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Shafisons Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd.

Corrective Action Request (CAR) Form

Document Code: SSEPL/FRM-014 Rev#: 01 Issue Date: 22-Mar-2018

CAR No (to be filled): 285

CAR Initiated on (Date): 21-Jul-18 CAR Initiated by (Name): Tahir Iqbal

CAR Initiated due to (Please tick relevant appropriate box below):

Non-Conformance Complaint Air Emission Spillage

Internal / External Audit Suggestion Incident/Hazard Effluents

A. Description (to be filled by Initiator):

One of our client Atiq & Sons (Usman) visit in our head office and met customer services representative and raise compalint of
wrong delievery aginst SO# 125 and DC# 135. According to the client, they receive 12 SWV Plain Bend 45 degree instead of 90
degree. The client leave 12 Plain Bend 45 degree in head office for replacement.


Accepted / Rejected: Marked to: Date:

If accepted then Factory/HR Manager to mark it to concerned dept. for Analysis:

B. Root Cause Analysis:

C. Proposed Corrective Action:

Name & Signatures

(Person who carried out Root Cause Analysis and Proposed Corrective Action)

D. Verification by the Factory/HR Manager for Implementation & Effectiveness:

Is Proposed Action Implemented: YES / NO Is it Effective: YES / NO

Comments (if any):

CAR closing date: Sign:

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