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Study Proves Electromagnetic Fields from Cell Towers Can

Amplify Pain /2016/02/11/study-proves-electromagnetic-fields-from-cell-towers-can-amplify-pain/


If you’ve ever wondered if the thousands of cell phone towers and electromagnetic signals
permeating society nowadays could be potentially harmful to your body, mind and to the
natural environment, you’re not alone. A small minority of people are so sensitive to
electromagnetic radiation they’ve even been forced to move into cave-like domiciles
designed to insulate them from such signals. We are, after all, energetic beings, as are all
lifeforms, and although something may lie outside of our ordinary perception does not
imply that it is harmless.

It turns out that electromagnetic signals from cell phone towers do in fact directly affect
the human body in physical ways, and surprisingly, for amputees, common cellular signals
can amplify sensations of pain in the body, when in the presence of such emissions.

A recently completed study led by members The University of Texas at Dallas gives
concrete evidence that these types of now ubiquitous signals can actually amplify pain in
some amputees by immediately stimulating nerve tissue that had suffered traumatic

Prior to this study, the bulk of research into cell tower radiation focused on people without
any pre-existing conditions or serious health issues, however, when a disabled veteran
who lost limbs in the Iraq war alerted his physicians to the fact that his sense of pain
seemed to increase dramatically whenever his cell phone went into roaming mode, a
study was launched to test this hypothesis on lab rats.

“Our study provides evidence, for the first time, that subjects exposed to
cellphone towers at low, regular levels can actually perceive pain,” said Dr.
Mario Romero-Ortega, senior author of the study and an associate
professor of bioengineering in the University’s Erik Jonsson School of
Engineering and Computer Science. “Our study also points to a specific
nerve pathway that may contribute to our main finding.” [1]
This is the first study of its kind that has found a direct link to
immediate physical changes in the human body when
absorbing cell tower radiation.

“Until a recent study led by researchers at The

University of Texas at Dallas was published online
last month in PLOS ONE, there was no scientific
evidence to back up the anecdotal stories of people,
such as Underwood, who reported aberrant
sensations and neuropathic pain around cellphone towers and other
technology that produce radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.” [1]

To validate the wounded soldier’s claim that pain was amplified by cell tower
signals researchers crafted a simulation using lab rats who were subjected to the types
and levels of electromagnetic radiation that many of us are exposed to everyday.

“To test this, the team randomly assigned 20 rats into two groups — one
receiving a nerve injury that simulated amputation, and the other group
receiving a sham treatment. Researchers then exposed the subjects to a
radiofrequency electromagnetic antenna for 10 minutes, once per week for
eight weeks. The antenna delivered a power density equal to that
measured at 39 meters from a local cellphone tower — a power density
that a person might encounter outside of occupational settings.

Researchers found that by the fourth week, 88 percent of subjects in the

nerve-injured group demonstrated a behavioral pain response, while only
one subject in the sham group exhibited pain at a single time point, and
that was during the first week.” [1]
These towers are being installed across the world right now, right amongst densely
populated areas and even on public school grounds. Cell phones have already been
proven to cause brain cancer, yet the both the cell industry and the general public refuse
to consider this sufficient reason to re-think the use and widespread proliferation of this

Now that we have evidence that cell tower signals can amplify pain, is it that
unreasonable to consider that cell tower radiation may be causing other health problems
that we simply have yet to identify?

About the Author



This article (Study Proves Electromagnetic Fields from Cell Towers Can Amplify Pain) was
originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative
Commons license with attribution to Alex Pietrowski and It may be
re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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