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Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
1. Three vectors are given by:
a = 3 î + 3 ˆj - 2 k̂
b = - î - 4 ˆj + 2 k̂
c = 2 î + 2 ˆj - k̂
r r v r r v r r v
Find (i) a .( b .  c ), (ii) a .( b .+ c ), (iii) a .  ( b .+ c ).
2. (a) State the basic postulates of special theory of Relativity. Discuss the effect of relative uniform motion on Mass,
Length and Time.
(b) A rod lies parallel to the x-axis of reference frame S, moving along this axis at a speed of 0.632 C. Its rest length is
1.68 m. What will be its measured length in frame S?
3. (a) What is meant by Interference of Light? Also distinguish between Constructive Interference and Destructive
(b) Derive an expression for the Resolving Power of a plane diffraction grating.
(c) Monochromatic light emitted from a He-Ne laser source with  = 632.8 nm is incident normally on a diffraction
grating containing 6000 lines per cm. Find the angles at which one would observe the first order maximum and the
second order maximum. Will it be possible to observe the third order maximum as well?
4. (a) Differentiate between Travelling Waves and Standing Waves.
(b) Prove that the Rate of Transfer of Energy in wave motion depends on the square of the wave amplitude and square of
the wave frequency?(marks 10)
(c) Spherical waves travel from a source of waves whose power output, assumed constant, is P. What will be the wave
intensity I at a distance from the source?
5. Write an essay on the production and measurement of low temperatures.
6. State and explain the First Law of Thermodynamics. Discuss its applications in the case of:
(a) Adiabatic (b) Isothermal
(c) Isochoric (d) Isobaric Processes
7. Write notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Bernoulli’s Theorem.
(b) Laser and its Applications.
(c) Brownian Motion.
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.
(1) The vector in space has:
(a) Three components (b) Two components.
(c) One component (d) None of these
(2) The correct relation is:
r r r r r r r r
(a) a . b = b . a (b) a . b  b . a
r r r r r r r r
(c) a  b = b  a (d) a . b = b  a
(e) None of these
(3) N.s./m2 is the SI unit of:
(a) Surface tension (b) Viscosity
(c) Force (d) Momentum
(e) None of these
(4) Antinodes are points where:
(a) Strain is maximum
(b) Frequency is maximum
(c) Wave length is maximum
(d) Amplitude is maximum
(e) None of these
(5) When the mass and speed of a body are doubled, the momentum becomes:
(a) 16 times (b) 8 times
(c) 4 times (d) 3 times
(e) None of these
(6) Efficiency of carnot engine is 100% when temperature of sink is:
(a) Zero (b) Infinite
(c) Equal to source (d) None of these
(7) For gases obeying Boyle’s Law, if pressure is doubled, volume becomes:
(a) Double (b) One half
(c) Three times (d) No change
(e) None of these
(8) Distance between an antinodes and an adjacent node is:
(a)  (b) 2
(c) /2 (d) /4
(e) None of these
(9) Total energy of a particle performing S.H.M. is directly proportional to:
(a) The amplitude
(b) The square root of amplitude
(c) The square of amplitude
(d) The reciprocal of amplitude
(e) None of these
(10) Frequencies less than 20 Hz are called:
(a) Supersonics (b) Ultrasonics
(c) Infrasonics (d) None of these
(11) Laser is an intense beam of light which is:
(a) Monochromatic (b) Coherent
(c) Collimated (d) All of the above
(12) The change in entropy S of a system is given by:
(a) S = (b) S = TQ
(c) S = (d) None of these.
(13) The particle nature of light is evidenced from:
(a) Polarisation (b) Interference
(c) Diffraction
(d) Photoelectric Effect
(e) None of these
(14) Sound waves are:
(a) Electromagnetic waves
(b) Mechanical waves
(c) Transverse waves (d) Radio waves
(e) None of these
(15) Kilo Watt Hour (KWh) is a unit of:
(a) Electric Flux (b) Electric Field
(c) Electric Energy (d) Electric Potential
(e) None of these
(16) All motions are:
(a) absolute (b) uniform
(c) relative (d) None of these
(17) The normal human body temperature on Fahrenheit scale is:
(a) 96ºF (b) 98.6ºF
(c) 99ºF (d) 100ºF
(e) None of these
(18) We get light inside a room in daytime due to:
(a) diffraction (b) interference
(c) polarisation (d) refraction
(e) None of these
(19) The radiation which gives sense of heat is called:
(a) visible light (b) invisible light
(c) infra-red radiation (d) ultra violet rays
(e) None of these
(20) Heat death will occur when:
(a) Temperature is maximum
(b) Temperature is minimum
(c) Heat energy is zero
(d) All bodies are at the same temperature
(e) None of these
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
1. (a) What is a point charge? Why do we take a point charge while estimating the electric field intensity of a system of
(b) What do you understand from Coulomb’s law and Gauss’s law? Do they represent the same fact (law)? If yes – how;
if no – why?
(c) A 24-volt lamp has a resistance of 8 ohms. What resistance must be placed in series with it, if it is to be used in a 117-
volt line?
2. (a) What requirements must be met to form an electric circuit? Is there any similarity between an electric and a magnetic
circuit? Explain the terms MMF and reluctance.
(b) Discuss the statement: “In case of a transformer whatever is gained in voltage is lost in current.” (8)
(c) What causes the magnetism? Differentiate between Dia-,Para-, and Ferromagnetic materials. (6)
3. (a) In how many ways electrons can be emitted from various materials? Describe thermionic emission in detail and
establish the Child’s law. (10)
(b) What is meant by modulation? Describe its various types and show that a 100% amplitude modulation increases the
radiated power by 50%. (6)
(c) Calculate the frequency of radio waves coming out of an oscillating circuit containing a capacitor of 0.02 microfarad
and an inductor of 8 microhenry. (4)
4. (a) How would you calculate µ, rp and gm of a triode from its characteristic curves?
(b) What is rectification? How is it achieved: Draw fully labelled circuits for half-wave and full-wave rectifiers?
(c) Explain how P , and N-type semiconductors are produced? Elaborate the concept of a “hole”. (8)
5. (a) Discuss various models put forward to explain the atomic structure. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of
each model and show how the shortcomings of one model were overcome by the subsequent model?
(b) Explain the significance of Pauli’s principle.
(c) An electron is moving with a velocity of 4.0  107 m/s. Calculate the energy in electron-volts. Mass of electron is
given as 9.0 10-28g?
6. (a) Obtain expression for the wave numbers of lines belonging to different series of hydrogen atom. Draw suitable
diagrams to show hydrogen spectrum. (15)
(b) Find de-Broglie wave length of helium atoms (mass 6.65  10–27 kg) having average velocity 1.635  103 m/s.
Planck’s constant is
6.625  10–34 Js.
7. (a) Explain that radioactive rays are of inter-nuclear origin.
(b) What is chain reaction in nuclear fission? Explain controlled and uncontrolled chain reactions. (12)
8. Write only the correct answer in the answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.
(1) A negative electric charge:
(a) interacts only with positive charges.
(b) interacts only with negative charges.
(c) interacts with both positive and negative charges.
(d) may interact with either positive or negative charges, depending on circumstances.
(e) None of these.
(2) Ten thousand electrons are removed from a neutral pith ball. Its charge is now:
(a) +1.6  10–15 (b) +1.6  10–23
(c) –1.6  10 C –15
(d) –1.6  10–23 C
(e) None of these
(3) If air is replaced by an other medium, the force between two charges:
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains the same
(d) may increase or decrease depending upon the nature of medium
(e) None of these
(4) The result of placing soft iron inside a coil is:
(a) increase in magnetic flux
(b) decrease in magnetic flux
(c) no change in the magnetic flux
(d) None of these
(5) The appearance of an electric field in a conductor when it is moved across a magnetic field is an example of:
(a) Lenz’s law, (b) Ohm’s law
(c) electromagnetic induction
(d) magnetic flux (e) None of these
(6) The primary winding of a transformer has 200 turns and its secondary winding has 50 turns. If the current in the secondary
winding is 40 A, the current in the primary is:
(a) 10A (b) 80A
(c) 160A (d) 8000A
(e) None of these
(7) The energy content of a charged capacitor resides in its:
(a) plates
(b) potential difference
(c) charge (d) electric field
(e) None of these
(8) In an ac-circuit, the voltage:
(a) leads the current (b) lags the current
(c) is the phase with the current
(d) any of the above, depending on the circumstances
(e) None of these
(9) Amount of energy liberated in Fission reaction of one atom of u 235 is nearly:
(a) 200MeV (b) 20MeV
(c) 20eV (d) 200eV
(e) None of these
(10) Substance which can be used as moderator in a reactor is:
(a) graphite (b) heavy water
(c) cadmium (d) uranium
(e) None of these
(11) The half-life of phosphorus 32 is 15 days. A given mass of phosphorus – 32 will be reduced to 1/4 th of its original mass in:
(a) 60 days (b) 30 days
(c) 45 days (d) 90 days
(e) None of these
(12) Which of the following fundamental particles is heaviest:
(a) electron (b) muon
(c) neutrino (d) meson
(e) None of these
(13) Fission reaction of U235 is:
(a) exothermic (b) endothermic
(c) None of these
(14) For an atom having atomic number, Z, and atomic weight, A, the number of neutrons in a nucleus is:
(a) A (b) Z
(c) A + Z (d) A – Z
(e) None of these
(15) Normally the emitter of the transistor has to be:
(a) forward biased (b) reverse biased
(c) may be forward biased or reverse biased
(d) may not be biased
(e) None of these
(16) The inductance in a coil plays the same role as:
(a) inertia plays in mechanics
(b) energy plays in mechanics
(c) momentum plays in mechanics
(d) None of these
(17) If the current flowing through a lamp drops by 1 per cent, what will be the percentage decrease 1 power?
(a) 0.01% (b) 1%
(c) 2% (d) 4%
(e) None of these
(18) Modern physical theories indicate that:
(a) all particles exhibit wave behaviour
(b) only moving particles exhibit wave behaviour
(c) only charged particles exhibit wave behaviour
(d) only uncharged particles exhibit wave behaviour
(e) None of these
(19) A neon sign does not produce:
(a) a line spectrum
(b) an emission spectrum
(c) an absorption spectrum
(d) photons
(e) None of these
(20) The splitting of the spectral lines of an element when it radiates in a magnetic field is known as:
(a) the Schrödinger effect
(b) the Zeeman effect
(c) induced emission
(d) population inversion
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO 8. which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL
1 .(a) If A = A1i +A2 i+A3j and B = Bli + B2j + B3k, then prove that A, B = A1B1 + A2B2 +A3B3
(b) Find the value of e so that A = ci–2j + k and B = 2ci + cj –4k are perpendicular.
(c) If A, B  C = 0, then show that vectors A, B, and C are coplanar.given  = 3x2  yx, find div (grad ).
2. (a) Show that Newton’s first law of motion is a special case of Newton’s Second law of motion.
(b) State and explain the law of conservation of linear momentum.
(c) A stream of bullet whose mass m = 3.8g each, is fired horizontally with speed v = 1100 m/s into a large wooden block
of mass M = 12 kg that is initially at rest on horizontal table. If block is free to slide without friction across the table,
what speed will it acquire after it has absorbed 8 bullets?
3. (a) Drive Bemoulli’s equation for steady flow of a non-viscous fluid.
(b) A liquid is discharging from an orifice in a large tank at a distance h below the liquid surface. The tank is open at the
top. Show that the speed of efflux is v = . or
4. Write the general equation for ‘damped harmonic oscillator.’ Solve it and discuss all the three features of damping i.e.
when damping is small, medium, and high.
5. (a) What is interference of light? What are the necessary conditions for interference?
(b) How interference pattern is formed in case of Newton’s Rings? Drive an expression for the radius of dark and bright
6. (a) Give the Clausius, and Kelvin-Planck statements of the second law of thermodynamics. Show that the two statements are
(b) What are the basic assumptions on which the kinetic theory of gases is developed? Explain these in brief.
7. Write notes on any two of the followings.
(a) Lorentz Transformation
(b) Standing Waves
(c) Maxwell Distribution of molecular velocity.
8. Write only the correct answers in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
1) What is the exhaust temperature required to operate a Carnot's heat engine at an efficiency of 38%, if the higher
temperature is 200°C?
(a) 20°C (b) I7?C
(c) 15oC (d) 38°C
(e) None of these.
2) The minimum number of unequal forces whose vector sum can be ZERO is.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (c) 4
(e) None of these. .
3) Entropy of universe during any natural process
(a) Remains constant' (b) Increase
(c) Decrease in internal energy or remain constant
(d) Increase in temperature
(e) None of these
4) Heat energy added to a system under isathermal conditions.
(a) Work done on the system
(b) Increase in internal energy
(c) Increase in temperature
(d) Work done by the system
(e) None of these
5) Which one of the following properties of waves is not found in both sound waves and radio waves?
(a) Reflection (b) Interference
(c) Diffraction (d) Polarization
(e) None of these.
6) A man hears a musical sound produced by a tunng fork. The frequency of the tuning fork, in cycles per second is,
(a) 4 (b) 400
(c) 40000 (d) 10000
(e) None of these.
7) In sound frequency determination 'Pitch' and in light frequency determines
(a) Speed (b) Type of polarization
(c) Colour (d) None of these
8) The minimum initial velocity require to take a body, at the surface of the earth, out of the gravitational field of the earth is
given by,

