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Controllable Network Transformers

Deepak Divan and Jyoti Sastry

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30318 USA

Abstract - The electric power grid is under stress, caused by reliability that is inherent in meshed systems comes at a
increasing loads, decreasing investments, and increasing price, namely the poor controllability of current in the
penetration of dynamic sources and loads. Grid control network. Networked systems are difficult if not
techniques have not changed much over the last 50 years, impossible to control; some possible methods of control
with generator excitation providing the only ‘analog’
control handle. The basic control problem on the grid is to
include Phase Shifting Transformers and Distributed
maintain node voltages while ensuring that branch currents Series Impedance modules [1].
do not exceed defined limits. This paper proposes the The conventional approach to network operation is
possibility of converting existing load tap changing (LTC) through the use of off-line optimal power flow and state
transformers into Controllable Network Transformers estimation techniques, which are then used to dispatch
(CNT) using fractionally rated direct ac converters – generator excitation, LTC taps and shunt VAR
providing vernier control of amplitude and phase angle. compensation, so as to meet dual constraints of voltage
This would allow dynamic control to be distributed on the regulation and controlled branch currents. In a highly
grid, enhancing response and reliability. The concept can be interconnected meshed network, this represents a very
scaled to realistic power levels.
challenging control problem. The non-trivial nature of the
control problem has thus far discouraged actual
implementation of any real time controllers that can fully
The electric power infrastructure is under stress. As control a network.
the penetration level of renewable energy increases, Some newer approaches to network control provide
demand for energy soars, and ability to build new control of both voltage magnitude at a node, as well as
infrastructure remains compromised, the need to better phase angle. The angle control is instrumental in being
utilize existing assets becomes very important. At the able to control branch currents. Devices that provide such
same time, the level of dynamic grid control that is functionality include FACTS devices such as UPFC [4],
needed is also dramatically increasing. Ensuring very and SSSC [5]. Shunt devices such as SVC’s and
high reliability levels, while cost-effectively meeting STATCOM’s [6] provide the VAR regulation required to
these targets is a challenging task. maintain acceptable bus voltage levels in the network.
There are various approaches that have been Although FACTS devices have reached a high level of
proposed to alleviate this gap between the growing need maturity, significant market penetration of these devices
for power versus the ability of the power system, as it is yet to be seen. Phase angle regulators provide power
currently stands, to meet this growing need. One such flow control but are sluggish in response and cannot
solution is expansion of the existing infrastructure control bus voltages. The Intelligent Universal
through the construction of additional transmission lines. Transformer [7] is essentially a cascaded power
This is both an expensive and difficult solution. converter, provides only unidirectional control of power
An alternate approach that is receiving a lot of flow, and is an expensive solution. Other approaches
attention is the concept of a “Smart Grid” that can more include the Power Electronics Transformer [8] which has
effectively utilize the current power system. A “Smart a high switch count and cost due to the high frequency
Grid”, which is reliable, self-healing, and fully transformer, and the Sen Transformer [9], which provides
controllable [1] can be implemented using distributed a solution for power flow control with interconnection
“smart”, “controllable” assets that augment the existing between phases thereby creating complex fault modes, as
system assets to provide vernier control capability. These well as a high switch count.
“Smart Assets”, would be capable of controlling the This paper proposes augmentation of an existing
network using local information [2]. One such example is load tap changing transformer to provide dynamic vernier
that of the Distributed Series Impedance (DSI) [3], where control of voltage magnitude and phase angle
massively distributed assets are deployed to convert the simultaneously over a meaningful control range. The
existing “dumb” power lines to “smart” assets. This has Controllable Network Transformer (CNT) proposed is a
been shown to result in tremendous improvement in the “smart asset” that provides control of bus voltages and
transfer capacity of the system. line currents in a meshed system; this is not achievable
Reliability is of vital importance for the power grid. using conventional techniques. The converter used can be
The existing reliability of the system, which approaches described as a Thin AC Converter, or TACC, a concept
99.999%, cannot in any way be degraded. The need for that is detailed in a companion paper [11].
higher reliability is moving utilities towards meshed or
networked systems versus radial structures. The high

978-1-4244-1668-4/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 2340

II. CONTROLLABLE NETWORK TRANSFORMER – Modulation), the equivalence of the voltage synthesis
THE BASICS technique and the concept of the real time modulation
strategy (EHM), has been detailed in [10].
The Controllable Network Transformer or CNT
provides simultaneous control of bus voltage magnitudes
and phase angles by augmenting an existing tapped 
transformer with a small rated converter, as shown in
Figure 1. The vernier control requirements of the system 
allow for the converter to be rated fractionally with (a)
respect to the rating of the transformer. The converter
includes two ac switches, a small filter capacitor and
inductor. It may be assumed initially that the switches are
controlled with fixed duty cycles D and (1-D). For a
transformer with a tap ratio N, the voltage magnitude of
the output voltage can be varied between (1+N) pu for (b) (c)
D=1 to (1-N) pu for D =0. This can be implemented Figure 2: AC Chopper (a) Circuit topology (b) Achievable
using well known pulse width modulation techniques. output voltage

