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Laboratory Exercise No. 5

Consumptive Use of Water


Consumptive water use is water removed from available supplies without returning to a
water source or system. It is the amount of water transpired during plant growth plus what
evaporates from the soil surface and foliage in the crop area. Weather data are acquired first to
compute for the consumptive water use. The data computed is then used in agriculture to
estimate the how much soil moisture was eliminated from the soil. Through these, irrigation
scheduling suited for crop use is developed to attain its optimum growth and maximum yield.

1. to determine potential evapotranspiration using some selected equations;
2. to derive consumptive use crop coefficient using some selected crops; and,
3. to predict actual evapotranspiration using estimated potential evapotranspiration.


Textbook (Irrigation Principles and Practices by Israelsen, et al.); PAGASA weather data,
calculator, graphing paper; computer.

A. Determination of Potential Evapotranspiration
1. Went to CLSU PAGASA Agromet station and get a month of weather data, each student
with different months for analysis.
2. With the given climatic data, daily potential evapotranspiration (ETp) in CLSU is estimated
using the following equations:
a. Modified Penman-Monteith
b. Jensen-Haise
c. Hargreaves
3. Using the t-test (group or paired comparison), whether there are significant differences are
determined on the estimated daily ETp of the different equations. The group comparisons will
involve the following:
a. Pair No. 1: Modified Penman-Monteith vs. Jensen-Haise
b. Pair No. 2: Modified Penman-Monteith vs. Hargreaves
c. Pair No. 3: Jensen-Haise vs. Hargreaves
4. Results of the comparisons are interpreted
B. Derivation of Consumptive Use Crop Coefficient
1. Given the experimental crop coefficients of some crops, derive the crop coefficient equations
for the following crops: small grains, beans, peas, potatoes, and corn.
2. The following mathematical model is used:
Where: kc- crop coefficient
a- intercept
d- days of growing season
x- slope of the line relating kc to d
3. The following are the estimated days of the growing season and effective cover for the above
mentioned crops:
(days) (days after planting
Small grains 120 60
Beans 130 60
Peas 120 50
Potatoes 120 60
Corn 120 55

4. Plot the kc curve of each group using the derived equation and using the raw data with kc as
the ordinate and days of the growing season as the abscissa
C. Predicting Actual Evapotranspiration
1. Using the estimated ETp in Part A, estimate the actual daily evapotranspiration (ETa) of each
crop in part B.
2. Derive ETa equation for each crop using the suggested mathematical model in Part B.
3. Plot the estimated and predicted daily ETa values of each crop.
ETa = kc x ETp


Location: CLSU PAGASA Agromet Weather Station
Elevation: 76 m
Latitude: 15°44’ N
Longitude: 120°56’

A. Determination of Potential Evapotranspiration

a. Modified Penman-Monteith
Δ /(Δ
Day Max. T Min. T Mean T Δ + )
1.18795 2.37367 0.66895 0.78014
1 35.7 23.3 29.5 5 7 579.675 1 0
1.06777 2.13342 0.66762 0.76165
2 33.2 21.6 27.4 4 3 580.83 1 3
1.11509 2.22802 580.362 0.66815 0.76929
3 33 23.5 28.25 9 9 5 9 7
1.08704 2.17195 580.637 0.66784 0.76482
4 32.2 23.3 27.75 8 3 5 3 7
1.04610 2.09010 0.66736 0.75797
5 30.8 23.2 27 6 6 581.05 8 8
1.10099 2.19983 0.66800 0.76707
6 32.3 23.7 28 7 8 580.5 1 2
1.08982 2.17750 0.66787 0.76527
7 32.3 23.3 27.8 5 5 580.61 4 8
1.05418 2.10626 580.967 0.66746 0.75936
8 30.7 23.6 27.15 7 1 5 3 2
1.06232 2.12252 0.66755 0.76073
9 31.7 22.9 27.3 1 2 580.885 8 9
1.19998 2.39772 0.66907 0.78183
10 33.2 26.2 29.7 3 1 579.565 8 2
1.11509 2.22802 580.362 0.66815 0.76929
11 33.8 22.7 28.25 9 9 5 9 7
1.17010 2.33799 0.66876 0.77758
12 33.5 24.9 29.2 8 8 579.84 1 1
1.11226 2.22236 0.66812 0.76885
13 32.8 23.6 28.2 6 6 580.39 7 4
1.13222 2.26226 580.197 0.66834 0.77194
14 33.3 23.8 28.55 5 7 5 9 2
0.89762 1.79327 582.672 0.72933
15 25.9 22.2 24.05 2 4 5 0.66551 4
Ave 32.2933 23.4533 27.8733 1.09590 2.18966 580.569 0.66792 0.76567
. 3 3 3 8 5 7 2 9