(a) (2gRe) (b) 2gRe

(c) 2Re/g (d) 2 Re/g

(e) None of these.
9) A collision is said to be elastic if,
(a) Momentum and kinetic energy are both conserved.
(b) Momentum is conserved and kinetic energy changes.
(c) Momentum changes and kinetic energy is conserved.
(d) Momentum and kinetic energy both change.
(e) None of these.
10) The objective of Michelson and Morley experiment was to find
(a) Velocity of light.
(b) Velocity of earth with respect to other.
(c) Nature of light.
(d) All of the (a), (b) and (c) above.
(e) None of the (a), (b) and (c).
11) What makes a steel needle float on the top of the water?
(a) Surface Tension (b) Adhesion
(c) Viscosity (d) Density
(e) None of these.
12) A gas at a pressure of 4 atmospheres is allowed to expand isothermally from a volume of 100 cm3 to a volume of 400 cm3.
The new pressure is:
(a) 16 atmosphere (b) 4 atmosphere
(c) I atmosphere (d) None of these.
13) Air resistance has an effect on projectiles. Which factor(s) does it influence?
(a) Speed (b) Maximum height
(c) Range
(d) All of the (a), (b) and (c).
(e) None of the (a), (b) and (c).
14) A container has a small hole in the bottom. Air can go through this hole, but water cannot. This can be best explained by the
statement that:
(a) Water molecules are larger than molecules in the air.
(b) Water molecules are smaller than molecules in the air.
(c) Water is more viscous than air.
(d) Surface tension of the water prevents it from escaping.
(e) None of these.
15) The volume of a given mass of gas will be doubled at atmospheric pressure if the temperature of the gas is changed from
150°C to:
(a) 300°C (b) 423°C
(c) 573°C (d) 743°C.
(e) None of these.
16) If a force moves a body with certain velocity, then the power is.
(a) Cross product of force and velocity
(b) Dot product of force and velocity.
(c) Product of force and square of velocity.
(d) Force divided by velocity.
(e) None of these.
17) If the distance between a point source of light and a surface is tripled, the intensity of illumination on the surface will be:
(a) tripled (b) Reduced to 1/2
(c) reduced to 1/3 (d) reduced to 1/9
(e) None of these.
18) X and Y are each 6 feet tall. X stands 4ft. from a vertical plane mirror, and Y 8ft. from the same mirror. The size of X's
image as compared with Y's is:
(a) 4 times as great (b) twice as great
(c) the same size (d) twice as small
(e) None of these.
19) When a body moves at a speed nearly equal to the velocity of light
(a) Its mass increases
(b) Its length decreases
(c) Both A and B are true
(d) None of these.
20) The average transactional kinetic energy of an atom of a gas is equal to:
(a) (1/2)KT (b) (3/2) KT
(c) 3 KT (d) KT
(e) None of these.
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION No.8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
1. (a) Extend Gauss's theorem to derive poisson’s equations. Show that Laplace’s equations are Poisson’s equations written
in an other way.
(b) Consider an isolated uniformly charged spherical conductor. Calculate the Electric intensity at points (i) outside and
(ii) inside the sphere.
2. (a) What is a Poynting vector? Evaluate it for an electromagnetic wave.
(b) Calculate the flow of electromagnetic energy into a resistor-cylindrical of length 'L', radius ‘r' and resistance across
which a potential difference 'V' is applied.
3. (a) Describe triode valve and discuss its static and dynamic characteristics.
(b) Howa triode valve can be used as an amplifier?
(c) A triode valve has a mutual conductance of 2.5 ma per volt and an anode ac resistance of 20,000 ohms. Find the load
resistance which must be inserted in the anode circuit to obtain a stage gain of 30.
4. (a) Describe a PN junction. Discuss its ampere-volt characteristics. Why there is sudden increase in the small reverse
saturation current at the Breakdown voltage? Write the uses of Zener diode.
(b) What are transistors? Draw the three types of 10 common transistors circuits. Define de alpha and de beta of a
5. (a) Describe Compton effect and find out the expression for the change' in wavelength when an electromagnetic photon
strikes a particle––an electron of an atom. ,
(b) How much is the maximum change in wavelength in terms of Compton wavelength?
(c) An X-ray photon whose initial frequency was 05 1.5x 10 19 Hz emerges from a collision with an electron, with a
frequency of 1.2x 1019Hz. How much kinetic energy. was imparted to the electron?
6. (a) What is nuclear fission, fission cross-sections and thresholds? Describe a nuclear reactor.
(b) When an atom of 235U undergoes fission in a Statement reactor, about 200 Mev energy is liberated. Suppose that a
reactor using uranium-235 has an output of 700 MW and is 20% efficient:
(i) How many atoms does it consume in one day?
(ii) What mass of uranium does it consume daily?
7. Write short essay on any TWO of the following:
(a) Integrated Circuits (ICs) and their role in the advancement of present technologies.
(b) Isotopes and the uses of radio isotopes.
(c) Nature of and the experiments which confirm duality behaviour.
8. Write only the correct choice in the Answer. Book. Don't reproduce the statement.
1. Which of the following deals with the properties of matter and energy and their mutual relationship?
(a) Chemistry (b) Astronomy
(c) Physics (d) None of these.
2. The mass of electron is:
(a) 1.9x10-31 Kg (b) 9.1 I x10-28g
(c) Equal to proton (d) None of these
3. The radius of hydrogen atom is:
(a) 5.3x10-10 m (b) .53x10-10m
(c) .053x10-10 m (d) None of these
4. The radioactive substance whose half life is 7 days, decays completely in:
(a) 14 days (b) 21 days
(c) 28 days (d) None of these
5. The splitting of spectral lines of an element when it radiates in a magnetic field is known as:
(a) Induced emission (b) Zeaman effect
(c) Population inverse (d) None of these
6. Normally the emitter of a transistor is:
(a) Reverse biased (b) Forward biased
(c) Not biased (d) None of these
7. Fission chain reaction is controlled by introducing rods of:
(a) Graphite (b) Cadmium
(e) Boron (d) None of these
8. The first atomic reactor was introduced by:
(a) Curie (b) Wilson
(c) Rutherford (d) None of these
9. Gamma rays wave like:
(a) Sound waves (b) Beta rays
(c) X-rays (d) None of these
10. The path Beta particle is:
(a) Straight (b) Circular
(c) Zig-zag (d) None of these
11. Which one is most penetrating?
(a) -rays (b) X-rays
(c) -rays (d) Microwaves
(e) None of these
12. A forward biased diode has resistance:
(a) Zero
(b) Infinite
(c) Equal to reverse biased one
(d) None of these
13. The reverse current through a semiconductor is due to:
(a) Majority carriers (b) Electrons
(c) Minority carriers (d) None of these
14. The energy of radio waves is greater than:
(a) Light (b) Microwaves
(c) X-rays (d) None of these
15. Thermal neutrons are:
(a) At high temperature (b) Fast moving
(c) Slow moving (d) None of these
16. In Somatic radiation damage there is:
(a) Loss of hearing (b) Loss of hair
(c) Ultraviolet beam (d) None of these
17. Laser beam consists of:
(a) Monochromatic light
(b) White light
(c) Ultraviolet beam
(d) None of these
18. Which one is independent of frequency:
(a) Impedance (b) Reactance
(c) Resistance (d) None of these
19. N-type material is electrically:
(a) Negative (b) Positive
(c) Neutral (d) None of these
20. The alternating current in the Secondary coil of a transformer is induced by:
(a) A varying electric field
(b) A varying magnetic field
(c) d c in the primary coil
(d) None of these
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
Write clearly.
1. (a) The diagonals of a parallelogram are given by vectors A = 3i – 4j – k and B = 2i + 3j – 6k. Show that the
parallelogram is a rhombus. (5)
(b) Find the projection of vector A=i–2j+k on the vector B = 4i–4j–7k (7)
(c) A vector r = x i + y j + z k makes angles α., β, and γ with the positive direction of the co-ordinates. Show that cos 2α +
cos2β + cos2γ = 1. (8)
2. (a) A particle moves so that its position is given by r(t) = i + 4t 2 j + t k Write expressions for its velocity and acceleration.
What is the shape of its trajectory? (8,4)
(b) A projectile is fired from the surface of a level ground at an angle 0 with the horizontal. Show that the ratio of
maximum height (H) to the horizontal range (R) is equal to (1/4) tanθ.(8)
3. (a) Explain diffraction of waves. Drive an expression for intensity from double slit diffraction and explain necessary conditions
for position of maximum and minimum. (4,10)
(b) Can we use optical diffraction grating to diffract x-rays? Explain the reasons in support of your answer. (6)
4. (a) Based on kinetic theory of gases, show that the average kinetic energy per mole of an ideal gas is proportional to the
absolute temperature. (2)
(b) Find the average translational kinetic energy per mole of an ideal gas at 0 C and 100 C. (8)
5. (a) What is Carnot engine? Explain its working using P-V diagram and find an expression for its efficiency. (3,7,4)
(b) A Carnot engine has an efficiency of 22%. It operates between reservoirs differing in temperature by 75 C. Find
temperatures of reservoirs. (6)
6. (a) Explain simple harmonic motion (SHM). Write its general equation and solve it to find its time period. (4,2,6)
(b) Find the values of potential and kinetic energies of the system (SHM) as a function of time. Show that the system
observe the law of conservation of energy.(6,2)
7. Write notes on any two of the followings. (10,10)
(a) Michelson-Morely experiment
(b) Laser and its applications
(c) Surface tension
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
1. Heat energy added to system under isothermal conditions appears as
(a) Work done on the system
(b) Work done by the system
(c) Increase in temperature
(d) None of the above
2. A car going around a certain curve at a speed of 25 ml/hr has centripetal force acting on it of 100 lb. if the speed of the car
is doubled, the centripetal force is
(a) quadrupled (b) doubled
(c) reduced to 1/2 of the original value
(d) None of the above
3. Tuning fork 'A' produces sound with frequency double than that Of tuning fork 'B'. 'The speed of the waves produced by 'A'
as compared to that of 'B' is
(a) Twice (b) Four times
(c) Same (d) None of the above
4. The energy of a wave is directly proportional to
(a) Its amplitude
(b) Square of its amplitude
(c) Cube of its amplitude
(d) Non of the above
5. For an ideal gas, the specific heat at constant pressure C p is greater than the specific heat at constant volume C v because the
(a) gas does work on its environment when its pressure remains constant while its temperature is increased
(b) heat input per degree increase in temperature is the same in process for which either the pressure or the volume is kept
(c) pressure of the gas remains constant when its temperature remains constant
(d) None of the above
6. Two insoluble objects seem to lose the same weight when completely submerged in a liquid. 'The objects must have the
(a) weight in air (b) volume
(c) density (d) None of the above
7. A container has a small hole in the bottom, Air can go through this hole, but water cannot. This can be best explained by the
statement that
(a) water molecules are larger than molecules in the air
(b) surface tension of the water prevents it from escaping
(c) water is more viscous than air
(d) None of the above
8. In a bimetallic strip, metal A is on top of metal B. Thermal expansion coefficient of metal A is larger than that of metal B.
On heating, the strip will:
(a) bend upward
(b) bend downward
(c) A will bend downward and B upward
(d) None of above
9. A ball is dropped from a height It As it bounces off the floor its speed is 80 percent of what it was just before it hit the floor.
The ball will then rise to a height of most nearly,
(a) 0.80 h (b) 0.75 h
(c) 0.64 h (d) None of the above
10. A thin uniform steel chain is 10 meters long with a mass density of 2 kilograms per meter. One end of the chain is attached
to a horizontal axle having a radius that is small compared to the length of the chain. If the chain initially hangs vertically,
the work required to slowly wind it up to the axle is closest to
(a) 100 J (b) 200 J
(c) 1000 J (d) None of the above
11. How fast must a 2m stick be moving if its length is observed to be Im from the laboratory frame?
(a) 2 6 × 1010 cm /S (b) 5.2 × 1010 cm /S
(c) 1.3 × 10 cm /S (d) None of the above
12. Which one of the following is used to measure the wavelength of X-rays.
(a) Young's' double slit experiment
(b) Diffraction grating
(c) Bragg's law
(d) None of above
13. The speed of an object at the end of 4 successive seconds is 20, 25, 30 and 35 ml/hr, respectively. The acceleration of this
object is
(a) 5 ft per sec2 (b) 5 ml per hr per sec
(c) 5 ml per hr2 (d) None of above
14. Kinetic energy of a body having mass 2.3kg increased from 5.7 joules to 9.3 joules. The work done for this increase in
kinetic energy is:
(a) 3.6 N-m (b) 8.9 N-m
(c) 15.0 N-m (d) None of above
15. The volume of a given mass of gas will be doubled at atmospheric pressure if the temperature of the gas is changed from
150 °C to
(a) 300 °C (b) 423 °C
(c) 573 °C (d) None of above
16. The average translational kinetic energy of an atom of a gas is equal to,
(a) (1/2)KT (b) (3/2)KT
(c) 3KT (d) None of above
17. In sound frequency determines pitch. In light frequency determines
(a) Velocity
(b) colour
(c) the kind of polarization
(d) None of above
18. A 1Kg mass, attached to a spring of spring constant of 1Nm -1, is displaced through 0.05m. The maximum velocity of the
mass is,
(a) 0.1 mS-1 (b) 0.05 mS-1
(c) 0.5 mS-1 (d) None of above
19. A string’s lowest natural frequency is 400 vibrations/sec. Its fundamental frequency is,
(a) 200 (b) 400
(c) 800 (d) None of above
20. A man is 10 feet away from a plane mirror. His distance from his image is
(a) 5 feet (b) 10 feet
(c) 20 feet (d) None of above
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
Write clearly.
1. (a) Discuss the frequency response of an LCR series circuit. Show that resonance occurs when inductive reactance is
equal to capacitive reactance. (12)
(b) Determine the resonance frequency and the current at resonance when a voltage source of emf 50 volts and frequency
100 cycles/sec is connected across the series circuit of R = 100 ohms, L = 2 henrys and C = .001 micro farad.
2. (a) What is magnetic vector potential? Give it's physical significance. (10)
(b) Use the concept of magnetic vector potential to find an expression for the magnetic field vector of a straight
conductor carrying a current i.e. (10)
3. (a) What is a diode valve? Describe it's action as a full wave rectifier. (14)
(b) Show that the ripple factor 'r' for the unfiltered full wave rectifier is 0.48. (6)
4. (a) Describe with the help of diagram a pnp and a npn transistor. How are they biased? (8)
(b) Using Kirchoff's current law find the relationship between the three currents in a Derive a relationship between a gain
and p gain. (12)
5. (a) What are Bohr's postulates? Use these postulates to derive an expression for the energy levels of hydrogen atom.
(b) Find the energy of an electron in hydrogen atom, excited to an M-shell. (6)
6. (a) Explain with the help of diagram the basic theory and working principle of a nuclear reactor. (12)
(b) Describe some peaceful use of a nuclear reactor. (8)
7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following
(a) Maxwell's equations
(b) Compton's scattering
(c) Transistors as amplifiers (10,10)
8. Write only the correct choice in the answer book. Don't reproduce the statement.
i. In 5 seconds a charge of 80 C passes through a conductor. The current in the conductor is
(a) SO A (b) S A
(c) 16 A (d) 16 mA
ii. A small positive charge of 1.8 × 10-6 C experiences a force of 5.4 × 10-4 N. The electric field strength at the position of the
charge is
(a) 3 N (b) 300 N
(c) 30 N (d) 1.8 N
iii. Two parallel metal plates are separated by 2.5 × 10 -2 m and the electric field between the plates is 5 × 10 3 N/C. The
potential difference present on the plates is
(a) 12.5V (b) 5 × 103 V
(c) 2.5V (d) 125V
iv. Three point charges q1.= 30 μ C, q2 =150 μ C and q3 = -70 μ C are enclosed by a surface S The net flux across S is
(a) 250 μ C/o (b) 110 μ C/o
(c) 50 μ C/o (d) -70 μ C/o
v. A bird is resting on a high voltage wire of 11000 Volts. The bird will not be electrocuted because
(a) The bird has insulated claws
(b) there is no potential difference between the bird's feet
(c) current in the wire is zero
(d) the wire has high resistance.
vi. The emf induced in a circuit is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the circuit. This is statement of
(a) Ampere's law (b) Gauss's law
(c) Len's law (d) Faraday law
vii. In a silicon diode the reverse current is usually
(a) very small (b) very large
(c) zero
(d) in the breakdown region
viii. How is non-conducting diode biased?
(a) forward (b) Inverse
(c) poorly (d) reverse
ix. The momentum of X-rays photon whose wavelength is 2 × 10-11 m is
(a) 6.6 × 10-34 kg m/s (b) 331 × 10-23 kg m/s
(c) 3 × 10 kg m/s (d) 3.31 × 10-11 kg m/s
x. The uncertainty in the speed of an electron confined in a box whose wall separation is 5 × 10 -10 m is
(a) 1.4 × 106m/s (b) 1.4 × 10-6 m/s
(c) 1.37 × 10 m/s (d) 1.37 × 1023 m/s
xi. The number of electrons fitted into the n = 4 shell are
(a) 32 (b) 8
(c) 4 (d) 16
xii The photoelectric emission, the number of electrons emitted depends on
(a) Intensity of light (b) wavelength of light
(c) velocity of light
(d) none of (a), (b) and (c)
xiii The minimum energy required to ionize a hydrogen atom from it's ground state is about
(a) 13.6 eV (b) 1.36 eV
(c) 0.136 eV (d) 1.36 keV
xiv. 1 electron volt (eV) is equal to
(a) 1.67 × 10-27 j (b) 9.11 × 10-31 j
(c) 6.67 × 10-11 j (d) 1.6 × 10-10.j
xv. For a given principal quantum number, n = 3, 1 can take values
(a) 0,3 (b) 0,1
(c) 0,1,2 (d) 0,1,2,3
xvi. The radius of first Bohr orbit in hydrogen is 0.529 A°, The radius of 4th Bohr orbit in hydrogen is
(a) 8.46 A° (b) 2.116 A°
(c) 1.058A°
(d) None of (a), (b) and (c)
xvii. A photon of energy 3 MeV has created an electron-positron pair. The kinetic energy of electron-positron pair is
(a) 3 MeV (b) 1.5 MeV
(c) 0.98 MeV (d) 1.98 MeV
xviii. The mass number of an atom is three times it's charge number Z. The number of neutrons in that atom will be
(a) double than the number of protons
(b) equal to the number of protons
(c) equal to number of electrons
(d) three times the number of protons
xix. The mean life of a radioactive element is 1 hour, It's half life will be
(a) 0.693 hours (b) 0.5 hours
(c) 0.8 hours (d) 2 hours
xx. The daughter nucleus in the alpha. decay of 85At218 is
(a) 85At214 (b) 83At218
(c) 83Bi (d) 83Bi209
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all.
(ii) Question No. 8 is COMPULSORY.
(iii) All questions carry EQUAL marks.
1. (a) Show that A = (2i __ 2j + k) / 3; B = (I + 2j + 2k) / 3; and C = (2i + j __ 2k) / 3 are mutually orthogonal unit vectors.
(b) Show that Divergence of gradient of (1/r) is equal to zero.
2. (a) Define angular momentum of a particle. Show that the time derivarive of its angular momentum is equal to the net
torque acting on the particle.
(b) A man of mass 65kg is running at speed of 4.9 m/s, jumps in to a rowboat of 88kg that is drifting without friction in
the same direction at a speed of 1.2 m/s. When the man is seated in the rowboat, what is the final velocity of boat?
3. State Bernoullie’s theorem and prove it mathematically.
4. (a) Explain the term dispersion and resolve power and find expressions for the both in case of diffraction grating.
(b) A grating has 9600 lines uniformly spaced over a width w=3cm and is illuminated by light from a mercury vapour
discharge. What is the expected dispersion, in the third order, in the vicinity of the intense green line ( = 546nm)?
What is the resolving power of this grating in the fifth order?
5. (a) Write Van der waals equation of real gas. How it differs from ideal gas equation? Explain the meaning and
significance of Van der Waals constant for real gas.
(b) The value of Van der Waals constant for O2 is 32 cm3 /mol. Compute the diameter of O2 molecule.
6. (a) Explain Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocity and drive an expression for such distribution.
7. Write notes on any two of following.
(a) Lorentz Transformation
(b) Resonance
(c) Standing waves
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) The expression mv2 is used to calculate the magnitude of
(a) Force on a body moving with velocity v
(b) Momentum (c) Work
(d) Centrifugal force
(2) Time period of a second pendulum is:
(a) 1/2 seconds (b) 2 seconds
(c) 1 seconds (d) None of above
(3) The force acting on a satellite in circular orbit around the earth is chiefly:
(a) The satellite’s mass
(b) The earth’s gravitational pull
(c) The earth’s mass
(d) The sun’s gravitational pull
(4) A collision is said to be elastic if:
(a) Momentum and kinetic energy are both conserved
(b) Momentum is conserved and kinetic energy changes
(c) Momentum changes and kinetic energy is conserved
(d) Momentum and kinetic energy both change
(5) Young’s Modulus is the ratio between:
(a) Strain and stress
(b) Stress and longitudinal strain
(c) Stress and strain
(d) Strain and longitudinal stress
(6) Laws of physics are same in all:
(a) Frames of reference
(b) Non inertial frames of reference
(c) Stationary frames of reference
(d) All frames of reference
(7) In special theory of relativity the Time Dilation applies to:
(a) Atomic clocks only
(b) Mechanical clocks only
(c) Standard clocks only
(d) All clocks
(8) A container has a small hole in the bottom, Air can go through this hole, but water cannot. This can be best explained by the
statement that:
(a) Water molecules are larger than molecules in the air
(b) Water molecules are smaller than molecules in the air
(c) Water is more viscous than air
(d) Surface tension of the water prevents it from escaping
(9) A thin layer of oil on the surface of water appears colored because of:
(a) Interference (b) Polarization
(c) Diffraction (d) Reflection
(10) Entropy of universe during any natural process:
(a) Remains constant (b) Increases
(c) Decreases
(d) Increases or remains constant
(11) The volume of a gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to the temperature as measured on:
(a) Celsius scale (b) Fahrenheit scale
(c) Reaumur scale (d) Kelvin scale
(12) Heat energy added to a system under isothermal conditions appears as:
(a) Work done on the system
(b) Increase in internal energy
(c) Increase in temperature
(d) Work done by the system
(13) A 50% efficient Carnot engine the sink at 300 o K. The temperature of its source (the high temperature reservoir) is:
(a) 600 o K (b) 700 o K
(c) 800 K (d) 900 o K
(14) Dark, rough objects are generally good for:
(a) Conduction (b) Radiation
(c) Convection (d) Reflection
(15) The Boltzmann law of distribution of energy among the gas atoms is:
(a) Liner (b) Exponential
(c) Quadratic (d) None of the above
(16) A 1Kg mass, attached to a spring of spring constant of 1 Nm -1, is displaced through 0.05m. The maximum velocity of the
mass is:
(a) 0.1 mS-1 (b) 0.05 mS-1
(c) 0.5 mS (d) 5 mS-1
(17) Of the following, the one that cannot be plane polarized is:
(a) Sound (b) FM signals
(c) Infra red light
(d) Yellow light from sodium
(18) In monochromatic red light, a blue book will probably appear to be:
(a) Blue (b) Black
(c) Purple (d) Green
(19) It is said that the illumination on a small surface is inversely proportional to the square of its distance from the source. This
is a true statement if:
(a) The light consists of parallel rays
(b) The size of the source is small
(c) The light has been filtered
(d) Monochromatic light is used
(20) When the wave length of a wave is halved, its energy will be:
(a) Doubled (b) Halved
(c) Unchanged (d) None of above
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all.
(ii) Question No. 8 is COMPULSORY.
(iii) All questions carry EQUAL marks.
1. (a) Define electric potential energy and derive an expression for electrostatic potential between two point charges.
(b) For figure shown derive an expression for VA-VB. What will happen to it when
(i) d=0 (ii) a = 0 (iii) q = 0
a d a

