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Evaluating the mechanical behavior of

joints used on solid wood furniture

construction framed system
Student Name, Anastasija Belonozko, Kamile Pilvelyte, Gabija Kelminskaite;
ESTGV, DEMad, LTDMOB, LTM/LTM1 17/18, Viseu – Portugal;

Briefly, mention what was done and what results were obtained - the more / less resistant / elastic;
There were / were no significant differences between joint types (1/2 page).
This work aims to assess the suitability and quality of two different joint systems used in the construction
of solid wood furniture: dowels (cavilha, C) and mortise and tenon (respiga, R) - figure 1, evaluating their
mechanical resistance. For the evaluation of mechanical strength we will use a flexure test carried out on
mechanical testing machine.
Mechanical strength values were higher for the tenon joint, with the dowels joint having the lowest
values. However, the difference was not very big between these two above mentioned techniques.

Key-words: Furniture construction systems; Furniture joints; Solid wood furniture; Mechanical
Theory (state of the art): Furniture construction systems; Furniture joints; Solid wood furniture;
Mechanical resistance. (1 to 2 pages).
Wood and wood composites furniture has been widely used not only for convenience and comfort, but
also by the incorporation of eco-efficient raw materials. In furniture design the aesthetic, ergonomic and
safety (resistance) components take on the main roles. Unfortunately, in many cases, the resistance is
taken in the background, even being disregarded, which contributes to excessive or misaligned use of
raw materials, with a direct impact on the costs and safety.
The terms “composite wood products” or “replicated wood grain” refer to a family of engineered wood
panels that include particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and hardboard. Particleboard is
made from small wood particles pressed together with glue under extreme heat and pressure to make a
solid panel. MDF and Hardboard are made the same except the wood particles are further refined into
individual fibers to provide a smooth edge to the panel.
In general, composite wood products turn wood waste and residuals into useful products and protect
the environment. A USDA Forest Service study shows that, on average, only about 63% of a harvested
tree can be used to make solid lumber. When Engineered Wood and other products are made from the
remaining wood, over 95% of the tree can be saved.
Engineered Wood is the result of decades of research and development aimed at designing a structurally
superior wood product for use in the construction of today’s furniture, cabinets and other home
furnishings. It provides consistent, uniform strength and is free of defects. It is highly resistant to
warping, cracking and splitting, and has no knots, voids or other surface imperfections.
Engineered Wood panels are made from the wood that remains after a tree is milled into lumber. This
wood is cleaned and refined then combined with an ultra-strong adhesive under heat and pressure.
Engineered wood is real wood in an advanced form that makes it solid and durable (source: Furniture
In other words, composite wood is manufactured from a variety of materials. They usually contain the
same woods that are used in lumber, but they are combined to make them stronger and more durable.
Composite lumber is a material that is a mixture of wood fiber, plastic, and some type of binding agent.
These ingredients are put together to form a material that is denser, stronger, and heavier than wood
alone, a wood-plastic composite.
Talking about the solid wood, it is wood that has been cut from a tree. Unlike engineered wood,
which is composed of wood fibers that are held together with adhesives, solid wood contains wood
fibers throughout the piece of lumber. No fillers or adhesives are used. Solid wood is often used for
furniture, construction, cabinetry and flooring. It does not warp as easily as many engineered
woods, but it is more susceptible to stains. Solid wood is easier to repair than veneers or other
engineered woods, which is one reason that it is used for many types of projects. There are several
types of solid wood available, so woodworkers, cabinetmakers and carpenters can choose from a
large selection for their projects. Each type of solid wood has its own characteristics, including its
grain pattern, color and texture (source: Solid wood deffinition).
It has many benefits: it’s strong, sturdy and beautiful in its grain. However, solid wood contracts when
subjected to changes in heat and humidity. Unless these conditions are carefully controlled, cabinets,
doors or paneling made from solid wood can shrink, crack or buckle (source: Solid wood).
To start making a furniture it is important to decide what kind of system you will be using: framed or
frameless. Frame construction is a popular method for making a variety of furniture and architectural
components. Its primary purpose is to create a large panel with minimal wood movement. Whereas solid
wood shrinks and expands with changes in humidity affecting its overall dimensions, a frame doesn’t.
Instead, the panel is able to expand and contract freely inside a unchanged frame.
Scarcely another system in the whole range of woodworking has more variation and broader application
than the frame and panel. In the frame-and-panel system, pieces of solid wood are joined together into a
structure whose overall dimensions do not change. This is vastly different than a single solid panel of the
same size, which will shrink and expand with changes in humidity.
The frame is usually rectangular, mortised and tenoned together, with a groove cut into its inside edge.
The panel fits into this groove: tightly on its ends since wood does not move much in length, but with
room to spare on the sides because wood moves most in width. Wood is not uniform and as it moves in
response to changing moisture conditions, it cups, twists, springs and bows. Trapping the panel in the
groove inhibits this misbehavior.
Moreover, it is also important to choose what kind of joint techniques you will use. There is plenty
different kinds of them, some are better some are not, but you can also mix them depending on a
furniture you plan to make. Joinery is a part of woodworking that involves joining together pieces
of timber or lumber, to produce more complex items. Some wood joints employ fasteners, bindings, or
adhesives, while others use only wood elements. The characteristics of wooden joints - strength,
flexibility, toughness, appearance, etc. - derive from the properties of the materials involved and the
purpose of the joint. Therefore, different joinery techniques are used to meet differing requirements.
In our work we tested two of the techniques: dowels and tenon.
The doweled joint is merely a butt joint that uses wooden dowels to help align and strengthen the bond
between two boards. Often times a doweled joint is made into a very visually appealing joint by passing
the dowels completely through the side piece allowing them to show through and sanding them flush
with the surface. A well-made dowel joint is as strong as a mortise and tenon joint.

