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Chemistry Teaching Resources

Curriculum Material

ACS Division of Chemical Education - ChemCenter

The ACS Education Division produces curriculum materials to promote an interest in science among students from kindergarten through university. Teachers at all levels can benefit from these
quality products, that include children's activity books, innovative texts, magazines, curriculum guidelines, and professional development workshops. Some of their most popular items are
featured here on this site.
ACS Division of Chemical Education
Offers a wide range of information to Division members and non-members about what is going on in the Division.
Examinations Institute
The Examination Institute has a list of exams available to bona fide chemistry teachers and administrators in high schools, colleges, and universities includes more than fifty exams
covering general chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry, and high school chemistry. The list also
includes college and graduate placement exams, as well as answer sheets and stencils for hand scoring. The Examinations Institute produces two test-item banks, one for high school
chemistry (>1200 items) and another for general chemistry (>1300 items). Both item banks are available on diskette (Word 5.1 for Mac or Word 6.0 for Windows for PC) as well as in
hard copy.
Adrian Dingle's Chemistry Pages
This is an award-winning site designed for UK and US high school chemistry students. It has content suitable for A Level & GCSE (UK) and Regular, Honors & Advanced Placement (US)
courses. The site has downloadable notes, worksheets and labs. Updated several times a week with clear navigation and good design. The author is currently teaching in the US and has several
years experience of teaching in the UK.
A-Level Kinetics Tutorial
This resource is designed for you to be able to learn the content of the Kinetics section of the "Kinetics and Organic Chemistry" module (Ch03) of the NEAB modular A-level in chemistry.
The tutorial is well structured with objective, learning material, review and assignment for each module.
American Plastics Council Classroom
The American Plastics Council is dedicated to education. Because of this, APC websites, such as, have dedicated sections to the advancement of education. The
Classroom section of the Ameriplas website ( provides teachers with excellent resources. For instance, "Hands on Plastics" is an
educational kit designed for classroom use. The kit is full of background materials, recycled plastic resins, lesson plans, and activities. The kit also gives students the opportunity to see the uses
that exist for recycled plastic today. There is also a link for the National Plastics Center and Museum, an online quiz, and many more valuable resources.
Animated Biological Chemistry - On-Line Video Lecture Series
View actual video clips of medical school lectures as they stream to your computer without downloading. Comprehensive course outline with links to lectures is provided.
The Betha Chemistry Tutorial at The Ohio State University
This tutorial is designed to denigrate your moral fiber while helping to reinforce basic concepts of chemistry. Includes tutorials on gas laws, balancing chemical equations and quantum
ChemCom® Teachers Resource Center
This site acts as a gathering place for teachers of ChemCom® to exchange information and files with each other relating to the standard eight ChemCom® topics. This includes supplemental
worksheets, labs and lab revisions, demonstrations and projects. ChemCom® is a chemistry curriculum written for secondary school students by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
Chem101 Home Page!
General chemistry online textbook and experiments.
Chem121 Home Page
Lecture notes for Introductory Chemistry, Ohio State University.
Chembalancer - online balancing equations game
Online game teaches balanding equations. You type numbers in front of each molecule until there are the same number of atoms on both sides of the equation, then click the 'Balanced' button.
Free worksheets & lessonplan.
CHEMystery is a virtual chemistry textbook, to provide an interactive guide for high school chemistry students. In addition, CHEMystery allows you to further expand your chemistry
knowledge by letting you interact with other Internet resources on the World Wide Web. Topics include: Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemical reactions, the periodic table of
elements, atomic structure and bonding, energy, thermodynamics, equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, nuclear reactions, and reference material. Some material
has an audio accompaniment (WAV format).
Matierial useful for the teacher and the student. Reviews of chapters covered in class, assignments, homework help, labs, tests, etc.
Chemistry Class - The Internet Science Room
A year's worth of curriculum, class notes, individual lab problems, group lab problems, demonstrations, hypermedia resources, and class discussions for a first year high school chemistry class.
Chemistry Courses at Brown
Lecture notes, problem sets and labs from Brown University.
Chemistry Taught Through Real World Topics
"Establishing New Traditions: Revitalizing the Curriculum."
Chemistry Tutorials
A link list compiled by the Wilton High School. These tutorials should be useful for high school chemistry.
Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory - Chem 1002
The idea of this lab course is to introduce you to things that chemists do when they work in a lab. Indeed, they do put smelly liquids in little test tubes and make mysterious white powders that
work 47 times faster and clean "whiter than white." There is, however, a more important thread which runs through chemistry and most other experimental sciences. The chemist generally has
a question that is in need of an answer. She/he will go to the laboratory and do an experiment in order to try and answer the question. That is the most important aspect of chemistry for you to
see in this course.
The Chemistry Place
The Chemistry Place is a resource for college and high school chemistry educators and their students. This teaching and learning resource is developed by a team of educators led by Steve
Zumdahl and Susan Arena Zumdahl at the University of Illinois. The Chemistry Place faculty share an interest in the Web as a unique environment for investigative learning and have created a
variety of resources to faciliate integrating the Web into chemistry education. Features include Learning Activities, Best of the Web, Chemistry in Your Life, Research News, and a Weekly
Riddle. NOTE: A membership is required to access the site.
The Chemistry Tutoring Center Home Page
Chemistry Study Aids. This site has over 100 pages of study aids related to General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.
ChemLinks Coalition - Making Chemical Connections
The ChemLinks Coalition will undertake a 5-year project to change the way students learn chemistry, increase scientific literacy for all chemistry students, and promote the process of
educational reform.
ChemPRIME Project
The ChemPrime Project is a curriculum-wide initiative in response to the National Science Foundation call for Systemic Change in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum.
A Comedy Play
A Comedy Play for 14 - 16 science students (and their teachers!), which examines various facets of history, language, music, and science.
Concept Test
Concepts in general, organic, analytical, inorganic, physical, and biochemistry. Questions and answers from the University of Wisconsin.
Connections to Our Changing World
The online Chem 101 course at Barrington High School. Some of the material is linked from other sites.
Cornell University
This course home page (Chemistry 208) has a detalied description of the course with a schedule of assignments, pre-laboratory questions and problem sets. The Chem008 link contains some
nice handouts.
Dartmouth General Chemistry Study Guide
This document is intended to be an integral part of the general chemistry courses at Dartmouth.
Dr. Grandinetti's Chemistry 121 Lecture Notes
Introductory material from Philip J. Grandinetti, Ohio State University.
Dr. Robert Wiley's Website
Curriculum material for general chemistry and introductory organic chemistry and selected chemistry links.
Dow/NSTA Science Lesson Plans
11 Hands-On Science lesson plans developed by teachers who participated in a two week summer workshop at the headquarters of the Dow Chemical Company in Midland, MI. During their
stay, the teachers interacted with Dow scientists, discussing real-world issues of science and math in business. Lessons are targeted toward grades 7 through 12.
Educational Materials for Organic Chemistry
Education material including reaction pathways, reaction emchanism, animations, structure, IR spectroscopy, drug design, and practise problems. From Michigan State University.
Educacion Quimica
Sitio pensado para todos aquéllos que deseen ampliar sus conocimientos o buscar información sobre esta fascinante ciencia. /Pages of chemistry with definitions, experiments, periodic table,
atomics models, safety, compounds, indicators, ...
En reise gennem den grundleggende kemi
Dette produkt er vores forsøg på at lave en on-line kemibog. Stoffet, som bliver præsenteret er typisk 1.g stof, men folkeskolens ældste klasser kunne måske også få glæde af nogle af emnerne.
ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education
ERIC/CSMEE is one of 16 clearinghouses in the ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) system. The Clearinghouse collects and processes all the science, mathematics, and
environmental education materials included in the ERIC database, and also offers an array of products and services of special interest to educators.
Has a searchable database or you can go directly to the natural sciences menu.
Frank Potter's Science Gems
Listing of physical science teaching materials on the Internet using the California Science Framework Categories.
Fundamentals of Chemistry
Introductory chemistry lecture notes by Scott Van Bramer, Widener University. Also see associated problem sets.
G's House of Chemistry
A web site of interest to high school teachers. Includes demos, lesson plans, and info.
General Chemistry
These general chemistry course pages from Georgetown University contain problem sets, lecture slides, sample exams, real exams and results, and links to other general chemistry sites.
General Chemistry I CHM 1341 and General Chemistry I Laboratory CHM 1141
Lecture notes, homework & solutions. By Dr. Chris Parr, University of Texas at Dallas
General Chemistry Concepts
This page deals with general chemistry concepts found at the high school and college chemistry levels with an emphasis on introducing the concepts at a layman's level.
