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Javez Isaq B.

Ferrer September 6, 2018


Health 9

Submitted to: Mr. John Michael D. Tiopez

1. Characteristics of a Good First Aider

-First of all, who or what are first aiders? These are people who are qualified to
give first aid treatment in the event of an injury or an illness.

First Aiders are suppose to be:

1. Calm and Collected
-They need to be calm, so that they can make clear decisions and also do
precise maneuvers when doing first aid.

2. Skillful
-They need to know what they are doing to further the distance between the
victim and death.

3. Has Great Communication Skills

-They need to know how to communicate properly with the victim and the
people surrounding him to get help the fastest way possible.

4. Kind and Comforting

-This is a good characteristic to have as it allows you to calm the victim if he/she
is conscious. Calming the victim may help increase the victim’s chances of

5. Keen and Observant

-First aiders need to be keen eyed on the environment that they are in so that
they can assess the situation if the surrounding area is safe and clear of

6. Quick and has excellent decision-making skills

-The first aiders need to be quick in all situations, quick to think, and quick to
assess the situation. They also need to have excellent skills on decision-
making, as one wrong decision or move can lead to the worsening of the
patient’s condition, and at the worse-case scenario, it may lead to death.
2. First Aid Guidelines and Procedures

-First Aid is the act of giving help to a sick or injured person until medical
professional arrives.

Your goal is:

-Keep the victim alive

-Prevent the worsening of the victim’s condition
-Keep on giving First Aid until help arrives.
Guidelines and Procedures for giving First Aid:
-Assess the situation.
-Assess the environment and determine if it is safe.
-Move victim to a safer location.
-Call for help immediately.
-Analyze the victim.
-Apply proper First Aid Treatment.
Guidelines and Procedures for Cardiac Arrest:
 Command someone to call 911 or the medical alert system for the locale.
 Immediately start chest compressions regardless of your training. Compress hard
and fast in the center of the chest, allowing recoil between compressions. Hand this
task over to those who are trained if and when they arrive.
 If you are trained, use chest compressions and rescue breathing.
 An AED should be applied and used. But it is essential not to delay chest
compressions, so finding one should be commanded to someone else while you are
doing chest compressions.
Guidelines and Procedures for Bleeding
 Cover the wound with a gauze or a cloth.
 Apply direct pressure to stop the blood flow. Don't remove the cloth. Add more layers
if needed. The cloth will help clots form to stop the flow.
Guidelines and Procedures for Burns:
 Flush the burned area with cool running water for several minutes. Do not use ice.
 Apply a light gauze bandage.
 Do not apply ointments, butter, or oily remedies to the burn.
 Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief if necessary.
 Do not break any blisters that may have formed.
Guidelines for Fractures:
 Don't try to straighten it.
 Stabilize the limb using a splint and padding to keep it immobile.
 Put a cold pack on the injury, avoiding placing ice directly on the skin.
 Elevate the extremity.
 Give anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen.
Guidelines and Procedures for Sprains:
 Lean forward, not back.
 Pinch the nose just below the bridge. Don't pinch the nostrils closed by pinching
 Check after five minutes to see if bleeding has stopped. If not, continue pinching and
check after another 10 minutes.
 You can also apply a cold pack to the bridge of the nose while pinching.
Guidelines and Procedures for Bee Stings:
 Use a cold pack to reduce swelling at the site, but take care not to cause frostbite.
 Use an antihistamine like Benadryl (diphenhydramine) to reduce swelling and
 Try ibuprofen or Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain.
 Monitor the person who was stung by signs of anaphylaxis, including hives, redness
or itching in other areas of the body, and shortness of breath.
3. Guidelines in Giving Emergency Care

-Emergency care is about the giving of care immediately to an injured person.

Step 1: Survey the Scene
-You must know whether the scene or environment you are in is safe, not only safe for
you, but safe for bystanders, the victim, and you yourself. Call for medical help or an
ambulance now.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Materials to get started on giving Emergency care.

-To treat the person, you must need acquire materials such as cloth, alcohol or any other
disinfectants, splints, etc.

Step 3: Approaching the victim

-Approach the victim, to start giving first aid. Do not further harm the victim.

Step 4: Do a Primary Survey of the Victim.

-Scan out what is the problem with the victim. Find out the conditions that are an
immediate threat to the victim’s life. This involves:
-Checking if the victim is Conscious
-Checking for Breathing
-Checking the Airways
-Checking for Circulation

Step:5 Do a Secondary Survey

-Gather additional information about injuries or conditions that may need care and
attention. This includes:
-An interview with the victim.
-Checking the victim’s vital signs
-Perform head-to-toe examination.
Step 6: Do First Aid
-Do First Aid to treat the certain injury or illness.

What to DO in giving Emergency care:

-Obtain Consent, when possible.
-Consider the worse-case scenario.
-Identify yourself to the victim.
-Provide comfort and emotional support.
-Respect the victim’s modesty and physical privacy.
-Be calm and direct as possible.
-Care for the most serious injury first.
-Assist with his/her medication.
-Loosen the clothing of the victim.

What NOT TO DO in giving Emergency Care:

-Do not let the victim see his/her injury.
-Do not leave the victim alone.
-Do not assume that the victim only has 1 injury, it is mostly more than one.
-Do not make unrealistic promises.
-Do not trust the judgement of the victim because they are maybe confused.
-Do not make them decide.

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