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ACCOUNTING 1 MARY JOSEFA MAE FAUSTO Balance Sheet – statement of financial

ABM 11P-1 position.

 Income Statement – statement of
Accounting – is a system designed to identify, financial performance, statement of
collect, process, measure and communicate comprehensive income, statement of
economic information. profit and losses.
AICPA – American Institute of Certified Public  Trial Balance – equality of debit and
Accountants. credit.
 The American Institute of Certified Public COMPONENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT
Accountants (AICPA) defines accounting  Balance Sheet
as: the art of recording, classifying, and  Income Statement
summarizing in a significant manner and  Statement of changes in owner’s
in terms of money, transactions and equity.
events which are, in part at least of  Statement of Cash flows
financial character, and interpreting the  Notes of Financial Statement
results thereof.
4. Analysis and Interprets – the final and end
NATURE OF ACCOUNTING function of accounting.
1. Standards of Discipline – accountants 5. Communicate – this is done through
must follow certain standards in preparation and distribution of accounting
performing their professional services. reports.
 GAAP – Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles. Fra Luca Pacioli – Father of Accounting; an
 120 CPD (Continuing Professional Italian mathematician and professor.
Development) units for renewing CPA
license, every 3 years. BRANCHES OF ACCOUNTING – specialized field of
2. Art and Science – Accounting as an art accounting.
follows a certain style to make its reporting 1. Financial Accounting – the discipline of
more meaningful and relevant. Accounting accounting concerned with recording and
as a science follows a systematic process classifying business transactions. Making of
before the financial statements will be financial statements.
produced. 2. Management Accounting – to provide
3. Service Activity – Accountants are merely assistance to the internal users of financial
concerned with giving professional services information particularly the management in
to the client. doing economic decisions.
4. Language of Business – assistance for their  Planning (to produce), Executing (to
individual needs; users may asses. buy), Controlling (maintaining).
 Ratio Analysis
FUNCTIONS OF ACCOUNTING  Financial Statement Analysis
1. Recording – this is the simple and basic  Cashflow Analysis
function of accounting. Business
 Forecasting – historical data
Transactions (buyer and seller).
3. Government Accounting – mostly focused on
 Journal – book of original entry. the allocation of the resources and funds of
2. Classifying – concerned with the the National Government.
systematic analysis of the journalized data. 4. Auditing – Reviewing, Examination,
Groupings (ALICE) Verification, Evaluation and Inspection.
 Ledger – also known as T- accounts.  Checking errors to the financial
Book of final entry. statement.
3. Summarizing – involves presenting and
 Checking cash collection vs. receipts.
condensing the classified data in a
External Auditing – critical examination of
systematic matter.
financial statement. Not part of the company.
Internal Auditing – deals with the operational 4. Management – Leaders, President, Board
efficiency and effectiveness of the company Members.
regarding protection of company’s assets, To know what is happening in business
accuracy and reliability of data, and managerial improvement.
policies of Board of Directors. Part of the 5. Public – concerned on the info; advantages
company. and disadvantages.
5. Tax Accounting – concerned on the proper 6. Supplier and Trade Creditors – depends on
measurement of the amount to be paid by the financial statements of a company
one entity or individual. most especially if this company has a trade
 Tax – life blood of a country. credit.
 BIR – Bureau of Internal Revenue 7. Employees – concern with the financial
3 Inherent of the Government capability of one company to pay their
 Eminent Domain – power to take compensation.
private property for public use. 8. Customer – use the financial statement of
 Police Power – Airforce, Army, Navy their supplies to asses the latter’s
 Power of Taxation – collecting taxes. continuity of the business.
6. Cost Accounting – deals with the valuation
7. Accounting Education – One of the
professional field one CPA can engage. 1. Profitability – the increase in the owner’s
CPA/MBA capital. Simply the company’s net income
8. Accounting Research – a particular topic at the end of one period.
that will help and benefit the entire 2. Liquidity – the company has the capability
industry and profession of accountancy. to pay their short-term obligation.
CPD/seminars 3. Solvency – the company has the capability
to pay their long-term obligation.
CPA Board Exam – a national examination 4. Stability – the capacity of one entity to
given by the Philippine Regulatory Commission sustain its growth and to meet future
to qualified BSA graduates to become a CPA. expansion.
Accounting Information – are financial data 5. Capital Structure – the source of financing
relevant in the financial statements vital in one company has.
making decision on the future. 6. Financial Flexibility – has the excess cash
after satisfying its claim and obligations to
USERS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION – meet additional investment.
people who will use the accounting
information in making decision. FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS
1. Sole Proprietorship – owned by one
 Internal User – inside the company person. The owner has unlimited liability.
 External User – outside the company. 2. Partnership – association of 2 or more
persons. Governed by the provisions of
1. Government – for financial statements; to the Civil Code articles 1767 to 1867.
know a company’s tax.  Partnership is grounded on common
2. Lenders – this type of user can be able to trust and confidence.
asses the capability of one entity to pay its  Group of persons who are willing to
long term and short-term obligations. contribute money, property, or
Check the company to know if they can industry to a common fund with the
pay. intention of dividing profits.
3. Investors – mostly concern how much will 3. Corporation – is entity held by five or more
they earn if they will invest in a company individuals whose ownership is evidence by
(Return of Investment). share of stocks.
 Require/s compliance to the Securities
and Exchange Commission, Bureau of 2. Accounting Entity – the entity is separated
Internal Revenue, and Bangko Sentral from the owners, managers, and
ng Pilipinas. employees who constitute the entity.
 Section 2 of the Corporation code  The reason for the entity assumption
defines corporation as an artificial is to have a fair presentation of
being created by the operation of law. financial statement.
 At least 51% shares to become a CEO.  Accounting Entity – Sole
 30% tax. proprietorship, Partnership and
PRIMARY ACTIVITIES OF BUSINESS  Entity – owners, employees, and
1. Service Business – the business renders
services to clients for exchange for a fee. 3. Time Period – a completely accurate
2. Merchandising Business – engages buying report of the financial position and
and selling of goods. performance of an entity cannot be
3. Manufacturing Business – this business obtained until the entity is finally dissolved
type converts raw materials into finished and liquidated.
goods before offered to certain business.
 Time Period: Every end of the year.
Merchandise Inventory – are the goods held Required 1 year.
for sale by a merchandising business.  Calendar Year Method: January 1 (
Revenue – sometimes called income; is the start of the business ) – December 31 (
flow of resources towards the business. making of financial statement)
Raw materials – are converted into finished  Fiscal Year Method: February, March
products. to November; No DECEMBER.
Finished Product – are the products sold by Example: March 1, 2018 – February 28,
the manufacturing concern. 2019.
 Interim Financial Statement – presents
Accounting assumptions – are the basic every middle of the year. Example:
notions or fundamental premises on which January 1 – June 30, July 1 – December
accounting process is based. 31.
 Also known as Postulates.
 Suggests basis of reasoning, belief, and 4. Monetary Unit – The monetary unit
truths. assumption has two aspects, namely
 Like a building structure that required a quantifiability and stability of zero.
solid foundation to avoid or prevent  Quantifiability – aspect means that the
future collapse and provide room for ALICE should be stated in terms of in
expansion, and so with accounting. unit of measure which is the peso of
the Philippines.
4 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS  Monetary unit of the Philippines is
1. Going Concern – means that in the peso.
absence of evidence to the contrary, the Stability of the peso – power of the peso.
accounting entity is viewed as continuing Example:
in operation indefinitely. Year 1999: 1 dollars = 20 pesos
 Assumes that the business will Year 2019: 1 dollars = 52 pesos
continue their operation. Ignored the stability of the peso ( currency is
 Financial Statement is assume not stable )
foreseeable in the future.
 Going Concern is abandoned =
Conceptual Framework – is composed of ENHANCING QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS:
ideas, concepts, and assumptions that underlie 1. Comparability – means the ability to bring
the preparation and presentation of together for the purpose of noting points
accounting information to external users. of likeness and difference.
 Horizontal Analysis ( comparing
Qualitative Characteristics – are the qualities present to past Financial Statements;
or attributes that make financial accounting actual form )
information useful to the others.  Vertical Analysis (comparing in
Fundamental Qualitative characteristics relate percentage form)
to the content or substance of financial  Left (present form) Right (past form)
information. Comparability within an entity – is the quality
of information that allows comparison within a
FUNDAMENTAL QUALITATIVE single entity through time or from accounting
CHARACTERISTICS: period to the next.
Relevance – is the capacity of the
information to influence a decision. 2. Consistency – the accounting methods and
Faithful Representation – means that practices should be applied on a uniform
financial reports represent economic basis from period to period; to avoid
phenomena or transaction in words or confusion.
numbers ; Loyal in presenting financial 3. Understandability – requires that financial
representations. information must be comprehensible or
intelligible if its be most useful.
INGRIDIENTS IN FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION:  The information should be presented in
1. Completeness – requires that relevant a form and expressed terminology that
information is presented in a way that a user understands.
facilitates understanding and avoid 4. Timeliness – means that the financial
erroneous implication. information must be available early
2. Neutrality – not bias in the presentation or enough when a decision is to be made.
preparation of financial information.
3. Free from error – no mistakes; there are Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
no errors or omissions in the description of – described as broad rules adopted by the
the phenomenon or transaction; no errors accounting profession as guides in measuring,
in the process. recording, and activities of a business.

