Schuitema Leadership Excellence

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The Care and GrowthTM Model

Schuitema is an organizational transformation consultancy

committed to assisting its clients to transform their
organizations through people growth. Schuitema specializes
in leadership training, enablement, organizational audits,
development of operational excellence measures and climate

Transformation at Schuitema means to change the enterprise

from being an organization of resources to pursue the
interests of owners, to being a community of people, who co-
operate to serve customers and clients. Schuitema transforms
organizations through the creation of a critical mass of
competent Care and Growth™ leaders and assistance in
implementing certain organizational development
components that support Care and GrowthTM leadership.

Our Care and Growth™ model of Leadership demonstrates to

leaders the connection between their intent as a human being
and their ability to create business excellence. Schuitema
works with leaders through training, coaching and
implementation support to apply this understanding to the
achievement of both self and business excellence in the

Across contexts, application of the Care and Growth™ model

has been viewed as highly original, uplifting and inspiring and
has delivered profound and sustainable changes at both the
individual and organisational level.

Our mission is to provide consultancy, enablement and

implementation services related to change management and
transformation with a focus on Personal, Leadership and
Service Excellence.
Facilitator's Profile:

Fakhir Shah is the Managing Partner Schuitema (Pakistan).

He is part of a team of dedicated transformation consultants
helping businesses transform through people growth.
He has a BSc Electrical Engineering degree and an MBA with
major in finance. He has more than 14 years experience in the
telecom industry and has worked in several international
Fakhir joined Schuitema from a senior position at Siemens,
leading vendor of electrical engineering products and
solutions. He has a rich experience in operations
management, project management and account
management. His last assignment with Siemens was as head
of Business Management BU Mobile Networks, Siemens
Pakistan where he provided leadership to business
excellence, team enabling and quality management projects.
Fakhir has provided training and consulting to leading
organizations within Pakistan and abroad.
He specializes in development of high performance teams of
professionals based upon Care and Growth™ philosophy.
The Programme

The Care and Growth™ model of Leadership, explores the

issue of relationship between personal mastery and
successful leadership over others.
The Care and Growth™ approach emphasises that the key
problem facing leaders at work is to establish a sense of
legitimacy for their leadership. What we have discovered is
that these relationships are only seen to be legitimate if
subordinates see their leaders acting consistently with the
criteria of Care and Growth at work. We have also
demonstrated that growing people means to give people the
Means, the Ability and the Accountability to do what is
required of them.
The two day introduction to Care and Growth™ titled
‘Establishing The Criteria for Healthy Leadership’, serves
to provide delegates with a thorough and practical insight into
the core principles of the model.
This is followed by four one day 'Care and Growth™ Applied'
1. Time and Authority: The Means To Lead
2. Holding People Accountable
3. Cultivating Growth
4. Giving Purpose
The purpose is to incrementally develop practical application
skills consistent with the Care and Growth™ model.
Establishing the Criteria for Healthy Leadership
(2-day Program)


Understanding Commitment: What are the conditions

under which people come to work because they want to rather
than because they have to. How does this relate to some of the
current assumptions in this regard.

The Four Axioms: The four key principles that account for
legitimate leadership at work. The relationship between
legitimacy, Care and GrowthTM, control and being here to

The Question of Values: Being here to serve and value

driven behaviour. The impact of needs and values on the
intent of the leader. The relationship between the leader's
intent and the loyalty of the follower.

Empowerment: The principle variables that are at issue in

empowerment. Empowerment and providing means.
Empowerment and enabling people. Empowerment and
holding people accountable.
Time and Authority - The Means To Lead
Care and GrowthTM Applied 1

Examines the key Means issues that are associated with

legitimate leadership. These are namely the issues of time and
authority. If a leader cares for those in his charge this will be
visible and demonstrable on the basis of where he spends his
time, because one has time for things one cares about. If a
critical requirement of legitimate leadership is that the leader
should act as a coach, then it becomes apparent that one
cannot coach a game if you do not watch it, or spend time on it.
Further to this, one cannot care for or grow people if you do
not have the authority to do so, principally because the growth
of people requires an incremental suspension of control over
the subordinate.
Time and Attention: The shift of attention of a leader to care
for and grow their people is consistent with the shift of
attention from outcome to process. Covey's reactivity and pro-
activity and constructing a leadership diary.
Values Revisited: Giving appropriate attention is also
concerned with understanding the values that are operative in
typical command situations. An examination of honesty,
fairness, respect, gratitude etc.
Empowerment and Control: Empowerment and the
incremental suspension of control. The implication of the
incremental suspension of control for means, ability and
accountability. The five steps to empowerment.
Horizontal and Vertical Empowerment: The effects of
empowerment on structure. The effects on decisions taken in
the line of command and the effects on the role played by
support functions.
Snake Killing: How to do ongoing and real time business
process re-engineering and obtain maximum organisational
efficiency without employing a consultancy.
Overall Principles for Control. The relationship between
control, exceptions and organisational efficiency.
Holding People Accountable
Care and GrowthTM Applied 2