+q A B _q

2. (a) Explain Ampere Circuital law and use it to find the magnetic field inside a solenoid. Discuss similarities and
differences of Gauss, law and Ampere law.
(b) The 25KV electron gun in TV tube fires an electron beam 0.22 mm in diameter at the screen and 5.6 x1014 electrons
arriving each second. Calculate the magnetic field produced by the beam at a point 1.5 mm from the axis of the beam.
3. (a) What is the difference between triode and tetrode electronic tubes? Explain the role of screen grid in tetrode. Draw
and explain plate characteristics of tetrode.
(b) How the grid in pentode improves the tetrode behaviour.
4. (a) How semiconductors differ from conductors. Also explain how conduction in metals differs from that in
(b) Explain how a transistor amplifies an AC signal. Calculate the gain in case of a common emitter configuration.
5. (a) Explain De-Broglie hypothesis. Derive a relationship that relates the wave and material properties.
(b) Explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Give a relationship of uncertainty in measurement of momentum and
position of a particle.
6. (a) Explain the term radioactivity. Develop an equation giving the rate of decay. Use it to find the half life of a radioactive
element. How will you use the rate equation to determine experimentally, the decay constant.
(b) A radioactive isotope of mercury decays into gold with a decay constant of 0.0108 h -1. Calculate its half life. What
fraction of the original amount will remain after 3 half lives?
7. Write notes on any two of the followings:
(i) Nuclear fusion and its applications
(ii) Bohr atom model
(iii) Zeeman effect
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) A proton (electric charge = 1.6 x 10 -19 coul) is placed midway between two parallel metallic plates that are 0.2 meter apart.
The plates are connected to an 80 volt battery. What is in newtons, the magnitude of the electric force on the proton?
(a) 3.2 x 10-20 (b) 6.4 x 10-17
(c) 8.4 x 10 (d) 16 x 10-19
(2) The value of the charge on electron was first determined by:
(a) Thompson (b) Townsend
(c) Millikan (d) Rutherford
(3) A current of 200  A is flowing in a conductor. How many electrons are passing through it in one minute?
(a) 75 x 1020 (b) 750 x 1018
(c) 75 x 10 (d) 7.5 x 1010
(4) AC current through a capacitor:
(a) Leads the voltage across it, by 90 o
(b) Lags behind the voltage across it, by 90 o
(c) Leads the voltage across it, by 180 o
(d) Lags behind the voltage across it, by 180 o
(5) A particle having charge q and moving with velocity v enters in the magnetic field B at right angles to the field. The force
acting on the particle is:
(a) Bqv (b) Bq / v
(c) Bv / q (d) B / qv
(6) If current flows in the same direction in two adjacent parallel wires, then the wires:
(a) Repel each other (b) Attract each other
(c) Have no effect
(d) Repel at one end and attract at other end
(7) Resistance of a conducting wire of cross sectional area ‘A’ will be doubled if its length ‘L’ is:
(a) 1/2 L (b) 1/4 L
(c) 2 L (d) 4 L
(8) The slope of voltage verses current plot gives:
(a) Power (b) Resistance
(c) Energy (d) Gain
(9) The electric flux passing through a certain area A will be maximum if:
(a) Electric field intensity and area are parallel
(b) Electric field intensity and area are perpendicular
(c) Electric field intensity and area make an angle of 60 o
(d) None of above
(10) The electrons in a sub shell of an atom have the same:
(a) Total Quantum number
(b) Orbital quantum number
(c) Both A & B (d) None of these
(11) The splitting of spectral lines by a magnetic field is called:
(a) Compton effect (b) Doppler effect
(c) Tunnel effect (d) Zeeman effect
(12) The wavelength associated with a moving particle is known as:
(a) Threshold wavelength
(b) Johnson’s wavelength
(c) De Broglie wavelength
(d) Alternative wavelength
(13) Neutrons penetrate matter readily chiefly because they:
(a) Occupy no more than one-tenth of the volume of electrons
(b) Occupy no more than one-tenth of the volume of protons
(c) Have a smaller mass than protons
(d) Are electrically neutral
(14) The stability of the nucleus is measured by:
(a) Packing fraction
(b) Number of nucleons
(c) Mass defect
(d) Number of neutrons
(15) The SI unit of radioactivity is:
(a) Henry (b) Beqarrel
(c) Curie (d) Siemens
(16) The emission of one alpha particle from the nucleus of an atom produces a change of:
(a) -1 in atomic number (b) -1 in atomic mass
(c) -2 in atomic number (d) -2 in atomic mass
(17) Which of the following materials can be used as moderator in a nuclear reactor?
(a) Liquid nitrogen (b) Graphite
(c) Water (d) Both B and C
(18) Silicon is a semiconductor material. When boron is added in Silicon, the majority of free carries are:
(a) Protons (b) Electrons (c) Holes (d) Boron
(19) The photodiode converts impinging radiation into:
(a) Current (b) Light (c) Heat (d) X-rays
(20) The most lightly doped region in a p-n-p transistor is:
(a) Emitter (b) Base
(c) Collector (d) Both A and B
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt five questions in all.
(ii) Question No. 8 is compulsory.
(iii) All Question carry equal marks.
1. (a) Following forces act on a particle.
F1 = 2i + 3j – 5k, F2= –5i + j + 3K, F3 = i – 2j + 4k, F4 = 4i – 3j – 2k (4)
Find (i) the resultant of the forces and
(ii) the magnitude of the resultant
(b) Prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the vectors A, B, and C to be co-planner is A.BxC=0 (6)
(c) Show that Vrn = rn-2 γ (10)
2. (a) Why does the acceleration of a freely falling object not depend on the mass of the object? (6)
(b) A ball dropped to earth cannot rebound higher than its release point. Explain the reason.(4)
(c) A jet plane starts from rest on the runway and accelerates for take off at 2.3mS -2. It has two jet engines each of which
exerts a thrust of 1.4 x 105 N. What is the weight of the plane? (10)
3. (a) Give and explain the Einstein’s Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity. (8)
(b) Find the expressions for Time Dilation and Length Contraction due to relative motion. (6,6)
4. Write an equation for Damped Harmonic Oscillator and solve it. Explain all the three conditions of damping. (4,10,6)
5. (a) What are the necessary conditions for interference of light? Derive an expression for separation between the fringes
formed by double slit experiment. (4,10)
(b) A double slit experiment is performed with blue-green light of wave length 512nm. The slits are 1.2mm apart and the
screen is 5.4m from the slits. How far apart are the bright fringes as seen on the screen. (6)
6. (a) Can heat be added to a substance without causing the temperature of the substance to rise? If so when? (4)
(b) What is a Carnot engine? Explain its working and drive an expression for its efficiency? (2,4,5)
(c) A Carnot engine has an efficiency of 22%. It operates between heat reservoirs differing in temperature by 75C. Find
temperature of reservoirs. (5)
7. Write notes on any two of the followings:
(a) Surface Tension
(b) Laser and its applications
(c) Brownian motion (10, 10)
8. Write only the correct answer in the answer book. Please do not re-produce the question.
i) Two forces act together on an object. The magnitude of their resultant is least when the angle between the forces is,
(a) 0 (b) 45
(c) 90 (d) 180
ii) A body is moved from earth to moon.
(a) Its mass will increase
(b) Its weight will increase
(c) Its mass will decrease
(d) Its weight will decrease
iii) Consider the motion of a rocket in free space. If the rocket starts with initial velocity 0.5 km/s and its mass decreases by a
factor of two due to exhaust emitted with speed 1.0 km/s, then find the final velocity of the rocket.
(a) 1.5 km/s (b) 1.2 km/s
(c) 0.6 km/s (d) 0.4 km/s
iv) The acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ at a distance equal to twice the radius of earth will be:
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/9
(c) 1/2 (d) 1/3
v) Kinetic energy of a body having mass 2.3kg increased from 5.7 joules to 9.3 joules. The work done for this increase in
kinetic energy is:
(a) 3.6 N-m (b) 8.9 N-m
(c) 15.0 N-m (d) 10.2 Joules
vi) What will be the torque when a force of 60N is being applied at the end of a 29 cm long wrench to unscrew a nut?
(a) 17.40 N-m (b) 17.4 N-m
(c) 17.4 N-cm (d) 17.4 N-m2
vii) A cylinder with moment of inertia 4 kg.m 2 about a fixed axis initially rotates at 80 radians a second about this axis. A
constant torque is applied to slow it down to 40 radians per second. The kinetic energy lost by the cylinder is
(a) 80 J (b) 800 J
(c) 4000 J (d) 9600 J
viii) Which of the two theories, (a) Maxwell’s equations, (b) Newton’s laws, is invariant under Galilean transformations?
(a) Maxwell’s equations
(b) Neither Maxwell’s equations nor Newton’s laws
(c) Both Maxwell’s equations and Newton’s laws
(d) Newton’s laws.
ix) A clock moving with velocity approaching the velocity of light ticks
(a) Faster (b) Slower
(c) Same (d) Does not tick
x) In a bimetallic strip, metal M is on top of metal N. Thermal expansion coefficient of metal A is larger than that of metal B.
On heating, the strip will:
(a) bend upward (b) bend downward
(c) M will bend downward and N upward
(d) None of above
xi) For an ideal gas, the specific heat at constant pressure C p is greater than the specific heat at constant volume C v because the
(a) gas does work on its environment when its pressure remains constant which its temperature is increased.
(b) heat input per degree increase in temperature is the same in process for which either the pressure or the volume is kept
(c) pressure of the gas remains constant when its temperature remains constant
(d) increase in the gas’s internal energy is greater when the pressure remains constant than when the volume remains
xii) In an isothermal process, the following parameter is kept constant:
(a) pressure (b) temperature
(c) volume (d) all of above
xiii) A polished metallic ball having a black spot is heated to high temperature.
(a) Spot appears brighter than ball
(b) Ball looks more bright than spot.
(c) Spot becomes indistinguishable
(d) None of the above is true.
xiv) When 10 grams of steam at 100C condense to form water at 0C, the number of calories liberated is
(a) 800 (b) 1000
(c) 5400 (d) 6400
xv) Two waves of same frequency and amplitude are travelling in the opposite directions along the same path and in the same
medium will produce,
(a) Complex waves
(b) Interference of waves
(c) Stationary waves (d) Matter waves
xvi) The energy of a wave is directly proportional to
(a) Its amplitude
(b) Square of is amplitude
(c) Cube of its amplitude
(d) None of the above
xvii) Which is not true about electromagnetic waves?
(a) They are coupled electric and magnetic fields.
(b) They move with speed of light.
(c) They exhibit typical wave behaviour.
(d) They exhibit typical electric and magnetic properties.
xviii) In optical fibres, the light travels inside the fibres because of
(a) total internal reflection
(b) refraction of light
(c) diffraction of light
(d) none of above
xix) Yellow light of a single wavelength can’t be
(a) reflected (b) refracted
(c) dispersed (d) depolarized
xx) A person on earth may see the sun even when it is somewhat below the horizon primarily because the atmosphere
(a) reflects light (b) absorbs light
(c) refracts light (d) polarizes light
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt five questions in all.
(ii) Question No. 8 is compulsory.
(iii) All Questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Define and explain Gauss’s law. Use it to find the electric field due to point charges. Show that the Guess’s law and
Coulomb’s law can be regarded as equivalent. (4, 6, 4)
(b) In an ionized helium atom, the electron and nucleus are separated by a distance of 26.5 pm. What electric force is
being experienced by the electron due to nucleus? (6)
2. An AC voltage source is applied in an RLC series circuit. Write its equation and solve it to find current. Explain the
phenomenon of resonance in the circuit. (2, 12 ,6)
3. (a) Why a diode electronics tube is called valve? How can it be used as detector? (2, 5)
(b) Draw and explain the static and dynamic characteristics of a triode valve and explain how does it magnify an AC
signal. (4, 4, 5)
4. What is Compton effect? Describe an experiment to explain it and drive an expression for Compton shift. (2, 6, 12)
5. What is a nuclear reactor? How it differs from that of atomic bomb? Describe with the help of a diagram, the working of a
nuclear reactor and give its three most important uses. (2, 2, 10, 6)
6. Explain the principle and working of cyclotron. Find an expression for the magnetic field strength required to give
resonance to an ion of given charge and mass. What are the limitations of this accelerator? (8, 8, 4)
7. Write notes on any two of the following: (10, 10)
(a) Transistor (b) Pair production
(c) Duel nature of light
8. Write only the correct answer in the answer book. Please do not re-produce the question.
i) A capacitor of capacity C is charged to voltage V and has a net charged of Q Coulombs. The energy stored in the capacitor
(a) ½ Q2/C (b) ½ CV2
(c) ½ QV (d) All above
ii) A charged particle is released from rest in a region where there is a constant electric field and a constant magnetic
field. If two fields are parallel to each other, the path of the particle is a
(a) circle (b) parabola
(c) straight line (d) helix
iii) One electron volt is equal to,
(a) 1.602 X 10–19 joules
(b) 1.602 X 10+19 joules
(c) 1.602 X 10–23 joules
(d) 1.602 X 10+23 joules
iv) The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor increases, if
(a) Gap between the plates is increased
(b) Gap between the plates is decreased
(c) Area of the plates is increased
(d) Both B and C
v) When a charged particle is projected perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, its trajectory is,
(a) Straight line (b) Elliptical
(c) Parallel (d) Circular
vi) The direction of an induced current is such that it opposes the cause that produces it, is the statement of,
(a) Faraday’s law (b) Lenz’s law
(c) Ampere’s law (d) Gauss’s law
vii) No two electrons can exist in the same quantum state. This is the statement of:
(a) Superposition principle
(b) Exclusion principle
(c) Principle of invariance
(d) None of these
viii) The ground state of Hydrogen atoms is –13.6 eV. In Bohr Atom Model, the energy of the first exited state will be,
(a) – 1.9 eV (b) –3.4 eV
(c) – 6.9 eV (d) –13.6 eV
ix) The total energy of an electron in its orbit is determined by its,
(a) Principal quantum number
(b) Orbital quantum number
(c) Spin quantum number
(d) None of these
x) The electrons are emitted when light shines on metals. The energy of emitted electron, depends upon the,
(a) Wavelength of light
(b) Frequency of light
(c) Amplitude of light
(d) Both amplitude and frequency of light
xi) The relationship between the atomic number (A), mass number (M), and number of neutrons (N) is
(a) A = MN (b) A = M – N
(c) A = N – M (d) A = N + M
xii) Radioactive decay of an element is,
(a) A statistical process
(b) A process that obeys law of chance
(c) a random process
(d) All of above
xiii) The half life of 234Th90 is 24 days. The amount of 12 grams sample remaining after 96 days is
(a) 1.00 gram (b) 0.75 grams
(c) 6.00 grams (d) 1.65 grams
xiv) The atom of an element differs from an atom of its isotope in the number of
(a) Neutrons in the nucleus
(b) Protons in the nucleus
(c) Electrons outside the nucleus
(d) Valence electrons
xv) A depletion region, in PN-junction is established due to diffusion of,
(a) Majority carriers across the junction
(b) Minority carriers across the junction
(c) Majority and minority carriers across the junction
(d) None of the above
xvi) Light can create electrons and holes in a semiconductor material such that
(a) Number of holes and electrons is always equal
(b) Number of holes is less than number of electrons
(c) Number of holes is larger than number of electrons
(d) Depends whether it is n- or p-type
xvii) In an N-type semiconductor material, the charge carriers are
(a) Free holes (b) Free electrons
(c) Free ions (d) Both B and C
xviii) The space charge region across a pn junction under equilibrium condition contains only
(a) Free electrons (b) Free holes
(c) Fixed charges (d) All of above
xix) Among the vacuum tube devices, the ‘suppresser grid’ is present only in
(a) Triode (b) Tetrode
(c) Pentode (d) Diode
xx) The number of diodes required for a bridge rectifier configuration are
(a) 2 (b) 1
(c) 3 (d) 4
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO.8, which is COMPULSORY.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iii) All questions carry EQUAL marks.
r r r r
1. (a) If A = 4iˆ  3kˆ and B = 2iˆ + 2jˆ  kˆ , find the scalar projection of A on B . (6)
r r
(b) Use two vectors A, B given in part (a) and a third vector
r r r r r r r
C = ˆj + k, ( ) ( )
ˆ find A �B .C and C �A .B (7)
(c) Find �r where r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 . (7)
2. (a) Using work energy theorem, show that the net work done by the force on a particle is equal to the change in the
kinetic energy of the particle. i.e.
Wnet = K f  K i = K
Where all the quantities have their usual meanings. (12)
(b) A conduction electron in copper near the absolute zero of temperature has a kinetic energy of 4.2 eV. What is the
speed of the electron? (8)
3. (a) Use Lorentz transformation equations or otherwise derive an expression for the time interval of an event as noted on
a clock which is moving relative to an observer with uniform speed U along x-axis. (12)
(b) Show that 1 Kg.m/Sec = 1.875 x 1021 MeV/e.(8)
4. (a) With the help of sufficient mathematical detail and diagrams explain the traveling waves and standing waves.
(b) A string fixed at both ends is 10.0m long and has a mass of 150gm. It is subjected to a tension of 100 N and set
vibrations. Calculate the speed of the waves in the string. What is the wavelength of the largest possible standing
wave? (8)
5. (a) What are low temperatures? Explain in detail a method to produce low temperatures. (10)
(b) Explain two methods of measurements of low temperatures. (10)
6. (a) Differentiate between Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics. (12)
(b) The speed of a group of ten molecules are 2,3,4,---11 Km/s. Find the average speed of the group, further calculate the
root-mean square speed of the group as well.(8)
7. Write short notes on any Two of the following:
(a) Gyroscope (b) Viscosity
(c) Diffraction Gratings
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question. (20)
(1) An object is free to move on a table, except that there is a constant frictional force F that opposes the motion of the object
when it moves. If a force of 10.0 N pulls the object, the acceleration is 2.0 m/s2. If a force of 20.0 N pulls the object, the
acceleration is 6.0 m/s2. What is the force of friction?
(a) 1.0 N (b) 3.33 N
(c) 5.0 N (d) 10.0 N
(2) A two Kg ball moving straight down strikes the floor at 8 m/s. It rebounds upward at 6 m/s. What is the magnitude of the
change in momentum of the ball?
(a) 2 Kg m/s (b) 4 Kg m/s
(c) 14 Kg m/s (d) 28 Kg m/s
r r
(3) A particle moves with position given by r = 3tiˆ + 4ˆj , where r is measured in meters when t is measured in seconds.
Consider t>0, the magnitude of the linear velocity of this particle is:
(a) increasing in time (b) constant in time
(c) decreasing in time (d) undefined
(4) The magnitude of force of gravity between two identical objects is given by F o. If the mass of each object is doubled but the
distance between them is halved, then the new force of gravity between the object will be:
(a) 16Fo (b) 4Fo
(c) Fo (d) Fo
(5) Object B has twice the density and half the mass of object A. The ratio of the volume of A to the volume B is:
(a) 4 (b) 2
(c) ¼ (d) ½
(6) A particle on a spring executes simple harmonic motion. If the mass of the particle and the amplitude are both doubled then
the period of oscillation will change by a factor of:
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 2 (d) 2
(7) If the mass of a simple pendulum is doubled, its period:
(a) remains unchanged (b) doubled
(c) becomes half of the original
(d) None of these
(8) The distance of moon from the earth is 4 x 105 Km, light signal can be sent to the moon and back to the earth in:
(a) 5 minutes (b) 4/3 second
(c) 1 second (d) 8/3 second
(9) An object of mass “M” moves with a speed “” in a circle of radius “R”. The speed of the object is, then doubled than the
initial speed while it starts moving in a circle of radius R/2. The centripetal force of the object.
(a) increases 8 times (b) decreased 8 times
(c) increases 4 times (d) remains unchanged
(10) A body of mass 9.8 Kg is moving in a vertical circle of radius 1m. The minimum possible speed at the highest point of the
circle is:
(a) 1 m/s (b) 4 m/s
(c) 10 m/s (d) 6 m/s
(11) To unscrew a nut with the help of a wrench 29 cm long, a torque of 17.4 N-m was produced by a force of:
(a) 20 N (b) 60 N
(c) 30 N (d) 1 N
(12) A carnot Engine discharges 3 J of heat into the low temperature reservoir for every 2J of work out put. What is the
efficiency of this Carnot Engine?
(a) 1/3 (b) 2/5
(c) 3/5 (d) 2/3
(13) At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Celsius scale coincide?
(a) 0 F (b) -40 F
(c) 40 F (d) 32 F
(14) The speed of an electron that has a kinetic of K>>m ec2 is v1, where:
(a) V1<<C (b) V1C
(c) V1>C (d) V1>>C
(15) A block is moved round the perimeter of a table of dimentions 1m x 2m. If the block ends up at its initial position, then its
displacement is:
(a) 6m (b) 5m
(c) 10m (d) Zero
r r r r r r
(16) If AgB = 0 and A �0, B �0 then the angle between A and B is :
(a) 90 (b) 0
(c) 60 (d) 30
(17) The pressure of a gas changes from 1.5 atm to 0.3 atm at constant temperature. The ratio of the final and initial volume is:
(a) 1/5 (b) 10
(c) 25 (d) 5
(18) When the wave length of a wave is halved, its energy will be:
(a) halved (b) unchanged
(c) doubled (d) Non of these
(19) The number of moles in 0.20 Kg of CO2 is:
(a) 5.54 (b) 0.45
(c) 4.54 (d) 3.54
(20) Pascal is a unit of:
(a) Mass (b) Pressure
(c) Force (d) Density
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO.8, which is COMPULSORY.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iii) All questions carry EQUAL marks.
1. (a) What is an electric dipole? Find an expression for the electric field produced by a dipole at a point P which is at a
distance x along the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the charges, which constitute the dipole. (10)
(b) Calculate the dipole moment of an electron and a proton 4.30 n m apart. (6)
(c) An electron (charge = -e) circulates around a Helium nucleus (charge = +2e) in a Helium atom. Which particle exerts
the larger force on the other? (4)
2. (a) Explain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction in details. (12)
(b) A circular UHF television antenna has a diameter of 11.0 cm. The magnetic field of a TV signal is normal to the plane
of the loop and, at one instant of time, its magnitude is changing at the rate of 160m T/S. The field is uniform. Find
the emf in the antenna. (8)
3. (a) What are transistors? Compare a transistor with a triode valve. Explain common emitter and common base
configuration in the case of a PnP transistor.(15)
(b) Write down the electronic symbols of the following: (5)
(1) a PN junction diode
(2) PnP and nPn transistors
(3) A triode tube
(4) a diode tube
(5) A pentode
4. (a) What is photoelectric effect? Give details of an experiment to demonstrate this effect. Finally show how Einstein
gave theoretical explanation of photoelectric effect. (14)
(b) Find the maximum kinetic energy in eV of Photoelectrons if the work function of the material is 2.33 eV and the
frequency of radiations is 3.19 x 1015 Hz. (6)
5. (a) Describe theory of Nuclear fission in detail. (12)
(b) How many atoms are contained in 1.00 Kg of pure U 235? How much energy in joule is produced by complete
fissioning of 1.00 Kg of U235. Assume Q=200MeV). (8)
6. What are nuclear accelerators? Give necessary theory and working principle of a linear accelerator. Give it’s limitations.
7. Write short notes on any Two of the following: (10+10)
(a) Ampere’s law
(b) Thermionic emission
(c) De-Broglie Hypothesis
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Electric charges A and B are attracted to each other. Electric charge B and C repel each other. If A and C are held close
together they will.
(a) attract (b) repel
(c) not effect each other
(d) More information is needed to answer
(2) Two identical, small, conducting spheres are separated by a distance of 1m. The spheres originally have the same positive
charge, and the force between them is F o. Half of the charge on one sphere is then moved to other sphere. The force
between the spheres is now:
(a) Fo/4 (b) Fo/2
(c) 3 Fo/4 (d) 3 Fo/2
(3) Which of the following changes to an ideal parallel-plate capacitor connected to an ideal battery will result in an increase in
the charge on the capacitor?
(a) Decreasing the potential difference across the plates.
(b) Decreasing the area of the plates
(c) Decreasing the separation of the plates
(d) None of these
(4) Two capacitors C1 and C2 are connected in series; assume that C 1<C2. The equivalent capacitance of this arrangement is C,
(a) C<C1/2 (b) C1/2<C<C1
(c) C1<C<C2 (d) C2<C<2C2
(5) Two resistors R1 and R2 are connected in series; assume that R 1<R2. The equivalent resistance of this arrangement is R,
(a) R<R1/2 (b) R1/2<R<R1
(c) R1<R<R2 (d) R2<R<R2R2
(6) An electron with speed  <<C moves in circle of radius ro in a uniform magnetic field. The time required for one
revolution of the electron is To. The speed of electron is now doubled to 2 o. The radius of the circle will change to:
(a) 4 ro (b) 2 ro
(c) ro (d) ro/2
(7) Which of the following quantities increases with increasing frequency?
(a) XL (b) XC
(c) L (d) C
(8) Which color of light is least absorbed by plants:
(a) Red (b) Yellow
(c) Green (d) Violet
(9) What is the effect of increasing the wave length of the light that falls on the emitter in a photoelectric-effect
(a) The work function decreases
(b) The cutoff frequency decreases
(c) The stopping potential decreases
(d) The time delay for emission of Photoelectrons increases
(10) Photon A has twice the energy of Photon B. what is the ratio of the momentum of A to that of B?
(a) 4:1 (b) 2:1
(c) 1:1 (d) 1:4
(11) According to Bohr theory, how many electrons “screen” the charge of the nucleus as seen by an electron in the M-Shell?
(a) 10 (b) 2
(c) 6 (d) 9
(12) How many neutrons are in the nuclide 30Zn66?
(a) 26 (b) 30
(c) 66 (d) 36
(13) If a nucleus were as big as a grape, an atom would be big as:
(a) a house (b) a football field
(c) a city (d) the moon
(14) A stationary electric charge is a source of:
(a) Magnetic field (b) Electric field
(c) Electric and Magnetic fields
(d) None of these
(15) Two wires A and B of circular cross-section are made up of same metal and have equal lengths. The resistance of wire A is
three times greater than that of B. The radius of wire B is:
(a) 3 times radius of wire A
(b) 3/2 times the radius of wire A
(c) 1/3 times the radius of wire A
(d) 3 times the radius of wire A
(16) At Rs.6.00 per kilowatt-hour, the cost of forgetting to switch off a 100 watt lamp before a 10-hour sleep is:
(a) Rs.6/00 (b) Rs.600/-
(c) Rs.10/- (d) Rs.100/-
(17) The mean life of a radio active element is 1 hour. It’s half life will be:
(a) 0.693 Hours (b) 0.5 Hours
(c) 2 Hours (d) 6.93 Hours
(18) Silicon is a Semi-conductor material. When Boron is added in Silicon, the majority of charge carrier are:
(a) Borons (b) Protons (c) Electrons (d) Holes
(19) The atomic number of the element whose outermost electron fills 3-S shell exactly is:
(a) 13 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 10
(20) In the given nuclear reaction 13A27+1H1ZXA+2He4, ZXA is:
(a) 12Na31 (b) 12Mg24
(c) 8O16 (d) 9F19
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO. 8, which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry
EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines (======) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books.
Q.1. (a) If , β, γ are the angles that vector r = xi + yj + zk makes with the positive directions of the coordinate axes, then show
that cos2  + cos2 β + cos2 γ = 1. (6)
(b) Find ‘a’ such that the vectors 2i – j + k, i + 2j -3k, and 3i + aj + 5k are coplanar. (6)
(c) If Φ = 3x2z – y2z3 + 4x3y + 2x –3y–5, then find Div. grad Φ. (8)
Q.2. (a) State and explain Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. (12)
(b) A satellite is placed in a circular orbit with a radius equal to one half the radius of the moon’s orbit. What is its period of
revolution in lunar months (the period of revolution of moon)? (8)
Q.3. State Bernoulli’s theorem and give all necessary conditions. Derive Bernoulli’s equation for moving fluids. (4,4,12)
Q.4. (a) What is simple harmonic motion (SHM)? Write the equation for SHM and solve it to find it’s time period. (2,4,8)
(b) A body oscillates with SHM according to equation: (6)
x = (6.12m) cos ( 8.38 rad/s) t + 1.92 rad. Find its time period.
Q.5. (a) What do you understand by diffraction of light? Give all the necessary conditions. Explain diffraction through a single
slit and derive an expression for the minimas in the diffraction pattern. (2,4,4,6)
(b) Monochromatic light of wavelength 441nm falls on a narrow slit. On screen 2.16m away, the distance between the
second minima and the central maxima is 1.62cm. Find the width of the slit. (4)
Q.6. (a) Explain the terms isothermal and adiabatic processes and calculate the work done in each case. (7,7)
(b) Calculate the work done by an external agent in compressing 1.12 mole of oxygen from a volume of 22.4L and
1.32atm. pressure to 153L at the same temperature. (6)
Q.7. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Lorentz transformation
(b) Equivalence of mass and energy
(c) Production of low temperature
Q.8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question. (20)
(1) A rock is thrown vertically upward with initial speed V 0. Assume a frictional force proportional to the velocity of rock V,
and neglect the buoyant: force exerted by air. The acceleration of the rock is:
(a) Always equal to ”g”
(b) Equal to “g” only at the top of the flight
(c) Always less than “g”
(d) None of these
(2) In circular motion, the quantity mv2/r is:
(a) Momentum (b) Acceleration
(c) Force (d) None of these
(3) A ball is dropped from a height h. As it becomes off the floor its speed is 80 per cent of what it was just before it hit the
floor. The ball will then rise to a height of most nearly:
(a) 0.80 h (b) 0.75 h
(c) 0.64 h (d) None of these
(4) A force is said to be conservative if:
(a) �  F.dA = 0 (b) �  F.dr = 0
(c) Force must be frictional
(d) None of these
(5) The kinetic energy of a particle of mass m and momentum p is given by:
(a) 2m/p (b) p2/2m
(c) 2m/p2 (d) None of these
(6) Young’s Modulus is the ratio between:
(a) Strain and stress (b) Stress and strain
(c) Strain and longitudinal stress
(d) None of these
(7) In special theory of relativity the Time Dilation applies to:
(a) Atomic clocks only
(b) Mechanical clocks only
(c) Both clocks (d) None of these
(8) A container has a small hole in bottom. Air can go through this hole, but water cannot. This can be best explained by the
statement that:
(a) water molecules are larger than molecules in the air
(b) water is more viscous than air
(c) surface tension of the water prevents it from escaping
(d) None of these
(9) Entropy of universe during any natural process:
(a) Remains constant (b) Decreases
(c) Increases or remain constant
(d) None of these
(10) For an ideal gas PV = nRT, the SI units of Universal Gas Constant R is:
(a) Joule K-1 mole-1 (b) Newton K-1 mole-1
-1 -1
(c) Watt K mole (d) None of these
(11) If the higher temperature is double than the lower temperature of a Carnot’s engine, then its efficiency will be:
(a) 30% (b) 60%
(c) 50% (d) None of these
(12) The average translational kinetic energy of an atom of a gas is equal to:
(a) (1/2) kT (b) (3/2) kT
(c) 3kT (d) None of these
(13) Boltzmann law of distribution of energy among the gas atoms is:
(a) Linear (b) Exponential
(c) Quadratic (d) None of these
(14) By increasing the mass of bob of a simple pendulum by 3 times, the time period of the pendulum will:
(a) increase 3 times (b) decrease 3 times
(c) remains unchanged (d) None of these
(15) The Waves that cannot be plane polarized are:
(a) Radio waves (b) Sound waves
(c) Infrared light waves (d) None of these
(16) In sound frequency determines ‘Pitch’ and in light frequency determines:
(a) Speed (b) Type of polarization
(c) Colour (d) None of these
(17) The velocity of electromagnetic wave in free space is given by:
(a) C-2 = µoεo (b) C-1/2 = μoεo
(c) C = μo /ε0 (d) None of these
(18) The speed of light in a certain transparent substance is two-fifths of its speed in air. The index of refraction of this substance
(a) 1.4 (b) 2.,0
(c) 2.5 (d) None of these
(19) A thin layer of oil on the surface of water appears coloured because of:
(a) Interference (b) Polarization
(c) Diffraction (d) None of these
(20) A man is 10 feet away from a plane mirror. His distance from his mage is:
(a) 20 feet (b) 10 feet
(c) 5 feet (d) None of these
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO. 8, which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry
EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines (======) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books.
Q.1. Write an expression giving the capacity of parallel plate capacitor and derive an equation giving the energy stored in it. How
the capacity changes when it is filled with a dielectric material? (4,10,6)
Q.2. (a) Explain Ampere’s circuital law. Use it to find the magnetic field in a solenoid. (6,8)
(b) A solenoid 1.33cm long and 2.6cm in diameter carries a current of 17.8A. The magnetic field inside the solenoid is
22.4mT. Find the length of the wire forming the solenoid. (6)
Q.3. (a) Explain the term radioactivity. Write the equation for decay rate and find the expression for half life of radioactive
element. How will you find the age of the radioactive sample? (2,3,6,5)
(b) A rock is formed to contain 4.2mg of U and 2mg of Pb. Assume that the rock contained no lead at formation, with all
the lead now present arising from the decay of uranium. Find age of the rock. The half life of U is 4.47×10 9 years.
Q.4. (a) What is thermionic emission? Name and explain some of its important applications. (4,6)
(b) How can you use triode s detector in radio wave receivers? (10)
Q.5. (a) What is P-N junction? Explain its working in forward and reverse biasing conditions. (4,8)
(b) Draw bridge circuit for rectification and explain how it rectifies an AC.(8)
Q.6. (a) Explain de Broglie hypothesis and write an equation giving de Broglie wavelength. Give an experiment to prove it.
(b) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron whose kinetic energy is 120eV. (6)
Q.7. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10 each)
(a) Pauli’s exclusion principle
(b) Zeeman effect
(c) Elementary particles
Q.8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question. (20)
(1) Four equal charges of +10 μ C are placed at four corners of a square. The electric intensity at the center of the square is:
(a) Zero NC-1 (b) 5 NC-1
(c) 2.5 NC-1 (d) None of these
(2) A current of 200mA is flowing in a conductor. How many electrons are passing through it in one minute?
(a) 75X1020 (b) 750X1018
(c) 75X10 (d) None of these
(3) A particle having a charge q and moving with velocity v enters in the magnetic field B at right angles to the field. The force
acting on the particle is:
(a) Bqv (b) Bq/v
(c) Bv/q (d) None of these
(4) Maximum voltage is induced in the conductor when it moves in the magnetic field in the direction:
(a) Perpendicular to the field
(b) Parallel to the field
(c) At an angle of 45° to the field
(d) None of these
(5) Lines of magnetic field have the property:
(a) Lines do not terminate at the magnetic poles
(b) Lines continue to pass through the bar magnet
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(6) Bohr atomic theory cannot explain:
(a) The intensity of spectral lines
(b) Atomic interaction
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(7) Electron-positron annihilation gives out:
(a) Alpha-rays (b) Beta-rays
(c) Gamma-rays (d) None of these
(8) In photoelectric effect the energy of the photon in excess of work function of the metal is:
(a) Absorbed by the metal
(b) Reflected back
(c) Taken by the emitted electron
(d) None of these
(9) The probability that a particle will leak through a potential barrier is known as:
(a) Tunnel effect (b) Zeeman effect
(c) Quantum effect (d) None of these
(10) A narrow wave group helps to determine accurately the:
(a) Position of a particle
(b) Momentum of a particle
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
(11) The relationship between the atomic number (A), mass number (M), and number of neutrons (N) is:
(a) A = MN (b) A = M−N
(c) A = N−M (d) None of these
(12) In 1896, the radioactivity was discovered by:
(a) Curies (b) Becqueral
(c) Dalton (d) None of these
(13) The emission of one alpha particle from the nucleus of an atom produces a change of:
(a) −1 in atomic number (b) −1 in atomic mass
(c) −2 in atomic number (d) None of these
(14) Fermions have half integral spin and:
(a) Obey exclusion principle
(b) Do not obey exclusion principle
(c) May or may not obey exclusion principle
(d) None of these
(15) The conversion of atoms of a given element into atoms of a different isotope or of a different element, as in radioactive
disintegration or by nuclear bombardment, is known as:
(a) Radioisotope (b) Transmutation
(c) Transformation (d) None of these
(16) According to Band theory of solids, free electrons are present in:
(a) Valance band (b) Conduction band
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
(17) The forbidden energy gap of a material is 0.01cV, the material is:
(a) Semiconductor (b) Insulator
(c) Conductor (d) None of these
(18) In a semiconductor which is heavily doped with arsenic, electrons are also called:
(a) Majority carriers (b) Minority carriers
(c) Fast carriers (d) None of these
(19) Among the vacuum tube devices, the ‘suppresser grid’ is present only in:
(a) Triode (b) Tetrode
(c) Pentode (d) None of these
(20) In a p-n-p transistor, the emitter-base junction is always forward biased while the collector-base junction is reversed
biased. As a result, any changes in base current will effect the:
(a) Emitter current (b) Base current
(c) Collector current (d) None of these