cp= 0.24
P= 2

RH e2 e1 es ea ea^.5 Ta (K) Tb(K) Ta4 Tb4

72 58.43903 28.60821 43.52362 31.33701 5.597947 308.7 296.3 9081268533 7707732004
69 50.86853 25.80153 38.33503 27.60122 5.253686 306.2 294.6 8790645071 7532358294
68 50.30148 28.95531 39.6284 28.53244 5.341577 306 296.5 8767700496 7728563700
60 48.08777 28.60821 38.34799 27.61055 5.254574 305.2 296.3 8676371061 7707732004
82 44.41691 28.43603 36.42647 26.22706 5.121236 303.8 296.2 8518263655 7697331962
74 48.35978 29.30607 38.83293 27.95971 5.287694 305.3 296.7 8687748041 7749437594
66 48.35978 28.60821 38.484 27.70848 5.263884 305.3 296.3 8687748041 7707732004
72 44.16429 29.13023 36.64726 26.38603 5.136733 303.7 296.6 8507053571 7738995369
72 46.7476 27.9249 37.33625 26.8821 5.184795 304.7 295.9 8619653676 7666194977
70 50.86853 34.01387 42.4412 30.55766 5.527899 306.2 299.2 8790645071 8013944986
60 52.60311 27.58862 40.09587 28.86902 5.37299 306.8 295.7 8859749057 7645489533
68 51.72951 31.48958 41.60955 29.95887 5.47347 306.5 297.9 8825146335 7875570306
72 49.73992 29.13023 39.43508 28.39325 5.328532 305.8 296.6 8744800866 7738995369
76 51.15413 29.48284 40.31849 29.02931 5.387885 306.3 296.8 8802134232 7759890383
94 33.4162 26.76334 30.08977 21.66463 4.654528 298.9 295.2 7981851804 7593909420
71.66667 48.6171 28.92315 38.77013 27.91449 5.279162 305.2933 296.4533 8689385301 7724258527

a1= 0.39
b1= -0.05
ea= 10.7

a1 + (Δ /(Δ +g)(Rn
b1ea^0.5 Rbo Rs Rso Rb Rn G Rn + G + G)
0.110102669 108.230481 233 233 108.230481 71.17952 0 71.17952 55.5300105
0.127315676 121.6771 565 565 121.6771 313.3729 0 313.3729 238.6813189
0.122921152 118.724165 561 561 118.724165 313.2458 0 313.2458 240.9790944
0.127271277 122.089966 586 586 122.089966 329.13 0 329.13 251.7275881
0.133938199 127.164023 125 125 127.164023 -30.914 0 -30.914 -23.4321449
0.125615309 120.891824 357 357 120.891824 153.9982 0 153.9982 118.1276662
0.126805792 121.7279 573 573 121.7279 319.4821 0 319.4821 244.4925161
0.133163344 126.665794 552 552 126.665794 298.3742 0 298.3742 226.5740527
0.130760246 124.684659 388 388 124.684659 174.0753 0 174.0753 132.4258304
0.113605065 111.777017 543 543 111.777017 306.333 0 306.333 239.5008531
0.121350494 117.270899 437 437 117.270899 219.2191 0 219.2191 168.6446241
0.116326507 113.747194 610 610 113.747194 355.9528 0 355.9528 276.7820528
0.123573397 119.263931 465 465 119.263931 238.7861 0 238.7861 183.5915464
0.120605729 116.952165 339 339 116.952165 144.0778 0 144.0778 111.2197763
0.157273581 143.427344 0 0 143.427344 -143.427 0 -143.427 -104.606134
0.126041896 120.952964 422.2667 422.2667 120.952964 204.1924 0 204.1924 157.3492434