Figure 1: Controllable Network Transformer

By applying conventional pulse-width modulation
techniques only half the desired functionality is achieved,
i.e. voltage magnitude control. The ability to control
phase angle is not possible as there are no energy storage
elements that can provide the required energy during the
zero crossings of the input voltage. To obtain an output
voltage of controllable phase angle, the concept of “Dual
Virtual Quadrature Sources” [10] is applied. Figure 2a
illustrates a simple ac chopper that operates like a buck
converter, generating an output voltage in phase with the
input and of magnitude lesser than or equal to that of the
input, Figure 2b. Using conventional PWM techniques an
output voltage with variable phase and/or harmonic
content cannot be synthesized, as seen in Figure 2c.
To synthesize an output voltage of variable
phase/harmonic content, two virtual sources are invoked
in quadrature with the input voltage (Vdo), one at the Figure 3: (a) Voltage synthesis using dual virtual quadrature
fundamental (Vqo) and the second at the third harmonic sources, (b) Input and phase shifted output voltage
frequency (V3). The sum of the three components should In one possible implementation of the control
at all instants of time satisfy the physical constraints on strategy, sine triangle PWM is used, with the control
the system. reference voltage consisting of a DC component to
Figure 3(a) illustrates the concept of virtual synthesize the desired Vdo, and a second harmonic of
quadrature sources, where the two virtual sources are amplitude K2 and phase angle ĭ2, which when multiplied
summed with the direct component of the voltage to with the input voltage results in two components of
result in a voltage that has controllable phase and/or voltage, one at the fundamental and the second at the
harmonic content. The resultant voltage is seen to lie third harmonic frequency.
within the envelope of the input voltage, thereby meeting Applying EHM, the output voltage (V0) of the
the physical constraints on the system. The sum of the transformer can be expressed as a function of the input
direct (Vdo) and quadrature (Vqo) components at the voltage (VS), modulation signal (D) and tap ratio (N).
fundamental frequency results in a phase shifted voltage V S Vm sin Zt (1)
at the fundamental frequency, as shown in Figure 3(b).
The voltage synthesis technique used to generate the V0 (1  N ) (1  D) VS  D(1  N )VS (2)
virtual quadrature sources can be implemented using a With the modulation signal given by (3),
simple real time modulation strategy (Even Harmonic D T K 0  K 2 sin 2T  I 2 (3)

Applying this technique to the proposed Figures 5(a) and 5(b) show experimental results for an ac
controllable network transformer enables the synthesis of chopper that is providing amplitude and phase angle
an output voltage of variable magnitude and phase angle, control using virtual quadrature sources, and validates the
and also generates a by-product in the form of a triplen control characteristics for the ac chopper, which is the
component which can be trapped. basic building block for the CNT.


To illustrate the performance of the proposed
transformer, preliminary simulation results are shown.
The ac chopper is rated at ± 10% of the nominal voltage.
The transformer is simulated at a voltage level of the
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) Control region (b) Variation of the phase angle
with a control variable

The degree of control achievable is determined

by the rating of the converter. For example, for a tap ratio
(N) ± 15% of the nominal voltage, the range of
achievable phase angle control is illustrated in Figure
4(b). The maximum achievable phase shift for this rating
is ±5 degrees. This does not sound like much, but is
sufficient to control current on short to medium length
lines in a meshed network. The power flow in a line,
representing the active current is given by
Po sinį (4)
X (a)
where V1 and V2 are voltages at the ends of a
transmission line, X is the reactance of the line, and d is
the angle between V1 and V2.


Figure 5: (a) Experimental results. Even Harmonic modulation
signal, modulation signal with even harmonic and dc Figure 6 (a) Switch Voltage and Current, (b) Switch voltage and
component, and switching pulses for ac switches, (b) Input and current waveforms illustrating switching instances, (c) Input and
output voltage for an ac chopper. Output voltages

Figure 6(a) and (b) show the switch voltage and current. current in Line 1 however, remains constant over the
The switch voltage has a peak value of 35KV and the entire period as there is no control in line 1.
peak current is 2600A.To test the functionality of the It is also important to see how the Controllable
Controllable Network Transformer in a simplified Network Transformer can be scaled to higher voltages
system, the CNT in Fig 7a is used in a simple two bus and power levels. A companion paper discusses the
two line system as shown in Fig 7b. concept of Thin AC Converters (TACC) and multi-level
direct ac converters [11]. Figure 9 shows a four level
direct ac converter wrapped around a LTC transformer to
implement a TACC based CNT.

