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Bourden Tube Pressure Gauge

Used for measuring pressures of all kinds of fluids upto pressures of 700 MPa. The pressure above
atmospheric pressure can be easily measured with this device. It consists of a flattened circular tube
which is coiled into a circular arc. One end is soldered to a central block and is open to the fluid pressure
to be measured. Other end is sealed and connected to the pointer spindle. If the pressure inside the
tube is greater than outside pressure the tube straighten out, thus operates a simple pinion - sector
arrangement and thus turning the pointer. So the pointer moves on the circular scale and indicates the
pressure of the fluid.

This device cannot be used for measuring rapidly changing pressures since it employs mechanical

Total pressure
Total pressure is also termed as hydrostatic force. Total pressure is basically defined as the
hydrostatic force applied by a static fluid on a plane or curved surface when fluid will come in
contact with the surfaces. This hydrostatic force will act normal to the surface.
Total pressure or hydrostatic force will be determined by the following formula as mentioned
Total Pressure =ρ g A ħ
The point of application of total pressure on the surface is known as centre of pressure.

Unit of total pressure

As total pressure is basically a hydrostatic force and therefore total pressure will be measured in
terms of N or
Total Pressure on a Vertically Immersed Surface

Let us consider the small strip of thickness dh, width b and at a depth of h from free surface of
liquid as displayed here in above figure.
Intensity of pressure on small strip, dp = ρgh
Area of strip, dA = b x dh
Total pressure force on small strip, dF = dP x dA
Total pressure force on small strip, dF = ρgh x b x dh
Total pressure force on whole surface, F = Integration of dF

Total Pressure Inclined Plane Surface Immersed in a Liquid

Let us consider a plane surface of arbitrary shape immersed in liquid in such a way that the plane of
surface makes an angle θ with the free surface of liquid as displayed here in following figure.

Let us consider that we have following data from above figure.

A = Total area of inclined surface

ħ = Height of centre of gravity of inclined area from free surface
h* = Distance of centre of pressure from free surface of the liquid
θ = Angle made by the surface of inclined plane with free surface of the liquid
Total pressure which is basically defined as the hydrostatic force applied by a static fluid on a
plane or curved surface when fluid will come in contact with the surfaces.

Total pressure for inclined plane surface submerged in liquid will be given by following formula
as mentioned here.
Total pressure = ρ g A ħ


Buoyancy or buoyancy force
When a body is immersed in fluid, an upward force is exerted by the fluid on the body. This
force will be equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body and this force will be termed
as force of buoyancy or buoyancy.
Buoyancy force is the force which will be exerted on the object by the surrounding fluid. When
one object will be immersed in the water, object will push the water and water will push back the
object with as much force as it can.
Force of buoyancy = Weight of the displaced fluid
Force of buoyancy = Weight of the object in air – Weight of the object in given water
Centre of buoyancy
Buoyancy force will act through the centre of gravity of the displaced fluid and that point i.e.
centre of gravity of the displaced fluid will be termed as centre of buoyancy.

Therefore we can define the term centre of buoyancy as the point through which the force of
buoyancy is supposed to act.
Centre of buoyancy = Centre of gravity of the displaced fluid = Centre of gravity of the portion of the
body immersed in the liquid

Meta-centre is basically defined as the point about which a body in stable equilibrium will start
to oscillate when body will be displaced by an angular displacement.

We can also define the meta-centre as the point of intersection of the axis of body passing
through the centre of gravity and original centre of buoyancy and a vertical line passing through
the centre of buoyancy of the body in tilted position.
Meta-centric height
Meta-centric height is basically defined as the distance between the meta-centre of the floating
body and the centre of gravity of the body.

Therefore, MG in above figure will be termed as meta-centric height.


Equilibrium of submerged bodies
A sub-merged or a floating body will said to be in equilibrium, if body will return back to its
original position after giving a slight angular displacement or slight disturbance.

Stability of a submerged body will be dependent over the relative position of the centre of
gravity i.e. G and centre of buoyancy B.

Stable equilibrium
Body will be considered in stable equilibrium condition, if following criteria will be fulfilled.
Weight W which is acting through the centre of gravity (G) should be equal to the buoyancy
force FB which is acting through the centre of buoyancy i.e. W = FB
Centre of buoyancy i.e. point B must be above the centre of gravity G.
Stable equilibrium condition of the sub-merged balloon is displayed here in above figure (a).
Un-stable equilibrium
Body will be considered in unstable equilibrium condition; if weight W which is acting through
the centre of gravity is equal to the buoyancy force FB, but centre of buoyancy i.e. point B is
below than the centre of gravity G. Unstable equilibrium condition of the sub-merged balloon
is displayed above in figure (b).

Let us assume that we are giving an angular displacement to the balloon in clockwise direction.
Weight W and buoyancy force FB will now form one couple which will also act in clock
direction. Therefore, balloon will not return back to its original position and therefore balloon
will be in unstable equilibrium condition.
Neutral equilibrium
Body will be considered in neutral equilibrium condition, if weight W which is acting through
the centre of gravity is equal to the buoyancy force FB, but centre of buoyancy i.e. point B and
centre of gravity G are at same point.

Neutral equilibrium condition of the sub-merged balloon is displayed above in figure (c).

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