,000
Jeruk peres 5 Porsi 6,000 30,000 780,000 9,360,000
Nutrisari 5 Porsi 4,000 20,000 520,000 6,240,000
Susu 5 Porsi 5,000 25,000 650,000 7,800,000
Milo 5 Porsi 6,000 30,000 780,000 9,360,000
Extrajoss 3 Porsi 5,000 15,000 390,000 4,680,000
Extrajoss susu 3 Porsi 8,000 24,000 624,000 7,488,000
Tehh tarik 5 Porsi 5,000 25,000 650,000 7,800,000
Lemon Tea 3 Porsi 5,000 15,000 390,000 4,680,000
Aqua gelas 3 Porsi 1,000 3,000 78,000 936,000
Aqua botol 3 Porsi 4,000 12,000 312,000 3,744,000
Tehh Botol 5 Porsi 4,000 20,000 520,000 6,240,000
Soft drink 3 Porsi 4,000 12,000 312,000 3,744,000
Soda susu 3 Porsi 8,000 24,000 624,000 7,488,000

Indomie polos 5 Porsi 5,000 25,000 650,000 7,800,000

Indomie Telor 5 Porsi 8,000 40,000 1,040,000 12,480,000
Indomie Kornet 3 Porsi 10,000 30,000 780,000 9,360,000
Indomie Telur Keju 3 Porsi 13,000 39,000 1,014,000 12,168,000
Indomie Internet 3 Porsi 15,000 45,000 1,170,000 14,040,000

Roti bakar coklat 3 Porsi 8,000 24,000 624,000 7,488,000

Roti bakar coklat keju 5 Porsi 11,000 55,000 1,430,000 17,160,000
Roti bakar keju 3 Porsi 9,000 27,000 702,000 8,424,000
Roti bakar kacang cokla 3 Porsi 9,000 27,000 702,000 8,424,000
Sandwich 3 Porsi 9,000 27,000 702,000 8,424,000
- - -
Pisang bakar coklat keju 3 Porsi 9,000 27,000 702,000 8,424,000
- - -
Gorengan 10 Porsi 1,000 10,000 260,000 3,120,000

Total 140 Porsi 771,000 20,046,000 240,552,000

Profit 693,558 17,965,842 215,590,100

Target & Fase Proyeksi dalam 3 tahun

Desc. Rp.
bulan 1 bulan 2 bulan 3
Operational income
Jumlah Cabang 1 1 1
Pendapatan/cabang/bulan 20,046,000 20,046,000 20,046,000 20,046,000
Biaya/cabang/bulan 2,080,158 2,080,158 2,080,158 2,080,158
Gross Profit/cabang/bulan 17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842
Biaya manajemen;
Sewa Kontrakan/ bulan
Sewa kantor/ bulan
Biaya Pendirian CV
Gaji CEO 0.10 1,796,584 1,796,584 1,796,584
Gaji direktur Operational 0.10 1,796,584 1,796,584 1,796,584
Jumlah Supervisor
Gaji+bonus Supervisor/bulan 5,000,000
Jumlah Manajer
Gaji+bonus Manajer/bulan 12,000,000
Total Biaya Manajemen 3,593,168 3,593,168 3,593,168
Pajak 0.10
Laba bersih 14,372,673 14,372,673 14,372,673
Tahun 1
bulan 4 bulan 5 bulan 6 bulan 7 bulan 8 bulan 9

1 1 1 3 3 3
20,046,000 20,046,000 20,046,000 60,138,000 60,138,000 60,138,000
2,080,158 2,080,158 2,080,158 6,240,475 6,240,475 6,240,475
17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842 53,897,525 53,897,525 53,897,525