Materiality – is a practical rule in accounting The framework on the preparation of

which indicates that strict adherence to GAAP financial statements issue by the Philippine
is not required when the items are not Accounting Standards enumerates the
significant enough to affect the financial following underlying assumptions:
 Also known as Doctrine of 1. Accrual Basis – the effects of transactions
Convenience. and other events are recognized when they
 Depends on the company to name it occur and not as cash or its equivalent is
material or immaterial. received or paid on the period to which
they relate.
2. Going Concern – Financial Statements are
Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics relate to normally prepared on the assumption that
the presentation or form of the financial an enterprise will continue in operation for
information. Intended to increase the the near future.
usefulness of the financial information that is
relevant and faithfully represented.
3. Cost Principle – Under the Measurements
of the Elements of Financial Statements,
assets are recorded at an amount of cash
to acquire them at the time of acquisition.

4. The Entity Concept – this assumes that the

business enterprise is separate from the
owner, employees, and managers who
constitute the firm.
5. Time Period Consumption – this concept
requires that the indefinite life of the
enterprise be divided into equal interval of
time called time period or accounting
6. Monetary Unit Assumption – this speaks
of the ability to quantify the assets,
liabilities and the capital in terms of a unit
 The unit of measure in the Philippines
is peso.

Principles – standards of accuracy and probity

that apply to those carrying out accounting
Policies – the accounting bases used by a
company when preparing its financial
Conceptual Framework – sets of theoretical
principles that underlies the practice and
regulations of financial accounting.
Assumption – that the International
Accounting Standards Committee recognize as
underlying the preparation of financial


First Level – The why or purpose of
accounting. Objective of Financial Reporting.
Second level – the bridge between level 1 and
Third level – the how or implementation of

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