Varanus Komodoensis: Management and Reproduction of The Komodo Dragon Ouwens 1912 at ZSL London Zoo

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Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182


Management and reproduction of the Komodo

dragon Varanus komodoensis Ouwens 1912 at ZSL
London Zoo
Herpetology Department, ZSL London Zoo, Regents Park, London NW1 4RY, UK

The Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis is the world’s

largest living lizard. Despite numerous collections ex-
(Osman, 1967; Busono, 1974). However, it
hibiting these animals, only a small number of institu- was not until 1992 that the first Komodo
tions worldwide have managed to breed them. Here, we dragons to hatch in the Western hemisphere
discuss the new, purpose-built breeding facility at ZSL emerged at the National Zoological Park
London Zoo and recent husbandry changes that resulted (NZP), Washington, DC, USA (Walsh et al.,
in the oviposition of two fertile clutches of eggs and five
hatchling Komodo dragons for the first time in the United 1993).
Kingdom. Four of the Komodo dragons were produced In the past 20 years, considerable informa-
parthenogenetically, which is the first time this has been tion has been compiled and published on
documented in this species. captive husbandry and significant improve-
Key-words: husbandry; incubation; Komodo dragon;
ments have been made in species manage-
neonate management; nutrition; operant conditioning; ment (see Visser & Belterman, 2002; Walsh
reproduction; ultraviolet light. et al., 2004). Komodo dragons have also been
the subject of considerable field research (see
Auffenberg, 1981; Auffenberg & Auffenberg,
2002). However, comparatively little infor-
The Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis is mation is available on captive-reproduction
the largest living lizard. Found on only a few events, egg incubation or management of
islands in the Lesser Sundas, Indonesia, it young dragons. Although this species is cur-
has one of the narrowest naturally occurr- rently held in over 60 institutions worldwide,
ing ranges of all large terrestrial predators only a few have instructions to breed for
(Gillespie et al., 2000; Ciofi & Gibson, genetic-management purposes, and many in-
unpubl.). Wild populations are considered stitutions house siblings together for exhibit
stable on Komodo and Rinca; however, se- purposes only (and not for breeding).
vere declines have been recorded on the Despite recent husbandry advances, the
island of Flores (Ciofi & De Boer, 2004; Ciofi European captive population is in crisis,
& Gibson, unpubl.). Their limited distribu- suffering from a comparatively high , death
tion makes them Vulnerable to stochastic rate. Since its initiation in 2000, the European
events, poaching of prey species, genetic Endangered Species Programme (EEP) popu-
inbreeding and habitat destruction as a result lation has lost eight adult ,,; all deaths,
of slash-and-burn agriculture (Ciofi, 1999; except one, are allegedly reproduction re-
Ciofi et al., 1999; Sastrawan & Ciofi, 2002; lated. There was only one ‘programmed’
IUCN, 2006; Ciofi & Gibson, unpubl.; Jessop hatching (of 17) in 2004, none in 2005 and
et al., unpubl.). only one 2006, which is the one documented
The first officially documented captive in this article. The EEP studbook population
breeding of the species occurred at the (December 2005) comprised 16.14 Komodo
Gembira Loka Zoo in Indonesia in 1965 dragons, in 12 institutions, and of these

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

14 ,, only six were adults. Four of these TEMPERATURE RELATIVE

six adults died in 2006, leaving only two SEASON ( 1C) HUMIDITY (%)