138 kV ‘0D 138 kV ‘15D
Figure 7: (a) Controllable Network Transformer, (b) 2 bus

Figure 9: (a) Realization of Controllable Network Transformer
using a 3 level ac converter, (b) Synthesis of output voltage

The TACC based CNT allows scaling to high

voltage and power levels. For instance, for a four level
TACC as shown using simulation in Figure 9(a) and 9(b),
(a) (b) using readily available 1700 volt 1000 A IGBTs, it would
be possible to realize a CNT rated at 12 MVA at a
secondary voltage of 13.8 kV, with a primary voltage at
say 69 kV or 115 kV, and a control range of +/-15% of
Line 2 nominal voltage and +/-5o of phase angle control. This
Line 1 demonstrates the ability of the CNT to provide value in
an interconnected meshed network, and to do so at
realistic power and voltage levels.


The CNT equivalent circuit for use in a meshed
network can be simplified as shown in Figure 10. CNT
Figure 8 (a) Line-voltage after 3rd harmonic trap, (b) Voltage behavior can be analyzed in a two dimensional d-q plane.
across the 3rd harmonic trap, (c) RMS of the line current in Line The dc component of the duty cycle D in Equation 3
1 and Line 2 controls the ‘d’ component Vd, while the even harmonic
By varying the amplitude and phase angle of the voltage component of D controls the quadrature or ‘q’ component
across the transformer, the current and power flow in the Vq. The CNT is also lossless and power is conserved at
two lines can be controlled at will. The third harmonic the fundamental frequency (dynamic exchange of energy
voltage generated due to the VQS control can be occurs between the third harmonic and the quadrature
absorbed by the harmonic trap if required. In this simple component). This leads to an equivalent circuit model for
system, the CNT has ±15% control. This translates to ±5 the CNT that can allow investigation of more complex
degrees phase angle control, thereby allowing for the systems with multiple CNTs.
control of the current in line 2 of the 2 bus system. The Vo Vd  jVq (5)
rms current can be seen to decrease from 500A down to Vd Vm - (1  N) ˜ K 0  (1  N)  K 0 ˜ (1 - N) (6)
400A and then increase to 600A. The rms of the line

ª (1  N) (1 - N) º of only local parameters, i.e. node voltage and branch
Vq Vm «(K 2 ˜ ) - (K 2 ˜ ) (7)
2 2 »¼ current.



Figure 10: CNT Equivalent Circuit

Control of a meshed system is a non-trivial problem
Figure 11: Schematic of 4-bus system (b) Variation of bus
due to interactions between the various interconnected voltages with (V2c, V3c) and without (V2, V3) CNT’s
branches. Knowledge of the state of the system and
offline power flow simulations (optimal power flow) The approach adopted in controlling the
provides one approach to determine the set points for the transformers in a network follows the hierarchical
controllable assets, such as CNTs, in the system. requirements for any power system network. The first tier
However, dynamic response to load, source or system of control addresses bus voltage regulation for varying
changes is very poor, as it is based on latencies due to loading conditions on the network. The second tier of
off-line computation, as well as delays in the control and control targets control of the line currents in the network,
communication network. keeping the bus voltages within acceptable limits. Figure
An alternate approach would be to control the CNT 11b illustrates the drop in the bus voltages as the load on
using locally measured parameters. This is also an the system is varied, with and without the inclusion of the
extremely difficult problem, as it is difficult to ensure that CNT (with ± 10% control) at the 2 load buses, Bus 2 and
multiple controllers will not interact with each other. The Bus 3.
ability to control massively distributed assets The control of power flow in the network using
autonomously, based on locally measured information is local parameters has been achieved by using the ability of
possible and has been shown in [2]. A similar control the transformer to generate a voltage of arbitrary phase
strategy would be desirable for the controllable network angle. The voltage that is generated to control the power
transformer, where local parameters such as node voltage flow is synthesized so that it is in quadrature with the
and line current can be used to determine the set point for current in the line. This then emulates an injection of
operation of the transformer in order to have a system inductance or capacitance in the line. The controlled line
level impact. currents (Line 2 and Line 5) are shown in Figures 12a and
The levels of control required in any power network 12b, where the current in line 2 is controlled to 750 A,
can be broken up into tiers, Tier 1 being control of the and line 5 700 A while regulating the bus voltages
bus voltage magnitudes, say between 0.95 p.u to 1.05 p.u. between 0.98 p.u and 1.02 p.u. Table 1 details the line
Tier 2 would be control of the power flow in the network currents with and without control.
to ensure maximum utilization of the transfer capacity
while satisfying constraints enforced by the thermal limits TABLE 1: LINE CURRENTS (L1 = 100 MW L2 = 80 MW)
of the lines.
To study the dynamics of the transformer, a 4 bus Line Thermal Regulated
meshed system has been used as shown in Figure 11a.The Current (A) Limit Current
network has 2 generator buses and 2 load buses, and has a 1 498 750 534
nominal voltage of 79 kV. For the test system, the 2 853 750 750
thermal limits of lines 2 and 5 limit the maximum power 3 95 750 99
that can be transferred through the network. The control 4 260 700 346
of the transformer is implemented assuming knowledge 5 650 700 700

