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Instructional Activities 1






JULY 8-11, 2003
Instructional Activities 2


Over the past 32 years of teaching I have had the opportunity to learn, and try out, a
“ton” of instructional activities designed to assist students with their construction of an
understanding of chemical principles and concepts as chemists have come to understand
them. And, I have had the opportunity to learn from some of the best chemistry
instructors in the country. Many of these instructional activities are now a mainstay of
my instructional repertoire. They have been adapted to meet the needs and learning
styles of my students, and to fit my instructional style and personality. In this workshop
my goal is to provide each of you with the experience of doing a few of these activities
from the perspective of the student, and of the teacher. I hope you find some new ideas
to take back to your classroom and try out for yourself.


• Mystery Solutions: A first-day activity that gets the students doing chemistry and
thinking about it. (Bob Becker)
• Electronic Battleship: Students learn to relate electron configurations of
elements to their locations on their periodic table. (Justin Field, Sue Bober)
• Chemical Sunset: A demonstration that can be used to illustrate the Tyndall
effect. (Bassam Shakhashiri, Lee Summerlin, James Ealy)
• Blue Moon: A variation of the “chemical sunset” demonstration that can be used
to illustrate kinetic control of the size of the colloidal particles formed. (R.
Greenler & R. K. Brandt)
• Thiosulfate Kinetics: A hands-on, micro-scaled, lab experiment to determine the
pseudo-reaction order for the conversion of thiosulfate into sulfur by hydrochloric
acid. (David Brooks, John Mauch & David Ehrenkranz)
• Soda Bottle Freezing Point Depression: Demonstrates the effect changing the
concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide has on the freezing point of water.
(William Bare)
• Using Demonstrations as Assessment Tools: Here is a method that has been
shown to be an effective means for both students and the teacher to assess the
students’ current understanding of chemical concepts and their ability to apply
them to explain chemical phenomena. (W. C. Deese, L. L. Ramses, J. Walczyk, &
D. Eddy)
• Freeze Board Demonstration: Two ionic solids, when mixed together,
spontaneously react forming a liquid solution and a gas. The process is very
endothermic. This demonstration is used to illustrate using demonstrations as a
means to assess student understanding. (Bassam Shakhashiri)
• Demystification of the Spectrophotometer: A quick and easy way for students
to understand what is actually happening inside the spectrophotometer when the
wavelength setting is changed. (Diane Burnett)
• Chem Demo Project: Students select, research, practice, and perform their own
chemical demonstration in this end-of-year summation project. (Ken Lyle, Roxie
Allen, and Jennifer Kuhl)
Instructional Activities 3

• Ten-Solution Problem Project: Students identify the cation and anion present in
each of ten solutions. (Source: J. Chem Ed ~ 1995)
• Mixing Activity: Simple activity that stresses the importance of making accurate
measurements, following instructions carefully, and keeping equipment clean.
(Pat Funk, Jeff Bracken)
• The Electrolysis of Hydrogen Chloride and the Photochemical Reaction
between Hydrogen and Chlorine Gases: This micro-scaled activity enables the
students to decompose hydrogen chloride into hydrogen and chlorine gases,
collect the gas, and then react the gaseous mixture using light to initiate the
reaction. Good summative review questions. (L. M. Egolf & J. T. Kesler)
• Keeping Track of Atoms: Students follow the path copper atoms take as they
change chemically from the tarnish on the surface of pennies to being reduced to
metallic copper on the surface of iron nails. A web site is available that offers an
explanation for what is happening. Unfortunately (or fortunately) some of the
information is not correct. Good activity to get students to think about the
reliability of the information found on web sites.
Instructional Activities 4

Mystery Solutions
Experimentation involves very carefully thought out experiments. Procedures are
designed and carried out very meticulously. Detailed observations are made and
recorded. Tentative conclusions are made which result in the design of further
experiments. Chemists also communicate with each other, sharing their experimental
results, trying to reach a solution to a particular problem. In this activity, you will form
research teams, design and conduct experiments, communicate with each other about the
results, and solve the problem.

Materials (per student lab group)

• Cassette box containing two sets of three pipets labeled 1, 2, 3, and A, B, C.

• Each set consists of three different solutions. The solutions used in each set are
• Cassette box also contains two sheets of clear acetate sheet. This is to serve as
where you conduct your experiments.
• Paper towels to soak up chemicals placed on the acetate sheet.
• Paper and pencil for communicating with your research partner.



You and your partner are a research team. Remove the pipets and the acetate sheets from
the cassette box. Note and record the code number written on the outside of the box.
Divide the sets and acetate sheets between you and your partner. Be sure each of you
have some paper towels for clean up, and a pencil and paper for communication.
Arrange your desks so that you are facing away from each other and on the opposite side
of the room. Each of you is to conduct independent investigations, keep a record of your
observations, and to communicate with each other in writing. You are not allowed to
look at each other or to communicate orally. Your instructor will serve as the “fax
machine.” When you have a message to fax to your partner, raise your hand. The goal of
this research is to match the solutions in pipets 1, 2, 3 with the solutions in A, B, C. You
are not trying to identify what they actually are. When you and your partner are in
Instructional Activities 5

agreement as to the solution of the problem, reassemble the pipets and acetate sheets in
the cassette box, dispose of your used paper towels in the trash, and wait patiently for the
others to complete the task.
Instructional Activities 6


This lab activity was designed by Robert Becker, St. Louis, and presented by him at a
national conference.

This activity allows students without any prior experience to “jump right in” and
perform some wet-lab, investigative chemistry. It focuses on experimental design,
making careful, detailed observations, and communicating clearly to others what was
done and observed. Students are “forced” to draw conclusions based on their
The three solutions are acetic acid (vinegar), sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking
soda), and potassium aluminum sulfate (alum). The mixing of them produces a gas
(carbon dioxide), a precipitate (aluminum carbonate), and no reaction.

Vinegar Baking Soda Alum

Vinegar X Gas bubbles No reaction
Baking Soda X X White precipitate
Alum X X X

In the post-discussion, have students present their results while you check them. If
any students have erred, you can use the overhead projector to quickly check their work.
Place the acetate sheet on the overhead and have them tell you what they did, while you
perform what they did on the overhead. The gas bubbles and the clouding up due to the
precipitate formation are easily seen. Stress the importance of making careful
observations, communicating them clearly. Also stress the importance of “no reaction”
being just as valuable as where one does occur.

Materials: (per lab group)

• One cassette box labeled with a “code number.”