adult ,, and one sub-adult remaining as Winter 22–28 45–55

breeding stock. Mid-season 30–33 45–60
Summer 30–37 45–65


Table 1. Daily and seasonal temperature and relative
ZSL London Zoo’s Komodo dragon house humidity changes in the Komodo dragon Varanus
komodoensis enclosure at ZSL London Zoo.
was constructed in 2004 and provides out-
standing accommodation for dragons and an
excellent visitor experience. More than 25 m the exhibit, which produces a thermal gradi-
of continuous viewing windows give unin- ent of 40–25 1C from the centre to the peri-
terrupted views of the dragon’s habitat and meter. The heating profile is designed to
information panels and interactive devices replicate the temperatures found within the
provide educational input (Plate 1). Komodo National Park on a daily and seaso-
The footprint of the building is a half- nal basis.
ellipse, which faces south to capture as much The exhibit’s internal theme replicates the
natural sunlight as possible. Internally, the dry riverbeds typically found in lowland
building is divided into two display enclo- valleys in the Komodo National Park. Artifi-
sures separated by an artificial-rock divide, a cial rainfall is controlled via an external pump
reclaimed timber-clad visitor area, off-show supplying pre-heated water at 17 1C and an
holding dens, a service area and a plant room. electronic timer controls the rainfall that is
The total area available to the Komodo dra- adjusted to mimic seasonal rainfall patterns.
gons comprises 220 m2 indoor exhibit space, The exhibit areas are filled with 30 cm of a
60 m2 outdoor exhibit space and 45 m2 of porous sand substrate with a perforated con-
indoor dens. crete base below to ensure adequate drainage.
The air temperature is controlled via a Ponds in each half of the main exhibit are
dedicated heat-and-humidity-exchange sys- filled with water maintained at 22 1C, provid-
tem that forces warmed and humidified air ing both drinking and bathing opportunities
into the exhibit. The air-conditioning system for the dragons and planted areas provide
is controlled by independent controllers for, shaded patches and offer refuge from the heat
heating, cooling, humidity, fresh air and of the day.
energy recycling (Table 1). The system is All three dens have independently con-
monitored by a TREND computer, which trolled temperatures via stand-alone air-con-
automatically adjusts the heating and cooling ditioning units. Two 250 W metal–halide
in the building as required. The hot air enters flood lamps (5600 K) on an automated
the enclosure at ground level in the centre of 12:12 hour (light:dark) photoperiod provide
additional illumination. Each den also con-
tains three Osram Ultravitaluxt bulbs posi-
tioned 50 cm above designated basking areas.
The substrate in the dens is a deep layer of
bark chippings covered with leaf litter.
Because of the northerly latitude of Lon-
don, the Komodo dragons are only permitted
outdoor access during the summer months.
Two 3 kW infrared radiant heaters provide
localized hot spots of 45 1C. Between April
Plate 1. The Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis and October, the dragons are given access to
facility at ZSL London Zoo. George Sunter, ZSL their outdoor enclosure when the air tempera-
London Zoo. ture exceeds 22 1C.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