Picture 1: Dowel joint

The mortise and tenon is a classic wood joinery method. These joints have been used since the early
times of woodworking, and are still among the strongest and most elegant methods for joining wood.
Learn methods for creating tight, beautiful mortise and tenon joints (source: Furniture joints).

Picture 2: Mortise and Tenon joint

Moving further, it is important to mention mechanical resistance. Mechanical resistance is fundamental

requirements for every construction work, as it is the key to ensure people’s safety as well as
construction durability and robustness, regardless of conditions on-site. It especially concerns the
following: Structural resistance, including design & construction in seismic areas; Extreme low or high
temperatures conditions; Resistance under cyclic loads, with potential fatigue impacts (source:
Mechanical resistance).
Material and Methods

Raw material
Raw material (s) used; A paragraph to describe each raw material; Summary table with reference values
for the property we have determined - density (do not forget to refer source).
Since ancient times wood has been one of the first materials to be used in construction. Following
mankind development, technologies, methods and principles of materials utilization have evolved,
allowing solid wood, mostly used in the manufacture of furniture until the middle of the 20th century, to
be replaced by new materials derived from wood, such as Fiber or particleboard and plywood, among
others. To date, wood composites have evolved in their quality as well as in their range, are less polluting
and more practical.

Short description about Pine wood.

It was used in this work the wood species of Pinus pinaster Ait., which is extracted from the common
name pine tree.
Pine wood is medium-weight and relatively soft. Its strength and elasticity are good. As with other
coniferous woods, the properties of the wood depend upon the density of the annual growth rings: The
higher the proportion of darker parts come from winter time, the lighter parts- from summer time.
Therefore, pine is a very good decision as it is also inexpensive, lightweight wood that can be yellowish or
whitish with brown knots. It's low-cost, it takes paint well and it resists shrinking and swelling.
However, because it's a softwood, it's prone to scratches and dents (source: Pine wood).