• Six thin stem pipets with about half the stem cut off so that they will fit into the
cassette box. Three of the pipets are labeled “1, 2, 3” and three are labeled “A, B, C.”
• Vinegar (1 M acetic acid solution)
• Baking soda solution (0.1 M NaHCO3)
• Alum solution (0.1 M KAl(SO4)2 solution)
• Two acetate sheets cut to fit into the cassette box
• Paper towels

Pre-lab Preparation:

• Each set of pipets needs to be filled with the three solutions. Keep a code number
sheet to keep track of which solution goes into which pipet for each set.
• Place the pipets and the acetate sheets into cassette boxes that are labeled with the
matching code number.
Instructional Activities 7

Hints and Storage:

• Print labels on the computer and use tape to secure the labels to the pipets and to the
cassette boxes. Keep extra labels available for if the label comes off, becomes
unclear, or the pipet or cassette box becomes unusable. Have extra labeled-pipets
ready to use in case of loss or damage to the pipet.
• Overhead transparencies are acetate sheets. Use a paper cutter to aid in cutting of the
acetate sheets. Cut extra sheets in case of loss or damage.
• The concentration of each solution is not critical. Test solutions to see that the
desired reactions are clearly observable prior to filling the pipets.
• Although the cassettes containing pipets filled with solutions can be stored, I have
found that overtime, due to evaporation, that the pipet tips become encrusted with
precipitates. I recommend that they be emptied and rinsed with distilled water prior
to storage over the year.
• Solutions can be stored in storage bottles for long periods of time. When storing,
have solutions prepared and ready for the next time the activity is to be performed.
Label bottles with amount of solid to be weighed out and the amount of water to be
added to dissolve the solid. This makes it quick and easy to recharge the solutions.
• Keep several copies of the codes so that the sets can be filled the same way each time.
Instructional Activities 8

“Electronic Battleship”
Chemistry Style!
The idea for adapting the Battleship game to Chemistry comes from Justin Field of Oregon at
ChemEd’01; Battleship and Electronic Battleship are games by the Milton-Bradley Company.

Purpose: The purpose of this game to give students an enjoyable way to practice writing
electron configurations and to connect s, p, d, and f orbitals with the organization of the
periodic table.

Materials Needed
• One copy of a periodic table for use during the game per student
• One large sheet of construction paper per student
• One light-colored marker or highlighter per student
• One Milton-Bradley Battleship Game (optional)

Pre-Game Information

1. Students work with a partner during this game.

2. The teacher can show students the classic Milton-Bradley “Battleship” game. (Ask
students if they are familiar with the game and the basic rules of the game… all of my
classes were familiar with it!)

3. Explain to the students that the basic idea of the game is to “sink” your opponents’
“ships” by guessing the ships’ coordinates. A ship is “sunk” when all the coordinates
have been guessed.

Game Set-Up

4. Each student privately “hides” six ships on his or her periodic table by highlighting
them with a marker or highlighting pen. The ship sizes are:
Two ships are three spaces.
Two ships are four spaces.
Two ships are five spaces.
The ships may be placed on the periodic table horizontally (along a period) or vertically
(along a family).

5. Students fold the periodic table and a sheet of large construction paper (a privacy
shield) in half. The students stand the periodic tables and construction paper shields up,
and the game begins!
Instructional Activities 9

Playing the Game: Hits and Misses!

6. Students take turns guessing “coordinates” of the hidden “ships.” In my class, we just
used the ending part of the electron configuration as the coordinate.

7. For example, if Joanna and Bill are playing together, Joanna may guess “2p5” to
represent fluorine. Bill must then check his game board and tell her “HIT” or “MISS.”

8. The students take turns guessing coordinates of the hidden ships.

9. When all of a ships coordinates are guessed, the ship is sunk. Some students
automatically chime “You sunk my battleship!”

Ending the Game

10. The game ends when all of one players ships were sunk or after a set period of time.

Teacher Tips
• I allowed approximately 20 minutes of actual playing time. The students were
really engaged during this time! I gave a “mole buck” to each student for sinking
three ships.
• Although I used only the ending portion of the electron configuration as the
“guess,” you could certainly require that the students use the entire electron
• I also required that the students write down their “data” for hits and misses.
• The “long form periodic table” placed in order of atomic number and has worked
well in writing electron configurations and for this game.
• If desired, ships may be hidden diagonally as well as along periods and families.
• Copy extra periodic tables in case students finish early and want to play an extra
• My all-time record for “MISSES” is 21 misses in a row!
Instructional Activities 10

The Classic Chemical Sunset

In this demonstration colloidal sulfur is produced by the reaction that occurs when a
thiosulfate solution is acidified. As the colloidal sulfur particles increase the light is
scattered (Tyndall Effect). The light projected on the screen changes color from white to
yellow, to orange, to red, and finally black. The wavelength of light that is scattered is
dependent upon the size of the particles.

• Overhead projector and screen
• Cardboard large enough to cover the top of the overhead projector
• Large beaker, petri dish, or crystallization dish
• Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate solution (7 g per liter)
• Concentrated hydrochloric acid (5 mL)
• Stirring rod

1. Wear goggles and protective apron and gloves
2. Concentrated hydrochloric acid is extremely hazardous. Avoid contact and
inhalation of fumes. It is suggested that you measure the 5 mL in advance (under
a fume hood) and place it in a small, closed, glass bottle suitable for concentrated
acids. If contact with acid occurs, rinse immediately with copious amounts of
water. Dilute spills and then neutralize with sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking

1. Cut a hole in the cardboard the size of the beaker (petri dish or crystallization
2. Set the cardboard on the overhead projector and place the beaker over the hole.
3. Add enough of the sodium thiosulfate to cover the bottom of the container.
4. Turn on the projector light.
5. Add the 5 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid, mix quickly and then let stand.
6. Observe both the container and the screen.

This demonstration is a good lead into chemical kinetics. After the students understand
what is happening ask them how the rate of growth of the colloidal sulfur particles could
be regulated. Allow them to propose their ideas, and, if possible to actually explore them
by conducting their own investigations. (See the Blue Moon Demonstration )

Summerlin, Lee R. & Ealy, James L. (1985). Chemical Demonstrations: A Sourcebook
for Teachers. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society
Instructional Activities 11

Shakhashiri, Bassam Z. (1989). Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for Teachers of

Chemistry, Vol. 3. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press

Flinn Scientific, Batavia, IL, has Chemical Sunset Demonstration kits available for
purchase. Included in each kit is a tropical beach cutout to create a “special effect” as
the sunsets. Add some Hawaiian music as a special added touch.
Instructional Activities 12

The Blue Moon

In this version of the classic “Chemical Sunset” light is passed through a thin layer of
dilute sodium thiosulfate to which a small amount of dilute hydrochloric acid has been
added. As colloidal sulfur forms light is scattered producing a gradual transition in colors
as viewed on the screen.


• 10 grams of sodium thiosulfate

• Black paper to cover stage of overhead projector

• Overhead projector and screen

• Glass culture (Petri) dish—147 mm in diameter

• 1.0 M hydrochloric acid

• Distilled water

• Roscolux filters (available from theatrical supply houses)

o #02, Bastard Amber

o #54 Special Lavender

o #63 Pale Blue

o #98 Medium Gray


• Wear goggles and apron.

• Hydrochloric acid is corrosive. Avoid contact. Clean spills up at once by

neutralizing with sodium hydrogen carbonate and rinsing area with plenty of

• Waste materials may be washed down the drain.

