Automation of Shopping Cart Using Pir Sensor

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Especially, it becomes more crowded on holidays. People purchase

different items in the malls and puts them in the trolley. At the cash counter
billing process is done using bar code scanner. This is very time consuming
process. To avoid this we are developed a system which is called as
Automation of Shopping Cart using Smartphone. In this system we are
using RFID tags instead of barcodes. This RFID tags will be on the
product. Whenever the customer puts a product into trolley it will get
scanned by RFID reader and product price and cost will be display on LCD
display. Like this the process goes on. The trolley follows us without any
human effort. We are using a GSM transmitter which will be at trolley which
is used to transfer the data to Mobile. In Smart Trolley app, the amount will
be sent and the payment will be done using mobile. If a person interrupts
other than the user there is collision sensor to indicate.


The barcode system is no longer the best way to business operation.

Customers are tired of waiting in long, slowly moving checkout line in

departmental stores, especially, in holidays. Now a days people are much

attracted by the online trading because of tedious time consuming process

at billing counter. People purchase different items in the malls and puts

them in the trolley. At the cash counter billing process is done using bar

code scanner. With the decrease of prices through efficiencies of

technology and large-scale production of semiconductor wireless

components, there has been a search for new markets in which

semiconductor chips can be used. This has led to the use of RFID also

known as smart tags. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification.

Nowadays, if a consumer would like to buy something at a shopping

mall, consumers need to take the particular items from the display shelf and

then queue up and wait for their turn to make payment. The time taken for

consumers to wait for the customers in front of the queue to scan every

single item and then followed by making payment will definitely take plenty

of time. Most consumers will worry the amount of money brought is not

enough to pay for all the things that wanted to be bought until it comes to

our turn to pay at the cashier. If the technology of RFID is implemented

consumers will be able to get information of all the items at shopping mall,

total up the prices of items as

they shop, and save unnecessary time which is wasted unnecessary at the

cashier. Currently available method in shopping malls is barcode method.

In this method there are barcode labels on each product which can be read

through specially designed barcode readers. A barcode reader (or barcode

scanner) is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes. Like a flatbed

scanner, it consists of a light source, a lens and a light sensor translating

optical impulses into electrical ones. Additionally, nearly all barcode readers

contain decoder circuit to analyze the barcode's image data provided by the

sensor and sending the barcode's content to the scanner's output port.


Especially, it becomes more crowded on holidays. People purchase

different items in the malls and puts them in the trolley. At the cash counter

billing process is done using bar code scanner. This is very time consuming

process. To avoid this we are developed a system which is called as

Automation of Shopping Cart using Smartphone.


The main aim of this study is to design an automation of shopping

cart using PIR sensor. Some of the specific objective of the study includes

the following
1. To determine sensors that will provide more protection to the baby


2. To examine the break be fast enough to avoid crash

3. To develop a system that will makes shopping much more easier and


4. To develop a system that will saves the trouble of pushing the cart



The following research questions were formulated to guide the study

1. Can the sensors provide more protection to the baby trolley?

2. Will the break be fast enough to avoid crash?


The system will be important to student who wish to research on the

topic or related. It will also be useful to shoppers as it will save them the

trouble of pushing the cart around. Less staff will be employing.


This project work is narrowed to developing an automated of

shopping cart using PIR sensor.


Owing to the scope of this project work as stated above, this project

work is limited to automated of shopping cart using PIR sensor. It is

important to mention here that TIME, FINANCIAL where major constraint

occur in the course of fact finding. It is also wise to mention here that some

information we need to work with were not collected because of some



Shopping Cart: A shopping cart (American English) or trolley (British

English), also known by a variety of other names, is a cart supplied by a

shop, especially supermarkets, for use by customers inside the shop for

transport of merchandise to the checkout counter during shopping.

PIR SENSOR: A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic

sensor that measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of

view. They are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors.




In this chapter, a review of related literature was carried out the views

of various researchers on the influence of social environment on students

academic performances in public secondary school students were

considered. The review focused on the following areas:


A shopping cart (American English) or trolley (British English), also

known by a variety of other names, is a cart supplied by a shop, especially

supermarkets, for use by customers inside the shop for transport of

merchandise to the checkout counter during shopping. In many cases

customers can then also use the cart to transport their purchased goods to

their vehicles, but some carts are designed to prevent them from leaving

the shop.