(PART-I) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.

Q. 1 Select the best option /answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.
v v
(i) If A x B : = 0 it means that:
(a) Both the vectors are perpendicular
(b) Both the vectors are at an angle 60o
(c) Both the vectors are at the angle 45o
(d) Both the vectors are parallel
(ii) Orbital speed V0 is given by
G ro
(a) (b)
Mro GM
(c) (d)
ro Gr0
(iii) If an elevator is moving up with an acceleration ‘a’ the force exerted on the floor by a passenger of mass ‘M’ is:
(a) Mg + Ma (b) Mg – Ma
(c) Ma (d) Mg
(iv) The Velocity of the transverse wave along a string of mass per unit length ‘m’ and stretched with tension T is given by:
(a) T / m (b) T/m
( m / T)
(c) mT (d)
(v) The fringe spacing for bright and dark fringes of monochromatic light is:
(a) Double (b) Half
(c) Same (d) Zero
(vi) Colour in thin films is due to the:
(a) Dispersion (b) Scattering of light
(c) Diffraction of light (d) Interference of light
v v v
(vii) If A g(BxC) = 0 then:
(a) ABC coplanar
(b) Perpendicular to each other
v v
(c) A is perpendicular to B or C
v v v
(d) A is parallel to B or C
(viii) Dimensions of impulse is similar to the dimension of:
(a) Work (b) Torque
(c) Force (d) Momentum
(ix) Angular momentum of a body under a central force is:
(a) Zero (b) Maximum
(c) Minimum (d) Constant
(x) The law of conservation of energy is the basis of:
(a) Carnot theorem (b) Stoke’s theorem
(c) Bernulli’s theorem (d) None of these
(xi) Venturi-meter is a device used to measure:
(a) Density of fluid (b) Speed of fluid
(c) Pressure of fluid (d) Viscosity of fluid
(xii) Human blood pressure is measured in:
(a) N – m-2 (b) mm
(c) Pascal (d) cm
(xiii) When damping is small, the amplitude of vibration at resonance will be:
(a) Small (b) Unchanged
(c) Large (d) None of these
(xiv) Two waves can interfere only if they have:
(a) Phase coherence
(b) Same velocity
(c) Different frequencies
(d) Propagation in opposite direction
(xv) The diffraction of light was discovered by:
(a) Newton (b) Young
(c) Hertz (d) None of these
(xvi) Polarization of light shows that light is:
(a) Corpuscular in nature
(b) Of extremely short waves
(c) Longitudinal waves
(d) Transverse waves
(xvii) A spectrometer is used to find:
(a) Wavelength of light
(b) Refractive index of the prism
(c) Wavelength of different colours
(d) All of these
(xviii) At constant temperature the graph between V and is:
(a) Hyperbola (b) Parabola
(c) Straight line (d) Ellipse
(xix) Ice becomes slippery, because:
(a) Ice surface is smooth
(b) There is no friction
(c) Increase of pressure causes it to melt
(d) It is very chilly
(xx) In an adiabatic process:
(a) Q = U + W (b) Q = U
(c) Q =  W (d) Q = 0
(i) PART – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART – II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
) ) ) ) ) )
Q. 2. (a) The position vectors of points A, B and C relative to origin O are -4 i -3 j ,2 i +4 j and -5 i + j respectively.
uuuv uuu
Evaluate CA gCB and hence find the angle ACB.
(b) Three collinear points A, B and C have position vectors 3p – q, D p +2q and p + 5q respectively, relative to origin O.
uuur uuur
Find the value of D and the ratio AB : AC.
r ) ) ) v ) ) )
(c) Find a Unit vector perpendicular to a = i + j + k and b 2 i +3 j - k .
Q. 3. (a) A particle of mass “m” attached to a string rotates with velocity vo when the length of string is ro. How mush work is
done in shortening the string to r?
(b) A block of mass 10.0 Kg is to raise from the bottom to top at an incline 5.0m long and 3.0m off the ground at the top. If
frictional force 10.0N acting along incline, how much work must be done by a force parallel to the incline pushing the
block up at constant speed?
Q. 4. (a) Explain Michelson – Morely Experiment and write Einstein’s postulates.
(b) If a particle is moving with a speed of 0.3C by what percentage does its kinetic energy and momentum differ from
non-relativistic values?
Q. 5. (a) State and prove Bernulli’s theorem.
(b) A garden hose having internal diameter 1.75cm is connected to a lawn sprinkler that consist merely of an enclosure
with 24 holes, each 0.05 cm in diameter. If the water in the house has a speed 2.0m/sec, at what speed does it leave the
sprinkler holes?
Q. 6. (a) What do you understand by phase velocity and group velocity? Show that in a non dispersive medium both are equal.
(b) A wave of frequency 500 cycles sec has a phase velocity of 350 m/sec. What is the phase difference between two
displacements at a certain point at times 10-3 sec apart?
Q. 7. (a) What is a diffraction grating? Can it be called an interference grating? How would you use it to measure the
wavelength of monochromatic light? In what respect it is superior to prism?
(b) Green light of wavelength 5400 Ao is diffracted by a grating having 2000 lines/cm.
(i) Compute the angular deviation of the 3rd order image.
(ii) Is the 10th order image possible?
Q. 8. (a) State Maxwell’s Law of distribution velocities in Boltzmann’s Statistics. Determine the root mean square velocity.
(b) A gas expands at atmospheric pressure and its volume increased by 334 cm 3. Find the work done by the gas. The
atmospheric pressure = 1.013x106 dynes/cm3.






(PART-I) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.


Q. 1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.
(i) No current flows between two charged bodies when connected, if they have same:
(a) Charge (b) Capacity
(c) Density (d) Potential
(ii) If the dielectric is placed between the plates of a capacitor, its capacitance:
(a) Remains same (b) Decreases
(c) Increases (d) None
(iii) A charge moved through a magnetic field with a certain velocity. Direction of a force can be obtained by applying:
(a) Rule of cross product of vectors
(b) Ampere’s rule
(c) Fleming’s right hand rule
(d) Cork Screw rule
(iv) Transformer is not used in :
(a) d.c. circuit (b) a.c. circuit
(c) Integrated circuit (d) Both (a) and (b)
(v) Which of the following is not electro magnetic in nature:
(a) Infra red (b) Radar waves
(c) Sound waves (d) Ultra violet
(vi) Holes can exist in:
(a) Insulator (b) Conductor
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Semiconductor
(vii) The completely filled band is called:
(a) Conduction band (b) Fermi band
(c) Valance band (d) None of these
(viii) Net force on an electron in an orbit around the nucleus is:
(a) Zero (b) Positive
(c) Negative (d) Both (b) and (c)
(ix) In an electronic transistor, an atom cannot emit:
(a) r-rays (b) x-rays
(c) ultra violet rays (d) Infrared waves
(x) Compton effect in x-rays proves that :
(a) The electron has wave property
(b) x-rays have particle property
(c) x-rays have wave property
(d) None of these
(xi) Which one of the following is not mode of radioactive decay:
(a)  - rays (b) β-rays
(c) Fusion (d) Positron emission
(xii) An  particle consists of:
(a) One proton and one neutron
(b) Two protons and one neutron
(c) Two neutrons and one proton
(d) Two protons and two neutrons
(xiii) The splitting of the spectral lines of an element which radiates in a magnetic field is known as:
(a) Periodic law (b) Zeeman effect
(c) Exclusion principle
(d) Uncertainty principle
(xiv) The quantum number which is not ivolved in describing the orbit of an atomic electron is:
(a) Total quantum number
(b) Magnetic quantum number
(c) Orbital quantum number
(d) Spin quantum number
(xv) The Tunnel effect makes possible:
(a)  - decay (b) Negative β-decay
(c) Positive β-decay (d) r-decay
(xvi) An instrument which can measure, current potential difference and resistance is called:
(a) AVO meter (b) Galvanometer
(c) Voltmeter (d) Ammeter
(xvii) The Faraday’s Law deals with:
(a) Induce emf (b) Induce current
(c) Electricity (d) None of these
(xviii) In a transistor, which one is very thin:
(a) Collector (b) Emitter
(c) Base (d) All are of same size
(xix) The liquid which conducts electricity is known as:
(a) Conductor (b) Electrolyte
(c) Electrode (d) Thermocouple
(xx) A device used to detect and measure charge is:
(a) A Voltmeter (b) An ammeter
(c) An electroscope (d) An amplifier
(i) PART – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART – II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed
Q. 2. (a) What do you mean by electric potential? Calculate the electric potential due to circular sheet of charge of surface
density at an axial point and derive an expression for electric intensity at this point by evaluating the gradient of
(b) Two charges q1=1.0 µC and q2 = 2.0 µC are separated by a distance of 10 cm. At what point on the line passing
through the two charges the electric field is zero?
Q.3. (a) What is a capacitor? Calculate the growth of current in capactive circuit.
(b) A resistance R = 100 Ω is connected in series with capacitor C = 0.1 µF and an inductance = 10mH. Find the
frequency of oscillation and value of current at resonance.
Q. 4. (a) Derive Schrodinger equation and hence use it to find the solution of Linear Harmonic Oscillator.
(b) If the Kinetic energy of electron is 54.0eV, find the wavelength λ.
Q. 5 (a) What is meant by induce emf and induce current? Describe methods of producing induce emf.
(b) When a current through a coil changes from 100 mA to 200mA in 0.005 sec, an induce emf of 40 mV is produced in
the coil.
(i) What is self inductance of a coil?
(ii) Find the increase in energy stored in the coil.
Q. 6. (a) Show that radio active decay obeys the exponential law and hence calculate the half life of a radio active element.
(b) The half life of 92U238 against  - decay is 4.5 x 109 years. How many disintegration per sec occur in one gm of
92U ?
Q. 7. (a) Describe characteristics of a transistor in common base configuration and define hybrid parameters.
(b) The current flowing into the base of a transistor is 100 µA find the collector current I c, the emitter current lE and the
ratio Ic/lE if the value of current gain β = 100.
Q. 8. Write notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Elementary particles
(b) Mass Sepectro graph
(c) Maxwell’s equations and their uses.