Instructional Activities 13


Advanced Preparation

1. Prepare sodium thiosulfate by dissolving 10.00 g of sodium thiosulfate

pentahydrate in 200 mL of distilled water.

2. Prepare 1 M hydrochloric acid solution by diluting 8.3 mL of concentrated

hydrochloric acid to a final volume of 100 mL. Remember to always add acid to
water and to wear protective equipment while doing the dilution.

3. Cut a hole in the black paper slightly smaller than the diameter of the glass culture
dish. The hole should be slightly below the center of the overhead projector
stage. Also cut three small 1-inch squares near the top of the paper.

4. Fix the filters in the squares using a piece of the gray filter coupled with each of
the colored filters. The order from left to right as viewed on the screen should be
amber, lavender, and pale blue.

Performing the Demonstration

5. Set the black paper on the overhead and place the culture dish in the center.

6. Dilute 5 mL of the 1 M hydrochloric acid to 28 mL of water. Then mix the

solution with 13 mL of the sodium thiosulfate solution in the culture dish. Turn
on the overhead projector and darken the room. Observe. The color projected on
the screen should match the amber filter in about 1 min 20 sec, the lavender filter
in about 2 min 40 sec, and the pale blue filter in about 4 min 0 sec. If you wish to
slow down the reaction then add more water. If you use a larger or smaller
culture dish you will need to increase or decrease the quantities of the reactants
accordingly. I suggest you practice this demo before performing for the class.
Instructional Activities 14


The reaction of thiosulfate with hydrochloric acid produces sulfur in a colloidal state
with particles being nearly the same size. As the sulfur particles grow in size the light is
scattered. At first the particles are very small and scatter the shorter wavelengths (blue)
of light more strongly than the longer wavelengths (red). The amber color observed is
when the particles are around 100 nm in radius. When the sulfur particles are around 400
nm the scattering maximum has moved to the longer wavelengths (red) giving the blue
color observed. When particles become much larger than the wavelengths of light then
they scatter all wavelengths equally as well and no difference in color would be observed,
only a decrease in the brightness. Eventually the particles are so large that they scatter all
the light and none is transmitted and the screen appears black.

The reaction is as follows:

S2O32-(aq) + 2 H+(aq)  S(s) + SO2(aq/g) + H2O(l)


Greenler, R. and Brandt, R. K., Optics & Photonics News, 1994, 5, 6-7 & 66-67.
Instructional Activities 15

An Investigation of the Acid Catalyzed Reaction of the Thiosulfate Ion

The acidification of solutions containing the thiosulfate ion leads to the formation of
colloidal sulfur and the sulfite ion. The sulfite ion combines with hydrogen ions to form
sulfurous acid. The sulfurous acid spontaneously decomposes to form sulfur dioxide and

S2O32-(aq)  S(s) + SO32-(aq)

2 H+(aq) + SO32-(aq)  H2SO3(aq)  SO2(g) + H2O(l)

In this investigation you will look at the influence the thiosulfate ion concentration has on
the rate of formation of colloidal sulfur.


• Two 1 x 8 Titertek® strips

• 0.15 M sodium thiosulfate
• 1.0 M hydrochloric acid
• distilled water
• 3 labeled 1-mL microtip pipets
• timer
• graph paper



2. You will first practice the “shake down method” using distilled water. To do this, put
three drops of distilled water into each well of both 1 x 8 well strips. Invert one of the
strips and stack it on the other strip. To mix the water, hold the stacked strips in an
elevated position and quickly accelerate them downward. Apply the brakes!! The
water in the top strip should now be in the bottom. Do not shake “up and down.”
Once you have mastered this technique you may begin the experiment.
Instructional Activities 16

3. Add the reagents to the strips according to the table below. Make sure that the pipet
is held in a vertical position above each well. Let gravity pull each drop from the end
of the pipet into the well.

Strip A Strip B Strip B

Well Number Drops of 0.15 M Drops of 1 M HCl Drops of Distilled
Na2S2O3 H2O
1 10 2 0
2 9 2 1
3 8 2 2
4 7 2 3
5 6 2 4
6 5 2 5
7 4 2 6
8 3 2 7

4. Trace a pattern of a 1 x 8 well strip on a piece of white paper. Number inside the
wells on the paper 1 through 8.

5. Working with your partner, mix the chemicals using the “shakedown technique.”
Place Strip B on top of Strip A so that the well numbers match. Start the timing at the
moment when the chemicals are mixed. Immediately after mixing the chemicals,
place the well strip over the numbered outline of the well strip. Look straight down
into the wells. Note the time it takes for each of the numbers to disappear when
viewed from the top. Record these times.

6. After the last well changes, rinse the strip with distilled water, scrubbing out any
remaining sulfur from the wells with a cotton swab or pipe cleaner.

7. Repeat two more times if instructed to do so.

Well Number Trial 1 (seconds) Trial 2 (seconds) Trial 3 (seconds)


8. Clean up.

Instructional Activities 17

1. If more than one trial was conducted, obtain an average time for each well.

2. Prepare a graph of time (y-axis) versus drops of 0.15 M sodium thiosulfate (x-axis).

3. Calculate the reciprocal of the time (1/time) for each well.

4. Prepare a second graph of 1/time (y-axis) versus drops of 0.15 M sodium thiosulfate

5. From the second graph, determine the reaction order with respect to the concentration
(drops) of thiosulfate. Hint: If the second graph has a slope of zero the reaction order
is zero order. If the second graph is a straight line with a non-zero slope the reaction
is first order. If the second graph is parabolic the reaction is second order.

6. Write the pseudo rate law for this reaction.

Instructional Activities 18


This lab has been reproduced with permission of its authors, John Mauch and David
Ehrenkranz. The source of this activity is Chemistry in Microscale, Kendall/Hunt
Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, 1990, pp. 158-161.

The acidification of thiosulfate solutions leads to the formation of colloidal sulfur.

The rate of this reaction is studied by measuring the time required for the reaction to
produce enough sulfur so that the number written on the paper can no longer be seen
when looking from the top.
The following rate law can represent the rate of the reaction:

Rate = k[S2O32-]a[H+]b.

Where “a” and “b” represent the reaction orders with respect to the ion concentrations.
Because the amount of hydrochloric acid used in the experiment was kept constant the
influence of the hydrogen ion on the rate was not a factor. The pseudo rate law for the
reaction is:

Rate = k’[S2O32-]

Since the formation of sulfur is being observed which corresponds to the

disappearance of the thiosulfate ion, the expression for the rate is:

Rate = -∆ [S2O32-]
∆ time

To measure the time for each reaction, one must wait until the character on the paper
beneath each well is no longer visible. It is assumed that this requires the same amount
of sulfur to be produced, or thiosulfate consumed, for each well. The relative amounts of
reactants used in causing this to happen is relatively small, thus the thiosulfate
concentration remains constant during the time the reaction is being studied. Because the
amounts of thiosulfate consumed, ∆ [S2O32-], is identical for each well and the
concentrations of thiosulfate are essentially unchanged, we may simply plot 1/time for
the reaction rate.
The rate is also equal to k’[S2O32-]a, thus, a plot of the rate versus drops of thiosulfate,
[S2O32-], gives an indication of the exponent, “a.” If the slope is zero, a = 0. If there is a
straight line through the origin with a non-zero slope, a = 1. If there is a parabola, a = 2.