Tabela 1. Properties of used raw material found in technical sheets

Pine solid wood1 0.510
1 Technical sheet GLOBALDIS [10]

Test specimens dimensions (drawing); assembly test gauge; complete experimental procedure from the
preparation of the test specimens to the determination of the water content of the samples (preferably
by topic, do not forget to mention the speed used in the test).
The steps used in the experimental procedure are presented below.
The manufacture of the test specimens was done differently for the two types of joints analyzed.
However, there were the same steps that had to be made before applying the joints technics. First of all
for making both specimens we had to make a perpendicular cut of the pine wood in the ‘’Radial saw’’. In
our manufacture this machine stands for number 12. After this, we made the longitudinal cut in the
‘’Band saw’’, which is placed in manufacture as a number 3. The next step we made was planning two
surfaces in the ‘’Surface planner’’, which is placed in manufacture as a number 4. As we planned the
surface we also had to plan a thickness of the two surfaces on the ‘’Planner thicknesser’’, which is placed
in manufacture as a number 5. It is important to mention, that you have to plan the cutting of the wood
correctly, because with every use of the machine you would have to take out some centimeters away
from the specimens. It means you can’t use the final dimensions of the specimens from the beginning
and leave it only for the final step/ cut. Before planning the surfaces we were using bigger dimensions
than we needed, as moving further to each machine we were taking out a bit from them to reach needed
dimensions. This way we secured our job from any mistakes.
The last common procedure was the length cut on the ‘’Panel saw’’, which is placed in manufacture as a
number 26.
Moving further, with the preparation of the specimens we got to the point where the differences of
preparing the joint techniques appeared.
For the mortise and tenon joint system (fura-respiga, R) the hole was drilled in the horizontal driller and
the tenon (respiga) was fabricated from the single end tennoner machine (respigadeira), work table. To
drill the hole we had to make the two marks and drill between these marks. The example of the hole
made you can see in the under picture.

Picture 3 Mortise and tenon hole shape

For the dowel joint system all the holes was drilled in the horizontal boring machine. However to drill
them we had to first make the marks from both sides and drill in the middle of the marks. To connect
these holes was used the dowel, that is where the name came from. It is important to mention, that the
holes were made in regard of the dowel size that we had in the manufacture. You can see the picture of
the dowel joint system under.

Picture 4 Mortise hole shape

After this procedure the glue was applied inside the mortise and around the tennon and left to dry it off,
same process was made for the dowel joint system, where the glue was inserted inside the holes and
around the dowel.

Figure 1 shows test specimens dimensions:

(a) (b)
Figura 1. Test specimen drawing: a) dowels joint connection and b) mortise and tenon joint connection.
For the identification of the type of joint we used the following notation: dowels (cavilha, LC), mortise
and tenon (respiga, LR).
Finally, when our specimens were dry, connected and finished we were ready to make our test.
The tests were performed using the following speed: 150 kgf/min., by making preliminary tests to see
broken force of the specimens. For this we were using the mechanical testing machine.
First, we had to reinforce our specimen from both sides to secure from slippering (avoid from moving
and allowing it to stay in place) while testing, for this procedure we used: activator, charge force and
base. After, enter the speed and force sell in the computer which was connected to the machine. The
force sell that we used was 5000 kg/f and the speed was 150 kgf/min as it was mentioned before.

Figura 2. Test schematic drawing OTHER SCHEME SHOULD BE PRESENTED - CAN BE 2D (a photograph of
the test may also be used here)
Testing the dowel joint system we could spot that the braking force reached 443.9 kg in just 187 seconds
and the mortise and tenon braking force reached 391.1 kg in 160 seconds. Underneath you can see the
pictures of what was left from our specimens after the testing (where LC7 stands for dowel joint system
and LR7 stands for mortise and tenon).

Picture 5 Broken piece of dowel joint speciment Picture 6 Broken piece of tenon joint speciment

After this procedure we can see where our displacement (deformation) was held.
Finally, we cut the healthy piece of broken parts of tenon and dowel joint systems and measured the
weight of the wood piece with water content inside it. The results that we got from the tenon were
9.22gr. and from the dowel 6.75gr. Moreover, we also measured the same pieces without water by
drying off/warming them in 103 C degree. The results that we got after wasn’t too big: for the tenon it
was 8.37 gr. and for the dowels it was 6.12gr.
Formulas used for properties calculation (do not forget to refer the standards).

For the determination of the desired properties the following formulas were used according to the
mentioned standards.