1,796,584 1,796,584 1,796,584 5,389,753 5,389,753 5,389,753

1,796,584 1,796,584 1,796,584 5,389,753 5,389,753 5,389,753

3,593,168 3,593,168 3,593,168 10,779,505 10,779,505 10,779,505

14,372,673 14,372,673 14,372,673 43,118,020 43,118,020 43,118,020

bulan 10 bulan 11 bulan 12 bulan 1 bulan 2 bulan 3

3 3 3 5 5 5
60,138,000 60,138,000 60,138,000 100,230,000 100,230,000 100,230,000
6,240,475 6,240,475 6,240,475 10,400,792 10,400,792 10,400,792
53,897,525 53,897,525 53,897,525 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
5,389,753 5,389,753 5,389,753 8,982,921 8,982,921 8,982,921
5,389,753 5,389,753 5,389,753 8,982,921 8,982,921 8,982,921
1 1 1
5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000

21,779,505 16,779,505 16,779,505 28,965,843 28,965,843 28,965,843

5,389,753 5,389,753 5,389,753 8,982,921 8,982,921 8,982,921
26,728,268 31,728,268 31,728,268 51,880,445 51,880,445 51,880,445
Tahun 2
bulan 4 bulan 5 bulan 6 bulan 7 bulan 8 bulan 9

5 5 5 10 10 10
100,230,000 100,230,000 100,230,000 200,460,000 200,460,000 200,460,000
10,400,792 10,400,792 10,400,792 20,801,583 20,801,583 20,801,583
89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 179,658,417 179,658,417 179,658,417

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

8,982,921 8,982,921 8,982,921 17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842

8,982,921 8,982,921 8,982,921 17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842
1 1 1 2 2 2
5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000

28,965,843 28,965,843 28,965,843 51,931,685 51,931,685 51,931,685

8,982,921 8,982,921 8,982,921 17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842
51,880,445 51,880,445 51,880,445 109,760,890 109,760,890 109,760,890
bulan 10 bulan 11 bulan 12 bulan 1 bulan 2

10 10 10 20 20
200,460,000 200,460,000 200,460,000 400,920,000 400,920,000
20,801,583 20,801,583 20,801,583 41,603,167 41,603,167
179,658,417 179,658,417 179,658,417 359,316,833 359,316,833

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842 35,931,683 35,931,683

17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842 35,931,683 35,931,683
3 3 3 4 4
15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 20,000,000
1 1 1 2 2
12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000
68,931,687 68,931,687 68,931,687 121,863,373 121,863,373
17,965,842 17,965,842 17,965,842 35,931,683 35,931,683
92,760,888 92,760,888 92,760,888 201,521,777 201,521,777
Tahun 3
bulan 3 bulan 4 bulan 5 bulan 6 bulan 7

20 20 20 50 50
400,920,000 400,920,000 400,920,000 1,002,300,000 1,002,300,000
41,603,167 41,603,167 41,603,167 104,007,917 104,007,917
359,316,833 359,316,833 359,316,833 898,292,083 898,292,083

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

35,931,683 35,931,683 35,931,683 89,829,208 89,829,208

35,931,683 35,931,683 35,931,683 89,829,208 89,829,208
4 5 5 5 6
20,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 30,000,000
2 2 2 2 3
24,000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000 36,000,000
121,863,373 126,863,374 126,863,374 234,658,424 251,658,426
35,931,683 35,931,683 35,931,683 89,829,208 89,829,208
201,521,777 196,521,776 196,521,776 573,804,451 556,804,449
bulan 8 bulan 9 bulan 10 bulan 11 bulan 12

50 50 50 50 50
1,002,300,000 1,002,300,000 1,002,300,000 1,002,300,000 1,002,300,000
104,007,917 104,007,917 104,007,917 104,007,917 104,007,917
898,292,083 898,292,083 898,292,083 898,292,083 898,292,083

