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Alex Chiu's terminology,

t -zi
c -chou
y -yin
m mao
cn -chen
e -si
w -wu
wa -wei
s -shen
yo - you
sh -xu
h -hai

Alex Chiu:
1. P Star -Parent
2. B Star -Brother
3. K Star - Kid (child)
4. G Star - Girl/Gold
5. R Star - Officer/Judge

Jack Chiu:
1. Parent
2. Sibling
3. Child
4. Asset
6. Officer

1. Parent
2. Brother
3. Children/Descendant
4. Woman/Wealth
5. Officer/Ghost

Colors ( 6 animals)

Murky Waters (Black Tortoise) - Xuan Wu - Black

White Tiger - Bai Hu - White
Flying Serpent - Teng She - Grey
Curvy Array (Qi Lin) - Gou Chen - Yellow
Vermilion Bird - Zhu Que - Red
Azure Dragon - Qing Long – Green
How to toss the coins
The most popular method of I-Ching prediction is to toss three coins in order to
get a sign. This is how:

1. Hold three coins in one hand. ( It could be any kind of coin. All three coins must be the
same type of coin. So please use 3 quarters, 3 dimes, or 3 nickels, etc. )

2. Think about a question which you want to ask for a few seconds.

3. Toss the three coins on the ground or on a flat surface.

4. Record the result.

 If you got 1 tail and 2 heads, you record it as a single line [ - ].

 If you got 2 tails and 1 head, you record it as two lines [- -].
 If you got all three tails, you record it as a circle [O].
 If you got all three heads, you record it as an X [X].

5. You must toss the coins 6 times. Each time you must think about the same question for a
few seconds before you toss. Record the result after each toss.

For example, if you would like to know when you can find a girlfriend, you toss the coins
and got:

First toss 3 heads X

Second toss 2 tails and 1 head --

Third toss 2 tails and 1 head --

Fourth toss 1 tail and 2 heads _

Fifth toss 3 tails O

Sixth toss 2 tails and 1 head --

This is what you should write down on paper. The bottom line is the first
toss. The top line is the last toss.
- - last toss
O fifth toss
- fourth toss
- - third toss
- - second toss
X first toss
The above is called a hexagram. A hexagram is composed of six lines. The top three lines
form the top gua. The bottom three lines form the bottom gua.

The hexagram has Duay for top gua and Quen for bottom gua.

Duay on top
- - last toss
The 'O' here is represented by a solid line
O fifth toss on the hexagram chart (-). So O = solid
- fourth toss
- - third toss
- - second toss
The X here is represented by a dotted line
X first toss on the hexagram chart. ( - - ) So X =
dotted line.

Quen at the bottom

-- --
O >>> _ Top 3 lines form 'Duay'.
_ _

-- --
-- >>> -- Bottom 3 lines form 'Quen'.
X --

Now you know how to draw the line. Now you need to locate this hexagram's name by
searching in Quen gua's group. The Quen group contains 8 different hexagrams. Each
hexagram in Quen group has Quen as the bottom gua. After you found the Quen group, just
look for the hexagram in that group which has Duay for the top gua. That's it! You got the
hexagram which is called 'Combine'! If you threw coins and got a hexagram which has Zen
for top gua and Shun for bottom gua, just search in the Shun group to find the hexagram
which has Zen as the top gua.

Okay, this is the hexagram [Combine]:

Hiders Yourself
go here Stars elements lines and
please. opponent
P wa --
The 'O' here is represented by a solid line
B yo O U
on the hexagram chart (-).
No hiders
for this K h -
hexagram. G m --
R e -- J
The X here is represented by a dotted
P wa X
line on the hexagram chart. ( - - )

At the very left column, you write down the hiders. If there are no hiders, just
leave it blank. In the 2nd column, write down the five stars. Then in the next
column, write down the elements. Then in the next column are the solid and
dotted lines. The letter J at the 2nd line represents yourself, and the letter U at the
5th line represents your opponent or your enemy. For example, if you ask a
prophet, "I am fighting someone in the court. Who is going to win?" The letter J
represents yourself, and the letter U is your enemy's position.

After you have successfully identified the hexagram [Combine], you need to draw a second

The second hexagram depends on the 'O' and 'X'. If your hexagram has only the solid and
the dotted lines and has no Os and Xs, you don't need to draw a second hexagram. If O or
X appears on your hexagram, you need to draw a second hexagram.

To draw the second hexagram, do the following:

 To the right hand side of the O, draw a dotted line.

 And at the right hand side of the X, draw a solid line.
 At the right hand side of all other lines, draw the exact same things. You get the

1st hexagram 2nd hexagram

P wa - - - -
B yo O - -
K h - -
G m - - - -
R e - - - -
P wa X -

The solid line represents "brightness", or "Yang". The dotted line represents darkness, or
"Ying". The circle represents "brightness turning into darkness". Which means, the circle is
a solid line changing into a dotted line. So you must always draw a dotted line to the right
hand side of a circle. The X represents "darkness turning into brightness". An X is actually
a dotted line changing into a solid line. So you must always draw a solid line after an X.
The circle and the X are called "moving lines". The regular dotted or solid lines are called
"quiet lines".

Now identify the 2nd hexagram. Find it in the hexagram chart. It has Zen at the bottom,
so it must be in the Zen group. After you found it, write down it's elements.

Do not write down the

stars yet! Write down
only the elements please.
( Also, do not write down the hiders for the 2nd
hexagram. The 2nd hexagram does not need hiders. )
P wa - - sh - -
B yo O s - -
K h - w -
G m - - cn - -
R e - - y - -
P wa X t -

Next, we must also identify the stars for our 2nd hexagram.
But the 2nd hexagram's stars must follow the nature of the
first hexagram. For example, if the P star is soil in the first
hexagram, then every soil element in the second hexagram
must also be P. If the B star is metal in the 1st hexagram, all
metal elements in the 2nd hexagram must also be B.

First hexagram Second hexagram

stars elements lines stars elements lines
P wa (soil) - - P sh (soil) --
B yo (metal) O B s (metal) --
K h - w -
G m -- P cn (soil) --
R e -- y --
P wa (soil) X t -

So every soil element in the 2nd hexagram becomes P.

Since the B star in the 1st hexagram is metal, all metal elements in the 2nd
hexagram must also become B.

You got it?

Complete the 2nd hexagram and we got the following:
1st hexagram 2nd hexagram
Soil P wa - - P sh - - Soil
Metal B yo O B s - - Metal
Water K h - R w - Fire
Wood G m - - P cn - - Soil
Fire R e - - G y - - Wood
Soil P wa X K t - Water

One of my students asked me this:

I know how to write the elements down for the 2nd

hexagram and then match the elements with the stars of
the first hexagram in order to get the stars for the 2nd
hexagram. But what happens if there are elements in the
2nd hexagram which I cannot find in the first hexagram?

The answer is: Look at the hiders of your first hexagram. If there are
elements which you cannot find in your first hexagram, they are hiding.
So look for the hiders!

After you have successfully written down the hexagrams, you need to record the month and
the date of the toss.

You only need to record the month, the date, and the empty dates. You
don't need to record the year and the hour.

Print out the Chinese calendar, and follow the simple instruction written on the calendar
page. At the end, your hexagram should look like the following:

Year Month Date Empty Dates

wa yo - II w & wa
Click here to learn
about 'Empty Dates'.

Difficulty Humble
K t -- B yo --
P sh o K h --
B s -- J P c --
B s - B s -
G m R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

In order for you to get an accurate reading, you must
remember the following:
 Throw the coins on a flat surface. Do not throw the coins on a bumpy surface.
 Hold the 3 coins in just one hand. The hand should not be more than 7 inches away
from the flat surface. Gently open up your palm and drop all 3 coins on the flat
 Do not shake the coins before you throw. Just hold the 3 coins in one hand and
drop the coins on the flat surface.
 The best coins are about 1 inch in diameter. Some coins are too large and heavy,
and some coins are too small. Large coins are hard to toss and pick up, and small
coins are hard to read. So the best coin size is 1 inch in diameter. American
quarters are great because they are just the right size, easy to toss, and easy to read.
 Don't throw the coins on a small table because the coins could roll and drop on the
floor. If the coins dropped on the floor, you must start all over again few minutes
later. I suggest you to place a piece of cloth on the flat surface where you throw the
coins so that the coins will not roll away.
 If you are throwing the coins and somebody telephoned you, do not continue where
you have left off. After you have finished talking on the phone, take a few minutes
break and do it all over again.
 Do not toss the coins when there are distractions around you. (For example:
Someone is playing loud music, kids are playing, people are talking and laughing,
 If you do not understand the meaning of the 1st sign, you can toss the coins again
and get another sign. But if you already understood the meaning of the 1st sign,
please don't throw the coins anymore. For example, if you are very sure about
what is going to happen because the 1st sign was very clear and understandable to
you, you cannot throw the coins again just for the fun of it. You can not say, "Well,
I know what is going to happen already. But I just want to toss the coins again to
see if the result will come out exactly the same." If you do that, the result of the 2nd
sign will be totally inaccurate. Once you are sure about what is going to
happen in the future, you can no longer get an accurate sign. Why?
Because if you just want to toss the coins again to see if the result will come out
exactly the same as the first sign, you are not focusing on the original question
anymore. Now you are thinking, "I wonder if the result will come out exactly the
same as the first sign?" Your thinking is not pure anymore, and the result won't be
accurate either. But if you really don't understand the 1st sign, you can toss again
and again until you understand the meaning of the sign. For example, after tossing
for the 2nd time and you still don't understand the meaning, you can toss again.
You can toss 10 or 20 times until you understand what the sign is saying to you. All
of them will be accurate as long as you really didn't understand the meaning of the
previous sign.
 If you don't believe the first sign, you can throw the coins again to get another sign.
But you must take a few hours break before you come back and throw the coins
 Do not throw the coins unless you have something important. A sign derived from
the coins will reflect your mentality. If you just want to test it or just want to fool
around with it, the result will come out inaccurate. But if you have something
serious, the result will come out accurate. Please toss the coins no more than 3 or 4
times a day. If you toss too many times, your signs won't come out accurate.
 Just remember. Usually, the first sign you got is the most accurate because you
really didn't know what is going to happen in the future. After you have tossed the
coins many times, your mind will start playing tricks on you. Your thinking will
not be as pure as the first time you tossed the coins. And the result will not be as
accurate as the first toss.
Chapter 1
The Five Elements
Water, wood, fire, soil, & metal

1) The producing cycle:

WATER ====> WOOD ====> FIRE ====> SOIL ====> METAL ====> WATER

Water produces wood. Wood produces fire. Fire produces soil. Soil produces metal. And metal
produces water. Water can allow a tree to grow. Wood allows the fire to burn. Fire burns an entire
forest into the soil, and the burnt trees become new soil. Metal or iron grows out of soil. When metal
melts, it becomes liquid (water).

Here's an example: My friend Bob threw the I-Ching coins asking if he can win
some money in Las Vegas. He got the hexagram [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
fire soil

In later chapters, we will teach you how to read this graph. So don't
worry for now! Just keep reading!

B wood Opponent 6th line
P water 5th line
Money G soil 4th line
R metal Self 3rd line
P water 2nd line
Money G soil 1st line

The 3rd line is the self line. Since Bob is the one who threw the coins, the 3rd line
represents Bob. The 2 money stars in this hexagram are soil. The month is fire. Fire
produces soil (money). There is no wood element moving killing the soil money star.
Money (soil) produces the self line (metal). Money will come to Bob. So I told Bob
that he will definitely win some money in Vegas. I told Bob to hop on the bus
immediately and head straight to Vegas. I told him to be there before the soil days

Result: He won about $200. It wasn't much, but at least he didn't lose.

2) The killing cycle:

WATER ====> FIRE ====> METAL ====> WOOD ====> SOIL ====> WATER

Water kills fire. Fire kills metal. Metal kills wood. Wood kills the soil. And soil kills water.
Water can pour out the fire. Fire can melt metal. Metal can be made into an ax to chop wood.
Wood, which is a tree, will loosen the soil. Soil can bury water.

Here's an example: A man threw coins asking about his brother's wife's
disease. Will his brother's wife live? He got [Strip] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
soil fire

Strip Quen

- Wife wood moved ---> metal --

-- water
-- soil
-- Wife wood
-- fire
-- soil

The wife is represented by the wife star. The wife star on the top line moves and becomes
metal. Wood turns into metal, and metal bounces back to kill the wood. That's not a good
sign. The month (soil) and the date (fire) do not benefit the wife star (wood). The wife star
has no cure. Her life will be in danger in a metal day, which is exactly 3 days later.

Result: The wife died in the day of the metal, which was 3 days later.
Chapter 2
The 12 Dates
There are 10 upper astrological dates and 12 lower dates:

The 10 upper dates are: I, II, III, iV, V, Vi, Vii, Viii, iX, and X.

The 12 lower dates are: t, c, y, m, cn, e, w, wa, s, yo, sh, and h.

The 10 upper dates are not as important as the 12 lower dates. So there really is no need to
talk about the 10 upper dates in detail. Let's focus on the 12 lower dates. From now on,
we call the 12 lower dates 'the 12 dates'.

The 12 dates
month in Chinese
dates element Remember it by
t water 11 tea
c soil 12 crop field
y wood 1 yard stick
m wood 2 measure
cn soil 3 crop field
e fire 4 energy
w fire 5 fire Work
wa soil 6 way
s metal 7 steel
yo metal 8 toyota
sh soil 9
h water 10 hydrogen

The elements of the 12 dates

So out of the twelve dates, t and h are water. (Remember these two as "tea" and

c, cn, wa, and sh dates are soil. (Remember c and cn as "crop" because both of them
start with the letter "c". Crop grows out of the field. The field is full of soil. Remember wa
as "way", which is the road. The road is paved on soil. Remember sh as "shake". Only the
earth will shake (earthquake))
y and m are wood dates. (Remember y as "yard stick", and remember m as "measure".
Both has to do with wood working.)

s and yo are metal dates. (Remember s as "steel" and yo as "Toyota." Why Toyota?
Because cars are made out of metal.)

e and w are fire dates. (Remember e as "energy". Fire is energy, right? Remember w as
"fire Work".)

You must remember the above dates well before you proceed to the next chapter, or else
you will be confused later.

The twelve dates are also the twelve years, or the twelve months, or the twelve hours. We
Chinese use twelve different animals to represent the twelve astrological years. In the
traditional Chinese clocks, there are only twelve hours. Which means, each Chinese hour
consists two of the regular hours. The 12 letters are 12 years, 12 months, 12 dates, or 12
hours. Each letter represents one of the five elements.

After you have threw the coins and got your hexagrams, you need to check the Chinese
calendar to get the year, the month, and the date characters. The year, month, and the date
will effect the strength of your hexagram's lines and stars. Each of the five elements kills or
produces another element. Identifying the elements of the month and the date will allow
you to measure the strength and weakness of your position on the hexagram.

Healthy, strong, weak, buried, and disappear

Buried in
Elements Healthy in Strongest in Weak in Disappear in
Wood y&m sh, h, t, c y, m cn, e, w wa s, yo
Fire e&w c, y, m cn, e, w wa, s, yo sh h, t
Metal s & yo cn, e, sh wa, s, yo h, t c y, m, w
Water t&h s, yo h, t c, y, m, sh cn e, w, wa
Soil cn, sh, c, wa t, h, s, yo c, cn, wa, sh, e, w y. m

Fire kills metal. Metal kills wood. Wood kills soil. Soil kills water. And water kills fire.

You need to identify the strength of the elements. For example: Wood is healthy in the
month of h, t, and c because these three months are watery. Wood is the strongest in the
month of y and m because these two months are the months of spring. Wood is weak in e
and w because these two months are the months of summer. Wood is buried in wa because
wa is the month of autumn. Wood disappears in s, yo, and sh because these three months
are the month of cold winter.

Wood is the strongest in y and m. But when is wood the weakest?

 Answer: Wood is the weakest in the month of s and yo because s and yo are metal
elements. (Metal kills wood.)
 When you toss the coins, you need to look up the Chinese calendar and record the
month and the date. If both the month and the date are metal, the wood element is
considered dead. If the month is metal and the date is water, the wood is still
healthy. If the month is metal and the date is fire, the wood is pretty weak. If both
the month and the date are water, the wood is extremely healthy. If both the month
and the date are wood, the wood is very strong. If both month and date are soil, the
wood is not weak and not strong.

A man threw coins asking if his sister will give birth safely. He got [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
w (fire) cn (soil)

R e -
P wa - -
Sister star B yo - Self line
G m - -
R e - -
P wa - - U

The sister is appointed with the B yo line (metal) . The month (fire) is killing the B yo line,
but the date (soil) is producing it. The sister will definitely be safe. Tomorrow in the m
hour, the baby will be born.

Result: Next day, the baby was born in exactly m hour. The reason why the baby was born
in m hour is because the appointed sister star B yo is bounded to the date cn. In m hour, the
bondage was struck loose. Thus the sister gave birth in that hour. Based on "The Golden
Text", when there is a bondage, it must be broken with a strike for it to become effective.
A man asked about his son's illness. He got [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii

G y -
K t - - J (self line)
P sh - -
G m - -
R e - - U
P wa - -

Since this man is asking about his son, the main character here is the K star because K
represents a child. The self line K star bounds to the month. According to the ancient text,
if the appointed is bounding to the month or to the date, the appointed is considered strong.
This is not true especially in this case. Although the month is bounding to the appointed,
the month is a soil element which is killing the appointed K. The date is burying the K. By
the way, if one throws the coins asking about illness or about marriage, bounding to the
appointed by the date or by the month is a sign that the Lord is taking this person away.
How can the kid live? Wild Crane said that the kid will not live through the cn hour.

Result: Wild Crane was right again.

Bound and Strike

t bounds to c. They become soil.

y bounds to h. They become wood.

m bounds to sh. They become fire.

cn bounds to yo. They become metal.

e bounds to s. They become water.

w bounds to wa. They become soil.

The element of the month or date can bound to a line. A moving line can bound to another
moving line. A moving line can bound to the element which it turns into. Few hexagrams
are the 6 match hexagrams. Take a look at a 6 match hexagram and you will see that all of
its lines are bounded to each other.

If a moving line is bounding to the month or the date, it is tied up and cannot move.
Therefore the moving line is inactive until the bondage is broken. You must wait for the
bondage to be broken up in order to see the moving line move. The bondage can be broken
when a future year, month, date, or hour strikes with one of the element of the bondage. For
example, if a moving line s is bounding to the month e, you must wait for y element or h
element to break this bondage. ( a future y or h year, month, date, or hour)

If a moving line is bounding to the element which it has turned into, you must wait for the
bondage to be broken in order to see the moving line's effectiveness. For example, if line w
moves and turns into wa, they would bound to each other. Then you must wait for year t
to break open the bondage. (Year c will also break the bondage. Month t, day t, month c,
and day c will also break the bondage.)

Bounding is good. In most questions, if you get matching or bounding, it's probably a good
sign. Bounding and matching means that things will work out. If one is asking for fame or
for title, he gets the fame or the title. If one concerns about profit, he will earn money. If
one throws the coins for marriage, he will be successful in his marriage. If one asks about
his home, his home must be safe. If one asks about his house's feng shui, his house must be
a lucky house. But you cannot put the bounding law before the killing and producing law.
If the appointed is weak like hell, what good is the bounding and matching? For example,
if your appointed is a weak t water, a soil c month which bounds to your weak appointed
will only damage your appointed. If you are asking stuff like, "When can I get out of jail?"
or "When can I leave this town?", a bounding at the self line means that you are tied up!
You cannot get out of jail before the bounding can be struck open. You cannot leave town
before the bondage is broken.

Here's an example: An author threw the coins asking if he can become famous
one day. He got [Break] and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
t (water)
(water) (metal)

Break Touch
y wood - 6th line
Money t water X moves e - 5th line
sh soil -- 4th line
c soil -- Self 3rd line
Power m wood o moves w -- 2nd line
Fame e fire o moves cn -- 1st line

The person who threw the coins is represented by the Self line. The self line is c, and the
5th line t Money star moves. c and t bound together. So the 5th line t (Money) moves to
bound to the self line c. This means that the author will earn lots of money in the future.
But his question was can he become famous. Let's then look at the Fame and the Power
star. Both Fame and Power star moved. The Power star (wood) moves and produces the
Fame star (fire). The Money star (water) is healthy in the water month and is being
produced by the date yo (metal). Money star t moves and bounds the self line c. The Fame
star is being produced by the moving Power Star. I told him that he will definitely become
famous. The 5th line is the Money star, which is the element t. Next year is the t year. I
concluded that his book will sell next year in major book stores.

Result: His book was published and sold in book stores nationwide in t year. Why in the
year t? Because the 5th line is the t line, and it represents money. When I did the reading
for the author, I knew that his main concern was money. So although he asked for fame, I
decided to treat the money star t as the main character. So if the t money star moves, it
must mean that in t year something good will happen.

According to the ancient text, t and c bound together. c is soil, and c kills the water t. This
is called "bound and kill". Because c is considered a wet soil, thus this is 70% of bounding
and 30% of killing. e bounds to s. e kills s. e and s are considered to be 70% killing and
30% matching. But based on my experience, the above is not quite true. In the case of t
bounding to c, if you threw the coins in a soil month or a soil date, the water t is totally
buried by the soil. Therefore, there is no bounding at all. The water t is being completely
killed by the soil. If the water t is being produced by the month or by the date and is also
being bounded by c, then we can say that the bounding of t and c exists. So if the appointed
is being bound by an element which kills it, (for example: appointed sh is being bound and
killed by m: the appointed s is bounded and killed by e.) and the appointed is also being
killed by other moving lines or by the month or by the date, there is no bondage at all
because the appointed is dead. How can a dead woman match with a living man?

Sometimes, the same element could bound to itself. For example,

day t could bound to the t line. Day s could bound to the s line. In
some cases, day t can bound to both the c and the t lines.

This one is interesting. Sam's stock went down. So Sam tossed the coins asking when will
he break even. He got [Trapped].
Year Month Date Hour
e (fire)

6 match
P wa --
B yo -
K h - U
R w --
P cn -
MoneyG y (wood) -- J

Take a closer look at the hexagram. The U line is bounding to the month, and it is very
weak. U water has been sucked dry by the month y (wood) and is struck by the date e. The
self line J y could also be bounding to the month y because they are the same element.
Based on my experience, sometimes when both the U and the J are bounding to the date or
to the month, things will not be successful. I don't care how strong my money star is. If I
see that both the J and the U are bounding to the date, I would just throw the coins again to
get another sign.

Result: The stock market kept going down.

t and w strike. m and yo strike.

c and wa strike. cn and sh strike.

y and s strike. e and h strike.

Now why do t and w strike? Why do y
and s strike? Please look at the chart to
the right.

t is a strong water. It strikes the strong

fire w.

c is a cold wet soil. It strikes the warm

dry soil wa.

y is grass, and it strikes a weak metal s.

m is a big tree, and it strikes a strong

metal yo.

cn is a soft warm soil, and it strikes the

hard cold soil sh.

e is a small flame, and it strikes the

water vapor h.

What's all this stuff about elements striking each other? Well, let's
see an example:

I threw the coins asking when will my friend Christian return all of my money to me. I got
[Travel] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
s (metal) wa (soil)

Travel Gen
B e - 6th
K wa -- 5th
Money G yo o moves K sh -- 4th
Money G s - 3rd
B w -- 2nd
K cn -- Self 1st

Since I am asking about money, the appointed star must be G. (G represents money) On
the 4th line, the money star yo moves and bounds to the self line cn. That means the
money will come to me. The month is a metal month, and the date is a soil date which
produces the money star (metal). My money star is looking very healthy. I concluded that
I shall receive the money in the month of yo because the money star that moves and bounds
to the self line is yo. The moving line yo should move in month yo.

Result: I was close. I got the money in month sh instead of month yo. Why? Because sh
strikes with cn (self line). Thus cn also moves and bounds to the money star yo.

So if a month or a day strikes a non-moving line, that line could move!

The 8 Guas

Look at the chart. There are eight symbols. These eight

symbols are called "8 guas".

No. 1 is Chen. Chen is precious metal in nature.

(gold, silver, etc.) Chen has three lines. Chen
represents power, central, justice, and extreme
brightness. Chen is the north-west direction. Chen is
also the old man.

No. 2 is Duay. Duay is a sharp edged metal used for

cutting. Duay has a dotted line on top and two solid
line at the bottom. Duay represents talking and
separation. Duay is the west. Duay is representing a
young lady.

No. 3 is Li. Li is fire. Li has a dotted line in the

middle and two solid lines on the outside. Li
symbolizes fire, fame, and knowledge. The direction
is south. Li represents a second born daughter.

No. 4 is Zen. Zen is hard wood in nature. Zen has

two dotted lines piling on top of one solid line. Zen
means thunder, surprise, intimidation, and fury. Zen
represents the east. Zen also represents the first born

No. 5 is Shun. Shun is wood in nature. Shun has two

solid lines piling on top of one dotted line. Shun
represents calm, love, thoughtfullness, cure, and
peace. Shun is the south-east. Shun also represents
the first born daughter.

No. 6 is Kan. Kan is water. Kan has one solid line

sitting in the middle. Kan means cleaverness,
wisdom, and quick manuver. Kan is the north. Kan
also represents the second born son.

No. 7 is Gen. Gen is hard soil. Gen has one solid line
lying on top of two dotted lines. (The solid line is the
hard layer soil, and the dotted lines at the bottom are
the soft layer soil. Hard soil on top of soft soil.) Gen
represents loyalty, stubbornness, hindrance, and
difficulty. Gen is north-east. It also represents the
youngest son.
No. 8 is Quen. Quen represents soft soil. Quen has
three broken lines. Quen represents experience,
softness, mass amount of something, and extreme
darkness. Quen is the south-west direction. It also
represents an old lady.

Chen, Kan, Gen and Zen are brightness. (Yang)

Quen, Shun, Li, and Duay are darkness. (Ying)

The 5 Stars
Throughout this entire course, you will see these five symbols: P, R, K, B, and G. These
five symbols are called the five stars.

P = Set up R = You got something K = You got nothing

B = Action G = Gain

K stands for 'You got nothing'. If you are asking about your illness, K means you got
nothing serious. If you ask for money, K means you will not gain anything. If you ask
about danger, K means there is no danger. If you ask for a job, K means you will not get a
job. If you are having a legal battle and you would like to know which side will win, K
means you will not win. If you ask about trouble, K means there is nothing to worry
about. K also represents irresponsibility. Who are irresponsible? Kids, of course. So K
star represents children, your student, your follower, son-in-law, son, daughter, etc. The K
star is also the lucky star. K star represents happiness, the disappearance of worry. If you
are sick, you worry. So if the K star is strong in your hexagram, it probably means that
your sickness will be cured soon. So K also represents medicine, a cure, a doctor, a
solution, etc. But remember that K stand for irresponsibility. If you are requesting for a job
or a position, an K star sitting on the self line means you will not be hired. If you want to
invest in stocks, a K star sitting on the self line is a bad sign. It means you won't earn
anything. K means 'nothing'. If you are asking when will your trouble disappear, K is a
great sign. It means your trouble will disappear. But if you are asking when will you earn
some money or when will you get a job, K means you will get nothing.

Here's an example: A guy asked if he can become a politician. He got [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
e (fire)
B e -
K wa --
G yo - U
G s -
B w --
K cn -- J Self line

Now this man is asking about fame and success. If this man is asking "When will I get out
of danger?" or "When will Sam give me back my money that he owed me for a long time?",
the K star would be a lucky sign. K means your worry will disappear. But if you are not
worried and are looking for success, K is a failure sign. Since this man is asking for fame
and success, K is a bad luck sign. The self line represents the guy who threw the coins.
The K star sits on the self line. R and P stars are good for fame and success. In the
hexagram, you don't see any R or P star. R represents a job. If there is no R star, it's hard
for him to become a politician. The worst of all, the K sits on the self line. K kills R. So
the K on the self line will kill any possibility of him becoming a politician.

Results: The man died young. He never became a politician.

G represents gain. G stands for money and wealth. G also represents valuable, small
size property. Fancy sports car is a small size property. Therefore, a sports car is G. G
also represents something that you use. Woman who you love is represented by G. Think
of G as 'girl'. So G represents money, wealth, stock, woman, pet, treasure, jewelry, safety
box, etc. Since G represents gain, it also represents popularity. If you ask, "When will I
become the most popular guy in school?" Strong G is what you want to see in your sign.
G also represents a new idea or a new invention. G also represents a good plan. After all,
wisdom and knowledge are also gains, right?

Here's an example: I threw the coins asking if Yahoo! stock can reach $100 a share. I got

Year Month Date Hour
c (soil)

B m - J Self line
K e -
Money G wa --
R yo - U
P h -
Money G c --

In this sign, you see 2 G money stars. But the problem is they are not producing the self
line. (The self line represents me.) That means the money won't come to me. In fact, a B
star is sitting on the self line. The B star kills the G money star. That means opportunity
will not come to me. If someone is asking about investing, make sure that the money star is
producing the self line or that the self line moves and changes into a money star. Or else do
not invest.

Result: Yahoo! is still at $18 a share today.

R represents 'You got something'. If you ask about money, you will earn money. If you
ask about trouble, you will be in trouble. If you ask about illness, your condition is
serious. If you ask who will win a legal battle, you will win. If you ask about a job, you
will get the job. If you ask about danger, there will be danger. The R star could be
someone in control. For example: husband, boyfriend, a government official, a mail man, a
customer, a judge, etc. The R star could also represent trouble. The R star could also
represent something frightening like a corpus (a dead person), a criminal, a robber, a judge,
an examiner, a police man, etc. Just think to yourself: Anything or anybody that has
power and control should be represented by the R star. A judge has power, and a bank
robber has power too. The R star also represents worry and anxiety. When you are
arrested by the police, the R star is a bad luck sign. R means you might go to jail because it
means you got something serious. But when you are looking for a job, R becomes a good
sign. It means you have a good chance of getting the job because R represents 'You got
something.'. The reason why R also represents a robber or a thief is because when a robber
points a gun to your head, he has control over your life. Remeber. R stands for power,
control, and possession.

Here's an example: A man asked about his final exam. He threw the coins and got [Too
much] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
s (metal) e (fire)
Too Much Cup
G wa x moves K e - 6th
R yo o moves G wa -- 5th
P h - J Self line R yo - 4th
R yo - R yo - 3rd
P h - P h - 2nd
G c -- U G c -- 1st

This man is asking about the result of his final exam. The most proper star to use is the R
star. R represents a position or a job. If it's about his final exam, he is requesting a position
on the graduation list. The 5th line R yo (metal) moves and turns into a soil star G. The
soil star G bounces back to produce the 5th line R metal. This man is asking for the result
of his final exam. So if the R star is strong, it means he will score high on his exam. The
best of all, the R star moves producing the self line. (Self line represents the guy who threw
the coins.) R star moving and producing the self line means he will get the position. In
this case, he will score high on his exam.

The result: He scored very high on his exam.

P means 'Set up'. If you ask for an answer, you will get the answer. If you ask for a
letter, the letter will arrive. If you ask for fame, you will become famous. If you are
buying a house, the P star represents the house. If you ask, "Am I right?", the P star means
you are right. Remember, P star means something that is set up or is established. So the P
star represents parents, father, mother, grand mother, grand father, uncle, aunt, an older
person, a teacher, boss, a leader, etc.. The P star also represents many other things: the
universe, a system, the wall, a building, house, boat, large size car, cloth, fabric, book,
document, library, contract, pen, ruler, stationary, and much more.


documents, and buildings are complex and therefore are represented by the P star. P also
stands for worry, fear, and trouble. P represents a news, a notice, someone setting you up,
something happening, etc. Let's say someone has borrowed your money and failed to give
you back the money. You toss the coins asking are you being set up. Was that a scam?
Will that person play any trick on you? Is that person setting you up? That's why P
represents worry and fear.

Let's see an example. A man threw coins asking when will he become famous. He got
[Look] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour
wa (soil) m

Look Lawsuit

Gm - P sh - 6th
R e - B s - 5th
Fame P wa X J (Self line) moves R w - 4th
G m -- R w -- 3rd
R e X moves P cn - 2nd
Fame P wa -- U G y -- 1st

The man ask for fame. Therefore P is the appointed star here. The P star is soil. The date
m (wood) is killing the P star soil, but the month is soil. So overall, the P star is healthy
enough. Look at the 4th line. The P star sits on the self line. (Self line represents the
person who threw the coins.) And it moves turning into the R star w (fire). And the R w
bounces back to produce the self P star. This is a great sign. The 2nd line fire also moves
to produce the P star. The 2nd line is a moving R e. The self line is a moving P wa. That
means in both year e and year wa, this person will become famous.

Result: In year e, he was interviewed by a major television show which was viewed by
millions of people. In year w, a big article was written about him by a very famous

The P star also represents 'something happening'. The P star could be a news, a notice,
something happening, etc.

For example, I threw coins asking if Yahoo could reach $80 before the year ends. I got

Year Month Date Hour
h yo - iV w & wa

6 strike
P wa -- J
B yo -
K h -
P c -- U
G m -
R e -

If you are asking will a certain stock reach a certain price, the P star is the mark. Say if
you want to know if Yahoo can reach $50 a share, the P stands for 'happening'. P
represents a news, a notice, something happening, etc. If the P star is weak, it means you
won't hear any good news from Yahoo. In this hexagram, the P star is weak. So I don't
think I will hear any news from Yahoo.

Result: As predicted, Yahoo never went up that high. In this case, the money star was
quite strong. But since it is not connected to the self line in anyway nor is it producing the
self line, money just won't come to me. The P star is also dead in this hexagram. So I
won't hear any news concerning Yahoo reaching $100.

B represents action. But I want to call it the 'Brother Star'. The brother star represents
brother or sister, a friend, a helper, etc. The brother star also could represent waste, lost of
money and wealth, money being stolen or taken, etc.. You see? The brother star represents
someone who is the same status as you. (For example: a close friend, your brother or your
sister) If there is someone who is the same status as you, there must be competition. If
there is competition, there is waste and lost of wealth. The B star also means that property
is being destroyed. So if you ask "When will USA declare war on China?", the B star is
probably what you should look for. Why? Because if China nukes USA or USA nukes
China, property will be destroyed. B star also represents a sound or people talking. Most
of the time, the B star is known as the money killer. If you see a B star moving in the
hexagram, do not invest in stocks.

Here's an example: In February of 2001, a guy asked when will his stock go up. He threw
the coins and got [Queen] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
wa (soil)

Queen Unsettled
P sh - R e U -
B s o moves P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo o moves R w J --
K h - P cn -
P c x J G y --

This is a very unlucky sign. You see 2 B stars move. One of them even moves and
changes into a P star which comes back and produces the B star. B star is the money killer.
Avoid investing if this is the sign you got. Month s is around August, and month yo is
around September. So I think there will be a stock market crash in August and September
of 2001.

Result: Two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center in September 11th. The
market dropped sharply.

The produce cycle of the stars:

P produces B, B produces K, K produces G, G produces R, and R
produces P.

Parent produces the Brother, Brother produces the Kid, Kid produces the money (G), the
money produces the Responsibility, and Responsibility produces the Parent.

Let's say a man and a woman got married. They set up a family. (P) Then there is action.
(B) The wife cooks, and the husband got a job. Then they produce babies. (K) Then the
babies grow up, get education, and earn money. (G) When they earn enough money, they
become successful. (R) When they become successful, they establish their own families.

The killing cycle of the stars:

P kills K, K kills R, R kills B, B kills G, and G kills P.

Parent kills the Kid, the Kid kills the Responsibility, the Responsibility kills the Brother,
the Brother kills money (G), the money kills the Parent.

When a company is established (P), there is no more fooling around. (K) Because fooling
around is not good for success. (R) If you become successful, you don't need to work 40
hours a week anymore. (B) If you do harsh labor, you will never become a rich man. (G)
If all you care about is earning money, you can never calm down and establish a family or
something. (P)
More on the 5 stars
If you are worried about something or are in fear, the K star is your lucky star. K means
worries will disappear. Self line turning into K or K line moves producing the self line is
what you need. Self line linking to the K star is also good. The B star moves producing the
K star is also good. P star killing the K star is bad. P stands for worry, fear, and trouble.

If you want to earn money or if you want to become successful, K star becomes your worst
enemy. R star represents control, power, success, and possession. But K star would totally
kill it. In investment, a K star sitting on the self line is like a death sentence to you. Why?
Because K produces the money star. Which means, K is the one which pours out the
money. If the K is sitting on the self line, money would only come out of your pocket and
flow into somebody else's pocket. Since K is the R killer, a strong K sitting on the self line
means if you ask about a position, you will not get the position. If you ask about fame and
glory, you cannot become well known. If you ask about financial success, money comes
out of your pocket and never returns. So if you are not worrying or not in fear, do not view
the K star as a lucky star. If your question is concerning fame and glory, K star killing the
R star or K star sitting on the self line means you are a loser.

R sitting on the self line and strong G money star moves producing the R self line is the
best kind of sign for investing.

If you ask about success, fame, or glory, an R star killing back at the self line is not a bad
sign. The K star killing the self line is what hurts you the most.

The B star represents loneliness. If you ask when will you become the most popular person
in your school, the self line turning into the B star means nobody will know you.

P represents worry and fear. But P also represents a news, something happening, the result,
a letter, a notice, etc. If you are worried about something, a self line turning into a P star
could mean that you will soon receive the good news. But it could also mean that you will
worry some more. So usually, if I see that my self line has turned into a P star, I would
throw the coins again.

Empty Dates
A Chinese calendar looks like the following:

Feb 14 c X Mar 16 wa X On the Chinese calendar, the upper dates

Feb 15 y I Mar 17 s I and the lower dates are used together.
Feb 16 m II Mar 18 yo II For example:
Feb 17 cn III Mar 19 sh III
Feb 18 e iV Mar 20 h iV  Feb. 14th is the date 'c - X'.
Feb 19 w V Mar 21 t V  Mar. 19th is the date 'sh - III'.
Feb 20 wa Vi Mar 22 c Vi
Feb 21 s Vii Mar 23 y Vii (Click here to see the Chinese calendar.)

Now look at the following chart.

 If you throw the coins on day 's - III', the empty dates are cn and e.
 If you throw the coins on day 'm - Vi', the empty dates are s and yo.
 If you throw the coins on day 'sh - Vii', the empty dates are y and m.

per I i V i
i ii
X Empty
Dat I i i
s c w y s
c y m
e w
c w y
s h t c y m
e w
we y s c w
o h
h t c y m
e w
r a
Dat c w y s c
n a
o h
h t c y m e
es n
w y s
y e w
o h
h t c y m
c w y s
t m
e w
o h
h t c

You understand it now? If yes, let's move on.

In an I-Ching hexagram, the lines that have the empty character will remain inactive or
ineffective until it is fulfilled. When the year, month, date, or time of the empty character is
reached, the empty character is no longer empty and thus becomes active. The empty
character can also become active if a year, month, date, or time strikes it.

For example, let's say w and wa are empty.

A line that has the character w will not be empty anymore in year w.
(or month of w, or day of w)
Sometimes, the line w can also be fulfilled in year t because t strikes
w. Thus w will no longer be empty in the year t.

Let's see a few examples.

Somebody owe me around $2000 for nearly 2 months. I called and faxed him several times,
but he has been avoiding me. So I threw coins asking when will he finally respond to me.
"When will I make him pay?" I got [Fog].

Year Month Date Hour
m s - iX sh & h

B t --
R sh - U
P s --
G w R cn --
K y -- J
B t -

I am the self line, and that guy is the U line. He is hiding from me. He owes me money,
and he doesn't want to pay me back. So he is a thief. The R star on the U line represents a
thief, a robber, a criminal, etc. The self line's K star represents the police. So I am the
police who is catching a thief. The date strikes the self line K star. So the self line K y
moves killing the U line R sh. I think I will catch him and make him pay the money. But
right now, the U line is empty so the self line cannot kill the U line yet. But on day sh, the
U line will not be empty anymore. That's the day I shall make him pay.

Result: I faxed him saying that he only needs to give me half of the money which he owes
me. Then, on day sh, he faxed me his credit card info allowing me to charge his credit card
for the amount of $1700. He has been hiding from me for nearly 2 months, and now he
finally responded. I didn't get the full amount of the money, but $1700 is just enough to
satisfy me.

Another example: Someone threw coins asking if he can make a profit from a business
trip. He got [Big Storage].
Year Month Date Empty
t h - Viii y and m
R y -
G t - - U
B sh - -
B cn -
R y - J
G t -

Wild Crane said, "I see that both the month and the date are water. Even the U line is water.
U line represents the place where he is heading to make money. The U line G (money) is
producing the self line R. This means that the place where he is heading shall be profitable
for him. The U line, the month, and the date all represent G (money). All three of them are
producing the self star R. So I know that his business trip will be extremely successful. He
will earn lots of money on this trip. Now the self line is empty so that the U line cannot
produce the self line. 2 month later, which is the y month, the empty character of the self
line y will appear. So I concluded that he will earn big money in month y. The U line G t
does produce the self line R y. But the U line is not a moving line. But in month w, U line
G t shall move to produce the self line. In month w, you will earn even more money."

Result: He went to Xin Jang for trading. In both month y and m, he earned lots of money.
He earned even more in month w.

Wild Crane said, "Sometimes, if you are not sure by reading just one hexagram, you can
throw the coins once more to obtain a more affirmative reading."

Important stuff: If the 2 lines which lie between the J and the U are
empty, you have to wait for the emptiness to fulfill before things can

Actually, I think this part could be the most important part of my book. If the 2 lines which
lie between J and U are empty, just wait for them to fulfill and things will happen.

For example: Some guy asked when can he be paid by his client who has been hiding from
him for many months. He tossed the coins and got [Arrive] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Vi t&c

Arrive Hollow
R yo x R m -
G h x U P e -
B c -- B wa --
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. I don't even have to look at other lines.
If these 2 lines fulfill, he will receive the money. So I concluded that he will receive the
money on day t. Why day t? Because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.
On day t, they won't be empty anymore. Although the date is striking the 2 empty lines
which should fulfill the emptiness, but they still are quite empty. Based on my experience,
even if the date is striking the 2 empty lines, things won't happen before the emptiness
fulfills. Let's talk about this hexagram a little more. The top gua is striking back. When a
gua strikes back, it means that there are hesitation. The guy who owe you money is
hesitating. You guys must have talked about this for a long time already. The 6th line R yo
produces the U line G h. But since they are gua striking back, your client is hesitating. He
doesn't know if he should pay you or not.

My friend then said, "That's right! We have talked about the money for awhile already. He
said he will mail me $3000, but he broke that promise. Now I told him that I am going to
sue him. So I hope he would send me some cash."

"Anyway, you will receive in on day t.", I told him.

Few days later, he tossed the coins again. He got [Wonderful] and [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

6 match
K yo x U R y -
G h -- G t --
B c -- B sh --
B cn - J K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o B c --
Again! What a coincidence! The Lord has made his message very clear to you. You will
be paid in day t. When the 2 lines between the U and the J are empty, you don't have to
look at any other line. When their emptiness fulfills, things will definitely happen. But
there is just one thing bad about this sign. The 1st line G t money star moves and bounds to
B c, and B c kills and bounds back at the G t. I don't think your client will pay you the full
amount. The client would probably pay just a little bit.

The next day, the guy requested to throw the coins once more. This time, he got [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
s sh - iX t&c

K yo --
G h -- U
B c --
B c --
R m - J
P e -

Again! The lines between J and U are empty. Trust me dude! You will receive the money
in day t. God will not lie!

Result: He got paid in day t, but he only received one tenth of the money he expected.

If both lines which lie between J and U are empty, when they fulfill, things will happen. So
when I do a reading, the first thing that I do is check the lines which lie between J and U.
Are they empty? If not, I will start looking at other parts of the hexagram.

Only 1 line that lies between J and U is empty doesn't count. Both lines
between J and U must be empty in order to fulfill this special law.

Another example: Someone tossed the coins asking when will he receive some money.
He was in extreme worry when he tossed the coins. He expected the money within 10
days. He got [Cup] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
c c - Vi w & wa
Cup Commander
B e o G yo --
K wa -- U R h --
G yo o K c --
G yo o B w --
R h - J K cn -
K c -- P y --

The 3rd line is empty. But what about the 4th line? Since the 4th line is not empty, this
law doesn't apply? Wrong. The 4th line is actually empty. Why? Take a closer look.
The 3rd line has G yo. The 4th line also has G yo. Therefore, the 3rd line is linked to the
4th line. In this case, if the 3rd line is empty, the 4th line is also empty. If these 2 lines are
linked together, emptiness on only one line makes both lines empty. So when will this man
receive the money? When the emptiness fulfills, (day w or day wa) he shall receive the
money. Although the self line R turns into a K star, this man will still receive the money
because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. Besides, this man was in
extreme worry when he tossed the coins. The self line turning into K probably means that
his worry will soon disappear. The K does not mean he cannot receive the money.

Result: The money was received on day wa. If the 3rd line did not link to the 4th line, this
law cannot apply. Again, if only one of the lines is empty, you cannot apply this law.

I tossed the coins asking on what day can I receive my pay check. I got [Little much] and

Year Month Date Hour
t h-X t&c

Little Much
6 match
P sh x G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o J P sh --
B s - K h -
R w -- P c --
P cn x U G m -

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. What? Are they? Please examine the
hexagrams carefully.
 The 3rd line B s is linked to the 5th line B s. The 5th line has an empty K t.
 The 2nd line has an empty P c.
 So both the 3rd and the 2nd line are actually empty. Therefore, the 2 lines which lie
between J and U are empty.

If the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, things will happen when the emptiness
fulfills. So I will receive my pay check on day t or on day c.

Result: I received my pay check on day t.

Okay enough about the 2 lines which lie between J and U. Let's move

Let's say that you are expecting something or someone. And let's say
that the self line has the appointed star. If the self line is empty, things
will happen when the emptiness fulfills.

Someone tossed the coins asking when will his boss pay him salary. He was expecting to
receive the money within a few days. He got [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
c m - Viii w & wa

P yo -- U
B h --
R c --
G w -- J
R cn -
K y --

The money star G w is the appointed star. It is empty, and it is sitting on the self line. The
money star is quite strong. Since the strong and empty money star is on the self line, this
man shall receive the money when the emptiness fulfills. So on day w or on day wa, he
shall receive the money.

Result: He got the money on day wa. Remember, the appointed star must be strong and
empty. If a weak and empty appointed star sits on the self line, nothing will happen. If you
expect to find a job, an empty, strong R star sitting on the self line means you will find a
job when the emptiness fulfills.
Let's say this is your first toss. If both
J and U are empty, and both are not
moving, your wish cannot come true.
The self line (J) and the U line are the most important lines in a hexagram. If you ask
"When can I become a millionaire?", empty J and U appearing in your first toss means you
don't have that kind of luck. The U line is the source of your luck, and the self line is
supposed to receive the energy which comes from the U line. Empty J and U means the
connectivity between J and U is weak. If the connectivity is weak, things will not happen
or things won't be as perfect as how you have expected. If you ask about money, you
cannot receive the money or you can only receive a small amount of money. If you ask
about lawsuit, the case will be dropped because nothing serious will happen. If you ask
about a fight, there will be only argument but no fight. But if J and U are the same
character, this rule might not apply. (For example: If U is wa and J is also wa, things
might happen in the month of wa or on the day of wa.) If both J and U are empty, but they
both are moving lines, this law also does not apply.

For example: My old business partner has went to the court of Michigan and filed a lawsuit
against me. I wonder if the judge will rule against me and order me to pay my partner
money. I threw the coins and got [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
s t - Vii cn & e

Big Profit
R e - U
P wa --
B yo -
P cn - J
G y -
K t -

Both J and U do not move and are empty. The self line (J) represents me, and the U line
represents the guy who is suing me. Even if he does sue me, he can't win. Nothing too
serious will happen because the connectivity between J and U is weak.
Result: He attempted to lure me to Michigan to attend the trial, but what ever he did,
nothing worked. His attorney said he has no case against me and left him. But even after
his attorney left him, he still didn't give up. Finally, the judge dropped the case because he
and I didn't sign any contract. Also, I live in California. A Michigan judge has no
jurisdiction over me.

Someone tossed the coins asking if his friend will return all of his money to him. He got
[Feed] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
sh m - II t&c

6 match
B y o R yo --
P t -- P h --
G sh -- J G c --
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

This is his first toss. Both J and U are not moving. Both are empty. No! Your friend will
not give you back all of the money. He might only give you back a small portion of the
money that he owes you when the emptiness of J and U fulfills. But he won't give you
back the full amount because the connectivity between J and U is bad. The emptiness of J
and U shall be fulfilled in month t or in month c.

Result: His friend only gave him back 1/5 of the money in month t.

Let's say both J and U are empty. If only one of them is a moving line,
the connectivity is still bad.

I tossed the coins asking will a girl invite me to her dance party. I received [Separate] and
[Look] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - Viii cn & e
Separate Look
P m - P m -
B e - J B e -
K wa -- K wa --
B w -- P m --
K cn o U B e --
P y -- K wa --

Both J and U are empty. Only the U line moved. No. She won't invite me. Besides, the
self line is linked to the K star. If I get a K star, I am a loser. What I needed is an R star,
not a K star. R represents power and possession. K means nothingness.

Result: I wasn't invited.

Let's say both J and U are empty. If both of them are moving lines, things
might happen.

The connectivity between the empty J and the empty U will improve if both of them move.
Even if both J and U are empty, the connectivity is pretty strong if both of them are
moving lines. If the connectivity is strong, expected things will happen or your dream can
come true. If you ask for a girlfriend, you will find that perfect girl. If you want your
friend to give you back the money that he owes you, he will give you back the full amount
that he owes you within a short period of time. If you ask for a job, you will find the right

A guy asked Wild Crane if he can earn money by selling fish. He got [Big storage] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn s - Vii t&c

Big Storage Consume

R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn - G h -
R y o J B c --
G t - R m -

Both J and U lines moved. Both are empty. But since both J and U moved, things might
still happen. A strong G star on the U line moves bounding to the moving self line B c.
This means money is coming to the self line. He shall earn good money starting from
month t.

Result: He went to Hang-Zou to sell fish in the month of t. The business turned out to be
very lucrative.

Here's the conclusion:

Let's say cn & e are empty. Both J
and U contain the empty elements
Let's say sh & h are empty dates. cn & e. If you got this kind of sign
Both J and U have the element h, in your first toss, your wish cannot
but the element sh is not appearing come true or things won't happen.
on the J line nor on the U line. If you ask about trouble, nothing
Based on my experience, your serious will happen. But if you ask Let's say t & c are empty,
wish will come true if this is your for success, there is no success. If and this is your first toss.
first toss EVEN IF THERE IS A J line moved but U line does not Both J and U contain the
PERMANENT 6 STRIKE. move, things still won't happen. If elements t & c. As long as
Everytime I got this kind of first U line moves but J line doesn't both J and U are moving
toss, good things happened. But if move, things still won't happen. If lines, things still will
you ask about trouble, trouble will both J and U do not move, things happen or your dream still
also happen. Basically, only one will not happen. can come true. If you ask
empty element showing up on for trouble, trouble will
both J and U means your wish can (Note: Let's say you tossed the occur. Things happen when
come true. Trouble will come to coins on day cn - I. Both J and U the emptiness fulfills.
you if you were asking about have empty cn and e. Things still
trouble. Things will happen when could happen because only element
the emptiness of J and U is e is really empty. The element cn
fulfilled. has already been fulfilled since you
tossed the coins on day cn.)

Cup Commander Separate Look Big Storage Consume

B e o G yo -- P m - P m - R y - R m -
K wa -- U R h -- B e - J B e - G t x U P e -
G yo o K c -- K wa -- K wa -- B sh -- B wa --
G yo o B w -- B w -- P m -- B cn - G h -
R h - J K cn - K cn o U B e -- R y o J B c --
K c -- P y -- P y -- K wa -- G t - R m -

In August of 2002, a man tossed the coins asking when will USA invade IRaq. He received
[Abide] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
e wa w - III y&m

Abide Look
G wa x U B m -
R yo - K e -
K w P h o G wa --
G cn -- J B m --
B y - K e -
P t o G wa --

This is his first toss. Both J and U have an empty B m. The other empty element (y) does
not appear in J nor in U. This means the war will begin when the emptiness fulfills. So
USA will invade Iraq in month m of the next year. (March 2003)

 The self line links to a B combo, which represents destruction or action. The 1st
line P t reaches and links to the B combo through G wa, and P t stands for
'Somethings happening'.

Result: USA invaded Iraq on March 19th, 2003. (month m)

If this is NOT your first toss, empty J and U

actually means things will happen when the
emptiness fulfills.
A person would usually ask a 'Yes or No' type of question for his first toss. For example:
"Will something happen or not?" If the connectivity between J and U is bad because both
J and U are empty, things won't turn out to be as perfect as expected.

But a person usually would ask for a specific timing in his 2nd question if he already
understood his first sign. For example, Sam has tossed the coins asking when will he find a
job, and the first sign seems to say that he will find a job soon. So Sam already knew that
he will find a job pretty soon. Then he tossed the coins again asking, "Exactly when can I
find a job?"

Sam will find a job when the connectivity between J and U improves. When the emptiness
of J and U fulfills, the connectivity improves. That means Sam will find a job when the
emptiness of J and U fulfills.

Here is the conclusion: If this is NOT your first toss, empty J and U actually means things
will happen when their emptiness fulfills. When the emptiness of J and U fulfills, their
connectivity improves. Therefore, something will happen when their connectivity

For example, I tossed the coins asking when will I receive some money. I expected to
receive the money within a week. I got [Quen] and [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
c c - Vi w & wa

Big Profit
6 strike
K yo x J P e -
G h -- B wa --
B c x K yo -
R m - U B cn -
P e - R y -
B wa - G t -

Although it's a 6 strike, The self line and the 4th line form a combo. Therefore, the power
of the 6 strike is eliminated. So things still might happen. But the problem is that the
money star is totally dead. But wait! The self line K moves and turns into the P star. P
could represent a letter. Since my business partner will mail me a check, the P star could
represent the letter. But P could also represent worry and frustration. Since I am quite
nervous about this money, I cannot make a judgment based on this sign because I am not
sure what P really stands for. All I know is that the 4th line and the self line form a
combo. Right now, the 4th line is bounding to both the month and the date. So the 4th line
cannot move at all. But on day wa, wa will strike open the bondage causing the 4th line to
move. When the 4th line moves, the K combo is complete. So on day wa, something will

I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
c c - Vi w & wa

6 match
G sh --
R s --
K w - U
B m --
K e --
G wa -- J

J and U are w and wa, and both of them are empty. Since I already knew that something
will happen on day wa, empty J and U means I will definitely receive the money when the
emptiness fulfills. On day wa, the connectivity between J and U will improve. So on day
wa, I should receive this money.

Result: I received the money on day wa. You see? If this sign was your first toss, things
will not happen or things will not turn out to be as perfect as you have expected because
both J and U are empty. But since this sign was not the first toss, and plus I already knew
that something might happen on day wa, the empty J and U actually means that things
definitely will happen when the emptiness fulfills.

A young man asked when will his father return home. He got [Step] and [Hollow]:

Year Month Date Empty

y m - Viii w & wa

Step Hollow
B sh - R m -
K s - J P e -
P w o B wa --
B c -- B c --
R m - U R m -
P e - P e -
The self line's K star is in trouble because it turned into P e which kills back at itself. The
4th line P w moves turning into B wa which produces the self line K s. If the self line's K
happiness star is being rescued by a moving B star, there will be great joy. So the 4th line
B wa is the helper of the self line's K s. Although B wa is a dead star, B wa still can move
to produce the self line because a powerful P w moves to produce B wa. So B wa is not
hurt at all. Your fither shall return on day w or day wa.

Wild Crane allowed the boy to toss again, and this time he got [Look] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Empty

y m - Viii w & wa

6 match
G m - P sh -
R e - B s -
P wa x J R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

What a coincidence! In the first hexagram, B wa is empty. In this hexagram, the self line's
P wa is empty. So something definitely will happen on day w or day wa.

The 4th line P (parent star) represents parent or father. It has the character wa (soil) and is
now empty. It moves and turns into an empty character w (fire). The P father line is wa, and
it moves turning into w which produces back at itself. When the emptiness of both w and
wa are fulfilled, the father has a chance to appear.

 The U line P wa links to the self line P wa. So the U line is the self line. Although
both the month and the date are killing P wa, P wa cannot die because the self line P
wa moves turning into a powerful R w which produces back at P wa. So both the
self line P wa and the U line P wa are quite strong. The strong self line definitely
can move when the time is right.
 Both J and U contain the empty elements w and wa. But since this is not your 1st
toss, things will happen when the emptiness of J and U fulfills.

Result: The father returned home on day wa.

When an empty element is being struck, it is no longer
A government electrical inspector has done an inspection for my house's underground
wiring conversion but said that my conversion cannot pass the exam due to lack of property
clearance. He suggested me to redo the wiring conversion (which will cost me another
$2000) or get a survey proving that I do have enough property clearance (which will cost
me around $5000). Then I went to the city hall to obtain a copy of my neighbor's grant
deed which might be able to prove that I do have enough property clearance. That only
costed me $6. I want to schedule another inspection and show the inspector my neighbor's
grant deed. Then I tossed the coins asking God, "Will he pass me this time based on my
neighbor's grant deed which costed me only $6?" God gave me [Look] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
s w-V t&c

Look Compare
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

The top line's money star G m is flying strong!! This means I will save a bunch of money.
The top line's K t is no longer empty because it has been struck by the date.

 The good news can arrive on day t when the top line's K t regains strength.
 The good news also can arrive on day sh when G m moves. We don't necessarily
have to wait until day t because K t has been struck by the date and is no longer

Result: I called the inspector, and the inspector agreed to meet me on day sh. And he
passed my underground conversion on that day based on the evidence shown on my
neighbor's grant deed. This hexagram proves that an empty element is no longer empty if it
has been struck by the date.

A new house is under construction, just 60 feet away from my room. It's so noisy
everyday. So I tossed the coins asking when will the construction end. I got [Humble].
Year Month Date Hour
c wa - X s & yo

B yo --
K h -- J
P c --
B s -
R w -- U
P cn --

The self line K represents happiness. The self line K is being killed by both the month and
the date. That means I am very upset about this, which is true. The only thing that can
bring happiness back to me is the top line B yo. If B yo moves and produces the self line, I
will become happy again. So in month m, they will finish constructing the house. But the
self line is too weak. Can the dead self line be saved by the top line?

I was not sure, so I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [No way] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
c wa - X s & yo

No Way
6 strike
G sh - K e -
R s o G wa --
K w - J R yo -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

6 strike means they won't finish the house that quickly. But luckily, the 5th line moves
turning into G wa which bounds to the self line K w. The power of the 6 strike is
eliminated. That means they will finish up the house soon. When I tossed the coins for this
sign, my mentality has changed a little bit. Now I am asking when will I see result. So the
self line K represents nothingness. But the self line K turns into R, which represents 'You
got something'. This means I will see result. The 5th line R turns into G. G represents
gain. To me, if they would just finish making noise, that's enough gain for me. So the 5th
line R turning into G which bounds to the self line means they will finish up the house.
But right now, the 5th line R s is empty. So they won't finish up the house yet. But in
month y, y strikes the 5th line R s. So in month y, the 5th line R s will no longer be empty.
The self line also turns into an empty R yo. But in month m, R yo will no longer be empty.
So in month y, I will see some good result. But if the self line remains empty, I will not
see the final result. But in month m, when the emptiness of the self line is fulfilled, I will
see the final result. So they will finish up the house in month m. The empty R stars in this
sign are very strong. Therefore, when they are being struck, they will no longer be empty.
That's why I say things will happen in month y or in month m. We don't have to wait until
month s or month yo because the empty stars are very strong. If an empty element is being
struck, it will no longer be empty.

 The self line K w also repels away the U line's P t frustration star. This indicates
that trouble will be over one day.

Result: They finished the exterior of the house in month y. That has cut down the noise
dramatically. They finished the entire house in month m.

I think the trickiest day for you to throw the coins is day
II. ( c - II, h - II, yo - II, wa - II, e - II, and m - II )
Usually, the empty dates should be sh and h if you tossed the coins on day c - II. But
sometimes, the empty dates could still be t and c if you tossed the coins on day c - II.

Which means, the table could look like this sometimes:

Not all of the
Upper Empty
date dates

c t&c
h sh & h
yo s & yo
e cn & e
m y&m

Why is day II the trickiest? Let's see an example:

I use an old and dusty digital projector to watch TV. I love it so much that I want to use it
for life. One day, I tossed the coins asking will my projector ever break. I got [Step] and

Year Month Date Hour
t & c?
sh m - II
y & m?

Step Separate
B sh - R m -
K s - J P e -
P w o B wa --
B c -- P w --
R m - U B cn -
P e o R y --

The 1st line P e moves meaning 'Something happening'. P e is quite powerful because R y
produces back at P e. P e is linking to the self line K s. So when P e moves, the self line K
s will receive P e. Again, P e means something will happen. P e moves bounding to the
self line K s. That means my projector will break one day. But the problem is I don't know
which elements are actually empty.

 If t & c are empty, my projector will definitely break in month t or in month c

because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are linking to an empty B c. (The 3rd
line B c is empty, and the 4th line P w links to the 3rd line. Therefore, both 3rd and
4th lines are considered empty.)
 If y & m are empty, my projector shall break in month y or in month s because the
1st line R y is empty. But the 1st line will no longer be empty in month y. Month s
will also fulfill the emptiness of R y because s strikes with y.
 Another funny thing is that the 4th line P w moves turning into B wa which
produces the self line's K s. This means I am still lucky even if my machine breaks

I tossed again, and God gave me [Need] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
t & c?
sh m - II
y & m?

Need Unsettled
G t -- G t --
B sh - B sh -
K s -- J K s --
B cn - G h -
R y o B c --
G t - U R m -

The self line still has the lucky star K! Does that mean I still will be lucky even if my
machine breaks down on me? The K star moved bounding to the self line in my 1st sign
and sat on the self line in my two other signs. But God has also told me that my machine
shall one day break. This scenario confuses me more and more.

 The U line G t represents my property. In this case, G t represents my projector.

The 2nd line R y moves turning into B c which kills and bounds at the 1st line G t.
This means my machine will break. G t also turns into R m, which represents the
death of my projector. (The R star also represents death.)
 I still have no idea which elements are actually empty. If t & c are empty, my
projector will break in month t or in month c because the 2nd line B c is now empty.
When the emptiness of B c fulfills, B c will kill G t.
 If y & m are empty, things will happen either in month s or in month y because the
2nd line's R y is empty.
 Although B c kills my property star G t, B c also moves to produce the self line's K
s. This again means I will be lucky. I am confused by this scenario.

Result: My projector broke on day s!!! God is sometimes very tricky. I expected my
projector to break a few months later. I thought that it will either break in month t, y or s.
But it broke on day s! So these signs proved that the actual empty elements are still y &
m. But what made me laugh is that after my projector broke, I pulled the machine apart in
an attempt to fix it. I assembled the parts back together in the middle of my job because I
failed to separate the bottom portion of the machine. Miraculously, my projector worked
again after I have reassembled it. Maybe a wire was loose, and I accidentally reinserted
that loose wire when I dismantled the machine. My machine was fixed right after it broke
because the self line has a strong K star or because a strong K star moves bounding to the
self line.
But you will run into this sometimes:
I tossed the coins asking when will I receive a package. I got [Revolution] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - II y&m

Revolution Well
R wa -- B t --
P yo - R sh -
B h o J P s --
B h - P yo -
R c x B h -
K m o U R c --

Both the 3rd line and the self line are B h. So the 3rd line is actually the self line. The U
line K m moves pushing the 2nd line R c toward the self line. The R star represents 'You
got something.' If the R star is being pushed toward the self line, I will receive the
package. But right now, the U line K m is empty. Does that mean I won't receive the
package until day m? (Day m is 10 days later.) Actually, I could also receive the package
on day yo because day yo will strike with the empty K m. If the empty K m is being struck
on day yo, it won't be empty anymore. (Day yo is 4 days later.)

You know what? Since I got this sign on day e - II, the empty dates could still be cn and
e. If K m is not empty at all, I could receive it on day sh because K m will move on day sh.

Result: I received the package on day yo. So K m was empty after all.

You see? Day II is the trickiest day for you to toss the coins. I suggest that if you got a
sign on day II, toss the coins again a few days later just to reconfirm because the empty
dates might or might not be empty. 50 percent of the time, the empty dates are cn and e.
And 50 percent of the time, the empty dates are y and m. So be careful when you toss the
coins on day II.

Throughout the years, I have tested, proven, and established many new laws which allow
an I-Ching reader to generate more accurate and more precise predictions. Hopefully, the
mystery behind this 'fluctuating empty dates of date II' can be solved in the near future. I-
Ching is just like a nuclear bomb. Nobody has invented the nuclear bomb. A whole bunch
of scientists throughout the centuries have contributed to the study and physics of nuclear
technology. This scientist contributed a little bit, and that scientist discovered a new
method to use the nuclear power. Maybe you can help establish a few more laws or help
discover the true mechanism which functions behind the fluctuating empty dates for date
II. Don't depend everything on me. After a few years of study, you will become a
professional too. It's also your responsibility to map out the complete mechanism of I-

The self and the opponent "J" and "U"

In every hexagram, you see the capital letter "J" and the letter "U". The J, which is called
"the self line", represents yourself, and the U represents your opponent. When asking a
question that concerns yourself, you must focus on the J self line. If you are sick and you
want to know when you can get better, you are the self line. If you want to know when you
can become a millionaire, you are the self line and the money is the G line. If you want to
know when can you marry your girlfriend, you are the self line and the woman is the G
line. If you want to know when you and your husband will divorce, you are the self line and
your husband is the R line. The U line represents your opponent or someone who you don't
know. If you are asking about a person who you don't know, he must be the U line. If you
are asking about your own sister, you must use the B line. If it's your mom, you take the P
line. If it's about your boss, you either take the R or the P. But if you are flying over to
England to meet a news reporter who wants to interview you for the first time, the news
reporter must be represented by the U line. If your baseball team is playing against another
team tomorrow, your team is the self line and the other team is the U.

Let's focus on the symbol U. The appointed star is the star in concern. For example, if you
are asking a question about a girl that you love, the star which most concerns you is the G
star. (G represents a woman, money, wealth, property, etc.) If you are asking about a
position or a job, your appointed star is the R star because R stands for responsibility. If it's
concerning someone who you don't know or someone who you are not very familiar with,
the appointed star is the line that has the letter U at the right side.

For example, my next door neighbor doesn't like the person who has just moved into the
room beside his. He threw coins asking when will the new guy move out. He got [No Way]
and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - iX w & wa

No way Queen
G sh - G sh -
R s - R s -
K w - J K w - U
G cn X R yo -
E y X P h -
P t O U G c - - J
Since my next door neighbor didn't like the new guy, the new guy cannot be represented by
the B star because B stands for a brother, a sister, or a friend. The new guy also cannot be
represented by an R because R stands for a government official, a police officer, boss, etc.
Then in this case, we choose the line that has the letter "U" to be the appointed line, which
is the first line. 95% of the time, the appointed star is in the first hexagram. (the hexagram
on the left) If the first hexagram does not contain the star which you must appoint, you
might find the appointed star at the second hexagram.

There is a 6 strike. If one got a 6 strike in the 1st toss, things definately will not happen.
But luckily, the U line P t moves bounding to G c. If the U line is bounding to another
element, the power of the 6 strike has been eliminated. This means the next door neighbor
will move out.

Result: The neighbor ran out of money and was evicted out of the house within a few

A man wants to gamble money on cock fights. He tossed the coins concerning his fortune
for today's cock fights and got [Touch] and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour
e s-V y&m

6 strike
R m - U R m -
P e - P e -
B wa -- B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

The U line represents your opponent. The self line represents yourself. The R star on the U
line represents power, control, and possession. So the R star represents the winner. The K
star sitting on the self line represents the person who is giving out the money because K
produces the money star. So K is the loser. In this hexagram, the self line's K star is too
strong. You will become a big loser. The 2nd line P w moved turning into the money star
which produces the U line. The 2nd line w moved killing the self line. If P w kills the self
line's advancing K star, the K star can no longer advance. If the self line's loser star cannot
advance anymore, he might still win money at the end. But too bad that the 2nd line P w
cannot really kill the self line's K star because P w itself got killed back by G h. P w will
move at hour w. So in the hour of w, your opponent will win all the money.

Result: This man won in earlier fights. But in the hour of w, he lost all of his money.

I want to fire my employee who is now withholding all of my merchandise. Will he steal
my merchandise if he knows that I plan to fire him? When will he turn over the
merchandise to me? I tossed the coins and got [Fog] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour
c m - Viii w & wa

Fog Family
B t x K m -
R sh - U G e -
P s -- R wa --
R cn x B h -
K y -- J R c --
B t - K m -

The U line is my employee, and the self line is myself. The R star represents gaining
control over the merchandise. The K star represents losing control over the merchandise.
The 3rd line R cn moves turning into B h which bounds to the self line. When the self line
K star is being produced by a B star, there will be great joy because K is also the happiness
star. The self line K y turns into an R star. That means I will soon gain control over the
merchandise. The top line B t moves turning into K m which kills and bounds to the U line
R sh. This means my employee is about to lose control over the merchandise. Right now,
the top line K m is bounding to the date m so it cannot move. But in day yo, the bondage
of the top line shall be broken thus allowing the top line to move to kill the U line. Day yo
will also cause the 3rd line to move bounding to the self line.

Result: My partner helped me take back all of our merchandise on day yo, and that
employee was fired on the same day.

A doctor asked, "When will our hospital hire an assistant for our lab?" He received

Year Month Date Hour Empty

wa y - iX cn & e

P sh -
B s -
R w - U
B yo -
K h -
P c -- J

He hopes that his hospital will hire an assistant. The U line represents the hospital, and the
U line does produce the self line. This means the hospital will hire an assistant for him.
Bur right now, the U line R w is bounding to the month wa. If the U line bounds to month
wa, the U line cannot produce the self line yet. But month t will break the bondage for U
line allowing U line's R w to produce the self line. Month t will also turn R w into a
moving line. When R w moves, it moves to produce the self line. So the hospital will hire
an assistant for him in month t.

Result: An assistant was hired in month t.

Moving line & quiet line

The O and X lines in your 1st hexagram are the moving lines. When a line is moving, it
will become effective whenever a future year, month, date, or hour bounds to the moving
line. A moving line will also become active in a coming year, month, date, or hour that has
the same element as itself. Let's say that a line which contains the element c moved. That
line will become effective in the t year, month, date, or hour. (t bounds to c.) The c moving
line will also become effective in a coming c year, month, date, or hour.

Example: A woman asked about her husband's recent illness. She got [Same] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
s cn - V sh & h

Same Li
K sh - U B e - J
G s O K wa - -
B w - G yo -
R h - J R h - U
K c - - K c - -
P m - P m -
6 strike

The 2nd hexagram is 6 strike. When asking about a recent illness or a recent lawsuit, 6
strike means bad luck will disappear very quickly. The woman asks about her husband's
condition. Therefore, the husband star R is the appointed. Usually, K means happiness or a
cure, and R means disease, illness, or worry. But in this case, R is the husband and K must
be treated as an enemy because K kills the husband star R. So K is not a lucky star for a
woman who is concerned about her husband. The R husband star is water, and it is
produced by the month. The fifth line metal s is also moving to produce the R star. Since
the R husband star is quite strong, I say it's no big deal. On day e, e bounds to the fifth line
s. The fifth line s will move on day e producing the R star. R h is empty now. But on day
e, e strikes with R h, and R h will not be empty anymore when e strikes with it. When R h
becomes not empty, the fifth line can finally produce it. So I concluded that the husband
will recover on day e.

Result: Husband got out of bed on exactly day e.

Let's review a few important features of a moving line:

Let's see this example:

R e - P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - J R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --
1st hexagram 2nd hexagram

The 5th line is a moving line. It is P wa turning into B s.

 If neither the month nor the date is bounding to the 5th line, the 5th line shall move
on day wa or on day w. (Or month wa, or year w, or hour wa, etc.) It can move on
day w because day w would bound to P wa. When P wa is being bounded, it will
move. Although the 5th line also contains B s, it cannot move on day s nor on day
e. Why? Because only the element of the 1st hexagram decides when a line should
move. P wa is on the 1st hexagram, and B s is in the 2nd hexagram. So P wa is the
leader, and B s is the follower. So the 5th line can only move on day w or on day
wa. It cannot move on day s nor on day e. The 5th line's movement depends only
on P wa. B s has no power at all.
 Although B s is in the 2nd hexagram, the month or the date still could bound to B s.
If the date is bounding to the 5th line's B s, you have to wait until a future day
which can strike open their bondage in order to see it move. Let's say you tossed
the coins on date e. Date e bounds to B s. So the 5th line can only move on day h
or on day y. Both day h and day y have the power to break the bondage. (h strikes
with e, and y strikes with s. When there is a strike, the bondage is broken.) Of
course the 5th line can also move in month h, year y, hour h, etc.
 If the date is bounding to the 5th line's P wa, you also need to wait until a future day
which can strike open their bondage in order to see it move. Let's say you tossed
the coins on date wa. The date wa could be bounding to the 5th line P wa because
the same element could bound to each other. Then the 5th line could move on day c
because c will strike open their bondage.

 If the 5th line's P wa or B s is empty, you have to wait until the emptiness fulfills.

Quiet line's action

Quiet lines are the dotted line (- -) and the solid line ( - ) in your 1st hexagram.

When a quiet line is being struck by the date, it

becomes a moving line.
Let's say you have a quiet line which has the element y. The date is s. The date s strikes
with the y line. That line is no longer a quiet line but a moving line. That line will become
active when a future year, month, date, or hour bounds to it. That line will also become
active in a coming year, month, date, or hour which has the same element as itself.

When a quiet line is being struck by the month, that line is still quiet.
Being struck by the month cannot turn a quiet line into a moving line!
Only the date can turn a quiet line into a moving line!
For example: We have the quiet line s. The date is y. Date y strikes the quiet line s. Quiet
line s is not a quiet line anymore. It's actually a moving line. Line s moves in the month of
s. It also moves in the month of e because e bounds to s. It also moves in year s, month e,
or on day s.

Example: I threw coins asking when will my American Online stocks go up in price. I got

Year Month Date Hour
yo e - Viii s & yo
P wa - -
B yo -
K h - U
R w - -
P cn -
G y - - J

Since this question is about the stock market, it's money related. So G money star is
appointed. To know what month the stock will go up, you must identify what month favors
the appointed star the most. The month that favors the G star is the month that the stock
will go up in value. SInce the money star G (wood) is being killed by the month yo (metal),
the stock must be cheap at this moment. But the date e is striking the U line K h. The U
line K h used to be a quiet line. But since the date e is striking it, it is now a moving line.
The K h moves to produce and bounds to the G star. So the K line is the helper. The month
yo is producing the helper K h, so we have a strong helper here. Just by looking at this, I
know that the stock will go up in value many folds in the month of h. In the month of h,
the moving line K h becomes active thus truly moves to produce the G money star.

Result: The AOL stock was around $90 a share in the month of yo. It went to $160 a share
in the month of h.

When the date bounds to a quiet line, the quiet line will become active
when a future year, month, or date strikes the bondage open.

For example: Let's say the date is cn. It bounds to line yo. In the month of sh, sh
will strike with cn breaking the bondage open. Line yo will become active.

Someone owe me money. I wonder when will I get the money back. I got [Advance] and

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - V sh & h

6 match
R e - P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - J R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --
The self line B turns into an R. Self line B turning into an R means I will get the money
because R represents 'You got something'. The date is cn, and cn bounds to the self line
yo. In the month of sh, sh will strike with the date cn and the bondage will be broken so
that the self line yo can finally turn into R. So in this hexagram, Lord is saying that I will
get the money in month sh.

 I think I won't get the full amount of the money. He probably will only pay me
back a little bit because the 5th line B money killer is linking to the self line.

Result: I got the money in the month of sh. I only got back about 1/4 of the money that he
owed me.

Same as the moving line, a quiet line's action depends on

only the element of the 1st hexagram.
Let's see this example:

R e - P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - J R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --
1st hexagram 2nd hexagram

The self line is a quiet line. And the self line has B yo in its 1st hexagram. The self line B
yo could move in month m because m strikes with yo. The self line has R w in its 2nd
hexagram. But the self line cannot move in month t although month t strikes with R w.
You see? The element of the 2nd hexagram of a quiet line also has no control over the line.

When a moving line is bounding to the date, it cannot move.

For example, if the moving line is e, and the date is s, they bound together. This moving
line cannot move. You have to wait for the y year, month, or day to strike them open.
Actually, h year, month, or day could also strike them open.

A woman is about to get married. She tossed the coins asking will her marriage last. She
got [Fog] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

c (1985) s e - Viii s & yo

Fog Abide
B t -- R wa -- U
R sh - U P yo -
P s x B h -
R cn -- R cn -- J
K y -- J K y --
B t - B t -

Prophet Feng saw the hexagram and told the lady, "I suggest you to postpone the wedding.
It's better for you to marry after 1986 (year of y). The 4th line s is moving. But it is
bounding to the date e, so it cannot move. The 4th line also turned into B h. The date is
striking at B h. So B h is loose. That is another reason why the 4th line cannot move. But
the bondage between the date e and P s shall be broken in year y because y strikes with s.
Year y will also bound to B h that the 4th line has turned into. Bounding to an element that
has been struck loose means saving that element. So the 4th line will start moving in the
year y. Actually, the 4th line is now empty. In year y, y strikes the empty line s. That will
also fulfill the emptiness. That's another reason why it should move in year y. 4th line P
represents "Something happening". 4th line P moves turning into h, and h bounds to the
self line. When the 4th line moves and bounds to the self line, things will happen. That
means you will get married in year y. But honestly, I don't suggest you to get married that
year. Your K star y is so strong, and it is sitting on the self line. K kills the R husband
star. In ancient text, it says 'If the self line is a K, no husband can survive under you.' Year
y will make your K star even stronger. So if you marry after year y, your marriage will be

Result: The woman didn't listen to the prophet and got married in year y. But she filed for
a divorce a few months later. So in a hexagram, if you see 2 R stars and the K is also
sitting on the self line, a divorce is very possible. That means the woman will have 2 men
in her life.

QUESTION: Alex, you said that only the date can cause a quiet line to move. The month
cannot cause a quiet line to move. But at another part of this chapter you said that the
month can also cause a quiet line to move. Which statement is true?

ANSWER: Let's see an example.

Year Month Date Hour
e w - iX s & yo

6 match
K yo -- K yo -- Blk
G h -- G h -- Wht
B c -- U B c -- Gry
B cn x G h - Yel
R y -- B c -- Red
G t - J R m -- Grn

Let's look at the 5th line G h. You have tossed the coins and got this sign in month e.
Since the month striking at a quiet line cannot make that quiet line move, the 5th line G h is
still a quiet line because month e cannot make it move.

Now let's look at the 2nd line R y. Right now, R y is a quiet line. But in month s, R y shall
become a moving line because s strikes with y.

You got it? What I meant was the current month cannot turn a quiet line into a moving
line. Only a FUTURE MONTH can turn a quiet line into a moving line! Let's say this
month is month e, and you tossed the coins today. Month e cannot strike with a quiet line
and turn it into a moving line. But a FUTURE MONTH can strike with a quiet line and
turn it into a moving line. So if you tossed the coins in month w, a quiet line which has K t
did not turn into a moving line.

If a non-moving line is bounding to the date, that line

will act like a moving line when the bondage is broken.
Lily asked when will her business improve, and she received [Trade] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
yo wa - II cn & e

Trade Separate
B m - U B m -
K e - K e -
G wa -- G wa --
G cn -- J K w --
B y x G cn -
P t o B y --

The self line G cn is the money star, and the 2nd line B y is the money killer. The 1st line
P t pushes the 2nd line B y toward the self line. But since the self line is not a moving line,
the 2nd line B y cannot push the self line G cn toward the self line's K w. So B y should
cause some damage to the self line G cn. That means she will lose money in the future.

 But luckily, the self line's K w is bounding to the date. Based on my experience, a
non-moving line which bounds to the date will act like a moving line when the
bondage is broken. The bondage will be broken either in month t or in month c. So
in month t or in month c, the self line will act like a moving line. This means the
2nd line B y can push the self line G cn toward K w because the self line will move
in month t or in month c. When G cn is pushed toward K w, her business will
improve because K w produces back at her money star G cn.
 Coincidentally, the 1st line P t will also push the 2nd line B y toward the self line in
month t or in month c.

Result: Her business improved dramatically in month c. Then business sky rocketed in
month e. The reason why the business improved a lot in month e is because the self line G
cn was empty. But when the emptiness fulfilled, K w produced back at the money star G
cn. This lesson proves that a non-moving line will act like a moving line when the bondage
is broken.

Note: Based on my experience, an empty non-moving line will also act like a moving line
when the emptiness fulfills. A non-moving line which has been struck by the date will also
act like a moving line when the struck element regains its strength.

For example: You asked on which day can you receive some money. You tossed the coins
on day w of month yo.

self line Ks-J Gt-

The self line's G t has been struck by the date w. So the self line K s cannot reach the
money star G t yet. But on day t, you can receive some money because G t will regain its
strength on day t. If G t is an empty element, you can also receive the money on day t
because the emptiness of G t fulfills on day t.
Double appointed?
What if I am asking a question about my wife, and in the hexagram I see 2 wife stars?
Which wife star should I focus on?

Yes, sometimes you will see a 'double appointed' in your hexagram. Just focus on the one
that is stronger or closer to the self line. If one is moving and the other one is not moving,
just take the moving line as the appointed.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
wa e - Viii s & yo

Too much
G wa --
R yo -
P h - J
R yo -
P h -
G c -- U

If you are asking about your wife, take the G wife star as your appointed. But there are two
of them in this hexagram. Which one should you use? Since you should take the stronger
one and ignore the weaker one, G wa 6th line is the one you should use. G wa has the same
element as the month's element. The 1st line G c is weak because the month is striking it.
So don't use the 1st line.

Here is my explanation why you should use the stronger of the two: Let's say you are
thinking about a girl named Emily. Emily appears in your dreams, and all you think about
is Emily. If two wife stars appear on your hexagram, the stronger wife star should
represent Emily. And the other not so strong wife star can represent Jenny or Tina or Mary,
or whoever. You think more about Emily than anyone else. Therefore, Emily shall be
represented by the strongest or the most active wife star.

Say you are asking about money, and there are 2 G stars showing up on your
hexagram. If one G star is moving while the other is not moving, the moving G
star should always be appointed! The reason why a line moved is because God is
trying to tell you something important. So a moving line is more important than
a non-moving line.

A man bought some stocks, but the stocks' value dropped. He tossed the coins asking can
he break even in month m, and he got [Consolidate] and [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

6 match
R y - R y -
G t -- G t --
B sh -- U B sh --
G h o B cn --
B c -- R y --
R m - J G t -

The self line R m turns into a money star G t. The 3rd line's money star G h moves. So
which one should we appoint? Of course the 3rd line G h is our appointed because it
moved. He asked can he break even in month m. Although the self line R m is dead, it
moves turning into G t which produces back at itself. (R m moves because the date yo
strikes with it.) The 3rd line G h also is producing the self line. So the self line R m cannot
die. So can this man break even in month m? I say probably not because the 3rd line G h
money star ran into B cn which kills back at itself. Right now, B cn cannot kill back at G h
because B cn is bounding to the date. But in month m, the bondage will be broken
allowing B cn to kill G h. What a coincidence? This man asked can he break even in
month m, and the sign says the money star will be killed by the B star in month m. This
means God told him he cannot break even in month m.

 The self line R m turns into a powerful, empty G t. The emptiness of G t shall be
fulfilled in month t. Does that mean he will sell his stocks in month t? No, because
the appointed star is the 3rd line's G h. If G t is not appointed, nothing will happen
when the emptiness of G t fulfills.

Result: The stock value did went up in month m, but he didn't break even that month.

Another example: Some guy asked about his grand daughter. He got [Solution] and
Year Month Date Hour
w m - Vi

Solution Commander
G sh --
R s -- U
K w o
K w --
G cn - J
B y --

Since this man asked about his grand daughter, the appointed star should be K. But there
are 2 of them in here. According to the ancient books, you should take the one that is
moving and just disregard the one that is not moving. But since the 3rd line and the 4th
line has the exact same element, they are actually linked together. So they are actually one!

Take the one that is not hurt and toss away the one that is damaged. For example, some
guy asked about his parents. He got [Trapped] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - iV

Trapped Duay
P wa --
B yo -
K h - U
R w --
P cn -
G y X J

If you ask about your parents, take the P star. In the hexagram, there are two P stars. The
one that's closest to the self line is weaker than the one on the 6th line. Why? Because the
1st line wood moves killing the 2nd line's P star. But the P star on the 6th line is far away
from the 1st line. 1st line cannot hurt the 6th line too much because they are far apart.
Therefore the 6th line is stronger. Master Shou Wei-Hua would say you should use the 6th
line as your appointed. But in ancient text, it also said that you should take the one that is
closest to the self line. My philosophy is watch out for both of them. If you don't
understand the meaning of the sign, just toss the coins again and get another sign.

Tom asked in which month will the stock market perform the best. God showed him
[Bride] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
h m - Vi s & yo

6 strike
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w o P c --
P c -- J G m --
G m o R e --
R e o P wa --

The R stars represents 'People buy.' If people buy, the stock market will improve. So if the
R star produces the self line, the stock market will improve. There are two R stars. One is
the 4th line which links to the self line. The other is the 1st line which is being produced
by G m. So which one is appointed?

 I say both of them are appointed. Since R w is closer to the self line and is also
linking to the self line, R w is more important than R e. So I say the stock value
will rise in month e, but the stock value will rise even higher in month w.
 The 2nd line G m bounds to the date. Therefore, G m cannot move to produce R e.
But G m shall move in month yo because month yo can break the bondage allowing
G m to move. When G m moves, R e will become extremely strong. Therefore, the
stock value will reach the highest peak in month yo.
 The self line's P c is repelling the 1st line's P wa away because they strike each
other. This is good because P wa stands for frustration. When the lower gua moves
in full swing in month yo, the frustration star P wa will be repelled away. So the
stock value will go way up!

Result: The stock value rose in month e, and it rose even higher in month w, and it reached
the top peak in month yo.
Another Kind of Double Appointed
Let's see the sign first: A man asked when will his antique car's engine break down, and
God told him that his antique car shall keep running for a long time. But a few days later,
he somehow suspected that God might be telling him that his car engine will break down
on day t. He therefore grew concerned and tossed the coins again. "Will my car engine
break down on day t?" This time, he received [Consolidate] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
sh w - Vii sh & h

6 match
R y o B sh --
G t -- K s --
B sh x U P w -
G h - G h -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -

This man's antique car is his favorite car. They don't manufacture it anymore, and he loves
it very much. So seems like the G star (valuable property) must represent the car engine.
The U line and the 6th line form a P combo which represents 'Something happening'. The
P combo bounds to the self line because the U line B sh moves bounding to the self line.
The G star has been struck by the date w. But the G star is quite strong because it moves
turning into K s which produces back at itself. The G star also moves to produce the self
line. The P combo is now bounding to the date w because the U line P w bounds to the
date. But on day t, the bondage shall break allowing the P combo to bound to the self line.
So both the P combo and the G star will move on day t. We have one big problem:

 The 5th line G t moves to produce the self line, but the P combo is striking at G t.
So the P combo is a big obstacle.
 The P combo means 'Something happening', and the strong G star represents the car
engine. So which one should we appoint? The P combo? Or the G star?
 The P combo will move and bound to the self line on day t. That means something
shall happen on day t. But on day t or on day c, the G star will also move to
produce the self line.

Result: The car engine ran very smoothly and did not break down, but electrical problem
occured on day c which made this man send his car to an antique auto repair shop. So
afterall, the G star does represent the engine which did not break down. The P combo
represents the electrical problem.

6 strike and 6 match

6 strike means separate. In a 6 strike hexagram, every line is striking at another line.
For example, lets take a look at hexagram [Strong].

top line B sh -- This line strikes with the 3rd line.

5th line K s -- This line strikes with the 2nd line.
4th line P w - This line strikes with the 1st line.
3rd line B cn - This line strikes with the top line.
2nd line R y - This line strikes with the 5th line.
1st line G t - This line strikes with the 4th line.

A 6 match means yes, and a 6 strike means no.

A 6 match means there is still hope, and a 6 strike means
there is no hope.
If you are sick for a long time, a 6 strike could mean that God is taking you away or your
illness will never recover.

Let's say you got a 6 strike: If you expect to meet someone, that person will not show up.
If you ask about money, you will lose money. If you plan to negotiate with somebody,
there will be disagreement between you and that person. (He strikes you, and you strike

6 match means come together. In a 6 match hexagram, every line is bounding to

another line. If you ask when will you meet someone, you will meet that person. If you
ask will your surgery be successful, your surgery will be successful. If you ask about
marriage, the marriage will last. If you ask about finding a job, you will find a job. If you
have been sick for a long time, a 6 strike means you will never be cured. But a 6 match
means your health will come back to you.

The Golden Text stated, "If you caught a cold just few days ago and want
to know when will you recover, a 6 strike actually means your flu will soon
disappear. If you ask will there be trouble, a 6 strike could mean that
there will be no trouble."
How come if I catch a cold, a 6 strike means I will soon recover? And
why when it comes to a long term illness (serious illness), a 6 strike
means I have no cure?

Answer: It has to do with what is on your mind!

It has to do with what is on your mind! When you catch a cold, you know you will recover
within a few days. You know it's nothing serious. So you want to get rid of your cold.
You want your cold to go away.

But if you have a serious disease, you are missing your old health. You want your old
health back. You know that your disease is hard to cure, but you still want to toss the coins
to see if you have any luck.

 So when you catch a cold, you want to get rid of the cold. (Strike the cold
away! If you get 6 strike, you win!)
 But when you have a serious disease, you want your old health back. You
know that your disease is hard to cure, but you still want to toss the coins to
see if you have any luck. (Want your old health to come back to you. If you
get 6 strike, you lose!)

If you are charged with a serious crime, what will be on your mind?

 You know that you are finished. Since you have committed a serious crime, the
judge is likely to give you a death sentence. But you still want to toss the coins to
see if a miracle will happen. If you get a 6 strike, a miracle will not happen and
you will be sentenced to death. But if you get a 6 match, the judge likes you and
will give you a lighter sentence. A 6 match means there is still hope.

If you are innocent or if you are arrested for a small crime, what will be on your mind?

 You want to know when will the problem go away. You wonder will this small
crime turn into a bigger crime. You wonder will this bring you more trouble. You
wonder when can you be released from the police station. If you get a 6 strike, the
problem could go away pretty soon. A 6 strike could mean you will soon be
released. A 6 strike means this small crime will not turn into a serious crime. A 6
strike means there will be no trouble.

If you want to become rich and famous, what will be on your mind?

 You wonder if you can become successful or not. If you get a 6 strike, you lose.
But if you get a 6 match, something good will happen. But if you got a 6 strike but
the date or the month or a moving line is bounding to the self line, you still can
become successful. In a 6 strike hexagram, another element comes in and bounds
to the self line is like a nice friend who tries to break up a fight.
So in I-Ching prediction, your feeling is extremely important. There is nothing wrong to
ask someone what is on his/her mind when you are doing a reading. You must grasp the
feeling. That's the most important thing in I-Ching.

For example: A man owns an online shop. One day, he discovered that the online credit
card processor stopped working. He tossed the coins asking will the problem be solved
within a few hours. He got [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
c h - II s & yo

6 strike
K yo -- J
G h --
B c --
R m -- U
P e --
B wa --

What do you think? This guy got a 6 strike. So does that mean the credit card processor's
problem won't be solved immediately? The trick is to ask yourself one question: If such
problem occured just few hours ago, what will be on your mind?

 You want the problem to go away. You wonder will the problem continue for a
long time. You wonder will this problem affect your business for the entire day.

See? That's it! You wish the problem would go away immediately. You do not wish that
the problem will continue for a long time. You don't want this problem to affect your
business for the entire day. That's why a 6 strike is good for you. 6 strike means this
problem will go away immediately. Striking means leaving. 6 strike means this problem
will not continue for long. 6 strike means this problem will not affect your business.

Result: The problem was solved within 30 minutes. Another reason why I knew that the
problem will be solved immediately is because the self line has a K star. When a strong K
sits on the self line, all worries shall disappear!

Let's say the credit card processor stopped functioning for almost a
month. What is then on your mind?

 You want the credit card processor to function again. You wonder will they fix the
problem very soon.
Then what you need is a 6 match. 6 match means the credit card processor will work
again. 6 match means they will soon fix the problem. Matching means returning or
coming together. If the credit card processor stopped working for a month, and you got a 6
strike, the credit card processor will not be fixed. If you ask for a solution, a 6 strike means
there is no solution. If you wonder if there is any trouble, a 6 strike means there is no

6 strike basically means no. It all depends on what you ask for. If you ask for good, there
is no good. If you ask for bad, there is no bad.

When 6 strike becomes a 6 strike, it means that there are disagreements inside and out,
brothers and friends spying on each other, etc. Finally, you cannot succeed. If the
appointed is also hurt, it's a real bad luck sign. If the appointed is healthy, then it means
that things cannot continue for long.

A father and a son were charged for murder. The father threw coins asking about his trial.
He got [Shun] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
s m - II t&c

B m O J R yo - - J
K e O P h - -
G wa - - G c - -
R yo O U B m - - U
P h O K e - -
G c - - G wa - -

Both hexagrams are 6 strike. This guy has no chance to escape a cruel penalty. In this
hexagram, the self (father himself) moves turning into R judge star killing back at himself.
The self is also being killed by the month. K e (his son) turns into water h killing and
striking back at itself. Both father and son were hurt. 6 strike turns into 6 strike. Both will
not live for long. God's mouth has spoken. None of you criminals can live!

Result: Death for both.

If you are extremely worried about something, a 6 match could be a good sign. For
example, someone owe me lots of money for a very long time. He kept dragging and
dragging. I worry so much everyday. Then finally, he told me that he will return a part of
the money back to me in September (month yo). So I threw coins. I got [Humble] and

Year Month Date Hour
s w-V t&c

6 match
B yo x R e -
K h -- J P wa --
P c x B yo -
B s - B s -
R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

I have been worrying for such a long time about this case. What I need is a K star (the
worry killer) to cool me down. So K is really my main character here. The K sits on the
self line J. The month s is producing the K h. The best of all, a B combo forms at the 4th
and the 6th line. B combo produces the K self line. The B combo is also the yo combo
(metal). B combo produces the K star, and that should kill my worry. So I guess that in the
month of yo, something good will happen. Yea! He will return the money in the month of
yo! And the 2nd hexagram is a 6 match. When someone is extremely worried, a 6 match
means problems will come to an end. Although the B combo is the money killer, but in this
case I am not asking about money. I want to know when will I stop worrying. So a B
combo producing my K is what I need!

Result: He mailed out a check to me in the month of yo and confirmed it on the phone. I
received the check in the month of sh. Why yo? Because the 6th line yo is a moving
line. In the month of yo, the 6th line will move producing the K self line. So ancient text
books say that a 6 match is a bad luck sign if you are asking when will your worry be
gone. Not exactly. Sometimes 6 match could be good if you are extremely worried. You
are looking for a solution or an end to your worry. A 6 match means you will find the
solution. A 6 strike means you won't see the end, and the problem will drag on forever!

Philosophy of 6 match and 6 strike

If you are arrested just hours ago but you are innocent or your crime is not that serious, a 6
strike means they will soon drop the charge and release you. Why?

 Because you were thinking, "Will this become a serious crime? Will they keep me
here for a long time?" A 6 strike means nothing will happen and trouble shall soon

If you have been arrested for a very serious crime, a 6 strike could mean death! Why?

 Because if you know your crime is serious, you must be worrying very much.
When you worry a lot, you want a solution. But 6 strike means there is no solution.
6 strike means there is no hope. A 6 strike means there is no way out.

Remember! 6 strike means separate. So 6 strike means you kiss your family good bye or
nothing will happen. 6 match means coming together or something will happen. If you
want a solution, a 6 match means there will be a solution.

If you toss the coins asking about your recent illness, a 6 strike means your illness will soon
be cured. Why?

 Because you are thinking, "Will my recent illness last a long time? Will this illness
turn into a more serious illness? Is there any danger? Is this a serious illness?"

So a 6 strike means your recent illness is no big deal and you shall soon recover.

A 6 match means yes, and a 6 strike means no.

6 match 6 strike
yes no
big deal no big deal
got something got nothing
come, return go, separate
hope no hope

The law of 6 strike

If you ask for financial success and got a 6 strike, does that mean you will
become a loser for life? Not necessarily. In some cases, the power of a 6 strike
can be eliminated.
Let's say you got a 6 strike:

1. If the date or the month or a moving line is bounding to the self line, the power of
the 6 strike can be eliminated.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
y w-V


6 match
B yo x R e -
K h -- J P wa --
P c x B yo -
B s - B s -
R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

3. The month is y. The self line is h. The month is bounding to the self line. Then
the power of the 6 strike is eliminated.
5. Let's say the self line is K cn, and the date is cn. The self line could be bounding to
the date because the same elements can bound to each other. If K cn self line
bounds to the date cn (or month cn), the power of the 6 strike CANNOT be
eliminated. If the self line is yo, and the date is cn, the 6 strike can be eliminated.
But if the self line is wa, and the date is also wa, their bondage cannot eliminate the
6 strike. The bondage caused by the same elements bounding to each other cannot
eliminate the 6 strike.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
c h - II


6 match
B yo x R e -
K h -- J P wa --
P c x B yo -
B s - B s -
R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

7. The date is h, and the self line is also h. Although the self line h does bound to the
date h, the power of the 6 strike cannot be eliminated. The bondage caused by the
same elements bounding to each other cannot eliminate the 6 strike.
9. If the self line and other line form a combo, the 6 strike can be eliminated.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
t s

Big Storage
6 strike
B sh x R y -
K s -- G t --
P w o J B sh --
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

Although there is a 6 strike, the self line and the top line formed a P combo. So the
power of the 6 strike has been eliminated.

10. If a quiet line is struck by the date, that quiet line is actually a moving line. If such
line bounds to the self line, the power of the 6 strike can be eliminated.

Example # 1:

The date is w.

line 4 G t -- K s --
self line Pe o J B wa --

The date w strikes the 4th line G t. The 4th line G t moves turning into K s which
bounds to the self line P e. The power of the 6 strike is elminated.

Example # 2:

The date is c.

line 6 G wa - G sh -
self line P h -- J K w --

The 6th line G wa moves bounding to the self line's K w. The power of the 6 strike
has been eliminated.

11. If the date or the month bounds to the self line's element that's in the 2nd hexagram,
the power of the 6 strike CANNOT be eliminated.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
m w-V


6 match
B yo x R e -
K h -- J P wa --
P c x B yo -
B s - B s -
R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The date is w. The self line's 2nd hexagram's star is P wa. Date w bounds to P wa.
But the 6 strike cannot be eliminated. The self line's K h is in the 1st hexagram. If
the month or the date bounds to K h, the 6 strike can be eliminated. But bounding
to P wa won't work because P wa is in the 2nd hexagram.
15. If 2 lines move and completely bound to each other, the power of the 6 strike can be
eliminated. None of the 2 lines has to be a self line.

For example:
5th line K yo x G h -

3rd line R y o P cn - -

These 2 lines move and bound to each other. Both elements of the 3rd line are
bounding to both elements of the 5th line. None of them are wasted.

None of these lines is the self line. But the power of the 6 strike is eliminated.

16. If the self line turns into an element which bounds back at the self line, the power of
the 6 strike is eliminated.

For example:

self line P sh -- J G m --

The self line sh turns into m. sh and m bound together. The power of the 6 strike is
eliminated. This self line does not have to be a moving line. It could be a quiet

17. If the self line turns into an identical element which bounds back at itself, the power
of the 6 strike CANNOT be eliminated.

For example:

self line P sh -- J P sh --

The self line P sh turns into another P sh. They are identical. Therefore, the power
of the 6 strike CANNOT be eliminated. Remember that identical elements
bounding to each other cannot eliminate the power of the 6 strike?

18. If the self line is not moving, but another line moves bounding to the self line, the
power of the 6 strike can be eliminated when the self line moves.

For example:

self line B e - J Py-

3rd line R h o Pm--

The 3rd line R h moved bounding to self line's P y. In month h, h strikes the self
line' B e causing it to turn into P y, and P y will then bound to the 3rd line's R h.
The power of the 6 strike can be eliminated in month h.

19. If the self line moves and bounds to the U line, the power of the 6 strike
CANNOT be eliminated!

For an example: A man tossed the coins asking if he can become a government
official. He received [Trapped] and [Duay] from God.

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Trapped Duay
6 match 6 strike
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w -- P c --
P cn - G m -
G y x J R e -

A 6 match turning into 6 strike. No moving line is bounding to the self line. The
date and the month are not bounding to the self line. The self line moved bounding
to the U line. But that's not going to help much. The power of the 6 strike is
permanent. Although the self line turns into and produces the R star, a 6 strike is
not a good sign. It means he won't become a politician.

Result: After the man tossed the coins, he scored high on his exam. But he became
blind all of a sudden. The reason why he scored high is because of the 6 match in
the 1st hexagram. The reason why he became blind is because of the 6 strike at the

A man tossed the coins asking will his friend give him back his money and got [Gen] and

Year Month Date Hour
yo e - Viii s & yo
6 strike
R y - J R y -
G t -- G t --
B sh -- B sh --
K s - U K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

There is a 6 strike. So does that mean his friend will never give him back his money? Not
exactly! The 2nd line P w moved turning into G h which bounds to the self line. If another
line moves bounding to the self line, the power of the 6 strike is eliminated. Right now, the
2nd line is being struck loose by the date, so it cannot move. But in month h, the 2nd line's
G h shall be revived allowing the 2nd line to move. When the 2nd line moves in month h,
it will bound to the self line. So he shall receive the money in month h.

Result: He received the money in month h.

If you expect to receive money within one week, a

permanent 6 strike could mean that you will receive the
money 3 or 4 weeks later. In another word, what you
have expected will happen much later if you got a
permanent 6 strike.
I live in an average neighborhood of San Francisco. One day, the Mexicans which live in
the house behind my house brought in a rooster. (male chicken) That rooster yells "Koo
KOO- KOOooooo!" ever since 4 am in the morning. Then it will constantly make noise
until 6 pm. It's so noisy. I saw their kids playing with it, so I figure that they are having the
rooster as a pet. I called the police, and the police has talked to them. But I still heard the
rooster after the police has left. Can you believe it? A rooster for a pet in the city? When
the Rooster yells, the entire city block can hear it.

Anyway, I tossed the coins asking God when will the Mexicans get rid of the rooster. I
doubt that they will care about their neighbors' feelings. They always play loud Mexican
music at midnight which disturbs the neighbors. I don't think they will get rid of the rooster
just because the neighbors are annoyed. I don't think the problem will be resolved
immediately. God gave me [Step] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

y t - iX y&m

6 strike
B sh - B sh -
K s - J K s -
P w - P w -
B c x B cn -
R m - U R y -
P e - G t -

Oh no! It's a 6 strike. The problem cannot be resolved immediately. But wait! The U line
represents the Mexican family. The R star on the U line represents trouble, so the R star is
the rooster. The R star is retreating! Although the R star is very strong, a retreating R star
means the trouble will go away. Right now, the R star is empty so it cannot retreat. But on
day y or day m, it shall retreat. So the problem will be gone on day y or day m? I don't
think the problem can go away that fast because I have a 6 strike here, and 6 strike means
things won't happen so soon. Maybe the rooster will perish in month m? This month is
month y. So the U line R y is no longer empty. The only empty character here is R m.
Maybe they will eat the rooster for dinner in month m?

Result: They kept the rooster. But they built a cage for the rooster which has cut down the
noise dramatically. After the cage was built, I can no longer hear the rooster from my
room. So I just didn't care about it anymore. Then about 2 weeks later (month m), the
rooster disappeared. They probably ate it.

Here is another exception:

If you got a 6 strike in your 2nd toss, things still could happen as
long as your 2nd toss coincides with your 1st toss.

I submitted my site to Yahoo search engine in month c. I tossed the coins asking will
Yahoo search engine list my site. God told me that they will list my site in month y. But
that's too fast! I didn't expect them to list my site that fast because usually it takes them 2
to 3 months to list a new site. So I tossed the coins again just to double check. This time,
God gave me [Shun] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour
c s - III cn & e

6 strike
B m - J B m -
K e - K e -
G wa -- G wa --
R yo - U P h -
P h o G c --
G c x B m -

There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is
permanent. So Yahoo won't list my site at all? Not exactly! This is my 2nd toss, not my
first toss. In my first toss, God has already told me that Yahoo will list my site in month
y. Sometimes, a 6 strike appearing in your 2nd or 3rd toss doesn't mean anything. So my
site still has a chance to be listed in month y even if I got a 6 strike in my 2nd toss. Let's
take a closer look at the hexagram. The 1st line G c represents gain. If Yahoo lists my site,
that's my gain. The 1st line G c moves and links to the self line B m. That means I will be
benefited because I will receive some kind of gain. The 2nd line P h pushes the 1st line G c
toward the self line. The 2nd line P h could move in month y because h bounds to y. So
in this sign, God has once again told me that Yahoo definitely will list my site in month y.

Result: They really did list my site in month y. You see? If a 6 strike appears in your 2nd
toss, it might not mean anything. But if you got a 6 strike in your 1st toss, either things
cannot happen immediately, or it just won't happen at all. But if a 6 strike appears in your
2nd toss, just trust the 1st toss and you will have no problem.

I tossed the coins asking God when will my money luck improve, and God told me my
money luck shall improve in month cn. But a few days later, I grew concerned and tossed
the coins once more just to reconfirm. And this time, I received [Gen] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - V cn & e

Gen Li
6 strike 6 strike
R y - J P e -
G t -- B wa --
B sh x K yo -
K s - U G h -
P w -- B c --
B cn x R m -

Oh no! This sign is terrible. A double 6 strike? Does that mean I have no money luck?
Not exactly. After taking a closer look, I realized that the 1st line and the 4th line are
completely bounding to each other. The 4th line B sh moves turning into K yo which
bounds to the 1st line B cn. The 1st line B cn moves turning into R m which bounds to the
4th line B sh. When this kind of stuff occurs, the power of the 6 strike is completely
eliminated. So I still have a chance! Right now, the 4th line B sh is bounding to the date
sh. So the 4th line cannot move. The 1st line R m is also bounding to the date. But in
month cn, the bondage shall be broken allowing both lines to move and bound to each
other. So my luck still will improve in month cn.

Result: The stock value has risen dramatically in month cn.

A teenage boy tossed the coins asking if his baseball team can win today's game. He got
[Arrive] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
cn t - iX y&m


K yo - - K yo - -
G h - - U G h - -
B c - - B c - -
B c - - R m - -
R m O J P e - -
P e O B wa - -

6 Strike

The teenage boy said, "I already tossed the coins asking about the performances of several
individual players of my team earlier, and all of the results came out pretty negative. I
wonder why is the self line R m empty. Perhaps the game will be canceled because of
rain? Or the team will have a really bad day today? I am not sure." I replied to the boy,
"The empty moving R m means the game shall start at the hour of m. But too bad your
team cannot win because there is a 6 strike. Nothing is bounding to the self line. So the
power of the 6 strike is permanent. If this is your 2nd toss or your 3rd toss, a 6 strike
doesn't mean anything. But too bad this is your first toss. Therefore, the 6 strike means
your team cannot win. Although the U line and the date are both producing the powerful R
m of the self line, your team still will lose because you got a 6 strike."

Result: He later wrote, "Alex. You said the game will start at hour m. But the game
started at hour cn, which was one hour ahead of hour m. Our team did lose the game at
hour sh." I replied, "How do you know that the game started at hour cn? Remember, right
now it's day light savings time. China does not have day light savings time. So our time is
exactly one hour faster than China's time."

A woman asked about her son's illness. Her son has been ill for nearly 3 years. She threw
the coins and got [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
y w-I w & wa

6 strike
B sh --
K s --
P w - J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U

Li Wo-Chuan said, "If the patient has been ill for a long time, a strike on the appointed or
on the helper star means death!" K s represents the son. The month is striking the K s.
The date w is killing it. K has no where to hide. And the worst of all, it's a 6 strike. The
mother must be extremely worried about her son. A 6 strike means there is no way to bring
back her son's health. Sometimes, the Lord is very cruel. The Lord wants to take her child
away. The self line P represents worry, pain, and frustration. Right now, the self line w
could still be empty. But tomorrow (day wa), the self line will not be empty anymore.
That means this woman is about to suffer a major blow by tomorrow.

Result: The son died on day wa (next day), in the cn hour.

A guy said he has a job interview tomorrow. He tossed the coins to see if he can be hired.
He got [Chen] and [Rot].
Year Month Date Hour
y h-X t&c

6 strike
P sh - J G y -
B s o K t --
R w o P sh --
P cn - U B yo -
G y - K h -
K t o P c --

Although there is a 6 strike, the self line and the 4th line form an R combo. R represents
power and control. So I concluded that he will be hired.

Result: I was wrong. He was not hired. Where is my mistake? After this experience, I
understand that in order to eliminate the power of the 6 strike, the self line must also move
in order for the R combo to be established. If the self line does not move and only the 4th
line moves, the R combo cannot be established. Therefore, the power of the 6 strike cannot
be eliminated.

Fighting or argument is a 6 strike. Resolving the matter peacefully is a 6 match. When

you fight somebody, you are striking that person. If you argue with someone, your point of
view is different from your opponent's point of view. Therefore argument and fighting are
represented by a 6 strike. Resolving the matter peacefully is 6 match because your point of
view matches your opponent's point of view.

A man is about to fight his own son. So the man tossed the coins asking if he will get hurt
or not. He got [Strong] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
h t - iX y&m

Strong Wonderful
6 strike 6 match
B sh -- K yo --
K s -- G h --
P w o J B c --
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

6 strike turns into 6 match. They will resolve the case peacefully. The self line P moves
killing the K son star. That means the man will hit the son. But take a closer look at the
date. The month and the date are both killing the P self line. That means the man has no
energy to hit his son. By the way, 6 strike turns into a 6 match. I don't see how they can
start the fight.

Result: They argued for a moment, and the son had a bad attitude. The father got mad and
raised his cane to strike his son. But a neighbor grabbed the cane from behind and stopped
them from fighting.

If you got 6 strike and your self line is not bounding to the date or to the month, does that
mean you will definitely fail? Not exactly. If one of the lines in your hexagram moves and
bounds to your self line, you still can become successful.

For example, Some guy asked when will his friend return his money to him. He got [No
way] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
t s - Vii t&c

No way
6 strike
G sh - K e -
R s o G wa --
K w - J R yo -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

If someone is asking about money, K is usually not a good star especially if the K star is
sitting on the self line. But in this case, it's different. Someone owes him money, so he
must be worrying. If one is worried, the K star is the pain killer. But look at the
hexagram. [No way] is 6 strike. Does that mean 'Game over'? But luckily, the 5th line
moves turning into a G wa, and G wa bounds to the self line K w. A line moved turning
into G money star which bounds to the self line. That means money is coming. So I
concluded that he will receive the money possibly on day t. On day t, t strikes the self line
w, and self line w would move and would bound to the G wa that the 5th line has turned

Result: He got the money on day t.

Someone threw coins concerning his father's grave's Feng Shuei. He got [Trapped] and

Year Month Date Hour
m y-I y&m

6 match 6 match
P wa - - K t - - blk
B yo - P sh - wht
K h O U B s - - Usnk
R w - - P c - - yel
P cn - G m - red
G y X J R e - grn

If someone throws the coins asking about a grave, something must be up. He told Wild
Crane that ever since his father was buried there, he has been fired from his job and his
eldest son died. He asked if there is something wrong with the grave. The appointed is the
self line because the grave affected him. The U line K moves to produce the self line G.
The K in this case is the source of wealth because the K moves to produce the G money
line. But too bad that the K line moves bounding the the date y. Date y also is striking
with the element s which the U line has turned into. When the date is striking with the
element which a moving line has turned into, that moving line is considered useless. We
must wait for year s. In year s, the guy will become lucky because s will save the striking
of the U line. Year s will also break the bondage of the U from the date. Month s will not
work because month s is not powerful enough. Only year s is powerful enough to change
his luck. Besides, the self line y is now empty. Year s can strike the empty self line
fulfilling its emptiness.

Result: He was promoted to a management position in his new job in year s. When you see
6 match hexagrams, usually nothing bad will happen. But if this man's hexagrams are 6
strikes, then his bad luck won't die down.

A student threw coins concerning his test score. He got [Kan] and [Trapped].
Year Month Date Hour
sh s-V y&m

B t - - J R wa - -
R sh - P yo -
P s X B h - U
G w - - U G w - -
R cn - R cn -
K y - - K y - - J
6 strike 6 match

The self line t water got 4th line's support and date's support. The 4th line P s producing
the self line means that the document (test paper) is producing the self line. He will do well
on his test. The first hexagram is 6 strike, and the second hexagram is 6 match. First strike
and later match. Although the self line turned into R which kills back at itself, there is
nothing to worry about because R represents power, possession, and control. The self line t
is strong enough to handle the R which kills back at itself. Power and control is what the
boy wanted. Wild Crane concluded that he will score high. Wild Crane asked, "This
doesn't look like the first time you are taking this test. Did you score very low in the
previous test?" "Yeah, I didn't do very well last year.", the student replied.

Result: The boy scored high. First 6 strike and then 6 match means that the kid did terribly
in the first time, and he will finally make it in the second time.

Note: If a 6 strike hexagram turns into a 6 match hexagram, things will

definitely happen. If you ask will your sports team win the game, they will
do poorly at first but will win at the end. If you ask will you receive some
money, you definitely will receive the money but might wait a little longer.

A father asked if his son can learn Kong Fu from a master. He got [Stop] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
e y-I y&m

6 match 6 strike
P sh - U P sh - J
B s - B s -
R w - R w -
G m X J P cn - U
R e X G y -
P wa X K t -

The master cannot be represented by any star because this master is not a friend nor a
relative. So the master is the U line. The self and the U are matching. U is P sh. The
month is producing the U. This indicates that the master is a good master. Too bad that a 6
match turns into a 6 strike. The lecture will not last long. The father asked Wild Crane
why. Wild Crane said, "The 1st line P wa moves killing the K child star. P represents pain
and suffering. You must beware that something bad might happen to your son."

Result: The master was good all right, but the son cut classes too much. The father got
mad at him and chased him down the hill with a cane. The boy fell and broke his right leg.
The reason why the father caused the injury of his own son is because the 1st line P
represents parent. P star moves killing the K child star.

In ancient text, a 6 strike is always unlucky is you are predicting about something good. I
find it true. If the appointed is weak, a 6 strike is definitely a bad sign. I find that even if the
appointed is strong, a 6 strike means that you definitely will not succeed. If you are waiting
for a letter, if your letter star P is strong but you have a 6 strike, don't expect it to come. If
you are expecting money, if the money star is strong but the hexagram is a 6 strike, don't
expect a profit. If you are concerned about your house's feng shuei, a 6 strike means your
house is a bad luck corner. But 6 strike will not dictate your faith 100%. If the month or
the date bounds to the self line, the power of the 6 strike could be eliminated. A moving
line which bounds to the self line can also eliminate the power of a 6 strike.

For example: I tossed the coins asking if I will receive some money from my business
partner within a week, I got [Shun] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
t h-X t&c

6 strike
B m o J P t --
K e - G sh -
G wa -- R s --
R yo - U R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --
Shun is 6 strike. Does that mean even if my appointed G money star is very strong, I still
can't get the money? Not exactly! Actually, the appointed G star is not that strong in this
hexagram. But what saved me from the 6 strike is that the date h is striking the 5th line e.
5th line e moves turning into G sh. And G sh bounds to the self line B m. G sh money star
moves bounding to the self line. That means I will receive some money. But the self line
turned into P t, and P t is now empty. So self line is inactive at this moment. On day t, P t
shall not be empty anymore. So I assume that I will receive the money on day t.

Result: On day t, I went to my PO Box and saw no letters. I was so angry because my
business partner has owe me money for many months already. But I noticed that a package
was sent to me and is awaiting for my approval. I picked up the package from the counter
person, and enclosed in that package was a check for $2,500 plus some samples of our new
product. So I did receive the money in day t as expected. See? A moving line bounds to
the self line can eliminate the power of the 6 strike. Although the 5th line is not a moving
line, but the date is striking it. When the date strikes a line, that line becomes a moving

If both lines which lie between J and U are empty,

things definitely will happen even if you got a
permanent 6 strike in your first toss.
For example: My digital projector broke, and I fixed it. Then I tossed the coins asking will
it break again within 2 years, and I got [Quen] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - Vii t&c

6 strike
K yo x J R y -
G h -- G t --
B c -- B sh --
R m -- U R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --

This is my first toss, and there is a 6 strike. The month and the date are both not bounding
to the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is permanent. That means nothing will
happen. So my projector will not break within 2 years.
 But wait! The 5th line G t and the 4th line B c are empty. So the 2 lines which lie
between J and U are empty. Does that mean something will happen when the
emptiness fulfills?
 Right now, the self line cannot move because the self line's R y has been struck
loose by the date. But in month h, R y will regain its strength allowing the self line
to move. When the self line K star moves turning into R y, something scary will
happen. (K means nothing's happening, and R means something bad will happen.)

Result: In month h, the ON/OFF switch short-circuited. But that was nothing serious. So I
fixed it in one hour. Then in month e, the projector was broken again. So I just bought a
new one in month e. The reason why it really broke in month e is because month e struck
with the 5th line G h causing it to move and bound to the self line's R y. 5th line bounding
to the self line has eliminated the power of the 6 strike.

Let's say you got a 6 strike, and neither the month nor
the date is bounding to the self line. If a line moves
bounding to the self line, things definitely will happen
even if that moving line is an enemy line.
A permanent 6 strike means a 6 strike with nothing bounding to the self line. A permanent
6 strike in your 1st toss means things definitely will not happen. If the month or the date
bounds to the self line, the power of the 6 strike has been eliminated. But that doesn't
guarantee you that things will definitely happen. It just means that you still have a chance
if the 6 strike has been eliminated.

But check this out:

 If a moving line and the date bound to the self line, you still have a chance. But
there is still no guarantee that your goal will be accomplished.
 If a moving line and the month bound to the self line, you still have a chance. But
there is still no guarantee that your goal will be accomplished.
 If only a moving line is bounding to the self line, things definitely will
happen guaranteed! (Neither the month nor the date is bounding to the
self line. Only a moving line is bounding to the self line.) Even if the
moving line is an enemy line, things still will happen!

A man asked on what day will his package arrive. He received [Zen] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa - Viii sh & h
6 strike
G sh -- J G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
G cn -- U G c --
B y x B m -
P t - K e -

There is a 6 strike, and neither the month nor the date is bounding to the self line.
(Although the self line G sh can bound to the date sh, the same elements bounding to each
other cannot eliminate the power of the 6 strike. Therefore, the power of the 6 strike has
not been eliminated in this sign.) So things definitely will not happen.

 But luckily, the 2nd line B y moves turning into B m which bounds to the self line
G sh. A permanent 6 strike can be compared to a person who is falling off from a
cliff. If nobody is grabbing your hand, you fall right into the ocean. If there is no
string attached to your body, your body will drop 300 feet down and break into
 The 2nd line B m moves bounding to the self line. So the 2nd line is the single
string which is attached to your body avoiding you from falling off from the cliff.
The 2nd line saved your life.
 Although the 2nd line money killer B star is an enemy, it still saved your life at the
most critical moment of your life.
 Right now, the self line G sh is empty. If the self line is empty, the 2nd line B m
still cannot bound to the self line. But the self line won't be empty anymore on day
sh. So the prackage will arrive on day sh.

Result: God is tricky sometimes. This man asked on what day will the package arrive, and
God gave him element sh. The package arrived on the day he tossed the coins. The
package arrived at hour sh of day wa. He asked on what day will the package arrive, and
God told him the package will come at hour sh.

Note: If you want to utilize this law, remember that neither the date nor the month can be
bounding to the self line. If the date is the same element as the self line, it's okay because
the same elements bounding to each other cannot eliminate the power of the 6 strike.

Here's another example: There is a football game tonight, and it's New England vs.
Tennessee. Ken tossed the coins asking will he win money if he place his bet on
Tennessee. He got [Chen] and [Little Storage].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Vi t&c

Little Storage
6 strike
P sh - J G m -
B s - R e -
R w o P wa --
P cn - U P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

There is a 6 strike, and neither the month nor the date is bounding to the self line. But
luckily, the self line P sh turns into G m which bounds back at P sh. So the power of the 6
strike has been eliminated. G m is also like a rope which ties to a person who is about to
fall off from a cliff. Ken definitely will win money if he bets on Tennessee.

Result: Tennessee won the game, and Ken won money.

As I said, there is no guarantee that what you wished for will definitely happen if the date
or the month bounds to the self line while there is a 6 strike.

A kid tossed the coins asking will a certain college accept him. He received [Finish] and

Year Month Date Hour
y s - iX sh & h

Finish Kan
6 match 6 strike
B t -- B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- U P s --
R c -- G w --
K m - R cn -
G e o J K y --
A 6 match turning into a 6 strike. Although the date s bounds to the self line G e, there still
is no guarantee that he will be accepted by that college.

Result: The college didn't accept him.

So when ever you got a 6 strike, just remember this:

 Neither the date nor the month is bounding to the self line, but a line moved
bounding to the self line: Something definitely will happen.
 If the self line is not moving but turns into an element which bounds back at the self
line, something definitely will happen.
 If the month or the date bounds to the self line, there is no guarantee.

A 6 match or a 6 strike is especially accurate in a

single hexagram?
In ancient text, a 6 match means something will happen, and a 6 strike means nothing will
happen. But based on my personal experience, a 6 match or a 6 strike is the most accurate
if you got a single hexagram on your first toss. (A single hexagram is a sign which
contains no X and O. Therefore, a secondary hexagram is not necessary.) If you have a
double hexagram, you must investigate every little detail of the sign before you make a
conclusion. (A double hexagram is a sign which contains X and O.) But if you got a
single hexagram which has a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line, it absolutely
means things will not happen unless the month or the date is bounding to the self line.

For example:

A woman tossed the coins asking will number 9 be one of the next winning lottery
numbers. She got [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
wa e-X w & wa

6 match
K yo -- U
G h --
B c --
B cn - J
P e R y -
G t -

This is a single hexagram which has no X and O. Since she wants to win money in the
lottery, this is a money related question. Although the money star G h is very weak, a 6
match in a single hexagram guarantees her that number 9 shall appear in the next set of
winning numbers.

Result: The winning numbers turned out to be '579'. Number 9 did appear.

Caution: To use this method, the question must be a 'Yes or No' type of question. If you
ask God WHEN can you get married, a 6 match in a single hexagram does not mean
anything. But if you ask God can you marry Richard, the wealthiest man in your town, a 6
match in a single hexagram means you definitely will marry him. Remember, this must be
a 'Yes or No' type of question and must also be your first toss. If you got a double
hexagram, don't focus only at the 6 match and the 6 strike. For a double hexagram, you
must investigate every detail of the sign in order to make a conclusion.

Most amateurs would become so happy if both of their hexagrams are 6 match (double 6
match). But based on my experience, if the 1st hexagram got nothing but the 2nd hexagram
is a 6 match, things will most likely happen. Most of the time, things will not happen if
you got a double 6 match. If your 1st hexagram is a 6 strike, but your 2nd hexagram is a 6
match, you also have more chance of a success. A 6 strike turning into a 6 match means
first hardship, then success. 6 strike turning into 6 match could also mean that things will
happen much later than you expected.

If nothing is bounding to the self line, the 6 strike is

permanent meaning things won't happen. Is there
such thing as a 'permanent 6 match'?
Based on my experience, a 6 match cannot guarantee you anything if you got a double
hexagram. If your question is a 'Yes or No' type of question, a single hexagram which has
a 6 match means something definitely will happen. (It must be your first toss.) So I guess
that a single hexagram's 6 match is a permanent 6 match. One thing funny that I noticed is
that a double 6 match (both hexagrams are 6 match) usually means things won't happen.
Maybe the double 6 matches cancel each other out and become a 6 strike? Who knows.
But if you got a 6 match, you still need to measure the strength of your appointed star
before you make a conclusion.
Sometimes, a moving line bounding to
the U line can eliminate the power of 6
strike. But the U line or the moving line
which bounds to the U line must contain
an element which produces the self line.
Somebody was spreading defamatory of my business on the internet. I contacted that
person's web host, and they shut down her web site. Then I tossed the coins again asking,
"Will this person cause me trouble again in the future?" I got [Li] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour
t h - Viii y&m

Big Storage
6 strike
B e - J P y -
K wa -- R t --
G yo o K sh --
R h - U K cn -
K c x P y -
P m - R t -

The U line represents that person because she is my enemy. The 2nd line's P y moves
bounding to the U line. The power of the 6 strike could have been eliminated since a line
moved bounding to the U line.

 Based on my experience, if the U line or the moving line which bounds to the U line
contains an element which produces the self line, the 6 strike has been eliminated.
(The U line itself does not have to move.)
 The U line does have an element which produces the self line. And that's R h.

Result: She started spreading lies about my business again just 7 days before month y
started. So things happened in month c.
I want to buy a 30 units apartment complex building which was listed for 2.09 million
dollars. I offered to buy it for 1.95 million dollars. Then the seller said he will sell it at 2
million dollars. I want to counter his offer again by asking him to pay for the city transfer
tax of Oakland, which is about $30,000. My agent urged me not to do this because he fears
that by asking the seller to pay for this tax might anger the seller resulting in the break of
our original deal. I tossed the coins asking will the seller agree to pay for the city transfer
tax. Then the coin result indicated that they will agree to pay for the transfer tax before day
m. But on day m, I got nervous because it's almost the end of the day and still no word
from the seller. So I tossed the coins again asking will the seller agree to pay for the city
transfer tax and got [Big Profit] and [Chen}:

Year Month Date Hour
yo m - II t&c

Big Profit
(6 strike)
R e - U P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - R w -
P cn - J P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

Although this is not my first toss, this should be considered to be the 1st toss since I
thought that I made a mistake on my previous prediction done a few days ago. It's almost
the end of the day, and the seller did not respond. So I scraped the previous toss and started
all over again asking faithfully will they agree to pay for the city transfer tax today. So this
toss, somehow, should be considered as the 1st toss.

 The 5th line B s moves bounding to the U line. Although there is a 6 strike, the 6
strike could have been eliminated because the 5th line bounds to the U line.
 The U line R e does produce the self line. So the 6 strike has been eliminated.
They will agree to pay.

Result: My agent phoned me an hour later telling me that the seller agreed to pay for the
transfer tax.

I tossed the coins asking will my stocks reach $34 per share within 2 weeks. I got [Chen]
and [Same].
Year Month Date Hour
wa yo - II w & wa

6 strike
P sh - J P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - R w -
P cn - U K h -
G y o P c --
K t - G m -

The 2nd line has a reversed 'c & y' combo. So P c frustration star survived, and G y money
star be gone.

 Since the 2nd line is bounding to the U line, the power of the 6 strike could have
been eliminated.
 But the U line does not contain any element which produces the self line. So the 6
strike cannot be eliminated. The price shall not be reached.

Result: The stock value did not reach $34 within 2 weeks.

When asking about the performance of a certain

business, a moving line bounding to the self line
eliminating the 6 strike is not necessarily a great sign.
I tossed the coins asking how much will a certain ad agency help my business. I got [Li]
and [Need].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y-I y&m

(6 strike)
B e o J R t --
K wa x K sh -
G yo o G s --
R h - U K cn -
K c x P y -
P m - R t -

If this is a Yes or No question, a moving line bounding to the self line eliminating the 6
strike definitely means Yes. But unfortunately, this is not really a Yes or No question.

 The 2nd line definitely is bounding to the self line.

 But based on my experience, when somebody asks how profitable is business, this
kind of sign means business won't be good but won't be too bad either. So this kind
of sign is not great. The only thing that keeps this hexagram from breaking apart is
the single moving line which bounds to the self line. This doesn't seem to be
 The self line B e got killed back by R t. So B e can no longer produce the 5th line K
wa. If the 5th line cannot advance, it can no longer produce the 4th line's retreating
money star. So the money star will retreat.
 The 4th line's retreating money star cannot bound to the self line because it is

Result: Later, I found out from a consumer report that this ad agency is fraudulent.

The power of month and date

The elements of the month and the date affect all elements of a hexagram. After you have
identified the appointed star, you must immediately look at the relationship between the
appointed star and the month and date. If the month element and the date element are
producing the appointed star, the appointed star is considered strong. If the month and the
date are the same element as the appointed star, the appointed star is also strong. If the
month and the date are killing or burying the appointed, the appointed star is weak. If the
appointed star is very weak under the month's and the date's element, the appointed is
weak. For example, you threw the coins asking for money. The appointed star is G. If the
appointed star G is strong, you have the money luck. You will therefore be successful with
money. If the appointed star G is being killed by the month and the date, being buried, or is
weak under the month and the date, it is an indication that you don't have any money luck.
If the G star is weak, but there is a line in the hexagram which moves to produce the
appointed G star, you might still have a chance to earn that money.

By now, you should know that if the date strikes with a quiet line, that line
becomes a moving line. But what happens if the date is s and the line is y? Date s is
striking at line y, but it is also killing line y. Is line y still strong enough to move? I say it
all depends on the month. If the month is helping line y, line y is a moving line. If the
month is hurting line y, line y becomes an inactive line.

For example: Mike tossed the coins asking when will his girlfriend visit him. He got

Year Month Date Hour
y yo - X sh & h

P wa --
B yo - U
K h -
G m --
R e -- J
P wa --

The G star represents Mike's girlfriend. The date is striking with the 3rd line G star. The
month is the same element as the G star. The G star is strong, and it will move when the
time comes. In month m, the G star shall move to produce the self line. Mike's girlfriend
will show up in month m.

Result: Mike's girlfriend visited him in month m.

Another example: A man tossed the coins asking about his entire year's money luck. The
Lord gave him [Break].
Year Month Date Hour
cn w-I w & wa

R y - U
G t --
B sh --
B c -- J
R m -
P e -

The G star is the money star. The date w is striking it, so it is actually a moving line. But
too bad that the month is killing it. Therefore, it is no longer a moving line but an inactive
line. You don't have any money luck this year. In fact, you might lose some money in
month w.

Result: He was sued by somebody in month w and lost $25,000. The reason why he lost
money in month w is because the money star G t is already very weak. Month w struck it
and further damaged it.

What happens if a weak line is being struck?

I say it depends on how weak the line is. If both the month and the date are killing a line,
that line is totally dead. Therefore, that line is useless. If both the month and the date are
not helping a line but also are not hurting that line, that line might still move. My
suggestion is if you are not 100% sure, toss the coins again to get a clearer answer from the

For example: My X-employee has been keeping my merchandise for a long time already.
He promised to give the merchandise back to me, but he kept delaying and delaying. I
tossed the coins asking when will I finally hear a good news about my merchandise. I
expected to hear a good news within a week. I got [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
m y - Vii w & wa

K sh - U
G s -
B w -
R h - J
K c --
P m -

I am worrying about my merchandise. I sell stuff on the internet, and the merchandise that
I sell is like money to me. Therefore, this is a money related question. The 5th line G s
represents the good news because G represents money and it could produce the self line. G
s is being struck by the date. Therefore, it is actually a moving line. G s moves to produce
the self line, and that's a good sign. But look at both the month and the date. None of them
are helping the 5th line G s. G s is pretty weak. Can G s still move and produce the self
line? If it still is strong enough, I shall receive a good news on day s.

Result: Nothing happened on day s. I didn't get all of the merchandise I asked for. My
business partner kept most of it. The employee has stolen money from my company and
left. Apparently, the G star in this sign is not strong enough to benefit the self line.

I asked when will a certain stock reach $32 per share. I got [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y - III sh & h

6 match
R y -
G t --
B sh -- U
G h -
B c --
R m - J

There are 2 money stars in this sign. One is the 3rd line G h, and the other is the 5th line G
t. The 3rd line G h represents water vapor, and the 5th line G t represents pure water. (The
element t is more dense than the element h.) So G t is the real appointed star. But G t is so
weak. Will G t really move to produce the self line in month w?
Result: The stock reached $32 in month w. In this sign, the weak G t still moved in month
w. So be careful when you got a single hexagram.

struck loose by the date

In ancient text, it says that if the date strikes a moving line, the moving line is loose. A
loose line is a useless line. But a loose line can still move under the following conditions:

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - iV cn & e

P m O R t - - J
B e - J K sh -
K wa - - G s - -
B w - - B w - - U
K cn - U K cn -
P y - - P y - -

The 6th line P m is a moving line. P m is being struck by the date yo. Therefore, the 6th
line is loose.

 The 6th line can move in year sh because sh bounds to m. When sh bounds to m,
the struck loose element m could be saved allowing the line to move. (Same with
month, date, or hour sh )
 The 6th line can move in month m because m can also bound to the struck loose P
m. Which means, P m can regain its strength in month m. (Same with year, date, or
hour m )

Let's see another example:

Year Month Date Hour
c w-V t&c

P m O R t - - J
B e - J K sh -
K wa - - G s - -
B w - - B w - - U
K cn - U K cn -
P y - - P y - -

The date w strikes with the 6th line's R t. Since the date is striking at a moving line, is the
6th line a loose line? No, because R t is empty. When an empty element is being struck,
the emptiness has been fulfilled. Therefore, the 6th line's R t is not considered empty
anymore. Therefore, the 6th line can move in month m or in date sh. So if an empty
element of a moving line has been struck by the date, that moving line is not a loose line.