(PART-I) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
(i) A body is moving northward and the force applied is eastward, the acceleration produced is:
(a) Northward
(b) At 45º East of North
(c) Eastward
(d) None of these
(ii) The correct form for the dimension of Power is:
(a) [ML 2T-3] (b) [ML 3T-2]
2 -4
(c) ML T (d) None of these
(iii) The work done by the force F = 4âx – 3ây – 2âz N in giving a 1nC charge a displacement of 10âx + 2ây – 7âzm is:
(a) 10 nJ (b) 15 nJ
(c) 20 nJ (d) None of these
(iv) Three masses are placed on the x-axis; 200g at x = 0, 500g at x = 30 cm, and 400g at x = 70 cm. The center of mass will be
(a) 0.89 m (b) 0.69 m
(c) 0.39 m (d) None of these
(v) A 60 kg woman stands on a light, cubical box that is 5.0 cm on each edge. The box sits on the floor. What pressure does the
box exerts on the floor?
(a) 2.4x105 N/m2 (b) 5x105 N/m2
(c) 3x105 N/m2 (d) None of these
(vi) SI unit of stress is same as that of
(a) Force (b) Momentum
(c) Pressure (d) None of these
(vii) What is the maximum speed at which a car can round a curve of 25m radius on a level road if the coefficient of static
friction between the tires and the road is 0.80?
(a) 25 m/s (b) 14 m/s
(c) 10 m/s (d) None of these
(viii) The equation of a simple harmonic motion with amplitude 5m and time period 0.5s is:
(a) y = 5 sin (4 t) (b) y = 0.5 sin (2t/5)
(c) y = 5 sin(2t) (d) None of these
(ix) Two particles each of mass 5.0 kg are mounted 4.0m apart on a mass-less light rod which is capable of rotation about its
center? The moment of inertia is:
(a) 1.25 kgm2 (b) 20 kgm2
(c) 40 kgm (d) None of these
(x) The time period of mass of 1 kg attached to a spring of spring constant of 100N/m is:
(a) 0. 2 (b) 
(c) 2 (d) None of these
(xi) A 14 cm inner diameter water main furnishes water (through intermediate pipes) to a 1.00cm inner diameter faucet pipe. If
the average speed in the faucet pipe is 3.0 cm/s, what will be the average speed it causes in the water main?
(a) 0.015 cm/s (b) 0.15 m/s
(c) 0.5 m/s (d) None of these
(xii) What is the tension T in the rope if a 10N weight is being pulled upward by it with a constant velocity of 2m/s?
(a) 12N (b) 8N
(c) 5N (d) None of these
(xiii) The ratio of linear Stress/Linear Strain is called:
(a) Young’s Modulus (b) Bulk Modulus
(c) Deformation (d) None of these
(xiv) A body is moving with constant speed in a circle, its velocity vector:
(a) Remains constant
(b) Changes its magnitude
(c) Changes its direction
(d) None of these
(xv) When a constant torque is acting on a rotating system, which of the following is constant?
(a) Angular velocity
(b) Angular acceleration
(c) Angular momentum
(d) None of these
(xvi) A planet has a mass four times and diameter twice that of the earth. What is the value of g on the planet?
(a) 19.6 m/s2 (b) 9.8 m/s2
(c) 4.9 m/s (d) None of these
(xvii) A geo-stationary satellite revolves around the earth from:
(a) East to west (b) West to east
(c) North to south (d) None of these
(xviii) According to Einstein, with the great increase in the speed of a body, the relativistic is:
(a) Length remains constant
(b) Time decreases
(c) Mass increases
(d) None of these
(xix) If graph between 1/m and a is a straight line, then:
(a) m  a (b) m  1/a
(c) m  1/a2 (d) None of these
(xx) The frequency of rotation  of a spaceship about its own axis to create gravity like earth is the square root of:
(a) g/r (b) r2/g
(c) g/r2 (d) None of these
(i) PART – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART – II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific calculator is allowed.
Q.2. (a) Define gradient. Find the gradient of the magnitude of a position vector r. What conclusion do you derive
from your result? (4,4,2)
(b) Sketch a function V = -y x^ + xy ^. Find curl V. What would be its divergence? (4,4,2)
Q.3. (a) What is theory of relativity? Consider two inertial frames, A and B, with axes parallel and origins O,O’ coinciding at t = t’
= O and B moving with uniform velocity v along x-axis of A. Letting y = 1/ [1  (v 2c 2 )], the Lorenz transformation A
B is x’ = {x – vt), y’ = y, z’ = z, t’ = (t – vx/c2). From the principle of equivalence of inertial frames infer the inverse
Lorenz transformation B  A. (8,4)
(b) We can write one of Maxwell’s equation of B in inertial frame I as
B. d11= 0 (o  E1/ t1 = i1). (4,4)
Write it in inertial frame 2 according to Einstein’s principle of relativity, Does B1 = B2 (4,4)
Q.4. (a) State and prove Bernoulli’s Theorem. (12)
(b) If the speed of flow past the lower surface of an airplane wing is 110 m/s. What speed of flow over the upper surface
will give a pressure difference of 900 Pa between upper and lower surface? Take the density of air to be 1.3x10 -3 g/cm3.
Q.5. (a) Describe waves and its types. Derive an expression for speed of wave on a stretched string by Newton’s second law.
(b) The equation of a transverse wave on a string is
Y = (2mm) sin [(20m-1)x – (600s -1) t].
The tension in the string is 15N
(i) What is the wave speed?
(ii) Find the linear density of this string in grams/meter. (4,4)
Q.6. (a) What is interference of waves? Describe all the necessary conditions for constructive and destructive interference.
Explain one interferometer. (2,6,4)
(b) Two sound waves from two coherent sources with same frequency 450 Hz are traveling in the same direction at 330
m/s. what is the phase difference of the waves at a point that is 4.4m from one source and 4m from the other source.
Q.7. (a) State and explain Second Law of Thermodynamics. Prove that Clausius and Kelvin-Plank statements of it are equivalent.
(b) A Carnot engine operates between the temperatures 850 K and 300 K. The engine performs 1200 J of work each cycle,
which takes 0.25 s. Calculate its efficiency and its average power. What are the rates of heat input and heat exhaust per
cycle? (8)
Q.8. Write short notes on ANY TWO of the followings: (10,10)
(i) Laser and its applications
(ii) Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics
Dynamics of rigid bodies

(PART-I) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
Q. 1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
(i) The impedance of RLC series resonance circuit at resonant frequency is:
(a) Greater than R (b) Equal to R
(c) Zero (d) None of these
(ii) An electron has a velocity of 10km/s normal to a magnetic field of 0.1 T flux density. If the radius of the path is 569nm
then the frequency is:
(a) 2.79 GHz (b) 3.1 MHz
(c) 2.8 KHz (d) None of these
(iii) If a current of 10 A flows through an electric heater for an hour and converts 8.64 MJ of electrical energy into heat energy.
Then the potential difference across the heater is:
(a) 864 V (b) 240 V
(c) 100 V (d) None of these
(iv) An alpha particle is accelerated to a velocity v in a particle accelerator by a potential difference of 1200 V. Which of the
following potential differences would be needed to double the velocity of the alpha particle?
(a) 2400 V (b) 3600 V
(c) 4800 V (d) None of these
(v) Two thin parallel wires carry currents along the same direction. The force experienced by one due to the other is:
(a) Parallel to the lines
(b) perpendicular to the lines and attractive
(c) perpendicular to the lines and repulsive
(d) None of these
(vi) If 300 mA current is passing through an electric bulb, then the number of electrons passing through in one minute will be:
(a) 1.12x1020 (b) 1.6x1019
(c) 6.02x1018 (d) None of these
(vii) An electric iron of resistance 20 Ω takes a current of 5.0 A. The thermal energy developed in 30s is:
(a) 15 kJ (b) 100 J
(c) 10J (d) None of these
(viii) An ideal gas has a volume of exactly 1 liter at 1.00 atm and 20ºC. To how many atmospheres pressure must it be subjected
to be compressed to 0.500 liter at 40 ºC?
(a) 5.2 atm (b) 2.47 atm
(c) 1.5 atm (d) None of these
(ix) In Bohr’s model the lowest orbit corresponds to:
(a) Maximum energy (b) Minimum energy
(c) Zero energy (d) None of these
(x) The diffusion of the free electrons across the unbiased p-n junction produces:
(a) Forward bias (b) Reverse bias
(c) Depletion region (d) None of these
(xi) The P-N junction, on forward biasing acts like a:
(a) Capacitor (b) Inductor
(c) Insulator (d) None of these
(xii) The impedance at the resonant frequency of a series RLC circuits with L = 15 mH, C=0.015 F, and R = 80 Ω:
(a) 0 K Ω (b) 30 Ω
(c) 80 Ω (d) None of these
(xiii) Weber is a unit of:
(a) Magnetic field intensity
(b) Magnetic Flux
(c) Magnetic Flux Density
(d) None of these
(xiv) The magnetic flux through an element of area A in a uniform magnetic field B is expresed as:
(a) AB (b) B. A
(c) A x B (d) None of these
(xv) In an electric circuit, currents flowing towards a node having four branches are 2A ,-3A and 4A, then the current in the
fourth branch is:
(a) 2A (b) -3 A
(c) 4 A (d) None of these
(xvi) With the passage of time, the rate of decay of a radioactive element will:
(a) Increase exponentially
(b) Decrease linearly
(c) Becomes zero in two half-life time
(d) None of these
(xvii) The place where controlled fission chain reaction is carried is?
(a) A black hole (b) A star
(c) A reactor (d) None of these
(xviii) In 19th century, Faraday and Maxwell worked on the unification of two forces named as:
(a) Gravitational and Weak forces
(b) Electric and magnetic forces
(c) Weak and Strong forces
(d) None of these
(xix) Electromagnetic wave theory of light was proposed by:
(a) Newton (b) Michelson
(c) Maxwell (d) None of these
(xx) The concept of field theory was put forward by:
(a) Franklin (b) Kepler
(c) Orsted (d) None of these
(i) PART – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
Q.2. (a) State and prove Gauss law. Compare it with Coulomb’s law for calculating electric field.
(b) Determine the E field caused by a spherical cloud of electrons with a volume charge density P = Po for 0 ≤ R ≥ b (both
p0 and bare positive) and p = 0 for R > b. Sketch the charge distribution and electric field for this charge.
Q.3. (a) Explain Maxwell equations. Write the fundamental relations for electrostatic and magnetostatic models. How these were
modified to Maxwell’s equations? What is the main contribution of Maxwell in this regard? (4+2+4+2)
(b) Derive Maxell’s two divergence equations from its two curl equations and the equation of continuity.
Q.4. (a) What are P-type and N-type semiconductors? Draw ampere-volt characteristic of a PN junction. Why there is sudden
increase in the small reverse saturation current at the breakdown voltage? Write the uses of zener diode.
(b) What are transistors? Draw the three common transistor circuits. Explain the function of transistor in the saturation
mode. (2+2+4)
Q.5. What is Compton Effect? Derive an expression for Compton shift. How it depends upon the scattering angle? What do you mean
by Red Shift? (2+8+6+4)
Q.6. (a) Describe Schrödinger’s wave equation. Normalize ψ = Ae–x, where A and  are real constants, A has units of
(length)-1/2 and  with units of (length)2(6+4)
(b) What is the probability of finding the particle described by this wave function between x = 0.99 and x = 1.01 units?
Also find the possible solution for E and V.
[Given the integration from  �to + �� dx =
(  / 2) ] (4+6)
Q.7. (a) Explain Radioactive decay. Find an expression for decay rate. Relate half life to the disintegration constant. What are the
units for the measurement of radioactivity? (4+6+2+2)
(b) A 2.71g sample of radioactive KCI is decaying at a constant rate of 440 Bq into the isotope 40K, which constitutes
1.17% of the normal potassium. Calculate the half-life of this nuclide. (6)
Q.8. Write short notes on any TWO of the following: (10,10)
(i) Poynting theorem and Poynting vectors
(ii) Elementary particles and their properties
(iii) Unification of forces


(PART-I) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
Q.1: Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.
(i) If A= 6i-8j, then 4A has the magnitude:
(a) 40 (b) 10
(c) 20 (d) None of these
(ii) Let A= 2i+6j–3k and B= 4j–2j–k, then A.B equals:
(a) 8i + 12j-3k (b) 17
(c) 23 (d) None of these
(iii) If V is an operator, then V.V means:
(a) Gradinet of a Scalar field
(b) Curl of a vector field
(c) Divergence of a Vector field
(d) None of these
(iv) The volume of a parallelepiped bounded by Vectors A.B and C can be obtained from the expression:
(a) ( A x B ).C (b) (A • B)x C
(c) ( A x B ) x C (d) None of these
(v) A force acting on a particle is conservative if:
(a) It obeys Newton’s third law
(b) It obeys Newton’s second law
(c) It works equals the change in Kinetic energy
(d) None of these
(vi) A torque applied to a rigid object always tends to produce:
(a) A rotational acceleration
(b) A linear acceleration
(c) Precision
(d) None of these
(vii) When the velocity of a body is constant, its acceleration is:
(a) Maximum (b) Zero
(c) Infinity (d) None of these
(viii) In the absence of external torque the total angular momentum is:
(a) Constant (b) Zero
(c) Infinity (d) None of these
(ix) The rate of change of Momentum of the particle is:
(a) Energy (b) Force
(c) Impulse (d) None of these
(x) Constructive and destructive superposition of waves is observed in:
(a) Polarisation (b) Interference
(c) Diffraction (d) None of these
(xi) The intensity of a wave is proportional to the square of:
(a) Amplitude (b) Time
(c) Intensity (d) None of these
(xii) The colours in soap bubbles, oil slick etc. in a thin film is due to:
(a) Diffraction (b) Polarisation
(c) Interference (d) None of these
(xiii) For higher resolution, in a diffraction grating, one needs to have:
(a) Large number of ruling
(b) Small number of ruling
(c) No rulings at all
(d) None of these
(xiv) To produce interference, the sources must be:
(a) Intense (b) Incoherent
(c) Coherent (d) None of these
(xv) Interference fringes are of:
(a) Unequal width (b) Equal width
(c) Variable width (d) None of these
(xvi) A Carnot Cycle is
(a) A rectangle on a P-V graph
(b) Bounded by two isotherms and two adiabatics
(c) Any four sided process on a P-V graph
(d) None of these
(xvii) In an Adiabatic process:
(a) The temperature of the system remains constant
(b) The temperature of the system must change
(c) The internal energy of the system remains constant
(d) None of these
(xviii) A Carnot Cycle heat engine operates between 227 0C and 1270 C. Its efficiency is:
(a) 44% (b) 20%
(c) 79% (d) None of these
(xix) Metals pipe carrying water sometimes bursts in winter because:
(a) Water expands
(b) Ice expands when melts
(c) Metal contracts more than water
(d) None of these
(xx) A Fahrenheit thermometer and Celsius thermometer shows the same reading at:
(a) 2000 (b) -400
(c) 1000 (d) None of these
(i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific calculator is allowed.
Q.2: (a) Define a Scalar field, obtain an expression for the Gradient of a Scalar field. Why the gradient of a scalar field is
(b) Given Φ (x,y,z) = x2yz3 find grad Ф at (1,2,1),
(c) For what values of 'a' the vector A = 2i+aj+k and B= 4i–2j–2k are perpendicular.
Q.3: (a) Distinguish between Linear and Angular Momentum. Explain the law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. Prove
that the Angular momentum is constant in the absence of external torque.
(b) The angular momentum J of a particle is given as J = 8t 4 i–2t2j + 12t3k. Find the torque τ at t = 1.
Q.4: (a) Discuss in detail the relativity of mass, time and length.
(b) What is time dilation? Explain with example.
(c) When we say that a clock in moving frame runs slower than a clock in a stationary frame. What does it mean?