Komodo dragons require exposure to ultra- KOMODO DRAGONS AT ZSL

violet light (UVB) between the ranges of 285 LONDON ZOO
and 315 nm to allow for vitamin D3 photo-
biogenesis, calcium absorption and homeos- In June 2004, ZSL London Zoo received an
tasis (Gyimesi & Burns, 2002). At the time of F1 < Komodo dragon ‘Raja’ hatched in 1998,
writing, it is still unclear how much UVB a from Miami Metro Zoo, FL, USA. Shortly
Komodo dragon requires. However, work afterwards, an F1 , ‘Nina’, hatched in 1994,
conducted by Gillespie et al. (2000) demon- was received from Reptilandia in the
strated that Komodo dragons that were Canary Islands. Nina died shortly after com-
housed indoors with no UVB source exhib- pleting her quarantine period from severe
ited clinical lameness, poor bone density and haemorrhage into the coelomic cavity as
fractures along several long bones. Further- a result of ruptured mineralized vasculature.
more, circulating vitamin D3 levels as low as This medical condition, diagnosed postmor-
14 nmol litre 1 were recorded and these in- tem for the first time at ZSL London
creased to 252 nmol litre 1 with exposure to Zoo, appears to be a recurring issue in
1 month of temperate sunlight. Komodo dragons in captivity (R. Pizzi, un-
The majority of the Komodo dragon ex- publ. data).
hibit roof at ZSL London Zoo is constructed Almost a year later, a second F1 , ‘Sungai’
from transparent ETFE (ethylene tetrafluor- arrived on loan from Thoiry Zoo in France.
oethylene) plastic that is penetrable to UVB, Sungai hatched in 1995 and had laid small
with as much as 85% transmission of UVB in clutches of infertile eggs during the 2 years
the range of 285–315 nm. Because the United before her arrival at ZSL London Zoo.
Kingdom is at a higher latitude from the
equator than the Komodo National Park, the
amount of UVB available at ground level is
lower throughout the year and especially Each adult animal occupies one-half of the
during the winter months (October–March). exhibit separated by the artificial-rock wall.
To compensate for this, additional artificial One of the intentions of the design was to
UVB-emitting lamps are located throughout allow both adults to experience the same
the exhibit and in all dens. environmental conditions and share olfactory
Each enclosure has two clusters of spot contact but prevent visual and physical con-
lamps. Each cluster contains three Osram tact until the breeding season.
Ultravitaluxt 300 W UVB-producing bulbs, The Komodo dragons are housed in their
which generate localized hot spots up to respective dens during the night and released
45 1C and emit a minimum of 250 mW cm 2 into the exhibit in the morning. Each day, the
of UVB radiation. Ambient and spot lamp dragons are released from their dens and
UVB levels are monitored inside and outside allowed unrestricted access to one of the
the enclosure throughout the year using a paddocks for the rest of the day with the
standard protocol (time, location and orienta- den remaining closed. ZSL London Zoo
tion) with a Solar Systems Solar Metert 6.2. operates a non-protected contact regime and
EEP and Association of Zoos and Aqua- regular keeper interaction with the dragons is
riums (AZA) recommendations suggest that encouraged.
each Komodo dragon should have access to Variations in the timing of key events
an area where available levels of UVB radia- such as feeding, keeper interaction, den ac-
tion are in excess of 250 mW cm 2, as a cess and rainfall activations are purposely
minimum requirement to avoid health pro- performed at random times to prevent stag-
blems and to promote natural growth. nation.
The remainder of the roof, which covers Each dragon returns to a den in the eve-
the viewing area and needs to be darker than ning, which has a lower environmental tem-
the exhibit space, is a living ‘brown roof’. perature to mimic night-time conditions.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

OPERANT CONDITIONING Rattus norvegicus, Mice Mus musculus, small

Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, Chicken
It has long been recognized that Komodo
pieces Gallus gallus and chunks of Cow
dragons are behaviourally complex animals
(beef) Bos taurus or Horse meat Equus
capable of learning. See Burghardt et al.
caballus (Gibson, 2006). Considerable evi-
(2002) and Murphy & Walsh (2006) for a
dence from field observations on prey-species
review of behavioural repertoire in captivity.
composition, feeding frequency and seasonal-
Komodo dragons therefore represent ideal
ity (see Auffenberg, 1981) appears to conflict
candidates for training and respond quickly to
with the nutritional guidelines for captive
standardized techniques.
Komodo dragons. In 2005, ZSL London
At ZSL London Zoo, we trained our
Zoo, in conjunction with the EEP, adopted an
Komodo dragons to accomplish five impor-
approach to nutrition designed to mimic field
tant goals.
 To move from one area to another, either
At the time of writing, ZSL London Zoo’s
from den to exhibit or vice versa.
adult Komodo dragons are offered much
 To be box-trained for restraint and phy-
larger individual meals infrequently. This
sical examination by the veterinary de-
is calculated from a budget of 150–
160 kg year 1, based on observations of the
 To establish a trusting/working relation-
annual intake of a 48 kg wild adult (Auffen-
ship with the keepers.
berg, 1981). Large portions of food, up to
 To allow the animal to differentiate
20% of the animal’s body mass, are offered in
feeding cues from general keeper inter-
one or two feeding events per month.
action and avoid ‘door rushing’ pro-
Correspondingly, the composition of food
blems experienced by other institutions.
items was also adjusted to incorporate larger-
 To enrich the lives of behaviourally
bodied animals. We now offer large portions
complex and intelligent reptiles in cap-
(43 kg) of Muntjac deer Muntiacus muntjak,
Goat Capra sp and Wild rabbit O. cuniculus,
To achieve the above objectives, a number
which are all organically sourced. Feeding
of common training techniques were used.
observations and faecal analysis of wild
These include target training and the use of a
Komodo dragons revealed that a greater
‘clicker’ to act as a bridge stimulus. Small
proportion of bone, skin and hair were in-
food items, such as mice (20 g), are used as
gested by adult dragons than most other apex
nutritional rewards and Komodo dragons
predators (Auffenberg, 1981). In accordance,
learn very quickly to recognize the target and
we give our adults portions of carcass rich in
associated ‘click’ for good behaviour. ZSL
bone, fur and cartilage. Commercially pro-
London Zoo’s Komodo dragons are target
duced whole rats, mice and chicks are only
trained on a daily basis and the original goals
given in small amounts during target training
have been extended to include press-related
sessions and constitute a small portion
events, keeper talks, radiography, venipunc-
(o20%) of the annual nutrition budget.
ture and transdermal ultrasonography.
The use of vitamin/mineral supplementa-
tion in dragon diets is not uniform and ZSL
London Zoo currently uses no supplementa-
Most recommendations for the nutrition of tion. Routine blood samples taken from our
Komodo dragons in captivity are based on the Komodo dragons reveal blood-chemistry
NZP approach of ‘little and often’ (Walsh profiles within normal parameters when com-
et al., 2002). pared with the levels published by Gillespie
Generally, adult dragons of 47 years are et al. (1997, 2000), Gyimesi & Burns (2002)
offered 1.5–3 kg of food per week in two to and Spelman (2002).
three separate feeding events (Walsh et al., Wild Komodo dragons show typical ‘gorge
2002, 2004). The food items consisted of Rats and fast’ feeding behaviour (Auffenberg,

