SPM 2012 Bible Knowledge

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z: ja.,, Dua jam tiga puluh minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian: Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.

2. Jawab semua soalan Bahagian A dan empat soalan daripada Bahagian B.
3. Jawapan anda hendaklah ditulis dalam buku jawapan yang disediakan. Sekiranya
buku jawapan tidak mencukupi, sila dapatkan helaian tambahan daripada
pengawas peperiksaan.
4. Soalan adalah berdasarkan Good News Bible.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 5 halaman bercetak dan 3 halaman tidak bercetak.
[Lihat halaman sebelah
9221 @ 2ol2 Hak Cipta Keraj aan Malaysia SULIT
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Section A
140 marksf
Answer all questions.

The Life and Teachings of Christ as contained in the Gospel according to Luke

Read the context passages below and answer the questions that follow.

(") An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone
over them. They were terribly afraid, but the angel said to them, "Don't be
afraid! I am here with good news _fo, !ou, ...'u (Luke 229-10)
(i) To whom did the angel of the Lord appear? [1 mark]
(ii) What was the good news and where would this take place? 12 marksl
(*) After hearing the good news, what did the listeners do? 12 marks)

(b) Just as he (Jesus) arrived at the gate of the town, a funeral procession was
coming out. (Luke 7zl2)
(r) In which town did this incident happened? | markl
(ii) Who had died? ll mark)
(*) Mention two things that Jesus said. 12 marksl
(1v) What did Jesus do here that went against the ceremonial law? | markl

(c) When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbours together, and says
to them,'I am so hoppy I found the coin I lost. Let us celebrate!' (Luke 15:9)
(t) To whom was this parable directed? 12 marksl
(ii) When shelostthe coin, what did she do? 12 marksl
(ill) State one lesson learnt from this parable. ll markl

(d) Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Fatherl In your hands I place my spirit!"
he said this and died. (Luke 23246)
(, Identi$ztwounusualhappeningsaroundthistime. l2 marksl
(ii) What else did Jesus say while on the cross? 12 marksl
(iii) Give one reaction of those who saw what had happened. ll markl

9221 e 2ol2 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT

SULIT 9221

The Acts of the Apostles

Read the context passages below and answer the questions that follow.

2 (a) Barnabas ... sold a field he owned, brought the money, and turned it
over to the apostles. (Acts 4:36-37)
(i) Where was Barnabas from? [ 1 mark]
(ii) What was his name (Barnabas) mean? [ 1 markf

(m) What happened when the money was turned over to the apostles? 12 marksl
(1v) Name a couple who tried to follow his example. [ 1 mark]

(b) he turned to the body and said, "Tabitha, get upl" (Acts 9:40)
(i) Who said this? [ 1 mark]
(ii) Name the town in which this incident took place. [ 1 markf
(ur) What was Tabitha well-known for? 12 marksf
(1v) What impact did this incident have on the people? [1 markf

(") Paul said, "The baptism of John was for those who turned from. their sins;
and he told the people of Israel to believe in the one who was coming after
him - that is, in Jesus." (Acts 1924)
() Where was Paul when he said this? ll markl
(ii) How manypeople was Paul speakingto? ll markl
(iii) StatewhatPauldidimmediatelyafterthis. ll markl
(rv) What happened as a result of Paul's action? 12 marks)

@ But now I (Paul) beg you, take couragel Not one of you will lose your life;
only the ship will be lost. For last night an angel . . . cqme to me and said . ..
(Acts 27222-24)
(i) What did the angel say? 12 marksf
(ii) Identify two groups of people who were on the ship with Paul. 12 marksf
(m) After the ship was lost, where did the people land? [ 1 mark)

[Lihat halaman sebelah

9221 @ 2aD Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT
SULIT 4 9221

Section B
[60 marksf
Answer any four questions.

The Life and Teachings of Christ as contained in the Gospel according to Luke

(") Narrate the following miracles when:

(i) Jesus drove out an evil spirit in Capernaum. 16 marksf
(ii) Jesus healed a man with a dreaded skin disease. 17 marksl
(b) What do these two miracles tell us about Jesus? 12 marks)

(") Relate the transfiguration of Jesus. [ 13 marksf

(b) Comment on the significance oftransfiguration. 12 marksf

(") Give an account of Jesus praying in agony on the Mount of Olives. [ 11 marksl
(b) (i) Mention two parables where Jesus taught about prayer. 12 marksf
(ii) State one lesson learnt from each of these two parables. 12 marksf

9221 @ 2012 Hak cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT

SULIT 9221

The Acts of the Apostles

6 (") Describe the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. ll2 marksl
(b) Why was the day of Pentecost chosen for the coming ofthe Holy Spirit? 13 marksl

(") Narrate the incidents when:

(, Peter and John met Simon in Samaria. t7 marksl
(ii) PaulandBarnabasmetElymasinCyprus t6 marksf
(b ) What two lessons did the early church learn from these two incidents? 12 marlcsl

8(a ) Describe the conversion ofthe jailer in Philippi where Paul and Silas were imprisoned.
ll2 marksl
(b ) Name another person who was converted in Philippi.
Compare and contrast these two conversions.
f3 marks)


9221 @ 2012 Hak Cipta Kerajaan Malaysia SULIT

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