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Grammar and Vocabulary Starter unit Grammar Subject pronouns and Possessive adjectives 1. Match the subject pronoun with a possessive adjective. ip A your 1 you__ B her 2 he_ C its 3 she D my 4 it E their 5 we F his 6 they __ G our Possessive ‘s 2 Write phrases. Add a possessive ’s to each person. Leon /chair Leon's chair 1. the teacher / ruler Tom / pen my brothers / bicycles the students / pens the dog / bed anon have got 3 Choose the correct option. has / have got a nice new English dictionary. 1 Has / Have Luis got a pencil sharpener? 2. She hasn’t/ haven't got a rubber in her pencil case, 3. Our classroom hasn't / haven't got a whiteboard, butit have / has got a blackboard! 4 Has / Have your parents got mobile phones? 5. My brother hasn't / haven't got a bicycle, but he has / have got a laptop 6 His sisters hasn't / haven't got lessons today. Vocabulary Classroom objects 4. Find six words. {rschoolbagpbinnhsulaptopbdodictionaryaposteriqdesk 1 schoo! bag 4 2 5 Bo MOSAIC 4 Countries | National 5 Complete the tables. Countries Nationalities Australia Or (1) Turk_ (6) Pertugu_ (2)the_k (7) Japan_ (3) Ind__ (8) South Afri__ (4)Canad_ (9) Amer_ Prepositions of place 6 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the words. behind between in infront of_nextto on under The pen is... 1 inacup. 5 a cup. 2 acup. 6 acup. 3 acup. 7 acup. 4 acup and a calculator. Days of the week / School subjects / Times 7 Complete the words with a, e, /, oor u. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Art is on Monday at half past ten. P_is on W_dn_sd_yatqu_rtert_eleven G__gr_phyis on Fr_d _y. ‘Sc__nc_isonT__sd_y at quarter p_st twelve. _ngl_sh is on Th_rsd_y at three, M_s_cis on S_t_rd_yat nine ‘clock . No classes on S_nd_y. Classroom language 8 Match 1-5 to A-F to make phrases. 1 aseon Excuse me, what BA say... in English? How do__ B does ‘bin’ mean? How do you __ C quiet! Don't __ D you spell window’? Be E eatin lessons. T © OxFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 Grammar be: present simple 1. Match the subject pronoun to the correct form of the verb be. 11 © A are(‘re)/ aren't 2 you/we/they BB is(‘s) /isn't 3 he/she /it Cam (‘m)/am ('m) not 2 Choose the correct option. Is / Are you my friend? Yes, | am J are. Is / Are he my teacher? No, he isn't / aren't. ‘Are / Am | a good student? Yes, you am / are. ‘Am /'Is it Friday today? Yes, it am/is. Are /Is they my books? No, they aren't / isn't. ‘Are Is we on the second floor? Yes, we are / is. Nowsena there is / there are + a, an, some and any 3. Complete the table with the correct words. ‘avan (2) any some. Are /Is she in our class? No, she aren't / isn’t. singular plural + there is there are ()alan (@2)___ - there isn't there aren't @). (4) Vocabulary Family 6 Choose the correct option. 1 2 3 4 My mother’s brother is my aunt / uncle. My father's sister's son is my child / cousin. My mother is my father's wife / husband. My father’s mother js my grandfather / grandmother. My sister and | are my mother end father's parents / children. My sister is my mother's son / daughter. My brother is my mother's son / daughter. My father's sister is my aunt / uncle. Rooms and homes 7 Match a room with what you do in it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 bedroom C A have a shower bathroom B park the car kitchen _ © sleep dining room D watch TV livingroom E cook garage _ F eat Personal information 8 Read the answers. Then complete the questions with the words. 4 Match 1-4 with A-D to make sentences. 1 Thereis © A analarm clock 2 There are B any family rooms. 3. There isn't © allaptop on the table. 4 There aren't 5 Complete with /s there or Are there. 1. Is there a bed in the room? 2 any stairs? 3 ‘an amazing view? 4 any children in the garden? 5 a toilet near here? 6 any Indian restaurants in town? MOSAIC 4 D some shops near here. ‘email nationality phone number spell_surname What's your first name? Carla. What's your Acosta How do you that? AC-O+ What's your 2 Spanish, What's your 2 0713 7723 900. What's your carla address? T © OxFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 2 Grammar Present simple: affirmative and negative 1 Cross out the ‘s’ at the end of the word where necessary. Loleans You chats He eats She makes Itworks ‘We meets You feeds They listens Noasens 2 Choose the correct option. | ike likes Maria My brother play / plays football. They chat / chats on the internet. She listen / listens to music. You watch / watches alot of TV. My grandmother speak / speaks French ‘Amy's cousin like / likes me. oarens 3. Complete the sentences with don't or doesn't. Enrique doesnt watch TV every day. 1. Elephants ‘eat meat 21 wash my hair every day. 3 Ourmum| work on Fridays, 4 They get up early 5 Carmen ‘come to schoo! by bus. 6 We want to do maths today. Present simple: questions 4 Complete the questions with the correct word. Do we practise on Saturdays? (we / she) 1 Does listen to music? (they / he) 2 Do ‘chat online? (you / he) 3. Does like swimming? (your parents your dog) 4 Does watch TV every day? (they / she) 5 Do sing in the choir? (the gitls / the girl) MOSAIC 4 5 Write short answers for the questions in exercise 4. No, we dont Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, aaune Object pronouns 6 Match subject pronouns 1-7 with object pronouns A-G. 11 00£ Aus 2 you B him 3 he © you 4 she D them sit E me 6 we F her 7 they Git Vocabulary Daily routines 7 Find ten verbs. Then write them in the correct place. brusheatcleangofeedgetwashgetuphavemake 1 yourhands 6 _ your room 2 ____ changed 7 ____home 3 ____ the dog 8 tnt 4 brush yourhair = 9 _the bed 5 ____ashower 10__ early Free time activities 8 Write the activities under the correct verb. tothebeach computer games to the cinema free running an instrument orienteering shopping to the beach T © OxFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

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