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

1981; Murphy et al., 2002). The impact of a (1997) for a good overview. However,
regular diet in captivity has long been ques- Komodo dragon reproduction in captivity
tioned (see Walsh et al., 2002). Studies by has been studied in less detail. Only a handful
Walsh et al. (1999) and Wikramanayake et al. of institutions, Cincinnati Zoo, Miami
(1999) on the thermal biology of wild and Metro Zoo, Honolulu Zoo, NZP, Toronto
captive dragons demonstrated that captive Zoo, Reptilandia and ZSL London Zoo, have
Komodo dragons have a significantly lower achieved reproduction outside of Indonesia.
body temperature than their wild counter- In October 2005, we began to integrate our
parts. The authors theorized that small, fre- two Komodo dragons for breeding. Both had
quent feeds may be one factor that reduces been acclimatized to captive conditions at
the internal body temperature in Komodo ZSL London Zoo for over 6 months and both
dragons in captivity. had experienced exactly the same environ-
Data collected at ZSL London Zoo using mental cues and nutritional regime before
Thermocront data loggers ingested by our introduction. Before any physical introduc-
dragons support the Walsh et al. (1999) tion, efforts were made to familiarize each
hypothesis. When frequent small prey items animal with its potential mate to reduce
(200 g) were regularly ingested in 2005, the aggression. Opaque barriers were removed
core body temperature (CBT) peaked at a to give the dragons visual access to each
maximum 33 1C. However, after the inges- other. Shed scales and faeces were swapped
tion of larger, infrequent meals (  2 kg), after between enclosures and tactile contact was
2005, the CBT of our < dragon increased to permitted through vertical bars. At each inter-
peaks of 37–38 1C, independent of ambient action, the , behaved defensively, while the
air temperature. Gastric transit times also < showed threat displays. During this safe-
increased, with large meals taking signifi- contact period, the posturing and defensive
cantly longer to digest. behaviour reduced in intensity and frequency
Walsh et al. (2002) state that Komodo with increasing exposure.
dragons are capable of physiologically up- On 8 November 2005, the animals were
grading their metabolic rate during digestion allowed full physical contact. Initially, the
in a manner similar to White-throated moni- < was given access to the ,’s side of the
tors Varanus albigularis (Secor & Philips, exhibit. The , was the first to show aggres-
1997). Similarly, Anderson et al. (2005) sion. The < remained passive throughout and
demonstrated that the Burmese python folded his limbs to his body and laid flat
Python molorus is capable of accelerating against the ground. On a couple of occasions,
postprandial metabolic rate by 40% relative the < managed to suppress the , but remained
to fasting rate. This may have further implica- dominant for only a couple of minutes. After
tions for Komodo dragons, as the increased 30 minutes, the < suddenly showed aggres-
basking time needed to generate a higher sion and asserted his dominance by biting the
CBT may affect photo-biogenesis of circulat- , on the neck. At this point, the animals were
ing 25(OH)D3. Gyimesi & Burns (2002) and separated.
Nijboer et al. (2003) specifically state that After a 7 day ‘cooling-off’ period, the
UVB has a direct effect on the circulating , was led into the <’s side of the exhibit for
levels of 25(OH)D3. Further studies are re- the first time. A series of ritualized bipedal
quired to clarify the relationship among bouts ensued, which terminated with the
meal size, CBT, metabolism and circulating < asserting his dominance, having won at
vitamin D3. least 90% of the wrestling bouts. This process
was repeated every day for the next 6 days.
Each time the animals were introduced, the
aggression levels reduced until eventually
Varanid reproduction has been studied in the , became passive in the <’s presence
considerable detail; see Horn & Visser (Plate 2).

