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Transit Chart Report


The issues that regard daily life in this period find easier solutions than usual. The Sun clears up possible doubts, especially with regard to
work, also allowing advantageous choices. Our duties and responsibilities seem to weigh less than usual because our approach is more
patient and willing. There are good possibilities that the efficiency we show in this period will be rewarded by financial and moral rewards.
A greater amount of attention must be paid to hygienic rules, diet, sporting activity etc which keep us in good physical shape.


The fundamental need that provokes this transit of the Moon is tied somehow or other to our ambitions. It is about the wish to be socially
popular or recognised in a private field; we are, in any case, very motivated to show our talents. If we have felt unhappy at work, it may
now come to the surface: let's take advantage of it to take stock of the situation, making possible doubts or ambiguity clear. At times
there is more empathy and comprehension towards collaborators or employees.


We can appeal to Mercury’s ability if we have to start deals in this period, or sign contracts or come to agreements of any kind. We are
determined to support our ideas but on the same time able to include those of others. It is the right moment to clear up doubts or
misunderstandings, whether they concern our private or social life. If we are going through a period of tension with our partner we are
sufficiently detached to look at the situation again objectively. In general, this transit assists dialogue between two people.


Sentimental connections acquire a greater intensity, for example from an erotic standpoint, because Venus in this sector brings great
passion. On a psychological level this transit induces us to discover the hidden sides of our emotional and sentimental nature, thanks to
the intimate relationship with the other sex. The eighth house also regards financial issues and little wins are not out of the question, or
profitable affairs or donations of money. There is probable extraordinary income also for our partner. At times during this transit, which is
very short, we find out that we are more jealous and possessive towards those who are dearest to us.


In this moment daily life is speeded up, in particular in regard to work. Thanks to this energy drive we will be able to unwind the aspect’s
activity with greater effectiveness and more quickly. Mars is a combative planet and helps us to defend our rights, even against
colleagues and superiors; pay attention nevertheless to maintain a sufficient amount of control so as not to end up in the wrong. If we
feel that we are too much under stress, let us not forget that at times impatience causes little incidents at work and at home.


The symbology associated with the third astrological sector is diversified enough, nevertheless being based on movement and on
communication: they can limit themselves to the "means" to move and to communicate (cars, telephones, the post, printing and so on) or
to spread to our oratorical ability, before touching the so-called “horizontal relations” with brothers, cousins, acquaintances. Since Jupiter
is a planet tied to expansion, prestige and trust, its passage in the third house will tend to make some events relative to different fields
more important or satisfactory, according to personal situations. For example, it might accompany the publication of a book, a publishing
success; the purchase of the car you have always dreamt of; getting to know an influential person or the satisfaction for a brother or a
person close to us. The third house is also associated with “short journeys”, with more or less repeated moves. Jupiter is still the ruler of
Sagittarius, in analogy with the ninth house that is, and vice versa, associated with the longest or most significant journeys abroad and
different cultures … For this Jupiter in the third house might indicates a period in which even the most banal wavering acquires a special
importance for work, which means a more satisfactory or better-paid profession; or in which the contact with faraway or foreign persons
(if only through Internet) means a lot in professional, cultural or personal terms. In any case, often we become more authoritative and
convincing in our way of speaking, of writing, of expressing ourselves.


Saturn is not particularly in synch with the experiences of the fifth house, and often this passage accompanies a period of scarce
amusement, less leisure time or, perhaps, simply less will to enjoy it! Also from an erotic and sexual point of view it can be a limp phase,
of scarce warmth, but that doesn’t mean that it depends on inner questions. At times there are objective circumstances that take us away
from our partner or hinder us in moments of intimacy. Those who are single will not be very interested in looking for a relationship, and
there may be a kind of preventive distrust towards new acquaintances, especially those who “get too close”! There is nothing really
difficult, unless there are more incisive transits. Saturn always brings a little bit of introversion, a need for independence and therefore
also a need to spend more time with ourselves. In this case, Saturn might help us to redefine our expectations, wishes, those that really
ensure pleasure and satisfaction to us. It is a good transit for those who teach or have educational roles. Our relationship with children
might become less playful, which is true, but not therefore necessarily stricter or shifting. If anything, we feel more responsible to
communicate solid values and a consistent moral example. In the presence of small children, however, it is important not to weigh too
much on exchange of affections and leave space for lightheartedness.