Let's see another example:

Year Month Date Hour
c w-I w & wa

P m O R t - - J
B e - J K sh -
K wa - - G s - -
B w - - B w - - U
K cn - U K cn -
P y - - P y - -

The 6th line's R t has been struck by the date w. But this time, R t is not empty. So is the
6th line a loose line? Yes it is. Therefore, the 6th line can only move on day t or on day c.
Day t can save R t from the stroke, and day c bounds to R t, which can also save it from the
stroke. (Same with year, month, or hour t and c )

Let's see an actual case:

A man said that his father left home for a while. They didn't receive any letter from him. Is
father well? He got [Separate] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - Viii t&c

P m O R t - - J
B e - J K sh -
K wa - - G s - -
B w - - B w - - U
K cn - U K cn -
P y - - P y - -

Although there is a 6 strike, the top line P m moves bounding to the self line. Therefore,
the 6 strike is eliminated. P m father star moves producing the self line. It turns into t water
which produces back at itself. A strong t water is producing the father star P. He must be
safe outside. Although the date yo is striking the P m father star, the P m father star is still
healthy because it turned into R t which produces back at itself. In month m, the father
shall return. Why in month m? Because the top line P m has been struck loose by the
date. It can only move in month m or in month sh. (It moves in month sh because sh
bounds to m.) So the father should be back home in month m.

Result: The father returned home in month m. You see? Although the top line P m was
struck loose by the date, it still did move when the time came.

Important: A star can only be struck loose by the date.

A star cannot be struck loose by the month!
I think that the date element is stronger than the month. Only the date can strike a moving
line loose. Only the date can cause a quiet line to move. The year and the month cannot do
what the date can do. The month can sometimes bound to a line. But sometimes, the
month does not have the power to bound at all. But if you see the date bounding to a line,
you must take that bondage seriously.

Bounding to the date, not to the month.

If a star is bounding to the date, most of the time you have to wait for the bondage to be
broken in order to see effect. But if a star is bounding to the month, most of the time it's no
big deal. Sometimes, an element will bound to the month, but sometimes it will not. So if
you see a star bounding to the month, you can toss the coins again to get a clearer sign.

For example: A banker was trying to collect debt from a woman. He threatened to seize
her house if she doesn't pay the debt on time. He told Wild Crane that he really doesn't
want to seize her house because the house does not even worth as much as one third of the
debt. He wanted the money, not the house. He tossed the coins asking will he end up
seizing her house. He got [Lawsuit] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Vi t&c

Lawsuit Hide
K sh - K sh -
G s - G s -
B w - J B w -
R h B w x G s -
K cn o B w --
P y -- U K cn --

The R star represents responsibility. If this banker will end up seizing the woman's house,
the self line will move and turn into an R star or be linked to an R star. But in this sign, the
self line is linked to the 3rd line. The 3rd line B w is linked to the 2nd line K cn. So the
self line is linked to the K star. K represents irresponsibility. If the self line is linked to the
K star, this man will not end up seizing her house. We know that the self line is linked to
the 3rd line. Look at the 3rd line. The 3rd line B w moves and turns into the money star G
s. This means the banker will receive some money. Right now, the 3rd line B w is
bounding to the date. So the 3rd line cannot move. On day t, t will strike open the bondage
causing the 3rd line to move and to turn into the money star. That's the time the banker
will receive the money. On day t, t will also strike open the bondage for the 2nd line
causing it to move. When the 2nd line moves, the self line will be successfully linked to
the 2nd line's K star. So on day t, this man will become extremely happy.

 The 3rd line's B w also moved turning into G s which repelled away the U line's P y
frustration star. This is good.

One of my student asked me, "Say Alex. I know that date wa is bounding to the B w. But
since the month t is already striking at the B w, the bondage between the date and the B w
is already broken. Right?" I replied to him, "No. The bondage cannot be broken by the
month. I mean if the banker asked in what month can he receive some money, then you
have to wait for a future month to break open the bondage. But just because month t is
striking at the B w does not mean that the bondage is already broken."

Result: He received the money on day t.

Based on my experience, a weak element could be bounding to the


For example: My car needed repair. I tossed the coins asking on which day will my car be
fixed. The Lord gave me [Abide] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
y wa - iV y&m

Abide Consolidate
B y - B y -
P t -- P t --
G sh -- J G sh --
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -

The 3rd line G stands for gain. If my car is fixed, that certainly is a gain for me. So the 3rd
line gain star is the appointed star. But the 3rd line P h is so weak and is bounding to the
month. Will the 3rd line move? Based on my experience, if a line is not dead, it still can
move. Two days later, it's day yo. On day yo, the 3rd line could move. So will my car be
fixed on day yo? But the 3rd line's weak P h is bounding to the month. So will my car be
fixed on day e? (e strikes open the bondage for P h.) But day e is 10 days away!!! That's
impossible. How can it take 10 days for me to fix my car? So it should be day yo.

 The 3rd line is bad news because the property star G cn moved turning into the
frustration star P h. But luckily, the self line G sh is repelling away the 3rd line.
That's good.

I was not so sure, so I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [Revolution] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
y wa - iV y&m

Revolution Rich
R wa -- R sh --
P yo o P s --
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

P represents 'something happening'. The 5th line P yo retreats. No, my car cannot be fixed
on day yo because P yo retreated. But look at the self line B h. The self line B h turns into
G w. Again, G represents gain. If the self line turns into the gain star, my car will be
fixed. But G w is bounding to the date, and the self line B h is bounding to the month. So
on which day can my car be fixed? It could be day t because t can strike open the bondage
for G w. It could also be day c because c can also strike open the bondage for G w. It
could also be day e because e can strike open the bondage for the self line B h.

This is too confusing, so I tossed the coins again. Now, I got [Lawsuit] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

y wa - iV y&m

6 match
K sh o K wa --
G s - G yo -
B w - J R h -
B w -- B w --
K cn - K cn -
P y -- U P y --

The top line K represents happiness. It is retreating. But now, it is bounding to the date, so
it cannot retreat. But on day c, c will strike open its bondage causing it to retreat. This
means my car cannot be fixed on day c. The self line B w turns into R h. The B star
represents loneliness, and the R star represents 'You got something'. If the B star turns into
the R star, my car will be fixed. Although the self line B w is bounding to the date, I know
that my car cannot be fixed before day c because the top line K will retreat on day c. The
only possibility for my car to be fixed is day e. The self line R h is bounding to the month,
and day e can help break open the bondage.

Result: On day yo, a guy living downstairs told me that he is a mechanic. He checked my
car and told me that the alternator belt needs to be changed. He said if the belt is changed,
the car will have no other problem. He charges only $20, and I have to buy the belt
myself. That explains why the P yo retreated in the 2nd sign. You see, P yo also represents
worry. On day yo, my worry disappeared because the mechanic told me that he only
charges $20. Then I went to an auto shop to buy the belt. But they told me that they don't
have that belt in stock. I placed an order for that belt, and I picked up the belt on day c. In
the 2nd sign, G w was bounding to the date. On day c, the bondage of G w was broken.
So on day c, I picked up the belt. The guy living downstairs has to work from Monday to
Friday, so he can only fix my car on Saturday or on Sunday. He fixed my car on day e,
which was Sunday.

A man asked about taking a test. He tossed the coins, and God gave him [Everlasting] and
[Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
s m-X cn & e
Everlasting Too Much
G sh -- U G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

The R star represents power, control, and possession. This man is asking about taking a
test. So the R star is what he wants. The 5th line's R is linked to the self line. So the 5th
line is the self line. The 5th line's R is quite powerful because it is advancing and is the
same element as the month. But it is being struck by the date. If a moving line is being
struck by the date, it is considered loose. A loose line is a useless line? Wrong! A
powerful moving line will not be afraid of being struck by the date. In month yo, you shall
pass the test. Why? Because the 5th line can regain its strength in month yo. Since the
element yo in the 5th line is being struck by the date m, the only month that can save it is
month yo. Actually, month cn can also save it. But since month cn has already passed,
your only chance is month yo.

Result: He passed the test in month yo.

struck by the month

Many books taught that if the appointed is struck by the month, the appointed can be
described as a dead root with a dying stem. Even something comes to produce the
appointed, the appointed cannot be saved. If something comes to hurt the appointed, the
appointed can be destroyed with ease. But based on my experience, the power of the month
is not as powerful as how other books described. I personally don't focus too much on the
month. I mainly focus on the date. I feel that the date is much more crucial than the
month. I feel that the month only has 35% of governing power, and the date has 65% of
governing power. If the month favors the appointed while the date kills the appointed, the
appointed star still is healthy. If the month kills the appointed while the date favors the
appointed, the appointed star is strong. If both the month and the date kills the appointed,
the appointed star is dead.

My employee said I promised to pay him $1000 to fix his car. He said if I don't fulfill my
promise, he won't work for me anymore. But the problem is I didn't make such a promise.
I tried to reason with him a several times, but I had no success. I am about to phone him
again to reason with him. Before I phoned him, I tossed the coins asking will he listen to
me this time. "Will he give up the $1000 this time?" I got [Difficulty] and [Hide]. I
expected to speak to him within 12 hours.
Year Month Date Hour
w y e - Vi sh & h

Difficulty Hide
K t x P sh -
P sh - B s -
B s x J R w -
B s - B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

The self line turns into an R star. R represents the winner. Does this mean I will win this
time? My employee will finally give in? But the self line is so weak! The month is
striking the self line while the date is killing it. Will it move at all? Based on what I
know, a line will move as long as it is not dead.

 The self line's R w is repelling away the top line's K t loser star. This means I shall
become the winner.

Result: On the next day, in the hour of y, I spoke to him once more. This time, I won. He
totally listened to me and agreed not to force me to pay him $1000. It happened in the
hour of y because the date e was bounding to the self line s. Therefore, the self line could
not move. Hour y struck open the bondage allowing the self line to move.

A government official asked about fame and glory. He got [Gen] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
w m-X cn & e

6 strike
R y - J R m -
G t X P e -
B sh - - B wa - - J
K s O U R m - -
P w - - P e - -
B cn - - B wa - - U

The wood y R star is on the self line. R represents power, control, and responsibility. The
U line s metal moves striking and killing the self line R. By the way, the U line moves and
turns into R m. R m links to the self line. That means the self line will receive a K star.
The person who threw the coins is a government official. K is a bad luck sign for such a
person. What he wants is a promotion, fame, or glory. He wants P and G. P stands for
power and control, and G stands for public support and popularity. K means demotion or
getting fired because K represents nothingness. In month s, the man must beware of
trouble. The man asked what's up. Wild Crane said, "The U line moves killing the self line.
It must be your enemy." "What about my fame and glory?", the man further asked. Wild
Crane replied, "Since the self line R is strong because it is the same element as the date,
you will not be fired. Since the U line is weak, your enemy cannot hurt you too much. I
think you will be demoted from your recent position in month s." The man understood a
little bit I-Ching. He argued with Wild Crane, "But the 5th line water moved to produce
the self line R. The enemy metal produces the helper water, and the helper water produces
the self line wood. This looks like that I shall be promoted instead of being demoted."
Wild Crane laughed and said, "Look carefully and you will realize that the 5th line is totally
weak! The water t is so weak under the date m and is being struck by the month w. There
is only an enemy moving, but there is no helper. By the way, the hexagram Gen is a 6
strike hexagram. 6 strike means that you cannot succeed no matter how strong your
appointed is."

Result: In the month of s, his opponent has proposed to his supervisor to demote him. He
was demoted. Right after it happened, he came and threw the coins again. He asked when
will he be promoted back to his old position again. He got [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - III t&c

K yo - -
G h - - U
B c - -
B c - -
R m - J
P e -

Wild crane said, "Yeah, I heard that the government decided to allow the state police to
stay. You probably won't get the higher rank back recently. You must wait for year t in
order to get this position back." The man asked, "Why not? The h U water is producing
the self line R. R represents the position, and U represents the government. Doesn't that
mean that the government favors me?" Wild crane replied, "Look here! The weak to death
h water is bounding and producing the month y. If U, which represents the government,
goes and bounds to somebody else, you get nothing. Another person will get the position.
You must wait until year t. In year t, the water is the most strong. There will be enough
water to produce both the other person and you at the same time. Another reason why I
said you could get your job back in year t is because the middle lines are empty. (Middle
lines are the 2 lines which are sandwiched between the J and the U.) In ancient text, it
stated, "If the middle lines are empty, dreams will be fulfilled when the emptiness fulfills."
Now, t and c are empty. But in the year t, both t and c will no longer be empty. Therefore
you get your job back most likely in year t."

Result: He was promoted back to his old rank in the year of t. But three years after the man
got his old job back (year m), Wild Crane encouraged him to quit his job in the year of cn.
Wild crane explained, "Let's recall the first hexagram you have received from God.

Year Month Date Hour
w m-X cn & e

6 strike
R y - J R m -
G t X P e -
B sh - - B wa - - J
K s O U R m - -
P w - - P e - -
B cn - - B wa - - U

The s metal moved killing the self line. Water t also moved. But water t was empty, was
struck by the month w, and was disappearing under the date m. It could not produce your
self line R. That's why you have gotten into trouble in the month of s, a few years ago.
Although the water t was weak, it still did move. Thus I told you that you will not be fired
but will only be demoted. I was right.

 In this sign, your only helper is the 5th line G t because G t is the only thing that
produces the self line R y. Next year is year cn. Right now, the 5th line P e is
empty. But in year cn, the 5th line P e won't be empty anymore. If the 5th line's
emptiness is fulfilled, the 5th line's G t will also be in danger. Why? Because if
the 5th line is no longer empty, G t will be exposed to dangers which surround G t.
The month w will strike with G t while the date m will suck G t dry. The water t
will totally be buried in year cn, and your enemy s metal will become very strong.
Year cn soil will bury out the water t completely leaving the metal s chopping you
down to the ground. The year is more powerful than the month. Next year, your
trouble will be even greater than the trouble you ran into a few years ago. I urge
you to resign before the trouble comes."

Result: The man didn't listen. In the March of year cn, he was charged for a crime and was
fired from his job.

If a star is dead, it's hard for it to move because it

simply has no energy.
If both the month and the date are killing a star, that star is dead.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
h t

6 strike
P sh - P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - U R w -
B yo - P cn -
Gy K h - G y -
P c x J K t -

Both the month and the date are water, and both of them are killing the U line's fire R w.
So R w is a dead star. If nothing is supporting R w, R w does not even exist on the
hexagram. R w cannot move. R w cannot kill nor produce other lines. It simply doesn't

A guy asked when can he have sex with a girl who he likes. He got [Touch] and [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

Touch Rot
R m - U R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- B sh --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

If one asks about money or about woman, an advancing K star sitting on the self line
definitely means no money or no woman. The 5th line P e links to the woman star G t.
Then the 5th line P e links back to the self line K s. That means the self line K s is linking
to G t. But the woman star G t is dead. Even if the self line links to the woman star, a dead
woman star means the woman star does not even exist. There is no way for this guy to
have sex with this girl. The 2nd line P w moves turning into an empty G h. The 2nd line P
w represents worries, and G h represents hope. If the P star moves turning into a G star,
there still will be hope. Right now, P w is buried under both the month and the date. Only
a strike will reactivate the heavily buried P w. So something good will happen on day t
because t strikes with P w. But at the end, there will be no sex because the woman star G t
is dead. Even if G t is not dead, an advancing K star on the self line also indicates that he
cannot have that woman.

Result: That girl called him on day t, and they went out on that day. But they never met
after that date, and they never had sex.

A guy tossed the coins asking will he be hired by a company which has just interviewed
him. He got [Break] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
wa cn - iX w & wa

Break Little Storage

R y - U R m -
G t x P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B c x J B cn -
R m - R y -
P e - G t -

The 5th line G t moved bounding to the self line. But too bad that the money star G t is

Result: He found out that he was not hired on day s.

A girl tossed the coins asking can she win the top 3 prizes in a race. She got [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
cn wa - iV y&m
K sh - U
G s -
B w -
R h - J
K c --
P m -

Usually, if the self line has an R, she should win a prize. But too bad that both the month
and the date are killing the self line. The date wa strikes with the 2nd line K c causing K c
to move and to kill the self line. The self line is dead. She can't win anything.

Result: She didn't win anything.

A dead element still can kill back!

A man asked will he earn money if he buys a certain stock. He got [Hollow] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - II sh & h

Hollow Break
R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The self line's money killer B star is advancing. This is not good because this means he
can't earn money. The U line P e is producing the self line's advancing B star making his
problem more serious.

 Since the 5th line also is P e, the 5th line is the U line. The 5th line P e moved and
got killed back by G t. This means the 5th line P e can no longer produce the self
line. If P e cannot produce the self line, the self line's B star cannot advance
anymore. That means he still has a chance to earn money.
 But wait! The 5th line G t is dead. Can a dead G star kill back at P e?
 If G t still can kill back at P e, he shall earn money. If G t cannot kill back at P e, he
shall lose money.
 Right now, the self line B sh is empty. So we shall know the answer when the
emptiness fulfills. The emptiness shall be fulfilled on day sh or on day h.

Result: He earned money on day h. So the dead G t still managed to kill back at P e.

A dead element cannot kill back anymore if another

line's element in the 2nd hexagram links to it.
I asked God on which day will I receive my paycheck. I got [Shun] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

Big Storage
6 strike
B m - J B y -
K e o P t --
G wa -- G sh --
R yo - U G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x P t -

The date c struck with the 4th line's G wa. So the 4th line's G money star moves and
advances bounding to the self line. This means I will receive my paycheck on day wa.

 But here is the only problem: The 5th line's K e is supposed to produce the 4th
line's advancing G wa. If K e got killed back by P t, the 5th line K e can no longer
produce the 4th line. This means the 4th line can no longer advance.
 Fortunately, the 1st line's P t moves and bounds to the 5th line's P t. (The same
elements can bound to each other.) The 1st line's P t and the 5th line's P t canceled
each other out. So P t does not exist anymore. This means nothing is killing back
at K e. So G wa still can advance on day wa.

Result: I got my paycheck exactly on day wa.

Right after I bought a certain stock, it began to drop. I tossed the coins asking when will I
stop worrying. I got [Difficulty] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
wa wa - X s & yo

Difficulty Rise
K t -- B yo --
P sh o K h --
B s -- J P c --
B s - B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- U P c --

The 2nd line R w moves to kill the self line. Since I am in fear, a R star that kills the self
line must represent stress. So the 2nd line R w is the fear star. Although the 2nd line R w
moved turning into K h which kills back at R w, the 2nd line K h is linking to the 5th line K
h. Since both K h are in the 2nd hexagram and are linking to each other, they canceled
each other out. So K h can no longer kill back at R w. This means something horrible still
will happen.

 The lower gua represents now, and the upper gua represents later. The 2nd line
represents now, and the 5th line represents the future.
 The 2nd line R w moves to kill the self line. The 2nd line K h cannot kill back at R
w because the 2nd line K h and the 5th line K h canceled each other out. This
means something horrible will happen immediately.
 The 5th line's P sh moved to produce the self line. This means something
comforting will happen later.
 So after the horror, there will be happiness.

Result: The price dropped some more when the market gegan on the next day. But at the
end of the day, the price actually climbed up a lot.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will a certain stock reach $35 per share. God
gave me [Family] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
sh & h?
cn c - II
t & c?

Family Break
B m - B y -
K e o U P t --
G wa -- G sh --
P h o G c --
G c x J B m -
B m - K e -

Since I tossed the coins on day II, the empty dates sh & h might not be empty at all.

 The 4th line G wa is a moving line because the date c struck with G wa. And the
4th line G wa advances turning into G sh which bounds to the self line B m. This
means the self line received an advancing money star.
 The U line K e moved and got killed back. So K e can no longer produce the 4th
line's advancing G star. This means the 4th line G star cannot advance anymore.
So the self line cannot receive the money star after all?
 But don't worry. The U line P t and the 3rd line G c are linking together because
both of them are moving. So P t and G c canceled each other out. This means P t
cannot kill back at K e anymore. So K e still can produce the 4th line's advancing G
wa allowing the 4th line to advance. So the self line will receive the advancing
money star after all.
 Right now, the self line G c are bounding to the date and cannot move. But in
month wa, the bondage shall be broken allowing the self line to receive the 4th
line's advancing money star.

Result: The price reached $35 a share on the 1st day of month wa.

If a line is weak, it still can move as long as it is not

Few of my students thought that a line cannot move because it's weak. I say a line can
move as long as it is not dead. (A dead line can still move if another line produces or
supports the dead line.) A weak line can still move. But a weak moving line cannot
become a good helper of the appointed star. A weak moving enemy line also cannot
become a big threat.

There are a few things which you must remember:

 If a line is empty, that line cannot move. You have to wait until the emptiness
fulfills in order to see that line move.
 If a moving line has been struck loose, it cannot move. You have to wait for a
month, a day, or a year to bound to the struck loose star in order to allow it to move.

o For example: The date is s. The 1st line R c moves turning into K y. The
first line's K y has been struck loose by the date. Therefore, the 1st line
cannot move until day h or day y because only day h or day y can bound to
K y.
 If a moving line is bounding to the date, that line cannot move. You have to wait
for a month, a day, or a year to strike open their bondage in order to see it move.
(Sometimes, a line still can move even if it's bounding to the date. Sometimes, the
line cannot move when it's bounding to the month.)
 If a line cannot move, nothing can hurt the stars that are
in that line.

A moving, advancing line cannot die.

I was waiting for my employee to send me my merchandise for a long time already. I
tossed the coins asking when will I receive a news saying that he has already ship out the
merchandise to me. I received [Revolution] and [Same]. I expected to hear a good news
within a week.

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Viii w & wa

Revolution Same
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The top line R star represents 'You got something'. The top line moves and advances, and it
is bounding to the self line's G star. I shall hear a good news soon. It will not happen
before day w because the self line's G w is empty. Right now, the top line R sh is
bounding to both the month and the date. But on day yo, the bondage shall be broken so
that the top line will move again. Although the top line is dead, it is advancing so it cannot
die. So the top line is still alive! I will receive a good news on day yo.

Result: My employee phoned me on day yo telling me that everything was shipped to me.

Let's say that both the month and the date are wood.
As long as a moving line has a wood element, that line
cannot die. That line still can move.
I was waiting for my employee to send me my merchandise for a long time already. I
tossed the coins asking when will I receive a news saying that he has already ship out the
merchandise to me. I received [Little much] and [Rich]. I expected to hear a good news
within a week.

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Viii w & wa

Little Much Rich

P sh -- P sh --
B s -- B s --
R w - J R w -
B s - K h -
R w -- P c --
P cn x U G m -

The U line represents my employee. The U line P star is dead, but it moved and turned into
G m which produces the self line. Can the U line still move because the P star on the U line
is dead? Of course it can because the U line has a G star. If both the month and the date
are G stars, the U line cannot die because one of the stars in the U line is also a G star. So
the U line G star will move to produce the self line's R star. The G star represents money,
and it can also represent the merchandise that I am waiting for. Right now, U line's G star
is bounding to both the month and the date. But on day yo, the bondage shall be broken. I
will receive a good news on day yo.

Result: My employee phoned me on day yo telling me that everything was shipped to me.
A man had a scar on his cornea for 2 years already, and it won't go away. He tossed the
coins asking God when will the scar disappear, and God told him that the scar shall
disappear this year's December. Then in December, the scar doesn't seem to disappear at
all. So the man once again tossed the coins asking on which day will it disappear, and God
showed him [Everlasting] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
t h-X t&c

6 match
G sh -- U R yo --
R s -- P h --
K w o G c --
R yo - J G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x P t -

The self line has a strong R yo which turned into G cn that produces back at R yo. Two G
c move to produce the self line R yo. Is the self line R yo a lucky star? Or does R yo
represent the scar that just won't go away?

 I say R yo is a lucky star. This man is not having a life threatening disease. He
only had a scar on his cornea. So if G stars move to produce the self line R yo, he
will reach his goal. So his scar will disappear.
 Wait a minute. The 4th line K w is dead. That means the 4th line cannot move. If
the 4th line cannot move, the 1st line also cannot move because the 4th line G c
links to the 1st line's G c. So the G stars will not be able to produce the self line.
This means he will not reach his goal?
 Wrong. The 1st line has P t, and P t is the same element as both the month and the
date. So the 1st line cannot die. If the 1st line cannot die, the 4th line also cannot
die because the 1st line and the 4th line are linking together. So he shall reach his
 Right now, both the 1st line and the 4th line are empty. But on day c, both line will
fulfill its emptiness. That means something good will happen on day c.
 The self line R yo turns into G cn which produces back at R yo. On day m, R yo
shall move turning into G cn. So something very good will happen on day m.

The man thinks that the self line R yo might be the disease star. And if G stars move to
produce the self line's disease star, his scar will never disappear. So he tossed the coins
again asking, "Will good things happen on day c?" And God showed him [Wonderful] and
Year Month Date Hour
t h-X t&c

6 match
K yo -- U K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- B c --
B cn o J P w --
R y - B cn -
G t o R y --

The self line B cn moves turning into P w which represents 'Something happening'. If P w
kills back at the self line, bad things will happen. But since P w produces back at the self
line, good things will happen. The 1st line R yo links to the 2nd line, and the 2nd line B cn
links to the self line. This means the 1st line is linking to the self line. The 1st line's G t is
still empty. So the 1st line cannot move until day t or day c. If the 1st line cannot move,
the self line also cannot move.

 But wait a minute! P w cannot produce back at B cn because P w is dead. So

nothing good will happen.
 Wrong again! The 1st line cannot die because the 1st line's G t is the same element
as the month and the date. If the 1st line is linking to the self line, the self line also
cannot die. So the self line's P w is still active.
 The U line K yo will move on day m bounding to the self line. K yo represents
happiness. So on day m, there will be joy.

Result: Scar remained on his cornea for 2 years already, and it did not reduce in size at all.
but all of a sudden, the scar reduced to just 1/4 of the original size on day c. Then on day
m, his condition improved even more. Then few days later, his scar completely
disappeared. I think that if the 6th line K yo is not so weak, his scar would have completely
disappeared on day m when K yo moves bounding to the self line. But too bad that K yo
was quite weak.

Let's say the self line is a dead soil element. If it turns into fire which
produces back at itself, it cannot die.

A man asked God when can he become a very wealthy man, and God gave him [Rise] and
Year Month Date Hour
cn m y-V s & yo

Rise Everlasting
R yo -- G sh --
P h -- R s --
G c x J K w -
R yo -- R yo -
P h -- P h -
G c - U G c --

Although the self line G c money star is dead because both the month and the date kills it,
G c moves turning into a powerful K w which produces back at itself. So G c money star
cannot die. In fact, the money star is quite strong. The self line G c shall move in year c.
You will become very wealthy in year c.

Result: He became a millionaire in year c.

If a dead water star turns into a metal star which produces back at itself,
the water star cannot die.

I asked will I earn some money in the stock market next week. I got [Rise] and [Little

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - II sh & h

Rise Little Much

R yo -- G sh --
P h -- R s --
G c x J K w -
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --
The 2nd line's P h moves turning into K w which links to the self line. Right now, the 2nd
line cannot move because P h is empty. But on day h, the emptiness will be fulfilled and
the 2nd line shall move. When the 2nd line moves, the self line's G c money star will also
move and will be produced back by K w. When the money star G c has been produced
back, I will earn money.

 But wait! Can the 2nd line P h move since it's dead?
 No, P h is not dead. The 5th line P h links to the 2nd line's P h. The 5th line's P h
got produced back by R s. So P h cannot die. P h still can move when the
emptiness is fulfilled.

Result: I earned some money on day h.

If a nearby line moves and produces the self line, the

self line cannot die. If an extremely strong element
bounds to the self line, the self line also cannot die.
A teenage boy said, "My city's baseball team is playing today. Will they win?" He got
[Bite] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Xiii w & wa

[Bite] [Strong]

K e O G sh --
G wa -- J R s --
R yo - K w - J
G cn X G cn -
B y X U B y -
P t - P t - U
6 strike

The self line is killed by both the month and the date, and the opponent line is very
healthy. But the 6th line's extremely strong K e moves and bounds the self line. So the
self line is still alive. There is a 6 strike. But luckily, the 6th line Ke moves and bounds to
the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is eliminated. The self line has turned into an R
star. Although the opponent line is very powerful, it is a B star. The B star represents
loneliness or lost of wealth. The opponent line has a strong B which kills the self line
does not necessarily mean the opponent is the winner. It might mean that the opponent is a
lonely loser. If one asks about a game, the K star and the B star are bad luck signs. A K
star, weak or strong, sitting on the self line means you will lose. A B star represents
loneliness, and it is no better than the K star.

Result: His city team won by 10 - 5. (The self line won.)

The grave of h and t is cn.
The grave of y and m is wa.
The grave of e and w is sh.
The grave of s and yo is c.

The ancient saints said the grave of soil elements (c, cn, wa, sh) is cn. But I think it's
ridiculous to assign cn as the grave of soil. A grave itself is soil. How can soil elements
have a grave? Besides, I have never seen the grave of soil in action before in my 5 years of
practice. Based on my experience, the grave of soil elements (cn) is totally ineffective.
Therefore, I say that soil elements have no grave.

A grave does damage to an element. The only grave which does not damage an element is
the grave of metal (c). The reason why c does not damage s and yo is because c is a soil
element which produces s and yo. That's why the grave of metal cannot damage metal.

If only the month is the grave of the appointed, no

damage will be done to the appointed. If only the date
is the grave of the appointed, no damage will be done
to the appointed. But if both the month and the date
are the graves of the appointed, damage will be done
to the appointed!
For example: A woman had a surgery removing a tumor from her skin. She tossed the
coins asking did they successfully remove the root of the tumor. She asked, "Will my
tumor grow back because they failed to remove the root?" She received [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - iX t&c
Little Much
P sh -- Gry
B s -- Yel
R w - J Red
B s - Grn
R w -- Blk
P cn -- U Wht

The root of the tumor is represented by the self line's R w because R represents fear or
disease. Both the month and the date are the graves of R w. So R w is extremely weak and
helpless. This means the root has been completely removed.

Result: The doctor's test result came out on day c which proved that the root has been
completely removed. You see? Both the month and the date are the graves of R w. So R
w is helpless.

Remember this: If the month is the grave but the date is a helper, a star can still survive. If
the date is the grave but the month is a helper, the star is also not weak. But if both the
month and the date are the graves, the star is helpless. If the month is the grave while the
date kills the appointed, the appointed is also helpless. But if another line moves producing
the appointed, the appointed still can survive.

A man asked when can he find a job. He received [Revolution] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
yo h-X t&c

Revolution Abide
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h - J B h -
B h o R cn --
R c -- K y --
K m - U B t -
The self line B h links to the 3rd line B h. So the 3rd line is the self line. B h moves
running into its own grave R cn. So is R cn a friend or an enemy? Is the grave R cn
damaging B h?

 I say R cn is a friend because R cn is the appointed star since this man is looking for
a job. (The R star represents a job.) Although R cn is the grave of B h, the R star is
what this man needs.
 R cn is bounding to the month, and B h is bounding to the date. So which bondage
should we break in order to see the 3rd line move? I say that the bondage of the
date is stronger than the bondage of the month. So I say that the 3rd line shall move
when the bondage between the date and B h is broken. So he shall find a job in
month e.

Result: He found a job on day e. God is tricky sometimes. This man asked in which
month can he find a job. But God told him he shall be hired on day e.

If both the month and the date are the graves of a star,
that star is inactive. Only a strike can reactivate that
A man tossed the coins asking can he meet a certain girl on day cn. He received [Combine]
and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

Combine Little Much

P wa -- P sh --
B yo o U B s --
K h - R w -
G m x B s -
R e -- J R w --
P wa -- P cn --

A beginner would say that he cannot meet that girl on day cn because a strong woman killer
B star moved. But did you notice that the 3rd line's G woman star moved turning into B s
which links to the 5th line's retreating B star? If the 3rd line's G star has been killed back
by B s which links to a moving, retreating B star, B s has no power to kill G m at all. That
means the B star does not even exist.
 The bigger problem here is that both the month and the date are the graves of the
self line. (The element sh is the grave of fire.) So the self line is inactive right
 The 3rd line G m moves turning into B s which bounds to the self line R e. That
means he will meet that girl because the woman star G m does link to the self line.
But if the self line is inactive, the 3rd line cannot bound to the self line. Only a
strike can reactivate the self line. So he will meet with her either on day h or on day
t because h strikes with R e and t strikes with R w.

The guy tossed the coins again and received [Unsettled] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

Unsettled Cover
B e - U P y -
K wa -- R t --
G yo o K sh --
B w -- J B w --
K cn - K cn -
P y -- P y --

Based on my experience, if the two lines which surrounds the self line move and bound to
each other, they are moving toward the self line.

The 4th line G yo moves. The 2nd line K cn also moves because the date sh strikes with K
cn. The 2nd line K cn moves bounding to the 4th line's moving G yo. Both the 2nd line
and the 4th line surrounds the self line. This means G yo is coming toward the self line.
Therefore, the self line will receive G yo. This means you will meet her.

But both the month and the date are still the graves of the self line B w. If the self line has
been buried, I don't see how you can meet anybody. No doubt. You will meet her on day t
because only day t can reactivate the self line B w.

Result: The girl called him telling him that she cannot meet him on day cn. So they met
on day t.

The helper star and the enemy star

The appointed star is the star in concern. For example, if you are asking a question about a
girl that you love, the star which most concerns you is the G woman star. The helper star is
the star that produces the appointed star. If the appointed star is wood, the helper star must
be water. If the appointed star is metal, the helper star must be soil. The enemy star is the
star which kills the appointed star. If the appointed star is fire, the enemy must be water.

When asking a question, identify the appointed star first. Then measure the strength of the
appointed star. Is there any helper star moving in the hexagram which could further
strengthen your appointed star? Is there an enemy star which would weaken your

A man tossed the coins asking in which month will his stocks' value go up. He got [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
s cn - V sh & h

B y - U
P t --
G sh --
R yo - J
P h -
G c --

The G money star is appointed. The 4th line G sh moves because the date cn strikes with
it. So the 4th line G sh moves producing the self line R yo. When there is a G money star
moving to produce the self line, the stock value will go up. Right now, R yo cannot be
produced by G sh because R yo is bounding to the date cn. But in month sh, the bondage
shall be broken allowing G sh to produce R yo. Month sh is also the month which G sh
shall move.

Result: The stock value rose in month sh.

The strength of the helper and the enemy

The helper produces the appointed. But a dead helper cannot produce
the appointed. An able helper must have the characteristic of one of the

 The helper is being produced by the month or by the date.

 The helper star moves and turns into an element which produces back at the helper
For example:
 P wa - - J P sh - -
 B yo O B s - - U
 K h - R w -
 P c - - U R w - -
 G m - P cn - J
R e O G y - -

Let's say Mary is asking about her father's illness. The P star is the appointed. The 1st line
R star is the helper because R can produce P. The helper R e is very strong because it
moves and turns into G y which produces back at itself. Therefore, this helper is strong
enough to help the appointed.

 The helper line is healthy under the month or the date.

 The helper line is NOT a retreating line.

 The helper and the enemy move together forming a combination which favors the
helper line.

For example:
 G wa X B e -
 R yo O G wa - - U
 P h - J R yo -
 R yo - R yo -
 P h - P h - J
G c - - U G c - -

Let's say Mark asked about his father's illness. The P star is the appointed.
Although the enemy star G wa is moving, it cannot hurt the appointed P star
because the R star is also moving. So the G star produces the R star. And
the R star is producing the appointed P star.

A woman wants to know if she can be hired by a company. She tossed the coins and
received [Solution] and [Commander] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
t yo - iV cn & e

Solution Commander
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- U P h --
K w o G c --
K w -- K w --
G cn - J G cn -
P t B y -- B y --

The 4th line K moved. K moved producing the self line. K represents happiness. That
means you will soon become very happy. So I guess you will be hired. The self line also
bounds to the date yo. The date is an R star. R represents control, power, and possession.
So R is the job. The self line bounding to the job means you will get the job. But now the
self line is empty. But in day cn, the self line will no longer be empty. So in day cn, the
job shall be yours.

Result: She got the job on day cn.

One girl threw coins asking about her father's criminal charge. She got [Combine] and

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - V sh & h

P wa - - P sh - U
B yo - U B s -
K h - R w -
G m X K h - J
R e - - J P c - -
P wa X G m -

She is in great fear. And the R star represents fear. The powerful G combo surrounds the
self line and is producing the self line's R fear star. There shall be imminent horror!

 The 1st line and the 3rd line form a G combo which produces the self line R e. If
one tosses coins asking about trouble, the R star represents the trouble. The G
combo produces the self line's R e. So the self line R e trouble star is very strong.
Wild Crane said the crime is serious. The judgement is not going to be light.

Result: The father was put to death

Elements producing each other

Metal produces water. Water produces wood. Wood produces fire. Fire produces soil. Soil
produces metal. It's always better to have the appointed and the helper being produced by
the month, the date, a moving line, or the element which produces back the appointed or the
helper moving line.

A man said that his younger brother has been arrested and has been charged for a serious
crime. Is there any help? He got [Return] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Vi s & yo

K yo - - B sh - - J
G h - - K s - -
B c X U P w -
B cn - - B cn - - U
R y - - R y - -
G t - J G t -

The 4th line B stands for brother or friend. Therefore the 4th line B is the main character.
The 4th line moves. The month and the date both are killing it. Looks like that this crime
is very serious and that the brother cannot escape death penalty. But luckily, the B brother
line moves and turns into w fire which produces back at itself. There is still hope. But
looks like that this case will drag on for about a year. The brother star c moves and changes
into w which produces itself back. That means your brother will escape the danger in
month c. But that's like almost 1 year later.

Result: The family spent large amount of money to buy out the judge. The brother's life was
saved in month c.

The elements killing each other

Metal kills wood. Wood kills soil. Soil kills water. Water kills fire. Fire kills metal. One
wishes that the enemy is being killed. One does not wish that the appointed or the helper is
being killed by the month, by the date, by other moving lines, or by the element which kills
back. If there is one of the above which kills the appointed or the helper, the appointed or
the helper must be strong enough to endure the killing. If the appointed star is not strong
enough to endure the killing, there will be consequences.

A man tossed the coins asking about the entire year's stock market trend. He received
[Combine] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

e w - iX s & yo

Combine Compare
P wa -- K t --
B yo - U P sh -
K h o B s --
G m -- G m --
R e -- J R e --
P wa -- P wa --

If one asks about the stock market trend, the G money star is the appointed star. The K star
is the helper of the G star. The B star is the helper of the K star. In this sign, the 4th line K
h moved turning into B s which produces back at K h. Then, K h moves to produce the 3rd
line G star. But B s is being killed by both the month and the date. So the B star is dead.
If the B star fails, the K star will also die. If the K star dies, the G star will also vanish. If
the G star vanishes, the stock market shall crash. Right now, the month and the date cannot
kill B s because B s is still empty. When the emptiness is fulfilled in month s, the B star
shall be killed. When B s fails, the K star and the G star will fall with it.

Result: The stock market crashed in month s.

Being killed and produced at the same time

A young lady threw coins asking about her brother's criminal charge. Will her brother be
put do death? She got [Stop] and [Lawsuit]:

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - V sh & h

P sh - U P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - R w - J
G m - - J R w - -
R e X P cn -
P wa - - G y - - U

The B star, which represents brother, is appointed. The 2nd line R e represents the judge,
and it is killing the B star. But R e moves and turns into P cn which produces the appointed
star. So exactly what is the 2nd line doing? Is the 2nd line an enemy or a friend? Actually,
the 2nd line is a friend. You see, R e produces P cn, and P cn produces the B star. So the
2nd line is actually producing the B star, not killing the B star. The date is also producing
the B star. Don't worry. Your brother will not die. Besides, the date is striking at the 6th
line P sh. And P sh is right next to the B star. Since the date is striking at P sh, P sh is
moving and is producing the B star. P sh could represent your parents. There is nothing
you can do to help your brother out. You must tell your parents to go and beg the judge.

Result: The father went to beg the judge. The judge had sympathy for the father because the
father was 80 year-old. So death penalty for the son was waived.

You see? If the 2nd line R star moves and turns into a P star which produces the brother
star, it is a helper instead of an enemy. In my years of practice, every line similar to this
one turns out to be a helper.

A civil servant tossed the coins asking the Lord when will he be promoted to become a
chief officer of the post office. The Lord gave him [Rich] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
e y m-X cn & e

6 match
R sh x G e -
P s -- J R wa --
G w - P yo -
B h - P s -
R c -- U K w --
K m o R cn --

The top line R sh represents promotion. R sh moves and produces the self line. But R sh
also turns into G e which kills the self line. So what exactly is the top line doing? Is it
killing the self line? Or is it producing the self line? Actually, the top line is producing the
self line because R sh turns into G e which produces back at R sh. Then R sh moves to
produce the self line. Wow! Look at the month and the date. Both of them are killing the
top line R sh. Can R sh still move and produce the self line? Of course it can because R
sh is being produced back by G e. So the top line is still alive and shall move! Look at the
1st line. A strong K m moves and turns into R cn. If a K star turns into an R star, a Mr.
Nobody shall become a VIP.
 Right now, the 1st line R cn is empty. But this year is e. The emptiness will be
fulfilled this year. So R cn won't be empty for long.
 Both the 1st line and the 6th line are bounding to the date m. But in year yo, the
bondage shall be broken allowing both lines to move.

Result: He was promoted in year yo. Look at the top line. R sh moves and turns into G e
which bounds to the self line. That's another good sign because G represents gain. If the
gain star bounds to the self line, there will be some kind of gain. A promotion is definitely
a gain.

If a B star moves and turns into a G star which

produces the self line R star, it either means:
1. You will earn money when the B star moves and turns into the G star.
2. You will lose money when the B star moves killing the G star.

The rule is simple: If the G star is not dead, your will earn money. If the G star is dead,
you will lose money.

Take a look at this sign:

6 match
P sh - P sh -
B s - U B s -
R w - R w -
B s o G m --
R w -- J R e --
P cn -- P wa --

The 3rd line B star moved turning into a money star which produces the self line R. If the
money star is not dead, you will earn money. If the money star is dead, you will lose
money. Why? Because if the money star is dead, it will be destroyed by the moving B star
before it has the chance to produce the self line.

I want Taiwan to declare independence so that China can invade that island. I tossed the
coins asking in which year will Taiwan declare independence, and I got [Little much] and

Year Month Date Hour Empty

w y e - iV t&c

Little Much
6 match
P sh -- P sh --
B s -- B s --
R w - J R w -
B s o G m --
R w -- R e --
P cn -- U P wa --

The 3rd line B s moves killing the gain star G m. So is that bad? Is the gain star being
killed? No! Not at all. The 3rd line B s moves turning into the gain star which produces
the self line. That means something good will happen in year s. Since the B star is very
weak, it cannot hurt the gain star G m. So G m still has the power to produce the self line.
If the B star is a very strong element, it will destroy the G gain star before the G gain star
can reach the self line. So God has confirmed that something good will happen in year s.

Result: In year s (2004), Taiwan's president announced that all government oversea offices
and government owned companies shall change the phrase 'Republic of China' to 'Taiwan'
within 2 years. This prediction is accurate.

What if a B star moves turning into a G star, but the G

star does not produce the self line?
For example: Richard tossed the coins asking when will the stock market improve. God
showed him [Return] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
yo c - Viii cn & e

6 match
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn x G h -
R y -- B c --
G t - J R m -

The 3rd line B cn moves turning into G h. But G h is not producing the self line, nor is G h
connecting to the self line in any way. The G star is not weak because the month produces
it. Right now, B cn is empty. So B cn cannot turn into G h yet. But month sh will strike
with B cn fulfilling its emptiness. So what is going to happen in month sh? Will the stock
value drop or go up?

Result: The stock value went up in month sh. Another reason why the stock value went up
in month sh is because the self line turned into R m which has been struck by the month
yo. The R star means 'People buy.' If the R star is hurt, people will sell their shares.
Month sh saved R m from the stroke because sh bounds to m.

So basically, if a B star moves turning into a strong G star, money is coming.

If a P star moves and turns into a K star which

produces the self line G star, it either means:
1. The P star is killing the K star.
2. The P star is actually turning into a K star which produces the self line G star.

Again, it really depends on how strong the P star and the K star are. If the K star is dead,
the P star will destroy the K star before the K star can produce the self line's G star.

I tossed the coins asking will my new web host shut down my web site within a year for
sending out bulk email. God showed me [Queen] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - V cn & e

Queen Hide
P sh - P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - U R w -
B yo - B s -
K h o R w --
P c -- J P cn --

The U line represents my web host. The U line R w produces the self line. This means
they will host my site. The 2nd line K h moves turning into R w which links to the U line.
So the 2nd line R w also represents my web host because both the U line and the 2nd line
has R w.

 The 2nd line R w, which represents my web host, moves to produce the self line.
So R w is my only helper. If the helper has been removed, my web host will shut
down my site.
 The date sh is the grave of R w. And R w is weak under the month.
 If R w is not weak, the 2nd line R w will produce the self line when the 2nd line
 But honestly speaking, R w is not too weak. I don't think they will shut down my
web site.

Result: They canceled my email privilege just a few days before month h began because
they suspected that the mailing list which I have sent out are bulk email advertisements.
But after I have explained to them that what I have sent out are just invitations to a private
halloween party, they reactivated my account on the very next day. The reason why they
reopened my account is because R w is not too weak. K h might hurt R w momentarily,
but K h cannot permanently damage the healthy R w. From this lesson, we learned that the
helper must be extremely weak or be dead in order for other forces to permanently destroy

How do I know if my helper is strong enough to reach

the self line?
 Simple! Let's say P wa moved turning into K t which produces the self
line's G star. As long as K t is not dead, K t still is strong enough to reach
the self line.
 If both the month and the date are killing K t, the powerful P wa will
destroy K t before K t can produce the self line.

For example: A woman tossed the coins asking when will the stock value go up. She
received [Stop] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - iX w & wa
Stop No Way
6 match 6 strike
P sh - U P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - R w -
G m -- J P cn --
R e -- G y --
P wa x K t -

The 1st line's P wa moved turning into K t which produces the self line's money star. This
means the stock value will go up.

 But too bad that K t is already dead. So P wa will destroy K t before K t can reach
the self line. This means the stock value will actually drop when P wa kills K t.
 Right now, P wa is empty. But in month w or month wa, the 1st line P wa will
destroy K t. So the stock value will drop sharply in month w or wa.

Result: The stock value dropped in month w.

Another example: One of my students tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend of
an entire week. He got [Compare] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
e e - Viii s & yo

6 strike
G t -- U K yo --
B sh o G h --
K s -- B c --
R m -- J R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --

My student said, "The 5th line G h is too weak to reach the self line because it has been
struck by both the date and the month, and both the month and the date are producing the
powerful B sh which kills G h. Right now, the 5th line is loose. So B sh cannot kill G h at
this moment. But when G h regains its strength on day h, G sh shall kill G h. So the stock
value will drop sharply on day h."

 I said, "You got it all wrong son. G h is not dead. So G h is still strong enough to
reach the self line. On day h, the stock value will rise sharply."

Result: I was right. The stock value rose sharply on day h.

A woman tossed the coins asking will her friend give her back her money in month m.
She received [Little much] and [Joy] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

Little Much
6 match
P sh -- P sh --
B s -- B s --
R w - J R w -
B s o G m --
R w -- R e --
P cn -- U P wa --

The 3rd line B s moved turning into the money star G m which produces the self line. But
too bad that the money star G m is dead, and no K star is moving to support G m. So G m
cannot produce the self line at all. Right now, the 3rd line cannot move because G m has
been struck loose by the date yo. The 3rd line can only move in month m because G m can
be revived in month m. But when the 3rd line moves in month m, G m does not move to
produce the self line. Instead, the 3rd line B s will completely kill G m. Since G m is too
weak, B s will kill it before it has a chance to produce the self line R w. What a
coincidence? She asked God can she receive some money in month m, and God tells her
that the money star shall be destroyed in month m. So God is saying that she cannot
receive any money in month m.

Result: She did not receive the money in month m.

Once, I placed a credit card order online for something right before I realized that it was a
big rip off. I emailed the company telling them that I am canceling the order. But I don't
know if they will honor my cancellation or not because they have a no refund policy. So I
immediately tossed the coins asking will I get a refund. God gave me [Commander] and

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - iX w & wa

Commander Cover
P yo x U K y -
B h -- B t --
R c -- R sh --
G w -- J G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

The U line's P yo moves turning into K y which produces the self line's G w money star.
This seems like they will refund me the money. But the very powerful P yo, at the same
time, might kill K y. So the question is: Is K y strong enough to produce the self line? I
say yes. Although P yo is very powerful, K y is not considered weak under the month and
the date. So K y will survive the kill.

Result: They emailed me informing me that they have refunded me the money on day wa.
It happened on day wa because the self line's empty G w fulfilled on that day.

But what if the self line's B star moves turning into a

weak G star? Will the self line still reach the G star if
the G star is weak?
Tom tossed the coins asking in which month will the stock value reach the highest point.
He got [Break] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
w c - II sh & h

6 match
R y - U R y -
G t -- G t --
B sh -- B sh --
B c x J G h -
R m o B c --
P e - R m -

The self line's strong B star moves killing the money star G h. So what does this mean?
Will the stock market crash when the self line B c moves? Not exactly.

 The self line B c represents Tom himself. If the self line B star moves turning into a
weak money star, Tom will receive some money. This means the stock value will
go up.
 Right now, G h is empty. But in month h, the emptiness of G h shall be fulfilled.
So the self line B c will receive the money star in month h. This means the stock
value will rise in month h.
 The self line B c cannot move because it is bounding to the date c. But in month
wa, the bondage will be broken allowing the self line to move. The stock value will
go way up in month wa.
 The self line's G h money star is repelling away the 1st line's frustration star P e.
That's good.

Result: As predicted, the stock value rose in month h. Then it jumped way up in month
wa. Although the money star is weak, the self line B c is the one who is eating the money
star. So the money still belongs to Tom regardless how weak the money star is.

A dead element still can kill

As mentioned in the 'Strength of month and date' chapter, a dead element still can kill back
unless it has been bounded up by another moving line.

For example: Sonny tossed the coins asking will his friend give him back his money on
day m. God showed him [Chen] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

Little Storage
6 strike
P sh - J G m -
B s - R e -
R w o P wa --
P cn - U P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

The self line P sh turned into a money star G m which kills and bounds back. The date has
struck G m loose. If he is to receive money, he will receive it on day m for sure because
only day m will save the dead money star G m from the stroke. But the problem is that the
money star is dead. Will he receive this money?

Sonny tossed again and got [Travel] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

6 match
B e - B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - U G yo -
G s o P m --
B w -- B e --
K cn -- J K wa --

The self line's loser star is advancing. This is not good. But luckily, the 3rd line's P m
moved to kill the self line so that the self line's loser star can no longer advance. This
means he will receive the money. The 3rd line P m is loose. So nothing will happen before
day m. But the 3rd line P m is dead. Can P m still manage to kill the self line's loser star?

Result: He received the money on day m. This lesson proves that a dead element still can

The element of the 2nd hexagram of a moving line can

produce the elements of the first hexagram.
For example:
Year Month Date Hour
e y wa - iV t&c

Queen Unsettled
P sh - R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo o R w --
K h - P cn -
P c -- J G y --

Let's look at the 3rd line. The 3rd line is B yo moving and turning into R w. Therefore,
the 3rd line's R w can produce the self line P c.

Let's look at the U line. The U line R w turns into B yo. But since the U line is not a
moving line, the U line's B yo cannot produce the 2nd line K h. If the date is t, the U line R
w could be a moving line because date t would strike with R w causing it to move. Then,
the U line's B yo could produce the 2nd line K h.

The 5th line P wa can only produce back at the 5th line B s. So P wa is dedicated to only
the 5th line B s. That means P wa cannot move to produce the 3rd line B yo.

The 3rd line B yo cannot move to produce the 2nd line K h anymore because it got killed
back by R w. But if B yo is very strong, the 3rd line B yo still might produce the 2nd line
K h when a future wa year, wa month, or wa date bounds away the 3rd line R w.

Let's see another example:

6 strike
R y - J R y -
G t -- G t --
B sh -- B sh --
K s - U K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

The 2nd line P w can no longer kill the U line K s because P w moved turning into G h
which kills back at itself. But if P w is very strong, the 2nd line P w still might produce the
2nd line K h when a future y year, y month, or y date bounds away the 2nd line G h.
Let's see another example:

Cup Rot
B e - P y -
K wa -- U R t --
G yo o K sh --
G yo - G yo -
R h - J R h -
K c -- K c --

The 4th line G yo moves turning into K sh which produces back at G yo. Therefore, the 4th
line G yo can produce the self line R h. But in this case, the 4th line K sh cannot kill the
self line. The 4th line K sh only has enough energy to produce back at G yo. Therefore, K
sh can no longer kill the self line R h.

Let's see another example:

6 strike
G t -- U K yo --
B sh o G h --
K s -- B c --
R m -- J R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --

The 5th line B sh cannot kill the U line's G t anymore since B sh is killing the 5th line G h.
But the 5th line B sh still has enough power to produce the 4th line K s.

If a B star moves turning into a G star, that B star

cannot kill another line's G star.
For example:

Big Storage - 26 Extreme - 43

R y O B wa - - blk
G t X U K yo - wht
B sh X G h - gry
K s B cn - B cn - yel
P w R y - J R y - red
G t - G t - grn
The 4th line B sh moves turning into G h. The 4th line G h has absorbed all the damage
from B sh. Therefore, B sh has no energy to kill another line's G star. So the 4rd line B sh
cannot kill the 5th line G t.

This also means:

 If a P star moves turning into a K star, that P star cannot kill another line's K star.
 If a R star moves turning into a B star, that R star cannot kill another line's B star.
 And same for a K star turning into a R star. Same for a G star turning into a P star.

If a K star moves turning into a G star, that K star can

no longer produce another line's G star.
For example: I wanted to know will I earn money if I bet on a sports game. I got [Joy]
and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

6 match
G sh -- G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - U K w -
B m -- K w --
K e x G cn -
G wa -- J B y --

The self line's G star is in trouble. But luckily, the 2nd line's K e moved to rescue the self
line. I shall win money. Right now, the self line has been struck by the date. The self line
will move on day wa. When the self line moves, the 2nd line K e will rescue the self line.

Result: I lost money on day wa. I went back to the sign and looked for my mistake and
realized that the 2nd line's K e is producing the 2nd line's G cn. That means the 2nd line K
e does not produce the self line's troubled money star anymore.
We all know that a moving line can produce an element that's in the 1st
hexagram. But can a moving line produce an element that's in the 2nd

Based on my knowledge, a moving line can produce an element that's in the 1st hexagram.
But a moving line cannot produce an element that's in the 2nd hexagram.

For example:

1st hexagram 2nd hexagram

G wa -- U G c --
B y - R s -
P h - K e -
G cn x J P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - B m -

The self line G cn moves turning into P h. We all know that the self line P h can produce
the 2nd line B y because B y is in the 1st hexagram. But can P h produce the 1st line's B

The answer is No. The self line P h cannot produce the 2nd line's B m because B m is not
in the 1st hexagram. B m is in the 2nd hexagram.

Can the self line G cn produce the 5th line's R s?

The answer is also No. The 5th line's R s is in the 2nd hexagram. Therefore, the self line
G cn cannot produce it.

But can a moving star that's in the 2nd hexagram

produce another moving star that's also in the 2nd
Take a look at this example: I tossed the coins asking on which day will the stock value
reach the lowest price. I got [Trapped] and [Need].

Year Month Date Hour
e e-X w & wa
6 match
P wa -- K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o U B s --
R w x P cn -
P cn - G y -
G y x J K t -

The U line's K h moves turning into B s which produces back at itself. Then K h moves to
produce the self line's money star. This means the price will drop so that I can buy in at a
better price.

 But too bad that the U line B s is dead. A dead B s cannot produce K h anymore.
So will the price still drop to a better price?
 Fortunately, the 3rd line P cn moves to produce B s. So B s is not dead after all. B
s still can produce K h. So the price still will drop.
 Right now, K h has been struck loose by the date. So K h cannot move until day h.
 But day h is Saturday. The stock market does not open on Saturdays. This must
mean that the price will drop on day y because K h can also move on day y.

Result: The price dropped to the lowest peak on day y. Then it slowly climbed back up.
This lesson proves that a moving star that's in the 2nd hexagram can produce another
moving star that's also in the 2nd hexagram.

Every hexagram has all five elements. If an element is missing on the hexagram, it is
hiding behind one of the lines. Take a look at [Big Storage] for an example: (You
can find 'Big Storage' in the hexagram chart under Chen Group.)

R y wood -
G t water -- U
B sh soil --
K s B cn soil -
P w R y wood - J
G t water -
In this hexagram, only 3 elements appear on the surface, which are wood, water, and soil.
The fire and the metal are hiding behind line 2 and 3.

So we call the hiding elements 'hiders'. We call the lines that help hide the hiders 'bearers'.
So line 2 and 3 are bearers.

If the bearer produces the hider, it's good for the hider. If the bearer kills the hider, it
damages the hider. In the above hexagram, line 3 B star (soil) produces it's hider K star
(metal). So the hider in line 3 is healthy. Line 2's R star (wood) also produces it's hider P
star (fire). So the hider in line 2 is also healthy.

How do we use the hiders? Here is an example:

A woman asked me when will she receive a letter from her family. She got [consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - iX w & wa

R y -
G t --
B sh - U
K s G h -
P w B c --
R m -- J

To predict about a letter, we use the P star as the main character because P represents a
letter. P w (fire) is hidden behind line 2. Line 2 B c (soil) is not killing the hider P w. The
month m is wood, and it is producing the hider P w. But P w is now hiding. That means
she won't be able to receive the letter before P w comes out. P w will come out on day w.

Result: She received the letter on day w. You see? The hider P w comes out on day w. So
the hider K s should come out on day s. The hiders will come out if it's time to come out

1. if the hider is being killed by the bearer. If a fire hider hides under a water line, it's
hard for that fire hider to come out.
2. if the month or the date is killing the hider.
3. if other lines move killing or damaging the hider, the hider might not even show up
at all.
Another example: I threw the coins asking about the stock market. I got [Querrel].

Year Month Date Hour
y h - Viii y&m

P e -
G t B wa --
K yo - J
B c --
R m -
P e - U

Since I am asking about stock market, it has to do with money. Therefore, our main
character has got to be the G star (money star). In this hexagram, our main character G t
(water) is hiding under the 5th line. But the 5th line B wa (soil) is killing the hider G t.
Although the hider G t (water) is still considered pretty healthy under the month h (water),
based on my experience, being killed by the bearer is not a good sign especially when you
are dealing with investing. Therefore I did not invest.

Result: The stock market went down after the 2001, September 11th World Trade Center's
incident. So our hider never had a chance to break free from the bearer. Remember!
Bearers are quite powerful. Especially when it comes to money, you must take the bearer
very seriously.

If in your hexagram, you don't see a G star on any of the 6 lines, a G star therefore must be
hiding behind one of the lines.

This is the hexagram [Queen].

P sh -
B s -
R w - U
B yo -
G y K h -
P c - - J

The above is the hexagram Queen. The G y wood does not appear on the hexagram. It is
hiding behind the second line. Let's say that you are asking about money. The G star is your
appointed. If the G wood star is not in the hexagram but the month or the date is a wood
element, you can use the month or the date as your appointed. But if the month and the date
both are not wood element, your appointed is hiding under the 2nd line. You then must wait
for your appointed to come out in order to see an effect. Your appointed G y will appear in
a y year, month, date, or hour. The hiding star functions like an empty character.

Look at the hexagram Queen again. The 2nd line is h water. h water bounds and produces
the G y wood which hides behind the 2nd line. Therefore, we say that the appointed G y is
strong. If the 2nd line is a metal element which kills our appointed G y wood, we have a
weak appointed. The year, the month, and the date can also affect the strengh of a hiding

Someone was waiting for a letter to come. When will the letter come? He got

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - iX w & wa

R y -
G t - -
Pw B sh - - U
G h -
B c - -
R m - J

Consolidate is a 6 match hexagram. I think your letter will come for sure. If you get a 6
strike, it means that your letter will not come. P w represents the letter. It is hiding under
the 4th line. P w is also empty. The 4th line sh is burying P w. But luckily, the month m is
producing P w. Your appointed is strong, which means the letter will definitely come. Your
letter shall arrive on day w.

Result: The letter was received on day w. If the month was a water element which kills the
appointed w fire, the letter might not have come. If you see that the appointed is hiding
under an element which kills it and that a moving line, the month or the date is also hurting
it, your appointed is considered weak. If your appointed is weak, things might not turn out
well. If you ask for money, you will earn nothing. If you ask for love, you will only be
hated. If you ask for a job or a position, you will be unemployed for a long time.

If the hider is bounding to the date, you have to wait for a

year, a month, or a day which strikes open the bondage.
I was asking when will my business partner pay me some money. I got [Cover].
Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h

P y -
R t --
G yo K sh -- J
B w --
K cn -
P y -- U

The money star hides behind the 4th line. The bearer is producing the money star, and the
date is also producing it. The money is strong, so I will receive the money. But will it
come out in the month of yo? No, because the date is bounding to it. (yo and cn bound
together.) So I must wait for the month of sh to receive this money because sh would strike
with cn. And that can break the bondage. Money will be released in month sh.

 I am very nervous because my business partner owes me money for a long time
already. Everytime I asked him to pay, he kept saying "I will pay you next month!"
Then he would delay the payment month after month. This explains why the self
line K sh is empty. An empty K star means I am nervous. But K sh won't be empty
anymore in month sh. When the emptiness of K sh fulfills, I shall become happy
because the K star is the happiness star.

Result: I got the money on the 1st day of month sh.

What if the bearer is bounding to the date?

Tom tossed the coins asking abou the stock market trend for the entire year. God showed
him [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
m w-I w & wa

P m -
B e - J
G yo K wa --
B w --
K cn - U
P y --

The bearer K wa produces the hiding money star G yo. And G yo will come out in month
yo. So the stock value should go up in month yo. But G yo is pretty weak. Even if it does
go up in month yo, it won't go up too much.

 The bearer K wa produces G yo. But right now, K wa cannot produce G yo because
it is bounding to the date w. But in month t, the bondage shall be broken allowing
K wa to produce G yo. This means the stock will shoot straight up in month t.

Result: The stock value rose in month yo but rose even higher in month t.

A woman tossed the coins asking when will her son's recent illness be gone. She got

Year Month Date Hour
yo cn - III t&c

R yo --
P h --
K w G c -- J
R yo -
P h -
G c -- U

The J and the U are both empty. When that happens, nothing will happen. No. That
doesn't mean the child will not recover. It means that this kid's illness is no big deal. This
woman probably was very worried when she tossed the coins. So if J and U are empty,
nothing bad will happen. The kid shall soon recover from his illness. The child is
represented by the K star. The K star is hiding under the 4th line. On day w, the kid shall

Result: The kid got out of bed on day w.

If a G star hides behind the R self line, the hider G star
can produce the self line R star.
A man asked will his business increase if he puts out a new radio advertisement. God
showed him [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
h c - Vi w & wa

P sh -
B s - U
R w -
B s -
G y R w -- J
P cn --

We have to use the hider G y because the G money star does not appear on the hexagram.
The healthy hider G y produces the self line R w. This is a good sign. Right now, the self
line R w is empty. So G y cannot produce the self line right now. But on day w, business
will increase as the self line R w fulfills its emptiness on day w.

Result: God is tricky sometimes. I said his business will increase on day w, but his new
radio ad was released on the very next day. And so many people phoned him at hour w. So
his business increased at hour w, not day w.

A man tossed the coins asking at what hour will his wife phone him. He tossed the coins in
New York at 11 PM. [Step].
Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Vi t&c

B sh -
G t K s - J
P w -
B c --
R m - U
P e -

The hiding G t represents his wife's phone call. The hider G t is quite strong because the
self line K s produces G t. The month is also the same element as G t. The hider G t will
come out at hour t. That means his wife will phone him at hour t..

Result: His wife phoned him at 10:05 AM. (New York time) If converted to Beijing's
time, it's exactly hour t.

Linkers? What's that? Let's see an example:
A man wanted to know when will he be happy again. He got [Everlasting] and [Arrive]:

Year Month Date Hour
wa h s & yo

Everlasting Arrive
G sh -- U R yo --
R s -- P h --
K w o G c --
R yo o J G c --
P h - B m -
G c x K e -

The man wants to know when can he become happy. That's all he said to me. So let's see
the hexagram. K star is the lucky star. So if he wants happiness, he must receive blessing
from a K star. I can tell that he is extremely anxious at this moment because the J self line
has a strong R star. R represents someone who is freightened or is extremely anxious. The
4th line K moves. But the problem is that 4th line K moves to kill the self line R. Having
some other line killing the self line is not exactly a 'happy' sign. But take a closer look!
The 4th line K moves and turns into G. What a coincidence! The J self line also moved
and turned into G! So now we have a link. G is the link!

K 4th line <<<<<<<<<G

R self line >>>>>>>>>G

Since G in the 2nd hexagram is linking the K star to the self line, I think soon he will
become happy! But right now, R yo is empty. Even if there is a link which links the R to
the K, an empty self line will not move until the empty element comes out! So in the
month of yo, it will no longer be empty. He should become happy in the month of yo.

Result: He was broke and was waiting for financial aid. And in the month of yo, he has
finally received a notification saying that he has been granted the money.

A man asked me when can he get his money back from his friend. He got [Look] and

Year Month Date Hour
s s y&m

Look Difficulty
G m o K t -- 6th line
R e - P sh - 5th line
P wa -- J B s -- 4th line
G m x B s - 3rd line
R e -- R w -- 2nd line
P wa -- U P cn -- 1st line

Wow! Another link!

 The self line did not move but turns into B s.

 On the 3rd line, B s is connected to G m, which is the money star.
 On the 6th line, G m turns into K which produces back at the G m.
 So we got P self line linking to B s, Bs linking to G m, and G m turns into K which
produces back at the G m.

Look at the month and the date. Both month and the date are metal, and they are killing the
G money star (wood). But luckily, the G money star moved and turned into a K which
produces itself back. This K that we have here is very strong because both the month and
the date are producing this K. Strong K produces the G money star. No problem! But both
the 6th line and the 3rd line are empty. (m is empty.) We have to wait until month m or
month yo. Why month yo? Because yo strikes m, and m will no longer be empty if it is
being struck.

Result: He really got the money in month sh. The money was sent out in the month of yo,
and he received the money in the mail on the 1st day of month sh.

If you want a link, you have to look at the elements. Don't look at the stars.

G s and G s are a link.

But G yo and G s are not a link.

Just because both lines have the same star, that doesn't mean they are linking. They must
have the exact same element in order to establish a link.

Some guy asked can he earn at least half a million dollars from a certain stock that he
bought. He tossed the coins and got [Rot] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
y w - III y&m

Rot Unsettled
B y - U K e -
P t -- G wa --
G sh x R yo -
R yo o J K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- P y --
The 4th line's strong money star moved to produce the self line R. That's a good sign. But
too bad that the self line R moved and turned into the powerful K star which kills back at
the R. The R star represents the winner, and K represents a loser. K star killing the self
line R means you will lose big time! Don't even think about becoming a millionaire. You
will lose lots of money. The 4th line money star sh moved producing the self line R. This
means you have earned some money in the month of sh. Is that right?

"Right! I bought this stock exactly in the month of sh of last year. Right after I bought it, I
earned almost $30,000.", the man replied.

 So that explains why the money star sh moved and produced the self line R. You
earned some money in the month of sh. But the self line R moves and turns into a
powerful K star. You will lose big time later on!

Result: One month later, his stocks dropped like a water fall. In this case, the 4th line G
star is actually pushing the self line's R star toward the K star. So the 4th line is the one
which introduced the R star to the K star. Just because this man earned a little bit of
money in month sh, he got hooked and invested almost all of his savings into the stock
market. Then he lost lots of money. This is like feeding the meat to a lion.

Let's say the U line is P e. And let's say the 5th line is
P e turning into something else. The 5th line is the U
line. They are actually the same line.
Let's look at this example: A man asked when can he receive some money. He got [Look]
and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo

Look Difficulty
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m x B s -
R e -- R w --
P wa -- U P cn --
The 3rd line has G m, and the 6th line also has G m. So the 3rd line and the 6th line are
actually the same line. The 3rd line G m is dead. But the 6th line G m is strong because it
moved turning into a very powerful K t which produces back at itself. So is G m a strong
star or a weak star?

I say G m is not strong and not weak. So G m is still alive. That means line G m still can

(a dead G m + a strong G m = not strong and not weak)

The 3rd line's B s functions as a link which links G m to the self line. (Did you see that the
3rd line B s is linking to the self line?) This man shall receive the money because G m is
still healthy enough to move. He will receive the money either in month sh or in month m
because line G m can move in those 2 months.

Result: He only received $25,000 in month sh. His friend owed him $100,000. But he
only got back $25,000 in month sh. He did not receive the full $100,000 because the 3rd
line is dead. If both the 6th line and the 3rd line are strong, he would have received the full

What's the difference between these 2 signs?

First sign:
A naughty boy tossed the coins asking will his school expel him for causing
lots of trouble. He received [Hollow] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
sh e - Vi sh & h

Hollow Strip
R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- R m --
R m o P e --
P e o U B wa --

The 1st line's B wa trouble star repels away the 3rd line's B c trouble star. This
means lots of effort (trouble) will be put in in order to save this kid from being
expelled. (another trouble)

 The 5th line P e links to the U line. So the 5th line P e also represents the
 The 5th line P e moves to produce the already advancing B self line.
This means more trouble for the child?
 Luckily, the 5th line P e moved and got killed back by G t. So P e can no
longer produce the advancing B star. This is good. There will be no
trouble after all.

Result: The boy was not expelled from the school.

2nd sign:
A man asked when will his friend give him back his money. He got [Touch]
and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
yo w - Vii sh & h

6 strike
R m - U R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- B sh --
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

The 5th line P e moves bounding to the self line K s, and P e represents
'Something happening'. But will things still happen if G t kills back at P e?

Actually, the G star is a friend. The G star represents money. This man hopes
that his friend won't rip him off and give him back his money. The self line's K
star means worries will disappear. The P e bounds to the self line K s. That
means P e links to the self line, which also means the money star G t also links
to the self line. If G t links to the self line, he will receive the money. Right
now, the 5th line cannot link to the self line because G t has been struck loose
by the date w. But in month t, the 5th line will link to the self line.

Result: He got his money back in month t.

Watch out! Here comes a tricky sign!

I invited lots of people to my party. Then I tossed the coins asking will lots of people come
to my party, and God gave me [Hollow] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - iX sh & h

Hollow Cover
R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- P w -
R m - B cn -
P e o U R y --

The U line represents the crowd which I expected to come to my party. The U line P e is
quite strong because it moves turning into R y which produces back at itself. The U line P
e also moves to produce the self line. This means lots of people will show up. The self
line's advancing B star does not represent trouble this time. The self line's advancing B
star represents a big crowd because the B star represents friend(s).

 But wait. The 5th line and the U line both got P e. That means the 5th line also
represents the crowd. The 5th line P e moves turning into a strong G t which kills
back at itself. The 5th line tells me that not too many people will come.
 Right now, the U line R y has been struck loose by the date s. The U line cannot
move if it's loose. But something will happen when R y regains its strength at hour
y. The 5th line will also move at hour y because the 5th line is linking to the U
line. If the U line cannot move, the 5th line also cannot move. If the U line moves,
the 5th line also moves.
 The bottom gua represents now, and the upper gua represents the future. The 1st
line represents now, and the 5th line represents the future. The 1st line formed a
trap, which is not good. This means not too many people will show up in my party
in the beginning. But the 5th line means at least a nice girl will appear later because
G t represents a girl.
Result: At hour y, my friend (male) told me that he will come to my party. At the same
hour, a girl phoned me telling me that she will being a few female friends over. So the 5th
line's strong G t which kills back at P e actually represents girls. The 5th line G t is not an
enemy but a friend. At the end, only 5 persons showed up. One of them is a girl, and that
girl showed up last. I thought that at least 10 or 15 people will come.

Is there such thing as an invisible link?

I tossed the coins asking on which day will the price of a certain stock drop again so I can
buy in at a better price. I got [Hollow] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - I sh & h

Hollow Break
R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The U line P e and the 5th line P e are linking together. So the 5th line is the U line. If the
U line's P e moves to produce the self line's advancing B star, I can never buy in at a lower
price because the price simply won't drop down for me. (Since I wish to buy at a lower,
better price, the advancing B star means I cannot get a better price.)

 But luckily, the 5th line P e moved and got killed back by G t. When P e got killed
back, it can no longer produce the self line's advancing B star. This means the self
line can no longer advance. So I still can get a better price.
 Right now, the self line B sh is bounding to the date sh. That means P e also cannot
move and cannot be killed back by G t yet. (There is an invisible link between
the self line and the 5th line P e because P e needs to produce the self line. So if
the self line cannot move, P e also cannot move. So P e and the self line have form
a kind of alliance already. If one fails to move, the other also must stop.)
 But on day cn, the bondage between the self line and the date shall be broken
allowing P e to be killed back by G t. So on day cn, I will get a better price.
I tossed the coins again just to reconfirm. I asked, "Should I buy on day cn?" And I got
[Rise] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - I sh & h

Rise Extreme
R yo -- G wa --
P h x R yo -
G c x J P h -
R yo - G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x U P t -

The self line's G c is the U line's G c. And G c moves turning into a dead frustration star P
t. This means I won't be frustrated if I made this move. I will be able to buy at a good

 But the self line's G c repels away the top line's G wa meaning I still will lose
money in the future.

Result: The price dropped from $25.50 to $24.60 on day cn. I bought the stocks at $24.70
on that day. Right after I bought it, the stock value rose. but I lost money on the next

Conclusion: Just think of the U line P e as a parent who spoils her child. And think of the
advancing B star of the self line as a spoiled brat. The more that the parent spoils her child,
the more damage is being done to the child. So if G t kills back at P e, it's actually good
for the child. If you ask for money, there will be money. If you ask for luck, there will be
luck. But if you want to see your brother, your brother might not show up because your
brother is being represented by the B star. If P e cannot produce the self line's advancing B
star, the self line's B star cannot advance. This means your brother cannot come to you.

From this lesson, we learned that invisible links do exist. So if you feel that 2 or 3 lines
have already formed an alliance, things still cannot happen when one of those lines is still
empty or has been struck or is bounding to the date.

A man asked when can he sell his stocks and get his money back, and he received
[Humble] and [Rise].
Year Month Date Hour
yo y - iX cn & e

Humble Rise
B yo -- B yo --
K h -- J K h --
P c -- P c --
B s - B yo -
R w x U K h -
P cn -- P c --

He said, "Alex. This sign looks scary. The R star represents 'I got something'. So the R
star means I sell. But the 2nd line R w moves turning into K h which kills back at itself.
Does this mean I won't be able to sell? Will the stock value drop even more?" I laughed
and said, "Don't you see that the R star is linked to the self line? Right now, K h is
bounding to the date. So the 2nd line cannot move. But in month e or in month s, the
bondage shall be broken allowing the 2nd line to move, which allows R w to link to the self
line. So you will sell either in month e or in month s."

Result: He sold in month s.

If a G star moves turning into a B star which bounds to

the self line, the self line received a gain star.
For example: It's Hapoel against Milan, battling for the UEFA cup. Mr. Hapoel tossed the
coins asking will Hapoel win the soccer game. (He wants Hapoel to win.) He got [Strip]
and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h

6 strike
G y - G y -
K t -- J K t --
P sh -- P sh --
G m x B s -
R e -- U R w --
P wa -- P cn --

There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is
permanent. The self line is Hapoel, and the U line is Milan. In this sign, it really looks
like Milan will win because the U line has an advancing R star. The 3rd line gain star is
being killed back by the B star. But the 3rd line's gain star G m moves turning into B s
which bounds to the U line. This means that the U line (Milan) receives the gain star. So
Milan will win.

Result: Milan, which is represented by the U line, won the game.

What did the self line receive if this sign

Sometimes, you see stuff like this:

4th line P s x Bh-

Self line K y o J K m --

The self line K y is actually being produced by B h. So there will be joy. But meanwhile,
the self line also received a P frustration star through B h. So this sign indicates that there
will be mixed feelings of joy and frustration.

For example: A man asked is it safe to wait a few more days before he sells his stocks. He
got [Fog] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
s & yo?
cn h - II
sh & h?

6 strike
B t -- R wa --
R sh - U P yo -
P s x B h -
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
B t - G e -

He purchased the stocks at $25 a share. Right now, he earned some money because the
stock value rose to $26.90. He is wondering will the price rise some more. That's why he
wants to wait a few more days. The 4th line's P s moves producing B h, and B h moves to
produce the self line's happiness star K y. This indicates that it's safe to wait a few more

 But there is another side to this sign. The self line received a P frustration star
meaning that there will also be sadness.
 Right now, none of these lines can move because they are all bounding to the date h.
But on day e, the bondage shall be broken allowing them to move all at once.
 Although the 4th line P s is empty, P s might not be empty after all since he tossed
the coins on day h - II. So I think something will happen on day e.

Result: He held on to his stocks. But on the next day, he began to lose money because the
price dropped to $23. Then on day e, the price went back up to $25. (He purchased it at
$25.) So on day e, he broke even. He didn't earn any money, nor did he lose money. The
sign was accurate; it's safe to hold on to his stocks, but there also will be sadness.

You will also see stuff like this:

U line R sh x U Bh-

Self line K y - J Ky-

What happens is the self line is actually receiving the R winner star. So if you got this kind
of sign, you will earn money or your sports team will win.

Remember this: When ever you see a B star moving to produce the self line's K star, it
usually means trouble will disappear. If you are in deep trouble, a B star producing the self
line's K star is a lucky sign.

What about this one?

3rd line K w x R yo -
Self line G cn -- J P h --

This looks like that the self line has received a R winner star. But actually, the self line has
received a K w loser star through the connection of R yo. If you ask for money, you will
earn very little money or will even lose money. But since R yo still bounds to the self line,
you will get your money back even if you will lose a large portion of it.

What about this one?

U line Gh xU B sh --

Self line R m -- J R m --

The self line has just received a Gh money star that has already been damaged by a B star.
If you ask for money, you will get some of your money back. But you will also lose some
money. If you ask for friendship, your friend will come help you because B sh bounds to
the self line.

What about this one?

2nd line B y o G c --
Self line P t - J Bm-

The self line has just received a B star. But this time, the 2nd line B y gave the self line a G
c money star. I tossed the coins once asking when will my friend give me back the money
that he owes me. (My friend owed me $10,000.) And I got this kind of sign. The 2nd line
G c was empty. The result is that he only gave me back $1000 in month t. So basically,
this kind of sign indicates that you will only get back a small portion of the money that
your friend owes you.

What about this one?

Self line K s - J Ks-

1st line G to B c --

The 1st line's G money star moved and got killed back by B c. Is this a good sign?
Actually, this sign means there will be great joy when the 1st line G t moves. The 1st line's
G t moves turning into B c which produces the self line's K star. When you expect a good
news, you shall hear the good news. When you expect something to happen, it will
happen. So don't be scared when you see B c killing back at G t because B c is actually the
helper of the self line's K star.

You also have seen this before:

U line K yo x U Ry-
Self line B cn - J B cn -

What happened is the self line has just received an R winner star. The self line reached R
y winner star through K yo.

What about this one?

U line B sh x U K yo -

Self line R m - J Rm-

The self line has just received a loser star K yo through B sh. But you must be careful
when you see this kind of sign due to the following phenomena:

I asked can I earn money if I sell my stocks a few days later. I got [Consolidate] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c

Consolidate Li
6 match 6 strike
R y - P e -
G t -- B wa --
B sh x U K yo -
G h - G h -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -

Although the self line R m has received K yo through the U line B sh, the U line K yo
moved to rescue the troubled 5th line money star G t. So G t still can produce the self line.
Right now, B sh is bounding to the date. But on day cn, the bondage shall be broken
allowing K yo to rescue G t.

 Actually, the self line R m has repelled K yo away although R m did receive K yo.
So the loser star cannot come to the self line at all!

Result: I earned money sometime between day cn and day e.

What about this one?

U line BcxU Pw -

Self line G t -- J B wa --

The self line has just received the money killer B c. The U line B c moved turning into P
w, and P w bounds to the self line B wa. Therefore, the self line received the U line B c.

What about this one?

5th line R sh x Bh-

Self line B h - J Bh-

The self line received a R winner star. This is a good sign especially when you ask about
the stock market or about money. When the self line receives the R star, the stock value
will rise or you will earn money. Some of my students think that the 5th line's B h will
move to kill the money star. That's not true. The self line clearly is receiving the 5th line's
R sh. That means you will become a winner.

What about this one? A woman asked will her X-boyfriend come back to her. She
received [Big profit] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - Vii s & yo

Big Profit
6 match
R e o U B yo --
P wa -- K h --
B yo o P c --
P cn - J P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -
One of my students said, "There is a B combo. But the self line has received a R e husband
star because the U line's R e moved turning into B yo which bounds to the self line. So
your X-boyfriend will return to you." Is this student's prediction right?

Unfortunately, this prediction is wrong. The U line and the 4th line have formed a B
combo. The U line's R e has already been incorporated by the B combo. So R e does not
exist anymore. P c also does not exist anymore. Only B yo survived because B yo has
conquered his neighbors and formed an empire. We must view the U line as a giant B star
now. So basically, the self line has received a giant B star, which represents loneliness.
This means the X-boyfriend won't return to her anymore. The B combo can also represent
friendship. But I don't think that's what she is asking for.

Remember that a non-moving line which is bounding to

the date will act like a moving line when the bondage is
broken? Check this example out!
A guy tossed the coins asking on which day can he sell his stocks and earn money. God
showed him [Fog] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - Vi sh & h

Fog Hollow
B t x K m -
R sh - U G e -
P s -- R wa --
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
B t - G e -

The self line K y moved and advanced killing and bounding to the U line's winner star R
sh. The self line made a big leap, but the U line has no action. This means it's hard to earn
that money. You must persue after the money, and the money won't come to you by itself.
Maybe you are losing money at this moment and are trying to break even?

 "Yes, that's correct. The price has dropped after I bought the stocks. And every
morning I have been keeping track of the stock market.", the man replied.
 The top line's K m links to the self line's K m. So the top line is the self line. The
top line's K m also bounds and kills the U line's R sh. The top line and the U line
are neighbors. So it's not hard for you to catch the R winner star. This means you
will soon break even.
 The U line's G e is now bounding to the date. When the bondage is broken on day
h, the U line will actually move! This means the U line's R sh will move on day h
and will bound to the self line's K m. So you will become the ultimate winner on
day h.

Result: The stock value rose on day h, and he sold his stocks on that day.

If two lines move, their elements on the 2nd hexagram

can bound to each other.
For example: I tossed the coins asking can I meet Misty within 2 months. I received [Joy]
and [Trapped]. (Misty is a girl who I like.)

Year Month Date Hour
t s - Vii t&c

Joy Trapped
6 match 6 match
G sh -- G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - U P h -
B m -- K w --
K e x G cn -
G wa -- J B y --

The 5th line's moving R star represents another man. So I do have a competitor.

 The self line's G woman star is in trouble because it got killed back by B y.
 The 2nd line's K e cannot rescue the self line's G wa because K e is producing G cn.

 The 2nd line K e is also bounding to the 5th line's R s. My rescuer is totally gone.

Result: I never saw her again. I didn't even have a chance to ask for her phone number.
Another example: Richard tossed the coins asking will the stock value go up in month wa
so he can sell his stocks for a pretty good price. God gave him [Bride] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn t-I t&c

Bride Extreme
P sh -- U P wa --
B s x B yo -
R w - K h -
P c x J P cn -
G m - G y -
R e - K t -

Richard asked can he sell his stocks in month wa. The 5th line B yo moves bounding to the
self line's moving P cn. Right now, B yo cannot bound to P cn yet because the self line P c
is bounding to the date t. If the bondage between P c and the date t is not broken, the self
line cannot move. If the self line cannot move, the 5th line B yo cannot bound to the self
line P cn.

 But month wa can break the bondage between P c and the date t. So the self line
will move in month wa.
 Unfortunately, the self line moves in month wa bounding to a strong money killer B
yo. This means not only Richard cannot sell at a good price in month wa, the stock
value will drop sharply in month wa.

Result: The stock value started to drop in month wa. The price reached the absolute
bottom in month s because the 5th line B s moves and advances in month s. When the 5th
line B s advances, B yo bounds to the self line.

I tossed the coins asking can I sell my stocks at $25.50. God gave me [Consolidate] and

Year Month Date Hour
e yo - II w & wa

Consolidate Bite
6 match
R y - P e -
G t -- B wa --
B sh x U K yo -
G h o B cn --
B c -- R y --
R m - J G t -

The 3rd line's G h money star got killed back by B cn. The self line received a K yo loser
star through the connection of the U line's B sh. No, the price won't go up that high.

Result: I was wrong. The price went up to $25.60. I failed to see that the 3rd line and the
U line are linking together because K yo is bounding to B cn. So B cn cannot kill back at
G h anymore because K yo and B cn canceled each other out. G h is linking to the U line,
and the U line links to the self line. This means the self line actually received the money
star G h.

Remember this: If only one line is moving but the other line does not
move, their elements in the 2nd hexagram cannot bound to each other.
Remember this well.

Advance and Retreat

What is 'Advance and Retreat'?

 A moving line which turns from an earlier element into a later element is called an
'advancing line'.
 A moving line which turns from a later element into an earlier element is called a
'retreating line'.

We have 12 dates:

earliest latest
<<<< Retreat Advance >>>>
element element
t c y m cn e w wa s yo sh h

But the moving line must turn from water into water, or from wood into wood, in order to
call it an 'advancing line' or a 'retreating line'. For example:

This is an advancing line:

First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram

R y -------> Rm
Here we have a R y wood line turning into a R m wood line. This is an advance. Because
y is an earlier element, and m is a later element.

But this is not an advance:

First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram

R y -------> Ks

Although y is an earlier element of s, but these 2 are not the same element. One is wood,
and one is metal. So we do not call this an 'advancing line'.

This is also not a retreating line:

First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram

K m -------> P yo

You got it? If it is wood turning into wood, or fire turning into fire, it could be a retreating
line or an advancing line. But if wood turns into metal, that's not it.

Here is a retreating line:

First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram

G c -------> G sh

earliest latest
<<<< Retreat
element element
y m cn e w wa s yo sh h t c

But this is not a retreating line:

First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram

G c -------> G wa

earliest <<<< Retreat latest

element element
y m cn e w wa s yo sh h t c
Between soil c and soil wa, there is another soil (sh). You cannot skip one soil and call it a
'retreating line'. Soil is kind of special in the 5 elements because only soil has 4 characters.
All other elements have only 2 characters each.

Here we have an 'advancing line'.

First Hexagram 2nd Hexagram

P cn -------> P wa

earliest latest
Advance >>>>
element element
y m cn e w wa s yo sh h t c

Advance/Retreat Chart
Advancing h>t y>m s > yo e>w c > cn cn > wa wa > sh sh > c
Retreating t>h m>y yo > s w>e cn > c wa > cn sh > wa c > sh

So how do we use the 'advance' and 'retreat' function?

Here's an example: My friend Christian owe me lots of money. He promised to give me

back part of the money in October (month of sh). But he has been making promises ever
since 1 year ago. Each time he promised to give me back my money, he delayed another 2
or 3 months. I wonder if this time he will try to delay again. So I tossed the coins and got
[Hide] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&s

Hide Too much

P sh o P wa --
B s - U B yo -
R w - K h -
B s - B yo -
R w x J K h -
P cn -- P c --

I worried. I worry that Christian will break his promise again this October (month of sh).
So what is my appointed star? Is it money? No. I am not asking about money because he
told me he will give me back the money in October. My question is will he break the
promise again this time. So my appointed star is P. P represents 'happening'. If you ask,
"Will something happen?", your appointed could be P. If you ask, "Will George Bush
declare a war on China?", the appointed could be P. If you think a lot about money, then of
course you should take the G money star as your appointed. But I know I was not thinking
about money when I threw the coins. I was worrying that he would break the promise

Anyway, the 6th line P is my appointed. 6th line P sh turns into a P wa. That's a retreating
line. That means it will not happen. Which means Christian will not break his promise in
the month of sh. P also represents worry. A retreating sh P means my worry disappears in
the month of sh.

Result: He sent me the money in the month of sh. If the 6th line was an advancing line,
my worry will probably grow. But since the P star retreated, my worry disappeared.

A man tossed the coins asking can he become a government official this winter. He
received [Finish] and [Need] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
sh e-X w & wa

6 match
B t -- B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- U P s --
R c x R cn -
K m - K y -
G e - J B t -
Hey! This is a great sign. 6 match means you will succeed. The 3rd line R c which moves
bounding to the self line B t represents the job that you want. (R represents power and
control.) The 3rd line R moves and advances. The 2nd line K is the job killer. So that's
your main enemy. The 2nd line K is retreating. You will definitely become a government
official. The 3rd line is actually moving and bounding to the self line's B t. So in month h,
h strikes the self line causing the self line to move. The self line moves turning into B t
which bounds to the 3rd line R c. So in month h, you shall be hired.

Result: He got the job in the month of h.

Another example: My credit card processor wanted to cancel my merchant account for
processing over the limit. They said they will call me when they have decided to cancel or
not to cancel my account. I don't want that to happen. My business merchant account is
very important to me. Will they really cancel my account? Oh my God. I hope not. So I
tossed the coins and got [Big profit] and [Quarrel]:

Year Month Date Hour
t yo - Viii t&c

Big profit Quarrel

R e - U R e -
P wa -- P wa --
R yo - B yo -
P cn o J P c --
G y - G m -
K t - R e -

Will they cancel my account? Again, if your question is, "Will that happen?", your
appointed is most likely P. The appointed star P is sitting on the self line. It moves and
made a retreat. P retreats means nothing will happen. P also represents worry. The self
line P retreats means my worry will disappear. The self line P cn changed into P c. But
right now, c is empty. So it cannot retreat at this moment. But in day c, when c is no
longer empty, P shall retreat. And on day c, my worry shall disappear!

Result: I was close. They called me on day t and told me that they will not cancel my
account which made me extremely happy. Why day t? Because day t are just 1 day away
from day c. When t and c are empty, both of them can be fulfilled on day t. So an empty c
could actually be fulfilled on day t. On day t, c is no longer empty. Therefore I received a
good news on that day.
A woman asked Wild Crane when can she have a son. She got [Fog] and [Finish]:

Year Month Date Hour
y sh - Vii y&m

6 match
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
B t - G e -

She wants a son. The 2nd hexagram [Finish] is a 6 match. I say most of the time when
somebody got a 6 match, his/her wish will come true. So K is her main character here. K
represents child. K also represents happiness. She will be very happy to have a son. The
self line K is her appointed star. It is advancing. Advancing child star means she will have
a son. But now, y and m are empty, so K y cannot advance yet. In the month of y or m,
she shall bore a son!

Result: She gave birth to 2 sons (twins) in the month of y. In the month of y, both y and m
are fulfilled and are not empty anymore.

A boy said that he received a letter from his father. His father is coming back home. (Back
in those days, people rode horses. It took many days to travel only a few miles.) The boy
wants to meet his father on his way home. Will he be able to catch his father on his way
home? He tossed the coins and got [Difficulty] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - III w & wa

Difficulty Travel
K t x R e -
P sh o P wa --
B s x J B yo -
B s - B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

The boy worries that if he tries to meet up with his father on his way home, he might miss
his father. The self line moves and advances. That means the boy will leave home
probably on day e. It could also mean he will leave home today at hour s.

 The 5th line's P sh produces the self line's B s. This means he will be comforted.
But too bad that the 5th line P sh is a retreating line. That means he won't be
comforted anymore. So will he miss his father if he took this trip?
 Luckily, the top line's R e moved to produce the retreating 5th line P sh. When a
retreating line has been produced by a nearby moving line, that retreating line can
no longer retreat. So P sh still will move to produce the self line.
 Right now, the 5th line's P wa is empty. So the 5th line cannot produce the self line
yet. But on day w or day wa, something comforting will happen.

Result: The boy caught his father on his way home on day wa.

If the month or the date is bounding to the retreating star, it cannot

retreat. You have to wait until the bondage is broken in order to see
it retreat.

Somebody threw the coins asking about his own illness. He has been sick for a long time,
and he feels that he won't live too long. He got [Chen] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa - II w & wa

6 strike
P sh o J P wa --
B s - B yo -
R w - K h -
P cn - U P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -
Wild Crane said, "If you have been sick for a long time, 6 strike means there is no cure."
The guy got 6 strike, and he said he has been sick for a long time. He won't live too long.
The self line moves and retreats. That means he will soon leave this world and go to the
spiritual world. Right now, the self line P wa is bounding to the date because the same
elements could bound to each other. Actually, the month is also bounding to the retreating
self line. But since the date is stronger than the month, the bondage of the date is more
serious. So we ignore the bondage of the month and focus on the bondage of the date.
Since the retreating self line is bounding to the date, it cannot retreat until the bondage is
broken. In month c, c will break up the bondage allowing the self line to retreat. He shall
die in month c.

Result: The guy died in month c.

If the month or the date is bounding to an advancing line, that line also
cannot advance. The bondage must be broken in order to see it

If one asks about money, a retreating B star means that person will
receive the money.

A woman tossed the coins asking when will her X-husband send her the monthly child care
expense. She expected her X-husband to drop the check in the mail within 3 days. She
received [Break] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - III w & wa

Break Look
R y - U R m -
G t x P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B c -- J R m --
R m o P e --
P e o B wa --

The money star is the appointed if someone asks about money. The 5th line money star is
completely dead. Do not expect your X-husband to drop the money in the mail within 3
days. But look at the 4th line. The 4th line is a retreating B star. When someone asks
about money, a retreating B star means that person will receive the money. Right now, the
4th line's B wa is empty. But on day wa, the 4th line will no longer be empty. That's the
time the 4th line shall retreat, and that's the time you will receive the money. Another
reason why you will receive the money on day wa is because day wa will strike the self line
B c causing it to move and turn into the R star. The R star represents 'You got something.'
If the self line moves and turns into an R star, you will receive the money.

 The self line's B c is also repelling away the 1st line's money killer B wa. This is
also a good sign.

Result: Her X-husband did not drop the check in the mail within 3 days. But about a week
later, her X - husband's secretary sent her the money using overnight express. She received
the money on day wa. I know that the 4th line B star is very powerful. But sometimes,
things like this will still happen. So if I were you, I would toss the coins again if I received
this kind of sign.

A retreating line can still bound to the self line if it is

located nearby. (The self line must also be moving.)
I wanted to know when will I talk to a radio show host who promised to interview me. I
got [Abide] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Viii sh & h

6 strike
G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

The 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike. But if the date or the month bounds to the self line, or if a
moving line bounds to the self line, the 6 strike doesn't count. The 5th line R yo moved
bounding to the self line. The 5th line R yo is only 2 lines away from the self line, so it is
quite near. R represents 'You got something'. So that means I will speak with the radio
host. But what scares me is that the 5th line is retreating. In the ancient text, it has stated,
"If another line moves bounding to the retreating line, that line cannot retreat." The self
line cn moves bounding to the 5th retreating line. The date is also producing the retreating
line. Looks like the 5th line will not retreat. Looks like I will talk to the radio show host
for sure.

Result: The radio show host himself phoned me and interviewed me in the cn hour. In the
sign, both the 5th line R and the self line cn are moving and are bounding to each other.
That means things will happen earlier than I expected. In the cn hour, both the 5th line R
yo and the self line G cn move bounding to each other. Therefore I got interviewed.

A retreating line cannot bound to another line if it is

located far away.
For example: Mary, a talented high school girl, is expecting to become the president of the
student body. She only has one competitor, and that competitor has a very small chance of
winning. Everyone knows that Mary will be the new president. Anyways, she tossed the
coins asking God, "Will my competitor somehow steal my talent and win the election?"
God gave her [Bride] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
c t-V w & wa

Bride Bite
P sh x U R e -
B s -- P wa --
R w - B yo -
P c -- J P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -

After Mary saw this sign, she cried out loud, "Oh my God! My competitor will win?!"
The U line represents her competitor. The U line P sh moves and turns into an R star which
produces back at itself. Does this mean that the competitor will definitely win? Not
exactly. Take a look at the 2nd line. The 2nd line G m represents valuable property. In
this case, the G star represents talent. The U line moves bounding to the 2nd line G m. But
too bad that the 2nd line is retreating. This means that the competitor does not have the
talent to be a president. By the way, the G star is right beside the self line and is located far
away from the U line. So the G star is her talent because it's right beside the self line. This
sign means that her competitor cannot steal her talent away from her.

Result: Mary won the election.

But a retreating line will bound to an advancing line no matter how
far apart they are. Which means, if an advancing line moves
bounding to a retreating line, the retreating line definitely cannot

I asked "Will I see a woman who I like within 10 days?", and God showed me [Duay] and
[No way].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Duay No Way
6 strike 6 strike
P wa x J P sh -
B yo - B s -
K h - R w -
P c -- U P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -

The 2nd line's retreating G star represents the woman. Although the 2nd line G m moves
and retreats, the self line's advancing P sh moves bounding to G m. The self line catches
the retreating G star so that G star can no longer retreat.

 Although the self line and the G star are very far apart, the powerful advancing P
star of the self line definitely will catch the G star without a doubt. So G star can no
longer retreat.
 The girl shall appear on day w or on day wa because the self line P wa could move
on those 2 days. The girl cannot appear on day m because day m is the day when
the G star retreats. The girl will appear when the self line moves to catch the G star.
 Although both hexagrams are 6 strike, the G m retreating line moves bounding to
the self line eliminating the power of the 6 strike.

Result: She appeared on day w.

So remember: If an advancing line moves bounding to a retreating line, the retreating line
cannot retreat. It doesn't matter how far apart they are.
I applied for a credit card merchant account. I don't know if they will approve me or not
because I had some problems in the past. I worried a lot about this. Everytime I tossed
the coins, God told me that I will be approved on day h. But I was too nervous, so I kept
tossing. One time, I tossed the coins asking when will I become happy because they finally
approved my application. I got [Feed] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h

Feed Hollow
B y - B m -
P t x K e -
G sh -- J G wa --
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m -
P t - U K e -

My question was when will I become happy because I was approved. So the K star is the
appointed star. The 5th line P star moves and turns into a K star. That's good! That means
my worry (P) will turn into happiness (K). But right now, K e is bounding to the date. So
the 5th line cannot move. But on day h, h will strike open the bondage causing the 5th line
to move. So on day h, I will become happy. But how do I explain the 2nd line B star
advancing and killing the self line money star? Since my question is money related, a B
star killing the money star is not a good sign.

 But look closely. The self line is retreating. If no line moves to bound to the
retreating G star of the self line, I definitely cannot be approved. But luckily, the
2nd line is advancing and is bounding to the self line. If an advancing moving line
is bounding to a retreating line, that retreating line cannot retreat. Right now, the
self line money star is retreating. That means they will not approve my application
yet. But on day h, the 2nd line B y shall move and shall bound to the retreating self
line. So on day h, the self line's money star cannot retreat anymore. So they will
approve my application on day h. I can start accepting credit card orders online on
day h!

Result: They approved my application on day h.

A retreating line cannot bound to the self line if the self

line does not move.
I tossed the coins asking will my web site be listed in a certain popular search engine. God
gave me [Extreme] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
c c - Vi w & wa

6 strike
B wa -- B wa --
K yo - J K yo -
G h - G h -
B cn o B c --
R y - U R m -
G t - P e -

The self line has a K star. K represents a loser. The self line's K star is very strong, so they
will not list my site. But the 3rd line B cn moves bounding to the self line. This indicates
that they still might list my site in their search engine because B represents friendship. If a
B star bounds to the self line, someone will help me out. But too bad that the 3rd line is a
retreating line. The ancient text stated that a retreating line cannot bound. But the 3rd line
is very powerful because it is the same element as the month and the date. Will the 3rd line
bound to the self line? Will my site be listed in their search engine?

 A moving, retreating line cannot bound to the self line if the self line does not

Result: I emailed them a couple of times. They told me that their search engine is broken
so they won't accept any new submission.

A retreating line can bound to a retreating self line if they are close to
each other. (Both of them must move.)

The 1st line and the 3rd line are close to each other. So if the 1st line's retreating
star moved bounding to the 3rd line's retreating moving line, none of them can
retreat anymore. The 1st line and the 4th line are not close to each other. So if the
1st line's retreating star moved bounding to the 4th line's retreating moving line,
they still will retreat.

I got into an argument with one of my customers. He wants to return all of the products
that he just ordered from me. Then, my partner told me that he has sent the products to that
customer without any kind of delivery confirmation. That news terrified me. If there is no
proof of delivery, that customer could just keep the products and say that we didn't send
him anything. Then he could call his credit card company and charge back the money. I
tossed the coins asking will that customer rip me off by saying that he didn't receive the
products. I got [Extreme] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
cn m - II t&c

Extreme Bride
B wa -- B sh --
K yo o J K s --
G h - P w -
B cn o B c --
R y - U R m -
G t - P e -

The self line K star means everything will be fine. The K star means I have nothing to
worry about. But too bad that the self line K star moves and retreats. A retreating K star
means worry will arrive. But luckily, the 3rd line B cn moves to bound to the self line. In
that case, I have nothing to worry about. The 3rd line B cn produces the self line. But the
3rd line is also retreating. Can a retreating line bound to a retreating self line? I say it can
because it is only 2 lines away from the self line.

 Although t and c are empty if I tossed the coins on date m - II, based on my personal
experience there might not be empty dates at all on date II. (Please read the last
section of the "Empty Dates" chapter.) So I am not sure if the 3rd line is empty or
 If the 3rd line is empty, I have to wait until hour c or day c to see some result. But
if the 3rd line is not empty, I will see result as soon as hour cn.

Result: At hour yo, my partner emailed me telling me that he did insure the package. He
said the customer needs to sign in order to accept the package. It happened at hour yo
because both the self line and the 3rd line could move at hour yo. This proves that the 3rd
line's B c was not empty. Receiving my partner's email gave me a big relief.

If a neighboring line moves to produce a retreating line,

that retreating line cannot retreat.
(A neighboring line is the line which lies right next to the retreating line. For example:
The 4th line is the neighboring line of the 3rd line.)

An author asked "When will I become a famous author and become wealthy?" He received
[Feed] and [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour
sh m - iV sh & h

Feed Trade
B y - B m -
P t x K e -
G sh -- J G wa --
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

He wants to know if he can become a famous author. So the self line of course is himself.
But what does the U line represent?

 The U line P t represents the general public.

 The U line links to the moving 5th line P t.
 So the 5th line also represents the general public.
 The 5th line (general public) moves turning into K e which produces the self line.
P t cannot hurt K e because K e is quite strong.
 If the 5th line produces the self line, the general public will love his books.
 The 5th line P t shall move in year t or in year c. So his books will become famous
in year t or in year c.
 Although the self line's money star G sh is retreating meaning that he cannot earn
money, a strong neighboring line moved producing the self line so that the self line
cannot retreat. So he still can earn money.

Result: He became rich from his books in year c.

Some guy asked when will he find his lost cat. He received [Big profit] and [Consume].
This is not his 1st toss.

Year Month Date Hour
h s - III cn & e
Big Profit Consume
R e o U K t --
P wa x P sh -
B yo o B s --
P cn - J K h -
G y o P c --
K t - G m -

Both J and U are empty. But since this is not his 1st toss, empty J and U actually means
something will happen when the emptiness fulfills. The 4th line's retreating B star means
his lost property will come back to him. So his cat will be found.

 But too bad that the 5th line advancing P star moves to produce the retreating B star.
So the 4th line B star cannot really retreat. So can he still find his cat?
 Don't worry. The 5th line advancing P star is useless because the top line's R e got
killed back by K t. If R e got killed back, it cannot produce the 5th line's advancing
P star. That means the advancing P star actually cannot advance. If the 5th line
cannot advance, it cannot help the retreating 4th line B star. He shall find his cat.

Result: His cat came back at hour cn.

A man asked, "Will Irland Win against Georgia?" (soccer game) He received [Arrive] and

Year Month Date Hour
m sh - V cn & e

Arrive Feed
K yo x R y -
G h -- U G t --
B c -- B sh --
B c -- B cn --
R m o J R y --
P e - G t -
The self line represents Irland because that's his favorite team, and the U line represents
Georgia. The U line's G star is quite powerful because the top line R yo moves to produce
it. The U line's G h advances producing and bounding to the top line's R y.

 Although the U line is not moving, the U line and the top line have formed an
unseparatable alliance. If they move, they move together.
 If the U line's strong G star advances to produce the top line R y, the self line's R
star also cannot retreat anymore since the top line links to the self line.
 But too bad that the top line's K loser star links to the self line.
 But who cares as long as the self line does not retreat? As long as the self line R
star can't retreat, the self line shall win!
 So the self line will win over the U line. This means Irland will win over Georgia.

Result: Irland won.

If a neighboring line is producing an advancing or a

retreating line, that line cannot advance or retreat until
the neighboring line can move.
For example: I tossed the coins asking will a certain stock reach $29 a share. The Lord
gave me [Everlasting] and [Intercourse].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - iV sh & h

Everlasting Intercourse
G sh -- U G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
R yo - J R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- G cn --

The self line has a retreating R star. This means the price cannot reach
$29 even if the 6 strike has been eliminated or even if the 2 lines which lie
between J and U are empty.
 But luckily, the self line's retreating R star is linking to the moving 5th line's
advancing R star. This means the price still can reach $29 when the 5th line moves.
The 5th line can move either in month e or in month s.
 The 1st line's advancing G money star means the price will reach $29. The 2nd line
is the neighbor of the 1st line. And the 2nd line K w moves to produce the 1st line's
G star.
 The 1st line and the 2nd line have formed an alliance. So if one of them cannot
move, none of them can move.
 Since the 2nd line P h is still empty, the 2nd line cannot move yet. This means the
1st line's G star also cannot advance before the emptiness of the 2nd line fulfills.
 The 2nd line's empty P h can be fulfilled in month e because e strikes open the
empty P h. The 5th line's advancing R star also can move in month e. So the Lord
is saying that he will allow the price to jump up to $29 in month e.

Result: The price went to $29 in month e.

If a retreating element has moved turning into an

element which produces back at itself, the retreating
element cannot retreat.
A woman wrote rumors about me on her web site and submitted her web site to mainstream
search engines. The defamatory she wrote about me affected my business a little bit. So I
sent her an email asking her to delete what she wrote about me in exchange for some of my
products as gifts. Then I tossed the coins asking will she accept my offer, and God showed
me [Cup] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
h s-V y&m

6 strike
B e - P y -
K wa -- U R t --
G yo o K sh --
G yo - G s -
R h o J B w --
K c -- K cn --
There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. So the 6 strike is permanent.
She will not take my offer.

 But wait! The 4th line gain star G yo moves producing the self line's R h. If the
gain star moves to produce the self line, something good definitely will happen.
 The 4th line G yo is linking to the 3rd line's G yo. Although the 3rd line G yo
retreats, G yo cannot retreat because the 4th line's G yo moved turning into K sh
which produces back at G yo. This means G yo still has the ability to produce the
self line.
 I tossed the coins just 3 hours before the date shifts from day s to day yo. So maybe
the power of day yo was already effective when I tossed the coins. So the 4th line's
G yo could be bounding to day yo. If the 4th line's G yo is bounding to day yo,
something good will happen on day m because m can break their bondage allowing
G yo to move to produce the self line.

Result: She did not take my offer. But a few days later, I contacted her web host
threatening to sue the web host if they don't shut down her web site. And the web host did
listen to me and helped me shut down her site on day m. She didn't take my offer because I
got a permanent 6 strike. But her web host helped me shut down her site because the gain
star moved to produce the self line.

If the date or the month bounds to a moving, retreating line, that line
cannot retreat yet. But when their bondage is broken, that line definitely
will retreat. Or when the helper is removed, that line definitely will retreat.
So in the long run, the month or the date cannot prevent a retreating line
from retreating.

A guy's mother had a stroke. She practically cannot move. The guy tossed the coins asking
about her stroke and received [Same] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
sh m - Vi s & yo

Same Solution
K sh o U K sh --
G s o G s --
B w - B w -
R h o J B w --
K c x K cn -
P m o P y --
In this hexagram, 5 lines out of 6 moved. When too many lines move, situation is not
good. The self line R h moves bounding to the 1st line retreating P y. So the 1st line P star
cannot retreat because another line moves bounding to it.

 The 2nd line's advancing K star represents happiness. Although the 1st line's P m is
retreating, it cannot really retreat since the self line's R h is bounding to the 1st line's
P y. So the 1st line will move to kill the 2nd line's happiness star.
 If the happiness star has been damaged by the 1st line P m, something horrifying
will happen.
 Although the self line's B w also produces the 2nd line's happiness star, the 2nd line
cannot win over the 1st line because the 1st line kills the 2nd line.

Result: His mother died somewhere between month c and month y.

A German tossed the coins asking which soccer team will win. (Bovina vs. Weingärtner)
He got [Everlasting] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - III t&c

Everlasting Little Much

G sh -- U G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
R yo - J R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- G cn --

He wants Bovina to win, so the self line is Bovina. The U line is Weingärtner. The self
line has an R winner star. The date cn bounds to the self line R yo. The date strikes the U
line causing the U line to move to produce the self line. Although the 2nd line K star
moves to kill the self line, the self line is being bound by the date cn. Under the protection
of date cn, the self line won't easily be damaged. So the 2nd line cannot hurt the self line.
But can a retreating R star on the self line win this game?

Result: Bovina won the game on the same day. This case proves that if the date bounds to
a retreating line, that line cannot retreat. Bovina won the game on day cn because the self
line's R yo could not have retreated on that day. If the game is to be held on day sh or on
day m, Bovina could have lost the game because day sh or day m could have broken the
bondage allowing the self line to retreat.
If the G money star is retreating, and nothing is bounding to the retreating
G star, you cannot earn money. If the R star is retreating but nothing is
bounding to the R star, your wish cannot come true.

I feel that a retreating line which does not have another line bounding to it is kind of like a
permanent 6 strike. For example:

I tossed the coins asking when will I go to the dentist and have my cavity fixed. I received
[Rise] and [Strip]. (I was expecting to go to a dentist within a week.)

Year Month Date Hour
t sh - iX t&c

Rise Strip
R yo x B y -
P h -- P t --
G c -- J G sh --
R yo o B m --
P h o K e --
G c -- U G wa --

The bottom gua duplicates. This means I will hesitate. The self line G star is retreating,
and nothing is bounding to the self line in order to pull the self line back. This means I will
quit going to the dentist.

Result: I didn't believe this sign when I got it because I have tooth ache. But for some
reason, my tooth ache disappeared 2 days later. So I didn't go to the dentist within a week.

If an advancing or retreating line moves, something

serious will happen!
I find that a moving, retreating or advancing line is much more meaningful than a non-
moving retreating/advancing line. If a non-moving B star advances, it's probably no big
deal. But if an advancing B star moved, God is telling you very earnestly that the stock
market will crash! So do remember that a moving advancing/retreating line has significant
meaning. When ever you see a moving advancing/retreating line, you must investigate it
with tremendous care because it holds a serious message.
If the self line links to a moving, retreating R star, you will become a
loser. If the self line links to a moving, advancing G star, you will earn
money. If the advancing G star is very powerful, you will earn big money!
If the advancing G star is weak, you will earn very little. You got it?

A man tossed the coins asking can he meet a certain girl on day cn. He received [Combine]
and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

Combine Little Much

P wa -- P sh --
B yo o U B s --
K h - R w -
G m x B s -
R e -- J R w --
P wa -- P cn --

A beginner would say that he cannot meet that girl on day cn because a strong woman killer
B star moved. But did you notice that the 3rd line's G woman star moved turning into B s
which links to the 5th line's retreating B star? If the 3rd line's G star has been killed back
by B s which links to a moving, retreating B star, B s has no power to kill G m at all. That
means the B star will disappear soon. Right now, both the month and the date are the
graves of the self line. So the self line is totally inactive. Only a strike will reactivate the
self line. When the self line reactivates, the 3rd line B s will bound to the self line's R e.
When the 3rd line bounds to the self line, the self line receives the woman star G m.

Result: They met on day t. (t struck with the self line R w.)

The element in the 2nd hexagram of a retreating line

cannot bound to the self line nor to any other line.
For example:

Gmx Gy- Top line

K h -- J K h -- Self line

The top line G m moves and retreats. Although the top line G m turns into G y, G y cannot
bound to the self line K h because G y is in the 2nd hexagram. The element in the 2nd
hexagram of a retreating line cannot bound to other lines. Only the element in the 1st
hexagram of a retreating line can bound to other lines. That means G m can bound to a line
that has P sh.

The element in the 2nd hexagram of an advancing line

can bound to another line.
For example:

Pcx P cn - Top line

B yo -- J B yo -- Self line

The top line P c moves turning into P cn. So the top line is an advancing line. Top line's P
cn is in the 2nd hexagram, but P cn can bound to the self line's B yo. P cn can also bound
to any other line that has B yo.

If the self line has an advancing K star, you team will

definitely lose to the other team, or you will definitely
not marry the girl in your dream. It doesn't matter if a 6
strike has been eliminated or not.
For example: It's Oregon vs. Wake Forrest. A man tossed the coins asking which team
will win the game, and he received [Humble] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
t s - iX sh & h

6 strike
B yo x G y -
K h -- J K t --
P c -- P sh --
B s - B s -
R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The self line represents Oregon because Oregon is his favorite team. I said that Oregon
will win because the top line G y bounds to the self line eliminating the power of the 6

Result: I was wrong. Wake Forrest has beaten Oregon. Oregon lost the game at hour e
because the self line K h moved and advanced at hour e. From this lesson, I learned that an
advancing self line guarantees you failure. If you ask about money or about woman, you
will get none. If you ask about a game, your team will lose. But if you ask about
happiness, you will become extremely happy. If you ask about trouble, there will be no
trouble. If you lost money in the stock market and would like to know when will the stock
value go back up, the advancing self line's K star means you will become happy soon.

In contrary, an advancing R star sitting on the self line means you will definitely become a
winner even if there's a permanent 6 strike. But if you ask for trouble, there could be

Let's talk about advancing lines.

A student asked me this:

 "Alex. You say that a retreating line cannot retreat if a neighboring line moves and
bounds to it. But can an advancing line still advance if a neighboring line bounds to
it? Can the bondage from a neighboring line prevent an advancing line from

ANSWER: Based on my experience, an advancing line still can advance when another line
moves and bounds to it.

There are only 2 things which can stop an advancing line:

1. If a nearby line moves killing the advancing line, the advancing line cannot
advance. (The 3rd line is considered a nearby line of the 1st line. So the 3rd line's
moving P star can prevent the 1st line's advancing K star from advancing. The 4th
line is too far apart from the 1st line. So the 4th line's moving P star cannot prevent
the 1st line's advancing K star from advancing.)
2. If a nearby helper of the advancing line moved and got killed back, the advancing
line can no longer advance.
For example: I sold short Yahoo stocks at $25. Then the price started to climb up. This is
bad for me because I lose money when the price climbs up since I sold short. I tossed the
coins asking when will evil spirit disappear, and I got [Bite] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y - III sh & h

Bite Arrive
K e o R yo --
G wa -- J P h --
R yo o G c --
G cn -- G c --
B y x U B m -
P t - K e -

The U line's powerful B y is the money killer. It wants to kill my money. Luckily, the
powerful R combo is surrounding the self line's G money star protecting the G money star
from being killed by the advancing B star.

 If a nearby line moves to kill the advancing B star, the B star cannot advance. The
4th line R yo moved killing the U line's advancing B star. This means evil spirit
will soon go away, and the stock value shall drop again. So I won't lose money.
 But on day m, the R combo will be struck loose. If the R combo has been struck
loose, it can no longer kill the advancing B star. So evil spirit will be set free on
day m. On day m, the price shall climb up.
 But on day cn, the R combo will move to kill the B star. This means the price will
drop on day cn.
 On day e, the R combo will also become active. So price will continue to drop on
day e.
 Actually, the R combo cannot really kill the advancing B star because B y is still
bounding to the date. When B y bounds to the date, nothing can kill B y. But on
day s, the bondage shall be broken allowing the R combo to really kill B y. So the
price will drop even more on day s.

Result: The price rose up to $26.15 on day m. Then the price began to drop on day cn. It
continued to drop on day e. On day s, the price has dropped to $24.63.
I tossed the coins asking on which day will my stocks reach the highest price. I got
[Travel] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - Vii y&m

6 match
B e - B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - U G yo -
G s o P m --
B w -- B e --
K cn -- J K wa --

The self line has an advancing loser star. If the self line's loser star is advancing, the price
will not reach the highest point. But luckily, the 3rd line's P m moved killing the self line
so that the self line's loser can no longer advance. This means the price will reach the
highest point after all. Right now, P m cannot move because it is bounding to the date. But
on day cn, the 3rd line P m will be freed.

Result: The highest price was reached on day cn.

Note: The 3rd line and the 1st line are only 2 lines apart. Therefore, the
3rd line's P star can stop the 1st line's K star from advancing. Based on
what I know, the 4th line's moving P star cannot stop the first line's
advancing K star from advancing because the 4th line and the 1st line are
too far apart.

If a nearby helper of the advancing line moved and got

killed back, the advancing line can no longer advance.
Frank filed a claim with his car insurance company. He worried that the insurance
company will not pay him the full amount of the damage. So he tossed the coins and
received [Look] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
h c - Viii cn & e
Look Strip
G m - G y -
R e o K t --
P wa -- J P sh --
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

The self line is an advancing P frustration star, and the 5th line's R e moves to produce the
self line. But luckily, R e got killed back by K t. This means the 5th line R e can no longer
produce the self line's frustration star. This means Frank's worries shall disappear because
the advancing P star can no longer advance. He will be paid the full amount of the

 The 5th line's K t actually is moving to produce the top line's retreating G money
star. This means they will pay him the damage.

Result: He has been granted the full amount of the damage.

A far away moving line cannot prevent another retreating

line from retreating. But how far is far?
I tossed the coins asking will I lose money in the stock market. I got [Stop] and

Year Month Date Hour
e m - Vi s & yo

6 match
P sh o U P wa --
B s - B yo -
R w - K h -
G m x J B s -
R e -- R w --
P wa -- P cn --
The U line's P sh moves and retreats. This means my worries shall disappear. The self
line's G m moves and gets killed back by B s, and B s is linking to the 5th line's advancing
B star.

 But luckily, the 6th line is degenerating the 5th line's advancing B star. This means
the B star can no longer kill the self line's G money star. So I won't lose money this
 Now, the main question is this: Will the self line's G m prevent the U line from
retreating since they both bound together? Of course I want the U line's P
frustration star to retreat so my worries can disappear.
 Based on what I know, the self line's G star cannot prevent the U line from
retreating because they are too far apart.
 If P sh is only 2 lines away from the self line, the self line would have prevent P sh
from retreating. That means if the retreating P sh is on the 5th line, the self line
would have prevent it from retreating. But since P sh is 3 lines away from the self
line, they are too far apart. So my worries shall disappear since the self line cannot
prevent P sh from retreating.

I sold my shares on day sh without losing a cent. But I also didn't make any money on that

Element Combos
Those close to 30 Chinese I-Ching books that I have read only taught me about 1 or 2 types
of combos. Not knowing all of the combos left me stranded on a no man's island especially
when a very important matter occured but I didn't understand what the moving lines meant.
I have discovered these different types of combos the hard way; Find out the result after it
happened. I think this chapter is the heart of this entire book. These combos are so
important that leaving them behind means blind-folding your eyes. You must remember
these combos because they are accurate everytime. They are your road map to success!

 s, t, and cn form a water combination.

 y, w, and sh form a fire combination.
 e, yo, and c form a metal combination.
 h, m, and wa form a wood combination.

A combination appears when the first and the 3rd line move. Combination
also appears when the 4th and the 6th line move. See the following sign
for an example.
R y - S R y -
G t - - G t - -
B sh - - B sh - - S
K s O U B cn - -
P w - R y - -
B cn X G t - U
s, t, and cn water combo!

The first and the 3rd line moved. The first line is cn turning into t. The third is s turning
into cn. This is s, t, and cn water combination. You will see lots of this kind of combination
in the future. Not just the first and the 3rd line, the 4th and the 6th line moving might also
form a combination.

If one throws the coins concerning a job or a promotion, a R combination is a lucky sign.
R represents control, power, or possession. The R combo means you will be promoted or
will get a job.

If the combination is a fire combination, and the R star in your hexagram has a fire element,
that fire combination is a R combination.

For example:

Little Much Hurt

P sh x U G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o P sh --
P c -- J P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

The 4th line and the 6th line form a fire combination (y, w, and sh). The R star happens to
be a fire element. Therefore, this combination is a R combination.

If the R combination is produced by the month or by the date, your position is high or you
will be highly promoted. If there is a G combination in your hexagram, it's also lucky for a
job or for promotion related questions because G produces R.

If you throw the coins asking about love, a strong R or a strong G combo is a lucky sign if
the self line is one of the elements of the combination. If the U is one of the elements of
your G or R combo, another person will jump in and grab your woman because the U line
represents your opponent. If a combination in the hexagram produces the self line or
produces the appointed, it's a lucky sign. If the combination produces your opponent or
produces the enemy line, it's a bad sign. If one of the elements of the combination is
empty, the combination cannot be established until the emptiness is fulfilled. If asking
about a job or about a promotion, having a R combination producing the self line is a sign
that you will get the job or will be promoted. If the R combination is producing the U line,
another person will fill the position which you want. If asking about money, G combo
producing the self line means that you will make a profit. If G combo produces the U line,
others will profit. When asking about business, a combination means a group of people
have already formed an organization.
The fire, water, wood, and metal combo
can eliminate a 6 strike if the self line is
part of the combo.
Two villages are declaring war on each other because of border dispute. A man was
concerned about it. He asked Wild Crane and got [Li] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
m e - iV t&c

Li Quen
6 strike 6 strike
B e o J G yo
K wa -- h
G yo o K c
R h o U P m
K c -- e
P m o K wa

The 6 strike has been eliminated because the self line and the 4th line formed a G combo.
The U line and the 1st line formed a P frustration combo. Luckily, the U line's frustration
combo is repelling away from the self line. (If one element strikes with another element,
they repel each other. The host of the P combo is P m. And P m repels away from the self
line's G yo.) That means there is nothing to worry about at the end.

Result: Nothing happened. Someone came in and pulled both sides apart.

A guy wants to know if he can become the manager of his company. He tossed the coins
and received [Well] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
s h - II s & yo
6 match
P t -- P t --
G sh - J G sh -
R s -- R s --
R yo o G c --
P h - U B m -
G c x K e -

If a combo surrounds the U line P h, the U line is considered a moving line. The U line B
m moves and kills the self line. The self line's advantage star G sh got killed by the
loneliness star B m. This is not good.

Result: Somebody else took the position.

My friend has shipped me a very valuable item. I tossed the coins asking when will I
receive the package. I got [Look] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
cn s-V y&m

Look Same
G m - P sh -
R e - B s -
P wa x J R w -
G m x K h -
R e -- P c --
P wa x U G m -

The self line P wa is linked to the 1st line P wa. So the 1st line is the self line. The 3rd line
and the 1st line form a G combo. If the 1st line is included in the combo, the self line is
also included in the combo. A G combo represents money or gain. If the self line is being
included in the G combo, I shall receive the package. Right now, the 3rd line G m is
empty. But on day yo, yo strikes with the 3rd line G m. When the 3rd line G m is being
struck, it will no longer be empty. So I could receive the package on day yo. The
emptiness could also be fulfilled on day m. But I don't think I will receive the package that
late. So I concluded that I will receive the package on day yo.

Result: The package came on day yo as predicted.

One man asked about a possible government position. Will he get it? He got [Combine] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn h - iV w & wa

P wa - - P wa - -
B yo - U B yo -
K h - K h -
G m X K h -
R e - - J P c - -
P wa X G m -

In the lower gua, the 1st line and the 3rd line move forming h, m, and wa wood combo.
The wood combo is producing the self line R. The man will definitely get a decent position.
Now, P wa is empty. Wait for month of wa and you shall be granted the position!

Result: The man got the position in month wa.

A water combo dies if both the month and the date are soil elements. So
you still must measure the strength of the month and the date even if you
have a combo.

For example: Mr. Hapoel is going to fight someone in the court. He tossed the coins
asking who will win. He got [Big storage] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - III w & wa

Big Storage Little Much

R y o B sh --
G t -- U K s --
B sh x P w -
B cn - K s -
R y o J P w --
G t o B cn --
The 3rd line is actually a moving line because it is being struck by the date. So the 3rd line
and the 1st line form a G combo.

If one asks who will win, R is the winner and K is the loser. Now U line is the enemy. U
line G t turns into a K star, and then G t produces the self line. So the enemy will lose. The
self line has an R star, so the person who tossed the coins will win. This indicates that Mr.
Hapoel will win some money?

 Not exactly. The U line's G t links to the 1st line G t. The 1st line G t moves
running into its own grave. The month and the date also kill G t. Although the 1st
line and the 3rd line form a G combo which produces the self line, the water G
combo is completely dry because G t is dead.
 Although the U line K s produces back at G t which made G t healthy, the 4th line B
sh moves to attack G t. There are too many obstacles. It's hard to win money from
the defendant.

Result: Nobody won. Mr. Hapoel was disappointed with the result. The reason why Mr.
Hapoel didn't win is because the money star G t is totally dead. Both the date and the
month are killing the money star. A dead money star cannot produce the self line. A dead
money star cannot form a money combo. This means Mr. Hapoel also cannot gain a cent.
The enemy did not win, but Mr. Hapoel also didn't gain anything.

One of my students showed me an example and asked me a

Let's say the month is e and the date is also e. And we have a metal combo.

3rd line R c x P yo -

Self line G e o R c --

My student said, "This is a P metal combo, and the 3rd line's P yo is the host. This combo
is dead because both the month and the date are killing this metal combo. But I don't think
that P yo is really dead since R c moved to produce P yo. So is this combo really dead or

ANSWER: This P combo is an empire established by P yo. The 3rd line P yo has already
conquered its neighbors. So R c doesn't really exist. G e also doesn't exist. Only P yo
survived. Although R c did move to produce P yo, the P combo still is dead if both the
month and the date are fire elements. So this P combo is still dead.
As long as the host of the combo does not die, a
combo cannot die.
The host of a fire combo is the fire star. The host of a water combo is the water star. For
example: The host of a fire R combo is R w. The host of a water G combo is G t.

The host of water G combo is G t. Then B cn and K s are the companions of the water G
combo. If a companion of the combo is dead, the entire combo still survives. So a combo
is pretty hard to kill. Even if the host is extremely weak, the entire combo still survives.

A strong combo brings noticeable result. A weak combo brings little result. If a
companion is dead, there still will be some kind of result, but the result won't be a too
noticeable. But no matter how weak a combo is, it will always bring some kind of result.

A man tossed the coins asking will the tax collector bring him trouble for evading tax. He
tossed and received [Little much] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s-I s & yo

Little Much Hurt

P sh x U G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o P sh --
P c -- J P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

The U line and the 4th line form a R combo which produces the self line. This indicates the
tax collector will not give you any trouble because the U line's R combo is producing the
self line. But the U line's G y is dead. If one of the elements of a combo is dead, is the
entire combo dead?

 No, a combo cannot die just because one of the companions is dead. Right now, U
line's G y is being struck loose by the date. So the combo cannot become active
until U line's G y is being revived. G y shall be revived in month h or in month y.
When G y is revived, the R combo shall move to produce the self line. And that's
the time a good news shall come.
 Why is the R combo still alive if G y is dead? The reason is because the host (R w)
is still alive even if G y is dead. R w still can move to produce the self line without
the help of G y.
Result: The tax collector canceled the investigation just a few days after month y has
passed. If this man was asking about money, he will receive only a small amount of money
because one of the companions of the R combo is dead. But since this man is asking will
there be trouble, a weak combo which produces the self line can mean only one thing:
There will be no trouble.

A man asked can he have sex with a certain girl, and he received [Rot] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

6 strike
B y o U G sh --
P t -- R s --
G sh x K w -
R yo - J G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x P t -

A K combo formed killing the self line R yo. The K loser combo kills the self line winner
star. This is not a good sign. Although the self line R yo turned into G cn which bounds
back at R yo, G cn is pretty loose because both the month and the date are striking at G cn.
The 1st line G c (hope) moves turning into P t (disappointment).

Result: He didn't have sex with that girl. From this lesson, we learned that a combo
usually carries a serious message. Although the K combo in this sign is weak and can
hardly damage the strong R star, the message is not weak. At the end, he didn't have sex
with her.

Two soccer teams are battling for the UEFA cup. It's Hapoel vs. Milan. My student Shai
tossed the coins asking will Hapoel win the soccer game. (He wants Hapoel to win.) He
got [Family] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h
Family Look
B m - B m -
K e - U K e -
G wa -- G wa --
P h o B m --
G c -- J K e --
B m o G wa --

The U line represents Milan, and the self line represents Hapoel. The strong U line
produces the self line. So Hapoel should win the game. But my only concern is the B
combo, which is surrounding and killing the self line's gain star. The self line is in the
lower gua, and the B combo which kills the self line is also in the lower gua. The self line's
gain star is being hurt very badly. That's not good. You see? Gain star = benefit. Gain
star being killed = no benefit. If there is no benefit, how can Hapoel (self line) win?

Result: Hapoel lost. The B combo which surrounds the self line has damaged the self line
too badly.

A man asked, "Will number 7 be one of the winning evening Georgia Cash3 numbers?" He
got [Combine] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
wa e-X w & wa

Combine Hurt
P wa -- B yo --
B yo o U K h --
K h o P c --
G m x K h -
R e -- J P c --
P wa x G m -

The 1st line and the 3rd line form a strong money combo which produces the self line R e.
Number 7 is represented by the money combo because if he wins the lottery he will win
money. So number 7 will definitely be one of the winning numbers.
 The U line's B yo loneliness star links to the 4th line P c, and the 4th line's P c links
to the self line. This means the self line received the B yo loneliness star. This is
not good.
 But luckily, the G combo repelled away B yo for the self line. So B yo is gone.

Result: This is what the man wrote later: "Winner was 579, and I played 279. That was
pretty kewl for the first try." The game was on day w. The reason why number 7 showed
up on day w is because the G combo's P wa was empty until day w. But on day w, the G
combo was no longer empty.

If a R combo surrounds and strikes with the self line,

the self line will receive the R combo.
A man tossed the coins asking when can he sell his car. He got [Extreme] and [Little

Year Month Date Hour
cn t - III s & yo

Extreme Little Storage

B wa x R m -
K yo - J P e -
G h o B wa --
B cn - B cn -
R y - U R y -
G t - G t -

A R combo formed on the top gua surrounding the self line. Although the R combo does
not directly link to the self line, the self line has received the R combo since R combo has
totally surrounded the self line and is striking with the self line. The R combo is a winner
combo. This means he will sell his car one day.

 But too bad that the self line's K yo turned into a P e frustration star. This probably
means he cannot sell his car at a good price.
 Right now, the self line is still empty. An empty self line cannot receive the R
combo. But once the emptiness fulfills on day yo, the self line will receive the R
combo. So he shall sell his car on day yo.
Result: He advertised his car for $4000. On day yo, a man came by for a test drive.
Coincidentally, the car's engine failed on that very day. He was forced to sell it for just
$700 on that day.

A man tossed the coins asking, "Will my favorite team Deportivo win?" He got [Big
storage] and [Strong]. This is not his first toss.

Year Month Date Hour
yo e-X w & wa

Big Storage
6 strike
R y o B sh --
G t -- U K s --
B sh x P w -
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

This is not his 1st toss. So the permanent 6 strike has no meaning. The U line's G t gain
star does produce the self line. But unfortunately, the U line G t has been surrounded by a
P combo. The P combo also strikes with the U line G t. This means the U line G t gain star
has turned into a P frustration star. The U line G t can no longer produce the self line.

Result: Deportivo did not win. The game was a tie game.

Root of the Combo

Let's say the top line and the 4th line formed a P combo. The 5th line is G t turning into K

Big Storage Little Much

R y o B sh --
G t -- U K s --
B sh x P w -
B cn - K s -
R y o J P w --
G t o B cn --

The 5th line is called 'the root of the combo'. The P w combo is hurting the U line G t
because P w strikes with G t. (But the P w combo cannot kill the U line's K s.) This
makes it harder for the money star G t to produce the self line R y.

Here is a real example: A mother tossed the coins asking about her missing child. She got
[Bite] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
h wa - Viii sh & h

6 match
K e - K e -
G wa -- J G wa --
R yo - R yo -
G cn x R s -
B y -- U K w --
P t o G cn --

The kid is the K star. K has the element e. And e is the South-East.

 P t combo has formed at the lower gua. The root of the combo is B y turning into K
 The P t combo produces the U line B y. So the U line B y has enough energy to
produce the U line K w. Then, the U line's K w joy star can produce the self line's
G wa. This is a good sign.
 The root of the combo does not need to move to produce the
self line.
 The self line did not receive the B y star from the root of the
combo. The self line has only been produced by K w.
 Right now, the root of the combo K w is bounding to the date. So K w cannot
produce the self line yet. But on day t or day c, the bondage will be broken
allowing K w to produce the self line. When the joy star K w produces the self line,
there will be great happiness.

Result: The child was found in the South-East direction by the police on day sh. He was
brought back home on day c. If you didn't learn about the root of the combo, you would
have made a wrong prediction because a P combo represents frustration.
I tossed the coins asking is it safe for me to place a bet on a certain sports team. God
showed me [Rich] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
w m - II t&c

6 match
R sh -- R sh --
P s -- J P s --
G w - G w -
B h o K m --
R c -- U G e --
K m o R wa --

Since I have tossed the coins on day II, the element t and c might not be empty. The U line
R c turns into G e money star which bounds to the self line. But too bad that a K combo
formed killing R c so that R c cannot turn into G e. That means G e money star cannot
bound to the self line. So it's not good to bet on this team.