[2] D. Divan, H. Johal, “ Distributed FACTS – A New Concept for
Realizing Grid Power Flow Control”, IEEE Power Electronics
Specialists Conference (PESC) 2005, pp. 8-14.
[3] D. Divan, H. Johal, “Current Limiting Conductors: A Distributed
Approach for Increasing T&D System Capacity and Enhancing
Reliability”, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference
and Exposition 2005/2006, pp. 1127-1133
[4] A. Edris, A. S. Mehraban, M. Rahman, L. Gyugyi, S. Arabi, T.
Reitman, “ Controlling the flow of real and reactive power”, IEEE
(a) (b) Computer Applications in Power, Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan 1998, pp.
Figure 12: Line Current (rms): (a) Line 2, (b) Line 5 20-25.
[5] L. Gyugyi., C. D. Schauder, K. K. Sen, “Static synchronous series
compensator: a solid-state approach to the series compensation of
transmission lines”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.
12, No. 1, Jan 1997, pp. 406-417.
[6] Noroozian. M, Pertersson. A. N, Thorvaldson. B, Nilsson. B. A,
Taylor. C. W, “Benefits of SVC and STATCOM for electric utility
application”, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution
Conference and Exposition 2003, Vol. 3, pp. 1192-1199.
[7] Jih-Sheng Lai, A. Maitra, A. Mansoor, F. Goodman, “Multilevel
intelligent universal transformer for medium voltage applications”,
(a) (b) IEEE Industry Applications Conference 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 1893-
Figure 13: Bus Voltage Magnitudes (rms): (a) Bus 2, (b) Bus 3 1899.
[8] E. C. Aeloiza, P. N. Enjeti, L.A. Moran, O. C. Montero-
V. CONCLUSIONS Hernandez, Sangsun Kim, “Analysis and Design of Electronic
Transformers for Electric Power Distribution System”, IEEE
This paper has presented the concept of a Trans on Power Electronics , Vol. 14, No. 6, November 1999, pp.
Controllable Network Transformer (CNT) that utilizes an 1133-1141.
existing tapped transformer and augments it with a [9] Kalyan . K. Sen, Mey Ling Sen, “Introducing the Family of “Sen”
fractionally rated direct ac converter. The existing Transformers: A Set of Power Flow Controlling Transformers”,
IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2003, pp.
“dumb” asset now has dynamic control capability. The 149-157.
controllable network transformer can provide [10] Deepak. Divan, Jyoti Sastry, “Voltage Synthesis Using Dual
simultaneous control of voltage and phase angle with no Virtual Quadrature Sources- A New Concept in AC Power
additional energy storage elements, using the principle of Conversion”, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference
(PESC), June 2007. pp. 2678-2684
dual virtual quadrature sources. This control capability is
[11] Deepak Divan, Jyoti Sastry, Anish Prasai, Harjeet Johal, “ Thin
demonstrated experimentally. The two degrees of AC Converters – A New Approach to Making Grid Assets Smart
freedom can allow simultaneous control of node voltage and Controllable”, PESC 08.
and branch currents, although the control problem is seen
to be very complex.
The CNT design can be extended to realistic
power levels through the use of Thin AC Converters. For
instance, a four level direct ac converter design is seen to
be suitable for 13.8 kV systems using commercially
available IGBTs.
Preliminary simulation results illustrate the
performance of the network transformer in a stand-alone
mode and in a meshed network. The ability to control the
transformer in a network has been shown using a 4-bus
meshed system, where each transformer has been
controlled autonomously using only local parameters.
Preliminary experimental results are shown that validate
the ability of the ac chopper to provide amplitude and
phase angle control capability.

The Intelligent Power Infrastructure Consortium (IPIC) at
Georgia Tech is acknowledged for financial support.

[1] D. Divan, H. Johal, “ A Smarter Grid for Improving System
Reliability and Asset Utilization”, IEEE Power Electronics and
Motion Control Conference 2006, Vol. 1, pp. 1-7..


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