The General Chemistry Home Companion
The General Chemistry Home Companion is a hyperlinked guide and study aid for students of general chemistry. Each charpter has the following subdivisions: Learning Objectives, Lecture
Slides, Lecture Notes, References and Resources, Frequently Asked Questions, and Glossary. The material is part of Project Antoine at Frostburg State University.
General Chemistry at Widener University
This page contains a collection of handouts, spreadsheets, programs, and Mathcad documents for general chemistry (Chem 097, 145 and 146) at Widener University. You are free to use this
material for educational purposes. Commercial use of these materials is strictly prohibited.
General Chemistry Topic Review
These pages provide a brief review of a number of general chemistry topics. From Purdue University.
Grundkurs kemi 6p, Uppsala universitet
Här hittar du kursmaterial för protonjämvikter (med bl.a. diagramkalkylatorer), komplexjämvikter och löslighetsjämvikter.
Hands On Plastics
Are you looking for new teaching materials to use in your middle school classroom? If you are, Hands On Plastics contains everything you will need to lead your students through a thorough
and engaging investigation into the chemistry and characteristics of plastics. Hands on Plastics, which was developed by the National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA),
and meets several of the recommendations set forth by the National Research Council in their National Science Education Standards (NSES). If you are interested in ordering a FREE Hands
on Plastics kit, visit our online order form -
Internet Chemistry: Oxidation/Reduction
A tutorial on redox chemistry from Kapiolani Community College.
Introductory Chemistry Learning Aids
These aids from Boise State University, which are designed for C-100, C-101 and C-111, include tutorials on nomenclature, electron dot formulas, and balancing equations. Some tutorials are
Introductory Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Features problems and MAPLE-assisted solutions in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum chemistry and group theory in vibrational spectroscopy.
It's Elemental
Element Flashcards is an on-line quiz that presents the user with a random element that is missing either it's chemical name or symbol. The quiz can be customized to ask for just chemical
names or just chemical symbols. The quiz can also be limited to the naturally occurring elements. Answers are recorded and can be reviewed at any time during the quiz.
Kemins Dag
Kemins Dag är en återkommande aktivitet varje år i hundratals skolor runt om i Sverige. Titta på aktiviteterna i år och tidigare år och få idéer. Kemins Dag arrangeras av Kemikontoret,
Kemistsamfundet och Kemiingenjörernas Riksförening.
Lecture Demonstration Sheets
These pages are designed to be printed and taken to general chemistry lectures as note taking aids. They were designed based on the Purdue University Lecture Demonstration Manual, 6th ed.
Each sheet provides a brief description of the materials used in the demonstration, pictures of the equipment used, and room for the students to write observations and explanations.
Math Resources for General Chemistry
The pages on this site have been designed to hellp first-year students through General Chemistry by focussing on specific math skills.
This extensive curriculum unit includes narrative, classroom activities, a pre-test, lab sheet review, experiments, and much more.
The MERL CD-ROM Project
The MERL CD-ROM is rather unique in scope and purpose. It "teaches chemistry through a story of environmental technology development". The first version should be available in early
1999, and it will be available on request.
ModularCHEM Consortium
Funded by the National Science Foundation to restructure the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. They are developing and evaluating a modular approach to teaching chemistry in the first
two years of the undergraduate curriculum, aiming: "To develop new curricula, materials and methods which will enhance the appreciation and learning of science, especially chemistry, for
every undergraduate student such that all college graduates will command the knowledge and skills necessary to permit continued learning, to lead productive lives, and to make informed
Molecular Models for Classroom Lectures
We custom build biological molecules for classroom teaching. From simple Chemistry Units for elementary schools to enzyme-substrate complexes for college, we can build it. Low cost
models for teaching.
The Mystery of the Missing Ming Vase
A teaching pack, designed for use in the classroom based around a forensic science investigation for Year 8 pupils (aged 12 to 13). The files are available for schools to download free of
charge (in pdf format).
Practical Exercises in Quantum Chemistry
Practical exercises in computational quantum chemistry in hypertext format and including Java applets for use in teaching at the advanced undergraduate level.
Preparation for General Chemistry (CHM080)
A preparatory course for general chemistry at Pima Community College. Fundamentals of chemistry. Includes nomenclature, atomic structure, bonding, chemical equations, moles,
stoichiometry, the periodic table, conversions, problem-solving techniques, and study skills. Designed to prepare students for CHM151. Other on-line courses at Pima Community College are
found at
Principles of Chemistry
This site presents information and exercises on selected topics in introductory chemistry to the web-surfing chemistry students ofthe world. From Bemidji State University.