Result: The team I was thinking about betting on lost the game.

Timing of a combo:
Usually, if none of the elements of a combo is being struck loose or is empty, the timing
depends on one of the two elements of the 1st hexagram.

For example:

Combine Hurt
P wa -- B yo --
B yo o U K h --
K h o P c --
G m x K h -
R e -- J P c --
P wa x G m -
Let's look at the G combo formed by the 1st line and the 3rd line. If none of the elements
of G combo is being struck loose by the date or is empty, the G combo will become active
either on day m or on day wa. Why? Because the 3rd line's 1st hexagram's element is m,
and the 1st line's 1st hexagram's element is wa. The elements on the 1st hexagram usually
are the activators of a combo.

Let's say you tossed the coins on day e and you got the above sign. The 3rd line's K h is
loose. Then the combo could be activated on day h or on day y because day h or day y can
save the loose element K h. Let's say that w and wa are empty. Then the G combo shall
become active on day w or on day wa because the 1st line P wa is empty. When the 1st line
P wa fulfills itself, the G combo will become active. Let's say the self line R e is empty,
and you are expecting to receive some money from someone. You should receive the
money on day e. The G combo (money) is producing the empty self line. But the empty
self line cannot receive the money until it fulfills itself. If the date is w, it will bound to the
first line P wa. Then the G combo (1st and 3rd line) might not become active until the
bondage is broken on day t.

The above are combos established by ancient I-Ching

masters. I also want to introduce to you some other new
combos and links that I have established.......

B & K Combo
If the self line is a troubled K star, a nearby moving B star will guarantee you success. If
you ask about sports, your team will win. If you ask about the stock market, the stock
value will rise. If you ask about a lawsuit, you will win.

How to qualify for this law?

 The self line must be a K star turning into a P star.

 Or both the month and the date are killing or damaging the self line K star. For
o The self line K yo turns into B cn, but both the month and the date are wood
which kills B cn. B cn is dead and cannot produce back at K yo. The self
line K yo thus becomes helpless.
o The self line K star is wood, and both the month and the date are metal
killing the self line K star.
 Or the self line K star is retreating.
For example: Some guy tossed the coins asking will Mikaelian beat Ostrovskaya. (soccer
teams) He got [Quarrel] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
e c-X y&m

Quarrel Bride
P e o B sh -- --
B wa -- K s -- --
K yo - J P w - -
B c -- B c -- --
R m - R m - -
P e - U P e - -

He wants Mikaelian to win. So Mikaelian is the self line, and Ostrovskaya is the U line.
The self line K yo turned into P w which kills back at itself. So the self line K star is in
trouble. The top line B sh moved to produce the self line. So the self line, Mikaelian, will
be the victor.

Result: Mikaelian won.

If the K star did not turn into a P star which kills back at itself, the month and the date must
be damaging the K star in order for you to apply this law.

For example: Luke asked, "Who will win in the Detroit Redwings vs. Colorado NHL
game? I want Redwings to win." He got [Quen] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
m y - Vii w & wa

K yo -- J B sh -- U
G h -- K s --
B c X P w -
R m -- U B c -- J
P e X R m -
B wa X P e -
The self line is the Redwings. The self line K star is being struck by the month and is very
weak under the date. Although the self line K yo turns into B sh which produces back at
itself, B sh is dead. So the self line K star is in trouble. A troubled K star indicates worry
and anxiety. It does not represent a loser. The powerful 1st line B moves to produce the
self line K. Another powerful 4th line B also moves to produce the self line K. So there
will be great happiness. Redwings shall be victorious. Luke asked who will win. Luke did
not ask "Will Redwings win?" So a permanent 6 strike in this sign does not mean
Redwings will lose. The 6 strike doesn't mean anything.

Result: Victory for the Redwings.

A man bought some stocks. He wants to know the stock market trend for the entire year.
He tossed and received [Strip] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - iX t&c

Strip Unsettled
G y - R e -
K t -- J P wa --
P sh x B yo -
G m -- R w --
R e x U P cn -
P wa -- G y --

The self line K t is in serious trouble because both the date and the month are killing it.
The self line K t also turns into a P star which kills back at itself. Luckily, the 4th line
strong B yo moves to support the self line K t. Right now, K t is empty. So the strong B yo
cannot help the self line until the emptiness fulfills in month t. So in month t, the stock
value will go up.

Result: The stock value climbed to the highest peak in month t.

Caution: Do not apply this law if your self line K is

Here is why: I tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend for the entire year, and the
Lord showed me [Fog] and [Abide].
Year Month Date Hour
cn wa - X s & yo

Fog Abide
B t -- R wa --
R sh - U P yo -
P s x B h -
R cn -- R cn --
K y -- J K y --
B t - B t -

The self line K star is not strong and not weak. So we all can agree that the self line is not
in trouble. The forceful 4th line P s moved turning into B h which produces the self line K
y. Is this a good sign? Right now, the 4th line P s cannot move because P s is empty. But
in month s, the 4th line shall move. So B h will produce the self line K y in month s.

Result: The stock value dropped so sharply in month s. From this lesson, we learned that a
healthy self line K star does not need the help of a B star. If the B star moves helping a
healthy self line K star, the B star is the enemy. The B star will only destroy your money.
If you ask about sports, your team will lose. If you ask about business, you will lose
money. But if you ask about your own illness, you will be cured since the appointed star is
actually the K star. If you ask about life safety, you will be safe.

The B & K combo will also work on the U line!

Let's say the U line is not a moving line but is producing the self line.

 If the U line is in trouble, a moving line which produces the U line will also benefit
the self line.
 If the U line is not in trouble, a moving line which produces the U line will only
hurt the self line.

For example: I tossed the coins asking will the stock value drop in month h. God showed
me [Trapped] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
sh c - II sh & h
Too Much
6 match
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w x B yo -
P cn - K h -
G y -- J P c --

First of all, the self line and the U line are the most important lines in a hexagram. The U
line K h produces the self line's money star. So the U line must be the source of money.
My money comes from the stock market. So the U line is the stock market, and the self
line is my money. The U line K h does not move but is producing the self line G y. The U
line K h is dead. So apparently, the U line is in great trouble. That means the stock market
is not performing well at this moment.

The U line K h is in danger because both the month and the date kill it. But luckily, the 3rd
line B yo moves producing K h saving it from danger. Right now, K h is empty. So B yo
cannot produce K h yet. But K h won't be empty anymore in month h. So the 3rd line B yo
can produce K h in month h. When K h has been produced by B yo in month h, the stock
market will perform well.

What a coincidence? I asked God will the stock value drop in month h, and God told me
that the stock market will be strong in month h.

A few hours later, I grew concerned about this case. (Afterall, the powerful moving B yo
does look kind of scary.) So I tossed the coins again and received [Trapped] and
[Combine]. I still asked "What will happen to the stock market in month h?"

Year Month Date Hour
sh c - II sh & h

6 match
P wa -- P wa
B yo - B yo
K h - U K h
R w -- G m
P cn o R e
G y -- J P wa
The U line still is K h, and the self line still is G y. So the U line represents the source of
money, which is the stock market. And the self line represents my money. Both the month
and the date are still killing the U line K h. So K h is still in great danger.

 But this time, no B star is moving to produce K h.

 Another enemy showed up on the hexagram: The 2nd line P cn moves killing K h.
The U line K h is in real trouble this time.
 But luckily, month h will strike with the 2nd line's R e. When R e has been struck
in month h, the 2nd line will become loose. When the 2nd line becomes loose, it
cannot move to kill K h anymore. So the 2nd line will vanish in month h. When
the 2nd line P cn vanishes in month h, the main enemy disappears. I asked will the
stock market perfom well in month h, and God has told me again in this sign that
the market shall remain strong in month h.

Result: The stock market remained pretty strong in month h. His stocks worth $15 a share
in month sh, and it jumped up to around $18.50 in month h. The moving B star in the first
sign fools many beginners. If you don't want to be fooled in the future, keep your eyes on
the U line. If the U line is a non-moving K star which produces the self line's G star, the U
line must be the source of money. If the U line is in trouble, a moving B star is a lucky

Lily tossed the coins asking will her company's representatives perform well at a new
products expo. She received [Big storage] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - V cn & e

Big Storage Break

R y - R y -
G t -- U G t --
B sh -- B sh --
B cn o B c --
R y - J R m -
G t - P e -

Of course Lily hopes that her company will pull in lots of potential customers at the expo.
The U line G t produces the self line and is the source of money. But too bad G t is dead.
This means there will be no money.
 Wait a minute. The 3rd line B cn is the enemy because it kills G t. The 3rd line is a
moving, retreating line. This means her company will pull in lots of sales after all.
Based on this sign, we can tell that Lily didn't expect her company to do too well
because the source of money is dead. But the retreating 3rd line's B cn told us that
her company will perform better than she expected.

Result: Her company actually performed better than all other companies at the expo.

A man lost some money in month m. He tossed the coins asking about his business for the
month of cn. "Will business improve in month cn?" He got [Abide] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
m s - III cn & e

Abide Unsettled
K yo x P e -
G h -- U B wa --
B c x K yo -
B c -- P w --
R m - J B cn -
P e o R y --

Although this is not a B K combo, I still want to show you this sign.

The U line G h money star does not move but produces the self line R m. So the U line is
the source of money. This man is asking about his business. So the U line G h represents
his business, and the self line represents himself who receives money from his business.
The U line G h is in trouble because G h turns into B wa which kills back at G h.

 Luckily, a K bombo formed surrounding the U line G h. The K combo has saved G
h from danger.
 A beginner might think that the K combo is the enemy because it kills the self line
R m. But a true master knows that the K combo is helping the troubled U line G h.
The U line is the source of money. If the K combo protects the source of money,
his business should improve.
 This man asked will his business improve in month cn. The K combo can be
activated in month cn because the 6th line P e is now empty. But the emptiness of P
e could be fulfilled in month cn. When the emptiness of P e fulfills, the K combo
shall be activated.
Result: Business increased quite a bit in month cn. Business was the best in month e
because the 6th line's P e was empty. But in month e, the 6th line's P e was not empty
anymore. Therefore, the K combo activated in month e saving the money star of the U line.

If the U line K star is not in trouble, a moving B star will

become your worst nightmare!
For example: A boy asked can he receive 1400 points on his exam. He got [Trapped] and
[Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
yo t - Vii cn & e

Too Much
6 match
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w x B yo -
P cn - K h -
G y -- J P c --

The U line K h does not move but produces the self line G y. So the U line represents the
exam that the boy is about to take. And the self line represents himself.

 The U line K h is very strong. So the U line K h is not in trouble at all.

 The 3rd line B yo moves. Since the U line K h is too strong, it does not need help
from the 3rd line B yo.
 Therefore, the 3rd line B yo will turn around to kill the self line G y. B yo becomes
the enemy instead of a helper.
 The self line has been damaged by B yo. He cannot do well on the exam.

Result: The boy received only 1340 points.

How do I know that my K star is in trouble?


 If both the month and the date kill the K star, the K star is in trouble.
 The K star turns into a B star, but both the month and the date are killing the B star
so that the B star cannot produce back at the K star. The K star is in trouble.
 A retreating K star, especially a weak one, is in trouble.
 If the K star is weak under the month and is being killed by the date, the K star is in
 If the K star turns into a P star which kills back at itself, the K star is in trouble.
(Even if the P star is weak.)
 If the K star is not strong and not weak, the K star IS NOT in trouble.

If you don't know if your K star is in trouble or not, just pick up the coins and toss again.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will Nasdaq stocks drop to the lowest prices so I
can purchase some cheap stocks. God gave me [Strip] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
cn yo - Viii t&c

Strip Unsettled
G y - R e -
K t -- J P wa --
P sh x B yo -
G m -- R w --
R e x U P cn -
P wa -- G y --

The self line's K t is in trouble because it turned into P wa which kills back at itself. This
means the stock value will not drop because my wish will not come true. But luckily, the
4th line's strong B yo is rescuing the troubled self line K t. So my wish will come true
after all, and the stocks shall drop to the lowest point. Right now, B yo is bounding to the
date yo. So the 4th line B yo cannot rescue K t yet. But month m will break their bondage
allowing the 4th line B yo to move. So the stock prices will be the lowest in month m.

 The U line's R e produces P cn, which represents 'Something's happening'. But

now, the U line cannot move because P cn is bounding to the date. Month m can
also help break their bondage. When R e produces P cn in month m, something will

Result: All tech stocks fell to the bottom peak in month m.

Overheating Combo
Hey, check this out! This is the direct opposite of a B & K combo.

A man tossed the coins asking will Sally continue to date him after their first date? He got
[Strip] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

6 match
G y - P sh -
K t x J B s -
P sh x R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- U R e --
P wa -- P wa --

The self line's K t is too strong because it moved turning into B s which produces back at
itself. This is not good. If the engine sits in the snow, it will freeze. But if the engine
overheats, the car also cannot run. The self line is overheating.

 In this case, the 4th line P sh is actually trying to cool the self line down. So P sh is
the helper although it kills the self line. (P sh is cooling the self line K t down by
killing it. So P sh is the good guy.)
 Right now, the 4th line P sh cannot move because the 4th line R w has been buried
under both the month and the date. Only a strike can save R w. So only day t can
save R w.
 She shall see you again on day t.

Result: They met again on day t.

Here is a 'reversed overheating combo'.

I asked should I buy a certain stock now. I got [Same] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
sh cn - III t&c

6 match
K sh - U P y -
G s o R t --
B w o K sh --
R h - J R h -
K c -- K c --
P m - P m -

This sign looks confusing at first. But then, I have switched it around and
viewed it this way:

Consolidate Same
P y - U K sh -
R t -- G s o
K sh -- B w o
R h - J R h -
K c -- K c --
P m - P m -

The 5th line's R t winner star is overheating because it has been produced back by G s.
The 4th line's K sh moves to kill the 5th line's overheating R t. This is good. So I should
buy this stock right now.

Result: I bought it at 16 cents per share. Right after I bought it, it went up to 25 cents a
share. This lesson proves that you can switch the hexagrams around if you don't
understand the sign.

The following is also an overheating combo:

G h -- K s --
Bc x P w-

You should notice that the overheating G h money star is being cooled by the moving B c.
This is a good sign meaning you will earn money.

A troubled self line being spared.

Let's say the self line is in trouble, but the enemy has been killed or is retreating. The self
line has just been spared.

For example: A man tossed the coins asking will AC Milan beat Inter Milan. (Soccer
game) He received [Need] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - Vii s & yo

Need Compare
G t -- G t --
B sh - B sh -
K s -- J K s --
B cn o R m --
R y o P e --
G t o U B wa --

This man said, "The self line represents AC Milan because AC Milan is my favorite team.
The self line cannot lose since the 2nd line R y moves and turns into P e which bounds to
the self line. So the self line received the R winner star."

 But the U line (Inter Milan) also will not lose the game. And here is why: The U
line G t is in trouble because it got killed back by B wa. The 3rd line's B cn is also
the enemy of the U line's G t. But the 3rd line's B cn got killed back by R m. So
the enemy of the U line has been eliminated. So the U line has been 'spared' by the
3rd line B cn.
 Being spared by the enemy is just as good as being rescued by a helper. This means
the U line also will not lose.

Result: It was a draw. If the 3rd line B cn didn't get killed back but moved and retreated,
the U line still has been spared by the 3rd line.

Another example of this phenomena: I miscauculated the trend of a certain stock. I

bought, and it dropped. So I tossed the coins asking when will the price bounce back to
where I bought it. God showed me [Joy] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
yo m - Viii w & wa
Little Much
6 match
G sh -- G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - U K w -
B m x R s -
K e -- K w --
G wa -- J G cn --

The self line's money star is in trouble because it is retreating. But luckily, the 3rd line's B
money killer moved and got killed back by R s. This means the self line has been spared by
the 3rd line's B m. When the emptiness of the self line fulfills on day w or day wa, the
price shall go up.

Result: On day w, the price dropped sharply. I got scared and sold my shares. But on day
wa, the price all of a sudden rose back to the price where I bought it. I have learned a big
lesson from this sign: If I cannot even trust God, I cannot accomplish anything. I should
have waited at least until day wa.

Other 'troubled self line' combos

A girl said her friend owe her lots of money. She wanted to know when will her friend give
her back all of the money. She received [Cup] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
sh h-X t&c

Cup Same
B e - K sh -
K wa x U G s -
G yo - B w -
G yo - R h -
R h o J K c --
K c x P m -

The U line G s money star moves producing the self line's R winner star. This means you
will received the money.
 But wait! The 1st line P m is pushing K c toward the self line R h. So K c is killing
the self line's winner star R h. So R h is in big trouble. Can she still receive the
 She still can receive the money because the U line G s moved to rescue the self line.
So the troubled self line R h has been saved by the moving G s.

Result: In month t and c, her friend gave her back a small portion of the full amount. If R
h was not killed back by K c, she would have received even more money.

I sold short at $31. Bur right after I sold short, the price began to go up. I tossed the coins
asking will I lose money, and I got [Rise] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c

Rise Rich
R yo -- G sh --
P h -- R s --
G c x J K w -
R yo - P h -
P h o G c --
G c x U B m -

Both J and U have G c. So the self line is the U line. The U line's G c money star received
a frustration star P h, and it also has been killed back by B m. But luckily, the self line's K
w produces back at G c. So G c has been rescued by K w. Right now, the U line B m is
bounding to the date. So both J and U cannot move until the bondage is broken on day cn.

Result: The price dropped back down to where I sold short sometime between day cn and
day e.

I applied for a credit card merchant account. I tossed the coins asking when will I be
approved, and God told me that I will be approved on day h. But I tossed the coins again to
confirm it, and I got [Family] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - V sh & h
Family Little Storage
B m - B m -
K e - U K e -
G wa -- G wa --
P h - G cn -
G c x J B y -
B m - P t -

The U line represents the credit card company. The U line is producing the self line. I
think they will approve my application. But the problem is that the self line G star moves
and turns into a B star which kills back at itself. So I won't be approved? Don't worry. On
day h, h can bound away the enemy B y. Day h can also strike the U line K e causing K e
to move and produce the self line. The troubled self line will be rescued by the U line on
day h.

Result: I was approved on day h. If the self line G star moves and turns into a B star which
kills back at the G star in your first toss, it is an extremely unlucky sign. But since this is
not my first toss, and God has already told me in my first toss that I will be approved on
day h, I have concluded that this sign is also pointing to day h.

A guy asked when will the stock price of a certain stock drop to $22 a share, and he got
[Advance] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - I sh & h

6 match
R e o P sh --
P wa -- B s --
B yo - J R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

The self line's B yo is the money killer. But luckily, B yo got killed back by R w.
 But too bad that the top line's P sh moved to rescue the self line's B yo. If the
money killer survives, the price will not reach $22.

Result: When this man tossed the coins, the price was at $25.30. The price dropped to just
$24.60 on day cn. Then it started climbing back up.

A guy tossed the coins asking can he receive 1400 points on his exam, and the Lord gave
him [Queen] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour
yo c - Vii cn & e

Queen Lawsuit
P sh - P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - U R w -
B yo o R w --
K h - P cn -
P c -- J G y --

The self line's frustration star P c got killed back by a gain star G y. This is very good.

 But too bad that the self line's frustration star P c has just been rescued by the 3rd
line's moving R w. The result of the test won't be too good.

Result: He received only 1340 points.

In the future, you will often see stuff like this:

3rd line R yo o K w --

Self line G c -- J B y --

If you ask can you be promoted to be the manager of your company, the answer is 'No'
because the 3rd line R yo winner star moved and turned into a loser star K w. But if you
ask when will the stock market reach the highest peak so you can sell short and make a
profit, the answer is the stock market will reach the highest peak when the 3rd line K w
moves to produce the troubled self line's G c.
A man asked will he earn money if he buys a certain stock. He got [Little storage] and

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

Little Storage Well

B m o P t --
K e - G sh -
G wa -- U R s --
G cn - R yo -
B y - P h -
P t o J G c --

The self line P t frustration star moved and got killed back by a G c money star. This
means frustration turns into joy. But too bad that the U line G wa moves turning into R s
which rescued the self line's troubled frustration star P t. (The U line G wa moved because
it was struck by the date.) If the self line's P t has been rescued by the U line, frustration
cannot disappear. He shall lose money again this time.

Result: He didn't buy that stock after he heard my explanation. On day wa, the stock value
dropped sharply. It dropped on day wa because the U line G wa moved on day wa.

My friend Ken has lost almost $3000 in sports gambling within a month. He tossed the
coins asking will he lose money again today. He got [No way] and [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour
w y-V s & yo

No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

The self line K w moved turning into a strong G money star. A beginner would have said
that Ken won't lose money today. But since I am not a beginner, I won't say such a thing.

 Ken has lost too much money in the past. So the R star is the fear star while the K
star is the lucky star.
 The 5th line R s moved because the date y struck with R s.
 R s fear star moved and got killed back by the K e lucky star. This means trouble
goes away.
 But too bad that the self line's G wa moved to rescue the 5th line R s. So trouble
cannot go away. The 5th line R s can move at hour e or at hour s. So he shall lose
money again if he places a bet.

Result: He lost money again at hour e.

Note: The following pattern is the direct opposite of the above hexagram. But in this
pattern, G wa cannot move to rescue R s because R s is in the 2nd hexagram. That means
trouble goes away for sure.

B m - G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x K w -

A woman tossed the coins asking will she earn money in her investment. She got [Beg
Profit] and [Everlasting].

Year Month Date Hour
e e - Viii s & yo

Big Profit Everlasting

R e o U P sh --
P wa -- B s --
B yo - R w -
P cn - J B yo -
G y - K h -
K t o P c --
The self line P cn has turned into B yo money killer. This means she will lose money. But
luckily, the 4th line B yo has turned into a strong R w which kills back at B yo. So the self
line has reached a dead B yo after all. This means she will earn money.

 But the troubled B yo has a strong helper, which is the moving P sh. The 1st line P
c also helps B yo. So the troubled B yo has just been rescued. This means she will
lose money after all.
 The lower gua bounds back. So the 2nd line G y is the boss. When G y moves, the
entire lower gua shall move. Right now, the 2nd line K h has been struck. But in
month h, the 2nd line K h will act like a moving line. So in month h, the entire
lower gua will move. So in month h, the self line will receive a strong money killer
B yo.

Result: She lost lots of money in month h. The top line's R e was bounding to the date. So
the top line could not have moved until month h broke the bondage.

Remember this folks: The more trouble the K star is,

the more valuable the rescuer. If the K star is in small
trouble, a rescuer will bring a good news. If the K star
is in serious trouble, a rescuer will bring a very good

yo & cn Combo
If the self line has K cn, and a moving line which is right next to the self line has G yo, a
'yo & cn' combo is formed. An 'yo & cn' combo forms and becomes a metal element. An
'yo & cn' combo could also appear on the U line. If the U line has K cn, and a line which is
right next to the U line has a moving G yo, a 'yo & cn' combo could also form.

A man tossed the coins asking God will he become a government official in year h, and
God told him that he shall become a government official in year h. He tossed the coins
again asking the same question and got [Li] and [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour
m sh - III w & wa

Li Feed
6 strike
B e - J P y -
K wa -- R t --
G yo o K sh --
R h o U K cn --
K c -- P y --
P m - R t -

There is a 6 strike. Does this mean he cannot become a government official? Not exactly.
Look at the self line. The self line is B e. This man was asking about year h. Year h
happens to strike with the self line B e causing the self line to move. When the self line B e
moves, it turns into P y which bounds to the U line's moving R h. So in year h, the self line
will bound to a moving R star. Bounding to a moving R star means he shall become a
government official. But wait a minute! The U line's R star is completely weak, and it is
being killed back by K cn. Is the U line's R star still alive? Is it still usable? I say it is still
alive because the 4th line G yo moves and bounds to the U line. A yo & cn combo is
formed on the U line. A yo & cn combo forms, and the combo is a metal combo. The
metal combo is producing the U line's R star. So U line's R h is very much alive. In year
h, the self line will move and will bound to U line's R star. So in year h, this man shall
become a government official.

Result: He became a government official in year h.

For example: A man tossed the coins asking will he earn money by investing in a certain
business. He got [Cup] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - Vii s & yo

Cup Commander
B e o G yo --
K wa -- U R h --
G yo o K c --
G yo o B w --
R h - J K cn -
K c -- P y --

Is this a bad sign? The self line R h is buried by the date, and it also turned into a K star.
So there is no success for him? Not exactly. The 3rd line and the 4th line's G stars are
bounding to the self line K cn. The 3rd line and the self line have formed an 'yo & cn'
combo. This means that he still can earn money. You see? The 3rd line and the 4th line's
G star saved him. Although the self line turned into a K star, the G stars move and bound
to the self line means he still can make money. But what about the 3rd line? The 3rd line's
G star moves and turns into the B star which kills back at the G star. Is this bad? I don't
think so. The 3rd line G yo can still bound to the self line's K cn even if it turns into a B
star which kills back at itself. Based on my years of experience, I know for sure that the B
star cannot affect the bondage between the self line and the 3rd line. Right now, G yo is
bounding to the date. So it cannot move. But in month m or in month sh, the bondage shall
be broken. So in these 2 months, he can earn money from this business. He can also earn
money in month yo because both lines which lie between J and U are empty. But in month
yo, the emptiness will be fulfilled and things will definitely happen.

Result: He started earning money somewhere between month yo and month sh. Why did
it happen somewhere between month yo and month sh? Because the empty 3rd line and the
empty 4th line are bounding to the date. In month yo, their emptiness fulfilled. In month
sh, their bondage was broken. So things happened somewhere between these 2 months.

A moving R yo bounding to the U line's G

cn cannot form a 'yo & cn' combo.
Only a moving G yo bounding to the self line K cn or to the U line's K cn can form a 'yo &
cn' combo.

The G & B Link

The G & B link is like this: A G star moves turning into a B star which
links to the self line.

For example: A man asked in which month will he receive some money from his friend.
God gave him [Look] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
yo yo - Vi y&m

Look Difficulty
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m x B s -
R e -- R w --
P wa -- U P cn --

This sign looks scary, but it's actually a lucky sign. The 3rd line G m is empty. But since
the date yo strikes with G m, the 3rd line G m is no longer empty. The top line's G m is
also not empty anymore. The top line G m links to the 3rd line G m. So the top line G m is
the 3rd line G m. Those two G stars are actually the same star. G m moves turning into a
powerful K t which produces back at G m. Although both the date and the month are
killing G m, G m is very strong because a powerful K star is producing back at G m.

 The top line's G m and the 3rd line's G m are actually the same star. If the top line
G m is strong, the 3rd line's G m must be strong.
 The 3rd line G m moves turning into B s which links to the self line. This means
the self line receives a strong G m.
 If the self line receives a strong money star G m, he will receive the money. Since
G m is not empty anymore, the 3rd line G m can move in month sh because sh
bounds to m.

Result: The money was received in month sh. Although he did not receive all of the
money that he was expecting, he received enough to satisfy him.

If you want your country to invade another country, the G star represents 'gain'. If the self
line receives a healthy G star, your country shall invade another country fulfilling your
wish. If you want to accomplish something, the G star also represents 'gain'. If the self line
receives a strong G star, you will succeed.

The B star which kills back at the G star looks scary at first. But realize that B s is linking
to the self line meaning that the self line will receive the G star. This is called a 'G & B

The disadvantage of a 'G & B link' is that your wish cannot be completely fulfilled
immediately. If you ask when can your friend give you back all of the money he owes you,
you can only receive a small portion of the money. Then your friend might pay you back
the rest of the money later on. If you ask when can you accomplish something, you will
soon accomplish only a portion of your project. The rest of your project could be
completed later. If you ask when will your country invade another country, tension will
increase between the two countries. But they won't declare war until a few years later. So
if you got a 'G & B link', you can only accomplish a part of your plan.
y & h Combo
This is a 'y & h' combo.

3rd line P h o G cn --
Self line G c -- J B y --
1st line B m - P t -

The 3rd line P h moved bounding to the self line's B y. The 'y & h' combo functions just
like the notorious 'yo & cn' combo. But 'y & h' combo rarely appears.

When a 'y & h' combo occurs, the self line actually received the P h frustration star. The P
h frustration star is no longer being killed back by G cn because the self line's B y is
bounding with P h saving P h from being damaged by G cn.

So basically, a 'y & h' combo's host is h. This means the entire combo acts like a
giant P h frustration star.

Everytime I got a 'y & h' combo, something bad happened.

For example: I suspects that my dentist chipped my filling causing me to have a new
cavity. So I want to go to the dentist and demand him to fix my cavity for free. I tossed
the coins asking "Will he fix my cavity for free?", and I received [Family] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
t yo - Viii t&c

No Way
6 strike
B m - G sh -
K e - U R s -
G wa x K w -
P h o G cn --
G c -- J B y --
B m - P t -

The self line's B y and the 3rd line's P h form a 'y & h' combo because the 3rd line moved
bounding to the self line. Something bad will happen if this combo appears.
 The 4th line G wa moved turning into K w which produces back at G wa. So the
4th line is good news. Too bad that the self line G c is repelling the 4th line away.
So there won't be any good news.

Result: I got rejected by the dentist on the next day.

Another example: I tossed the coins asking will my reputation be ruined for something
which I said. God gave me [Family] and [Fog].

Year Month Date Hour
c wa - X s & yo

Family Fog
B m o P t --
K e - U G sh -
G wa -- K s --
P h o G cn --
G c -- J B y --
B m - P t -

The 3rd line P h moves bounding to the self line's B y. So 'y & h' combo has been formed.
Something bad will happen.

Result: My reputation was ruined just few hours after this toss.

If the 'y & h' combo is dead, nothing bad will happen.

I tossed the coins once asking will I regret a few days later for selling my stocks now. I got
a sign which had a dead 'y & h' combo. (Both the month and the date are killing P h.) This
means nothing bad will happen.

Result: The price went down after I sold my stocks.

'e & wa' Combo

This is what an 'e & wa' combo looks like:
2nd line R e x P cn -
U line P wa -- U G y --

Basically, the 2nd line's R e star is too busy producing the 2nd line's P cn star. So the 2nd
line R e star cannot rescue the U line's P wa star from being killed back by the U line's G y
star. This means the P wa frustration star has successfully turned into the G y gain star.
This is good!

2nd line K e x G cn -
Self line G wa -- J B y --

Basically, the 2nd line's K e star is too busy producing the 2nd line's G cn star. So the 2nd
line K e star cannot rescue the self line's G wa star from being killed back by the self line's
B y star. This means the self line's G wa money star has permanently been killed back by a
B y money killer.. This is very bad.

For example: My friend Anthony tossed the coins asking when will he meet a girl. He
received [Look] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - Viii cn & e

Look Cover
G m - G y -
R e o K t --
P wa -- J P sh --
G m -- R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- U G y --

Anthony wants to meet a girl. The self line's advancing P frustration star is not a good

 The 5th line R e moved to produce the self line's P frustration star. But luckily, R e
got killed back by K t. This means R e can no longer produce the self line's P star.
If R e fails to produce the self line's P star, the P star can no longer advance. So
Anthony's frustration shall disappear!
 The self line P wa links to the U line's P wa. So the U line is the self line. The U
line P wa turned into the woman star G y. This is good.
 The 2nd line and the U line formed an alliance. The U line's frustration star P wa is
in trouble because it got killed back by G y. If the 2nd line R e can produce the U
line's frustration star P wa, there will be frustration.
 But fortunately, the 2nd line R e cannot produce the U line's P wa because R e is
now producing the 2nd line P cn. So the U line's P wa will be killed back by G y
after all. That means P wa will receive the woman star G y.
 If the U line's P wa receives the woman star G y, the self line also receives G y.
 Right now, both the 2nd line and the 5th line are empty. But when their emptiness
fulfills on day e, things shall happen.

Result: Amazingly, Anthony became sick on day e and stayed home. Elsa came by to see
him on that day.

The reversed 'e & wa'

This is what a reversed 'e & wa' combo looks like:
2nd line P cn x Re -
Self line G y -- J P wa --

The self line G y money star turned into a frustration star P wa. This is a bad sign. But for
some reason, the self line P wa will disappear when the 2nd line moves. That means there
will be no more frustration. So this combo actually is a good combo.

2nd line G cn x Ke -
Self line B y -- J G wa --

The self line B y reached a G wa money star. This is good. But for some reason, the self
line G wa money star will disappear when the 2nd line moves. So this combo is actually a
bad combo.

For example: I sold short at $31. But right after I sold short, the price went up. I tossed
the coins asking when can the price drop back down so I won't lose so much money. God
showed me [Trapped] and [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c

Trapped Combine
6 match
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w -- G m --
P cn o R e --
G y -- J P wa --

When the 2nd line moves, the self line's P wa frustration star shall disappear. But right
now, the 2nd line cannot move because P cn has been struck loose by the date. But on day
cn, the 2nd line shall move again.

Result: Price dropped back down to where I sold short sometime between day cn and day

The 'c & y Combo'

For example:

Kcx Py-

Bcx Ry-

Or in reverse:

P y \x Kc-

When you see stuff like this, just ignore the element y. Only element c can survive. So if
the element c is a lucky star, you're lucky. If element c is an enemy, there is misfortune.

For example, a lady tossed the coins asking about her husband's luck. "Will my husband be
promoted to become the police chief?" She got [Li] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
w w-I w & wa

Li Wonderful
6 strike 6 match
B e o J G yo --
K wa -- R h --
G yo o K c --
R h - U K cn -
K c x P y -
P m - R t -

A 6 strike turns into a 6 match. That means first failure, then success. But forget about
that. Let's look at the R star. Since it's a woman asking about her own husband, the R star
does not represent power, control, and success anymore. The R star simply represents her
husband. The husband star R is the 3rd line. It turned into its own grave. The date and the
month are producing the grave. The grave is totally burying the R star.

 The 'c & y' combo on the 2nd line moves and bounds to the husband star R h.
Remember, only K c in this combo will survive. And K c is the husband killer.
Not good.
 Theoretically speaking, the G combo cannot die although both the month and the
date are killing the G combo. But the G combo can rid the deadly 'c & y' combo.
 R star has no hope and no future. So Master Shou told the lady that her husband
cannot be promoted. He might even be in life threatening danger.

Result: The husband was arrested for accepting bribery from gangsters. He became a gun

Retreating Combos
Here is a special combo which mainly appears in stock
market predictions: The retreating B combo.
6th line P wa X P sh -
5th line B yo - Bs -

6th line P sh O P wa --
5th line B s - B yo -

Everytime you see these 2 combos, you will earn money or the price that you are hoping for
will be reached. If you want the stock price to drop so you can buy in cheaply, it will drop.
If you wish that the price will go up so you will earn money from your existing shares,
price will go up. I know that this combo looks dangerous because the advancing P star is
producing the retreating B star so that the B star may not retreat. But trust me! I've seen
this and have been fooled by this too many times. Everytime I got this stuff, good things

For example: I tossed the coins asking "Will I lose money if I buy on day sh or on day h?"
I got [Combine] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
cn yo - X sh & h

Combine Hide
P wa x P sh -
B yo - U B s -
K h - R w -
G m x B s -
R e -- J R w --
P wa -- P cn --

A retreating B combo exists. I will earn money. The 3rd line's money star G m moved
turning into B s which bounds to the self line.

 The 3rd line is now, and the top line represents the future.
 The 3rd line is saying that there might be some small danger if I buy now. But
since the 3rd line's G money star still reached the self line through B s although it
got killed back by B s, I still won't lose money.
 The top line is saying that I will earn big money in the future if I buy now.

Result: On day h, the price dropped to $24.11 and immediately climbed back up to
$24.70. On the next day, it rose to $25.30. I regret that I did not buy. I should have
trusted this sign. I got scared and didn't buy because the retreating B combo does look

Here is another special combo: The retreating K

6th line B wa X B sh -
5th line K yo - J K s --

6th line B sh o B wa --
5th line K s - J K yo -

When ever you see these combos, your self line's happiness star is retreating. These 2
combos both mean you are out of luck.

I planned to build a medical device that might be able to eliminate scars. So I tossed the
coins asking will this device really work, and God gave me [Step] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
w h w-I w & wa

Step Extreme
B sh o B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w - G h -
B c x B cn -
R m - U R y -
P e - G t -

The 3rd line represents now. And the top line represents the future.

 The 3rd line's B c moves and advances producing the self line's K happiness star.
That's good. The machine will work.
 But the top line and the self line formed a combo which indicates that my happiness
star will retreat in the future.
 This sign is saying that the machine will seem to work at first but will still fail in the

Result: The machine seemed to work, but it still turned out to be another failed prototype.

Let's play ball!!! Somebody asked, "Will Texas Longhorns beat Oklahoma Sooners?" He
got [Step] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
w yo sh - Vii y&m
Step Abide
B sh o B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w - G h -
B c -- B cn --
R m o U R y --
P e - G t -

This guy wants Texas Longhorns to win. So Texas Longhorns is the self line. The top line
and the self line formed a retreating K combo. This is not good because the happiness star
is retreating.

 The self line and the top line formed a combo. So the self line and the top line are
now one.
 The U line's retreating R star moves bounding to the top line. This means the self
line receives a retreating R star. So the self line will be the loser after all? Or will
both team lose (draw) because both J and U have the retreating R star?

Result: Texas Longhorns lost to Oklahoma Sooners by many points.

The 'yhtc combo'

Usually the 'yhtc' combo means the y star is the ultimate winner. For example, I tossed
coins asking when will I receive some money from my friend. I got [Need] and [Too

Year Month Date Hour
t y-I y&m

Need Too Much

G t -- B wa --
B sh - K yo -
K s x J G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --
When one asks about money, the R possession star is very important. On the 1st and the
2nd line, the 'yhtc combo' has been formed. The 'yhtc combo' always has a moving t
turning into a c. The reversed 'yhtc combo' always has a moving c turning into a t. The y
star is always the ultimate winner. This sign means I will receive the money.

Result: I got the money on day t because the 1st line G t moved.

A man said he and his crew will go to France for a business meeting. He wonders if they
will reach an agreement with the French. He tossed the coins and got [Big profit] and

Year Month Date Hour
wa e-X w & wa

Big Profit Cup

R e - U R e -
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
P cn - J B yo -
G y - K h -
K t o P c --

See the 'hytc combo'? The 2nd line G y money star is the winner. The negotiation will go
very smoothly with the French.

Result: The man came back in September and said to the I-Ching master, "You are all so
accurate. We went to France in the month of wa, and the French were eager to talk
immediately. And of course we signed a contract with them."

The 'y & c' combo

2nd line R y o B c --
Self line G t -- J R m --

2nd line B c X Ry-
1st line R m - Gt-

When you see stuff like this, the moving c star is killing the t star. So the c star is the
ultimate winner.

A man tossed the coins asking when will his illness be cured. He was thinking that the
illness could be cured within a few months. God gave him [Big Storage] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y yo - iV cn & e

Big Storage
6 match
R y - R y -
G t -- U G t --
B sh -- B sh --
B cn - G h -
R y o J B c --
G t - R m -

The 'y & c' combo appears on the self line. The gain star has been killed by B c. No luck
for this man.

Result: The man carried the disease for many years after the coin toss.

The time wasting combo

Whenever you see stuff like these, somebody will waste your time, and nothing will be
accomplished at the end.

Ryo P w --
Gto B cn --

Or in reverse.....

Pwo R y --
B cn o G t --
Or this next sign:

I suspects that my dentist chipped my filling causing me to have a new cavity. So I want to
go to the dentist and demand him to fix my cavity for free. I tossed the coins asking "Will
he fix my cavity for free?", and I received [Little Much] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
t yo - Viii t&c

Little Much Extreme

P sh -- P wa --
B s x B yo -
R w - J K h -
B s - P cn -
R w x G y -
P cn x U K t -

The bottom portion of the hexagram represents an earlier time, and the top portion
represents a later time.

 The time wasting combo appears at the bottom gua. Somebody will waste my time
when I go back to the dentist's office.
 The 5th line's B money killer moved and advanced. He won't refill my chipped
filling. The 5th line B yo is bounding to the date. This means the dentist will refuse
to refill my filling for me at hour m because only hour m can strike at B yo and help
break up the bondage.

Result: I got their at around noon. And the receptionists told me that the dentist went to
lunch and will probably be back 2 hours later. The receptionists were extremely rude to
me. They would not even help me exchange a dollar for some quarters so that I can pay for
my parking meter. I met the dentist at 2:39 PM (California time), which was at hour m.
He refused to fix my cavity for free although I threatened to sue him. I wasted a good 3
hours at the dentist's office and ended up being rejected.

Another example: I tossed the coins asking will I buy a certain apartment complex that I
have only read about in a real estate magazine. I got [Need] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - Viii s & yo
Need Difficulty
G t -- G t --
B sh - B sh -
K s -- J K s --
B cn - K s -
R y o P w --
G t o U B cn --

The wasting time combo appears. But this apartment complex has 14 units, and all of them
are 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. The price is just 1.6 million dollars. This seems like a mighty
good deal for such a beautiful gated building in the heart of Oakland district. No matter
what the coins say, I have to go see it first.

Result: My friend and I drove to Oakland to see this apartment complex. The building was
big and beautiful. I loved it at the first sight. But the neighborhood was the worse
neighborhood in the entire district. A few days later, I drove my other friend to see this
building, but he refused to buy it with me. Then the loan officer turned me down for a loan
on this building saying that I don't have enough equity. So I wasted a good amount of time
on this property and ended up not buying it.

Another example: A man asked when will his long term illness be cured. He received
[Stop] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
sh w-V t&c

6 match
P sh - U G y -
B s o K t --
R w o P sh --
G m -- J G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- P wa --

The 4th line and the 5th line form a time wasting combo. This illness is hard to cure.

Result: The man carried this disease for many years after the coin toss.
The moving GRK combo
When ever you see that G, R, and K are all moving in one gua, the R star is destined to be
killed by the K star.

For example:

G w x B h -
R cn o R c --
K y x K m -

Here is a 'reversed G, R, and K combo. This one also spells misery.

B h o G w --
R c x R cn -
K m o K y --

These signs indicate that the 2nd line R star will definitely lose to the 1st line's K star.

Let's see a few examples:

The governor of San-Xi province has been indicted. The governor tossed the coins asking
about his political career. He received [Commander] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
yo cn - I cn & e

Commander Hurt
P yo -- U P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- R c --
G w x J B h -
R cn o R c --
K y x K m -
G, R, and K are all moving in one gua. The R star represents his political career. And the
GRK combo guarantees the death of the R star. There will be misery. Right now, the 2nd
line R cn cannot move because it bounds to the date cn. But in month sh, the bondage shall
be broken allowing the 2nd line to move.

Result: The governor was demoted in the month of sh.

I have an account at a pay-per-click search engine network. I choose a few key words
which are relevant to my web site, and they will review my key words. One day, I
submitted a few key words that have to do with diabetes. I wondered will my key words be
approved. So I tossed the coins asking, "Will they approve the key words that I
submitted?" I got [Revolution] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - iX w & wa

6 match
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h - J B h -
B h o G w --
R c x R cn -
K m o U K y --

The R winner star is my appointed. A reversed GRK combo also means danger to my R
star. The loser star K will prevail. Right now, the 3rd line G w is still empty. But on day
w, there will be bad news.

Result: They did reply to me on day w. They disapproved all of my key words.

Some guy asked can he earn at least half a million dollars from a certain stock that he
bought. This time, he got [Kan] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
y wa - iV y&m
6 strike
B t -- J B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- P s --
G w x U B h -
R cn o R c --
K y x K m -

A GRK combo is bad.

Result: The guy didn't believe what I said. Later, his stocks dropped like a water fall.

Hesitation Combos
Usually, when you see signs like this, it's usually good.

Mr. Choi did not pay me rent for last month, and of course also not this month. So I tossed
the coins asking will he be able to pay me rent. I got [Stop] and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
e c-X y&m

Stop Queen
P sh - U P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - R w -
G m X J B yo -
R e X K h -
P wa -- P c --

Based on past experiences, you see a G m move producing a moving R e, and they both
form into a star which strike back, it's usually a good sign. So after this toss, I just relaxed
and knew that Mr. Choi will pay up.
Result: He paid like a week later on day c.

So in the future, if you see anothing like the hexagram above or the following:

R yo o J B m --
P h o K e --
G c -- G wa --

It's usually a good sign.

Gua striking back

A gua is composed of three lines. A hexagram is composed of two guas. One gua is on top,
and another is at the bottom. If the bottom gua turns into a gua which strikes back at itself,
it is called 'bottom gua striking back'. If the top gua turns into a gua which strikes back at
itself, it's 'top gua striking back'. Below is an example of a 'top gua striking back'.

B m O J <--strike--> R yo - - J
K e O <--strike--> P h - -
G wa - - <--strike--> G c - -
R yo O U B m - - U
P h O K e - -
G c - - G wa - -

Look at the above example. The top three lines are the top gua. The top three lines all turn
into elements which strike back at them. This is 'top gua striking back'.

The below is an example of a 'bottom gua striking back'.

G sh - - U G sh - -
R s - - R s - -
K w - K w - U
R yo O J B m - -
P h O K e - -
G c - - G wa - - J

The bottom gua is also known as the inner gua. If the inner gua strikes back, you don't feel
safe. The top gua is also known as the outer gua. If the outer gua strikes back, your
opponent doesn't feel safe. If the top gua and the bottom gua both strike back, you and
your opponent both don't feel safe. A gua striking back also indicates stuff like traveling
back and forth. If you are asking about stock market trend, a gua striking back means the
stock value will reach your expected value because the trend will go back and forth. If you
ask about your love relationship, your love is unstable. If you ask about your job or a
position, you will be transferred frequently or move around a lot. If the self line is weak
and you also got a gua striking back, you might also be demoted or even lose your job. If
you ask about your business, it means easy come easy go. You earn but you spend.
Sometimes business is hot, but sometimes it's slow. If asking about moving to a new home,
it means that you move to a new place after another new place. If asking about burial, it
means that you might change the burial spot later in the future. If asking about quitting
your job, it means that you will hesitate and will finally change your mind. You will end
up staying at your job.

If you ask about something that has been dragging for a long time, there will be recent
changes. If asking about weather, rain will come right after the sun, or sun will shine right
after the rain. If you ask about marriage, both sides are going back and forth and the
marriage is hard to succeed. If asking about illness, you got cured but become sick again.
If you ask about lawsuit, one comes after another. If asking about travel, you will come
back in the middle of the way. If you ask about a returning person, if the person's
appointed star is healthy, he will return. If the appointed star is weak, he is moving to
another town.

Here's an example: A man told Wild Crane that he might be promoted and might be
required to be transferred to a new province. He got [Compare] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
m s - iX sh & h

G t - - U G t - -
B sh - B sh - J
K s - - K s - -
R m X J K yo -
P e X G h - U
B wa - - B c - -

The self line got the R star. R (responsibility) represents his job. His job R is the same
element as the month and is strong, so he definitely can be promoted. But the bottom gua
strikes back. There will be unexpected changes.

 The month is the same element as the self line's R m. So R m is not weak.
 If the self line is not weak, just ignore the 2nd hexagram.
 If the 2nd line P e is not weak, just ignore the 2nd hexagram's G h.
 The self line's R m produces the 2nd line's P e. And the 2nd line's P e produces the
1st line's B wa money killer. So the money killer is very strong.
 If one asks about traveling, the B star is a very bad sign. One could be robbed on
the trip.

Result: The guy took the promotional offer. But the province where he went was near the
guerrilla fighters' hideout. In July, the guerrilla fighters attacked his city. He and his
supervisor were both killed.
Someone wanted to go to a foreign country to export silk. He wanted to know if he can
earn good money out of it. He got [Everlasting] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - III t&c

6 match
G sh - - U G sh - -
R s - - R s - -
K w - K w -
R yo O J B m - -
P h O K e - -
G c - - G wa - -

The lower gua strikes back. The self line yo metal turns into m wood. R yo strikes with B
m. The money star G sh strikes with the date and moves bounding to the self line's B m.
The G money star is very strong. If the money star is strong, he definitely has the money
luck. But since the self line yo turns into m which strikes back at yo, he will go back and
forth many times. But he will earn money.

Result: The man made three round trips. He made money selling his goods at another
unexpected country. In the ancient text, it says that if a line moves and turns into an
element which strikes back at itself, it's like meeting an enemy. I find it not so. If a line
moves and turns into a character which strikes back, it means that there will be constant
movement. If you ask about the stock market, your expected value will be reached because
the trend fluctuates back and forth. If you ask about business, you will go back and forth.
If you ask about negotiation, you will negotiate back and forth.

Let's say there is a gua strikes back. If a strong helper

moves producing the self line, just ignore the 2nd
A government worker asked about a possible promotion to a new province. He got [Arrive]
and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
m h - Vi cn & e
K yo X R m -
G h X U P e -
B c - - B wa - - J
B c - - B c - -
R m - J R m -
P e - P e - U

The self line is wood m. The month is the same as the self line. The date is producing the
self line. The R promotion star is sitting on the self line and is very strong. He will
definitely be promoted. Wild Crane said, "The upper gua strikes back. G h 5th line strikes
with the element which it has turned into. The 6th line also strikes at the element which it
has turned into."

 G h 5th line produces the self line. So G h 5th line represents opportunity. If the
5th line is strong, you will be highly promoted. Although the 5th line G h turns
into P e which strikes back at G h, G h still will produce the self line because G h is
quite strong.

So just ignore the 5th line P e which is sitting on the 2nd

hexagram. P e cannot hurt the strong G h.

 Wild Crane continued, "If the 5th line is weak, your promotion will be ridiculous.
But today, you got a strong 5th line producing the self line. The upper gua strikes
back means your supervisor has been hesitating about your promotion. He probably
has promised to promote you long ago, but he changed his mind a lot." "Yes!
That's absolutely right! My superior has changed his mind back and forth about my
promotion. I am troubled by this.", the man replied.
 Since the 5th line is being produced by the moving 6th line, the 5th line is very
strong. And the 5th line moves to produce the self line. You will definitely get a

Result: He was transferred from Jiang-Yo to Shang-Dong, and then from Shang Dong to
Jiang Shii. Shang Dong is East from here. The R self line is m, and m represents East.
Therefore he went East. The reason why he transferred to a new province after a new
province is because the upper gua strikes back.

Sam bought some stocks, and the stock value went all the way down. Just a few days ago,
Sam tossed the coins asking the Lord when can he break even, and the Lord told him that
he shall break even in month c. But today, the stock dropped even more. So Sam got
nervous and tossed the coins again asking, "Lord. Are you sure that I can break even in
month c?" This time, the Lord gave him [Too much] and [Combine].
Year Month Date Hour
s cn - V sh & h

Too Much
G wa -- G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - J P h -
R yo o B m --
P h o K e --
G c -- U G wa --

The bottom gua strikes back. The 3rd line R yo moves producing the self line. The R star
represents power, possession, and control. If the R star produces the self line, the stock will
go up again. Although the 3rd line R yo moves turning into B m which strikes back at R
yo, we can ignore the B m because R yo is extremely powerful. B m cannot affect R yo a
bit. Right now, R yo is bounding to the date cn. So R yo cannot move at this moment. But
in month sh, the bondage between R yo and the date shall be broken allowing R yo to
produce the self line. So the Lord is saying that he shall make the stock value go up again
in month sh.

"But what about month c? I am asking will I still be able to sell my shares in month c?
Why didn't the Lord say anything about month c this time?", Sam asked. I replied, "Your
mouth is talking about month c. But your mind is wondering when will the stock go up
again. That's why I don't recommend people to toss again and again. Your very first toss
concerning breaking even in month c is the most accurate because you were really
wondering when will you break even that time. But now, you already know that you will
break even in month c because the Lord has already told you that. You are just tossing the
coins again because you got nervous. This time, the Lord is saying that there is nothing to
be nervous about since he will make the stock value go up again in month sh."

Result: The stock value did rose again in month sh.

My room mate Sonny didn't come home for 3 days already. I reported him missing to the
police. Then I tossed the coins asking what is he doing and where is he. I got [Look] and

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h
Look Well
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m x B yo -
R e x K h -
P wa -- U P c --

My friend Sonny should be presented by the B star. The self line P wa turned into a strong
B s. This means Sonny is safe outside.

 The top line G m links to the 3rd line G m. The 5th line R e links to the 2nd line R
e. And J links to U.
 G m produces R e, and R e produces P wa. If one of them can't move, none of them
can move.
 G m is not weak because K t produces back at G m. And K t is not weak because
the 3rd line B yo moved to produce K t.
 The 2nd line R e turned into an empty K h. So the 2nd line cannot move until day
sh or day h. This means none of the 6 lines can move until the emptiness fulfills.
 So the self line P wa cannot reach the B s friend star until day sh or day h. This
means I cannot hear from him until day sh or day h.

Result: Sonny's co-worker called me at hour h and told me that Sonny went to the hospital
for the removal of his appendix after having an upset stomach after a BBQ party. I though
God said day h. But I actually got the news at hour h.

If the helper B m moves turning into a strong R yo

which kills and strikes back at B m, the helper B m will
be damaged.
A girl tossed the coins asking about the entire year's stock market trend. She got [Joy] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn yo - Viii t&c

Joy Rise
6 match
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- P h --
K w o U G c --
B m x R yo -
K e x P h -
G wa -- J G c --

The 3rd line B m moves producing the 2nd line K e, and the 2nd line K e moves to produce
the self line's money star G wa. But B m moves turning into a strong R yo which kills back
at B m. And K e also moves turning into P h which kills back at itself. So B m and K e do
not have enough strength to support the money star G wa. The stock market shall crash
when B m or K e fails. The stock market should crash in month s because the 2nd line K e
could move in month s. When K e moves, it moves turning into P h which kills back at
itself. And when K e is damaged, nobody will be there to support the poor money star G
wa anymore. Month s can also damage B m so that B m can no longer support K e.

Result: As predicted, the stock market reached the bottom peak in month s. So B m is the
root, K e is the stem, and G wa is the leaf. One supports the other. If the root and the stem
are under attack, the leaf shall fall.

But if the helper is quite healthy, just ignore the 2nd

A girl tossed the coins asking on which day will she receive a package. She got [Hollow]
and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
y wa - Viii sh & h

6 match
R m o K yo --
P e o G h --
B wa -- J B c --
B c x B cn -
R m - R y -
P e - U G t -

The top line R m represents 'You got something'. The top line R m produces the 5th line P
e, which represents 'Something happening'. Both R m and P e are healthy. Therefore, just
ignore the 2nd hexagram. Pretend that the 2nd hexagram does not even exist. (Pretend that
K yo does not kill back at R m and G h does not kill back at P e.) The package probably
will come on day m because the top line R m shall move on day m to produce P e, which
produces the self line. When P e moves to produce the self line, she will receive a letter or
a package.

Result: The package arrived on day m. This girl tossed the coins in Canada. But the
package arrived on day m of Beijing's time. This sign also proves that we must convert to
Beijing's time in order to predict future events accurately.

Note: Based on my own experience, the 5th line P e cannot move before the 6th line R m
moves. That is why I predicted that the package should arrive on day m.

Gua Bounds Back

Let's talk about the 'upper gua bounds back' first.
If the upper gua bounds back, the entire upper gua becomes
an alliance. So all three lines in the upper gua affect each
other. One line cannot move without the approval of the
other lines.
I plan to buy a certain stock at the best price available. I suspect that the price might drop
some more next week. So I tossed the coins asking is it safe for me to buy next week.
"Will the price go up dramatically next week? Will I miss my chance if I waited until next
week?" The Lord gave me [No way] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour
s & yo?
cn h - II
sh & h?

No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -

A beginner would say that I can buy at a much better price on day w or on day wa because
the self line K w moved turning into a strong money star G wa. But this is not true at all.

 Sometimes, s and yo are not really empty if one tosses the coins on day h - II. So
the 5th line's R s might not be empty at all.
 The 5th line's K e has been struck loose by the date h. So the 5th line is now frozen.
 Since the top gua bounds back, the entire top gua formed an alliance. If one line is
frozen, the other remaining 2 lines also cannot move.
 So the self line cannot move until the 5th line moves.
 The 5th line can move on day e because K e can regain its strength on day e.
 So the price will become better on day e.
 But we have a problem here. The 3rd line's G cn moved turning into a frustration
star P h. If a G star turns into a frustration star, something bad will happen.
 Right now, the 3rd line cannot move because P h is bounding to the date. But on
day e, the 3rd line will move. So something bad will happen on day e?

Result: On the day of this coin toss (Friday), the price was $24.50. But on Monday, the
price has risen to $26.34. Then on day e, the price dropped back down to $25. On day w,
the price quickly bounced back up to $26. So day e did give me a good price because the
self line K w received a strong money star G wa when the 5th line's K e regained strength
on day e. But the price was not as good as the price that I got on the day of the coin toss
because the 3rd line G cn also turned into a P frustration star on day e. A beginner would
have said that I will get a very good price on day w or on day wa because the self line K w
moved turning into a strong money star. But the price rose sharply on day w. This
valuable lesson has proven to us that the entire upper gua forms an alliance if upper gua
bounds back. One line cannot move without the permissions of the other 2 lines.

Take a look at this example:

No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -
 Let's say the date is y. Based on my experience, the self line still can move on day
w even if the 5th line's R s has been struck by date y. If the date strikes the element
that's on the 1st hexagram, that line is not loose. That line only becomes a moving
 But if the date is h, the 5th line cannot move anymore because K e has been struck
loose. If the element that's on the 2nd hexagram has been struck, that line becomes
a loose line. So we have to wait until day e or day s in order to see the 5th line
 If the date is yo, the 6th line cannot move anymore because the 6th line's B m has
been struck loose. So we must wait until B m regains its strength.
 If the empty dates are cn and e, the 5th line also cannot move. That means the
entire upper gua cannot move until day cn or day e.

An author tossed the coins asking when can he find a publisher. He received [Touch] and

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Touch Hide
R m - U B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x P w -
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

This sign is very tricky. The 4th line B wa seems like the helper of the self line. So most
beginners will say that there will be great joy when the 4th line B wa moves to produce the
self line in month w or in month wa.

 But most beginners failed to realize that the 5th line P e frustration star links to the
self line K s.
 The entire upper gua formed an alliance because the upper gua bounds back. So if
the 4th line moves, the 5th line's frustration star P e will also reach the self line K s.
 This means the 4th line guarantees nothing but disappointment.
 Right now, the 4th line cannot move because it has been struck loose by the date t.
But in month w or wa, there will be disappointment.

Result: He only copyrighted his book in month wa and didn't find a publisher.
A man asked when will his disease be cured. The Lord gave him [Need] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
sh w-V t&c

Need Rise
G t -- G t --
B sh - B sh -
K s -- J K s --
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

The self line K s is the lucky star. The ancient text says "If the self line has a K, no
medicine is needed and the disease shall disappear by itself." The U line G t moves turning
into B c which produces the self line K s. This is another good sign. But right now, the U
line is empty. But the emptiness shall be fulfilled in month t or in month c. So the U line
can move in month t or in month c. When the U line B c moves to produce the self line's
happiness star K s, the disease shall be cured.

 But since this illness is not light, it could be month or even year t. So I am not sure
if he can be cured in month t anymore.

He requested to toss the coins again. This time, he was recommended to ask "Can I
become happy because my disease is cured within a few months?" He got [Little storage]
and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
sh w-V t&c

Little Storage
6 strike
B m - G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x U K w -
G cn - G cn -
B y - B y -
P t - J P t -

The U line is the lucky line because the G gain star moved and got produced back by the
strong K w happiness star. But too bad that the self line repelled it away. There is no

 If you turn the hexagrams around, it appears that the 5th line's R s disease star has
been killed back by K e cure star. But R s has been saved by the moving 4th line's
G wa. So the disease star survived.

Result: He waited until year t to be cured.

The killing & producing law for 'gua bounds back' is the same as a regular
moving line.

If a soil line moves turning into a fire line which produces back at
itself, the soil line can move to produce another metal line. The soil
line can also move to kill another water line. The fire line cannot kill
nor produce other lines because the fire can only produce back at the

For example:

Little Storage
6 strike
B m - G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x U K w -
G cn - G cn -
B y - B y -
P t - J P t -

The 4th line G wa moves turning into K w which produces back at G

wa. K w cannot kill nor produce any other line because K w can
only produce back at G wa. So K w is dedicated to G wa. But G wa
can produce or kill other lines.

One I-Ching scholar said, "If G wa moves turning into K w, that line
cannot move because they bound to each other. But that line can
move when their bondage is broken in month t or in month c." That
is not true! What he said is nonsense. Do not believe in that theory.
If G wa moves turning into K w, their bondage will not hinder their
movement. Even if K w does bound back at G wa, G wa can still
move to kill or produce other lines. You don't need to wait for month
t to break open their bondage. In fact, that line will become loose in
month t because month t will strike that line loose!

That means the 4th line G wa shall move to kill the self line P t most
likely in month w or in month wa. The 4th line G wa will most likely
stop moving in month t or c because month t or c will strike the 4th
line loose.

See this example. Some boy asked Mr. Wild Crane about his father's
recent illness. He got [Chen] and [Little Storage].

Year Month Date Hour
cn s-V y&m
P sh - J G m -
E s - R e -
R w O P wa - - U
P cn - U P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t - J
6 strike

The 4th line R w disease star moves and bounds to the frustration star
P wa. So the 4th line is the enemy. But on day t or day c, the 4th line
shall be struck loose. When the 4th line has been struck loose, your
father will recover from his illness.

Result: The father got out of bed on day c. The 4th line's R disease
star was the enemy. When the enemy line has been struck loose, the
disease also disappeared.

If K cn moves turning into G yo, G yo can produce or kill other lines.

But K cn cannot produce or kill other lines because K cn can only
produce G yo. Which means, K cn is dedicated to G yo.

If R m moves turning into B sh, R m can kill or produce other lines.

B sh can also kill or produce other lines.

Duplication of a hexagram
When a hexagram duplicates itself, it is called 'duplication of a hexagram'. For example,
[No Way] and [Strong].

G sh O G sh - -
R s O R s - -
K w - J K w - J
G cn X G cn -
B y X B y -
P t - U P t - U

The above has both the upper gua and the lower gua duplicated in the second hexagram.
Most of the time, you get only either the top or the bottom gua duplicated. In ancient books
stated that duplication means worry and anxiety. My way of looking at it is that you get
either a lower gua duplicated or an upper gua duplicated in 70 % of the times. So 70 % of
the time, someone is worrying about something or is anxious about something? I don't
think so. In ancient text, it says that if the upper gua duplicates, your opponent is worrying
about something. If the inner gua (lower) duplicates, you or your family members are
worried. Based on my personal experience, a hexagram which has both the top and the
bottom guas duplicated truly has an important meaning. A hexagram with both the top and
the bottom guas duplicated means that it's difficult for you to advance or retreat. If you are
negotiating with someone, both sides don't give in. If you are traveling, you will be
frustrated. If it's about trading in the stock market, you are tied up and thus cannot sell or
buy. If asking about illness, there is no improvement. If asking about love, there is no
progress. Every time I get this kind of full hexagram duplication, I get one of the results
mentioned above. I personally think that a bottom gua or a top gua duplication means
nothing because I see it very often.

The most popular bottom gua duplication has moving

2nd and 3rd line. The 2nd line is y, and the 3rd line is
cn. See this example:
Abide Extreme
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

Here are the rules for this type of bottom gua duplication:
 If the 3rd line cn is not dead, the 3rd line cn will become stronger when the 2nd line
y moves.
 If the 3rd line cn is dead, the 3rd line cn will be killed by the 2nd line y when the
2nd line y moves.
 If both the month and the date are producing the 2nd line y, the 3rd line cn will also
be damaged by the 2nd line y.
 If the month is killing the 3rd line cn but the date is not killing cn, the 3rd line cn
will gain strength when the 2nd line y moves.
 If the date is killing the 3rd line cn but the month is not killing cn, the 3rd line cn
will gain strength when the 2nd line y moves.

(The above rule will only work for the bottom duplicated guas. Do not apply this rule on
other type of signs.)

I threw the coins asking on which day will I be approved for a loan. I got [Abide] and

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - V sh & h

Abide Extreme
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

The self line's G star represents money. A loan is money. The 2nd line B star moves
killing the self line money star. Does this mean that I cannot be granted the loan? Not
exactly. The self line money star G cn moves and turns into another G cn. If an element
moves turning into the same element, that line is as solid as a rock. So the self line G cn is
as solid as a rock. But the 2nd line B y can help break open that rock. When B y moves,
the rock of the self line shall be broken. When the rock is broken, I shall be granted the

Result: I was granted the loan on day h. The 2nd line B y can move on day h because h
bounds to y. I know that this phenomena is weird. But don't worry. The duplication of
hexagrams does not happen very often. The reason why that the 2nd line B y did not kill
my money star is because my money star is healthy. So the B star actually helped me
break open the rock.

My friend Richard invested in the stock market, but the stock market went down. He
threw the coins asking when can he break even. He got [Abide] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
y y-V s & yo

Abide Extreme
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

If one asks about the stock market, a duplication of hexagram means that the stock market
will stay low for awhile. The B star is the money killer. The 2nd line B y is as strong as
hell. If this B star moves, the self line's money star shall be destroyed without a doubt.
Right now, B y cannot move because both the month and the date are bounding to B y. But
month s can break open the bondage causing B y to move killing the money star. This
time, the self line G cn is not a rock because it is as weak as a piece of paper. B y can
pierce through the paper when it moves.

Result: Richard's stocks dropped even lower in month s.

I want to buy a 30 units apartment complex building which was listed for 2.09 million
dollars. I offered to buy it for 1.95 million dollars. Then the seller said he will sell it at 2
million dollars. I want to counter his offer again by asking him to pay for the city transfer
tax of Oakland, which is about $30,000. My agent urged me not to do this because he fears
that by asking the seller to pay for this tax might anger the seller resulting in the break of
our original deal. I tossed the coins asking will the seller agree to pay for the city transfer
tax? I got [Fog] and [Need]:
Year Month Date Hour
yo c-X y&m

Fog Need
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn x R cn -
K y x J K y -
B t - B t -

This one is easy. The 3rd line's moving R cn is healthy. So when the 2nd line K y moves, I
will receive a healthy R winner star. Don't worry. They will agree to pay for the transfer
tax for sure. They will respond and agree to our offer when the emptiness of K y fulfills,
which is within 2 days.

Result: They faxed back a contract agreeing to pay for the city transfer tax on day m. I
was right.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will a certain stock reach $10 a share. I got
[Compare] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - iV sh & h

Compare Well
G t -- U G t --
P sh - B sh -
K s -- K s --
R m x J K yo -
P e x G h -
B wa -- B c --

This sign is tricky. I bet that a beginner will say that this stock will never reach $10
because the self line has turned into a loser star K yo. But based on my years of
experience, a gua strikes back means the expected price will be reached even if the self line
got killed back by a powerful K star. So this sign is telling me that the price will reach $10
one day.

 The 2nd line G h is empty. So none of the lines in the lower gua can move before
the emptiness of the 2nd line G h is fulfilled.
 The emptiness can be fulfilled in month e because e strikes with G h. So the price
will reach $10 in month e.

Result: The price reached $10 in month e.

The most popular top gua duplication has moving 5th

and 6th line. The 5th line is s, and the 6th line is sh.
Usually, the 5th line s cannot move before the 6th line sh moves. I know this
because I have never seen the 5th line s move before the 6th line sh unless
the 5th line s is empty or has been struck loose.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will my business partner give me back my
money. I got [No way] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - III sh & h

No Way Zen
6 strike 6 strike
G sh o G sh --
R s o R s --
K w - J K w -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

The hexagram duplicates itself. This means that I won't be receiving the money anytime
soon. The double 6 strike also suggests that I won't receive the money very soon. I have
to wait a little bit longer. The 5th line R star represents 'You got something'. So the R star
could be my appointed star. But I think that the 6th line G sh is more important than the
5th line R s because G sh represents money. Afterall, I am asking about money. Therefore,
I won't receive the money until the emptiness of the 6th line G sh fulfills. When the
emptiness of G sh fulfills in month sh, I shall receive the money.
Result: I got the money in month sh.

Here comes a tricky one: I tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend of the entire
year. God showed me [No way] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
t h - Viii y&m

No Way Strong
6 strike 6 strike
G sh o G sh --
R s o R s --
K w - J K w -
G cn x G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - U P t -

Double 6 strike. Is this extremely unlucky? Not quite.

You are not asking "Can I accomplish something." You are asking only for the stock
market trend of the entire year. Therefore, a 6 strike means nothing. The 6 strike probably
means that the stock market will fluctuate very violently this year.

 The 2nd line B y is an extremely strong element because both the month and the
date are producing B y. So B y will pierce through G cn when it moves. Right
now, B y cannot move because it is bounding to the date h. The stock value will
fall when the money killer B y moves, and B y shall move in month s because
month s helps break the bondage.
 The 5th line's moving R s means 'More people buy'. But since the 5th line R s
cannot move before the top line P sh moves, we have to wait until month sh to see
lots of people buying in. The stock value will go up in month sh. When P sh
moves, R s will also move to combat with B y.

Result: The stock value dropped from $18 to $9 in month s. Then it climbed up to $19 in
month sh.
I sold short Yahoo stocks at $25. Then it started climbing up. I was so nervous and tossed
the coins asking "Will Yahoo reach $26? I don't want Yahoo to reach $26." Lord gave me
[Step] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y - III sh & h

No Way
6 strike
B sh - B sh -
K s - J K s -
P w - P w -
B c -- B cn --
R m o U R y --
P e - G t -

I was in great fear when I got this sign. If Yahoo continues to climb up, I could lose
everything that I've got. So the self line's K star is the lucky star, and the U line's retreating
R star is the evil spirit which shall fade away one day. Right now, the U line's R y is
bounding to the date y. So the evil spirit cannot fade away immediately. But on day s, the
bondage shall be broken allowing the evil spirit to fade. So Yahoo shall drop sharply on
day s.

 Wait a minute. The self line K s is moving since the date struck with it. If the top
line B sh moves, the self line K s must move. When K s moves, there will be
happiness. The top line B sh will move on day cn. So on day cn, the stock will
drop back down a little.

Result: On day m, Yahoo reached $26. Then it dropped back down to $25 on day cn. On
day s, Yahoo dropped to $24.50.

I tossed the coins asking on which day can I sell my stocks. I got [No way] and [Bride].
This is not my 1st toss.

Year Month Date Hour
cn t - III s & yo
No Way
6 strike
G sh o G sh --
R s o R s --
K w - J K w -
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m -
P t - U K e -

This is not my first toss, so the 6 strike has no meaning. The top line G sh should move
first. But since the 5th line R s is empty, R s could actually move before G sh moves.

Result: I sold on day y because day y has struck with R s and fulfilled its emptiness. The
2nd line's B y moves and advances because I sold and lost some money on day y.

If the top gua or the bottom bua duplicates itself, all 3

lines in the gua form an alliance. If one of these 3 lines
is empty or is bounding to the date, none of these 3
lines can move!
For example!! A man tossed the coins asking when will his wife come back home and
received [Compare] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
s s-I s & yo

Compare Look
G t x U R m -
B sh - P e -
K s -- B wa --
R m -- J R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --
A beginner would have said that the wife will come back on day t. But I noticed that the
bottom gua duplicates. The 2nd line P e is bounding to the date. Therefore, the entire
bottom gua cannot move until the bondage on the 2nd line is broken.

Result: The wife came back home on day y because day y helped break the bondage on the
2nd line.

Another example!! A man asked when will his business stop losing money. He received
[Intercourse] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - III w & wa

Intercourse Little Much

P wa -- U P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w -
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The retreating B money killer links to the self line. This means his business is about to turn
loss into profit. But nothing will happen until the 2nd line's emptiness fulfills because the
entire bottom gua forms into an alliance. If the 2nd line cannot move, the self line cannot
link to the retreating B star.

Result: The business has turned loss into profit in month w.

Stable and unstable

If you look at the hexagram chart, you see hexagrams that are stable and hexagrams that are
unstable. In ancient text, it says that if you get an unstable hexagram, you move around a
lot. If you want something to last, it just doesn't last. You hesitate and cannot make up your
mind. If asking about your entire life's luck, you will not have a stable, happy home for life.
If asking about an awaited person, there is no certainty about his return. If asking about
your home, you will move around a lot. If asking about a burial spot, the spirit will not rest
in peace.

Wild crane said, "You must focus at the appointed before you concern about the
unstableness. Without identifying the strength of the appointed and make a conclusion that
things are unstable can bring you immediate failure." If you have a hexagram that's stable,
you do not move. Everything is hard to accomplish. A stable hexagram is the direct
opposite of an unstable

Too many lines move!

If 4 lines move, too many lines are moving. Ancient saints said that too many lines moving
indicates bad luck. Actually, I find it true. Everytime I got myself a hexagram that has 4
lines or more moving, it always resulted something bad. (This must be your first toss. If
this is your 2nd toss, 4 or 5 lines move does not mean anything.)

But whenever I got a hexagram that has so many lines moving, I would just grab the coins
and toss again. I mean I can't read what's going on if so many lines all move together. It's
just too complicated and too hard to read. I know that too many lines moving indicates bad
luck. But I can't read a thing because it's just too messy. So go ahead and toss those coins
again to get yourself a clearer message from the Lord.

For example: A woman tossed the coins asking will she soon become pregnant and give
birth to a healthy child. God showed her [Queen] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - III t&c

6 strike
P sh o B yo --
B s o K h --
R w o U P c --
B yo o G m --
K h o R e --
P c -- J P wa --

There is a 6 strike, and too many lines are moving. This is a very unlucky sign. It would
be safe for you not to get pregnant recently. You should wait another 2 or 3 years. The 2nd
line K h represents the fetus. Both the month and the date are killing the fetus star K h, and
K h moves turning into R e, which represents death. Even if you become pregnant, the
fetus shall die in your womb. Since both the month and the date are soil elements which
kill the fetus star K h, another soil month will bring death upon the fetus.
Result: She did not listen and got pregnant in month y. She had her miscarriage in month

A man asked will Barbara Brezigar become the new president of Slovenija. (Only two
persons are running for president, and he wishes that Brezigar will win.) He got [Cup] and

Year Month Date Hour
h wa - II cn & e

6 match
B e o R t --
K wa x U K sh -
G yo o G s --
G yo o K c --
R h - J P m -
K c x B e -

Too many lines move. Things won't be smooth.

Result: Brezigar lost the election.

Breaking the bondage

If an element bounds to another element, that line cannot move. In order to allow the line
to move, the bondage must be broken with a strike.

 Let's say you tossed the coins in month s, and the 1st line R e moved.
 The 1st line R e could be bounding to the month s because e bounds to s.
 The 1st line R e cannot move because it is bounding to the month.

In order to free the bondage so that R e can move, we need to wait for 'y' year, month, date,
or hour. y strikes with s and would break the bondage. 'h' year, month, date, or hour could
also break the bondage because h strikes with e.

A father threw coins asking about his son's small pox. He got [Step] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
wa w-I w & wa

B sh - R m -
K s - J P e -
P w O B wa - - J
B c - - B c - -
R m - U R m -
P e - P e - U

The appointed is K s because it represents his son. The month is producing it, but the date
is killing it. It's still healthy. But the K star turns into e fire killing and bounding back at
itself. The K star is in danger. The 4th line P w moves turning into B wa which produces
the self line K s. So the 4th line B wa is the only helper of the K star. But the 4th line B
wa will be struck out on day c. That means the child star K s will lose its only helper on
day c. When the helper is removed, the child's life shall be in danger. Wild Crane told the
man, "Buy this child a coffin. The Lord will send an angel of death for this child on day

Result: The kid died on day c and was buried on the same day. The reason why Wild Crane
said that the kid will be buried on day c is because the K s star is buried in c.

A girl asked when can her friend give her back some money, she tossed the coins and got
[Fog] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Vi t&c

Fog Difficulty
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
G w R cn x P s -
K y -- J G w --
B t o R cn --

She is asking about money. So the appointed star here is the G money star. The self line
turns into G w. That means she will get the money. But now, the G w is bounding to the
date wa. She has to wait for day t to strike the bondage open so she can receive the money.
Result: She did receive the money on day t.

A guy tossed the coins asking about the stock value of his stocks. He asked, "In which
month will the stock value rise?" He got [Wonderful] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
sh yo - Vi y&m

6 match
K yo -- U K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- B c --
B cn o J B c --
R y - R m -
G t - P e -

I can tell this man must have lost money in stocks because the self line B star moved. The
B star is the money killer. The B star represents lost of wealth. This sign tells me that he
must be losing money because his main concern is actually the B star. If his main concern
is not the B star, the B star would not have moved. But luckily, the B star is retreating. If
the B star retreats, the stock value will go up. Right now, the self line B cn is bounding to
the date yo. So it cannot retreat until the bondage is broken. The bondage shall be broken
in month sh, which is this month. So the stock value shall rise this month. The 2nd line R
star is advancing and is empty. But the 2nd line R y cannot advance before its emptiness is
fulfilled. When the emptiness of the R star fulfills, more people will buy this stock causing
the stock value to rise even higher because the R star represents 'People buying'.

Result: The stock value rose sharply in month sh. The stock value climbed up even higher
in month y.

Sometimes, same elements will bound to each other.

For example: Element s might bound to element s. y
might bound to y.
Here is an example: I tossed the coins asking for YAHOO's stock trend. The Lord gave
me [Bride] and [Duay].
Year Month Date Hour
h s - III cn & e

6 strike
P sh -- U P wa --
B s x B yo -
R w - K h -
P c -- J P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

The money star is quite strong. But too bad that the 5th line powerful B star moved and
advanced killing the money star. Yahoo will drop! Right now, the 5th line B s is bounding
to the date s. So the 5th line will not move right now. But in month y, y strikes the
bondage open causing the 5th line to move. So in month y, Yahoo will certainly drop.

Result: Yahoo reached $21 in month c, but it dropped to $14 in month y.

But sometimes, you don't need to break the bondage

and things will still happen!
A guy purchased a book online and tossed the coins asking when will he receive his book.
God showed him [Separate] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour
yo wa - iV y&m

Separate Lawsuit
P m - K sh -
B e - J G s -
K wa x B w -
B w -- B w --
K cn - U K cn -
P y -- P y --
The self line B e turns into G s. The G star is the property, and it could represent the book.
But I think the more significant feature of this sign is actually the 4th line K wa, which
represents happiness. So there are actually two possibilities:

 He could receive the book on day h because h strikes with the self line B e causing
it to move bounding to G s.
 He could also receive the book on day t or on day c because the 4th line K wa and B
w are both bounding to the date. But the bondage can be broken on day t or on day
c. And when the bondage is broken, there shall be great joy.

Result: He received his book on day t. On day t, the bondage between the 4th line K wa
and the date wa is still not broken. Only day c can break that bondage. But he still
received his book on day t. So this lesson taught us that sometimes things could still
happen even if the bondage has not been completely broken.

Lily asked when can she sell her stocks, and she received [Li] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
w w wa - iV y&m

Li No Way
6 strike 6 strike
B e - J K sh -
K wa x G s -
G yo - B w -
R h o U K cn --
K c -- P y --
P m - R t -

Although this is a double 6 strike, the 5th line moves turning into G s which bounds to the
self line B e. So the power of the 6 strike has been eliminated. The 5th line K wa moves
turning into a money star G s which bounds to the self line. That means she will sell her
stocks and earn some money. But right now, K wa is bounding to both the date and the
month. But month t or month c can help break the bondage allowing K wa to move. So
she should sell in month t or in month c.

Result: I was wrong. She sold her stocks exactly 12 months later, which is in month w of
year wa. This sign proves that sometimes you don't need to break the bondage and things
will still happen. The reason why she sold her stocks in month w is because w bounds to
the 5th line K wa, which made K wa move. And K wa moves turning into G s which
bounds to the self line.

How come God gave us this confusing sign? Why can't God just follow the rules? The
reason is this woman has chosen a wrong day to toss the coins. She tossed the coins on day
wa of month w, and she is destined to sell the stocks in month w. No other lines can move
except w or wa line because only w or wa line will move in month w. So it's not God's

I have something urgent which I would like to discuss with my business partner. I tossed
the coins asking on which day will I speak to him. God gave me [Same] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - II cn & e

Same Family
K sh - U P m -
G s - B e -
B w o K wa --
R h - J R h -
K c -- K c --
P m - P m -

The 4th line B star represents a friend. My business partner is my friend. The 4th line
moves turning into the K star, which represents happiness. If I get to talk to him, I will
become happy. But the 4th line is completely bounding to the date. So should I wait until
day t in order to break the bondage? No, I don't think so. Day t is 5 days away. It's
impossible for me to speak to him so many days later. I think I will speak to him within 2
days. So maybe the bondage is not working in this hexagram. If the bondage does not
work, I shall speak to him today because the 4th line B w could move on day wa.

Result: He called me on that very day. (day wa)

A man bought a book online and tossed the coins asking when will his book arrive. He
received [Hurt] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
h sh - III w & wa

Hurt Consume
P yo -- B t --
B h X R sh -
R c -- J P s --
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The 5th line B h loneliness star moves turning into the winner star. So the 5th line alone
told us that the book will arrive. Right now, R sh is bounding to the date. So the 5th line
cannot move. But on day cn, the bondage shall be broken allowing the 5th line to move.
So the book will come on day cn.

Result: I was wrong. The book arrived on day y. The reason why is B h moved on day y.
Sometimes, a bondage does not need to be broken, and a line still can move.

One of my students emailed me these two questions:

Question 1: Let's say that Month = w Date = s

First line Pex Gy-

P e is bounding to the date, and the date is striking G y. Will this line move or will it stay
bounded? Or is this a strike loose?

 ANSWER: This line is most likely going to move on day y because day y can save
G y from the stroke. Day y will also break the bondage between the date s and P e.
Actually, this line can also move on day h.

Question 2: Let's say Month = w Date = s

3rd line Gy- Pe-

What happened here? Is the date striking at G y causing it to move? What about the
bondage between P e and the date?

 ANSWER: This line is most likely going to move on day y because the bondage of
P e will be broken on day y. Actually, this line can also move on day h.
For example: Tom asked in which month will his stock market account value increase to
$20,000. (His account now only has $8,000.) He received [Bride] and [Wonderful] from
the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
s wa - Vi t&c

6 match
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w o P c --
P c x J P cn -
G m - G y -
R e - K t -

The self line's advancing P star means 'Something happening', which indicates that his
money will increase. The 4th line R w moves producing the self line P c. This also means
that the stock value will increase because the winner star is producing the self line. Right
now, R w is bounding to the date. So R w cannot move to produce the self line. The 4th
line's P c has also been struck loose by the date. So the 4th line cannot move. But in
month c, the bondage between R w and the date shall be broken allowing R w to move.
Month c will also save the 4th line P c from the stroke. So the 4th line R w shall move to
produce the self line in month c. God is saying that his account value shall increase in
month c. But too bad that the 2nd line's money star G m is retreating. Your account value
will increase in month c, but it won't reach $20,000.

This is too good to be true! So Tom tossed the coins again to reconfirm and received
[Stop] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour
s wa - Vi t&c

6 match
P sh - U P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - R w -
G m -- J R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- G y --

The self line G m turns into R w, and R w represents 'You got something'. If the self line
turns into a R star, his wish will come true. But right now, R w is bounding to the date wa.
So the self line cannot reach R w yet. But in month c, the bondage shall be broken
allowing the self line G m to reach R w. The 1st line P wa will also move turning into the
money star G y in month c. When a P star moves turning into the money star, worries and
frustration will turn into profit. But too bad the money star G y is very weak. Money will
increase in month c, but it won't be as much as $20,000.

Result: His account value has increased to $17,034 in month c. It didn't exactly reach
$20,000, but it's good enough for Tom.

How do the lines usually bound to each

Let's say a moving line turns into an element which bounds to the
non-moving self line. When the self line moves, things could

For example, Some guy asked when will his friend return his money to him. He got [No
way] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
t s - Vii t&c

No way
6 strike
G sh - K e -
R s o G wa --
K w - J R yo -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -
If someone is asking about money, K means he won't get the money.. But luckily, the self
line K star turned into an R star. The unlucky star became a lucky star. There is a 6
strike. But luckily, the 5th line moves turning into G wa, and G wa bounds to the self line
K w. A line moved turning into G money star which bounds to the self line. The power of
the 6 strike is eliminated. That means money is coming. So I concluded that he will
receive the money possibly on day t. Day t strikes the self line K w, and K w will move
bounding to the 5th line G wa. Another reason why he will receive the money on day t is
because the self line K w will move on day t. If the self line K w moves, it will turn into an
R star, which represents 'You got something'.

Result: He got the money on day t.

What if the self line is also a moving line?

I tossed the coins asking when can I receive some money from my friend. God gave me
[Li] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
wa h-X t&c

6 strike
B e - J K sh -
K wa x G s -
G yo - B w -
R h - U R h -
K c -- K c --
P m - P m -

The self line is actually a moving line because the date h is striking at it. The 5th line K
wa moves turning into G s which bounds to the self line B e. The self line B e also moves
and bounds to G s. I could receive the money on day e because day e is the day that the self
line shall move and bound to the money star G s. I might also receive the money on day w
or on day wa because the 5th line could move on those two days.

Result: I got the money on day e.

What if a moving star turns into an element which

bounds to an empty self line?
For example: A politician tossed the coins asking God when can he become a high rank
government official, and God showed him a sign which seems to indicate that he will
become an important figure in year t. He was not sure, so he tossed again and got [Fog]
and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
wa s h-X t&c

Fog Consume
B t -- P t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn x B h -
K y -- J R c --
B t - K m -

The 3rd line R cn moves turning into B h which bounds to the self line K y. A strong B star
is bounding and producing the K star of the self line. This means happiness shall arrive!
But since the self line's R c is empty, nothing can happen before year t or year c. The K
star of the self line turns into an empty R c winner star. He shall become a winner in year t
or in year c.

Result: The politician was appointed the agriculture minister of the Royal Ching Dynasty
in year t. If the self line was not empty, things shall happen in year s because s strikes with
the self line K y causing it to move bounding to the 3rd line B h. If the 3rd line's R cn is
empty, things should happen in year cn. If the 3rd line's B h is struck loose, things could
happen in year y or in year h.

Strike or Repel Away the Enemy

This chapter could be the most important chapter.
And you must pay close attention to the 'Repel Laws'.
Sometimes the repel laws can overrule the 6 strike
In this chapter, we will first talk about how enemies can
be struck away by the date. Then we will move into the
'Repel Laws', which could be the most important topic
in this book.
If the appointed star is being killed, buried, or hurt by the enemy in any way, you must wait
for the time that the enemy can be struck out.

Some guy asked when will he receive some money from his father. God told him that he
will receive the money in month sh. But the sign was not that clear. So, in order to get a
clearer sign from God, he tossed again. This time, he got [Same] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
s w-V t&c

No way
6 strike
K sh - U K sh -
G s - G s -
B w - B w -
R h o J K cn --
K c -- P y --
P m - R t -

The man got a 6 strike. Does that mean he won't receive the money? The 2nd sign is just
another version of the 1st sign. In ancient text, it stated that if the enemy is killing the
appointed star, it could be struck out by the year, month, or date. So I concluded that he
will receive the money in the month of sh. In the month of sh, sh strikes out the K cn
which is killing the self line R. That's the time money will come.

Result: I was right. He received the money in the month of sh. Why didn't the 6 strike in
the 2nd sign affect his fortune? Because a 6 strike appearing in your 2nd toss has no
meaning as long as your 2nd sign is compatible with your 1st sign.

A man said a magazine editor asked him to place an ad in the magazine. He tossed the
coins asking will the magazine ad bring him lots of customers. He got [Abide] and

Year Month Date Hour
m yo s-I s & yo
Abide Combine
G wa -- U G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G cn -- J B m --
B y -- K e --
P t o G wa --

The self line money star G cn turns into B m which kills back at itself. But B m is being
struck by the month and is being killed by the date. If the enemy star is dead, this magazine
ad will definitely not hurt you. The 1st line P t moves turning into G wa. The P star
represents my worries, and the G star represents money. If P star moves and turns into the
money star, you will earn money from this ad. The 1st line P t moved meaning your ad will
appear in month t.

Result: The man didn't believe the sign. He kept refusing the ad, but the editor kept
persuading him. Finally, he bought the ad with very small amount of money. The ad
appeared in month t, and the great result totally surprised him. Right after the ad appeared,
the man signed a long term contract with the editor.

If the appointed star is too powerful, the enemy can be

struck out very easily. If the enemy is weak, it's easy to
bound away the enemy. If a strong enemy is killing
the weak appointed, don't expect that the enemy can
someday be struck out.
I tossed the coins asking for the entire year's stock market trend. God showed me [Feed]
and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
sh c - iV s & yo

Feed Break
B y - B y -
P t -- P t --
G sh -- J G sh --
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m -
P t - U K e -

The money star is too powerful. So the stock value will go up next year. Although the
2nd line B y moves killing the money star, B y can easily be struck out because my
appointed star (G money star) is too strong. The stock value will rise in month s because
month s will strike out B y.

Result: The stock value reached the top peak in month s.

In conclusion, I must say that an enemy cannot easily be struck out. If you see that your
appointed star is being killed back by the enemy star in your 1st toss, you cannot simply
conclude that the enemy can be struck away in the future. You must toss again to
reconfirm. If your 2nd toss also gives you an unlucky sign, most likely you will be
disappointed in the future. If your 1st toss gave you a lucky sign but your 2nd toss shows
an enemy killing back at your appointed, your appointed could be saved when the enemy
has been struck away as long as your 2nd sign coincides with your 1st sign. The key to
accuracy is to toss a few more times and compare the signs. Do the signs coincide with
each other? Don't conclude that your enemy can be struck away in the future by reading
only one sign.

If you can strike out the enemy, you

certainly can strike out your own helper.
So beware!
A future year, month, date, or hour could be your worst

It's Iowa State vs. Boise State (Idaho). Which team will win the game? Somebody tossed
the coins and received [Abide] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
t sh - I sh & h
Abide Consume
G wa -- U P t --
R yo - G sh -
P h o R s --
G cn x J P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - B m -

The game will be held on day sh (same day as the toss). The self line is Iowa State because
the guy who threw the coins likes that team. The self line G cn moves turning into P h
which later links to the winner star R s. Of course Iowa State will win.

Result: I was wrong. The Iowa State lost the game. The reason why Iowa lost is because
the self line has been struck loose by day sh. If the self line has been struck loose, it can no
longer reach the winner star. If the game was supposed to be on the next day, Iowa State
would have won. But too bad that the game was held on day sh.

I bought some stocks. I tossed the coins asking what will happen to my stocks tomorrow
and got [Hollow] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
e w - III y&m

Hollow Break
R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The self line's advancing B star is too strong. This indicates that the stock value might
drop. The 5th line's P e can no longer produce the advancing self line's B star because it
got killed back by G t. This means the advancing B star of the self line can no longer
advance. So I will earn money after all.
 The 5th line's G t is very weak and has also been struck loose by the date. So G t
cannot kill back at P e until G t regains strength at hour t.
 At hour t, the stock value will rise because the 5th line's weak G t will regain
strength at hour t.

Result: The opening bell occurs at 9:30 AM in New York. Hour t is from 10 AM to 12
AM. At hour t, the stock value did rise to the top. But at hour c, the stock value began to
drop very sharply. At hour y, the stock value has lost almost 2 dollars.

There are several reasons why the stock value dropped:

1. The self line's advancing B star is too strong.

2. The 5th line's G t has been struck loose by the date. The only hour for G t to be
fully active is unfortunately hour t.
3. At hour c, G t cannot kill back at P e anymore because hour c bounds to G t. When
G t is bounded up by hour c, it cannot kill back at P e anymore.
4. At hour y, G t also cannot kill back at P e because G t has been struck loose by the
date w. So G t will not be active at hour y. And P e also grew much stronger at
hour y.

I plan to sell Yahoo stocks at $25. I tossed the coins asking will I regret after I sold it for
$25? The Lord gave me [Big storage] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
cn t-I t&c

Big Storage Rise

R y o K yo --
G t -- U G h --
B sh -- B c --
B cn - K yo -
R y - J G h -
G t o B c --

The U line's money star G t produces the self line. But too bad it is retreating. So the U
line's money star is in trouble because it is retreating. The top line's K yo moves to produce
the U line's G t so that it cannot retreat. The top line's R y also bounds to the U line's G h
so the U line cannot retreat.
 The U line's money star G t links to the 1st line's G t, which got killed back by B c.
This indicates that I will lose money sooner or later.
 The top line is the only support that the U line has. If the top line fails, the U line's
money star will also retreat. When the money star retreats, I will lose money or feel
like I lost money.
 On day m, the top line's K yo will be struck loose. So the top line will fail on day
m. That means I will regret for selling my stocks on day m.

Result: I sold Yahoo at $25 on day h. On day c, it began to go up. The price went up to
$26 on day m. I regretted for selling so soon. If G t did not get kill back by B c, the strong
helper line (top line) would not have easily been affected. But since G t is already being
killed back by B c, a slightest attack on the helper line will damage the money star.

A politician is about to make an important speech on the next day. He asked will his
speech bring him more voters. He got [Advance] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
t s - iX sh & h

Advance Cup
R e - R e -
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - J B yo -
G m x B yo -
R e x K h -
P wa -- U P c --

Tomorrow, it's day yo. The 3rd line G m moves turning into B yo which links to the self
line. This means the self line is receiving the G m gain star, which is good. But too bad he
is making his speech tomorrow (day yo). Day yo will strike the 3rd line G m loose. If the
3rd line G m becomes loose, the self line can no longer receive the gain star. So tomorrow,
he shall destroy his own reputation. The 2nd line's R e winner star turning into a loser star
also seems to suggest that.

Result: He said something wrong in his speech, and his reputation has been greatly
The Repel Laws
(The most important topic of this entire book)
When two stars strike with each other, they are
repelling away from each other.
A man asked will he earn money if he invests in a certain business. He got [Little storage]
and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
e w - iX s & yo

Little Storage Queen

B m - G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x U K w -
G cn - R yo -
B y o P h -
P t o J G c --

This sign looks like a super lucky sign, but it isn't. The U line's money star G wa moves
striking at the self line G c, and the self line's P t strikes with the U line's K w. The self line
is striking away the money star G wa. If you invest, you shall lose money.

Result: He invested his money in month sh, and he lost money already in month h.

We will discuss more about bounding and not bounding when we talk about the usages of
the R star later in this chapter. So read on!

I sold short my Yahoo stocks at $25.30. But right after I sold short, the stock price has
risen to $28. I tossed the coins asking on which day will it drop to at least $26 again. I got
[Rich] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
e h - iV w & wa
Rich Strong
R sh -- R sh --
P s -- J P s --
G w - G w -
P h - R cn -
R c x U K y -
K m - P t -

The U line's R c winner star has been killed back by a K y loser star. This means my
money is gone. So the unluckiest line in this sign is the U line. But luckily, the U line is
striking with the self line. This means the U line will go away. Right now, the U line
cannot move because K y is bounding to the date. But on day e, the bondage shall be
broken. So the U line will move away from the self line on day e.

Result: I was amazed when the stock price fell to $25.75 on day e. So my misfortune did
go away on day e.

A man asked will he win money if he bets on a certain team. He got [Feed] and

Year Month Date Hour
e wa - II cn & e

6 match
B y - B y -
P t -- P t --
G sh -- J G sh --
G cn x P h -
B y -- B c --
P t - U K m -

The 3rd line is bad news because the money star G cn moved turning into a frustration star
P h. So the 3rd line is the enemy. But luckily, the 3rd line's G cn is striking with the self
line. This means the 3rd line is actually repelling away from the self line. If the 3rd line
repels the self line, trouble shall go away.
 The 3rd line's P h is weak but is not dead. So P h still survives. If the 3rd line's
weak frustration star repels the self line, your frustration will still disappear. You
should place your bet on this team.

Result: He planned to bet $1000 on that team. If that team wins, he will double his
money. That team won. But for some reason, he didn't bet on that team.

A man has been sued for money. He tossed the coins asking will he end up losing more
than $3000. He got [Big profit] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour
e h - iV w & wa

Big Profit Big Storage

R e - U G y -
P wa -- K t --
B yo o P sh --
P cn - J P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

The 4th line is bad news because a strong frustration star P sh produces back at the money
killer B yo. The 4th line's moving P sh strikes with the self line. This means the frustration
star is repelling away from the self line. This is a good thing. But unfortunately, the 4th
line's B yo money killer bounds to the self line. So the 4th line is still bounding to the self

 The bottom gua duplicated. So the master switch of the bottom gua is the 2nd line
G y. When G y moves, the self line will move bounding to the 4th line B yo.
Right now, the 2nd line G y is bounding to the date h. But on day e, the 2nd line's
bondage will be broken causing the 2nd line to move. (When a line bounds to the
date, that line will act like a moving line when the bondage is broken.)

Result: The court demanded him to pay the plaintiff $7000 on day e.

I asked will I lose money if I don't sell my stocks now. I got [Return] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

e wa - iV y&m

Return Quen
6 match 6 strike
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn -- R m --
R y -- P e --
G t o J B wa --

The U line B c is also a moving line since the date wa has struck with the U line. So the U
line's B c moves bounding to the self line's G t. This is bad.

 But can the self line's B wa repel the U line's B c money killer away?
 Nothing will happen before day y because the 2 lines which lie between J and U are
now empty.

Result: I lost money on day y since the stock value dropped. This sign proves that the U
line B c still has the power to bound to the self line's G t even if the self line turns into B wa
which repels the U line.

I know that the stock value will rise tomorrow. So I tossed the coins asking at what hour
will the stock value be the highest tomorrow. I got [Trap] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
e yo - Vi y&m

Trap Duay
6 match 6 strike
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w -- P c --
P cn - G m -
G y x J R e -
Since I am asking about the stock market trend, a 6 strike means nothing. The self line's
empty G y moves turning into a winner star R e. This means the price will be the highest at
hour y.

 But wait! The U line's K h is the source of money since K h produces the self line's
money star. If R e moves to strike with K h, won't R e strike away my money
source? So maybe the price will drop at hour y?
 Wrong! The U line K h is bounding to the self line G y. So even if the self line's R
e moves to strike with the U line, the U line refuses to strike with R e. So the U
line's money source K h is not going anywhere. This means the stock value still
will go up at hour y.

Result: Price went up at hour y.

I sold short at $25. But right after I sold short, the price has gone up to $30 making me lose
money. I tossed the coins asking will the price drop a little bit so that I can buy it back at a
better price few days from now. God showed me [Difficulty] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - Vii cn & e

6 strike
P y - P y -
R t -- R t --
K sh -- J K sh --
B w x G s -
K cn o B w --
P y -- U K cn --

The 3rd line G s moved striking at the U line's P y frustration star. Another word, G s is
repelling away the frustration star P y for me. This is good.

 Why is the 3rd line G s repelling away the 1st line P y? Why can't P y repel away G
s? How come G s wins over P y?
 The reason is because G s metal kills P y wood. So G s must win, and P y must get
the hell out of here.
 But too bad that there is a permanent 6 strike. Since this is my first toss, a
permanent 6 strike means the price will not reach $25.
 Right now, the 3rd line G s cannot repel away P y yet because the 3rd line's B w has
been struck loose by the date. But on day wa, the 3rd line will move again.
(Nothing will happen on day w because the stock market closes on day w.) I think
the price will drop a little bit on day wa. But it won't reach $25 because of the
permanent 6 strike.

I tossed again on the next day just to reconfirm and got [Hurt] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

Hurt Revolution
P yo -- R wa --
B h x P yo -
R c x J B h -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The self line's R c winner star repels away the top line's R wa winner star. This clearly
means I will buy back the stocks because the self line got a winner star. But I won't be
able to buy it back at the price that I desired because the top line R wa has been repelled
away. Right now, the top line R wa cannot be repelled because it has been struck loose by
the date. But on day wa, it shall regain strength.

Result: The price dropped to $28.50 on day wa. Then it slowly climbed back up. I sold
short at $25. Dropping to $28.50 is better than nothing. But I still lost money. So there
was a good news on day wa. But the news was not the best news that I have eagerly
awaited for. (Of course I was hoping that it will drop all the way back to $25.) A beginner
would have said that the price cannot drop anymore because the self line turned into a
strong B money killer. So remember this sign well.

A man asked will he earn money if he opens a coffee shop. He got [Solution] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - III s & yo
6 strike
G sh -- G sh --
R s -- U R s --
K w - K w -
K w -- G cn --
G cn o J B y --
B y x P t -

The 1st line's P t frustration star repels away the 3rd line's K w joy star. The 1st line P t
kills the 3rd line K w. So K w joy star goes away! No luck for you pal.

Result: The man opened his coffee shop anyway. He sold his shop to somebody else
within a year.

A woman tossed the coins asking when will her X-husband send her the monthly child care
expense. She expected her X-husband to drop the check in the mail within 3 days. She
received [Break] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - III w & wa

Break Look
R y - U R m -
G t x P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B c -- J R m --
R m o P e --
P e o B wa --

The 5th line money star G t moves bounding to the self line B c. But the problem is that
the money star G t is dead. Can the dead money star still move to bound to the self line?

 The self line's B c repels away the 1st line's B wa. So the money killer goes away.
 Right now, the 1st line B wa is empty. But when the emptiness fulfills on day w or
wa, the money killer shall be repelled away.

Result: Her X-husband did not drop the check in the mail within 3 days. But about a week
later, her X - husband's secretary sent her the money using overnight express. She received
the money on day wa. Notice that the 5th line's money star is dead. This lesson proves that
the repel law could be more important than the strength of the stars.

You can repel away the U line. But you cannot repel
away the self line because the self line represents
yourself. How can anything repel you away?
Usually, the killer repels away the victim. For example:

6th line B e o U -- K wa
5th line K wa x - G yo
4th line G yo - - Rh

The 4th line's R h repels away the 6th line's B e because R h kills B e. So R h stays, and B
e leaves.

But the rule will change if the self line is B e. Nobody

can repel away the self line. Check out this example:
A man tossed the coins asking about his business. God showed him [Trapped] and

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c

6 match
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w x B s -
P cn o R w --
G y - J P cn -

This man's business is not doing well at this moment. The self line P cn links to the 2nd
line, and the 2nd line's R w links to the 3rd line. So the entire lower gua links together as
 Right now, the 2nd line P cn has been struck loose by the date. So nothing will
happen until month cn or month yo because P cn can regain strength in those 2
 In month cn or in month yo, the self line G y will repel away the 3rd line's B s.
 B s cannot repel away the self line G y because nothing can repel away the self line.
The self line represents yourself. How can anything repel you away? So it must
be the other way around.
 Too bad that B s is quite strong. So it's kind of hard to repel the B s money killer
away. Condition of your business will improve. But it won't improve too much.

Result: In month cn, his business has been interviewed by a TV station and business
increased in that month. But his business still was not good enough.

I tossed the coins asking in which month will my friend give me back my money. The
Lord gave me [Big storage] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
s s - Vii t&c

Big Storage
6 match
R y o G t --
G t x U B sh -
B sh -- K s --
B cn o B c --
R y - J R m -
G t - P e -

The top line and the self line both have R y. Therefore, the top line is the self line.

 The top line's R y winner star repels away the 4th line's K loser star. I will receive
the money.
 The 5th line looks scary because the money star G t has been killed back by B sh.
But don't look at that at all. The self line's R winner star is repelling away the K
loser star. That's more important.
 Right now, the top line's G t is empty. So nothing will move until month t.

Result: I received only a small portion of the money in month t. I think if the 5th line G t
did not turn into B sh which kills back at itself, I would have received more money. But in
month m, I received a large sum of money. Month m was my lucky month because month
m bounds with the U line's B sh. When B sh is bounded up, it can no longer kill back at the
money star G t. Then my friend gave me back a lot more money in month cn. The reason
why he gave me back so much money in month cn is because month cn struck with the
enemy star B sh. When B sh has been struck, it cannot kill back at the money star G t
anymore. Another reason why I received so much money in month cn is because the 3rd
line B cn moves and retreats in month cn.

Another example: A spy tossed the coins asking will he successfully deliver a top secret
letter to his superior without being noticed by the enemy. God showed him [Humble] and

Year Month Date Hour
t yo - Vi y&m

Humble Commander
B yo -- B yo --
K h -- J K h --
P c -- P c --
B s o R w --
R w x U P cn -
P cn -- G y --

Looks like the 3rd line's B s trouble star is repelling away the G y gain star. This is not

 Luckily, the 1st line's G y is an element which could bound to the self line. So the
self line likes G y more. In this case, G y stays and B s is out! Only good things
will happen.
 But right now, the 2nd line and the 3rd line cannot move because P cn bounds to the
date yo. But hour m can strike open its bondage.

Result: The letter was successfully delivered out of the enemy's territory at sometime
between hour m and hour cn.

A dead self line does not have the power to repel!

I am evicting 2 tenants. But they claimed that I have never given them the court summons
(notice to appear in court). I tossed the coins asking will the judge believe in what I say,
and God showed me [Queen] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour
yo yo-Viii t&c

Queen Family
P sh - P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - U R w -
B yo - K h -
K h o P c --
P c x J G m -

The dead self line's G m advantage star does not have the power to repel the powerful B yo
money killer on the 3rd line.

Result: The judge did not even bother to hear my witnesses' testimonials. The other side

Let's learn more

Jeff's friend has become the manager of a restaurant. But Mike is persuading the owner to
fire Jeff's friend. Jeff and his friend, on the other hand, are persuading the owner to fire
Mike. So Jeff tossed the coins asking when will Mike be fired. He got [Too Much] and

Year Month Date Hour
wa h - iV w & wa

Too Much Revolution

G wa -- G wa -- Grn
R yo - R yo - Blk
P h - J P h - Wht
R yo - P h - Gry
P h o G c -- Yel
G c x U B m - Red

The U line's red B moved meaning there will be argument. The 3rd line R yo links to the
self line P h. So the 3rd line is the self line. On day m, the 3rd line R yo will move
repelling away the U line's B m hindrance star. So hindrance will disappear on day m. The
3rd line R yo repels away the U line B m because the 3rd line is the self line.

Result: Mike went to the owner on day m trying to persuade the owner to fire Jeff's friend.
The owner refused. Therefore, a big argument turned into a shout-out. Mike was fired on
that very day.

A concerned citizen tossed the coins asking when will a serial killer be arrested. God
showed him [No way] and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t-I t&c

No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn x R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o U G cn --

A 6 strike means the serial killer will never be found. But luckily, the self line K w moves
turning into G wa which bounds back at K w. So the power of the 6 strike has been
eliminated. So the serial killer could be found. A strong P frustration combo formed on the
U line. The host of the P combo is P t, and P t repels away from the self line's K w. This
means frustration will go away soon. The serial killer will be caught.

 The serial killer could be arrested today because today is already day t. The
emptiness of the P combo could be fulfilled today.
 The serial killer could be found tomorrow (day c) because the emptiness of P t
could also be fulfilled on day c.
 The serial killer could be arrested on day w. Right now, P t is bounding to the date.
So the P combo cannot be established. But day w can help break their bondage.
The self line K w has also been struck loose by the date. If the self line K w
happiness star has been struck loose, there is no good news.

Result: The serial killer was arrested on day c. So the empty P combo has been fulfilled on
day c.

A boy worries that he cannot pass his math exam. He tossed the coins asking can he pass
his exam. He got [Chen] and [Step]. This is not his 1st toss.

Year Month Date Hour
w h-X t&c

6 strike
P sh - J P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - R w -
P cn o U P c --
G y - G m -
K t - R e -

This is not his 1st toss. So the 6 strike has no meaning. The U line's frustration star is
striking at the self line's P sh but is retreating. This means worries shall disappear. On day
c, you shall pass the test.

Result: On day c, his teacher told him that he passed.

Note: If a moving, advancing B star strikes with the self line, you shall lose money. If the
B star strikes with the self line but retreats, you will not lose money.

You cannot repel away an advancing

It's Olympiakos vs Galatasaray. A guy wants Galatasaray to win the game and tossed the
coins. He received [Bite] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa - X s & yo

Bite Hollow
K e - B m -
G wa x J K e -
R yo o G wa --
G cn -- G c --
B y x U B m -
P t - K e -

The 4th line R yo winner star repels away the top line's B m trouble star. So Galatasaray
should win.

Result: I was wrong. Galatasaray lost. Then I realized that the top line's B m is linking to
the U line's advancing B star. Therefore, the 4th line R yo does not have the power to repel
away B m.

My student tossed the coins and asked when will USA invade Iraq. I said USA shall
invade Iraq in month m (March of 2003). Then I tossed the coins again asking did I make a
right prediction. (Will my reputation be damaged in month m because USA did not invade
Iraq in that month?) God gave me [Compare] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
y yo - X sh & h

Compare Advance
G t x U P e -
B sh o B wa --
K s x K yo -
R m -- J R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --
The 4th line's strong K star moves and advances striking at the self line's R star. The self
line's R m cannot repel away the advancing K star. The self line's R star represents my
fear, and the 4th line K star represents great joy. So great joy strikes my fear. This is a
good sign. Right now, the 4th line K star cannot kill the self line yet because K yo bounds
to the date. But in month m, their bondage shall be broken allowing the 4th line K star to
kill the self line. So I will be happy in month m.

 If the 5th line B sh moves and retreats, B sh can no longer produce the 4th line K s.
That means the 4th line K s can no longer advance.
 But luckily, the U line's P e moved to produce the 5th line B sh. So the 5th line
cannot retreat. That means the 4th line's K s still will advance.

Result: USA invaded Iraq in month m.

Let's say the bottom gua duplicates itself. The sh self

line cannot repel away the moving 3rd line cn if the 2nd
line y also moves.
I asked can I earn money a few days later if I buy a certain stock right now. God showed
me [Zen] and [Strong]. (This is not my 1st toss.)

Year Month Date Hour
wa e-X w & wa

Zen Strong
6 strike 6 strike
G sh -- J G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
G cn x U G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

Since this is not my 1st toss, the 6 strike means nothing. The 2nd line B y pushes the U line
G cn money star toward the self line. But since the self line is striking at the U line G cn,
will the self line repel away the U line's money star? Something significant will happen
either on day y or on day h because the 2nd line B y shall move on one of these two days.
Result: The stock value rose sharply on day h. This lesson proves that the self line G sh
cannot repel away G cn if the 2nd line B y pushes G cn toward the self line.\

Let's say the self line repels away a moving star. If

that moving star turns into a star which produces the
self line, the self line can no longer repel that star
I bought some stocks, and I asked will the stock market go up or down tomorrow. (day
m) I got [Kan] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
w y-I y&m

6 strike
B t -- J B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- P s --
G w x U P yo -
R cn - B h -
K y -- R c --

The U line's G w money star moved turning into a frustration star P yo. So we are certain
that P yo is an enemy. The U line is bad news.

 Luckily, the self line B t repels away the U line G w. So say good-bye to the U
line's bad news.
 But wait! The U line will not be repelled away by the self line because P yo moved
to produce the self line. The bad news is here to stay!
 The U line G money star moved turning into a P frustration star that produces the
self line. This clearly means I will lose money. This clearly means frustration is
here to stay.
 But luckily, I was asking about day m. On day m, the U line's P yo will be struck
loose. This means P yo cannot produce the self line on day m. So there should be
good news on day m.

Result: Stock price went up on day m.

I tossed the coins asking for the stock market trend of the entire week. God showed me
[Shun] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - I sh & h

6 strike
B m - J B y -
K e o P t --
G wa -- G sh --
R yo o U K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- B y --

This sign is quite tricky. The U line R yo winner star moved and got killed back by the K
w loser star meaning that the price shall drop. So the U line is bad news.

 The self line's B star cannot retreat because the 5th line P t moved to produce the
self line.
 So the self line B m has the power to repel away the U line. So the bad news is
gone! This means the price shall go up!
 But take a closer look! The 1st line links to the self line because both the self line
and the 1st line has B y. So the 1st line is the self line.
 The U line (bad news) produces the 1st line G c.
 If the bad news produces the self line, the bad news can no longer be repelled away.
This means the price shall drop.

Result: The price kept climbing up until day s. Then on day yo, there was a very huge
price drop. The price dropped on day yo because the U line moved on day yo.

I tossed the coins asking for one week's trend of a certain stock. I got [Quen] and

Year Month Date Hour
w e - Vi sh & h
6 strike
K yo -- J G t --
G h x B sh -
B c -- K s --
R m -- U R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --

The 5th line G h moved turning into B sh which bounds to the U line R m. So the U line R
m has received a money star G h. Although B sh killed back at G h, the U line still
received the money star. But the U line won't receive the full amount of the money since G
h has been damaged by B sh.

 The U line is good news.

 The self line K yo repels away the U line. So there won't be any good news.
 But luckily, the 5th line B sh produces the self line. Since the 5th line B sh moves
and bounds to the U line, the 5th line is a part of the U line's alliance. So if the 5th
line produces the self line, the U line also produces the self line.
 So the self line can no longer repel away the U line. So there will be good news
after all.
 Right now, the 5th line is empty. But when the emptiness fulfills on day sh or h,
there will be good news!

Result: Stock value rose sharply on day sh and h.

I asked will the stock price continue to climb up for the next two weeks. God showed me
[Strong] and [Cup]. (This is not my first toss.)

Year Month Date Hour
w e - Vi sh & h

6 strike
B sh x P e -
K s -- B wa --
P w - J K yo -
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

The U line G t moved and got killed back by B c. The top line B sh also kills G t. So the
money star G t is in big trouble. But luckily, G t repels away from the self line P w. This
means money trouble goes away. So the stock value will continue to climb up.

 But wait! The U line B c moves to produce the self line's K yo. This means the bad
news is here to stay? (The U line is the bad news.)
 Wrong! The U line B c can only produce a non-moving element that's on the 1st
hexagram. The U line B c cannot produce a non-moving element that's in the 2nd
hexagram. The U line B c cannot produce the self line K yo because the self line is
not a moving line. So the bad news shall disappear because the U line G t repels the
self line P w.
 When the U line G t moves on day t, the price will rise sharply. The price will also
rise sharply when the top line B sh kills G t.

Result: On day h, the price has risen sharply because the top line's emptiness fulfilled on
day h. The price has risen even more on day c.

My friend Richard tossed the coins asking what will happen to his stocks tomorrow
morning. He received [Strong] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
w yo - Viii t&c

Too Much
6 strike
B sh -- B wa --
K s x K yo -
P w - J G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

The U line's G money star is in trouble because it got killed back by B c. But fortunately,
the 5th line's K s moves to rescue G t. So the U line's money star is in great shape. So the
U line is a good news.
 But here is the real bad news: The self line P w repels away the U line G t. If the
self line repels away the good news, something bad will happen.
 But wait a minute! The 5th line and the U line formed an alliance. And the 5th line
does produce the self line's G h. Doesn't that mean the self line can no longer repel
away this alliance formed by the 5th and the U line?
 Wrong! The 5th line K star can only produce the element of the 1st hexagram. So
the self line's G h, which is on the 2nd hexagram, cannot be produced by the 5th
line. So the self line will still repel away this alliance.
 Right now, G t is empty. But tomorrow morning at 10 AM in New York, the
emptiness of G t shall be fulfilled. So your stock value will drop when the New
York Stock Exchange opens.

Result: The stock value dropped first thing in the morning.

A teenage boy said he had an argument with his teacher. Because of this reason, his
teacher gave him a bad grade which could damage his record. He asked, "Will the
university that I want to attend still accept me this year?" The Lord showed him [Too
much] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
w w wa - Viii sh & h

Too Much Little Storage

G wa x B m -
R yo - K e -
P h o J G wa --
R yo - G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x U P t -

The self line and the top line form a B combo. The B star is the loneliness star which
represents lost of wealth. So the B combo is the loneliness combo. If the self line has been
embraced by a strong B combo, the university will not accept him this year.

 The U line is bad news because the advantage star G c moved turning into a
frustration star P t. But the self line's B combo is repelling away the U line. If the
bad news has been repelled away from the self line, how can there be anymore bad
 Too bad that the U line's P t is still producing the self line's B combo. This means
the U line cannot be repelled away.
Result: He was not accpeted by the university in that year.

This one is tricky! I tossed the coins asking should I sell my stocks right now. God
showed me [Trade] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
s t-I t&c

6 match
B m - U B y -
K e o P t --
G wa -- G sh --
G cn x J P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - B m -

The 5th line's K happiness star got killed back by P frustration star. So the 5th line
obviously is bad news.

 But will the self line P h repel away the 5th line? After all, K e does produce the
self line. But since K e got killed back by P t, can the 5th line still produce the self

Result: I thought that this sign means the 5th line (bad news) can be repelled away. So I
sold my stocks. But on the next day, the price has gone up even higher. This proves that
the 5th line cannot be repelled away by the self line P h since K e still has the power to
produce the self line.

A criminal asked will he be able to walk out of the court without going to jail. He got
[Hollow] and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c
6 strike
R m - R m -
P e - P e -
B wa -- J B wa --
B c x K yo -
R m - G h -
P e o U B c --

A beginner would have said that everything will be all right because a happiness K combo
formed in the lower gua. But a beginner doesn't realize that the self line is repelling away
the K combo since the self line's B wa strikes away the 3rd line's B c. If the self line repels
the K combo, say good-bye to happiness.

 But wait! The self line cannot repel away the K combo because the U line P e is
producing the self line. So the K combo is here to stay?
 Wrong! Once the K combo is formed, the U line's P e no longer exists. So the 3rd
line and the U line can only be viewed as a giant K star. The 3rd line's B c and the
U line's P e no longer exist. Only the 3rd line's K yo survived. So the K combo
does not produce the self line. This means the self line will repel away the K

The criminal tossed again just to reconfirm, and the Lord granted him [Li] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c

Li Return
6 strike 6 match
B e o J G yo --
K wa -- R h --
G yo o K c --
R h o U K cn --
K c -- P y --
P m - R t -

The self line and the 4th line formed a G gain combo. But too bad that the U line's R h
moved turning into K cn which bounds to the self line's G combo. This means the self
line's G combo has just received the R h danger star. And K cn cannot kill back at R h
since K cn is bounding to the moving 4th line G yo.
Result: He thought that he could walk away a free man by hiring a top notch lawyer, but
the court gave him 10 years in prison.

Also watch out for this one: I purchased a certain stock, and the price climbed up a few
days later. Then on day c, I asked should I sell my stocks now. I received [Family] and

Year Month Date Hour
s c - II sh & h

Family Same
B m - G sh
K e - U R s
G wa x K w
P h - P h
G c -- J G c
B m - B m

The self line G c will repel away the 4th line G wa money star although G wa moved
turning into K w which could produce the self line. But realize that K w bounds back at G
wa. So K w is dedicated only to G wa and will not produce the self line at all. Therefore,
the self line will repel away the 4th line's money star. The 4th line shall move on day w.
So on day w, I shall regret for selling it too soon.

Result: On day c, the price was $32.50. But on day w, the price reached almost $34.
Luckily I didn't sell on day c.

If a moving line is too far away, the self

line can no longer repel it away.
I tossed the coins asking will I lose money tomorrow. I got [Solution] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
e yo - Vi y&m
Solution Unsettled
G sh x K e -
R s -- U G wa --
K w - R yo -
K w -- K w --
G cn - J G cn -
B y -- B y --

Tomorrow is day sh. Day sh will strike with the self line causing it to move. The top line's
G sh will move on day sh to strike with the self line. The top line's money star G sh is my
appointed star. Will I lose money if the top line's G sh repels the self line on day sh?

Result: I didn't lose money on day sh. The self line cannot repel away the top line's money
star G sh because G sh is located too far away from the self line. The self line has no
power to repel G sh away. Although G sh turned into K e which can produce the self line,
K e actually cannot produce the self line because K e is dedicated in producing G sh.

I tossed the coins asking will the stock value of my stocks drop tomorrow. God showed me
[Finish] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
s m - Vi s & yo

6 match
B t -- P yo --
R sh o B h --
P s -- U R c --
R c -- R c --
K m -- K m --
G e - J G e -

The 5th line winner star R sh moved turning into the money killer B h. So the 5th line is
bad news. Too bad that the self line has no power to repel the 5th line away because they
are too far apart. So the bad news is here to stay. Right now, the date m is bounding to the
5th line R sh. So the 5th line cannot move yet. But tomorrow (day cn) will break their
bondage allowing the 5th line to move. So the stock price will drop tomorrow.

Result: The stock price did drop 60 cents on the next day.

I asked will my business lose money within a few months, and I got [Queen] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
t & c?
w m - II
y & m?

Queen Cup
P sh - R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --

The 5th line's B s money killer moved bounding to the U line. So the U line and the 5th
line are my enemies. But luckily, the 5th line B s moved turning into P wa which repels the
self line's P c. This means my enemies are leaving me. Right now, both the U line and the
5th line cannot move because the U line's B yo has been struck loose. But in month yo,
both lines will start moving again. So in month yo, my enemies will leave my business.

 But wait! The 5th line P wa is too far away from the self line. This means the self
line can no longer repel away the 5th line? So my enemy cannot be defeated?
 Wrong. The 5th line and the 4th line are forming an alliance. So the 4th line is the
5th line. That means the self line still can repel away the 5th line because the 4th
line is not located far away from the self line. (The 5th line is considered far, but
the 4th line is considered near.)

Result: My business greatly improved in month yo. A beginner would have said that I
shall lose money because the B s money killer moved. So be careful when you see this
kind of sign in the future.

The self line can only repel away a real moving line.
If a line has 'O' or 'X', it is a real moving line. If a line moved simply because the date
struck it, it is not a real moving line. Only a real moving line can be repelled away by the
self line.

For example: Richard tossed the coins asking on which day will the stock value rise. He
received [Little storage] and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour
s c - iV s & yo

Little Storage
6 strike
B m - B m -
K e - K e -
G wa -- U G wa --
G cn - R yo -
B y - P h -
P t o J G c --

The self line moved turning into a G money star. This means the stock value will rise.
Although the U line's money star G wa moved because the date struck it, the self line
cannot repel away the U line because the U line is not a real moving line. So money will
not be lost. Richard said, "Right now, the self line is bounding to the date. But on day w,
the bondage shall be broken allowing the self line P t to reach the money star G c. So the
stock value will rise on day w!"

 I think his prediction is wrong because the bottom gua is a 'gua bounds back.' If
one line in the bottom gua cannot move, none of these 3 lines can move.
 The 3rd line's R yo will still be empty when day w arrives. So how can anything
happen on day w?

Result: The stock price climbed to the highest peak on day m. Then it slowly dropped
back down. It happened on day m because the 3rd line R yo has been struck by day m
fulfilling its emptiness.

The Fluctuating Enemy or Friend

The self line has repelled the enemy (friend) away, but the enemy (friend) bounds back at
the self line.
For example: Some guy's stock went down. He tossed the coins asking when can he break
even. He got [Trapped] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
e y yo - Viii t&c

Trapped Difficulty
P wa -- K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o U B s -- J
R w x B s -
P cn o R w --
G y -- J P cn -- U

The self line G y has repelled away the money killer B s of the 3rd line. This is good. But
too bad that B s of the 4th line is bounding to the self line through the 4th line's K h. This
means the enemy that the self line has just repelled away is returning to the self line. This
sign is bad. You cannot break even anytime soon.

Result: He didn't break even that year.

Another example: I asked will I earn money if I waited until next week to sell my stocks. I
got [Difficulty] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - III w & wa

6 match
K t -- P wa --
P sh - R yo -
B s x J K h -
B s o R w --
R w x P cn -
P cn -- U G y --

The 3rd line is the self line because they both got B s. The self line repells away the 1st
line's G y money star. This is a bad sign meaning I will lose money.
 But luckily, the 1st line's G y money star is coming back to the self line because the
self line has moved and turned into K h which bounds to G y. So I will earn money
after all.
 Right now, the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. But on day w or day
wa, I shall earn money.

Result: On day w, the stock price dropped a lot. I got scared and sold my shares at a loss.
But on day wa, it all of a sudden climbed back up. I could have earned some money if I
had waited one day longer.

A man lost money in the stock market. He tossed the coins asking will his situation
improve next week. God gave him [Humble] and [Kan]. (This is not his 1st toss.)

Year Month Date Hour
e w-I w & wa

6 strike
B yo -- K t --
K h x J P sh -
P c -- B s --
B s o R w --
R w x U P cn -
P cn -- G y --

The 3rd line B s repels away the 1st line G money star. But luckily, the 1st line G y money
star bounds back to the self line K h. So money comes back after being ejected out by B s.

 But too bad that the self line K h has been killed back by the frustration star P sh.
This sign shows both good luck and bad luck. Nothing can move until the
emptiness fulfills on day w or day wa.

Result: He expected the price to go back up to $25 a share so that he can sell and break
even. But the price climbed up to $23 on day wa. After that, the price dropped again. The
price climbed up to $23 on day wa because the U line's R w was empty. On day wa, the
emptiness of R w fulfilled.
Somebody sued me for a few thousand dollars. I tossed the coins asking how will the judge
rule. I got [Cover] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
s w - iX s & yo

Cover Compare
P y o R t --
R t x K sh -
K sh -- J G s --
B w -- P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- U K wa --

The self line's G s money star repels away the top line P y frustration star. This is good.

 But look out! The 1st line and the 2nd line form a 'e & wa' combo. This means the
1st line and the 2nd line are actually one.
 The 1st line has a P y, which the self line has repelled away. The 2nd line has a B
e. The 2nd line's B e bounds back to the self line's G s. Since the 1st line and the
2nd line are actually one line, the P y frustration star has actually been bounded
back to the self line. The 'fluctuating enemy' condition exists. Frustration star P y
therefore cannot be repelled away.

Result: They won the money in court.

Just because the enemy has been repelled away, that doesn't
mean the 6 strike can be ignored.
For example: Once I bought some stocks, and the value dropped right after I bought it. I
worried that the price will continue to fall. So I tossed asking will I lose money, and I got
this sign:

6 strike
K yo -- J K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- B c --
R m x U K s -
P e -- P w --
B wa -- B cn --

The U line is bad news because the winner star got killed back by a loser star. But luckily,
the self line has repelled the U line away. I asked will the price continue to drop. The 6
strike means no. It won't continue to drop.

Result: The price climbed up, and I was out of danger.

But few days later, I thought about buying another stock. I tossed the coins and got this
exact same hexagram. "Yes! The self line repels the bad news U line away! I will earn
money!", I thought. So I bought the stock immediately. But I ended up losing money on
that trade. How come?

ANSWER: The 1st time I got this sign, the 6 strike meant the price won't continue to fall
because I was worrying that the price might keep falling. Then on the 2nd time I got this
sign, the 6 strike meant I won't make money from this stock. Only a fluctuating enemy
(friend) can eliminate a 6 strike. This kind of sign cannot.

I sold short at $25. But right after I sold short, the price has gone up to $30 making me lose
money. I tossed the coins asking will the price drop a little bit so that I can buy it back at a
better price few days from now. God showed me [Difficulty] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - Vii cn & e

6 strike
P y - P y -
R t -- R t --
K sh -- J K sh --
B w x G s -
K cn o B w --
P y -- U K cn --

The 6 strike is permanent because nothing bounds to the self line. The 3rd line G s moved
striking at the U line's P y frustration star. Another word, G s is repelling away the
frustration star P y for me. This is good.
 But now, the 3rd line G s cannot repel away P y since the 3rd line's B w has been
struck loose. But on day w or day wa, the 3rd line B w will regain strength
allowing G s to repel away G y.
 But the permanent 6 strike still means that even if the price does drop on day w or
day wa, it won't drop all the way to $25.

Result: The price dropped to $28.50 on day wa, then it climbed back up immediately. I did
manage to buy back at $28.60. I lost money, but at least I had the ability to predict the
future and didn't buy back at around $30.

If the self line retreats, the self line can

no longer repel away other stars.
I tossed the coins asking will a certain stock still reach $28 a share. I got [Trade] and

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

Trade Step
B m - U G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x K w -
G cn -- J G c --
B y x B m -
P t - K e -

The self line is retreating. On top of that, the 2nd line B y moves to kill the self line. So
the self line must be retreating big time! If the self line retreats, it can no longer repel the
4th line's G wa money star, which is the real appointed star. This is good. This means
money is coming my way. EVEN IF THIS HEXAGRAM IS A 6 STRIKE, THE 6

 Right now, G wa has been struck loose by the date. But on day wa, the 4th line
shall move. Since the self line cannot repel away the 4th line G wa, the price shall
reach $28 on day wa.
Result: The price did reach $28 on day wa.

If the self line cannot repel away the U line which has been bound by another
moving line, the 6 strike is eliminated. This law is hard to remember. But this
law is extremely important and will raise your prediction skill many folds if you
remember it well.

I miscalculated the trend of a certain stock. I bought it, and it dropped. So I tossed the
coins asking when will the price go back up. I got [Zen] and [Intercourse]. (This is not my
first toss.)

Year Month Date Hour
yo m - Viii w & wa

6 strike
G sh -- J G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
G cn x U R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o G cn --

The P frustration combo formed at the U line. So the U line is bad news.

 But the 5th line's R winner star moved and bounded to the U line's P combo. The
bad news has just turned into a winning good news!
 The self line can no longer repel away the U line because the self line is retreating.
This means the winning good news is here to stay!
 The 6 strike has been eliminated BECAUSE THE SELF LINE NO LONGER
 The good news shall come when the emptiness of the self line fulfills either on day
w or on day wa.

I tossed again just to reconfirm, and I received [Zen] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
yo m - Viii w & wa
6 strike
G sh -- J G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
G cn -- U G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - P t -

The U line G cn money star does not move. But since the 5th line R advancing star moves
and bounds to the U line, the U line is considered a moving line. (The 5th line and the U
line formed an alliance.) This alliance is a good news because G cn money star bounds
with the winner star.

 Luckily, the self line G sh cannot repel away the U line since the self line is
retreating. There will be good news when the emptiness of the self line fulfills,
which is on day w or on day wa.

Result: On day w, the price dropped sharply. I got scared and sold my shares. But on day
wa, the price all of a sudden rose back to the price where I bought it. I have learned a big
lesson from this sign: If I cannot even trust God, I cannot accomplish anything. I should
have waited at least until day wa.

Another example: I tossed the coins asking will the price of a certain stock drop to $35.50
so that I can buy in cheaply. God showed me [Chen] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y - iX cn & e

Chen Duay
6 strike 6 strike
P sh o J P wa
B s - B yo
R w - K h
P cn o U P c
G y - G m
K t - R e
The 5th line is actually moving because it has been struck by the date. So the 5th line B s
money killer moves bounding to the U line. So the U line is bad news.

 The self line has no ability to repel away the U line although J sh does strike with U
cn because the self line is retreating.
 This means the bad news is here to stay. The price cannot drop to $35.50.

Result: I was wrong. The price dropped all the way to $34.95. I went back to check on
this sign and realized that the 5th line is bounding to the U line. If the self line cannot
repel away the U line that has been bound by another line, the 6 strike will be eliminated.
So the 6 strike of this sign has been eliminated allowing things to happen. I have explained
in the 6 strike / 6 match chapter that even if an enemy comes bounding to the self line, the
enemy is actually a friend if the 6 strike has been eliminated. In this hexagram, the 5th
line's enemy B star and the U line actually helped eliminate the 6 strike. So my wish came

Okay, here is the general rule; If the self line has the ability to repel away the
moving line, a 6 strike cannot be eliminated. But if the self line does not have
the ability to repel, the 6 strike can be eliminated because the moving line is
coming to the self line. Coming to the self line is kind of the same as bounding
to the self line. So the following situations can eliminate a 6 strike:

 The moving line repels and produces the self line at the same time.
 The self line is retreating and cannot repel away the 'moving line-U line' alliance.

How to speak to God

In this chapter, I will demonstrate how a prophet
talks to God.

You can toss the coins again if you are not sure what
the sign is saying. For example:
Mike is new to I-Ching prediction. His friend owe him some money. He phoned his friend
several times, but no one answered the phone. Mike became quite nervous and tossed the
coins asking when will he be able to talk to his friend. "Can I talk to my friend next week
about the money?" He got [No way] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Viii sh & h
No Way Stop
6 strike 6 match
G sh - G sh -
R s - R s -
K w - J K w -
G cn -- B m --
B y -- K e --
P t o U G wa --

It's a 6 strike turning into a 6 match. That means Mike will soon talk to his friend about the
money. But on exactly what day? The U line t moved turning into G wa which bounds to
the self line. So it could very much be day t. But in the ancient text, it stated, "Sometimes,
the same elements could bound to each other." The 1st line's G wa could bound to the date
wa and thus cannot move? So we have to wait for day c to break up the bondage so that
the 1st line can move? This troubled Mike. So he decided to toss the coins again in order
to get a clear picture from the Lord. This time, he got [Solution] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Viii sh & h

Solution Commander
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- U P h --
K w o G c --
K w -- K w --
G cn - J G cn -
B y -- B y --

The 4th line K represents happiness. The 4th line K moves producing the self line. That
means Mike will soon become a happy man. But the 4th line is now bounding to the date
wa. So we have to wait until day t or day c to break up the bondage so that the 4th line can
move and produce the self line. Darn! Mike already knew that if it's not day t, it will be
day c. But Mike is asking exactly when will he be able to speak to his friend. Is it day t or
day c? "My Lord, please be more specific! Please tell me the exact day!", Mike shouted.

He tossed the coins again to get a clearer message. This time, he received [Queen] and

Year Month Date Hour Empty

t wa - Viii sh & h

Queen Well
P sh o K t --
B s - P sh -
R w o U B s --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --

The U line moved producing the self line. That means the opponent will favor Mike. (The
opponent is the one who owe him money.) When you see the opponent line move
producing the self line, you know something good will happen. So Mike will soon speak to
his friend. But the U line's R w is bounding to the date wa. We have to wait for day t or
day c to break up the bondage so that the U line will move and produce the self line. Darn!
No matter how many times Mike throws the coins, the Lord tells him it's either day t or day
c. That's the Lord's best answer. It's no big deal anyway. If it's not day t, it must be day
c. So Mike finally gave up.

