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Catton, “Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts”

Consider what each photograph contributes to your understanding of the men and their
roles in history. Write 1-2 paragraphs comparing and contrasting the two photographs and
what they reveal about each man.

The two generals, Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee, had very strong personalities
which had many differences and similarities. Both generals were commanders of opposing
forces, the north, and the south, going head to head in a war that decide the fate of the United
States for years to come. Grant was the commander of the northern forces, the Union, and Lee
was in charge of the southern forces, the Confederacy. The two generals had a lot in common
although wanted very different outcomes to the Civil War. For example, both men were
extremely stubborn and tenacious fighters. Throughout the war, both men proved their will to
keep fighting after enduring major loss as well as the ability to rally their troops, leading them
into battle with the same determined mindset.
Although the two men had some similarities they had opposing views on how the country
should be run as well as their views on the outcome of the war. Lee had strictly confederate
views, which means that he believed slavery was necessary to maintain economic stability. Lee
also believed that a workforce of lower-class individuals is essential to boost the economy. On
the other hand, Grant fought for no personal reasons, except to preserve a nation split in two
because of the issue of slavery. Grant showed how one can keep their composure and poise in
tough times and continue to do what is right for a relatively new nation and Lee showed how
willing one is to die for what they believe in.

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