Materials: (per lab group)

• Two 1 x 8 Titertek® well strips

• 0.15 M sodium thiosulfate solution (Add 3.7 g of Na2S2O3•5H2O to enough distilled
water to make 100 mL of solution. Solution should be freshly prepared.)
• 1.0 M hydrochloric acid solution (Add 8.3 mL of concentrated HCl to enough
distilled water to make 100 mL of solution.)
Instructional Activities 19

• distilled water
• eight 1-mL microtip pipets labeled (3 each of thiosulfate and acid, 2 of water)
• timer
• cotton swaps or pipe cleaners
• graph paper

Sample Data and Graphs

Well Number Drops of Na2S2O3 Time (seconds) 1/time (seconds-1)

1 10 30 0.0333
2 9 32 0.0313
3 8 37 0.0270
4 7 42 0.0238
5 6 50 0.0200
6 5 60 0.0167
7 4 78 0.0128
8 3

Time Vs. Drops of Thiosulfate

Time (seconds)

6 Na2S2O3
0 20 40 60 80 100
Thiosulfate (drops)
Instructional Activities 20

1/Time vs. Drops of Thiosulfate

Thiosulfate (drops)

6 Na2S2O3
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
1/time (1/seconds)


• Storage of the pipets in cassette tape boxes will aid in setup time. It is recommended
that the pipets be emptied for storage.
• The microtip pipets will give a more reproducible drop volume, this their
experimental values should be better than using a thin stem pipet, which does not
produce a uniform drop size.
• The thiosulfate solution should be prepared fresh each year, just prior to when the
students will conduct the experiment.
• Have a few “filling stations” around the room where students can refill their pipets.

Answers to Questions:

5. The reaction is first order with respect to thiosulfate.

6. The pseudo rate law is: Rate = k’[S2O32-]1.


D. W. Brooks, Microscale Experiments for the HS Chemistry Class, Center for Science,
Mathematics, and Computer Education, 118 Henzlik-UNL Lincoln, Nebraska 68588.
Instructional Activities 21

Soda Bottle Freezing Point

A bottle of club soda is cooled in an ice/rock salt mixture to around –8oC and then
taken from it. It is not frozen. When the cap is unscrewed ice forms immediately at the
mouth and quickly migrates through the beverage.


• Unopened 8 oz bottle of club soda with the label removed

• Rock salt

• Ice

• Ice chest or other container

• Thermometer


• Wear goggles.

• Keep a close watch on the temperature of the system and on the club soda. If it
gets too cold the club soda will freeze possibly causing the bottle to explode due
to the expanding ice. Once the bottle of club soda is cooled avoid vigorous
shaking. The dissolved gases may rapidly come out of solution causing the
beverage to freeze.

• It has been suggested that the demonstrator wear protective gloves and this
demonstration be done behind a safety shield.

• It has also been suggested that the bottle be covered with a towel while in the ice
bath in case it does break.


Advanced Preparation

1. Remove the labels from the club soda bottles and either cool in a refrigerator or in
an ice chest filled with just ice.
Instructional Activities 22

Performing the Demonstration

2. Place a small layer of ice on the bottom of a small ice chest or other suitable
container. Sprinkle a layer of rock salt over it. Set the bottle of club soda in the
center and pack layers of ice and rock salt around it until the bottle is completely
covered. Insert a thermometer near the bottle.

3. Allow the system to cool to around –8oC and to remain at this temperature for
around 10 minutes.

4. Remove the bottle from the ice/salt mixture and observe that the beverage is not
frozen. Unscrew the cap and observe that ice forms at the mouth and migrates its
way down. Soon the entire beverage is frozen.


Club soda is a solution of carbon dioxide gas dissolved in water. The concentration is
sufficient to lower the freezing point of water to around –100C. The bottling company
makes use of the fact that a high carbon dioxide concentration can be maintained by
keeping the system under pressure (Henry’s Law). When the pressure is released by
unscrewing the cap some of the dissolved carbon dioxide comes out lowering the
concentration and thus raising the freezing point. Enough carbon dioxide comes out of
the solution to raise the freezing point above –8oC and the beverage freezes. It freezes at
the top downward because the surface is where the carbon dioxide leaves the solution
thus the concentration at the surface is lower than near the bottom of the bottle, thus the
surface has a higher freezing point.

Addition of rock salt to the ice causes the ice to melt. The melting process and the
dissolving of salt in water are both endothermic processes taking heat away from the club

Bare, William D., Journal of Chemical Education, 1991, 68, pg. 1038.
Instructional Activities 23

Using Chemical Demonstrations as

Assessment Tools
Assessment involves the collection of data to make an informed evaluation of, or
judgment about an aspect, or aspects of an instructional program. An Assessment tool is
a device or means to collect or record data of interest. W. C. Deese, L. L. Ramsey, J.
Walczyk, & D. Eddy (2000) describe a method that uses chemical demonstrations as a
means of assessment, which have result in improved learning of chemical concepts.
(Journal of Chemical Education 77(11), 1511-1516).

• Pass out general rubric to the students.
• Perform the demonstration.
• Students record observations and write an explanation for what they observed.
• Pass out actual task-specific rubric after student papers are collected. Use to
facilitate discussion.

General Scoring Rubric:

Score Accomplishments
0 Makes no observations or inaccurate observations
1-6 Makes accurate observations but no accurate inferences
7-12 Makes accurate observations, uses some appropriate vocabulary to draw some
accurate inferences
13- Makes accurate observations and accurate inferences, cites evidence, uses
20 appropriate vocabulary

Some Advantages of Using Demos as an Assessment Tool:

• Actively engages students in applying science concepts in a unique situation.
• Provides prompt feedback on student learning to both students and instructors.
• Repeated use exposes students to models of expert thinking.
• Encourages learning through multiple modalities.
• Accomplishes multiple objectives.
Instructional Activities 24

Freeze-Board Demonstration
(To illustrate using a chemical demonstration as an assessment tool)


• Wood board approximately 8” x 8” x ¼”

• One 50-mL beaker
• Stirring rod
• Dropping pipette
• Tap water, a few drops
• Solid barium hydroxide octahydrate, ~1 teaspoon
• Solid ammonium chloride (or ammonium thiocyanate), ~1 teaspoon


• Place a few drops of water on the wooden board and set the empty beaker on the
• Combine the barium hydroxide and ammonium chloride in the beaker and stir,
keeping the bottom of the beaker in contact with the water and the board.
• After a few minutes the system will turn cold enough to freeze the water. Raise
the beaker showing that the board is “stuck” to the bottom of the beaker.


• Wear goggles and avoid contact with/ingestion of the chemicals. Barium

compounds are toxic.
• Ammonia gas is released in this reaction; avoid inhalation.
• Materials may be flushed down the drain with water. However, check with local
regulations before doing so.

