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Sustainable an Inclusive Development in the Amazonas Jungle Communities

surrounding Oil and Gas Fields

Results of the extractive activities in some of the oil and gas fields in the Amazonas jungle have
resulted in both negative environmental load and social disruption in the traditional income
activities of the local communities. This Paper presents an integrated solution proposal to align
economical profitability with the ecological viability for Oil & Gas Field Development and
Solutions are proposed by using a Preventive Approach, introducing a Life Cycle Concept and
an effective implementation of Innovations/New Technologies and Best Practices to reduce or
eliminate exposure to environmental accidents and negative impact in the social frame while
maintaining a profitable Business. On the other side the proper governmental regulation and
commitment of the local population not to abandon the traditional income sources for higher
paid salaries in the Oil and Gas jobs can contribute to the solution.

Three examples are presented on how the proposed Methodology have succeeded in other oil
and gas field scenarios, such as the Venezuelan Llanos, the Deserts of the Sultanate of Oman
and the Farm land of the Nile Delta River.

Bridging the Gap of Profitability and Sustainability is achievable while strengthening the social
frame of the communities surrounding oil and gas fields in the Jungle Areas by means of Process
Efficiency, Preventive Measures and Life Cycle Approach as applied in other latitudes.

2. Social Sustainable and Environmental Compatible Development and Operation in

Mining Projects of Peru

Peru is a power house in terms of Mineral Resources as it is top producer of Cupper, Silver,
Gold, Zinc, Lead and Tungsten among others and has the largest reserves as well. Unfortunately
this wealth in resources has not percolated to the entire society. On the opposite in some cases
the use of the traditional ways of Mining Project Development have resulted in additional
environmental load and contaminated soil and river ways. As a response to this the local
communities are unwilling to support those projects. Currently the governmental regulations
for the Development Projects of Mineral Extraction require the elaboration of an EIA -
Environmental Impact Assessment. However rarely they are focused on the project planing and
design stage and end up as a mere paper work exercise for the project permitting process,
moreover a Social development Plan is not considered as mandatory to be part of the EIA.
The latest technological innovations and New Development Methods in Mining Processes are enabling
to significantly reduce or to eliminate disruption in the environmental landscape and contamination in
soil and water ways. Among those are the use of techniques to extract gold and Cupper without Cyanide
and Mercury, on the other side improvements in developing of mining projects are reducing the
environmental impact to a negligible level by using techniques such as the ISM - In Situ Mining and
Biodegradable Chemical Products to separate the target metals from the mineral ore. Such techniques
are also reducing the extraction costs. Adding value to the extracted minerals by processing it in country
will reduce the CO2 emissions by significantly reducing the transported loads.

Several real case examples are presented representing viable alternatives to reduce the load to the
environment and to enable a true sustainable development of the countries owning the non-renewable
mineral resources.

Peru’s No 1 income source is the Export of mineral products the use of latest technologies instead of the
traditional exploitation techniques can result in a compatible and sustainable Development of such
projects instead of the resistance and rejection of such Projects that are tied to large investment that
should bring social development to the entire country, giving that those resources are non-removable.

3. Overcoming Learning Gaps due to malnutrition of Under aged Coastal and Andean Population
using local underutilized Food Resources

Despite the mineral resources wealth nearly half of Peru’s under aged population has anemia, adding,
according to the monitoring of malnutrition indicators. This condition has lead to serious learning gaps
and underperformance specially in the rural schools. On the other side the history shows that the Inca
Ancestors built a society that was able provided for reliable food sustenance of the entire population.
An expression of this fact is the existence of a tremendous cultural and folkloric legacy as populations
that have covered their essential needs invest time to promote entertainment, arts and culture. An
analysis of those former conditions showed that still there are local resources that can be very helpful
to overcome the malnutrition. Further investigation of the current eating habits indicated the
preference for foods that lack effective nutrients, so called Junk Food in detriment to the food of the
Inca Ancestors, so called Super Foods.
Market price for Peruvian Super Foods are continuously increasing, making them unaffordable for low
income households. Further search for possible alternatives have resulted in the identification of Fish
Flower, Algarrobina, dried potatoes and the combination of low cost fruits and vegetables that increase
the Hemoglobin value. It is proposed to promote those food rich an nutrients and at affordable costs as
part of the daily food intake. Also the use of cakes, juices and desert prepared of the skin of green Papaya
- that is otherwise thrown away. Peru has also been blessed with low cost natural sweeteners that can
prevent deceases such as Diabetes.

Specific low cost and high nutritional alternatives to the current eating unhealthy habits have been
identified and proposed to prevent malnutrition of under aged population that lead to malnutrition and
learning gaps in Peru’s under aged population of coastal and Andean villagers.

Macroeconomic indicators are showing remarkable advances in the Peruvian society, however field
measurement of health indicators are showing a high level of malnutrition specially in the under aged
population, leading to serious learning gaps. The present work introduces specific alternatives to
overcome this condition by using local underutilized food resources that are therefore affordable to low
income families. some of those sources have been around since the Inca Times, yet current eating habits
have neglected them. It turned out that those foods are not only high nutritional but also healthy.

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