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6a to be: past simple, There was / There were,

time expressions

Where were you this morning?

You weren’t at home. I was at the zoo!

Learn it!
Read and complete.

Affirmative Negative
full form short form
I was here. I was not here. I wasn’t here.
You were there. You were not there. You weren’t there.
He was happy. He was not happy. He wasn’t happy.
She Greek. She was not Greek. She wasn’t Greek.
It was hot. It was not hot. It wasn’t hot.
We were at home. We were not at home. We weren’t at home.
You were sad. You were not sad. You sad.
They were at the zoo. They were not at the zoo. They weren’t at the zoo.

Questions Short answers

affirmative negative
Was I here? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Were you there? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Was he happy? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was she Greek? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Was it hot? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were we at home? Yes, we / you . No, we / you weren’t.
Were you sad? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
Were they at the zoo? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

➜ Ο past simple είναι ο χρόνος που μας βοηθάει να μιλήσουμε για το παρελθόν. Το ρήμα be στον past
simple είναι πολύ εύκολο να το μάθεις. Στα πρόσωπα I/he/she/it γίνεται was (ήμουν, ήταν), ενώ στα
πρόσωπα we/you/they γίνεται were (ήμαστε, ήσαστε, ήταν), π.χ. I was at school. My baby brothers
were at the toy shop. Για να σχηματίσουμε την άρνηση προσθέτουμε τη λέξη not μετά το was ή το were.


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Ο σύντομος τύπος είναι wasn't και weren't, π.χ. Sue wasn't at the supermarket. The children weren't at
the museum.
➜ Στην ερώτηση βάζουμε Was/Were + το πρόσωπο. Στην καταφατική σύντομη απάντηση βάζουμε Yes +
πρόσωπο + was/were, π.χ. Were you at the post office? Yes, I was. Στην αρνητική σύντομη απάντηση
βάζουμε No + πρόσωπο + wasn't/weren't, π.χ. Were they at home? No, they weren't.

there was, there were

Affirmative Negative
There was a match yesterday. There wasn’t any fruit in the fridge.
There were a lot of people at the concert. There weren’t many people in the shop.

Questions Short answers

affirmative negative
Was there a mountain on the island? Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.
Were there a lot of statues in the museum? Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

➜ Το there was και το there were μας βοηθούν να πούμε τι υπήρχε σε κάποιο μέρος. Αν υπήρχε ένας μόνο
άνθρωπος, ζώο ή πράγμα χρησιμοποιούμε There was, π.χ. There was a dog in the park. Αν υπήρχαν δύο
ή περισσότεροι άνθρωποι, ζώα ή πράγματα χρησιμοποιούμε There were, π.χ. There were a lot of people
at the bank.

Time expressions
in in January, in February, etc. We weren’t in Paris in December.
on on Monday, on Tuesday, etc. There were a lot of people at the cinema on Friday.
last last night, last week, last month, etc. I was ill last week.
ago three days ago, a week ago, a My dog was here a minute ago! Where did he go?
minute ago, etc.
yesterday yesterday, yesterday morning, He wasn’t at the match yesterday afternoon.
yesterday afternoon, etc.

➜ Μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε χρονικές εκφράσεις όπως τα in January, on Monday, on Saturday

afternoon, yesterday, yesterday evening, last night, last week, last year, three days ago, two weeks
ago με τον past simple για να πούμε πότε έγινε κάτι, π.χ. We were at the cinema last night. Sue and
Mark were at the beach last week.

Do it!
1 Match.
1 Was John at school today? f a Yes, I was.
2 Was your sister at the cinema? b Yes, it was. It was €1,000!
3 Was Shrek on television last night? c No, they weren’t.
4 Were the children in the playground? d No, it wasn't.
5 Was your laptop expensive? e Yes, she was.
6 Were you at the bank this morning? f No, he wasn’t.

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2 Write was or were.
1 Your friend was here a minute ago. 6 There some actors at the theatre on
2 The children at the party very shy. Wednesday.
3 You sleepy in class yesterday. Why? 7 This morning, James in the toy shop
4 There a good programme on with his dad.
television last night! 8 My sister and I at the train station
5 That puzzle difficult. yesterday morning.

3 Choose the correct answer.

Sunday 19
Holiday! !
Sunday 5 th–
David was busy this week

Sunday 12 on
A week 1 , he was
Monday 13
John’s house holiday. 2 Monday, he
was at his friend’s house.
Tuesday 14 ol, but

Tuesday, he was at scho

Party! 9 pm ,
on Wednesday
Wednesday 15

David and his friends were

In bed – ill ys
Thursday 16 at a party. Then, three da

4 , on Thursday,
Friday 17th
David was ill in bed!