In many places in the United States and the United Kingdom,

customers are allowed to leave the carts in designated areas within the

parking lot, and store personnel will return the carts to the storage area. In

many continental European premises, however, coin- (or token-) operated

locking mechanisms are provided to encourage shoppers to return the carts

to the correct location after use.

Studies have shown that it is advisable for shoppers to sanitize the

handles and basket areas prior to handling them or filling them with

groceries due to high levels of bacteria that typically live on shopping carts,

(Heather, 2011). This is due to the carts having a high level of exposure to

the skin flora of previous users.

Fig. 1 Shopping cart


Most modern shopping carts are made of metal or a combination of

metal and plastic and have been designed to nest within each other in a

line to facilitate collecting and moving many at one time and also to save on

storage space. The carts can come in many sizes, with larger ones able to

carry a child. There are also specialized carts designed for two children,

and electric mobility scooters with baskets designed for disabled


In the United States, 24,000 children are injured each year in

shopping carts, (Smith, 2006). Some stores both in the USA and
internationally have child carrying carts that look like a car or van with a

seat where a child can sit equipped with a steering wheel and sometimes a

horn. Such "Car-Carts" may offer protection and convenience by keeping

the child restrained, lower to the ground, protected from falling items, and


Shopping carts are usually fitted with four wheels, however if any one

wheel jams the cart can become difficult to handle. Most carts in the United

States have swivel wheels at the front, while the rear wheels are fixed in

orientation, while in Europe it is more common to have four swivel wheels.

This difference in design correlates with smaller retail premises in Europe.

An alternative to the shopping cart is a small hand-held shopping

basket. A customer may prefer a basket for a small amount of merchandise.

Small shops, where carts would be impractical, often supply only baskets,

or may offer a small cart which uses an inserted shopping basket within the

frame of the cart to provide either choice to a customer.



One of the first shopping carts was introduced on June 4, 1937, the

invention of Sylvan Goldman, owner of the Humpty Dumpty supermarket

chain in Oklahoma. One night, in 1936, Goldman sat in his office wondering

how customers might move more groceries, (Goldman, 2012). He found a

wooden folding chair and put a basket on the seat and wheels on the legs.

Goldman and one of his employees, a mechanic named Fred Young, began

tinkering. Their first shopping cart was a metal frame that held two wire

baskets. Since they were inspired by the folding chair, Goldman called his

carts "folding basket carriers". Another mechanic, Arthur Kosted, developed

a method to mass-produce the carts by inventing an assembly line capable

of forming and welding the wire. The cart was awarded patent number

2,196,914 on April 9, 1940 (Filing date: March 14, 1938), titled, "Folding

Basket Carriage for Self-Service Stores". They advertised the invention as

part of a new “No Basket Carrying Plan." Goldman had already pioneered

self-serve stores and carts were part of the self-serve retail concept,

(Crockett, 2016).

The invention did not catch on immediately. Men found them

effeminate; women found them suggestive of a baby carriage. "I've pushed

my last baby," an offended woman informed Goldman. After hiring several

male and female models to push his new invention around his store and

demonstrate their utility, as well as greeters to explain their use, shopping

carts became extremely popular and Goldman became a multimillionaire. In

urban areas like New York City, where transporting groceries home from

the store's parking lot is more likely to involve walking and/or a trip by

public transportation than a car ride, privately owned carts resembling

Goldman's design are still popular. Instead of baskets, these carts are built
to hold the paper bags dispensed by the grocery store. Another shopping

cart innovator was Watson, (2003), who invented the swinging rear door to

allow for "nesting" in 1946, (Terry, 1978).