Result: Mike spoke to his friend on day t. Mike tossed the coins 4 times, and each sign
told Mike that it's either day t or day c. How come it's so accurate? Because Mike really
didn't know the answer. That's why every sign turned out accurate. If you already
understood the 1st sign, you cannot toss the coins anymore because the 2nd sign will
definitely come out inaccurate. But since Mike really didn't understand the previous signs,
he could keep tossing until he understands what the Lord is trying to say to him.

My friend Christian owe me lots of money. But now he is in financial trouble. He

promised to pay me a part of the money in the month of sh. I wonder if he really will pay
me on that month. I tossed the coins and got [Advance] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - V sh & h

6 match
R e - P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - J R w -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

The 5th line P wa moved turning into a money killer B s, and the 5th line bounds to the self
line. This means I will lose money? Right now, the self line's B yo is bounding to the
date. So the self line cannot receive the 5th line's B star yet. But in month sh, the bondage
shall be broken allowing the self line to receive the 5th line. So what exactly will happen in
month sh? Maybe he will pay me only a little bit of money in month sh?

But I can toss the coins once more to find out what exactly is going on. Hopefully the Lord
can clarify the matter a little better this time. So the 3rd time I tossed, I got [Feed] and

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - V s&h

Feed Same
B y - G sh -
P t x R s -
G sh x J K w -
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -

This time, the self line money star sh moves turning into K fire which produces back at
itself. That means in the month of sh, I will definitely receive the money.

 The 3rd line is bad news because the money star G cn moved turning into a
frustration star P h. But luckily, the self line G sh repels away the 3rd line G cn.
That means the bad news shall disappear.
 The 5th line is also a bad news because the frustration star P t got produced back by
the fear star R s. But luckily, the self line's K w repels away the 5th line P t. So
that bad news is also gone!

But just in case. Let's throw the coins once more just to make sure. So in the 3rd time I
tossed the coins, I got [Look] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - V sh & h

Look Revolution
G m o P wa --
R e - B yo -
P wa x J K h -
G m x K h -
R e -- P c --
P wa x U G m -

Now I don't need to throw the coins anymore after I have seen this one. The self line and
the 6th line form a G money combo. The 3rd line G m moves turning into K h. K h is
linked to the self line. So that means the G money star is linked to the self line. That
means I will get the money. Now h is empty. In the month of sh, both sh and h will be
fulfilled. By the way, in the month of sh, G m will be bounded to sh and will move. When
G money star moves, it forms a money combo with the self line. That's another reason why
I am sure that I will definitely receive this money in month sh.

Result: I received the money in the 1st day of month sh. He paid me only 1/4 of the
money that he owes me because the B s money killer moved bounding to the self line in my
1st toss. Is this amazing or not? What a coincidence! No matter how many times you toss
the coins, as long as you don't fully understand the meaning of the signs, you can toss again
and again until you understand what the signs are saying. But if you already understood the
first sign, tossing again to get another sign will not give you an accurate result. For
example: Let's say you are very sure that the 1st sign is saying that you will lose money in
the month of s. You tossed the coins anyway to get a 2nd sign. The 2nd sign would say
you will earn money in the month of w. When that happens, you know the 2nd sign is
inaccurate because the 1st sign said s, and the 2nd sign said w. There is no coincidence. If
both signs point to the same month, there is coincidence. Coincidence is the key to

Then one day, I threw coins asking when will my friend Christian pay me the other part of
the money which he still owes me. I got [Big storage] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
s s - Vii t&c

Big Storage Unsettled

R y - P e -
G t -- U B wa --
B sh x K yo -
B cn o P w --
R y - J B cn -
G t o R y --

The self line R y is totally dead. But since the 1st line G t moved to produce R y, the self
line R y cannot die. So the self line is still active. Although the U line's G t is being killed
back by B wa, the U line G t has been rescued by the 4th line's moving K yo. So the money
star G t is also safe. Right now, G t is empty. But when the emptiness fulfills, I shall
receive the money.

 The 1st line G t money star is repelling away the 3rd line's frustration star P w.
This seems good. G t repels away P w because t water kills w fire.

I didn't really understand this sign too well. So I tossed the coins again to get another sign.
Hopefully this time, Lord can clarify the matter a little better. I received [Trapped] and

Year Month Date Hour
s s - Vii t&c

6 match
P wa -- K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o U B s --
R w x B yo -
P cn - K h -
G y -- J P c --

This sign is almost the same as the first sign! The self line is still dead! It is still being
struck by the date and the month. But what really troubles me is that the 4th line K moves
producing the self line. The 4th line K is very powerful because both the date and the
month are producing it. The K also turns into B which produces back at itself. It's so
powerful. It can totally save the dead self line.

 But I don't like the 3rd line's moving B yo. Since the U line's K h is already very
strong, the 3rd line's B yo will not move to produce the U line anymore. The 3rd
line's B yo will move to kill the self line. This is not good.
 But in month t or c, something should happen because the emptiness of the self
line's P c shall be fulfilled in month t or c.

I tossed the coins again. And this time, I got [Fog] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
s s - Vii t&c

Fog Revolution
B t -- R wa --
R sh - U P yo -
P s x B h -
R cn x B h -
K y -- J R c --
B t - K m -

Oh my God! The self line is still y. The self line is still struck by the date and the month!
The self line still turned into an empty c. So the Lord is telling me that in the month of t or
c when the emptiness fulfills, I will see the final result. But I can't wait for that long. I am
anxious. I am very nervous about this. But this time, Lord has told me something which I
wanted to know. The 3rd and the 4th line moved, and both of them turned into B h which
are bounding and producing the dead self line y. The Lord is saying that the self line will
be strong enough to survive this terrible condition because there are moving lines
producing the self line. B represents energy. Energy is producing the self line means the
self line is not totally dead. The self line turns into an empty R c. R represents power,
control, and possession. Since I am asking about money, an R star is exactly what I need.

 The 4th line's P s represents frustration. And P s moved linking to the self line. So
I will also become frustrated when the emptiness fulfills in month t or in month c?

The next day, I tossed the coins again to get a clearer picture. I still didn't quite understand
what the Lord is saying. This time I got [Big storage] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

Big Storage Too Much

R y o B wa --
G t x U K yo -
B sh x G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - J G h -
G t o B c --

Gosh! The self line is still y! It is still being struck by the month. The date is killing it.
What is going on? The money star is still very powerful. The 1st line money star moves
producing the self line R. The 5th line money star moves turning into K which produces
back at itself. The money star is so powerful, but the self line R is so dead. But this time,
Lord is telling me something new. The 6th line R y is linked to the self line. The 6th line
R y turns into wa, which is the grave of R y. That's not a very good sign. R represents
control, power, and possession. If the R goes into its own grave, I will lose power and
control. In the month of h, h bounds to R y and will make R y move. R y moves and turns
into its own grave. So in month h, I will receive a bad news. I think probably Christian
will tell me that he can't pay me. Or he will tell me that he can only pay a small portion of
the money. I think that's what the Lord is trying to tell me.

One month later, I grew concerned about this matter. So I decided to toss the coins once
again. I want to know exactly what is going to happen. Now I got [Break] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - V cn & e

6 match
R y o U B wa --
G t x K yo -
B sh x G h -
B c -- J P w --
R m - B cn -
P e o R y --

The money star G is still so strong. The money star G turned into K which produces back
at itself. The money star G t moves and bounds to the self line. So that means I will
receive the money in the month of t or c. This coincides with the signs which I got
previously. But this time, the Lord has given me a very clear picture of what is going to
happen. The U line represents Christian's company. (I receive the money from his
company. Therefore, the U line is his company.) The U line's R y moves turning into its
own grave wa. This also coincides with the previous signs. That means, Christian will tell
me that his company is not doing very well. He will probably only pay me a small portion
of the money. The U line is y. In the month of h, h bounds to y and will cause the U line to
move. So in month h, I will expect a bad news from Christian. I think I understand what
the Lord is saying now. In the previous signs, the self line is completely dead but the
money star is so strong. That means although the money star is strong, a dead self line
cannot receive all of the money. So I will receive only a small portion of the money. In the
month of h, Christian will tell me that his business is not doing well. So he will pay me
only a little bit of money.

Result: In month h, his employee told me that Christian is going through a hard time. He
can't even pay salary to his own employees. The September 11th World Trade Center
incident has ruined his Capital Hill's real estate business. So Christian said he can only pay
me a little bit of money. At the end, I received very little money in the month of t.

You see? If you don't understand something completely, you can toss the
coins over and over again until you understand what the Lord is talking
about. The more you talk to the Lord, the better you understand him.

But if you already understood the meaning of the sign, do not toss the
coins anymore. If you already understood what's going to happen, the
frequency of your mentality has already been changed. It is no longer
pure. Therefore, if you toss the coins again, the result won't come out

For example: I wanted to know when will I talk to a radio host who promised to interview
me. I got [Abide] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Viii sh & h

6 strike
G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn x J G cn -
B y x B y -
P t - P t -

The 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike. But if the date or the month bounds to the self line, or if a
moving line bounds to the self line, the 6 strike doesn't count. The 5th line R yo moved
bounding to the self line. R represents power and possession. So that means I will speak
with the radio host. But what scares me is that the 6th line is retreating. In the ancient
text, it has stated, "If another line moves bounding to the retreating line, that line cannot
retreat." The self line cn moves bounding to the 5th retreating line. The date is also
producing the retreating line. Looks like the 5th line will not retreat. Looks like I will talk
to the radio host for sure. I am pretty sure that I will talk to the radio host. But let's throw
the coins again.

This time I got [Arrive] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
t w - Viii sh & h

6 strike
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- U K s --
B c x P w -
B c -- B cn --
R m o J R y --
P e - G t -

What? I won't be able to talk to the radio host? The 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike. The self
line is not bounding to the date nor to the month. There are no moving line bounding to the
self line either. So the power of the 6 strike is permanent. The self line R also retreats. My
power and possession star retreating is a bad, bad sign. So I won't talk to the radio host
after all?

Result: The radio host himself phoned me and interviewed me in the cn hour. In the first
sign, both the 5th line R and the self line cn are moving and bounding to each other. That
means things will happen earlier than I expect. In the cn hour, both the 5th line R yo and
the self line G cn move bounding to each hour. Therefore I got interviewed. The reason
why the 1st sign was accurate and the 2nd sign came out inaccurate is because I already
understood God's 1st message completely. But I still decided to throw the coins again just
for fun. So the 2nd sign was not accurate. When I threw the coins to get the 2nd sign, my
mind was not pure anymore. I was not focusing on the original question anymore. My
mental frequency has already been altered. That's why the sign also didn't come out
accurate. So usually, the 1st sign is the most accurate sign. If the 2nd sign and the 1st sign
don't match, disregard the 2nd sign.
OK! Now I will show you something scary! This is
what happens if you do not believe in the Lord!
My friend Christian kept telling me that he is doing great in his real estate business. He
wanted me to invest in his business. So I tossed the coins asking will I earn big money if I
invest in Christian's business. I received [Stop] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa

6 match
P sh - U R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - B yo -
G m -- J G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- P wa --

Oh my God! Lord. You must be joking with me right? The 5th line B star moves killing
the money star. The money star doesn't even exist on the hexagram. That means there is
no money in this business at all. The 5th line's B star is so powerful because both the
month and the date are producing it. B star turns into P wa which produces back at itself.
So Lord is telling me that if I put money into Christian's business, I will lose every single

I got scared. I immediately called Christian to tell him that I changed my mind. But
Christian was a great salesman. He persuaded me to invest in his business with his smooth
mouth. Then I thought to myself, "Christian is a very good friend of mine. He won't give
me any problem." I thought maybe I wasn't concentrating when I tossed the coins in the
first time. Or maybe I was not asking the right question? OK. In my first sign, I was
asking will I earn money by investing in Christian's business. Now I am going to ask a
slightly different kind of question. "Will I earn money if I give Christian a loan?" So I
tossed the coins once more. This time, I got [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s
B e -
K wa -- U
G yo -
G yo -
R h - J
K c --

Wow! This is a wonderful sign! The money star is so strong. There are 2 money stars in
this hexagram. All of them are producing the self line. So in the month of m, when m
strikes with the money star yo, I shall earn lots of money! Hey! I knew I wasn't
concentrating the first time I tossed those coins! OK! I will write a check to Christian

Result: His real estate business failed big time! The September 11th World Trade Center
incident really wiped out his real estate business. Until this day I am still collecting debt
from Christian.

What did you learn from this lesson? If you already understood the first sign, DO NOT
TOSS THE COINS ANYMORE! Or else you will end up like me. Lord has given me a
very clear 1st sign. The money star is completely dead, and the forcefully moving B star is
the most powerful star in the hexagram. The message cannot be anymore clearer. Lord
has told me what I wanted to know, but I still trusted my friend Christian more than the
Lord. My first question was will I earn money if I invest in Christain's business. My 2nd
question was will I earn money if I give Christian a loan. Come to think of it, THEY ARE
THE SAME QUESTION! I have just changed the way how I asked the question a little

Here is another similar mistake that I made:

One day, I tossed the coins asking, "Should I convert my living room and my dining room
into 2 bedrooms so that I can rent them out and make extra money? Will the San Francisco
Building Inspector catch me for making extra rooms without a permit?" I tossed 2 times,
and both hexagrams indicated that I will run into trouble with the building inspectors. Then
I tossed the coins asking, "What if I convert my basement into a livable unit which includes
a kitchen, a few rooms, and a bathroom? Will I run into trouble with the building
inspectors?" I received one lucky hexagram for my basement conversion. So I
immediately converted my basement into a livable unit. Then 3 months later somebody
reported my illegal basement unit to the building inspector. I then have to tear down
everything that I have built. What did I do wrong?

ANSWER: Wishful thinking is my mistake. The Lord has already told me that I will run
into trouble if I do anything to my house. I mean what's the difference between my living
room and my basement? If the inspectors are coming, they will inspect the entire house!
That means if I am destined to run into trouble with the inspectors, it doesn't matter which
part of the house I mess with. I will run into trouble anyway. So why did I even toss the
coins asking about my basement after the Lord has told me that I will run into trouble for
my living room? My coin toss for the basement was merely a wishful thinking.

Well, I learned my lessons the hard way. Trust me, this stuff is tricky. Don't you make
this kind of mistake or else you will swallow the wrath of God.

If the 1st sign and the 2nd sign don't coincide, trust the 1st sign!

For example, I tossed the coins asking when will I receive some money from my friend
Christian. I got [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
c t - III s & yo

Little Storage
B m -
K e -
G wa -- U
G cn -
B y -
P t - J

The day that I tossed the coins was a Monday. I have just spoke to Christian on the phone,
and he told me he will send me a check. I should receive the check probably 5 days later.
But this sign is funny. The check can be represented by either P or G. (P represents a
letter, and G represents money.) But nothing is moving. On day w, w strikes with the 1st
line P t. So is it day w? No. It can't be day w because day w is Sunday. I cannot pick up
the mail on Sunday. The U line's G wa is my next target. So can it be day c? Day c strikes
with G wa causing G wa to move killing the self line. But it can't be day c because day c is
tomorrow! We have just spoke on the phone minutes ago. I can't receive the check
tomorrow, right?

Besides, the money star G wa is not connecting to nor producing the self line. The letter
star P t also shows no action.

That's very funny. God didn't give me a sign. Maybe he's taking a nap or something. Or
maybe I didn't concentrate on the question enough. Let's toss the coins again! This time, I
got [Well] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

c t - III s & yo

Well Little Storage

P t x B m -
G sh - J K e -
R s -- G wa --
R yo - G cn -
P h - U B y -
G c x P t -

OK! This time God gave me a sign. The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.
When the middle lines get out of emptiness, I should get the check. So it should be either
day s or day yo!

Result: He didn't send me a check! That pissed me off. I went to my P.O. box on day s,
and the check wasn't there. I didn't go to the PO Box on day yo. So I realized that the 1st
sign which God gave me was the correct sign. I knew it was accurate, but I just didn't
believe that Christian won't send it out to me immediately. That's why I tossed the coins
again thinking maybe I didn't concentrate enough on the first toss. So remember! If the 1st
sign and the 2nd sign don't coincide, the 1st sign is the sign you should trust.

Let's say you bought some stocks. You tossed the coins asking when will
the stock value go up so you can earn some money. If the Lord told you
that you will lose money next month, don't toss the coins asking can you
break even next month.

For example: Richard bought some stocks. But right after he bought it, the stock value
dropped. He tossed the coins asking when will the stock value go up so he can sell and
break even. He got [Hollow] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - V cn & e

Hollow Little Storage

R m - R m -
Gt P e - P e -
B wa -- J B wa --
B c x B cn -
R m - R y -
P e - U G t -

The money star G is totally dead. On top of that, the 3rd line B star moves and advances.
The 3rd line's advancing B c is striking at the self line. This means the stock market will
crash. Right now, the 3rd line B star cannot advance because B cn is empty. But in month
cn, the 3rd line will not be empty anymore. So in month cn, the 3rd line B star will move
killing the money star. The stock value shall further drop in month cn.

Richard got nervous. He then tossed the coins asking will he sell the stocks and break even
before month cn. He got [Look] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - V cn & e

Look Difficulty
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m x B s -
R e -- R w --
P wa -- U P cn --

Richard said, "The 3rd line money star G m moved, and it is linked to the self line. Yes, I
can sell and break even. Right now, the money star G m is bounding to the date. But in
month cn, the bondage shall be broken allowing the 3rd line's money star to move. I will
sell at a break even price in month cn."

He tossed the coins again just to reconfirm. This time, he got [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - V cn & e

B y - U
P t --
G sh --
R yo - J
P h -
G c --

Richard said, "This sign is also telling me that I can sell at a break even price in month cn.
The 4th line G sh is producing the self line. In month cn, G sh shall move to produce the
self line. Therefore, I shall sell and break even in month cn."

He tossed the coins a few more times, and each time the Lord told him that he can sell and
break even in month cn.

Result: The stock value dropped in month cn. The price was even lower than the time he
tossed the coins. The first sign was accurate. (The first sign is the sign which told him
that the stock value will drop in month cn.) But after he saw the first sign, he started to ask
stupid questions like "I know that the price will drop in month cn. But can I break even in
month cn?" Then the 2nd sign came out inaccurate. The 3rd and the 4th sign all came out
inaccurate. The funny thing is that the 3rd and the 4th sign all coincided with the 2nd sign.
But from this lesson, we learned that you cannot ask stupid questions. If the judge has
sentenced you to life in prison, don't ask will you get out of jail within 3 months. If God
has told you that your girlfriend will leave you next month, don't ask will she come back to
you within 1 week. If God told you the stock value will drop next month, don't ask will
you break even next month.

Lord is not as strict as you think he is. I found out that one can toss
the coins again if he is very nervous about something. It doesn't
matter how many times you have already tossed the coins. As long
as you are very nervous about something, you still can get an
accurate sign from the Lord. I also noticed that if you clear your
mind for 1 or 2 days, you can toss the coins again and still get a
pretty accurate answer even if you have tossed the coins more than
10 times for the same question already. But I think you have to be

Another example: I expected to receive some money on day s. So on day s, I tossed the
coins asking the Lord will I receive money on that day. I got [Family] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
c s-I s & yo
Family Consume
B m o P t --
K e - U G sh -
G wa -- R s --
P h - P h -
G c -- J G c --
B m - B m -

If one throws the coins asking for money, the hexagram [Consume] is a bad sign.
[Consume] means lost of wealth. The top line B star is quite strong. It moves turning into
a strong P which produces back at itself. The B star is the money killer. Does this mean I
won't receive the money today? But my friend Christian will send me a letter. And a check
is enclosed in that letter. The P t could also represent the letter. The top line B moves
turning into P t which bounds to the self line c. Does that mean I will receive the letter in
the hour of m? This is a difficult sign to read.

Result: I went to my PO Box that day, and the money was not there. So the top line B star
was killing the money star.

Then I thought to myself, "Maybe the top line B m turning into P t which bounds to the self
line means I will receive the letter on day m."

So I tossed the coins again asking God on which day will I receive the money. This time,
the Lord gave me [Difficulty] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - II w & wa

6 match
P y - P y -
R t -- R t --
K sh -- J K sh --
B w x R h -
K cn o K c --
P y x U P m -

OK! Look at the U line. The U line P y moves and advances. The U line P represents the
letter. It moves and bounds to the self line. This means I will receive the letter. The U
line P y turned into P m. But P m is being struck by the date yo. So the U line is loose.
But on day m, the U line will regain its strength causing it to move again. So I should
receive the letter on day m.

Now I am satisfied! So I should just sit back and relax until day m.

But I started tossing the coins again a few hours later because I was very nervous about this
money. I tossed and tossed, but God just didn't give me a sign. Every time I tossed the
coins, nothing indicated that I will receive the money on day m. I didn't get one single sign
showing me that I will receive the money on day m. So I thought to myself, "Hey. I
already knew the answer. That's why I can no longer get an accurate sign. So I should stop
tossing the coins and relax a little bit."

But I didn't stop. I kept tossing. I just wanted to double check. But no matter how many
times I tossed the coins, I just could not get one single sign showing me that I will get the
money on day m. Then I thought to myself, "That's strange. God is usually not like this.
He is usually not that strict. If I will receive the money on day m, I should at least get one
or two signs which indicates that I will receive the money on day m. But I have tossed so
many times already. And I didn't get one single sign which indicates that I will receive the
money on day m. There must be something wrong! The closest sign I got which might
indicate that I will receive the money on day m is this one:

Year Month Date Hour
c h - iV w & wa

Look Combine
G m o P wa --
R e - B yo -
P wa x J K h -
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

The top line money star G m moves and links to the self line P wa. This means I will
receive the money on day m? But why is the self line P wa empty? If the self line is
empty, I cannot receive the money until the emptiness is fulfilled. This means I cannot
receive the money on day m? I have to wait for day w or wa to receive the money? This is
the closest sign I got from the Lord which indicates that I might receive the money on day

No! Something is wrong. The Lord is usually not like this. If a person is very nervous
about something, the Lord usually will give him the accurate answers no matter how many
times he consults the Lord. So I guess my only choice is to use my glass bubble ball. I
imagined an image of a tiny metallic pin sitting on a golden crown. Now what does that
mean? I stared into my glass bubble ball, and the glass ball told me that the tiny metallic
pin means that nothing will be in my mail box on that day. (day m) OK! I got it now.
Since I did not use the glass bubble ball for many days already, the image that I received
will definitely not lie to me. The image is definitely accurate, and I definitely will not
receive the money on day m.

So now I can toss the coins again asking when will I receive the money. Then I tossed the
coins several times, and I got stuff like this:

[Cup] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour

c c - Vi w & wa

Cup Commander
B e o G yo --
K wa -- U R h --
G yo o K c --
G yo o B w --
R h - J K cn -
K c -- P y --

The 3rd line and the 4th line are linked together. The 3rd line is empty. Since the 4th line
is linked to the 3rd line, the 4th line is also considered empty. If the 2 lines which lie
between the J and the U are empty, things will definitely happen when the emptiness
fulfills. The 4th line K c is bounding to both the month and the date. The bondage is too
strong. Only day wa can break the bondage freeing the 4th line. So God said that I will
receive the money on day wa.

Here is another sign that God gave me. [Everlasting] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
c y - Vii w & wa

Everlasting Rise
G sh -- U R yo --
R s -- P h --
K w o G c --
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

The 4th line moved turning into G c money star which produces the self line. The 4th line
is now empty. So the 4th line money star cannot produce the self line before the emptiness
fulfills. The emptiness will fulfill on day w or day wa. It's most likely that I will receive
the money on day wa because day w will increase the strength of the K star. If the K star is
too strong, it could damage the self line R. R represents 'You got something'. So if the self
line R is damaged, I cannot receive the money. But day wa will fulfill the emptiness
without making the K star any stronger. So day wa is the day which I shall receive the

I have tossed many times after that, and I received similar signs from the Lord. All of the
signs indicated that I will receive the money on day wa. Then I thought to myself, "How
come the very first sign indicated that I will receive the money on day m? Did God lie to
me in that sign?"

Let's review the very first sign that the Lord has given to me:

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - II w & wa

6 match
P y - P y -
R t -- R t --
K sh -- J K sh --
B w x R h -
K cn o K c --
P y x U P m -

After I have carefully re-examined this sign, I realized that I have missed out something
very important. The 3rd line B w moves turning into R h which bounds to the U line's P y.
The B star on the 3rd line is empty. Since the 3rd line's empty B w links directly to the U
line, the U line is also considered an empty line. One cannot receive the money if the B
star is empty. The emptiness will be fulfilled on day w or day wa. So in this sign, the Lord
told me that I will receive the letter on day w or day wa. I have totally misinterpret it. It's
my fault. Lord did not lie to me. I am the one who didn't understand the Lord. Although
the U line is being struck loose, the 3rd line is more important than the U line because my
question is about money. So when the 3rd line's emptiness fulfills, I will receive the

Result: They sent me the money using overnight express on day w. I received the money
on day wa.

God could be quite tricky sometimes. So be careful.

For example: I tossed the coins asking in what month will I receive more money from my
business partner. God gave me [Commander] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c

Commander Cover
P yo x U K y -
B h -- B t --
R c -- R sh --
G w -- J G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

The month and the date are both producing the self line money star. So I will definitely
receive another payment from my business partner. The 2 lines which lie between J and U
are empty. So when the emptiness fulfills, I will be paid. The emptiness will be fulfilled in
month t or in month c. So I will be paid in month t or in month c? Wow! That's about 11
months away!

Result: Few days later, I received the money. I receive the money on day c! I asked God
in which month will I receive the money, but God told me I will receive the money on day
c. God is quite tricky, isn't he?

One of my employees is extremely lazy. He doesn't want to work. All he wants to do is

get paid for doing nothing. He is wasting my company's money. Recently, he has stolen
company fund. I tossed the coins asking in which month will I find a good reason to fire
him. I got [Too much] and [Big profit]. I planned to fire him within 2 months.

Year Month Date Hour Empty

m y - Vii w & wa

Too Much Big Profit

G wa x K e -
R yo o G wa --
P h - J R yo -
R yo - G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x U P t -

The 5th line R yo represents the winner. R yo producing the self line means I will get to
fire him. Although the 5th line R yo is being damaged by the month, it is being produced
by the strong G wa. (The reason why G wa is strong is because G wa is being produced by
the powerful K e.) If the R star produces the self line, I will get the last laugh at the end.
But right now, G wa is empty. So R yo cannot produce the self line until the emptiness of
G wa fulfills. Does that mean I can't fire him until month w or month wa? Must I wait
that long? I want to fire him now! The U line G c is also bounding to P t. That also
indicates that nothing will happen until the bondage of the U line is broken, which is month
w or month wa. God, must I wait that long? Must I wait another 3 months to fire that lazy,
crooked man?

I know I won't wait that long even if God tells me to wait. So I tossed the coins again just
to double check. This time, I got [Too much] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
m y - Vii w & wa

Too Much Revolution

G wa -- G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - J P h -
R yo - P h -
P h o G c --
G c x U B m -

My employee is my enemy. So the U line represents my employee. The U line G c

represents my employee's salary. The U line G c moves and turns into a powerful B m
which kills back at itself. Both the month and the date are also killing the U line G c.
When both the month and the date are killing at an element which moves and turns into
another element which kills back at itself, it's called 'an extreme element'. The month, the
date, and the U line B m are all killing the U line's G c. That means he won't receive
anymore money from me. He will be fired in month m for sure. But why did God tell me I
will fire him in month w or in month wa in my first sign? I should trust the 1st sign and
disregard the 2nd sign. But I know that it's impossible for me to wait that long. Which
sign should I trust this time?

Result: Few days later, I fired him. I fired him on day wa. So the first sign was telling me
that I will fire him on day wa, not month wa. I fired him in month m, which fulfilled the
prophecy of the 2nd sign. Both signs were accurate.

My web host switched his domain ISP, and that caused my web site to be down for almost
an entire day. My web host emailed me telling me to contact my domain name provider to
update the new IP address. I did. Then I received an email from my domain name provider
which stated that they will update the new IP address at 12 noon. Then I tossed the coins
asking will my web site be back up at 12 noon. I got [Li].

1st sign
Year Month Date Hour
m c - iV s & yo

6 strike
B e - J
K wa --
G yo -
R h - U
K c --
P m -

A 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. There is no way for my site to be back
up at around 12 noon.

Result: My site was not back up at 12 noon. So I called my domain name provider to ask
them what's going on. They said that it might take longer, and it could take as long as 2
days. What?! 2 days??!! I can't afford to wait that long. Each day that my web site is
down costs me about $400 worth of sales. So I tossed the coins asking on which day will
my site be back up. God gave me [Fog] and [Hollow].

2nd sign
Year Month Date Hour
m c - iV s & yo

Fog Hollow
B t x K m -
R sh - U G e -
P s -- R wa --
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
P t - G e -

The strong, advancing self line's K m moved bounding to the U line's R control star. That
means I will gain control over my web site soon! The self line K y shall move on day y.
So my site will be back up on day y?

A few hours later, I got nervous and tossed the coins again asking on exactly which day
will my web site be back up. God gave me [Rich] and [Revolution].

3rd sign
Year Month Date Hour
m c - iV s & yo

Rich Revolution
R sh -- R wa --
P s x J P yo -
G w - B h -
B h - B h -
R c -- U R c --
K m - K m -
My question was on which day will my site be back up. So P represents 'Something
happening'. P could also represent worry. But I was not asking when will my worries
disappear. I was asking when will my web site be back up. So the U line's advancing P
represents 'Something happening'. The U line P s and P yo are empty. What?! Does this
mean that my site won't be back up until day s or day yo? No way dude. It cannot take 8
days for them to update the new IP address. Maybe the empty P s and P yo mean that my
site will be back up in the hour of s or yo. P s and P yo are quite weak, so we have to wait
until the hour of s and yo in order to see some result. If the empty P s and P yo are very
strong, striking at them will also work. Which means, day y or day m striking at P s or P
yo can also show result.

Anyway, P s and P yo cannot represent day s and day yo. It must be hour s and hour yo. I
don't believe that it will take them 8 days just to update an IP address. So I tossed the
coins again asking will my web site be back up tomorrow. I got [Joy].

4th sign
Year Month Date Hour
m c - iV s & yo

6 match
G sh --
R s --
K w - U
B m --
K e --
G wa -- J

A 6 match. No doubt. My site will be back up by tomorrow.

 But wait! The self line's G wa gain star has been struck by the date. This means
something will happen on day wa or on the day of the toss. (day c) How come my
previous sign says that my site will be back up tomorrow?

Result: My site went back up on the day which I tossed the coins (day c), at the hour of
yo. The hour of yo is 5 pm to 7 pm, Beijing time. I live in California, so I have to convert
Beijing time to California's time. In California, hour yo is 1 am to 3 am. Guess what? My
site went back up at exactly 2 am. Is that amazing or what? It sure amazed the hell out of
me! My 3rd sign was very accurate because it foretold that my site will be back up in hour
s or hour yo. But why did my second sign say that my site will be back up on day y? Let's
review it together:

The 2nd sign

Year Month Date Hour
m c - iV s & yo

Fog Hollow
B t x K m -
R sh - U G e -
P s -- R wa --
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
P t - G e -

After careful examination, I realized that I missed something. The 6th line B t moves
producing the K happiness star. And the K star on the 6th line is linked to the self line.
The 6th line B t could move on day c. Therefore, my web site went back up on day c. But
I think that the most important sign was the 4th sign. I asked God will my site be back up
by tomorrow, and God gave me a 6 match. So I knew that my site will be back up soon. I
thought that my site will be back up on day y, and in the hour of yo. But my site went back
up on day c, and in the hour of yo.

If God does not show you a sign, you

know that there's something wrong!
Usually, you can toss 5 or 6 times, and God would show you a coincidental sequence. In
another word, you will see a unified pattern in all of your signs. All signs will tell you that
you will find a job in month yo. All signs will say that the stock market will drop in month
w. All signs will point to a specific time.

What happens if God does not show you a coincidental sequence? What happens if every
sign points to a different time? What happens if the signs are totally chaotic and don't
match at all?
If God does not show you a coincidental sequence, something must
be wrong.

For example: I like a girl named Misty a lot. I tossed the coins asking in which month can
I meet her. I got [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
c wa - II cn & e

K e -
G wa -- J
R yo -
G cn --
B y -- U
P t -

I met this girl in a singles' club. The only way for me to meet her is by attending the
singles' club. But unfortunately, the organizer of the singles' club quit because she found a
boyfriend. I don't have Misty's phone number, but I still have the club organizer's phone
number. But it's hard to get other people's phone number from the club organizer. So I was
also wondering will the club organizer bring back the singles' club again so that I still can
meet Misty again.

There are two wife stars in here. Which one should represent Misty? The strongest star
should represent Misty because Misty is the girl who I think about the most. The other not
so strong wife star can represent Jenny or Tina or Mary, or whoever. Misty is my favorite
girl. Therefore, Misty is my first choice. My first choice should always be the strongest
star. The self line G wa is the strongest wife star because it has the same element as the
date. Therefore, the self line G wa represents Misty. Too bad that the wife star G wa is
bounding to the date. I expect to see her within three month. But the only month that could
break open the bondage of the wife star is month c. So that means I will have to wait
another 12 months? Could the 3rd line be the appointed star although it is the weaker wife
star? Month sh could strike with the 3rd line's G cn. But the 3rd line is not connected to
the self line at all. Even if the 3rd line moves in month sh, I probably won't see her because
the 3rd line is not connected to the self line.

I tossed the coins again, and I got [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
c wa - II cn & e
G sh --
R s -- U
K w -
K w --
G cn - J
B y --

The self line has G cn. The self line's wife star could move in month sh. But when it
moves, it moves to produce the U line's R star, which represents another man. That's not
good. Besides, I expect to meet her within 3 months. Month sh is still nine month away.
But month sh is a big possibility for me to meet her. Actually, month cn is also a big
possibility for me to meet her because the self line G cn is empty. In month cn, the self
line's wife star will not be empty anymore. But if I am destined to meet her in month cn,
why didn't God tell me that I will see her in month cn in the first sign? These signs don't
match at all. Something's not right.

I tossed the coins again. The Lord gave me [Well] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
c wa - II cn & e

Well Rise
P t -- R yo --
G sh o J P h --
R s -- G c --
R yo - R yo -
P h - U P h -
G c -- G c --

The extremely strong self line G sh moved turning into a P star which represents a news or
a notice. This sign says I can't meet her in month cn because cn will strike the self line
loose. So now I will meet her in month sh? God, please make up your mind!!!

Few days later, I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [Arrive] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
c s - III cn & e
6 match
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- U G h --
B c -- B c --
B c x B cn -
R m - J R y -
P e - G t -

This sign is quite clear. The self line's R star is retreating meaning I won't meet the girl.
The 3rd line's advancing B star kills my woman star G h.

 The 3rd line B cn is empty. The 3rd line B c links to the 4th line B c. This means
both the 3rd and the 4th line are considered empty. So the 2 lines which lie between
J and U are both empty. Something will happen when the emptiness fulfills?
 Wrong! I have tossed the coins many times already, and God didn't show me a
coincidental sequence. Besides, the 3rd sign has already indicated that I cannot
meet her in month cn. That means before I got this sign, I already knew that I
won't see her anymore. So this sign is not accurate. There is no coincidental
sequence in these signs. Each sign shows a different timing. One sign seems to say
I might meet her in month c. Another sign says I might see her in month cn. These
signs are totally chaotic. When you see stuff like this, you know that nothing will

Result: I never met her again.

The Golden Text stated "Do not attempt to test I-Ching." Which means,
don't try to test I-Ching by asking things which you really don't care
about. Always ask about things that you care about.

For example: A teenage boy wrote, "I have this baseball computer game, and I just
happened to get to the allstar game. So, for practice, I tossed the coins asking "Will I win
in this game?" And I got [Bite].
Year Month Date Hour
m y - Vii w & wa

K e -
G wa -- J
R yo -
G cn --
B y -- U
P c -

He then wrote, "The self line is the G star, but it is killed by both the date and the month. It
is also empty. The opponent line is, however, very strong. When the month strikes the R
yo line, it kills the opponent line. That's pretty much all I see which is hurting the
opponent. Therefore, I predicted that I would lose in this game. But I won. What's going

My reply to him is: I think your intention was just to test I-Ching to see if it works. You
tossed the coins asking about some computer game. When you tossed the coins, you were
actually thinking "I wonder if I-Ching works. I wonder if I-Ching is as incredible as how
Alex Chiu has claimed." Your mentality is not pure if you don't really care about the
matter. That's why the signs are the most accurate when the person who throws the coins is
nervous. If one is nervous, he must be extremely serious. I suggest you to throw the coins
asking about something serious. Don't throw coins for a computer game which you don't
really care about.

More about God

By now, you understand that God is the mathematical formula which runs and propels the
universe. He is not a human being or a superior being which does what ever he wants just
for pleasure. He is the divine law, the mathematical formula which runs the entire

One must learn to fear and worship God. Why? Let's say you threw the coins asking about
your life safety, and God gave you a sign indicating that your life will be in danger in
December. Will you believe in the word of God and stay home in December? Or will you
ignore the sign and go out and have fun in December? If you worship God, you will trust
the signs that God has given you. Therefore you will not go out in December in order to
avoid danger. But if you do not fear the words of God, you will ignore the sign and will go
out in December. Then the unthinkable will happen because God will command a truck to
run over your body.

One must be sincere to God. One must dedicate his life to God. Why? Let's say you are a
person who keeps saying, "I believe in the Lord. I fear the Lord.". But you never study or
practice I-Ching. God will kill you one day because you are insincere. You are only
pretending to be faithful to the Lord, but in your heart you have no place for the Lord.
Therefore, Lord will not be on your side. If you don't study I-Ching, you cannot
communicate with the Lord. Now what kind of sincerity is that? You don't necessarily
have to learn I-Ching. You can also learn how to use Urim and Thummin to communicate
with the Lord. But the problem is: I-Ching is the most sophisticated and the most
dependable language of God nowadays. You cannot find anything that's accurate enough
to compare with I-Ching. So I-Ching becomes your only choice. You can use any divine
oracle to communicate with the Lord. As long as you are sincere, the Lord will be on your
side. The ones who are not sincere must be eliminated! The ones who worship the wrong
God ( a carved image, a dead person, or a living idol ) must also be eliminated by the real

How can you proof that God is a mathematical

Easy!! Let's say you are in a spaceship. There are no gravity and no wind. And you
toss a ball from point A at exactly 45 degrees toward the floor. Then it bounces off from
the floor and hits point B.

Point A is 5 feet above ground

The ball is represented by C.

The ball bounced off from point D, and

point D is the exact center of point A and

If point A is exactly 5 feet above the ground, then point B, where the ball ends up, should
also be exactly 5 feet above the ground. Even an elementary school kid can calculate this
because no forces of nature are involved.

But what if you toss a ball on Earth? Where will the ball end up?
On Earth, there are wind and gravity. The ball could
land anywhere. This seems a lot more chaotic, doesn't
it? This time, it's hard to calculate.

But that doesn't mean you

cannot calculate where exactly
the ball will land!!
Some professional gamblers are even good enough to
figure out at what zone of the roulette wheel will the
ball most likely land. Lots of professional gamblers
figured out how to beat the casinos at their own games
by mathematics.

If professional gamblers can figure out where the

roulette ball will land, what card will appear next, or
which slot machine should strike a jack pot next, why
can't a person figure out what God is going to do

A real prophet knows that God is a mathematical matrix. If your future equals 10, and you
are 3, your luck must equal 7. Everything is inter-related. You are connected to the things
that are before you and after you. This means the coin toss after your question are
connected to each other. So we can decode the pattern shown on the coins to answer your
question accurately.

I know that the world seems chaotic and incalculable. But the truth could shock you. If a
prophet is good enough, he could calculate everything that is to happen in the future. There
are so many Chinese and Western prophets that have calculated thousands of years ahead
into the future accurately. I have read the works of many Chinese prophets who predicted
every little future historical events in extreme details. None of them made a single
mistake. The names of future kings, the months and dates of events, the details of the
events, etc. have been prophesied in great precision.

I have another convincing point to make.

What is the job of a professional stock analyst? ANSWER; A professional stock
analyst predicts the stock market trend and reads the stock chart. Below is a stock
See 2 blue lines? One at the top of the trend and one at the bottom of the
trend. Why are there blue lines existing guiding the flow of the stock market? How come
the blue lines are so accurate? Who sets this rule? How come it's always there? Nobody
sets the rule, and the blue lines will always be there in every single stock chart. The blue
lines form a very noticeable pattern. Just by drawing the lines, you can have a good idea
where the market is heading. Every professional analyst knows that there is a mathematic
formula involved in the stock market trend. Every stock chart has a unique, organized
pattern. Therefore, a stock market analyst is trained to read the stock chart so that he can
predict the future of the stock. If a stock market analyst can predict the future of stocks just
by reading the chart patterns, does this mean that there are ways to predict the future of the
world? Can a fortune teller predict the future by looking at the stars? Can a card reader
foretell the future by Tarot cards? Is there a pattern which guides the entire world? Can
one predict the future by reading a hexagram? Absolutely!

The entire world also follows a pattern. Just like the

stock market, it is also propelled by a mathematical
formula. And who do you think that formula is? Who
is then the analyst of the world?
Answer: The analyst of the world is called a prophet, a learned person who
practices astrology, math, and sign reading. His job is to predict the future
of the world and decipher the formula which affects our world. That formula
is GOD. The entire bible (old testament) is a book of prophecy written by
only the prophets. If you are not a professional prophet, you don't have the
authority to write up prophecies.

What's a prophet? (Short description)

A prophet is a learned person who knows astrology and reads natural signs. A natural sign
could be a dream, a Tarot card, or a natural phenomena. (The burning bush that Moses
saw was a natural phenomena. A stock chart is also a natural phenomena.) A prophet is a
very high level fortune teller. If a fortune teller or a psychic makes mistakes in a
prediction, he or she cannot qualify to be a prophet. One of the most powerful prophet I
know is Moses, a powerful astrologer who has encoded the entire assembly of God into the
first five books of the Bible which is known as the Torah. Without Moses' high level of
understanding of the mathematical formula of the universe (God), one cannot invent such a
delicate prophecy chart (Torah) which is composed of less than 500,000 Hebrew letters and
yet is still so accurate. The coding found in the Torah is known to contain every person's
identity, incident of every historical event, data of the complete past and the complete
future, EVERYTHING! To learn more about the hidden Torah codes, click here. Boy I
wish I can come up with something like that! But too bad it has already been invented.

God himself admitted that he is just

nature in the Torah.
In Exodus, 3:14, Moses asked God for his identity. And God told Moses, "I am that I am."

God meant he is natural. God meant he is just nature.

Translation: I am what I am, and nobody can explain about my existence. Just like an
artistic and unified structure of a sea shell, I am 100% naturally formed out of the blues. I
formed myself, for I am nature. I am my own parents. I am the past, the present, and the
future. I am that I am.

How else can one explain the meaning of "I am that I am"?

Maimonides, one of the most famous Jewish leaders, has written

'The Thirteen Articles of Jewish Faith'. They are as follows:

1. Belief in the existence of the Lord, who is perfect in every manner

and is the primary cause of all that exist.
o God is prefect? Why? Because God is a mathematical formula. Math is
always perfect.

1 + 1 always equal 2.
2 x 2 always equal 4.
4 + 3 always equal 7.

You see? Math is always perfect. The answer will always be the same no
matter how many times you calculate it. Since God is a mathematical
formula, God is always perfect. The prophecies of the prophets will always
be fulfilled. God will never forget to fulfill a prophecy of a true prophet.
God is like an alarm clock. When the time comes, the alarm clock sounds.
If a mathematician made a mistake in his calculation, who is at fault? Is
math at fault? Or is the mathematician at fault? Of course the
mathematician is at fault because math is perfect. Math does not make
mistake. If a prophet's prophecy did not come true, who's fault is that? Did
God forget to fulfill his prophecy? Or did the prophet made a mistake? Of
course the prophet is the one who made a mistake. God is math, so God is
perfect. If a prophecy did not come true, the person who made the prophecy
is not a real prophet.

2. The belief in God's absolute and unparalleled unity.

3. The belief in God's noncorporeality, nor that He will be affected by

any physical occurrences, such as movement, or wish, or dwelling.
o This means the mathematical formula (God) cannot be altered by anyone or
by anything. Just because you don't believe in the I-Ching sign doesn't
mean you can become your own God and alter the course. Everything in
your life is pre-destined. You cannot do anything to alter the course of the
mathematical formula.

4. The belief in God's eternity.

o Since God is the mathematical formula of the universe, he will always run
and propel the universe. Few billion years later, when Earth has already
blown up, God will still be there to propel the rest of the universe. He was,
he is, and he always will be God!

5. The imperative to worship Him exclusively and no foreign false

o The only thing which runs your life is God. A carved wooden image does
not run your life. A dead person cannot run your life. A living idol does not
care about your life. The Lord is the only one who you shall worship. The
ones who worship the wrong Gods shall be eliminated. No exceptions!

6. The belief that God communicates with man through prophecy.

7. The belief that the prophecy of Moses is the most accurate.

8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah.

9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah.

o This means that the book of Torah cannot be altered in any way. That's very
true because the Torah has hidden codes. If you alter the Torah, the
prophecies enclosed in the hidden codes will be messed up. Then the Torah
codes will not be accurate anymore.

10. The belief that God records all deeds and thoughts of every
o This is true. You can use I-Ching to find out anything about anyone. (If
you are a high level I-Ching prophet.) Nothing can escape the boundary of
God. Nothing!

11. The belief that God rewards those who keep His commandments
and punishes those who transgress His commandments.
o Let's say you tossed the coins asking God about your life safety, and the sign
says you must not travel South because there is danger in the South. If you
ignore God's warning and travel South, God will kill you in a car accident.
If you believe the sign of God, you will not travel South so you will be safe
at home.

12. The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the messianic era.

o The most famous Chinese prophet Lee Chung-Feng has also prophesied
about the messiah. Out of his 60 prophecies, 55 of them have already been
fulfilled. Click here to see his prophecy.

13. The belief in the resurrection of the dead.

Based on years of experience, the only I-Ching

compatible religion is Judaism.
Moses has told the Jews that God cannot be symbolized by hand carved images, nor can
God be compared to a human idol. So idol worshipping is strictly forbidden. Remember
that some Hebrews, while traveling in the desert, made a golden image of a beast and
started to worship it as their God? When Moses found that out, he immediately sentenced
those idol worshippers to death. I think if Moses is still alive, he would be furious to see
people worshipping a dead man on a cross. Religions like Buddhism, Christianity,
Daoism, etc. are all idol worshipping religions. Those religions are forbidden by God.
The only religion which is permitted and is sponsored by God is Judaism because Judaism
forbids idol worshipping. Maybe Islam is not an idol worshipping religion. But
Muhammad, who proclaims to be a prophet of God, made too many false prophecies. I
think that the 2nd best religion is Hinduism because Hinduism also did separate God from
human idols. But too bad that Hinduism is not as famous as Judaism. Hinduism also
focuses too much on the Messiah. Another word, I feel that Hindus place the Messiah
figure above God because I don't see them talking about God at all. All they talk about is
that one day the holy Messiah will arrive and will save the entire world. But where did
they mention about God? Although I am Chinese, I don't support the Chinese Daoism
because Daoism has a God for everything. There is a God who controls the ocean, and
there is a God who regulates the sky. That's why Daoism is obsolete. Remember: Idol is
idol. God is God. No man can replace God or be God, no matter how glorious he appears
to be.

I-Ching is not God. I-Ching is just a language that you use to communicate with God. God
is like a computer, and I-Ching is like a programming language. ( C+, Java, Perl, Quick
Basic. etc) The only way for you to access the computer is to use a programming language
to communicate with the computer. Therefore, I-Ching is not forbidden by God.

God said to Moses, "Create a breastpiece for making

The Breastpiece (Exodus 28:15)

"Create a breastpiece for making decisions by the work of a skilled craftsman. Make it
like the ephod: of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen.
Then mount four rows of precious stones on it."

God commanded Moses to make a plate which contains 12 types of

stones. This plate is supposed to be a tool that is to be used by a prophet
for making decisions. The four rows of gemstones represent four

"In the first row there shall be a ruby, a topaz and a beryl;
in the second row a turquoise, a sapphire and an emerald;
in the third row a jacinth, an agate and an amethyst;
in the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper.
There are to be twelve stones, one for each of the names of the sons of Israel, each
engraved like a seal with the name of one of the twelve tribes."

Every season has 3 months. Each month is being represented by a kind

of gemstone.

"Whenever Aaron enters the Holy Place, he will bear the names of the sons of Israel over
his heart on the breastpiece of decision as a continuing memorial before the LORD. Also
put the Urim and the Thummim in the breastpiece, so they may be over Aaron's heart
whenever he enters the presence of the LORD . Thus Aaron will always bear the means of
making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the LORD."

Aaron has been promoted to be a prophet.

Coincidentally, I-Ching also has 12 elements. Each element can be represented

by a gemstone. t, c, y, m, cn, e, w, wa, s, yo, sh, and h.

And the funny thing is, take a look at the colors of these 12 stones.

Beryl Topaz Amethyst Agate Ruby Chrysolite

white metal blue water brown soil green wood red fire yellow soil

Sapphire Turquoise Onyx Emerald Jacinth Jasper

white metal blue water brown soil green wood red fire yellow soil

How did Moses turn his cane into a snake? Will God
allow me to perform magic tricks like that if I learn I-
Most people know that the Hebrews cried 40 days and 40 nights when Aaron died in the
desert. But only a wise man realizes that the term '40 days and 40 nights' basically means 'a
long time'. In the Hebrew calendar, a generation consists of 40 years. So the term '40 days
and 40 nights' is just a phrase used to describe a long period of time.

A snake, based on Egyptologists, symbolizes wisdom. A cane symbolizes knowledge and

ability. 'Moses stroked his cane on the ground, and the cane turned into a snake.' basically
means Moses used his knowledge and ability to show great wisdom which impressed the
king of Egypt.
A goat is a peaceful animal which symbolizes purity and innocence. Blood symbolizes
deeds or soul. 'God will not hurt the families which painted their front door with goat
blood.' basically means good and innocent people will have good karma which will keep
danger and misery away from them. Only evil people will drink the wrath of God.

The first son symbolizes a leading nation. 'The death of the first sons of all Egyptians'
basically means Egypt will no longer be the most powerful nation in the world after the ten

Adam and Eve symbolize positive and negative, which created everything in the universe.

Nobody can see God's face, but Moses was allowed to see a part of God's cheek? The
mathematical formula of the universe is infinite just like the universe itself. Therefore,
nobody can see the complete formulation of this formula. Moses was a very, very high
level prophet, and he was able to decipher a large chunk of the formula. The hidden bible
codes hidden inside the first 5 books of Moses proved that Moses was good enough to see
God's cheek. Therefore, Moses is the chief of all prophets who lived before or after him.

The Bible (old testament) sounds like a fairy tale to idiots, but only wise men will
understand the meaning behind the meaning.

How come one is controlled by God? I thought that a person is his own
God because one can decide what he wants to do in life.

Remember that the earth always rotate around the sun. The moon always rotate around
Earth. One day is always 24 hours long. Have you ever seen a day which only produced
16 hours? Have you ever seen that moon sits still in the sky for one whole day just because
it's tired of rotating?

The point is nothing can break the system. If you and your spouse are both white, you
child will come out to be white. Can you give birth to a black kid if both you and your
husband are white? If you sow a sun flower seed, you will get a sun flower. Will bananas
grow out of soil if you sow a sun flower seed?

Although you expected your child to become a top lawyer, a doctor, or a wealthy business
person, your child might grow up to be a car thief. Although one expects to live more than
80 years, he might die in a car accident at age 20. If you walk in a bad neighborhood at
night, you could be robbed. So there is always chaos.
When there is chaos, there is a system. When there is a system,
there is chaos. The system cannot leave chaos, and chaos cannot
leave the system. Look at the yin-yang symbol. The white dot
sitting inside the black cloud means yang cannot leave yin. The
black dot sitting inside the white cloud means yin cannot leave
yang. That means if there is a system, there also must be chaos.
When you see chaos, you can be sure that a system also exists.
Although you feel that you are your own God because you can
decide what you want to do in the future, the mathematical formula
of the universe controls your every single step.
Remember, chaos cannot exist without the system, and the system cannot exist without
chaos. Although you think you control your entire life, your fait has been controlled by the
mathematical system of the universe.

When you tossed the coins, one coin flipped off from your index finger and spinned. One
coin fell straight down without flipping. And another coin bounced back when it hit the
ground. Then it landed again. Your coin toss is totally chaotic. But do remember that
chaos cannot exist without a system. This means there is a system behind your coin toss.
That's why we can decipher the system of your coin toss in order to foretell the future.

Who invented the eight guas? Who drew

the yin-yang symbol?
Based on the legend, FuXi (Foo-
Shi) and Nu Gua (Nu-Wo)
survived a gigantic flood which
drowned the entire world by hiding
inside a giant wooden shell. After
the flood was over, Nu Gua
brightened the sky with a 5 color
silk. (rainbow) Fuxi was the one
who invented the eight guas and
drew the yin-yang symbol.

According to Chinese tradition, a

great flood covered the earth. A stone carving of Fuxi and Nu Gua saving the animals from
Fuxi and Nu Gua escaped the flood the great flood. Fuxi and Nu Gua were also the original
by hiding inside a wooden shell. founders of the Chinese culture.
Later, Fuxi discovered the Luo Shu
pattern on a turtle shell when it
emerged from the water at the river
Luo. The pattern was the magic
square. This pattern "magically"
added to 15 in every direction.
This became the "Post Heaven"
order for the Eight Trigrams (also
known as the eight guas). Then,
during the Shang Dynasty, King
Wen stacked the trigrams on top of
one another, making 64

Fuxi and Nu Gua were real persons

because their life stories were
carefully documented by This is the pattern which Fuxi discovered on a turtle shell.
historians. Fuxi and Nu Gua are This pattern is the father of the eight trigrams.
supposed to have lived in
northwest China's Gansu Province
and later have led their tribe down
the Yellow River to settle in
central China. Of course Fuxi and
Nu Gua were the original founders
of the Chinese culture. Based on
historical document, Fuxi invented
the eight guas and drew the yin-
yang symbol.
Fuxi survived a great flood by hiding inside a giant wooden shell. The old testament
also documented this great flood. Coincidentally, the legend of Fuxi and Nu Gua also
suggests that the great flood did happen. So the great flood which destroyed the entire
world did exist.

So I guess Noah was the one who invented the eight guas and
drew the yin-yang symbol.

Fuxi = Noah

So Noah was the one who invented the eight guas and drew the
yin-yang symbol.

The eight guas were invented probably more than 10,000 years ago because
archeologists found trigrams carved on bones which bear carbon dating of more than
8000 year-old. So nobody can say for sure what era Fuxi and Nu Gua lived in.

Why didn't people believe that God is a mathematical

system in the past?
In ancient time, only one out of 100 people knew how to read. And out of 100 people who
knew how to read, only one read more than 2 books. And out of 100 people who read more
than 2 books, only one was educated enough to comprehend the mechanism behind the law
of physics or the law of astrology. So what did most of the people do back in those days?
Most people just carved a face on a piece of wood and call it a God. Or they just worship a
living idol or worship a respected dead person as a God. Most people back in those days
had absolutely no education. So if you told people that you are God in flesh because the
spirit of God has incarnated into your body, lots of people would have believed you without
a doubt. If some people raised up questions concerning the validity of your claim, all you
need to do is perform a magic trick which can astonish people. Just tell your friend to fake
death so that you can resurrect him in front of a crowd. Then people will really believe that
you are God in flesh. But if you perform that kind of magic trick nowadays, nobody will
believe you because everybody is educated in school. But back in those days, people were
easy to fool because most people didn't know how to read and write. A simple magic trick
would have fooled many. In India, there still are lots of con artists traveling from villages
to villages performing magic tricks which seem like miracles to uneducated Indian
villagers. These con artists called themselves holy men. Some can toss a rope into thin air
and climb it like climbing a pole. Some can float in the air by only a mere support of a
walking stick. Some can walk on water like Jesus. Some can pour water out of an empty
jar. Some con artists hire actors to play dead or play sick so that they can resurrect them or
heal their diseases in front of the villagers. Villagers will give money to these con artists
for their blessings. The motive of these con artists is either money or popularity.

You can make a 3 year-old child behave by telling him that a monster will come out to eat
naughty kids. But once the child grows up, that kind of lie won't work on him anymore. In
the year 1999, lots of people were afraid that all computers in the world will crash when the
year 2000 begins. This was known as the 'Y2K bug'. A con artist in China has used this
opportunity to make a fortune by selling his 'Y2K bug spray' to many village farmers who
thought that giant Y2K bugs will appear and will eat up their crops in year 2000.
Uneducated people can be fooled to believe that God is actually some kind of powerful
living being who does what ever he pleases. But after you have read Super I-Ching,
nobody can fool you anymore since you now know what God really is and how God
works. If you still insist that God is some kind of powerful living being, we might have to
compare your intelligence to that of a 3 year-old child.

Another reason why people didn't know that God is math is because people were not
allowed to have such beliefs. If you dared to say that God is math back in those days, you
would have been executed by the church. Galileo was executed by the church simply
because he tried telling people that the sun does not surround Earth but Earth surrounds the
sun. Back in those days, so many Jewish rabbis knew that there is coding in the Torah, and
lots of them even knew how to predict the future by deciphering the Torah codes. But
when ever these bible code deciphering Jews were exposed, they were burnt at the steak by
the Christians. They were tied to the steak with their Torah scrolls. But now, the
Christians can no longer deny that there actually is coding in the Torah thanks to today's
high tech super computer.

Since most people didn't know how to read and write, the concept that God is a
mathematical formula was not very popular because hardly anyone understood what a
mathematical formula is. You be lucky to bump into someone who knew how to multiply
and divide. But I think that this concept will become extremely popular in today's society.
The concept that God is a mathematical formula will be widely accepted by scientific
community, and the concept itself does not contradict with most traditional religions.

Should we call God 'a mathematical formula'? Is that

respectful to God?.
Some people told me that they don't want to call God 'a mathematical formula' because it
sounds disrespectful. Then let me suggest that we call God 'a mathematical progression'.

You don't have the right to talk about God if you don't
read this book!
What I hate to see the most is a person who talks about God without knowing what God
really is. You often hear one say, "God will punish you if you don't visit our church. God
will punish the ones who do not respect our church." I can tell that the person who made
such statement has absolutely no idea what God is and how God functions. Back in the
Roman era, people thought that thunderbolts were being thrown down by the thunder God
when he got angry. Nowadays, people know that thunderbolt is static electrical charge of
the earth. Back in the days, people thought that God is a living being who does whatever
he pleases. Nowadays, people should realize that God is a mathematical, physical formula
which runs and propels the entire universe. Thunderbolt and God are just natural
phenomenon that we encounter in our daily lives. There is no magic to anything because
everything depends on science.

The truth is ugly

I guess it's romantic to imagine God as a white beard sweet old man who loves everybody.
It could be magical and mysterious to think that Hercules could be supporting the earth.
When Hercules gets tired, earthquake occurs. When Hercules gets angry, a volcano erupts.
It could make one feel comforted and special if we say that Sun rotates around Earth and
that the entire universe also rotates around Earth, and Earth is also flat and not round.

But the truth hurts because the truth is far from romantic. The truth is materialistic, bold
and tasteless. Hercules does not support the earth, and God is not a white beard old man.
The truth is not a beautiful painting, nor is the truth a romance novel. The truth is the one
which endures tests and doubts throughout the ages until the end of men. What is untrue
shall eventually become obsolete because only the truth can endure until the end.
The Six Colors
I, II III, iV V Vi Vii, Viii iX, X
6th line blk grn red yel gry wht
5th line wht blk grn red yel gry
4th line gry wht blk grn red yel
3rd line yel gry wht blk grn red
2nd line red yel gry wht blk grn
1st line grn red yel gry wht blk

blk means black. grn means green. yel means yellow.

wht means white. gry means gray. Red means red.

Now you finally realized what the upper characters are for. The upper character's main
function in I-Ching is to help you indicate the six colors of the lines.

The green is the luckiest color. Green represents luck, power, wealth, and fame. According
to my experience, a green B is a land lord or a store owner. A green R is a mail man or a
judge. Green R could also be your husband. Green also means 'blood related'. So a green P
could be your parents, and a green B might be your brother or sister. A green G is a
beautiful woman, your wife, or an expensive treasure. A green K is a happy kid or
something joyful. A green P is some kind of important document or writing material.
Green is also the left side. Green is also the East.

The red color represents talking, fighting, fire, argument, disagreement, etc. Red also
represents fame and sound. A red B means someone talking or fame. A red R means that
there is a lawsuit. A red K means that someone is laughing. A red P means fame and
glory. A red P also means a letter or a message. A red G means a woman who talks a lot.
Red is also the front. Red also represents the South.

The yellow color is a conservative color. It's conservative, and that's all I can say about it.
A yellow B stands for a good friend. A yellow R could mean that there is quarrel for
property. A yellow R could also represent your boyfriend. A yellow G is your girlfriend.
A yellow K means that the person is safe. Yellow also represents the center.

The black color means evil. Black represents a gangster, an evil person, a robber, a
criminal, a new idea, an evil or a selfish idea, a new girl friend, a new boy friend, a new
customer, something new, etc. A black B means a bad friend. A black R means a robber.
A black K means a new invention. A black P is a fake document or a fake receipt. A
black G means a slut or a woman who dates many men. Black also represents the back.
Black is also the North.
White color means disease. White represents disease, injury, illness, bad news, etc. A
white B represents a sick friend. A white R represents a corpus. A white K represents a
sick kid. A white P represents a sick parent. A white G represents a sick girl friend. But
listen. If you are throwing coins concerning trading in the stock market, the white color
will have no meaning to you. What does stock market have to do with sickness and
disease? If you are throwing coins concerning meeting a certain person, just because you
see a white sign on the appointed star doesn't mean that the person you want to meet is ill.
The white color is probably useful for predicting about illness and disease. In other kinds of
predictions, just ignore the white color. White is also the right side. White is also the

Gray means something scary, something strange and unbelievable, something destined to
come, etc. A gray B is a new friend. A gray R means extreme worry. A gray K means
leisure. A gray P means a new document or a step mother. A gray G means a new girl

 Hey, you have to look at the situation before you conclude which is
which. If someone threw the coins asking about a possible promotion, and
you saw that the self line has a white color, you can't say that he is sick.
Sickness has nothing to do with finding a job. After you have practiced
throwing coins for a few years, you will learn. If the green lucky color
appears on the appointed star, but the appointed star is being killed from
left and right, you cannot conclude that the appointed is lucky. You must
always put the killing and producing law in front of the color theory. I
will explain why in the following example.

A woman tossed the coins asking will she have a safe birth. She got [Strip Open] and

Year Month Date Hour
y t-V w & wa

G y - G m - red
K t X J R e - grn
P sh - - P wa - - blk
G m - - G m - - wht
R e - - U R e - - gry
P wa - - P wa - - yel

If one is giving birth, the appointed is the K children star. The appointed 5th line K moves
and turns into R. The R in this case represents a corpus. The kid will be born dead. K t
moves, and today is day t. Today the woman will give birth to a dead baby.
Result: Wild Crane was correct. The woman gave birth to a dead baby on that day. Look
at the 5th line K. It has a green color. So does that mean giving birth to a dead kid means
she's lucky? Remember, K moving turning into a R is the sign of a kid dying. A green
color, obviously, won't help much.

Sam asked, "Will I give Mary a good impression on our first date?" God gave him [Little
Storage] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

Little Storage Hide

B m - G sh - Blk
K e - R s - Wht
G wa x U K w - Gry
G cn - R s - Yel
B y o K w -- Red
P t o J G cn -- Grn

The U line represents Mary's feeling toward you, and the self line is yourself. The 2nd line
red B means someone talking. Since the 2nd line's red B is closer to the self line, it means
you are talking. The 2nd line B y moves producing K w, and K w produces the U line G
wa. Then G wa moves to kill the self line. This means she doesn't like what you say. So
it's better for you not to talk too much. The U line is gray, and gray means she is scared of
what you say. I can tell that you are quite sincere because the self line G cn links to the 3rd
line's yellow G cn. If the self line links to the yellow color, you really like her and do want
to have a serious relationship with her. But too bad that the self line is dead. The U line
also moves to kill the self line. She won't like you.

"Is there anything that I can do to make her like me?", the man asked. I replied, "Maybe
you can ask her out on day t. On day t, the U line K w will be struck loose. When K w has
been removed, K w can no longer produce back at G wa. If G wa lost its helper, G wa can
no longer kill the self line. If the U line cannot kill the self line, she will not hate you. On
day t, the 2nd line K w will also be struck loose. If K w is loose, the red B y can no longer
produce K w. So on day t, you won't say the wrong things which turns her down.", I

Result: He asked Mary out on day t, and the date was successful.
Someone asked how high will he score on his school exam. He got [Look] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - Vi sh & h

G m - P sh - yel
R e - P s - red
P wa X J R w - grn
G m - - G m - - blk
R e - - R e - - wht
P wa - - U P wa - - gry

The self line got all kind's of goodies. A strong P is on the self line. P represents
document. A green P represents a pretty darn good document. P also moves and turns into
fire R to produce itself back. This looks like a piece of darn good document. Wild Crane
therefore concluded that he will do good on his test.

Result: The kid got high score.

A guy threw coins asking about his criminal charge. He got [Shun] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
wa cn - V sh & h

P m - J P m - red
K e - K e - grn
G wa - - G wa - - blk
R yo O U K w - - wht
P h - G cn - gry
G c - - P y - - yel

The self line is appointed because the guy is asking about himself.

 In the old text, it reads "If a white R moves to hurt the appointed, the appointed dies
under soldier's sword." So the U line's white R definitely represents punishment.
 The U line is good news because the R trouble star moved and got killed back by
the K happiness star. So there is no danger.
 But too bad that the self line P m repels away the U line R yo. So the entire U line
has been repelled away by the self line. Say good-bye to the good news U line.
You shall die!
Result: The man was given the death sentence in month wa and was lynched in month sh.

$ Stock Market
Ever since I started practicing I-Ching, the most questions I asked were
money related. So I think I am an expert in this section. So I hereby set
up a few rules:

If you are worried about something or are in fear, K star is your lucky star because K means
'You got nothing.' K means worries will disappear. Self line turning into K or K line
moves producing the self line is what you need. Self line linking to the K star is also good.
The B star moves producing the K star is also good. P star killing the K star is bad. P
stands for worry, fear, and trouble. Why does the P star represent worry? Because P
originally represents 'Something happening'. P represents a news, a notice, something
happening, etc. If you are worried, you toss the coins concerning your worries. P
represents what ever you are worrying about. That's why the prophets said P represents
worry and fear.

If you want to earn money or if you want to become successful, the K star becomes your
worst enemy. R star represents 'You got something'. But K star would totally kill it. In
investment, a K star sitting on the self line is like a death sentence to you. Why? Because
K produces the money star. Which means, K is the one which pours out the money. If the
K is sitting on the self line, money would only come out of your pocket and flow into
somebody else's pocket. Since K is the R killer, a strong K sitting on the self line means if
you ask about a position, you will not get the position. If you ask about fame and glory,
you cannot become well known. If you ask about financial success, money comes out of
your pocket and never returns. So if you are not worrying or are not in fear, do not view
the K star as a lucky star. If your question is concerning fame and glory, K star killing the
R star or K star sitting on the self line means you are a loser.

R sitting on the self line and a strong G money star moves producing the R self line is the
best kind of sign for investing.

The G money star is sitting on the self line and K star moves producing the self line is also
a great sign.

 If R is sitting on the self line and a G money star is very strong, you can
invest. But if you see any B star killing your G money star, just don't invest.
It's too risky.
 If the self line is P, B, K, or R turning into a G star, you can invest. Your
self line turning into G money star means you will earn money. But make
sure that the month and the date is not striking your G star.

 I would not invest if I see a 6 strike. It's just too risky.

 Do not think a 6 match will help you in any way. Look at the strength of
the stars!

 If you see any B star moving, do not invest. It's too risky. I learned it the
hard way.

 If the self line is B and it is moving turning into G money star, you can

 Do not invest if your G star is weak.

 If your G star hides under a B star, don't you ever invest!

 Even if the money star G is strong, don't invest unless the self line is
linked to the G star or unless the G star is moving and producing the self
line R.

 Let's say the 1st sign says you will lose money. But you don't believe it,
and you toss the coins again to get a 2nd sign. And now the 2nd sign says
you will earn money, DO NOT BELIEVE THE 2ND SIGN! The first sign is
the most accurate!

 Sometimes, the P star represents a transaction. If you ask when will you
buy or sell, the P star could be your appointed star. If the self line reaches
the P star, you shall sell when the self line moves. But if you are not asking
when will you buy or sell, the P star is always the enemy because P
represents frustration and worries.

 Never toss the coins for 2 or 3 different stocks in one day. You
may only toss the coins for one company stock per day. If you toss
the coins for another company stock five minutes later, the sign will
not come out accurate. Remember, the sign is connected to your
mentality. If your mentality is serious, the sign is serious. If you are
not serious, the sign will not show you the real future.
If you already own some stocks, the R star can be your appointed star because R
represents ownership. If the R star is strong, you own lots of valuable stocks. If
the R star is getting killed or is being hurt, your stocks will lose their values. If
you do not own stocks, the G money star should be your appointed star.

If you ask can you earn money, a permanent 6 strike means you cannot earn
money. But if you are only asking for the entire year's stock market trend, a 6
strike doesn't mean that the stock value will not go up. A 6 strike only means
that the stock value will violently jump up and down. So if you tossed the coins
asking for the stock market trend, you don't need to be afraid of the 6 strike
because a 6 strike has no meaning when one asks about the stock market trend.

Don't gamble big! Invest as little as

Trust me. Once you start to gamble big, you don't obey the coins anymore. When the
price drops even a little bit, you get nervous and sell all of your shares and lose big money.
When large sum of money is involved, you don't listen to nobody no more. You lose self
control. You care less what God is telling you. You just want to sell and cut the loss and
get it over with.

I was earning money for a straight six months. But I got greedy and started to gamble big.
Then I started to lose money. Many times I got so nervous that I just cut my loss although
the coins told me that I will earn money if I hang in there for just a few more days. The
coin predictions always turned out to be correct. Then I realized that Super I-Ching
predictions, no matter how accurate and precise, still cannot overcome my fear.

Don't try to become a millionaire by using Super I-Ching. Once you start to gamble big,
your fear will take over and you will lose control.

If you are losing money and you would like to know

when will you feel better or become happy again, the K
star becomes your lucky star!
Remember. I-Ching has to do with your mentality. If you are not losing money yet and
you just want to earn some money, a K star is a bad sign. Why? Because K represents
'nothingness'. K is a loser. R represents 'You got something'. If you did not lose any
money yet and you just want to earn some money, what would be on your mind?
 Will I earn money from this investment? I want control, power, and possession of
money! YES!

So if you are not losing money yet and you just want to earn some money, the R star
becomes your lucky star. If you got the R star, you got power and possession. The best
kind of sign would be a healthy R star sitting on the self line with money star moving
producing the self line. K star is the R star's killer. K represents nothingness and relief.
Another word, K represents 'You got nothing'. If you want to earn money, why would you
ask for nothingness and relief? Why in the world would you even think about relief and
nothingness? That's why if you are not losing money and you want to start earning money,
K becomes a bad sign. If your self line is G money star and the K star moves producing the
self line, that's fine. But if your self line is a K, you will definitely become a loser. If your
self line is R and a strong K moved killing the self line, you will also become a loser.

Let's say you invested in a wrong stock. You lost money. You want to know when will
you break even. What will be on your mind this time?

 When will I become happy again? When will bad luck go away? When will I be
saved by the lord? When can I be proud again?

Now, the situation has shifted. The K star is the star which will make you happy. You lost
money, so you have bad luck. That means your luck is being possessed by the unlucky
spirit. You want your unlucky spirit to go away. K does not only represent 'nothingness',
K also represents relief and happiness. That's why if you lost money already, K becomes
your lucky star! If you see a strong P killing your K star, the stock market will drop and
you will become more worried. But remember to check on the money star too. If G star is
weak or is dead, you still cannot break even. If your self line is R but the money star is
moving producing the self line, you can also break even!

Richard tossed the coins asking me about his Compaq stock. He wants to know when can
he break even. He got [Need] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
e w - iX s & yo

G t --
B sh -
K s -- J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U
Since Richard wants to know when will he break even and become happy again, the K star
is his savior. The self line K star is being killed by both the month and the date. Both
month and date are P stars. That means the stock won't go up, and Richard will worry
some more! Right now, the self line K s is empty so that the month and the date cannot kill
it. But in month s, when the self line is no longer empty, the month and the date will attack
the self line. In that month, Richard will worry to death!

Result: In month s, Richard's stocks dropped tremendously. In the following month, 2

airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center making the stock market drop even more.
Richard told me that he worried so much in month s that his hair almost turned white.

If you see a strong P killing the self line's K star, you will worry. That's definitely not a
good sign. So if you lost money, you can ask God when will you feel good again. If the P
star is killing the self line's K star, your worry will not go away.

Remember, you should view the K star as a lucky star only when you
have lost money and have been waiting for the stock value to rise for a
long time. Or else, the K star should be viewed as the loser star.

The stock market crashed in month s, and Richard's stocks dropped all the way to the
bottom. He tossed the coins asking will the stock value continue to drop in month yo. He
received [Separate] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
s c - iV s & yo

Separate Break
P e - R y -
B wa -- G t --
K yo o J B sh --
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The self line's empty K yo moved turning into B sh which produces back at itself. Since
Richard has already lost a fortune, the K star must be the happiness star. So the self line's
strong K star indicates that he shall become happy. Right now, K yo is empty. But in
month yo, the emptiness of K yo shall be fulfilled. This means the stock value will not
continue to drop in month yo.
Result: The stock value was at $9 a share in month s. But the stock value remained at
around $9.30 in month yo. So the stock value did not continue to drop in month yo.

A man bought some stocks, and the stock value dropped to around two dollars a share. He
tossed the coins asking will his stocks rise up to $10 a share within a few months. He got
[Hollow] and [Step].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii s & yo

Hollow Step
R m - B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x J P w -
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

Strong money killer is sitting on the self line. The money killer B wa will move and be
produced back by P w in month w or month wa. The stock value will drop even more in
month w or wa.

Result: His stocks dropped even more in month wa.

If you are asking about the trend of a certain stock, focus on the G
money star. The stronger the G star is, the higher the stock shall rise. But
the money star G must be connected to the self line or is producing the self
line. Or else, even if the money star is strong, nothing will happen.

When someone asks about the trend of a certain stock, what is his mentality?

 "If I buy this stock, will I earn money?"

When someone asks can he earn money, the G money star is the appointed. If you plan to
buy, a strong money star means you will earn money. If you plan to sell short, a strong
money star means you can earn money by selling short. But remember! The money star
must be producing the self line R or is linked to the self line in a certain way. A strong
money star that does not produce the self line or is not linking to the self line will not
benefit you in any way.

My friend Sonny tossed the coins asking about his AOL stocks. He got [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
e w-V t&c

6 strike
R y - J
G t --
B sh --
K s - U
P w --
B cn --

The money star is producing the self line. But oh my God! The G money star is too weak
under the month. On top of that, the date is striking the money star t. The money star t is
also empty. Man! This money star is so weak. The money star is already being struck by
the date. Next month is the month of w. In the month of w, w will strike the money star t
and will completely wipe it out! Hey Sonny! You better sell your AOL stocks right now
while there is time. Four days later, the month of w begins. If you wait for another four
days, everything will be too late.

Result: Sonny laughed. He didn't fear the power of the Lord. In month w, AOL dropped
more than $40 in value. Each day, AOL dropped about $7 in value. Sonny was in trouble
the very day that month w began. AOL dropped so fast, he couldn't even sell at a break
even price. What is the merit? One must learn to fear the power of the Lord. If Lord
shows sign saying that the stock will drop, you better sell. Remember. You have no
control over the stock market. Lord is the one who's controlling it.

If you are about to invest in a certain stock, the best kind of sign is to have the R star sitting
on the self line, and G money star is moving to produce the self line R. If the G money
star is not moving, it could move when a future year or month strikes it.

Here's a great example: A girl living down stairs asked me to do a prediction for her on
MZEI's stock. (some drug company) She tossed the coins and got [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

yo t

Big storage
R y -
G t -- U
B sh --
B cn -
R y - J
G t -

Do you see what I mean? The most powerful lines in a hexagram are the U and J lines.
Now U is G t money star. It is being produced by the month and is the same element as the
date. Again, U and J lines are the most powerful lines. If a U line moves, the meaning is
very special. This money star is so strong! It is not moving now. But in the month of w,
when w strikes t, it will move to produce the self line R. This is the kind of investment that
everyone is looking for!

Result: I was a beginner when I did this prediction, so I didn't dare to put money into
MZEI. But in the month of w (June of 2001), the stock went from around 13 cents to 35
cents a share. It happened all of a sudden in the first day of w. You see? Her mind is full
of money. So the money star G was what she focused on.

I have seen lots of hexagrams concerning the stock market. After years of experience, I
only would invest if the money star moved producing the self line R. In ancient text, it
stated, "If the money star is strong, you will definitely earn money." I find it VERY
UNTRUE! Sometimes, the G money star is quite strong, but people ended up losing
money. Based on years of experience, the only type of sign that means you will earn
money is when the money star is producing the self line or is somehow linked to the self
line. It doesn't matter how strong the money star is.

For example, I threw coins asking if Yahoo could reach $80 before the year ends. I got

Year Month Date Hour
h yo - iV w & wa

6 strike
P wa -- J
B yo -
K h -
P c -- U
G m -
R e -

6 strike means Yahoo will not go up that high. But hey! If Yahoo goes up to $50, that's
enough for me. The money star m has been struck by the date. Therefore it is a moving
line. The month is producing the money star m. The money star is quite strong! But the
problem is the self line is not connected to the money star in any way. The money star is
not producing the self line either. So where is the money coming from?

Result: As predicted, Yahoo never went up that high. In this case, the money star was
quite strong. But since it is not connected to the self line in anyway nor is it producing the
self line, money just won't come to me.

It's always a bad sign if you see B line moving in your

hexagram. When you see a B line move, you know the stock
is going to drop! B star is the money killer! Beware!
I threw coins asking when will stock go up. I got [Queen] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
e y wa - iV t&c

Queen Unsettled
P sh - R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo o R w --
K h - P cn -
P c -- J G y --

In this sign, there are 2 B stars moving. One is s, and the other one is yo. When I see this,
I know something's up. The stock will drop in around August or September. (month of s
and yo)
 The self line's P c frustration star got killed back by a money star G y. That's good.
 But too bad that the 3rd line's R w moved to rescue the self line's frustration star.
My frustration won't die down.
 The 5th line B s moved turning into P wa which bounds to the 3rd line's R w. So if
the 5th line moves, the 3rd line will also move. The 5th line could move in month s.

Result: In September 11th, 2 airplanes crashed into NY's World Trade Center. Stock
market dropped all the way down. Then the stock market slowly climbed back up.

But a moving, retreating B star is always a good sign!

Sam bought some stocks, and the stock value went all the way down. Just a few days ago,
Sam tossed the coins asking the Lord when can he break even, and the Lord told him that
he shall break even in month c. But today, the stock dropped even more. So Sam got
nervous and tossed the coins again asking, "Lord. Are you sure that I can break even in
month c?" This time, the Lord gave him [Duay] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
s cn - V sh & h

6 strike
P wa -- J P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w -
P c -- U R w --
G m - P cn -
R e o G y --

The 5th line B yo is very powerful, but it moves and retreats. That means the stock value
will go up again. Although there is a 6 strike, the 6 strike has no meaning because this is
not your first toss. Right now, B yo cannot retreat because it is bounding to the date cn.
But in month sh as their bondage breaks, B yo shall retreat and the stock value shall rise.
But I don't think that the stock value will go up very high because the retreating B star is
quite strong. A strong retreating B star will not retreat too much.

"But what about month c? I am asking will I still be able to sell my shares in month c?
Why didn't the Lord say anything about month c this time?", Sam asked. I replied, "Your
mouth is moving and talking about month c. But your mind is wondering when will the
stock go up again. That's why I don't recommend people to toss again and again. Your
very first toss concerning breaking even in month c is the most accurate because you were
really wondering when will you break even that time. But now, you already know that you
will break even in month c because the Lord has already told you that. You are just tossing
the coins again because you got nervous. This time, the Lord is saying that there is nothing
to be nervous about since he will make the stock value go up again in month sh."

Result: The stock value did rose again in month sh. The ancient books say that if a
retreating star is strong, it cannot retreat. I find it not true. A retreating star cannot retreat
when it is bounding to the date or to the month. But once the bondage is broken, it must
retreat regardless how strong it is.

But one thing is true: A strong retreating star will not retreat too much. But a weak or a
dead retreating star shall make a full retreat. If the B star is very weak, the stock value will
go up very high when the B star retreats. But if the B star is strong, the stock value will rise
only a little bit when the B star retreats.

If you want to know the stock market trend, a P star

producing the B star is dangerous!
If you want to know when will the stock value reach a certain price, the P star could be
appointed. But if you want to know the stock market trend, the P star must be your enemy
because a moving P star could strengthen the unwanted B star.

A man bought some stocks and tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend. God
showed him [Consume] and [Intercourse].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - Vii cn & e

Consume Intercourse
B t -- U R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
G w B h - J P s -
R c -- G w --
K m o R cn --

The 4th line deadly P s moved producing the unwanted B star which destroys the money G
star. So in month s, the stock market shall crash. The 1st line K m moved turning into R
cn. The K star is very strong because the 4th line B h is producing it. The date is also
producing it. The K star produces the money star. But right now, the 1st line K m cannot
move because the 1st line R cn is empty. But in month sh, sh strikes with R cn fulfilling
its emptiness allowing the 1st line to move. When K m moves in month sh, the money star
G w shall be saved. So the stock market will go back up in month sh.

 The K star also means nobody buys. The R star means people start buying. If the K
star moves turning into an R star, people will start buying. So the stock market will
do well in month sh.

Result: The stock value dropped to the very bottom in month s. Then it suddenly rose to
the top in month sh.

Based on my experience, if you got a single hexagram,

the K star producing the self line money star (G) will
not help much.
I tossed the coins asking will a certain stock go up to $40 a share. God gave me [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
m s-I s & yo

K e -
G wa -- J
R yo -
G cn --
B y -- U
P t -

This is a single hexagram. The K star producing the self line G star will not help much.
Although the top line is a strong K waiting to produce the self line, the stock value cannot
go up even if the K star does move to produce the self line. The self line has a healthy G
star. But that does not mean a thing. The stock value will not go up even if the self line's G
wa moves in month c. There is another money star in the hexagram, and that's the 3rd line's
G cn. But too bad that G cn is not connected to the self line in any way. No. This stock
cannot go up to $40.

Result: It never did go up to anywhere close to $40.

Another example: My friend Randy tossed the coins asking when can he sell his stocks and
break even. He got [Trapped]. He expected to break even within 1 year.

Year Month Date Hour
m h - II s & yo

6 match
P wa --
B yo -
K h - U
R w --
P cn -
G y -- J

The money star G y is sitting on the self line, and it is very powerful. The U line K star
bounds to the self line, and it is also producing the self line. But based on my experience, a
K star cannot help you at all if you got a single hexagram. The K star simply won't do
anything for you We also cannot use the R star as the appointed because the R star is not
producing the self line. He cannot break even for awhile.

 Although this is a single hexagram 6 match, this sign is only good for 'Yes or No'
questions. If he asked "Can I break even tomorrow?", a single hexagram 6 match
means he can. But if he asked "When can I break even?", a single hexagram 6
match does not mean a thing. Remember: A single hexagram 6 match is only good
for 'Yes or No' questions.

Result: He didn't break even within a year.

But if you have a double hexagram, the K star does

Ming tossed the coins asking will he earn money or lose money in the stock which he
bought. He got [Finish] and [Fog].

Year Month Date Hour
s wa - iV y&m
6 match
B t -- B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- U P s --
R c -- R cn --
K m o K y --
G e - J B t -

The self line's money star G e is in trouble because it turned into a B star which kills back
at itself. The 2nd line K star moves producing the self line, and the 2nd line K star is the
only helper that the self line has. But too bad that K m is retreating. That means you shall
lose money in this investment. Right now, the 2nd line is completely empty so it cannot
retreat. But when the emptiness is fulfilled in month y or in month m, you shall lose some
money as the helper K m retreats.

Result: The stock value dropped in month y.

John bought some stocks, but the stock value dropped right after he bought them. So he
tossed the coins asking can he break even in month m. God gave him [Gen] and [Big

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

Big Profit
6 strike
R y - J P e -
G t -- B wa --
B sh x K yo -
K s - U B cn -
P w x R y -
B cn x G t -

The 4th line B sh moves turning into K yo killing the dead self line R y. Right now, the 4th
line K yo is bounding to the date. So the 4th line cannot move. But month m can help
break their bondage allowing the 4th line to move. When the 4th line K yo moves, it kills
the self line's R star. The 1st line B cn moved turning into a powerful G money star which
produces the self line. The 1st line B cn is bounding to the date. So the 1st line also cannot
move. But month m will help break their bondage too allowing the 1st line to move. When
the 1st line move, the money star G t shall produce the self line.

 The 4th line K yo is my enemy, and the 1st line G t is my friend.

 Too bad that the enemy 4th line is closer to the self line. When the enemy kills the
self line, the 1st line cannot help much because the 1st line is too far away from the
self line.

Result: He did not break even in month m. But the stock value did rise in month m
because the helper star G t did move to produce the self line in month m.

Mr. Hueber lost money in the stock market. He tossed the coins last month asking when
can he break even, and the Lord told him that he will sell some shares in year wa. He
tossed the coins again today asking the same question, and the Lord gave him [Touch] and

Year Month Date Hour
e y c - Vi w & wa

6 strike
R m - U R m -
P e - P e -
B wa -- B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

A 6 strike indicates that he cannot break even. But since this is his 2nd toss, the 6 strike
doesn't mean anything.

 The 2nd line P w (worry) moves turning into G h (money). Right now, P w is
empty. But in year wa, P w shall turn into the money star G h.
 The 1st line B cn (money killer) is retreating. But right now, the 1st line B c is
bounding to the date so it cannot retreat. Year wa will break its bondage allowing it
to retreat. So the money killer will retreat in year wa. That's another indication that
Mr. Hueber shall sell some shares in year wa.
 But too bad that the 2nd line G h is quite weak. Although G h can still kill back at P
w, the weak G h cannot totally eliminated P w because G h is too weak. This
probably means he will not break even but will only sell some of his shares in year

Result: Mr. Hueber did managed to sell some of his shares at a good price in year wa. But
he was far from breaking even.

If the money star is empty and is killed by the date or the month, don't think about
investing! If the money star is hiding under the B star, you lose for sure!

Some guy bought some stock, and it went down. He asked me in which month will he
break even. He got [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
m t-V w & wa

R wa --
P yo -
B h - J
Gw B h -
R c --
K m - U

Money star G w hides under the 3rd line B star. No money for you man! Although the
month m is producing the money star w, but based on years of experience, money star
hiding under a line which kills it will ruin everything. Nothing can help it. Nothing! It
just won't work.

 But come to think of it, the year w might be a better year. The year's element is the
strongest. So if month w is not strong enough to pull out the hider, the year w
might just do it. In year w, the hiding money star could come out because the year's
element is strong enough to pull it out.

Result: No luck for him this year! But the stock value climb up dramatically in year wa.

Note: Also watch out for the hexagram [Quarrel]. The money star t hides behind the 5th
line B wa. When you receive the hexagram [Quarrel], it's definitely a bad luck sign!
Mr. Alcott bought some stocks, but the stock value dropped. He has been waiting for
nearly 3 years for his stocks to break even, but the value remained very low. He already
knew that it's impossible for him to ever break even, but he is hoping that at least he can
sell the stocks at a good price. He tossed the coins asking can he sell the stocks at a good
price at the end of the year. He got [Finish] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
w w y - III sh & h

6 match
B t x G e -
R sh o R wa --
P s x U P yo -
R c -- R cn --
K m o K y --
G e - J B t -

The 2nd line K m is the most important character in this sign because it moves to produce
the self line's money star. If the 2nd line K m grows stronger, the self line's money star will
also grow. If the 2nd line K m weakens, the money star of the self line will also weaken.
Although the self line's money star is strong, the 2nd line's K m is retreating. On top of
that, the 4th line P s moves killing the 2nd line K m. By looking at this sign, I know that
Mr. Alcott's stocks will drop even more. Right now, the 2nd line's K y is bounding to the
date, so it cannot move. The date y is also striking the 4th line's P s loose so that the 4th
line P s cannot move to kill the 2nd line K m. But in month s, the 4th line P s shall move to
kill the 2nd line K m. Month s can also help break the bondage of the 2nd line K y
allowing the 2nd line to retreat. The stock value will further drop in month s.

 The 5th line R sh is retreating. That means R sh can no longer produce the U line's
P s. That means P s can no longer advance.
 But the top line's G e moved to produce the retreating R sh of the 5th line. That
means R sh cannot retreat anymore. This means R sh still can produce the U line P
s. So the U line P s still will advance to kill the 2nd line's K star.

Few hours later, Mr. Alcott tossed the coins again asking will the stock value really drop in
month s. God gave him [Strong] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
w w y - III sh & h

6 strike
B sh -- G t --
K s x B sh -
P w o J K s --
B cn - G h -
R y o B c --
G t - U R m -

The money star G t is so weak. The worst of all, the 2nd line R y moves turning into a
healthy B c which kills and bounds to G t. The 2nd line R y cannot kill B c because B c is
healthy. This indicates that the stock value will definitely drop. Right now, the 2nd line R
y cannot move because it is bounding to the date y. But in month s, the bondage shall be
broken allowing the 2nd line to move. When the 2nd line's B c kills the money star G t, the
stock shall drop. The 5th line K s moves turning into B sh which produces back at K s.
The 5th line K s then moves producing the 1st line G t. But too bad that the 5th line B sh is
now empty. In month s, the 5th line B sh will still be empty. So when the 2nd line's B c
kills the money star in month s, the 5th line cannot move to help the money star.

Result: The stock value dropped from $15 a share to $9 a share in month s.

If a K star moves and turns into an R star, the stock value will rise. If the self line receives
an R star, the stock value will also rise.

For example: A woman tossed the coins asking will the stock market continue to drop in
the next few days. God gave her [Consume] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour
s y-I y&m

Consume Humble
B t -- U P yo --
R sh o B h --
P s -- R c --
B h - J P s -
R c -- G w --
K m o R cn --

Although the B star is quite strong and the money G star is hiding, this sign is actually a
good sign for 2 reasons:

 The 5th line R star moves linking to the self line B h. That means the self line is
receiving an R star. That means the stock market will rise. The 5th line could
either move on day m or on day sh.
 The 1st line empty K m moves turning into an R. The K star means nobody is
buying. The R star means lots of people are buying. If the K star moves turning
into an R star, people will start buying. Right now, K m is empty. But tomorrow is
day m. So tomorrow, the stock market will rise. (The 1st line K m cannot kill R cn
because R cn is not weak.)

Result: On day m, Nasdaq rose 67 points and Dow Jones rose 266 points. You see? We
don't need the G star this time.

Some guy asked can he earn at least half a million dollars from a certain stock that he
bought. He tossed the coins and got [Rot] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
y w - III y&m

Rot Unsettled
B y - U K e -
P t -- G wa --
G sh x R yo -
R yo o J K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- P y --

The 4th line's strong money star moved to produce the self line R. That's a good sign. But
too bad that the self line R moved and turned into the powerful K star which kills back at
the R. The R star represents the winner, and K represents a loser. K star killing the self
line R means you will lose big time! Don't even think about becoming a millionaire. You
will lose lots of money. The 4th line money star sh moved producing the self line R. This
means you have earned some money in the month of sh. Is that right?
"Right! I bought this stock exactly in the month of sh of last year. Right after I bought it, I
earned almost $30,000.", the man replied.

 So that explains why the money star sh moved and produced the self line R. You
earned some money in the month of sh. But the self line R moves and turns into a
powerful K star. You will lose big time later on!

Result: The guy didn't believe what I said. Later, his stocks dropped like a water fall.

If the self line's R star moved turning into a P star, you

will accomplish your goal. The P star does not
represent frustration!
I tossed the coins asking will price drop a little bit more so I can buy at a better price. The
Lord showed me [Little much] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

Little Much Humble

P sh -- B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w o J P c --
B s - B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

Just remember that if the self line is R moving and turning into P, the P star does not
represent frustration. In fact, there shall be joy when R turns into P. Right now, the self
line P c is bounding to the date. So the self line cannot move until day wa breaks its

Result: The price dropped almost 2 dollars on day wa. I thought that the self line's R
turning into P means frustration. So I bought the stocks a few days before day wa. I
learned my lesson the hard way.
Say if the money star is water. If both the month and
the date are soil, another future soil month will damage
the money star.
A woman tossed the coins asking for one year's trend of a certain stock. God gave her
[Break] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii s & yo

Break Hollow
R y - U R m -
G t x P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B c -- J B c --
R m - R m -
P e - P e -

Both the month and the date are soil killing the money star G t. The stock value shall drop
in the next soil month, which is month cn.

 We have 2 enemy stars here: The 4th line B sh and the self line B c.
 The 4th line is weak because the date strikes with B sh and the month strikes with B
wa. The 4th line therefore is pretty useless. Month cn would strike with the 4th
line B sh further weaken its strength. So the stock won't drop too deep in month cn.
 The stock will drop the hardest in month wa because month wa will strike with the
self line B c causing it to move and bound to the 5th line G t. The self line B c is
the same element as the month, and it is unstoppable. The damage from the moving
B c is much worse than the weak 4th line B sh. Another reason why the self line's B
c is much scarier than the 4th line B sh is because the self line is more important
than any other line. The self line and the U line are the most important lines in a
hexagram. Therefore, the effect from the self line should be more noticeable than
the effect of other lines.

Result: The price started to drop in month cn. The lowest point was reached in month wa.

If both the month and the date are wood, and the money star is soil, the
price will drop in the next wood month.
A man tossed the coins asking if he buys a certain stock now, when will he earn money.
Or will he lose money? He got [Humble] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
m s-I s & yo

Humble Difficulty
B yo -- K t --
K h x J P sh -
P c -- B s --
B s - B s -
Gm R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

When a person tosses the coins asking "Can I earn money if I buy this stock?", he is testing
his luck. It's kind of like buying a lottery or gambling. So the K happiness star is also quite
important. If the K star sits on the self line, the K star cannot be hurt. If the K star is hurt,
there will be no happiness. There will be only disappointment. The money star G m is
hiding under the U line R w. The money star produces the U line and does not produce the
self line. That means other people earn money and you cannot earn money. The self line K
h moves turning into P sh which kills back at itself. The K star represents happiness, and
the P star represents pain, frustration, and worry. This means if you buy this stock, you
will feel the pain and the frustration later. You will become extremely worried in month h
or in month yo. Why? Because in month h, the self line K happiness star could move
turning into the frustration star. The self line's P sh is bounding to the month. In month yo,
yo breaks open the bondage of the self line's P sh allowing the self line to move. This
stock shall drop.

Result: He didn't listen to my advice. He bought the stock, and it dropped like a water fall
in month yo.

Yahoo has finally risen to $25 a share. I tossed the coins asking "Should I sell now? Will I
be upset a few days later if I sell now? Will Yahoo continue to rise?" I got [Stop] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - iX t&c
6 match
P sh o U P wa --
B s - B yo -
R w - K h -
G m -- J G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- P wa --

The U line's P frustration star moves and retreats. But what I don't like about this sign is
that the U line's frustration star is too strong. It will retreat one day. But before it retreats,
there will be inevitable worries and fear.

 Since the month is striking at the U line P sh, the date sh cannot bound too hard on
P sh. So P sh still can move on day sh or on day m.
 P sh can also move on day cn because day cn breaks the bondage between P sh and
the date sh.
 This means the stock will start dropping on day sh or on day cn.

Result: I sold all of my shares at $25 and sold short at $25. Then, Yahoo climbed up $1
more 2 days later. It didn't drop back down to $25 until day sh. This sign taught me a
valuable lesson: If the P frustration star or the B money killer is too strong, do not take

A man was interested in buying a certain stock and asked, "When will this stock drop to the
absolute bottom?" He got [Well] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii s & yo

Well Difficulty
P t -- P t --
G sh - J G sh -
R s -- R s --
R yo - R s -
P h o U K w --
G c -- G cn --
He wants to know when will this stock drop to the bottom so he can buy in dirt cheap. The
2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. When the emptiness fulfills in month s or in
month yo, the stock will reach its bottom.

Result: The stock value dropped to the bottom in between month yo and month sh. The
reason why it dropped to the absolute bottom near month sh is because the 3rd line R yo is
retreating. But the date cn is bounding to it so it cannot retreat. Month sh broke their
bondage allowing it to retreat. When the R star retreats, people sell.

Someone introduced me to a certain stock. He encouraged me to buy it. So I asked,

"Should I buy this stock right now? Will this company perform well?" The Lord gave me
[Rise] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii s & yo

Rise Commander
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
G c -- J G c --
R yo o K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- U B y --

The 3rd line's R yo represents the winner. It moved and turned into the loser. If I buy
now, I will lose money because this stock shall drop. Right now, the date cn is bounding to
the R yo. But in month sh, sh will break open the bondage causing the R star to move and
turn into the K loser star. Don't buy now because this stock will drop to the bottom in
month sh. Actually, it could also drop as early as month m because month m can also break
the bondage for the 3rd line. This stock won't stay at the bottom very long because the R
star is very powerful. It will drop to the bottom in month sh or in month m but will bounce
right back! Although the 3rd line R yo moves turning into K w which produces the self
line's G money star, this is a bad sign because my question was "Will this company perform
well?" An R star turning into a K star means this company is a loser.

Result: The stock value dropped sharply in month m and reached its lowest peak in month
wa. Then it climbed back up at the end of the year.
A man tossed the coins asking will he earn money if he buys a certain stock now. He
received [Touch] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii s & yo

Touch Cover
R m - U R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- B sh --
K s o J P w --
P w x B cn -
B cn -- R y --

The self line reached a dead money star G t through the moving P e. Not good.

 He wants to become rich. So the R star represents success and accomplishment.

But too bad that the self line K s is repelling the 1st line's R y away. Not good.
 The 4th line B star is advancing. Right now, the 4th line B star cannot advance
because it has been struck by the date. But when B sh recovers its strength in
month m or in month sh, the B money killer will advance.

Result: The stock dropped to the bottom in month m. The reason why the stock value
dropped in month m is because the 4th line B star advances. But the 4th line B sh has been
struck loose by the date cn. Month m revived B sh from the stroke allowing the 4th line B
star to advance. The stock value reached the lowest point in month yo. The reason is the U
line's retreating R m will move in month yo. And when the retreating R m moves,
everybody starts selling.

If you ask "Will AOL.COM drop to $3 a share?", the

appointed star is actually the G star.
Sometimes, you wish that the stock value would drop so that you can buy in at a better
price. If you ask, "Will stock XYZ drop to $3 a share?", your appointed star is actually the
G star. Why? Because the G star represents something beautiful, a favor, an advantage, a
good price, etc. If the stocks which you want to buy would drop to the price you want, you
must focus on the G star.
Richard bought some Yahoo stocks, and it dropped. Richard asked "Will my investment be
safe this year? Will it drop some more? If it does drop some more, will it drop to $10 a
share so I can buy in at that price?" He got [Well] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
m h - II s & yo

Well Unsettled
P t x K e -
G sh o J G wa --
R s x R yo -
R yo o K w --
P h - U G cn -
G c -- B y --

The self line G money star is retreating meaning the price won't drop to $10. But luckily,
the top line's moving K star is producing the retreating self line prohibiting the self line
from retreating. So the self line's G money star won't retreat anymore. This means the
price will drop to $10.

 The 3rd line R yo moved and got killed back by K w. This means price won't drop
to $10.
 But luckily, the self line's G wa moved bounding to K w. So K w cannot kill back
at R yo anymore. So the 3rd line R winner star is actually linking to the self line.
So the price will drop to $10.
 Right now, R yo is empty. But when the emptiness fulfills in month s or month yo,
you will be able to buy that stock at $10 per share.

"Are you sure? Yahoo will drop that low? Oh no. How much money will I lose? Are you
sure it will drop to $10 a share? Honestly speaking, if Yahoo does drop to $10 a share, I
don't have anymore money to buy more shares because I have already invested most of my
savings into Yahoo. I don't have much money left to buy more shares!", Richard said. I
allowed him to toss the coins once more to reconfirm, and this time God gave him [Cup]
and [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
m t - III s & yo

Cup Rot
B e - P y -
K wa -- U R t --
G yo o K sh --
G yo - G yo -
R h - J R h -
K c -- K c --

The 4th line empty G yo moves turning into a K star which produces back at itself. The
4th line G yo produces the self line. But the 4th line G yo cannot move at this moment
because the 4th line's K sh is bounding to the month. But in month yo, the bondage shall be
broken allowing the 4th line to move. It also cannot move right now because G yo is
empty. But in month yo, it won't be empty anymore and it will move. God has again told
you that he shall make Yahoo drop to $10 a share in month yo.

Result: His stocks dropped even more in month yo (September) because the World Trade
Center has been destroyed by the terrorists. Yahoo reached $8.60 a share in month yo.

If the self line receives a K loser star,

your expected price cannot be reached.
I asked will a certain stock drop to $18 a share so I can buy in cheaply. I got [Everlasting]
and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
e y - Vii w & wa

6 strike
G sh x U B y -
R s -- P t --
K w o G sh --
R yo - J R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- G cn --

There is a powerful K combo in this hexagram. The price will not drop to $18.
Result: The price dropped to $19.20 few days later and climbed back up.

A man tossed the coins asking can he sell his stocks and break even in month wa. God
gave him [Rise] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y - III sh & h

Rise Extreme
R yo -- G wa --
P h x R yo -
G c x J P h -
R yo - G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x U P t -

This man asked can he break even in month wa. The self line G c moves turning into a P
star. This is a good sign because P represents a transaction. If the self line turns into a P
star, he will sell. But too bad he cannot break even in month wa because month wa will
strike at the moving self line G c. If a moving line is being struck, it will become a loose
line. A loose line is totally useless. The answer is no. He cannot sell at month wa.

Result: He did not sell in month wa. Another reason why he cannot sell in month wa is the
self line G turns into an empty P h. If the emptiness of the self line does not fulfill, there is
no way that he can sell.

A man bought three thousand bonsai plants. But right after he bought them, the price for
bonsai plants has dropped. He tossed the coins asking can he sell his bonsai plants and
break even in month h. He got [Bride] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo - iV cn & e

Bride Solution
P sh -- U P sh --
B s -- B s --
R w - R w -
P c -- J R w --
G m - P cn -
R e o G y --

Wild Crane called for his student, "Hey, Lim! Why don't you read this sign for this
gentleman?" After gazing at the sign for almost a minute, the student spoke, "Sir. Don't
worry. You will break even in month h. If not in month h, you definitely will break even
in month e." Wild Crane told his student to explain. The student said, "The 1st line R e
moved turning into G y which produces back at itself. Then it moves producing the self
line. That means he can break even. Right now, R e is empty. But in month h, R e will no
longer be empty. So in month h, R e will move to produce the self line. If R e does not
move in month h, it definitely will move in month e. But I don't think he can break even in
month e because the price has dropped so sharply. It's impossible for him to take back his
money just two months later. So I say he will break even most likely in month h. That
means he has to wait for another 8 months."

Wild Crane became furious, slapped his student's face, and said, "You idiot! The first line
R e shall no longer be empty in month e. That means R e will no longer be empty in month
w, wa, s, yo, sh, h, and so on. In month h, h strikes with the moving line e. Remember that
R e shall no longer be empty after month e. So what happens if a moving line, that is not
empty, is being struck by h? When the 1st line R e (not empty) is being struck by h, it will
be struck loose. A struck loose line becomes totally useless. God is saying that this man
cannot break even in month h! If this man did not ask for a specific timing, he shall break
even either in month e or in month s. But too bad that he asked will he break even in
month h. Month h happens to be the month which the 1st line will be struck loose.
Therefore, he shall not break even in month h!"

Result: The man kept his bonsai plants in his storage room for another two years until all
of them died.

This lesson is kind of hard to understand. So let's see the following


1. A man tossed the coins asking can he break even in month h.

2. The 1st line R e moves turning into G y which produces back at itself. Then R e
moves to produce the self line. So the 1st line R e is the appointed star.
3. Wild Crane said although the 1st line R e is empty right now, it won't be empty
anymore after month e. So R e is definitely not empty in month w, wa, s, yo, sh,
and h.
4. So the 1st line R e is not empty in month h. So R e cannot be treated as an empty
line in month h.
5. If month h strikes the 1st line R e, the 1st line will be struck loose.
6. A struck loose line becomes totally useless.
7. Therefore, Wild Crane concluded that nothing will happen in month h.

(Note: A struck loose line is a line that is not empty and has been struck
by a future month, year, date, or hour.)

I threw the coins asking if I can sell AOL stocks at $114 tomorrow. (I bought it at $105.) I
got [Rot] and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
w y-I y&m

Rot Queen
B y - U G sh -
P t x R s -
G sh x K w -
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

The money star is the 4th line G sh. The 4th line G sh moves and turns into K which
produces back at itself. The month is also producing the G sh. The G sh moves and
produces the self line R. This is a perfect sign! Tomorrow is day m, and day m will bound
with G sh causing G sh to move. Therefore, I can earn some money tomorrow. The U line
B y links to G sh. But right now, G sh cannot move because B y is empty. The emptiness
of B y will be fulfilled tomorrow allowing G sh to move. When G sh moves, it produces
the self line allowing me to earn money.

 The 5th line P t represents my worries. But when the 4th line K w moves, it will
repel my worries away for me.

But I better double check. This sounds too good to be true. So let's throw the coins again.

This time I got [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
w y-I y&m
B e -
K wa -- U
G yo -
G yo -
R h - J
K c --

Money star G is very week. But look closely. There are 2 money stars. A double money
star means double the strength. Although the money star is weak, since it's doubled, it's
still OK. Tomorrow is day m. Day m strikes with money star G yo causing G yo to move.
G yo would move and produce the self line h. So I will definitely earn some money

Hey, but I am just a beginner. Therefore let me throw the coins once more to double
check. (At the time of this reading, I practiced I-Ching for only half a year.)

This time, I got [Trapped] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
w y-I y&m

6 match
P wa -- P sh --
B yo o U B s --
K h - R w -
R w -- R w --
P cn - J P cn -
G y -- G y --

This time, the B star moves. B star is the money killer. The month is killing it, and the
date is striking it loose. The best of all, it is retreating! A B star is the exact opposite of the
money G star. So a weak B star retreating means money is coming my way. Tomorrow is
day m. Day m will strike the B star completely loose. Tomorrow I shall definitely earn
some cash!

Result: I sold my AOL shares the next day at $114. I did earn some money.
This one is interesting. Sam's stock went down. So Sam tossed the coins asking when will
he break even. He got [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - iV t&c

6 match
P wa --
B yo -
K h - U
R w --
P cn -
G y -- J

Then in the month of cn, on the day of sh, Sam tossed the coins again asking the same
question. And coincidentally, he got the same hexagram [Trapped].

This really looks like a winner. The money star y is strong because the month is also y.
The date is e, and it traps with the money star y. But take a closer look at the hexagram. U
is water, and it is extremely weak. U water has been sucked dry by the month y (wood)
and struck by the date e. And in the 2nd time when Sam tossed the coins and coincidently
got the same hexagram, the month and the date were both killing the U line. In order to
earn money, the U line must also be alive. Why? Because in this hexagram, U also
represents the source of the money. If J is the money star and U is the K star, then U is the
source of the money. So U represents the entire stock market. In this hexagram, the money
star is sitting on the self line. U is producing the money star. But if U dies, there is
nothing there to produce the money. That means the stock market cannot rise.

Result: The stock market kept going down.

I tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend for one whole week. God showed me
[Extreme] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - iX t&c
6 strike
B wa x B sh -
K yo - J K s -
G h - P w -
B cn - B cn -
R y - U R y -
G t - G t -

When asking about the stock market trend, a 6 strike has no meaning. I tossed the coins on
Saturday, and the stock market will open on Monday. Day c is Monday, and day e will be

 The stock value should go up a little bit on day c because c strikes out the advancing
top line B wa. When the money killer B wa has been struck loose, it cannot kill the
money star anymore.
 Day y should be a so-so day. Day y is not strong enough to kill the powerful B
 The stock market should go up on day m because m strikes with the 5th line K yo.
The 5th line K yo moves to produce the money star G h. Although the 5th line K yo
is retreating, K yo cannot retreat because the top line B wa moves and advances to
produce K yo. That's why K yo can still produce the money star.
 The stock market will drop on day cn. Right now, the top line B sh is bounding to
the date. But on day cn, the bondage shall be broken allowing the top line's money
killer B star to move. When the top line B star moves, it kills the money star G h.
The 5th line K yo cannot help the money star on day cn because K yo is not a
moving line. Therefore, K yo can only move on day m since day m strikes with K
yo. K yo cannot move on other days.
 Day e is also a bad day for the money star because e strikes with the dead money
star G h further damaging the money star.
 The stock value will continue to fall on day s. The bottom gua duplicates itself.
Therefore, the 2nd line R y will cause the 3rd line B cn to move. (The 3rd line B cn
is a moving line since the date sh struck it.) Day s will strike with R y. When R y
moves on day s, the 3rd line B cn will move to kill the money star.

Result: Just as I have predicted. The stock value rose until day m. Then it started to drop
on day cn. It kept dropping on day s.

If a B combo embraces the self line, do

not expect any profit.
Mr. Chen bought some stocks and the stock value dropped. He tossed the coins asking will
he be able to break even in month w or month wa. He got [Too much] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
cn h-X t&c

Too Much Separate

G wa x B m -
R yo - K e -
P h o J G wa --
R yo o K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- U B y --

Mr. Chen said, "This is a lucky sign! The self line P h moves turning into a strong money
star. This means I can break even in month w or month wa because the top line G wa will
move in month w or month wa causing the self line to receive the money star G wa.!" I
said, "Not exactly. Take a closer look and you see that the top line and the self line form a
B combo. The top line is wa, so the B combo can be activated in month w or month wa.
That means you cannot break even in month w or month wa. B combo can only represent
trouble. There is no way for a person who's self line has been embraced by the B combo to
break even."

Result: The price dropped even more in month w and wa.

If the K combo embraces the self line, the stock value

will go up.
The K star produces the money star. So if there's a K combo, the stock value will go up.

For example: I tossed the coins asking "Will the stock value drop in month h?". I got
[Unsettled] and [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa - Viii sh & h
Unsettled Combine
B t -- U R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
B h o J K m --
R c -- G e --
K m o R wa --

The self line and the 1st line form a K combo. The K combo is quite strong because the 4th
line P s moves producing B h, which produces K m. Right now, the K combo cannot
establish because the self line B h is still empty. But in month h, the K combo shall be
activated. When the K combo embraces the self line in month h, the stock value will jump

 The 2nd line R c is actually moving because the date wa is striking it. R c moves
turning into G e which produces back at R c. The R star means people will buy. If
R c has been produced back by G e, lots of people will start buying causing the
price to go up. R c shall move in month t or in month c. So the price will go up in
those months.
 One of the elements of the K combo, B h, is dead. But since the 4th line P s moves
to produce B h, B h cannot die. Therefore, the K combo is quite healthy.

Result: The stock value was $15 a share in month sh, and it rose to $19 a share in month
h. Then the price went straight up in month t.

I think if you can reach this level, you are

ready to buy and sell!
A woman tossed the coins asking when will her stock market investment improve. God
showed her [Kan] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
cn yo - Viii t&c

6 strike
B t x J K m -
R sh - G e -
P s -- R wa --
G w -- U K m --
R cn o G e --
K y -- R wa --

She is losing money, and now she's asking when will the stock market improve. So it's
actually a lucky sign for the self line to turn into a K star.

 The K star produces the money star. So the K star is the root of money. The K star
is quite weak in this sign. The self line's K star has already been struck loose by the
date. Month s and month yo will further damage the loose K star of the self line.
So the stock market will crash in month s or in month yo.
 Month sh can save the self line's K m from the stroke because sh bounds to m. So
the stock market will rise in month sh.
 Another reason why the stock market will improve in month sh is because the 2nd
line R cn is bounding to the date. So the 2nd line cannot move right now. But
month sh can help break their bondage allowing the 2nd line to move. When the
2nd line's R cn moves turning into G e, people start buying. (The R star means
'People buy'. If the R star moves turning into a G star which produces back at the R
star, people will start buying.)
 The U line G w turns into K m. But right now, K m has been struck away by the
date. So K m cannot produce back at G w. But month sh can rescue K m from the
stroke. That's another reason why the stock market shall improve in month sh.
 The stock market will continue to climb up in month t because the empty B t of the
self line can move in month t to produce K m, which is also the happiness star. So
happiness shall come in month t.
 Another reason why the stock market shall do well in month t is because the U line's
G w shall move in month t turning into K m which produces back at G w.
 Although the stock market will improve in month t, the self line's B t shall move in
month t turning into a loose K m. That's not very good. But I think that the stock
market will really improve in month m. Month m will even be better than month
sh. The reason is when month sh saved the self line's K m from the stroke, B t was
still empty. Therefore, the self line could not have moved in month sh. That's why
month sh did not help too much. Month sh only saved K m from the stroke. But
month sh did not allow the self line to move. But month m will save K m from the
stroke. And in another hand, month m will also allow the self line to move.
(Month m allows the self line to move because the self line B t will no longer be
empty in month m. So when the loose K m has been saved in month m, the self line
shall move.) When the powerful B t moves to produce the happiness star K m, the
stock market will rise sharply!

Result: The stock value hit the bottom peak in month s. Then it all of a sudden jumped
back up in month sh creating a sharp spike. It went up some more in month t. It went up
even higher in month m.
1. Try not to do day trading with Super I-Ching. You need a relaxing environment to
throw the coins. You cannot throw the coins under immediate pressure. If you rush
yourself at throwing the coins because you must decide whether to buy or sell
within 10 minutes, you won't get an accurate sign. So I suggest you not to do day
trading with Super I-Ching.
2. Before you buy a stock, throw the coins and ask for the stock market trend.
3. Before you buy or sell short, ask God "Will I regret later if I buy/sell this stock right
now?" If the P star or the B star is strong, do not buy or sell. If the self line moves
turning into a P frustration star, do not buy or sell. (The B star is the money killer,
and the P star represents frustration and fear.)
4. Always ask on which day will the stock reach the highest or the lowest peak.
5. Don't ask for the impossible. Don't ask if a penny stock will reach $100 a share
within a year. Don't ask for something that's too good to be true. If you do, your
signs won't be accurate. Ask questions that are within the realm of possibility.
6. I do not suggest you to buy 2 or 3 stocks at once using Super I-Ching. You could
confuse yourself very easily.

Before you buy or sell, always toss the coins and ask will you regret later on for your
action. If the self line moves turning into a strong P star, you shall regret because the P star
represents frustration.

Mike is about to buy a certain stock. He tossed the coins asking will he regret after he
bought it. He got [Look] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
cn t-I t&c

No Way
6 strike
G m - P sh -
R e - B s -
P wa x J R w -
G m -- P cn --
R e -- G y --
P wa x U K t -
The self line links to the U line because both of them got P wa. The U line P wa cannot
move until day t or day c because the U line's K t is empty. If the U line cannot move, the
self line also cannot move because they are linked together. Both J and U shall move when
the emptiness of K t fulfills, which is on day t or on day c. When the self line moves, it
will turn into R w which produces back at the self line's P wa frustration star. The self
line's frustration star will gain strength. This is not a good sign.

 Since the U line P wa links to the self line P wa, the U line is the self line. The U
line P wa moves turning into a K t loser star. This indicates that Mike will feel like
losing money if he buys right now.

God is saying that you shall regret on day t or on day c if you buy this stock.

Result: Mike bought that stock anyway. He bought the stock on day t, and it dropped on
day c.

Remember this: If the self line links to the P frustration star, you will regret. If the self
line receives a K star, you will become a loser. If the self line reaches a B star, you will
lose money or feel like losing money.

I tossed the coins and asked which month gives the lowest price. (From month cn to month
w only) I got [Solution] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - iX t&c

Solution Unsettled
G sh x K e -
R s -- U G wa --
K w - R yo -
K w -- K w --
G cn - J G cn -
B y -- B y --

If one is seeking fot the highest or the lowest peak, the G star is the appointed star.
(Caution: If you are losing money because the price dropped, a growing B star means the
price will continue to drop while a growing G star means the price will climb back up. If
you did not invest your money yet but are just waiting for the best price, the G star is
definitely your appointed star.) I was asking which month is the bottom peak from month
cn to month w. The top line G sh is the appointed star. The top line G sh moved turning
into K e which produces back at itself. Right now, G sh cannot move because it bounds to
the date sh. Only month cn can break their bondage allowing it to move. So month cn
should be the lowest month of these 3 months.

Result: The prices in month e and month w were all higher than the price of month cn.

Note: Sometimes, stuff like the following situation might happen.

1. You toss the coins on Monday, and the coins tell you that Tuesday shall be the
lowest price.
2. Then Tuesday's price is actually a little bit higher than Monday's price.
3. On Wednesday, the price shoots up.

How come God didn't tell me that Monday's price is the lowest?

ANSWER: The coins are trying to tell you that the last chance to buy is Tuesday. Things
like this will occur from time to time. So beware.

For example: I tossed the coins asking will reach $20 a share. I got [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Viii t&c

B e -
K wa -- U
G yo -
G yo -
R h - J
Pm K c --
Based on my experience, the hexagrams can only tell you when the price will go up or
drop. It cannot tell you whether the price will reach exactly $20. So even if I see that the
strong money star will move in month m, I cannot conclude that it shall reach $20 in month
m. If the price did reach $20 in month m, I am just lucky. But if the price did not reach
$20 in month m but did climb up a little bit, the sign is not wrong.

Right now, is only at $2.30 a share. The strong double G yo will move in
month m and will produce the self line with full force. That means the price will go up in
month m.

Result: did climb up in month m, but it only reached $3.50 a share. The reason
why it didn't reach $20 but did climb up in month m is because I was thinking about
earning money when I threw the coins. This sign told me that I can buy this stock because I
will earn money in month m. It didn't reach $20 because I wasn't serious about that
question in the first place. I guess I cared about earning money more than the $20 price
mark. The $20 price mark is just a coat which covers my real motive, which is to earn
money. Therefore, this sign only tells me that I will earn money in month m if I buy now.

I asked "Can Yahoo drop to $22 a share on day h?" I got [Bite] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - Vi sh & h

6 strike
K e o G wa --
G wa x J R yo -
R yo - P h -
G cn -- G c --
B y x U B m -
P t - K e -

I know one thing through experience: When you ask stuff like "Will the price drop to $22 a
share?", the hexagrams will only show you that the price might drop on a certain day. But
it won't tell you whether the price will really reach $22.

The top line's K e produces the self line's money star G wa, and G wa produces R yo which
kills the advancing 2nd line B star. But K e is bounding to the date e. Only day h can
break their bondage allowing K e to push the self line's G wa.
 I was asking will Yahoo drop to $22 a share on day h so I can buy it at that price.
The G money star is appointed. Too bad that B y will move to kill the money star
on day h. This means Yahoo cannot drop to $22. On day h, the self line G wa will
move turning into R yo which kills the B star. This means Yahoo will try to drop as
low as it could on day h because R yo does struggle with the advancing B y. I
won't be able to buy Yahoo at $22 on day h. But maybe it will drop to around $23?

Result: Yahoo dropped sharply on day h. It dropped from $24.71 to $24.04 on that single
day. If the B star did not move, Yahoo could have dropped all the way to $22 on day h.

Remember this:
1. If you want the price to drop so you can buy at a cheaper price, the G star is the
appointed and the B star is the enemy. A G star linking or producing the self line
means you can later buy at a cheaper price. A moving B star means there is no way
that the price will drop that low.
2. If you want the price to go up so that you can sell at a higher price, the G star is
your appointed and the B star becomes your enemy. A G star producing the self
line or linking to the self line means the price shall go up. A B star moving means
the price will drop.

I sold short at $25. I tossed the coins asking when will the price drop so that I can earn
money. I got [Rise] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
e h - iV w & wa

Rise Well
R yo -- P t --
P h x G sh -
G c -- J R s --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- U G c --

The 5th line's P h frustration star moves turning into G sh money star. Right now, P h
cannot move because it is bounding to the date. But on day e, the bondage shall be broken
allowing P h to turn into G sh. So on day e, the price shall drop allowing me to earn
Result: The price dropped almost two dollars on day e.

Oh, before I end this chapter. I need to show you 2

signs which will confuse beginners.
If you ask, "This will happen right?" or "I am correct,
right?", a P star sitting on the self line means you are
For example: I tossed the coins many times asking will the stock price go up, and the Lord
told me that the price will definitely go up. Then I tossed the coins again just to reconfirm
by asking, "The stock price will certainly go up, right?" This time, Lord gave me [Look]
and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
yo w - III y&m

Look Touch
G m - G m -
R e - R e -
P wa -- J P wa --
G m x B s -
R e -- R w --
P wa -- U P cn --

This sign looks scary because the G money star has been killed back by B s. So will the
price drop instead?

 Wrong! The self line's P wa links to the U line's P wa. So the U line is the self
line. The U line's P star is retreating. This means I am wrong.
 But luckily, the 3rd line's G m cannot kill the retreating P star anymore because it
got killed back. So the retreating P star has been spared. This means I am not
wrong about my prediction after all.

Result: I was right. The stock price did go up. In this sign, the G star actually became the
enemy star.
Another example: I tossed the coins asking, "The price will drop back down, right?" God
gave me [Too much] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
yo e - II y&m

Too Much Well

G wa -- P t --
R yo - G sh -
P h o J R s --
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- U G c --

The self line's P h got produced back by R s. This means I am right. But right now, the self
line P h has been struck loose by the date. But at hour h, God's power shall prove to me
that I am correct because hour h will save the self line.

Result: The price dropped back down at hour h.

General Fortune of a Person

If the self line is empty, you must wait until the emptiness is fulfilled in order to see

For example: A man threw coins asking about his general fortune. He got [Compare] and

Year Month Date Hour
sh h - Viii y&m

Compare Look
G t x U R m -
B sh - P e -
K s -- B wa --
R m -- J R m --
P e -- P e --
B wa -- B wa --

Although the self line is empty, the month is bounding to it and the date is producing it.
Bounding means things will work out. The G t money star (6th line) also moves producing
the self line. He will definitely become successful in the year of m because that is the year
his empty self line m will fulfill itself.

Result: This man threw the coins in year c. He became rich in year m.

A man asked about his entire life's fame and glory. He received [Need] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
sh m -iV sh & h

G t --
B sh -
K s -- J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U

Forget about fame and glory. The K star is sitting on the self line. K means 'You got
nothing.' If one asks about fame and glory, K means he's going to be a Mr. Nobody for
life. If there are a moving line or two, the self line's K would not have mattered that much.
But this sign got no moving line. The meaning of the self line K becomes dominant.

Result: After the man has cast this sign, he enrolled in the army. For the next 10 years, his
rank has never surpass a corporal.

A man threw the coins asking about his entire year's luck. He got [Trade] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
m s - III cn & e
Trade Consume
B m o U P t -- Grn
K e - G sh - Blk
G wa -- R s -- Wht
G cn x J P h - Gry
B y -- G c -- Yel
P t - B m - Red

The self line money star cn is weak under the month of m. It is also empty. Your money
luck is not so good. The self line turns into P h. P h produces the 6th line B m. But 6th
line B m is killing the self line. This means you are helping somebody else. But that
person comes back and make you lose money. The 6th line's B star is yellow. A yellow B
star represents a close friend. Self line turned into a gray P. The gray P represents your
property, a contract, the ownership of your house, etc. Are you investing in your friend's
real estate business?

The man said, "Yes. We have found a 2 units building. We plan to buy it next month.
What do you think of it?"

Master Shou continued, "Don't invest! You will regret if you do. Let's talk about your
family a little bit. The top line is a green B turning into a green P. Green B and P represent
your brother and your parents because the color of green means 'blood related'. The top
line is in the upper gua. Upper gua is also called 'the outer gua'. Top line is the most far.
That means your entire family is living in a far away land." The man replied, "That's right!
My entire family is living in Russia. I am the only one who's in China."

Result: This man's friend kept persuading him to buy the 2 units building. So in the
month of cn, he invested his father's saving into the building. Right after he bought the
building, the property value kept dropping. In the winter, his father ordered him to send
some money to Russia. He was forced to sell the building at half price.

Some guy threw coins asking about his future. He got [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - II y&m
6 strike
B sh --
K s --
P w - J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U

The way how Wild Crane viewed this hexagram is this: The self line's P star symbolizes
something complex. The self line's P star is too strong. This means the man is very
conservative and probably thinks too much. This man is not fit for doing business. The
self line's P star also represents hard working. This man cannot become wealthy.

Result: In the year y, he cured a millionaire's disease. The millionaire funded his college
tuition. And in the year of w, the millionaire recommended him to the governor, and the
governor appointed him to be the chief of a village. But one year later, he was fired by his
superior. He had no savings, so he ended up poor again. The reason why in year y he got
funding from the millionaire is because the 2nd line R y was empty. The emptiness fulfills
in the year y. The reason why he was fired is because the hexagram is a 6 strike. The
reason why he ended up poor is because his G money star is completely weak.

A man asked can he become a government official and got [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
h c - Vi w & wa

G t -- U
B sh -
K s --
R m -- J
P e --
B wa --

If this man cannot become a government official, why would the R star sit on the self line?
This man shall become a government official. In this sign, the U line produces the self
line. In year w, w strikes the U line t causing it to move and produce the self line. So year
w is the year this man shall become a government official.
Result: He became a politician in year e. He was promoted and became a senior
bookkeeper and worked in the Forbidden City in year w.

A man tossed the coins asking about his entire life's fortune. The Lord gave him [Bride]
and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Vi w & wa

Bride Arrive
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w o P c --
P c -- J P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

The self line is very strong. The 4th line R moved producing the self line. The 4th line R
is linked to the self line. R represents power and control. This means you will become a
boss or a top government official. Right now, the R w is empty. But in year w, that R star
will become active. That's the time you shall become a boss or a top official.

Result: The man was promoted to be the top executive of Ching dynasty's science lab. He
was not an educated man, but he has to take care of a highly educated department. The
reason why such big pressure was surged on this man is that he has a P star on the self line.
A strong P star means his life is harsh and rough.

A man tossed the coins asking about his business fortune for the entire year, and God gave
him [Cup] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn s-V y&m

6 strike
B e o K sh -- Red
K wa -- U G s -- Grn
G yo - B w - Blk
G yo - K cn - Wht
R h - J P y - Gry
K c x R t - Yel

You will earn some money in month t or c because the 1st line K c turned into R t. The
loser star turned into the winner star. The 6 strike has been eliminated because the self line
R h bounds to the self line's P y.

 The 1st line represents now, and the 6th line represents the future.
 The 6th line's moving K sh kills the self line's winner star. This is a bad sign. So at
the end, you will lose big money.

Result: This guy's business has been great for nearly a year. But in month y, he lost lots of
money due to a lawsuit. The reason why he lost money in month y is because the 6th line
B e was bounding to the date s. So the 6th line's K star did not kill the self line. But month
y helped break that bondage allowing the 6th line to kill the self line.

A man tossed the coins asking about his wealth. He got [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
w y - iX cn & e

R sh --
P s -- J
G w -
B h -
R c -- U
K m -

The self line is being destroyed by both the date and the month. The money star is quite
strong, but too bad the self line is extremely weak. This man will have money, but the
money won't come easily. This man won't live too long.
Result: This man was a poor farmer. He worked hard and became rich. But his son
gambled away all of his wealth. He angered to death in year w. He died in year w because
his weak self line cannot survive the strong heat of year w.

A farmer tossed the coins asking about his general fortune. He received [Hurt] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
sh w t - III s & yo

Hurt Rich
P yo -- R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The self line turned into w money star which produces back at itself . The month w is also
producing the self line. This old man must be quite rich. He must be a big landlord. But in
year t, t shall strike away his money star. Why? Because the date t is already striking the
money star w. In year t, t will further hurt the money star w. So Lord is saying that he will
take away this man's wealth in year t.

Result: In year t, his farm has been ruined by crickets. He also got yellow fever.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his entire life. He got [Everlasting].

Year Month Date Hour
yo cn - iX w & wa

G sh -- U
R s --
K w -
R yo -- J
P h -
G c --

Wild Crane asked the man, "What's up? Are you asking about fame and glory or what?"
The man replied, "Nope! I am a regular salary man. Why would I think about fame and
glory?" But based on this sign, the self line R is being produced by the U line and is so
strong under the date and the month. The fame star P, the power star R, and the money star
G are all very strong. God told Wild Crane that this person shall become famous and rich
in the future.

 The U line's G sh money star is moving because it has been struck by the date. The
U line's G sh moves to produce the self line R yo. But too bad that the self line's R
yo cannot be produced by G sh yet because IT IS BOUNDING TO THE DATE.
(Sometimes, if the self line is bounding to the date, other lines cannot produce the
self line.)
 But in year m, the bondage between the self line and the date shall be broken. The
U line G sh will also move to produce the self line in year m. So something good
definitely will happen in year m.

Wild Crane told the man to toss the coins again to get a clearer message from the Lord. So
the man tossed the coins again and received [Bite] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
yo cn - iX w & wa

6 match
K e - G sh -
G wa x J R s -
R yo - K w -
G cn -- B m --
B y -- U K e --
P t o G wa --

The first sign wasn't clear because the man didn't have a specific question. He simply
tossed the coins asking about his entire life. But since Wild Crane told the man that he
might be able to become very successful, the 2nd sign became very apparent because the
man's question became more specific. This time, the man asked, "Will I become
successful?" R represents power and control. So R star is what this guy is seeking. The
self line moves turning into a strong R star. This person will definitely become a top
government official. Right now, the self line is empty so it cannot move. But in year wa,
the self line won't be empty anymore. So in year wa, this man shall be appointed by the

Result: The man has passed his big school exam in year m. He was enlisted in the Ching
Dynasty's Imperial Army and was immediately appointed to be a commander's counsel in
year e. In year wa, he was transferred to San-Xi to become the governor.

A man tossed the coins asking about his fame and glory. God gave him [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
e m - II t&c

6 match
B e -
K wa --
R h G yo - U
G s -
B w --
K cn -- J

The self line has a K. Forget your fame and glory. You will get nothing. Although the R
star is being produced by the 4th line's G yo, the G yo is being struck loose by the date.
Even if the R star is very powerful, what good is the R star if the R star is not connected to
the self line in any way? The man said, "But I have already been promoted to be the police
chief of Ze-Jiang. What do you mean I have no fame and glory for life?" Wild Crane
replied, "Oh! Then this sign means you will spend lots of hard work and money. But you
will end up losing everything you've already got. Although the date m strikes with the U
line G yo money star causing G yo to move bounding to the self line, G yo is pretty weak
because both the date and the month are hurting G yo. So G yo cannot bound to the self
line at all."

Result: Few years later, the man became ill. He died in year c.

Protect yourself from Danger!

Before you hop on a plane or travel to a foreign country by boat, you can toss the coins to
see if it's safe to travel or not. If the self line is healthy and is turning into a star which
produces back at itself, the travel should be good. If the self line is a healthy K, that's the
best sign you can get. If the self line is weak or turns into an element which kills back at
the self line, you shouldn't go. U represents the destination point. If the U line is empty,
buried, or damaged, the place where you go will be disappointing. If the U line is killing
the self line, it's a waste of time to go there.

If the self line kills the U line, there is no problem. But if the U line kills the self line, no
matter it's a business trip or just sight seeing, it will be disappointing.

A 6 strike means at the end the trip will be canceled. If more than 4 lines move, the trip is
tiring and unstable. The lines which lie between the J and the U represent your
companion(s). If one of them moves and kills the self line, your companion will be a
hindrance to you. If one of them moves and turns into a B star, your companion will make
you spend lots of your money. If the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, you will
travel alone.

If you throw the coins asking about your safety, a strong K sitting on the self line means
you are lucky all year round. If a line moves killing the self line, you better be careful for
danger. If the self line turns into R which kills back at the self line, you are not safe at all.

This is usually how I protect myself from danger:

I would toss the coins once a year. If the sign says I will be safe for the entire year, I won't
toss the coins anymore for that entire year. But what if the sign says there is danger ahead?

For example: Once, I tossed the coins asking for my entire year's safety. I got

Year Month Date Hour
w s h - II s & yo

P yo -- U Blk
B h -- Wht
R c -- Gry
G w -- J Yel
R cn - Red
K y -- Grn

Clearly, there is danger ahead. The self line's G money star is extremely weak. On top of
that, the 5th line B star is extreamly powerful. If the 5th line B h moves, it could
completely wipe out my self line. The 5th line B h will move in month e, and the self line's
money star will be destroyed. I think I could be in a car accident or any danger that also
has to do with my valuable property since the money star on the self line is being killed.
The enemy B h is white, and white could be a disease or a metal object.

 So what I should do next is toss the coins again before month e starts. I will toss the
coins once a week in month e asking if it's safe to go out. I will ask, "Is it safe for
me to walk out the door today? Will I be involved in a car accident this week? Will
there be life threatening danger this entire week?" I will keep on tossing until
month e passes. Then I will toss the coins once more to ask will I be safe for next

Result: I was not physically hurt in month e, but I lost lots of money in the stock market in
month e because I made a single wrong move.