Saturday 18
9 am – park ball morning, he was at the pa
4 pm – footema , he was
10 pm - cin Yesterday

at football, and

night, he was at the cinem

1 a before b ago
2 a On b In
3 a morning b evening
4 a ago b last
5 a Yesterday b Last
6 a afternoon b noon
7 a yesterday b last

4 Write the negatives. Use short forms.

1 I was at home. 5 There were a lot of girls in the playground.
I wasn’t at home.
2 You were at school. 6 The sandwiches were nice.

3 My dad was at the post office. 7 We were cold.

4 The programme was good. 8 There was a dog on my towel!


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5 Write was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

Mark: There 1 was a great party at Eva’s house on Saturday.
Sam: Really? 2 there a lot of people?
Mark: Yes, there were 20 or 30 people. And of course, Eva 3 there with her sisters.
Sam: And 4
Eva’s parents there?
Mark: No, they 5 . They 6 at the cinema.
Sam: 7
there food?
Mark: No, there 8
, but there was music. It was fantastic!

6 Write questions. Use the past simple of be.

1 (the boy / in front of / the house / yesterday) 4 (there / children / in / park)
Was the boy in front of the house yesterday?
2 (you / at / the post office / this morning) 5 (there / a car / in / the car park)

3 (your mum / at / the bank / three days ago) 6 (Ellie and Alex / on / their bikes / there)

7 Write the answers. Then ask and answer with a friend.

1 Were the children at the hospital? 4 Was Natalie at the train station?
No, they weren’t. They were at the train station.

2 Was Anthony at the supermarket? 5 Were Jim and Tom at the café?

3 Were Mr Jones and Steven in the school? 6 Was the dog in the cinema?

8 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.

1 night / at / home / wasn’t / I / last 5 children / three / class / the / in / were / There
I wasn’t at home last night.
2 ago / was / a / here / My / phone / minute 6 Monday / was / late / for / school / Jane / on

3 December / test / in / Was / the ? 7 was / night / There / party / last / a

4 you / at school / morning / yesterday / Were ? 8 there / on / yesterday / television / Was / football ?

Time to talk!
9 Ask and answer questions. Use the past simple and time expressions.
a lot of people your friend your brother(s) / your (birthday) party the supermarket school
sister(s) / cousin(s) / uncle(s) /aunt(s) / parents the museum the café
music food drinks dancing games
Was there music?
Were your cousins at your birthday party last night? No, there wasn’t.
Yes, they were.


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6b can and can’t for ability and permission
The shop assistant says
I can play the piano.

You can play the piano but

you can't play the piano.

What do you mean?

You've got permission, but
you haven't got the ability!

Learn it!
Read and complete.

Affirmative Negative
I can run fast. full form short form
You can go to the party. I cannot run fast. I can't run fast.
He can swim very well. You cannot go to the party. You can't go to the party.
She can have some chocolate. He cannot swim very well. He can't swim very well.
It can close its eyes. She cannot have any She can't have any
We can play a game. chocolate. chocolate.
You can sing. It cannot close its eyes. It can't close its eyes.
They can come in now. We cannot play a game. We play a game.
You can't sing.
You cannot sing. They can't come in now.
They cannot come in now.

Questions Short answers

affirmative negative
Can I run fast? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
Can you go to the party? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
Can he swim very well? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.
Can she have some chocolate? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.
Can it close its eyes? Yes, it can. No, it can’t. B e ca re fu l!
Can we play a game? Yes, we / you can. No, we / you can’t. Cannot is one word,
Can you sing? Yes, we . No, we can’t. not two.
Can they come in now? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.