Uranus’ readiness fully matches the dynamism of the third house. Especially on a social, but also a work level, it is a period in which we
want to acquire new knowledge and have the chance to use it, and we are decidedly well-disposed to going out, to being involved in
meetings, to try new environments and interests. This is also evidently about greater physical movement; the idea of spending our leisure
time at home makes us intolerant and to fight the boredom we invent new opportunities or allow ourselves to be willingly involved in
trips, a meeting with friends, a dinner in a recently opened place or any initiative that livens up our habits... better still if it is unusual. It
is a good passage for journalists, dealers, for those who travel or undertake dynamic, creative activities, in contact with the public. We
can have good ideas for re-launching a business, advertising innovations, a good verve to stimulate clients or colleagues; vice versa, we
feel ourselves stuck in repetitive or sedentary tasks, and we might lose concentration, not manage to work methodically and with
perseverance, to waste energy in too many directions. It is a period that is good for changing your car, computer or telephone company;
even the youngest will wish to update their own way of communicating, and perhaps enrol in an IT course or purchase a cell phone. The
good thing about this transit is the following: we are more curious, open, decidedly less prejudiced towards others.


Neptune is receding and indefinable in its metamorphosis symbology that in a simple house such as the third one it can end up catching
you off guard! In particular, this transformation "wave" will impact our social world and it is possible that we begin to go to different,
unusual environments, that we change our usual contacts or our way of communicating, of moving, of relating to others and even with
people who are dear to us: friends, brothers, colleagues. It is not easy to say in which way it will be expressed, because it depends on
the subject concerned, on his chart, on the possible concurrent transits.But it is less probable that something changes: if normally we are
solitary or sedentary types, we will perhaps become more sociable and will want to move and to meet people; vice versa we may live a
more introspective phase, our social life or superficial relationships will be disturbances, and we will shun meetings or involvement in
things that, until recently, made us feel comfortable. In our work and in our studies it may be that we begin to have a sense of
dissatisfaction, scarce motivation or simply that we become more absent-minded and unwilling: we want to change our direction but we
do not know which way to choose, so we try different alternatives while none convince us. It is in short a very confusing and chaotic
passage, but if lived with awareness, it could turn out to be very useful to redefine a more authentic scale of existential and social values.


Pluto’s passage in the first house emphasises creative capability aimed at personal affirmation. The legitimate need to manage our lives to
our own advantage nevertheless often avails itself of the Plutonian attributes, becoming a need to dominate, also in relation to others,
and in any case, giving the means to the end. So we become more strategic, manipulators, aiming not to show ourselves in a direct and
transparent way, preferring to hide our intentions somehow or other in order to manipulate the circumstances to our better advantage :
we can become more underhand and lie, or simply put on different clothes depending on our specific purpose, and more or less
consciously, we play different roles acting as characters. Mystery, charisma and the ability of persuasion increase in proportion: only the
chart as a whole or other collateral aspects (slowed down or stimulated) can say if we will become real “stage animals” or whether we will
see our authoritativeness simply heightened. In any case this transit sweeps away much shyness and amplifies the sense of identity, even
if this does not always correspond to the complete truth about us or how we behave. A certain something that is enigmatic and magnetic
will also make us more charming, which will certainly prove to be convenient in our sentimental or professional lives; the important thing
is that certainty corresponds to a real awareness, otherwise we might remain victims of our theatricalism, losing control over the
situations that we think instead of owning.


Even though it is a short transit, the influence of this aspect between the Sun and Jupiter is absolutely the best aspect because a good
mood and certainty will be contained with a certain level of discretion. On this day we are therefore able to obtain the most from
ourselves and the outside world, accompanied by the right level of trust in our potential. Our vitality is high, both for starting new
initiatives and to complete those successfully that have already begun. A conclusion of advantageous business may occur, or there may
be employment proposals or unexpected income. The positive contact of the Sun with Jupiter invites us to plan life on a more optimistic
basis, eliminating possible doubts or mental problems that have put barriers before our plans for the future.


This transit is accompanied by moments of satisfaction in respect of our moral and also physical state. We feel a strong sense of
well-being which brings us closer to others and favours all kinds of relationships, and it includes doing well at work and reviving romantic
relationships. It is an excellent day to study, to travel or to make favourable friendships. It includes a little more popularity for those who
work in public sectors or in show business. It may be that a lightning intuition solves problems of a legal nature or an on-going
controversy. In general this contact between the Moon and Jupiter tends to extol female qualities, such as intuition, creativity and
welcoming: we will benefit from it regardless of our sex.


The mental clarity we have, thanks to the conjunction of Mercury with the Sun, lets us achieve our objectives with the optimum mental
state. Even if this transit is of short duration, it could be that the positive effects of this moment of consciousness continue once the
transit has passed. The ability to communicate with the external world is heightened and we are provided with a strong power of
conviction, especially if we must express our ideas in work or study. We should make sure we pay extra attention in some cases so as not
to confuse a heated debate with the forcing of opinions on others.


