Poison Tree Q N A

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 In Stanza 1, which word in the poem means ‘the feeling of anger’?


 In Stanza 2, what did the persona water his wrath with?

his/ the persona’s tears

 Why is he angry with his foe?

Maybe his foe did something that he did not like.

 List two things that you can learn from the poem
(i) We should forgive someone and not contain our anger.

(ii) When we are angry at someone, we should tell the person about it.


 In Stanza 1, what did the persona do when he was angry with his friend?
He told his friend about it and the anger was gone.

 In Stanza 3, what does ‘It” refer to?

The wrath/ anger/ the tree

 Which line suggests that the persona’s enemy noticed the apple?
And my foe beheld it shine

 Anger management is very important. Give two reasons to support our

1. When we express our anger positively, we would feel relieved.
2. We need to control our anger because if we express it wrongly, we could create bigger

 In Stanza 1, who was the persona angry with?
His friend/ his enemy/ his foe

 In Stanza 1, how was the persona able to make up with his friend after
the misunderstand?
He told his anger to his friend and the anger ended.

 How did the persona feed his anger? Give one way.
He watered with his fears and tears

OR He sunned with smiles

OR He sunned it with soft deceitful wiles

 How would you feel when you gave misunderstanding with your friend?
Feeling: I feel upset/ sad/ disappointed/ lonely

Explanation: I have no one to talk to.


 How does the persona feel towards his foe?
Angry / wrath

 Which word in the poem means devious?


 Which line tells you the persona is pleased to see the foe dead?
In the morning glad I see

 Do you think it is right for the persona to treat his enemy in such a way?
No, it is not the right thing to do.

 How would you treat your enemy?

I would discuss with the enemy about our misunderstanding and forgive him.


 In Stanza 1, who are the people the persona is angry with?
His friend and his foe

 What happened when he did not tell his foe his anger?
His anger grew/ his anger intensified.

 Which line in Stanza 4 shows that the persona is not upset with what had
happened to his enemy?
In the morning glad I see
 We can conclude from the poem that harbouring anger towards
someone is bad. If you are in a similar situation, what would you do?
Give reasons for your decision.
I would discuss with my enemy about my anger. This is because keeping anger is bad for
our emotion.


 In Stanza 1, who are the people the persona is angry with?
His friend and his foe

 In Stanza 2, state a characteristic that describe the persona

Deceitful/ cunning/ devious

 In Stanza 4, which line indicates that the foe is dead

My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

 What is the best thing to do when you are angry?

Action: I will go to the beach and scream out loud.

Reason: By this way, I can vent out my anger and think about it without hurting anyone.


 In Stanza 1, which word has the same meaning as enemy?

 In your opinion, what does the apple symbolize in the poem?

The wrath/ the anger

 In Stanza 4, which line shows that the sky was dark?

When the night had veiled the pole

 Putting yourself in the persona’s shoe, list two ways you can resolve a
conflict that you may have with your enemy without hurting one
(i) I will have a good discussion with my enemy.

(ii) I will go to a councillor to get a good advice about my conflict.


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