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➜ Το ρήμα can (μπορώ) στα Αγγλικά μας βοηθά να μιλήσουμε για αυτά που μπορούμε να κάνουμε ή για να
δώσουμε την άδεια σε κάποιον να κάνει κάτι. Είναι πολύ εύκολο να το μάθεις.
➜ Χρησιμοποιούμε πρόσωπο + can + το ρήμα για κατάφαση. Το ρήμα παραμένει ίδιο σε όλα τα πρόσωπα,
π.χ. Jonathan can ride a horse. (ικανότητα) You can have a picnic in the park. (άδεια)
➜ Η άρνηση είναι cannot, είναι όμως πιο συνηθισμένο να χρησιμοποιούμε το σύντομο τύπο can't, π.χ. I
can't drive. (δεν έχω την ικανότητα) You can't go swimming today. (δεν έχεις την άδεια)
➜ Για να ρωτήσουμε αν κάποιος μπορεί να κάνει κάτι ή για να ζητήσουμε την άδεια κάποιου βάζουμε Can +
το πρόσωπο + το ρήμα.
➜ Στην καταφατική σύντομη απάντηση χρησιμοποιούμε Yes + πρόσωπο + can, π.χ. Can William play the
piano? Yes, he can. (ικανότητα) Στην αρνητική σύντομη απάντηση χρησιμοποιούμε No + πρόσωπο +
can't, π.χ. Can the children go fishing in the river? No, they can't. (άδεια)

Do it!
1 Write A (for ability) or P (for permission).
1 Can you help me? A 5 The teacher says we can take photos for this
2 Can you swim? project.
3 Mum says we can go out tonight. 6 My mum can’t drive.
4 Can your brother play football well? 7 No, you can't take my mp3 player.

2 Write can or can’t.

1 It’s dark in here. I can’t see. 4 Please I go out and play football with
2 Karen is from France. Of course she my friends?
speak French! 5 I read your comic?
3 I go out tonight – I’ve got lots of 6 I understand this question.
homework. Can you help?

3 Match.
1 I’ve got a cold. Can I go home? f a No, they can’t.
2 I don’t know the answer. b No, he can’t.
3 I can make spaghetti. d Yes, I can.
4 Can you help me with this question? c I can’t!
5 Can your brother drive a car? e I can tell you!
6 Can the children play football? f Yes, you can.

All about you!

4 Complete the sentences about what you can and can’t do.
Ability Permission
1 I can play football . 5 I can go to the cinema on Saturday .
2 I can . 6 I can .
3 I can’t . 7 I can’t .
4 I can’t . 8 I can’t .


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6b must and mustn’t for obligation

Learn it!
Read and complete.

Affirmative Negative
full form short form
I must go home now. I must not leave rubbish here. I mustn't leave rubbish here.
You must do your homework. You must not shout in class. You mustn't shout in class.
He must be quiet. He must not get up late. He mustn't get up late.
She must eat her carrots. She must not ride her bike. She ride her bike.
It must sleep in its cage. It must not eat chocolate. It mustn't eat chocolate.
We must listen to the teacher. We must not run in the street. We mustn't run in the street.
You must clean your teeth. You must not write on the desk. You mustn't write on the desk.
They must have a bath. They must not break their toys. They mustn't break their toys.

Must I go home now?
Must you do your homework?
Must he be quiet?
Must she eat her carrots?
Must it sleep in its cage?
Must we listen to the teacher?
Must you clean your teeth?
Must they have a bath?

➜ Το ρήμα must (πρέπει) μας βοηθά να μιλήσουμε για αυτά που είμαστε υποχρεωμένοι να κάνουμε και για
κανόνες (rules).
➜ Χρησιμοποιούμε πρόσωπο + must + το ρήμα για κατάφαση. Το ρήμα παραμένει ίδιο σε όλα τα πρόσωπα,
π.χ. I must clean my teeth every day. She must put the rubbish in the bin.
➜ Για να σχηματίσουμε την άρνηση προσθέτουμε not μετά το must. Ο σύντομος τύπος mustn't είναι πιο
συνηθισμένος, π.χ. You mustn't swim after lunch. We mustn't play football in class.
➜ Για να σχηματίσουμε την ερώτηση χρησιμοποιούμε Must + πρόσωπο + το ρήμα.
➜ Η καταφατική σύντομη απάντηση είναι Yes + πρόσωπο + must, π.χ. Must I do my homework now? Yes,
you must. Η αρνητική σύντομη απάντηση είναι No + πρόσωπο + mustn't.

Do it!
1 Circle the correct words.
1 You must / mustn’t run in the school.
2 You must / mustn’t be late for school in the morning.
3 You must / mustn’t do your homework carefully at home.
4 You must / mustn’t play games in the lesson.
5 You must / mustn’t wear clean clothes to school.
6 You must / mustn’t listen to your teacher.

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2 Complete. Use must or mustn’t and these words.

3 You gates after you.
pick put break listen eat shut
4 You food in the classroom.
1 Students must listen carefully to their teacher. 5 People rubbish in the bin.
2 Υou flowers. 6 You my new laptop!