Description/explanation of the Chemistry:

This is a double displacement (metathesis/neutralization) reaction followed by the

decomposition of the ammonium hydroxide formed.

Ba(OH)2.8H2O(s) + 2 NH4Cl(s) + Heat  2 NH3(g) + 10 H2O(l) + BaCl2(sat. sol)

The reaction is very endothermic (unusual? for neutralization reactions) and is

spontaneous. It is driven by the significant increase in the entropy of the system as a
result of the increase in the number of particles and their resulting physical states. B.
Shakhashiri (Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 1, page 12, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1983) gives the thermodynamic data for the reaction:
Instructional Activities 25

∆ H0 ∆ S0 ∆ G0

kJ kJ kJ

+ 63.6 368 - 47.7

Concepts Exemplified in this Demonstration:

• Reaction between two solids

• Double displacement (metathesis) reaction in which an unstable product is formed

(ammonium hydroxide).

• A reaction that is driven to completion as a result of an unstable product that

undergoes decomposition into a gas and a molecular substance.

• A neutralization reaction that is not exothermic.

• An endothermic reaction.

• A spontaneous reaction in which both ∆ H0 and ∆ S0 are > 0. (Spontaneous at

higher temperatures.)
Instructional Activities 26

Task-Specific Rubric for Freeze-Board Demonstration

Score Accomplishments

0 Makes no observations or inaccurate observations

1-6 Observations: Equal amounts (volumes) of two different solids (barium

hydroxide octahydrate & ammonium chloride) were combined in a small beaker
that was placed on a wooden board that had been wetted with a few drops of
water. The mixture of solids became more liquid as it was stirred. An odor of
ammonia was noted. The outside of the beaker felt cold. After a while, the
beaker was raised; the board was stuck to the bottom of the beaker. The material
in the beaker at the end of the demonstration was milky white and fluid.

7-12 Explanation: A chemical reaction occurred between the two solids indicated by
the formation of a gas and a liquid. The reaction was endothermic, absorbing
energy from the surroundings (beaker felt cold), causing the water between the
beaker and the board to freeze.

13- The products of the reaction were ammonia (the gas—ammonia odor), water (the
20 liquid), and barium chloride (the milky white substance). This reaction is a
double displacement (metathesis) reaction followed by the decomposition of the
ammonium hydroxide that was formed.

Ba(OH)2.8H2O(s) + 2 NH4Cl(s) + Heat  2 NH3(g) + 10 H2O(l) + BaCl2(sat. sol)

Energy is absorbed from the surroundings as the reactants are converted into
products. The change in enthalpy for the reaction, ∆ H, is greater than zero; the
products have more enthalpy (stored chemical energy) than the original reactants.
This reaction is spontaneous, ∆ G <0. The change in entropy, ∆ S, is greater than
zero due to the increase in the number of particles and their physical states
(solidsgas, liquid, solution). The spontaneity of the reaction indicates that the
entropy of the universe increases.
Instructional Activities 27

Demystification of the
The visible spectrophotometer is a valuable tool for chemists; yet, for students it
often is a mysterious black box that generates meaningless numbers. This activity is
designed to help students understand how the visible spectrophotometer works and
what it measures.


• Visible spectrophotometer

• Wooden dowel (3/8” x 1’) with one end cut at a 45o angle and the face painted

• 5 Cuvettes

• Red, yellow, blue, and green food coloring

• Distilled water

• 250 mL graduated cylinder

• Four 400-mL beakers

• Kem-wipes


• Wear goggles

• All materials may be safely disposed of down the drain


Advanced Preparation

1. The spectrophotometer needs to be turned on and allowed to warm up for thirty

minutes prior to being used.
Instructional Activities 28

What does the wavelength setting affect?

2. Place the wooden dowel inside a cuvette and insert the cuvette into the
spectrophotometer so that the slanted face of the cuvette faces towards the right
(placing it in alignment with the light source).

3. Set the wavelength at 400 nm. Look down into the cuvette and note the color of
light projected on the face of the wooden dowel. If no color is observed write “no

4. Increase the wavelength by increments of 25 nm, and note the color of light, if
any, for each increase. Continue up to 750 nm.

Wavelength (nm) Color Observed Wavelength (nm) Color Observed

400 600

425 625

450 650

475 675

500 700

525 725

550 750



1. Setting the wavelength on the spectrophotometer affects what property? (What

are you doing when you select a particular wavelength?)

2. Why is it that some wavelengths do not have a color? (Is there no longer any

3. With the aid of any available resources, find the range of wavelengths for each of
the basic colors in the visible spectrum (ROYGBV).

Why is a Red Solution Red? Blue Blue? Green Green?

4. In separate beakers prepare the solutions of food coloring (red, yellow, blue, and
green) by placing 4 drops of food coloring in a 250-mL graduated cylinder and
adding water until the volume is 250 mL. Rinse the graduated cylinder
thoroughly after each preparation.
Instructional Activities 29

5. Fill separate cuvettes with each solution by first rinsing the cuvette several times
with the solution and then filling it about 2/3 full with the solution. Wipe the
outside of each cuvette with a Kem-wipe. Only handle the cuvettes by the lips.

6. Rinse and fill another cuvette with distilled water. Wipe the outside of the cuvette
with a Kem-wipe.

7. Place all 5 cuvettes in a rack or small beaker.

8. Using a spectrophotometer involves four basic steps:

a. Set the wavelength.

b. Set 0% Transmittance (This “tells” the detector what “no light” received
“looks like.”)

c. Insert the cuvette containing only the solvent, close the lid, and set 100%
transmittance. (This “tells” the detector what receiving 100% of the light
of that wavelength “looks like.”)

d. Insert the cuvette holding the sample, close the lid, and read the
transmittance. (The detector is comparing the amount of light received to
what 100% appears and expresses it as a % transmittance. For example, if
the transmittance reads 54.6 than the detector is receiving 54.6% of the
light at that wavelength as compared to 100%. The solution is absorbing
45.4% of the light of that wavelength.)

e. You must set the 0% and 100% transmittance each time the wavelength is
Instructional Activities 30

9. Beginning at 400 nm you will measure the %transmittance for each of the four
food coloring solutions in increments of 25 nm up to and including 750 nm.

Wavelength %T Red Food %T Yellow %T Green %T Blue Food

Coloring Food Coloring Food Coloring Coloring

















1. From the data, for each food coloring what wavelength(s) are absorbed the
most (least transmittance)?

2. For each food coloring, what color(s) of light are being absorbed the most?

3. Based on the above, why is it that a red solution appears red? A blue blue?
Instructional Activities 31

In this 4th Quarter Project, you and your partner are the star performers in your
very own Chemistry Demo! Do a demo that’s never been done or put a new twist
to an old one. Whatever you choose, all eyes will be on you as you wow and
amaze us with your vast chemistry knowledge!