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

Characteristically, the < would lay along ing potential nest sites. Initially, she dug
side the ,, one foreleg would be placed over exploratory holes and then abandoned them.
her back and the corresponding hind leg was Auffenberg (1981) also documented this be-
scraped repeatedly across her pelvis and tail. haviour in wild Komodo dragons and it is
The <’s tongue flicked continually over the believed to be anti-predatory in nature.
neck and head of the , and he jerked his head A nesting site was provided in one of the
horizontally to stimulate her. Voluntary tail off-show dens. This comprised a large mound
lifting by the , was witnessed on several of earth, sand and leaf litter 250 cm 
occasions. Hemipenal eversion and intromis- 200 cm  80 cm deep. A false ceiling was
sion were observed twice and seminal fluid incorporated to prevent tunnel collapse
was clearly emitted. Intromission was brief, following Walsh et al. (2002). The nesting
c. 2–5 minutes, and both animals remained den was heated to an ambient 28 1C with
still. After 3 weeks of courtship, the , began localized basking spots provided for the ,.
to refuse food and showed signs of abdominal The temperatures inside the oviposition site
swelling. were 27–29 1C.
Two separate clutches of eggs were laid by
Oviposition the ,: clutch 1 (22 eggs) was laid on 5 August
2005 before introduction to our < and clutch
Before oviposition, the , lost all appetite for 2 (six eggs) was laid on 6 January 2006
food and became unresponsive and listless. following successful mating.
Regular blood samples were taken ventrally
from the tail to monitor calcium serum levels
and transdermal ultrasounds were performed. Incubation
After several days in this condition, it was All eggs were artificially incubated and were
possible to detect ova that were c. 6 cm in set at a ratio of 1:3 (water:vermiculite) by
diameter, although calcium serum levels mass in containers with airtight lids. Initially,
appeared to be stable and within normal all eggs were incubated together and infertile
parameters (Gillespie et al., 1997, 2000; eggs were removed as the incubation pro-
Spelman, 2002). After 10 days of immobility, gressed. Eventually, eggs were incubated in
the ,’s activity levels increased and she pairs within a larger box. The lids were
resumed periodic feeding and began excavat- initially removed weekly for aeration of the
incubation environment and daily in the latter
stages of development. Following NZP re-
commendations, the eggs were incubated at
29 1C for the first 7 days. The temperature
was then increased to 29.5 1C for the next
180 days before being reduced to 28.5 1C.
Miami Metro Zoo also adopted this strategy
in 1998 when 27 of 29 eggs hatched
(S. Conners, pers. comm.).
After 110 days of incubation, the eggs
began to collapse and decline in mass despite
the relative humidity being 485%. The
incubation boxes were then placed inside a
larger box containing shallow water to in-
crease the humidity. Water was dripped onto
the eggs daily for the next 8 weeks and the
Plate 2. Raja (<) and Sungai (,) Komodo dragons eggs began to increase in mass (Table 2).
Varanus komodoensis during courtship. Claire The progress of the eggs was followed
Cunningham, ZSL London Zoo. using traditional candling techniques. We