Assuming s=100% a= 1.2

Rs=Rso b= -0.2

u2 u2 15.36 (es- LH of
(mps) (km/day) (w1+w2u2) (es-ea) ( +Δ) ea)(g/g+Δ) Etp Etg X 10 water Etg
4 345.6 48.2721792 12.1866136 0.21986 129.3378453 184.8679 1848.679 569.3503 3.24
5 432 56.500224 10.7338084 0.238347 144.5487114 383.23 3832.3 564.8249 6.78
3 259.2 40.0441344 11.0959506 0.230703 102.5076849 343.4868 3434.868 573.8757 5.98
5 432 56.500224 10.7374372 0.235173 142.6716981 394.3993 3943.993 564.8249 6.98
4 345.6 48.2721792 10.1994116 0.242022 119.1587981 95.72665 957.2665 569.3503 1.68
2 172.8 31.8160896 10.873219 0.232928 80.57997567 198.7076 1987.076 578.4012 3.43
4 345.6 48.2721792 10.7755186 0.234722 122.0926441 366.5852 3665.852 569.3503 6.43
5 432 56.500224 10.2612328 0.240638 139.512711 366.0868 3660.868 564.8249 6.48
4 345.6 48.2721792 10.45415 0.239261 120.7418859 253.1677 2531.677 569.3503 4.44
2 172.8 31.8160896 11.883536 0.218168 82.48673539 321.9876 3219.876 578.4012 5.56
3 259.2 40.0441344 11.2268422 0.230703 103.7169003 272.3615 2723.615 573.8757 4.74
1 86.4 23.5880448 11.6506726 0.222419 61.12449336 337.9065 3379.065 582.9266 5.79
4 345.6 48.2721792 11.041821 0.231146 123.203995 306.7955 3067.955 569.3503 5.38
1 86.4 23.5880448 11.2891758 0.228058 60.72933841 171.9491 1719.491 582.9266 2.94
2 172.8 31.8160896 8.4251356 0.270666 72.55343947 -32.0527 -320.527 578.4012 -0.55
3.266667 282.24 42.23827968 10.855635 0.233736 107.1735376 264.5228 2643.47 572.6689 4.62

w1= 1
w2= 0.0062

b. Jensen-Haise
Max. Min. Mean 17.27 x 17.27 x
Day T T T T T+237.3 exp e2 T T+237.3 exp e1
1 35.7 23.3 29.5 616.539 273 9.567621 58.43903 402.391 260.6 4.683728 28.608
2 33.2 21.6 27.4 573.364 270.5 8.328181 50.86853 373.032 258.9 4.224219 25.801
3 33 23.5 28.25 569.91 270.3 8.235343 50.30148 405.845 260.8 4.740555 28.955
4 32.2 23.3 27.75 556.094 269.5 7.872916 48.08777 402.391 260.6 4.683728 28.608
5 30.8 23.2 27 531.916 268.1 7.271924 44.41691 400.664 260.5 4.655538 28.436
6 32.3 23.7 28 557.821 269.6 7.917448 48.35978 409.299 261 4.797982 29.306
7 32.3 23.3 27.8 557.821 269.6 7.917448 48.35978 402.391 260.6 4.683728 28.608
8 30.7 23.6 27.15 530.189 268 7.230565 44.16429 407.572 260.9 4.769193 29.130
9 31.7 22.9 27.3 547.459 269 7.653504 46.7476 395.483 260.2 4.571856 27.92
10 33.2 26.2 29.7 573.364 270.5 8.328181 50.86853 452.474 263.5 5.56874 34.013
11 33.8 22.7 28.25 583.726 271.1 8.612167 52.60311 392.029 260 4.5168 27.588
12 33.5 24.9 29.2 578.545 270.8 8.469141 51.72951 430.023 262.2 5.155464 31.489
13 32.8 23.6 28.2 566.456 270.1 8.143405 49.73992 407.572 260.9 4.769193 29.130
14 33.3 23.8 28.55 575.091 270.6 8.37494 51.15413 411.026 261.1 4.826923 29.482
15 25.9 22.2 24.05 447.293 263.2 5.470891 33.4162 383.394 259.5 4.381686 26.763
Ave. 32.293 23.453 27.873 557.7059 269.5933 7.914473 48.3416 405.0391 260.7533 4.727242 28.873