Examines the implications for accountability from the point of

view of Care and Growth™. A key consequence of the shift of
the leader's attention from outcome to process is that there is
a shift from holding people accountable for results to holding
people accountable for the appropriateness of what they
contribute. This shift in what people are held accountable for
affects two key areas, namely, how leaders deal with
exceptions (things that either go disastrously wrong or
dramatically right), and performance management.
Principles of Accountability: Holding people accountable for
what they personally influence. Identifying what a person
personally influences with regard to a given result area. The
distinction between responsibility and accountability.
Leadership Diagnostics: The relationship between control
and exceptions. Seeing exceptions as an opportunity to learn.
Diagnosing the command issues that are the real causes of
exceptions. Remediating means, ability or accountability
issues in the line. The operational review meeting.
Establishing Accountability: How to identify the
contribution of a role. Defining accountabilities and
responsibilities within a given reporting cycle. Setting
Assessing Accountability: Watching the game. Using
leadership diagnostics to track the contribution of leaders.
Performance Review: Giving feedback. Agreeing means, ability
and accountability requirements.
Cultivating Growth
Care and GrowthTM Applied 3

Examines the implications for developing a coaching

relationship with the subordinate where the intent of the
relationship is the growth of the individual. There are two
areas of focus: Firstly, to understand how to deal with victims.
One of the problems in organisations is that people do not feel
that have control over their own lives and they therefore gripe
and behave like victims. Growing people means that one
changes this mentality to one where people accept
accountability for the situation that they are in. The second
issue concerned with growing people knowing how to coach.
The coaching methodology developed at Schuitema
specifically explores the implication of using the task as
means to grow the person rather than using the person as the
means whereby the job gets done.
The Gripe to Goal Process: Dealing with victims. Listening as
a skill. Identifying gripes. Turning gripes into goals.
Brainstorming. Gaining commitment.
Being a Coach: Clearly distinguishing between the task
performed by a subordinate and the subordinate's learning
opportunity. Using the task as the means whereby progress is
made with regard to a learning opportunity. Shifting attention
from what the person does to what the person knows or is able
to do.
The Coaching Cycle: Seeing coaching in the context of an
ongoing reporting relationship. The relationship between
watching the game and coaching.
The Coaching Conversation: Identifying a learning
opportunity. Relating the learning opportunity to the job.
Agreeing a coaching plan. Giving feedback.
Giving Purpose
Care and GrowthTM Applied 4

Examines what it means to give purpose to a job and therefore

what is required to give meaning to a job. There are two areas of
focus: Firstly, to understand what we at Schuitema refer to as
the Benevolent Intent of a task. The argument here is that an
organisation succeeds to the degree to which individuals in the
organisation are able to act for reasons which are bigger than
their own self interest. If the mission or intent of the
organisation is not sufficiently noble, it cannot seek to solicit
this unconditional behaviour. It is therefore important to
understand the rules that define the conditions for people to
commit to a purpose bigger than themselves.
The second theme that is dealt with in this workshop is the
issue of measures. Clearly, how one measures a game affects
how the game is played, and that if one wanted to solicit
contribution one had to understand how to measure it.
Benevolent Intent of the Organisation: Establishing a
benevolent intent. The implication of benevolent intent for
visions, missions and values. Orientating the organisation to
Benevolent Intent of the Task: Establishing the benevolent
intent of the function. Establishing a line of sight between the
benevolent intent of the task, that of the function and that of
the organisation. Reviewing personal purpose: why do I come
to work?
Measuring Contribution: Understanding how wealth is
created. Measuring added value. Seeing people as
contributors rather than costs. The relationship between
adding value and delighting customers. The relationship
between adding value and containing outside costs.
Wealth Distribution: Means and ends: satisfying the
legitimate expectations of stakeholders to continue serving
customers and clients. Wealth distribution and organisational
Operational Measures: balanced score cards in the context of
the value added statement. Establishing the line of sight for
appropriate measures. Defining measures for operational

"AEL had been introduced to the Schuitema Leadership

thematic some years earlier ... Now, some 8 or 9 years later the
effect of the leadership intervention has not disappeared on
the contrary, it has grown and become entrenched as a way of
life. Productivity has improved year on year on year, safety is
at its best ever level, and product quality has spectacularly
changed gear into a different league... I would thoroughly
recommend the Schuitema Leadership approach to anyone
who is serious about creating a sustainable transformation in
people and organisations."
Graham Edwards, Managing Director
African Explosives Ltd, South Africa

"Schuitema concepts are very powerful, as embodied in the

Personal Excellence framework and these assimilate
beautifully with my cultural values and beliefs. I experienced
a paradigm shift in my thinking about my role as a leader."
Adnan Afaq, CEO
Askari Investment Management Ltd. Pakistan

"A revolutionary model of leadership and management ....... a

truly powerful tool for organizations in Pakistan."
Jamshed Khan, Associate Dean
Lahore University of Management Sciences - Pakistan

"The Leadership principles associated with The Care and

Growth™ of subordinates and teams is the critical success
factor in achieving world class performance. This enrolment
and empowering model creates an environment of sustained
trust, loyalty and willingness as opposed to an environment of
grudging compliance. This can be directly linked to superior
and sustained business performance."
University of Cambridge
( Testing the hypothesis in the UK, Sweden and Denmark)
"Every time You Give,
You act for a reason that is higher than your
immediate self interest,
You change,
You grow
and continue growing to become what your life
was designed to be.
Don't sell Yourself short."
Etsko Schuitema
South Africa: P O Box 877, Walkerville, 1876,
Pakistan: House # 197, Block A, New Muslim Town, Lahore.
Contact: Saadya Ahmed
e-mail: , cell: +92 300 850 3575

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