One night, I had nothing to do at home, so I thought about going to the store to buy a shirt.
But it was raining hard outside and was unsafe for me to drive on the highway. So I tossed
the coins asking "Is it safe for me to drive to the mall to buy a shirt tonight?" God showed
me [Difficulty] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
yo c - Vi w & wa

Difficulty Little Much

K t -- P sh -- Yel
P sh o B s -- Red
B s x J R w - Grn
B s - B s - Blk
R w -- R w -- Wht
P cn -- U P cn -- Gry

Since I am asking for life safety, the appointed star is K. The self line B s moves turning
into R w which kills back at itself. The R star which kills back at the self line represents
danger. This danger is R w fire, and its color is green. Green represents something formal,
something huge, etc. Green could also represent a government official. If the fire R w is
killing the self line, the danger has to do with fire? But it's raining so hard outside. How
can there be fire? The self line B s is being killed back by R w. But B s is very strong
since both the month and the date favor B s. The 5th line P sh also produces the self line B
s. I don't think anything dangerous will actually happen. Maybe the rain will pour out the
fire R w?
 The self line's R w also repels away the top line's K t safety star. This is also a bad
sign. The top line K t got killed back by P sh, and K t is also not moving.
Although K t kills R w, the 4th line R w still can repel away K t simply because K t
is pretty weak.

Result: I bought a shirt at the mall and headed back to my house. On the way home, a fire
truck smashed into my car's rear fender. My car spinned 3 times. The fire truck missed
the driver seat by about 20 inches. If the fire truck has smashed into the driver seat, I
would have been killed or be badly injured. They called an ambulance, but I refused to go
to the hospital because I was not hurt at all. The danger came from a fire truck because the
green R w kills back at the self line B s. My car is smashed because B s metal has been
damaged by R w. I was not hurt at all because the self line B s is very strong and cannot
easily be damaged by R w. The accident occured in hour wa (10 pm in California of
Unites States) because R w was empty. But in hour wa, the emptiness of R w fulfilled.
Ever since this experience, I am taking every sign that God has given me very seriously.

A man threw the coins asking if he can earn money by selling government surplus. He got
[Family] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - II cn & e

Family Little Storage

B m - B m -
K e - U K e -
G wa -- G wa --
P h - G cn -
G c x J B y -
B m - P t -

The self line moves turning into a B killing back at itself. The month is also killing the self
line. The date is striking the self line. Forget about money. Let's talk about your own
safety. Watch out for danger in the month of wa or in the month of yo. The month of wa
strikes the self line which further damages the self line. The month yo strikes the 1st line B
m causing it to move killing the self line. This man should stay home in these 2 months
and don't go out. If he needs to buy grocery, tell his relatives to do it for him. Do not go to
the South-West or to the West because South-West is wa, and West is yo.

Result: In the month of wa, his warehouse burnt down. He has been severely burnt. He
lied on the hospital bed for 7 days before he passed away. This reading was done by Wild
Crane. I have seen similar stuff like this before. But to my knowledge, before you make
such a judgement, you should find out what is on the person's mind. Is his question
somehow related to his life and death? If the person's question has to do with life and
death, then the hexagram shown above should be given the above conclusion. But if the
person is asking about something that has nothing to do with life and death, make sure you
tell him to throw the coins again concerning his life and death. Do not jump into a
conclusion immediately. This man was thinking about selling government surplus for his
entire life. Therefore his mentality was what will his future be like. That kind of question
is somehow related to his life and death. But if someone asks you when will his friend give
him back his money, that kind of question has absolutely nothing to do with life and death.
Therefore, if you see that the self line is dead, you cannot tell him that his life is in danger.
You must tap into the person's mentality first before you make your conclusion.

A woman tossed the coins asking about her next year's luck. She tossed and got [Quen]
and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour
y m m - Viii w & wa

Quen Shun
6 strike 6 strike
K yo x J R m -
G h x P e -
B c -- B wa --
R m x U K yo -
P e x G h -
B wa -- B c --

If Wild Crane saw this hexagram, he would have said that this person won't live long
without even looking at the lines because the 2nd hexagram (wood) is killing back at the 1st
hexagram (soil). The date is wood, and the month is also wood. Both date and month are
helping the 2nd hexagram (wood). The 1st hexagram is dead meat. This is called
hexagram killing back. But Shou decided to check the lines. The self line yo moves
turning into R m which strikes back at the self line yo. The date and the month strike the
self line too. The 5th line h moves producing the B m, which is now the self line's worst
enemy. The U line moves striking the self line. Now how many are striking the self line at
the same time? Next year is year m, and year m will strike with the self line too. What
about the 6 strike for both hexagrams? This young lady better stay home in the month of
m (around March). In the month of m of next year (year m), a whole bunch of 'm' B stars in
this hexagram will move and will completely strike out the self line yo. Don't go
anywhere. Just stay home and sit tight. If someone knocks the door, just pretend it's a sales
person and don't open the door. Do not travel to North-West because North-West is sh. sh
bounds to m and will cause m to move. Don't go East either because East is m.

Result: She didn't listen to Master Wu. In the year of m and month of March (m), she went
to Xin-Jiang (North-West of China). Her carriage wagon fell into the valley. They found
her body a few days later. The U line's R m struck with the self line. The self line K yo
also turned into R m which struck back at itself. Both the month and the date were striking
at the self line. In month m of year m, there were a total of 6 m elements striking with the
self line. Nobody can bear that many strikes. How can she not die?

Some guy wants to buy a motorcycle. He tossed the coins asking if it's safe to drive a
motorcycle in the city. He got [No way] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
c h - Vi cn & e

No Way
6 strike
G sh o G wa --
R s - R yo -
K w - J P h -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - U P t -

6 strike means something bad will happen. Nothing is bounding to the self line, so the
power of the 6 strike is permanent. In ancient text, it stated that if K is on the self line, all
troubles disappear. But the ancient text failed to mention that if K turns into P which kills
itself back, there is danger ahead. In the hexagram, the self line K turns into P which kills
back at itself. The date is the same element as the P. So the P is a very strong K killer.
The 6th line G moves and retreats. G money star retreats means the lost of property and
wealth. By the way, this 6th line is quite weak because the month cn is striking it. Now
this man asked about riding a motorcycle. What does that have to do with lost of property?
Oh... I see. You better watch out. I don't recommend you to buy a motorcycle. Since the
self line K turns into P which kills back at the K, it's not safe at all for you to drive
motorcycle at all. Beware the month of sh or the month of h. In month sh, G money star
retreats. That could mean you crashed your motorcycle. In month h, P star strengthens and
will further hurt the self line K.
Result: He didn't listen and bought a motorcycle in the month of sh and crashed it in the
same month. He stayed in hospital for almost half a year.

Wild Crane said, "A prophet's job is to predict the future in order to allow people to avoid
danger. If danger is detected but the prophet does not teach how to avoid the danger, what
good is the prophet? Why would anyone throw the coins then? If one ask me, 'A small
danger might be able to avoid. But how can you save a person who is destined to die?' I
would say, 'If you would just listen to what the prophet has told you, maybe your time has
not yet come. If the prophet tells you not to go near water, do not cast the fish net or swim.
If the prophet tells you you will die under the sword of a police, do not break the law. In
my years of practice, I have never seen a person who listened but ended up dying."

A man wants to cross the Yang-Tze River to collect debt. He threw the coins asking if he
will end up fighting with the person who owes him money. He got [Fog] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
m y - iX cn & e

6 match
B m -- U P t --
K e - G sh -
G wa -- R s --
G cn -- J G c --
B y x B m -
P t - K e -

The self line cn is empty. The date and the month are both killing the self line. The 2nd
line is an advancing line. It moves killing the self line. The self line is a retreating line.
Forget about money. Do you really want to cross that river? If you cross the river, you
might never come back. Right now the self line is empty so other elements cannot hurt the
self line. But in the cn hour, when the self line's emptiness fulfills, the 2nd line B, the
month, and the date will kill the self line all at once. If you really need to cross the river,
please go after the cn hour. Do not go before the cn hour. Or just pick another day.

Result: The guy didn't listen to Wild Crane. He crossed the river before the cn hour. He
ended up buried in the fish stomach. (drowned)
A guy moved to a new house. His whole family felt unsafe for some reason under the new
home. He therefore went to Wild Crane to throw some coins. He got [Need] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
m h-X t&c

6 strike
G t X B sh - J
B sh - K s -
K s X J P w -
B cn - B cn - U
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

The self line represents himself. Now the self line is K. K is a lucky star. But
unfortuneately, the self line s metal turns into w fire to kill back at itself. That means the
man and his children will be in trouble together because K also represents children. The
6th line water G star moves and turned into soil to kill back at itself. G star represents
money, treasure, or woman. G star is his wife. He, his children, and his wife will all be in
trouble under that new house. Wild Crane told the man to move out immediately. The man
didn't believe Wild Crane. Wild Crane then said, "You better start moving quick. Right
now, it's spring. In summer, the fire months (e, w) will produce the B star (wife star's killer)
and will also kill the self line, which is you. In the month of w, w will strike the 6th line's
wife star t. The wife star t is now empty. But it will be fulfilled when month w strikes it.
When it fulfills, it will turn into the B star and will be killed by the B star.

 Take a closer look at the top portion of this sign. The top line B sh is linking to the
5th line. The 5th line K s is linking to the self line. And the self line K s is being
killed back by P w. That means the top line is linking to the self line. If the top line
moves, the self line will also move! Right now, the top line cannot move because
it's empty. But in month w when the emptiness of the top line fulfills as the empty
G t is being struck by month w, the top line and the self line will both move. That's
the time you and your entire family will fall into danger.
 The self line's P w is repelling away the top line's wife star G t. This means you
will lose your wife too.

You will definitely swallow the wrath of God if you continue living in that house."

Result: Who knew that guy's new house was beside the Yellow River. Wild Crane told him
to move, but the man hesitated and didn't move. In the summer month of w, Yellow River
flooded. The entire family (9 members) drowned.

Wild Crane said, "The job of a prophet is to forecast coming dangers and to teach people
how to avoid the dangers. If one didn't inquire a prophet thus fell into danger, that's
understandable. If one inquired, but God didn't show any sign, that's also understandable.
But if one inquired, and God gave sign, but one still doesn't fear the sign, one deserves to

Based on my experience, there is no real danger

unless something is killing or hurting the self line.
One student who lives in Sweden tossed the coins asking will there be danger within a
year. He received [Everlasting] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
t yo - Vi y&m

Everlasting Extreme
G sh -- U G wa -- Yel
R s x R yo - Red
K w - P h - Grn
R yo - J G cn - Blk
P h - B y - Wht
G c x P t - Gry

Although the self line's strong R star represents fear, nothing is killing or hurting the self
line R yo. There is no real danger. The 5th line's advancing R star represents great fear,
and it links to the self line. Right now, the 5th line R yo cannot move because it is
bounding to the date. But in month m, something frightening will happen because month m
can break their bondage. But there won't be any real danger.

 Another I-Ching scholar said, "I think robbers and thieves are involved because the
self line's R star is black, which represents a robber or a criminal. The 5th line's R
star is red, which represents argument or quarrel. So there will be argument."

This student tossed again 2 days later and received [Big storage] and [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour
t h - Viii y&m

Big Storage Trade

R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn o B cn --
R y o J R y --
G t - G t -

The lower gua duplicated. The 2nd line is the R fear star, and the 3rd line is the B money
killer. According to the lower gua duplication law, the money killer will become active
when the 2nd line R y moves. But luckily, the 2nd line R y is being produced by both the
month and the date. Since R y is too powerful, it will destroy B cn instead of strengthening
B cn. So no money will be lost. The U line's strong money star will still produce the self

 There still is no sign of real danger because nothing is killing the self line. The self
line's empty R y shall be fulfilled in month y or in month m. So this sign also
confirms that something freightening will happen in month m and there won't be
any real danger.

Result: This student later said, "Actually, there was one incident in month m. Two of my
friends and I were walking home after a party. We were followed by a gang of 17-18 year-
old teenagers. They started yelling at us and threw a rock at us but missed. They moved
faster toward us and told us to give them our cell phones. This was pretty scary. But
thanks to my friend's skillful diplomacy, we got out of this situation. And the teenagers
continued along some other way."

A guy tossed the coins asking about his entire life's wealth. He received [Hollow] and

Year Month Date Hour
m cn y-I y&m

6 match
R m o G t -- Blk
P e - B sh - Wht
B wa -- J K s -- Gry
B c -- B c -- Yel
R m - R m - Red
P e -- U P e - Grn

Now this man is asking about wealth, so the money star G is the appointed. Now why is
the R star killing the self line? I thought this man is asking about money. No. Not good.
The R star and the date are both killing the self line. The top line's R star moves turning
into G which produces back at the R star. The top line is black. A black R star represents
a robber. The R star is produced by the money star means the robber is robbing money.
The top line will move in month m. The black R and the self line are both in the upper
gua. Upper gua is also the outer gua. That means danger comes from outside. This year is
m, and the 6th line, the line which hurts the self line, is also m. So there is danger this
year. Remember. Do not go anywhere in the winter. Stay home. In month m, the top line
will move and will kill the self line.

Result: In month h, his supervisor requested him to deliver a document to Fu-Zou. His
body was found in the middle of the road in month m. Although the self line did turn into a
healthy K s lucky star, K s has been struck out by the date y. So the lucky star K s actually
doesn't exist. People who don't believe the words of God deserve to die.

When ever someone casts a sign asking about safety, it's always unlucky to see a moving
line, the date, or the month killing the self line. The most unlucky sign is when the R is
killing the self line. R represents a robber, a ghost, a dead person, something scary, etc. If
it's a fire R, watch out for fire. If it's a water R, do not go near water. If it's a wood R,
someone might bat you with a wooden stick. If it's a metal R, you might die under a
sword. If it's a soil R, do not climb the mountain. If it's a black or white R, you will have
trouble with the police or with a robber. The gray R means lawsuit, and the red R means
fire. Yellow R means jail cell. Although green color is the luckiest color, but what luck do
you have when a green R kills you? A green R means your danger comes from drinking,
pimping, or drug addiction.

Chen and Duay mean tall building or iron. Kan means drowning. Li has to do with fire.
Zen means highway robbers or road accident. Zen also means a trouble from a woman.
Quen and Gen mean danger in the mountains.

Someone had a dream. He dreamt that his whole body is full of blood. So he bath in the
river. He wants to know if there is any danger to his life. He got [Fog] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
c t-V s & yo

6 match
B m -- U P t -- Red
K e - G sh - Grn
G wa -- R s -- Blk
G cn -- J G c -- Wht
B y x B m - Gry
P t - K e - Yel

In this hexagram, the gray B star advances killing the self line. Watch out for robbers or
police. The trouble is wood. "How can I avoid the danger?", the man asked. Wild Crane
replied, "The advancing B and the self line are both in the lower gua. Lower gua is also
called the inner gua. Inner gua means your house. So if the trouble comes from your
house, you should avoid the danger by traveling. The lower gua is Zen. Zen represents
woman trouble." "When should I travel?", the man asked. Wild Crane said, "B star is
your #1 enemy. B star will move in the month of y. So travel far before the month of y
and come back after month y."

Result: The man was skeptical. Then in month y and day h, he slept in his 2nd wife's
room. A robber sneaked in and took all valueables. He was injured by the robber's wooden

It's been raining for almost 10 days. Master Wu tossed the coins asking will there be a
flood. He received [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
wa y-I y&m

Little Storage
B m - Blk
K e - Wht
G wa -- U Gry
R yo G cn - Yel
B y - Red
P t - J Grn

If one is asking about a possible flood, one must see a water R star killing at the self line
because R represents something scary or a trouble. The water P t is the self line. The water
self line is weak. This confirms that there will be no flood. Although the hiding R yo
could come out and produce the self line, it is bounding to the 3rd line thus cannot move.
The hiding R yo is also not connected to the self line in any way. The date is y, and y is a
B star. B represents the wind. This means the wind will blow the rain cloud away soon.

Result: Within 4 hours, the wind blew the rain clouds away. The water started to retreat.
A flood cannot be accumulated.

A woman dreamt of her dead husband. Her husband held her hand and together they
entered the spiritual world. She wants to know if there is any danger to her life. She
tossed the coins and got [Unsettled] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
w h - iV w & wa

Unsettled Arrive
B t -- U P yo --
R sh o B h --
P s -- R c --
B h o J R c --
R c x K m -
K m - G e -

As mentioned, if someone is asking about life safety, the unluckiest kind of sign is the R is
killing the self line. Although the self line h is the same element as the date, it still cannot
bear the attack from so many moving R stars. The self line has received the 5th line R sh
because the 5th line links to the self line. The 2nd line R c pushes the self line toward the
5th line R sh. Beware the month sh, c, or t. In the month of sh, the 5th line moves. In the
month c or t, the 2nd line will move.

Result: This woman died of a hard birth in the month of t.

A man said that he and his brother are not getting along. He tossed the coins asking will
their relationship improve. He got [Zen] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - V sh & h
Zen Duay
6 strike 6 strike
G sh -- J G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
G cn -- U G c --
B y x B m -
P t - K e -

Oh my God! Hexagram kills back! That's deadly. The 2nd line B represents his brother.
The 5th line's powerful R moves and advances killing the brother star. The moving line
looks dangerous. The hexagrams look dangerous. The self line retreats. Wild Crane cried
out, "What is going to happen to you and your brother? Why would God give this kind of
sign? Hey young man. I suggest you to toss the coins once more to ask about your life
safety. This sign looks too deadly to me. I must make you toss the coins once more." The
young man asked, "Do I have to pay you another 5 cents for another sign? Why can't you
just answer my question. I want to know about the relationship between my brother and I."
Wild Crane said, "Listen. Forget about the relationship. It's not important anymore. Let's
toss the coins once more to ask about your life safety."

Result: The young man refused to toss the coins once more because he didn't want to pay
another 5 cents to Wild Crane. In year s, both brothers were murdered by mountain
robbers. His wife has been enslaved by the robbers. The reason why this occured in year s
is because the 5th line R s moved killing the brother star. Another 5 cents could have
saved his life.

A woman dreamt that her dead mother is calling her. She wants to know if she will die
soon. She tossed the coins and got [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s-V y&m

R m - U
P e -
B wa --
K s - J
P w --
B cn --
The self line is K. In ancient text, it stated, "If the self line has a K, all trouble and bad luck
disappear." The self line has a super strong K because both the month and the date are
helping it. Don't worry. That dream of yours meant nothing. You won't die.

Result: Nothing happened to her. The K is the R killer. If someone casts a sign
concerning life safety, R is the prime enemy. K is the savior. If the self line has a strong
K, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. (Unless K turns into a P killing back at

A guy threw the coins asking about his general fortune. He received [Bite] and [Querrel].

Year Month Date Hour
y wa - iV y&m

Bite Querrel
K e - K e -
G wa -- J G wa --
R yo - R yo -
G cn -- G c --
B y x U B m -
P t - K e -

The U line and the J (self line) are the most powerful lines in a hexagram. U moves killing
the self line. U is also an advancing line. That makes it even more powerful. Right now,
y and m are empty, that's why the U line cannot move. But when the month s or yo strikes
the U line's y or m, it will no longer be empty. So in month s or yo, U line will definitely
move hurting the self line. So in the month of s or yo, there is danger. Actually in the
month of y or m, there could also be danger. You should beware. "How can I avoid
danger?", the man asked Wild Crane. Wild Crane answered, "The U line is in the lower
gua. Lower gua is also called 'the inner gua'. That means the trouble is coming from home.
You should take a vacation and travel away from home before the month of s. If nothing
happened in the month of s or yo, something bad will happen in the month of y or m."

Result: The man took a vacation in the month of wa. He traveled away from home. Then
earthquake struck his home. His family members were hurt. He was the only one who had
not a single scratch.
Wild Crane and others were on a boat. The storm has broken one of the sails. A crew
member got scared and tossed the coins. He got [Step].

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - Vi t&c

B sh -
K s - J
P w -
B c --
R m - U
P e -

The self line K is quite strong. Nothing is moving that would hurt the self line. K sitting
on the self line means all worry shall disappear. Don't worry fellow. We will reach the
shore very soon.

Result: They reached the shore hours later.

If the self line and the enemy are both in the upper gua, you should stay home. Upper gua
is also called 'the outer gua'. If the enemy is killing from the outer gua, trouble will come
from outside. If the self line and the enemy are both in the lower gua (inner gua), take a
vacation and travel to avoid the danger which is coming from home.

A wealthy man suspects that his servants are planning to kill him. He threw the coins and
got [Solution] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
wa t - III s & yo

6 strike
G sh -- G sh --
R s -- U R s --
K w - K w -
K w -- G cn --
G cn o J B y --
B y x P t -

The 1st line B y links to the self line B y. The 1st line B is killing the self line. The self
line G turns into B which is killing back at itself. The B is very strong because it is
produced by the date. The B also moves turning into P which produces back at itself. The
danger is very real. B kills the money star G. Your servants are planning to kill you for
your money. There are 2 B stars in this hexagram. That means 2 of your servants are
planning to murder you.

 The 1st line's P t frustration star is repelling away the 3rd line's safety star K w.
This is bad. I strongly suggest you to travel away for awhile.

Result: The man listened to Wild Crane and traveled away. When he came back, 2 of his
servants have already escaped. They were planning to kill the master first then escape. But
since the master was not home, they just took some valueables and ran.

When ever someone asks how to avoid danger from the police, from robbers, from
gangsters, from disease, or from lawsuit, it is always safe to escape to a direction where the
element is producing the self line. If the K line moves in the hexagram, no matter it is
killing or producing the self line, it's always a lucky sign.

The Japanese invaded China. A man threw coins asking where should his family hide. He
got [Chen] and [Big Profit].

Year Month Date Hour
e sh - III w & wa

Big Profit
6 strike
P sh - J R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - B yo -
P cn - U P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

A guy who understands a little bit I-Ching said, "We should escape to the direction of K t,
which is North. Although K is weak, the 5th line B moves producing it. So K t is fine.
The most dangerous direction is South because South is fire. In this hexagram, the robber
star (R) is also fire. The Japanese must be coming from the South." Master Wen said,
"Wrong. The B star moves representing lost of valueable properties. The date e fire is
producing the self line. Fire is South. So escape South for safety!" Everyone believed
Master Wen, so they moved South.

Result: Later, the Japanese came into the village from the North and destroyed or stolen all
of their valueables. The South is fire. In this hexagram, R is fire. R represents a robber or
something scary. But who would care if R is producing the self line? So it's always safe to
escape to the direction where the element is producing the self line. Another reason why
escaping to the South is safe is because South (fire) kills metal, and the enemy in this sign
is the 5th line metal B s.

An I-Ching student threw coins asking if the mountain robbers will come down and rob
them. She got [Arrive] and [Querrel].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - V sh & h

Arrive Querrel
K yo x P e -
G h -- U B wa --
B c x K yo -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -

This student was extremely worried about this sign. Wild Crane asked her, "What are you
worrying about?" She replied, "e, yo, and c. They become the K combo which kills the
self line. The self line is a very weak R. R represents bad luck if one is casting a sign
concerning life safety. How can I not worry?" Wild Crane laughed and said, "What the
hell are you talking about? The U line G h is producing the self line. So the U line
represents your property or your valuables. But it turns into B wa which kills itself back.
That means your property is in danger. But the K combo surrounds the U line's G star and
produces the G star. So the K combo is actually protecting the G star. That means your
property is safe where it is. The K combo is producing the U line and is not killing the self
line because the self line is in the inner gua and the K combo is formed in the outer gua. K
combo produces the U line, which represents your property. And the U line is producing
the self line, which represents you. Where will bad luck come from? Besides, if you see a
healthy K combo, it usually means you will be lucky because the K combo is the lucky

Result: The mountain robbers robbed almost everywhere. But the country side is too big,
and this student's town was untouched. Later she apologized to Wild Crane, "K is the
lucky star. Now I truly believe it. I did not study enough. That's why I took the lucky sign
as an unlucky sign."

If you ask when will you die, you must focus on the strength of the self line. If the self line
is strong, you have long life. If the self line is weak, beware of dying young.

A guy tossed the coins asking how long can he live. He got [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - II

R m -
P e -
B wa -- J
B c --
R m -
P e - U

This man is 53 year-old. The self line is very strong and stable. No problem! You should
come back and toss the coins 20 years later.

20 years later, Wild Crane bumped into this man on the street. The man was still very
healthy. "Do you remember the coin toss when you were 20 years younger?", Wild Crane
asked the man. "Of course! How can I forget.", the man replied and grabbed the coins and
tossed. This time, he got [Break] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
t s m - Vi s & yo

6 match
R y o U K yo --
G t -- G h --
B sh -- B c --
B c -- J B cn --
R m o R y --
P e - G t -

This man is now 73. He knows that he doesn't have too long to live. He is asking how
much time does he still have. So the appointed star is actually the R winner star because
the R star represents possession, power, and control over his own life. The retreating R star
of the 2nd line is linking to the R y of the U line. The R star is retreating meaning that this
man won't live too long. The U line R y moved turning into K yo which bounds to the self
line's B cn. This means the self line received a retreating R star. He shall die.

Result: The man died in the month of s of year wa.

A very sick man knows that he won't live too long. So he tossed the coins asking how long
can he live. He received [Big storage] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e yo - Vi y&m

Big Storage
6 match
R y o K yo --
G t -- U G h --
B sh -- B c --
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

This man asked how long can he live. He didn't ask about his illness. If you ask "When
will I lose my job?", the appointed star is definitely the R star. If the R star is being killed,
you will lose your job. Your life span is similar to a job. If you ask "How long can I stay
alive?", the appointed star should also be the R star because the R star represents your
control over your own life. So the R star does not represent illness. The R star stands for
possession and control. Which means, the R star represents possession and control over
his own life. The self line is an R star. That R star is nobody else but the man himself.
The self line is linked to the 6th line. The 6th line R y moves turning into a K star which
kills back at itself. The K star kills the self line R. Is this what you would call a lucky
sign? I don't think so. Look at the date and the month. The self line R is so weak and
lonely. The Lord made it clear that this man doesn't have too much time to live. Right
now, the 6th line K yo cannot kill back at R y because R y is empty. But year s can strike
with R y. And when R y is being struck, the emptiness will be fulfilled allowing K yo to
kill back at R y. So year s is the time of death.

Result: This man died on the first day of year s.

You can also toss the coins asking for the safety of your
If you discover that your uncle will soon die, tell him to beware the danger. If you detected
danger for your old grandmother, make her stay home when the danger is about to strike or
make her wear the Immortality Device in order to extend her life.

A man tossed the coins asking when will his mother die. God showed him [Strong] and

Year Month Date Hour
c t - Vii cn & e

6 strike
B sh -- K yo --
K s -- G h --
P w o J B c --
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

If one asks about the life span of a parent, the G star is the enemy because G kills the P
parent star. In this sign, G t is quite healthy because it is the same element as the date.

 If one asks about money, receiving a B money killer means one will lose money.
 If one asks about a parent's life span, receiving a G star means one will lose a
 The U line's G t moved turning into B c which links to the self line. This means the
self line has received G t. This means his mother's life span is not long.
 The mother probably will die in year t because the U line G t will move in year t.

Result: Wild Crane was right. The mother died in year t.

Let's say you are asking when will your parent die. If
the helper line does not move, there is no big deal. But
if the helper line moves, a future year which strikes at
the helper line is the death year.
A man asked when will his grandmother die. He got [Cover] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
h yo s - Vii t&c

Cover Separate
P y - P m -
R t x B e -
K sh -- J K wa --
B w -- B w --
K cn - K cn -
P y -- U P y --

 The U line P y represents his grandmother. The grandmother star is dead. This
means her health is very poor.
 The helper is the 5th line R t because R t moves producing the P star.
 The 5th line R t will be struck loose in year w. So the grandmother cannot live
through year w.
 Although year h can also strike with the 5th line B e, the 5th line cannot be struck
loose in year h because the 5th line G t will still be empty in year h. If the 5th line
is still empty, nothing can hurt the 5th line. But the 5th line G t won't be empty
anymore after year t. Therefore, only year w can strike the 5th line loose.

Result: The grandmother died in year w. If the helper line R t did not move, there is no
big deal. But if the helper line moved, God has already planned a schedule for her death.
And when the helper has been struck or has been killed by another moving line, the
grandmother shall be taken away by God. So the helper line is the root, and the appointed
star is the stem. If the root has been removed, the stem cannot survive.

You can also use this rule to determine when will a certain person leave you. I tossed the
coins once asking when will a certain girl leave home for college. The helper line K m
moved producing the G woman star. So I concluded that she will leave in month yo
because month yo will strike out the moving K m. And she did leave in month yo.

A man asked will his grandmother die soon. He got [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
m y - III sh & h

R m -
P e -
B wa -- J
B c --
R m -
P e - U

The parent stars are very strong. Don't worry. She will have a very long life.

Result: She lived a long life.

A boy asked will his grandmother enjoy a long life. He tossed the coins and got [Bride]
and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
c t - Vii cn & e

6 match
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w - P c --
P c -- J P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -

The self line P c is the appointed star. The enemy is the 2nd line's retreating G star. Your
grandmother is probably in some kind of life threatening danger because the enemy star

 "She is sick in bed right now, so she cannot come today." the boy answered. Wild
Crane continued, "But luckily, the enemy G m moves and retreats. The parent star
P c is advancing and is quite healthy. This means she shall soon recover. She will
live through this danger."

Result: The grandmother recovered from her illness.

Love and Marriage

R represents a boyfriend or a husband. G represents a girlfriend or a wife. U
represents his/her feeling.

Relationship signs are actually the most complicated of all types of signs. So I
cannot give you a generalization of what the stars mean. You just have to read
this chapter to get a feel of things.

A girl threw the coins asking when can she get married. She got [Well] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e yo - Viii t&c

Well Rise
P t -- R yo --
G sh o J P h --
R s -- G c --
R yo - R yo -
P h - U P h -
G c -- G c --
The self line G has moved and turned into P star. P represents "happening". If you ask,
"When will it happen?", P probably is your appointed star because P represents happening,
a news, an action, etc. G turning into P means she will definitely get married. The self line
sh moved and turned into P. So in the month of sh, you will get married.

Result: As predicted, she got married in the month of sh.

I tossed the coins asking God if I can meet a certain girl in month y. God gave me [Rot]
and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
c w-I w & wa

Rot Rise
B y o U R yo --
P t -- P h --
G sh -- G c --
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

This sign could not have been clearer. The B y loneliness star will move in month y to link
to the self line. Yes I will be lonely in month y.

Then I tossed the coins again asking can I meet her in month cn. I got [Abide] and [Little

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - iV cn & e

Abide Little Much

G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn x J R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o G cn --

If one asks about money or business, the R star is a friend. But when a man asks about a
woman, the R star is an enemy. If you ask about money, the R star represents success. But
when a man asks about a girl, the R star can only represent a competitor or another man. In
this sign, the 5th line R star moved bounding to the self line. Although the 5th line R star is
retreating, it cannot retreat because the self ine is bounding and producing it. And they are
only 2 lines apart. So the self line has lots of energy to prevent the R star from retreating.
The self line receives an enemy R star. I got competition. This sign is bad.

Result: I never met that girl again.

Let's say you are a man who tosses the coins asking about a woman. If you see the G
woman star moving and turning into an R star, that woman is affiliating with another man
without a doubt, even if the R star is the same as the R star on the self line.

For example:

A man is asking a woman out on a trip. They are not lovers yet, but the man hopes that this
trip can bring them closer together. He tossed the coins and asked is she interested in more
than just a friendship. He got [Rot] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
s cn - III t&c

Rot Cup
B y - U K e -
P t -- G wa --
G sh x R yo -
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

If this question is about money, this would have been a great sign because the money star G
sh moves turning into R yo which links to the self line R yo. That means the money is
coming. But too bad that this question is about a woman. In love related questions,
whenever a G woman star moves turning into an R star, she is meeting another man. And
most likely, she will belong to another man. Even if the 4th line R yo is linking to the self
line, it won't help.
Result: He told me, "That's right! She does have a boyfriend, but they are living apart and
are not getting along well." But based on my experience, this kind of sign can only mean
that the girl will go back to her boyfriend. Then few days later, he said that the girl went
back to her boyfriend.

A woman tossed the coins asking will her marriage last. She received [Need] and [Too
much] from God.

Year Month Date Hour
e h - II s & yo

Need Too much

G t -- B wa --
B sh - K yo -
K s x J G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

If a woman asks about love, all G stars or combos that favor G stars are enemies. In this
hexagram, the 1st line and the 2nd line form a 'yhtc combo'. And we all know that the G
star in this combo is the ultimate winner.

 Empty K s loser self line also moves turning into another enemy G h. She got
competition all right. The self line K s already indicates that she will lose her man
since K kills the husband star R.
 Right now, the self line cannot reach the enemy star G h yet. But when the
emptiness fulfills in month s or in month y, she will lose her man.

Result: Later, Wild Crane met this woman on the street and asked her about the outcome.
She told Wild Crane that they divorced in the month of y. Her husband married another
woman in the month of wa.

I get this kind of sing a lot! A single hexagram with the U line G star producing the self
line R. One day, I tossed the coins asking will Francheska go out with me. I got [Big

Year Month Date Hour Empty

y y-I y&m

R y -
G t -- U
B sh --
B cn -
R y - J
G t -

Trust me, if you are a man and you see the U line G t is producing the self line, you got no
chance with this woman. I got this kind of sign too many times. It's a no brainers. I know
it's kind of weird; Isn't a G girl star producing the self line a good sign? Well, I think in this
case, when a man tosses the coins asking will a girl go out with him, the R star represents
trouble, and the G star that produces the R star made the situation even more troublesome.
The R star in this sign does not represent you but represent trouble.

Some guy asked when will he have a girlfriend. He got [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour
w yo - II w & wa

B y -
P t --
G sh -- J
G cn --
B y --
P t - U

The G woman stars are producing the date yo. That means girls are going away to chase
after another man. Not a good sign.

The guy took the coins and tossed again. This time, he got [Difficulty] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour
wa yo - II w & wa

Difficulty Humble
K t -- B yo --
P sh o K h --
B s -- J P c --
B s - B s -
G m R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

First sign indicates that you will stay single for many years. This sign indicates that you
might have some luck in year sh. In year sh, the 5th line's P sh frustration star will turn into
a happiness star.

Result: The man stayed single for many years. But later he got a girlfriend for a very short
time in year h.

A man asked, "Is my girlfriend having an affair with somebody else?", and he received
[Revolution] and [Step].

Year Month Date Hour
t w-V t&c

Revolution Step
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
G w B h o R c --
R c x K m -
K m - U G e -

The 3rd line B h repels away the 1st line G e. You are losing her.

 The enemy star R wa moves and advances bounding to the self line. Yeah, there is
trouble ahead. But right now, R wa cannot move because its bounding to the date
w. But on day t, the enemy R wa will reach the self line.
Result: He began to lose her on day t as his girlfriend told him the truth on that day.

My aunt tossed the coins asking will she and her boyfriend's relationship last. She got
[Shun] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Vi w & wa

6 strike
B m - J K e -
K e o G wa --
G wa x R yo -
R yo - U R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

6 strike on the 1st toss. No hope. The self line is also repelling away the 4th line R yo.
Right now, the 4th line cannot be repelled away because the 4th line G wa has been struck
loose by the date. But in month w or month wa, the husband star R yo will be gone!

Result: In month w, my aunt bragged that her boyfriend is treating her very kindly. She
said that my prediction must be wrong because she sees no sign which hints that her
boyfriend will ever leave her. I said, "Month wa is just a few days away. Please wait until
month wa before you speak." Then, in month wa, she told me that her boyfriend all of a
sudden told her that they were not meant for each other. So she was dumped by her
boyfriend in month wa. She later found out that her boyfriend dumped her for another

I like this girl Elsa a lot. So I tossed the coins asking when will I meet Elsa again. I got
[Hide]. I expected to meet her within 10 days.

Year Month Date Hour
wa t-I t&c
P sh -
B s - U
R w -
B s -
G y R w -- J
P cn --

A strong G hiding under the self line. G woman star produces the self line R. On day y, G
y will appear. So Elsa will appear on day y!

 I know that I said if a G girl star produces the self line's R trouble star, it's a bad
sign. But in this case, I am not asking for a relationship nor am I asking can I date a
certain girl. In this sign, I simply was asking when will I meet this girl again. See,
my friend and I meet her quite often. Either at a friend's house or at a restaurant.
So it's not very hard to see her. So the G star producing the self line R star no
longer is a bad sign. The G star therefore represents the girl. And the girl shall
appear when G star moves or comes out of hiding.

Result: On day y, my friend and I decided not to go to my brothers house, so we can't meet
her on that day. I thought that's pretty strange. How can the hexagram be wrong? G y is
pretty strong, and it is producing the self line. Is God telling me a lie? Then all of a
sudden, someone knocked on my door. I opened the door, and there she was. She came to
surprise my friend and me. Did God lie? No!

I was fighting over a girl named Elsa with my best friend. I threw coins and asked, "Will I
have sex with Elsa?" I got [Return] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
cn t - iX y&m

K yo - - B sh - -
G h - - K s - -
B c X U P w - U
B cn - - R m - -
R y - - P e - -
G t O J B wa - - J
6 match 6 match

The U line B c moved turning into P w which bounds to the self line's B wa. This means
the self line has received the B star. The B star is the woman killer. Right now, both J and
U cannot move because they are both bounding to the date t. But in month w, both J and U
shall move. Elsa will reject me in month w. The double 6 match in this sign means

Result: She went to LA for college. We only met once in month w before she left for
school. I didn't have sex with her.

I tossed the coins asking when will I meet a girl who I like very much. God gave me
[Revolution] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
m t-V w & wa

6 strike
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h - J B h -
B h o R c --
R c x K m -
K m - U G e -

The 3rd line B h repels away the girl star G e.

Result: I didn't meet her.

A guy tossed the coins asking will a girl who he likes become his girlfriend. The Lord gave
him [Consolidate] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y w - III y&m

Consolidate Zen
6 match 6 strike
R y o B sh --
G t -- K s --
B sh x U P w -
G h o B cn --
B c -- R y --
R m - J G t -

The self line R m turns into G t. The 1st line represents now. You and that girl are cool

 But the 3rd line's G h got killed back. The 3rd line G h is the appointed woman star
because at least it moved. The 3rd line represents the future. In the future, you and
her have no hope.
 The outer gua has a strong P frustration combo which also bounds to the self line.
Things will get ugly.

Result: The man told me that she threatens to call the police if he continues to bother her.
They never became lovers at the end.

A guy asked about his marriage. God gave him [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
yo e - Viii s & yo

6 match
K yo -- U
G h --
B c --
B cn - J
R y -
G t -

The self line is B. B is the wife killer. That's not a good sign. The wife star is not
connected to the self line in any way. The wife star is strong, but that doesn't mean a thing.
The date is striking at the wife star G h. The wife star is very unstable, meaning she fools
around a lot. You can't win her heart back because the Lord doesn't want you guys to be
Result: This man begged Wild Crane to allow him to toss a few more times. Then he
tossed more than 10 times. Each time he tossed, the Lord gave him either a retreating wife
star, a healthy B star sitting on the self line, or a 6 strike. Then he and his wife divorced.

I like a teenage girl a lot. I tossed the coins asking can I date Yuko (the teenage girl). God
gave me [Return] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
e m h-X t&c

6 match
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- K s --
B c x U P w -
B cn -- B c --
R y x R m -
G t - J P e -

Both J and U are empty on the 1st toss. There is no way for me to date her. The 2nd line R
y moves and advances. And worst of all, the 2nd line's R star appears in the middle of J
and U. Therefore, the 2nd line's R star represents another guy who will appear between me
and the girl. When you see stuff like this, you know that she will have another boyfriend.
The U line's strong B moves and kills the self line's woman star. There is no way for me to
date her.

Result: I never dated her. Then one of my friends told me that Yuko found a boyfriend.

A man asked can he date and have sex with a certain girl, and God gave him [Big storage]
and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - I sh & h

Big Storage Separate

R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn o P w --
R y - J B cn -
G t o R y --

The 1st line's G t repelled away the 3rd line's frustration star. This is a good sign.

 Usually if a man asks can he date a certain woman, the G star producing the self
line's R trouble star is a bad sign. but in this case, the G t star also repelled away the
P w frustration star. So something good will happen. Plus both the month and the
date are killing the G t star. So G t cannot produce the trouble star R y too much
anyways. I think there is progress.

Result: He met that girl on day t and had a dinner. But they never had sex later. The
reason why he met that girl on day t is because the U line G t moved producing the self
line, or the 1st line G t moved repelling away the P w frustration star.

A woman divorced her husband. But after awhile, she felt lonely and asked if she and her
husband can reunite. She tossed the coins and got [Li] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
wa e - iV t&c

Li Travel
6 strike 6 match
B e - J B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - G yo - U
R h - U G s -
K c -- B w --
P m o K cn -- J

6 strike turns into 6 match. That means first hate, and then love. First separate, and then
reunite. The first line's frustration star P m moved turning into joy. So there is good news
in month m.
Result: In the month of m, they remarried. Why in the month of m? Well, look at the 1st
line! P m is a moving line. So in the month of m, P m turned into a happiness star K cn.

A man wants to marry a girl. He tossed the coins asking will their marriage last. He got
[Travel] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
sh m-X cn & e

6 match
B e o R t --
K wa x K sh -
G yo o U G s --
G s - G s -
B w -- B w --
K cn -- J K cn --

The U line G yo moves and bounds to the self line. The man gets the girl. The self line is
not a trouble star R but a joy star K. So this is a good sign.

 The top line B e got killed back and therefore cannot produce the 5th line K wa.
The 5th line thus has no power to prevent the U line's G yo from retreating. So G
yo will retreat. This marriage won't last.
 But the struck loose G yo will regain strength in month cn though.

Result: They got married in month cn, but their marriage didn't last very long.

A woman tossed the coins asking about her boyfriend. When can they get married? She
got [Revolution] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y-V s & yo

Revolution Same
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

I said to her, "J produces U. You love him very much. The R star moves and bounds to the
element G w which the self line has turned into. You guys are already talking about
marriage." "Yes. That's right.", she replied. The 6th line R advances. R represents
husband or boyfriend. If R advances bounding to the self line, it means that your boyfriend
will propose. I think you guys will get married in month e or in month w. In month e, e
strikes the self line B h causing B h to move and to turn into G w which bounds to the top
line R wa. In month w, the top line R wa moves bounding to the self line G w. The top
line can also move in the month of wa.

Result: The couple got married in the month of wa.

I tossed the coins asking will I be able to talk to Elsa today. I got [Travel] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
wa sh - III w & wa

Travel Gen
6 match 6 strike
B e - P y -
K wa -- R t --
G yo o U K sh --
G s - G s -
B w -- B w --
K cn -- J K cn --

It's a 6 match turning into a 6 strike. So does that mean I can't speak to her today? But
wait! The date sh is striking the self line cn, so self line cn is actually moving. The 4th line
G represents Elsa. G star moves bounding to the self line, and self line is also moving
bounding to the G star. No problem! I will definitely talk to her today. Why today?
Because today is sh, and sh is striking the self line cn so that self line cn will bound to the
G star. So today is the day which I shall talk to her. But since the G star has turned into K
sh which strikes with the self line, in the month of sh, Elsa will be gone! (Striking means

 See this is a good sign because the G star moves bounding to the self line's joy star
K cn. If the self line is a trouble star R and the G star moves producing the self line,
then something bad will happen, or the relationship will not be successful.

Result: She called me on that day. She went to LA for college in the month of yo. So
from the month of sh, I didn't see her anymore.

Important: For men only!

If you toss the coins asking about a girl that you like, the hexagram [Queen] means she is a
bitch! That's what the ancient text said. At first I didn't believe it. But after doing several
readings concerning marriage and love, I found that statement to be true.

For example: A man tossed the coins asking will his marriage be a successful one. He is
not married yet, but he will soon. He got [Queen] and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour
yo m - iV sh & h

Queen Lawsuit
P sh - P sh
B s - B s
R w - U R w J
B yo o R w
Gy K h - P cn
P c -- J G y U

 The self line's P c frustration star is in trouble because it got killed back by G y.
This is good.
 But too bad that the 3rd line's moving R w is rescuing the self line's troubled
frustration star. Frustration will not die down thanks to the 3rd line's R w.
 Ancient saints say that the hexagram [Queen] symbolizes a bitch. That's not good.

Result: He didn't listen to me. He married her. Within 10 days prior to their wedding, the
husband filed for a divorce. The wife took away half of his house plus many valuables.
When the wife moved out of the house, she made a terrible mess. The reason why she has
also costed him lots of money is because the U line is linked to a strong moving B star. B
star is also the money killer.

A woman tossed the coins asking about her marriage. She got [Intercourse] and

Year Month Date Hour
w h - Viii y&m

Intercourse Combine
P wa -- U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
B s o J G m --
G m R w -- R e --
P cn -- P wa --

The self line moved and got a G m competition star. that's not good.

Result: Right after she did this reading, she and her husband started to fight. In the year
w, they divorced.

A man asked will a girl who he likes become his girlfriend. He got [Solution] and

Year Month Date Hour
w wa e-X w & wa

Solution - 40 Wonderful - 11

G sh - - R yo - - wht
R s - - U P h - - gry
K w O G c - - yel
K w X G cn - red
G cn - J B y - grn
P t B y X P t - blk
6 Match

The 1st line's P frustration star repels away the 3rd line's K w loser star. The 4th line G c
moves killing the 5th line P h frustration star. But too bad that the 5th line P h is being
produced by the 5th line R s. So frustration remains.

 None of these stars are helping. Is frustration better than a loser? I think this is just
a fantacy of yours. She is far from being your girlfriend. She probably doesn't even
think much of you. Don't waste time.

Result: The guy who tossed the coins told me that he has somehow offended this girl, and
now the girl hates him.

I tossed the coins asking on which day will I meet Elsa, the girl who I like. I got [Extreme]
and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
cn h - Vi cn & e

Extreme Too Much

B wa -- B wa --
K yo - J K yo -
G h - G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - U G h -
G t o B c --

The 1st and the 2nd line form a 'yhtc combo'. In this combo, the R y is the ultimate
winner. But R y is not the self line. So is R y a friend or an enemy?

 In this case, I am expecting to see a girl. I am not asking for a relationship. So the
G star moving should mean she will appear.

Result: Elsa came to my house on day t, and at hour c. If the money star G t does not
produce the self line, no money shall be lost.

When tossing coins asking about money, the G star is the main character. If G money star
produces the self line R, you will earn money. If G star is strong, but it is producing the U
line, somebody else earns money. You don't earn anything. The K star is also important
because K star is the one which produces the money. If K star is hurt, money is hard to
come. But if the self line is K, you will lose money. Why? Because K produces money.
If the self line is K, you become the one who's pouring out the money.

The most dangerous star is the B star. If B star moves killing your money star, do not

Master Liang-Han said the R star represents customers. But based on my experience, if
you own an online business or a mail order business, the R star does not represent
customers. Maybe it's because you never meet people face to face. That's why your
feeling is a little bit different.

A business owner is about to sign a contract with another company. He tossed the coins
asking if everything would turn out successfully. He got [Bride] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y - Vii w & wa

6 strike
P sh -- U P sh --
B s -- B s --
R w - R w -
P c -- J P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -

We got a 6 strike here. The self line is not bounding to the date nor to the month. The self
line turns into P cn which bounds to the month. But that cannot save the situation from the
power of a 6 strike. Only if the element of the self line in the 1st hexagram is bounding to
the date or to the month, the power of a 6 strike can be eliminated. No moving line is
bounding to the self line either. This contract will definitely not be signed! The G money
star moves bounding to the U line. The G money star is closer to the self line, so that
money is your money. Your money moves and bounds to the U line means the people from
the other company is asking you to give them more money. But the 2nd line money star
retreats. That means you refuse to give them more money.
Result: The business owner came back the next day and said to the I-Ching master, "My
God you are incredible! We couldn't sign the contract because now they want 50 - 50
instead of 60 - 40. They wanted us to give them 10% more."

A man said his company will establish a big company in Taiwan. He will be the vice-
president there. He tossed the coins asking about his luck in that new company. He got
[Trapped] and [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e-X w & wa

6 match
P wa -- P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w -- G m --
P cn o R e --
G y -- J P wa --

The self line G money star turns into it's own grave. The self line money star has no
strength, and the U line K is extremely weak. The U line is K. K produces the self line
money. So the U line is the source of the money. But now the source is very weak. So this
new company won't be too successful. The 2nd line P cn moves killing the U line K h, and
the 2nd line R e strikes with the U line K h. The Taiwan branch will cause you lots of
headaches and frustration. By the way, your money is in the East, not in the South. If you
want to earn money, you really should travel East. (His money is in the East because the
money stars are y and m. And y and m are in the East direction.) Or you can go North
because North is water. Water produces your self line's money star.

Result: He went to Taiwan. But the company didn't do too well. He lost a fortune and got
sick over there too. So you see? Not all 6 matches are good. You also need to measure
the strength of the stars. In this hexagram, the money star turning into its own grave
already tells you that something upsetting will happen.

A woman tossed the coins asking about her husband's business. She received [Joy] and
[Rise] from the Lord.
Year Month Date Hour
sh cn - Vii s & yo

6 match
G sh -- R yo -- Gry
R s -- P h -- Yel
K w o U G c -- Red
B m x R yo - Grn
K e x P h - Blk
P t G wa -- J G c -- Wht

If one asks about a company, the U line is the company. The R star is the customers. The
G star is money. A yellow star means old, loyal customers. The 6th line is being struck by
the date. Therefore it is a moving line. It moves producing the 5th line's loyal customers.
The U line moved turning into c which also produces the 5th line R. The month and the
date are both producing the 5th line. Your store must be living completely off of old
customers. The R star s is now empty. In month s when the R star is no longer empty, all
these other elements will start producing the 5th line. So in month s, business shall
increase tremendously. The U line has a red K. K represents employee. Red means this
person is a good talker. The U line's employee star moves turning into c which produces
the 5th line customer star. You have a very good salesperson working in your company.

 The inner gua (lower gua) becomes a gua strikes back. Inner means inside the
company. When you see this kind of stuff, you know that the partners are fighting.
Green means blood related. The 3rd line's green R yo is your husband. It is
striking with the B star. B star represents the partner(s). Last month was the month
of yo. So last month, your husband and his partner(s) were fighting.

"Right! That's why I am here asking about the company.", the woman replied.

 The 2nd line has a K star. K means employees, and it has the element e. This
month is sh. Next month is h. Next month, the month's element h strikes with the
2nd line's K e. Some employees will either be fired or quit.

Result: In the month of h, 4 employees quit their jobs.

A man is about to bet on a basketball game. He tossed the coins asking should he put his
bets on a certain team, and he received [Hollow] and [Cover].
Year Month Date Hour
h sh - V cn & e

Hollow Cover
R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- P w --
R m - B cn -
P e o U R y --

The self line's money star killer B wa advances. If the U line P e produces the self line, he
will lose even more money because his self line's B star will become even stronger. But P e
won't produce the self line because the U line's P e links to the 5th line's P e, which has
been killed back by G t. So P e is out of the picture.

 P e got killed back by G t. So P e cannot produce the self line's advancing B star
anymore. So he won't lose money after all.
 But look at the U line. The U line's P e got produced back by a healthy R y. So the
troubled P e has been rescued by R y. That means P e still has the ability to produce
the self line's advancing B star. If I were you, I won't place this bet. This is too

Result: He didn't place a bet because he trusted this sign. And the team he thought about
betting lost the game.

A guy tossed the coins asking when can he speak to his business partner about money. He
expected to speak to his partner within 3 days. He got [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - III t&c

P t --
G sh - J
R s --
R yo -
P h - U
G c --

This is a single hexagram. Based on a single hexagram's law, the self line that has been
struck by the date is what you shall get. The G sh money star sits on the self line and has
been struck by the date. So this man definitely will receive some money or will hear a
good news concerning money.

 He could receive a good news today because the self line G sh has been struck
today. (day cn)
 He could receive a good news on day sh because the self line G sh could move on
day sh.

The man tossed the coins again and got [Wonderful] and [Quarrel].

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - III t&c

6 match
K yo x U P e -
G h -- B wa --
B c x K yo -
B cn o J B c --
R y - R m -
G t - P e -

The U line represents the partner, and the self line is himself. The U line moves bounding
to the self line, and the self line moves bounding to the U line. When 2 lines move and
bound to each other, things will happen immediately. He could talk to his partner on day
sh. Why? Because the date ( cn ) is bounding to both the self line and the U line. Day sh
can strike open the bondages causing the lines to move and bound to each other. But he
could also talk to his partner today. Why? Because today is day cn. The self line is cn,
and it moves on day cn. The U line is yo, and it could also move on day cn.

Result: His partner phoned him and talked to him about money right after he tossed the
coins. So it happened on day cn.
Mr. Hapoel is very new to Dynamic Java Server Pages (DJSP), and he has built a new
utility using this new tool and will offer it to a big client. Will he get paid for the job? He
tossed the coins and got [Kan] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
y w - III y&m

6 strike
B t x J K y -
R sh o B t --
P s -- R sh --
G w -- U G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is
permanent. Sometimes if a person gets a 6 strike, he has to wait for a little bit longer for
things to happen. But in this case, he will not be paid. Why? Because the self line moved
and turned into the K loser star. The loser star means he won't be paid.

Result: His client found lots of bugs in his new program. So he was never paid for it.

Someone asked if he can earn good money by selling paper lanterns. He got [Family] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn m - II t&c

B m - B y -
K e O U P t - -
G wa - - G sh - - U
P h - P h -
G c - - J G c - -
B m - B m - J

The U line's K e loser star moved turning into P t which bounds to the self line. This
means the self line just received a loser star. The U line's K e cannot represent happiness in
this case because this man is not worried at all. So the U line's K e must be a real loser
star. Wild Crane requested the man to throw the coins once more. This time, the man got
[Quarrel] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
cn m - II t&c
P e - R y - U
G t B wa - - G t - -
K yo O J B sh - -
B c - - B c - - J
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

After Wild Crane has viewed this hexagram, Wild Crane told the man, "You will not profit.
Don't waste your energy." The man asked Wild Crane to explain. Wild Crane explained,
"The self line still has a loser star. The money star G t is weak and is hiding."

Result: The man tried to earn that money, but it truly was a waste of time.

If the B star turns into an R star, you can earn money.

A man tossed the coins asking when will his company earn 1 million Chinese Yuan a year.
He got [Hurt] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - II w & wa

6 strike
P yo -- R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x J G w -
B h o R cn --
R c -- K y --
K m - U B t -

There is a 6 strike. But luckily, the date strikes the U line causing the U line to move. U
line moves turning into B t which bounds to the self line R c. So the power of the 6 strike
is eliminated. The 3rd line's B h turns into R cn. This means his company will earn 1
million a year in the future. Right now, the 3rd line's R cn is bounding to the date. So the
3rd line cannot move yet. But in year sh, sh strikes the 3rd line's R cn and breaks the
bondage. That's the time the B star can be killed by the R star. So in year sh, his company
will do 1 million a year. Although the money star is weak and empty, as long as the B star
turns into an R, he still will earn money when the time comes.

Result: His company was doing 1 million a year starting in the year of sh. You see? If the
B star turns into an R, you still can earn money. I think this has to do with the person's
mentality. Maybe when this man tossed the coins, he felt that his company is not doing
very well. He wanted to know when will his business improve. B represents lost of
money, and R represents 'You got something'. So when lost of money transforms into 'You
got something', his company does 1 million a year.

A man asked God will he become successful if he goes back to China to start a business.
He got [Break] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
w m - Viii w & wa

6 match
R y - U P e - Gry
G t -- B wa -- Yel
B sh x K yo - Red
B c x J K s - Grn
R m o P w -- Blk
P e o B cn -- Wht

Forget about business. If one asks about business or about money, what's the most
important star? The G money star of course. Now why is the 5th line's G money star so
weak? You can quit dreaming. The self line moves turning into K s, and the 4th line B sh
moves turning into K yo. The K stars are killing the R winner star. The self line turns into
K s which strikes with the U line's R y. U line represents the place where you want to go.
So U line is China. If the self line moves turning into K s which strikes with the U line,
you hate China. A yellow G represents your girlfriend. Your girlfriend G t is producing
the U line China. She likes China. The self line c moved bounding to the 5th line yellow
G. The reason why you make this move is because you are doing this in order to please
your girlfriend.
"Master! That's right! I don't really like China. She's the one who wants to go back there.
Will this affect our relationship?", the man replied.

 The 4th line red B moved. Red B means argument or fighting. You guys have been
arguing about this. But luckily, the 4th line B moved turning into yo. And the date
m is striking it. The 4th line has been struck loose, so the argument won't continue
for long. Although the 5th line's girlfriend is producing the U line China, the 5th
line girlfriend is not a moving line. That means she is only thinking about
returning, but she won't insist on it. So just don't listen to her. China is not for you.
 The 2nd line R is moving turning into P which produces the self line. R represents
a job or a position. P represents hard work. I think you will soon get a job. Right
now, 2nd line's P w is empty. So the 2nd line cannot move. But in month w, the
emptiness will be fulfilled. That's the time the 2nd line will move to produce the
self line. So God is saying that in month w he will grant you a new job. The 2nd
line's R and P are in the lower gua. Lower gua is also called the inner gua. Inner
gua means this new job site is somewhere in your home town. So you will not go
back to China.

Result: He was introduced by a friend to a new job in month w. They didn't go back to
China, but the girlfriend didn't give him any trouble.

My web site is down again. So I tossed the coins asking when will my site be back up. I
expected my site to be back up within a day. I got [Hollow] and [Step].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo - iV cn & e

Hollow Step
R m - B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x J P w -
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The self line B wa moves turning into P w which bounds back at itself. P represents
'Something happening'. So I guess my site will be back up at the hour of w or wa. But
sometimes when you ask God at what hour will your site be back up, God will show you on
which day it will be back up. Which means, the self line B wa moves could mean that my
site won't be back up until day wa. But since day wa is 10 days away, that's quite

Anyway, I tossed the coins again and got [Unsettled] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo - iV cn & e

6 strike
B e o U K wa --
K wa x G yo -
G yo - R h -
B w -- J K c --
K cn - P m -
P y x B e -

Although there is a 6 strike, the 5th line K wa moves bounding to the self line. So the
power of the 6 strike is eliminated. The 1st line P star moves to produce the self line. P
represents 'Something happening'. But right now, the 1st line B e is empty. So at hour e,
my site should be back up. The U line B e also moves turning into K wa which bounds to
the self line. K represents happiness. If a K star moves and bounds to the self line, I shall
become happy. That's another indication stating that my site shall be back up at hour e.
But why does the first sign tell me that my site will be back up at hour w or wa? The
reason is hour e and hour w are just one hour of difference. I say these two signs are close

Result: My site went back up at hour e.

Some lady asked will she earn big money if she opens up a restaurant with her sister. She
got [Bite] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
h yo - X sh & h

Bite Abide
K e o G wa -- Wht
G wa x J R yo - Gry
R yo - P h - Yel
G cn -- G cn -- Red
B y -- U B y -- Grn
P t - P t - Blk

The top line's K star moves producing the self line's money star. The self line moves
producing the R customer star. The R customer star is so strong because it is the same
element as the date. I bet if you open up this restaurant, people will line up to the door.
The U line is your opponent. U line has a green B. Green means blood related. B means
your sister. So the U line represents your own sister. Your sister B y bounds to the month
h. When a star bounds to the month or to the date, this person is not interested in what you
are doing. This means she is not really interested in this business. Even if she does invest
now, she will change her mind later. The strong R star also represents a rich sponsor.
Since the self line turned into a strong R star, I think you will find a rich guy who has
money to toss into this restaurant business. The top line K e moves producing the self line's
money star. But it is being struck by the month, so it is quite weak right now. In the month
of e when K e regains its strength, your business shall increase many folds!

Result: Her sister changed her mind and left the partnership before the restaurant even
opened. In the month of e, business increased a lot.

I received a phone call from a mail order catalog company. They said they want to see a
sample of my product. If they think my product fits their product line, they might sell it for
me in their catalog. I tossed the coins asking if my magnetic product (Immortality Device)
can be sold in their mail order catalog. I got [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
wa w - iX s & yo

K t --
P sh -
B s -- J
B s -
G m R w --
P cn -- U
The R star represents someone who has power. So the R star can be a judge or an
examiner. So the R star is the person who will examine my product. The R star w is the
same element as the date. It is killing the self line. No! The examiner will not like my
stuff. If the examiner star R produces the self line, he will favor me. But now he's killing
me. The money star is also an important role here. The money star is buried by the month
and is weak under the date and is hiding under the 2nd line. That means there is no money
to be earned. God is saying that my product won't appear in their catalog.

Result: They never called me back after they received my product.

My business partner owes me money. I tossed the coins asking when will I be able to talk
to him about the money. I got [Rise] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour
c s-I s & yo

Rise Humble
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
G c -- J G c --
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --

The 2nd line's strong P h moves killing the weak K w. P h represents frustration, and K w
represents happiness. The U line's G c links to the self line's G c. So the advancing G c of
the U line is the self line. The 2nd line K w moved to produce the U line's advancing G
star. This means money will increase for me.

But let's toss the coins once more to make sure. I tossed the coins once more, and this time
I got [Touch] and [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
c s-I s & yo
Touch Rot
R m - U R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- B sh --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

The self line K s has just received a strong money star G t through the 5th line's P e. This
is good! The 2nd line's frustration star P w cannot hurt my self line because it got killed
back by G h. This is also very good. The 5th line P e can move on day e, and the 2nd line
P w can move on day w.

Result: My business partner's employee phoned me on day e and on day w. He told me

that they will send me the money right away.

A horse dealer tossed the coins asking can he earn money selling horses in the South. He
got [Cup] and [Big Profit].

Year Month Date Hour
c m - iV sh & h

Cup Big Profit

B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo - K cn -
R h - J P y -
K c x R t -

The horses are pets. Pets are represented by the K star because they are kind of like your
children. You have to take care of them and feed them each day. They will never grow up
and take care of themselves. The 1st line's K star represents the horses. It turned into an R
star which bounds back at itself. What does that mean? The R star represents death. This
means lots of your horses will die on the way to the South. But luckily, the date strikes the
3rd line and the 4th line causing the twin money stars to move. The twin money stars move
producing the self line. You will still earn some money.
Result: Lots of horses did die on the journey. But when he reached the South, the price of
horses were high. He earned some money.

A man tossed the coins asking if he and another guy will become business partners or not.
He got [Abide] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - iV y&m

Abide Little Much

G wa x U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn x J R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o G cn --

The 5th line R represents 'You got something.' The 5th line moved bounding to the self
line. The self line also moved bounding to the 5th line. Although the 5th line retreats, the
self line is bounding to it so it cannot retreat. The U line advances. That means the other
guy is very sincere about this. The self line and the 1st line also form a P combo. P
represents business or a contract. The partnership definitely will be established.

Result: They established a partnership within a few weeks.

If 4 or 5 lines move, lots of trouble ahead.

A man tossed the coins asking about his jewelry shop. He received [Intercourse] and

Year Month Date Hour
t y-V s & yo

Intercourse Hollow
P wa x U G m - Red
B yo - R e - Grn
K h o P wa -- Blk
B s o J P c -- Wht
G m R w x G m - Gry
P cn x R e - Yel

The U line and the 4th line form a strong G money combo. If one asks about a store, the R
star represents the customers. The strong G combo produces the 2nd line R w. R w also
moves turning into G m which produces back at itself. Business is pretty good. But too
bad that the G combo is not connected to the self line B s in any way. The G combo
embraces the U line. The U line must be another person. This other person could be your
business partner. If the G combo embraces the U line, your partner controls the money.
The G combo is linking to the 2nd line because the 2nd line also has G m. The 2nd line R
w kills the self line. This means your partner is earning all of the money. His action is
hurting your feelings.

"That is correct. So will this situation shift in the future?", the man asked.

 The K star could represent employees because the K star is the source of income,
which could be the employees. The 4th line's K star represents the employees. It
turns into a P star which kills back at itself. Some employees will either quit or be
 The self line is empty. Empty means you don't really want your business anymore.
The self line also turns into its own grave. Self line running into the grave means
you basically don't care anymore.
 The Lord is saying that you should leave this company. You should sell your shares
to your partners. If you don't leave, there won't be too much benefit for you
anyway. All you will get is agony and worries.

Result: The man said, "Master. You are a true prophet. What you said makes me feel that
you have seen this story in a movie. Yes! I do plan to sell my shares to my partner. I
really don't profit much if this continues on. I made my plans already before I came to

A man wants to go to a place to sell Chinese medicine. He wants to know if this trip will
be profitable for him. He got [Combine] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
yo yo - Viii t&c
6 strike
P wa -- P sh -- Gry
B yo o U B s -- Yel
K h - R w - Red
G m -- P cn -- Grn
R e -- J G y -- Blk
P wa x K t - Wht

The U line has a yellow B. B represents a friend. Yellow means he is a close friend. So
basically, you are doing business with an old friend.

"Correct.", the man replied.

 The month and the date are killing the money star. There is no profit in this
business what so ever. Although the U line's B star is retreating, the month and the
date still killed your money star. The yellow B star on the U line is your old friend.
Beware that your old friend is setting up a scam!

"No no no. I know my friend. He's a cool guy, and we knew each other for many
years already. He will do anything, but he won't scam my money. That I'm very
sure.", the man said.

 The date strikes the 3rd line G m. G m money star moves producing the self line.
But the 3rd line is so weak, it's almost none existing. So in the month of m or sh,
you will receive a little bit of money. Why in month of m or sh? Because in month
m, the 3rd line will move. In month sh, sh bounds to the 3rd line and will also
cause it to move. I think you will receive some money most likely in month m.
The U line B yo cannot retreat because it is bounding to both the month and the
date. Month m will break their bondage allowing B yo to retreat.
 6 strike means you won't earn money. Although the U line B s could bound to the
self line, a retreating line cannot bound to other lines. So the retreating U line
cannot bound to the self line.

Result: Everything was sold to his old friend, but the old friend refused to release the
money. After being phoned everyday for the money, his old friend finally paid him no
more than one third of the money in the month of m. What did you learn from this lesson?
You must always trust the word of God. Never trust your old friend more than you trust
God. What ever God said will come to pass.

Mr. Hapoel wrote:

 "I am managing a soccer fan site for the leading Israeli team: Hapoel Tel Aviv. I
called an investor that I know wanting to take the site to a new market based on the
International success of Hapoel Tel Aviv. I wrote him a letter, and he promised a
reply by next week."

Mr. Hapoel threw the coins asking will his investor invest in his business. He got [Duay]
and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
c c - Vi w & wa

6 strike
P wa x J G m -
B yo - R e -
K h o P wa --
P c -- U R w --
G m - P cn -
R e o G y --

There is a 6 strike. But since the self line and the 4th line form a G combo, the power of
the 6 strike is eliminated. But too bad that the month and the date are both striking at the
self line P wa. The self line also turns into G m which kills back at itself. P wa represents
document or 'something happening'. In this hexagram, the P star is being severely damaged
by both the month and the date. The U line represents the investor. The U line P c is the
same element as the month and the date. It also turns into R w which produces back at
itself. The U line is very tough. The U line also is striking the self line. This means the
investor is very tough to deal with.

 But the 1st line R e moved turning into G y which bounds to the 4th line K h. This
means the self line's G combo just received an R e winner star. I think the investor
will invest at the end.

I told Mr. Hapoel to toss the coins once more to get a clearer message from God. So he
tossed the coins again and got [Humble] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
c y - Vii w & wa

6 strike
B yo x P sh -
K h x J B s -
P c x R w -
B s - P cn -
R w x U G y -
P cn x K t -

There is a 6 strike in here. But since the self line is bounding to the date, the power of the 6
strike could be eliminated. But too bad that the date is striking the B s which the self line
has turned into. B s represents a friend or a partnership. Now the date is striking at it.
When the date strikes a moving line, that line becomes useless. So the partnership is gone.
In this hexagram, 5 lines moved. Too many lines move is not too good. This means an
agreement is hard to reach. The 4th line P c is linked to the U line, which represents the
investor. The 4th line moves killing the self line means the investor is rejecting his
proposal. The U line R w moves and turns into a very strong money star which produces
back at the R w. This means the investor wants more money. So I told Mr. Hapoel that the
agreement cannot be reached.

Result: Mr. Hapoel later told me that the investor demanded him to make some changes in
the contract before he invests. After changes were made in the contract, the investor signed
the contract.

A man tossed coins asking about his wealth. He got [Commander] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
w m - Viii w & wa

6 match
P yo x U R sh -
B h x P s -
R c x G w -
G w -- J K m --
R cn o G e --
K y -- R wa --

One look at this hexagram, Master Wu could tell this man is very wealthy. The self line
money star is being produced by the date and is the same element as the month. The self
line money star also turns into K which produces back at itself. R represents power,
control, and possession. The 4th line R moves and links to the self line. Only thing bad in
this sign is that the 5th line B star moves turning into P which produces back at itself. The
5th line B star is also quite powerful because the 6th line's powerful P star moves producing
the 5th line B star. The 5th line B h will move in the month h. In the month of h, you will
lose money. The element of the year is even stronger than the element of the month. So in
the year of h, you will lose lots of money. The man asked, "Master. You are very right.
My business boomed, and I became extremely wealthy. But you say I will lose money?
How about if I retire right now? Will I still lose money then?" Master Wu replied, "If you
retire and don't invest in the year h, you will not lose money. In fact, you should retire even
earlier. The U line P yo moves turning into an R star which produces back at itself. The U
line P yo is quite strong, and it moves to produce the enemy star B h. But right now, P yo
is being struck loose by the date. But in year yo, P yo shall be resurrected and shall move
to produce B h. The U line's R sh is also bounding to the date. But in year yo, the bondage
shall be broken allowing the U line to move to produce the B star. You could also lose big
money in year yo."

Result: The man listened to the prophet and retired early.

A man tossed the coins asking about his wealth, and he got [Cup] and [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo y - Vii w & wa

Cup Big Profit

B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo - K cn -
R h - J P y -
K c x R t -

The 1st line K turns into R. If someone asks about wealth, K represents a loser and R
represents a winner. K turns into R means he changed from a Mr. Nobody into a wealthy
big boss. So in the year c, he became rich. This year is m. m strikes the double money
stars yo allowing the money star to move producing the self line R. This year, he has
earned even more money. What a lucky guy.

Result: The man said, "Exactly! I became filthy rich in the year of c. I am doing even
better this year."
Someone owes me money and is hiding from me. I tossed the coins asking when can I
speak to that person, and I got [Intercourse] and [Too much]. I expected to speak to him
within 12 days.

Year Month Date Hour
y sh - iX t&c

Intercourse Too Much

P wa -- U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
B s - J B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- P c --

The R star moved and turned into the K star. R represents 'You got something'. K
represents 'You got nothing'. If the R star turns into the K star, nothing will happen for me.

Result: I didn't talk to him within 12 days.

Some guy asked will he make money from his new project. He got [Revolution] and

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - III t&c

6 match
R wa -- P yo --
P yo o B h --
B h o J R c --
B h o R cn --
R c -- K y --
K m - U B t -
The self line B h moves and turns into R. R represents 'You got something' If the self line
B turns into R, he will earn money. The self line B h is also linked to the 3rd line B h. The
3rd line B h also turns into an R. So he will earn money from 2 places because there are
two R stars. But too bad that the self line and the U line are empty. This is his first toss, so
nothing will happen if J and U are empty in the first toss. He won't make money.

Result: He told me that he is promoting 2 kinds of money making programs on his web
site. So his question was about these 2 money making programs. Few months later, he
quitted his projects without making a cent.

My business web site was down probably due to maintenance. Usually, the web site won't
be down more than 1 or 2 days. I tossed the coins asking when will my site be back up.
The Lord gave me [Feed] and [Quarrel].

Year Month Date Hour
y sh - iX t&c

Feed Quarrel
B y - K e -
P t -- G wa --
G sh x J R yo -
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m -
P t - U K e -

The self line sh moves and turns into the R star. R represents control and possession. If the
self line turns into the R star, I will gain access to my web site again. The self line is sh.
Today is also sh. So today, my web site should be back up.

Result: Few hours later, my web site went back up.

A customer faxed me an order. I processed his order and threw the fax away. But on the
next day, I realized that I forgot to write down his mailing address. I remembered that he
asked me to send the products to the Chemical Engineering department of Universiti
Kebangsaan of Malaysia. So I searched for Universiti Kebangsaan on a search engine and
found its address. Then I sent him the products. But I worried that he might not get the
product. So I tossed the coins and asked, "Did I send to the right address? Will he get the
product? Will the package I sent him be lost in mail so I would need to send it again?" I
got [Feed] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
cn s - Vii t&c

6 strike
B y - K e -
P t -- G wa --
G sh x J R yo -
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -

The 6 strike means he won't receive the product. But luckily, the 3rd line G cn moves
bounding to the self line's R yo. The power of the 6 strike is eliminated. The 3rd line
moves bounding to the self line R yo means somebody will receive the product.

Result: Two weeks later, he emailed me telling me that he received the products.

Let's say you have received a notice telling you that someone is suing you for $2000. If
you think this is ridiculous, you would want to throw the coins asking will this ridiculous
legal case be dropped by the judge. K sitting on the self line means your worry will

If you see G stars move to produce the self line's R star, it does not necessarily mean you
will win or money is coming because the self line's R star could represent trouble. If the G
star moves to produce the self line, the trouble might grow.

But the G star moves bounding to the self line's R star, something good will happen.

Remember that a lawsuit hexagram is complicated because the R star could either represent
trouble or victory. So if you are in fear, you should treat the R star as trouble. If you are
not in fear, then the R star could mean victory. If you are not sure, just toss again.

Some guy threw coins asking about a rediculous lawsuit. He has been notified to appear in
court for a pre-trial. Which means, the judge has not yet decided whether the plaintiff has
the proper reason to apply for a real trial. He wants to know if this will become a real legal
battle. He got [Trapped] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour
w y-I y&m

Trapped Kan
6 match 6 strike
P wa -- K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o U B s --
R w -- R w --
P cn - P cn -
G y -- J G y --

Since this man is not in a legal battle yet, he is asking will the judge drop the case so his
worries will end. In this case, a moving K producing the self line is perfect for him. The U
line K moves producing the self line. The self line money star is strong. This means he
won't lose a cent.

Result: The judge said this is not even a legal matter. So a court trial cannot be held.

Richardo said, "The company I work for has been sued by another company. We are
planning to bargain with them to avoid the trial. So my question is will our opponent
accept an agreement with us and drop the case?" He got [Trade] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
s c - iV s & yo

Trade Strip
B m - U B y -
K e o P t --
G wa -- G sh --
R yo G cn -- J B m --
B y -- K e --
P t o G wa --
Both of my students said that the other side will not agree to drop the case because the self
line G cn turned into a money killer B m which kills back at itself. The 5th line K e also
cannot produce the self line because the 5th line K e has been killed back by P t.

 But what my students didn't see is that the self line's B m is linking to the U line B
m. And the U line B m is a retreating line. This means the self line's B m is also
retreating. So trouble will go away soon.
 Although P t kills back at K e, P t has no power to kill K e because the 5th line P t is
linking to the 1st line's P t, which has been killed back by G wa.
 The 5th line K e is pushing P t (frustration) toward G wa (hope). This is a very
good sign. I say that the other side will agree to drop the case.
 The 5th line P t cannot produce the U line's retreating B star anymore because the
1st line P t got killed back by G wa. That means the retreating B star will not
survive. This is good.

Result: Richardo later said, "The other company has just come to an agreement with us and
has dropped the case. The conditions were very good for my company (not much money to
pay), and the judge will never even know about the case."

If a moving P star produces the self line B star, there is

no danger.
A man has been investigated by the tax collector for evading tax. The tax collector grew
more and more concerned about his abnormal business practices. He asked Wild Crane,
"Will they put me in jail? Will they draft me and make me join the army for seven years?"
He tossed the coins and received [Advance] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s-I s & yo

Advance Difficulty
R e - G y -
P wa -- K t --
B yo o J P sh --
G m -- R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- U G y --
The 2nd line R e represents the tax collector because the R star represents a judge or
someone who has power over your freedom. The 2nd line R e moves turning into P cn
which produces and bounds to the self line B yo. That means the tax collector will not
cause you any harm. In fact, the tax collector will favor you. The self line B yo also moves
turning into a P star which produces itself back. The P star is the parent star. If the P star
produces and bounds to the self line, you will be comforted as a child is being comforted in
his mother's arms. That means nothing can hurt you. Right now, the 2nd line R e is
bounding to the date. But in month h or in month y, the bondage shall be broken allowing
the 2nd line to move. When it moves, you shall receive a good news.

Few days later, this guy went back to Wild Crane and said, "I have just spoken to the tax
collector today, and he sounds very concerned about my tax problem. Please allow me to
toss the coins again just to double check." He tossed the coins again, and God showed him
[Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
yo e-X w & wa

Big Profit
R e - U
P wa --
B yo -
P cn - J
G y -
K t -

The U line R star is the tax collector, and it is producing the self line. There is absolutely
nothing to worry about. If the U line R e produces the self line, how can the tax collector
bring you trouble? In fact, the tax collector will favor you in month h because the U line R
e shall move in month h to produce the self line.

Result: The tax collector canceled the investigation in month h.

I am evicting 2 tenants that live in my house. I tossed the coins asking will the eviction be
successful and got [Cup] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
yo e - II y&m
Cup Advance
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo o P m --
R h o J B e --
K c -- K wa --

At the time I got this hexagram, I was not very experienced in lawsuit questions because I
have never hired an attorney before. So I saw that the 3rd line's strong G yo moves to
produce the self line and thought that this is a very good sign. Lower gua strikes back
indicated that this lawsuit will go back and forth.

Result: It was terrible. The tenants found a good lawyer and sued me back. I could not
sleep well and could not eat right for almost 2 months. Eviction took forever. This lawsuit
related sign proves that a G star producing the self line's R trouble star does not necessarily
mean you will receive some money or something good will happen. It simply means that
your trouble will increase.

A friend checked on my lawyer's credential for me, and my lawyer Mr. Mendez turned out
to be a very bad lawyer. So I tossed the coins asking should I fire this lawyer and hire
another one.

I asked God, "Should I fire the old lawyer Mr. Mendez and hire a new lawyer Mr. Hall?"
And God showed me [Return] and [Revolution]

Year Month Date Hour
sh yo - X sh & h

6 match
K yo -- B wa --
G h x K yo -
B c x U G h -
B cn x G h -
R y -- B c --
G t - J R m -
The two G h stars (3rd and 4th line) move producing the 2nd line's R y trouble star. This is
bad. I am in enough trouble already. If I hire this new lawyer, he will bring me more
trouble. Maybe I should just stick to the old lawyer.

So I tossed again asking should I just stick to the old lawyer Mr. Mendez, and I got [Arrive]
and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
sh yo - X sh & h

Arrive Consume
K yo -- G t --
G h x U B sh -
B c -- K s --
B c x G h -
R m o J B c --
P e - R m -

The U line's G h moved and got killed back by B sh. Then B sh moves bounding to the self
line. This sign means my damage will be limited because G h got killed back and cannot
adequately produce the self line's trouble star. I should stick to the old lawyer.

Result: I didn't fire the old lawyer. And the old lawyer did help me reach a settlement with
the 2 tenants. I lost some money on attorney fees. But at the end they did move out. I was
supposed to pay them $6,500 of moving expense if the 2 tenants move out of my property
on or before January 23rd. But for some reason, they failed to vacate from my property on
time. Therefore, I didn't have to pay them a single cent. So at the end, I won a total victory
by accident. Now come to think of it - If I fired my lawyer at that time, the other side
would have quickly tell that I was very nervous and would have asked me to pay them
more moving expenses. Not firing my lawyer was actually the right choice. The 2 tenants
moved out, and I didn't pay them a single cent because they moved out late. This old
lawyer brought me good luck after all.

I purchased a 30 units apartment building. Right after the building was transferred to me, I
realized that the seller lied about the income of that property. I asked the seller to pay me
back $100,000 and threatened to sue him if he doesn't pay. I tossed the coins asking will
the seller pay me the money immediately without any lawyers involved. I got [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
t h - Vi cn & e

K yo --
G h -- U
B c --
B c --
R m - J
P e -

The U line G h produces the self line R. But the problem is that the self line R represents
trouble because I was asking, " Will the seller give me any trouble?" This sign doesn't
mean the seller will give me money. It simply means there is trouble ahead.

So I tossed once more asking, "Does this sign mean I will receive money or does it mean
more trouble ahead?" I got [Rise] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour
t h - Vi cn & e

Rise Humble
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
G c -- J G c --
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --

The 2nd line K w moves producing the U line's advancing G star. This is good.

 But if you look at it carefully, you will see that the K w has been totally destroyed
since both the month and the date are killing K w. The 2nd line P h also kills K w.
That's 3 enemies against one. No element can survive a 3 against 1 attack. The K
w is complete dead. If K w fails to produce the advancing G star, the G star cannot
advance. This is a bad sign after all.

Result: The seller totally avoided me. So I tossed the coins asking will hiring a lawyer
help me get money from the seller. God showed me [Separate] and [Cover].
Year Month Date Hour
c e - II y&m

Separate Cover
P m - P y -
B e o J R t --
K wa -- K sh --
B w -- B w --
K cn - U K cn -
P y -- P y --

I am not asking stuff like 'Will I get into more trouble?'. I am asking will a lawyer help me
turn the situation around. So in this hexagram, the R star is the power/authority star.

 The self line's B e money killer turned into R t power/authority star. So a lawyer
definitely has the power to make them pay. If the self line moved turning into a K
loser star or a P frustration star, it would have been hopeless.

to be continued

A woman asked, "My home association has sued me, and we had our trial last Monday.
We are waiting for the ruling by the judge. Please tell me, will I win the lawsuit?" She
tossed and got [Commander] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
s e - Vi sh & h

Commander Bride
P yo -- U R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x G w -
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -
The 1st line represents now, and the 4th line represents the future. The R star is the trouble
star. The G star helps the R trouble star.

 The 1st line forms a trap. So there will be trouble in the beginning.
 The 5th line's B h is bring produced back by P s. So the 5th line B h is overheating.
 If an overheating star is being killed, it shall be saved.
 The 3rd line's R c moves killing the overheating B h. This means the 5th line's B h
can move killing the self line's G w.
 If the self line's G w is being attacked, it can no longer produce the R c trouble star.
So there shall be no trouble in the future.

Result: Later, she said, "Thanks Alex. I won the case. The judge has plainly stated that he
believed my testimony over the home association directors. I am indeed very pleased."

I tossed the coins asking will my new web host shut down my site one day. I don't want
any trouble from my new web host. God gave me [Hurt] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - V cn & e

6 match
P yo -- P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- J R c --
B h o R cn --
R c -- K y --
K m - U B t -

The 3rd line is the main feature in this sign. The 3rd line B h moves turning into R cn.
Now what does B h stand for? What does R cn stand for? Usually, the B star represents
lost of wealth because the B star is the money killer. If B h moves turning into R cn which
kills back at itself, I will not lose money? Is that what it means? So the B star is the
enemy, and the R star is my friend? B h will move in month h. So what will happen in
month h? Maybe R cn stands for trouble. But will there be a serious trouble if R cn does
not kill the self line?

Result: My web site account was not canceled in month h. For the entire month of h, I was
in fear that they will cancel my account, but they never did.
A top government official wants to persuade the emperor of China to arrest another
corrupted top government official. He was kind of worried that the corrupted government
official will actually win and endanger his life. He tossed the coins and got [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
e e m - iV sh & h

6 match
B e -
K wa --
G yo - U
G s -
B w --
K cn -- J

The U line represents the enemy. The U line is being struck by the date and is being killed
by the month. The year also is killing the U line. Don't worry. Your enemy's days won't
be long. By the way, the self line has a strong K. K represents happiness. If K sits on the
self line, danger and worry shall disappear.

Result: He persuaded the emperor to arrest the bad guy, and the emperor listened to him
and jailed the corrupted government official. In this case, this man was asking will his
action endanger his own life. He was not really asking who will win. A healthy K sitting
on the self line means there is no danger.

I paid $2000 for advertisement at a popular web site. But I got into an argument with the
web host of that web site, and he took my banner down. I asked him to refund me the
$2000 which I paid for the banner ad, and he said he will write me a check immediately.
But I waited for nearly 3 weeks, and I received no money in my mail box. I called,
emailed, and faxed him, but I received no reply. Apparently, this guy wants to keep the
money and rip me off. He knows that I cannot afford to fly to Arizona and sue him at
Arizona's small claim's court. I had no other good ideas but to use threat. I called him
telling him that if he doesn't give me back my money, I will fly to Arizona and kill him. I
emailed him death threats, and I left death threat messages on his answering machine.
Finally, he emailed me telling me that he will report me to the FBI. I got nervous and
tossed the coins asking will I get into trouble with the FBI. What about my money? Will
he give me back my money? I got [Break] and [Shun].
Year Month Date Hour
e s - Vii t&c

6 strike
R y - U R m -
G t x P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B c x J K yo -
R m - G h -
P e o B c --

The U line represents my enemy. The U line has an advancing R star. That means he will
take action against me. The date is striking at the U line. So the U line is a moving,
advancing line. No doubt. He will contact the FBI. What about my money? The 5th line
money star G t moves and bounds to the moving self line B c. The money star is quite
healthy, and both the money star and the self line are moving bounding to each other.
Seems like I will get my money back after all. Right now, the money star t and the self line
c are both empty. But on day t or day c, I should see a check in my mail box as their
emptiness fulfills. I don't think I will get into trouble with the FBI because the self line
and the 1st line form a very strong K combo. The K combo means 'disappearance of
danger'. If a strong K combo covers the self line, there will be no danger. The K combo
kills the U line's advancing R star. Even if he does contact the FBI, the FBI cannot do
anything to me.

Result: I received the money on day c. Then in month w, two FBI agents visited my
house. They basically told me that I should not make death threats because such action is
considered a crime. They spoke to me for 5 minutes, gave me a warning, and left. Then I
never heard from them again.

If G stars move to produce the self line's R star, your

troubles could increase. But if the G stars move
bounding to the self line's R star, only good things will
A guy has written a book. But it wasn't 100% his authorship. His book also included
resources from few other books. He tossed the coins asking will the authors of other books
sue him once his book became famous. He thinks that he could become famous in year s or
in year yo, and others might sue him in those 2 years. He got [combine] and [Little Much].

Year Month Date Hour
c t - III s & yo

Combine Little Much

P wa -- P sh --
B yo o U B s --
K h - R w -
G m x B s -
R e -- J R w --
P wa -- P cn --

Wild Crane said, "The 3rd line's G m cannot be harmed by the 3rd line B s because the U
line's retreating B star links to the 3rd line's B s. This means the 3rd line's B s is also
retreating. Thus the retreating B s cannot kill back at G m. So G m cannot be harmed."

 This man asked will somebody sue him. The 3rd line G m moves producing the self
line's R trouble star. Not good.
 But luckily, the 3rd line's G m turns into B s which bounds to the self line. The rule
states that if the G star bounds to the self line's R trouble star, only good things will

Result: Nothing happened in year s and year yo because he did not become famous at all.

I am evicting 2 tenants from my property. I hired a bad lawyer who screwed me up in the
1st trial. So now I tossed the coins asking should I continue using this lawyer. I asked,
"Will this lawyer screw up my case even further and bring me more trouble?" God gave
me [Cup] and [Unsettled]:

Year Month Date Hour
yo cn - Vi sh & h

Cup Unsettled
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo o B w --
R h - J K cn -
K c -- P y --

The 3rd line's G yo moved producing the self line's R trouble star. Not good.

 But take a closer look. The 3rd line's G yo moves bounding to the self line's K cn.
If a G star moves bounding to the self line's R trouble star, only good things will

Result: I continued using this same lawyer. He settled the eviction case for me rather
quickly, and the 2 tenants moved out 3 months later. I was supposed to pay them $6,500 of
moving expense if the 2 tenants move out of my property on or before January 23rd. But
for some reason, they failed to vacate from my property on time. Therefore, I didn't have
to pay them a single cent. So at the end, I won a total victory by accident. The coin toss
was right. This lawyer did bring me good luck.

If the G star moves but does not produce an R star,

only good things will happen.
I am evicting 2 tenants from my property. I tossed the coins asking will the lawyer from
the other side end up favoring my case. I got [Lawsuit] and [Zen]:

Year Month Date Hour
yo cn - V sh & h

6 strike
K sh o K sh --
G s o G s --
B w - J B w -
B w -- K cn --
K cn o P y --
P y x U R t -
The top line K sh is empty. Since the entire upper gua duplicated, the entire upper gua is
considered to be empty if only the top line is empty. This means the self line B w is also

 If the self line B w is empty, the 3rd line B w is also empty.

 If the 3rd line is empty, the 2nd line is also empty since they are linked together.
 This means the 2 lines between J and U are empty.
 If your 1st toss is a 6 strike, empty lines between J and U can eliminate the 6 strike.
This means for some reason the lawyer from the other side will favor me at the
 Also the 5th line G s moved but there is no R star. This means only good things
will happen.
 The R star on the 1st line doesn't cound because it's being repelled away by the self
line's B w. Besides, it is on the 2nd hexagram, not on the 1st hexagram.

Result: As I mentioned earlier, they agreed to move out of my house. I was supposed to
pay them $6,500 of moving expense if the 2 tenants move out of my property on or before
January 23rd. But for some reason, they failed to vacate from my property on time.
Therefore, I didn't have to pay them a single cent. Their lawyer failed to remind them to
move out on time.

A man wants to collect debt by suing. He tossed the coins and got [Wonderful] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour
s c - iV s & yo

Wonderful Kan
6 match 6 strike
K yo -- U G t -- Grn
G h x B sh - Blk
B c -- K s -- Wht
B cn o J P w -- Gry
P e R y - B cn - Yel
G t o R y -- Red

The 5th line money star turns into a black B star. Black B represents a con-artist.
Somebody borrowed money from you, but it was a scam. The 5th line money has been
killed by the date and also turned into B which kills back at itself. That person has
borrowed money from you more than once. "That's right. Everything you said is right.",
the man replied.
 The 5th line is the number one bad news because the money star G h got killed back
by B sh. But looks like the self line B cn is repelling away the 5th line B sh. That
means bad news is gone? So there will be good news?
 Unfortunately, the self line's B cn links to the 2nd line's B cn. And the 2nd line's R
y is bounding to the 5th line's G h. So the self line is bounding to the 5th line after
all. Bad news is not completely gone.
 The 1st line G t money star has been repelled away by the self line's P w frustration
star. This is bad.
 The U line is the enemy. It is a green color. Green means your enemy is lucky. U
line yo is also empty. Empty means he simply doesn't care.

Result: He won the case in month e. But by that time, the defendant was no where to be
found. The defendant didn't even show up in court.

I tossed the coins asking will eviction of my 2 tenants be successful on the eviction date,
and God showed me [Big Profit] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s - Vii t&c

Big Profit Finish

R e o U K t --
P wa x P sh -
B yo o B s --
P cn o J P c --
G y - G m -
K t - R e -

The U line's R e got killed back. This means R e cannot produce the 5th line's advancing P
star anymore. And this means the 5th line cannot help the 4th line's B star anymore. So the
4th line's B money killer star will retreat. This is good.

 Unfortunately, the self line's retreating P star also moved bounding to the 4th line's
B star. So the B star can no longer retreat. Something bad will happen on the
eviction day.

I tossed again and got [Lawsuit] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s - Vii t&c

(6 strike)
K sh - B e -
G s o K wa --
B w - J G yo -
B w x R h -
K cn o K c --
P y x U P m -

Okay. This sign is very special. Usually the bottom gua represents now and the top gua
represents the future. But not this sign.

 The 5th line moves bounding to the self line. The self line represents now.
 The action on the lower gua represents the future.
 The lower gua has a 'moving GRK combo'. The 2nd line's K happiness star loses
while the 1st line's frustration star takes control.
 Good now, but bad later.

Result: The 2 tenants hired a good attorney and stopped the eviction process just in time.

If you don't want trouble, a self line turning into a K star

means there is no trouble.
A guy from Spain has purchased two products from me with his credit card, and I shipped
both of them to him already. But a few months later, he emailed me saying that he did not
receive any package from me. He demanded me to give him a refund. This guy is trying to
rip me off. I know that he received the packages but wants me to give him back his money
by claiming that he didn't receive the goods. I of course refused to give him a refund. Then
I immediately tossed the coins asking will he successfully dispute the credit card charge
and get his money back. I got [Queen] and [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
s t - III s & yo

Queen Big Profit

P sh - R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo - P cn -
K h - G y -
P c x J K t -

The self line P c moves turning into a powerful K t which bounds back at itself. The date
is also the lucky star t, and it also bounds to the self line.

 The U line R w moves turning into a strong B star. The 5th line B s moves turning
into P wa which bounds to the U line. So two B stars are linking to the U line, and
B stars are the money killers. So the U line is a very bad news.
 Luckily, the self line's P c and K t repel away the U line completely. (K t repels
away R w, and P c repels away P wa.) The bad news is gone! I shall not lose

Result: I have never heard from him again. I guess he changed his mind.

An R star turning into a K star means you cannot

regain your property.
My web host has shut down my web site because he said I am abusing the internet. I used
to pay him only $20 a month for hosting my site. Now I offer to pay him $150 a month for
hosting my site, but he did not even respond. So I tossed the coins asking will he take my
offer and continue hosting my site for $150 a month. God showed me [Rise] and

Year Month Date Hour
yo s - III cn & e

Rise Commander
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
G c -- J G c --
R yo o K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- U B y --
The 3rd line's powerful R star moves turning into K w which kills back at itself. Forget it.
He will not take my offer. Although the R star is very powerful, it cannot hide from the K
star because the K star is directly killing back at the R star. But since the R star is so
powerful, I definitely will find another reliable host who is willing to host my site.

Result: He didn't take my offer. But on the next day, I found a reliable host who is willing
to tolerate the way how I run my internet business.

Education, Fame, and Glory

If one inquires about education, the rules are very similar to the rules of money and success
inquiries. The U line could be the examiner who checks your test paper. If the U line
moves producing the self line, you can pass. If the U line produces the enemy star which
kills the self line, you will most likely fail. If strong G stars move producing the self line's
R star, you will do well on your exam. It's hard to say in advance what star represents
what. Sometimes, you want to pass an exam which can allow you to find a better paying
job. You mind could be on the money. So a moving G money star means you will pass the
exam. Sometimes, the exam has nothing to do with money. Then the P star or the R star
might become your appointed. The trick is: toss the coins first before you decide what star
represents what.

A young man asked if he can pass the lawyer's exam. He got [Trade] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
yo t - III s & yo

Trade Look
B m - U B m - Grn
K e - K e - Blk
G wa -- G wa -- Wht
G cn -- J B m -- gry
B y -- K e -- Yel
P t o G wa -- Red

The 1st line frustration P star moves turning into the gain star. I think you can pass if you
study hard. But I don't think that becoming a lawyer will bring you a good future. The U
line represents your career in this field. The self line's gain star has been killed back by the
money killer B m, and the U line is also B m. This career is an uphill battle.
The young man tossed the coins again. This time, he asked if he can pass the school
teacher's exam. He received [Rich] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
yo t - III s & yo

6 strike
R sh x G e -
P s -- J R wa --
G w - P yo -
B h - B h -
R c -- U R c --
K m - K m -

The R star moves producing the self line. Fame and power are both present. The hexagram
is a 6 strike, and 6 strike means failure. Although it's a 6 strike, the 6th line R moved
turning into a G star bounding to the self line. If a moving line bounds to the self line, the
power of a 6 strike could be overwhelmed. Right now, the self line is empty. But in month
y, y strikes the self line, and the self line won't be empty anymore. In month y, y strikes the
self line causing the self line to move bounding to the G e which the 6th line has turned
into. When the self line moves bounding to another moving line, the power of the 6 strike
will totally be eliminated. You can take this test. You will hear the good news in month y.

Result: The young man took the test in month t. He saw his name in the passing list in
month y.

If one is not worried, a moving, advancing P star means 'Something will happen'.

A guy threw the coins asking about a civil servant's exam. He got [Rich] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
h sh - III w & wa

Rich Revolution
R sh -- R wa --
P s x J P yo -
G w - B h -
B h - B h -
R c - U R c --
K m - K m -

The self line is P. The P star either means frustration or something is about to happen. The
P star advances. Since you are not worried at the time of the coin toss, this advancing P
star cannot mean that your worry will increase. This advancing P star means something
shall happen. You will pass the exam.

Result: The man passed the exam with the highest score.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his final exam. He got [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
w m - II t&c

6 match
K yo -- U
G h --
B c --
B cn - J
R y -
P e G t -

The U line K yo is the lucky star. If a K star moves bounding to the self line, he will easily
pass the exam. Since the date m is striking at K yo, K yo moves bounding to the self line.

 But too bad that the month w is killing K yo. The date is also hurting K yo. So K
yo cannot bound to the self line because K yo is hurt. The score won't be too good.

Result: The man got a C +.

A girl tossed the coins asking will she receive the score that she wanted in her next exam,
and God gave her [Intercourse] and [Queen].
Year Month Date Hour
h cn - I cn & e

Intercourse Queen
P wa x U P sh -
B yo - B s -
K h - R w -
B s - J B yo -
G m R w x K h -
P cn -- P c --

Although the U line, which represents the exam, does move to produce the self line, the 2nd
line R w has been destroyed by K h. If the winner star has been damaged, she cannot
receive the score that she hoped for.

Result: Her score was just a few points lower than what she expected. The reason why her
score was only a few points lower than her desired points is because the U line moved to
produce the self line.

A man tossed the coins asking will he be allowed to immigrate to a foreign country. He
received [Arrive] and [Finish] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
yo h - II t&c

6 match
K yo -- G t --
G h x U B sh -
B c -- K s --
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -

This man is requesting for the permission to go to a foreign country. The U line's G h
moved turning into B sh which bounds to the self line. The B star in this sign represents
friendship. If B star moves bounding to the self line, the government will allow him to

 A beginner would have said that he cannot be permitted to immigrate because the U
line's money star got killed back. But a beginner fails to realize that this man is
asking for government's cooperation. The U line's B sh does represent cooperation,
friendship, or a helping hand. So this sign is perfectly fine.

Result: He went to Germany to attend college in month e.

A man asked can he pass a test. He received [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
h e-X w & wa

B wa --
K yo - J
G h -
B cn -
R y - U
G t -

The self line has a K loser star. No, you cannot pass.

Result: He passed the test, and I was surprised. So I asked him, "What will happen if you
failed this test? Will you be in big trouble? Maybe the K star on the self line is the lucky
star which means there will be no trouble. Were you extremely worried about trouble when
you tossed the coins?" And he replied, "If I fail today, I will have to retake all tests
including those which I have passed because the intitute is going to change all of it's
syllabus. Some people already knew that I failed before. So I cannot go down again and
fail the test because they will mock at me. I have been in the center of their mockery for a
long time and had enough of it. So this time, I must pass." So that explained why he
passed the test although he had a K star on the self line. The K star on the self line is not a
loser star but a lucky star meaning there will be no trouble.
If K c moves turning into R t, a Mr. Nobody will turn into a
very famous man.
A man asked when will he become a famous author. He tossed the coins and got [Cup] and
[Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
e wa - Viii sh & h

Cup Big Profit

B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo - K cn -
R h - J P y -
Pm K c x R t -

This man is asking for fame. The 1st line K c loser star moved turning into a R t success
star. You shall become famous. But K c cannot move right now because the date wa
struck it loose. You have to wait until year t or year c to see K c move. So you shall
become famous in either year t or year c.

This man came back a few months later. He said if he cannot become famous, he might as
well quit writing and find another career. He tossed the coins for the 2nd time. And this
time, he got [Cup] and [Quarrel].

Year Month Date Hour
t wa - Viii sh & h

Cup Quarrel
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo o K c --
R h - J P m -
K c x B e -
In this hexagram, strong G money star is producing the self line R. R turns into P. When
the money star moves and produces the self line, he will become rich, powerful, and
famous. But right now, the money star G cannot move. Why? Because the 3rd line
money star is linked to the 1st line c. The date wa is striking the 1st line c. When a moving
line is struck by the date, it cannot move. But in year t, t bounds to c. And the moving line
c can start moving again. When the 1st line starts moving, the 3rd line also starts moving
and starts producing the self line R. So for the 2nd time, God has told this man that he will
become famous in year t.

The man was skeptical. He said, "Master Shou. This means I have to invest another 5
years into writing. What if the signs are wrong? If the signs are wrong, I have just wasted
5 valuable years on a bunch of waste paper. So I am very skeptical right now." Master
Shou said, "Listen. The last time you inquired about fame, God told you he will make you
famous in year t. This time you asked the same question, and God gave you the same
answer. When God made a covenant with you, he will not break the covenant. So I
suggest you to work hard on your books. I am sure that you won't be disappointed."

Result: In year t, this man's book became extremely popular and famous. He also won a
prize for his famous book in that year.

A young man asked will he win in a district science fair competition. He got [Solution] and

Year Month Date Hour
y sh - Vii y&m

Solution Intercourse
G sh -- G wa --
R s x U R yo -
K w - P h -
K w x R s -
G cn o J K w --
B y -- G cn --

The self line G represents gain. The self line gain star moves and turns into a K star which
produces back at itself. So the gain star is very strong. The self line turns into K w. The
self line K w is linked to the 3rd line K w which turns into the R star. R represents the
winner. So the self line actually is linked to an R star. So he will win the competition. The
U line R s moves, advances, and bounds to the self line. If the R star bounds to the self
line, he will win the competition.
Result: This is what the boy said to me a few days later: "The county science fair finally
took place today, and it looks like your prediction was correct! I won second place within
my category although I was hoping to win first and move onto state."

A top government official wanted to know if others will indict him causing him his job. He
tossed and got [Well] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - V sh & h

Well Hollow
P t x B m -
G sh - J K e -
R s -- G wa --
R yo o G c --
P h - U B m -
G c x K e -

The U line represents somebody else. The 1st line and the 3rd line form an R combo which
is producing the U line. This means your position already belongs to somebody else. But
this hexagram is quite funny. The self line has a strong G star. G represents something
beautiful or something valuable. The G star on the self line is being struck by the date. So
it is a moving line. It moved turning into K which produces back at itself. The self line's G
star is so darn strong. How can you lose your job? This is so strange. If the self line is
being struck, the self line becomes a moving line. This indicates you will move to a new
job. The top line P moved turning into B which bounds to the self line. The top line
represents somewhere far away. So something far away will cause you to lose your current
job. The self line turning into a K star also indicates that you cannot hold on to your
current job for long.

 You will not be indicted because the G star that's sitting on the self line is very
strong. That means nobody can touch you. The top line's P t also represents
frustration. But P t is dead. Although the R combo does move to produce P t, the R
combo is actually focusing on producing the U line's P h. So P t won't receive too
much support from the R combo after all. There will be slight frustration. But I
don't think it will hurt you too much. But your current job cannot be saved.

Result: Few weeks later, this man has been promoted and was transferred to San-Xi where
he didn't want to go at all. Somebody else took his old job.
Some guy threw the coins asking if he can become a famous, successful lawyer. He got
[Li] and [consume].

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - V sh & h

6 strike
B e o J R t --
K wa x K sh -
G yo o G s --
R h - U R h -
K c -- K c --
P m - P m -

We have a 6 strike. A 6 strike means this man will not become successful. But since the
4th line lies close to the self line, the 4th line's retreating star could actually bound to the
self line and eliminate the 6 strike.

 The 5th line's advancing K cannot advance anymore because the self line's B e has
been killed back by R t. (B e can no longer produce the 5th line. So the 5th line is
having trouble advancing.)
 If the 5th line cannot advance anymore, it certainly cannot help the 4th line either.
So the 4th line is destined to retreat.
 If the 4th line must retreat, it cannot bound to the self line at all. This man has no

Result: This man died very young.

A general has been indicted for delaying the shipments of food supplies to the troops that
are fighting in Russian/Chinese border. He tossed the coins asking will the emperor fire
him. He got [Rich] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
wa s-V y&m
6 match
R sh x G e -
P s -- J R wa --
G w - P yo -
B h - P s -
R c -- U G w --
K m o R cn --

The G gain star moved bounding to the self line? Don't worry about a thing when that

Result: The general didn't believe Wild Crane. But later, the emperor forgave the general
saying that the old general has been loyal to him for many years.

A boy tossed the coins asking can he win first place in a district science fair. God gave
him [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - X sh & h

P wa --
B yo - U
K h -
G m --
R e -- J
P wa --

The 3rd line G m moves to produce the self line R star. But too bad that the G star is dead.
You won't win first prize.

Result: He won the 2nd prize.

Wild Crane said, "I have read three person's hexagrams which coincided
on one thing. They all have an empty K star sitting on the self line. They
all asked for a position, and they all died within a few months."

Hexagram # 1: A man asked if he can fill a position. He tossed the coins and got

Year Month Date Hour
s y-V s & yo

B wa --
K yo - J
G h -
B cn -
R y - U
G t -

The self line is an empty K. In the ancient text, it stated if K sits on the self line, you
cannot get the position. So Wild Crane concluded that the man cannot fill the position.

Result: The man received the position within 3 days. But he died on the way to his new

Hexagram # 2: A man tossed the coins asking if he can fill a government position. He got

Year Month Date Hour
y cn - Vii s & yo

G t --
B sh -
K s -- J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U
Since Wild Crane has seen this kind of sign before, he didn't know what to tell this man.
"You will get the position. But you will die on the way to work?"

Result: The man got the position. But within 2 months, the man died.

Hexagram # 3: A man tossed the coins asking if he can be accepted to a famous school.
He got [Touch] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - iV s & yo

Touch Look
R m - U R m -
P e -- P e -
B wa - B wa --
K s o J R m --
P w -- P e --
B cn -- B wa --

According to the ancient text, "If the K turns and bounds to an R, a Mr. Nobody will
become a very famous man." But what if an empty K turns into an R? What if the K does
not bound to the R?

Result: Within 6 days, his own son died. He was accepted in to the famous school. But
within a few month, he died too. The reason why his son died is because the self line child
star K turned into an R corpus star. This is still the mysterious part of God. I hereby
provide this real case for everyone to study.

A man tossed the coins asking if he can become successful in his political career. He got
[Hurt] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
cn wa - II cn & e

Hurt Rich
P yo -- R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The self line R represents power and control. It turns into G w which produces back at
itself. That's good. This man's asking for success, and he will get success. He will get
money too. Although the date wa is striking the self line, the self line is not loose because
it turned into G w which produces back at itself.

Result: This man tossed the coins in year m. In year e, he was promoted once. In year wa,
he became the city counsel. In year sh, he was promoted again.

A man tossed the coins asking if he can become a big boss. He got [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
sh cn - V sh & h

B y -- U
P t --
G sh --
R yo - J
P h -
G c --

The month and the date are both producing the self line R. R represents power and control.
The money star is super strong. This man will become a top government official or a big
company boss. The date cn is striking the money star sh. The 4th line sh moves and
produces the self line. In year sh, this man will become extremely wealthy.

Result: He became a multi millionaire within a few years.

Usually, the self line R star represents success and the self line K star means you are a
loser. But there are exceptions.....
For example: A government official tossed the coins asking can he be the one who will
save his country from economic crisis. He got [Fog] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
w s y - III sh & h

6 match
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
B t - G e -

The self line's strong K y moves and advances killing and bounding to the U line.

 The U line's R sh represents the problem, which is the economic crisis of his
 The self line's advancing K star which bounds and kills the U line R sh means he is
the savior of his country. (The K star represents a savior, a cure, a doctor, etc. And
the R star represents the problem, the disease, something dreadful, etc.)
 The date y is bounding to the self line K y. So this man is likely to solve his
country's problem in month s because s can help break the bondage. The self line's
K y might also move in month h or in month y. (Sometimes, a moving line still can
move even if the bondage is not yet broken.)

Result: The emperor has chosen him to pull China out of economic crisis, and he did
improve China's economy dramatically in year h. So he was the savior of his country.

Inquire about others

A woman tossed the coins asking on which day will her husband return home. The woman
said, "My husband promised me to come back immediately. But will my husband still
travel to another province to do business? Or will he really return immediately?" She got
[Strong] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
h t-I t&c
Too Much
6 strike
B sh -- B wa --
K s x K yo -
P w - J G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - G h -
G t o U B c --

There is a 6 strike. Nothing is bounding to the self line, so the 6 strike is permanent.

She was thinking "Will he break his promise again this time?" So the 6 strike means he
won't break the promise. The 5th line K s moves and advances. K star is the star of
happiness. The K star shall move on day e or on day s. I think your husband will be home
on day e because the self line moved turning into G h which is bounding to the month h.
The G star represents gain. If your husband comes back home, it's a big gain for you. Day
e can break the bondage for G h allowing the self line P w to turn into G h.

Result: The husband came home on day e.

Let's see an actual example: A man tossed the coins asking about a person. He refused to
tell Wild Crane who that person is and why was he asking about that person. He got
[Arrive] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
w y y-I y-m

Arrive Solution
K yo -- B sh -- Blk
G h -- U K s -- Wht
B c x P w - Gry
B c -- P w -- Yel
R m - J B cn - Red
P e o R y -- Grn
Wild Crane asked him only one question before he started, "Is this person a friend of yours?
Is this person a relative?" He said, "This person is not a friend. This person is also not
my relative."

Since this person is not his friend, Wild Crane cannot use the B star. This person is also not
a relative of his, so the P star also cannot be used. So the only line which can be used is the
U line. The U line has a weak G star. The U line G h turns into K s. The month and the
date are both striking the K s, so the K s is totally wiped out. The wiped out K s cannot
produce back at the G h. The G star is the money star. Since the K star is wiped out and
therefore cannot produce the weak G star, this person is very poor. The weak U line is
white. White represents disease. This person also has health problems.

 The U line is dotted, so this person can be a woman. But the U line is h. The
element h is in gua [Chen], and [Chen] represents an old male. So Wild Crane
didn't dare to say what sex this person is.
 Look at the 1st line. P represents a notice or a news. It could also represent a
feeling. The 1st line P e is very, very powerful. It moves and strikes with the U
line. Since the 1st line P e is right beside the self line, the 1st line represents your
feeling toward that person. The super powerful 1st line strikes with the U line
meaning you really hate this person a lot! The 1st line is green, and green means
justice. The 1st line P e moves turning into R y which bounds to the U line G h. R
y represents trouble. You want to bring this person under justice. You hate this
person a lot because this person has committed a crime toward you? Did this
person hurt you in any way?

"You are very good! This person is a male. And 10 years ago, he and his gang has
beaten me up and crippled my leg.", the man replied.

 Well, congratulations. God said that this person won't live too long. The U line is
very weak. Its only helper, the K star, has been struck out by both the month and
the date. The 1st line P e represents your feeling toward him. It is so powerful, and
it is striking at the U line. The 4th line B c moves and turns into P w which
produces back at itself. The 4th line moves to kill the U line. But right now, the 1st
line cannot move because it is empty. But the empty R y of the 1st line will fulfill
its emptiness in year s because s strikes with y. When the empty R y has been
struck by year s, it's emptiness will be fulfilled. So in year s, the 1st line will move
and will strike with the U line.
 But come to think about it, it's not possible for the U line G h to get hurt in year s
because s produces G h. So G h will grow stronger in year s and won't be hurt in
that year. The only possibility which remains is year y because the emptiness of the
1st line' R y fulfills in year y. When the 1st line's emptiness fulfills, the first line's P
e will strike with G h. Year m is also possible because the emptiness of R y can
also be fulfilled in year m. So something good will happen in year y or in year m.
Your enemy will be punished or die in one of those years.

Result: Wild Crane didn't get the result. But from this sign, we still learned a lot!
Only a very good friend should be represented by the B
star because the B star stand for 'brother'. But a friend
who is not very close to you should be represented by
the U line.
A guy tossed the coins asking at what hour will his friend arrive, and God showed him [Big
profit] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
t e - iV t&c

Big Profit
6 strike
R e - U P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - R w -
P cn - J P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

This friend who he is expecting is just a common friend. So this friend could be
represented by the U line. Although there is a 6 strike, the 5th line B s moved bounding to
the U line meaning that the friend will still come. Right now, B s is bounding to the date.
So the 5th line cannot move. But at hour y or at hour h, the bondage shall be broken
allowing the 5th line to bound to the U line.

Result: The friend arrived at hour y. He was expecting his friend to bring him something,
but the friend forgot to bring it. Maybe that explains why there is a 6 strike?

A dentist who pulled my wisdom tooth for me was tampering with my other teeth using his
dental hook. One of my teeth felt weird after he scrutinized it with his hook using
tremendous amount of force. Based on my feelings, I suspect that he is trying to chip off
my fillings so that I will get more cavities. This way, he will receive more business from
me. So I tossed the coins asking "Was that dentist tampering with my teeth trying to chip
off some of my fillings? Was he a bad guy?" And God gave me [Touch] and
Year Month Date Hour
h y-I y&m

Touch Intercourse
R m o U B wa -- Blk
P e - K yo - Wht
B wa x G h - Gry
K s - J K s - Yel
P w -- P w -- Red
B cn -- B cn -- Grn

The U line represents that dentist. The U line has a strong R combo, and the R star
represents a criminal or trouble. Anyway, the R combo is 'something up to no good'. The
worst of all, the U line R m is black. No doubt. This dentist was not an honest one. He did
tamper with my teeth and probably had chipped off some of my fillings.

Result: One month later, the tooth that felt weird bagan to hurt whenever I drank cold
water. Then I bought a dental mirror and a flash light and took a look at that tooth and
found out that my old filling was chipped off. I went back to that dentist demanding him to
refill my chipped filling, but he refused to do it for free.

A guy tossed the coins asking about his ran away wife who left him just one day ago. He
received [Need] and [Big profit] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
c e - II y&m

Need Big Profit

G t x P e - Blk
B sh o B wa -- Wht
K s x J K yo - Gry
B cn - B cn - Yel
P e R y - R y - Red
G t - U G t - Grn
The G t is the wife star. The G t is on the top line. Top line represents somewhere far
away. This means your wife has ran far away. The wife star moves and turns into P e. The
direction for e is South-East because element e is in [Shun].

"I know. She went to Taiwan, her aunt's house. That's the only place where she can go.",
the man replied. (Taiwan is South-East of Beijing.)

 The top line's P e moved to produce the 5th line's retreating B star so that the B star
can no longer retreat. The 5th line then has the energy to produce the self line's
advancing K star. So you will become happy after all. The 5th line B star
represents your friends and relatives. They are also trying to locate your wife.

"Master Wu is always accurate. That's right. All my friends are helping me

locating my wife. But I can't believe that she has left Beijing already. Is she
coming back?", the man asked.

 The top line wife star turned into P e which bounds to the self line. The self line
also is advancing bounding to the top line. There is absolutely nothing to worry
about. God won't let her run away. The bondage between the self line and the wife
star is too powerful, and she can't escape from your reach. I think that P in this
hexagram represents an older person. Maybe P e is her uncle or her aunt. The P e
bounding to the self line means her uncle or her aunt will force her to go back to
 K means 'You got nothing'. Although a K sitting on the self line means you won't
get the woman back or you won't earn money, that law won't apply in this case.
Why? Because you must be worrying about your wife. I can tell just by looking at
your sweating face. In your case, a strong, advancing K star means your worry shall
disappear very soon. Since the self line K advances and produces the wife star, you
have to go find her and bring her back home. She won't come back by herself. (If
the wife star moves and produces the self line, the wife will come home by herself.)

Result: The man phoned his wife's aunt, and the aunt confirmed that his wife is staying at
her house. The man flew to Taiwan and brought her back home.

A guy tossed the coins asking when will his mother visit him. He got [Travel] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s-V y&m

Travel Gen
6 match 6 strike
B e - P y -
K wa -- R t --
G yo o U K sh --
G s - G s -
B w -- B w --
P m K cn -- J K cn --

The mother is represented by the P parent star. The parent star is hiding under the 1st line.
It's being killed by both the month and the date. Does that mean this guy's mother is in
danger? No. If this guy asked about his mother's health, this would be a bad sign. But this
guy only asked will his mother visit him or not. Having a dead parent star means the
mother will not visit him.

 If one asks for money, receiving a strong B star means one cannot earn money.
 If one expects to meet his parent, receiving a strong G star means one cannot meet
his parent since the G star is the parent star killer.
 The U line's strong G yo moved bounding to the self line. The self line has just
received a strong parent killer G yo.

Result: The mother didn't visit him, but the mother was healthy.

My friend Elsa said she will introduce a female friend to me. I tossed the coins asking
when will she introduce her to me. I got [Solution] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y - iX cn & e

6 match
G sh -- G wa --
R s x U R yo -
K w - P h -
R yo o K w --
P h - J G cn -
G c -- B y --

The 3rd line R yo and the self line's G cn form a 'yo & cn' combo. Therefore, the 3rd line's
R yo cannot be hurt by K w, and the self line's P h also cannot be hurt by G cn. The U line
R s moves and advances, and the U line R s is producing the self line. The winner star
produces the self line. I will meet her for sure. Right now, the U line R s has been struck
loose by the date. So it cannot move. But it could move on day e because day e will bound
to R s saving it from the strike. The U line is likely to move on day s because R s is the
strongest on day s. The 3rd line R yo links to the U line, and R yo is being killed back by K
w. On day e, the 3rd line will further be damaged by the fire element e. Since the 3rd line
R yo is linking to the U line, if the 3rd line doesn't move because it is being damaged by the
excessive fire, the U line also cannot move. But on day s, the 3rd line R yo will not be
damaged and the U line can also move. Day s is the most possible.

Result: I met her on day s.

Although you are asking about another person, the self

line is still very important. Here's why:
A man said that his nephew has been looking for a job for many years. When can he finally
find a job? The man tossed the coins asking about his nephew and received [Abide] and

Year Month Date Hour
wa wa wa - X s & yo

6 strike
G wa -- U G sh -- Wht
R yo o R s -- Gry
K w P h - K w - Yel
G cn -- J G cn -- Red
B y -- B y -- Grn
P t - P t - Blk

If one is asking about his nephew, the K star is the appointed. The K star is hiding under
the 4th line. This sign is so weird. The year, the month, and the date are all linked to the
white top line. The white top line, the month, the date, and the year are all bounding to the
K w. The bondage is too strong. The K star cannot move at all. The year, the date, and the
month are all linked to the white top line. White represents illness and disease. The top
line indicates the neck or the head. Your nephew must have some kind of mental disorder
which kept him from finding a real job.

"Yeah. That's right. He is kind of strange. He doesn't like to talk. But the doctor said he is
not mental ill.", the man replied.
 The year, the date, and the month are linked to the white U line. U line represents
another person or somewhere far away because the U line is also the top line. (Top
line represents somewhere far away.) The direction is South-West because the
element wa is in [Quen]. And [Quen] is the South-West. [Quen] also represents
food. The upper qua is [Duay]. [Duay] represents the mouth. The top line is the
head. Then the 5th line could be the mouth because the 5th line moved. Did your
nephew go to the South-West and eat something strange? He must have eaten
something which has turned him into a zombie. Maybe a voodoo doctor has
poisoned him which caused him to act strange.

"Oh my Lord! Master you have pointed out something which the entire family has
pondered about for years. My nephew has traveled to Thailand few years ago.
Before he went there, he was a charming, popular boy. But he returned home a
totally different person! Nobody knew what has happened to him. Thailand is the
South-West of Hong Kong! Master! Please save my nephew!", the man cried out
to master Liang-Han.

 The 5th line R yo represents your goal, which is to see your nephew find a job.
The 5th line goal star R yo moved bounding to the self line. But too bad that R yo
is retreating. No, your nephew cannot find a job recently.

Result: Master Liang-Han said he is not a voodoo doctor, so he cannot help eliminate the
spell that has been cast upon the boy.

I tossed the coins asking when will Bin Laden be arrested. God gave me [Everlasting] and

Year Month Date Hour
c yo - II w & wa

Everlasting - 32 Commander - 7

G sh - - U R yo - - blk
R s - - P h - - wht
K w O G c - - gry
R yo O J K w - - yel
B y P h - G cn - red
G c - - B y - - grn


The self line's R yo represents the criminal. So R yo represents Bin Laden. The self line R
yo moved and got killed back by K w. This means they will arrest him.
 But the 4th line's strong G c moved to rescue the self line's R yo. So R yo is no
longer in trouble. They won't find him.

Result: They never found Bin Laden.

A guy threw the coins asking will his friend show up the next day. He got [Unsettled] and

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - iX sh & h

Unsettled Solution
B e o U K sh --
K wa -- G s --
G yo - B w -
B w -- J B w --
K cn - K cn -
P y -- P y --

Although the B star represents a friend, we can also appoint the K star because the top line
K sh moves. The K star represents happiness, and the K star is quite strong because B e
moves to produce it. Right now, the top line B e is bounding to the date. So the top line
cannot move. But at hour y, the top line's bondage shall be broken allowing B e to turn into
K sh. So there will be good news at hour y. Actually, the bondage can also be broken at
hour h. So something will happen at either hour y or at hour h.

Result: He lives in New York. In New York, hour y is from 2 pm to 5 pm. His friend
phoned him at 3:30 pm telling him that he's coming over to his house.

A slave tossed the coins asking when will his master return home. He got [Big storage] and
[Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
y h-X t&c
Big Storage Little Storage
R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

If a slave is asking about his master, the master is the P star. The 5th line G t turns into P
e. But right now P e is being struck by the date, so the 5th line cannot move. If this
happens, the only 2 days that will allow the 5th line to move is day e or day s. Day e
allows P e to regain its strength. Day s will bound to the P e saving it from the stroke. But
Wild Crane said the master shall appear on day e based on 30 years of experience.

Result: The master returned home on day e. Check out the U line. G t money star moved
producing the self line. Maybe this slave was thinking about getting paid by his master
once the master returns home. That's why the money star moved producing the self line?
So he is actually thinking about money instead of his master?

Some girl asked when will her father return home. She got [Chen] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
cn t-V w & wa

6 strike
P sh O J P wa - - red
B s - B yo - J grn
R w - K h - blk
P cn - U I cn - wht
G y - G y - U snk
K t - K t - yel

The P star represents the father. There is a 6 strike, and the father star is retreating. Does
that mean the father's not coming back at all? But wait. The P star could also represent
worry and frustration. A retreating P star could mean that her worries will disappear soon.
Right now, the self line P wa is empty. So the P star cannot retreat yet. We will see the
final result on day wa.

Result: The girl received a letter on day m. And on day wa, the father returned home. The
6 strike probably means father will return much later than she expected.
A woman ran into Master Wu's office with tears in her eyes saying, "My husband left me 2
days ago. We looked everywhere for him and couldn't find him. Please tell me where he
is." The woman then tossed the coins and got [Lawsuit] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
t sh w - III y&m

Lawsuit Hide
K sh - K sh - Grn
G s - G s - Blk
B w - J B w - Wht
R h B w x G s - Gry
K cn o B w -- Yel
P y -- U K cn -- Red

The husband star is hiding under the 3rd line. The 2nd line's powerful K star moved killing
the husband star. The husband star cannot come out. The 2nd line K star is too powerful
because everybody is producing the K star! Besides, the K star cn is the grave of the water
husband star. Man! The husband star definitely will not escape out of this grave. Come to
think of it, your husband left home on the day of cn.

 The husband star is h. The element h is in gua [Chen]. [Chen] is the North-West.
So your husband is now in North-West. The husband star is hiding under the lower
gua [Kan]. [Kan] represents water. So your husband is inside the water. The
husband star is at the top line of gua [Kan]. This indicates that your husband is
floating on top of the water.
 The self line B w is linked to the 3rd line. The hider (husband star) is killing the
bearer B w. This means your husband left you because he hates you.
 The self line is linked to the 3rd line. The 3rd line moves turning into G s which
strikes with the U line's red P y. The red P represents stress and worries. The 3rd
line G s will strike away the 1st line's P y for you. So your stress and worries will
disappear. This means you shall find your husband's body soon.
 The self line B w is linking to the 3rd line B w. So the 3rd line is the self line.
When the 3rd line B w moves turning into G s, you will find what you are looking
for. The 1st line links to the 2nd line, and the 2nd line links to the 3rd line. But
since the 1st line P y is empty, none of these lines can move before the emptiness
fulfills. The emptiness can be fulfilled on day s because s strikes with the empty P
y. So on day s, the self line will receive the 3rd line's G star. The G star represents
whatever you have been eagerly waiting for.
Result: On day s, her husband's body was discovered floating in the river which is at the
North-West of where she lives. She also found the letter that her husband has written her.
Her husband said that he hated himself and hated everybody in this world. Bla, bla, bla.

Some guy asked when will his brother return home from Guang-Zou. His brother promised
to come back months ago. What caused him to stay in Guang-Zou for so long? He got
[Difficulty] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
t w - Vii s & yo

Difficulty Too Much

K t -- P wa -- Blk
P sh - B yo - Wht
B s x J K h - Gry
B s - B yo - Yel
G m R w x K h - Red
P cn -- U P c -- Grn

The B star represents brother. Although the 2nd line R moves killing the B star, the 2nd
line fire turned into water which pours back at itself. So fire is not strong enough to kill the
brother metal star. So your brother is healthy outside. Don't worry. The B star moves
turning into K which is bouncing back to produce the G money star. He might be doing
business outside. If he is not after money, he is chasing after a gal because G also
represents a girl.

 There is a woman star G hiding under the 2nd line R. The G is a girl. The R is her
boyfriend. The hider produces the bearer. The girl loves her boyfriend very much.
 The brother star (B) moves turning into K h. The 2nd line R also turns into K h.
So the 4th line B is linked to the 2nd line R. The brother star B produces the water
(h) to kill the fire R. That means your brother is chasing after a gal who already has
a boyfriend. He is trying to break them up! Your brother is winning because the R
fire is not strong enough to challenge h water.
 The empty self line links to the 2nd line. That means the 2nd line is also considered
to be an empty line. The 3rd line is empty. So both the 3rd line and the 2nd line
are empty. If the two lines which lie between J and U are empty, things will happen
when the emptiness fulfills. So your brother shall be back on day s or on day yo.

Result: The brother returned on day s. When the man told his brother about what Master
Liang-Han has predicted, the brother testified that everything that the master said was
accurate. The brother star was empty, and it sat on the self line. When the emptiness
fulfilled, the brothers reunited. Another biggest reason why that the brother returned hom
on day s is that the 2nd line R w moved and linked to the self line. R represents 'You got
something.' If the R star moves and links to the self line, you will definitely reach your
goal. Since the self line was empty, the brother returned home when the self line's
emptiness fulfilled.

A man said his brother and his friend went to pick up a new car in a far away town. Will
they return home today? He tossed the coins and got [Trade] and [Fog].

Year Month Date Hour
c s - III cn & e

Trade Fog
B m o U P t -- Grn
K e - G sh - Blk
G wa -- R s -- Wht
R yo G cn -- J G cn -- Gry
B y -- B y -- Yel
P t - P t - Red

The B star represents a friend or a brother. So B star is our appointed. The U line B m
moves turning into P t which produces back at itself. So the B star is quite healthy. The U
line B m shall move at hour m or at hour sh. So he will appear at one of those hours. But
too bad there will be a scratch on the right side of the car because the car is represented by
G. G means valuables, property, money, etc. So a new car is represented by G. The 4th
line G wa is being struck by the month. The 4th line is white. White is the right side.

Result: The brother and the friend came back at exactly hour sh. The car does have a
scratch on the right fender.

A boy tossed the coins asking is his father safe outside. When will father return? He got

Year Month Date Hour
y y - Vii w & wa
G m -
R e -
P wa -- J
G m --
R e --
P wa -- U

Wow! The father star P is empty and is being killed by both the month and the date. This
doesn't look very good. So Wild Crane requested the boy's uncle to toss the coins. The
uncle tossed the coins and got [Hollow] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
y y - Vii w & wa

Hollow Arrive
R m o K yo --
P e o G h --
B wa -- J B c --
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

In the 1st sign, the boy tossed the coins and received a dead and empty P father star. In
this sign, the brother of the missing person received a dead and empty B brother star. This
is truly a bad sign. Next day, Wild Crane requested the boy to toss the coins once more.
The boy tossed the coins once more and got [Kan] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - Viii w & wa

Kan Trapped
6 strike 6 match
B t -- J R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
G w -- U G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

The 4th line's father star P s cannot produce the self line's B t because P s is producing B h.
So the 4th line is meaningless.. But a 6 strike is turning into a 6 match. That indicates the
father will return.

 The self line B t got killed back by a dead fear star R wa. Even if R wa is dead, it
still can kill back at B t when its emptiness fulfills. So there will be horror in year
wa after all.
 But based on the 2 previous signs, Wild Crane has concluded that this person won't
live long. He shall die in year wa. Wild Crane's student asked him to explain his
judgment. Wild Crane said, "In the previous 2 signs, the appointed stars are all wa.
The month and the date are killing wa. But now, wa is empty so the month and the
date cannot kill it. But in year wa when wa is no longer empty, the month and the
date shall kill it. That's the year this person shall die." The student further asked,
"Why didn't God show you the time of his return in the 1st two signs? Why did
God show you the time of his return in the 3rd sign?" Wild Crane replied, "In the
1st two signs, they were asking is this person well outside. They were not really
thinking about his return. That's why God told me this person is not well and he
shall soon die. But in the 3rd sign, the boy became anxious and asked when will
his father come back home. That's why the Lord gave me the sign of his return in
the final sign."

Result: The father came back home 1 day before the beginning of month e. The father did
die in year wa.

Note: I once tossed the coins asking when will my own grandfather die. Too bad that I
cannot find that hexagram. But I clearly remember that both the month and the date were
wood killing the empty parent star P c. This means my grandfather will die either in year c
or in year wa. (The emptiness of P c can fulfill itself in year c, and year wa can strike open
the empty P c fulfilling its emptiness. And when P c is no longer empty, both the month
and the date will destroy P c.) In year wa (2003), he received a successful heart surgery.
Then he started to use my Immortality Rings, and a large portion of his white hair turned
black within 2 months. But doctor told him to receive another surgery in the neck area in
order to remove cholesterol from his clogged blood vessels. Doctor said his life is not in
immediate danger but another surgery in his neck will prolong his life. I told him not to go
through another surgery because the hexagram said he might die this year. He didn't listen
to me and received the 2nd surgery and died on the next day. So he died in year wa.

Illness and Disease

If you ask about sickness and disease, the self line represents yourself. If you ask about
your relative's sickness or disease, you need to appoint a star.

Long term illness:

If you have a long term illness, the R star should represent your fear. Therefore, the R star
is the disease star, and the K lucky star is the cure.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his own long term illness. He got [Compare] and

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - III w & wa

Compare Revolution
G t -- U B wa --
B sh - K yo -
K s x G h -
R m x J G h -
P e -- B c --
B wa x R m -

The self line and the 1st line form a R combo. The 4th line K s lucky star does link to the
self line, but too bad K s is producing G h. And G h produces the R combo. The R disease
combo is too powerful. Right now, the R combo is empty. But in month w or wa, your
illness will get worse when the emptiness fulfills.

The wife tossed the coins asking about her husband's illness. She received [Hollow] and

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - III w & wa

6 strike
R m o B wa --
P e - K yo -
B wa x J G h -
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The R combo in this toss does not represent the husband. It should represent the illness
because she is asking about the illness. The illness will get worse when the emptiness of
this R combo fulfills in month w or wa.

Result: The man died in the month of wa.

If you tossed the coins asking about your parent's disease, beware the G star killing the P
star. If you ask about your child's sickness, beware the P star killing your child. If it's
about your wife, the B star is the enemy. If it's about your sister, the R is your sister's

A man asked about his son's small pox. He tossed the coins and received [Strong] and

Year Month Date Hour
c m - Viii w & wa

Strong Chen
6 strike 6 strike
B sh x B sh -
K s x K s -
P w - J P w -
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

6 strike turns into 6 strike. This is too bad. If the father is asking about his son's flu or his
son's headache, 6 strike means the flu will soon disappear. But now the father must be
very worried. He wants his son's health back. He is afraid of losing his son. A 6 strike
means he has to kiss the son good-bye. So Wild Crane told the father to prepare a small
coffin for the young man. The 5th line child star K s moved. But on day y, the 5th line K
s shall become loose. That's the day this kid shall be taken away by the Lord.

The mother disbelieved. She grabbed the coins and tossed. She got [Gen] and [Rise].
Year Month Date Hour
e m - Viii w & wa

6 strike
R y o J K yo --
G t -- G h --
B sh -- B c --
K s - U K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

If asking about a child's illness, the K star moving and turning into a R star, or a R star
moving and turning into a K star is always a bad sign in the long run. On day y, the self
line R y will move and turn into K yo. On that day, there is danger.

Result: As Wild Crane has predicted, God killed the kid in day y.

A person tossed the coins asking when will his back pain fully disappear. He got [Queen]
and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour
sh yo - II w & wa

Queen Shun
P sh - G m -
B s - R e -
R w o U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --

The B star always is a bad star when it comes to illness or disease. The 5th line B s is being
killed back but is being saved by the moving 4th line P wa. This is not good. Pain won't go
Result: This person felt better immediately. But in month c, the pain came back at a
different area of his back. The reason why the pain came back in month c is the 4th line P
wa was empty. But in month c, the emptiness was struck open allowing the 4th line to save
the 5th line B star.

Recent illness:
If you caught a cold or have an acne, a strong R star sitting on the self line does not mean
your illness is very serious. The R star represents fear. If you caught a cold and are
coughing and sneezing, you are not in fear because you know that your flu cannot endanger
your life. That's why the R star cannot be treated as the disease star if your illness is not a
serious illness.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his son's recent illness. He got [Everlasting] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn s y - Vii w & wa

Everlasting Solution
G sh -- U G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
R yo o J K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- B y --

The R disease star moved and got killed back by the lucky star K w. When the empty K w
fulfills, there will be joy.