Q.5: (a) Differentiate between Streamline and turbulent motion of a liquid.

(b) What is "Coefficient of viscosity"? Explain in detail the Stoke's Law applicable in determining the coefficient of
viscosity of a Viscous liquid experimentally.
(c) Why do automanufactures recommend using different viscosities of Engine oil in cold and
hot climate.

Q.6: (a) What is Polarization of light? Explain Polarization by reflection and obtain Brewster Law. Also explain the idea of
double reflection.
(b) We wish to use a Quartz sheet (n=1.54) in air as polarizer. Find the polarizing angle and angle of refraction.
(c) Why can’t we polarize sound waves?
Q.7: (a) Define Internal energy. State and explain First and Third laws of thermodynamics.
(b) What is heat engine? Determine the efficiency of the engine if it takes 10,000 J of heat and delivers 2000 J of work per

Q.8: Write note on ANY TWO of the following:

(i) Centre of Mass
(ii) Diffraction Grating and Resolving Power
(iii) Production of low Temperature.


(PART-I) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
(iii) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
Q.1: Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.
(i) A Watt – sec is a unit of:
(a) Force (b) Energy
(c) Power (d) None of these
(ii) The dirction of any magnetic induction effect is such as to oppose the cause of the effect. This is
(a) Coulumb’s Law (b) Ampere’s Law
(c) Lenz’s Law (d) None of these
(iii) A magnetic field cannot:
(a) accelerate a charge
(b) exert a force on a charge
(c) change the kinetic energy of a charge
(d) None of these
(iv) The inverse of resistivity is called Conductivity. Its unit is:
(a) Ohm-1 (b) ohm-metre
(c) (ohm-meter)-1 (d) None of these
(v) An LRC Circuit has R= 4Ω, Xc = 3 and XL =6. the impedance of the circuit is:
(a) 5 Ω (b) 7 Ω
(c) 13 Ω (d) None of these
(vi) A “step-down” transformer is used to:
(a) increase the power
(b) decrease the voltage
(c) increase the voltage
(d) None of these
(vii) Electrical potential is the potential energy per unit:
(a) Charge (b) Voltage
(c) Force (d) None of these
(viii) The force on a charge moving with the velocity in a magnetic field B is given by:
(a) F = (q/v × B) (b) F = (qv × B)
(c) F = (qv + B) (d) None of these
(ix) A changing current “i” in any circuit induces an emf “e” in that circuit, which is equal to:
(a) e = di/dt (b) E = i dΦ/dt
(c) e = - L di/dt (d) None of these
(x) Inductive reactance of an inductor is:
(a) XL= ω2L (b) XL = ω /L
(c) e = - L di/dt (d) None of these
(xi) The resonant frequency of an LC-Circuit is:
(a) f = 2Π LC (b) f = 1 / 2 Π √ LC
(c) f = 1/ 2LC (d) None of these
(xii) The deliberate addition of an impurity element in a semi-conductor is called:
(a) doping (b) annealing
(c) mixing (d) None of these
(xiii) The conversion of AC into DC is called:
(a) amplification (b) rectification
(c) modulation (d) None of these
(xiv) The Laser light is:
(a) monochromatic (b) coloured
(c) chromatic (d) None of these
(xv) The Laser light may be obtained from:
(a) quartz crystal (b) NaCl crystal
(c) ruby crystal (d) None of these
(xvi) The emission of photoelectrons in photoelectric effect is dependent on:
(a) threshold frequency (b) intensity of light
(c) nature of metal (d) None of these
(xvii) Which one of the following is NOT needed in Nuclear Fission reactor?
(a) fuel (b) accelerator
(c) moderator (d) None of these
(xviii) The half life of a radioactive isotope is 140 days. How many days would it take to loose ¾ of its initial activities:
(a) 105 days (b) 280 days
(c) 35 days (d) None of these
(xix) Most of the energy produced in Sun is due to:
(a) Nuclear fusion (b) Chemical reaction
(c) Nuclear fission (d) None of these
(xx) A U-235 nucleus will split when it captures:
(a) an -particle (b) e.m. radiation
(c) neutron (d) None of these
(i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific calculator is allowed.
Q.2: (a) State and prove Gauss's Law in electrostatics and express the law in differential forms.
(b) Find the electricity intensity at a point outside a volume distribution of charge confined into a spherical region of radius

Q.3: (a) State and explain Ampere's Law. Derive an expression for the value of 'B' inside a solenoid.
(b) A thin 10 cms long solenoid has a total of 400 turns of wire and carries a current of 0.20 ampere. Calculate the field
 7 
 Given  = 12.57  10 T  m / A
inside near the centre.   

Q.4: (a) How a Semi Conductor diode is used as a half wave and full wave rectifier?
(b) What are the transistors? Give Construction and Symbol of PNP and NPN transistor.
(c) The resistivity of a metal increases with increase in temperature while that of a semi conductor decreases. Explain.

Q.5: (a) Discuss briefly the wave nature of matter and obtain an expression of de Broglie's wavelength for matter waves.

(b) Calculate de Broglie's wavelength of a 0.20 kg ball moving with a speed of 15m/s.
Q.6: (a) Derive Einstein's photoelectric effect on the basis of quantum theory and derive Einstein's photoelectric equations.

(b) Calculate the work function of Na in electronvolts, given that the threshold wavelength is 6800 Aº and h = 6.625 × 10-
34 J-S.

Q.7: (a) Define the terms decay constant, half life and average life as applied to a radioactive substance. Find the relation
between them.

(b) The half life of radium is 1590 years. In how many years will one gm of pure element
(i) lose one centigram and
(ii) be reduced to one centigram.
c) When a nucleus emits a γ – ray photon, what happens to its atomic number and its actual mass.
Q.8: Write notes on ANY TWO of the following:
(a) Self and Mutual Inductance
(b) Pauli's Exclsusion Principle
(c) Compton Scattering







(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
Q.1: Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1×20=20)
(i) The angular momentum of a particle moving under the influence of a central force is:
(a) Infinite (b) Negative
(c) Zero (d) Constant
(ii) Transverse component of the central force acting on a particle to keep it moving along a circular path is:
(a) mv2r (b) mv2/r
(c) Zero (d) Constant
(iii) Law of Inertia can be defined in:
(a) Accelerated system
(b) Non accelerated system
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(iv) The K.E of the particle executing a uniform circular motion:
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(c) Remains same (d) None of these
(v) What type of force acts on a raindrop to reduce its speed?
(a) Gravitational Force (b) Force of Friction
(c) Electromagnetic Force (d) Drag Force
(vi) The branch of heat relating to the measurement of temperature of a body is called:
(a) Thermometry (b) Photometry
(c) Ellipsometry (d) Calorimetry
(vii) Which type of ideal gas will have the largest value for C p – Cvi ?:
(a) Monoatomic (b) Diatomic
(c) Polyatomic
(d) The value will be the same for all
(viii) What would be the most likely value for CT, the molar heat capacity at constant temperature?
(a) Zero (b) Zero < CT < CV
(c) CV < CT < CP (d) CT = infinite
(ix) For which of the following process the entropy change Zero?
(a) Isoberic (b) Isothermal
(c) Adiabatic (d) Constant volume
(x) The zeroth law of thermodynamics helps to define the term:
(a) Temperature (b) Pressure
(c) Volume (d) Density
(xi) The law of conservation of mass in fluid dynamics can be expressed as:
(a) Av = constant
(b) ρAv = constant
(c) P+1/2ρV + ρgy = constant
(d) None of these
(xii) The SI units of viscosity is:
(a) N-S/m2 (b) Dynes-S/cm2
(c) N-S/m (d) Dynes-S/cm
(xiii) The equation of continuity requires that the total mass within certain volume must remain constant:
(a) If there are sources as well as sinks
(b) If there are no sources & sinks
(c) If there are sources only
(d) If there are sinks only
(xiv) If the length of the “L” and the total force acting on it is ‘F’ then surface tension given is:
(a) F x L (b) F . L
(c) F / L (d) L / F
(xv) If the particle of liquid which pass through a certain point do not follow the same path, as that followed by the particles that
passed the same point previously the liquid is said to have:
(a) Steady flow (b) Non steady flow
(c) Turbulent flow (d) None of these
(xvi) The potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is:
(a) -Kx (b) -Kx2
(c) 1/2Kx (d) -1/2 Kx2
(xvii) Types of the mechanical waves are:
(a) Longitudinal & sound waves
(b) Sound & radio waves
(c) Longitudinal & transverse waves
(d) Transverse & x-rays
(xviii) The refracted ray bends towards the normal when it enters from:
(a) Rare to denser medium
(b) Denser to rare medium
(c) Air to vacuum
(d) None of these
(xix) On a reflection from a fixed end, a transverse wave undergoes a phase change of:
(a) 90o (b) 180o
(c) 270o (d) 360o
(xx) Resolving power of a diffraction gratting can be written as:
(a) λ / ∆λ (b) ∆θ / ∆λ
(c) ∆λ / λ (d) ∆λ / ∆θ


(i) PART-II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book.

(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2: (a) Why do the unit vectors i. j. and k have no units? Are the unit vectors in the cylindrical and spherical coordinate
system constant vectors? Explain. (3,3,4)
(b) Elaborate the hybrid nature of the operator . Write the expansion of . , where V is a vector quantity.
Q.3: (a) Can an object be increasing in speed as its acceleration decreases? If so, give an example; if not explain why.
(b) State Kepler’s Law of planetary motion. An Earth satellite, in circular orbit at an altitude h of 230 km above the Earth’s
surface, has a period T of 89 min. what mass of the Earth follows from these data? (4,6)
Q.4: (a) State the relativistic effect on mass, length and time. Describe the Einstein. (3,3,3,3)
(b) What is the total energy E of a 2.53-MeV electron? (When an energy is used as an adjective, it refers to the kinetic
energy of the particle; here K=2.53 MeV.)(8)
Q.5: (a) State Bernoulli’s Theorem. A spherical, helium-filled balloon has a radius R of 12.0 m. The balloon, support cables and
basket have a mass m of 196 kg. What maximum load M can the balloon carry? Take density of helium = 0.160 kg/m 3
and density of air = 1.25 kg/m3. (4,6)
(b) Briefly describe the concept of surface tension? How can you evaluate the surface tension of a liquid experimentally?
Q.6: (a) Differentiate between the phase velocity and the group velocity. Sound waves can be used to measure the speed at
which blood flows in artries and veins. Explain how? (4,6)
(b) Use Maxwell’s equations to derive the electromagnetic wave equation. (10)
Q.7: (a) Why does the boiling temperature of a liquid increase with pressure? A bubble of 5.0 mol of helium is submerged at a
certain depth in liquid water when the water undergoes a temperature increase VT of 20 oC at constant pressure. As a
result the bubble expands. How much heat Q is added to the helium during the expansion and temperature increase?
(b) Two blocks of copper, the mass m of each being 850 g, are put into thermal contact in an insulated box. The initial
temperatures of the two blocks are 325 K and 285 K and the constant heat c of capacity of copper is 0.386 J/g.K.
What is the final equilibrium temperature T of the two blocks? (10)
Q.8: Write notes on ANY TWO of the following: (10,10)
(a) Michelson-Morely experiment
(b) Travelling waves and standing waves
(c) Gyroscope







(PART–II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

(i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Use of scientific calculator is allowed.
(iii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
Q.1: Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1×20=20)
(i) The Lorentz force is the sum of:
(a) Gravitational and centripetal force
(b) Electric and magnetic force
(c) Magnetic and nuclear force
(d) Electric and nuclear force
(ii) The areas under the hysteresis loop is proportional to:
(a) Magnetic energy density
(b) Thermal energy per unit volume
(c) Electrical energy per unit volume
(d) Mechanical energy per unit volume
(iii) The frequency of A.C is measured using:
(a) Multimeter (b) Avometer
(c) Tachometer (d) Speedometer
(iv) ∆.E=ρ/ε0 is called:
(a) Gauss’s law (b) Faraday’s law
(c) Ampere’s law (d) Boit and savart law
(v) For computation of the rate at which the dipole radiates energy, the interaction of the normal component of ________ is
done over sphere of radius R.:
(a) Electric field (b) Pointing vector
(c) Addition vector (d) Radiation
(vi) Semiconductor material have _______ bonds:
(a) Ionic (b) Covalent
(c) Mutual (d) Metallic
(vii) The depletion region of a p-n junction is formed:
(a) During the manufacturing process
(b) When forward bias is applied to it
(c) Under reverse bias
(d) When its temperature is reduced
(viii) The current amplification factor alpha dc is given by:
(a) IC/IE (b) IC/IB
(c) IB/IE (d) IB/IC
(ix) In amplitude modulation:
(a) Carrier frequency is changed
(b) Carrier amplitude is changed
(c) Three sidebands are produced
(d) Fidelity is improved
(x) Demodulation:
(a) is performed at the transmitting station
(b) removes side bands
(c) rectifies modulation signal
(d) is opposite of modulation
(xi) Which of the following X-rays lines will have the greatest frequency in a given element?
(a) Kα (b) Kβ
(c) Lα
(d) It depends on the element
(xii) Which of these statements is a consequence of plank’s derivation of the radiation law?
(a) Atomic oscillator can emit and absorb energy at discrete values only
(b) Atomic oscillator can emit and absorb energy at discrete frequencies only
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(xiii) The Zeeman effect without the spin of the electron is called ______ Zeeman effect:
(a) Anomalous (b) Normal
(c) Paschen (d) None of these
(xiv) Zero point energy of harmonic oscillator is:
(a) ħ w (b) ħw/2
(c) Zero (d) ħ w2
(xv) According to Pauli Exclusion principle for two identical fermions, the total _________ is antisymmetric:
(a) Matrix (b) Wave function
(c) Operator (d) Tensor
(xvi) The decay rate of a radioactive source is measured in units of:
(a) Curies (b) Roentgens
(c) Rads (d) Rems
(xvii) Why are the fission fragments usually radioactive?:
(a) They come originally from radioactive 235U
(b) They have a large neutron excess
(c) They have a large biding energy per nucleon
(d) They are moving at high speed
(xviii) In a nuclear reactor, the function of the moderator is:
(a) to absorb neutrons
(b) to keep the reactor from going critical
(c) to slow down the neutrons
(d) to absorb heat from the core
(xix) What is the main difficulty associated with the fusion process as a source of electrical power?
(a) The scarcity of fuel
(b) The coulomb barrier
(c) The radioactivity of the products
(d) The danger of an explosion
(xx) Binding energy of a deuteron is:
(a) 2.22 Mev (b) 2.80 Mev
(c) 2.3 Mev (d) None of these


(i) PART-II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book.

(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2: (a) How can an LRC series circuit made to find the dielectric constant of a medium? (10)
(b) A 1.5-mH inductor in an LC circuit stores a maximum energy of 17 uj. What is the peak current I? (10)
Q.3: (a) Obtain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Emphasize the role of the Lenz’s law. (7,3)
(b) A solenoid has length L = 1.23 m and inner diameter d=3.55 cm. It has five layers of windings of 850 turns each and
carries a current io=5.57 A. what is B at its center? (10)
Q.4: (a) Discuss and explain the common-base static characteristics. (10)
(b) Where did Rayleigh and Jeans go wrong? How did Planck radiation formula account for the discrepancy in the black
body radiations. (3,7)
Q.5: (a) Is the Compton effect more supportive of the photon theory of light than the photoelectric effect? Explain your
answer. (4,6)
(b) A bullet of mass 41 g travels at 960 m/s. what wavelength can we associate with it? Why does the wave nature of the
bullet not reveal itself through diffraction effects? (6,4)
Q.6: (a) How does the Rutherford orbital motion violate the classical physics? (10)
(b) Discuss the modification suggested in the Bohr’s atomic model to account for the nuclear motion and the hydrogenic
atoms. (10)
Q.7: (a) In what basic ways do the so-called strong force and the electrostatic force differ? Explain your answer. (10)
(b) Analysis of Potassium and Argon atoms in a moon rock sample by a mass spectrometer show that the ration of the
number of (stable) 40Ar atoms present to the number of (radioactive) 40K atoms is 10.3. Assume that all the Argon
atoms were produced by the decay of Potassium atoms, with a half-life of 1.25 x 10 9 y. How old is the rock?
Q.8: Write notes on ANY TWO of the following:(10+10=20)
(a) Schrödinger’s wave equation
(b) Nuclear Fission and fusion
(c) Semiconductors and applications


Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 80

Note:(i) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.