1. Choosing your demo. Due Date: ______

Begin by perusing the demonstration books in the laboratory. ASAP select

several demos that are of interest to you and your partner and give that short list
to your teacher, indicating your first choice, etc. This is a first come, first served
process. Each demo will be done by only one group in H. Chem (no overlap
between classes). By the due date you should have received confirmation from
your teacher and submitted a list of materials necessary for the demonstration
and two practice sessions. Include all labware and chemicals needed. A
homework grade of 100 is awarded if this is completed on time.

2. Researching your demo. Due Date: ______

During this time you should be researching the principles behind your
demonstration and the safety precautions necessary for performing your
demonstration. Due on this date is a rough draft of several parts of the formal
report including purpose, procedure, safety and principles. You will use
resources including your text-books, the demonstration books and the chemistry
teacher staff. See the formal report for a more thorough description of these
sections. A homework grade of 100 is awarded if this is completed on time.

3. Practicing your demo. Due Date: ______

Your teacher will give you a “kit” which will contain the labware and chemicals
you requested earlier. You and your partner must schedule at least two times to
practice your demonstration in the presence of a chemistry teacher. Note, if your
demonstration requires lots of solution preparation, you may need to schedule
extra sessions. For completion of this part of the project you must have two
SUCCESSFUL practices (witnessed by an instructor) and you must take detailed
Instructional Activities 32

observations of your processes. A lab grade of 100 is awarded if this is

completed on time while following proper safety guidelines.

4. Performing your demo. Due Date: ______

Groups will sign up for a demonstration time during the scheduled class periods.
A sample evaluation form is included in this package. The formal report is due at
the same time as your presentation. Each group will have a maximum of ten
minutes to perform their demo. Groups will evaluate each other and the teacher
will also evaluate presentations. You should have appropriate visual aids and
follow proper safety precautions. You are expected to clean up after the
presentation and return all unused chemicals to the appropriate location. All
labware should be cleaned and returned to its proper location as well. Your
grade on the presentation will count as a lab grade.

5. The formal report. Due Date: ______

The formal report should be typed and include diagrams as needed. This will
count as an exam grade.
a. The purpose should be a two to three sentence paragraph identifying the
expected outcome of the demo.
b. The principles section is the major part of this report. It should explain (in
dynamic essay format) the theory behind the demo and reflect your
understanding of the demo. You must include balanced equations for any
reactions involved in your demo. Try to incorporate as many aspects of
the chemistry curriculum as you can in your explanation.
c. The materials/equipment list should identify ALL chemicals and labware
used in both the trials and the presentation. This is the completed version
of the initial list submitted earlier.
d. The safety summary should be several paragraphs identifying necessary
precautions for this experiment. You should also submit a MSDS sheet,
for each chemical used. You should also summarize the proper disposal
method for any products generated in your demo.
e. A step-by-step procedure with diagrams should be included. This should
be detailed enough that ANY person with basic chemistry knowledge
should be able to follow it easily. Often times the demo book only
provides rudimentary steps and its procedure should be expanded.
Include solution preparation if it was required for your demo.
f. Data and Observations made during your practice sessions should be
included (dated). Do not type them. Include your original observations
written neatly on notebook paper.
g. If your demonstration included questions, they should be answered in
complete sentences.
h. A summary paragraph including sources of non-human error and how
these might have affected your results should be included.
Instructional Activities 33

i. A summary paragraph of suggestions for further experimentation with your

demonstration including possible extension experiments should be
j. A bibliography is required.
Instructional Activities 34

Material Safety Data Sheet

Chemical name and synonyms

Chemical Formula Formula Mass

Physical Data (Density, Solubility, etc.)

Appearance and Odor Reactivity

Conditions to Avoid (if any)

Health Hazards (if any) Tolerance Limit Value

(TLV) (if established)

Fire Hazards (if any)

Spills and Leaks

Special Precautions (if any)

First Aid (if substance is dangerous)

Disposal Method # and Summary of Procedure

Instructional Activities 35















OVERALL EVALUATION: _________________________

Instructional Activities 36


Ten separate solutions, each containing one cation and one anion, are analyzed by
students working in groups in order to identify the ions present in each solution. Students
are given a list of the possible ions. Students develop a better understanding of numerous
concepts as well as improve their laboratory analytical skills (solubility rules, flame tests,
writing net-ionic equations, acid-base chemistry, specific tests for ions, oxidation-
reduction, among others). Students are assessed in a variety of ways, not merely whether
they are correct.

• To become familiar with chemical tests used to identify the presence or
absence of a particular cation/anion in a solution.
• To use these tests to identify the cation and anion present in each of ten
• To become familiar with the chemistry of common cations and anions.
• To practice and develop skills involved in conducting chemical
investigations and in the use of specific equipment used in these
• To practice and develop the skill of keeping an accurate experimental
• To become familiar with the practice of writing net-ionic equations for
chemical reactions that occur in solution.
• To practice and develop the skill of consulting technical literature.

Ten solutions, each containing one cation and one anion from the list below, are to be
tested to determine the cation and anion present in each. The solutions are 0.20 M. It is
extremely important that you do not contaminate these solutions. Only withdraw
solution, using a clean, disposable pipet. Common chemical reagents will be available
for your use, i.e. HCl, AgNO3, etc. Other reagents can be made available if they are in
stock and sufficient time given for their preparation. Your tests may include, but not
limited to, mixing combinations of the ten solutions. The initial appearance of each
solution might be helpful in your analysis.
You are to work in pairs. Groups are not to interact with other groups on this project.
You are in violation of the Honor Code if you consult with another group, provide
information to another group, or receive information from another group. The
experimental work is to be conducted on your own time. You may use your study
hall/free period to come in and work, or before and after school. Mrs. Allen or Mr. Lyle
must be present in the lab room when you conduct experimental work. Some class time
will be set aside to allow you and your partner to conduct experimental work. A detailed
record of your work is to be kept in a journal. The entries are to be made directly in your
journal, in ink, including the date, what you did, and a detailed description of your
Instructional Activities 37

observations. You are expected to follow all prudent safety, disposal, and clean-up
practices. You will be penalized for failure to do so.
The analysis of the results should include the identity of the ions present in each
solution supported by experimental evidence and based on the information derived from
the literature. Balanced net-ionic equations for the reactions involved in the
identification are to be included.

Example: Solution X contains the carbonate ion, CO32-. This is based on the fact that
carbonates will release carbon dioxide gas when acidified; if the gas is passed through
limewater [Ca(OH)2] and a white precipitate forms, the gas is carbon dioxide.
CO32- + 2 H1+  H2O + CO2(g)
CO2(g) + Ca2+ + 2 OH1-  CaCO3(s) + H2O
We acidified solution X by adding hydrochloric acid. The evolution of a gas was
observed. We repeated the acidification in a test tube connected with a gas delivery tube.
The gas delivery tube was placed in a small beaker of limewater, and the gas was allowed
to bubble through it. The limewater clouded up, verifying the presence of carbon

The due date for this project __________________ A penalty of 10% per day late
will be assessed. The project is equivalent to two test grades. DO NOT WAIT TO THE
per group is to be submitted. The report should include (1) your journal, (2) your
analyses, (3) a bibliography, and (4) partner evaluations (sealed).