Goldman continued to make modifications to his original design, but

advice from his trusted business partners Fred Taylor, a grocery store

owner, (Catherine, 2006) and George O'Donnell, a grocery store

refrigeration salesman, and the incorporation of Watson's swinging door

yielded the familiar nesting cart that we see today (albeit the original

telescope cart had two baskets rather than one). Goldman patented a

similar version of the cart which he called the "Nest-Kart" in 1948, over one

year after Watson filed for his patent. (Catherine, 2006). The Nest-Kart

incorporated the same nesting mechanism present on the shopping carts

designed by Watson, and an interference investigation was ordered by

Telescope Carts, Inc. alleging infringement of the patent in 1948,

(Catherine, 2006). After a protracted legal battle, Goldman ultimately

recognized Watson’s invention and paid one dollar in damages for

counterfeit, in exchange for which Watson granted Goldman an exclusive

operating license (apart from the three licenses that had already been

granted), (Catherine, 2006).

In 1909, Bessie DeCamp invented a seat belt for chairs, go-carts or

carriages. This was well before shopping carts with child seating areas

were invented. Goldman introduced a child seating area on shopping carts

in 1947, (Ament, 2016). For whatever reason, it wasn't until 1967 that seat

belts for shopping carts were introduced by David Allen. It was high tech for

the time, because it was a retractable seat belt, (Allen, 2003).


Zubin Thomas, Nikil Kumar and D. Jyothi Preshiya(2016) had

proposed that Automatic Billing System using Li-Fi Module will be the

effective way to reduce the human effort . LiFi is cellular wireless

networking (re)using lights. Specifically, light emitting diodes (LEDs) are

used in LiFi as visible light transmitters. They proposed about the billing

done by the Lifi device. The Lifi is a costly device which is not to be

practically implemented in all malls, whereas the RFID is used instead of


Mr.P. Chandrasekar and Ms.T. Sangeetha(2014) proposed that

automated billing system using RFID and ZigBee communication. Here,

each product of shopping mall, super markets will be provided with a RFID

tag,to identify its type. Each shopping cart is designed or implemented with

a Product Identification Device (PID) that contains microcontroller, LCD, an

RFID reader, EEPROM, and ZigBee module. Purchasing product

information will be read through a RFID reader on shopping cart, mean

while product information will be stored into EEPROM attached to it and

EEPROM data will be send to Central Billing System through ZigBee

module. From this, the idea of using a PIC Microcontroller instead of Zigbee

has been utilized. Udita Gangwal, Sanchita Roy, Jyotsna Bapat(2013)

proposed that Smart Shopping Cart for Automated Billing Purpose using

Wireless Sensor Networks. In that, WSN for developing a Smart Shopping

System which automates the entire billing procedure. The system which is

developed is highly reliable, fair and cost- effective. It is reliable and fair

because of the effectiveness of WSN combined with a highly Image

Processing technique. The system also has energy constraint

as it uses a passive sensor and it reduces the communication requirement.

The GSM technique is made use from this proposed.

According to (Premkumar, 2014). proposed that Automatic Toll Gate

System Using Advanced RFID and GSM Technology. In that, the frame

composing and working flow of the system is described and data

information is also easily exchanged between the motorists and toll

authorities, thereby enabling a more efficient toll collection by reducing

traffic and eliminating possible human errors. Here the vehicle information

is got through the RFID whereas we use RFID for the scanning of products.

H.G.Rodney Tan, C.H.Lee, V.H.Mok proposed that Automatic Power

meter reading using GSM network. In that, GSM Power Digital Meter

(GPM) is installed in every consumer unit and an electricity billing system at

the energy provider side. The web portal is used in the power meter

reading wherein we use a mobile application for the trolley.


A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that

measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They

are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors.


All objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit heat energy

in the form of radiation. Usually this radiation isn't visible to the human eye

because it radiates at infrared wavelengths, but it can be detected by

electronic devices designed for such a purpose.

The term passive in this instance refers to the fact that PIR devices

do not generate or radiate energy for detection purposes. They work

entirely by detecting infrared radiation emitted by or reflected from objects.

They do not detect or measure "heat", (Locksmith, 2012).