LH of
e2-e1 CH 1/CT CT Tx T-Tx Rs Etp (l/day) EtP X 10 water Etg (
29.83082 1.676119 50.2385 0.0199051 -6.8145 36.3145 233 168.422168 1684.222 579.675 2.905
25.067 1.994654 52.65937 0.0189900 6.14756 33.54756 565 359.943019 3599.43 580.83 6.197
21.34617 2.342341 55.30179 0.0180826 5.62665 33.87665 561 343.656125 3436.561 580.3625 5.921
19.47956 2.566793 57.00763 0.0175415 5.36532 33.11532 586 340.403197 3404.032 580.6375 5.862
15.98088 3.128738 61.27841 0.0163190 4.87551 31.87551 125 65.0218896 650.2189 581.05 1.119
19.0537 2.624162 57.44363 0.0174084 -5.3057 33.3057 357 206.98787 2069.879 580.5 3.565
19.75156 2.531445 56.73898 0.0176246 -5.4034 33.2034 573 335.317055 3353.171 580.61 5.775
15.03406 3.325782 62.77594 0.0159297 4.74295 31.89295 552 280.440383 2804.404 580.9675 4.827
18.8227 2.656366 57.68839 0.0173345 5.27336 32.57336 388 219.081602 2190.816 580.885 3.771
16.85467 2.966538 60.04569 0.0166540 4.99783 34.69783 543 313.776484 3137.765 579.565 5.413
25.0145 1.998841 52.69119 0.0189785 6.14021 34.39021 437 285.218886 2852.189 580.3625 4.914
20.23994 2.470363 56.27476 0.0177700 5.47177 34.67177 610 375.830671 3758.307 579.84 6.481
20.60969 2.426043 55.93793 0.0178770 5.52354 33.72354 465 280.336538 2803.365 580.39 4.830
21.67129 2.3072 55.03472 0.0181703 5.67216 34.22216 339 210.799893 2107.999 580.1975 3.633
6.652866 7.515558 94.61824 0.0105688 3.56958 27.61958 0 0 0 582.6725 0.000
19.46761 2.568369 57.0196 0.0175378 5.36365 33.23698 422.267 246.141118 2461.411 580.5697 4.239