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 desk / write / the / on / mustn’t / You 4 stop / You / at / must / light / the / red
You mustn’t write on the desk.
2 parents / We / nice / be / to / must / our 5 street / mustn’t / We / in / the / cycle

3 on / party / Sunday / miss / mustn’t / We / the 6 do / homework / my / I / must / now

4 Write Andy's rules at home. Use I + must or mustn’t.

1 do homework after school ✓ 5 play on the balcony ✗
I must do my homework after school.
2 listen to Mum and Dad ✓ 6 get up late for school ✗

3 give food to the animals ✓ 7 break my baby brother’s toys ✗

4 have a shower every day ✓ 8 leave the doors and windows open ✗

Time to talk!
5 Ask and answer.
can / can’t (ability) can / can’t (permission)

ride (a bike / a horse) go out (on my bike / with my friend, etc.)

drive watch television
make (dinner / a fire, etc.) go to (a party / the supermarket, etc.)
speak (English, etc.) listen to music
swim have (a sandwich / glass of water, etc. )

Can you ride a bike?

Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Can I go out with my friend?

Yes, you can. But you must be careful / you mustn’t be late.
No, you can’t. You must finish your homework first.


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6c Adverbs of manner
This is great! I drive brilliantly! No, Sid. You drive quickly and very dangerously.

Learn it!
Read and complete.

quiet → quietly She talks quietly.

careful → He drives carefully.
horrible → horribly I never speak horribly to people.
happy → happily The kids are playing happily together.
hungry → The cat is looking hungrily at the food.

➜ Να και κάτι που θα μας βοηθήσει να εμπλουτίσουμε το λόγο μας ακόμα περισσότερο. Χρησιμοποιούμε
adverbs of manner (τροπικά επιρρήματα) για να περιγράψουμε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο κάνουμε κάτι, π.χ.
I can run quickly. Μπαίνουν μετά από το ρήμα και είναι πολύ εύκολο να μάθεις να τα φτιάχνεις.
➜ Για να σχηματίσουμε τα περισσότερα επιρρήματα απλώς προσθέτουμε την κατάληξη -ly στο επίθετο, π.χ.
slow – slowly.
➜ Υπάρχουν κάποια επιρρήματα των οποίων η ορθογραφία αλλάζει. Οι παρακάτω κανόνες θα σε βοηθήσουν
να τα μάθεις εύκολα.
• Όταν το επίθετο τελειώνει σε -y, αφαιρούμε το -y και προσθέτουμε την κατάληξη -ily, π.χ. The children
are singing happily.
• Οταν το επίθετο τελειώνει σε -le, αφαιρούμε το -le και προσθέτουμε την κατάληξη -ly, π.χ. That man is
speaking horribly to the children.

Do it! C R O L L O A N T L Y
1 Find eight adverbs. Then complete the table. F G A M A Z I N G L Y
-ly -ily O U H A P P I L Y T Q
1 dangerous dangerously 5 noisy noisily I T P A R Y L I L A U
2 quiet 6 hungry S I Q U I E T L Y A I
3 quick 7 busy I L I S A L L Y D N C
4 amazing 8 happy

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2 Write the words.

1 Please don’t drive dangerously through our town. S L Y R O A D G E N U
2 Benny is looking at the sweets! G R I L H U N Y
3 Finish this exercise . YICKLUQ
4 The thief came in . LYIQUET
5 That woman speaks to her children. B L I Y H O R R
6 I don’t understand – can you speak ? W O S L LY

3 Match.
1 He always speaks nicely e a quietly in class.
2 The children are writing quickly because b dangerously and very quickly.
3 She eats healthily and c noisily! Please close your mouth!
4 Simon always sits d she never has sweets.
5 Tom drives e to his teacher.
6 Don’t eat so f there isn't much time.

4 Complete. Use adverbs.

Here we are in the school playground. That’s Danny with a

cake. He’s eating 1 quickly . You can see Helen there. I quick
don’t think she’s hungry because she’s eating very 2 ! slow
That’s Paul on his bike. He’s riding 3
in the playground. dangerous
That’s why Dina is looking 4
at him. Thomas isn’t angry
talking to the other children – he’s just playing 5 with happy
his cars. Regina and Helen are talking 6
and Lydia busy
is dancing 7
. beautiful

Time to talk! Person Verb Adverb

5 Make sentences. Take turns. quietly
Alex do
Ellie make
Alex rides his bike quickly. horribly
My mum talk
My dad swim
My mum sings amazingly. My brother walk
My sister listen
You read
I sing
We write

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