1 – Density
According to NP-616 standard [5] density in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) is calculated by the
following formula:
𝜌𝐻 =

Where mH is the mass of the specimen with moisture H and VH the volume of the specimen with
moisture H.
The results obtained are rounded to the hundredths.
With our specimens observed we got these calculations of density:
LC7 (dowel):

𝑊 6.75 6.75
𝜌𝐻 = = = = 0.5093 [gr/cm³]
𝐿𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇 33.67𝑥24.99𝑥15.75𝑥10³ 13252259.475

LR7 (tenon):

𝑊 9.22 9.22
𝜌𝐻 = = = = 0.5237 [gr/cm³]
𝐿𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇 44.50𝑥25.51𝑥15.51𝑥10³ 17606874.45

2 – Moisture content
According to NP-614 standard moisture content is given in percentage (%) and is calculated by the
following formula:
𝑊𝐻 −𝑊∅
H water content = ( 𝑊∅
) 𝑥 100

Where 𝑊𝐻 is expressed on wet basis (𝑊𝐻 is wet weight and 𝑊∅ is dry weight).
With our specimens observed we got these calculations of water content.
LC7 (dowel):
𝑊(𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟)−𝑊 6.75−6.12
H water content = ( 𝑊
) 𝑥 100 = 6.12
𝑥 100 = 10.294 %

LC7 (tenon):
𝑊(𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟)−𝑊 9.22−8.37
H water content = ( 𝑊
) 𝑥 100 = 8.37
𝑥 100 = 10.155%
3- Stress

Stress in kilogram force per quadric centimetre (g/cm2) calculated by following formula:

H stress =( 𝐴𝑜

Where 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 stands for maximum force and 𝐴𝑜 for resistance area

LC7 (dowel):
𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 443.90
H stress=( 𝐴𝑜
)= 32,4
= 13.7Kgf/cm2

LC7 (tenon):
𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 391.1
H stress =( )= = 14.65 Kgf/cm2
𝐴𝑜 26,68

4- Resistant Area (glue surface area)

Resistant area in 𝑐𝑚2 for dowel joint technique is calculated by the following formula:
Glued surface area (GSA)= 2𝜋𝑟 2 +2 𝜋rL,
Where L stands for length and 𝑟 for radius.
LC7 (dowel):
H resistant area for 1 dowel = 2𝜋𝑟 2 +2 𝜋rL= 2𝑥3.14𝑥32 +2 𝑥 40𝑥3.14𝑥3 =810, 12 𝑚𝑚2=8, 10 𝑐𝑚2
H resistant area for the whole specimen (where 4 dowels needed) = 8.1x4= 32, 4 𝑐𝑚2

Resistant area in 𝑐𝑚2 for mortise and tenon joint technique is calculated by the following formula:
TSA= 2𝑥𝐿𝑥𝑊 + 2𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇 + 𝑇𝑥𝑊,
Where L stands for length, W for width and T for Thickness.
LC7 (tenon):
H resistant area for one tenon = 2𝑥𝐿𝑥𝑊 + 2𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇 + 𝑇𝑥𝑊 = 2𝑥20𝑥23 + 2𝑥23𝑥6 + 6𝑥23 =
1334𝑚𝑚2=13, 34 𝑐𝑚2
H resistant area for one specimen (where 2 tenon neede) =13.34x2=26, 68 𝑐𝑚2
Table with all measurements made (calculated properties and statistical treatment are not included).
Table 2 shows the summary of the measurements made and the recording of the mechanical test for the
fourteen specimens studied.
Tabela 2. Measurements and mechanical test recording for the 24 specimens
Speciment Measurements (mm) Mass (gr) Strength Time
(Kgf) (s)
c l E humid dry
speciment specimen
LC 1 30.58 25.52 15.44 5.98 5.44 394.00 165.00
LC 2 30.82 25.46 15.40 6.71 6.09 470.00 195.00
LC 3 115.17 15.77 10.70 10.24 9.32 429.00 182.00
LC 4 94.73 15.27 10.53 7.80 7.09 389.00 162.00
LC 5 38.13 25.43 15.43 8.37 7.60 399.80 164.00
LC 6 33.32 25.46 15.30 6.69 6.08 402.10 168.00
LC 7 33.67 24.99 15.75 6.75 6.12 443.90 187.00
LR 1 48.09 25.69 15.70 10.09 9.16 442.00 183.00
LR 2 51.14 15.75 12.85 5.30 4.82 456.00 190.00
LR 3 45.26 25.47 15.47 9.23 8.40 382.00 156.00
LR 4 46.35 25.48 15.34 10.21 9.26 492.00 203.00
LR 5 120.50 15.58 10.70 10.44 9.49 416.70 175.00
LR 6 53.91 25.76 15.77 11.94 10.85 447.20 188.00
LR 7 44.50 25.51 15.51 9.22 8.37 391.10 160.00
Mass humid – after test; Mass dry – after drying on camera
(This is an example table - should be used a compact format, so that the table size does not exceed 1