Result: The kid was healed on day w. But 2 years later, (year w) the kid died. The kid
dies because the child star is directly linking to the R ghost star. When the emptiness
fulfilled in year w, the kid became a ghost.

A kid tossed the coins asking about his father's recent illness. He got [Li].
Year Month Date Hour
sh cn - Vii s & yo

6 strike
B e - J
K wa --
G yo -
R h - U
K c --
P m -

If it's a recent illness, a 6 strike is a good sign. Why? Because people's mentality is
different. If it's a recent illness, the son knows that his father will get out of bed sooner or
later. The son knows that it should be nothing serious. But the son does wonder if this
could actually turn into a serious disease. So the son's mentality is "Is this a serious
disease? Will the disease last for a long time" That's why a 6 strike means you say good-
bye to the disease because the disease is not serious at all. But if a person has been sick for
a long time, that person's mentality would be like "When will my health come back to
me?" That's why a 6 strike means you say good-bye to that person's health. Since this
guy's father has a recent illness, it's nothing serious. A 6 strike means he shall soon
recover. But how soon is soon? Wild Crane requested the son to toss the coins once more
so God can give a clearer message.

This time, the son got [Too much] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
sh cn - Vii s & yo

Too Much
6 match
G wa -- G wa --
R yo - R yo -
P h - J P h -
R yo o K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- U B y --
This time, the son's mentality has totally changed. He already knew that his father will get
out of bed soon. Now he wants to know when will that happen. When will he and his
father go out shopping again? So in this sign, a 6 match is a good sign. The R star in the
3rd line represents worry and fear. R turning into K means worry and fear will turn into
happiness. Now R yo is empty. In day yo, you will become happy because that's the time
your father shall get out of bed.

Result: The man got out of bed in day s, and he was totally recovered in day yo.

A woman tossed coins asking about her son's illness. She got [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
s t - iX y&m

P sh -
B s - U
R w -
B s -
R w -- J
Kt P cn --

Wild Crane said, "Today, you son will be cured." The woman asked how does he know.
Wild Crane said, "The hiding K child star is very strong because both the month and the
date supports it. And K t child star should come out today since today is day t."

Result: The son was cured on the same day.

A mother threw coins asking about her son's small pox. She got [Family] and [Li].

Year Month Date Hour
y s

6 strike
B m - K e - J
K e O U G wa - -
G wa X R yo -
P h - P h - U
G c - - J G c - -
B m - B m -

The 4th line R yo disease star repels away the top line B star, and the B star is the helper of
her child. Right now, R yo cannot repel away the B star because the U line's K e is
bounding to the date. And both R yo and B m are somehow linked to the U line. But when
the bondage is to be struck loose on day y, there will be danger.

Result: The child died on day y.

A mother threw the coins asking about his son's long term illness and got [Li] and [Big

Year Month Date Hour
c t-V w & wa

Big Profit
6 strike
B e - J B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - G yo -
R h - U K cn -
K c x P y -
P m - R t -

6 strike in her first toss indicates that her son's illness cannot be cured. He shall die.

 The top gua duplicates itself. So if one of the lines in the top gua is empty, the
entire top gua is considered empty. That means the 2 lines which lie between J and
U are also empty. So nothing will happen until the emptiness fulfills in month w or
month wa. There will be bad news when the emptiness fulfills.

Result: The son died in the first day of month w.

A woman tossed the coins asking how long can her father live. She got [Difficulty] and
Year Month Date Hour
w m y - Vii w & wa

Difficulty Humble
K t -- B yo --
P sh o K h --
B s -- J P c --
B s - B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

The parent star P sh is dead, which means the father won't live too long. Both the month
and the date are killing the P star. The 5th line P sh father star moves turning into a K loser
star. This could mean that the father will lose his life in year sh.

Result: The father died in year sh, in the month of cn. The reason why he died in the
month of cn is because cn struck with the 5th line P sh further damaging the 5th line.

If the R star produces the self line, your disease cannot hurt
you even if you do have a disease!
A man said his throat hurts. He wondered if a tumor is growing in his throat. He tossed
the coins asking, "Is there a tumor growing in my throat? Will this tumor slowly enlarge in
size?" He got [Bride] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
sh h - Viii y&m

Bride Arrive
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w o P c --
P c -- J P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -
The 4th line R w moves producing the self line. If the R star produces the self line, your
disease cannot hurt you even if you do have a disease. If this hexagram was tossed for
financial reasons, a R star producing or linking to the self line's P frustration star could
mean there will be more trouble ahead. But when it comes to medicine, it won't hurt you at
all. So I think there is no tumor in your throat. You probably ate too much oily stuff
recently. Just don't eat so much oily stuff, and you will be fine.

He then tossed the coins again asking when will his throat disease be cured, and God gave
him [Revolution] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
sh h - Viii y&m

6 strike
R wa -- R sh --
P yo o P s --
B h - J G w -
B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

The 5th line's frustration star retreats. There will be good news.

Result: On day cn, his throat still hurt a little bit. But on day e, the throat did not hurt
anymore. Not even a little bit.

If the self line has a K, no medicine is needed and you will reheal. If the K self line is
struck by the month or is empty, once it moves out of the month or fulfills its emptiness,
you will be cured. Sometimes, you don't have to look at other lines. If there is a strong K
moving in the hexagram, your worry shall soon disappear.

A man asked about his wife's disease. He got [Fog] and [Finished].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c
6 match
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn -- R c --
K y x J K m -
B t - G e -

The K star is super strong. The self line K advances. The month and the date are also K.
But now, the K star is bounding to both the date and the month so it cannot move. Maybe
day s or day yo can break the bondage allowing the K star to advance.

Result: The wife was completely healed in day wa. She walked out on to the street on day

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his friend's illness. He got [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
s h-X t&c

B e - U
K wa --
G yo -
B w -- J
K cn -
P y --

The friend is the B star. So B is our main character. There are 2 B stars in this hexagram.
Which one should be use? We should use the U line's B e because it is moving since the
date is striking it. If B e is being struck by the date, it cannot bear another strike. So the
coming month h would be a dangerous month. But Wild Crane didn't dare to make any
conclusion yet. So Wild Crane asked the son of the patient to toss the coins.

The son tossed the coins asking about his father's illness. He got [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
s h-X t&c

B wa --
K yo - J
G h -
B cn -
P e R y - U
G t -

Since the son tossed the coins asking about his father's illness, the P parent star is the
appointed. In this sign, the P is also e. This coincides with the 1st sign that the friend
received. The date strikes the P star. The 2nd line R y and the hider P e form a trap. A
trap is especially deadly if one asks about illness. So Wild Crane therefore concluded that
the patient cannot live through the month of h because month h would totally strike the P e
father star out.

Result: God killed the man in month h.

A man has been sick for a long time. He asked if a certain kind of drug would cure him or
not. He got [Rise] and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
s t - III s & yo

Rise Touch
R yo x B m -
P h x K e -
G c -- J G wa --
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --

Since this man is asking if a certain kind of drug can cure him or not, the K is the appointed
because K represents a cure, a drug, a doctor, a medical device, etc. In this hexagram, both
K stars are being killed by the P star. The date is also a P star which kills the K star. Since
this man's family members were also present, Wild Crane asked his son to toss the coins.
The son tossed the coins asking about father's disease. He got [Trade] and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
s t - III s & yo

Trade Touch
B m - U B m -
K e - K e -
G wa -- G wa --
G cn X J R s -
B y -- K w --
P t O G cn --

The strong P frustration combo appears. That's not good. The P combo does not represent
his dad. It clearly represents his frustration.

The daughter tossed the coins asking about her father's disease. She received [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
s t - III s & yo

6 strike
B sh --
K s --
P w - J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U

In the first sign, the man asked about the drug. The drug star K w fire was killed by the
water. In this sign, the father star P w fire is being struck loose by the date t. In 2 of the
signs, the appointed stars are weak fire. Therefore Wild Crane concluded that the Lord will
take away this man's life in the winter.

Result: The man died in the winter. Winter is the month of h and t. Both elements are
water. There is no way for a dying flame to shine inside the water.
A woman tossed the coins asking about her nephew's long term illness. She got [Quen] and

Year Month Date Hour
y yo - II w & wa

Quen Chen
6 strike 6 strike
K yo x J G sh -
G h x K s -
B c x P w -
R m x U B cn -
P e x R y -
B w x G t -

If it's a long term illness, a 6 strike means there is no way that this person can recover. All
lines move meaning situation is complicated. He won't live too long.

Result: Lord took away her nephew in the month of cn. The reason why the child died in
month cn is because the only thing which is producing the K star is the G sh. In month cn,
cn strikes away G sh, and there is nothing left to help the poor child anymore. All 6 lines
are moving, and nothing is helping the K star except G sh.

A man threw the coins asking about his small pox. He got [Finish] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
t y - III sh & h

6 match
B t x K m -
R sh - G e -
P s -- U R wa --
R c -- R c --
K m - K m -
G e - J G e -

Since small pox is a deadly disease, you must be extremely worried. You want your old
health back. In this case, a 6 match means you will be cured. The top line B moved
turning into K which produces the self line. That's a great sign because K also represents a
cure. The top line's K star is so powerful because the month and the moving B star are
producing it. It is also the same element as the date. Don't worry. God said he doesn't
want to kill you yet. You will be cured for sure. Since the top line B t moved, you shall
find a good doctor on day t who will give you a cure.

Result: On day h, this man's condition worsened. On day t, his desperate wife found a
begger who said he can cure his disease. The begger gave the man his secret formula.
Then on day y, the man was totally cured.

I saw blood in my feces everyday for almost half a year. I worried that this could be the
sign of colon cancer. So I tossed the coins asking God is this colon cancer or just a normal
hemorrhoid. God showed me [Combine] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
sh cn - III t&c

6 match
B t -- P yo --
R sh o B h --
P s -- U P c --
R c -- G w --
K m - R cn -
G e - J K y -

A normal hemorrhoid is not deadly. In fact, lots of people have it. When predicting about
an illness, a moving line killing the self line is a bad sign. And since the 5th line is too far
away from the self line, the self line cannot even repel it away. (If the 4th line is moving,
the self line can repel it away. But not the 5th line.)

 But luckily both the month, the date, and the moving R sh is killing the enemy B h.
So B h has no power to damage the self line at all. This 5th line's P sh is an
extremly strong element.
Result: I invented a new drug which cured my hemorrhoid 6 months later. I stopped

Lily asked when will her disease be cured, and she got [Too much] and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour
h e-X w & wa

Too Much Touch

G wa x B m -
R yo - K e -
P h o J G wa --
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --

B combo on the self line is bad. No doubt about that.

 Luckily, the self line's B combo is linking to the 2nd line P h. And P h moves
turning into a K cure star. This means the self line actually reached a K cure star.
 Wrong! If you read carefully, the self line actually received a P h frustration star
because P h turns into K w which directly bounds to the self line. So nobody knows
if the self line has actually reached the P frustration star or the K cure star.

Result: Lily illness has improved but was never cured. This sign showed both good luck
and bad luck.

Sports could be the hardest thing to predict because there are not only winning and losing,
there are also the chances of a draw. Winning and losing are easy to predict. But how do
one predict a draw?

The R star usually represents the winner while the K star represents the loser. But based
on my experience, a troubled K star that is receiving help from a B star will not lose. A
dead R star cannot win. If there is a K star moving hurting the self line's R star, your
favorite team cannot win. Predicting sports is kind of like predicting business. If combos
or helpers favor you, your team will win. If you can't find combo or helper in your sign,
you can compare the self line to the U line; The self line is your favorite team, and the U
line is the other team.

If the self line K star is in trouble, but a B star moves

producing the self line K star, there will be great
For example: Luke asked, "Who will win in the Detroit Redwings vs. Colorado NHL
game? I want Redwings to win." He got [Quen] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
m y - Vii w & wa

K yo -- J B sh -- U
G h -- K s --
B c X P w -
R m -- U B c -- J
P e X R m -
B wa X P e -

The self line is the Redwings. The self line K star is being struck by the month and is very
weak under the date. So the self line K star is in trouble. A troubled K star indicates worry
and anxiety. It does not represent a loser. The powerful 1st line B moves to produce the
self line K. Another powerful 4th line B also moves to produce the self line K. So there
will be great happiness. Redwings shall be victorious. Luke asked who will win. Luke did
not ask "Will Redwings win?" So a permanent 6 strike in this sign does not mean
Redwings will lose. The 6 strike doesn't mean anything.

Result: Victory for the Redwings.

A teenage boy asked will Lakers beat NJ Nets. He tossed the coins and received [Strip] and
[Advance] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
w h - Viii y&m
Strip Advance
G y - R e -
K t -- J P wa --
P sh x B yo -
G m -- G m --
R e -- U R e --
P wa -- P wa --

The self line is Lakers because the teenage boy wants Lakers to win. The self line's K star
is in trouble because it turned into P wa which kills back at itself. Luckily, the 3rd line P
sh moves turning into B yo which produces the self line's K star. The self line cannot lose.

Result: Lakers won.

Ms. Snoqueen tossed the coins and asked, "Will Sale & Pelletier (current world pairs figure
skating champions) win gold at the Winter Olympics of 2002?" She got [Quarrel] and

Year Month Date Hour
c t - Vii cn & e

Quarrel Bride
P e o B sh -- --
B wa -- K s -- --
K yo - J P w - -
B c -- B c -- --
R m - R m - -
P e - U P e - -

Ms. Snoqueen wants Sale & Pelletier to win. So Sale & Pelletier is the self line. The self
line K yo turned into P w which kills back at itself. So the self line K star is in trouble. But
luckily, the top line B sh moves to produce K yo. So the self line cannot lose. Sale &
Pelletier will win.

Result: Sale & Pelletier lost to the Russians. But a few days later, one of the judges has
been accused of being unfair and has been terminated. Then they decided to give a gold
medal to Sale & Pelletier anyway.
It's Aek Atene vs. Inter in the UEFA cup. Luke threw the coins asking which soccer team
will win. He wants Aek Atene to win the game. He got [Need] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
y y - III sh & h

Need Little Storage

G t x R m -
B sh - p e -
K s -- J B wa --
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

The self line K s is in trouble because both the month and the date are killing the self line B
wa. Therefore, B wa cannot produce back at K s anymore. There is no other helper. It's
hard for self line to win.

Result: The score was 2-2. It's a draw.

Luke is not a big soccer fan. But since he wanted to test I-Ching, he tried to predict the
result of Torino vs. Juventus (two Italian teams). He tossed the coins asking "Will
Juventus beat Turin?". He got [Rise] and [Hurt]. He wanted Juventus to win the game.

Year Month Date Hour
y h-X t&c

Rise Hurt
R yo -- R yo --
P h -- P h --
K w G c -- J G c --
R yo - P h -
P h o G c --
G c x U B m -
Luke said, "The question is about the team Juventus beating Turin, so J is Juventus and U is
Turin. There are 2 G stars. One is in the self line, and one is in the opponent line. Both of
them have the same element. The element c dies in month y and is not healthy under the
date h. So Juventus will not definitely win. But Turin also does not seem to be the winner.
Will it be a draw? Yes for me, but it will not be 0-0. Look at the self line. K w is hiding
under the self line G and is producing the self line. The self line G has a helper K w which
seems to be quite strong. The opponent line moves and becomes B m which kills back at
itself. The teams are lucky and unlucky at the same time. Maybe the result will be 1-1? or

Result : The game ended 2-2. It was a draw because both J and U have the same element?
This area needs further investigation.

It's Hapoel against Milan, battling for the UEFA cup. Mr. Hapoel tossed the coins asking
will Hapoel win the soccer game. (He wants Hapoel to win.) He got [Family] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h

Family Look
B m - B m -
K e - U K e -
G wa -- G wa --
P h o B m --
G c -- J K e --
B m o G wa --

The U line represents Milan, and the self line represents Hapoel. The strong U line
produces the self line. So Hapoel should win the game. But my concern is the B combo,
which is killing the self line's gain star. The self line is in the lower gua, and the B combo
which kills the self line is also in the lower gua. The self line's gain star is being hurt very
badly. That's not good. You see? Gain star = benefit. Gain star being killed = no benefit.
If there is no benefit, how can Hapoel's team win? So I requested Mr. Hapoel to toss the
coins again. So he tossed again and got [Strip] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h
6 strike
G y - G y -
K t -- J K t --
P sh -- P sh --
G m x B s -
R e -- U R w --
P wa -- P cn --

In this sign, it really looks like Milan will win. (Milan is the U line.) The U line has a
strong advancing R star. The 3rd line's G m gain star moved turning into B s which bounds
to the U line. So the U line received the gain star. One of my student requested Hapoel to
toss the coins again because he couldn't make a conclusion yet. So Hapoel tossed the coins
again and got [Strip] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
y s - iX sh & h

6 match
G y o B yo --
K t -- J K h --
P sh -- P c --
G m -- P cn --
R e -- U G y --
P wa x K t -

The self line (Hapoel) has a retreating K loser star. This means Hapoel cannot become the
loser. But too bad that the top line B yo is producing the self line's retreating loser star. So
the self line's loser star cannot retreat anymore. The self line still is destined to lose. I
concluded that Milan shall win.

My students think I am a very high level I-Ching master. I don't want to ruin my reputation
by making a wrong prediction. So right after I announced that Milan will win, I threw the
coins asking "Did I make the right prediction?" I got [Bite] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
y yo - X sh & h
Bite Advance
K e - K e - Wht
G wa -- J G wa -- Gry
R yo - R yo - Yel
G cn -- B m -- Red
B y -- U K e -- Grn
P t o G wa -- Blk

In my mind, I think of course I made the right prediction. The P star represents the phrase
'of course'. The first line P t is quite strong, and it is linked to the self line. If the P star
comes to the self line, of course I am right.

I tossed the coins again asking will my reputation be damaged because I made a wrong
prediction. God gave me [Cup] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
y yo - X sh & h

Cup Commander
B e o G yo --
K wa -- U R h --
G yo o K c --
G yo o B w --
R h - J K cn -
K c -- P y --

The top gua has a powerful G combo which is producing the self line R. The self line has a
powerful R star. R represents power, control, and possession. I don't think anyone can take
away my reputation this time. Although the 3rd line's gain star moves and turns into a B
star which kills back at itself, the 3rd line and the self line form a 'yo & cn' combo. So the
3rd line's gain star is not damaged at all. Although the self line R turns into K which kills
back at itself, the 'yo & cn' combo saved the R star from being damaged by the K star.
Milan will win, and my reputation will be protected.

Result: Milan won the game. Milan 2, and Hapoel Tel Aviv 0.

A teenage boy asked, "Which team will win? Will Acasuso win, or will Stepanek win?"
He tossed, and God gave him [Separate].
Year Month Date Hour
w e - II y&m

P m -
B e - J
K wa --
B w --
K cn - U
P y --

The self line is Acasuso. The teenage boy said this sign is not clear. So he tossed again
and got [Consolidate] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - II y&m

Consolidate Wonderful
6 match 6 match
R y o K yo --
G t -- G h --
B sh -- U B c --
G h - B cn -
B c x R y -
R m - J G t -

The teenage boy said, "The self line R m got produced back by a G t gain star. But too bad
that the self line's G star is linked to the 5th line's retreating G star. This means the self line
will not be benefited. But luckily, the top line's R y moved bounding to the 5th line's
retreating G star so that the 5th line can no longer retreat. On top of that, the top line's K yo
moved producing the 5th line so that the 5th line can no longer retreat. This means the self
line R m has received a useful gain star. The self line (Acasuso) shall win. "

Result: Acasuso won.

A teenage boy tossed the coins asking, "Will team Corretja beat team Costa?" He received
[Zen] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - II y&m

Zen Joy
6 strike 6 match
G sh -- J G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
G cn -- U B m --
B y -- K e --
P t o G wa --

The teenage boy said, "I want Corretja to win. So Corretja is the self line. The self line G
sh has a powerful G gain star. That's a good sign. The U line also has a powerful gain star,
but the gain star on the U line is being killed back by B m. Therefore, the self line Corretja
shall be the victor! Besides, a 6 strike turning into a 6 match means first hardship and later
success. No doubt. Corretja cannot lose."

Result: Indeed. Corretja won.

A teenage boy asked, "Will team Safin beat team Ferrero?" He got [Extreme] and [Too

Year Month Date Hour
w e - II y&m

Too Much
6 strike
B wa -- B wa --
K yo - J K yo -
G h - G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - U G h -
G t o B c --

The boy said, "I want Safin to win, but Safin cannot win because the self line has a K star
while the U line has the R star. The R star on the U line further turns into a G star which
produces back at itself. There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. The 6
strike also indicates that my wish cannot come true. Safin shall lose, and Ferrero shall

 The U line and the 1st line formed an alliance. The 1st line G t is producing the U
line's winner star. The 1st line's B c cannot kill back at G t because the 1st line and
the U line formed an alliance. This further indicates that the U line (Ferrero) shall

Result: The boy was right. Ferrero won.

A man asked, "If I fight a guy without using a weapon, will I beat him?" He got [Arrive]
and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
cn m - II t&c

Arrive Commander
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- U G h --
B c -- B c --
B c -- P w --
R m - J B cn -
P e o R y --

The U line is the enemy, and the self line is himself. Although the U line is producing the
self line, the U line's gain star is being buried by the month and is sucked dried by the date.
The U line cannot produce the self line too much. Fighting without a weapon is not a good
idea. The first line's P e moves turning into R y which produces back at itself. The first
line is pretty strong, and it is striking with the enemy (U line). The 1st line is right beside
the self line, so the 1st line represents his feelings toward his enemy. This boy hates his
enemy very much because the 1st line P e moves and strikes with the U line.

 The 1st line's P e and R y also form a trap. This is not a good sign.
Next day, he tossed the coins again asking will he beat his enemy using a weapon. He got
[Rot] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
cn cn - III t&c

6 match
B y o U R yo --
P t -- P h --
G sh -- G c --
R yo o J G cn --
P h o B y --
G c x P t -

The month and the date are both producing the self line. The self line's R yo also moves
and turns into G cn which produces back at itself. The B star represents loneliness. If one
is asking about a fight, a B star is not a lucky star. The B star also represents bruises and
wounds. Although the U line's B y moves linking to the self line, the self line is too
powerful so the self line cannot lose. The 2nd line's P h moves producing and linking to B
y. Since P h is totally dead, B y also has no power. That means B y doesn't really exist.
Although the self line is linking to B y, B y does not exist so the self line is not linking to B
y at all. The self line has a very powerful R star. Yes! You can beat him using a weapon.
You will enjoy total victory because the month, the date, and the changing line are all
bounding and producing the self line.

 Another student said, "But the R star could also represent injury. Besides, you
aren't supposed to use I-Ching for this kind of stuff. One should not consult the
Lord using I-Ching to ask will he be successful in committing a crime. I-Ching is
designed to help people." I replied, "In this case, the R star sitting on the self line
means he will win because he is asking who will win. He is not asking will he get
hurt. And who said I-Ching can only be used to ask about good things? Few
thousand years ago, Moses consulted the Lord using Urim and Thummin, and the
Lord told him to kill all children, women, and men whenever they invaded a foreign
land. Did Lord fail Moses even once? No. So bad people use I-Ching to ask about
crime while good people use I-Ching to ask about normal stuff. It still works as
long as you are serious about what you ask."

Result: The man later said, "I whipped his ass! I didn't even have to use that big of a
weapon. I'm 5' 3" (115 pounds, 20 years old) and he is 6' 4" (220 pounds, 27 years old), but
apparently that height he has is all for nothing. I went to his house and provoked him to
come outside. When he did, I kicked him in the stomach and beat him repeatedly with a
stick I found nearby. He was so embarrased because his friends were nearby watching and
thought that he would win! I beat his hostile black ass like a bitch on a cold Sunday
morning. Man, this Super-I-Ching stuff really works!"

A teenage boy asked, "Will Mike Tyson beat Lewis in the June 8th, 2002 boxing?" He
tossed and got [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - I cn & e

P sh -- U
B s --
R w -
P c -- J
G m -
R e -

The boy told Alex Chiu that he wants Tyson to win. So Mike Tyson is the self line. Alex
Chiu said, "Both J and U are P stars. But since the U line is a moving line because it is
being struck by the date, the U line is a little bit stronger than the self line. This could mean
Lewis will win. I suggest you to toss the coins again to get a clearer sign."

So on the next day, the boy tossed the coins again and got [Everlasting] and [Trapped].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - II y&m

6 match
G sh -- U G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
R yo o J K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- B y --
The self line still is Mike Tyson. Alex Chiu said, "The self line's R star is dead because
both the month and the date are killing it. The self line R yo also moves turning into a K
loser star. You don't have to toss anymore. Tyson shall lose the fight."

Result: Tyson was knocked out by Lewis in the 8th round. Lewis won the championship.
Tyson lost to Lewis exactly on day s (June 8th, 2002). Look at the 5th line R s. R s moved
turning into R yo, and R yo is linking to the self line's R yo. So when the 5th line R s
moved, the self line will also move. That's why Tyson was defeated on day s.

A teenage boy tossed the coins asking will his baseball team win the game. He got [Bite]
and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c-X y&m

BITE - 21 NO WAY - 25

K e - G sh -
G wa X J R s -
R yo - K w -
G cn - - G cn - -
B y - - U B y - -
P t - P t -

6 Strike

The teenage boy said, "I dont know if the 4th line K w can bound to the self line G wa and
eliminate the 6 strike or not. I don't think it can because the 4th line is not moving. If the 6
strike cannot be eliminated, my team will not win."

Result: His team lost 7-0. This example taught us that even if the self line turns into an R
star, a permanent 6 strike means you can't win.

Hao Jiang asked "Will Redwings beat Columbus in the NHL game tonight?" He wanted
Redwings to win. He got [Fog] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
m t-V w & wa
Fog Consume
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn x B h -
K y -- J R c --
B t - K m -

Redwings is the self line. The self line is K turning into R. The 3rd line's R cn also moves
and bounds to the self line. The Redwings has a lot of chance to win. The U line also has
an R star. So exactly who will win? Hao Jiang said that his team Redwings will win
because a moving R star is bounding to the self line which made the self line stand out from
the rest. Another reason is because the moving R line is bounding to the self line and is
striking the opponent line. Another reason could be because the U line is bounding to the
month (m), which is a K star.

Result: Redwings won. It was a very close game, but the Redwings was able to score a
point 25 seconds into overtime. Score was 3:2. Why was the game so close? I say it's
because both J and U got R stars. That's why it was a close game.

A man tossed the coins asking will Prule 67 beat Montpellier in handball match. He
received [Well] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
h yo - iV cn & e

6 strike
P t -- G sh --
G sh o J R s --
R s x K w -
R yo - G cn -
P h - U B y -
G c x P t -

The self line is Prule 67 because he wants Prule 67 to win. The self line R s links to the 4th
line's R s, which moved turning into K w killing back at itself. So the self line's R s winner
star has been killed back by K w. Prule 67 shall lose.
Result: Prule 67 lost.

Luke tossed the coins asking will his team beat the enemy team. He got [Well] and

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - X s & yo

Well Commander
P t -- R yo --
G sh o J P h --
R s -- G c --
R yo o K w --
P h - U G cn -
G c -- B y --

The U line looks like the loser because the 3rd line's R yo is bounding to the U line's G cn.
The 3rd line's R yo got killed back by K w loser star. This means the U line has received
the K w loser star. But the self line's P h also links to the U line. This sign is confusing.

Result: It was a tie. Nobody won. I think that the reason why nobody won is because the
U line is linked to the self line. If one team wins, the other team must also win?

The UEFA final will be in month e. Mr. Timboli threw the coins in month m asking will
Feyenoord win the UEFA Cup of 2002. He got [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
m t - III s & yo

G t -- U
B sh -
K s --
R m -- J
P e --
B wa --

There were still 8 teams in competition when Mr. Timboli threw the coins. He asked will
Feyenoord win. Therefore, the self line is Feyenoord. The self line has a very strong R
winner star, and the date and the U line are both producing the self line. Mr. Timboli
concluded that Feyenoord shall win.

Result: Feyenoord won the UEFA cup. Mr. Timboli later said, "Alex. Feyenoord is not
my favorite team. My favorite team is actually Milan. But all I did is tossed the coins
asking will Feyenoord win. Even if Feyenoord is not my favorite team, a strong R on the
self line still means Feyenoord will win?"

Luke tossed the coins asking will his team beat the enemy team. He got [Zen] and [Little

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - X s & yo

Little Much
6 strike
G sh -- J G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
G cn x U R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o G cn --

Luke said, "We have a 6 strike in the first hexagram, but it's eliminated by the self line
which bounds with the month. Looking at the hexagram in general, we can notice that the
self line and the opponent line has the same star. The self line has a healthy G sh (soil) .
The opponent line has a healthy G cn (soil) which becomes R s. The opponent line seems a
bit better because it turns into a winner star. But R is empty until day s. Day s is the day
of the game! I say that the enemy shall win."

 I said, "But the enemy cannot win because the U line's P frustration combo has been
repelled away by the self line."

Result: They draw (1-1).

My friend Hao Jiang asked, "Will Detroit Redwings beat Edmonton in the NHL hockey
game tonight? Redwings is my local team, and of course I want it to win." He tossed the
coins and got [Commander] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - Vii s & yo

Commander Arrive
P yo -- U P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- R c --
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

Hao Jiang said, "The Redwings is the self line. The self line is the gain star turning into a
winner star. Edmonton is the opponent line. The U line only got a P yo frustration star. So
Redwings will win. "

 But there is a trap on the 1st line. This means Redwings will have a hell of a hard
time beating the other team.

Result: It was a close game, but the Redwings scored a point in 3 minutes into overtime and
won. Score was 4:3.

Fieritto tossed the coins and asked will his soccer team win the game tomorrow. God gave
him [Zen] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y-I y&m

6 strike
G sh x J K e -
R s -- G wa --
K w - R yo -
G cn -- U G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - P t -

There is a 6 strike. A 6 strike means his team cannot win. But luckily, the date (y) is
striking at the 5th line R s. So the 5th line R s is actually moving. The 5th line R s moves
and bounds to the self line K e. The power of the 6 strike is eliminated. If an R star moves
and bounds to the self line, his soccer team shall win.

Result: His team won.

Hao Jiang tossed the coins and asked, "Will Detroit Redwings beat Boston in the NHL
game this afternoon? I want my local team Redwings to win." He got [Look] and [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - X s & yo

G m - G y -
R e O K t --
P wa -- J P sh -- J
G m -- P cn --
R e -- G y --
P wa X U K t - U

Redwings is the self line. Here both the self line and the opponent line are the same element
(wa). But the opponent line is moving, therefore it's stronger. Besides, the 5th line R star
is linked to the U line. Boston is going to win.

Result: Redwings lost 1:2. They lost the first round 0:1. The second round was 1:1, and
third round was 0:0.

Some I-Ching scholars believe that the self line and the U line are the most decisive
component in a sports prediction. If the self line has the R star, the self line definitely
wins. I find that to be untrue. Based on my experience, the combos are the most important
stuffs when it comes to sports.
A teenage boy said, "My city's baseball team is playing today. Will they win?" He got
[Bite] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Xiii w & wa

6 strike
K e o G sh --
G wa -- J R s --
R yo - K w -
G cn x G cn -
B y x U B y -
P t - P t -

The U line B y is pushing the 3rd line G cn gain star toward the self line. This is good.

 But too bad that the 3rd line gain star is dead. So there is no gain. This means his
team will be losing.
 There is a 6 strike. But since the top line's K e moved bounding to the self line, the
6 strike has been eliminated. The self line has also reached a G sh gain star through
the top line. This means the self line will win.
 The 3rd line's dead gain star foretold that his team will lose. But the top line
foretold that his team will win. So which is right?
 Actually, the 3rd line represents an earlier stage, and the top line represents the
future. The 3rd line is saying that they will be losing at the beginning. But the top
line guarantees that they will catch up and will finally beat their opponent.

Result: His city team won by 10 - 5. (The self line won.)

A girl tossed the coins asking will Albania win against Russia in soccer. She got [Too
Much] and [Little Much].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo - iV cn & e
Too Much Little Much
G wa -- G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - J K w -
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G sh --

Some I-Ching scholar will say that the self line is Albania, and the U line is Russia. But I
won't say that.

 I think that the gain star is very important. If Albania wins, there is gain for her
because she is Albanian. What gain is there for her if Russia wins?
 The U line G c is retreating. This means Albania cannot win. But luckily, the 2nd
line K w moved to produce the U line's G c so that G c can no longer retreat. So the
U line and the 2nd line formed an alliance. Albania still has a chance to win.
 But Albania still can lose because the 5th line R star is retreating.

Result: Albania won. Based on the theories of other I-Ching scholars, the self line
definitely is your team and the U line definitely is the enemy. But why did her team win
this time? That's why I recommend people to look out for the combos and the alliances.

Based on my experience, if you got the good 'e & wa

combo', your favorite team shall win. If you got the bad
'e & wa combo', your favorite team will lose. It doesn't
matter what element is sitting on the U line or on the
self line. The 'e & wa combo' is the boss!
For the quarter final match of world cup 2002, Korea vs. Germany, a Korean tossed the
coins asking will Korea beat Germany. He received [Separate] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
w t-I t&c

6 match
P m o K sh --
B e o J G s --
K wa x B w -
B w -- P m --
K cn o U B e --
P y -- K wa --

Korea is the self line and Germany is the U line? No, I don't view it that way at all.

 The U line and the 1st line formed a 'reverse e & wa combo'. So the 1st line's K wa
happiness star disappears while the 1st line's P y frustration star survives.
Happiness disappears and frustration stays. This sign is clearly saying that Korea
does not have a chance of winning.

Result: Germany won! If you see a combo, focus on it. If you see an alliance, investigate

It's Boston Coll vs. Toledo. Who will win? A man got [Combine] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour
t e - Vi sh & h

6 strike
P wa -- K t --
B yo - U P sh -
K h o B s --
G m -- R w --
R e x J P cn -
P wa -- G y --

The self line is Boston. There is a 6 strike. But luckily, the 4th line B s moves bounding to
the self line. So the power of the 6 strike has been eliminated. So Boston has a good
chance of winning.

 The self line and the 1st line formed an 'e & wa combo'. So the 1st line's P wa
frustration star will successfully turn into the gain star G y. This clearly means
Boston shall win.

Result: Boston won.

A guy tossed the coins asking will his favorite team win the game. God showed him [Kan]
and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
yo e-X w & wa

Kan Quen
6 strike 6 strike
B t -- J P yo --
R sh o B h --
P s -- R c --
G w -- U K m --
R cn o G e --
K y -- R wa --

There is a 6 strike. But luckily, the 2nd line R cn moved bounding to the self line. So the
power of the 6 strike has been eliminated.

 The 2nd line and the 1st line formed a 'reverse e & wa combo'. The 1st line's K y
loser star takes charge while the 1st line's R wa winner star disappears. So this
'reverse e & wa combo' is actually a loser combo. This loser combo is saying that
his team shall not win.

Result: His favorite team lost the game. You see how important the 'e & wa combo' is?
His team still lost although the 5th line R cn winner star moves and bounds to the self line.

A guy asked, "Will Tenerife Win Cadiz?" He got [Queen] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y-I y&m

Queen Unsettled
P sh - R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - U B yo -
B yo o R w --
K h - P cn -
P c -- J G y --

Tenerife is his favorite team. So Tenerife is the self line. The U line's B s moved turning
into P wa which bounds to the U line R w. Then the U line R w turns into B yo. The R
winner star turns into a loneliness B star. The U line is bad news.

 The 5th line and the U line formed an alliance. So the 5th line is the U line.
 The self line P c does repel away the U line's bad news because it repels away the
5th line P wa.
 But too bad that the self line cannot repel away the U line after all because the 4th
line R w moved to produce the self line. (The 4th line R w links to the U line R w.
So the 4th line is the U line.) This means the bad news is here to stay.
 The self line's P c frustration star got killed back by the G y gain star. This is a
good sign. This means Tenerife will win the game.
 But too bad that the 3rd line R w moved to rescue the self line's frustration star P c.
So Tenerife still will lose.

Result: Tenerife lost the game.

Most of the time, you don't need to compare the

strengths of J and U. Your gain star, your helper, a
combo, or an alliance can tell the entire story.
A boy wants team A to beat team B. He got [Commander] and [Quarrel].

Year Month Date Hour
sh e - iV t&c

Commander Quarrel
P yo x U G e -
B h -- R wa --
R c x P yo -
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -
The boy wants team A to win. This sign is very easy to tell. Team A cannot win because
the 5th line's troubled B h money killer has been rescued by the P combo. If the B star has
been rescued, it will kill his gain star. So his favorite team cannot win.

Result: Team A lost.

A man tossed the coins asking will his favorite soccer team win the game. He got [Quarrel]
and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
y h - Viii y&m

Quarrel Strip
P e - R y -
B wa -- G t --
K yo o J B sh --
B c -- R m --
R m o P e --
P e o U B wa --

The 3rd line B c repels away the 1st line's B wa loneliness star. This is good. If the
loneliness star has been repelled away, success must be near! Right now, B c cannot repel
away B wa yet because the 3rd line R m is still empty. But when the emptiness fulfills, his
team will win.

Result: The game was on day m. His favorite team won. You see? You don't even need
to compare the strengths of J and U. The 3rd line B c repelling away the 1st line B wa
already is telling you the outcome of the game.

It's Internationale vs Fiorentina. Luke asked, "Will Internationale beat Fiorentina this
Sunday?". He got [Trapped] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
m e-X w & wa
6 match
P wa -- P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - U R w -
R w -- R w --
P cn - P cn -
G y -- J G y --

Luke wanted Internationale to win. The 5th line B yo moves and retreats. Therefore, the
B star cannot hurt the self line. Internationale shall win.

 The U line K h is actually moving because it has been struck by the date. So the
self line is actually receiving the U line's R w winner star through K h.

Result: Internationale won the game.

But sometimes, you must view the U line as the enemy

Don't compare the strengths of J and U unless you absolutely have to.

It's Fluminense vs Vitoria. Somebody tossed the coins asking who will win. He got [Little
much] and [Intercourse].

Year Month Date Hour
sh m - II t&c

Little Much Intercourse

P sh -- P wa --
B s x B yo -
R w - J K h -
B s - B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

Well, I don't see any 'e & wa combo' in this sign. Nobody is in trouble either. The U line
could represent Vitoria while self line represents Fluminense because he wants Fluminense
to win. The self line's R winner star got killed back by K h. But the U line is bounding to
the 5th line's advancing loneliness star, which is also a loser.

Result: Fluminense won. Technically speaking, this sign is extremely hard to decipher
because the self line got killed back by a K h loser star while the U line bounds to the
advancing loneliness star. Both don't look good. If I were him, I would have tossed again
to get a clearer sign.

Luke said, "I asked about Schumacher vs Montoya. I want Schumacher to win. I tossed
the coins and got [Wonderful] and [Shun]."

Year Month Date Hour
m s - III cn & e


K yo X U R m -
G h X P e -
B c -- B wa --
B cn - J K yo -
R y - G h -
G t O B c --

6 match 6 strike

6 match turning into 6 strike. But luckily, the self line B cn turns into K yo, which bounds
back at B cn. So the power of the 6 strike is eliminated. The self line B cn turned into K
yo which links to the U line's K yo. Then the U line's K yo turned into the R winner star.
This means the self line has received the winner star. Schumacher wins?

Result: The game was on day sh. Schumacher won.

Luke said, "I'm trying to predict NBA. It's much easier because NBA games don't have
draws. I asked if Cleaveland will beat Phoenix. I got [Gen]."

Year Month Date Hour
m h - Vi cn & e

R y - J
G t --
B sh --
K s - U
P w --
B cn --

6 strike

Luke said, "Cleaveland is the self line because I want Cleaveland to win. The self line is
bounding to the date, so the 6 strike is eliminated. This hexagram seems pretty easy. The
self line has an R star, which is as strong as hell. It's healthy in the month and in the date,
and it is bounded to the date which is a G star. The opponent line has a half-healthy K
loser star. Cleaveland will win."

Result: Cleaveland won.

Luke said, "Will Atalanta beat Piacenza? I want Atalanta to win, and I got [Need] and

Year Month Date Hour
m e-X w & wa


G t -- B wa --
B sh - K yo -
K s x J G h -
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

The self line is Atalanta. The self line K star moves turning into the gain star. That's a
good sign, but too bad that the gain star G e has been struck loose by the date. The self
line's K s is also bounding to the date, so the self line cannot move. The game is on day h.
Coincidently, day h can save the self line's G h which has been struck loose by the date.
Day h can also break the bondage for the self line allowing the self line to move. Atalanta
shall win?

Luke was not sure, so he tossed the coins again. This time, he got [Hollow] and [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
m e-X w & wa

R m - R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- J B sh --
B c -- B c --
R m - R m -
P e - U P e -

The self line's B wa loneliness star is advancing, which is not good. But luckily, the 5th
line P e moved and got killed back by G t. If 5th line P e got killed back, P e can no longer
produce the self line's advancing B wa. And the self line's loneliness star can no longer
advance. So there is no loneliness after all. Atalanta will win!

Result: It was a draw. The reason is the U line P e received the G t gain star through the
5th line. (The U line represents Piacenza.)

Here's a tricky one: Pittsburgh vs. Oregon. Who will win? [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
t e - Vi sh & h

R y - U
G t --
B sh --
B c -- J
R m -
P e -

The self line is Pittsburgh. At first, I was going to say that the U line Oregon will win
because the U line is an R star. But why is the money star G t facing the self line? (The 5th
line G t can bound to the self line.) The month t also bounds to the self line. So I didn't
make my conclusion based on this sign.

Result: The self line Pittsburgh won.

If the self line and the U line are linked together, you
must be careful.
For example: A guy tossed the coins asking will Team Williams beat Team Capriato. God
gave him [Fog] and [Return].

Year Month Date Hour
e cn - I cn & e

6 match
B t -- P yo --
R sh o U B h --
P s -- C c --
R cn -- R cn --
K y -- J K y --
B t - B t -

At the first glance, the U line seemed like the ultimate winner (Capriato) and the self line a
definite loser (Williams). But if you investigate the sign carefully, you see that the U line R
sh moved turning into B h which bounds to the self line K y. That means an R winner star
moves bounding to the self line. So the self line (Williams) shall win!

Result: Williams won the game.

Feng Shui
6 match mostly means your house is a lucky house. 6 strike means you should not
purchase the house. A 6 match also mean that if people live into that house, people will be
kind and generous to each other. The K star is the lucky star. K kills R means all worries
and fear disappear. The K star and the G money star cannot be hurt or be weak. Or else
you will lose money, or your children will be in danger, or your family will come apart,

Red is the front of the house. Black is the back of the house. Green is the left of the
house. White is the right of the house. Yellow and gray are the center of the house.
The bottom line (1st line) is the bottom or the foundation of the house. The 2nd line is the
living room, the kitchen, or the guest room. The 3rd line is the door or the bed. The 4th
line is the front gate of the house. The 5th line is the front road which leads to the front
gate of the house. The top line is the most far. Thus the 6th line could be a building across
the street or something.

The self line is, of course, yourself. The U line represents others. (Someone who's not
related to you.) If the U line is somehow linked to the self line, others are living in your
house. Beware the U line that has an R or a white colored star which strikes or kills the self
line. A white element or an R of U line hurting the self line means there are outer forces
that are contaminating your fortune. If you got a red B star, the front of your house is
bad. (B is the money killer, and red is the front of your house.) The yellow color
represents the center of your house. But yellow also indicates lots of curves. (like lots of
left turns and right turns, confusing hallways or confusing architecture, etc.) If the money
star G is yellow, the confusing architecture or the curves are helping your money luck.
That means money comes in and are trapped in those confusing curves or architecture. If
the B star moves, people who live in the house won't gain money. If the yellow P star is
strong, people in the house will be injured or be hurt because P represents worry, pain, and
agony. P star moving is also bad for children because P star kills the child star K.

If a gray star moves, there will be fear and anxiety in the house. Black color represents the
back of your house. Black also represents a thief or a robber. It also represents lust and
porn. If the black G woman star bounds to a yellow R star, your wife is fooling around
with other men. The white color means the right side. A white G means the right side of
your house is helping you gaining money. If a white G star kills the self line, the woman in
your house is more powerful than the man. White also represents surgery, blood, or
disease. If a white R moves, there shall be disease, illness, or surgery. The green color is
the left side. Green is the luckiest color of all. If there is a green K, the left side of your
house is the lucky spot. If the green K moves, you will become rich. A green G should be
strong and is best to be produced by others. A green R moving means you will be
promoted. The green P is best to be quiet. If the green P moves, your children might get

Let's say the bottom line is an R. If it moves, there might be human remains under your
house or it used to be a grave yard or there is an evil spirit which damns your house. If the
3rd lins is a G money star, your door is good for your money. If the 3rd line is a B, the
door is killing your money. If the 3rd and the 4th line are both B stars, a person standing at
the front gate can see your master bed room's door. If the 3rd and the 4th lines' B stars are
moving, a person standing at the front gate can see your back door. That means if money
enters from the front door, it goes out directly through the back door. This kind of
architecture will make you lose lots of money, but it's getting quite popular nowadays.
Remember, your house is directly affecting your mentality. The architecture of your house
is subliminally affecting and controlling your mind. Every door or window counts.

The 5th line is the master bed room. If the 5th line is white, or the hider is killing the
bearer, or is being struck or being killed, the bed room is out of luck. Fighting or illness
will take over your bed room. If the 5th line is weak or is dead, something has got to be
done. The 6th line means a far away spot. If the self line is linked to the 6th line or is on
the 6th line, the owner must be traveling a lot.

If the red R moves, beware the

Front Door
house on fire. If a water R moves,
beware a flood. If a metal R
Left Right
moves, beware surgery or injury. If
the wood R moves, the trouble
Back Door
comes from wood.

I have also heard of theories like: The G star is the road. The B star is the door. The P star
is the living room. The R star is the guest house. The K star is the lucky spot, etc. You, as
an I-Ching student, must use these rules wisely. If you see that the 3rd and the 4th line are
moving B stars, you automatically know that the doors are killing the money.

Some guy wants to buy a house, but he doesn't know if the house will bring him good luck
or not. He tossed the coins and got [Revolution] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
s m - Viii w & wa

Revolution Extreme
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h - J B h -
B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

P represents the house because this person has not move in yet. The date m strikes the 5th
line P yo. The 5th line P yo moves producing the self line. The self line B h is strong
under the month. This house is not bad for you at all. If you move in, you will gain lots of
wealth. There is only one problem. The 2nd line R star turns into a K star. When ever
you see a K star turning into an R, or an R turning into a K, it indicates that the Lord will
take your child away from you. "Then what good is the house?", the man asked. Wild
Crane replied, "No no no. This has nothing to do with the house. Your child's time is up.
The K star y is being struck by the month and is linked to an R star. This is a dangerous
sign. It has absolutely nothing to do with the house. Even if you don't buy the house, your
child's life span won't be extended."

Result: The guy feared that the house might take away his son's life, so he didn't buy the
house. The son still died in the month of s from small pox. So the man bought the house in
the month of sh.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about his new house. He received [Travel] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
s cn sh - V cn & e

6 match
B e - K sh - Red
K wa x G s - Grn
G yo - U B w - Blk
R h G s - G s - Wht
B w -- B w -- Gry
P m K cn -- J K cn -- Yel

The hexagram is a 6 match. Nothing is striking or killing. This house is a lucky house.
The 5th line wa moved turning into and producing G s money star. The G money stars
appear everywhere on the hexagrams. The K star is also strong. This house is extremely

 Chinese believe that if the house is surrounded by mountains or hills, the natural
energy of Earth will concentrate on the house. The energy will turn into luck. In
this hexagram, the 5th line is green. The green 5th line is linked to the 3rd line's
white G s. The 5th line also moved bounding to the 4th line's black B. The 5th line
also moved bounding to the top line's red B. Red, white, black, and green. That's
front, back, left, and right all linked or bounding to each other. This means that the
house is surrounded by hills or by mountains. Who ever lives in this house will
become extremely wealthy. The luck of many generations will be enhanced by this

Result: This man became a multi-millionaire within 5 years.

A wealthy man bought a mansion in the country side. He tossed the coins about it and got
[Consume] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh w-V t&c

Consume Hurt
B t -- U P yo -- Red
R sh o B h -- Grn
P s -- R c -- Blk
G w B h - J B h - Wht
R c -- R c -- Gry
K m - K m - Yel

The most distinctive feature of this sign is that the 5th line R sh moves linking to the self
line B h. If one tosses the coins asking about business, this should be a great sign because
the R star is the winner star. But when one tosses the coins asking about his house, this
sign is not viewed as a lucky sign. Why? Because if one is concerned about his house,
safety and stability usually come first. So the K lucky star should be the lucky star while
the R star represents trouble or danger. If a R star is linking or is killing the self line,
something bad could happen.

The hexagram consume usually indicates the lost of money. G star represents money.
Although the year and the date are both G stars, the G star does not appear on the
hexagram. It is hiding under the self line B h. The white B h is killing the G star. White
is the right side. The right side of your house must be a slope. The energy cannot
concentrate on the house because the energy is sliding to the right side's slope. Therefore
you lose money.

"That's right. At the right side, there is a low, sliding slope. Ever since I moved in, I lost a
fortune.", the man replied.

 The green color represents the left side of your house. The 5th line green sh is
being produced by the date and is the same element as the month. It's so strong. It
is also turning into and killing the B h. The 5th line's B h is linked to the self line.
The self line is white, which is the right side. So the strong left side is killing the
weak right side. This means at the left side of your house there must be a big
mountain. If it's not a big mountain, it must be a huge structure.

"Correct again. At the left side, there is a tall building. It's very gorgeous.", the
man answered.
 So the green 5th line represents the tall building at your left side. The green 5th line
R sh moved linking to the self line. This tall building is bad for your luck. It might
look gorgeous, but it is a hidden trouble.

Result: The man listened to Master Wu and moved out. But from this hexagram, we still
learned a lot.

A government official has not been promoted for almost 10 years. He suspected that the
feng shui of his house is affecting his fortune. He asked Wild Crane to find out what is
wrong with his house. Wild Crane said, "Oh. We have to do it one by one. I cannot find
out exactly what's wrong just by one hexagram. In a hexagram, there are only 5 elements
and 5 kinds of stars. Say if the fire R star moved, should we say that the problem came
from the kitchen or from the chimney? If the wood star moved, should we say that the door
is the problem or that the wall is the bad luck bearer? Maybe a higher level prophet who
has been speaking to the Lord for more than 50 years can understand everything by looking
at just one hexagram, but my level is not high enough to do that. We have to do it one by
one. First, toss the coins for the kitchen. Then, toss the coins for the master bed room.
This way, I guarantee you I can find out the problem for you." The man agreed. His first
choice was the well in the back yard of his house. He tossed the coins concerning the well.
He got [Commander] and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y-V s & yo

Commander Arrive
P yo -- U P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- R c --
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

Although there is a trap on the 1st line, the self line's G money star is still pretty strong.
This well is considered a lucky well.

"Maybe it's the front door. I always thought that the front door isn't wide enough.", the
man said to Wild Crane. So the man tossed the coins for the front door. He got [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y-V s & yo

K sh - U
G s -
B w -
R h - J
K c --
P m -

The self line is an R. R represents trouble, danger, corpus, a ghost, something scary, etc.
The self line R bounds to the date. The self line bounding to the date means we found the
problem. Why don't you toss the coins and ask God if you changed the door will your
fortune change?

The man tossed the coins and got [Little much] and [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y-V s & yo

Little Much Strip

P sh x G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o J P sh --
B s o G m --
R w -- R e --
P cn -- U P wa --

Wow! The self line and the 6th line form an R combo. R represents control, power,
position, and possession. Since you want a promotion, the R star in this sign represents the
promotion. The self line is included in the R combo. The date is also producing the self
line R. The 3rd line B moves turning into a G star which produces the self line R. This
door has got to be changed! After you've changed it, I bet you will be promoted more than
once. Next year is the year e. Year e bounds to the 3rd line s causing the 3rd line to
move. When the 3rd line moves turning into a G which produces the self line, you shall be
promoted. In the year w, you will also be promoted because the self line w moved forming
an R combo. I think the most crucial promotion will be in year s because the 6th line G y
is bounding to the date. Therefore, the R combo cannot be established yet. But year s can
help break that bondage allowing the R combo to form. The 3rd line's empty B s shall also
move in year s turning into G m which produces the self line.

 The self line R w links to the 2nd line's retreating R star. That's not good.
 But luckily, the 3rd line's B s moves bounding to the retreating R star so that it may
not retreat. The 3rd line's G m also moves to produce the retreating R star so that it
cannot retreat.

Result: In the year e, this man was promoted twice. He got another promotion in the year
w. Then he was promoted higher and higher year after year.

Some woman tossed the coins asking about her house. She got [Wonderful] and

Year Month Date Hour
y c t - III s & yo

6 match
G sh -- P t -- Grn
R s x G sh - Blk
K w o U R s -- Wht
B m -- B m -- Gry
K e -- K e -- Yel
P t G wa -- J G wa -- Red

The 5th line R s pushes the U line K w toward the self line. So U line K lucky star moves
to produce the self line. This is a lucky sign, but the luck is not a very big luck since the U
line has been struck loose. But in year w, the U line K w shall be saved and will move to
produce the self line. Something good will happen in year w.

The green G sh is linked to the black G sh. The 5th line's R s is linked to the white R s. So
the back (black), the left (green), and the right side (white) of your house are where the
energy is coming from. The front of your house is blocked. Are you living in a tall
building apartment? The front gate of your house leads to the inner hall of the building,
and the back of your house has windows so energy can come in.

"Correct.", the lady replied.

 The 4th line represents your front gate. The 4th line K moved producing the money
star. This means your front gate is a lucky gate. The 4th line is white. White
represents the right side. This means you enter from the right side of your house.

"Exactly. We do enter from the right side.", the lady replied.

 Look at the date t, then look at the P t that's hiding under the 1st line. The date and
the hider P t are linked together. The 1st line's P t is red. Red is the front of your
house. P represents a building or a big structure. The t is striking the 4th line
loose. This means that in front of your house lies a big structure. This structure is
affecting your fortune. Why in front of the house? Because the 4th line is U. U
line represents the opponent. In feng-shui, U represents the front.

"Yes. In front of my gate there are wide stairs going up and down.

Result: In month t, she gambled and lost lots of money. The reason she lost a fortune in
month t is because the U line K w has been struck loose by the date already. Month t will
further strike with K w making K w even looser. K w is the only helper of the self line's
money star. When K w has been destroyed, she lost money. But few years later, she
called Master Wu and thanked him for the accurate reading he has performed for her. She
told Master Wu that she earned some money in the stock market in year w.

If the self line is strong but is being hurt, a lucky place with hidden
danger. If the self line is weak but is being helped, a bad place with a
good future.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about a future burial spot for his parents. The Lord gave
him [Feed] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
y w-V t&c

No Way
6 strike
B y - G sh - Red
P t x R s - Grn
G sh x J K w - Blk
G cn -- G cn -- Wht
B y -- B y -- Gry
P t - U P t - Yel
If someone asks about a burial spot, a strong K star producing the money star is the luckiest
sign one can get from the Lord. The self line money star sh is weak under the month. But
it turns into a K star which produces back at itself. The date also produces the self line G
sh. This burial spot is a super lucky spot! Water means wealth and resource.

 The 5th line's P t frustration star has been produced back by the R s trouble star. So
the 5th line is bad news.
 But luckily, the self line K w is repelling the 5th line away. So bad news goes away
for good! This is a superb burial spot. Who ever buries his family here shall

Result: He buried his father in that spot in year cn. In the years yo and t, he and his
children became wealthy. The reason why his luck improved in yo and t is because the 5th
line P t regained its strength in those years. When the 5th line regains strength, bad news
be gone!

A man tossed the coins asking about his store's feng-shui. He got [Hide] and [Consolidate].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c m - Vi s & yo

6 match
P sh - G y - Yel
B s o U K t -- Red
R w o P sh -- Grn
B s - K h - Blk
G y R w -- J P c -- Wht
K t P cn x G m - Gry

If one inquires about a store, the most important thing which we must consider is, of
course, the money star. The next most important thing could be the K or the R star. (K
represents the resource of money, and R is the customers.) The 1st line P cn moved
turning into the money star G m which produces the self line. The date is also a money
star, and it is also producing the self line. Good! Looks like you are earning money from
two places. The 4th line's green R is linked to the 2nd line's white R. Both are being
produced by the date. The 4th line moved turning into P sh. And P sh is linked to the
yellow top line. P sh is bounding to the date m. So the green (left) is linked to the white
(right). Then they are all linked to the yellow (a curve). This means that your store is
being surrounded by a curve. The energy is concentrating on your store. Your store's
business should be quite good.

"That's right. My store is right in the center of a round court. Lots of people walk in front
of my store, so I get lots of customers.", the man replied.

 The red color represents the front of your store. The 5th line B s moved turning into
K t which strikes at the 4th line R w. The 4th line R w represents customers. If the
K star strikes at your R star, the customers will be repelled away, which is not a
good sign. The 5th line is also linking to the 3rd black line. Both the red B s and
the black B s are empty. Something's up!
 Since the red (front) and the black (back) are empty, someone standing at your front
gate can see your back door. This is not a very good design. When this happens,
money comes in easily but also goes out easily. Although your business is good,
you cannot save up money because your expense is also very heavy.

"This is exactly the reason why I am here!", the man replied.

Result: Master Wu suggested the man to set up some extra walls to cover up his back door
so that people cannot see his back door from the front gate. Then in month yo, his business
increased almost 3 folds. The reason why his business sharply increased is because the 1st
line P cn moved turning into G m money star which produces the self line. But G m was
bounding to the date, so the 1st line cannot move. But month yo helped break that

A woman moved into an old building. She tossed the coins asking God is it safe to live
there. She received [Strip] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
w t s - Vii t&c

Strip Compare
G y o K t -- Gry
K t x J P sh - Yel
P sh -- B s -- Red
G m -- G m -- Grn
R e -- U R e -- Blk
P wa -- P wa -- Wht
The self line K lucky star moved turning into a P frustration star which kills back at the K
star. This house will frustrate you. The entire top gua forms an alliance because all 3 lines
of the top gua are linked to each other. The 4th line's B s repels away the top line's G y
money star. This house's feng-shui is very terrible. Frustration and poverty shall plaque
the residents of this house.

Another bad news is that the date is striking on the money star y. When a moving line is
being struck, it is loose and therefore cannot move. The top line indicates somewhere far.
The money star moving on the top line indicates that there is a road which stretched all the
way to your front door from a very far distance. That road is the one which brought in all
of the money. The date striking on the top line indicates that there is reconstruction of that
road. The road has either been eliminated or new buildings have been constructed which
blocked the view so you can't see that road anymore.

"The previous owner of this house did become wealthy though.", the woman replied, "And
yes. Half a year ago, one could see a long stretching road coming from a far away
mountain from our window. That road was a very busy road. But now, the view has been
blocked by newly constructed buildings. So we can't see that road anymore.

 The 5th line is K. K is the lucky star. It is being produced by the date and is the
same element as the month. But too bad it moved and turned into P which kills
back at itself. It is also empty. If a star turns into another star which kills back at
itself, there must be damage to the structure of your area. The 5th line's yellow P is
linked to the 4th line's red P. Red is the front. Yellow represents something curvy.
P represents a big building. So in the front of your house, they have built a new
bow-shaped bridge, and that bridge is hurting your luck. It will also bring injury to
your child because the P star is killing back at the K star. But luckily, the K star is
very powerful. So the injury won't be a big deal.

"Master. That's right. Wow! How can you see that there's a bridge in front of the
house? You're amazing!", the woman cried out.
 The top line G y pushes the self line K t toward the frustration star P sh. The top
line G y is now empty. But in month y, G y will no longer be empty and will truly
push the self line K t toward the frustration star P sh. So real frustration shall come
in month y. But luckily, both the month and the date favor the self line K t. So P sh
cannot really hurt the self line K t because K t is very strong.

Result: In the month of t, one of her children fell off the bike and injured his leg. Another
child has fell down and hurt his forehead. The reason why all this occured in month t is
because the 5th line K t was empty. In month t, it was no longer empty. Therefore, it
moved and turned into P which killed back at itself.

A man took the big school exam several times and did not pass. He suspects that a temple
located at the back of his house is killing his fortune. He tossed the coins and got [Big
profit] and [Chen].
Year Month Date Hour
e c - Vi w & wa

Big Profit
6 strike
R e - U P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - R w -
P cn - J P cn -
G y - G y -
K t - K t -

The temple is the U line. Your own house is the self line. The U line produces the self
line. The temple is not hurting your fortune. But there is another object locating between
the temple and your house. How do we know that? Because the 5th line moved. The 5th
line lies between the self line and the U line. 5th line P represents a structure. The 5th line
P moved turning into B s which bounds to the U line R e. That means this structure
belongs to the temple. The man said, "Oh yes. There is a big, tall hundred year-old tree
locating between my house and the temple. So that's the thing which is affecting my
luck?" Wild Crane replied, " The 5th line moved turning into a powerful B star which kills
the money star. This tree is killing your money. In order for you to earn more money, you
need to pass the exam so you can get a higher paid job. The 5th line moves killing your
money explains why you can't pass the exam. You should put up a big beast head against
that tree. I think that will recover your luck."

After the man has nailed a big beast head on his fence which faces the tree, he tossed the
coins asking will he pass the big school exam after the beast head has been put up. He got
[Bride] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Vi w & wa

6 match
P sh -- U B yo --
B s -- K h --
R w - P c --
P c -- J P cn -
G m o G y -
R e o K t -

The self line's advancing P star probably represents your worries. The 2nd line's retreating
money star represents your fortune.

 Luckily, the 2nd line G m cannot retreat anymore because the 1st line's K t moved
to produce G m. So your fortune will improve. And when the 2nd line G m cannot
retreat anymore, it will move to kill the advancing frustration P star of the self line.
This means your worries shall disappear.

Result: The man passed the next exam. One year later, his brother, who also lived in that
house, also passed that exam.

A man tossed the coins asking about his house. He got [Chen] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour
yo sh - Vii y&m

Big Storage
6 strike
P sh - J G y - Gry
B s o K t -- Yel
R w o P sh -- Red
P cn - U P cn - Grn
G y - G y - Blk
K t - K t - Wht

In this hexagram, the money star and the K star are quite healthy. But too bad it's a 6
strike. No moving line is bounding to the self line. The money star and the K star are
being struck by other moving lines. This is a strike upon the 6 strike. Everything separates
from each other. Not a good sign indeed. This indicates that people who live in this house
hate each other. Some of them want to move out. Once they move out, they will view the
remaining people as enemies. Lots of arguments and fighting going on. Nobody gives in.

"What Master has said is very true. Ever since I moved in, everything is not going my
way. People always argue and fight.", the man said.

 The date sh is linked to the gray top line. It is also linked to the red 4th line. It is
striking the green U line. There must be a story here.
 The date's element is very powerful. It links to the top line meaning something high
above. It links to the red 4th line meaning something in the front of your house.
(Red is the front, and the 4th line is the front gate.) The P star represents a building
or a structure. This occured at the 1st hexagram [Chen]. Chen represents
something round. Chen also represents something tall. This object, P sh, strikes
with the 3rd line with tremendous force. The 3rd line represents inner doors. There
will be danger.

The guy said, "In front of my house, there is a big, tall octagon building. My
apartment is on the 2nd floor. The octagon is 5 stories tall. Will that thing
endanger my family?"

 The P sh represents this tall building. It is the date, and it is also the red 4th line.
Red color represents lawsuit. If the red line moves, there will be fire!

"Well, these things occured already. I have this legal battle which has been dragged
on forever. The fire also occured. But luckily we put it out very early, so nobody is
hurt.", the man replied.

 This is a strike upon the 6 strike. I don't think you will live here too long. It's good
for you if you move out anyway.

Result: The man moved out 3 months later.

If one asks about money or about business, a healthy R star sitting on the self line is the
luckiest sign of all. But when one asks about feng-shui, the K star sitting on the self line is
the luckiest. The reason is people are more concerned about safety and stability when they
toss the coins asking about a house or a burial spot. You want to make sure that your new
house won't bring you any trouble. You want to make sure that your entire family will be
safe and happy under the new roof. Therefore, the K star is the lucky star while the R star
usually represents danger and fear. If you toss the coins asking "Will this house make me
rich or give me a promotion?", the R star sitting on the self line is a lucky sign. But based
on my experience, most people are more concerned about safety and stability when they
ask about feng-shui. So the self line K star does not mean you are a loser.

Wild Crane said, "If the self line is white, a coffin on top of a coffin. If the self line is a
powerful green K, bury in year y and become rich in year m." (A coffin on top of a coffin
means someone else has already been buried in the same spot. So bury there is like a coffin
over a coffin.)

One woman tossed the coins asking about a burial spot. She received [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
s t-V w & wa

G y - Red
K t -- J Grn
P sh -- Blk
G m -- Wht
R e -- U Gry
P wa -- Yel

The self line is a green K, and it is being helped by both the month and the date. This is
very lucky. The self line is water. Water represents money source. The water is so
strong! Face the burial spot toward the river. Wait! Hold on. Hold on. The water is
already too strong. Facing the river might not be appropriate. If you face the river, the
water might overflow. No, we don't want anything extreme. That's not good. The 4th line
P represents a big building or a mountain. It is black, and that means it's in the back of the
burial spot. If you face that, the mountain could somehow control the flow of the strong
water. Face the mountain in the back when you bury! You will become wealthy!

Result: She followed the direction given by Wild Crane. She buried her mother-in-law in
August, and her husband was promoted in October. In the next year's April, her son, who
was unable for many years, suddenly gave her a grand son.

A man tossed the coins asking about a burial spot for his mother. The Lord gave him
[Return] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
t s - III cn & e

Return Quen
6 match 6 strike
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn -- R m --
R y -- P e --
G t o J B wa --
The self line represents yourself. The self line moves and turns into B which kills back at
itself. Do not bury here. If you do, something bad will happen.

Result: The man didn't listen. Right after he buried his mother there, his back pain grew so
severe that he wished to die. Then he immediately relocated his mother's coffin to another
spot. After his mother's burial spot has changed, his back pain disappeared. The reason
why the coffin was relocated is because the 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike. 6 strike means that
spot won't last long. The reason why nothing serious has happened to the man is because
the self line's G star is very powerful. So although it turns into a B star which kills back at
itself, the G star is not damaged because it's very strong.

Some man tossed the coins asking about his house's feng-shui. He got [Big profit] and

Year Month Date Hour
wa sh yo - Vi y&m

Big Profit Step

R e - U P sh - Yel
P wa x B s - Red
B yo - R w - Grn
P cn o J P c -- Blk
G y - G m - Wht
K t - R e - Gry

If reading about feng-shui, look at the G money star first. G money star is the flowing
energy of the house. Then you look at the K star because K is the helper of G money. The
money star in this sign is pretty weak. Nothing is helping it out. The date yo is killing it.
The 5th line moves turning into a B star which is killing and striking at the 2nd line's
money star y. Living in this house means you will lose big money and your wife shall die
or leave you because G also represents your wife. The 2nd line's G star is white. White
represents disease. That means your wife is sick.

 The 5th line is bad news. The self line's P c repels away the 5th line P wa. So the
bad news has been repelled away?
 Not quite. The self line is retreating. A retreating self line cannot repel away
another line. So the bad news is here to stay.
The guy spoke with fear in his eyes, "Master. I honestly tell you... I lived in that house for
half a year now. My wife died of cancer just 3 months ago. So I should move out of that
house or what?"

Master Liang-Han continued, "Red represents the front of your house. The strong P star
represents a big building. The 5th line red P is very strong and is also moving. A red P
moving means there is a new building under construction, and it is located right in front of
your house. When that building is done, your wife shall die. Why? Because the 5th line's
red P turned into a powerful B which strikes and kills the 2nd line wife star."

"Tell me about it. When they started the construction, my wife was diagnosed with cancer.
The building isn't even done yet, and my wife is already dead. Will that building hurt the
rest of my family or drive away my luck?", the man asked.

Master Liang-Han said, "No. The house won't hurt the rest of your family members. But
living in that house will guarantee the lost of money and constant quarrels between the
family members."

 Black represents the back. The black self line's cn is being struck by the month.
The self line retreated turning into c. The c is struck by the year wa. This means in
the back of your house, a bunch of old buildings will be knocked down. But since
the date yo is bounding to the self line's cn, the self line cannot retreat. So they
won't knock them down immediately. But in the year of sh, sh further strikes the
self line's cn. So in year sh, those old buildings definitely will be knocked down.

Result: The man said, "My God. You are so amazing! That's right! There are a whole
bunch of illegal buildings in the back of my house. The government officials are thinking
about knocking them down. Yes! I don't like the look of those old buildings anyway. I
would be so happy if they would knock them down."

A man tossed the coins asking about a burial spot for his own parents. The Lord gave him
[Difficulty] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
c m t-V w & wa

Difficulty Rise
B m o J R yo --
K e o P h --
G wa -- G c --
R yo - U R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

The self line is yourself. The self line turns into R which kills and strikes back at itself.
The K represents your children. The K star turns into a powerful P star which kills and
strikes back at itself. This burial spot is a very bad spot. If you bury your parents here,
your children and yourself will also be buried soon. The P star killing back at the K star
means your children shall die. The R star killing back at the self line means you shall die.
I think this spot has a ramming magnetic flux which will greatly damage your family's
fortune. DO NOT bury your relatives here, or else you will swallow the wrath of God.

Result: The man didn't listen. He buried his father in that spot in the year of cn. After the
father was buried there, his son and his daughter got small pox and died. He was also
diagnosed with an unknown disease and died in the year of yo. Wild Crane had always
taught people to fear the Lord. Only the people who learn to fear the Lord shall survive.

A man tossed the coins asking about his house. He received [Look] and [Same] from the

Year Month Date Hour
sh e-X w & wa

Look Same
G m - P sh - Wht
B s R e - B s - Gry
P wa x J R w - Yel
G m x K h - Red
R e -- P c -- Grn
K t P wa x U G m - Blk

There is a money combo here. Although there is a money combo, the 3rd line's K h has
been struck by the date and is therefore loose. The date is e, and the 2nd line is also e. The
2nd line's green e is linked to the date, and the date is the one which struck the money
combo loose. This means there is something at the left side (green) of your house which is
blocking the money from coming in.

 The 4th line is the front gate. The 4th line is yellow, and yellow represents
something curvy. Your front gate is curvy. The 4th line wa moves bounding to w.
To my experience, if something moved bounding to something, that also means
there is a curve.
 The worst thing about this house is that the P star is too strong. If the P star is too
strong, it endangers the K star. K star represents children. This house is unsafe for
your kids. It's hard for your children to grow up under this house. Even if they
successfully grow up, they will become a bunch of useless bums. Why? Well,
look at how weak the K star is. The K star is hiding under the 1st line. 1st line is
black, and black represents a robber, a criminal, or a person who's good for
nothing. The 1st line's P (bearer) is destroying the hiding K star. The 3rd line's K
star is being struck by the date.
 The U line represents another person who is not a member of your family. The U
line is linked to the self line. This means someone else is living with your family.
 Only thing good about this sign is that the G combo does link to the self line. Right
now, the self line P wa is empty. But in year wa, the emptiness of the self line shall
be fulfilled allowing the self line to be linked to the G combo. I think you will
make a fortune in year wa. The emptiness can also be fulfilled in year w. You can
also make money in year h because the 3rd line K h has been struck loose by the
date. But K h can be revived in year h. When K h is resurrected, the G combo shall
be established.

Result: "Master you are incredible. That's right. My front gate is quite curvy. The left
side of my house does have a tall building which blocked the view. Ever since that
building was built, my financial problems increased. I lived there for 6 years. My
daughter died, and I still have a son left. These few years, my son has been fooling around
with bad kids. He cuts classes, smokes, and gambles on the street. I don't know what to do
with him. And yes there is a man who's renting a room at my house. I wanted to move out
long ago because a feng-shui master has told me similar stuff. But I didn't find a good
place yet.", the man said to Master Wu.

Some woman tossed the coins asking about her house's feng-shui. She got [Hollow] and

Year Month Date Hour
y w - Vii sh & h

Hollow Separate
R y - U R m - Gry
G t x P e - Yel
B sh -- B wa -- Red
K s B c -- J P w -- Grn
R m - B cn - Blk
P e o R y -- Wht

Check out the money star first. The 5th line money star is yellow. The 5th line represents
the front road. Yellow means there are lots of turns. That means your front road is not
straight. The money star on the 5th line means that road brings in the money. The money
star G t moves bounding to the 3rd line B. The 3rd line represents the inner door. That
means the curved road will bring money all the way to the inner door. These 2 signs are
quite lucky.

 But too bad that the money star t is weak. Money star t is also being struck loose
by the date. The month y is sucking the water out of money star t. This means the
curvy road has been altered. Or maybe there is a new building built nearby this
road which blocked the money from coming into your house.

"That's right! The road was altered last year. And there is a new building, just
finished construction a few months ago. When that building was up, my business
dropped like crazy.", the lady said.

 The 3rd line and the 4th line are both B stars. The date is producing them. They
are quite powerful. That means a person who stands at your front gate can see your
back door. This is called 'straight through the heart'. Money goes out the back door
once it enters the front gate. Lots of arguments among the family members, etc.
 The green K lucky star is hiding under the 3rd line. It is the same element as the
year, but it is struck by the month. That means in the left side of your house, there
is an empty field which enclosed the energy of luck. But too bad the 3rd line is c.
The green K s is buried under c. Buried means you cannot even see that empty field
from your window because another building is blocking the view. So that field
becomes useless to you.

The lady replied, "The left side of my house is a playground of an elementary

school. But my neighbors house is blocking the view, so I can't see that
playground from my window."

 The white P moves turning into R y which produces back at itself. The 1st line's
white P is linked to the top line's R y. Top line represents something tall or
something far away. P represents disease and illness. When a powerful white P
moves, at least one of your family members is ill. White represents the right side.
A powerful white P represents a big building on the right side of your house.

"Right! At the right side, there is this big, ugly, dirty building. On top of that
building, there is this big iron tower full of giant coils and transformers. Everytime
I see that tower, it makes me sick. But that's a government building, and there is no
way that the government would knock it down just because people don't like to see
A man told Wild Crane that he has not been promoted for a long time. His family was
always sick or stressful. Legal battles came one after another. He suspected that the feng
shui of his house was affecting his family's fortune. He wanted Wild Crane to find out
where is the problem. Each day, only 2 tosses were allowed in order to keep the signs
accurate. For almost half a month, Wild Crane visited his house each day to decipher the
hexagrams for the man as the man tossed the coins from one corner of the house to the
other corner.

One day, he tossed the coins asking if the sewage should be repaired. He got [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
sh h - Vi cn & e

B e - Yel
K wa -- U Red
G yo - Grn
G yo - Blk
R h - J Wht
K c -- Gry

The self line has a strong R trouble star. No doubt. The sewage is causing the problem.
God is saying that this sewage tunnel must be repaired if you want to improve your fortune
or be promoted. The self line has a white R. The R is very strong because it is the same
element as the date. No doubt. Here lies the problem. Dig open the tunnel and repair it!

Result: After the sewage tunnel was digged open, they discovered at least five sets of
human skeletons. A group of people have been murdered and were secretly buried in the
sewage. So from that day on, Wild Crane remembered that a white R represents skeleton.
(The R star could represent a dead person. So Wild Crane thought that a white R star
means skeleton.)

After the man relocated the skeletons to a burial spot, he tossed the coins again asking has
the problem been solved or not. He receive [Bite] and [No way] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
sh h - Vi cn & e

Bite No Way
6 strike
K e - G sh -
G wa x J R s -
R yo - K w -
G cn -- G cn --
B y -- U B y --
P t - P t -

Now this man is asking if he has relocated the skeletons, will he be promoted or not. So R
represents the promotion. The self line moved turning into an R star. That's a good sign.
In the year of wa or s, this man should be promoted. Why year wa? Because the self line
wa moved turning into an R star. The hexagram is a 6 strike. 6 strike means this man
cannot be promoted. But if a moving line bounds to the self line, the power of the 6 strike
could be eliminated. Look carefully. The 6th line K e is being struck by the date h.
Therefore the 6th line is a moving line. It moves and bounds to the R s which the self line
has turned into. So there is a moving line bounding to the self line. Therefore, the power
of the 6 strike has been eliminated. In year s, the man could also be promoted because year
s bounds to the 6th line e causing the 6th line e to move bounding to the self line's R s.

Result: The man was promoted in the year s.

A man tossed coins asking about the structure of his company. He got [Queen] and [Too
much] from the Lord.

Year Month Date Hour
s y - III sh & h

Queen Too Much

P sh o P wa -- Grn
B s - B yo - Blk
R w - U K h - Wht
B yo - B yo - Gry
G y K h - K h - Yel
P c -- J P c -- Red

If this man is asking about his company's feng-shui, the money star is definitely very
important. The money star y is hiding under the 2nd line K h. K h produces the hider G y.
Although the month is striking the money star, but the money star is unhurt because it is the
same element as the date. This is a great feng-shui!
 Since the money star is too powerful, even the hiding money star could pop out at
anytime. The money star pops out killing the self line. The date also kills the self
line. The money star and the date y are producing and bounding to the U line and
killing the self line. That means the company favors another person and does not
favor you at all. This means that the feng-shui of your company doesn't favor you.
It favors somebody else.

The man said, "Yeah, for some reason the store next door is doing extremely well.
I am very jealous because I am not doing well."

 The top line's green P moved. Green represents the left side. The top line
represents somewhere high. P represents a building. The top line is empty means
this building, what ever it is, is kind of hollow. At the left side of your office
building, there is this big tall hollow building.

The man said, "At the left side, there is a 3 story-high parking garage, which does
look hollow because it has no walls. People can see the cars from outside. It faces
my office building."

 The top line's empty P sh moves and retreats because the parking garage is hollow.
Do you have worries? The P star could also represent your worries. If the P star
retreats, your worries will disappear.

The man replied, "I do have some worries because the business is kind of slow right
now due to bad economy. So I guess I will become happy in month sh?"

Result: Then the business increased in month sh.

A brief discription of Feng-Shui

Chinese people believe that a triangle shaped building brings bad luck because you cannot
tell which way is front and which way is back. A triangle shaped office building is
especially bad because the triangle structure confuses employees' subconscious minds. If
their minds have been confused, how can they work efficiently? The triangle shaped
structure capsulates your subconscious mind. You cannot tell the front from the back, the
higher rank from the lower rank, the profit from the loss, etc. People will be confused in a
triangle because a triangle feels like a trap. There used to be a triangle-shaped shopping
mall near my house. The triangle mall confused the visitors to a degree that visitors just
stopped coming to the mall. Then the entire mall was shut down for reconstruction.

That's why it's always a good idea to establish your office in a squared shaped building.
This way, everyone can tell which is the front and which is the back. The center is
viewable to all, and there will be efficiency and discipline among the employees. If the
office building is rectangle shaped, make sure it cannot be too long and narrow. Feng-shui
is the study of subliminal messages emitted from the structure of buildings and landscapes.
A certain shape gives a certain subliminal message. A very long and narrow office building
will impose pressure on your employees and will eventually stress them out. They will feel
like that they are riding on an airplane or are sitting inside a submarine if the office is too
long and narrow. This will make one feel unsafe and will cut down work efficiency.

If the back of your house is surrounded by mountains, and in the front of your house lies a
wide open field, you will become wealthy. Why? Because the mountains are your
backups, and the wide open field in the front means there will be no obstacles hindering
your path. This subliminal message will greatly improve your standard of living. If the
back of your house is a slope but in the front of your house lies a big tall building blocking
the sun light, your fortune will gradually be driven away. The slope in the back of your
house symbolizes a black hole which swallows all of your income. The big tall building in
the front symbolizes a huge obstacle which hinders your path. If you live in this kind of
house, you cannot be promoted, and legal battles will come one after another. There will
be contant quarrels among the family members because everyone subconsciously feels

If a person who stands at your front gate can see your back door, money comes easily
and goes easily. That's why some Chinese put those shoji screens in front of the front
door blocking people's view so people cannot see the back door directly from the front
door. Now you know why we asians use shoji screens.

A very clean and organized room will kill your creativity. So if you are an artist, a fashion
designer, a film maker, an inventor, an author, a musician, etc., your room cannot be too
organized. Ludwig van Beetovan is one of the best composer ever lived. Based on history,
Beetovan was a very sloppy man who had left over dinner and his socks lying around on
his sofa. He smelled bad too. But he made wonderful music.

But a very messy room will decrease your work efficiency. So plan your interior design
based on your profession.

A round shaped building and a cross shaped building will also confuse people's mentality.
So it's better to live in a rectangular building just to be on the safe side.

If you want to open up a restaurant, avoid a place which has too many large windows which
allow people to clearly see everything inside. Too many large windows which allow
people to see everything inside give people a cold and chilling feeling. Their subconscious
minds will feel that the heat of the restaurant is escaping out from the windows. Therefore,
their subconscious minds are afraid to try the food of your restaurant fearing that the food
might be served cold. So just cover up the windows with a whole bunch of shoji screens so
that people can no longer see the inside from the outside. This way, people feel that the
heat is still trapped inside. That means people feel that your food will be served hot and
will be willing to try your food. If you plan to open up a sushi restaurant, you don't need to
worry about too many large windows which expose the interior of your restaurant because
sushi is served cold anyway.

Feng-shui is not 100% about subliminal messages emitted from structures of buildings and
landscapes. Sometimes, magnetic field also will affect one's fortune. But since you cannot
see the magnetic field with your bare eyes, you have to toss the coins asking God is the
magnetic field of your house good for your fortune or bad for your fortune. For some
people, living beside a beach will bring good fortune. But for some, water means bad luck.
So you must toss the coins and ask "Should I live near water?" before you purchase a house
which is located right in front of a beach. The red color could bring good fortune for some,
and it could also bring bad luck for others. So toss the coins for colors too.

In Malaysia, In the Anak Bukit region, there is going to be an election on the 18th of July
2002 between Government Party named Barisan Nasional (BN) vs opposition party (PAS).
Ms. Tiarana tossed the coins asking which party will win the election and got [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
wa yo - II w & wa

B e - U
K wa --
G yo -
B w -- J
K cn -
P y --

Ms. Tiarana wants BN to win this election. So BN is represented by the self line. Both the
self line and the U line have the same element. But the self line B w is bounding to the
month wa. The election day is day t. On day t, t shall strike with the self line B w causing
the self line to move and to bound to the month wa. The month wa is a loser star (K). If
the self line moves bounding to the loser star, can the self line win? BN (self line) shall
lose and PAS shall win.

Result: Later, she wrote, "The voting results have emerged. The opposition party PAS had
won by a very narrow margin of about 500 votes in Anak Bukit. Alex, your interpretation
of the Hexagram was very right, I guess most times when predictions go wrong, it isn't the
hexagram thats wrong but our interpretation of it. Thanks Alex. I learned something from

For example: I was renting out my empty apartment. I tossed the coins asking in which
month will people live in my apartment. I got [Commander] and [Kan].

Year Month Date Hour
c y - iX cn & e

6 strike
P yo -- U B t --
B h x R sh -
R c -- P s --
G w -- J G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

There is a 6 strike. So does that mean I will never rent out my apartment? No, that's
impossible. My apartment will be rented out sooner or later. So the 6 strike probably
means it won't be rented out immediately. The 5th line B h moved and turned into an R
star. A B star turning into an R star means lost of wealth turning into gain. That means I
will rent out my apartment. But in what month will people live in my apartment? The 5th
line B h is bounding to the date y. Therefore, the 5th line cannot move right now. But in
month e, e will break the bondage causing the 5th line to move. So in month e, people will
live in my apartment. Month e?! That's 4 months away! No. That's impossible. It can't
be that long.

So I tossed the coins again. This time, I got [Intercourse] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
c y - iX cn & e
Intercourse Well
P wa -- U K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o B s --
B s - J B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- P c --

The 4th line K h represents happiness. The K star moved linking to the self line. This
means I will become happy. The 2nd line R w turning into K h, and K h is linked to the
self line. R represents 'You got something'. If the R star is somehow linked to the self line,
I will rent out my apartment. But exactly when? The 4th line K h is bounding to the date
y. So the 4th line cannot move right now. This means I cannot become happy before the
bondage between the date y and the 4th line K h is broken. So I have to wait until month
e? No. It cannot be that long!

Few hours later, I tossed the coins again and got [Extreme] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
c y - iX cn & e

Extreme Revolution
B wa x B wa --
K yo - J K yo -
G h - G h -
B cn - B h -
R y o U B c --
G t - R m -

The U line represents the people who will live in my apartment. U line R y moved. R
represents power and possession. The U line has a moving R star means someone will live
in my apartment. Right now, R y could be bounding to the date because same elements
could bound to each other. So we have to wait until month s to break that bondage? No
way! This is getting more ridiculous. Or maybe people will live in my apartment in month
y? Maybe the bondage does not work in this case?

 What confuses me the most in this sign is that the 3rd line B cn is empty. Since the
3rd line B h is linking to the 4th line, both the 3rd and the 4th line are empty. So
the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. So when the emptiness fulfills,
things will happen? The emptiness will be fulfilled in month cn or in month e.
Must I wait that long?

Result: Right after I tossed the coins, my aunt found the people who are willing to rent the
apartment. My aunt notified me on day e telling me that the apartment has already been
rented out. People moved in in month y. I asked in which month will people move in, and
God told me I shall hear a good news on day e. I guess it's because I was anxious to hear a
good news. My heart was wondering when will my aunt rent out the apartment, but my
mouth was asking when will people move in. My heart is more superior than my mouth.
That's why God told me that I will receive a good news on day e.

I hired a pharmaceutical company to make a drug that I invented. I tossed the coins asking
will they do a good job. I got [Consume] and [Family]:

Year Month Date Hour
yo s - III cn & e

Consume Family
B t x U K m -
R sh - G e -
P s -- R wa --
B h - J B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - K m -

The U line represents this pharmaceutical company. It's a strong moving K star. Maybe K
star is a lucky sign?

Result: Ended up they screwed up my drug. Customers complained that the drug made by
this pharmaceutical company is not as effective as the drug that I made by hand. So the
strong moving K on the U line is a loser star, not a lucky star.

A woman tossed the coins asking when can she sell her house. She has been trying to sell
the house for quite a long time. She got [Fog] and [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour
e wa - Vi t&c
Fog Trade
B t x K m - Yel
R sh - U G e - Red
P s -- R wa -- Grn
G w R cn -- R cn -- Blk
K y -- J K y -- Wht
B t - B t - Gry

Since you have been trying to get rid of your house for such a long time, you must be
extremely frustrated. The self line is the K lucky star, and the U line is the R trouble star.
So the U line is the evil spirit.

 Luckily, the top line B t moved turning into K m which kills and bounds to the U
line's evil spirit R sh. So the evil spirit is brought under control. This means your
problem will soon be solved. The top line could move in month t.

Result: The woman sold the house in month t. But since the economy was bad, she sold it
$20,000 cheaper than what she originally asked for. Usually, the K star is a bad luck star if
one asks about business. But since this woman has been trying to sell the house for a long
time already, K becomes the sign of happiness.

A woman tossed the coins asking will there be earthquake this year and got [Return] and

Year Month Date Hour
c wa sh - iX t&c

Return Hurt
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn x G h -
R y -- B c --
G t - J R m -
Earthquake causes damages to properties. So the earthquake is the B star while property is
the G star. The 3rd line powerful B cn moves killing G h. No doubt. There will be an
earthquake. Right now, the 3rd line B cn is being struck loose by the date so it cannot kill
the G star. But in month yo, B cn shall be revived and will make the kill. So there will be
an earthquake in month yo. The empty J and U means nothing will happen, but that
doesn't mean that the 3rd line B cn is totally meaningless. Since J and U are empty, even if
there will be an earthquake, the earthquake will not be in our province. The earthquake will
occur in a nearby province. Since the year, the month, and the date are all soil, the B star is
extremely powerful. This earthquake will not be a small one.

Result: They tossed the coins in Shi-An province. On the last day of month yo, a big 7.5
earthquake hit Yun-Nan province.

Some guy lost his family treasure. It was an ancient sword. He tossed the coins asking was
the sword stolen or lost. If it's lost, where is it now? He got [Quen] and [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - Vii s & yo

6 strike
K yo -- J K yo -- Gry
G h -- G h -- Yel
B c -- B c -- Red
R m -- U P w -- Grn
P e x B cn - Blk
B wa -- R y -- Wht

Master Wu asked the man, "The ancient sword is a display item right? Or do you actually
use it to cut things?" The man replied, "Actually, I do use it from time to time to cut
things." Master Wu then said, "If you have lost a diamond ring, the appointed star must be
the G star because the G star represents valuable property. If you use it from time to time,
it is not a valuable item. But G star could still be appointed." The money star G h is in the
upper qua. Upper gua is also the outer qua. That means the sword is outside of your
house. The money star G h is water. That means the sword has fallen into the water. The
money star G h is being buried by the date cn. That means the sword is in somewhere hard
to find.
 The 2nd line P e moved turning into B cn which kills the money star G h. The 2nd
line's B star is black. A black B killing the money star means somebody saw the
sword in the water and took it. (A black B represents a robber.)
 The 2nd line's P e is a dotted line. A dotted line is 'Ying'. Ying represents a
woman. The person who stole the sword is a woman. This woman is kind of old
because it is a P star. P represents a parent or someone who is old. The P star is in
the lower gua. The lower gua is 'Quen'. Quen represents an old woman. That is
another indication that this woman is an old woman.
 Since the 2nd line P e moves turning into B cn which bounds and produces the self
line K yo, you will find that sword. The self line has a K happiness star, and a B
star moves bounding to the self line K star. This means good news will come soon!
Although there is a 6 strike, the power of the 6 strike has been eliminated because
the 2nd line moves bounding to the self line.

The man said, "Master. What you said is absolutely accurate. In August, my town was
flooded. I built a raft using this sword. After the raft was built, this sword was gone. The
place where I built the raft is very near a garden of an old lady. I think after the flood water
has resided, the tide has thrashed my sword into that old lady's garden. She probably took

Result: The man went to that old lady and asked her about the sword. The old lady told
him she did pick up such a sword and gave it back to him. If this man lost a diamond ring
which costs thousands of dollars, a K star sitting on the self line could mean that he will
never find the diamond ring because the K star is the loser star. But all he lost was an old
knife which is not valuable at all. If he does not find it, he does not lose money because the
knife is not valuable. If he finds it, he will become happy. So the K happiness star is more
important than the G star. Therefore, a K star sitting on the self line means he will become
happy soon. The moving B cn which produces and bounds to the self line K yo indicates
he will be comforted soon.

A man wants to go to a foreign country. He tossed the coins asking when will he leave. He
got [Everlasting].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h

G sh -- U
R s --
K w -
R yo - J
P h -
G c --

The self line has an R. R represents 'You got something'. That means you will get to go
to the foreign country. But now, the date cn is bounding to the self line R. When the date
is bounding to the self line R, you cannot move. So you cannot go yet. But in month sh,
when sh strikes open the bondage, you can go. The U line represents the place where you
are going. The U line is being struck by the date and is moving to produce the self line.
The U line's money star moves producing the self line. This means you will earn some
money at the place where you will go.

Result: He went to United States in the month of sh. He earned some money there and
returned home.

The sky has not rain for a long time already. An old lady tossed the coins asking when will
there be rain. She got [Little much] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
e sh - I sh & h

Little Much
6 match
P sh x R e -
B s -- P wa --
R w - J B yo -
B s - B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- U P cn --

P represents 'something happening'. So if the P star moved, things will happen. 6 match
also indicates that there will soon be rain. But when? The date is sh. Date sh bounds to
the top line sh. So the top line cannot move. But on day cn, cn breaks open the bondage
causing the top line to move. It's going to be a big rain because the P star is very powerful.

Result: Wild Crane was wrong. It rained in the day which the old lady has tossed the
coins. (day sh) The rain started in the hour of cn though. And the rain was a big thunder
rain. So Wild Crane still deserves a C +. Why did the rain come in day sh? Because the
top line is sh, and it could move on day sh. Wild Crane just didn't think that the rain could
come right after the old lady has tossed the coins.
It has been raining for the entire week. A boy tossed the coins asking when will God clear
away the rain. God gave him [Strong] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
m w-I w & wa

6 strike
B sh -- B wa --
K s x K yo -
P w - J G h -
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

The boy got a 6 strike. So does this mean there will never again be sunshine? No. A 6
strike means sunshine will not come as soon as he expected. Sunshine will come, but it
will come a little later. The K star represents happiness. If God clears away the rain, the
boy will become extremely happy, right? So K star is the appointed star. The 5th line K s
advanced. So on day s, God will clear the sky.

Result: God cleared the sky on day s. Although the K star is weak to death, there must be
a reason why the K star moved and advanced. Therefore, Wild Crane concluded that God
will clear the sky on day s.

Wild Crane was about to travel South. The captain refused to sail before the current picks
up. (The captain was waiting for the wind.) A passenger tossed the coins asking when will
there be wind. The Lord gave him [Strip] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
m c - Viii cn & e

Strip Look
G y - G m -
K t x J R e -
P sh -- P wa --
G m -- G m --
R e -- U R e --
P wa -- P wa --

The self line K represents 'nothingness'. K also represents a loser. That means the boat will
not sail. But luckily, the K star moved turning into an R star. R represents success, power,
and control. That means the boat will sail. But when? Right now, the K t is bounding to
the date c. In the hour of w, w strikes open the bondage and the K star can finally turn into
the R star. So at hour w, the boat shall sail.

Result: The boat sailed at hour w.

Long days have gone by without rain. A farmer tossed the coins and asked when will there
be rain. He received [Everlasting] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
e m - iV sh & h

Everlasting Too Much

G sh -- U G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - P h -
R yo - J R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- G c --

This man is a farmer. His farm depends on rain. (This is back in the Ching dynasty. They
didn't have faucets back in those days. So his farm totally depended on rain.) The 5th line
R moved and advanced. Why is the R star moving, and what does R represent in this
case? R represents 'You got something'. The farm cannot survive without rain. So if there
is no rain, the farmer loses everything. The 5th line R is linked to the self line. So if the R
star advanced, the farmer will regain something. The only thing which will allow the
farmer to regain something is rain. So the R star advancing actually indicates that there
will be rain. But the 5th line is so weak. The date is also striking it loose. Wait for day
yo. Day yo can save the 5th line.

Result: It rained on day yo.

Another farmer tossed the coins asking when will there be rain because long days have
gone by without rain. He got [Consume] and [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
e y-I y&m

Consume Difficulty
B t - U B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- P s --
B h - J P s -
R c -- G w --
K m o R cn --

Again, this man is a farmer. To a farmer, rain water is his possession and his wealth.
Without rain, a farmer has no possession. So this man needs an R star, which represents
possession. Luckily, the 1st line K m moved and turned into an R. If a loser star moves
turning into a winner star, something good will happen. That means something good will
happen on day m.

 Wait a minute. The self line turns into a P star. P represents 'something
happening'. So if the self line turns into P, the farmer will see rain. But too bad that
the date is striking the P star s. If the date strikes the P star, the self line cannot turn
into the P star. But on day e, e strikes the self line causing the self line to move.
The self line moves and turns into P. Also on day e, e bounds to the P star s. When
that happens, the P star s is saved from being struck by the date. So on day e, the
rain should hit the ground.

Result: On day m, they started to see black clouds. On day e, rain hit the ground.

A teenager tossed the coins asking God, "Oh God! Why can't you make me grow taller?"
He got [Intercourse] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
c h - Vi cn & e
Intercourse Hide
P wa x U P sh - Yel
B yo - B s - Red
K h - R w - Grn
B s - J B s - Blk
R w -- R w -- Wht
P cn -- P cn -- Gry

The self line has a healthy black B star. B star represents energy and muscle. The black
color represents something abnormal. If the self line has a black B, this guy must be body
building. Body building will affect growth. The U line P wa moved and advanced. The U
line P is producing the self line. P represents a parent. The P star is wa, and wa is in gua
[Quen]. [Quen] represents an old woman. The U line is a moving dotted line. A dotted
line also represents a woman. This means that another reason why he can't grow taller is
because his mother is too short. The P star moves producing the self line means that his
mother has passed her genes onto him.

Result: This is what he wrote to me:

 "I thought for God everything was possible? surely his power is greater than my
mother's shortnes(she is 4'11) but my dad is 5'10 and a half and his parents are 5'5
and 5'2. I do not know how body building is affecting my growth, I have eliminated
all excercises that compress my back or leg for that matter a while ago while doing
my stretching excercises(If I stop, would I grow??). If God wanted me 2 inches
taller, that is no sweat for him, I guess you cannot ask for miracles."

A man wants to apply for a passport so he can travel to Japan. Will the government grant
him the passport? He tossed the coins and received [Return] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y - Vii w & wa

Return Abide
K yo -- B wa --
G h x K yo -
B c x U G h -
B cn -- B cn --
P e R y -- R y --
G t - J G t -
This man wants a passport. In order to get the passport, the government must help him. So
what he needs is a friend. He needs someone to help him out. So the appointed star cannot
be the money star. The U line represents the government. The U line moved bounding to
the self line. U line is B. B represents a friend or a helper. B turning into a strong money
star means the government will grant him the passport because the passport does kind of
relate to the money star. If you received a passport, doesn't it feel like you have received
cash from the government? The 5th line G h is linked to the U line. When G h moves, the
U line will also move bounding to the self line. When a friend bounds to the self line, this
man will get his passport. So Master Wu concluded that this man will receive his passport
either in month c or in month h.

Result: The man got his passport in month h.

A monk threw the coins asking if he can meet his master at night. He got [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
yo h - Vi cn & e

6 strike
P wa -- J Yel
B yo - Red
K h - Grn
P c -- U Blk
G m - Wht
R e - Gry

6 strike. Neither the date nor the month is bounding to the self line. The monk cannot meet
his master tonight. The disciple of the monk did not believe the I-Ching sign and insisted
to go to the grand master's place. The monk said, "Don't waste your time. This is a 6
strike. There are no moving line bounding to the self line. The self line is not bounding to
the month nor to the date. There is no help. Even if you go to his place to meet him, he
won't be there. Don't believe what I told you? Let's go and I shall prove it to you. And I
can tell you one more thing. He won't be there because something scary has occured.
Why? Because the 1st line's gray R represents something scary or something shocking. (R
represents fear, and gray represents something scary.) The date is striking it. Therefore it's
actually a moving line."

Result: After dinner, the monk and his disciple went to the grand master's place. The
grand master's disciple told them, "The person who is living with the grand master has been
sued by somebody. Grand master is counseling that person. Grand master refuses to meet
anyone tonight." A few days later, grand master explained to the monk about that night's
situation. Since the grand master and the man who has been sued live together, grand
master feared that he himself might also be involved in the legal case. That's why he
refused to meet people that night. But now the charge was dropped, so everyone's safe.

Some guy tossed the coins asking about today's weather. He got [Hollow] and [Little

Year Month Date Hour
cn s-V y&m

Hollow Little Storage

R m - R m -
P e - P e -
B wa -- J B wa --
B c x B cn -
R m - R y -
P e - U G t -

Wow! The B star is so strong. B star is the money killer. The money star, in this case,
represents good weather. Isn't a good weather useful for you? You can have a BBQ party
in a bright sunny day. You can take your children for a walk down the street. If one asks
about weather, the money star and the K star represents something that will cheer him up.
But the B star is the money killer. So B star represents bad weather. What kind of bad
weather? B is the money killer. What kind of weather will bring erosion to buildings?
What kind of weather will bring tremendous destruction to a community? Wind! That's it!
Wind. The 3rd line;s powerful B star moved and advanced striking at the self line. The
entire day will be quite windy.

Result: The wild wind blew like crazy for that day.

Someone lost his valuable ancient scrolls and is very worried. He tossed the coins asking
the Lord about the scrolls. He received [Intercourse] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
yo y - iX cn & e
Intercourse Same
P wa x U P sh - Wht
B yo - B s - Gry
K h - R w - Yel
B s - J K h - Red
G m R w -- P c -- Grn
P cn x G m - Blk

The U line represents your enemy. Your enemy is the person who you think stole your
scrolls. The U line moves producing the self line. So the U line actually favors the self
line. That means nobody took your scrolls. You probably put it somewhere and you forgot
about it. the U line advanced producing the self line. That means you shall find it soon.
The self line turns into K h, and K h bounds to the date y. K represents happiness. If the
self line turns into K, you will become happy and your worries shall disappear. But now, K
h bounds to date y. So you cannot become happy until day s strikes open the bondage.
Day e could also break the bondage for you. But when day e strikes on K h, that could
vaporize the K h. (h is water.) So I think the biggest possibility is day s. The date is also
striking at the self line B s. So the self line B s is actually moving turning into K h. That
means on day s you will become happy. Look at what's bounding to the K h. Day y is
bounding to K h. y is wood. That means you will find happiness in a piece of wood. So
maybe you have put those scrolls in a wooden box or in a drawer. So the Lord is telling
you that your scrolls are safe.

Result: On day s, this man was cleaning his storage room. He opened up a drawer of an
old desk and discovered his valuable ancient scrolls.

A man has sent a letter to his father who lives in South Vietnam. The letter was sent 15
days ago. Right now, South Vietnam is being invaded by the Vietcons. Will father receive
the letter? Will the letter be lost? The man tossed the coins and got [Well] and

Year Month Date Hour
m t - Vii cn & e

6 match
P t -- R yo -- Gry
G sh o J P h -- Yel
R s -- G c -- Red
R yo - G cn - Grn
P h - U B y - Blk
G c x P t - Wht

The self line sh moved turning into P h. P represents the letter. The self line's P is linked to
the U line. U represents South Vietnam and his father. If the self line moved turning into
P which is linked to the U line, the father will receive the letter. 15 days ago, it was day
sh. So this man has mailed out the letter in day sh. That's why the self line sh moved. The
father should have already received the letter. Today is t. Yesterday was h. Since the self
line sh turned into h, the father probably got the letter on day h, which was yesterday.

 Now this is very interesting. Look at the 1st line. The 1st line's money star moves
and bounds to the date. It also turned into P t which bounds back at itself. The
month is killing the money star. The money star is totally tied up and cannot move
at all. The 1st line money star is right beside the U line. U line is the father. This
money is the father's money. This means his father is holding onto his money. His
father will not pay him a cent. So this guy probably wrote to his dad asking for
money. But his father will not pay him.
 Another reason why the father will not pay him is because the 1st line G c moved
turning into P t. The G star is the hope of receiving some money, and the P star
represents frustration. If G c moved turning into P t, he will be disappointed.

Result: One month later, his father wrote him a reply. The father refused to mail him
money. The father did mention about receiving the letter on day h.

A lady said someone took some money from the company where she works. Could the
thief be Mr. Chen? She tossed the coins and got [No way] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - Vii s & yo

No way
6 strike
G sh - B m - Gry
R s - K e - Yel
K w o J G wa -- Red
G cn -- G c -- Grn
B y x B m - Blk
P t - U K e - Wht

Look at the money star. The self line w has turned into the money star wa and bounds to
that money star. The month is producing the money star, and the date is the same element
as the money star. If the money star is strong, the money will not be lost or will return to

 You think Mr. Chen took the money right? Mr. Chen is represented by line U
because U represents an enemy. Line U is so weak. It is also not the black color.
(Black color represents a thief.) The U line P t also turns into a K loser star
meaning Mr. Chen didn't do anything. So Mr. Chen did not take the money.
 The 2nd line's black B is the thief. It moves and advances killing the money star.
But the 2nd line is so weak, it can't possibly kill the money star. The 2nd line B
moves striking with the 5th line's yellow R. A yellow R represents your husband or
your boyfriend. The black B is striking your boyfriend star. That means this person
who stole the money is an enemy of your boyfriend.
 The top line also represents money. The top line sh turns into m and bounds to it.
The 2nd line's B y advances turning into m. So the top line and the 2nd line are
linked together. The top line's sh money star bounding to 2nd line's m means some
money has already been spent by the thief. The top line is in the upper gua. The
upper gua is also the outer gua. The top line is the most far. That means some
money has already been transported far away.
 The self line K is red. Red means talking or making a sound. K represents a
police. You have already notified the police.
 You must hate Mr. Chen a lot because the self line is striking with the U line.
 But since the money star is quite strong, the money will not be lost. The self line w
moves bounding to the money star wa. That means if you don't find the money in
the month of w, the money will be found in the month of wa.

Result: The guy who took the money was caught in month wa based on adequate
evidence. He is the enemy of this woman's boyfriend. Only 1/3 of the money was
recovered because the thief spent some of the money already.

How to read the hexagrams correctly?
The biggest challenge for a beginner is to read the hexagrams correctly. For example, a
student threw the coins asking will her own photos be secure if she post them on her web
site. She got [Bite] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

cn s - Vii t&c

6 strike
K e o G sh -- Gry
G wa -- J R s -- Yel
R yo - K w - Red
G cn -- G cn -- Grn
B y -- U B y -- Blk
P t - P t - Wht

This is what she said,

 "G wa (self line) is strong in month cn and is healthy in day s. The self line is also
yellow. But a black B y (U line) moves to kill G wa. This means somebody will
steal my photos. And there's a 6 strike. B y is strong in month cn and disappears in
day s. Doesn't look good to me."

Is she reading this sign correctly? Let's find out:

1. The first thing a reader must check is whether the hexagram is a 6 strike or a 6
match. In this hexagram, there is a 6 strike. But luckily, the top line K e moved
bounding to the self line eliminating the power of the 6 strike. This means
everything will be fine and nobody will steal her photos. She totally didn't see that.
2. The 2nd thing that a reader must check is to see whether there is a moving line in
the hexagram. The top line moved. So she should focus only at the top line and
should not even waste her time on the U line B y which doesn't really move.
Although the U line has been struck by the date and therefore is moving, the real
moving line is still the top line K s. So K s is still more important than the U line.
3. The top line K s represents joy and stability. It turns into G sh which represents
security. Then the top line moves and bounds to the self line. This can only mean
that her photos are 100% secure if she loads them up on her web site. Yet, she fails
to recognize the meaning of the top line.
4. Although the U line is more important than all other lines except the self line, U line
is no match with the top line simply because the top line moved and U line didn't.
But she mentioned nothing about the top line. Instead, she shifted her focus to the
U line.
5. The self line G wa has also turned into a winner star R s. She also didn't say
anything about that.

Here is another example: A student asked will he win money if he bets on a football game
on day h. God showed him [Break] and [Feed].
Year Month Date Hour
cn e - Vi sh & h

Break Feed
R y o U K yo
G t -- G h
B sh -- B c
B c -- J B c
R m - R m
P e - P e

That student said, "Oh no. The R winner star moved turning into the K loser star. I will
lose money on day h."

Was he right? Let's find out:

 He asked will he win money. The 5th line G t is retreating but is still bounding to
the self line.
 The top line R y moved bounding to the 5th line's money star so the money cannot
 The top line's K star moved to produce the 5th line's money star so money cannot
 Right now, the 5th line's G h is empty. So the top line's R y and K yo cannot
support the 5th line's money star at all. But on day h, the emptiness shall be
fulfilled allowing the top line to help the retreating money star.

Result: He won money on day h.

1. First thing to do is check to see the hexagram is a 6 strike or a 6 match if this is your
1st toss. Is there a moving line which bounds to the self line or to the U line
eliminating the power of the 6 strike?
2. Next, is there a moving line? The moving lines are always more important than the
non-moving lines because there is a more significant message under a moving line.
So focus on the moving line and don't waste your time on a non-moving line.
3. Are there combos or repels?
4. Then recognize the meaning behind the moving line. Is the moving line pulling
back a retreating line? Is the moving line killing or producing the appointed star?
1. Then check to see if the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. Check to see
if the self line or the U line is empty.
2. If there are no moving lines, the U line and the self line are the most important lines
in a hexagram. Focus on the self line and the U line. Is the U line producing the
self line or killing the self line? Is the U line your appointed star?

Mentality is the most important factor in I-Ching.

Before you decide what star is the friend and what star is your enemy, you must fully
understand the person's mind. Let's say you tossed the coins asking will the police catch
you and put you in jail. What is on your mind?

For example: A woman tossed the coins asking will she be investigated by the tax collector
within 3 years for evading tax. She got [Cup] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
yo yo - II w & wa

Cup Advance
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo o P m --
R h o J B e --
K c -- K wa --

1. Map out her mentality: She wants to know will the tax collector catch her or let her
go. She wants to know will the tax collector bring her trouble or give her freedom.

2. Investigate the sign: A strong 3rd line G yo moves producing the self line R h.
There is no 6 match nor a 6 strike.

3. Identify the appointed star, the friend, and the enemy:

o The U line is the tax collector. If the U line kills the self line, there is
danger. If the U line produces the self line, there is freedom.
o The G star is the advantage. If the G star produces the self line, everything
will be fine. She won't pay tax.
There you go! She won't be investigated by the tax collector. Nothing is killing the self
line, and the powerful advantage star G yo moves to produce the self line. Nothing bad will
happen, and only good things will happen.

 Notice that a G money star producing the self line is a good sign because she is
dealing with the tax collector. Think about it. If the tax collector finds out that she
is evading tax, they will take her money away. How can they take her money away
if a strong money star produces the self line?

Result: The tax collector told her that they have canceled the investigation in month m.
They notified her in month m because the 3rd line G yo was bounding to both the month
and the date and could not produce the self line until the bondage is broken. Month m
broke their bondage. If you asked, "Do I have sexual transmitted disease?", a strong G
producing the self line R star means you do have a disease since R represents illness. If the
R star sits on the self line, you do carry a disease. If a strong G star moves to produce the
self line R, your disease is very serious. But this woman did not ask does she carry a
disease. She asked will the tax collector give her trouble. Then the self line's R star is no
longer dangerous since the U line becomes the enemy (tax collector). If the U line kills the
self line, the tax collector will investigate her. If a strong moving line kills the self line,
there might be trouble.

Her mentality is not "Do I carry trouble?" So a R star sitting on the self line does not mean
she got trouble.

You are the most accurate I-Ching reader if you read

your own signs.
Only you understand your own mentality. Therefore, nobody can read your signs better
than you can because nobody understands your mentality better than you do.

My friend Ken toss the coins asking can he win money if he places a bet on a sports game
tomorrow. He got [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
cn m - iV sh & h

P y -
R t --
K sh -- J
B w --
K cn -
P y -- U

The self line has a K sh meaning you are a loser.

Result: He actually won money. I was so surprised! I asked him what was his mentality
like when he tossed the coins. He replied, "I have already lost close to $2000 this week. It
would be horrible if I lose again today. So I asked will I lose money this time."

That explains why he won money even though the self line got a K star. He is afraid of
losing money. He is in fear. His question was not "Will I win money?" anymore. His
question was "Is it safe for me to gamble tomorrow?" The self line's K star indicates that
it's perfectly safe for him to gamble, and there won't be disappointments.

So make sure that you ask a gambler how much money he has already lost before you read
his signs. If he didn't lose money yet, the self line's K star must be the loser star. If he lost
lots of money already, the self line's K star must be the lucky star. If a gambler is in great
fear, the R star becomes the enemy because R represents fear.

Don't confuse yourself with your own overwhelming

words. Take away unnecessary words. Make your
long sentence short.
A man bought some stocks, but the stock value dropped to the bottom. He tossed the coins
asking God will he ever break even or sell at a good price so he won't lose too much
money. God told him that the stock value will go up in month t. Maybe God is saying that
he can sell in month t? Who knows? Anyway, he suspects that he might be able to sell in
month t.

But he realized that month t is the end of the year when the tax period ends. He then
suspected that the reason why he would sell in month t is just to qualify himself for a tax
deduction by making a loss in the stock trade before the year ends.

So he once again tossed the coins asking, "Lord, are you sure I can sell the stocks at a good
price in month t? Or am I going to sell at a very low price in month t just to qualify for a
tax deduction? Of course I hope I can sell at a good price and not just sell at a very low
price in order to qualify for a tax deduction." This time, the Lord gave him [Shun] and
[Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s-I s & yo

Little Storage
6 strike
B m - J B m -
K e - K e -
G wa -- G wa --
R yo - U G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x P t -

I-Ching is not a movie. You cannot expect to see the future as you are watching a movie
just by tossing a few coins. I-Ching is more like a physics or a math equation. Therefore,
you must investigate the sign as you are figuring out a math equation.

This is his question:

 "Lord, are you sure I can sell the stocks at a good price in month t? Or am I going
to sell at a very low price in month t just to qualify for a tax deduction? Of course I
hope I can sell at a good price and not just sell at a very low price in order to qualify
for a tax deduction."

His question is too confusing. You must simplify the question like this:

 Will I sell the stocks in month t just to qualify for a tax deduction? Or am I really
going to sell at a good price as how you have promised me earlier?

Not clear enough. You have to simplify it more:

 Will I sell at a good price in month t?

There you go! So his question is actually "Will I sell at a good price in month t."

Let's look at the sign. There is a 6 strike meaning that his wish will not come true. The
first line moved, but it is not connecting to the self line at all. The 1st line G c moves
turning into a very powerful P t. The G star represents 'good price', and the P star
represents frustration. If the G star moved turning into a P star, his hope will turn into
frustration. So he will be disappointed in month t.

Result: The price went up in month t, but it was not high enough for him to sell.
Remember this: If the self line G c turns into P t, the P star
can no longer represent frustration. The P star in this case
stands for 'Something happening'.
The above example showed us a G star turning into a P star, which means hope turning into
disappointment. But notice that the 1st line G c does not connect to the self line in any

What if the G star and the P star are linked to the self line?

For example: A man asked will his friend really give him back his money in month w as
promised. He got [Rise] and [Need].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Rise Need
R yo -- P t --
P h x G sh -
G c -- J R s --
R yo - G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x U P t -

The self line is linked to the U line, and the U line G c moves turning into P t. So the U
line is the self line. That means the self line G c is receiving the P star. The P star stands
for 'Something happening.' This man asked will his friend give him back his money in
month w. Coincidentally, the U line G c is bounding to the date t. So the U line cannot
move right now. In month w, the bondage shall be broken allowing the U line to move.
When the U line moves, the self line receives the P star. So his friend will give him back
his money in month w.

 The self line G c turns into R s, which represents 'You got something'. But right
now, the self line G c cannot move because it is bounding to the date. But month w
can help break their bondage causing the self line to turn into R s.

Result: He got his money back in month w. So remember this: If the self line or another
line that is linked to the self line moved turning into a P star, the P star does not represent
frustration. The P star represents 'Something happening'.
You see how important the mentality is? If you don't spend a few minutes to figure out
exactly what this question is, you would have treated the P star as the enemy star. Then
your prediction would have been wrong. That's why always spend more time to think and
re-think before you make a judgment. Precisely map out your entire question, and define
the enemy and the friend based on your logical reasoning.

The K star either stands for a loser or happiness. The

R star either stands for power or trouble. So what
exactly does my K star stand for? What exactly does
my R star represent?
My web host has suddenly shut down my web site because he suspected that I am sending
out bulk email advertisements. I offered to pay him $50 more per month if he reactivates
my web site, but I heard no response from him. So I tossed the coins asking will he accept
my offer, and I got [Little much] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s - III cn & e

Little Much Cup

P sh x R e -
B s -- P wa --
R w - J B yo -
B s - B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- U P c --

I am in extreme fear because my business oriented web site is down causing me to lose
hundreds of dollars in sales each day.

 The self line R w links to the 2nd line's R w. So the 2nd line is the self line. The
2nd line R w moves turning into a powerful K h which kills back at itself.
 What exactly does R w represent? My fear? Or my control and possession over my
web site? Is the K star a loser star or the happiness star?
 After I cleared my head for a few hours, I realized that R w represents my control
and possession over my web site because I cared about my site more than anything
else when I tossed those coins. R w cannot represent my fear. R w must represent
my control over my web site. So if a strong K h kills back at R w, my web host will
not accept my offer.

Result: My web host did not accept my offer. So I switched to another web host.

Knowing what hexagram is about to appear as you

are tossing the coins is not a good thing!
For example: Let's say someone owes you $10,000. You tossed the coins asking when will
that person give you back the money, and God told you that you will get your money back
in month wa. Then you got nervous one day and decided to toss the coins again.

Each time you tossed the coins, you drew the lines on a piece of paper. When you have
tossed the coins 4 or 5 times, you pretty much could see what hexagram is about to appear.

Let's say you tossed the coins 5 times already, and each time a dotted line appeared (- -).

That means if the 6th toss is also a dotted line, the hexagram will definitely be [Quen].

[Quen] is a 6 strike. Oh NO! Does that mean I cannot get my money back? Does that
mean I will end up losing $10,000?

You got scared seeing what you already have before you
even make the 6th toss. You got scared before you even
complete the hexagram.
This is not good! This could greatly affect your mentality.
Which means, the sign you got could be inaccurate.
The most accurate sign is a sign which you don't know what hexagram is about to appear
until you finished tossing the coins. If you don't remember what lines you got as you are
tossing, the sign will turn out to be very accurate. Which means, remembering what lines
you got as you are tossing is not a good thing because it could greatly alter your mentality
if you got scared during the process.

To avoid remembering what lines I got, I cover up each line that I drew with a piece of
paper. See the following picture:
After I have finished tossing the coins, I open up the cover. This way, I got
myself a hexagram without remembering what lines I got while I was tossing the
coins. If I don't remember anything, I won't get scared during the process. This
way, my results will always come out accurate!

If you remembered what lines you got or if you got scared during the process,
just do it all over again a few minutes later.

Sometimes, I become frustrated when I realized that a single hexagram might show up
when my 4th or 5th line emerges. I become frustrated thinking that I might get a single
hexagram because a single hexagram has no moving line and is extremely hard to read. My
frustration could also alter my mentality. So when ever I become frustrated suspecting that
a single hexagram will show up, I just stop tossing and start over a few minutes later.

Your feeling is more important than what you are

thinking. Your desire is more superior than your
My friend Richard bought some stocks. And in the month of s, his stocks dropped to the
bottom. He was so nervous. He believed that there is no way for the stock value to climb
up this year. So he tossed the coins asking what will happen to his stocks next year. Then
God gave him a sign saying that the stock value will go up in month sh. Richard than
tossed the coins asking, "Will I break even next year?" Then God gave him another sign
which also told him that the stock value will rise in month sh.
Richard then said, "God. I know that the stock value will rise in month sh because you
have told me that already. But now I am asking you a different question. I now want to
know what will happen to the stocks next year. So please tell me what will happen next

But no matter how many times Richard tossed the coins, the signs kept saying that the stock
value will go up in month sh. He tried asking different questions, but the signs kept telling
him the same story.

Why is this happening?

From this lesson, we learned that Richard's feeling and desire are more important than his
mouth. His mouth might be asking about next year's situation, but his desire is pointing
toward the present danger. His real fear is the miserable situation he is in right now. His
stocks have dropped to the bottom, and he lost lots of money. Therefore, his real fear has
nothing to do with next year's stock market trend. His heart really wants to know when
can the present situation improve. That's why no matter how many times he tosses the
coins, the results will always be the same.

So before you toss the coins, ask yourself these questions:

 What is my true desire?

 What is my true fear?
 What do I care about the most right now?

It doesn't matter what your mouth is saying. Your true desire will always show up in the

Let's say you want to become a rock star so you can become a millionaire and live in a big
mansion. You probably want to ask a few questions concerning this goal:

1. Will I ever become a rock star?

2. When will I become famous?
3. When will my song become the number one hit?
4. When will I receive the musical award?
5. When will I live in a big mansion?

Before you toss the coins, ask yourself a simple question: What is your true desire right
now? If your true desire at this moment is to become famous, don't ask when can you buy
a mansion. If you really, really want to know when will your song become the number one
hit, don't ask about the musical award. If you have 90% of desire to reach the number one
hit but have only 10% of desire for the musical award, the signs will only tell you about the
number one hit.

So I suggest you not to ask too many different questions in one shot. Don't ask 3 or 4
different questions within one hour.
Don't do this:

 Will I become a famous writer?

 Then 10 minutes later: Will I earn lots of money by becoming an author?
 Then 15 minutes later: When will my first book be published?
 Then 20 minutes later: Will my books be sold in more than 15 different countries?

If you ask 3 or 4 questions in one shot, the signs won't be accurate because your mentality
is not pure enough. If you want to ask a whole bunch of questions concerning a single case,
I suggest you to clear your head, wait a couple of days, then toss the coins again when your
true desire for another question surfaces. This way, every sign shall come out accurate.
We Chinese have a saying "The more speedy the work, the more inferior the job." So don't
rush yourself. Toss the coins when you truly desire.

Since desire is more important than the mouth, one should not toss the coins anymore once
God has already given him a clear answer. If one already knows the answer, the desire to
ask about the same stuff diminishes. Then the sign won't be accurate anymore.

How come the 1st toss is always more accurate than

the 2nd toss? How come the more I toss, the lesser
the accuracy?
One reason is that you lose focus once you have already received a sign which gave you a
clear answer. Another reason is your mentality will change once you have received an
answer that you wanted.

The first reason:

For example: Ron asked the Lord when will he sell his stocks. The Lord told Ron that he
shall sell in month w. The answer that the Lord gave him was extremely clear. So there is
no doubt in Ron's mind that he will sell in month w. A few days later, Ron tossed the coins
again asking the same question. But this time, the signs kept saying that he will sell in
month c. What happened?

Explanation: Ron had 2 concerns in the beginning. First, he wanted to know in which
month can he sell. Second, he wanted to know the stock market trend for the entire year.

Before Ron asked "When can I sell my

 80% of his concerns is about "When can I
 Only 20% of his concerns is about the stock
market trend for the entire year.

After the Lord told Ron that he will sell in month w, Ron no longer cares about selling
anymore. Therefore, most of his concerns now is about the stock market trend.

After the Lord told Ron that he will sell in

month w:

 Only 10% of his concerns is about "When

can I sell?" because the Lord has already
told him that he will sell in month w.
 90% of his concerns is about the stock
market trend for the entire year.

When he tossed the coins a few days later, no matter how many times Ron tossed the coins,
the signs now say that he will sell in month c. In all of his signs, the money star produces
or bounds to the self line in month c.

Actually, the Lord has already told him that he will sell in month w. Therefore, it's
impossible for him to sell in month c. But what exactly will happen in month c? So what
exactly is the Lord saying to him?

Actually, the Lord is now telling him "The stock value shall rise in month c." Since 90% of
his concerns now is about the stock market trend, the Lord is now telling him that the stock
value will rise in month c. That's why all of the signs showed that the money star either
grows strong in month c or produces the self line in month c. The Lord is not saying that
he will sell in month c instead of selling in month w. The Lord just told him that the stock
value will rise in month c.

You see? If you already got an answer for a certain question, you no longer care about that
question anymore. Therefore, you will become more concerned about another question.
That's why the Lord will give you a different answer next time you toss the coins asking
about the same question. Remeber that what ever is in your heart shall reflect onto the
signs. Whatever is your main concern shall be revealed in the signs. Your mouth is not the
boss. Your desire is the true boss.
The 2nd reason:
I asked in which month can I sell my stocks, and I got [Rise] and [Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Rise Little Much

R yo -- G sh --
P h -- R s --
G c x J K w -
R yo - R s -
P h o K w --
G c -- U G cn --

The self line G c money star moves turning into K w which produces back at itself. That
means I will sell and earn money. The 2nd line P h moves turning into K w which links to
the self line. This means the self line receives the P h frustration star. This indicates that I
won't be able to sell my stocks at a good price. But I will manage to sell.

 Right now, K w has been struck loose by the date t. So both the self line and the
2nd line cannot move. But both lines will move again in month w because K w
resurrects in month w. Right now, the self line G c is bounding to the date. So the
self line cannot move. Month w will also help break that bondage allowing the self
line to move.

The K star looks kind of weak to me. So I did not dare to conclude that I definitely will sell
in month w. So few hours later, I tossed again asking the same question and received
[Touch] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Touch Hide
R m - U B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x P w -
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

Oh no! The 4th line B wa moved turning into P w which produces back at itself. If the B
star money killer moved, I probably cannot earn money. That means I can't sell? Right
now, the 4th line P w has been struck loose by the date. So the 4th line cannot move. But
the 4th line B wa will move in month w when P w regains its strength. What a
coincidence! I asked God will I sell in month w. And God told me that a strong money
killer will move in month w meaning I can't sell?

I cleared my mind for a few hours. Then I reviewed the 2nd sign again and thought to
myself "Maybe the 4th line B wa moved to produce the self line K s which represents
happiness. If the self line has a K star, a moving B star which produces the self line K star
means there will be great joy. Maybe I was thinking 'Will I become happy in month w
because I sold my stocks?' So I was asking for happiness and was not asking for money in
my 2nd toss? So the B star which produces the self line's K star represents happiness and
does not mean I can't sell?"

So I decided to toss again. For my 3rd toss, I wanted to know will I successfully sell my
shares in month w. So this time, I was sure that I wanted success and was not asking for
happiness. I tossed and received [Return] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

6 match
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn x G h -
R y -- B c --
G t - J R m -

The self line G t turns into a R success star. That means I will successfully sell my shares.
The self line G t shall move in month w because w strikes with t. When the self line G t
moves, it turns into the R success star. So I shall sell in month w.
Result: I sold in month w. Now you see why the 1st toss is always the most accurate.
Because in your 1st toss, your question was original. But in your 2nd toss, your question
has slightly mutated into another kind of question. In your 1st toss, you asked for money.
But in your 2nd toss, you asked for happiness. That's why the message of the 2nd sign
differs from the message of the 1st sign. If you are a beginner, you might toss again and
again even after you got a clear answer from God simply because you cannot control
yourself due to being too nervous. But after many years of practice, you will gain more
confidence and will become more accurate. Then you will be able to toss only once for one
question and be extremely accurate everytime!

Here is a good tip: If you still cannot make a conclusion after a few tosses, you can change
your question. For example: Say if you lost money in the stock market. You tossed many
times asking when can you break even. But you still cannot make a conclusion after a few
tosses. You should then try asking "When will I become happy again?" If you ask for
happiness, the appointed star will no longer be the G money star but should be the K
happiness star. If God shows you that you will become happy in month w, you probably
will break even in month w. You got it? You can ask different kinds of questions for a
single case. You don't need to keep on asking the same question over and over again.

I sold short Yahoo stocks at $25. If the stock value drops, I will earn money. But after I
sold short, the price climbed up $1. I was so nervous and tossed the coins asking will I
really earn money at the end. God told me that I will earn money. Then few hours later, I
tossed the coins again. This time, God gave me [Zen] and [Humble].

Year Month Date Hour
cn c - II sh & h

6 strike
G sh -- J R yo --
R s -- P h --
K w o G c --
G cn x U R s -
B y -- K w --
P t o G cn --

The U line's P combo is dead because P t is dead. The U line's P combo represents
'Somethings happening'. If the P combo is dead, I cannot earn money after all?
 I cooled my head for a few moment. Then I came back to re-examine this sign and
realized one thing: I was extremely nervous when I got this sign. So my question
was no longer "Can I still earn money?" My question was actually "When will my
worries go away?"
 The dead P combo means my worries shall disappear soon. The dead P combo
bounds to the self line's R yo. (G cn moves bounding to R yo.) Therefore, the 6
strike has been eliminated. If a dead P combo bounds to the self line, there is
absolutely nothing to worry about. I will become happy soon.
 Right now, the self line G sh is still empty. So the dead P combo cannot bound to
the self line until the emptiness is fulfilled either on day cn or on day sh.

Result: Yahoo dropped back down to the price that I bought on day sh. So my worries
totally disappeared on day sh.

If you want your signs to be extremely accurate, let me

teach you this new trick! I guarantee that this trick can
help you produce extremely accurate signs!
Remember that the first sign is always the most accurate sign?

How can you make sure that your 2nd sign and your 3rd sign are just as accurate as your
1st sign? Here's how:

Let's say you tossed the coins. But you only drew the lines and didn't write down the
elements and the stars. So you won't be able to read the sign without the elements and the

Then you tossed the coins again 5 minutes later. This is your 2nd toss. This time, you also
only drew the lines without writing down the elements and the stars. So you also could not
read your 2nd sign.

Then you tossed the coins again 5 minutes later. This is your 3rd toss.

Finally, you wrote down the elements and the stars for all three signs that you got. Then
you read them all together.

All three signs are extremely accurate! Why?

Because if you did not read your 1st sign, you don't know the future yet. Therefore, your
2nd sign must also be very original and accurate.
If you did not read the 1st sign yet, the 2nd sign can no longer be called 'the 2nd sign'. The
2nd sign is also your 1st sign. If you didn't read your 2nd sign, the 3rd sign can no longer
be called 'the 3rd sign'. The 3rd sign is also your 1st sign.

So now you created three 1st signs! All of them must be extremely accurate since all of
them are your original 1st signs!

The trick is not to read any of your signs until you have made 2 or 3 signs. Then you read
all of your signs at the same time. Each sign is considered to be your 1st sign. This
method will insure the accuracy and the originality of your signs. You can utilize this
method when you have extremely important decisions to make.

For example: My credit card processor refused to process my customers' credit cards
because I have already processed over $20,000 this month. (My maximun monthly limit is
$20,000.) I explained to them that if they refuse to let me process more orders, I cannot do
business anymore for the rest of the month. They said they will call me back within a day
and give me an answer. I will lose lots of money if I cannot process credit cards for the rest
of the month since most of my business depends on credit card sales.

I was terrified. I truly fear that they will refuse to process more credit cards for me for the
rest of the month. So I tossed the coins asking what will happen.

1st toss 2nd toss 3rd toss

- - -
o - -
- - --
- -- --
- -- o
- -- -

Then I wrote down the stars and the elements for all 3 signs so I can read them all together.

Year Month Date Empty Dates

c m-X cn & e
1st toss
Big 2nd toss 3rd toss
Chen Profi Stop Hollow Trade
t P sh - U R m - R m -
P sh - J R e - B s - P e - P e -
w R w - B wa -- J B wa --
B s o P --
a G m -- J B c -- B cn --
R w - B yo - R e -- R m o R y -
c P wa -- P e - U G t -
P - U P cn -
Gy - G y -
Kt - K t -

Let's look at the 1st sign:

 The 1st sign is a 6 strike. The 6 strike means the card processor and I will fight.
But luckily, the 6 strike has been eliminated because the 5th line moved bounding to
the self line. There should be no fight but a happy ending.
 J and U are empty. Since this is my first toss, empty J and U mean nothing will
 But I think the elimination of the 6 strike is more important than the empty J and U.
There should be a happy ending.

Let's look at the 2nd sign:

 The 2nd sign is a 6 match. Matching means there will be a happy ending. Looks

Let's look at the 3rd sign:

 The 2nd line R m represents the examiner. The examiner will review my account,
and she shall decide to either allow me to charge more credit cards or disallow me
to charge.
 Luckily, the 2nd line R examiner star retreats. That means R m won't kill the self
line, which represents me. If the examiner won't hurt the self line, she will allow
me to charge more cards.

Result: Few hours later, they allowed me to charge more credit cards. What a relief!

What should I ask next? What should I

ask next?
I am sure that you have been excited by the accuracy of I-Ching before. Right after you
have received a favorable answer, you then think "What should I ask next? What should I
ask next? Let's see..... Maybe I should ask when will I buy a house?"

Don't do that. Don't force yourself to ask a question which you really don't care much
about. Let's say somebody sued you, and you tossed the coins asking who will win the
lawsuit. The sign indicates that you will win the lawsuit in month s.
You became very happy because the Lord has just told you that you will win in month s.
Then you got excited and thought to yourself "What else should I ask the Lord?" Then you
decided to ask the Lord when will you become a millionaire.

Then you received a sign saying that you will receive lots of money in month s or in year s.
You then assume that the Lord is saying that you will become a millionaire in month s or in
year s.

Wait a minute! What a coincidence! The Lord said you will win the lawsuit in month s,
and now the Lord is also saying that you will become a millionaire in year s?

What really happened is that your subconscious mind was still worrying about the lawsuit
even after the Lord promised that you will win in month s. That's why no matter how many
times you tossed the coins, all of the signs pointed to the element s. Although your mouth
was spewing out another question, your subconscious mind remained deeply concerned
about the lawsuit. That's why every sign indicated that something good will happen in
month s.

What you should do is wait for another day to ask when can you become a millionaire.
Wait for a day when you really are concerned about your future success to toss the coins. If
you ask about your future success while your subconscious mind is overwhelmed by the
fear of being dragged into a legal battle, all of the signs will tell the story of the lawsuit. So
do not think that you will also become a millionaire in month s.

Sitting Position
I realized that I can concentrate better when I sit up straight. It's hard for me to concentrate
if I have to bend down to toss the coins. Bending down also hurts my back. So make sure
you find yourself a comfortable chair and a good table. If the clattering noise of the fallen
coins annoys you, put a pillow below the coin mat so that the noise can be reduced when
coins drop.

Which star should be appointed?

A woman asked me, "If I am asking about my company's status, ( not specifically our job
but more of the corporation) what star do I use as the appointed? Will this company
dissolve? Or will the company I am working for go bankrupt? So which star is appointed

ANSWER: Based on my experience, you cannot pick an appointed star before you lay out
the sign. Once you tossed the coins and drew the sign, you must investigate the sign before
you can choose your appointed star. If the K star is sitting on the self line, the K star might
be the appointed star because K means you're lucky. K star sitting on the self line could
also mean you will lose money. If the P star moves, the P star could be appointed. If the G
star moves, there could be a meaning in its movement. If the B star moves and advances,
the company could go bankrupt. So the B star could actually be significant. So don't
attempt to pick the appointed before you even toss the coins. You must always choose the
appointed star and the enemy star after you have seen what your sign looks like.

