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The Little Book of Essay Writing © says) ‘) BECKETT TSN Copyright © Leeds Beckett University Author: Michael Shields Contributors: Max McMurdo and other members of Leeds Beckett staff First published 2009 This revised edition published 2014 © Skills for Learning, Leeds Beckett University 2014 Except as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication cannot be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of Skills for Learning. Copyright © Leeds Beckett University Contents: Introduction Approaches to writing .. The essay as discourse What is an essay?..... Where do my ideas belong? Pre-writing: ... Answering the question... Developing your own topic Making notes....... AS How do | make notes? 16 Planning techniques: Linear plans Keyword trees .. Networks.. Mind maps Writing the essa) Essay structure Academic writing style Presentation... Re-reading the essay Final words .. Bibliography htip://

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