With the help of other positive transits, the conjunction aspect of Venus might pave the way for a love story, or maybe to make us more
receptive to the influence of our feelings. Generally, a pleasant disposition towards the external world guarantees pleasant and tender
contact with others, both in the social and private fields. Today we are particularly attracted to all that is beautiful and makes life more
comfortable; it will be difficult to return home without having bought something, even if only some perfume or a treat. In terms of art,
Venus stimulates creative intelligence and therefore there is a possibility of showing a particular talent.


Decisions regarding finances are prohibited on this day because our imagination overlaps rationality. Little disappointments are round the
corner if we use our imagination too much and if we confuse reality with our idea of what is ideal. Today it is easy to fall in love, not only
with a person but also a situation, a purchase or a hobby. Tomorrow, nevertheless, we should recognise that it has only been about a
passing infatuation. At times, this stressful Venus aspect to Neptune evokes a sense of sacrifice with regard to the one we love but we
will hardly be rewarded for it. This combination of planets offers the possibility of appreciating art forms more and therefore there are
possible advantages for those who work in this sector.


Mercury represents our mental processes which are made more active by contact with Mars, letting us think quicker. We might get
impatient mainly because others do not seem to keep up with us in conversations or in exchanges of ideas, although we have to try and
hide any disappointment, and avoid criticism or sharp comments. Intellectual activities benefit, including studies, we will be particularly
convincing in giving our opinion, in whatever field we may be working. Travelling will be quicker than usual and including travelling by car
or with public transport. If we feel electrified because our mind is super-active, we must avoid taking our physical energy for granted; we
would risk putting too much at stake!


Concentration and patience are the qualities that characterise this aspect: especially in the professional field where demonstrations of
goodwill might be rewarded by satisfaction and recognition, even if praise is not the objective of our commitment. We are able to plan
daily activities following a rhythm of effective and constant work. Also the caution with which we face situations protects us against
possible risks, especially if we have to undertake a new activity. In general, the harmonious contact between Mars and Saturn induces an
irreproachable conduct, be it at a practical or moral level, and it is very probable that this attracts the respect of others, including our
elders. In this moment, our physique is more resistant to labour and we will be capable of good work, especially at a practical level.


The most frequent problem during this period is that our lucidity and our ability of rational evaluation derail, and we live a moment of
strong impressionability and imagination. If it is true that we become more sensitive and intuitive – and this is a good thing – then we still
aim to interpret reality, more than to observe it objectively; we may therefore be victims of illusions, mirrors, misunderstandings and even
deceit. In particular, when Neptune squares our Mercury it is better to avoid or to postpone the most delicate negotiations concerning
work, sales, contracts, investments, because what we "believe" doesn't always correspond to the truth. We are attracted by experiences
of strong ideological impact, but it is also true that we try to confer emotional or fanciful connotations onto everything, in certain cases
managing to feel excited by choices that instead should be dealt with caution and common sense. Also when Neptune opposes our
Mercury we might be misunderstood or influenced, therefore it is important that we always try our best to be very clear and explicit when
we have a confrontation with others, demanding the same clarity from them; incomprehension and misunderstandings are limited risks,
but if on the other hand someone is not very honest … we might not realise it. Unfortunately the opposite is also possible, that we
imagine things, become suspicious or get trapped into telling ourselves things that give us uneasiness, concern or even suffering.
Speaking with trustworthy friends can be very useful to maintain or restore a more objective vision of reality. Better instead to keep away
from alcohol or medicines that have effects on the psyche or on the mind: we are already confused enough!


This is the most delicate and important transit, as well as an often challenging one. Pluto’s transit by opposition is not a kind one, as it
digs deep inside us; to do so, every method is justified, and it does not stop despite our protests. The point is that only by digging deep
can it make us discover the treasures that we contain, without even knowing it. But in this adventure the obstacles are proportional to
our resistance: we feel threatened and vulnerable, are afraid of meeting enemies or ghosts, of confronting our inner demons, not wanting
to see our faults or memories that we have hidden away or with desires that our culture or education does not let us admit to having. It
is nevertheless true that, in this digging work, and especially in the square aspect, Pluto brings skeletons to the surface: remains of a past
that doesn't belong to us anymore and yet that we insist on holding on to. At the end of the day, even roses grow from rotting compost,
which gives fertility, enrichment and new life. We are still afraid of death: in rare cases of physic death, more often of a psychic one, or,
conversely, of the death of feelings, relationships or social conditions that are out-of-date and yet to which we remain affectionately and
morbidly attached, without understanding that in this way we understand an “end“ to be a the loss or an abandonment, and not a
healthy, liberating detachment. With the help of the psychoanalysis, meditation or of other cognitive and evolutionary techniques, this
period can become not only less painful but also more fertile and memorable.

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