44 Remedies and 22 Eliminating Rubrics Satya Paul.01414 1

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Satya Paul

44 Remedies and 22 Eliminating Rubrics

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44 Remedies and 22 Eliminating Rubrics
of Satya Paul
Publisher: B. Jain


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A A remedies 8-

eliminators 22
44 REMEDIES Page No.
1. Aconitum Napellus ... . .'. 9
2. Antimonium Tartariciim 11
3. Apis Mellifica ... ... 13
4. Arnica 15
5. Arsenicum Album ... ... 18
6. Belladonna 20
7. Bryonia 23
8. Galcarea Carb 25
9. Carbo Vegetabilis ... ..... 28
10. Causticum 31
11. Chamomilla 33
12. Cinchona Officinalis 36
13. Colocynthis ... ... 3S
14. Digitalis .... ... 39'
15. Drosera ... ..................41
16. Dulcamara 42
17. Gelsemium 44
18. Graphites 46
19. Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum .. • ... 48
20. Hyoscyamus 51
21. Ignatia ... ... 52
22. Ipecacuanha .... ... 55
23. Lachesis ... ... 56
24. Lycopodium 59
25. Mercurium — Hydrargyrum ... ... 62
26. Natrum Muriaticum 65
27. Nitricum A c i d u m ........................................ . . 69
28. Nux Vomica ... ... 71
29. Phosphorus . . . . . . 75
30. Phosphoricum Acidum . . . . . . 78
31. Podophyllum ... ... 80
32. Psorinum . . . . . . 82
33. Pulsatilla ... ... 85
34. Rhus Toxicodendron 88
35. Secale C o r n u t u m — C l a v i c e p s P u r p u r e a 90
36. Sepia 92
37. Silicea 95
38. Staphysagria : 98
39. Sulphur ... ... 101
40. Syphilinum ... ... 104
41. Thuja Occidentalis ....................... 106
42. Tuberculinum . . . .. . 108
43. Veratrum Album ... ... 110
44. Zincum M e t a l l i c u m 112
45. Eliminating S y m p t o m s 115
46. H o w to E l i m i n a t e 118
47. Some Cases, W o r k e d o u t ... ... 119

1. Cold a n d A g g r a v a t i o n from C o l d ... ... 134
2. W a r m t h a n d A g g r a v a t i o n from W a r m t h 136
3. Restlessness ... ... 138
4. Irritability . . , 140
5. Fear 142
6. Tearfulness 143
7. Aggravationfrom Lying 144
8. Aggravation f r o m M o t i o n ... ... 146
9. Aggravation D u r i n g A f t e r n o o n ... ... 148
10. Aggravation After M i d n i g h t ... ... 149
11. Aggravation After Sleep 150
12. Aggravation from P r e s s u r e 150
13. Relief from P r e s s u r e 152
__ __ __
14. Thirst .... ... 152
15. Aggravation from Eating 8c afte Eating .... ... 154
16. < and > from Drinking and Smoking ... ... 156
17. Burning Pains ... ... 158
18. Cutting Pains . .-. ... 160
19-. Sore Pains 161 |
20. Throbbing Pains ... ... 163
21. Cramping Pains ... ... 164
22. Bursting Pains 165


1. Backache — 179 18. Indigestion — 197
2. Bed-Wetting — 180 19. Leucorrhoea — 198
3. Cold and Coryza —181 20. Menses Absent — 200
4. Colic — 182 21. Menses Painful — 201
5. Cough — 183 22. Menses Profuse — 202
6. Dandruff — 185 23. Measles — 203
7. Dentition — IS6 24. Mouth-sore — 205
8. Diarrhoea — 186 25. Nausea &• Vomiting — 205
9. Dysentery — 188 26. Nose-Bleed — 206
10. Earache - 189 27. Piles — 207
11. Eyes-sore 190 28. Pimples on Face — 208
12. Fever (Simple) — 191 29. Skin Disorders -- 209
13. Flatulence — 192 30. Sore-Throat — 210
14. Gastralgia — 192 31. Tonsilitis — 211
15. Hair Failing - 194 32. Toothache - 212
16. Headache — 195 33. Vertigo — 214
17. Hoarseness — 196 ————


(217 -222)

6 _
Satya Paul
44 Remedies and 22 Eliminating

222 pages, pb
publication 2005

More books on homeopathy, alternative medicine and a

healthy life www.narayana-verlag.com

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