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Welcome to 365 ways to be your own life coach 1

How to be your own life coach - an overview 3

The TGROW method 3
What is life coaching? 11
Self-coaching 13
Eight steps to success 21

Step one: clear intentions - choosing your goals 24

Why goals matter 24
Benefits of setting goals 31
Your mission 34
Setting your goals 37
Work-life balance 48
Step one: summing up 50

Step two: using the awesome power of your mind 51

The Law of Attraction 52
The ITIA formula 52
The power of thought 54
Watch your language 65
Ask the right questions 68
Beliefs 74
Developing a positive mental attitude 84
Great expectations 87
Use your intuition 89
Use your imagination 99
Getting the most from creative imagery 103
The 'as if' principle 111
Motivating yourself 112
Step two: summing up 118

Step three: building desirable personal qualities into yourself 119

Who do you think you are (and who would you like to be)? 120
The qualities of success 126
Three ways to build new qualities into yourself 132
Step three: summing up 135

Step four: evaluating your current situation 136

Step four: summing up 140

Step five: considering your options 141

Step five: summing up 142

Step six: action - what you must do to succeed 143

The Law of Giving 144
Time management 158
Taking good care of yourself 163
Step six: summing up 168

Step seven: monitoring your progress 169

Step seven: summing up 173

Step eight: plugging into the power of persistence 174

Step eight: summing up 176

The art of relating 177

Communication skills 188

Active listening 191
Rapport 204
Conversational skills 206
Assertiveness 211
Eight ways to become more assertive 214

Happiness: the point of it all 221

Seven keys to happiness 224

Appendix 229

References and further reading 230


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