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London


2005 2006
EGG NO. 6 AUG 10 NOV 21 NOV 13 DEC 24 DEC 18 JAN 9 FEB 1 MAR 15 MAR 22 MAR
1 2
2 154 145 152 159 164 171 166 152 146 140
5 179 1661 166 172 181 1862 180 174 172 164
9 142 1291 139 147 154 1562 153 144 139 134
10 170 1561 158 166 170 1732 168 161 157 151
First date when water was dripped onto eggs.
When additional water was stopped.
Table 2. Mass change of viable Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis eggs from clutch 1 (laid 5 August 2005)
during artificial incubation at ZSL London Zoo.

also used a ‘Buddy’ digital egg monitors,

which uses a single or triple light-emitting
diode light source emitting infrared light and
a light sensor that detects the variation in
intensity of absorbed versus reflected infrared
light caused by arterial pulsatile vasculature
within the developing fertile egg membranes
(Strike et al., 2006, 2007). The eggs were
monitored three times weekly, with the high-
est heart rate of 62 beats per minute (b.p.m.).
At around day 217 of incubation, the heart
rates reduced to below 30 b.p.m. Forty-eight
to 72 hours before hatching, heart rate would
characteristically increase to 60 b.p.m. until
hatching (M. Taema & T. Strike, pers.
comm.) This is the first time this technology
has been applied to monitor the eggs of this
species and is part of an ongoing study.
The first Komodo dragon began to hatch Plate 3. A Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis
on 24 March 2006, followed by three hatching at ZSL London Zoo. George Sunter, ZSL
others, each c. 2 days apart (Plate 3). The London Zoo.
incubation period was 251–256 days. Incuba-
tion periods recorded in other institutions were housed together in a 1 m3 plastic vivar-
are in the range of 205–256 days, with an ium with a wiremesh ceiling. The single
average of 220 days (Walsh et al., 2002). The animal that hatched from clutch 2 was housed
first four Komodo dragons to hatch had a separately. One Osram Ultravitaluxt bulb
body mass of 96–121 g. Walsh et al. (2002) was suspended over the rearing vivarium to
found a mean body mass at hatch of 97 g, provide a basking spot of 35 1C. The ambient
whereas Auffenberg (1981) gave a lower temperature was held at 25–28 1C. Branches
figure of 80.3 g based on Busono (1974) and cork-bark tubes were used as cage dec-
(Tables 3 and 4). oration and provided ample refuge and
climbing opportunities. Regular spraying
Neonate management maintained humidity above 65%.
The Komodo dragons took their first feed 5–
All hatchling Komodo dragons were retained 7 days after being removed from the incubator
inside the incubator for up to 7 days post- and were given pre-killed rat Rattus sp pups.
emergence to reduce stress and allow yolk After their initial meals, the dragons were
absorption. All four dragons from clutch 1 offered c. 25 g each per week in three to five

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London


1 89  6 59  1 169  2 ? 7
2 86 58  6 154  4 Y 251 109  8
3 88  3 61  9 169  2 ? 7
4 83  7 55  7 146  6 N
5 94  3 57  5 179 Y 255 121  1
6 95  3 53  7 184 ? 7
7 83  8 55  3 159 Y 64
8 78  2 57 143 ? 7
9 84  6 55  4 142 Y 253 96  6
10 85  3 59  5 170  8 Y 256 108  4
11 78  8 49  7 92 N
12 89  5 45  8 96 N
13 83  6 51  6 107 N
14 83  7 56  5 110  6 N
15 84 52  5 113  4 N
16 72  1 51  5 103 N
17 84 50  2 84  4 N
18 88  2 45  7 100 N
19 83  2 44  1 102  4 N
20 85  6 48  9 92  8 N
21 78  2 45 94  4 N
22 83  5 54  7 91  4 N