C. Hargreaves
Max. Min. 17.78 +
Day T T Mean T T Rs Etp Etg (l/day) Etg X 10 LH of water Etg (mm
1 35.7 23.3 29.5 47.28 233 148.7192 178.463088 1784.63088 579.675 3.078674
2 33.2 21.6 27.4 45.18 565 344.6105 413.53254 4135.3254 580.83 7.119682
3 33 23.5 28.25 46.03 561 348.6082 418.329846 4183.29846 580.3625 7.208078
4 32.2 23.3 27.75 45.53 586 360.1878 432.225396 4322.25396 580.6375 7.443980
5 30.8 23.2 27 44.78 125 75.56625 90.6795 906.795 581.05 1.560614
6 32.3 23.7 28 45.78 357 220.6367 264.764052 2647.64052 580.5 4.560965
7 32.3 23.3 27.8 45.58 573 352.5841 423.100908 4231.00908 580.61 7.287179
8 30.7 23.6 27.15 44.93 552 334.8184 401.782032 4017.82032 580.9675 6.915740
9 31.7 22.9 27.3 45.08 388 236.129 283.354848 2833.54848 580.885 4.877985
10 33.2 26.2 29.7 47.48 543 348.0521 417.662568 4176.62568 579.565 7.206483
11 33.8 22.7 28.25 46.03 437 271.554 325.864782 3258.64782 580.3625 5.614849
12 33.5 24.9 29.2 46.98 610 386.8803 464.25636 4642.5636 579.84 8.006628
13 32.8 23.6 28.2 45.98 465 288.6395 346.36734 3463.6734 580.39 5.967837
14 33.3 23.8 28.55 46.33 339 212.0292 254.435094 2544.35094 580.1975 4.385318
15 25.9 22.2 24.05 41.83 0 0 0 0 582.6725 0.000000
Ave 32.293 23.453 27.873 45.653 422.267 261.934 314.321224 3143.21224 580.5696667 5.415601

B. Derivation of Consumptive Use Crop Coefficient

A. kc small grains
DAYS crop coefficient
small grains
10 0.16 1.2
20 0.18 1
30 0.37
40 0.67
50 0.94 0.6

60 1.04
70 1.02
80 0.94 0.2
90 0.82 0
100 0.67 0 50 100 150
110 0.51 days of growing season
120 0.37

B. kc beans
DAYS crop coefficient beans
10 0.2 1.2
20 0.23
30 0.39
40 0.63 0.8
50 0.88 0.6

60 1.07
70 1.02 0.4
80 0.96 0.2
90 0.85
100 0.73 0
0 50 100 150
110 0.59
days of growing season
120 0.45
130 0.31

C. kc Peas
1.2 Peas
DAYS crop coefficient 1
10 0.2 0.8
20 0.31
30 0.63 0.6
40 0.87 0.4
50 1.05
60 1 0.2
70 0.95 0
80 0.87 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
90 0.78
100 0.66
110 0.56

C. Predicting Actual Evapotranspiration

A. Eta small grains

Day crop
No. coefficient Etp (PM) Etp (JH) Etp (H) Eta (PM) Eta (JH) Eta (H)
1 0.16 3.2469967 2.9054585 3.0786749 0.519519472 0.46487336 0.492587984
2 0.16 6.7849354 6.1970459 7.1196829 1.085589664 0.991527344 1.139149264
3 0.16 5.9853861 5.9214047 7.2080785 0.957661776 0.947424752 1.15329256
4 0.16 6.9826826 5.8625769 7.44398 1.117229216 0.938012304 1.1910368
5 0.16 1.6813314 1.1190412 1.5606144 0.269013024 0.179046592 0.249698304
6 0.16 3.4354642 3.5656825 4.5609656 0.549674272 0.5705092 0.729754496
7 0.16 6.4386575 5.7752546 7.2871791 1.0301852 0.924040736 1.165948656
8 0.16 6.4814207 4.8271269 6.9157402 1.037027312 0.772340304 1.106518432
9 0.16 4.4466072 3.7715142 4.8779853 0.711457152 0.603442272 0.780477648
10 0.16 5.5668559 5.4139999 7.2064836 0.890696944 0.866239984 1.153037376
11 0.18 4.7460018 4.9144954 5.614849 0.854280324 0.884609172 1.01067282
12 0.18 5.7967257 6.4816272 8.0066287 1.043410626 1.166692896 1.441193166
13 0.18 5.3885199 4.8301407 5.9678378 0.969933582 0.869425326 1.074210804
14 0.18 2.949756 3.6332437 4.3853187 0.53095608 0.653983866 0.789357366
- -
0 0
15 0.18 0.5541603 0.099748854 0 0