Infrared radiation enters through the front of the sensor, known as the

'sensor face'. At the core of a PIR sensor is a solid state sensor or set of

sensors, made from pyroelectric materials—materials which generate

energy when exposed to heat. Typically, the sensors are approximately 1/4

inch square (40 mm2), and take the form of a thin film. Materials commonly

used in PIR sensors include gallium nitride (GaN), caesium nitrate

(CsNO3), polyvinyl fluorides, derivatives of phenylpyridine, and cobalt

phthalocyanine. The sensor is often manufactured as part of an integrated



A PIR-based motion detector is used to sense movement of people,

animals, or other objects. They are commonly used in burglar alarms and

automatically-activated lighting systems. They are commonly called simply

"PIR", or sometimes "PID", for "passive infrared detector".


An individual PIR sensor detects changes in the amount of infrared

radiation impinging upon it, which varies depending on the temperature and

surface characteristics of the objects in front of the sensor. When an object,

such as a human, passes in front of the background, such as a wall, the

temperature at that point in the sensor's field of view will rise from room

temperature to body temperature, and then back again. The sensor

converts the resulting change in the incoming infrared radiation into a

change in the output voltage, and this triggers the detection. Objects of

similar temperature but different surface characteristics may also have a

different infrared emission pattern, and thus moving them with respect to

the background may trigger the detector as well, (2014).

PIRs come in many configurations for a wide variety of applications.

The most common models have numerous Fresnel lenses or mirror

segments, an effective range of about ten meters (thirty feet), and a field of

view less than 180 degrees. Models with wider fields of view, including 360

degrees, are available—typically designed to mount on a ceiling. Some

larger PIRs are made with single segment mirrors and can sense changes

in infrared energy over thirty meters (one hundred feet) away from the PIR.

There are also PIRs designed with reversible orientation mirrors which

allow either broad coverage (110° wide) or very narrow "curtain" coverage,

or with individually selectable segments to "shape" the coverage.


Pairs of sensor elements may be wired as opposite inputs to a

differential amplifier. In such a configuration, the PIR measurements cancel

each other so that the average temperature of the field of view is removed

from the electrical signal; an increase of IR energy across the entire sensor

is self-cancelling and will not trigger the device. This allows the device to

resist false indications of change in the event of being exposed to brief

flashes of light or field-wide illumination. (Continuous high energy exposure

may still be able to saturate the sensor materials and render the sensor

unable to register further information.) At the same time, this differential

arrangement minimizes common-mode interference, allowing the device to

resist triggering due to nearby electric fields. However, a differential pair of

sensors cannot measure temperature in this configuration, and therefore is

only useful for motion detection.


When a PIR sensor is configured in a differential mode, it specifically

becomes applicable as a motion detector device. In this mode when a

human movement is detected within the "line of sight" of the PIR sensor, a

pair of complementary pulses are processed at the output pin of the PIR

sensor. In order to implement this output signal for a practical triggering of a

load such as a relay or a data logger, or an alarm, the differential signal is

rectified using a bridge rectifier and fed to a transistorized relay driver

circuit. The contacts of this relay close and open in response to the signals

from the PIR, activating the attached load across its contacts,

acknowledging the detection of a human being within the predetermined

restricted area.


The PIR sensor is typically mounted on a printed circuit board

containing the necessary electronics required to interpret the signals from

the sensor itself. The complete assembly is usually contained within a

housing, mounted in a location where the sensor can cover area to be

monitored. The housing will usually have a plastic "window" through which

the infrared energy can enter. Despite often being only translucent to visible

light, infrared energy is able to reach the sensor through the window

because the plastic used is transparent to infrared radiation. The plastic

window reduces the chance of foreign objects (dust, insects, etc.) from

obscuring the sensor's field of view, damaging the mechanism, and/or

causing false alarms. The window may be used as a filter, to limit the

wavelengths to 8-14 micrometres, which is closest to the infrared radiation

emitted by humans. It may also serve as a focusing mechanism; see below.

Fig. 2. PIR motion sensor design


Fig.1.Hardware Implementation

The Fig.1 consists of the PIC Microcontroller with the specification of

16F877A.It also consists of Ultrasonic Sensor,Relay driver,Collision

Sensor,RFID Reader and a battery for all the units.The microcontroller is

connected to the keypad for the user.A relay driver connected with the dc

motor is interfaced with the microcontroller.And the RFID reader to the level

translator for the identification.There isa collision sensor connected with

microcontroller for the indication of any interruption.The battery supply is

given to the respective circuits.

