Filipino Sa Piling Larang Akademik

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Technique Description Example

A. Formal A term is given to be Term =genus +differentia

Definition defined by giving the Definition =A mode of +that answers
class where the paragraph the questions:
word/term belongs (the development what is it,
genus) and the what does it
characteristics that mean, or
distinguish the term what is its
from other terms, known special
as differentia. features

B. Extended Needed to define Term : Democracy

Definition abstract concepts. It - It encompasses social, economic, and
allows you to broaden cultural conditions that enable the
your definition by using free and equal practice of political
analogy, metaphors, self- determination.
comparison and - The English word dates to the 16th
contrast, descriptions, century, from the older Middle
analysis, functions, French and Middle Latin
etymology, and equivalents.
semantic origin.

B.1. Definition by Using similar word or “A charlatan is a quack, an imposter, a

synonym phrase to define a word. pretender, a fraud.”
B.2. Definition by Stating what the term is
function for.
B.3. Definition by Comparing the term to “The structure of an atom is like a solar
analogy another system. The nucleus is the sun, and electrons
object/concept/idea that are the planets revolving around their sun.”
shares the same
characteristic as the term
being defined.
B.4.Definition by Differences and
comparison and similarities.
B.5.Definition by Defining the term by
negation stating what is not.
Social phenomena are considered as including all behavior which influences or is
influenced by organisms sufficiently alive to respond to one another. This includes influences
from past generations.

minutes. Remember to write legibly.

The concept paper defines an idea or a concept and explains its essence in order to clarify the
“whatness” of that idea or concept. It answers the questions : what is it and what about it.

Concept Paper Reaction Paper

Putting your idea unto paper. It requires the writer to analyze a text, then
develop commentary related to it.
Reflects an issue that is of interest to the It is evaluated due to the writer's
writer. communication skills and only then due the
unique ideas and the content.
It provides opportunity to have deep
discussion about a specific issue or topic.

An informal report is usually in the form of a person to person communication. It does not
follow the rules and procedure directed by an organization.
Informal report can be prepared in one page or if require it can be prepared in several pages
Such report is quickly prepared and does not require any extended planning. Informal report
follows natural language and style. The main purpose of informal report is to present certain
information. And there is no opportunity to add personal comment or opinion in such report.

Formal reports are written to provide information, analyze an issue, or make

recommendations. A formal report is an official report that contains detailed information, research,
and data necessary to make business decisions. This report is generally written for the purpose of
solving a problem.

A scientific report is a document that describes the process, progress, and or results of
technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. It might
also include recommendations and conclusion of the research.

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