Here is a good example why you cannot appoint a star before you have fully investigate the

A woman asked will her son come to see her tomorrow. She got [Family] and

Year Month Date Hour
wa t - Vii cn & e

6 match
B m - B y -
K e o U P t --
G wa -- G sh --
P h - P h -
G c -- J G c --
B m - B m -

My friend Hao Jiang said, "If you are asking about your son, the K star is the appointed
star. Your son will not come to see you tomorrow because the K star moves turning into a
strong P t which kills back at itself."

I said, "Hao Jiang. You cannot appoint the K star simply because someone is asking about
her son. You have to investigate the entire sign before you can determine exactly which
star is to be appointed. Although K e is being killed back by a strong P t, K e moves
turning into P t which bounds to the self line G c. P t represents 'Something happening'. If
the strong P star moves bounding to the self line, something will happen. Besides, the 2nd
hexagram is a 6 match. 6 match means the son will come tomorrow. So I think that the
appointed star is not K e but is P t. Right now, P t is bounding to the date t. So tomorrow
at hour w, the son might show up because hour w can break up the bondage. The son could
also show up at hour e because K e moves turning into P t which bounds to the self line.

Result: Her son showed up the next day. You see? You must investigate the sign before
you choose your appointed star no matter who or what you are asking about. There is no
rule saying that if you are asking about your husband, the appointed star must always be R.
If you are worrying about your husband, the strong R star on the self line could represent
your worry and not your husband. Anyway, you have to choose your appointed wisely.
You can always toss the coins again to get a clearer sign if you cannot decide which star to
appoint on your first toss.

A scholar asked when can his economic theory become famous. He got [Trapped] and

Year Month Date Hour
cn y wa - iV y&m

6 match
P wa x P sh -
B yo - B s -
K h - U R w -
R w x K h -
P cn o P c --
G y x J G m -

The scholar knew a little bit I-Ching. He said, "Oh no! Looks like I cannot become
famous. The 2nd line P star represents fame. But too bad that it moves and retreats. On
top of that, the self line G star moves and advances killing the retreating P star. The only
helper of the P star is the 3rd line R w. But R w is being killed back by K h. The helper is
in trouble and thus cannot help the P star. My essay will never become famous I guess."
Wild Crane said, "Don't be upset. I think you can become famous. The U line is linking to
the 3rd line's K h. The 3rd line K h is linking to the self line G y because the 3rd line K h
moves and bounds to the moving self line. Since the self line is empty, the 3rd line is also
considered empty because they are linked together. That means the U line is also empty
because the U line links to the 3rd line. I say that when the emptiness of J and U fulfills,
you shall become famous. That means you shall become famous in year y or in year m.
Besides, the G star is the gain star. Most of the time, an advancing G star is a lucky sign.
If the self line's G star advances, you must be a lucky guy! I don't see why you can't
become famous."

Result: The scholar scored high in the regional scholastic exam in year h and was
transferred to Beijing to work beside the emperor. In year y, he was promoted to be the
chief executive of the economic department. His essays and theories have also become
famous in year y. Although ancient text books state that the P star represents fame, one
must not choose the appointed star without investigating the entire sign. In this sign, both J
and U are empty. The self line is also an advancing gain star. Maybe this guy was also
thinking about wealth as much as fame when he tossed the coins. Usually, wealth and fame
come together. Therefore, an advancing gain star sitting on the self line cannot be viewed
as an unlucky sign. Maybe he was afraid that he might never become famous. Maybe the
retreating P star means his worries shall disappear? The mentality is the only key.

I tossed the coins asking in which month can I meet Elsa again, the girl who I love. I got
[Hollow] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
wa sh - iX t&c

Hollow Unsettled
R m - P e -
G t P e o B wa --
B wa x J K yo -
B c -- P w --
R m - B cn -
P e o U R y --

A beginner would say, "Since this question is about a girl, we must use the G star. G t is
hiding under the 5th line, and it is dead. That means you cannot meet the girl."

I insist that one cannot just go right ahead and appoint the G star simply because the
question is related to a girl. One must always investigate the entire sign before he decides
what star is to be appointed. In this sign, the G star doesn't even appear on the sign. The
most significant feature is that there are two P stars moving to produce the self line. The P
star represents a news, something happening, a notice, etc. If the P star moves producing
the self line, the girl will definitely visit me or at least phone me. The self line B wa moves
turning into a powerful K star, which represents great joy. This indicates I will become
extremely happy. Therefore, I concluded that I will meet her in month wa or in month e.
In month wa, the self line B wa could move turning into the K happiness star. In month e,
the P stars would move to produce the self line. But I say it's most likely month wa
because month e is another 10 months away.

Result: Elsa met me for the last time before she moved to LA for college in month wa.
You see? You have to be flexible. You cannot just go ahead and appoint the G star simply
because the question is girl related. Other stars also have meanings, and you must
investigate every feature of the sign.
Mr. Yang's 6 year old son is missing. The entire family is in terrible fear. So Yang tossed
the coins asking when can his son be found. He received [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo - X sh & h

B e -
K wa -- U
G yo -
G yo -
R h - J
K c --

If one asks about a child, the K star is the appointed. But we don't even need to look at the
K star. The self line has a powerful winner R star which represents control and possession.
The date yo is producing the self line R star, and the 3rd and 4th line are also producing it.
Mr. Yang will become a winner for sure. That means his kid will soon be found. Right
now, the self line R h is empty. But on day sh or day h, the self line's emptiness will be
fulfilled allowing the date yo to produce the self line. The kid will be back home no later
than day h.

Result: They found the kid in another village on day h.

What a star represents depends on who you are

dealing with.
If you toss the coins asking about your wife, the wife star G turning into an R star definitely
means she will find another man. But if you ask about money, the money star G turning
into an R star doesn't mean your money will be taken by another person. Why?

The reason is: When you are asking about one woman, she either belongs to you or
belongs to somebody else. A woman cannot be split into two. Therefore, the sign becomes
more sensitive. When the wife star G turns into an R star, God has detected that she will
have a new boyfriend.
Money is not a solid object. Money is commodity which is used by everyone. It could be
separated and be changed from coins into paper. You can earn one dollar, or you can earn a
million dollars. Therefore, the sign is not very sensitive when you are asking about
money. If the G money star turns into an R star, it does not mean all of your savings will
be taken by another person.

Therefore, make sure who your opponent is and who you are dealing with when you read
the signs. If a store is hiring a store manager, the job can only be given to you or to another
person. Therefore, the sign will be extremely sensitive. If you see that the R star (job)
produces the U line, another person will be hired. If you ask when can you find a job, there
are millions of jobs out there waiting for you to apply. Therefore, an R star producing the
U line does not mean you can never find a job because the U line does not represent

For example:

A man said that the civil court of his town is hiring a secretary. He has already taken an
exam for that job. Will he get that job? He tossed and got [Joy] and [Combine].

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - Vi sh & h

6 match
G sh -- G wa --
R s x R yo -
K w - U P h -
B m -- B m --
K e -- K e --
G wa -- J G wa --

The 5th line's R star represents 'You got something'. If one asks about a job or a career, the
R star means you will get the job. But the 5th line is not connected to the self line in any
way. Although the 5th line's R star is quite powerful and is also advancing, it is not
connected to the self line. That means somebody else will take that job because the 5th
line's advancing R represents another person. That job does not belong to you.

The man came back a few days later and tossed the coins again. But this time, he asked, "If
I cannot become the court's secretary, can I find another suitable job?" This time, the Lord
gave him [Advance] and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

cn wa - iV y&m

Advance Queen
R e - P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - J R w -
G m x B yo -
R e x K h -
P wa -- U P c --

In this sign, the 2nd line's R star moved and turned into a K star which is killing back at
itself. The 2nd line is in the inner gua. Inner gua represents local area. The 2nd line
represents the secretary position offered by the civil court of his town. But too bad the R
star is being killed back by a K star on the 2nd line. So the exam he took for the secretary
position in his town is useless. But luckily, the self line has turned into an R star. This
means that the man still can find a job somewhere else. The 5th line moves and bounds to
the self line's R w. A line bounding to the self line also indicates success. The man asked,
"Then where should I go in order to find a job? What direction?" Wild Crane replied, "In
this sign, the self line is yo turning into R w. The direction for yo is West. The 5th line P
wa represents 'Something happening.' The 5th line P wa moves bounding to the self line.
So you shall find a job in the direction of wa, which is South-West. Go West or South-
West and you shall find a job."

Result: The man went West. He was enrolled in the Ching Dynasty's Imperial Army
within a month. Few years later, he actually climbed up to become a noble.

You see? The 2nd sign has an R star turning into a K star. But since a P star moved
bounding to the self line, he still managed to find a good career afterall. The key is that he
didn't ask for only one position in his 2nd toss. He asked can he find a good job.
Therefore, an R star turning into a K star did not affect his fortune. The 1st sign is
apparently more strict than the 2nd sign.

Somebody tossed the coins asking will the bank loan him money. He received [Return]
and [Arrive].

Year Month Date Hour
wa e - II y&m
6 match
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- G h --
B c -- U B c --
B cn -- B c --
R y x R m -
G t - J P e -

The 2nd line R y moved and advanced, but it is not connecting to the self line in any way.
He is asking will he get the loan. If the 2nd line R winner star does not connect to the self
line, nobody can guarantee that he will get the loan. The self line also turned into a P
frustration star.

Result: He didn't get the loan. If this sign is about stock market trend, an advancing R y on
the 2nd line definitely means the stock price will go up in month y. But since this sign is
about himself, the 2nd line didn't mean a thing.

Beginners might think that the R star always represent the winner, and
the K star always represent the loser. I say it really depends on the
situation. I think that 'killing and producing' law is even more important
than the stars.

For example: Mary, a talented high school girl, is expecting to become the president of the
student body. She only has one competitor, and that competitor has a very small chance of
winning. Everyone knows that Mary will be the new president. Anyways, she tossed the
coins asking God, "Will my competitor somehow steal my talent and win the election?"
God gave her [Bride] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
c t-V w & wa

Bride Bite
P sh x U R e -
B s -- P wa --
R w - B yo -
P c -- J P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -
After Mary saw this sign, she cried out loud, "Oh my God! My competitor will win?!"
The U line represents her competitor. The U line P sh moves and turns into an R star which
produces back at itself. Does this mean that the competitor will definitely win? Not
exactly. Take a look at the 2nd line. The 2nd line G m represents valuable property. In
this case, the G star represents talent. The U line moves bounding to the 2nd line G m. But
too bad that the 2nd line is retreating. This means that the competitor does not have the
talent to be a president. By the way, the G star is right beside the self line and is located far
away from the U line. This means that her competitor cannot steal her talent away from
her. Her question was will her competitor win. God told her that her competitor does not
have the talent to win. But she misunderstood the sign. She thought that God told her that
her competitor will win. The result of the election will come out on day sh. So on day sh,
the 2nd line talent star will retreat. If the talent star G m retreats, her competitor will not
be able to steal her talent. The powerful U line moves and bounds to the 2nd line G star
means that her competitor really wants to win this election.

She became extremely nervous, and she tossed the coins again asking who will win. This
time, she got [Strip] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
c t-V w & wa

Strip Advance
G y - R e -
K t -- J P wa --
P sh x B yo -
G m -- G m --
R e -- U R e --
P wa -- P wa --

She is nervous. So her mentality has changed a little bit. You can tell that Mary is quite
nervous because the self line K star (happiness) turns into a P star (frustration) which kills
back at the K star. The 4th line P sh moves turning into a B star which produces the self
line K t. This means that on day sh, she will become extremely happy. Her anxiety will
disappear! So day sh will be her lucky day. But once again, she misunderstood the sign.
She thought that God is saying that her competitor will win the election because the U line
has an R star. But she failed to realize that her mentality is not pure anymore. She has
grown nervous, and she is asking when will her worry disappear. The 4th line B star
producing the self line K star is actually a good sign.

She became even more nervous, and she tossed the coins again asking who will win. This
time, she got [Need] and [Wonderful].
Year Month Date Hour
c t-V w & wa

6 match
G t -- K yo --
B sh o G h --
K s -- J B c --
B cn - B cn -
R y - R y -
G t - U G t -

The 5th line B sh moves to produce the self line K. Again! This sign is saying that Mary
will become extremely happy on day sh. But Mary misunderstood this sign too. She
thought that if the self line has the K star, she will definitely lose the election.

Result: On day sh, the election result came out. Mary won the election and became the
new president of her school. This lesson taught us that I-Ching is very flexible. Everything
depends on your mentality. The K star does not only represent the loser, it could also
represent happiness. So if you see a B star producing the self line K star, it could mean
that happiness is waiting for you.

I think that if Mary's competitor was a very strong candidate, her first sign would have been
much more easier to read. If her competitor was a very strong candidate, Mary's mentality
would have been different. She would have asked, "Who will win this election?" She
would not have asked, "Will that person steal my talent?" Then, who ever gets the R star
shall win. But her question was "Will that loser steal my talent and win the election?"
That's why we must be careful about one's mentality. Understanding the mentality is the
key to accuracy. The reason why the B star producing the self line K star in sign 2 and sign
3 is actually a lucky sign for Mary is because she got nervous. If one is nervous, the B star
producing the self line K star is always a good sign. That means your worry will go away.

To be connected, or not to be
Let's say you tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend and you got
G t --
B sh -
K s -- J
B cn -
R y -
G t - U

The appointed star is the money star G t. Since G t is not producing the self line, nor is G t
connected to the self line in any way, should you say that the money star G t will move in
month w? And therefore the stock value will go up in month w? False! If the money star
G t is not connected to the self line, nor is it producing the self line, the stock value will not
go up.

Let's say a lady tossed the coins asking when will her husband come back home. She also
got this hexagram [Need]. So the husband star is the 2nd line R y. Should we say that the
husband will return on day s because s strikes with R y? False! The husband star is not
connecting to the self line. The husband star is also not producing the self line. Even if the
husband star R y does move on day s, it does not move toward the self line.

What if you ask when will your brother visit you, and you got this hexagram [Need]?
What do you think will happen? The brother star is the 5th line B sh. B sh does produce
the self line K s. So in month cn, B sh could move to produce the self line. Then we could
say that your brother will visit you in month cn. You see? If the brother star B sh produces
the self line, it is connecting to the self line.

When you received a single hexagram, the appointed star is not producing or is not
connecting to the self line basically means things will not happen. If asking about your
wife, your wife will not show up if the wife star is not connected to the self line. If asking
about your future success, you don't have a bright future if the R star is not producing or
connecting to the self line. (Single hexagrams only)

I think that double hexagrams are much easier to read than a single hexagram. In double
hexagrams, you can see some kind of movement. But in a single hexagram, there is no
movement and you must sit there and guess what exactly is going on.

For example: I tossed the coins asking when can I receive some money. I got [Look] and

Year Month Date Hour
yo yo - Vi y&m
Look Compare
G m o K t --
R e - P sh -
P wa -- J B s --
G m -- G m --
R e -- R e --
P wa -- U P wa --

Now this sign is much easier to read. The top line money star G m moves turning into a K
star which produces back at itself. Even if the money star is not producing nor
connecting to the self line, I still can receive the money. Although the money
star G m is empty, the date is striking it so it is no longer empty. Although the money star
is being killed by both the month and the date, it still can move because it moved and
turned into a powerful K star which produces back at itself. In month sh, the money star G
m shall move. Therefore, I shall receive the money in month sh. That's why I like the
double hexagrams better than a single hexagram. It's easier to read and is more precise.

Result: I got the money in month sh. You see? The money star is not producing the self
line nor is it connected to the self line in any way. But I still got the money. ( There is no
guarantee what could happen. Everything depends on the month, the date, and the time you
threw the coins; Is there a 6 strike or not? Is the helper stronger than the enemy? Etc. )

Let's say you are asking about money. Having a strong money star
does not mean you definitely will receive the money.

It's important to see which direction the money star is heading. Is the money star producing
the self line? Is the money star connected to the self line or bounding to the self line? If
not, you need to toss the coins again to get a clearer message from the Lord.

For example, I tossed the coins asking in which month can I meet Misty, a girl who I like
very much. I expected to see her within three months. I got [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
c wa - II cn & e

K e -
G wa -- J
R yo -
G cn --
B y -- U
P t -

There are two wife stars in here. Both wife stars are very strong. Which one should
represent Misty? The self line's G wa should represent Misty because it's on the self line.
Too bad that the wife star G wa is bounding to the date. I expect to see her within three
month. But the only month that could break open the bondage of the wife star is month c.
So that means I will have to wait another 12 months? Month c can also make G wa move
because c strikes with wa. But we have another problem. Even if the self line's wife star
does move, it moves to produce the 4th line R star. Since the 4th line R star is not
connected to the self line in any way, that R star actually represents another man. I am the
self line, but the wife star is not coming to me. In fact, the wife star is leaving the self line.
The wife star is already bounding to the date. That's one sign of leaving. In month c, it
moves to produce the R star on the 4th line. That's another sign of leaving.

There is another wife star on the 3rd line (G cn). But that wife star is not connected to the
self line in any way. The 3rd line G cn could move in month sh. But since G cn is not
connected to the self line, nothing will happen even if it moves.

Result: I never met that girl again. The wife star is very strong, but I still didn't get to see

A boy asked will he do well on an exam. He got [Little Much].

Year Month Date Hour
e e - Viii s & yo

Little Much
P sh --
B s --
K h R w - J
B s -
G m R w --
P cn -- U

The boy asked how well can he do on an exam. This sign looks good to beginners. But
did you realize that nothing is producing the self line? Although the self line's powerful R
star represents power, control, and possession, the U line is not producing the self line. No
lines move to produce the self line. Who needs a powerful R star on the self line if nothing
is producing it? The G star is hiding and is extremely weak. He could pass the test because
he at least got a strong R star on the self line. But since nothing is producing the self line,
the score won't be too high.

Result: He got a C.

A doctor has prescribed a certain kind of medicine to a patient. But the medicine didn't help
the patient's condition at all. The patient threw coins asking if he continues to take that
medicine, will it work for him. He threw the coins and got [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
e s - III

P sh -
B s -
R w - U
B yo -
K h -
P c - - J

The doctor was also present. The doctor asked, "This guy is ill. But the self line which
represents himself is being produced by the month. The U line is also producing the self
line. This indicates that the medicine works. But how come it's not working?" Wild Crane
laughed and said, "You are looking at it wrongly. The patient is asking about the medicine,
not about himself. So the appointed star should be K, which represents medicine or a cure.
Although the K star is quite healthy, it is not connecting to the self line at all. The K star
neither bounds to the self line nor produce the self line. Therefore, this medicine cannot
help him."

A woman tossed the coins asking should she invest in a certain business. She received

Year Month Date Hour
h yo - Viii t&c

R y - U
G t --
B sh --
B c -- J
R m -
P e -

The 5th line G t is so strong, and it is bounding to the self line. Bounding means
connecting. Of course you should invest! You will earn money in month w because month
w strikes with G t causing G t to move bounding to the self line B c.

Result: She invested in the business, and the business turned out to be a big success when
it opened in month w.

A man wants to sue somebody for money. He tossed the coins asking will he win money if
he sues, and the Lord gave him [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
t sh - iX t&c

R y - U
G t --
B sh --
B c -- J
R m -
P e -

Although the month is the same element as the money star G t, the date is killing G t. Both
G t and the self line B c are empty. So it's hard for the money star G t to bound to the self
line because G t is not very strong. Both objects are empty meaning that their connectivity
is not very strong.

Result: Few weeks later, the man said that he decided not to sue. He quits because the self
line was empty. Empty self line indicates that he is not motivated enough to sue.

My friend Randy tossed the coins asking when can he sell his stocks and break even. He
got [Trapped].
Year Month Date Hour
m h - II s & yo

6 match
P wa --
B yo -
K h - U
R w --
P cn -
G y -- J

The money star G y is sitting on the self line, and it is very powerful. The U line is the
source of income, and the U line K h is producing the self line's money star. So in month
e, you shall sell your stocks and break even.

Result: Wrong! This is where lots of people make their mistakes. Randy lost money in
his stocks. He wants to know when can he sell and break even. The appointed star should
be the R star or the G star. R represents 'You got something. The R star represents power,
control, and possession. If the R star moves linking to the self line, Randy shall sell and
break even. If the money star G moves producing the self line, Randy can also get his
money back. But in this hexagram, the U line K h is the only thing which is producing and
bounding to the self line. But K h is the loser star, which Randy does not need. Randy
wants an R star, not a K loser star. A strong K star producing the self line's money star
means absolutely nothing! The strong money star G y does sit on the self line. But that
cannot guarantee Randy that he can get his money back.

Anyway, he did not sell in month e because the price was still too low. What Randy needs
to do is toss the coins once more to get a clearer message from the Lord.

If you ask about bad things, a star which kills the

appointed is connecting to the appointed.
For example: A man tossed the coins asking about his girlfriend's serious illness. The Lord
gave him [Commander].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t s - III cn & e
P yo -- U
B h --
R c --
G w -- J
R cn -
K y -

The girlfriend is the wife star G w. G w is being killed by the month and is very weak
under the date. G w is also being buried under the year sh. She cannot live through month
e because month e will strike with the 5th line's B h causing B h to move killing the wife
star. When B h moves, the wife star will surely be wiped out.

Result: She died in month e. You see? If you ask about bad things, a star which kills your
appointed is somehow connecting to the appointed. If this sign is about the stock market,
the stock market might crash in month e.

A self line that has been struck by the date in a single

hexagram holds a very important message!
Let's say you got a single hexagram. Your self line has been struck by the date. If the self
line is R, you definitely will find a job. If the self line is G, you definitely will find a
girlfriend. If the self line is K, you are destined to become the loser.

Someone asked when can he receive some money. He got [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour
e sh - V cn & e

6 match
B m - U
K e -
G wa --
G cn -- J
B y --
P t -

This is a single hexagram. G cn money star is on self line. Self line cn is empty. The date
sh strikes the cn self line.

 Since this is a single hexagram, the self line's appointed money star has been struck
by the date definitely means you will receive the money. No exceptions.
 Money will come when G cn moves. Today is day sh, and G cn will move today.

Result: The man got the money on that very day.

Another example: Frank tossed the coins asking will Nancy become his girlfriend. God
gave him [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
t sh - I sh & h

6 match
B e -
K wa --
G yo - U
G s -
B w --
K cn -- J

A 6 match single hexagram. Does this mean Nancy will become Frank's girlfriend?

Too bad that the self line's K cn loser star has been struck by the date. This means Frank is
a loser. Frank said, "But I think that the U line's G yo will move in month m to bound to
the self line. She might become my girlfriend in month m." But I disagree. If you got a
single hexagram, a self line struck by the date is what you will get. If the self line is a K
star struck by the date, a loser is what you shall become.

Result: Frank tried contacting Nancy many times, but Nancy never called back. Nothing
happened in month m.
The stock value kept rising. I tossed the coins asking on which day will the stock market
trend hit the highest peak. God showed me [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
cn y - III sh & h

R sh --
P s -- J
G w -
B h -
R c -- U
K m -

The self line's P star represents 'Somethings happening'. This is a single hexagram, and the
self line's P star has been struck by the date. So there are 2 possibilities:

1. Today is the turning point because the self line's P star has been struck today.
2. The turning point is on day e or day s because P s can move on either day e or day s.

Result: The day that I tossed the coins (day y) was the highest peak. The stock value
dropped on the very next day.

A man asked when will he receive money from someone. He got [Difficulty].

Year Month Date Hour
wa cn - V sh & h

P y -
R t --
G yo K sh -- J
B w --
K cn -
P y -- U
This man's friend owes him lots of money. His friend kept making promises to pay him
back. But all promises were broken month after month. He still didn't receive his money
back after an entire year. So he is quite nervous about this matter.

 The self line's K happiness star has been struck by the date. This means there will
be great joy in month sh.

Result: He finally got a part of his money back in month sh.

Always look at the self line and the U line first before you focus on other
lines because these 2 lines are the most important lines of your

Let's say you tossed the coins asking when will your parents visit you. You got

P wa -- U
B yo -
K h -
B s - J
R w --
P cn --

The P star represents your parents. There are 2 P stars here.

 Forget about the 1st line P cn. Focus on the U line's P wa. Always look at the U
line first. Just pretend that the 1st line P cn does not exist. The U line is definitely
the appointed star. I am telling you this by experience.

Sometimes, the appointed does not have to be

connected to the self line. But this kind of case rarely
A woman tossed the coins asking when will she receive her United States' green card. She
got [Rise].
Year Month Date Hour
y s-V y&m

R yo -- Red
P h -- Grn
G c -- J Blk
R yo - Wht
P h - Gry
G c -- U Yel

Hao Jiang said, "A rather strange hexgram isn't it? Everything's doubled. The P h on the
5th line is the appointed. It's color is green, and it has good strength. Since P h is quiet,
this woman will have to wait until month e for her green card. (e strikes with h.)"

Result: Hao Jiang was right. The woman got her green card in month e. The 5th line
appointed star is not connected to the self line, but she still got her green card when the 5th
line P h moved. This kind of case rarely happens. So if I were you, I would make a 2nd

Related link:

The hiders are very hard to deal with.

Sometimes, the hider will appear even if it's not connected to the self line. But sometimes,
it won't appear. So if you received a sign which you must depend on the hider, I suggest
you to toss the coins again to get a clearer sign.

For example: I tossed the coins asking on which day can I buy AOL stocks at $125 a
share. I got [Queen] and [Chen].

Year Month Date Hour
w t-I t&c

6 strike
P sh - P sh -
B s - B s -
R w - U R w -
B yo - P cn -
Gy K h - G y -
P c x J K t -

Although there is a 6 strike, the self line P c is bounding to the date. So the power of the 6
strike is eliminated. My appointed star is G money star because I want to buy in at a good
price. The G y money star is hiding under the 2nd line. So will it come out? Even if it
comes out, will it move toward the self line? The money star is not connecting to the self
line in any way, and that's why I was not sure.

Result: AOL did drop to $125 a share on day y. This proves that the hiders sometimes do
come out even if they are not connected to the self line.

I tossed the coins asking will I earn money or lose money from a stock which I have
purchased. I got [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
m yo - II w & wa

P m -
B e - J
G yo K wa --
B w --
K cn - U
P y --

The money star G yo is very strong, and it is hiding under K wa, which produces the hiding
G yo. I think that the hiding money star will come out because it's so strong! That means I
will earn money. Right now, G yo is bounding to the date so it cannot come out. But in
month m, the bondage could be broken allowing the hider G yo to appear. That means I
could earn money in month m. But the money star is not connected to the self line in any
way. Can I still earn money?

I was not sure, so I tossed the coins again the next day. This time, I got [Big Profit].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

m sh - III w & wa

Big Profit
R e - U
P wa --
B yo -
P cn - J
G y -
K t -

This time, the money star is the 2nd line G y, which is also not connected to the self line.
This sign does not coincide with the 1st sign at all. I have a feeling that I will lose money
instead of earning money.

Result: The stock that I purchased dropped, and I lost money. You see? The hider could
appear or don't appear. You won't know unless you toss the coins again to reconfirm.

If the hider is strong and is also producing the self line,

the hider definitely will appear. If not, you just have to
toss the coins again to get a clearer message.
Here's another example: I like this girl Elsa a lot. So I tossed the coins asking when will I
meet Elsa again. I got [Hide]. I expected to meet her within 10 days.

Year Month Date Hour
wa t-I sh & h

P sh -
B s - U
R w -
B s -
G y R w -- J
P cn --
A healthy G hiding under the self line. G woman star produces the self line R. On day y,
G y will appear to produce the self line. So Elsa will appear on day y!

Result: Elsa visit me on day y. G y is pretty healthy, and it is producing the self line.

FAQ (for single hexagrams only)

In a single hexagram:
(1) If the self line is being struck and is bounding to the appointed star, is this appointed
star connected with the self line?


(2) If the self line is killing or is being killed by the appointed star, is this appointed star
connected with the self line?

 ANSWER: If the self line is killing the appointed star, there is no connection. But
if the enemy appointed star is killing the self line, there will be danger. Let's say
you are asking about your stock market investment. If the date strikes with a quiet
B line causing that B line to move killing the self line's G money star, you will
definitely lose money in the stock market. If a quiet G money star has been struck
by the date and moves to kill the self line, do not expect to earn money. If the
money star does not produce the self line, that money star will not benefit you in
any way. Therefore, that money star does not connect to the self line.

(3) If the self line is producing the appointed star, is this appointed star connected with the
self line?


(4) If the appointed star has been struck by the day and thus moves, will this appointed star
somehow connect with the self line?

 ANSWER: That depends. If the appointed star produces the self line, the appointed
star does connect with the self line. If the appointed star does not produce the self
line, the appointed star does not connect to the self line. If you are asking about
something bad, the appointed star which kills the self line means that the appointed
star is connecting to the self line. For example, if you are asking about a lawsuit, a
moving R star which kills the self line could mean you will have serious legal
trouble. (The R star represents the judge. If the R star kills the self line, the judge
does not like you.)

(5) Let's say the month is actually the appointed star. If the month bounds to the self line, is
the appointed star connecting to the self line?


(6) How come if the appointed star produces the self line, the appointed star is connecting
to the self line?

 ANSWER: Producing is the same as comforting or favoring. If a money star

moves producing the self line, the money star favors the self line. Therefore, you
know that you will receive some money. Killing is the same as hurting or
damaging. Have you ever heard of a person who is being hurt or is disappointed
for earning money? Therefore, a money star which kills the self line is a fake
money star. A money star which kills the self line will only do damage to you and
will not benefit you in any way. But remember this: If you got a single hexagram,
the money star must produce the self line in order for you to earn money. If you got
a double hexagram, the money star does not need to produce the self line. In a
double hexagram, you still could earn money even if the money star kills the self
line as long as the money star is healthy and moves.

More about the 5 stars

Before we start learning more about the 5 stars, let's
talk about 'Producing and Killing'.
Producing and Killing
The philosophy behind producing and killing is simple: If a line moves to produce the self
line, something will favor you. If a line moves to kill the self line, something will hinder
your plan.

But if the self line B star turns into a R star which kills back at the B star, you will
accomplish your goal if you ask for success. If you ask for danger, there will be danger.
(The R star either means success or danger. It all depends on what you ask for.)

But if a R star moves producing the self line's P star, your worry will increase because the
R star will strengthen the self line's P worry star.
Bounding and Not Bounding
Usually, if a line moves bounding to the self line, that line will favor you. Even if a line
moves killing the self line, it still favors the self line as long as it bounds to the self line. If
a line moves killing the self line without bounding to the self line, that line is your enemy.
But there are always exceptions, and nobody can say for sure which is the enemy and
which is the friend without investigating the sign thoroughly. So I suggest you to read the
sign before you make a judgment.

For example: I tossed the coins asking "Will my digital projector break within 2 years?",
and God told me that it won't break. But somehow I suspected that God is saying that it
might break in month t. So I tossed the coins again asking will it break in month t. And I
received [Strong] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
sh w - Vii sh & h

Strong Joy
6 strike 6 match
B sh -- B sh --
K s -- K s --
P w - J P w -
B cn o R m --
R y o P e --
G t o U B wa --

This sign scared me at first because the U line's G t, which represents my adorable digital
projector, moves turning into B wa which kills back at itself. But I soon realized that G t
moves turning into B wa which bounds to the self line P w.

 My question was "Will my machine break in month t." The self line P w shall move
in month t because t strikes with w. When the self line P w moves, it bounds to the
U line's B wa.
 So looks like the self line P w welcomes the U line B wa. The self line P w desires
B wa. The self line P w likes B wa because they bound to each other. In this case,
B wa cannot be my enemy. B wa must be a friend. But what should B wa
 I think that B wa means the machine will function properly. The B star represents a
friend, a brother, or a helper. If you ask will I receive a visa so I can travel to a
foreign country, a B star bounding to the self line means the government will grant
you the visa. So the B star could represent a helping hand. If P w moves bounding
to B wa in month t, my maching will not break in month t. My machine will keep
functioning for a long time.

Result: My machine did not break in month t.

My room mate Sonny has been missing for 3 days. I tossed the coins asking is he dead or
alive. I got [Combine] and [Zen].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h

6 strike
P wa -- P sh --
B yo o U B s --
K h - R w -
G m -- P cn --
R e -- J G y --
P wa x K t -

I have been living with Sonny for 7 years, and we are best of friends. I worry that
something unthinkable might happen to him.

 The U line B yo represents my friend Sonny. If the U line B star moves and
retreats, he is no longer alive.
 But the U line B star retreats and bounds to the self line. If the retreating B star
bounds to the self line, I wish that he is dead. I want him dead?
 Of course I don't want him dead. I am extremely worried about him.
 So the U line's retreating B star cannot represent Sonny's death because I don't want
him dead. The retreating B star must mean that hindrance will go away soon. Right
now, B yo is bounding to the date. But on day sh, the bondage will be broken
allowing the B star to retreat.

Result: At hour sh, Sonny's co-worker told me that Sonny went to the hospital 3 days ago
and had his appendix removed.
How come the K star produces the G star? And why
does the K star kill the R star?
The K star stands for stability and safety. That's why the K star is also known as the
happiness star. If you got a K star sitting on the self line when you tossed the coins asking
about your disease, you will soon be cured. The K star also represents children because
your children will take care of you when you become old. Who is going to send you to the
hospital when you feel ill? And who is going to provide care for you when you become
old? That's why the K star also represents your children.

 The reason why the K star produces the G money star is because you must be
financially stable first before you can earn more money. If you are unemployed and
has no money in your pocket, how can you think about opening up a business in
order to earn more money? That's why the K stability star produces the G money
 The reason why the K star kills the R star is because the R star represents danger
and advanture. Stability kills danger. If you are a very careful person who stays
home everyday and has no guts to go mountain climbing or even go traveling, how
can there be danger?

The G star stands for money, advantage, or gain. The G star represents your favorite toy or
your adored treasure.

 The reason why the G star produces the R star is because the R star represents
control and power. The R star is the winner star. In order for you to become a
powerful, important person, you must first become wealthy. How can you win an
election if you have no money or no private funding? How can you become
successful without wealth?
 The reason why the G star kills the P star is because P represents worries and
frustration. The G star is the gain star. If something favors you or if you have a
gain, your worries and frustration will disappear.

The R star stands for power, possession, and control. The R star also represents danger or

 The reason why the R star produces the P star is because once you become a
powerful, important person, you begin to worry about many things. "Will
somebody sue me? How much money can my company make this year? Will my
competitor grab our business away? Can I be re-elected next year?" That is why
the R star produces the P worries and frustration star.
 The reason why the R star kills the B star is because the B star stands for brother or
friend. If you become a powerful, important person, you begin to boss your friends
and brothers around. All of a sudden, you become the center of attention. Your
own brother starts to carry your suit case for you, and your friends become your
bodyguards and your servants.
The P star stands for worries and frustration. The reason why your parents are also
represented by the P star is because your parents always worry about you. Are you being
happy? How are your grades in school? Are you eating and sleeping well? Since the P
star represents frustration, the P star also represents a drama or a story. Since the P star
represents a story, the P star must also represent a structure. That's why a building can also
be represented by the P star.

 The reason why the P star produces the B star is because your parents also feed your
 The reason why the P star kills the K star is because frustration and worries kill

The B star represents a helper, a brother, or a friend. If you want to apply for a visa so you
can travel abroad, the B star probably is your appointed star because the B star represents a
helper. If the B star movess to produce the self line, the government will be friendly to you
and will grant you the visa.

 The reason why the B star produces the K star is because you are safer when your
friends or your brothers are around you. Your business will be more stable if your
trustworthy friend or brother helps you manage your business. If you walk together
with few of your friends in a bad neighborhood, robbers do not dare to rob you.
 The reason why the B star kills the G money star is because you need to pay the
ones who help you. If you ask your friend to help you do something, you need to at
least treat him lunch or pay him some money. If you are a single child, you receive
$3 allowance from your parents each day. But if you have a brother, your daily
allowance might only be $1.50. That's why your friend or your brother costs you

The K star
The K star is the one who pours out the water. K stands for nothingness, irresponsibility,
loser, etc. Let's say the K star sits on the self line. If you ask about danger, there is no
danger. If you ask about disease, there is no disease. If you ask about trouble, there is no
trouble. But if you ask for money, a K star sitting on the self line means there is no money
for you. No matter it's good or bad, K star means you got nothing.

Let's say that you are asking about money. The self line R star turning into a K star usually
means lost of wealth. But there are exceptions.........

For example: I applied for a credit card merchant account. I tossed the coins asking will I
be approved. The Lord gave me [Everlasting] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h

Everlasting Unsettled
G sh x U K e -
R s -- G wa --
K w - R yo -
R yo o J K w --
P h - G cn -
G c -- B y --

The self line R turns into K. Oh no! I won't be approved?

 But luckily the U line G sh moved to rescue the troubled self line R yo. I still will
be approved.
 Right now, the U line K e is bounding to the date. So the U line can't move yet.
But on day h, the bondage shall be broken allowing the U line to move.

Result: I was approved on day h.

My employee didn't show up this morning. Close to $20,000 worth of my merchandise is

in his hands. He has recently moved, and I don't know where he lives. I called his cellular
phone, but nobody answered. Will he take my merchandise and run away? Will he hurt
my business? I tossed the coins, and God gave me [Duay] and [Finished].

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Vi s & yo

Duay Finished
6 strike 6 match
P wa -- J K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o B s --
P c -- U P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -
Nothing is showing on the self line, and nothing is showing on the U line. The only sign
God gave me is the moving 4th line. The 4th line K moves and turns into B s which
produces back at the K star. Is this good? I was too nervous that time, so I didn't know if
this is good or bad. But after one hour of rest, I realized that the K star is always a good
sign if one is extremely nervous. If my employee has the motive to hurt me, a B star will
move to kill the money star. But in this sign, the K star moved. K represents happiness or
nothingness. So nothing bad will happen. The 4th line B s is not an enemy because it is
helping the K star. Right now, the 4th line B s is empty. But in hour y, y strikes open the
4th line B s. So in hour y, my employee will show up.

Result: He called me in the hour of y. He told me that he has already done a batch of
shipment and is heading straight to my office.

My eyes are allergic to radiation emitted from TV monitors and computer screens. I want
to purchase a digital projector so I can watch TV and use computer on a movie screen. I
tossed the coins asking will a digital projector hurt my eyes. I got [Need] and [Quarrel].

Year Month Date Hour
wa c - II sh & h

Need Quarrel
G t -- P e -
B sh - B wa --
K s x J K yo -
B cn - B c --
R y - R m -
G t - U P e -

A powerful advancing K on the self line. K represents a cure. No problem! My eyes will
not hurt at all if I use a digital projector.

Result: I immediately ordered a digital projector from a magazine ad. I have been using
that projector for 3 years already, and it is my favorite machine. It has never hurt my eyes
before even if I use it 14 hours a day. I can't live without it.

A business man tossed the coins asking will his business improve in month m. He got
Year Month Date Hour
y m-X cn & e

P e -
B wa --
K yo - J
B c --
R m -
P e - U

The month is hurting the self line K yo, and the date is striking at the self line. The self
line K yo is badly damaged. Month m will further damage the self line K yo. The K star is
the happiness star. If the happiness star has been damaged, things are not going very
smoothly for you. Month m will be a horrible month.

The man replied, "My partner lost lots of money in his own business, and he is hiding at
this moment. I can't even contact him. My business is still managed by his employees.
One of his employees blackmailed me recently saying that he will stop my business
operation if I don't give him extra income. I did pay him extra, and I hope that things will
be back in track in month m." (Month m is next month.)

 Too bad that month m will strike with the self line K yo. So K yo will be more
damaged in month m. Things will get worse in month m. But I think the situation
will improve in month cn because cn produces K yo. Month cn also bounds to K yo
protecting K yo from its enemies.

Result: Nightmare began in month m. The employee blackmailed him even more money.
Some of his merchandises have been kept as collateral by that employee. He was truly
scared and shattered in month m. But around the end of month m, his partner showed up
and contacted him. They fired that employee who was causing the trouble. The partner has
also agreed to allow him to take control over his own business. Everything went back in
track in month cn, and they earned lots of money in month e.

George tossed the coins asking can he date with a girl who he likes. He got [Compare] and

Year Month Date Hour
m h - iV w & wa
Compare Difficulty
G t -- U G t --
B sh - B sh -
K s -- K s --
R m x J K s -
P e -- P w --
B wa -- B cn --

The wife star is very strong. The wife star could move in month w. And when it moves, it
moves to produce the self line's R star. But too bad that the self line R star moves and turns
into a K star which kills back at itself. Since the date is h, and it is striking with the 2nd
line P e, the 2nd line P e is actually a moving line. The 2nd line P e moves and bounds to
the self line's K s. But what can that do? That won't save the self line from being killed by
the K star. If the self line has a 'yo & cn' combo, it might work. If the wife star moves and
bounds to the self line's R star, it might save the R star. But in this sign, nothing is saving
the R star from being killed by the K star. Therefore, George cannot date this girl.

Result: George didn't date her.

The B star
Most of the time, the B star is the enemy. No matter it's about love or about success or
about money, B star is the bad guy. B star is the trouble star, the loneliness star, the money
killing star, etc. Most of the time, if the money star (G) turns into a B star, there is lost of
wealth. But there are exceptions........

A hospital is voting for the next CEO. A man asked will his friend win the election. He
wishes that his friend will win. He received [Arrive] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
y c - iV s & yo

6 match
K yo -- G t
G h x U B sh
B c -- K s
B c -- B c
R m - J R m
P e - P e

The U line G h moves turning into B sh which bounds to the self line. The U line
represents the people who are voting. If the U line's B sh bounds to the self line's R m, they
will vote for his friend. The B star in this sign is not the money killer because the question
is not about money. The B star means his friend will receive enough support. The B star
also represents cooperation.

Result: His friend won the election on day y because the U line G h moved on day y.
From this lesson, we learned that the B star can also mean that you will receive a friend.
Sometimes, I would ask things like "God, will you help me solve my problem?" If I see
that a B star moves bounding to the self line, I know that God will help me out because the
B star is the friendship star. Bounding is also a good sign because bounding means
attraction. You are attracted to the B star, and the B star is attracted to you. This means
you desire the B star to come to you.

A man bought 30 acres of land. But the land price dropped right after he bought it. He
asked when will the land price increase again so he can sell his land and take back some of
his money. He got [Cup] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

6 match
B e - B e -
K wa -- U K wa --
G yo - G yo -
G yo - G yo -
R h o J B w --
K c -- K cn --

This man has been holding on to his land for 3 years already. He prays to God each day
hoping that he can sell his land soon. He hopes that God will help him get rid of his land.

 The U line K wa produces the double G yo, and the double G yo produce the self
line. So the land value shall rise one day.
 But too bad that the self line's R ownership star moved turning into the money killer
B w. Somehow, you will lose lots of money in this deal.
 Right now, the self line's B w has been struck loose. But in month w or wa, the self
line's B w will regain its strength and will allow the self line to move.

Result: The land value grew tremendously in month w. But for some reason, he has
angered a government official at around that time. The government official deliberately
charged him an unreasonable, huge amount of tax. He ended up losing a large sum of

Anthony tossed the coins asking can he meet his X-girlfriend within 3 months, and God
showed him [Advance] and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - iX t&c

Advance Queen
R e - P sh -
P wa x B s -
B yo - J R w -
G m x B yo -
R e x K h -
P wa -- U P c --

His X-girlfriend is represented by the G star, and the B star is the enemy star. This sign
looks bad because the powerful 5th line B star moves to kill the G star. But if you look at
this sign carefully, you can see another story.

 The 3rd line G m moved linking to the self line's B yo. So the self line received a G
 The 5th line P wa bounds to the self line R w. Then the 5th line B s moves
bounding to the 2nd line R e. Then R e moves turning into K h. This means the
self line actually received a K h happiness star.
 The self line B yo turned into a winner star R w. So he shall be the winner at the

Result: They met in month wa because the 5th line P wa moved bounding to the self line.
Based on years of experience, a moving B star
producing the self line K star mostly means there will
be great happiness.
You see lots of stuff like:

Self line K s -- J K s --

1st line Gto B c --


Self line K yo -- J K yo --
3rd line B c o B cn --

The B star moves to produce the self line's K star. This basically means there will be joy at
the end. Trouble or worries will disappear. Your wish will come true.

For example: I am eagerly awaiting for an email reply from my supplier. He didn't
respond to my email for 3 days already. Is he avoiding me? If I lose this supplier, my
business could be greatly affected. So I tossed the coins asking God when will I receive an
email from my supplier. God gave me [No way] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
cn s-V cn y&m

No Way
6 strike
G sh - B m -
R s - K e -
K w o J G wa --
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m -
P t - U K e -

There is a 6 strike. But since the self line K w moves and bounds to G wa, the power of the
6 strike is eliminated. The self line K star moves and turns into a gain star which bounds
back at the K star. This is a wonderful sign. If the self line turns into a gain star, there will
be gain. The K star represents happiness and disappearance of worry. There is nothing to
worry about. He will definitely send me an email. The 2nd line B y moves produces the
self line K, and this means there will be great happiness. But right now, the 2nd line B m is
empty. If the 2nd line moves to produce the self line, I have to wait until the emptiness of
the 2nd line fulfills before I can see any result. The date s is already striking at the 2nd
line's B y. So B y is not empty. But B m is still empty. There are a few possibilities:

 Hour yo can strike open the empty B m. So I might receive an email from my
supplier at hour yo.
 Day yo is also a possibility.
 The emptiness of B m can be fulfilled at hour m.
 Day m is also a possibility.

Since I live in California, hour yo is from 1 am to 3 am. Hour m is from 1 pm to 3 pm. I

got this sign at 3.15 pm. So it cannot be hour m because hour m has already passed. It
could be day yo because day yo is the next day. But when I threw the coins, I was
expecting to receive an email from him within a few hours. So I don't think it's day yo.
Day m is totally impossible because day m is 7 days away. So I concluded that I will
receive an email from him at hour yo.

Few hours later, I tossed the coins again and got [Duay] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
cn s-V y&m

6 strike
P wa -- J P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w -
P c -- U P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

Since this is not my first toss, a 6 strike doesn't really matter. The 5th line B star moves
and retreats. This is a good sign because B stands for lost of wealth. If my supplier does
not reply back to me, I could lose this supplier and my business will be greatly affected. A
retreating B star means trouble will go away. Coincidently, the 1st sign told me that I
could receive an email from him at hour yo. In this sign, the 5th line B yo retreats. God
has once again told me that I shall receive an email from him at hour yo.

Result: I received his email at hour yo. Is this amazing or what?

Most of the time, a moving, retreating B star is a good
A retreating B star is always a good sign unless your child is sick. If your child is sick, the
K star represents your child and the B star is the helper of the K star. A retreating B star
could mean that your child's sickness could worsen. But if your question has nothing to do
with a child, a moving, retreating B star is always a good sign.

For example: A teenage boy asked, "Will Lakers beat NJ Nets in the next basketball
game?" God gave him [Intercourse] and [Little Much].

Year Month Date Hour
w h - Viii y&m

Intercourse Little Much

P wa -- U P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w - J
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn -- U

The self line B s is the Lakers because the teenage boy wants Lakers to win. The self line
B s is linked to the 5th line's retreating B star. If the B star is retreating, good things shall
happen. That means Lakers shall win.

Result: Lakers won. At first, I thought that Lakers will lose because I said that the
retreating B star, which is linked to the self line, means Lakers will lose energy. I thought
that a retreating B star for the self line is a bad sign. But turns out that a retreating B star
means trouble shall go away.

If a B star moves turning into a G star, a lost turns into

a profit.
Mike tossed the coins asking about the entire year's stock market trend. He got [Family]
and [Touch].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

yo cn - I cn & e

Family Touch
B m - B m -
K e - U K e -
G wa -- G wa --
P h - R s -
G c -- J K w --
B m o G cn --

The 1st line B m moved turning into G cn. By looking at the 1st line, I can tell that Mike is
losing money in the stock market. But if a B star moves turning into a G star, a lost will
turn into a profit. But Mike is not asking will he earn money. He is only asking for the
entire year's stock market trend. In this case, a B star turning into a G star simply means
the stock value is extremely low right now, but it will climb back up. Right now, the 1st
line G cn is bounding to the date. So the 1st line cannot move. But month sh can help
break that bondage allowing the 1st line to move. Therefore, the stock value will rise in
month sh. The stock market should also rise in month h because h strikes with the U line K
e allowing K e to move to produce the self line's G c. The stock market could reach the top
of the peak in month wa because wa strikes with the self line G c causing it to move turning
into K w which produces back at itself.

Result: The stock value rose sharply in the beginning of month sh.

The P star
P usually stands for worry or 'Something happening'. If your question is investment
related, the P star represents a business transaction, a meeting, a purchase, a sale, etc. The
P star could also represent your parent or someone older. It depends on what your question

For example: I tossed the coins asking when will the credit card merchant company help
me update my new checking account info. I am worried because I applied for an update
almost 2 weeks ago, and they have not update my account yet. Each day I would lose lots
of money without a new update. I got [Revolution] and [Consume].

Year Month Date Hour
y e - Vi sh & h
Revolution Consume
R wa -- B t --
P yo - R sh -
B h o J P s --
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The self line moves and turns into a P star. Does the P star represent worry? Or does the P
star represent 'Something happening'? If the P star represents worry, I am in deep trouble.
But if it represents 'Something happening', they will update my checking account info.
Suddenly, I remembered one thing: If the P star is producing the self line, it cannot
represent worry. If the P star is killing the self line's K star, the P star must represent worry
because K represents happiness. If your happiness K star is being killed by the P star, the P
star must represent worry. But in this sign, the P star is producing the self line. Producing
the self line means something good is about to happen. So in this case, the P star does not
represent worry. It represents 'Something happening'. Besides, my question was not about
worry and happiness. My question was when will they update my account. So the P star
must represent 'Something happening'. Right now, the P star is bounding to the date. So
the self line cannot move. The self line B h is also empty, and that's another reason why it
cannot move. But on day h, h will strike open the bondage allowing the self line to move.
Day h is also the day that the emptiness of the self line shall fulfill. They will update my
new checking account info on day h!

I was very nervous. So I tossed the coins again asking when will my worries disappear.
"Will there be any problem?" I got [Queen] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
y c - II sh & h

Queen Too Much

P sh o P wa --
B s - B yo -
R w - U K h -
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --
My question was "Will there be any problem?" and "When will my worries disappear?"
So the P star represents worry. And the R star represents problem. The 6th line P star
moves and retreats! Good! My worry shall disappear. The U line's R star turns into the K
star. Good. That means my problem (R) will turn into happiness (K). Right now, the 6th
line P sh is empty. So the P star cannot retreat. The U line K h is also empty, so the R star
cannot turn into the K star. But on day h, both my worry and my problem shall disappear!

Result: They updated my account info on day h.

If the P star moves turning into a K star, frustration

turns into joy.
A medical specialist tossed the coins asking when will they find a cure for a certain
disease. He got [Same] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
m e - iV t&c

Same Hide
K sh - U K sh -
G s - G s -
B w - B w -
R h - J G s -
K c -- B w --
P m o K cn --

P m moves turning into K cn. There shall be a cure in month m! Although the self line R
(fear) turns into G s which produces back at itself, the date e is bounding to G s so G s
cannot really produce the self line R h. G s is also tremendously weak. So it cannot help
the R fear star.

Result: They found a way to control the spreading of the disease in month m.

I find that a R star linking and producing the self line's P star can only
bring you frustration.

I asked will I be approved of a loan, and I got [Queen] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
y w-V t&c

Queen Rise
P sh o B yo --
B s o K h --
R w o U P c --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --

The U line's R w links and produces the self line's P frustration star.

Result: I was not approved of the loan.

The biggest problem with other Chinese I-Ching scholars is when they have been
confronted with a question about somebody's mother or father, they always view the P star
as the parent star. Well, check this out!

My friend Hao Jiang wrote, "Alex, my cousin asked me if her mom's visa to visit the US
will be approved when she goes to the embassy on May 8th. My cousin's mom is now in
China. My cousin tossed the coins and got [Hide] and [Intercourse]."

Year Month Date Hour
cn e - Vi sh & h

Hide Intercourse
P sh o P wa --
B s - U B yo -
R w - K h -
B s - B s -
R w -- J R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The appointed star apparently is the 6th line's P sh because the 6th line is the only moving
line in this sign. Hao Jiang said, "The 6th line P star stands for her mother. It is empty and
is also retreating. She will not be granted the visa." I said, "No. The 6th line P sh does not
stand for mother. It stands for worry. If the P star moves and retreats, your cousin's worry
shall disappear. She will be able to meet her mother soon." But Hao Jiang argued with me
saying, "Believe me, there isn't much worry at all. It's OK to them whatever happens since
it's only a 1 month visit anyway. Actually my cousin doesn't really have the time nor the
resource to take care of her mom if she comes to the US right now. So it will actually be a
relief to her if her mother doesn't get the visa this time. December would be a better time."

Result: Hao Jiang later wrote, "I just heard that my cousin's mom got the visa. She gets to
stay in the US for 6 months. Guess I was wrong, but I don't get it."

You see? The P star in this hexagram represents worry. It does not represent the mother.

If a P star moves bounding to the self line B star, only

good things will happen.
If a P star moves bounding to the self line B star, a child is being embraced by his mother's
arms. The P star is the mother, and you are the child. If your mother embraces you, will
bad things happen to you? Bounding means supporting. Sometimes when a G star or a R
star moved bounding and killing the self line, good things happened.

Based on my experience, good things will always happen if a moving P star bounds to the
self line's B star. (But the self line's B star must be in the 1st hexagram. I don't know what
will happen if the B star is in your 2nd hexagram but not in your 1st hexagram.)

A criminal asked will the police arrest him within a few months. He got [Advance] and

Year Month Date Hour
w s-I s & yo

1st hexagram
R e - G y -
P wa -- K t --
B yo o J P sh --
G m -- R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- U G y --

The self line B star moves turning into P sh. Although the P star means 'Something
happening', only good things will happen to this man since the 2nd line R e moves turning
into P cn which bounds to the self line. If a P star moves bounding to the self line B star, a
child is being comforted in his mother's arms. So only good things will happen. Nothing
will hurt him.

Result: He did not get into trouble with the police.

A P star which moves to produce the self line B star

could represent a good news.
We all know that if the R star moves to produce the self line's P star, your worries and
frustration will increase. So it's not good to have a moving R star producing your self line's
P star if you are worried about something. But based on my experience, it's good to have a
moving P star producing your self line's B star. Whenever a P star moves to produce the
self line's B star, good things will happen.

For example: I was invited to a party, but I don't want to go there alone. I tossed the coins
asking will my friend Ken go to a party with me. I got [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - iX sh & h

B t -- U
R sh -
P s --
B h - J
R c --
K m -

The 4th line P s is very powerful. At hour y, the 4th line P s shall move to produce the self
line. If a P star produces the self line B star, there will be good news.

Result: He notified me at hour y telling me that he will go with me to the party.

The R star
Usually, the R star represents the winner. R represents success, power, control, and
possession. The R star is the direct opposite of the K star. The K star represents
nothingness, but the R star represents 'You got something'. Let's say the self line has the R
star. If you ask about disease, you got the disease. If you ask about trouble, you will have
trouble. If you ask for money, money will come to you. If you ask for fame and power,
you will gain control. The R star is just like a sponge which sucks up water. No matter it's
good or bad, the R star has it all.

For example: I want to buy a 30 units apartment complex building which was listed for
2.09 million dollars. I offered to buy it for 1.95 million dollars. Then the seller said he will
sell it at 2 million dollars. I want to counter his offer again by asking him to pay for the
city transfer tax of Oakland, which is about $30,000. My agent urged me not to do this
because he fears that by asking the seller to pay for this tax might anger the seller resulting
in the break of our original deal. I tossed the coins asking will the seller agree to pay for
the city transfer tax. Then the coin result indicated that they will agree to pay for the
transfer tax before day m. But on day y, I got nervous because it's already the end of the
day and still no word from the seller. So I tossed the coins again asking will the seller
agree to pay for the city transfer tax and got [Touch] and [Difficulty]:

Year Month Date Hour
yo y-I y&m

Touch Difficulty
R m o U G t --
P e - B sh -
B wa -- K s --
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

The U line's strong R responsibility star moved and was being produced back by G t. I
have no doubt in my mind this time that they will agree to pay. If the U line has a K
children star, they will act very childish and will fool around with me. But a strong R
responsibility star means they are very serious and are motivated to sell. When the
emptiness of R m fulfills, they will agree to pay.

Result: They agreed to pay for the city transfer tax on day m.
If a powerful R star moves turning into a K star which
kills back at itself, your wish cannot be fulfilled. But
you will find another deal which is just as good as your
old one.
A woman tossed the coins asking will she get a new contract from her client. God gave her
[Hurt] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
sh c - II sh & h

6 match
P yo -- P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- J R c --
B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

The 2nd line R c links to the self line. So the 2nd line is the self line. R c moves turning
into K y which kills back at itself. This means she cannot sign a new contract with her
client. But since R c is very powerful, she will definitely sign a contract with another party.

Result: She did not sign a contract with her old client, but she signed a contract with
another party.

I wanted to open up a new credit card merchant account. Actually, my old business partner
and I have an existing account. My name is not on that account, but my old business
partner allows me to use that account. But I want to open up my own account. I tossed the
coins asking God will I open up my own account or will I use my partner's account. God
gave me [Intercourse] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - iV t&c
Intercourse Too Much
P wa -- U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
B s - J B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- P c --

The 2nd line R represents ownership. But it moves and turns into a K star which kills back
at itself. R represents ownership and responsibility. K represents nothingness or
irresponsibility. I understand what the Lord is saying to me. The Lord is saying that I
don't have the ownership to the account. So the account must be my partner's account. The
R star is very strong, which indicates I have total control of the bank account.

Result: I tried to open up my own account, but my application was denied because I had
bad credits in the past. So I used my partner's account instead. My partner is never there,
and the account functions just like my own bank account.

But if you want to know how you feel, the R star that
kills the self line is your enemy.
For example: A woman placed a bet on a sports game. She tossed the coins asking how
will she feel on day w. (Day w is the day of the game.) She asked, "Will I feel sad because
I lost a lot of money?" She received [Intercourse] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
e t-V w & wa

Intercourse Too Much

P wa -- U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
B s - J B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- P c --
The 2nd line's R w moves to kill the self line. The R star in this case represents horror
because it kills the self line. But luckily, R w got killed back by K h, which represents
happiness. Right now, R w cannot move because it has been struck loose by the date t. But
on day w, the 2nd line R w will move and will be killed back by K h. So there will be no
horror on day w.

Result: She won money on day w.

In ancient text, it reads, "If the R star is sitting on the self line, you will become a top
government official." That is absolutely false. Based on my personal experience, just
because an R star is sitting on the self line doesn't mean that you will become a top
government official. Take a look at the following example:

A low level company employee tossed the coins asking when can he become a top level
executive. The Lord gave him [Big storage] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
c c - Vi w & wa

Big Storage Little Storage

R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

The R star is sitting on the self line. Does this mean he will definitely become an
executive? Not really. Look at the U line G t. U line G t moves to produce the self line.
So U line is the source of promotion. But too bad that both the month and the date are
bounding and are killing the U line. So the source of promotion is totally dead and dry.
There is no promotion. In fact, the source will be wiped out in year w because w strikes t.

Result: The man was fired in year w.

Let's say you are worried about something when you tossed the coins. A
moving, retreating R star which produces the self line P star means your
worries shall disappear.
My digital projector broke, and I fixed it right away. Since my digital projector is very
important to me, I worried that it might break again. So I tossed the coins asking will my
projector break again within 2 years. I got [Too much] and [Everlasting].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - Vii t&c

Too Much Everlasting

G wa -- G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - J K w -
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- U G c --

The 5th line R yo moves producing the self line P h. The self line P h is my frustration and
my worries. The R star is the root of my worries because R moved to produce the self line
P. So I think the R star represents my fear. Luckily, the 5th line R yo moves and retreats.
Although the R star is very strong, it will retreat sooner or later. If R star retreats, my
machine will not break again. My fear and my worries shall disappear.

Result: My machine did not break within 2 years.

My employee, who I am about to fire, is keeping my merchandise in his storage locker.

The merchandise worth around $100,000. I fear that he might confiscate my merchandise
if he knows that I plan to fire him. I told my business partner to go to that employee's
storage locker and take back the merchandise, and my partner promised me that he will. I
tossed the coins asking when will my business partner take back the merchandise. I got
[Rich] and [Hurt].

Year Month Date Hour
m e-X w & wa

Rich Hurt
R sh -- P yo --
P s -- J B h --
G w o R c --
B h - B h -
R c -- U R c --
K m - K m -

The self line represents my business partner and me. The U line represents our enemy,
which is the employee. Oh no! The G star represents money. In this case, the G star is the
merchandise. The 4th line G w moves linking and producing only the U line. On day w, I
shall hear a bad news. The employee might confiscate our merchandise on day w.

Result: On day w, the employee told me that he will remove the merchandise from the
storage locker and store them in his own house. That made me worry extremely. After I
heard that, I couldn't sleep nor eat. Day w was a very bad day for me. But on day t, my
partner successfully removed everything from the storage locker. So on day t, my worries
disappeared. That employee was soon fired. The reason why good news came on day t is
because t strikes out the fire G w. If fire G w is being struck out, it can no longer move to
produce the U line (the employee).

I planned to build a medical device that might be able to eliminate scars. So I tossed the
coins asking will this device really work, and God told me that it will work.

But after a few tosses, I still did not believe what God has told me. This device, if really
does work, will revolutionize modern medicine. This is just too good to be true! So I
tossed again asking, "God, are you joking with me or are you serious about this? Will this
device really work?" Then God gave me [Difficulty] and [Well].

Year Month Date Hour
w h w-I w & wa

Difficulty Well
K t -- K t --
P sh - P sh -
B s -- J B s --
B s - B yo -
R w x K h -
P cn -- U P c --

The 2nd line R w which moves to kill the self line means God will not allow my device to
work. God does not permit my device to work. but luckily, R w moves turning into a
strong K h which kills back at itself. This means God will allow my device to work.
Result: I built a working model of that device on day wa, and it was proven to work in
month t. The reason why it was proven to work in month t is because R w was bounding to
the date w. So the 2nd line R w cannot turn into K h yet. But in month t, the bondage was
broken allowing the R star to turn into the K star.

A guy who ordered products from our company told his credit card issuer that we did not
send him the goods. Therefore, the credit card company gave him back his money. I
appealed the credit card issuer's decision, and they gave the money back to us. But once
again, the other party reverted the charge soon after. I am tired of playing game. I wanted
to know who will win this case at the end. So I tossed the coins and received [Revolution]
and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
sh c - II sh & h

Revolution Same
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The 6th line's strong R star moves and advances killing the self line. Oh no! So I will
lose? So the 6th line's R star represents the judge who will make me pay damage to the
other party?

Not quite! Look carefully. The 6th line R wa moves bounding to the self line's G w.
Earlier, I mentioned that the R star favors the self line if it moves bounding to the self line.
Although a powerful R star moved killing the dead self line, the R star is still favoring the
self line as long as it bounds to the self line. Since the R star moved bounding to the self
line, I shall win this case.

Result: The last judgment favored me. The money was given back to me. Another reason
why I won the case is because the U line had a K loser star. Although the 6th line R
winner star moves bounding to the U line, the distance between the U line and the 6th line
is too far. Therefore, they cannot bound. But the distance between the 6th line and the self
line is very near. That's why the R winner star bounds to the self line making the self line
the ultimate winner!
The G star
I think the G star is the most popular star. The G star is most likely your appointed star if
you ask about money, about success, about a woman, about some kind of advantage, about
a plan, and just about everything else. G star is the gain star which represents a favor or an
advantage. You all know that the G star represents money and woman. But I would like to
introduce to you a few more things that the G star can also represent.

The G star can represent something that's important to you. For example, if you have a
plan to do something, the G star could represent your plan.

I was applying for a credit card merchant account. I tossed the coins asking will there be
any trouble. God gave me [Stop] and [Travel].

Year Month Date Hour
y c - II sh & h

Stop Travel
6 match 6 match
P sh - U R e -
B s o P wa --
R w - B s -
G m x J B s -
R e -- R w --
P wa -- P cn --

If there is a 6 strike, there will be no trouble. But we have a double 6 match here. There
must be trouble! The B star is so strong, and it moves to kill my G star. G represents my
plan of applying for a merchant account. If the B star is hurting my G star, there will be
trouble. The trouble could appear on day e, day s, day m, or on day sh.

Result: The trouble appeared on day m. They faxed me on day m telling me that I didn't
give them an imprinted voided check. They would not approve my application without an
imprinted check.
I don't like the new Taiwanese president Chen Shuei-Bien because he wants to separate
Taiwan from China. There is a rumor saying that he will be impeached by the republican
party very soon. I tossed the coins asking will he be impeached. I hope he will be indicted
because I hate him. I got [Big storage] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - Viii sh & h

Big Storage
6 strike
R y - R y -
G t - U G t --
B sh -- B sh --
B cn - K s -
R y o J P w --
G t o B cn --

If they will indict Chen, that would be a great benefit for me. If they don't impeach him,
there is no benefit for me. The self line is an R star. If the G star moves to produce the self
line R star, I will be benefited. So the G star is actually the appointed because G represents
gain. Gain is benefit. The first line G star moves turning into its own grave. The date wa
is also killing the G star. G star cannot produce the self line. There is no benefit at all. On
top of that, the 2nd hexagram is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. The 6
strike is permanent, and Chen will not be impeached.

Result: Nothing happened to him.

G star also represents something good for you, something beneficial to you, something
beautiful to you, something which you desire, etc.

I submitted my site to Yahoo search engine in month c. I tossed the coins asking will
Yahoo search engine list my site. God told me that they will list my site in month y. But
that's too fast! I didn't expect them to list my site that fast because usually it takes them 2
to 3 months to list a new site. So I tossed the coins again just to double check. This time,
God gave me [Shun] and [Family].

Year Month Date Hour
c s - III cn & e
6 strike
B m - J B m -
K e - K e -
G wa -- G wa --
R yo - U P h -
P h o G c --
G c x B m -

There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. So the power of the 6 strike is
permanent. But don't worry. In my first toss, God has already told me that Yahoo will list
my site in month y. Sometimes, a 6 strike appearing in your 2nd or 3rd toss doesn't mean
anything. So my site still has a chance to be listed in month y even if I got a 6 strike in my
2nd toss. Let's take a closer look at the hexagram. The 1st line G c represents gain. If
Yahoo lists my site, that's my gain. The 1st line G c moves and links to the self line B m.
That means I will be benefited because I will receive some kind of gain. The 2nd line P h
pushes the 1st line G c toward the self line. The 2nd line P h could move in month y
because h bounds to y. If the 2nd line moves, the 1st line also will move because the 2nd
line pushes the 1st line. So in this sign, God has once again told me that Yahoo definitely
will list my site in month y.

Result: They really did list my site in month y.

A top government official tossed the coins asking when will his enemy get into trouble and
be fired by the emperor. If his enemy is fired by the emperor, he himself can be promoted
and can fill his enemy's position. He got [Feed] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
e y sh - iX t&c

Feed Same
B y - G sh -
P t x R s -
G sh x J K w -
G cn x P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - U B m -
The self line G sh moved turning into a K w happiness star. That's good.

 The 3rd line G cn advantage star moved turning into a P h frustration star. So the
3rd line is a bad news.
 Luckily, the self line G sh repels away the 3rd line. So there is no more bad news.
 The 5th line P t represents 'Somethings happening'. The 5th line P t links to the U
line's P t. Then the U line P t turned into B m which bounds to the self line's G sh.
So the self line has received the 5th line's P t. The 5th line P t also turned into a
winner star R s.

Result: His enemy was fired in year sh because the self line G sh moved in that year.

It's true that most of the time the G star is a good star because G represents gain or
something beautiful. But you must realize that the G star kills the P star. If you want
something to happen, a P star being killed by the G star is not exactly what I call a good

For example: A magazine editor told a man that his essays will be published in month m.
So the man tossed the coins asking will his essays really be on the magazine in month m
and got [Travel] and [Joy].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - X sh & h

Travel Joy
6 match 6 match
B e o K sh --
K wa -- G s --
G yo - U B w -
G s o P m --
B w -- B e --
K cn -- J K wa --

This man wants to know if they will publish his essay in month m. After reviewing this
sign, you know that the P star must represent 'Something happening'. Although the G star
is very powerful, it's not what you are looking for.

 The self line has an advancing K loser star. If the self line advances, they won't
publish his essays because he is a big loser.
 Luckily, the self line K star cannot advance anymore since the 3rd line's P m moved
killing the self line. So they will publish his essays after all.
 But too bad that the 3rd line's P m is dead. The 3rd line's G s will destroy P m
before P m has a chance to kill the self line.
 Right now, the 3rd line P m cannot move because it has been struck loose by the
date yo. But in month m, the 3rd line P m shall move again.
 What a coincidence!! He asked will they publish his essays in month m, and God
gave him a dead P m which shall move in month m. A dead P m cannot stop the
self line's K loser star from advancing.

Result: The magazine editor did not keep his promise. Nothing happened in month m.

Note: The self line and the 3rd line are only 2 lines apart. If the 4th line's strong P star
moved to kill the self line's advancing loser star, the self line's loser star can still advance
because the 4th line is just too far away.

Here are some extremely strong elements. The law for

an extremely strong element is a little bit different from
the laws of normal elements.
I know that my business partner will call me today. But at what hour will he call? I believe
he will call me before noon. I toss the coins and get [Li] and [Big profit].

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Vi s & yo

Big Profit
6 strike
B e - J B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - G yo -
R h - U K cn -
K c x P y -
P m - R t -

There is a 6 strike, and nothing is bounding to the self line. The 6 strike is permanent. But
sometimes, if a moving line is bounding to the U line, things still could happen if the U line
is appointed. My business partner is represented by the U line. So the U line is the
appointed star. Since I am asking about my business partner, I think he will call me
because the 2nd line is bounding to the U line. But I don't think he will call me before noon
anymore because there is a 6 strike. But he could call me in later hours. The 2nd line's P y
is extremely strong because it is the same element as the month and the date. Therefore, he
shall call me in hour y.

 The 2nd line K c represents a loser. Since my partner has been hiding from me for
many days now, he is making me feeling like a loser. So the 2nd line K c is my
enemy. The 2nd line P y represents 'Something happening'. If the loser star turns
into a P star, I will hear a good news.

Result: He called me in hour y.

Here's another example: I tossed the coins asking in which month will I speak to my
business partner. I have to speak to him about the money which he owes me, but this guy
has been hiding from me for almost 2 months now. I got [Intercourse] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c

Intercourse Revolution
P wa -- U P wa --
B yo - B yo -
K h - K h -
B s - J K h -
R w -- P c --
P cn x G m -

The P star moved turning into the G star. P represents worries and frustration. G
represents money. If the P star moves and turns into the G money star, I will speak to him
about money. But when will that happen? The money star G m is an extremely strong
element because it is the same element as the month and the date. The P star is dead. On
top of that, the G money star kills back at the P star. Therefore, we shall speak again in
month m.

But let's toss the coins again to make sure. So I tossed the coins again and got [Touch] and

Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c
Touch Family
R m - U R m -
P e - P e -
B wa -- B wa --
K s - J G h -
P w -- B c --
B cn x R m -

The B star moves and turns into the R star. B represents the lost of wealth, and R
represents 'You got something'. If a B star moves and turns into an R star, I shall speak to
him. The 1st line's R m is an extremely strong element. Therefore I shall speak to him in
month m.

Result: We spoke in month m.

Did you see the similarity of the above 3 signs? If not,

please go back and re-examine them.
If you saw the similarity of the above 3 signs, you noticed that a soil star has moved turning
into a wood star which kills back at the soil star. Both the month and the date are wood
which kill the soil star. Then things happened on a wood day or in a wood month. If the
soil star moves and turns into m, things happened in month m. If the soil star turns into y,
things happened on day y. How amazing!

Here is one more example. When do you think things will happen?

A man wants his political party to win the election. He tossed the coins asking in which
month will his political party win the election. He received [Fog] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa - Viii sh & h

Fog Compare
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn -- K m --
K y -- J G e --
B t o R wa --

When a B star moves to produce the self line's K star, the B star is the helper regardless
what the question. So the 1st line B t is the friend. Too bad that B t moved turning into a
extremely strong R wa which kills back at B t. His political party has no chance to win.
The 1st line might move in month wa.

He tossed again just to reconfirm, and he got [Strip] and [Feed].

Year Month Date Hour
sh wa - Viii sh & h

Strip Feed
G y - G y -
K t -- J K t --
P sh -- P sh --
G m -- P cn --
R e -- U G y --
P wa x K t -

The 1st line P wa frustration star links to the self line. The 1st line might move in month

Result: His party lost the election just days before month wa started.

You see? It happened in month wa. Not in month sh. Not in month c. But in month wa.

An extremely strong element and an

empty star working together.....
If a dead and empty K c moves turning into P y, things might happen in year c.

For example:

Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c
Li Big Profit
B e - J B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - G yo -
R h - U K cn -
K c x P y -
P m - R t -

The 2nd line K c moves turning into P y. K c is empty. Both the month and the date kill K
c. So K c is also dead. K c will move in month c, on day c, or in year c. (Actually, K c
could also move in month t because the emptiness of c can be fulfilled in month t.)

Another example:

Year Month Date Hour
wa cn - V sh & h

Fog Unsettled
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn x B h -
K y -- J R c --
B t - K m -

The 3rd line B h is empty and is dead. But the 3rd line can move when the emptiness
fulfills in year h, in month h, or on day h. Actually, the 3rd line can also move in month sh
because the 3rd line R cn is bounding to the date cn. Month sh will help break their
bondage allowing the 3rd line to move.


A man is losing money in his new business. So he tossed the coins asking in which month
can he sell his business to somebody else for a good price. He received [Trade] and [Stop].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn sh - iX t&c
6 match
B m - U G sh -
K e - R s -
G wa x K w -
G cn -- J B m --
B y -- K e --
P t o G wa --

The 1st line P t is dead because both the month and the date kill it. P t also turns into G wa
which kills back at itself. The P star represents worries and frustration, and G wa
represents money. If the money star G wa kills back at the frustration star P t, he will sell
his business and receive some money. This month is cn. And three months later, it will be
month wa. The 1st line basically is saying that he will sell his business and receive some
money in month wa because G wa kills back at the dead P t. So he will find a buyer three
months later.

 But wait! The first line P t is empty, and P t will still be empty three months later.
So his business cannot be sold in month wa? What's going on?
 The first line P t can move in month t because P t is dead and empty. But wait! He
also cannot sell in month t because month t will strike the 4th line K w loose. The
4th line also contains G wa. So the 4th line is linking to the 1st line. If the 4th line
K w has been struck loose in month t, both the 4th line and the 1st line cannot move
in month t. So what exactly is going on here? When exactly can he sell?

Result: He tossed the coins in month cn of year w, and he sold his business in next year's
month wa. (month wa of year wa) The reason why he did not sell in month wa of year w is
because P t was still empty in month wa of year w. He did not sell in month t because the
4th line was struck loose in month t. So he had to wait 15 months before he can sell his
business. The emptiness of P t fulfilled in month t of year w. Then he sold his business in
the wa month which came after the emptiness of P t has been fulfilled.

Here is another sign which bears similarity with the above 3 signs. But
this sign is a single hexagram.

A man asked about his son's illness. He got [Strip].

Year Month Date Hour
c cn - Vii s & yo
G y -
K t - - J
P sh - -
G m - -
R e - - U
P wa - -

The K star represents the son. The self line K t is water, and both the month and the date
are soil. The K star is dead. If another soil element joins the feast, the son will definitely
die. The child cannot live through another soil hour.

Result: Wild Crane was right again. The father tossed the coins at hour y. The son died at
hour cn.

Another example: I tossed the coins asking about Yahoo's stocks. I want to know Yahoo's
entire year's trend. I got [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
c sh - V cn & e

R y - U
G t --
B sh --
B c -- J
R m -
P e -

If one tosses the coins asking about stock market, the money star is appointed. The money
star G t is bounding to the self line. So G t does connect to the self line. The money star is
the appointed. Both the month and the date are soil, and both are killing the money star G
t. G t is totally dead. The stock value will drop if another soil month comes along. So the
stock will drop in month cn.

Result: Yahoo dropped from $20 a share to $14 a share in month cn.

Overloaded Elements
Wild Crane said that if an element is being produced by both the month
and the date, and it also moves and turns into an element which produces
back at itself, that element is called an 'overloaded element'.

For example: I applied for a credit card merchant account. I had some credit problems in
the past. So I don't know if they will approve me or not. I tossed the coins asking will they
approve my application. I got [Break] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c

Break Cover
R y - U R y -
G t -- G t --
B sh -- B sh --
B c -- J P w --
R m - B cn -
P e o R y --

The self line is being killed by both the month and the date. So the self line is dead? So
there is no hope? Not exactly! The 1st line P e is being produced by both the month and
the date. It also moves and turns into an R star which produces back at itself. The first line
is an 'overloaded element'. The 1st line P e is so powerful, and it can revive the self line.
Besides, the self line turns into P w which produces back at itself. So the self line is alive.
Since I am asking will I be approved, the P star represents approval. If the P star produces
the self line, I will be approved. But when will I receive a confirmation stating that I am

 If an overloaded element exists in your sign, things will happen only when the
overloaded element moves. At first, I thought that maybe I can be approved on day
c because the first line P e will produce the self line B c when the emptiness of B c
fulfills. But a few hours later, I remembered that nothing will happen unless the
overloaded element moves. That means I won't be approved on day c even if the
emptiness of B c fulfills on day c.
 The overloaded element P e will move when it is being struck. So P e will move
only on day h. So will I be approved on day h? No, because the self line B c is still
empty on day h. Nothing can produce the self line if the self line is still empty.
 So exactly when will I be approved? I think I will be approved after the emptiness
of the self line B c is fulfilled. Today is day m. The emptiness of the self line B c
will be fulfilled 10 days later. And 20 days later, it will be another day h. That
means I will be approved 20 days later (day h).
11 days later, my application was not yet approved. I got a little bit nervous, so I tossed the
coins again and got [Bride] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
y y - III sh & h

Bride Solution
P sh -- U P sh --
B s -- B s --
R w - R w -
P c -- J R w --
G m - P cn -
R e o G y --

Damn! Another overloaded element. This sign is almost identical to the first sign. Now I
know that I will definitely be approved. This time, the self line is no longer empty. So I
shall be approved on day h, which is just 9 days away.

Result: I was approved on day h, which is exactly 20 days after I have made my first toss.
After this experience, I realized that Wild Crane was right.

We all know that a moving line can only produce an

element that's in the 1st hexagram and cannot produce
an element that's in the 2nd hexagram.
But I found out one thing that's very interesting: An
overloaded element can produce and bound to another
moving line's 2nd hexagram's element.
Let's see this example:

A man has been evading tax and has been investigated by the tax collector, and he tossed
the coins asking will the tax collector give him any trouble. God gave him [Revolution]
and [Need].

Year Month Date Hour
s yo - Vi y&m

Revolution Need
R wa -- B t --
P yo - R sh -
B h o J P s --
B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

This sign looks terrible at the beginning because a powerful B h is sitting on the self line.
The B star usually means lost of wealth. The self line turning into a P star could mean
something bad will happen since the P star represents worries and frustration. But the 2nd
line R c moves turning into K y which bounds to the self line. If a K star moves bounding
to the self line, there will be happy ending. Which means, the tax collector will not give
him any trouble. But the 2nd line K y is dead. Can K y still bound to the self line?

 Based on my experience, an overloaded element can jump over to the other side to
produce and bound to a moving element that's on the 2nd hexagram. So the self line
B h would jump over to the other side to produce K y because K y is a moving line.
Therefore, K y is not really dead because B h is producing it.
 Since K y is still alive, K y still can move to bound to the self line. If a K star
bounds to the self line, trouble shall disappear!
 The 2nd line K y is empty at this moment. But K y will fulfill its emptiness in
month y or in month m. So you will receive a good news either in month y or in
month m.

Result: The tax collector had quit the investigation in month m. You see? The self line's
B h jumped over to the other side to produce and bound to the dead K y because K y
moves. If K y did not move to bound to the self line, the self line B h would not have
produced it. If the self line B h was not an overloaded element, B h would not have been
strong enough to jump over to the other side.

Extremely Strong Elements

What is an 'extremely strong element'?
ANSWER: An 'extremely strong element' is a star that has the same element as
the date and the month.
For example:

Year Month Date Hour
cn m m - Vi s & yo

Fog Unsettled
B t -- B t --
R sh - U R sh -
P s -- P s --
R cn x B h -
K y -- J R c --
B t - K m -

Both the month and the date are wood. So the self line K y is an extremely strong element
because K y is also wood. If the month is wood but the date is not wood, K y cannot be
called an 'extremely strong element'. Remember that both the month and the date must be
the same element.

 If both the month and the date are soil, the U line R sh is an extremely strong
 If both the month and the date are metal, the 4th line P s is an extremely strong
 If both the month and the date are water, the 3rd line B h and the 1st line B t will be
extremely strong elements.

If an extremely strong element moves bounding to the

dead self line, the self line cannot die.
For example: A man asked can he go back home to see his wife in month wa. He got [Too
much] and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
sh sh - iX t&c

Too Much Queen

G wa x G sh -
R yo - R s -
P h - J K w -
R yo - R yo -
P h - P h -
G c -- U G c --

The self line P h is dead. A dead self line cannot move. But luckily, the top line's
extremely strong element G wa moves and advances bounding to the self line's K w. So the
self line cannot die. The top line G wa represents his wife. The self line P h will move
bounding to the top line's advancing wife star in month e because e strikes with P h.

Result: He saw his wife in month w, not in month e. It happened in month w because the
top line G wa moved in month w.

An extremely strong element is more important than

the empty two lines which lie between J and U.
A woman tossed the coins asking when will her employee return to Canton. She received
[Revolution] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
h t-I t&c

Revolution Extreme
R wa -- R wa --
P yo - P yo -
B h -- J B h -
G w B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

The 2nd line's empty R c moves turning into K y which bounds to the self line. If an empty
line moves bounding to the self line, that empty line links to the self line. That means the
self line is also considered to be empty.

The empty 2nd line links to the self line. So the self line is now considered to be empty.
The self line B h links to the 3rd line. That means the 3rd line is also considered to be
empty. So the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. Will her employee return to
Canton when the emptiness fulfills?

Wrong! Both the month and the date are water elements. The self line B h is also water.
The self line B h is an extremely strong element. The 2nd line K y moves bounding to the
self line B h. Usually when the emptiness fulfills, things will happen. But since B h is an
extremely strong element, the only way for a non-moving, extremely strong element to
move is a strike. So B h wil only move on day e because day e strikes with B h. There is
no other possibility.

Result: The employee showed up on day e. From this lesson, we learned that the power of
an extremely strong element overwhelms the power of the 2 empty lines which lie between
J and U.

A man has submitted his article to two magazine publishers. None of them gave him a
response. So he tossed the coins asking when can he receive a reply from either one of the
publishers and got [Abide] and [Same].

Year Month Date Hour
cn cn - V sh & h

Abide Same
G wa x U G sh -
R yo - R s -
P h - K w -
G cn x J P h -
B y -- G c --
P t - B m -

The U line's advancing gain star is a good sign. The self line's G star moves turning into a
P letter star is also a sign which indicates that he shall receive a reply. Both the month and
the date are striking at the U line G sh. Day yo can bound to both the month and the date
saving the U line from the strike. So something good will happen on day yo as the U line G
star advances. The self line's P h is dead. So can the self line move at all? Don't worry.
One of the I-Ching laws says:

 If both the month and the date are soil, a moving line which contains a soil star
cannot die.
The self line G cn is soil. So the self line cannot die. Right now, P h is empty. But on day
sh or on day h, P h shall no longer be empty. I think another letter will come on day sh
because the self line G cn is bounding to both the month and the date. Only day sh can
break that bondage allowing the self line to move.

Result: A letter from the first publisher arrived on day yo. Then on day sh, another letter

Which law is more important?

I think the most important law is this: If a
6 strike turns into a 6 match, things
definitely will happen no matter what.
A man tossed the coins on April 17th (day s) asking when will he find a new roommate.
He got [Kan] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
cn s - Vii t&c

Kan Finish
6 strike 6 match
B t -- J B t --
R sh - R sh -
P s -- P s --
G w -- U R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

A 6 strike turns into a 6 match. At first, he will have trouble finding a roommate. But at
the end, somebody will show up. Nothing will happen before April 21 (day t) because both
J and U are empty. One Super I-Ching law stated that things definitely will not happen if J
and U are empty in your first toss. But a 6 strike turning into a 6 match guarantees that
something will happen. I say that the 6 strike turning into 6 match law is more important
than the empty J and U.
 The 1st line K y moves producing the money star G e. This is a good sign. This
line means somebody will pay a part of the rent for him. So the 1st line basically is
saying that he will find a roommate.
 Right now, the 1st line K y has been struck loose by the date. But on day h or day
y, the 1st line K y can regain its strength. So his new roommate will appear on day
h or on day y.

Result: He found a new roommate on May 13. (day h) He didn't find a roommate
immediately because the 1st hexagram is a 6 strike.

I think the 2nd most important law is this: If both the

self line and the U line have been struck by the date,
nothing will happen until they regain their strength.
A student tossed the coins in March of 2003 asking when will war in Iraq properly end.
He received [Queen] and [Rise].

Year Month Date Hour
m wa - II cn & e

Queen Rise
P sh o B yo --
B s o K h --
R w o U P c --
B yo - B yo -
G y K h - K h -
P c -- J P c --

Both the self line and the U line has P c. And both the self line and the U line's P c have
been struck by the date wa. This means the war will not end until P c is saved from the
struck. P c can only be saved on day t or on day c. Day c is only 6 days away.

Result: Nothing happened on day t or c of month m. But on day t of month cn, the war
ended. Instead of waiting 6 days for the war to end, the war ended 17 days after this coin
toss. But the war still ended on day t.

Note: If both J and U have been struck by the date, something definitely
will happen even if strong enemies are killing your appointed star.
Something definitely will happen even if bad combos exist.
If both the self line and the U line have been struck by
the date, something definitely will happen even if there
is a permanent 6 strike.
I asked can a certain stock reach $40 a share within 6 months. I got [Kan] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
cn yo - Viii t&c

6 strike
B t x J K m -
R sh - G e -
P s -- R wa --
G w -- U K m --
R cn o G e --
K y -- R wa --

Both the self line and the U line's K m has been struck by the date. Something definitely
will happen although there is a permanent 6 strike.

 The self line B t is no longer empty because the self line K m has been struck by the
date. Something will happen either in month m or in month sh because K m regains
its strength in those 2 months.

Result: The stock value reached $40 a share on the 1st day of month sh.

The next strongest things are the combos and the

For example, a 'retreating B combos' or 'retreating K combos' are more
important than the empty lines which lie between J and U.

I tossed the coins asking will I be able to find a publisher or an agent who is willing to
accept my book. God showed me [Step] and [Trapped].
Year Month Date Hour
s m m - Viii w & wa

Step Trapped
B sh o B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w - G h -
B c -- P w --
R m - U B cn -
P e o R y --

I got a retreating K combo meaning there is no happiness. Although the 1st line moves
bounding to the retreating K star, the 1st line has no power to pull back the retreating K star
becuase the 1st line is too far away from the K star. (If the moving P e is on the 3rd line, it
has the power to save the 5th line's retreating K star. If the moving P e is on the 2nd line, it
has no power to save the retreating K star.)

 The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. Does this mean that I still can
find an agent or a publisher when the emptiness fulfills?
 No, the combos are more important than the 2 empty lines which lie between J and
U. The combo says I won't find an agent or a publisher within a year.

Result: I didn't find an agent nor a publisher within a year.

Remember that not just the retreating B or retreating K combos are more important than the
2 empty lines which lie between J and U. All other combos are also more important than
the 2 empty lines which lie between J and U. If you see that strong enemy is destroying
your appointed star, don't expect that the empty lines which lie between J and U can
somehow save you.

Let's say this is your first toss. If powerful enemies are

killing your appointed stars from four sides, don't
expect any good news even if the 2 lines which lie
between J and U are empty.
A man bought some stocks, but the stocks' value dropped. He has held on to his stocks for
many years already, but the stock value just would not go up. He is about to give up. He
tossed the coins for the very last time asking can he break even within 6 months, and he got
[Hurt] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
w s yo - Viii t&c

Hurt Extreme
P yo -- R wa --
B h x P yo -
R c x J B h -
G w B h - R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - U B t -

The U line is moving because the date strikes with U line's K m thus made it move. So
both J and U are moving empty lines. When the emptiness fulfills, things shall happen.
But since the 'killing and producing law' is more important than any other law, I say
nothing will happen when the emptiness fulfills because the B star (money killer) is just too
powerful. The money star is hiding, and there is no way that the money star can survive in
this sign.

 The repellers are also more important than the empty lines which lie between J and
U. The self line R c is repelling away the top line's R wa possession star. This is a
bad sign.

Result: He did not break even within 6 months.

Summary: The 2 empty dates will only work if the rest of the sign looks promising. If a
bad combo, a bad repel, or a strong enemy exists, you are still out of luck.

The empty dates' law is more important than the strike

loose law.
When an element is being struck by the date, it becomes a loose line and therefore cannot

For example: I tossed the coins asking in what month will I receive more money from my
business partner. God gave me [Commander] and [Cover].
Year Month Date Hour
y m - II t&c

Commander Cover
P yo x U K y -
B h -- B t --
R c -- R sh --
G w -- J G w --
R cn - R cn -
K y -- K y --

The month and the date are both producing the self line money star. So I will definitely
receive another payment from my business partner. But date m is striking at the U line P
yo. So the U line is loose. The U line will only move in month cn or in month yo because
it is now loose. The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. So when the emptiness
fulfills, I will be paid.

So which law should I follow?

 The U line is now loose. If I follow the strike loose law, I will receive the money in
month cn or month yo.
 The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. If I follow the empty law, I will
receive the money in month t or c.

Based on my experience, the empty law is more important than the strike loose law. The
emptiness will be fulfilled in month t or in month c. So I will be paid in month t or in
month c.

Result: I received the money in month c.

The switch on my projector short-circuited. So I tossed the coins asking can I fix my
projector, and I received [Commander] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
h cn - iX w & wa

Commander Bride
P yo -- U R sh --
B h -- P s --
R c x G w -
G w -- J R c --
R cn - K m -
K y x G e -

The 4th line R c winner star moved linking to the empty self line G w. This means I will
fix it. But right now, the self line is empty. So I probably will fix it when the emptiness
fulfills, which is on day w.

Result: The switch broke down on day wa, and I fixed it on that day. I was surprised that
I could fix it on day wa because day wa is supposed to strike R c loose. If R c is loose, how
can R c link to the self line? But the fact is that I fixed it on day wa. So I guess that an
empty element is much more important than the struck loose star. The self line's empty G
w fulfilled on day wa.

A bounded up star is more important than an empty

star if they link together.
I was waiting for my employee to send me my merchandise for a long time already. I
tossed the coins asking when will I receive a news saying that he has already ship out the
merchandise to me. I received [Revolution] and [Same]. I expected to hear a good news
within a week.

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Viii w & wa

Revolution Same
R wa x R sh -
P yo - P s -
B h - J G w -
B h - B h -
R c -- R c --
K m - U K m -

The top line R star represents 'You got something'. The top line moves and advances, and it
is bounding to the self line's G star. I shall hear a good news soon. It will not happen
before day w because the self line's G w is empty. The top line R wa is also empty. Right
now, the top line R sh is bounding to both the month and the date. But on day yo, the
bondage shall be broken so that the top line will move again. Although the top line is dead,
it is advancing so it cannot die. So the top line is still alive! I will receive a good news on
day yo.

Result: My employee phoned me on day yo telling me that everything was shipped to me.
You see? It didn't happen when the emptiness fulfilled. But it happened on day yo when
the bondage was broken. So the bondage law does go on top of the empty law.

The bondage law could be even more important than

the 2 empty lines which lie between J and U. The
bondage law could be more superior than the empty J
and U law.
A politician tossed the coins asking in which year will his province approve his proposal.
He got [Look] and [Unsettled].

Year Month Date Hour
e m w-I w & wa

Look Unsettled
G m - R e -
R e o P wa --
P wa x J B yo -
G m -- R w --
R e x P cn -
P wa -- U G y --

Both J and U are empty, but both J and U have the same element P wa. This means things
will happen when the emptiness fulfills. So his proposal shall be accepted in year w or in
year wa?

 The self line P wa links to the U line P wa. So the U line is the self line.
 The 2nd line and the U line formed a 'e & wa' combo. The U line's P wa frustration
star has been killed back by the gain star G y. This is great. The proposal will be
 But too bad that the self line B yo is repelling away the top line's G m. The gain
star has been repelled away. This means the proposal will be rejected.
 The U line represents now because it is in the inner gua. The top line represents the
future because it is in the outer gua. The proposal will be accepted at first but still
will be rejected later.
 Both J and U are empty P wa. So something will happen in year w or wa?

Result: His proposal was not accepted until year t. But right after the proposal was
accepted, it was turned down again a few months later. The reason why nothing happened
even when the emptiness of J and U was fulfilled is because both J and U are bounding to
the date w. When J and U bound to the date, nothing will happen even when the emptiness
fulfills. Year t broke their bondage allowing things to fulfill.

If both lines which lie between J and U are bounding to

the date, you might have to wait until the bondage is
Let's see an example: I fired my employee because he tried to blackmail me. But after I
fired him, he confiscated my merchandise and put them in his own house. I told my
partner to go to his house to pick up the merchandise. Then I tossed the coins asking when
will my X-employee give me back my merchandise. I got [Bride] and [Bite].

Year Month Date Hour
cn & e?
m wa - II w&

Bride Bite
P sh x U R e -
B s -- P wa --
R w - B yo -
P c -- J P cn --
G m o G y --
R e - K t -

The U line represents my employee. The 2nd line G m, which is right beside the self line,
represents my merchandise. Although the 2nd line G m moves and bounds to the U line,
the 2nd line is retreating so that the 2nd line and the U line cannot bound. Besides, the 2nd
line and the U line are too far apart. The 2nd line is also retreating. So the U line and the
2nd line G star are actually separating. This means my employee will soon give me back
my merchandise. This sign told me that my employee will soon lose control over my
merchandise because the 2nd line G star is retreating away from the U line. But now, the
U line R e is empty. Does this mean that my employee will hold on to my merchandise
until day e?

 If I tossed the coins on day wa - II, the empty dates still could be w and wa. If the
empty dates are still w and wa, he might give me back my merchandise before day
 If w and wa are still empty, the two lines which lie between J and U are empty
because the 4th line has R w and the 5th line has P wa. The 4th line R w is
bounding to the date wa. The 5th line P wa is also bounding to the date wa.
 If the two lines which lie between J and U are empty, things will happen when their
emptiness fulfills. But when these two empty lines are bounding to the date, things
will happen when their bondage has been struck open. That means my X-employee
will give me back my merchandise either on day t or on day c because day t and day
c can strike with w and wa.

Result: I got my merchandise back on day t. After this experience, I realized that w and
wa could still be empty if I tossed the coins on day wa - II.

Let's say this is your first toss. The empty elements are s and yo. The
self line has an empty s, and the U line has an empty yo. Your dream
cannot come true or things definitely will not happen. But if J and U are
both yo, and s does not appear on J and U, your dream will definitely
come true.

I tossed the coins asking the Lord when will I rent out my apartment. I got [Commander]
and [Rise]. (my first toss)

Year Month Date Hour
s y-V s & yo

Commander Rise
P yo -- U P yo --
B h -- B h --
R c -- R c --
G w x J P yo -
R cn - B h -
K y -- K c --
This is my first toss, and both J and U are empty. Does that mean I can never rent out my
apartment? Wrong. If U has s, and J has yo, I probably can never rent out my apartment.
But in this sign, both J and U are yo. The empty element s is not on J and U. When the
emptiness fulfills, I still can rent out the apartment.

Result: A family rented my apartment on day yo. I was lucky because both J and U
contain only the empty yo. If the empty s and yo both appear on the self line and on the U
line, I would not have rented out my apartment.

Let's see another example: I want to go to a party, but I don't want to go there by my self.
So I tossed the coins asking will my friend Ken go to the party with me, and God showed
me [Cup] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - iX sh & h

6 match
B e o G yo --
K wa -- U R h --
G yo o K c --
G yo - K cn -
R h - J P y -
K c x R t -

Both the self line and the U line contain the empty element h. But the other empty element
(sh) does not appear on the self line nor on the U line. This means things will happen.
Which means, Ken will go to the party with me tomorrow. When the emptiness of J and U
fulfills, things will definitely happen.

 But there is something funny about this sign: Today is day s, and tomorrow is day
yo. We are supposed to go to that party tomorrow (day yo). If things will happen
when the emptiness fulfills, we have to go to the party on day sh or on day h
because the empty elements are sh and h. There is absolutely no way for anything
to occur on day yo.
 But maybe God is telling me that something will happen at a certain hour instead of
at a certain day because I already know that the party is tomorrow.
 Both J and U have the empty element h. So things will happen at hour h? But hour
h is still 7 am in the morning. I won't see my friend Ken at that time because I will
still be sleeping at 7 am.
 Then I realized something important: The self line's P y has been struck by the
date. So the self line cannot move. Since the self line links to the U line because
both J and U have the empty element h, the U line also cannot move if the self line
cannot move. That means the self line's P y must regain its strength before anything
can happen. At hour y, P y can regain its strength allowing both J and U to move.
When both J and U are freed from the stroke, things will happen.

Result: My friend Ken called me at hour y of day yo confirming that he will go to the party
with me. From this lesson, we learned that if the self line has been struck, the U line is also
being struck if the self line links to the U line.

Lets say the 2 lines which lie between J and U are

empty, and at least one of them is dead. The dead line
must be revived in order for things to happen.
My employee has threatened me for a long time already. If I don't continue hiring him, he
might confiscate my merchandise which he has stored in a public storage locker under his
own name. Ever since I hired that man, I did not eat right and did not sleep well. I tossed
the coins asking when will the terror end. I received [Cover] and [Gen]. I expected to hear
a good news within a week.

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Viii w & wa

6 strike
P y - P y -
R t -- R t --
K sh -- J K sh --
B w x G s -
K cn o B w --
P y -- U K cn --

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, and the 2nd line K cn is dead. But since
K cn moves turning into B w which produces back at itself, it cannot die. The 2nd line K
cn moves linking to the self line. This means I will become happy soon. Usually, things
will happen when the emptiness of the 2 lines which lie between J and U fulfills. But since
the K star is dead, even if the emptiness of the 2 lines are fulfilled, the K star still cannot
move. We have to wait for day yo or day cn in order to see the K star move because only
day yo or day cn can revive K cn.
 The 3rd line's G s repelled away the 1st line's P y frustration star for me. That's

Result: My business partner helped me took back the merchandise on day yo. My worries
totally disappeared on that day. Although the two lines which lie between J and U are
empty, things did not happen when the emptiness fulfilled. Instead, things happened when
the K star regained its strength. This case proved that things will not happen until the dead
star regains its strength even if the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty.

If the self line does not move, but an empty line moves
bounding to the self line, the self line is also considered
A man asked when will he buy a house. God gave him [Consume] and [Extreme].

Year Month Date Hour
s sh - Vii y&m

Consume Extreme
B t -- U R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
B h - J R cn -
R c x K y -
K m - B t -

The 4th line P s moves linking to the self line. The P star means 'something happening'. So
the P star is the appointed. But since the empty 2nd line K y moves bounding to the self
line, the self line is also considered empty. Therefore, he has to wait until year y if he
wants to buy a house. But won't year y strike the 4th line P s loose? No, because the 4th
line P s is bounding to the month s. Year y can actually help break the bondage.

Result: He bought a house in year y.

If two empty stars are linking together, a strike on
either one of the empty stars will fulfill the emptiness of
both empty stars.
This law only works if:
 s and yo link together
 y and m link together
 t and c link together
 w and wa link together
 cn and e link together
 sh and h link together

A guy asked when will his friend's mother die. He said he wants his friend's mother to die.
God showed him [Bride] and [Big storage].

Year Month Date Hour
w w h - Viii y&m

Bride Big Storage

P sh x U G y -
B s -- K t --
R w o P sh --
P c x J P cn -
G m - G y -
R e - K t -

The 4th line and the U line form an R combo. Since he wants his friend's mother to die, the
R combo which produces the self line means his wish shall come true. The advancing self
line P star also indicates that he will hear a good news. The mother shall die.

 But right now, the U line's G y is empty. So the R combo cannot be established
before the emptiness of G y fulfills.
 The U line's G y links to the 2nd line's G y. The 2nd line G y links to the 2nd line's
empty G m. That means both empty stars (G y and G m) are linking together.
 If both empty stars are linking together, a strike can fulfill the emptiness of both
stars. Either month s or month yo can strike with the empty stars fulfilling their
emptiness. When the emptiness is fulfilled, the R combo will be established and
will produce the self line. So the mother shall die in month s or in month yo.
Result: His friend's mother died in month yo.

I asked on which day will I sell my stocks. I got [No way] and [Separate].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - III s & yo

No Way
6 strike
G sh - K e -
R s o G wa --
K w - J R yo -
G cn -- G c --
B y x B m --
P t - U P e -

The self line's K w has been struck by the date t. So the self line K w (nothingness) is
moving and turning into R yo, which represents 'You got something'. The 5th line R s
moves bounding to the self line. Both R yo and R s are empty. So must I wait until day s
to sell?

 Since R s moves bounding to the self line, the self line R yo and R s actually link
together. This means a strike on either one of them can fulfill their emptiness. So I
can also sell on day y or on day m.
 Look at the 2nd line B y. The 2nd line's money killer B y moves and advances.
This probably means that I shall sell on day y and lose some money.

Result: I sold on day y. I lost $3000 that day.

I asked should I sell my stocks today. I got [Touch] and [Hide].

Year Month Date Hour
wa sh - III w & wa

Touch Hide
R m - U B sh -
P e - K s -
B wa x P w -
K s - J K s -
P w -- P w --
B cn -- B cn --

The 5th line P e frustration star links to the self line K s. This is not a good sign. The top
gua bounds back. Right now, P e cannot link to the self line K s because the 4th line is still
empty. But when the emptiness fulfills, there will be bad news.

Result: On day c, the price went up. The 4th line B wa has been struck open on day c.
That's why the emptiness of B wa has been fulfilled on day c. Although P w remains
empty on day c, the emptiness of P w has also been fulfilled on day c because B wa and P
w link to each other.

I asked will I be able to sell my stocks at $30 a share. God showed me [Separate] and

Year Month Date Hour
e s-V y&m

Separate Feed
P e - R y -
B wa -- G t --
K yo o J B sh --
B c -- B cn --
R m o R y --
P e - U G t -

The 2nd line's R star moves and retreats. But luckily, the self line's B sh moves bounding
to the 2nd line's R m so that the 2nd line cannot retreat anymore. The self line received a
winner star. This means I will be able to sell at $30.

 The self line is no longer empty because R y has been struck by the date. If R y has
been struck, R m also is no longer empty since R y and R m link together and are
the same element.
 Right now, the 2nd line cannot move because R y has been struck loose. But on day
h, the 2nd line shall bound to the self line.
 We don't need to wait until day y or day m for things to happen because the 2nd line
is no longer empty since R y has been struck by the date.

Result: The price reached $30 on day h. But I didn't sell because I over slept.

If both lines which lie between J and U are empty, their

emptiness can be fulfilled when struck.
I asked at what hour will a certain stock reach the highest price tomorrow. God gave me
[Look] and [Trade].

Year Month Date Hour
yo t - Vii cn & e

Look Trade
G m - G m -
R e - R e -
P wa -- J P wa --
G m -- P cn --
R e -- G y --
P wa x U K t -

The self line and the U line both got P wa. So the self line is the U line. The U line P wa
moved and received the happiness star K t. This means I will become happy tomorrow
because the price will go up. But at what hour will the price reach the highest peak?

 Both lines which lie between J and U are empty. This means the price will reach
the highest peak at hour cn or hour e? But that's impossible because the New York
Stock Exchange opens from hour sh to hour y. It cannot be hour cn or e.
 But hour sh and h happen to strike with both lines that lie between J and U. So
maybe the price will reach the highest peak at the opening bell?

Result: At hour h, the price did reach the highest peak. I sold short at the highest peak and
earned close to $3000 when the price dropped back down almost $1.50 when the market
I am sure that my business partner will call me today. But at what hour will he call me?
He better call me today, or else I will become very nervous. I tossed the coins, and I got
[Duay] and [Finish].

Year Month Date Hour
m m - Vi s & yo

Duay Finish
6 strike 6 match
P wa -- J K t --
B yo - P sh -
K h o B s --
P c -- U P c --
G m - G m -
R e - R e -

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. When their emptiness fulfills, my
business partner shall call me. But wait a minute! He will call me at hour s or hour yo? I
live in California. And in California, hour s and hour yo are around midnight! No, that's
impossible. He will never call me that late. I think he will call me at around hour y.
Why? Because although the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty, the 5th line B yo
is no longer empty since the date m is striking with it. That means only the 4th line B s is
truly empty. Hour y can strike open the empty 4th line B s. When both empty lines are
being struck, they will no longer be empty. So he should call me at around hour y.

Result: He really did call me at around hour y.

If I tossed the coins in month e asking "In which month

will the stock market improve?", is a moving, empty cn
star empty or not empty?
You all know by now that Super I-Ching is quite complicated. Every little detail emits a
glint of the future. Therefore, every tiny feature and every slightest mechanism must be
defined and tested in order for you to achieve pure accuracy.

Let's say you tossed the coins in month e asking for the stock market trend of the entire
year. In another word, you want to know the performance of the stock market for these 12
months. You see that an empty R cn moves. Then you asked yourself a question, "Is R cn
empty or not empty?"
Let's say you got [Consume] and [Intercourse].

Year Month Date Hour
e t - Vii cn & e

Consume Intercourse
B t -- U R wa --
R sh - P yo -
P s x B h -
G w B h - J P s -
R c -- G w --
K m o R cn --

The 1st line R cn is empty. But this month is already month e, and the emptiness of cn and
e should have been fulfilled in this month. So is R cn still empty? Or is the emptiness of
R cn already fulfilled?

 If R cn is still empty, the emptiness shall be fulfilled in month sh because sh strikes

with R cn fulfilling its emptiness.
 If R cn is not empty anymore, the 1st line cannot move in month sh. (Month sh will
strike the 1st line loose because month sh will strike with R cn. If R cn is not empty
when month sh strikes with it, the line will become a loose line. A loose line cannot
move at all.)

If a K star moves turning into a R star, the stock value will rise. That means when the 1st
line moves, the stock value will rise. If R cn is still empty, the stock value will rise in
month sh. If R cn is no longer empty, the stock value will not go up in month sh.

Result: The stock value rose sharply in month sh. This sign proved that R cn was still
empty even if you tossed the coins in month e.

But sometimes, you get stuff like this:

One man tossed the coins asking in which month can he earn money by selling horses. He
received [Abide] and [Solution].

Year Month Date Hour
w s t - III s & yo
Abide Solution
G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn -- J K w --
B y x G cn -
P t o B y --

The 5th line R yo represents success, and it moves and retreats. The 5th line R yo moves
bounding to the self line. A retreating R star bounding to the self line means he will lose
money. The 1st line's P t frustration star also links to the self line. This further indicates
that his business venture won't be too successful. Right now, the self line cannot bound to
R yo because the self line's K w has been struck loose by the date. But month w can save K
w from the stroke allowing the self line to move. The 1st line is linking to the 2nd line, and
the 2nd line links to the self line. So the 1st line is linking to the self line. Right now, the
1st line cannot move because the first line's P t is bounding to the date. If the 1st line
cannot move, the self line also cannot move since they link together. The bondage of the
1st line shall be broken in month w allowing the 1st line to move. When the 1st line
moves, the self line also moves. And when the self line moves, the retreating R yo will
bound to the self line. So everything should happen in month w.

 The 1st line's P t repelled away the joy star K w of the self line. This is not good.

But wait! The 5th line R yo and R s are empty. This month is already month s. So is the
emptiness of the 5th line fulfilled in this month? Maybe the emptiness of the 5th line can
be fulfilled in month yo, which is next month? If the emptiness of the 5th line cannot be
fulfilled in this month or in the next month, the emptiness of the 5th line shall be fulfilled in
next year's month s or month yo. (12 months away from now)

 If the emptiness of the 5th line cannot be fulfilled until next year's month s or month
yo, there is no way for this man to earn money in month w. He must wait for next
year's month s or month yo in order to earn money.
 If the emptiness can be fulfilled this month, this man will earn money in month w.

Result: He went to the South to sell horses in month w. But he didn't make a profit
because lots of his horses died on the trip.

Based on the traditional empty dates chart, s and yo are empty if you toss
the coins on day sh - I. And t and c are empty if you toss the coins on
day y - I. But I found out that the old empty dates chart is flawed. So I
have changed the empty dates chart a little bit, and now it's working fine.
I don't know why nobody challenged the flawed old chart for so many
centuries. But I kept noticing that the old chart is certainly flawed. Maybe
people just don't have the guts to challenge tradition. But what is flawed
is flawed. If there is an error, it is everyone's duty to point it out.

For example: One day, my server is down due to technical difficulty. (My domain name
cannot be found.) So I tossed the coins asking at what hour will my server be back up
again. I got [Separate] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - I sh & h

No Way
6 strike
P m - K sh -
B e - J G s -
K wa x B w -
B w -- K cn --
K cn o U P y --
P y x R t -

Based on the traditional method, the empty dates should be s and yo if I have tossed the
coins on day sh - I. But based on my experience, the true empty dates are sh & h. If we
look at this sign using the traditional method, my server will be back up at hour s because
the self line B e turns into an empty G s. (G s money star represents my server because my
business depends on my server.) But I don't believe the traditional method. I trust my own
method. So I say my server cannot be back up at hour s but will be back up at hour h
because h strikes with the self line B e causing the self line B e to move and to bound to G
s. The 6 strike is eliminated because the self line B s bounds to G s.

This sign is not clear enough. So I decided to toss again. This time, I got [Intercourse] and

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - I sh & h

6 match
P wa x U R e -
B yo o P wa --
K h - B yo -
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn --

Based on the traditional method, my server will be back up at hour s or hour yo because the
2 lines which lie between J and U are empty. Based on my own method, the server will be
back up at hour h because the 4th line K h is empty, and the 4th line K h is linked to the 5th
line B yo. So both lines which lie between J and U are still empty based on my own
method. I concluded that my server will be back up at hour h.

Few hours later, I got nervous and tossed the coins again asking at what hour will my
server be back up. God gave me [Lawsuit] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh - I sh & h

Lawsuit Advance
K sh - B e -
G s o K wa --
B w - J G yo -
B w -- P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- U K wa --

The 5th line G s money star (my server) moves turning into K wa (happiness) which
bounds to the self line B w. This is a great sign because this sign indicates that I will
become happy soon. But based on my experience, nothing will happen until the self line B
w moves. When the self line B w moves, it moves to bound to the 5th line K wa. So when
the self line moves bounding to the happiness star K wa, there will be good news. The only
hour which will cause the self line B w to move is hour t. But that's strange! In the
previous 2 signs, God has told me that my server will be back up at hour h. How come
God is now telling me that my server will be back up at hour t? Hey, maybe God wasn't
saying that my server will be back up at hour h. Maybe God meant my server will be back
up on the next day (day h). So could my server be back up on day h at hour t?

Result: I turned on my computer at hour s to check on my server. My server was not up

yet. I then checked at hour h again, and my server was still down. Then I got very nervous
and tried to transfer my domain name to another web host. As I was transferring my
domain name, my server went back up. I checked the clock, and it was hour t. So my
server went back up at exactly hour t of day h. Is this amazing or what?

I applied for a credit card merchant account. I tossed the coins many times asking on which
day will I be approved. And in each sign, God told me that I will be approved on day h. I
tossed the coins again asking will I be approved on day h because I was nervous. This
time, I got [Lawsuit] and [Look].

Year Month Date Hour
y sh - I sh & h

Lawsuit Look
K sh - P m -
G s - B e -
B w o J K wa --
B w -- P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- U K wa --

If I tossed the coins on day sh - I, the correct empty dates should be sh & h. But the old
empty dates chart states that the empty dates are s and yo if I tossed the coins on day sh - I.
Examine the hexagrams very carefully.

 The 6th line is empty.

 The 6th line is linked to the 3rd line. So the 3rd line is also empty.
 The 3rd line is linked to the self line. So the self line is also empty.
 The self line is linked to the U line. So both the self line and the U line are empty.

Since this is not my 1st toss, empty J and U actually mean things will happen when the
emptiness fulfills. Today is already day sh, and tomorrow is day h. Today, the emptiness
is half-way fulfilled. The emptiness will be completely fulfilled tomorrow. So they must
approve my application no later than tomorrow.

I became more nervous, so I tossed the coins once more. This time, God gave me [Duay]
and [Lawsuit].

Year Month Date Hour
y sh - I sh & h
6 strike
P wa x J P sh -
B yo - B s -
K h - R w -
P c -- U R w --
G m - P cn -
R e o G y --

I have a 6 strike. But since this is not my 1st toss, a 6 strike might not mean anything. So I
am not worried about the 6 strike at all. I think I will be approved on day h as predicted.

 The self line P sh is empty.

 The 4th line is empty, and it is linked to the U line. So the U line is also empty.
 Both J and U are empty.

Today is day sh, and the emptiness is already half-way fulfilled. Tomorrow is day h, and
the emptiness will be completely fulfilled by tomorrow. So tomorrow, I definitely will be

Result: I was approved on day h. You see? If I read these two signs using the old empty
dates chart, (s & yo are empty) it won't make sense anymore. But luckily, I have been
practicing I-Ching for many years. So I already noticed this phenomena.

One of my employee turned out to be a crook. He kept my merchandise in a storage locker

that he rented with my money. Then he threatened me to continuing on hiring him. If I
don't, he might confiscate my merchandise. I called my business partner to go to that
storage locker and relocate the merchandise back to his house where it's safe. I tossed the
coins asking on which day shall I hear the news that my partner has already moved the
merchandise out of the storage locker. I got [Big storage] and [Little storage].

Year Month Date Hour
m w-I w & wa

Big Storage Little Storage

R y - R m -
G t x U P e -
B sh -- B wa --
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

The U line's G star represents money, and it represents my merchandise. The G star moves
to produce the self line. Although the G star is quite weak, it is not dead. So it still can
move to produce the self line. According to the old empty dates chart, the empty dates
should be cn & e if I tossed the coins on day w - I. If we read this sign using the old chart, I
will not hear any news until day cn or day e because the 5th line P e is empty. The 5th
line's emptiness cannot be fulfilled before day cn or day e. But based on my experience,
the real empty dates for date w - I should be w & wa. Therefore, the 5th line is not empty
at all. So the 5th line G t shall move on day t. I shall hear good news on day t.

I tossed the coins again to reconfirm the date. I got [Solution] and [Quen].

Year Month Date Hour
m w-I w & wa

6 strike
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- U P h --
K w o G c --
K w -- B m --
G cn o J K e --
B y -- G wa --

If we use the old empty dates chart, nothing will happen before day cn or day e because the
self line is totally empty. But I know that the real empty dates are w & wa. The self line is
not empty at all. The 4th line K w moves to produce the self line's money star. This is a
great sign. Right now, the 4th line is bounding to the date. So we must wait until day t to
strike the bondage open.

Result: I called my partner on day t, but nobody answered the phone. But on that day, I
received an email from him which told me that he has already relocated all of our
merchandise back to his house. The prediction was accurate.
If the 2 lines which lie between J and U are empty,
things will definitely happen. But if they are not empty,
It's Hawaii vs. Tulane. Which team will win? (I want Hawaii to win.) I got [Arrive] and

Year Month Date Hour
t cn - V sh & h

Arrive Bride
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- U K s --
B c x P w -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -

The self line is Hawaii, and the U line represents Tulane. Both lines which lie between J
and U have B c. The U line G h produces the self line. If both lines which lie between J
and U are empty, the self line definitely will win when the emptiness fulfills.

But too bad that's not the case. The two lines which lie between J and U are not empty.
The powerful B c moves killing the U line's G h. So G h can no longer produce the self
line. This is an unlucky sign for the self line.

Result: Hawaii lost the game.

A man asked, "Will I be able to sell my stock shares in month c?" God gave him
[Everlasting] and [Rich].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h
Everlasting Rich
G sh -- U G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
R yo - J P h -
P h o G c --
G c x B m -

Although the U line is empty, it is being struck by the date so it cannot be considered as an
empty line. The self line is linked to a moving, empty P h which represents "Something
happening." The emptiness of P h shall be fulfilled in month h. So does that mean this
man will not sell in month c but will sell in month h?

He tossed the coins again asking can he sell in month c and received [Too much] and

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h

Too Much Unsettled

G wa -- P t --
R yo - G sh -
P h o J R s --
R yo - P h -
P h o G c --
G c x U B m -

The two lines which lie between J and U are empty. So things will happen when the
emptiness fulfills. The emptiness shall be fulfilled most likely in month h. So he
definitely will not sell in month c. If he is going to sell, he must sell in month h. There is
no way that he will sell in month c. So should we just tell him that he will sell in month h?

Wrong! This is the trickiest part of I-Ching where lots of scholars got

If this man asked "In which month can I sell my stocks?", he will sell in month h because
an empty P h links to the self line. If he did not ask about a specific month, month h is the
month which he shall sell.
But too bad that this man's question is very precise. He asked only about month c. So if
you don't see any possibility for month c, you can only say "Sorry. You cannot sell in
month c." You cannot say "I think you will sell in month h because an empty P h is linking
to the self line." This is the part where most scholars make mistakes. When someone is
asking will something happen in a specific month, date, or year, you can only answer him
either "Yes" or "No".

If you suspect that he might sell in month h, you must tell him to toss the
coins again asking about month h.

On the next day, the man tossed the coins asking can he sell in month h, and the Lord
showed him [Arrive] and [Need].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - Vi sh & h

Arrive Need
K yo -- G t --
G h x U B sh -
B c -- K s --
B c x B cn -
R m - J R y -
P e - G t -

In month h, the money star G h shall move turning into a super powerful B star which kills
back at itself. This proves that he cannot sell in month h.

Result: He did not sell in month h because the stock value did not rise high enough. He
also was not able to sell in month t.

Remember! If someone asked will something happen in a specific month, you can only
give him a "Yes or No" answer. If you suspect that things will happen in another month,
you have to make him toss the coins again asking about another month.

Let's do some more practice on timing.

A woman asked will she receive financial aid from the government in month t. (The
government official told her that she should receive the money in month t.) The Lord
showed her [Stop] and [Revolution].

Year Month Date Hour Empty

sh h - Viii y&m

6 match
P sh o U P wa --
B s - B yo -
R w - K h -
G m x J K h -
R e -- P c --
P wa x G m -

She asked will she receive the money in month t. But the self line and the 1st line form an
empty G combo. The emptiness of the self line cannot be fulfilled before month m. This
clearly means she won't be able to receive the money before month m. So there is no way
that she can receive the money in month t. The self line G m moved turning into K h which
bounds to the date h. Month e can help break that bondage. And when the bondage is
broken, the G money combo which embraces the self line could truly be established. But
since she asked "Can I receive the money in month t?", I cannot tell her that she will
receive the money in month e even if I suspect that month e is highly possible. I can only
give her a "Yes or No" answer.

So I told her, "Money will not come in month t, but month e is highly possible." Then I
asked her to toss the coins asking about month e. So she tossed the coins asking will she
receive the money in month e, and God gave her [Same] and [No way].

Year Month Date Hour
sh h - Viii y&m

No Way
6 strike
K sh - U K sh -
G s - G s -
B w - B w -
R h o J K cn --
K c -- P y --
P m - R t -
This is her first question about month e. A 6 strike clearly indicates that she cannot receive
the money in month e. On top of that, the self line R winner star moved turning into a loser
star K cn. Right now, the self line R h is bounding to the date h. So the self line R h cannot
turn into the loser star yet. But in month e, the bondage shall be broken allowing the self
line R h to turn into the loser star. What a coincidence? She asked can she receive the
money in month e, and the sign indicates that the self line R winner star will turn into a
loser star in month e. So God basically told her that she cannot receive the money in
month e.

Then she tossed the coins on the next day asking exaclty when can she receive the financial
aid. This time, she received [Solution] and [Everlasting].

Year Month Date Hour
sh t - iX y&m

Solution Everlasting
G sh -- G sh --
R s -- U R s --
K w - K w -
K w x R yo -
G cn - J P h -
B y -- G c --

The 3rd line K w moved turning into R yo which bounds to the self line G cn. If the self
line receives the R winner star, she will receive the money.

 But wait! The 3rd line's K w loser star is linking to the self line through R yo. So
the self line actually received a loser star. This means she will be disappointed.

Right now, K w has been struck loose by the date t. So the 3rd line K w cannot move. But
in month w, the 3rd line K w shall be revived and shall move turning into R yo which
bounds to the self line. So the money shall come in month w. But there will be
disappointment since the loser star reached the self line.

Result: She really did receive the financial aid in month w, but she only received half of
the amount that she asked for.

Summary: When someone is asking "Will something happen in year t.",

you can only answer him 'Yes or No'. If you suspect that something might
happen in another year, you have to make him toss the coins again
asking about another year.
Some people think that you may ask only what will happen within 12 days (or 12 month, or
12 years) because there are only 12 elements in I-Ching. That's not true. When ever I
tossed the coins asking about the stock market trend, I always ask what will happen within
20 days.

For example: I asked will a certain stock drop to $20 a share within 20 days. I got
[Combine] and [Compare].

Year Month Date Hour
cn sh - iX t&c

Combine Compare
P wa -- K t --
B yo - U P sh -
K h o B s --
G m -- G m --
R e -- J R e --
P wa -- P wa --

I tossed the coins on day sh, which is a Friday in United States. The 4th line's K h moves
linking to the self line through B s. So the self line is receiving a K loser star. This means
the stock price will never drop that low for me.

 But day h is tomorrow, which is Saturday. The stock market does not even open
 So the 4th line K h cannot mean that the self line will receive a loser star tomorrow.
The 4th line K h must mean that something will happen 13 days later, which is the
day h after the next day h. So 13 days later, I will know for sure that the stock price
will never drop to $20 a share.

Result: The day h after the next day h was a Thursday. And on that day, the stock value
dropped to the lowest price, which was $24.11. Then the price started climbing up. So day
h after the next day h was the lowest peak. That's why the 4th line's loser star K h linked to
the self line. This sign proves that one can ask what will happen within 20 days, month, or
years. I-Ching does not confine to only 12 days.

Can the hour affect my sign?

Everyone knows that the date is the most effective element. The power of the date
outweighs the power of the month and the year. But what about the power of the hour?
Can the hour affect my sign?

The answer is: sometimes. I have seen the effect of the hour before.

For example: A woman wrote rumors about me on her web site and submitted her web site
to mainstream search engines. The defamatory she wrote about me affected my business a
little bit. So I emailed her web host asking her web host to shut down her web site for me.
I said if they don't shut down her web site, I will sue them. Then I tossed the coins asking
will her site be shut down, and I received [Unsettled] and [Advance].

Year Month Date Hour
t s-V yo y&m

Unsettled Advance
B e - U B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - B yo -
B w -- J P m --
K cn o B e --
P y -- K wa --

The U line B e represents her web site. The 2nd line K cn moves linking to the U line B e.
This means the U line is receiving a loser star. No doubt. She will lose her site.

 I tossed the coins on Dec. 6th at 2:20 AM (California's time zone.) So I tossed the
coins at hour yo.
 Can hour yo bound to the 2nd line's K cn? If hour yo does bound to K cn, her site
will be shut down on day m because day m can break the bondage formed between
K cn and hour yo.
 The date s is bounding to the 2nd line B e. This means she could also lose her site
on day y because day y can break the bondage formed between date e and B e. If
hour yo has absolutely no effect on K cn, she will lose her site on day y.

Result: They shut down her site on day m. So hour yo did bound to K cn.

When exactly does the date shift occur?

According to traditional Chinese text books, the date shifts at hour t. (11 PM of Beijing's
time.) Which means, May 24th becomes May 25th at hour t. So day s becomes day yo at
hour t. So if I tossed the coins in California of USA, day s becomes day yo at 7 AM. If I
live in New York, day s becomes day yo at 10 AM.

But based on years of experience, I find that the day shifts at somewhere between hour h
and hour t. (Hour h starts at 9 PM of Beijing's time.) That means May 24th becomes May
25th at somewhere between hour h and hour t. That means if you live in California, the day
probably has already shifted to May 25th at 5 AM of May 24th. So if you tossed the coins
in California at 5 AM of May 24th, you might have to record it as May 25th.

But most ancient text books taught that the date shift occurs at hour t. So if I were you, I
will avoid tossing the coins just around the border. Try to toss the coins in the middle of
the day.

So my only suggestion to you is: Avoid tossing the coins

from hour h to hour t because the date shift occurs
somewhere between these 2 hours. Nobody can say for sure
when the day shift will exacly occur. So just be careful.

Day light savings time

China does not have day light savings time. So if you tossed the coins during day light
savings time, just add 1 hour to the schedule.

For example: You live in San Francisco, and you are supposed to switch the date at 7 AM.
But if you tossed the coins during day light savings time, you switch the date at 8 AM..

I find that the hours recorded in ancient text books are still
very accurate. So the following chart must be taken very
USA, California's Time
Beijing's Time Chart Chart
Remember! You must A brand new day starts at
convert your time to around 7 am. If you tossed
Beijing's time. the coins during date light
saving's time, a brand new
day starts at 8 am.
t 11pm - 1am t 7am - 9am
c 1am - 3am c 9am - 11am
y 3am - 5am y 11am - 1pm
m 5am - 7am m 1pm - 3pm
cn 7am - 9am cn 3pm - 5pm
e 9am - 11am e 5pm - 7pm
w 11am - 1pm w 7pm - 9pm
wa 1pm - 3pm wa 9pm - 11pm
s 3pm - 5pm s 11pm - 1am
yo 5pm - 7pm yo 1am - 3am
sh 7pm - 9pm sh 3am - 5am
h 9pm - 11pm h 5am - 7am

More on Producing and Killing

A 6 match cannot guarantee you any success if the
enemy is hurting your appointed star.
For example: A doctor tossed the coins asking if he can cure a very famous person's
illness. If the doctor successfully cured that famous person's illness, the doctor can also
become extremely famous. This would be a great opportunity for the doctor to advertise
himself. The doctor tossed the coins and received [Wonderful] and [Finished].

Year Month Date Hour
cn m t-I t&c

Wonderful Finished
6 match 6 match
K yo -- U G t --
G h x B sh -
B c -- K s --
B cn o J B c --
R y - R m -
G t - P e -
Although both hexagrams are 6 match, the sign is not a lucky sign. The 5th line is
definitely a bad news because the money star moved and got killed back. And worst of all,
the self line cannot repel away the 5th line because the self line is retreating. So the bad
news is here to stay.

Result: The famous person never visited the doctor. You see? The 'killing and
producing' law is more important than the double 6 match.

Note: If a 6 strike turns into a 6 match, there will be success at the end no
matter what the stars say. A 6 strike turning into a 6 match is guaranteed a
success story, peroid.

If a line moved because it's a 'O' or an 'X', that line is a

dedicated moving line. If a line moved because it has
been struck by the date, it is not a dedicated moving
line. A dedicated moving line is simply more powerful.
I tossed the coins asking when can I sell my stocks and break even. I got [Intercourse] and
[Little much].

Year Month Date Hour
e c - Viii cn & e

Intercourse Little Much

P wa -- U P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w -
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The self line links to the 5th line's retreating B star. This means I will sell at a good price
and break even.

 But wait! The top line's advancing P wa is moving because the date c is striking it.
If an advancing P wa moves to produce the 5th line's retreating B star, the retreating
B star cannot retreat. So the self line is linking to a B star which does not retreat.
So I will lose money after all?
 But fortunately, the U line's moving P wa is not a dedicated moving line because it's
not an 'X' or a 'O'. It moves because the date struck it. So P wa cannot really help
the 5th line's B star on day cn or on day yo. This means the 5th line's B star still
will retreat.
 On day cn or on day yo, the 5th line's B star will retreat. So I can break even on one
of those days?
 So God is saying that the only possibility for me to break even is day cn. If I waited
until day wa, the price would have dropped.

Few days later, I tossed the coins again and got the same sign:

Year Month Date Hour
e m-X cn & e

Intercourse Little Much

P wa -- U P sh --
B yo o B s --
K h - R w -
B s - J B s -
R w -- R w --
P cn -- P cn --

The 5th line's B yo will retreat on day cn. So I break even on day cn.

 But wait! The U line's advancing P sh is bounding to the date. One of the Super I-
Ching laws says, "If a non-moving line bounds to the date, it will act like a moving
line when the bondage is broken." On day cn, the bondage between P sh and the
date will also br broken. So will the U line's advancing P star move to produce the
5th line's retreating B star on day cn so that the B star can't retreat at all?
 Based on what I know, the U line is not a real moving line. When the bondage
between P sh and the date is broken, it will only act like a moving line but will not
really move. So the U line has no power to produce the 5th line at all. I still will
break even on day cn.

Result: The price went up on day cn allowing me to sell at a pretty good price.

I tossed the coins asking will the price of my stocks drop within a few days. God showed
me [Abide] and [Zen]. This is not my 1st toss.

Year Month Date Hour Empty

wa sh - III w & wa

6 strike
G wa -- U G sh --
R yo o R s --
P h - K w -
G cn -- J G cn --
B y -- B y --
P t - P t -

The 5th line R yo represents control and possession. If the 5th line R star moves and
retreats, the price of my stock will drop.

 But wait! The self line was struck by the date and therefore is a moving line which
moves and bounds to the 5th line. Since the self line and the 5th line are close to
each other, none of them can move because they bound to each other?
 Wrong! The self line is not a dedicated moving line and therefore has no power to
prevent the 5th line from retreating. On day cn or yo, the 5th line shall retreat.

Result: The price dropped quite a bit on day cn.

Some of the most

confusing hexagrams
If the 2 lines which lie between J and U
are extremely strong B c, only the
element wa can strike it open. And when
wa strikes open the strong B c, the
answer is always YES!
(I think this law only applies when both lines which lie between J and U are STRONG B c.
Don't apply this law to other elements.)

For example: A man owns 70 acres of land, and drought hit his village. He tried to sell his
land for a reasonable price, but the price is so low that he cannot bear to sell. He tossed the
coins asking will he sell his land for a good price within 3 years, and he got [Arrive] and

Year Month Date Hour
c c cn - Vii s & yo

Arrive Bride
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- U K s --
B c x P w -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -

The U line G h cannot die because a strong K s is producing back at G h. The U line G h is
the source of money since G h produces the self line R m. I think you will sell the land
since a strong U line's money star produces the self line.

 The 4th line B c is an extremely strong element because both the month and the date
are soil. It moves turning into R w which produces back at itself.
 The 4th line's moving B c links to the 3rd line B c. So both lines which lie between
J and U are extremely powerful.
 Both lines which lie between J and U are considered empty because they are too
strong. (This law only applies if both lines which lie between J and U are
extremely strong B c elements.)
 So nothing will happen before B c is struck in year wa.
 This sign looks scary because the money killer B c is so strong. But in reality, this
is a very lucky sign. If 2 lines which lie between J and U are strong B c. Yes, he
will be able to sell at a good price.

Result: He didn't believe this sign and sold his land in year w and lost money. But in year
wa, the price really did climb back up. If he waited for one more year, he would not have
lost money.
A man had a stroke, and he tossed the coins asking will he recover from the stroke within a
few months. He received [Arrive] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
m c wa - X s & yo

6 match
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- U G h --
B c -- B c --
B c x B cn -
R m - J R y -
P e - G t -

The 2 B c between J and U are strong. The answer is YES he will recover when B c has
been struck by wa.

 But too bad that the extremely strong B c has already been struck by the date wa.
So this law does not apply to this sign anymore.
 Strong B moving killing the G gain star. No good news.

Result: The man's situation improved a little, but he never quite recovered.

I am about to buy a certain stock. But before I buy, I tossed the coins asking will I regret if
I buy now. God gave me [Arrive] and [Wonderful].

Year Month Date Hour
e w-I w & wa

6 match
K yo -- K yo --
G h -- U G h --
B c -- B c --
B c x B cn -
R m - J R y -
P e - G t -

The 2 lines which lie between J and U are extremely strong B c elements. So both lines
which lie between J and U are considered empty until they are struck. When B c has been
struck on day wa, B c will move to kill the weak money star. The self line's R ownership
star is also retreating. God is saying that I shall lose money on day wa if I buy now.

 The 2 strong B c between J and U usually means YES. So YES I will regret if I

Result: God was right. On day wa, the price dropped.

I bought some stocks. I worried that the price might drop sharply someday. So I tossed
the coins asking will the price suddenly drop. God showed me [Solution] and

Year Month Date Hour
e m-X cn & e

Solution Commander
G sh -- R yo --
R s -- U P h --
K w o G c --
K w -- K w --
G cn - J G cn -
B y -- B y --

The month produces the 4th line G c. The date produces the 4th line K w so that the 4th
line K w can produce the 4th line's G c. So G c could be an extremely strong element. The
4th line K w links to the 3rd line's K w. So both lines which lie between J and U include an
extremely strong G c. Only day wa can strike open G c.

Result: The price dropped sharply on day wa. I was so disappointed.

If a line is too weak, it will not move until
it regains strength.
In March of 2003, one American student asked when will the war in Iraq end. He received
[Big storage] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
m w-I w & wa

Big Storage
6 strike
R y o B sh --
G t -- U K s --
B sh x P w -
B cn - B cn -
R y - J R y -
G t - G t -

This American wants to know when will USA defeat Iraq. The U line's G t (advantage
star) turns into K s which produces back at itself. Then G t moves to produce the self line
R y winner star because the date w strikes with G t. But too bad K s is too weak at this
moment and cannot produce back at G t. So G t has no energy to produce the self line.