Cations Cations Anions Anions

Ammonium Iron(II) Acetate Nitrate
Barium Lead(II) Bromide Phosphate
Calcium Nickel(II) Carbonate Sulfate
Cobalt(II) Potassium Chloride
Copper(II) Sodium Hydroxide

Note: Two of the possible anions occur in more than one solution.

Each group will submit one report, which includes the following:

• Journal (In ink, showing dates, what you did, and your observations.)
• Analysis (Should be typed.)
• Bibliography
• Evaluations of partner’s contributions to project. (Place in sealed
Instructional Activities 38


Your Name: _________________________

Partner’s Name: _________________________

1. Did your partner make a contribution to the laboratory research aspect of this project?

(Was one of the missing ions!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Was part of the solution!)

2. Did your partner make a contribution to the literature research aspect of this project?

(My partner can’t read!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (A living wealth of information!)

3. Did your partner make a contribution to the written report aspect of this project?

(My partner can’t write!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (A master of the English language!)

4. Did your partner make a contribution to the interpretation of the experimental observations noted as
you conducted the investigation?

(My partner can’t think!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Such insight! I’m amazed!)

5. Was your partner good at solving problems that were encountered during this project?

(My partner was the problem!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Always ready with a new idea!)

6. Was your partner easy to work with? Would your partner listen to you?

(We are no longer friends!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (We are going to get married!)

7. What is your overall view of your partner’s contribution to this project?

(We had partners?) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (The best of the best!)


Instructional Activities 39

Evaluation of Ten Solution Problem Research Project


1. Accuracy of the determination of the ions present in each solution (20%).

Solution Cation Correct? Anion Correct?


Score: __________

2. Discussion of results providing experimental evidence, support/reasoning for each ion

present in each solution, including net-ionic equations where appropriate. Note: If
proper support is given for an incorrect ion (#1), no penalty will be given in this
section. (60%-3% per ion)

Instructor Comments (if any)

Solution A:

Solution B:
Instructional Activities 40

Solution C:

Solution D:

Solution E:

Solution F:

Solution G:
Instructional Activities 41

Solution H:

Solution I:

Solution J:

Score: __________

3. Journal Evaluation: Is journal included? Is it dated as to dates when lab work carried
out? Is it relatively thorough in description of procedures conducted and of
observations? Do the observations support conclusions reached in the analysis
portion? (15%)

Instructor Comments:
Instructional Activities 42

Score: _______________

4. Bibliography (5%)

Score: _______________

5. Penalty based on peer evaluations (10% maximum).

Penalty Assessed for (name) ____________________ of _____ %

Penalty Assessed for (name) ____________________ of _____ %

Penalty Assessed for (name) ____________________ of _____ %

6. Overall Grade for Project (100%)

Name: ____________________ score of _____ %

Name: ____________________ score of _____ %

Name: ____________________ score of _____ %

Instructor: _________________________

Set of Possible Ions


A Copper(II) Chloride
B Cobalt(II) Nitrate
C Nickel(II) Sulfate
D Iron(II) Sulfate
E Barium Hydroxide
F Sodium Carbonate
G Calcium Acetate
H Ammonium Bromide
I Lead(II) Nitrate
J Potassium Phosphate
Instructional Activities 43

Note: Sulfate will occur in two of the ten solutions.

Alternative Set of Ions

Ammonium Acetate
Barium Bromide
Calcium Carbonate
Copper(II) Chloride
Hydrogen Chloride
Iron(II) Hydroxide
Lithium Nitrate
Potassium Phosphate
Sodium Sulfate
Zinc Sulfide

Note: Chloride will occur in two of the ten solutions.

In this activity students make multiple measurements of volume using a 10-mL graduated
cylinder. Upon completion of the activity there should be 11 mL of a different colored
solution in each test tube (A-F) in the order of the visible spectrum (ROYGBV). This is a
good activity to stress the importance of carefully following procedures and making
accurate measurements. (This activity came to us from Jeff Bracken, who obtained it
from Pat Funk, who obtained it from a teacher in his school.)

Materials Required (per student lab group)

Red, yellow, and blue food colors

Instructional Activities 44

Three 250-mL beakers (smaller or larger beakers, or plastic cups may be used)
One 10-mL graduated cylinder
Six test tubes (large enough to hold more than 20 mL)
Test tube rack


All though the students are only using food coloring and water it is good to get the
students in the habit of always wearing safety goggles. All waste solutions may be safely
poured down the sink.

Student Procedure

1. Label the six test tubes A, B, C, D, E, and F.

2. Label the three beakers 1, 2, and 3.
3. Fill the beakers about 2/3 full with tap water.
4. Add 3 drops of red food color to beaker #1, 3 drops of blue to beaker #2, and 3
drops of yellow to beaker #3. Mix each by gently swirling.
5. Put 19 mL of the red solution into test tube A.
6. Put 19 mL of the yellow solution into test tube C.
7. Put 17 mL of the blue solution into test tube E.
8. Transfer 5 mL of the solution in test tube C to test tube D.
9. Transfer 6 mL of the solution in test tube E to test tube D and mix by gently
“flicking” the test tube.
10. Transfer 4 mL of the solution in beaker #2 to test tube F.
11. Transfer 7 mL of the solution in beaker #1 to test tube F and mix.
12. Transfer 8 mL of the solution in test tube A to test tube B.
13. Transfer 3 mL of the solution in test tube C to test tube B and mix.
14. Make a diagram of the results showing the relative volumes of solutions in each
test tube and the colors of each solution.
15. Clean up.
Instructional Activities 45


Teacher Notes

Prior to performing this activity review with the student the proper technique for
reading the volume of a liquid in the graduated cylinder and the scale used on the 10-mL
graduated cylinder.
When a student group has completed the procedure you may require them to call you
over to check their work. If they did not achieve the desired results you may ask them to
consider where they may have gone wrong and then repeat the procedure, if time permits.
One factor the students might not consider is the rinsing of the graduated cylinder before
using to measure another solution resulting in the colors of each solution not being their
“true” color.


In this experiment you will decompose hydrogen chloride into hydrogen and chlorine
gases by passing an electric current through a hydrochloric acid solution. After collecting
these gases by water displacement in a small vial, you will recombine them into hydrogen
chloride, using light energy as the source of activation energy.

Instructional Activities 46

• about 5 mL of 8 M HCl
• two pencil leads (carbon)
• two wire leads with alligator clips attached
• one 9-volt battery
• one small vial fitted with a #000 cork
• two plastic pipets
• one 24-well plate
• scissors
• probe
• tape
• distilled water
• one glass disposable pipet with pipet bulb
• camera flash


• Wear goggles and aprons while you and/or others are in the lab area
conducting this experiment.
• Hydrochloric acid is corrosive. Avoid contact. Clean up spills at once by
neutralizing with a baking soda solution and diluting with copious amounts of
• Chlorine gas is toxic. Avoid inhalation. Conduct this experiment in a
well-ventilated room or under a fume hood.


