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From: The place where someone or something starts.
From is used for both time and place. It can indicate time in both past
and future.
Eg: 1. He came from the college, (place)
2. He waited here from 8’O clock to 10’O clock (time)
Since: Refers back to a point in time when something began
Since is used to indicate a time from the past, till now.
Eg: 1. I have known him since 1970. (Prefect tense)
2. He has been working here since 1980. (Perfect continuous tense)
3. He has been waiting since 7’O clock.

Note: Since is used with the Prefect tense and Perfect continuous tense.

For is used with a period of time.
Eg: He has been waiting for three hours

Note: Difference between SINCE and FOR

Since is used for a period of time. For is used for a period of time.
Eg: He has been waiting since 7’O clock. Eg: He has been waiting for three hours

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It is used when we refer to two persons or things.
Eg: 1. I stood between John and Smith.
2. The rivers flows between two mountains.

It is used when we refer to more than two persons or things.
Eg: 1. The boys quarrelled among themselves.
2. The chocolates are distributed among children.

Beside means by the side of
Eg: 1. He sat beside his friend.
2. Beside me, there is a lamp post.

Besides means in addition of
Eg: 1. He has many problems besides this.
2. He has many cars besides this.

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In signifies that something is within something else.
Eg: 1. The frog lived in the well.
2. I live in the city Antofagasta.

Into signifies motion or direction to a point.
Eg: 1. He Jumped into the well.
2. Jonathan came into the room, fully dressed.

Mainly, BY has four ways of usage.
Close to/ Next to:
When we use “by” this way, it means “close to” or “beside.” Here are two
examples. Note that “by” comes before the place.
Eg: 1. Meet me at the show! I will be seated by the door.
2. The university is by the sea.

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