Table 3. Clutch 1 data, including clutch size, egg dimensions, incubation period (to point of death or hatch) and
body mass at hatch, for parthenogenetically produced Komodo dragons Varanus komodoensis at ZSL London


1 88 57  1 145  2 ? 47
2 95  7 62  3 185  7 N
3 89  3 60  7 171 N
4 83  1 52 125 Y 224 73
5 84 54 109 N
6 103 53 152 N

Table 4. Clutch 2 (laid 6 January 2006) data, including clutch size, egg dimensions and incubation period, and
body mass at hatch for the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis produced sexually at ZSL London Zoo.

small feeds, comprising one appropriate-size Health checks were carried out after the
furred mouse M. musculus, one part-incubated first 3 months of growth and blood samples
quail egg and multiple gut loaded insects were taken. Radiography was carried out to
(Gryllus sp, Blaberus sp and Shistocerca sp). check bone density, and transdermal ultra-
The mice and eggs were always taken with- sound performed to check internal organs.
out problem but the Komodo dragons Samples were also sent off for DNA-sexing,
required significant encouragement to recog- as described by Halverson & Spelman
nize insects as food. Initially, the insects (2002). The results confirmed that the four
were pre-killed and wrapped in mouse fur or animals from the first clutch were all << and
scented with blood before they were accepted had been produced parthenogenetically; see
(Fig. 1). Watts et al. (2006) for a full description.

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

1000 4598

body mass (g)

800 4600
600 4601

0 7 13 60 90 120 180 300

Fig. 1. Body-mass growth of four < Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis at ZSL London Zoo.

Parthenogenesis is defined as the production Ritualized threat displays were often seen
of offspring without fertilization by a <. The during feeding and submissive displays ob-
offspring’s genotype is derived entirely from served from the lower-ranking animals. Ef-
its mother (Groot et al., 2003). In Varanus sp, forts were made to ensure that each animal
,, have dissimilar chromosomes (‘Z’ and received equal amounts of food and periodic
‘W’) whereas the recombination ZZ produces shifting of troublesome individuals to a sepa-
<<. Because the parthenogenetic mechanism rate area helped maintain a balance in the
can only produce homozygous individuals, group.
all resulting offspring are <. A later, second Studies are currently underway to assess
clutch laid by a different , at Chester zoo also and monitor the long-term health status of the
produced parthenogenetic offspring despite four < parthenogenetic dragons and better
being raised at a different institution under understand the mechanism underpinning fa-
different conditions. cultative parthenogenesis in this species.
The second clutch from ZSL London
Zoo’s Komodo dragon produced a single ,
that was the result of sexual reproduction.
Facultative parthenogenetic reproduction was The facility at ZSL London Zoo combines an
previously unknown in this species and sug- attractive exhibit with a complex environ-
gests that sexual reproduction is not a fixed ment that provides optimal environmental
reproductive trait for this species (Watts et al., conditions, including adequate levels of
2006). UVB, for Komodo dragons. The suitability
As the juveniles grew, they were moved of the conditions and husbandry regime are
into a larger enclosure. The four << contin- confirmed by the first hatching of Komodo
ued to be housed together and the single , dragons in the United Kingdom. Further-
was housed separately but still in visual and more, significant improvements to the nutri-
olfactory contact. The four << share a 15 m2 tion and management of the species at ZSL
den furnished with a deep substrate of London Zoo have been adopted in the Eur-
bark chips and leaf litter, ample climbing opean Association of Zoos and Aquaria
branches, live plants and multiple Osram (EAZA) EEP guidelines for the species.
Ultravitaluxt basking lamps. The discovery that Komodo dragons are
The young Komodo dragons appear to capable of facultative parthenogenesis is an
cohabit well and fighting is rarely observed. unexpected breakthrough with implications
The younger , is separated in a wire mesh far beyond the scope of this paper.
enclosure, which affords her protection from ZSL has made a major commitment to
her much larger half-brothers. As the four << Komodo dragon conservation through the
grew, it quickly became evident that a dom- development of a large, dedicated breeding
inance hierarchy was being established and facility and supporting field research and
each animal had its place in the pecking order. conservation initiatives on the islands of

