HW Assignment #4

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Calculus 1 HW Assignment #4 Fall 2013

This homework assignment will not be collected for grading.

1. Find q
the derivative of the function.
p √ √
(a) y = x + x + x, (b) y = arcsin (x2 ), (c) y = 1 − x2 arcsin x.

√ 0 1
 √ 0 (x+ x) 1+ √
1+ √ √ 1 + √ 2 √x
x+ x+ x 2 x+ x 2 x+ x
y 0 (x) = q p √ =
q p √ =
q p √
2 x+ x+ x 2 x+ x+ x 2 x+ x+ x
We simplify to obtain the final result
p √ √
1 4 x x+x+2 x+1
√ p √
8 p
x+ x+ x x x+x

0 (x2 ) 2x
y =√ =√
1 − 4x 2 1 − 4x2
2. Find dy/dx by implicit differentiation

(a) xy = 1 + x2 y, (b) x cos y + y cos x = 1, (c) xy = y x .
(a) py
dy − 4xy
= x2 p y
dx 2x − x
where r
2 y
2x − 6= 0
dy y sin x − cos y
dx cos x − x sin y
where cos x 6= x sin y.

(c) Use logarithmic differentiation: y ln x = x ln y, then differentiate both sides with respect to
Hint for (c): Use logarithmic differentiation: y ln x = x ln y, then differentiate both sides with
respect to x.
f (x)
3. If f and g are the functions whose graphs are shown, let P (x) = f (x) g (x), Q (x) = g(x)
and C (x) = f (g (x)). Find (a) P 0 (2), (b) Q0 (2), and (c) C 0 (2).

Calculus 1 HW Assignment #4 Fall 2013

Hint: Note that the derivative of the linear function (straight line) is the slope of the straight
P 0 (2) = f 0 (2) g (2) + f (2) g 0 (2) = (−1) (4) + (1) (2) = −2.
(c) Applying the chain rule:

C 0 (2) = f 0 (g (2)) g 0 (2) = f 0 (4) g 0 (2) = (3) (2) = 6.

4. Suppose f and f −1 are both differentiable for all x with f (3) = 5; f 0 (3) = 7. Find the line
tangent to the graph of f −1 (x) at (5, 3)?
Hint: Use derivative of the inverse function. Let g(x) = f −1 (x).
1 1 1
slope = g 0 (5) = = =
f 0 (g (5)) f 0 (3) 7
Thus, the equation of the line tangent to the graph of g(x) at (5, 3) is : y − 3 = 1/7(x − 5).

5. Use
√ linear approximation to estimate the following values
(a) 15.6 (b) tan(46o ).

Recall the linear approximation formula:

f (x) ≈ f (a) + f 0 (a) (x − a) . (0.1)

Note that this is√a good approximation for x when it is close enough to a.
(a) Let f (x) = 4 x, a = 16. Equation (0.1) implies:
√ √ 1 3
16 + 16− 4 (x − 16)

4 11
This is valid for all x close to 16. Thus, for x = 15.6, we have: 15.6 ≈ 2 + 48
(15.6 − 16).
Hence: √4
15.6 ≈ 1.9875

Remark: The exact value is 4 15.6 = 1.9874.

(b) Let f (x) = tan x, a = 45o = π4 ,x = 46o = 46π

= π
+ π
in radians.
By linear approximation:
π  0  π   π
tan x ≈ tan + tan x−
4 4 4
Calculus 1 HW Assignment #4 Fall 2013

Thus, π 
tan x ≈ 1 + tan2 +1 x−
4 4
2 π
   46π π
tan ≈ 1 + tan +1 −
180 4 180 4
46π π
tan ≈1+ = 1.0349
180 90
6. Under certain circumstances a rumor spreads according to the equation
p (t) = ,
1 + ae−kt
where p(t) is the proportion of the population that knows the rumor at time t and a and k are
positive constants.
a. Find lim p (t).
b. Find the rate of spread of the rumor.
a. lim p (t) = 1 since lim e−kt = 0.
t→∞ t→∞

d(ae−kt )
0 dt ake−kt
p (t) = − =
(1 + ae−kt )2 (1 + ae−kt )2
7. The cost, in dollars, of producing x yards of a certain fabric is

C(x) = 1200 + 12x − 0.1x2 + 0.0005x3

a. Find the marginal cost function.

b. Find C 0 (200) and explain its meaning. What does it predict?
c. Compare C 0 (200) with the cost of manufacturing the 201st yard of fabric.

8. A bacteria culture initially contains 100 cells and grows at a rate proportional to its size.
After an hour the population has increased to 420.
a. Find an expression for the number of bacteria after hours.
b. Find the number of bacteria after 3 hours.
c. Find the rate of growth after 3 hours.
d. When will the population reach 10,000?

(a) P (t) = P (0)ekt = 100ekt . We have

P (1) = 420 ⇒ ek = 4.2 or k = ln(4.2)

Thus, P (t) = 100 (4.2)t .

(b) P (3) ≈ 7409 bacteria.
(c) P 0 (3) ≈ 10, 632.
(d) t ≈ 3.2 hours.

Calculus 1 HW Assignment #4 Fall 2013

9. A car is traveling at night along a highway shaped like a parabola with its vertex at the
origin (see the below figure). The car starts at a point 100 m west and 100 m north of the
origin and travels in an easterly direction. There is a statue located 100 m east and 50 m north
of the origin. At what point on the highway will the cars headlights illuminate the statue?

The equation of the parabola is defined by
y = f (x) =
Let (a, f (a)) be the point on the highway where the car’s headlight will illuminate the statue.
Therefore, the tangent line of the parabola at (a, f (a)) will pass through the statue at (100, 50).
We have the equation of the tangent line at (a, f (a)) is given by

y − f (a) = f 0 (a) (x − a)

This leads to the quadratic equation for a:

50 − = 2a (100 − a)
Thus, √
a = 100 − 50 2
a2  √ 2
y = f (a) = = 25 2 − 2 .

[We omit the value a = 100 + 50 2 since even though the tangent line of the parabola at
(a, f (a)) will pass through the statue at (100, 50) at this value of a but the headlight will not
illuminate the statue, the car already passed over the statue in this case.]
10. A particle moves along the x-axis, its position at time t given by x (t) = 1+t 2 , t > 0, where

t is measured in seconds and x in meters.

(a) Find the velocity at time t.
(b) When is the particle moving to the right? When is it moving to the left?
(c) Find the total distance traveled during the first 4 s.
Hint: (a) The velocity at time t is given by
1 − t2
x0 (t) =
(1 + t2 )2

Calculus 1 HW Assignment #4 Fall 2013

(b) The particle is moving to the right: x0 (t) > 0 ⇔ 0 ≤ t < 1.

The particle is moving to the left: x0 (t) < 0 ⇔ t > 1.
(c) |s(1) − s(0)| + |s(4) − s(1)| = 1/2 + (1/2 − 4/17) = 13/17.


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