B. Eta beans

Day coefficien
No. t Etp (PM) Etp (JH) Etp (H) Eta (PM) Eta (JH) Eta (H)
1 0.2 3.2469967 2.9054585 3.0786749 0.64939934 0.5810917 0.61573498
2 0.2 6.7849354 6.1970459 7.1196829 1.35698708 1.23940918 1.42393658
3 0.2 5.9853861 5.9214047 7.2080785 1.19707722 1.18428094 1.4416157
4 0.2 6.9826826 5.8625769 7.44398 1.39653652 1.17251538 1.488796
5 0.2 1.6813314 1.1190412 1.5606144 0.33626628 0.22380824 0.31212288
6 0.2 3.4354642 3.5656825 4.5609656 0.68709284 0.7131365 0.91219312
7 0.2 6.4386575 5.7752546 7.2871791 1.2877315 1.15505092 1.45743582
8 0.2 6.4814207 4.8271269 6.9157402 1.29628414 0.96542538 1.38314804
9 0.2 4.4466072 3.7715142 4.8779853 0.88932144 0.75430284 0.97559706
10 0.2 5.5668559 5.4139999 7.2064836 1.11337118 1.08279998 1.44129672
11 0.23 4.7460018 4.9144954 5.614849 1.091580414 1.130333942 1.29141527
12 0.23 5.7967257 6.4816272 8.0066287 1.333246911 1.490774256 1.841524601
13 0.23 5.3885199 4.8301407 5.9678378 1.239359577 1.110932361 1.372602694
14 0.23 2.949756 3.6332437 4.3853187 0.67844388 0.835646051 1.008623301
0 0
15 0.23 0.5541603 -0.127456869 0 0
C. Eta peas

Day crop
No. coefficient Etp (PM) Etp (JH) Etp (H) Eta (PM) Eta (JH) Eta (H)
1 0.2 3.2469967 2.9054585 3.0786749 0.64939934 0.5810917 0.61573498
2 0.2 6.7849354 6.1970459 7.1196829 1.35698708 1.23940918 1.42393658
3 0.2 5.9853861 5.9214047 7.2080785 1.19707722 1.18428094 1.4416157
4 0.2 6.9826826 5.8625769 7.44398 1.39653652 1.17251538 1.488796
5 0.2 1.6813314 1.1190412 1.5606144 0.33626628 0.22380824 0.31212288
6 0.2 3.4354642 3.5656825 4.5609656 0.68709284 0.7131365 0.91219312
7 0.2 6.4386575 5.7752546 7.2871791 1.2877315 1.15505092 1.45743582
8 0.2 6.4814207 4.8271269 6.9157402 1.29628414 0.96542538 1.38314804
9 0.2 4.4466072 3.7715142 4.8779853 0.88932144 0.75430284 0.97559706
10 0.2 5.5668559 5.4139999 7.2064836 1.11337118 1.08279998 1.44129672
11 0.31 4.7460018 4.9144954 5.614849 1.471260558 1.523493574 1.74060319
12 0.31 5.7967257 6.4816272 8.0066287 1.796984967 2.009304432 2.482054897
13 0.31 5.3885199 4.8301407 5.9678378 1.670441169 1.497343617 1.850029718
14 0.31 2.949756 3.6332437 4.3853187 0.91442436 1.126305547 1.359448797
- -
0 0
15 0.31 0.5541603 0.171789693 0 0


Through the use of weather data acquired in the CLSU Agrometeorology Weather
Station such as minimum and maximum temperature, relative humidity, Clear Solar Day Radiation,
Average Solar Day Radiation, Wind speed etc., Daily Consumptive use of water is determined
using the Modified Penman-Mointeth, Jensen-Haise, and Hargreaves. The formulas are as follows:


Modified Penman-Mointeth

Consumptive use crop coefficient using crops such as small grains, beans, peas,
potatoes and corns are derived using the formula:
Actual evapotranspiration using estimated potential evapotranspiration are
predicted through the use of the formula:

ETa= kc x ETp


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