(Note: A model of the constructed set-up will be available to aid you in

constructing yours.)

1. Cut off the stem of a plastic pipet about halfway. Discard the cut off piece
in the trash.
2. With the probe, poke a hole on each side of the pipet bulb near the stem.
3. Insert the pencil leads into these holes and secure with a small piece of
tape. Cut the tape in half along its length. This allows some of the pencil lead
to be exposed so that you can later connect the wire leads to them.
4. With the glass disposable pipet, carefully fill the bulb with 8 M HCl.
5. Stand the assembly in one of the wells in a 24-well plate.
6. Cut the entire stem off a second pipet and cut the bulb in half. Discard the
stem and the top of the bulb in the trash.
7. Insert the cut off bottom of the pipet bulb over the stem of the first pipet.
8. Connect the wire leads to the 9-volt battery and one wire to each of the
pencil lead electrodes.
9. Allow the reaction to take place for about 30-seconds; record your
observations of the reaction.
10. Completely fill a vial with distilled water.
Instructional Activities 47

11. Invert the vial and insert it over the stem of the pipet and allow it to be
filled with the gases being generated.
12. Once the vial is filled with gases, remove and stopper with the cork.
13. Take the vial to the “firing area.”
14. Holding the camera flash directly against the vial, fire the flash, and
observe the reaction. Repeat the collection and ignition of these gases several
15. Clean up.


1. Make a diagram of this electrolytic cell. Identify the ions in the solution
and their direction of flow through the solution. Identify the cathode and the
anode, the battery, the positive and negative poles of the battery, and the
direction of flow of the electrons through the wire leads.
2. Write the balanced half-reaction for the reaction occurring at the anode.
3. Write the balanced half-reaction for the reaction occurring at the cathode.
4. Write the overall balanced reaction for this electrolytic cell.
5. Write the reaction for the light initiated reaction that took place between
hydrogen and chlorine.
6. The mechanism for the light initiated reaction is as follows:
a. The photon of light provides the energy to cleave the bond holding the
chlorine molecule together forming chlorine free radicals (chlorine atoms
with one electron that is unpaired).
b. The chlorine atom collides with a hydrogen molecule, cleaving the bond
holding the hydrogen atoms together, bonding with one of the hydrogen
atoms forming hydrogen chloride and a hydrogen atom free radical.
c. The hydrogen free radical collides with another chlorine molecule,
cleaving the bond between the chlorine atoms, bonding with one of the
chlorine atoms, forming hydrogen chloride and a chlorine atom free
d. Write equations showing each step of this mechanism.

7. This mechanism is frequently called a “chain-reaction mechanism.” Explain

8. Why is it only a few chlorine molecules need to be cleaved initially to sustain
this reaction?
9. Look up the bond energies for the chlorine-chlorine bond and for the
hydrogen-hydrogen bond.
10. Calculate the frequencies and wavelengths of light required to cleave each of
these bonds.
11. What regions of the spectrum do each of these required wavelengths fall?
12. Why is it believed that the light causes the chlorine to cleave rather than the

Instructional Activities 48

Egolf, L. M. & Kelser, J. T. Journal of Chemical Education, 1993, 70, A208-A209.

Gas Collection Tube

Pipette Bottom

Pencil Lead
9-V Battery

8 M HCl


Flash Unit
Collection Tube
H2 and Cl2

Keeping Track of Atoms

In this activity you will be “thinking” about atoms and what happens to them as
they undergo physical and chemical changes. To begin with, answer the following

1. What do you already know about atoms? Write down all that you know.

2. If you could see an individual atom, what would it look like? Make a picture.
Instructional Activities 49

3. If you could see the atoms in a piece of pure copper metal, what would you see?
Make a picture.

4. How would an individual atom of copper compare to a whole pile of copper

atoms? Would there be any differences?

5. When atoms undergo a physical change (such as melting) how do they change, if
at all?

6. When atoms undergo a chemical change how do they change, if at all?

Now that you have your answers, discuss each of these questions, sharing your
answers, with the other members in your group. Try to establish a group consensus.
Submit a copy of your group’s discussion to your teacher.

Now that you have thought about atoms, let’s do an experiment.


• 15 dull, dirty pennies

• 600 mL beaker

• vinegar (~50 mL)

• salt (~1 tsp)

• two iron or steel nails

• forceps


• Wear goggles.

• Put all solid waste in the trashcan. All liquid waste may be safely disposed of in
the sink.

• Avoid contact with the chemicals. They can be irritating.

Instructional Activities 50



1. Examine your 15 pennies. Why are they no longer shiny? What has happened to
them? What is the stuff on the surface of the pennies? Is it easily removed? Has
the copper atoms on the pennies changed in any way?

2. Mix the salt and vinegar in the beaker.

3. Hold one penny with the forceps and dip it halfway into the beaker for 10-15
seconds. Remove it. What happened? Did it change?

4. Put all the pennies in your beaker of salt and vinegar.

5. Wait 5 minutes. Take the bennies out of the beaker. SAVE THE BEAKER

6. Place 7 pennies on a paper towel to air-dry. Label the towel “UNRINSED”.

7. Rinse the remaining pennies under water and then put them on a different towel to
air-dry. Label this towel “RINSED”.

8. Put two iron nails into the mixture of chemicals in the beaker. Place one nail so it
is standing on its head and lay the other nail down on its side. Let stand
undisturbed for 10 minutes.

9. Describe everything that you see. Offer an explanation for what you think is
happening. Let the mixture stand for another 30 minutes. Examine the mixture at
the end of this period. What has changed since the last time you examined the
mixture, if anything. How do the nails now appear? Propose a tentative
explanation as to what has happened and why.

10. Examine the two sets of pennies you have set on the paper towels to dry.
Describe the appearance of each. How are the two sets different, if at all? Offer a
tentative explanation for what you see and why.

11. Clean up.


1. Using your model for an atom and your observations attempt to answer the
following questions concerning the experiment dealing with pennies. First
answer these questions individually. Then get with your group and discuss each
question. Reach a consensus, if possible.

a. What is the material on the surface of the dirty pennies, what atom(s) is it
composed of, and how did it get there?
Instructional Activities 51

b. What does the salt and vinegar mixture do to the dirt on the pennies and
why? Why does it remove the dirt? Where does the dirt go?

c. Why do the rinsed and un-rinsed pennies look different? What is on the
surface of the un-rinsed pennies? Where did it come from? What atoms is
it composed?

d. What is forming on the surface of the iron nails? What atom(s) is it

composed? Where did they come from? How did they get there? What
are the bubbles that formed on the nail composed? Where did they come

2. Find the web site:

3. Read through the “Copper Caper”. Focus on their explanation “What’s going
on?” How does their explanation compare to yours? Where do you agree?
Where do you differ?

4. Which explanation do you feel is more accurate, yours or theirs? Why do you
believe this?

5. Consult other references and try to verify the explanations.

6. Compile all your work into a formal group report. Include all your data and
observations. Be prepared to discuss the results with the entire class.

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