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Sumatran tiger is an original animal from

Indonesia which can only be found in the
Territory of Sumatra Island. This Tiger is the
smallest tiger of his species. Sumatran tiger has
a height about 75 cm, length of its body is
about 250 cm and its weight is about 250 kg.
His body is patterned with black and orange
color which transverse in their body. The
Sumatran tiger’s striped looks thinner when compared to other types of another tigers. Male
Sumatran tiger has a unique identity. They have mane around their bottom neck. These manes
are hairs that are longer than other hair in its body. Their small body makes it easier for them to
explore the dense forests and also make them as the King of the jungle. Sumatran tiger has a very
loud and awful roaring sound. Sometimes they also emit another frequently Meong sound and
the sound of sizzle performed while they are threatened.
Sumatran tigers live solitary. They live alone in the Woods. However, when they are
hunting, they will look in pair and cooperate each other. One of them drove off the prey towards
the other who is waiting on shrubs. They usually hunt in the afternoon ahead of the evening.
Sumatran tigers mark their hunting area with howling which is very hard to be listened from a
great distance. They are not focused on one place only as their territory hunting, but they always
Sumatran tiger has no particular breading season. They can breed at any time. They have
pregnancy of their baby for about 103 days. Generally the Sumatran Tigress would have two or
three baby tiger. Newborn tiger baby could not see because their eyes are closed. The tiger baby
will open their eyes on the tenth day of the day of their birth. Sumatran tiger baby are only
drinking milk water from their mother for 8 weeks. However, at the age of 5 or 6 months they
can eat solid foods such as meat and insects. Sumatran tiger baby will leave the nest at the age of
2 weeks. They learn to hunt at the age of 6 months and can hunt alone at the age of 18 months.
At the age of 2 years old tiger begin live alone in the wild. Sumatran tiger can survive for 15
years in the wild, and 20 years in the cage.
Sumatran tiger in its natural habitat eats a medium-sized mammal such as deer, wild boar,
and also small-sized mammals such as monkeys, birds, and reptilian who they meet in the
Woods. On the sidelines of their fingers, there are membranes that make them able to swim
quickly. The Sumatran tiger is always cornering his prey into the water, especially for the prey
which cannot swim. This is done to make them easy to catch their prey.
The Sumatran tiger is able to live anywhere, from lowland forests to mountain forest. The
Sumatran tiger population in the wild is experiencing a threat. They lose natural habitat because
of the opening of forest as farmland. Sumatran tigers also are being hunted by humans to take
their skin. These skins can be used as raw material for the manufacture of clothing and bags.

Sumatran tiger ( Panthera tigris sumatrae ) is

a tiger subspecies native habitat on the island of
Sumatra , is one of six subspecies of tigers that still
survive to this day and is included in the
classification of critically endangered species (
critically endangered ) in the red list of threatened
species released IUCN World Conservation Society
. Wild population is estimated between 400-500 ,
mainly living in national parks in Sumatra . Recent genetic testing has revealed the genetic
markers unique , indicating that this subspecies may evolve into separate species , if managed
sustainably .
Destruction of habitat is the greatest threat to the population today . Logging still takes
place even in the supposedly protected national parks . Recorded 66 tigers were killed between
1998 and 2000 .
Sumatran tigers are the smallest tiger subspecies . The Sumatran tiger has the darkest color
among all other tiger subspecies , the black pattern width and the distance is sometimes tightly
attached . Male Sumatran tigers have an average length of 92 inches from head to tail , or about
250 cm long from head to toe with a weight of 300 pounds, or about 140 kg , while higher than
adult males can reach 60 cm . Females have an average length of 78 inches or 198 cm tall and
weighs about 200 pounds, or about 91 kg . Sumatran tiger stripes are thinner than other tiger
subspecies . Sumatran tiger skin color is the darkest of all tigers , ranging from reddish yellow to
dark orange . This subspecies also had more beard and mane than other subspecies , especially
the male tiger . Its small size makes it easier to explore the jungle . There is a membrane in
between her fingers that made them able to swim fast . Tigers are known to drive hoofed prey
into the water , especially if the prey animal is a slow swimmer . Its fur changes color to dark
green when giving birth.

The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of the tiger

subspecies as compared to the Siberian tiger which
is the largest.
Sumatran male tigers average 8 feet (2.438m)
in length from head to tail and weigh about 265
lbs.(120.2 kg). Females average 7 feet (2.134 m) in
length and weigh about 200 lbs (90.718 kg).
The smaller size of the Sumatran tiger makes it easier to move quickly through the jungle. Also,
their stripes are narrower than other tiger species. The tiger's patterned coloring is an adaptation
for camouflage in their natural habitat, which is often tall grass. The males, especially, have a
more bearded and maned appearance in which neck and cheek hair are well developed.
Webbing between their toes, when spread, enables the Sumatran tiger to be a very fast swimmer.
It will, if given the chance, run hoofed prey, who are much slower swimmers, into the water.
The white spots on the back of the tiger's ears are called "eye spots" or "predator spots." These
spots are believed to function as false eyes as well as to make it look larger to any predator
approaching from behind. This is particularly helpful in keeping cubs safe.
Sumatran Tigers commonly prey on larger ungulates like Wild Boar, Malayan Tapir, and
deer, and sometimes also smaller animals such as fowl, monkeys, and fish. Orangutans could be
prey, but since they spend a minimal amount of time on the ground, tigers rarely catch one.
Sumatran tigers will sometimes prey upon mice and other small mammals when larger prey is