Problemas em Biossíntese de Produtos Naturais
Introductions, solved and unsolved problems in Biosynthesis of Natural Products (in Portuguese).
Quia Chemistry
Chemistry games and quizzes. You can also create your own activity here.
Revision Resources for Advanced Level Chemistry
This site contains revision exercises for students preparing for A level Chemistry examinations. Most of the material on this site is designed for revision and practise. The site does not contain
much in the way of explanations or introductory material, since all of this can be obtained from a text book. All the exercises use JavaScript and work on Netscape Navigator version 3 or later
and Internet Explorer version 4 or later, however, they do not work on Internet Explorer version 3.
What's the Matter?-The Story of Atoms and Molecules, Mix it Up-The Science of Chemistry, Catch a Wave-The Story of Light and Sound, It's Alive!- All About the Living World, Amazing
Force Fields-The Story of Electricity and Magnetism, Transforming Energy-All About Heat, Work and Energy are  Science-Kids Learning Activity Books. They build scientific literacy of
children ages 7-11 (grades 2-6) through a systematic presentation of the US National Academy of Sciences' National Science Education Content Standards. The lively and humorous text is
sure to capture the imagination of children. Throughout each book, children will find interesting, skill-building activities that aid in learning science and especially in having fun. No special
materials are needed. There are 60 pages in each book and the retail price is $6.95 (USA).
The Science of Chemistry
A set of tutorials with chemistry explained in an attractive way, often relating to history and daily life. The material is illustrated with images and animations. The following themes are
covered: Fundamentals och Chemistry, Matter and Energy, Gas Laws, Properties of Solutions, Properties of Colloids and Chemical Equations.
Science Teacher's Resources
This site is a place for science teachers to exchange information on laboratory investigations, demonstrations, and teaching suggestions, for what they have found works in the high school
The SHARCC (Students Handling Active Reform of Chemistry Curriculum) group's mission is to provide a means of communication between educators and students to further the
development of chemistry curricula. Through the research of SHARCC students on fellow chemistry students and facility as well as through the literature, SHARCC hopes to enable chemistry
reform that works for both the student and the teacher.
Statistics for the Chemistry Laboratory
This link contains an entire text with equation graphics for a one credit course in statistics for the chemistry laboratory at the college freshman level.
Stoichiometry by the recipe method
Simplified way to do stoichiometry, especially limiting reactant problems.
SUCCEED - An NSF Engineering Education Coalition
SUCCEED is an NSF Engineering Education Coalition of engineering colleges committed to the comprehensive revitalization of undergraduate engineering education.
Tanner's Topics - General Chemistry
Explanations in general chemistry, electrochemistry, and physical chemistry from Tanner McCarron.
Teachers.Net Lesson Bank
The Teachers.Net Lesson Bank is your opportunity to share your most precious asset - your teaching ideas and lesson plans! Now your genius and creativity can be used to touch lives around
the world, and to help teachers reach students in ways they had never imagined before!
The Web site promotes environmental education using the EPA's Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) database. The project was designed by science and social studies teachers to introduce and
encourage the use of large databases as an educational tool in the classroom, and can use either a live connection to the Internet and the TRI Web site, or an enclosed CD-ROM. Designed for
grades 7-12. --> - Chemistry Lesson Plans
Teacher resources at
The Virtual Classroom
Slides and syllabi used in undergraduate and graduate level chemistry courses. Topics include biochemistry, analytical, general, and organic chemistry. From University of Akron.
Virtual University North - Chemical Sciences
Wide spectrum of lecture material from James A. Plambeck. See all the available Courses in Chemical Sciences.
World Chemistry Interactive Website
This website aims to support high school students taking advanced chemistry courses. The site includes virtual reality models, interactive tutorials and a glossary of over 200 chemical terms.
Requires that your browser is Java enabled.
Workshop Chemistry
This National [USA] Science Foundation funded consortium develops and applies a new model of teaching undergraduate chemistry. Their model, called "Workshop Chemistry", introduces
participation and mentorship by recent completers of the course. Small group, student-led workshops are integral to the course structure.
WWW Chemistry Modules at Georgia Southern University
General chemistry pre-lab assignments, molecular modelling tutorials and introduction to organic chemistry (requires ChemScape Chime).

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Last modified Wed Jun 01 14:26:46 2005 by - Data is 44513 bytes
Knut Irgum, Analytical Chemistry, Umeå University, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden.

© Copyright, Knut Irgum, 1995-2005. All rights reserved.

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