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This document is for your reference.

These are the rubrics that I will be using during the year
to evaluate the work that you turn in to me. NOTE: These scores only apply for work that has
been turned in.

STOP AND THINK - Stop and think activities are designed to get you to begin thinking about a
new topic. You’ll make predictions based on your own background knowledge as well as any
activities or readings you’ve done in class so far. The goal of the Stop and Think activities is
not necessarily to “get the right answer” but to use your critical thinking skills to begin to build
new knowledge.
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❏ I fully answered all ❏ I attempted to ❏ I attempted to ❏ I attempted to

of the questions. answer all of the answer at least answer some, but
❏ I used critical questions. 50% of the less than 50% of
thinking and used ❏ I used logical questions. the questions.
evidence from 3 or reasoning and I ❏ I showed evidence ❏ I did not use any
more sources (my included at least 2 of critical thinking, references to
own background reference from work and used at least 1 background
knowledge and/or done in class or reference to my knowledge or
information from the from my previous own background information from the
class) in my knowledge. knowledge or class to support my
answers. ❏ My answers are in classwork, but my answers.
❏ My answers are in complete evidence did not
complete sentences. connect to the
sentences. question.

REFLECT AND CONNECT - Reflect and Connect activities are designed to evaluate your
thinking. In these activities I will be looking for use of critical thinking, use of evidence, and I
will be also looking for the you to show that you have increased your knowledge of a specific
topic. Whereas S&T activities are graded mostly on completion, R&C activities are also graded
on whether or not you were able to find the correct answer. As such, R&C will include all of the
categories from the S&T as well as the following:
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My answers are My answers are mostly At least 50% of the Less than 50% of my
correct. I use strong correct. They show that answers are correct. answers are correct.
evidence and I have a thorough I am demonstrating a I have not
reasoning to show an knowledge of the topic. surface knowledge of demonstrated that I
understanding of the I use some evidence the topic. I do not make have an understanding
current topic as well as and reasoning, but I do connections to other of the topic.
how this topic links to not make strong activities or to my own I do not use evidence
previous activities or connections to previous life. or reasoning.
situations in my own knowledge or my own
life. life.
LAB ACTIVITIES - Labs are an important part of our class. These are the times when we get
to do hands-on activities to help us increase our understanding of a topic. There are three
parts to a lab activity.
● The Pre-Lab: The pre-lab is an opportunity for you to review information and make
predictions before you begin a lab. The pre-lab is a very important part of doing any lab
activity, and as such if it is not completed, you will not be allowed to participate in
the lab. Pre-labs are where you review safety guidelines and make predictions about
the outcome of the lab.
● The Lab: This is the actual hands-on portion of the lab. For this, I will be looking for
detailed observations that you make during the activity, including labeled drawings or
diagrams, graphs (if applicable), and written descriptions of the activity.
● The Post-Lab: The post-lab is where you will take the information gained during the lab
(and before) and reflect and make connections. You will analyze your data, determine if
your hypotheses were correct (and determine why or why not). You may also be asked
to apply the knowledge you gained to a different scenario.
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Pre All of my pre-lab All of my pre-lab All of my pre-lab All of my pre-lab

Lab questions are answered. questions are questions are questions are
The answers are correct answered. The answered. The answered. The
and accurate. answers are correct answers are not all answer are not
I use background and accurate. correct or accurate, correct and they do
knowledge or references but show an not demonstrate an
to work from class in my understanding of the understanding of the
answers. topic. topic (I may not be
allowed to participate
in the lab at this

Lab I have completed the I have completed the I have completed I have completed less
whole lab. whole lab. most of the lab than 50% of the lab.
I have detailed written I have made written activity. I have very few
observations as well as observations OR used My observations are observations OR my
labeled sketches. labeled sketches. minimal and/or I do observations are
My work is neat and My lab work is neat not include labels in unclear and/or
easy to read. and easy to read. drawings. unlabeled.

Post All of my post lab All of my post lab At least 50% of my Less than 50% of the
Lab questions are answered. questions are post lab work has lab has been
I use evidence from the answered. been completed. completed.
lab AND from other I use strong evidence I use some evidence I do not use evidence
sources (outside or from from the lab to make to make weak to support my claims.
other classwork) to connections between connections between I make no
make connections the lab and real-world the lab and real-world connections to other
between the lab and situations. The situations. The topics and/or real life
real-world situations. evidence supports my evidence does not situations.
The evidence I use claims and shows fully support my
supports my claims and evidence of strong claims OR does not
I show detailed reasoning. show evidence of
reasoning. reasoning.

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