3.2 PIR Sensor

A passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is an electronic sensor that

measures infrared (IR) light radiating from objects in its field of view. They
are most often used in PIR-based motion detectors. PIR sensors allow you

to sense motion, almost always used to detect whether a human has

moved in or out of the sensors range. They are small, inexpensive, low-

power, easy to use . They are often referred to as PIR, "Passive Infrared",

"Pyroelectric", or "IR motion" sensors.

Fig.2. PIR Sensor

3.2 PIC Microcontroller

A PIC microcontroller (Fig.3) is a processor with built in memory and

RAM and can be used to control the projects (or build projects around it).

So it saves building a circuit that has separate external RAM, ROM and

peripheral chips.
Fig.3. PIC Microcontroller

3.3 RFID Reader

A radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) is a device

(Fig.4) used to gather information from an RFID tag, which is used to track

individual objects. Radio waves are used to transfer data from the tag to a

reader. RFID is technology similar in theory to bar codes. However, the

RFID tag does not have to be scanned directly, nor does it require line-of-

sight to a reader. The RFID tag must be within the range of an RFID reader,

which ranges from 3 to 300 feet, in order to be read. RFID technology

allows several items to be quickly scanned and enables fast identification of

a particular product, even when it is surrounded by several other items.

Fig.3.RFID Reader

3.4 RFID Tagger

RFID tagging is an Identification system that uses small radio

frequency identification devices for identification and tracking purposes. An

RFID tagging system includes the tag itself, a read/write device, and a host
system application for data collection, processing, and transmission. An

RFID tag (as shown in Fig.4) sometimes called an RFID transponder. It

consists of a chip , some memory and an antenna.

3.5 16X4 LCD Display

LCD 16x4 display(Fig.5) which is built in with ST7066 controller IC; its

default interface is 6800 4/8-bit parallel, 5V power supply. These LCD

display 16x4 modules are also available in SPI and I2C interface by using

RW1063 controller IC.

Fig.5. 16X4 LCD Display

3.6 GSM Module

In GSM SIM800C (Fig.6),the Modem is with RS232 interface, which

allows you connect PC as well as microcontroller with RS232

Chip(MAX232). The baud rate is configurable from 9600-115200 through

AT command. The GSM GPRS Modem is having internal TCP/IP stack to

enable you to connect with internet via GPRS. It is suitable for SMS, Voice

as well as DATA transfer application in M2M interface. The onboard

Regulated Power supply allows you to connect wide range unregulated

power supply.

Fig.6. GSM Module

3.7 4X3 Keypad

Basically, the 4x3 keypad contains push buttons that are arranged in

four rows and three columns produce twelve characters as shown in the

figure. Sometimes this called as “4x3 switch matrix” due to the arrangement
of switches in a matrix form. The internal construction of these keypads

includes metal dome contacts and conductive rubber.

Fig.7. 4X3 Keypad


Fig.8.Arrangement Architecture

The arrangement (Fig.8) consists of the parts which are explained in

the above Design of Trolley. The main part is the PIC microcontroller which

is connected to the keypad, relay driver, and a GSM module for the



The inconveniences caused by the existing system is such as the

working staff is needed to bill each item , the need to push the trolley

throughout the mall etc., can be overcome by using Smartphone based

Trolley(Fig.9) the trolley has a RFID technology which scans the product

while the product gets into to the trolley, the user gets a confirmation

through the Mobile app and confirms it. In the trolley if any product needs to

be removed from the trolley, the user just by pressing the star(*) button can

take away the product. A message will be sent to the Smartphone

confirming the product has been taken. For this kind of removing we have

kept a sliding door like structure. Whenever the user presses the star(*)

button the door opens slowly, so that we can take that product.

5.2 Result and Discussion

The fig.9 shows the real time implementation of the trolley. The

project has been successfully finished. The trolley follows the user

continuously, if another person interrupts there is a collision sensor to

indicate there is an interruption.

The automation of shopping cart is a technique by which the user can

be hassle-free during shopping’s on a crowded time. Also, the trolley can

be used in airports where the heavy luggage’s need not be pushed all

along whereas it will follow us so that human power can be reduced.


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