 If K s is healthy, G t will move to produce the self line on day t or on day c.

 But since K s is too weak, we have to wait until it regains strength. K s can regain
strength in month cn because cn produces K s.

I asked that student to toss again, and this time he got [Solution] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
m w-I w & wa

Solution Too Much

G sh -- G wa --
R s x U R yo -
K w - P h -
K w x R yo -
G cn - J P h -
B y -- G c --

The 3rd line's K w loser star moves turning into R yo winner star which bounds to the self
line. Although the 3rd line K w, the month m, and the date w are hurting the 3rd line R yo,
the 3rd line R yo cannot die because it is linking to the U line's advancing R star. (If a line
advances, that line cannot die.) So USA definitely will defeat Iraq.

 But too bad that R yo is too weak to move at this moment. We have to wait until
month cn in order to see it move.
 Right now, K w is bounding to the date w. Only day t can strike it open. So
something will happen on day t.

Result: Nothing happened on day t and c of month m. But on day t of month cn, American
troops have successfully taken over Baghdad ending Saddam Hussein'sregime. This
proves that a very weak line cannot move until it regains strength.

What is considered a 'very weak line'?

1. The month kills the line while the line is weak under the date.
2. The date kills the line while the line is weak under the month.
3. If both month and date are not killing the line, that line is NOT too weak and still
has the strength to move.

I tossed the coins asking on which day will the stock value rise to the highest peak. I got
[Travel] and [Cup].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - Vi sh & h

6 match
B e - B e -
K wa -- K wa --
G yo - U G yo -
G s - G yo -
B w x R h -
K cn -- J K c --
The self line's K loser star is very strong. But the K loser star is retreating. On top of that,
the 2nd line's B w cannot produce the self line's loser star anymore since B w got killed
back by R h. So the self line's loser star must retreat one day. This means the price will
continue to rise.

 But the U line's G yo is dead. If G yo money star does not recover its strength,
nothing will happen. G yo can only recover in month wa because wa produces G

I tossed again and received [Solution] and [Abide].

Year Month Date Hour
w e - Vi sh & h

Solution Abide
G sh -- G wa --
R s x U R yo -
K w - P h -
K w -- G cn --
G cn o J B y --
B y x P t -

The U line's R winner star moves and advances bounding to the self line. But the U line's
winner star is dead. We have to wait until R s regains its strength in month wa.

Result: The price reached the highest peak on the 1st day of month wa.

The top line is the most far. The 1st line is the nearest
place. The top line is the future, and the 1st line is
I tossed the coins asking will I earn money if I purchase a certain stock right now. God
gave me [Solution] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h
Solution Too Much
G sh -- G wa --
R s x U R yo -
K w - P h -
K w x R yo -
G cn - J P h -
B y -- G c --

The 3rd line K w links to the self line through R yo. If the self line received the 3rd line's K
w loser star, I shall lose money.

 But the 5th line's advancing R star moves and bounds to the self line. This means I
shall earn money. What's going on?
 Ancient saints said that the top line represents the future and the bottom line
represents the present time. So the 3rd line is saying that I will lose money just few
hours after I bought the stocks. The 5th line is saying that I will earn money a few
days later?
 The 4th line P h is empty. The 4th line K w links to the 3rd line K w. This means
both lines which lie between J and U are now empty. Nothing will happen until the
emptiness fulfills at hour sh or h. (or day sh or h.)

I tossed the coins again and got [Everlasting] and [Strong].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h

6 strike
G sh -- U G sh --
R s -- R s --
K w - K w -
R yo - J G cn -
P h - B y -
G c x P t -

The 1st line and the 2nd line form a 'yhtc combo'. The B y money killer is the winner. I
will lose money at first.

 The top line G sh has been struck by the date and therefore is a moving line. So the
U line G sh moves to produce the self line. I will earn money later. But now, G sh
is empty. The price should go up when the emptiness fulfills.
Result: I tossed the coins when the price was $31. At hour h of day cn, the stock value
dropped to $30. But on day h, the price went up to $34. I should have bought it.

How can I improve my Super

I-Ching skill?
ANSWER: The only way for you to improve in Super I-Ching is to remember every rule
stated in this book. The key to 100% accuracy is not to be a very smart person. The real
key to accuracy is to remember each and every rule very well.

Ignoring rules will guarantee you nothing but false predictions. Why do you think that I
have spent thousands of hours writing up all those rules in my book? Did I do that just to
confuse the hell out of my readers in order to humiliate them? Or were I simply just joking
around? You have no idea what I have went through in order to test and verify everyone
of these rules. I made sure that none of these rules are flawed before I write them in my
book. If you think that you can make accurate predictions without being familiarized with
the rules, you are wrong because you will screw up. You will invest all of your savings
into a soccer game and will lose every cent that you own just because you ignored a single
rule. You will ride on an airplane which is destined to crash just because you do not follow
the rules. So being smart or being creative is not the way to accuracy. Having a good
memory, in this case, will allow your skill to improve.

Here's another example: Sonny tossed the coins asking can he win money by betting on a
basketball team on day t. He received [Arrive] and [Bride].

Year Month Date Hour
c h - iV w & wa

Arrive Bride
K yo -- B sh --
G h -- U K s --
B c x P w -
B c -- B c --
R m - J R m -
P e - P e -
My student said, "The 4th line's strong B moves turning into P w which produces back at
itself. The B star is the money killer. So if a strong B star moved, you cannot win

Again, this student did not follow the rules.

 First of all, the 4th line P w is empty. The 4th line B c links to the 3rd line. This
means both the 4th line and the 3rd line must be considered empty because they link
together. So both lines which lie between J and U are empty. When the emptiness
is fulfilled, something should happen.
 The U line's G h is overheating because it got produced back by K s. Overheating
element needs to be killed. So B c killing G h is actually a good thing.
 Today is day h, and tomorrow is day t. When day t strikes with P w, the emptiness
of P w shall be fulfilled. This means he will win money on day t.

Result: Sonny won $100 on day t.

You see how important it is for you to remember these rules? Remembering the rules and
not remembering the rules can be compared to heaven and hell. If you have good memory,
your predictions will all be accurate. If you have bad memory, all of your prophecies will
become false predictions. I did not make up these rules just to show people how
sophisticated my mentality is. I made up these rules because they are essential. I guarantee
you that if you don't follow these rules, you will make a false prediction. So your first
mission is to remember every single rule. Tell your friend to test you if necessary. Cut up
the book and post these rules on your desk, on your chair, on your sofa, in front of your bed
if you have to. A pilot must remember the function of every switch and every lever before
he can fly a plane. Forgetting the function of one single switch can result a plane crash.
You killed your self and killed all passenger on board. A Super I-Ching student must
remember the detail of every rule before he can publicly make a prediction. Just by
forgetting one single rule can result a false prediction which might destroy one's life. Your
reputation goes down the drain, and the person who's life has been ruined by your false
prediction might hunt you down. So be careful.

I tell you, I really did spend lots of energy sorting out all of the rules. This was never done
before by any I-Ching master. I have read so many Chinese I-Ching books before I wrote
this book. One disadvantage which all of the I-Ching books that I have read is that they are
all very messy. None of these authors grouped rules into sections allowing readers to
remember the rules with ease. Most authors just show off making people think that they
are mysterious and wise by not teaching everything they know. I actually think that those
authors are not as accurate as how they claimed to be. Based on my knowledge, nobody
can output 90% accuracy without remembering all of the rules which I have sort out. The
situation can shift 180 degrees just because one line is empty or is loose. So one cannot
even reach 70% accuracy without remembering the rules well.

I am a very responsible person. Therefore, I checked and double-checked each rule before
I publicized this book so that I won't screw anyone up. I don't want someone to die on a
trip after the coin toss has been done asking about the safety of the trip. I don't want
someone to lose money on an investment just because one of my rules is flawed. Of course
I cannot guarantee that none of my rules is flawed. But I just want to let you know that I
double-checked each rule before you had a chance to read it.

People need to learn to respect tradition

and follow the rules
One of my students said that he never converts to Beijing's time. Instead, he uses
his local time for I-Ching. This student made me extremely angry. And here is
my reply to that student:

 If you don't convert to Beijing's time, my Super I-Ching won't work anymore.

Do you know why there are hundreds of types of Tarot cards out there? There are
the Thoth tarot cards. There are tarot cards which have Japanese samurais on there.
There are tarot cards which have only angels. There are even 'Lord of the Ring'
tarot cards.

The reason why there are so many different types of tarot cards out there is because
people like you, who do not respect tradition, made up all those shit. I believe that
Tarot cards used to have only one way of reading and one spread pattern. But now,
every book teaches a different reading style. They have whole bunch of spread
patterns: Cross shape, round shape, blocks, triangles, etc.

Do you people really wish that Super I-Ching will also mutate into hundreds of
different styles? One style tells people to use local time. Another style tells people
to convert to Beijing's time. And another style do not use time at all. And another
style tells people to lay out the hexagram from top to bottom instead from bottom to
top. There more styles of Super I-Ching are out there, the more confusing and
inaccurate it becomes. Then finally, Super I-Ching becomes garbage just like Tarot
cards. Nobody will know which version is the original, traditional version. That's
why I don't dare to let other authors use my symbols and my charts on their books.
I don't want Super I-Ching to mutate into different styles of garbage like what Tarot
cards have turn into. Not a single rule can be altered. Not a single step can be

Remember this: Super I-Ching is like a gold watch. If you take away one single
gear from the watch, the watch won't function anymore. If you unscrew one single
screw, the watch will also stop. So do not alter anything taught on my book unless
you have solid proof that I made a mistake.

Yours truly,

Do you know why the Jews forbid their people to marry gentiles? I think it is because
Moses was a super prophet who foresaw that the tradition of Judaism will completely
mutate into another kind of religion and will be lost if Jews are allowed to marry gentiles.
That's why Moses had repeatedly reminded the Jews to stick to the tradition of Judaism
throughout the Torah by giving out rules and regulations which are extremely difficult for
gentiles to obey but are religiously obeyed by dedicated, true believers of Judaism.

Throughout the Torah, Moses told people stuff like:

 Do not eat pork. (Bigs are unclean because pigs eat everything.)
 Do not mix milk with meat. (Milk represents life, and a piece of dead meat
represents death. Life and death cannot be mixed.)
 Do not mix egg with chicken meat. (The son cannot uncover the nakedness of the
father. Therefore egg and chicken meat cannot be together.)

From the above dietary laws, we realize that Moses was reminding the Jews not to
intermarry with the gentiles throughout his entire book. He was basically telling the Jews
not to mix with the gentiles. I think Moses was quite smart for doing that. The traditional
Chinese daoism was lost long ago because daoism didn't have these strict rules. The
traditional Chinese daoism taught people that God is a mathematical formula which propels
the entire universe. But as time gone by, daoism has mutated into a saints and idol
worshipping religion. Today's daoism has at least 100 Gods and saints. Nobody knows
which daoist saint or God one should worship anymore.

If Jews were allowed to marry gentiles, more religions would have been mutated from
Judaism. Christianity and Islam were mutated from Judaism, and now both of them
became the enemies of the Jews in many fashion. If Moses allowed Jews to marry gentiles,
maybe 20 or 30 kinds of mutations have already been born from Judaism. Then Judaism
would have lost its true meaning and therefore be lost shortly after. Christianity itself had
mutated into many forms of Christianity: Mormon, Protestant, catholic, Jehovah witness,
and among other forms of Christianity. The reason why Christianity itself had mutated into
different kinds of religions is because Christianity does not have a set of strict rules that
followers must obey. Anyone can become a Christian simply by taking a bath in holy
water. Anyone who is rich enough to establish a church can invent a different kind of
Christianity. Is this kind of 'free membership for all' religion reliable?

From Moses, we learned that it is important to stick to the tradition UNLESS you can prove
that the tradition is flawed. If you have any doubt that Super I-Ching is flawed, you must
check and double check and go through several experiments until you derived an adequate
amount of evidence which proves that the original text certainly is flawed. Thinking that
you have the authority to scrutinize the rules just because you have read 2 or 3 I-Ching
books simply means that you are an extremely naive and arrogant person who fails to
understand the value of tradition.
Remember, Super I-Ching is your only road map to success and to a better life. There is
only one correct map which accurately maps out your city. If every map maker makes a
different map, you will have no idea which map is the real map which fits the contour of
your city. A fake map will direct you to drive through a street which is a dead end in
reality. A fake map will lead you to a highway which takes you to the middle of a desert
when you wanted to go to downtown. So do not listen to people who have studied Super I-
Ching for just 1 or 2 months. Listen to the guy who practiced Super I-Ching for more than
6 years.

e and y form a trap
For example: The self line P e moves turning into R y which produces back at itself. So
the self line formed a trap.

Trapping means they hurt each other. The element e and y trapping each other is like man
and wife fighting. If the appointed is weak and is also trapped, the appointed is in total
trouble. For more than 20 years of I-Ching experience, Wild Crane can only bring up one or
two signs which can serve as examples concerning trapping.

Some girl threw coins asking about her father's disease. She got [Querrel] and [Cover].

Year Month Date Hour
sh c - iV s & yo

Querrel Cover
P e - R y -
B wa -- G t --
K yo o J B sh --
B c -- P w --
R m - B cn -
P e o U R y --

Since the girl is asking about her father, the P star represents the father. The 1st line P e
moves turning into R y which produces back at itself. The P star is strong meaning that
her father is strong. That means her father's illness won't be too serious. Although the
ancient texts stated that e and y trap each other, the P star is strong enough to survive.
Result: The father got cured a few days later.

My friend tossed the coins asking can he earn money by investing in a certain stock. He
got [Cover] and [Quarrel].

Year Month Date Hour
e w - III y&m

Cover Quarrel
P y - B e -
R t -- K wa --
K sh x J G yo -
B w -- B c --
K cn - P m -
P y x U B e -

The lower gua represents now. The upper gua represents the future. The 1st line represents
now, and the 4th line represents the future.

 The 1st line formed a trap. This means if he buys that stock, the value will drop at
first. The 1st line P y is empty. So something terrible will happen when the
emptiness fulfills on day y or on day m.
 But the 4th line's strong K sh moved to produce the money star G yo. This means
the stock value will rise in the future. So he will end up earning money.

Result: On the day of this coin toss, the price was $31 per share. My friend listened to me
and didn't buy that stock immediately. Then the stock value dropped to $27.50 on day m,
and my friend bought it on day m. Then the stock value continued to rise until it reached
$37 a share within 2 weeks.

I tossed the coins asking will the stock value all of a sudden drop if I buy a certain stock
right now. God showed me [Cover] and [Hollow].

Year Month Date Hour
w cn - V sh & h
Cover Hollow
P y - P m -
R t x B e -
K sh -- J K wa --
B w -- K c --
K cn - P m -
P y x U B e -

The lower gua is now, and the upper gua is the future. The 1st line represents now. And
the 5th line represents the future. A trap has formed on the 1st line. This means the stock
value will drop immediately after I bought it.

 But the 5th line R t moved turning into B e which produces the self line's retreating
K star. If the self line K safety star retreats, I will be in danger. But since B e is
producing the retreating K star, the self line's K safety star cannot retreat anymore.
This means there will be no danger in the future.

Result: On the next day, the price dropped almost one dollar. But after that, the price has
risen almost five dollars within a few days.

A man tossed the coins asking about his father's illness. He received [Return] from the

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - III t&c

1st sign
6 match
K yo --
G h --
B c -- U
B cn --
P e R y --
G t - J

The father is represented by the P star. The P e is hiding under the 2nd line R y. The P star
is quite strong because the 2nd line R star is producing it. Hey, look carefully! y and e
trap each other. So will the father recover or not? The father does look very sick. One
look at the father and people know this man won't live too long.
Wild Crane didn't dare to make a judgment based on this hexagram. So he requested the
young man to toss the coins again. This time, the young man got [Break].

Year Month Date Hour
m cn - III t&c

2nd sign
R y - U
G t --
B sh --
B c -- J
R m -
P e -

The P star in this hexagram is quite strong. But it's not moving. God is not giving any
sign! If this man is to recover, it should be in the month of h because h strikes with P e
causing it to move. But one look at the sick father tells people that his life won't last too
long. And why is God not giving any sign? Why is there no moving line or a hiding star?
That's funny.

 But if the 1st line P e moved to produce the self line, there could be horror because
the P star stands for worries and frustration.

Then next day, Wild Crane asked another son to toss the coins. The youngest son tossed
the coins and got [Touch] and [Shun].

Year Month Date Hour
m e - iV t&c

3rd sign
6 strike
R m - U R m -
P e - P e -
B wa -- B wa --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --
Hey! In this hexagram, the P star moved turning into G star which kills back at itself. This
is a dangerous sign. Right now, the G star cannot kill the P star because the date is striking
the G star. So the 2nd line is loose. But when the G star regains its strength in month h, the
father's life will be in danger.

 Why were the previous 2 signs showing a strong P father star? And why in this sign
alone the father star is being killed back indicating death? Then Wild Crane
realized that the eldest son who tossed and got the first 2 signs were asking when
will his father feel a little better. In that case, the father will feel much better on day
h. But the youngest son who tossed and got the 3rd sign was asking will his father
die soon. Then in this case, God will kill his father in month h.

Wild Crane already got the answer from the Lord who will kill the father in month h. But
Wild Crane allowed the father himself to toss the coins. The father got [Hide] and [Queen].

Year Month Date Hour
m e - iV t&c

Hide Queen
P sh - P sh -
B s - U B s -
R w - R w -
B s - B yo -
R w x J K h -
P cn -- P c --

The self line R w moved turning into K h. R represents illness. K represents a cure. Does
this mean that he will be cured in month h? No. The youngest son's hexagram is the
clearest sign. The father shall die in month h. This time, the father himself threw the coins
and got an identical result. Although the R illness star turned into the K cure star, the self
line is being killed back. No doubt. The Lord will take this man's life in month h.

 Maybe the father already knows that he will soon die. Maybe he tossed the coins
asking how much time does he still have. If he is asking how much time is left for
him, the R star represents his time on Earth. The R star represents power and
control over his own life. The K star which kills back at the R star means he won't
have too much time to live.

Result: God killed the father in month h. You see? The very first sign has shown us a
trap. A professional I-Ching master would request one to toss the coins again in order to
determine if there is any danger presented by the trap.
A man had an affair with a married woman. The husband of that woman caught them and
filed a lawsuit against the man. The man tossed the coins asking the Lord will he end up
marrying the woman. He received [Trapped] and [Duay].

Year Month Date Hour
sh s - Vii t&c

Trapped Duay
6 match 6 strike
P wa -- P wa --
B yo -- B yo -
K h - U K h -
R w -- P c --
P cn - G m -
G y x J R e -

6 match turning into 6 strike. Nothing is bounding to the self line. There is no way that
you can fool around with this woman any longer. G is the wife star. The self line's G star
moved turning into an R. R represents her husband. This means your woman will return
to her husband. The wife star y and the R star e form a trap. The trap is on the self line.
This means you guys will be sentenced by the court and will be bat. The date s struck the
self line's G y, so the self line is loose. That's another indication that the woman will not
stay with you.

Result: The court found them guilty and gave both of them bat on their asses 50 times.
Then they were separated.

Luke said, "I asked about Schumacher vs Montoya. I want Schumacher to win. I got
[Solution] and [Arrive]."

Year Month Date Hour
m s - III cn & e

G sh -- R yo --
R s -- U P h --
K w O G c --
K w -- G c --
G cn - J B m -
B y X K e -

The self line G cn gain star is in trouble because it has been killed back by B m. But
luckily, the 1st line's K e moved to rescue the self line's G cn. So the self line's troubled
gain star shall survive. The self line (Schumacher) is the victor.

Result: The game was on day sh. Schumacher won. Although the 1st line formed a trap,
who cares as long as the trap is rescuing the self line?

Other I-Ching prediction styles

There are few I-Ching prediction styles:

The first style, which is the most popular style, is coin tossing. This is what I have been
teaching you. I am sure that you have seen some other I-Ching books which teach you how
to toss the coins and read the quotes. None of those books are teaching you the correct
stuff. The correct way is: If you decide to toss the coins, you are not allowed to read the
quotes. Coin tossing and I-Ching quotes should not be used together. Why? Because
everytime you get an I-Ching sign, you are allowed to read only 1 quote. But if you use the
coin tossing style, it's very possible that 3 or 4 lines would move. Each moving line gives
you a quote. If 3 or 4 lines move, which quote should you read? You are only allowed to
read one quote! What if 5 lines moved? Which quote should you read? Are you going to
read all 5 quotes? That's why I don't teach people how to read the quotes. I never read the
quotes, but I am more accurate than people who read the quotes.

The second style is to get an I-Ching sign based on the exact moment a question is asked.
For example, if someone calls you now on the telephone and asks you a question or
mentions about something, you just record the year, the month, today's date, and the exact
time which the question was asked in order to get a number. Then you divide, add, and
subtract this number in order to get an I-Ching sign. I decided not to teach my students
this style for mainly two reasons:

1. Most of my students are not living in China. If someone calls you on the telephone
and asks you a question, you have to know how to read another kind of Chinese
calendar. Then you have to convert your time zone to China's time zone. You
need to get the exact time. This is too complicated for international students.

2. The bible forbids the practice of time observing. If you get an I-Ching sign based
on the exact time a question is asked, that's exactly what time observing is.
Deuteronomy 18:9-11 There shall not be found among you anyone who
makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or who uses divination,
or an observer of time, or an enchanter, or a witch.

Why is time observing forbidden? For example, if someone calls you on the phone
right now and asks you a question, you record the year, the month, the date, and the
hour only. Let's say you got the following information:

Year Month Date Hour

w cn y t

3. Then you derived an I-Ching sign which reflects that person's fortune. Let me ask
you one question: What if another person phoned you 3 minutes later? What are
you going to tell him? "Oh! I don't need to get the sign for you. I already got it.
It's right here! Someone just called me 3 minutes ago, and I got the sign for this
hour already! Since you also called me at the same hour, your fortune is exactly the
same as the guy who just called me 3 minutes ago. I told that person he will die this
month. Since you called me at the same hour, you will die this month too!" Is this
what you will say to people?

Let's say we have 10,000 I-Ching masters all over the world. If 10,000 people all
over the world ask their questions all at the exact same time, will they all receive the
same answer?
4. Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889 at 6:30 pm. So every child who was born on
that day and at 6:30 pm grew up to become as powerful as Hitler? Everyone of
them died in the same year as Hitler? That's why the bible forbids time observing.
Sometimes astrology style is accurate, but it's not accurate enough. Why is
astrology style not as accurate as coin tossing style? Because astrology is dead, and
coin tossing is live! Every toss is unique. If one does not understand the meaning
of the sign, he can toss again to get a clearer sign from the Lord. That's why coin
tossing style is far more superior than astrology style.

The third method is to get a sign from mother nature. For example. One thousand years
ago, one of the most notorious Chinese prophet Shou Kan-Je one day saw an old man
walking by with a sad looking expression on the face. Prophet Shou asked the old man
what's wrong. The old man replied, "Nothing is wrong." Shou felt strange and got an I-
Ching sign using the following technique: The old man is represented by the sign "Chen".
(Chen represents an old man.) So the top gua is "Chen". The old man walked from South to
North. South is represented by "Li". Therefore the bottom gua is "Li". Then prophet Shou
calculated that day's exact astrological position, read the I-Ching quote, and told the old
man that within five days the old man's life will be in danger. Five days later, the old man
was choked to death by a fish bone in a wedding banquet. I also refuse to teach people this
style simply because it's too difficult for foreigners to master. This style requires a very
thorough understanding of I-Ching quotes. Prophet Shou told the old man that his life will
be in danger based on one quote "There is no fish in the bag. Danger!" Now I don't give a
shit what this quote means. I simply think this is not something that a foreigner can
master. I mean most of my students are foreigners. These I-Ching quotes were written in
ancient Chinese. Most Chinese nowadays don't have a clue what these quotes mean. I
mean I don't have a clue what they mean. How can foreigners master I-Ching using this

Another style is to have someone write a few words, then count the strokes of the words,
get the total of the strokes, calculate, and derive an I-Ching sign. Since most of my
students are foreigners, they can't write Chinese. So forget this style. Coin tossing is the

Some guy told me something which made a huge impact on my philosophy. This is what
he said, "Hey! It doesn't matter how you get your job done. As long as you get it done,
you are a professional. Some engineers program with C ++. Some use Quick Basic. And
others might use Perl or Java. As long as you can write a program that works, you are a
good software designer." So I think it's unnecessary to teach people all of the styles of I-
Ching. If coin tossing works the best, just stick to coin tossing. Hey! As long as coin
tossing allows you to accurately predict the future, why care about other styles?

Future Prophecies using I-Ching

Since Alex Chiu does not dare to call himself a prophet or a master, the work of a
true master is presented in this chapter.

Lee, Chung-Feng, the personal prophet and military counsel of the 1st emperor of Tong
dynasty (765 AD) is one of the most accurate prophets ever existed in China. He was a
famous I-Ching and astrology master. He wrote a book which has 60 poems and 60
cartoon drawings. Each poem has a drawing, and each poem is a prophecy which
describes a Chinese historical event that will occur in order. Which means, the 36th poem
will definitely happen before the 40th poem. Poem # 60 is the end of his prophecy. Out of
60 prophecies, 55 of them have already been fulfilled. Every prophecy has to do with
Chinese history.

This is what I-Ching can do. I-Ching is MUCH more powerful than you
think it is. But it takes years of practice in order for you to reach this
level. Too bad that lots of tricks and secret techniques of Lee were not
written into text books. The only thing which remained is Lee's amazing

Poem #39 Japan invades China

When sun rises, everyone cries. The air of

December is not good. South mountain has a bird,
and the North is fallen. When the chicken makes a
noise, the sun shall set.

Explanation: The sun represents the Empire of Japan. The air

of December is not good. On December 9th, 1941, China
declared war on Japan. South mountain means Hong Kong,
French Indochina, and Philippines. South mountain has a bird
means there is danger in the south. North is fallen means
Manchuria, the north of China, has already been conquered by
the Japanese. When the chicken makes a noise, the sun shall
The sunrise. set. The chicken, in Chinese calendar, also represents
September or the west. In this case, chicken represents the
west, which is USA. When USA dropped atomic bomb on
Japan, the sun shall set.

Iching sign: Too much

Astrological sign: y - iX

Poem #40 The Republic of China (Taiwan)

1, 2, 3, and 4. A landlord without a land. Little

Already government, functions beside the communists. The
Fulfilled one from the east is snobbish. On the head, there
is no Mao. And on his feet, there are no shoes. If
Lee comes out, the frost will dissolve. The one who
created me is the monkey, and the one who killed
me is the bear.

Explanation: 1, 2, 3, 4 means 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. The famous

Republic of China's establishment day is October the 10th.
They celebrate this day each year. Plus when you say 1,2,3,and
4, it feels like counting. And counting is voting. Voting for a
president. Yes, the republic of China is the only dynasty in
Chinese history which allowed a voting system. A landlord
without a land means the first few presidents of Taiwan have no
control over China although they said they represent the entire
China. Little government functions beside the communists.
The one from the east is snobbish. On the head, there is no
Mao means Taiwan, an island located in the East coast of
China, does not take orders from Mao. On his feet, there are no
3 kids are voting. shoes means Taiwan has no adequate weapons and it does not
have enough people to back it up. If Lee comes out, the frost
will dissolve. This points to Lee Deng Huay. Lee Deng Huay
was the 9th president. When Lee took over the office, he
allowed the Taiwanese citizens to visit China. China and
Taiwan also started import/exporting in his era. So the frost
between China and Taiwan did dissolve when Lee appeared.
'The one who created me is the monkey, and the one who killed
me is the bear.' Monkey, in Chinese astrology, represents the
West. The West is USA. USA was the one which helped the
Republic of China come to power. So this means that the USA
created the Republic of China. The bear represents Soviet
Union. Soviet Union helped the Communist China come to
power. So the bear is the one which will kill the Republic of
China. This indicates that in the future, the Communist China
will destroy Taiwan! All right! Give me 5!

Iching sign: Rot

Astrological sign: m - X

Poem #41 Communists of China is born.

Fulfilled God is blind. The grass and trees grew downward.
+ and - switch positions. Up is earth, and down is
the sun. Everyone must wear red on his head
without a head. Abusing the power, when will this
end? 9 and 19 years of big mistake.

Explanation: The grass and trees grew downward. + and -

switch positions. Up is earth, and down is the sun. Every
sentence described the characteristic of communism, which
ignored the importance of economy and defied social status.
Everyone must wear red on his head without a head means
everyone blindly followed communism. People don't use their
brains. Nobody realized that communism is nothing but a big
joke. 9 and 19 years of big mistake means 28 years of misery
for China. (9 + 19 = 28) Mao established the People's
A man steps on the sun. Republic of China in 1949, and he died in the year 1976. That's
exactly 28 years! (You must count 1949 as 1 year, as how a
traditional Chinese would count.)

Iching sign: Li (red fire)

Astrological sign: cn - I

Already Poem #42 Song, Ching-Lin

Fulfilled A beautiful woman comes from the west. The
dynasty becomes peaceful. The bow is on the
ground. Dangerous, but not so dangerous. She
messes with the government.

Explanation: Song Ching-Lin was the wife of Sun Wen, the

establisher of People's Republic of China. She studied in
United States before she returned to China to marry Sun.
When she came to power in the 1920s, China became a lot
more peaceful and economy has improved quite a bit. In
1926, she publicly accused Chiang, Kai-Shek of being a traitor
of the Republican Party. The bow is on the ground.
Dangerous, but not so dangerous means Chiang Kai-Shek
would like to murder her just like the way how he murdered
all of his other opponents. But too bad that Song was the wife
of the deceased founder of the Republican Party. Murdering
her will also ruin Chiang's own reputation. And on top of that,
Song was also the sister of Chiang's wife. Each time Chiang
came up with a plan to physically hurt Song, his wife always
ruined his plan in order to protect her sister. Therefore, she
spoke out against Chiang's government with full potential and
successfully led many mass protests against Chiang.

Iching sign: Travel

Astrological sign: e - II

Poem #43 China and Taiwan

King is not king. Noble is not noble. At first

it's difficult. At the end, it resolves. The black
rabbit escapes into the green dragon's cave.
Want to end, but don't feel like ending. The
Already branch has grew outside of the fence. 30
Fulfilled years will the offspring grow.

Explanation: King is not king. Noble is not noble

means Cheng Kai-Shek has escaped to Taiwan. He no
longer is the ruler of China, but he also does not take
orders from Mao. The black rabbit escapes into the
green dragon's cave. Cheng is the black rabbit. Black
rabbit means Cheng is an old fox. In Chinese astrology,
the green dragon represents the east. This means Cheng
escapes to the east (Taiwan) and found a new shelter.
Want to end, but don't feel like ending means Cheng
refused to recognize the communist government as the
legal government of China. Cheng swore to take China
back from the communists. The branch has grew outside
A big guy raises his hand of the fence. 30 years will the offspring grow means
to hit the small guy, and Taiwan will be isolated from China for 30 years before
the small guy also raises the republican government allows Taiwanese citizens to
his hand to hit the big guy. visit China.

Iching sign: Cup

Astrological sign: w - III
Poem #44 Mao Tze-Dong

The sun and the moon brightened the sky.

All darkness are washed away. Now China
has a saint. Not a smart person, but he's
Already still OK. All foreign countries recognize him
as the new king. Everything is going great!
Explanation: When Mao Tze-Dong took over China,
everything was going great. The communist party
proposed new laws which benefited the majority of the
people. For example, they prohibited men marrying
more than 1 wives. They prohibited the use of drugs
and prostitution. They executed all famous gangsters.
The liberation army took over Tibet and ended Tibet's
inhumane slave trade and ridiculous religious laws.
Everyone called Mao a saint.

Iching sign: Unsettled

Astrological sign: wa- iV

Poem #45 Korean War

Guests come from the west. They stop

at the east. They wash away our shame
with metal, water, wood, and fire. The
Already luck has come, and everyone in the
Fulfilled world is now equal. Their metal turtles
lie in the white ocean. From now on,
they don't dare to call themselves
'bosses'. Their luck ends here.

Explanation: Americans came to invade Korea,

but they were confronted by the Liberation Army.
At first, the Americans thought that Chinese
soldiers are easy to crush. But soon they realized
that China is not that easy to handle.

 They wash away our shame with metal,

water, wood, and fire. (Out of 5 basic
elements, the soil element is missing.) This
sentence means that foreign invaders will
not gain one inch of soil from asia.

Metal turtles lie in the white ocean means tanks are

rolling in the snow. In both the Korean War and
Soldiers are attacking from the Vietnamese War, Americans lost to the
the east. The funny thing Chinese. After the Americans have experienced
is there are 2 soldiers in these 2 wars, they no longer dare to say that they
this drawing. One are the boss.
represents the Korean War,
and the other represents the
Vietnamese War.
Iching sign: Cover
Astrological sign: s - V

Poem #46 Pang, De-Hyai

Darkness. Don't need to draw a sword to

Already kill someone. Thousands of people
Fulfilled don't die, but one person cannot escape.
One soldier carries bow and arrows. He
kept saying that he is older. But Dong
has the golden sword. And knights will
rush in from the back door.

Explanation: After Mao has screwed China for

many years, Pang, De-Hyai, a five-star general,
started to openly complain about Mao's stupid
policy. Pang and Mao started shouting at each
other in a conference meeting. Thousands of
people don't die, but one person cannot escape
means Mao threatened to lead a part of the
liberation army to confront Pang's troops if Pang
does not resign. So Pang did resign in order to
avoid a civil war. He kept saying that he is older
means Pang said that he knows more than Mao.
Dong has the golden sword means Mao Ze-Dong
has all the power. Knights will rush in from the
back door means Pang was dragged out from the
back door of his house by the red guards. Don't
need to draw a sword to kill someone means the
red guards did not physically beat him. Pang died
of extreme embarrassment and anger in front of
thousands of red guards.

Iching sign: Separate

Astrological sign: yo - Vi

Poem #47 Liu Shao-Ch'i

Study war and learn literature. This person

has talent. All depends on him. Whatever
he says counts. No emperor and no king
Already will be there to rule. This guy is the first
guy to come to the farm. He studied so
Fulfilled hard, and it paid off.

Explanation: Liu Shao-Ch'i, the Chief of the

communist party of China, was predicted in this
poem. Unlike the stupid farmer Mao, Liu was a
honored college student who studied in Moscow.
No emperor and no king will be there to rule means
after Mao messed up, people looked up to Liu. Liu
became the chairman and the head of state of the
party. Mao was still the king of China, but Mao no
longer ruled. What ever Liu said was the law.
This guy is the first guy to come to the farm means
after Mao made people abandon their farms to go
work on steel production (which resulted the
biggest famine in world history), Liu ordered the
farmers back to their farms and cultivate. He
studied so hard, and it paid off means Liu's policy
will generate great results. Liu practiced modern
economic and market development. He was about
to alter the course of China.

Iching sign: Lawsuit

Astrological sign: sh - Vii

Poem #48 Liu Shao-Chi's success

The economy rising. He does not kill the

criminal even though he has the golden
sword in hand. One hell of a knight in 50
Already years. Green crops are growing out of the
Explanation: After Liu took control, the economy
started to rise. Liu allowed farmers to sell their
own produce as a side business. He does not kill
the criminal even though he has the golden sword
in hand means Liu was the head of state and the
chairman of the party, but he didn't remove Mao
from the party. That was Liu's biggest mistake.
After Liu took control, the famine ended.

Iching sign: Travel

Astrological sign: h - Viii

Poem #49 Mao strikes back

Separation begins. Leaders form clans.

Already Everyone is a hero. One person tells
everyone to separate. "Separate the East
Fulfilled from the West. Separate the North from
the South."

Explanation: Mao got jealous of Liu, and he

decided to strike back. He announced in front of
millions of citizens at Tienanmen Square that Liu
is the traitor of China and a traitor of the
communist party because Liu is copying the
American capitalists. All of a sudden, Liu became
public enemy # 1. Leaders start to form clans. The
entire communist party separated into few clans.

Iching sign: Quen

Astrological sign: t - iX

Poem #50 The red guard and the

cultural revolution

Beasts are more valuable than

humans. White rice and food
devaluate. Like tigers, like wolves,
Already they march on the streets. Mess up
Fulfilled the entire place until the sky clears up

Explanation: Beasts are more valuable than

humans means the red guards dragged innocent
people out on the street to torture them. Red
guards were always right, and you were always
wrong. You are the guilty one, so you deserve to
be punished. Millions of young people marched
from all provinces of China to Peking to see leader
Mao. White rice and food devaluate. On the
march, they ate for free because citizens gave them
what ever food they wanted without charging them
a cent.

Iching sign: Return

Astrological sign: c - X

Already Poem #51 The rise of Jiang Ching

Fulfilled and the 'Gang of Four'
Positive and negative mix. Become
correct. After the effection from a
woman comes to pass, it's all peaceful
again. Who said this woman is as
hard as steel? Her effection actually
moves everyone's heart. There will be
a change in the weather. Her time is
1 and 6, healthy and long live.

Explanation: Jiang Ching was Mao's wife. After

Liu Shao Ch'i has been killed by the red guards,
Jiang Ching has played a major roll in Chinese
politics. She has motivated the cultural revolution
with her talented acting skill on theatre stages and
on radio shows from 1966 - 1976. After the
effection from a woman comes to pass, it's all
peaceful again means after Mao died in 1976, she
was immediately arrested by another party leader.
At first, they gave her a death sentence. But later
on, the party lowered her sentence to a 'life in
prison'. She has been locked up in jail until she
allegedly committed suicide in May of 1991.
There will be a change in the weather, and her time
is 16 and long live means from the year of her
arrest (1976) until the year she died (1991), it was
exactly 16 years (If you count 1976 as a year, just
like how a Chinese would count.). A change in the
weather could mean that they lowered her sentence
from a death sentence to a 'life in prison'. She died
at the age 78.

Iching sign: Arrive

Astrological sign: y - I

Poem #52 Border conflict with Soviet

Already Union (1969)
Fulfilled See a falling star, which means bad
luck in the North-East. A man must
do what a man must do. The
spearhead points to the East. There
still is an emperor in the South. The
visitors won't stay for long. We still
have a business to run.

Explanation: In the year 1969, Russians invaded

few North-East provinces of China. Mao played
tough with the Soviets and decided to fight back.
Mao showed the Soviets that there still is an
emperor in the South. In the end, Chinese have
successfully driven out the invaders.

Iching sign: Wonderful

Astrological sign: m - II

Poem # 53 Deng Xiaoping

Born to be king. He is a gentle

scholar. He believes in the natural
ways of life. A loyal son comes from
Already the west. He holds the power and
brought peace to China. Two
Fulfilled beautiful flags are floating in the
palace. The descendent is better than
the ancestor.

Explanation: He believes in the natural ways of

life means Deng did not believe in communism.
He transformed China into an economic
superpower by pacing the capitalist way. A loyal
son comes from the West means Deng studied in
France. "A loyal son" means he was born in
China, and now he came back from the West. Two
beautiful flags are floating in the palace means
Deng allowed the existence of both communism
and capitalism. The descendent is better than the
ancestor means Deng is better than Mao.

Iching sign: Strong

Astrological sign: cn - III
Already Poem # 54 Tienanmen Square Massacre
Fulfilled Messy, a deadly result, a peaceful ending.
People laugh but cry.

They don't think logically. Shave the hair,

peal the skin, and still act tough. Out of
this incident a real dragon is born. The 9
Curves Yellow River's water is not yellow.

Explanation: This poem predicted that a group of kids

will protest against the government. The kids don't
think logically. This protest has a messy, deadly
result. But it will end peacefully. This poem is
talking about 1989's Tiananmen Square incident.
About 300 students were killed. Shave the hair, peal
An image of a group of the skin, and still act tough means the college kids
children forcing the cow wore only pajamas and fasted for nearly 1 week, but
to move forward. (The they still act tough. Out of this incident a real
cow represents the slowly dragon is born means that a new leader will rise to
changing Chinese power because of this. The 9 Curves Yellow River's
society. This image water is not yellow is basically telling us the new
gives me a picture of a leader's name.
At first, Deng Shao-Ping wanted to let Zhao Ze-Yang
become the next leader. But during the Tiananmen
Square incident, Zhao supported the students. Zhao
was immediately arrested for supporting the students.
So instead, Jiang Ze-Ming becomes the next leader.

Jiang Ze-Ming's name, if you pronounce it just like that,

means 'the water is clear'. The Yellow River is the
most famous river in China. If the Yellow River's water
is not yellow, the 'water is clear'. Therefore, Jiang Ze-
Ming became the next leader.

Here is another theory: There are two main rivers in

China. One is the 'Yellow River', and the other one is
the 'Long Brook'. (Foreigners call it "Yangtze River".)
If the 9 Curves Yellow River's water is not Yellow, it
must be pointing at the Long Brook because Long
Brook's water is clear. The Long Brook also has 9
main curves. The word for "Brook" in Chinese is
"Jiang". Therefore, Jiang Ze-Min becomes the new
leader of China.

Both the Yellow River and the Long Brook have 9 main
Astrological sign: e - iV
I-Ching sign: Extreme
"Afraid therefore cautious. A woman beside the
water, bowing down to the sun. Every move must be
careful because there are other government officials
Poem 55 watching. Turns danger into safety and become
brothers. Who said I will lose my country?"
fulfilled This poem has clearly indicated that a man with the name
"beside the water" will rise to power. There is a woman
beside him who will bow down to the sun. President Chen
Shui-Bien of Taiwan is that man. His first name "Shui-Bien"
means "beside the water" in Chinese. He picked a woman to
be his vice-president. Few years ago, that woman went to
Japan and bowed down to the Japanese imperial sun flag in a
war criminal temple. (She is a total traitor) Her action was later
exposed by a newspaper. Mainland China threats Chen for the
unification of China. Chen refuses. Everyone toward the end of
1999 thought that China will attack Taiwan immediately. Chen
is pacing the way for the independence of Taiwan one little step
at a time. Yesterday, he edited all elementary and high school
history text books. Today, he changed the logo on the
Taiwanese passport to say, "The government of Taiwan"
instead of "The Republic of China". Tomorrow, he will change
the flag and announce a formal independence of Taiwan. The
republican party and other parties are watching him, so he has
to carry out his plan slowly and carefully. He believes that at
the end, he will turn danger into safety. He believes that
Taiwan will one day become a brother of China, not a part of
China. He doesn't believe that China will ever wage war
against Taiwan.

An image of a man trying to Astrological sign: w - V

support a falling tree. I-Ching sign: Need

Poem # 56 is the future, and it shall

be fulfilled next!
(World War 3)
Poem # 56 says:

Poem 56

Flyers are not birds, swimmers are not

A war does not depend on soldiers. It's
a game of technology.
Millions of miles of deadly smoke, on top
a mushroom and at bottom a fountain.
A sight out of people's imagination. Big
trouble not solved, but greater trouble

An image of 2 soldiers, each

standing on a continent. The 2
continents are separated by the Astrological sign: wa - Vi
ocean. They do not use their hand I-Ching sign: Compare
held weapons. They only spew fire
at each other. Two fish jump out of
the ocean, and two birds are flying
against each other.

Sounds like world war 3 to me. What holy smoke could spread millions of miles
and have a mushroom top and a fountain at the bottom?

Poem #57 says:

In an extreme situation, things turn around. A

Poem 57 three-feet tall kid, made all foreigners bow down.

When Blue West and Red East struggle, a son of

God appears, a gentleman who brings peace and
stops the killing.

This unbelievable genius is from the middle of the

two, westernized and thus ended all wars for

Astrological sign: s - Vii

An image of a kid pouring I-Ching sign: Duay
out the fire with water.


That's the savior of the world.

Poem #58 says:

Poem 58

Big trouble is over, and all foreigners gave

in. Become brothers. Six - seven countries.

Millions of miles without noise nor waves.

Become brothers, become friends, and
peaceful again. Only remaining danger lies
An image of 4 men all carrying bows in north-west, thus we still cannot sing a
and arrows. (Bows and arrows global song of peace.
represent power.) They all hold
official seals in their hands. (In Astrological sign: yo - Viii
ancient China, when government I-Ching sign: Trapped
officials attend meetings, they all must
hold their seals in their hands.) This
image indicates that there will be
some kind of new world organization.

After the savior stopped the war, it's peaceful again. In an area north-west from
China, there still is conflict. Therefore global peace still cannot be accomplished.

Poem #59 says:

Poem 59

No castles, no walls. No my, no yours.

The entire world becomes one family, prosper
throughout the globe.

One man for the entire world's joy, Follows God's

will and prospers the world.
Red, yellow, black, white all together. North, East,
South, West in total harmony.
An image of a man pulling a straw
Astrological sign: sh - iX
out of a cup. (This straw and cup
I-Ching sign: Intercourse
thing is a kind of Chinese oracle.)
This image indicates that this man
will do things according to God's

That's the promised messiah. The 4 colors represent the 4 races. Everyone
seems happy everywhere.
Poem #60 says:

Poem 60
One negative, and one positive, a never ending
Enders end themselves. Starters start

The numbers of God will be studied at this stage.

The natural course of human race shall be
broken. Too many things to say here. Pushing
the man's back forcing him to rest is actually

An image of a man Astrological sign: h - X

pushing another man's I-Ching sign: Combine

This poem is saying that the knowledge of God will fill the earth as much as the
water which fills the sea. In the future, people will study the numbers of God
(mathematical formula). The natural course of human race (aging, sickness, and
death) will no longer exist.

That's the end of the prophecy!!

Lee's prophecies, all the way up to number 55, have been accurately fulfilled one by one.
He never made a mistake. His last 5 prophecies will definitely be fulfilled soon, beginning
with poem #56 which describes a world war 3. Throughout this prophecy book,
astrological and I-Ching indications can be seen on each page. This suggests that Lee used
mainly I-Ching to predict the future.

Lee's 60 poems prophecy coincides with the old testament prophecies. The old testament
also predicted that there will be a great, fearsome war at the end, and a savior will appear
ending all wars for good. Then later, there will be an eternal kingdom of God which shall
never be destroyed. The old testament sounds just like Lee's prophecy. Some bible
scholars believe that one day everyone will die and will go to heaven where souls become
immortal. But based on Lee's prophecy poem #59, it said, "Red, yellow, black, white all
together. North, East, South, West in total harmony.". This clearly indicates that in the
future, there still will be earth because there are north, east, south and west. There are also
people living on earth because the four races still exist. People still have their flesh because
different skin colors still exist. Then they live happily ever after. That was the end of his
prophecy. So the belief that everyone will die and will go to heaven and become immortal
soul is a false belief. Lee never said anything about everyone dying and going to heaven at
the end. And the old testament said that one day death will become a thing in the past as
people become immortal. Not "souls become immortal", but "people become immortal".
The 14 prophecies of Ju-Ge Liang
Ju-Ge Liang (181-234 AD) is one of the most accurate prophets of China ever lived. He
was employed by Liu Bay, one of the warlords during the three kingdom period, as a
military counsel. Ju-Ge Liang plotted many legendary and undefeatable military plans
which helped Liu won countless battles against other warlords. He has written 14 poems
which foretold the future of China. The event described in his 1st poem occured right after
his own death, and the last two poems foretold that the entire world shall be united.

1st poem:
Cannot regain
Bow down and
The birth of
(Liu Bay's
were defeated
by the Wai's

2nd poem:
Yen will sit at
the middle,
The title is not
The tiger will
be at Jiang
had stolen the
throne from
the Wai's
family, United
China, and
estabished the
new capital at
Jiang Dong.)
3rd poem:
middle land,
No landlord
Two and three
Started with
Shiba and
ended with
washed China
as warlords
each other.
This short era
began with
Shiba and
ended with the
Yang's family,
a total of 5

4th poem:
The Lee's
family will
start from Tai-
Yuan. Sun and
moon shall
shine the sky.
(Tang dynasty
established by
the Lee's
family. The
Lees started
the revolution
at Tai-Yuan.
This dynasty
will bring a
few hundred
years of peace
to China.)

5th poem:
Hexagram: [Stop]
Within 50 years, there are eight.
(After Tang dynasty collapsed, a total of 8 families fought for the control over China within
50 years.)

6th poem:
Hexagram: [Duay]
The soil produces metal.
(Sung dynasty was established, and the Gold dynasty took away almost half of the territory
of Sung dynasty.)

7th poem:
Hexagram: [Well]
Yuan started all,
Use force from the center,
Five and five inherit,
Then you go West and I go East.
(Yuan dynasty was established by the Mongolians. The Mongolians decided to rule their
empire from the center of China, so they moved the capital to central China. A total of ten
generations ruled the Yuan dynasty before it collapsed.)

8th poem:
Hexagram: [Trade]
Sun and Moon brighten the sky,
The color is red,
The branch has 16 leaves.
(The word 'Ming' is composed of the word 'Sun' and the word 'Moon'. Ming dynasty was
established by the Ju's family. The word 'Ju' means red. A total of 16 emperors ruled this
9th poem:
The word
Started by
Ten emperors
shall rule,
Will end with
(The Ching
dynasty was
established by
invaders of the
North. Ten
emperors did
rule, and the
last emperor's
title was
"Shuen Tong".)

10th poem:
The Lord and
the peasants
will trade
Trouble will
disappear when
a friend arrives.
becomes a
drove away the
Japanese for
the Chinese.)

11th poem:
Hexagram: [Li]
Four doors are wide open,
Everything rushes in at once,
A whistle from the West,
Turns into devastation.
(The People's Republic of China now holds an open door policy and promotes international
trading. The last two sentences of this poem seem to suggest that China and the West will
fight a war in the future.)

12th poem:
Hexagram: [Too Much]
Saves people and ends trouble,
Can call this person a saint,
The sky is once again brightened.
(Some saint will save China from big trouble.)

13th poem:
Hexagram: [Big Storage]
The wise men will not be out-casted,
The entire world will become one family,
No title and no gain,
Glorified the Chinese culture.
(The entire world will be united, and the Chinese culture will be glorified by someone who
did not aim for title nor for gain.)

14th poem:
Hexagram: [Unsettled]
When I got this hexagram,
The number shuffle comes to the end,
From ancient to today,
The reasoning is immense.
(The end of prophecy.)
Chapter 3
The 8 Guas
First, there are 8 main symbols in I-Ching.
They are called 'the eight guas'.
t, water, is in the Kan gua.

c (soil) and y (wood) are in Gen gua.

m, wood, is in Zen.

cn (soil) and e (fire) are in Shun.

w, fire, is in Li gua.

wa (soil) and s (metal) are found in Quen.

yo, metal, is in Duay.

sh (soil) and h (water) are in Chen.

Each gua has 3 lines.
There are 2 kinds of lines: the solid line and the dotted

Solid line: - Dotted line: --

Che Que Shu Ge Dua

Zen Kan Li
n n n n y

3 solid 2 1 1 1 top
3 top
lines dotte dotted solid dotte line
dotted line is
d line at line d line is
lines lines the in the in the solid dotted
on bottom cente cente
top r r

After you threw the coins or counted the numbers of the year, month, date, and time and
drew the Gua, now you must understand what these Guas are telling you. What do each
Gua mean?

Chen: (precious metal)

Chen basically stands for heaven. It represents something hard, dense, rare,
expensive, metal, justice, center, power and control.

Weather: sky, ice, snow.

north-west, capital state or capital city, important

geographic area.

nobel, king, boss, old man, government worker, land lord,

Characters: mail man, police, judge, a famous person, dead person,
customer, robber, gangster.

Personalities: brave, righteous, justice, emotional.

Body parts: head, bone, lungs.

Time: autumn, yo year. Sometimes sh or h year.

Animals: horse, crane, lion, elephant.

precious metals, jewelry, round shaped object, metal,

Objects: crown, mirror, something heavy, luxury car or a huge
truck or bus, airplane.

public restroom, tall building, big building, office or

government building, hotel, north-west building.

If you get Chen Gua in fall, your family is lucky. If you

get this Gua in summer, you family will get trouble. If you
get this Gua in winter, you will feel neglected by others. If
you get this Gua in spring, it's lucky.

The other side is government official's family. (meaning

maybe the father or the mother is a government official or
Marriage and
someone notorious and famous.) If you get Chen Gua in
autumn, it's easy to be married. If you get this Gua in
winter or summer, there will be trouble.

horse meat, lots of bones, liver, lungs, dried meat, nuts, the
head of an animal, round shaped stuff, spicy stuff.

Can get the job. Good for becoming a government worker,

police officer, soldier, a boss (CEO), general or military
Job or
position, a prophet, grab control and power, mail man,
diplomat. It's good for a position at the north-west

will be successful, good for governmental negotiation,

good for moving around earning money. Not lucky if you
Goal: get this Gua in summer. If you get this Gua in winter, you
will have to think and plot a lot but there will be less
profit, and it will be tiring.

Trade: good for precious metal trade, jewelry, commodities.

Great if you are doing business with the government. Chen
Gua also means that the trade will be easy. But if you get
this Gua in summer, it's not a lucky sign. You are lucky if
you get this sign in autumn. If you get this Gua in winter,
there's no profit.

good for travel. Good for going to the capital. Good for
Travel: going north-west. Unlucky if you get this sign in the

Meeting: Good for meeting a VIP.

disease in the head or the face, lung, bone or nerve.

Unlucky if you get this Gua in the summer.

good for lawsuit. Somebody will help you out. Get the
Legal: Chen Gua in fall and you win. Unlucky sign if you got it
in the summer.

good to have it at north-west area, good to bury at dry

mountain, good for high land. Get Chen Gua in fall means
the burial will bring good luck to your family. Unlucky
burial spot if you get this Gua in summer.

Colour: red, black, silver.

Number: Number:

Taste: spicy

Quen: (soft cheap soil)

Quen Gua stands for earth soil. It represents something soft, cheap, mass, a lot,
darkness, woman, large.

Weather: Cloudy, foggy.

Geography: Country side, crop field, farm, mass flat land, south-west.

Mother, step-mom, farmer, someone from the country side,

lots of people, old lady, pregnant woman, woman.

Personalities: mizar, cheap, stingy, easy going, weak, sneaky like a fox.

Body parts: waist, stomach, flesh.

Cn, sh, c, wa months. Wa or s years, months, dates, or


Rectangle or square objects, soft soil, soft object, paper,

cloth, crops, pottery, computer software.

Animals: Cow, camel.

south-west building, barn, low building, storage place,

garage, country side building.

safe and sound. If you get Quen Gua in spring, the family is
not peaceful.
Beef, roots, potatos, something sweat, something out of
soil, crops, animal organs.

Good for marriage. Fits marrying a tax collector's daughter

Marriage and
or son. Good for marrying someone who's in real estate
business. Good for also marrying a country side person.

Can get the job. Fits south-west position, become a teacher

Job or
or a position that has to do with fertility, soil, cultivation,
tax, real estate, building constructor, etc.

Good for trading. Good for produce or farm goods trading.

Good for trading involved with heavy stuff, cheap stuff,
Trade: cloths, or soft objects. There will be profit in quietness (like
quietly sitting in the office, not hard labor). Unlucky if you
get the Quen Gua in spring.

Good for reaching your goal. Lucky for accomplishing

something in the country side or in quietness (meaning
something quiet). If you get this Gua in spring, it's not a
lucky sign.

Can travel. Good for going south-west. Lucky going to the

Travel: country side. Good for land travel. Not lucky if you get this
Gua in spring.

Will be able to meet. Good for meeting somebody from the

country side. Good for meeting a very close friend or a
woman. If you get this Gua in spring, it's not good for

Disease: In the waist, stomach. Trouble in digestion.

You have the case and lots of proofs. Lots of people will
support you. The case will dissolve.
Burial spot should be somewhere in the south-west. Flat
land is good. Near farmland is cool. Bury at a low land. If
you get this Quen Gua in spring, you shouldn't bury here.
Grave: ("You shouldn't bury here." means that if you have already
chosen a spot to bury a relative but you threw the coins in
spring and Quen Gua shows up heavily, you should choose
another spot.)

Numbers: 8 5, 10

Direction: south-west.

Taste: Sweet.

Color: Yellow, black.

Zen: (thunder)

Zen stands for something noisy and intimidating like a roar of a thunder. It stands
for something tall and strong, fame, great wealth and power, energy.

Weather: Thunder.

Geography: East, trees, a noisy crowded city, a wide road, forest.

Body parts: Leg, liver, hair, sound.

Characters: First born son.

Personalities: Begin, get mad, scared (afraid), move around a lot.

Spring y and m months, m year, month, date, or hour.

Number 4 3 8 months or dates.

Wood, bamboo, wooden musical instrument, computer

hardware parts, hair dryer, horn, loud speaker, giant seed.
("Giant seed" means a seed of peach, a coconut, or an
avocado. Some seed that's big.)

Animals: Dragon, snake, a roar of a horse.

East building, a building in the forest or in the trees, a tall

slim building.

There are scary cases in the house. If you get this Gua in
Family: spring or in winter, it's a lucky sign. Not lucky if you get
this Gua in the fall.

Meat, raw meat, sour fruit, BBQ, vegetable, fish. Spooky

looking food like crab, lobster.

Can marry. The other side comes out of a famous or

Marriage and
notorious family. Good for first born son's marriage. Not
lucky if you get this Gua in the fall.

Wood trading or computer hardware is cool. Trading at

Trading: moving, noisy places is good. Tea and fruits are also okay.
If you get this Gua in the fall, your trading is unlucky.
Can get the position! Good for a position in the east.
Become a general or a commander. Good for becoming
someone who's intimidating like an attorney, computer
Job or
company's officer or a worker, or someone who works in a
noisy city. Good for becoming an auto mechanic or
someone who works in noise like a construction worker, a
stock clerk, or a carpenter.

Disease: leg, liver or nerve. The patient is afraid or is in shock.

Can accomplish your goal. Lucky if this is something which

Goal: requires lots of movement. If you get this Gua in the fall,
you don't have good luck.

Good for your case. There will be great anxiety. The case
will continue endlessly.

Can meet. Good for meeting a computer related person or

Meeting: someone who is from a forest. Great for meeting someone

Good for travel. Lucky if you go west. If you get this Gua
in the fall, the travel is unlucky.

Good for a burial in the east. Bury in the forest or where

Grave: there are lots of tall trees is lucky. If you get this Zen Gua
in the fall, the burial spot you have chosen is unlucky.

Numbers: 4 8 3.

Direction: East.

Taste: sweet, sour.

Colour: Green, dark green.

Shun: (wind)

Shun Gua stands for wind. It represents thoughtfulness, wisdom, understanding,

knowledge, and nature.

Weather: WInd.

Geography: South-east direction, grass land, garden.

First born daughter, scholar, single lady, business man,

monk, archaeologist, oceanic experts, astronomer, astrologer,
fortune teller, someone who is specialized in the study of

Personality: Soft, inconfident, not sure.

Body parts: Hip, Chi (Chi is the flowing energy of your body).

Time: m month.

Wood ornament, rope, straight object, long object, bamboo or

wood, handcraft, feather, fan, medicine grinder.
Animals: Chicken, bug, snake.

Building: South-east building, a building in the woods.

Family: Stable and safe. Lucky sign in spring. Unlucky in the fall.

Food: Chicken, something from the forest, vegetable, sour taste.

Marraige Can marry. Good for marrying the first born daughter.
and love: Unlucky if you get this Gua in the fall.

Can get the job. Good for getting a white collar job. Good for
Job or getting a quiet office job or a job which requires experience
position: in a certain nature study. Great for becoming a writer,
medical professional, a doctor.

Can succeed. Not stable. The advantage of a trade, printing,

writing business, journalism, medicine, business that has to
do with the wilderness or forest, gardening, produce and farm

Can reach the goal. Will have profit. Get this Gua in the fall
and be unlucky.

Can travel. There will be advantage if you travel. Good for

Travel: traveling south-east. If you get Shun Gua in the fall, it's an
unlucky sign.

Can meet. Good for meeting an author or a medical

specialist. Good for meeting an expert in studies of nature
like archaeologist, astronomer, etc. Great for meeting
someone who lives in the woods.

Disease: In the hip, vagina, penis, intestine, stroke.

Legal: It's a patent or a copyright disbute.

Good for a burial in the east, in the woods. If you get Shun
Gua in the fall, you should consider another burial spot.

Numbers: 5 3 8.

Direction: South-east.

Taste: sour.

Color: light green, kind of soft, jade and white mixed color.

Kan: (water)

Kan stands for water. It represents filth, liquid, darkness, and smart.

Weather: The moon, rain, snow, fog, water.

Geography: North, river, lake, ocean, wet land, quick sand.

Characters: Second born son, gangster, sailor, criminal.

Poisonous, evil, bad, cruel, fool around and can't
accomplish anything, change plans very often.

Body parts: Ear, blood, kidney.

Winter, t year, t month, t date, and t time. 1, 6 months and

dates. (Chinese months and dates of course)

Salt, liquor, liquid, bottle, cup, test tube, any fruit with large
Objects: seed in the middle, automobile, transportation, boat, soft
object, any equipment that has to do with liquid.

Animals: Pig, fish, sea lives, fox.

North building, a building near the water, light tower, bar,

swimming pool.

Pork, liquor, frozen or cold stuff, sea food, soup, sour, fruits
with large seeds in the middle.

Family: Not stable, misery, watch out for robbers and intruders.

Good for marraige with a second born son. Great for a

Marriage and
marriage with someone from the North. Not good for
marriage. Do not marry in the month of cn, sh, c, or wa.

Hard to get the job. Watch out for danger ahead. Good for a
Job and position in the north. Good for a job that has to do with
position: liquid, transportation, or salt. Autobody technician, painter,

If you got money, watch out and make sure you keep an eye
Trade: on your money. Good for a profit that has to do with water
(sea food, salt, liquor, etc.). Your money could be stolen or

Not good sign. Can not accomplish your goal. If you get the
Goal: Kan Gua in the fall or in the winter, there is still possibility
for you to accomplish your goal.

Not good for travel. Good for sea or water travel. (travel
Travel: with boat) Good for traveling north. Watch out for robbers
and criminals. You might be robbed.

Hard to meet. Good for meeting a gangster, a sailor, or

somebody that has to do with water.

ear, heart, transmitted disease, kidney, upset stomach, cold,

blood disease.

Not good for lawsuit. The other side will try to trick you.
There might be a trap. You might lose the case.

Good for a burial in the north or a burial spot near the

water. Not a good spot for burial.

Numbers: 1 6.

Direction: North.

Taste: Salty, sour.

Color: black

Li: (Fire)
Li stands for fire. It represents brightness, energy, heat, fame, news.

Weather: Sun, rainbow, sunset.

Geography: South, desert, tropical area, dry area.

Second born daughter, journalist, office worker, one who

works under heavy stress, a person with large belly like a
pregnant woman, a person who has vision problem,
armoured police or soldier.

Personalities: Smart and wise, beautiful or handsome, study a lot.

Body parts: eye, heart.

Summer, w year, month, date, or time. The Chinese date of

3 2 7.

Fire, book, record, document, letter, voice or video

Objects: recording, lamp, dry stuff, stove, computer software,
camera, lazer, TV, Video game, commercial.

Animal: Turkey, turtle, clam, shell fish, crab.

South building, a building that receives lots of bright

sunlight, huge window.
Stable and safe. If you get Li Gua in winter, the family is
Family: not stable. If the opponent Gua kills the self Gua, there is
fire. (burning down your house!)

Turkey, fried food, BBQ, dried meat (beef jerky), cooked


Will not succeed. Good for marrying a second born

Marriage and daughter. If you get this Gua in the summer, you can get
love: married. Get this Gua in the winter and it becomes an
unlucky sign.

Job and Will get the job. Good for a south position. Good for office
position: job, nuclear power plant position, or kitchen job.

Can be successful. Good for white collar business. (I mean,

nowadays what's not involved with white collar? Computer,
banking, writing, stock exchange, law. One thousand year
ago when Shou Kan Jet wrote this, only one person out of
one thousand people can read and write. But now everyone
knows how to read.)

Can travel. Good for traveling south. Good for business

travel or traveling for white collar reasons. If you get Li
Gua in the winter, it's not lucky to travel. Don't travel by
sea or by water if you get Li Gua in any season.

Can meet a person from the south. Get this Gua in the
winter and the meeting will not be successful. Get this Gua
in the fall means that you will have some kind of
examination. (taking a test)

Legal: Easy to drop the case. The judge is righteous and wise.

Disease: Vision problem, heart.

Good for a burial in the south, where there are no trees and
Grave: very bright. Get this Gua in the winter means that the burial
spot is not so lucky.

Numbers: 3 2 7.

Direction: South.

Color: Red, purple.

Taste: bitter.

Gen: (hard soil)

Gen stands for mountain or hill. It symbolizes stubbornness, persistance, hard,

dependable, young.

Weather: Cloud.

A road in the mountain, hill, a hill like grave, (rich people's

grave where they put TVs, beds, table, chairs, and whole
Geography: nine yards into the grave, so that the grave is so huge that it
looks like a hill.) North-east area, a gate, an entrance, a
Characters: Youngest son, a person who resides in the mountain, a kid.

Hindrance, quiet, hesitence, betray, stops you from doing

something, won't show up.

Body parts: Finger, bone, nose, your back, penis.

c and y months. c and y year, month, date, and time. 7 5 10

Time: month and date. (Chinese calender of course) Soil year,
month, date, and time.

Soil and rock, nuts, melon, yellow things, tan colour things,
Objects: something out of soil, a temple, a door or a gate, something
sticks out like a penis or a finger.

Animals: Tiger, dog, mouse, animal with a peak (a bird), fox.

Safe and stable. Something is stopping you from

accomplishing your goal. The family members are not
being polite to each other, and there are arguments. Get this
Gua in the spring and the family is not stable nor lucky.

North-east building, a building on the mountain or a

building near the rocks.

Food: Something out of soil like a potato, wild animal's meat.

Hard to marry due to too many hindrances. Marry late.

Marriage and Good for marrying the youngest son. Good for marrying
love: someone who lives in the country side. Get this Gua in the
spring and it is an unlucky sign.

Job and Lots of hindrances. Cannot find a job. Good for a job in the
position: north-east. Good for a position in the mountain or in the

Hard to be successful. Good for farm or wood trade. Get

this Gua in the spring and it's an unlucky sign.

Not good for travel. There are hindrances. Good for going
to somewhere near by land.

Cannot meet. Have hindrance. Good for meeting a kid, the

youngest son, or someone from the woods.

Disease: Finger, penis, stomach.

Legal: There are hindrances. The case goes on and on. No verdict.

A spot in the north-east. A grave on the mountain, a grave

Grave: where there are rocks nearby. Get this Gua in the spring and
you should bury your relative somewhere else.

Numbers: 5 7 10.

Direction: North-east.

Color: Yellow.

Taste: Sweet.

Duay: (sharp metal)

Duay represents a river, conversation, talking, sharp metal edge.

Weather: Rain, full moon, star.

River, water, pond, lake, abandoned well, cracking dry


Youngest daughter, young lady, hooker, translator, witch,

fortune teller, servants.

Personalities: Happy, talk a lot, gossip, eating and drinking.

Body parts: Tungue, mouth, throat, lung.

Fall, yo year, month, date, and time. Metal year, month,

Time: date. 2 4 9 month and date. (Chinese month and date of

Iron knife, metal, music instrument, broken stuff, broken

cup or plate, something that has an opening or a hole.

Animals: Sheep, some animals in the river.

West building, a building near the river or a lake, a run

down building tat has broken walls and windows.

Family: Not stable, lots of argument. Get Duay Gua in the fall
means luckiness. If you get this Gua in the summer, there
will be trouble upon your family.

Food: Sheep meat, food out of the river, spicy food.

Cannot succeed. If you get this Gua in the fall, you might
Marriage and
succeed. Good for marrying the youngest daughter. Not
lucky if you get this Gua in the summer.

Hard to get the position. Because of the position, you suffer

Position and
great loss. Good for a position in the west. Good for
becoming a lawyer, a police man, a soldier, or a translator.

There is no profit, and there will only be losses. You must

talk a lot. If you get this Gua in the fall, you will have some
luck. Not lucky if you get Duay Gua in the summer. There
will be lots of competition.

Not good for traveling far. Suffer from lots of talking.

Travel: There could be losses. Good for traveling west. If you get
Duay Gua in the fall, you will have a lucky trip.

Good for meeting someone from the west. Good for

Meeting: meeting a young lady. At the meeting, you will be cursed
by others.

Mouth, toungue, Throat, athema, coughing, digestion


Good for burying at the west. There might be water leaking

into the grave. If so, you must fix it. A grave near the river
Grave: or a pond, a grave at a messy, abandoned area. If you get
this Gua in the summer, you better not bury the dead here
because it's not lucky.
Fight for the case for a long time, lots of querrelling,
suffering from losses. Watch out for punishment. If you get
this Gua in the fall, you win the case. (Remember, you must
Legal: see lots of Duay Guas in your reading in order to predict
that you will win. If you threw the coins in the fall, but
there is only one Duay Gua in your reading, that doesn't
mean you will win the case.)

Numbers: 4 2 9.

Direction: West.

Color: White.

Taste: Spicy.

Frequenty Asked Questions


How come your I-Ching book is so different from other I-Ching books that I have read in
book stores? Other I-Ching books are more easy to learn, but your I-Ching book looks like
a chemistry text book.

 ANSWER: This is the true Chinese I-Ching, and I am a real I-Ching master. Other
I-Ching books that you have read in book stores were probably written by I-Ching
master wannabes who probably only read one or two I-Ching books and decided to
publish a book themselves to earn some quick cash. Their books are pure 'Bla-Bla-
Bla'. Anybody can write 'Bla-Bla-Bla'. But my book is full of laws and logic,
which are something that can only be acquired by years of practice and
observation. I think a few I-Ching masters in China can write a book like Super I-
Ching. But too bad not many of them understand English. Frankly speaking, I
think my Super I-Ching book is the best I-Ching book ever written. No English
book or Chinese book can beat my book. My Super I-Ching book is so good that
people from China have ordered my book. And $20 or $30 to people in China
could be half a month of salary. They have to pay oversea airmail shipping charge
for the book. They must struggle with English to read Super I-Ching. Yet they
ordered my book.

I have also read many other Chinese authors' I-Ching books. Most of these books
are 200 pages the most with around 100 examples. And most of these authors read
hexagrams based on 'feelings'. "Humm...; My heart tells me this hexagram doesn't
look good."

But you know what? You cannot predict a future based on feeling because that is
simply not accurate enough. That's why I have spent more than 5 years composing
this book. I have set up web forums where users can post their hexagrams for free
readings. Then I documented their hexagrams and actual results in my book. Then
I established hundreds of rules or combos based on personal or actual users'
experiences. You can go to China Town and read all of their Chinese I-Ching
books, but you will only be able to decode 3% of God's enigma. But after you have
finished reading Super I-Ching, you will be able to decode 90% of God's enigma.
That's why this book is close to 1000 pages long. You have to read this book 3 or 4
times in order to remember everything. Even I have to read it many times so that I
won't forget these rules that I have created.

How can I-Ching improve my life? What can I do to improve my life?

 ANSWER: If you would study one chapter each day, your I-Ching skill will
improve. There is no way for a person to remember everything after reading it only
once, so make sure to read and re-read. Once you have mastered I-Ching, you will
be able to know which direction is good and which direction is bad. Then you can
become a very talented business person. You will make less mistakes in life. I-
Ching helps you choose the right lover, the right investments, the right occupation,
the right place to live, the right place to travel, etc. I-Ching helps you eliminate lots
of danger and frustration. So the only thing you should do right now is study I-
Ching as hard as you can because I-Ching itself can improve your life
tremendously. Without I-Ching, you are a fast car traveling on the midnight
highway which has no headlights on. You never know when you will crash into
another car or fly off the road and fall into a valley. But if you study I-Ching well,
you can gain control over your future. Your headlights all of a sudden turn on
allowing you to see every curve and every road sign. I-Ching is a language you use
to communicate with God, and English is the language you use to speak to people.
They are both important.
Is Super I-Ching easy to learn? Can everyone become an expert in Super I-Ching?

 ANSWER: I think that everyone can learn this stuff as long as I am the teacher.
Trust me. Learning this stuff is not hard especially if you have a good memory.
But writing an organized book which allows the readers to easily comprehend and
absorb the material is by far the biggest challenge. When I first started learning
Super I-Ching, I ran into lots of bumps and pitfalls because nobody is organized and
dedicated enough to write a book which neatly and accurately categorizes different
types of examples into different chapters. All other Super I-Ching authors basically
just give you about 100 or 200 scrambled up examples giving you no idea how to
utilize hundreds of rules of Super I-Ching. I often think that the other authors of
Super I-Ching wrote their books because they only want to earn money and not
because they really understood this stuff. How come their books are so messy and
none of the rules which I discovered were ever mentioned in their books? But
unlike other authors, I endeavored to categorize examples into different chapters in
order to explain the functions of existing rules. I believe that anybody can become a
master in Super I-Ching as long as he remembers and respects the rules taught in
my book. Super I-Ching is kind of like a foreign language. A language has its
grammar, and Super I-Ching has its rules. Just follow the rules, and you will do just

Your site is good, but I can't say it is the best. You use some strange abbreviations. Why
not ping-yin? Why don't you use Chinese characters? People have to learn your
abbreviated letters, and they are not common. And they are not very comfortable

 ANSWER: The reason why I have abbreviated all of the characters is because it's
easy for people to read. Why do we practice I-Ching? What is the goal of
practicing I-Ching? The goal is to predict the future accurately. If I don't
abbreviate the symbols and the words, this is what a hexagram would look like.

Not Yet Accomplished Kun (6 strike)

Brother Si Fire. O Opp. Wealth. You. Metal - - Grey Snake

Child.. Wei. Earth - - Officer Hai. Water - - Yellow Soil
Wealth. You Metal O Child.. Chou Earth - - Red Bird
Brother Wu Fire. - - Self Parents Mao. Wood.- - Green Dragon
Child.. Chen Earth O Brother Si.. Fire - - Black Warrior
Parents Yin Wood. - - Child.. Wu.. Earth - - White Tiger

You cannot read anything! It is so complicated and so confusing.

All you can see is a bunch of hard to pronounce Chinese pin-yings. You can't see
the hexagram at all! If you can't see the hexagram, you won't be able to understand
what God is trying to say to you. I don't want to confuse my students with stuff like
'black warrior' or 'green dragon' or 'Brother Si', etc. This is not 'Crouching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon'. I am trying to teach people how to predict the future accurately.
There is no need for my students to show off their Chinese pin-ying so that they
look more professional from the outside. What you have inside is more important
than what you have outside. This whole pin-ying crap has got to go! The hexagram
must be simplified so that people can concentrate on the hexagram. If one cannot
focus on the elements and on the stars, one cannot give an accurate prediction!
That's why I simplified everything to make my hexagrams look like this:

Humble Little Much

B yo -- P sh --
K h -- J B s --
P c x R w -
B s - B s -
R w -- U R w --
P cn -- P cn --

NOW we are in business. This hexagram is clean and sharp. Now my
students can focus on the elements and on the stars. Now they can gradually
improve and become real prophets. There is no need to show off your knowledge of
ping-yin. Your job is to predict the future accurately. Nobody cares if you
understand ping-yin or not. People only care about your true ability. Showing off
your ping-yin might make people think that you are a professional feng-shui master
or something. But a true master will only laugh at you.

After a few years of practice as I gradually become a master in Super I-Ching, can I
develop my own I-Ching reading style? I mean, can I come up with a different way of
interpreting the meanings of the signs?

 ANSWER: No. Please always remember that I-Ching is not tarot cards. I-Ching
is the same as math and physics. 1 + 1 always equal 2. Voltage times Amperage
always equal Watts. It doesn't matter who is reading the sign. There is only one
correct way of reading a sign and not a few different ways. If you found a mistake
in my text book after you have done sufficient amount of testing and sign reading,
feel free to notify me. I hope that my book is perfect, but I cannot say for sure that
there is absolutely no mistake in my book. I myself have discovered many
unnoticed phenomenon and established a few new laws. If you found a new law or
have found a flaw in one of my laws, please notify me. Thank you.
Maybe drawing the hexagram from top to bottom will also work? Maybe if you believe
that 2 tails represent a solid line while 2 heads represent a dotted line, you still can make an
accurate prediction because you believed it? Maybe my prediction will still turn out to be
accurate if I don't convert to Beijing's time?

 ANSWER: As I said, I-Ching is not tarot cards. I-Ching is more like a car engine.
Can an engine still run if you replace gasoline with cooking oil? Can the crankshaft
still turn if you inserted the No. 3 spark plug wire into the No. 2 spark plug's
socket? Will the timing still be correct if you screw around with the timing belt
without reading the car manual? Can the engine still run if you cut the gasoline
pipe? If you disregard anything taught in this book, you will screw up. Super I-
Ching is a very delicate study. Every nut and bolt were placed there for a reason,
and nothing can be altered. If you disobey any law taught in this book, you will
make a wrong prediction. There is absolutely no room for compromise. If you
made a slightest error in your calculation, the building that you have designed will
collapse when the wind speed picks up. If you ignored a single law in your I-Ching
prediction, your prophecy will be laughed by others in the future. Nothing more
can be added, and not a single law can be omitted.

I have never seen anything like Super I-Ching. Every I-Ching related book I read taught
people how to throw the coins and read the quotes. The 5 elements and the 5 stars were not
even mentioned. Where did Super I-Ching come from? Is Super I-Ching a traditional
Chinese I-Ching?

 ANSWER: There are different I-Ching styles. The style which I am teaching you
(Everyone now calls it Super I-Ching.) is the 'Wild Crane' style. With Wild Crane
style, we focus mainly on the elements and the stars. The Wild Crane style existed
ever since 1000 years ago. It is constantly evolving into a more complicated but yet
more precise and more accurate system thanks to contributions from many top level
astrologers and I-Ching scholars throughout the centuries. Nobody knows who
invented the 6 colors. Nobody knows who discovered the patterns of the stars and
the elements. Nobody knows who invented the 12 elements. All we know is that
this stuff came from China, and everything taught in this book was invented by
Chinese. The other style, which teaches you how to read the quotes, is the Shao
Kang Je's style. Shau Kan Je hardly ever tossed the coins. He liked to do time

Each style has its own law. With Shao Kang Je's style, 6 strike really doesn't mean
much. But with Wild Crane's style, 6 strike and 6 match is the most important
factor. Shau Kang Je compares the strength of the guas. The moving gua is the
enemy, and the quiet gua is yourself. Which one is stronger? The stronger one
wins. But Wild Crane style tells people to throw the coins. Almost half of the time,
both guas move. So you can no longer compare the strength of the guas. There is
this one guy who wrote a good book. He uses mainly Shao Kang Je's style. That's
why I didn't dare to use his laws and examples in my book at all. The laws don't

Question: I thought you said we are not allowed to have different styles. How come now
you say there are different styles of I-Ching?

 ANSWER: Different styles require different tools. The wild crane style must be
used when you toss the three coins, and no quote reading is allowed when you do
the wild crane style. The Shao Kan-Je style must be used when you do time reading
or when you write 2 Chinese letters and count their strokes. If you toss yarrow
sticks, you must use another style which is similar to Shao Kan-Je's style. You got
it? When I say style, I mean to say a set of laws which is designed for a certain tool
that you use. You cannot have two different styles for one kind of tool. One style
is compatible with only one kind of tool. You can only use the wild crane style
when you choose to toss the coins. If you try to interpret the signs derived from
coin tossing with other styles, you will most likely make a wrong prediction. So
never read a whole bunch of books which contain different styles and compose a
book yourself which contains every known law from all of the books you've read.
You cannot install a VW bug's engine inside a Toyota. You cannot wear pants that
are 29 inches wide if you have a 40 inches belly. You must treat this practice very
seriously. If you are hired by the defense department as a military counsel, your
decision can win a battle for your beloved country or can cause thousands of lives
of your country men to be lost for nothing. If you make a wrong business decision,
nobody will lose a fortune except yourself. Therefore, I-Ching does not tolerate a
slight error. Don't try to create your own style, and don't try to paint a new picture.
What has been recorded in this book is based on hundreds of years of experiences
and research data. These laws are not something which you can ignore simply
because you feel that you are special.

Question: Why are there so many different styles of I-Ching?

 ANSWER: It's kind of like alphabets. A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Most of the European

countries use them. But every European country has their own language. Germans
have their own grammar. The French have their own words. The English have
their own spellings. I-Ching is the same as alphabets. There are only eight guas,
but there are different styles of I-Ching divinations. I teach people the Wild Crane
style. Wild Crane style practitioners do not read the I-Ching quotes. But Wild
Crane style is a lot more accurate than the styles that require one to read the quotes.
Question: If you say God is mathematical, how can one pray to a mathematical God?
And how can the mathematical God answer one's prayer?

 ANSWER: Caucasians say pray. We Chinese people say hope. After all, praying
and hoping are the same thing. Pray = Hope. You hope your son would finish
college and would have a good future. Your husband hopes that he can win the
Lottery one day. You put lots of money in the stock market, but the market went
down. You hope that the stock market would climb back up. You hope! Hope!

But hoping that things will become better does not guarantee you that things will
become better. When things are out of your control, there is nothing you can do
except sit home and hope. Caucasians say pray. We Chinese say hope. When you
hope, who are you talking to? Are you talking to yourself or to your wife? No!
You are talking to the nature! You hope that the nature would make bad luck go
away and bring good luck to you. You are talking to the nature! And who is that
nature that you have just talked to? That nature is your God, the mathematical clock
of the universe! But no where on the bible did it guarantee you that what you pray
for will definitely come true.

Caucasians say pray. We Chinese say hope.

Question: Which is the strongest? The year, the month, the date, or the hour?

 ANSWER: I would say that the date is the strongest element. If the date bounds
to a moving line, most likely you must wait until the bondage is broken in order to
see that line move. If the month is bounding to a moving line, that line could still
move even before the bondage is broken. Based on my experience, the strength of
the year hardly exists. Which means, if the year is bounding to a moving line, it
probably does not affect that moving line at all. I don't know if the strength of the
hour is more powerful than the date or not. All I know is that most professionals
ignore the element of the hour.

Question: According to the traditional empty dates law, t and c are empty when someone
tosses the coins on day y - I. And y & m are empty when someone tosses the coins on day
cn - I. How come your empty dates chart is not the traditional one? How come you
changed it?

 ANSWER: I have to change the empty dates law because the traditional empty
dates law doesn't work. It's flawed. Trust me, because I have investigated hundreds
of signs, tested everyone of them, and have proven that the real empty dates should
be t and c when someone tosses the coins on day t - I. I made this daring move
(change the empty dates law) after I have seen with my own eyes that my new
empty dates chart works beautifully without a glitch. If the traditional method
doesn't work, you can no longer keep it. So may it be known to the world that Alex
Chiu is the one who has adjusted the empty dates law.

Take a look at this example: One of my students asked me, "When can I receive a
package?" He got [Little much] and [Gen].

Year Month Date Hour
w sh t-I t&c

 Little Much - 62 Gen - 52

 P sh X G y -
 B s - - K t - -
 K h R w O J P sh - -
 B s - B s -
 G m R w - - R w - -
 P cn - - U P cn - -

 Unstable 6 Strike
 First of all, based on my experience, the empty dates should be t and c if he got the
sign on day t - I. The self line and the 6th line form a R combo, meaning that he
will receive the package soon. Right now, the self line R w has been struck loose
by the date. So on day w or on day wa, he will receive the package when R w
regains its strength.

If according to the old empty dates chart, sh and h are empty if you got the sign on
day t - I. Then the answer would be totally different. Then he will receive the
package on day sh because the 6th line P sh is still empty. The R combo cannot be
established before the emptiness of P sh fulfills.

What's the result?

Result: He received the package on day wa. One of my students said maybe the old
empty dates law works in Asia but does not work in America. But the man who
received the package on day wa lives in Singapore, and Singapore shares the same
time zone as Beijing.
 I have seen hundreds of cases which are similar to the above case. Each case proves
that the traditional empty dates chart is flawed. Nobody dared to challenge the
traditional method for hundreds of years because people think that the traditional
method is more credible than peoples' experiences and judgment. Therefore, people
are still using a flawed empty dates chart until today. It is my duty to correct the
traditional empty dates chart in order to provide you the most precise, the most
accurate fortune telling system. It is my duty to refine and maintain an ingenious,
priceless treasure which has been passed down by my ancestors.

Question: Who gave you the authority to change the empty dates chart? God?

 ANSWER: I-Ching's components have been changed and re-corrected not just by
me. During the Sung dynasty, Shao Kan-Je has changed the positions of the 8
trigrams. In the original trigram chart, trigram Li represents East and trigram Kan
represents West. But in the new trigram chart, Li represents South and Kan
represents North. Shao changed it because he said his new chart works better. So
I-Ching scholars have been using Shao's new trigram chart ever since. Since I
found out that the old empty dates chart is flawed, I must correct it because it is my
duty to write an I-Ching text book which ensures the accuracy of I-Ching

Question: Are you sure that every law written in your book works? Are you sure that
every law in your book functions perfectly without a flaw?

 ANSWER: I am a perfectionist. If I am not absolutely sure about a certain law, I

would not have recorded that law in my book. Every law that I have written in this
book caused me to go through series of tests, and every law was proven to be
properly functioning before I wrote it into my book. If you found a flaw, you better
notify me because I do want to purge all the bugs out of Super I-Ching in order to
make it more superior and more slick! Precision and accuracy is the key to success.

Question: How come the Western world is not familiar with this priceless treasure? Did
the Chinese masters keep a good secret about the Wild Crane I-Ching so that the
Westerners cannot steal this knowledge away from the Chinese?

 ANSWER: I must griefly admit that Chinese people love to keep secrets, which is
a very bad thing. I recently saw a news report about a Chinese opera performer who
can change masks very quickly. When the reporter asked him, "Can you show the
audiences how you change your masks?" That opera performer replied, "Sorry. I
will only pass down this trick to my son. I will not teach this trick to anyone who is
not blood-related to me."

I doubt that his son will be willing to learn that stupid trick from that idiot when the
son grows up. His trick will be lost, and he will carry his little trick into his grave.
Nobody will remember him, and certainly nobody will care about his little mask-
changing trick. But so many important discoveries and secrets were lost this way.
Doctors keep secrets. Craftsmen keep secrets. Musicians keep secrets. I don't
know why Chinese people always think like this. Maybe the ancient Chinese did
not have patent and copyright laws. So the general Chinese philosophy was
poisoned by this 'keeping secret' thing. I personally believe that China might be one
of the most advanced nation today if the ancient Chinese had patent and copyright
laws because the Chinese are not stupid people.

Chinese invented cannons and grenades at around 1000 AD. They found few
crossbows in emperor Qin's grave (225 BC). But why did the Europeans end up
invading China with European guns and cannons? How come the Chinese only
faught back with their old-style cannons which were out-dated hundreds of years
ago? How come the Chinese did not even have guns to confront the Europeans? I
think it's because the Chinese black smiths and inventors were keeping secrets from
each other. That's why they had no new technology to drive away the Europeans.

The oldest spectacles in the world (eye glasses), which were suggested to be 700
year-old based on carbon dating, were also discovered in China. But why is there
no historical document stating who invented the eye glasses? I think it's because the
glass smith who invented the eye glasses planned to pass down this skill to his own
son. But too bad that his son refused to become a glass smith. Therefore, the
mystery of the oldest pair of eye glasses was left unsolved.

Historical document states that Zhai-Run invented paper at around 2001 AD. The
reason why Zhai-Run's name was documented is because he was the prime minister
of China. Bamboo sticks and wood were expensive for poor scholars to write on.
And writing on silk were even more expensive. So Zhai-Run decided that he will
spend his entire life to discover a cheaper material for scholars to write on. His
paper making project was funded by the emperor, and it took him almost 20 years to
invent paper.

But nobody knows the names of the persons who invented cannons, grenades, and
eye-glasses because those people were probably not famous or important enough to
catch the attention of historians. Everyone knows that King Wen was the one who
stacked one gua on top of one other making 64 hexagrams because King Wen was a

So many I-Ching and Feng-Shui masters today also are keeping their secrets. Even
if you pay a master to learn his skill, he won't teach you 100% of what he knows.
He might probably teach you just 10 or 20% of what he knows, and the rest of his
skill will be passed down only to his own sons. But if his sons are not interested in
his profession, he will bring his skill and his secrets to his dying grave. So many
valuable knowledge and secrets were lost this way. I hate this philosophy. So I
always try to teach people 100% of what I know. That's why my book is extremely
complicated...... Because I am really trying very hard to teach you exactly what I
Question: What are Alex Chiu's accomplishments in Super I-Ching?

 ANSWER: Some might think I am just a translator who simply translated ancient
text into English. Actually, I accomplished a lot.
o I said that things will happen when the emptiness of the 2 lines which lie
between J and U is fulfilled. (I know that lots of ancient signs recorded by
Wild Crane also used that law. But I was the one who actually inserted that
law in Wild Crane's ancient signs.)
o I said that things will happen when the emptiness of J and U fulfills if your
sign is not your first toss.
o I have corrected the empty dates chart.
o I have laid out the rules of advancing and retreating lines.
o I have discovered many different types of combos. (B & K combo, G & B
Link, R & K Link, y & h combo, etc.)
o I have more precisely laid out the strengths and weaknesses of the stars.
o I said that same elements can bound to each other. (Ancient books never
taught people that important rule.)
o I discovered the extremely strong elements.
o I have laid out the rules for 'gua strikes back' and 'gua bounds back'.
 I would say that I made up 80% of the laws found in Super I-Ching. So before I
wrote this book, I-Ching scholars were basically blind-folded. I-Ching was not very
accurate back in those days because there were no universal laws established telling
people what will happen if a line does this or a combo does that. I-Ching scholars
were basically depending on their psychic abilities, their experiences, or their
intuitions when they read the signs. I established a whole bunch of laws so that
people no longer need to guess. If one is confused about a certain sign, all he needs
to do is open up this book and look up the laws. Then everything will be clear to
 You might be surprised that I had to establish 80% of the laws after thousands of
years of I-Ching evolution has taken place. I think it's because of that 'Chinese
keeping secret' thing again. Doctors kept secret healing formulas. Musicians kept
secrets. I-Ching and astrology masters also kept secrets. That's why I ended up
establishing 80% of the laws for everyone. I bet that these laws were discovered by
many top level prophets in the past. But those prophets were defeated by greed.
They want to keep their own laws (secrets) to themselves. They were only willing
to teach people the basics of I-Ching. But they kept their secret laws to themselves
so that they can pass down the laws to their own descendants. Those greedy
prophets were afraid that their descendants will become poor if others can also use
I-Ching to conveniently and accurately predict the stock market trend.

Question: Why is Alex Chiu willing to teach us this priceless treasure? Doesn't Alex
want to keep this a secret?
 ANSWER: Of course I want to keep this a secret so that I can become the richest
man in the world. I will earn so much money in the stock market. I will even beat
Bill Gates. But I can't afford to betray my own culture. All those greedy prophets
who kept secrets were traitors of the great Chinese culture. Everytime a Chinese
kept a secret, the Chinese culture has been cheapened. The more important the
secret, the more damage the Chinese culture has endured. I refuse to betray my
culture, and I refuse to betray God. Who cares if I become the richest man in the
world? There are already millions of millionaires out there. Who needs one more?
Personal luxury cannot compare to a sacred tool that allows humans to successfully
communicate with God. So if I kept my laws a secret, I have not only betrayed my
culture. I have also betrayed my God.
In Chen group, every hexagram has 'Chen' as the bottom gua.

Chen Group
Hiders Chen Top gua is Chen Hiders Big Profit Top gua is Li
P sh soil - J R e fire - U
B s metal - P wa soil --
R w fire - B yo metal -
P cn soil - U P cn soil - J
G y wood - G y wood -
K t water - K t water -
6 strike 1 Stable 14

Hiders Top gua is Shun Hiders Big Storage Top gua is Gen
B m wood - R y wood -
K e fire - G t water -- U
G wa soil -- U B sh soil --
R yo G cn soil - K s B cn soil -
B y wood - P w R y wood - J
P t water - J G t water -
9 26

Hiders Extreme Top gua is Duay Hiders Strong Top gua is Zen

B wa soil -- B sh soil --
K yo metal - J K s metal --
G h water - P w fire - J

B cn soil - B cn soil -
P e R y wood - U R y wood -
G t water - G t water - U
43 6 strike 34

HidersWonderful Top gua is Quen Hiders Need Top gua is Kan

K yo metal -- U G t water --
G h water -- B sh soil -
B c soil -- K s metal -- J
B cn soil - J B cn soil -
P e R y wood - P e R y wood -
G t water - G t water - U
6 match 11 Unstable 5

Quen Group
Hiders Quen Top gua is Quen Hiders Compare Top gua is Kan
K yo metal -- J G t water -- U
G h water -- B sh soil -
B c soil -- K s metal --
R m wood -- U R m wood -- J
P e fire -- P e fire --
B wa soil -- B wa soil --
6 strike 2 Stable 8

Hiders Strip Top gua is Gen Hiders Look Top gua is Shun
G y wood - G m wood -
B s K t water -- J B s R e fire -
P sh soil -- P wa soil -- J
G m wood -- G m wood --
R e fire -- U R e fire --
P wa soil -- K t P wa soil -- U
23 20

Hiders Stop Top gua is Chen Hiders Advance Top gua is Li

P sh soil - U R e fire -
B s metal - P wa soil --
R w fire - B yo metal - J
G m wood -- J G m wood --
R e fire -- R e fire --
K t P wa soil -- K t P wa soil -- U
6 match 12 Unstable 35

Hiders Combine Top gua is Duay Hiders Joy Top gua is Zen
P wa soil -- G sh soil --
B yo metal - U R s metal --
K h water - K w fire - U
G m wood -- B m wood --
R e fire -- J K e fire --
P wa soil -- P t G wa soil -- J
45 6 match 16

Zen Group
Hiders Zen Top gua is Zen Hiders Abide Top gua is Duay
G sh soil -- J G wa soil -- U
R s metal -- R yo metal -
K w fire - K w P h water -
G cn soil -- U G cn soil -- J
B y wood -- B y wood --
P t water - P t water -
6 strike 51 Stable 17

Hiders Bite Top gua is Li Hiders Trade Top gua is Shun

K e fire - B m wood - U
G wa soil -- J K e fire -
R yo metal - G wa soil --
G cn soil -- R yo G cn soil -- J
B y wood -- U B y wood --
P t water - P t water -
21 42

Hiders No way Top gua is Chen Hiders Feed Top gua is Gen
G sh soil - B y wood -
R s metal - K e P t water --
K w fire - J G sh soil -- J
G cn soil -- R yo G cn soil --
B y wood -- B y wood --
P t water - U P t water - U
6 strike 25 Unstable 27

Hiders Fog Top gua is Kan Hiders Return Top gua is Quen
B t water -- K yo metal --
R sh soil - U G h water --
P s metal -- B c soil -- U
G w R cn soil -- B cn soil --
K y wood -- J P e R y wood --
B t water - G t water - J
3 6 match 24
Shun Group
Hiders Shun Top gua is Shun Hiders Rot Top gua is Gen
B m wood - J B y wood - U
K e fire - K e P t water --
G wa soil -- G sh soil --
R yo metal - U R yo metal - J
P h water - P h water -
G c soil -- G c soil --
6 strike 57 Stable 18

Hiders Queen Top gua is Chen Hiders Cup Top gua is Li

P sh soil - B e fire -
B s metal - K wa soil -- U
R w fire - U G yo metal -
B yo metal - G yo metal -
G y K h water - R h water - J
P c soil -- J P m K c soil --
44 50

HidersEverlasting Top gua is Zen Hiders Rise Top gua is Quen

G sh soil -- U R yo metal --
R s metal -- P h water --
K w fire - K w G c soil -- J
R yo metal - J R yo metal -
B y P h water - B y P h water -
G c soil -- G c soil -- U
32 46
Hiders Well Top gua is Kan Hiders Too Much Top gua is Duay
(water well)
P t water -- G wa soil --
G sh soil - J R yo metal -
K w R s metal -- K w P h water - J
R yo metal - R yo metal -
B y P h water - U B y P h water -
G c soil -- G c soil -- U
48 Unstable 28

Kan Group
Hiders Kan Top gua is Kan HidersCommander Top gua is Quen
B t water -- J P yo metal -- U
R sh soil - B h water --
P s metal -- R c soil --
G w fire -- U G w fire -- J
R cn soil - R cn soil -
K y wood -- K y wood --
6 strike 29 Stable 07

Hiders Trapped Top gua is Duay Hiders Unsettled Top gua is Li

P wa soil -- B e fire - U
B yo metal - K wa soil --
K h water - U G yo metal -
R w fire -- R h B w fire -- J
P cn soil - K cn soil -
G y wood -- J P y wood --
6 match 47 64
Hiders Cover Top gua is Gen Hiders Separate Top gua is Shun
P y wood - P m wood -
R t water -- B e fire - J
G yo K sh soil -- J G yo K wa soil --
B w fire -- R h B w fire --
K cn soil - K cn soil - U
P y wood -- U P y wood --
4 59

Hiders Lawsuit Top gua is Chen Hiders Solution Top gua is Zen

K sh soil - G sh soil --
G s metal - R s metal -- U

B w fire - J K w fire -
R h B w fire -- K w fire --
K cn soil - G cn soil - J

P y wood -- U P t B y wood --
Unstable 6 40

Li Group
Hiders Li Top gua is Li Hiders Same Top gua is Chen
B e fire - J K sh soil - U
K wa soil -- G s metal -
G yo metal - B w fire -
R h water - U R h water - J
K c soil -- K c soil --
P m wood - P m wood -
6 strike 30 Stable 13
Hiders Family Top gua is Shun Hiders Rich Top gua is Zen
B m wood - R sh soil --
K e fire - U P s metal -- J
G wa soil -- G w fire -
R yo P h water - B h water -
G c soil -- J R c soil -- U
B m wood - K m wood -
37 55

Hiders Consume Top gua is Kan Hiders Hurt Top gua is Quen
B t water -- U P yo metal --
R sh soil - B h water --
P s metal -- R c soil -- J
G w B h water - J G w B h water -
R c soil -- R c soil --
K m wood - K m wood - U
63 Unstable 36

HidersRevolution Top gua is Duay HidersConsolidate Top gua is Gen

R wa soil -- R y wood -
P yo metal - G t water --
B h water - J B sh soil -- U
G w B h water - K s G h water -
R c soil -- P w B c soil --
K m wood - U R m wood - J
49 6 match 22
Duay Group
Hiders Duay Top gua is Duay Hiders Bride Top gua is Zen
P wa soil -- J P sh soil -- U
B yo metal - B s metal --
K h water - K h R w fire -
P c soil -- U P c soil -- J
G m wood - G m wood -
R e fire - R e fire -
6 strike 58 Stable 54

Hiders Finish Top gua is Kan Hiders Break Top gua is Gen
B t water -- R y wood - U
R sh soil - G t water --
P s metal -- U B sh soil --
R c soil -- K s B c soil -- J
K m wood - R m wood -
G e fire - J P e fire -
6 match 60 41

Hiders Hollow Top gua is Shun Hiders Quarrel Top gua is Li

R m wood - P e fire -
G t P e fire - G t B wa soil --
B wa soil -- J K yo metal - J
K s B c soil -- B c soil --
R m wood - R m wood -
P e fire - U P e fire - U
Unstable 61 38

Hiders Step Top gua is Chen Hiders Arrive Top gua is Quen
B sh soil - K yo metal --
G t K s metal - J G h water -- U
P w fire - B c soil --
B c soil -- B c soil --
R m wood - U R m wood - J
P e fire - P e fire -
10 19

Gen Group
Hiders Gen Top gua is Gen Hiders Touch Top gua is Shun
R y wood - J R m wood - U
G t water -- G t P e fire -
B sh soil -- B wa soil --
K s metal - U K s metal - J
P w fire -- P w fire --
B cn soil -- B cn soil --
6 strike 52 Stable 53

Hiders Hide Top gua is Chen Hiders Humble Top gua is Quen
P sh soil - B yo metal --
B s metal - U K h water -- J
R w fire - P c soil --
B s metal - B s metal -
G y R w fire -- J G m R w fire -- U
K t P cn soil -- P cn soil --
33 15
HidersIntercourse Top gua is Duay Hiders Difficulty Top gua is Kan
P wa soil -- U K t water --
B yo metal - P sh soil -
K h water - B s metal -- J
B s metal - J B s metal -
G m R w fire -- G m R w fire --
P cn soil -- P cn soil -- U
31 39

Hiders Top gua is Zen Hiders Travel Top gua is Li
P sh soil -- B e fire -
B s metal -- K wa soil --
K h R w fire - J G yo metal - U
B s metal - R h G s metal -
G m R w fire -- B w fire --
P cn soil -- U P m K cn soil -- J
Unstable 62 6 match 56

Chapter 3
The 8 Guas
First, there are 8 main symbols in I-Ching.
They are called 'the eight guas'.
t, water, is in the Kan gua.

c (soil) and y (wood) are in Gen gua.

m, wood, is in Zen.

cn (soil) and e (fire) are in Shun.

w, fire, is in Li gua.

wa (soil) and s (metal) are found in Quen.

yo, metal, is in Duay.

sh (soil) and h (water) are in Chen.

Each gua has 3 lines.
There are 2 kinds of lines: the solid line and the dotted

Solid line: - Dotted line: --

Ch Qu Ze Sh Ka Ge Du
en en n un n n ay

1 1
2 soli dott
dotte top top
3 dott d ed
3 d line line line
dotte ed line line
solid at is is
d line in in
lines the soli dotte
lines s on the the
botto d d
top cent cent
er er

After you threw the coins or counted the numbers of the year, month, date, and time and
drew the Gua, now you must understand what these Guas are telling you. What do each
Gua mean?

Chen: (precious metal)

Chen basically stands for heaven. It represents something hard, dense, rare,
expensive, metal, justice, center, power and control.
Weather: sky, ice, snow.

north-west, capital state or capital city, important

geographic area.

nobel, king, boss, old man, government worker, land

Characters: lord, mail man, police, judge, a famous person, dead
person, customer, robber, gangster.

Personalities: brave, righteous, justice, emotional.

Body parts: head, bone, lungs.

Time: autumn, yo year. Sometimes sh or h year.

Animals: horse, crane, lion, elephant.

precious metals, jewelry, round shaped object, metal,

Objects: crown, mirror, something heavy, luxury car or a huge
truck or bus, airplane.

public restroom, tall building, big building, office or

government building, hotel, north-west building.

If you get Chen Gua in fall, your family is lucky. If you

get this Gua in summer, you family will get trouble. If
you get this Gua in winter, you will feel neglected by
others. If you get this Gua in spring, it's lucky.
The other side is government official's family. (meaning
maybe the father or the mother is a government official
Marriage and
or someone notorious and famous.) If you get Chen Gua
in autumn, it's easy to be married. If you get this Gua in
winter or summer, there will be trouble.

horse meat, lots of bones, liver, lungs, dried meat, nuts,

the head of an animal, round shaped stuff, spicy stuff.

Can get the job. Good for becoming a government

worker, police officer, soldier, a boss (CEO), general or
Job or
military position, a prophet, grab control and power, mail
man, diplomat. It's good for a position at the north-west

will be successful, good for governmental negotiation,

good for moving around earning money. Not lucky if you
Goal: get this Gua in summer. If you get this Gua in winter,
you will have to think and plot a lot but there will be less
profit, and it will be tiring.

good for precious metal trade, jewelry, commodities.

Great if you are doing business with the government.
Chen Gua also means that the trade will be easy. But if
you get this Gua in summer, it's not a lucky sign. You are
lucky if you get this sign in autumn. If you get this Gua
in winter, there's no profit.

good for travel. Good for going to the capital. Good for
Travel: going north-west. Unlucky if you get this sign in the

Meeting: Good for meeting a VIP.

disease in the head or the face, lung, bone or nerve.
Unlucky if you get this Gua in the summer.

good for lawsuit. Somebody will help you out. Get the
Legal: Chen Gua in fall and you win. Unlucky sign if you got it
in the summer.

good to have it at north-west area, good to bury at dry

mountain, good for high land. Get Chen Gua in fall
means the burial will bring good luck to your family.
Unlucky burial spot if you get this Gua in summer.

Colour: red, black, silver.

Number: Number:

Taste: spicy

Quen: (soft cheap soil)

Quen Gua stands for earth soil. It represents something soft, cheap, mass, a lot,
darkness, woman, large.

Weather: Cloudy, foggy.

Geography: Country side, crop field, farm, mass flat land, south-west.

Mother, step-mom, farmer, someone from the country

side, lots of people, old lady, pregnant woman, woman.

Personalities: mizar, cheap, stingy, easy going, weak, sneaky like a fox.

Body parts: waist, stomach, flesh.

Cn, sh, c, wa months. Wa or s years, months, dates, or


Rectangle or square objects, soft soil, soft object, paper,

cloth, crops, pottery, computer software.

Animals: Cow, camel.

south-west building, barn, low building, storage place,

garage, country side building.

safe and sound. If you get Quen Gua in spring, the family
is not peaceful.

Beef, roots, potatos, something sweat, something out of

soil, crops, animal organs.

Marriage and Good for marriage. Fits marrying a tax collector's

love: daughter or son. Good for marrying someone who's in
real estate business. Good for also marrying a country
side person.

Can get the job. Fits south-west position, become a

Job or
teacher or a position that has to do with fertility, soil,
cultivation, tax, real estate, building constructor, etc.

Good for trading. Good for produce or farm goods

trading. Good for trading involved with heavy stuff,
Trade: cheap stuff, cloths, or soft objects. There will be profit in
quietness (like quietly sitting in the office, not hard
labor). Unlucky if you get the Quen Gua in spring.

Good for reaching your goal. Lucky for accomplishing

something in the country side or in quietness (meaning
something quiet). If you get this Gua in spring, it's not a
lucky sign.

Can travel. Good for going south-west. Lucky going to

Travel: the country side. Good for land travel. Not lucky if you
get this Gua in spring.

Will be able to meet. Good for meeting somebody from

the country side. Good for meeting a very close friend or
a woman. If you get this Gua in spring, it's not good for

Disease: In the waist, stomach. Trouble in digestion.

You have the case and lots of proofs. Lots of people will
support you. The case will dissolve.

Grave: Burial spot should be somewhere in the south-west. Flat

land is good. Near farmland is cool. Bury at a low land. If
you get this Quen Gua in spring, you shouldn't bury here.
("You shouldn't bury here." means that if you have
already chosen a spot to bury a relative but you threw the
coins in spring and Quen Gua shows up heavily, you
should choose another spot.)

Numbers: 8 5, 10

Direction: south-west.

Taste: Sweet.

Color: Yellow, black.

Zen: (thunder)

Zen stands for something noisy and intimidating like a roar of a thunder. It stands
for something tall and strong, fame, great wealth and power, energy.

Weather: Thunder.

Geography: East, trees, a noisy crowded city, a wide road, forest.

Body parts: Leg, liver, hair, sound.

Characters: First born son.

Personalities: Begin, get mad, scared (afraid), move around a lot.

Spring y and m months, m year, month, date, or hour.

Number 4 3 8 months or dates.

Wood, bamboo, wooden musical instrument, computer

hardware parts, hair dryer, horn, loud speaker, giant seed.
("Giant seed" means a seed of peach, a coconut, or an
avocado. Some seed that's big.)

Animals: Dragon, snake, a roar of a horse.

East building, a building in the forest or in the trees, a tall

slim building.

There are scary cases in the house. If you get this Gua in
Family: spring or in winter, it's a lucky sign. Not lucky if you get
this Gua in the fall.

Meat, raw meat, sour fruit, BBQ, vegetable, fish. Spooky

looking food like crab, lobster.

Can marry. The other side comes out of a famous or

Marriage and
notorious family. Good for first born son's marriage. Not
lucky if you get this Gua in the fall.
Wood trading or computer hardware is cool. Trading at
moving, noisy places is good. Tea and fruits are also
okay. If you get this Gua in the fall, your trading is

Can get the position! Good for a position in the east.

Become a general or a commander. Good for becoming
someone who's intimidating like an attorney, computer
Job or
company's officer or a worker, or someone who works in
a noisy city. Good for becoming an auto mechanic or
someone who works in noise like a construction worker, a
stock clerk, or a carpenter.

Disease: leg, liver or nerve. The patient is afraid or is in shock.

Can accomplish your goal. Lucky if this is something

Goal: which requires lots of movement. If you get this Gua in
the fall, you don't have good luck.

Good for your case. There will be great anxiety. The case
will continue endlessly.

Can meet. Good for meeting a computer related person or

Meeting: someone who is from a forest. Great for meeting someone

Good for travel. Lucky if you go west. If you get this Gua
in the fall, the travel is unlucky.

Good for a burial in the east. Bury in the forest or where

Grave: there are lots of tall trees is lucky. If you get this Zen Gua
in the fall, the burial spot you have chosen is unlucky.
Numbers: 4 8 3.

Direction: East.

Taste: sweet, sour.

Colour: Green, dark green.

Shun: (wind)

Shun Gua stands for wind. It represents thoughtfulness, wisdom, understanding,

knowledge, and nature.

Weather: WInd.

Geography: South-east direction, grass land, garden.

First born daughter, scholar, single lady, business man,

monk, archaeologist, oceanic experts, astronomer,
astrologer, fortune teller, someone who is specialized in the
study of nature.
Personality: Soft, inconfident, not sure.

Body parts: Hip, Chi (Chi is the flowing energy of your body).

Time: m month.

Wood ornament, rope, straight object, long object, bamboo

or wood, handcraft, feather, fan, medicine grinder.

Animals: Chicken, bug, snake.

Building: South-east building, a building in the woods.

Family: Stable and safe. Lucky sign in spring. Unlucky in the fall.

Food: Chicken, something from the forest, vegetable, sour taste.

Marraige Can marry. Good for marrying the first born daughter.
and love: Unlucky if you get this Gua in the fall.

Can get the job. Good for getting a white collar job. Good
Job or for getting a quiet office job or a job which requires
position: experience in a certain nature study. Great for becoming a
writer, medical professional, a doctor.

Can succeed. Not stable. The advantage of a trade,

printing, writing business, journalism, medicine, business
that has to do with the wilderness or forest, gardening,
produce and farm goods.
Can reach the goal. Will have profit. Get this Gua in the
fall and be unlucky.

Can travel. There will be advantage if you travel. Good for

Travel: traveling south-east. If you get Shun Gua in the fall, it's an
unlucky sign.

Can meet. Good for meeting an author or a medical

specialist. Good for meeting an expert in studies of nature
like archaeologist, astronomer, etc. Great for meeting
someone who lives in the woods.

Disease: In the hip, vagina, penis, intestine, stroke.

Legal: It's a patent or a copyright disbute.

Good for a burial in the east, in the woods. If you get Shun
Gua in the fall, you should consider another burial spot.

Numbers: 5 3 8.

Direction: South-east.

Taste: sour.

Color: light green, kind of soft, jade and white mixed color.
Kan: (water)

Kan stands for water. It represents filth, liquid, darkness, and smart.

Weather: The moon, rain, snow, fog, water.

Geography: North, river, lake, ocean, wet land, quick sand.

Characters: Second born son, gangster, sailor, criminal.

Poisonous, evil, bad, cruel, fool around and can't

accomplish anything, change plans very often.

Body parts: Ear, blood, kidney.

Winter, t year, t month, t date, and t time. 1, 6 months and

dates. (Chinese months and dates of course)

Salt, liquor, liquid, bottle, cup, test tube, any fruit with
Objects: large seed in the middle, automobile, transportation, boat,
soft object, any equipment that has to do with liquid.

Animals: Pig, fish, sea lives, fox.

North building, a building near the water, light tower, bar,
swimming pool.

Pork, liquor, frozen or cold stuff, sea food, soup, sour,

fruits with large seeds in the middle.

Family: Not stable, misery, watch out for robbers and intruders.

Good for marraige with a second born son. Great for a

Marriage and
marriage with someone from the North. Not good for
marriage. Do not marry in the month of cn, sh, c, or wa.

Hard to get the job. Watch out for danger ahead. Good for
Job and a position in the north. Good for a job that has to do with
position: liquid, transportation, or salt. Autobody technician,
painter, artest.

If you got money, watch out and make sure you keep an
eye on your money. Good for a profit that has to do with
water (sea food, salt, liquor, etc.). Your money could be
stolen or lost.

Not good sign. Can not accomplish your goal. If you get
Goal: the Kan Gua in the fall or in the winter, there is still
possibility for you to accomplish your goal.

Not good for travel. Good for sea or water travel. (travel
Travel: with boat) Good for traveling north. Watch out for
robbers and criminals. You might be robbed.

Hard to meet. Good for meeting a gangster, a sailor, or

somebody that has to do with water.
ear, heart, transmitted disease, kidney, upset stomach,
cold, blood disease.

Not good for lawsuit. The other side will try to trick you.
There might be a trap. You might lose the case.

Good for a burial in the north or a burial spot near the

water. Not a good spot for burial.

Numbers: 1 6.

Direction: North.

Taste: Salty, sour.

Color: black

Li: (Fire)

Li stands for fire. It represents brightness, energy, heat, fame, news.

Weather: Sun, rainbow, sunset.

Geography: South, desert, tropical area, dry area.

Second born daughter, journalist, office worker, one who

works under heavy stress, a person with large belly like a
pregnant woman, a person who has vision problem,
armoured police or soldier.

Personalities: Smart and wise, beautiful or handsome, study a lot.

Body parts: eye, heart.

Summer, w year, month, date, or time. The Chinese date

of 3 2 7.

Fire, book, record, document, letter, voice or video

Objects: recording, lamp, dry stuff, stove, computer software,
camera, lazer, TV, Video game, commercial.

Animal: Turkey, turtle, clam, shell fish, crab.

South building, a building that receives lots of bright

sunlight, huge window.

Stable and safe. If you get Li Gua in winter, the family is

Family: not stable. If the opponent Gua kills the self Gua, there is
fire. (burning down your house!)
Turkey, fried food, BBQ, dried meat (beef jerky), cooked

Will not succeed. Good for marrying a second born

Marriage and daughter. If you get this Gua in the summer, you can get
love: married. Get this Gua in the winter and it becomes an
unlucky sign.

Job and Will get the job. Good for a south position. Good for
position: office job, nuclear power plant position, or kitchen job.

Can be successful. Good for white collar business. (I

mean, nowadays what's not involved with white collar?
Computer, banking, writing, stock exchange, law. One
thousand year ago when Shou Kan Jet wrote this, only
one person out of one thousand people can read and
write. But now everyone knows how to read.)

Can travel. Good for traveling south. Good for business

travel or traveling for white collar reasons. If you get Li
Gua in the winter, it's not lucky to travel. Don't travel by
sea or by water if you get Li Gua in any season.

Can meet a person from the south. Get this Gua in the
winter and the meeting will not be successful. Get this
Gua in the fall means that you will have some kind of
examination. (taking a test)

Legal: Easy to drop the case. The judge is righteous and wise.

Disease: Vision problem, heart.

Good for a burial in the south, where there are no trees
Grave: and very bright. Get this Gua in the winter means that the
burial spot is not so lucky.

Numbers: 3 2 7.

Direction: South.

Color: Red, purple.

Taste: bitter.

Gen: (hard soil)

Gen stands for mountain or hill. It symbolizes stubbornness, persistance, hard,

dependable, young.

Weather: Cloud.

A road in the mountain, hill, a hill like grave, (rich

Geography: people's grave where they put TVs, beds, table, chairs,
and whole nine yards into the grave, so that the grave is
so huge that it looks like a hill.) North-east area, a gate,
an entrance, a door.

Youngest son, a person who resides in the mountain, a


Hindrance, quiet, hesitence, betray, stops you from doing

something, won't show up.

Body parts: Finger, bone, nose, your back, penis.

c and y months. c and y year, month, date, and time. 7 5

Time: 10 month and date. (Chinese calender of course) Soil
year, month, date, and time.

Soil and rock, nuts, melon, yellow things, tan colour

Objects: things, something out of soil, a temple, a door or a gate,
something sticks out like a penis or a finger.

Animals: Tiger, dog, mouse, animal with a peak (a bird), fox.

Safe and stable. Something is stopping you from

accomplishing your goal. The family members are not
Family: being polite to each other, and there are arguments. Get
this Gua in the spring and the family is not stable nor

North-east building, a building on the mountain or a

building near the rocks.

Food: Something out of soil like a potato, wild animal's meat.

Hard to marry due to too many hindrances. Marry late.
Marriage and Good for marrying the youngest son. Good for marrying
love: someone who lives in the country side. Get this Gua in
the spring and it is an unlucky sign.

Lots of hindrances. Cannot find a job. Good for a job in

Job and
the north-east. Good for a position in the mountain or in
the rocks.

Hard to be successful. Good for farm or wood trade. Get

this Gua in the spring and it's an unlucky sign.

Not good for travel. There are hindrances. Good for going
to somewhere near by land.

Cannot meet. Have hindrance. Good for meeting a kid,

the youngest son, or someone from the woods.

Disease: Finger, penis, stomach.

There are hindrances. The case goes on and on. No


A spot in the north-east. A grave on the mountain, a grave

Grave: where there are rocks nearby. Get this Gua in the spring
and you should bury your relative somewhere else.

Numbers: 5 7 10.

Direction: North-east.
Color: Yellow.

Taste: Sweet.

Duay: (sharp metal)

Duay represents a river, conversation, talking, sharp metal edge.

Weather: Rain, full moon, star.

River, water, pond, lake, abandoned well, cracking dry


Youngest daughter, young lady, hooker, translator, witch,

fortune teller, servants.

Personalities: Happy, talk a lot, gossip, eating and drinking.

Body parts: Tungue, mouth, throat, lung.

Time: Fall, yo year, month, date, and time. Metal year, month,
date. 2 4 9 month and date. (Chinese month and date of

Iron knife, metal, music instrument, broken stuff, broken

cup or plate, something that has an opening or a hole.

Animals: Sheep, some animals in the river.

West building, a building near the river or a lake, a run

down building tat has broken walls and windows.

Not stable, lots of argument. Get Duay Gua in the fall

Family: means luckiness. If you get this Gua in the summer, there
will be trouble upon your family.

Food: Sheep meat, food out of the river, spicy food.

Cannot succeed. If you get this Gua in the fall, you might
Marriage and
succeed. Good for marrying the youngest daughter. Not
lucky if you get this Gua in the summer.

Hard to get the position. Because of the position, you

Position and suffer great loss. Good for a position in the west. Good
job: for becoming a lawyer, a police man, a soldier, or a

There is no profit, and there will only be losses. You must

talk a lot. If you get this Gua in the fall, you will have
some luck. Not lucky if you get Duay Gua in the summer.
There will be lots of competition.

Travel: Not good for traveling far. Suffer from lots of talking.
There could be losses. Good for traveling west. If you get
Duay Gua in the fall, you will have a lucky trip.

Good for meeting someone from the west. Good for

Meeting: meeting a young lady. At the meeting, you will be cursed
by others.

Mouth, toungue, Throat, athema, coughing, digestion


Good for burying at the west. There might be water

leaking into the grave. If so, you must fix it. A grave near
Grave: the river or a pond, a grave at a messy, abandoned area. If
you get this Gua in the summer, you better not bury the
dead here because it's not lucky.

Fight for the case for a long time, lots of querrelling,

suffering from losses. Watch out for punishment. If you
get this Gua in the fall, you win the case. (Remember,
Legal: you must see lots of Duay Guas in your reading in order
to predict that you will win. If you threw the coins in the
fall, but there is only one Duay Gua in your reading, that
doesn't mean you will win the case.)

Numbers: 4 2 9.

Direction: West.

Color: White.

Taste: Spicy.
u-Ge Liang, the most famous prophet during the era of the three kingdoms, said:

"A general who can slaughter hundreds on battlefield with a single spear and a horse can
lead a few hundred men. But this kind of talent cannot be used to command an army of
hundreds of thousands. A real able general must also be familiar with the weather, the
astrology, the geography, the psychology; know our advantages and know the opponent's
weakness as clear as viewing through a piece of glass; and can dispatch troops as easy as
moving his own arms and legs. Only way to become such an able general is to study the
secrets of numbers and practice I-Ching."

Click here to see the Click here for the

Chinese calendar. hexagram chart.
Empty Dates Chart

e I V
I i V i i
r I I V i X Empty
I V i i X
D I i
s c w y s
c y m e w s h
h n a o h
L c w y
o s h t c y m e w s
n a o
y s c w
e w h t c y m e w
o h n a
c w y s c
D s h t c y m e
n a o h n
e w y s
y e w s h t c y m
s a o h
c w y s
t m e w s h t c
n a o h

6 Colors Chart

I, II III, iV V Vi Vii, Viii iX, X
blk grn red yel gry wht
wht blk grn red yel gry
gry wht blk grn red yel
yel gry wht blk grn red
red yel gry wht blk grn
1st line grn red yel gry wht blk


t bounds to c. They become


y bounds to h. They become


m bounds to sh. They become

t and w strike.
cn bounds to yo. They m and yo strike.
become metal. c and wa strike.
cn and sh strike.
e bounds to s. They become y and s strike.
water. e and h strike.
w bounds to wa. They
become soil.


s, t, and cn = water

y, w, and sh = fire

e, yo, and c = metal


h, m, and wa = wood
Click here
for a short
of each gua.

Click here
for an
of each gua.
y traps e. e
traps s. s traps
y. This is the
first set of

Three t trap
one m. One m
traps three t.
This is the 2nd
set of traps.

c traps sh.
And sh traps

c, w, yo, and h
month in Beijing's
Remember it
dates element Chinese Animals Time Chart USA,
by Remember! You
calendar California's
must convert
your time to
Time Chart
t water 11 tea Mouse Beijing's time.
11pm - 7am -
t t
1am 9am
c soil 12 crop field Cow
1am - 9am -
c c
3am 11am
y wood 1 yard stick Tiger
3am - 11am -
y y
5am 1pm
m wood 2 measure Rabbit
5am - 1pm -
m m
7am 3pm
cn soil 3 crop field Dragon
7am - 3pm -
cn cn
e fire 4 energy Snake 9am 5pm
9am - 5pm -
e e
11am 7pm
w fire 5 fire Work Horse
11am - 7pm -
w w
1pm 9pm
wa soil 6 way Sheep 1pm - 9pm -
wa wa
3pm 11pm
s metal 7 steel Monkey 3pm - 11pm -
s s
5pm 1am
yo metal 8 toyota Chicken
5pm - 1am -
yo yo
shake 7pm 3am
sh soil 9 Dog
(earthquake) 7pm - 3am -
sh sh
9pm 5am
h water 10 hydrogen Pig 9pm - 5am -
h h
11pm 7am

Time Zone Converter

The date shift occurs somewhere between hour t and hour h.

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
t c y m cn e w wa s yo sh h
Around Around Around Around Around Around Around Around Around Around Around
Around July
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.
2103~ 2133~ 2163~ 2193~ 2223~ 2253~ 2283~ 1983~ 2013~ 2043~ 2073~
(30 years per
2132 2162 2192 2222 2252 2282 2312 2012 2042 2072 2102

Buried in
Elements Healthy in Strongest in Weak in Disappear in
Wood y&m sh, h, t, c y, m cn, e, w wa s, yo
Fire e&w c, y, m cn, e, w wa, s, yo sh h, t
Metal s & yo cn, e, sh wa, s, yo h, t c y, m, w
Water t&h s, yo h, t c, y, m, sh cn e, w, wa
Soil cn, sh, c, wa t, h, s, yo c, cn, wa, sh, e, w y. m
RemembeRemember! You have to convert to China's time zone (Beijing time). If you live in
Chicago, at 10 am of May 24th, China is already the beginning of May 25th. So if you threw the
coins after 10 am of May 24th, you must record it as the 25th of May. If you don't convert to China's
time zone, your prediction will not be acchjkjurate. Click here for a time zone converter.

Click here for calendars up to year 2020.(ZIP File)

2007 (year h) begins on the first day of month y (Feb 4th)

Month c starts on Jan. 6th.

Month y starts on Feb. 4th.

Month m starts on Mar. 6th.

Month cn starts on Apr. 5th.

Month e starts on May 6th.

Month w starts on June 6th.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Western Chinese Western Chinese Western Chinese Western Chinese Western Chinese Western Chinese

Jan 1 wa II Feb 1 y III Mar 1 w I Apr 1 c II May 1 wa II Jun 1 y III

Jan 2 s III Feb 2 m iV Mar 2 wa II Apr 2 y III May 2 s III Jun 2 m iV
Jan 3 yo iV Feb 3 cn V Mar 3 s III Apr 3 m iV May 3 yo iV Jun 3 cn V
Jan 4 sh V Feb 4 e Vi Mar 4 yo iV Apr 4 cn V May 4 sh V Jun 4 e Vi
Jan 5 h Vi Feb 5 w Vii Mar 5 sh V Apr 5 e Vi May 5 h Vi Jun 5 w Vii
Jan 6 t Vii Feb 6 wa Viii Mar 6 h Vi Apr 6 w Vii May 6 t Vii Jun 6 wa Viii
Jan 7 c Viii Feb 7 s iX Mar 7 t Vii Apr 7 wa Viii May 7 c Viii Jun 7 s iX
Jan 8 y iX Feb 8 yo X Mar 8 c Viii Apr 8 s iX May 8 y iX Jun 8 yo X
Jan 9 m X Feb 9 sh I Mar 9 y iX Apr 9 yo X May 9 m X Jun 9 sh I
Jan 10 cn I Feb 10 h II Mar 10 m X Apr 10 sh I May 10 cn I Jun 10 h II
Jan 11 e II Feb 11 t III Mar 11 cn I Apr 11 h II May 11 e II Jun 11 t III
Jan 12 w III Feb 12 c iV Mar 12 e II Apr 12 t III May 12 w III Jun 12 c iV
Jan 13 wa iV Feb 13 y V Mar 13 w III Apr 13 c iV May 13 wa iV Jun 13 y V
Jan 14 s V Feb 14 m Vi Mar 14 wa iV Apr 14 y V May 14 s V Jun 14 m Vi
Jan 15 yo Vi Feb 15 cn Vii Mar 15 s V Apr 15 m Vi May 15 yo Vi Jun 15 cn Vii
Jan 16 sh Vii Feb 16 e Viii Mar 16 yo Vi Apr 16 cn Vii May 16 sh Vii Jun 16 e Viii
Jan 17 h Viii Feb 17 w iX Mar 17 sh Vii Apr 17 e Viii May 17 h Viii Jun 17 w iX
Jan 18 t iX Feb 18 wa X Mar 18 h Viii Apr 18 w iX May 18 t iX Jun 18 wa X
Jan 19 c X Feb 19 s I Mar 19 t iX Apr 19 wa X May 19 c X Jun 19 s I
Jan 20 y I Feb 20 yo II Mar 20 c X Apr 20 s I May 20 y I Jun 20 yo II
Jan 21 m II Feb 21 sh III Mar 21 y I Apr 21 yo II May 21 m II Jun 21 sh III
Jan 22 cn III Feb 22 h iV Mar 22 m II Apr 22 sh III May 22 cn III Jun 22 h iV
Jan 23 e iV Feb 23 t V Mar 23 cn III Apr 23 h iV May 23 e iV Jun 23 t V
Jan 24 w V Feb 24 c Vi Mar 24 e iV Apr 24 t V May 24 w V Jun 24 c Vi
Jan 25 wa Vi Feb 25 y Vii Mar 25 w V Apr 25 c Vi May 25 wa Vi Jun 25 y Vii
Jan 26 s Vii Feb 26 m Viii Mar 26 wa Vi Apr 26 y Vii May 26 s Vii Jun 26 m Viii
Jan 27 yo Viii Feb 27 cn iX Mar 27 s Vii Apr 27 m Viii May 27 yo Viii Jun 27 cn iX
Jan 28 sh iX Feb 28 e X Mar 28 yo Viii Apr 28 cn iX May 28 sh iX Jun 28 e X
Jan 29 h X Mar 29 sh iX Apr 29 e X May 29 h X Jun 29 w I
Jan 30 t I Mar 30 h X Apr 30 w I May 30 t I Jun 30 wa II
Jan 31 c II Mar 31 t I May 31 c II

Let's say that I live in the west coast of USA. 7 am here is already the beginning
of a new day in China. So I will wait until 10 am to throw the coins. I will not throw
the coins at 7 am. I also will not throw the coins after 3 am. Why? I want to
avoid border conflict. If I throw the coins just few hours before or after 7 am, I won't
know which day I should record. Did I throw the coins on 11.59 pm of May 24th?
Or was it 12.00 am of May 25? That's exactly 1 day difference. So please don't
throw the coins at around the border. Wait for a few hours until you are sure what
day it is.

For example: One day, I threw the coins asking will a certain girl become my
girlfriend. I received [Touch] and [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
sh yo - X h sh & h

I threw the coins at 5:50 AM. (I threw the coins at hour h, exactly 1 hour before the date

Touch Rot
R m - U R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- B sh --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

The 5th line's strong woman star G t links to the self line K s because P e bounds to K s.
This means she will become my girlfriend.

Result: She didn't become my girlfriend. Then I realized that the date probably has already
shifted from day yo to day sh when I threw the coins. If the date has already shifted to day
sh, the woman star G t is dead. No wonder why she didn't become my girlfriend. That's
why you should not throw the coins a few hours before or after the date shift. You should
throw the coins when you are absolutely sure what date it is. Which means, it's probably
better for you to throw the coins in the middle of the day and not around the border of the

So my suggestion to you is: Don't throw the coins

between hour h and hour t. Throw the coins before
hour h or after hour t.
(Hour h starts at 9AM Beijing's time, and hour t starts at 11AM Beijing's

Why should you convert to Beijing time?

One day, a guy has emailed me a question:

 Alex, I don't understand why you are converting to Beijing time?! Beijing time has
nothing to do with me where I live (East coast of USA). To get the true local time, I
just convert it to the real time by longitude adjustment, not Beijing time.

Here is my reply to this man:

 I have been practicing I-Ching for 5 years. Based on what I know, you must
convert to Beijing time or else your prediction won't be accurate. Let's say someone
tossed the coins asking when will he receive some money. If you convert to Beijing
time, the coins will show that he will receive the money on Friday. If you don't
convert to Beijing time, the coins will say that the money will come on Saturday.
So when exactly will the money arrive? Friday or Saturday? Guess what? The
money will come on Friday. I have been doing this for 4 years. Based on my
knowledge, if you don't convert to Beijing time, when you tell someone that he will
receive the money on Saturday, the money will definitely come on Friday. If you
don't convert to Beijing time, when you tell someone that he will die tomorrow, that
person will definitely die today.

For example: I like a girl named Elsa a lot. So I tossed the coins asking when will I meet
Elsa again. I got [Hide]. I expected to meet her within 10 days.

Year Month Date Hour
wa t-I sh & h

P sh -
B s - U
R w -
B s -
G y R w -- J
P cn --

A strong G y hiding under the self line. G y woman star produces the self line R. On day
y, G y will appear. So Elsa will appear on day y!

Result: She came over to my house on day y. It was a Saturday. If I did not convert to
Beijing time, Saturday would have been day c. But the hexagram indicates that Elsa will
appear on day y. You cannot find any indication showing you that Elsa will appear on day
c. That means if I didn't convert to Beijing time, I would have made a huge error.

Another example: My web site has been shut down by my web host for sending out bulk
email. I immediately switched to a new web host, but the web site won't be up for probably
another day or two. So I tossed the coins asking when will my web site be up again, and I
received [Extreme] and [Too much].

Year Month Date Hour
yo s - III cn & e

Extreme Too Much

B wa -- B wa --
K yo - J K yo -
G h - G h -
B cn - K yo -
R y - U G h -
G t o B c --

The self line has a strong K star. That means my worries will soon disappear. My web site
should be back up sooner than I expected. The 1st line G t moves turning into B c which
produces the self line's powerful K star. When a B star moves producing the self line's K
star, I will become extremely happy. The 1st line will move either at hour t or at hour c.
Therefore, my web site shall be up at hour t or at hour c. In California of USA, hour t is
from 7 am to 9 am. Hour c is from 9 am to 11 am.

Result: My web site went back up at around 10:30 am. So my site went back up at hour
c. If I did not convert to China's time zone, everything would have been wrong.

My business partner owes me money. I tossed the coins asking when will I speak to him
about the money. I got [Touch] and [Rot].

Year Month Date Hour
c s-I w & wa

Touch Rot
R m - U R y -
P e o G t --
B wa -- B sh --
K s - J K yo -
P w x G h -
B cn -- B c --

If the P star turns into the money star, I will speak to him about the money! P represents a
conversation. If the conversation star turns into the money star, we will talk about money.
The 5th line P e moves and turns into the money star. This means I will speak to him on
day e. The 2nd line P w also moves and turns into the money star. This means I will also
speak to him again on day w.

Result: My business partner phoned me on day e and on day w. (Thursday and Friday) He
told me that he will send me the money right away. If I didn't convert to Beijing time, day
e and day w would have been Friday and Saturday. But he phoned me on Thursday and on
China is just as wide as USA, but China has only one time zone while USA has 3 time
zones. When it's 3 PM in Xin-jiang (the far West of China), it's also 3 PM in Beijing
(Eastern border of China). China had this 'one time zone system' for many dynasties
already. That means if China invades all the way to England, England will also share the
same time zone with Beijing. The reason why the ancient Chinese persisted on this 'one
time zone system' is because the ancient Chinese realized that there is only one time zone
for I-Ching and for all other Chinese astrological divinations.

I have so many examples that I want to show you. But I don't want to waste your time by
going on and on. I have been tossing the coins everyday for 5 years already. I live in San
Francisco, California. Hundreds of my predictions concerning stuff like: 'On what day will
I meet someone?' or 'On which day will I receive some money?' have already came true.
So don't argue with a person who has done this thousands of times. If you screw up the
timing, you screw up everything. Just follow the instruction and I guarantee you that you
won't be disappointed.

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