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000

89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208

89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208
6 6 7 7 7
30,000,000 30,000,000 35,000,000 35,000,000 35,000,000
3 3 3 3 3
36,000,000 36,000,000 36,000,000 36,000,000 36,000,000
251,658,426 251,658,426 256,658,427 256,658,427 256,658,427
89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208 89,829,208
556,804,449 556,804,449 551,804,448 551,804,448 551,804,448
Biaya untuk 1 kg/1 ekor/ 10 porsi
Kebutuhan adonan
Komposisi Biaya Qty beli
Masak Masak Masak
Masak 1kg 1kg 3kg 5kg
Ayam 40,000 1 kg 1 3 5

Bumbu Rendaman;
Kecap asin 18,000 1 kg 3,5 sendok makan 54 ml 162 270
Saus tiram 105,000 1 kg 3 sendok makan 45 ml 135 225
Lada Bubuk 100,000 1 kg 1,5 sendok tteh 6 gr 18 30
Bawang putih 22,000 1 kg 7 siung 31 gr 93 155

Bahan tepung;
Bawang Putih Bubuk 100,000 1 kg 4 sendok tteh 12 gr 36 60
Garam 20,000 1 kg 4 sendok tteh 40 gr 120 200
Tepung Terigu 22,000 1,5kg 1,5 kg 1500 gr 4,500 7500
Susu bubuk 95,000 1kg 4 sendok makan 14 gr 42 70
Soda kue 45,000 1kg 2 sendok tehh 12 gr 36 60
Royko/ kaldu bubuk 48,000 1kg 3 sendok tehh 16 gr 48 80
Lada Bubuk 2 sendok tehh 4 gr 12 20
Bubuk Cabe 50,000 1kg 2 sendok tehh 4 gr 12 20
Maezena 25 gr 75 gr

Bahan Sambal;
Cabe jablay 16,000 500 gr 50 gr 150 250
Bawang Putih 22,000 1 kg 30 gr 90 150
Garam 1 sendok makan 20 gr 60 100
Gula 2 sendok makan 30 gr 60 100

Timun 12,000 1 kg 200 gr 200 gr 600 1000
Lalap 2,000 1 ikat 70 gr 70 gr 210 350
Per porsi

Estimasi Bisnis Ayam Kroyok
Fix Cost
Item Ket Y2019P Y2020P

Total Fix Cost 88,600,000 75,600,000

Variable cost (Jika 30 porsi/hari)
Total Variable Cost 95,100,000 95,100,000
Total Cost 183,700,000 170,700,000
Revenue (Jika 30 porsi/hari)
Total Revenue 180,690,000 180,690,000

P/L (3,010,000) 9,990,000

Variable cost (Jika 50 porsi/hari)
Total Variable Cost 158,500,000 158,500,000
Total Cost 247,100,000 234,100,000
Revenue (Jika 50 porsi/hari)
Total Revenue 301,150,000 301,150,000

P/L 54,050,000 67,050,000

Variable cost (Jika 80 porsi/hari)
Total Variable Cost 253,600,000 253,600,000
Total Cost 342,200,000 329,200,000

Revenue (Jika 80 porsi/hari)

Total Revenue 481,840,000 481,840,000

P/L 139,640,000 152,640,000

Y2021P Y2022P Y2023P PerHari PerBulan

87,600,000 75,600,000 87,600,000 279,495.27 7,266,877

95,100,000 95,100,000 95,100,000 300,000 7,800,000

182,700,000 170,700,000 182,700,000 579,495 15,066,877

180,690,000 180,690,000 180,690,000 570,000 14,820,000

(2,010,000) 9,990,000 (2,010,000) (9,495) (246,877)

158,500,000 158,500,000 158,500,000 500,000 13,000,000

246,100,000 234,100,000 246,100,000 779,495 20,266,877

301,150,000 301,150,000 301,150,000 950,000 24,700,000

55,050,000 67,050,000 55,050,000 170,505 4,433,123

253,600,000 253,600,000 253,600,000 800,000 20,800,000

341,200,000 329,200,000 341,200,000 1,079,495 28,066,877

481,840,000 481,840,000 481,840,000 1,520,000 39,520,000

140,640,000 152,640,000 140,640,000 440,505 11,453,123

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