Int. Zoo Yb. (2008) 42: 172–182.

c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

Komodo, Gili Motang and Flores. The pro- Murphy, J. B., Ciofi, C., de la Panouse, C. & Walsh, T.
(Eds). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
gramme on the latter is the only long-term BURGHARDT, G. M., CHISZAR, D., MURPHY, J. B., ROMANO,
conservation initiative for the species outside J., WALSH, T. & MANROD, J. (2002): Behavioral complex-
the Komodo National Park and is funded by ity, behavioral development, and play. In Komodo
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(Eds). Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BUSONO, B. (1974): Facts about Varanus komodoensis at
I am grateful to the ZSL herpetology team, including the Gembira Loka Zoo at Yogyakarta. Der Zoologische
Richard Gibson, Terry March, Matt Fagg, Glynn Hennes- Garten, Leipzig 4: 62–63. [Cited in Auffenberg, W.
sey and Ian Stephen, and the ZSL veterinary team, (1981).]
including Wayne Boardman, Taina Strike, Matt Rendle, CIOFI, C. (1999): The Komodo dragon. Scientific Amer-
Maged Teama and Romain Pizzi. Thanks are also owing ican 280: 92–99.
to Steve Conners and Tom Condie (Miami Metro Zoo, CIOFI, C. & DE BOER, M. (2004): Distribution and
FL, USA), Gerard Visser (Rotterdam Zoo, the Nether- conservation of the Komodo monitor Varanus komo-
lands), Colomba de la Panouse (Thoiry Zoo, France) and doensis. Herpetological Journal 14: 99–107.
Trooper Walsh (Private consultant). Matt Rendle and CIOFI, C. & GIBSON, R. (Unpublished): A survey on the
Richard Gibson commented on and edited the manuscript. distribution and status of the Komodo dragon (Varanus
komodoensis) in Eastern Flores (Lesser Sundas, Indone-
PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN THE TEXT sia). Unpublished research report for the Zoological
‘Buddy’s: digital egg monitor, manufactured by Avi- Society of London, 2006.
tronics, PO Box 107, Truro, Cornwall TR1 2YR, UK CIOFI, C., BEAUMONT, M. A., SWINGLAND, I. R. & BRUFORD,
(; supplied by Vetronic Ser- M. W. (1999): Genetic divergence and units for conser-
vices, 4 Brunel Buildings, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, vation in the Komodo dragon Varanus komodoensis.
Devon TQ12 4PB, UK ( Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B:
ETFE: UV stable copolymer Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Biological Sciences 266: 2269–2274.
Ethylene, manufactured by Vector Foiltec UK, Studio 4, GIBSON, R. (2006): Komodo dragon husbandry para-
The Cooperage, 91 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL, UK. meters. London: Zoological Society of London. http:// (Member Area).
Metal–halide flood lamps: 250 W lamps, manufactured GILLESPIE, D., FRYE, F., SASTRAWAN, P., FREDEKING, T. M. &
by Lyco Direct limited, Clarke Road, Bletchley, Milton ARNETT, J. (1997): Hematology, serum chemistry, and
Keynes MK1 1ZR, UK. selected nutritional values of the wild Komodo dragon,
Osram Ultravitaluxt: 300 W light bulbs, manufactured Varanus komodoensis. Proceedings of the American
by Osram, German Headquarters, Hellabrunner Strasse 1, Association of Zoo Veterinarians 1997: 331.
81543 Munchen, Germany. GILLESPIE, D., FRYE, F. L., STOCKHAM, S. L. & FREDEKING,
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c 2007 The Author. Journal compilation
c 2007 The Zoological Society of London

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