The Sumatran tiger is the smallest subspecies

of tiger in the world, with male Sumatran tigers
rarely growing to 2.5 meters in length. The
Sumatran tiger is today a critically endangered
species of tiger with only around 500 thought to be
in the wild.
The Sumatran tiger is natively found only on
the Indonesian island of Sumatra where the
Sumatran tiger can be found inhabiting a variety of habitats from low and highland areas, to
mountainous jungle and peat swamp forests.
The Sumatran tiger is the smallest species of tiger meaning that the Sumatran tiger is able to
move through dense jungle with greater ease than it's larger cousins.
The Sumatran tiger is quite different in appearance to other tiger species as the stripes of the
Sumatran tiger are narrower than those of other tiger species and they also have larger manes.
Sumatran tigers have slightly webbed paws which allows them to swim more efficiently after
their prey.
The Sumatran tiger is a dominant and carnivorous predator, hunting it's prey by stalking it
until the Sumatran tiger has the opportunity to catch it off guard. Sumatran tigers primarily hunt
larger mammals including deer, wild boar, cattle and goats.
Due to the size and power of the Sumatran tiger, it has no natural predators in its native
environment. Humans that hunt the Sumatran tiger and habitat loss are the only threats to the
Sumatran tiger.
After a gestation period of 3 to 4 months, the female Sumatran tiger gives birth to up to 5
cubs. Newborn Sumatran tiger cubs weigh about 1 kg (2 lb) and are blind and helpless. The
mother feeds them milk for about 2 months and then the Sumatran tiger cubs are introduced to
meat. Sumatran tiger cubs depend on their mother for the first 18 months and then they start
hunting on their own.
Today, due to habitat loss caused by deforestation, and hunting by human poachers, the
Sumatran tiger is considered to be a critically endangered species. Modern estimates suggest that
the current wild Sumatran tiger population is as low as 400 to 500 individuals.

Komodo, or commonly called

Komodo dragons (Varanuskomodoensis).
Komodo is the world’s largest lizard
species that live on the island of Komodo,
Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang,and Gili Dasami
in Nusa Tenggara.
In the wild, an adult dragons usually
weighs around 70 kilograms. The largest
verified wild specimen was 3.13 metres long and weighed 166 kilograms. Komodo dragon has a
tail as long as its body, and around 60 pieces of sharp serrated teeth along about 2.5 cm.
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. Komodo
dont have the sense of hearing, although having the ear hole. They use their keen sense of smell
to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well
as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.
Komodo dragons are carnivores. It is able to locate its prey using its keen sense of smell,
which can locate a dead or dying animal from a range of up to 9.5 kilometres. Komodo dragons
eat by tearing large chunks of flesh and swallowing them whole while holding the carcass down
with their forelegs. Komodo have saliva that has deadly bacteria in it. If dragons bite dont
directly kill the their prey and prey that can escape this pesky generally prey will die within one
week of infection.
Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest
lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The
largest Komodo ever measured was more than
10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds
(166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the
wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200
pounds (91 kg)
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use
their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also
hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.
The Komodo dragon’s teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the
gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo
dragon’s saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey,
then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on.
Komodo Dragons
(Varanus komodoensis) are
reptiles and the largest lizard in
the world. They belong to the
family of Varanidae under ordo
Squamata. They are carnivore,
because they're animal's hunter. They eat deer, wild pig, and other komodo dragons, and also
It is possible to find Komodo Dragon in Komodo Island as the National Park in Flores,
NTT, Indonesia. They live in pasture, tropics forest, and lowland. Komodo dragons are diurnal
or they active during the daylight.
Most of Komodo dragons are 2-3m long while their weigh about 150 pounds. They are
very big, and slow. The male komodo is bigger than the female komodo.
Komodo produce their descent by laying eggs or usually called vivipar. For one period of
laying eggs, they can produce 20 eggs. Their eggs will be incubated for 7-8 months.
It is interesting to note that the dragons are ancient creatures that are endangered. And they
only exist in Indonesia, so let us preserve the native animals Komodo in Indonesia.
Komodo dragons or Varanus
komodoensis are the biggest living lizard in the
world. They belong to very old species of
reptile. They are active during the day but
sometimes active at night. Komodo dragons
are animal from Indonesia. They are only live
in Indonesia.
Komodo dragons have length about 3
meter, and weight up to 165 kg. Male komodo dragons bigger than female komodo dragons.
Komodo dragons have four strong legs with sharp claws. They have a yellow long forked
tongue which use to detect taste and smell stimulus. They have a long powerful tail, the long
approach same with the body. They have 60 sharp teeth each about 2.5 cm.
Komodo dragons live in grassland, in Komodo Island, Rinca, and Padar, Indonesia. They
can live 15-30 years. These animal can run fast, the speed up to 20 km/hours. They can climb
trees. They can swim well, and dive until 4.5 m. Komodo dragons include loner animal, they
gather only when eat or reproduce.
Komodo dragons are carnivore, they eat birds, reptiles, small mammals. Komodo dragons
eat with torn their prey and swallow them. Komodo dragons include endangered species. These
animals are protected with government regulations. Komodo dragons endangered because
difficult to reproduction. In Indonesia was stand Komodo National Park that function for protect
them. Komodo National Park located in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).

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