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BCA Compound | February 11-15,2019


Deuteronomy 31:6 King James Version (KJV)

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for
the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor
forsake thee.

Joshua 1:9 King James Version (KJV)

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid,
neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever
thou goest.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through CHRIST, which strengtheneth me.

Teams: The Soaring Eagle (Grey)

The Roaring Lions (Red)
The Mighty Bears (Blue)


 Team Buildings, Relays, other exciting games

 Workshop & Bible Seminar

 Music & Literary Competition

 Retreat | One-night Sleepover


Sample shirts

minus one


Minus one




minus one

QUARTET (satb parts)acapella SING AND BE HAPPY TODAY

Story telling (Elem) David and Goliath

Declamation (HS - Female) Struggle Makes You Stronger

Oration (HS - Male) Dying to Self


Poem (HS) Be of Good Courage!


Struggle Makes You Stronger

Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No hard work required.

Some of you are saying… that would be great… You would be weak!

And then, when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn’t know how to handle it, because you have never
gone through anything that strengthens you.

You can not GROW
 without struggle. You can not develop STRENGTH
without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle.
PAIN is your friend. Maybe not in the moment. But for the evolution of your soul, for the long term benefit of you as a
stronger human being – pain IS YOUR FRIEND.

If you didn’t have failures… If you didn’t have struggles… If you didn’t have
disappointment, you could have no strength, no courage, no compassion.
How could you? Those qualities are MADE from your pain and struggle.
You were given pain because you are strong enough to handle it. You were given this LIFE because you are strong
enough to live it. Because you are strong enough to drive though it. To THRIVE THROUGH IT. To inspire others
through it.

They will look to you and say:

He did it,
She did it,
I have the strength to do it to.
You are stronger than you think. You’ve survived all your challenges to this point… And you will survive whatever is
coming. But next time a struggle comes I don’t want you to curse the skies. Know that it was sent for a reason and a
lesson. It might be to make you stronger, it might be to teach you patience, it might be for you to show others your
spirit, there is a reason.

So don’t you give up. You have a purpose in this world. And you will only find it if you keep going and keep GROWING.
TULA (Elementary Male/Female)
Simple lang ang buhay ko.
Ngunit komplikado ang mundong ginagalawan ko.
Paano ako mabubuhay?
Kung di ko alam kung paano makikisabay.

Natuto akong tumawa, kahit nagdurusa.

Natuto akong lumuha, dahil di ko na kaya.

Hanggang kailan ako tatagal?

Kung ang ikot ng mundo ay mabagal.
Di ko yata kayang sumugal, Sa labang napakatagal.

Ngunit nandiyan ang Maykapal.

Na siyang nagbigay sa akin ng buhay.
Wala akong karapatan, Na sumuko nalang ng tuluyan.

Duwag lang ang talunan.

Dahil patuloy akong lalaban.
Madapa man ako ng tuluyan.
Lumaban ako ng patas at walang alinlangan.
Poem (HS-duet Female/Male)
Be of Good Courage!
By Deborah Ann

Be of good courage,
let your heart be exceedingly glad
God knows the reason
you are feeling so lonely and sad.

He wants you to have,

a faith that is mighty and strong
for He is your only hope
when everything else goes wrong.

Be of good courage,
let your mind be at perfect rest
have confidence in knowing,
that for you, He has only the best.

For He wants you to live,

in a triumphant victorious way
He will give you the strength
to face the worries of each day.

Be of good courage,
let your soul be glad and rejoice
God will speak to your heart
and you’ll hear His reassuring voice.

He wants you to see,

there is nothing for you to fear
He wants you to trust
He will always be close and near.

Be of good courage,
live a life that is bold and brave
let the Holy Spirit’s power
be all that you desire and crave.

Don’t be discouraged,
give your doubts no extra thought
He wants to encourage you . . .
so don’t you be ~ distraught!
Oration (HS-BOY)

I suppose death to self is the real issue. Somewhere along your pilgrimage as a Christian,
you need to learn to die to yourself regularly. It saves you from being defensive, revengeful,
retaliatory, hostile, accumulating the list of things against you. When you are forgotten, or
neglected, or purposely set aside, and you sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight, but
your heart is happy, and you count it a privilege to suffer for Christ, that is dying to self. When
your good is evil spoken of, when you are misunderstood, when your desires are not interesting
to others, when your advice is disregarded, and your opinions are ridiculed, and when you are
abused, when you are mistreated, or misunderstood, and you refuse to let anger rise in your
heart or even defend yourself, that is dying to self. When you lovingly, patiently bear any
disruption, any irregularity, any annoyance, when you can stand face to face with folly, and
waste, and extravagance, and insensitivity and endure it as Jesus endured it, that is dying to self.
When you are content with any food, any clothes, any climate, any society, any interruption, or
any solitude, that is dying to self. When you never care to refer to yourself in a conversation, or
to record and recite your own good works, or to pursue commendation, when you can truly love,
to be unrecognized for something good, that is dying to self. When you see someone else
prosper, someone else reach goals that you desire, and you can honestly rejoice with that other
person; in spirit, feel no envy and not question God while your needs are far greater and in
desperate circumstances, that is dying to self.
And, children, when you can receive correction and reproof from your parents, and
humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, feel no rebellion, and feel no resentment rising
within your heart, that is dying to self.
David and Goliath (Elementary)

During the time when the story of David and Goliath

took place there was a war between the Philistines
and the Israelites. The two armies set up their
camps between the cities of Sokoh and Azekah.
The Bible says there was a Philistine warrior named
Goliath that was over 9 feet tall! For forty days,
every morning and night he came out of his camp
and challenged the Israelites. Goliath said he would
fight anyone from the Israelite camp one-on-one
and the battle between them would decide who won
the war!

When the Israelites heard Goliath they became very

afraid, even King Saul was scared! But when David
came to the camp and heard Goliath he completely
trusted in God and was not afraid. David told King
Saul that he would fight Goliath and that God would
protect him. David went to a nearby stream and
grabbed five smooth stones that he could use in his
sling when he fought the giant.

Goliath laughed when he saw David because he

was a young boy, not a warrior like him. David told
the Philistines that God was with him and no
weapon is any match for Almighty God. David and
Goliath ran to fight each other; David grabbed one
of the smooth stones from the stream and slung it
hitting Goliath right in the forehead!

David beat Goliath with a sling and a stone and

when the Philistines saw what happened they were
so frightened that they ran away. God had a big
plan for David, eventually he became the King of
Israel! Have faith in God and stand up for Him like
David did so God may use you in amazing ways

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