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Differences Between Validity and Reliability

The points presented below, explains the fundamental differences between validity and

 The degree to which the scale gauges, what it is designed to gauge, is known as validity.
On the other hand, reliability refers to the degree of reproducibility of the results, if
repeated measurements are done.
 When it comes to the instrument, a valid instrument is always reliable, but the reverse is
not true, i.e. a reliable instrument need not be a valid instrument.
 While evaluating multi-item scale, validity is considered more valuable in comparison to
 One can easily assess the reliability of the measuring instrument, however, to assess
validity is difficult.
 Validity focuses on accuracy, i.e. it checks whether the scale produces expected results or
not. Conversely, reliability concentrates on precision, which measures the extent to which
scale produces consistent outcomes.

Name: John Lester M. Morillo

Gr/Sec: 12 TVL B

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