Middle Ages Alvin Serf

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Middle Ages

My name is Alvin and I am living in the Middle Ages. It is a very dangerous place. I live on a manor.
A manor is the land owned by the Lord and he protects us from attack. I am a peasant which means
I am a farmer. I work very hard but I don’t have much land. I also work on the Lord’s land. I am a
Serf which means that I need permission from the Lord if I want to leave the manor or get married!
Below I will show you where I live. There is a blue arrow pointing at my house… Can you see it?

I love to go watch Knights fight at Tournaments. Jousting is my favourite. Jousting involves two
knights on horseback riding at each other with lances. They try to knock each other off their horses!
I will give you a diagram to explain!

Can you see the lance? It looks like a pole. The knights use them to try to knock the other knight off
their horse. If you know what it is please draw an arrow above and write the name!
I live in a two roomed hut. Here is a drawing of it:

It has a timber frame. The frame is filled with Wattle and Daub. Wattle is made by weaving small
branches together like this

We then plaster the Wattle wall with Daub which is wet mud!

The roof is made from straw. We call this a thatched roof. At night we sleep with our animals as
they are very important to us!

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