Figura 3. Picture of specimens before the test


Example of calculation for one (1) sample for each property - density, water content (remember to
present the formula, values for all parameters and final result with units and rounded in accordance with
the standard).
Table (with statistical treatment) and graph by type of joint (x3); Comments - dispersion for all
properties, maximum and minimum for mechanical strength, make a qualitative analysis regarding the
deformation of the test pieces.
The two desired properties were determined according to the methodology referred above. The
calculation of these properties for LC7 and LR7 specimen is presented here.
(A sample of the student's group must be used here; do not repeat test pieces, that is, each student must
use a different test piece)

LC1 (dowel):

𝑊 5.98 5.98
𝜌𝐻 = 𝐿𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇
= 30.58𝑥25.52𝑥15.44𝑥10³
= 12049400.704 = 0.496 [gr/cm³]

LR1 (tenon):

𝑊 10.09 10.09
𝜌𝐻 = 𝐿𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇
= 48.09𝑥25.69𝑥15.70𝑥10³
= 19396283.97 = 0.520 [gr/cm³]

Water content
LC1 (dowel):
𝑊(𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟)−𝑊 5.98−5.44
H water content = ( 𝑊
) 𝑥 100 = 5.44
𝑥 100 = 9.264 %

LC1 (tenon):
𝑊(𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟)−𝑊 10.09−9.16
H water content = ( 𝑊
) 𝑥 100 = 9.16
𝑥 100 = 10.152%

LC1 (dowel):
𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 394
H stress=( 𝐴𝑜
)= 32,4
= 12.16 Kgf/cm2

LC1 (tenon):
𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 442
H stress =( )= = 16.56 Kgf/cm2
𝐴𝑜 26,68

4- Resistant Area (glue surface area)

Resistant area in 𝑐𝑚2 for dowel joint technique is calculated by the following formula:
Glued surface area (GSA)= 2𝜋𝑟 2 +2 𝜋rL,
Where L stands for length and 𝑟 for radius.
LC7 (dowel):
H resistant area for 1 dowel = 2𝜋𝑟 2 +2 𝜋rL= 2𝑥3.14𝑥32 +2 𝑥 40𝑥3.14𝑥3 =810, 12 𝑚𝑚2=8, 10 𝑐𝑚2
H resistant area for the whole specimen (where 4 dowels needed) = 8.1x4= 32, 4 𝑐𝑚2

Resistant area in 𝑐𝑚2 for mortise and tenon joint technique is calculated by the following formula:
TSA= 2𝑥𝐿𝑥𝑊 + 2𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇 + 𝑇𝑥𝑊,
Where L stands for length, W for width and T for Thickness.
LC7 (tenon):
H resistant area for one tenon = 2𝑥𝐿𝑥𝑊 + 2𝑥𝑊𝑥𝑇 + 𝑇𝑥𝑊 = 2𝑥20𝑥23 + 2𝑥23𝑥6 + 6𝑥23 =
1334𝑚𝑚2=13, 34 𝑐𝑚2

H resistant area for one specimen (where 2 tenon neede) =13.34x2=26, 68 𝑐𝑚2

The results obtained for dowels joint system tests can be observed in table 3 and figure 3.

