Principalele Forme de Protecție A Oamenilor Și Bunurilor Împotriva Riscurilor

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At the present stage, the Moldovan price system includes the following price categories:

1. After training:
a) Free prices
b) Regulated prices
2. By scope:
a) Wholesale prices
b) Prices for the purchase of agricultural production for the needs of the state
c) Consumer prices (for food, non-food, service tariffs)
d) Prices in capital construction
e) Interest
f) Salary
g) Land price and natural resources
Law no. 845-XII "Regarding Entrepreneurship and Enterprises" states that: enterprises
have the right to determine the prices (tariffs) for the manufactured products, works and services
provided. In addition to economic agents, decision-making skills in pricing also have:
- The Ministry of Economy and Commerce promotes state policy in the field of price and
tariff formation; contributes to the methodological and organizational assurance of pricing and
pricing and pricing procedures; participates in the realization of state policy in the field of
control over the circulation of strategic goods; examines and presents proposals for state policy
in the field of investment activity and price formation; puts forward proposals for amending
trade legislation, tariffs and customs duties;
- The Ministry of Finance sets the tariffs for determining the title and marking of precious
metal articles, for the expertise of articles containing precious metals and precious stones, as well
as the tariff for the registration of economic agents using precious metals, precious stones and
articles containing expensive metals in their activities; exercises control over compliance with
tax laws and other payments in the budget and in extra-budgetary funds;
- The Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child aims to correlate the incomes of the
population with the evolution of consumer goods prices and elaborates normative acts related to
the social protection;
- The National Agency for Protection of Competition deals with the promotion of competition
and provides consultations to the Government regarding the normative acts regarding the price.
- Local public authorities perform price regulation and control over price discipline within the
limits of their competencies,
- The National Bureau of Statistics organizes the statistical surveillance of the level and
evolution of prices (tariffs), calculates the price indices and publishes the respective information.
The way of forming and supervising the prices is regulated in the Republic of Moldova
by a series of normative acts, such as:
1. Law of the Republic of Moldova "On Limiting Monopolistic Activity and Development
of Competition", №906-XII, dated 29.01.1992, Official Gazette of the Republic of
Moldova No. 2 of 01.01.1992;
2. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova "Regarding the way of
regulating the prices (tariffs) on the production of monopolistic enterprises" №99 from
26.02.1993, Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova No. 2 of 28.02.1993;
3. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova "On measures of coordination
and regulation by the state of prices (tariffs)", №547 of 04.08.1995, Official Gazette of
the Republic of Moldova №53-54 of 28.09.1995;
4. Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova "Regarding the regulation of
monopolies", №582 of 17.08.1995, Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova 59-60 of
5. Decision of the Department of Commerce of the Republic of Moldova "On the formation
of prices for the public catering enterprises of the Republic of Moldova" of 26.04.1996,
Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova №34 from 06.06.1996;
6. Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova "On the approval of the Provisional
Regulation on the pricing of medicines, medical articles and other pharmaceutical
products" №603 of 02.07.1997, Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova №51-52 of
7. Fiscal Code, Law of the Republic of Moldova №1163-XIII of 24.04.1997, Monitorul
Oficial of the Republic of Moldova №62 of 18.09.1997;
8. Law of the Republic of Moldova "Regarding the normative price and the way of sale-
purchase of land" № 1308-XIII of 25.07.1997, Official Gazette of the Republic of
Moldova №147-149 of 06.12.2001;
9. National Accounting Standards, Normative acts on accounting reform, Vol. 1, Moldpress,
Chisinau, 1998;
10. Law of the Republic of Moldova "On the Customs Tariff" №1380-XIII of 20.11.97,
Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova no.40-41 of 07.05.1998;
11. Law of the Republic of Moldova "On Protection of Competition", №1103-XIV of
30.06.2000, Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova №166-168 of 31.12.2000, etc.

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