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1/28/2019 Brotli vs Gzip Compression.

How we improved our latency by 37%

Brotli vs Gzip Compression. How we

improved our latency by 37%
Ankit Jain AJ Follow
Jun 29, 2018 · 4 min read

In today’s world, customer experience is the most reliable and e cient

strategy one can develop in order to increase the engagement, thus
business. In this post we’ll focus on giving the customers something to
experience as fast as possible i.e fast page load. 1/9
1/28/2019 Brotli vs Gzip Compression. How we improved our latency by 37%

According to a Google study, 40% of people abandon a website that

takes more than 3 seconds to load and a 1-second delay in page
response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. Yes, every second
matters! And we saved around 2.5 seconds (90th percentile) and 1.2
seconds (50th percentile) by using Brotli compression over gzip
compression for our Javascript and CSS les.

What the heck is Brotli?
Just like gzip, Brotli is also a compression algorithm. It is developed by
Google and serves best for text compression. The reason being, it uses a
dictionary of common keywords and phrases on both client and server
side and thus gives a better compression ratio. It is supported by all
major browsers :

Image Credit:

Does your browser support Brotli?

Browsers which support Brotli send ‘br’ along with ‘gzip’ in accept-
encoding request header. If Brotli is enabled on your web server, you
will get response in Brotli compressed format. 2/9
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We can check the encoding in response header (Image Credit: Certsimple)

Gzip vs Brotli:
The advantage for Brotli over gzip is that it makes use of a dictionary
and thus it only needs to send keys instead of full keywords. According
to certsimple,

• Javascript les compressed with Brotli are 14% smaller than gzip.

• HTML les are 21% smaller than gzip.

• CSS les are 17% smaller than gzip.

Note: Images should not be compressed either by gzip or Brotli as they are
already compressed and compressing them again will make their sizes
larger. 3/9
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Fewer bytes transferred not only leads to faster page load but also helps
in reducing costs of Content Delivery Network (CDN). Now that we
know all these bene ts, let’s see how to enable Brotli…

Embracing the Brotli side:
There were two ways by which we can deliver Brotli compressed assets:

• Enabling Brotli on our web-server

• Enabling Brotli on CDNs

We chose to go ahead with serving Brotli from our web servers and
installed it on nginx. Google has provided a module for it which needs
nginx to be installed from source. Once installed, the following settings
need to be put in nginx conf le:

brotli on;

brotli_static on; # for static compression, explained


brotli_comp_level 11; # this setting can vary from 1-11

brotli_types text/plain text/css application/javascript

application/json image/svg+xml application/xml+rss;

After this, all content types which are mentioned in brotli_types setting
will be brotli compressed. Easy, wasn’t it! 4/9
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Note: We have to keep gzip settings on nginx intact as clients who doesn’t
support br should get gzip compressed les. Although nginx gives
precedence to br if both are supported.

Here, our web server will send br compressed assets, then CDN will just
cache it and pass on to the browser.

Another way to enable Brotli is via CDN. By this way you don’t have to
write any code or install anything in your infra, but this will be a paid
service. We went for the ‘Brotli from Origin’ approach (former), as it is
more cost e cient and engineering is what we like to do.

Dynamic vs Static Compression:
Dynamic compression means compressing les on the y whereas static
means to compress les once and then serve every time from cache. We
used static compression for our Javascript and CSS les, as those will
not change (until a new build is deployed). All these les are then
cached on CDN and get served from there itself.

We talked about a setting ‘ brotli_comp_level ’ above and promised to

explain it later, so here it is. It indicates the compression ratio and
ranges between 1 to 11. Higher the ratio, higher the time it will take to
compress it. So we used the value 11 for our static assets. For Dynamic
assets like API responses , we should use smaller values - a high
compression time can back re, and put all our e orts to improve latency to

Results : 5/9
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26% Reduction in CSS  le-sizes

17% Reduction in Javascript  le-sizes 6/9
1/28/2019 Brotli vs Gzip Compression. How we improved our latency by 37%

Overall Results

What’s next :
• Currently, we are only using Brotli for Javascript and CSS les, in
future we will try to use it for HTML document and API calls. We
will have to tune the compression level setting in such a way so
that compression time and ratio combined is lower than gzip.

Useful Resources:
• Installing Brotli on nginx

• Brotli support on Akamai

. . .

Let me know if this was worth your time by throwing claps.

As we continue to scale rapidly having just crossed the 100000 rooms

milestone, the rst for any Indian company, it has never been a better
time to join us and experience what it is to be an OYOpreneur.

Until next time! 7/9
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