Tabela 3. Determined properties for the dowels joint system specimens (LC)

(This is an example table - here you should use a normal table format; font with the size of the text)

Figura 4. Force-displacement curves for dowels joint system (LC)

From the table we can see that the biggest value for maximum force was 470 Kgf and the smallest 389
Kgf, but the avarege was 418,26 Kgf. Although the difference from the biggest to smallest force was
almost 100 Kgf.
In ou table we can also see that the stress maximum value reached 14.50 Kgf/cm 2 and the smallest
value- 12.15 Kgf/cm2 . However the avarage value was only 12,90 Kgf/cm2 .
Taking into consideration disperesion (coeficiente variation) it is important to notice that it was 7.24 %.
Taking about density value comparison, it is almost the same for every specimen, because the wood was
picked from same raw material.
Water content variation coeficient is low, it is because all specimen were made and kept in the same
conditions (kept in same place).

Tabela 4. Determined properties for the dowel joint system specimens (R)

Figura 5. Force-
displacement curves for the mortise and tenon joint system specimens (R)
Figura 6. Maximum Force and Stress values for the 14 specimens.

From the table we can see that the biggest value for maximum force was 492 Kgf and the smallest 382
Kgf, but the avarege was 432,43 Kgf. Although the difference from the biggest to smallest force was a
little bit more 100 Kgf. You can also see the difference between tenon and dowel of this matter in the
graph on the left side, however the difference is not that big.
In ou table we can also see that the stress maximum value reached 18.95 Kgf/cm2 and the smallest
value- 14.71 Kgf/cm2 . However the avarage value was only 16,66 Kgf/cm2 . You can also see the big
difference between tenon and dowel of this matter in the graph on the right side.
Taking into consideration disperesion (coeficiente variation) it is important to notice that it was 8.91 %.
Taking about density value comparison, it is almost the same for every specimen, because the wood was
picked from same raw material.
Water content variation coeficient is low, it is because all specimen were made and kept in the same
conditions (kept in same place).
It should be noted that the shear behavior - strength and deformation - was very consistent for the seven
specimens tested. However, the variation was higher in the tensile strength.
This is the topic for making critics about the experimental work.
Summary of the results in a table (mean and variation coefficient for the values of the mechanical
behavior - maximum strength and deformation; comments for each property - maximum and minimum
(+/- resistant, more elastic vs more rigid).
Tabela 5. Properties determined for the two joint systems under study.
Maxim Strength Stress
Joint system Mean
Mean (Kgf) V.C. (%) V.C. (%)
C: Dowels (Fura-cavilha) 418,3 7,24 12,9 7,24
R: Mortise and tenon (Fura-
432,43 8.91 16,66 8.91

Figura 7. Force-displacement curves for the two joint systems

(The student should use the graph with the curves for the specimens performed by his group)

The water content dispersion values confirms that all test pieces were packed under the same
hygrothermal conditions. For the remaining properties dispersions considered normal for solid wood
were obtained.
There was greater dispersion in the tenon joint system – 8,91%. The coefficient of variation for the other
bonding systems was less, only 7,24%, which is considered normal for this type of test.
The mortise and tenon joint was the system with greater resistance and the less resistant was the dowel
joint system.
However this conclusion is only valid if you check all 14 specimen, as in our testing for the specimen 7,
dowel appeared to be better.
Regarding elastic behavior, we can observe from our graphs that the most elastic was a dowel joint, and
on tenon system was observed the greater stiffness. You can understand it if for instance you pick the
force volume 100 and check which joint looks having volume further.
1. Furniture carts:
2. Solid wood deffinition:
3. Solid wood:
4. Furniture joints:
5. Mechanical resistance:
6. Pine wood:
7. Mortise and tenon hole shape:
8. Dowel hole shape:
9. NP-616: Madeira Maciça - Determinação da Massa Volúmica.
10. Ficha técnica da madeira de pinho nacional contraplacado da empresa GLOBALDIS. Disponível
em Acesso em 22 de Outubro de

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