(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions. All questions carry EQUAL marks.

(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
Q.2: (a) A vector is given by R=2i +j+3k. Find
(i) the magnitude of ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ components
(ii) the magnitude of ‘R’
(iii) the angle between ‘R’ and ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ axis (3,3,3)
(b) Vectors ‘A’ and ‘B’ have equal magnitude of 5.0. If the sum of ‘A’ and ‘B’ is the vector 6j. Find the angle between ‘A’
and ‘B’. (6)
(c) Find the area of the parallelogram shown with vectors ‘A’ and ‘B’. (5)
A= 5m

Q.3: (a) State Hook’s Law. A mass attached to an elastic spring is displaced from its equilibrium position and released. Show that
its motion is simple harmonic and derive the differential equation, relation for instantaneous velocity, displacement and
acceleration and plot each quantity with time for such motion. (1,1,2,3,3)
(b) A block of unknown mass is attached with an elastic spring having spring constant 6.5N/m and undergoes simple
harmonic motion with an amplitude of 10 cm. When the block is half way between its equilibrium position and end
point, its speed is 30cm/sec. Find.
(i) Mass of the block
(ii) Time period of the system
(iii) Maximum acceleration of the block
(c) A mass spring system is in an elevator which moves upward with an acceleration “a”. What will be the effect on
measured value of spring constant compared to its value when elevator is at rest. (2)
Q.4: (a) What are conservative and non-conservative force. Give two examples of each. Prove mathematically that work done round
a closed path in conservative field is zero.(2,2,6)
(b) A force acting on a particle moving in XY plane is given by F=(2yi+x 2j) N, where x and y are in meters. Particle
moves from origin to a final position having coordinates x=5.0m and y=5.0m as shown in figure. Calculate the work
done by the force F along
(i) Path OAC
(ii) Path OBC
(iii) Path OC
(iv) Is force F is conservative (2,2,2,2)


(c) Name various forces of nature (2)

Q.5: (a) Differentiate between Laminar and Turbulent flow. Derive Bernoulli’s equation for an incompressible and non-viscous
fluid flowing through a non-uniform pipe and show that the sum of pressure, Kinetic energy per unit mass and
potential energy per unit mass at one point is the same as the sum of these quantities at another point with different
cross-sectional area. (2,5,3)
(b) A horizontal constricted pipe as shown in figure(8)
1 v1 v2

is called a Venturi Tube and can be used to measure the flow speed of an incompressible fluid. Derive the relation for
flow speed at point (2) if pressure difference (P1-P2) is known.
(c) Why the speed of water in the middle of smooth flowing stream is high than its speed on the sides. (2)
Q.6: (a) What is moment of Inertia? A rigid body of mass “M” is rotating with angular velocity ‘’. Derive the relation for
rotational kinetic energy of the body in terms of moment of inertia. (2,8)
(b) Prove that the moment of inertia of a uniform rod of length “L” and mass “M” about an axis passing through its
centre is|=ML2 /12. (8)
(c) Differentiate the amount of energy of a bullet fired by a gun and a rifle with same linear velocity. (2)
Q.7: (a) Differentiate between the special and general theory of relativity. Write the basic postulates of special theory of
relativity. (2,4)
(b) An event occurs at a point (x,y,z) at time “t” in a frame of reference “S”. Using Lorentz Transformation, derive the
corrdinate (x’,y’, z’) and “t” of the event observed in a frame “S’” moving relative to “S” with a constant speed “U”
in positive X-direction. (10)
(c) Differentiate between Inertial and Non-Inertial Frames of reference.(4)
Q.8: Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
(a) Interference of light and Young’s Double Slit experiment.
(b) LASER, its production and applications.
(c) Second Law of The modynamics and its applications.




Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: (i) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(iv) Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.

Q. 2: (a) Charge is uniformly distributed on a line with charge density  . Calculate the electric field intensity at a point lying
vertically at a distance y from the center of charge distribution. (10)
(b) In a uniform electric field near the surface of earth, a particle having charge of q = -3x10 -9 C is acted upon by a force 5x10 -
N. Find
(i) The magnitude of electric field.
(ii) Find the magnitude and direction of electric force on an electron placed in this field.
(iii) Find the ratio of electric force and gravitational force in this case. (3,3,3)
(c) What is meant by point charge? (1)
Q. 3: (a) State the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Using this law, find the inductance due to a current carrying coil in
the specific case of solenoid. (10)
(b) A solenoid 126cm long is formed from 1870 windings carrying a current of 4.36A. The core of the solenoid is filled
with iron and the effective permeability constant is 968. Calculate the inductance of the solenoid assuming that it can
be treated as ideal with a diameter of 4.45cm. (8)
(c) Write the importance of Faraday’s law in today’s prospective. (2)
Q. 4: (a) What is Modern Physics? Give the failure of Classical Physics in explanation of Photoelectric effect. Derive the
photoelectric equation and comment how quantum physics was successful in explanation of photoelectric effect. Also plot
photoelectric equation.
(b) A beam of radiation with frequency 3.19x10 15 hertz is incident on a metal surface and knocks out electrons from it. If
the work function of the metal is 2.33 eV, find the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons in electron volts.
(c) What is the difference between ionization energy and work function? (1)
Q. 5: (a) Differentiate the Metals, Semiconductors and Insulators on the basis of Energy Band Theory. (5)
(b) What is a PN junction? How it is formed and why it is called a diode? (8)
(c) What is a rectifier? How we can use diode as a rectifier? Explain full-wave and half-wave rectification in detail.
Q. 6: (a) Explain how Devison and Germer experimentally proved that a material particle like accelerated electrons can act as a wave.
(b) Calculate the de. Broglie wavelength of an electron which is accelerated through a potential difference of 100 KV.
Should we apply the relativistic correction in this calculation? (8)
(c) Sketch the probability of occurrence of an electron in Hydrogen atom. (2)
Q. 7: (a) What is Radioactivity? What changes occur in radioactive nucleus when a, β and γ radiation are emitted from it. How
we can differentiate these rays experimentally? (10)
(b) Define half-life of a radio element. Describe the law of radioactive decay and plot a graph between half-life and
activity of a radio-nuclide. (10)
(c) Is proton an elementary particle? Comment.
Q. 8: (a) Define nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions. What is the source of energy released in these reactions? Justify your
answer with examples. Explain Fission Chain Reaction.
(b) A 7Li3 is bombarded by a proton. Two alpha particles (4He2) are produced. Find the reaction energy.
Mass of proton = 1.007825amu
Mass of 7Li3 = 7.0166003amu
Mass of alpha particle = 4.002603amu (8)
(c) In the given nuclear reaction 13A127 + 1H1 →zXA + 2He4 ; What is X?





(PART-I MCQs): 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20

(PART-II): 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80

Note: (i) First attempt Part-I (MCQs) on separate OMR Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
Q.1(i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Circle on the OMR Answer Sheet.
(ii)Answers given anywhere, other than OMR Answer Sheet, shall not be considered.
1. The square of the orbital period of a planet is:
(a) Directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
(b) Directly proportional to the cube of the semi-minor axis of its orbit
(c) Inversely proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit
(d) Inversely proportional to the cube of the semi – minor axis of its orbit
(e) None of these
2. If the velocity of the particle becomes doubled then its K.E:
(a) Becomes doubled (b) Reduces to half
(c) Becomes four times (d) None of these
3. The P.E of a simple harmonic oscillator is:
1 1 2
(a)  kx 2 (b) kx
2 2
(c) kx 2 (c) kx
(d) None of these
4. Two car racers are 100 Km away from each other. They drive their cars at 40 Km/h and 60 Km/h respectively towards each
other. After 15 minutes they will be at a distance of:
(a) 25 Km (b) 50 Km
(c) 60 Km (d) 75 Km
(e) None of these
5. The equation of adiabatic change is:
(a) Pvr=K (b) P r V =K
(c) (PV) =K (d) None of these
6. By exerting a certain amount of pressure on an ice block, you:
(a) Rise its melting point
(b) Lower its melting point
(c) Make it melting at 0oC only
(d) None of these
7. Mercury thermometer can be used to measure temperature upto:
(a) 250C (b) 100C
(c) 360C (d) 500C
(e) None of these
� � �
8. Three Vectors A , B and C not in the same plane make a Parallelepiped. The volume of Parallelepiped is:
� � � � � �
(a) ( A �B ) �C (b) ( A. B ) �C
� � � � � �
(c) ( A �B ).C (d) ( A. B ) C
(e) None of these
� �
9. The moment arm ( ( r = 4m) and force ( F = 10N) make an angle of 30 about the turning point. The torque produced will
(a) 40 N.m (b) 20 N.m
(c) 34.6 N.m (d) None of these
10. In total internal reflection the refracted ray makes an angle of _____with the normal.
(a) 0o (b) 90o
(c) 180 o
(d) None of these
11. Solar eclipse occurs when:
(a) Earth is between sun and moon
(b) Sun is between moon and earth
(c) Moon is between earth and sun
(d) None of these
12. Light is dispersed into different colours when passing through a glass prism because:
(a) Refraction of light occurs in glass
(b) Refractive index of different colours is different
(c) Glass is denser than air
(d) None of these
13. A ball is thrown with a velocity of
8 j( m / Sec ) . The acceleration ( m / Sec 2 ) is 4ˆi + ˆj ( ˆi and ˆj are unit vectors ) The displacement after 5 seconds:
(a) 52m (b) 68m
(c) 82m (d) None of these
14. The time period of a Second’s pendulum is 2 Sec. The mass of the Spherical bob of Second’s pendulum is 50g and is
empty. If it is replaced by another solid bob of same radius but mass 100g then its time period will be:
(a) 8 Sec (b) 4 Sec
(c) 1 Sec (d) 2 Sec
(e) None of these
15. The equation of the displacement of a harmonic oscillator is x = 3 Sin + 4 Coswt (m). The amplitude of the particle will be:
(a) 1m (b) 5m
(c) 7m (d) 12m
(e) None of these
16. One m3 is equivalent to:
(a) 1000 liters (b) 100 liters
(c) 10 liters (d) None of these
17. The frequency of Second’s pendulum is:
(a) 2 hertz (b) 1 hertz
(c) 0.5 hertz (d) None of these
18. The gradient of Scalar Potential is:
(a) Scalar quantity (b) Vector quantity
(c) Neither Scalar nor Vector
(d) None of these
19. Beats are produced because of:
(a) Interference of sound waves
(b) Refractionof sound waves
(c) Diffraction of sound waves
(d) None of these
20. The sound waves are:
(a) Longitudinal (b) Transverse
(c) Electromagnetic (d) None of these
Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(iii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iv) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
r r r r r r r
Q.2(a) The Vectors A = 2ˆi + ˆj + 3kˆ ,B = ˆi  2 ˆj  2kˆ . Find the magnitudes of A & B, A.B and Projection of B on A .
r r r r r r r r r
(b) Prove that A + ( B �C ) = B( A.C )  C( A.B )
Q.3(a) State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and prove
(i) Law of Areas
(ii) Law of periods
(b) Use Maxwell’s equations to drive the electromagnetic wave equation.
Q.4(a) What is Doppler’s effect? Derive expressions of frequency of sound heard by observer when:
(i) The observer moving towards a stationary source
(ii) The source is moving towards a stationary observer
(b) A stationary observer detects sound of frequency 250 hertz emitted from a source at rest. He detects sound of frequency
750 hertz when source is moving towards his with constant velocity. Determine velocity of source. (Velocity of sound =
341 m/Sec.) 682 m/s.
Q.5(a) Describe the Young’s double slit experiment and find the conditions of constructive and destructive interference.
(b) The double slit arrangement is illuminated by light of wavelength 546nm, the slits are 0.12mm apart and the screen on
which the interference pattern appears is 55cm away. What is angular position of first maxima? What is linear distance
between 3rd and 4th maxima?
Q.6(a) Describe the Postulates of relativity. Show the relativistic effect on mass, length and time.
(b) What is the total energy E of a 2.53 Mev electron? When an energy is used as an adjective, it referes to the Kinetic energy
of the particle, here K = 2.53 Mev.
Q.7(a) Derive the expressions of position and time coordinates in frame S’ relative to S (Lorentz Transformation).
(b) Derive the Bernoullie’s equation of a steady flow.
Q.8. Write notes on any TWO of the followings:
(a) Travelling and Standing Waves
(b) LASER, its production and applications
(c) Laws of thermodynamics

PART-II: Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.

(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.

(iii) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.

(iv) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be

(v) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q2. (a) Define a Scalar field. Obtain an expression for the Gradient of a Scalar field. Why the Gradient of a Scalar field is vector?

(b) Given o (x, y, z ) = x 2 yz 3 , Find grand o at (1, 2,1).

(c) For what value of 'a' the vector A = 2i + aj + k and B = 4i  j  2k are perpendicular.
Q.3. (a) Distinguish between Linear and Angular momentum. Explain the laws of conservation of Angular momentum. Prove that
the angular momentum is constant in the absence of external torque.
(b) The angular momentum of a particle is given as:
4 2 3
J = 8t i  2t j + 12t k
Find the torque t at t = 1
Q. 4. (a) Show that the work done by a constant force is equal to the difference of initial and final kinetic energies of the body.
(b) Prove that the total Work done by a conservative force around a closed path is ZERO and is independent of the path.
Q.5. (a) Describe Einstein's postulates of special theory of Relativity.
(b) Establish the Mass-Energy relationship.
(c) What is the speed of the air craft whose clock runs one second slow per hour, relative to a clock on the earth
[C = 3 �10 m / sec]
Q.6. (a) Distinguish between streamline and turbulent motion of a liquid.
(b) What is "Coefficient of Viscosity"? Explain in detail the Stoke’s law applicable in determining the coefficient of viscosity
of a viscous liquid experimentally.
(c) Why do auto manufacturers recommend using different viscosities of Engine oil in cold and hot climate?
Q.7. (a) Define Entropy. State second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy.
(b) Show that the entropy remains constant in a reversible process but increases in an irreversible one.
(c) Distinguish between Isothermal and Adiabatic process.
Q.8. (a) Explain the phenomenon of diffraction from a Single Slit and a diffraction grating. Discuss conditions for maxima and
minima in both cases.
(b) Differentiate between Fresnel and Fraun Hoffer's diffraction.


PART-II: Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.

(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.

(iii) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.

(iv) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be

(v) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. (a) A nonconducting disk of radius R has a uniform positive surface charge density s . Find the electric field at a point
along the axis of the disk a distance x from its center. Assume that x is positive.
(b) Explain the use of dielectric materials between the conducting plates of the capacitor.
(c) The parallel plates of a 1.0 F capacitor are 1.0mm apart. What is their area?
Q.3. (a) Explain the working mechanism of the moving coil microphone and electric guitar
(b) Explain the working mechanism of the Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) and walk-through metal detector.
(c) An observer is 1.8 m from a light source (of dimensions much smaller than 1.8 m) whose power output is 250 W.
Calculate the rms value of electric field at the position of the observer. Assume that the source irradiates uniformly in
all directions.
Q.4. (a) Enlist the practical applications of the diode.
(b) Explain volt-ampere characteristics of the diode.
(c) Differentiate between insulator, conductor and semiconductor materials using energy band gap approach.
Q.5. (a) State and explain the amplitude modulation in communication systems.
(b) Explain the construction of PNP transistor and give its one practical application in detail.
(c) What are the advantages of digital signal over analog signals?
Q6. (a) Explain the Lyman, Balmer and Paschen series of atomic hydrogen.
(b) State and explain photoelectric effect.
(c) Some major features of photoelectric effect cannot be explained in the terms of classical wave theory of light, discus
in detail.
Q7. (a) Explain Zeeman effect in the context of energy level diagram.
(b) Explain dual nature of light.
(c) State and explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Q8. (a) Explain the working mechanism of the scintillation counter and bubble chamber in detail.
(b) State and explain nuclear fission giving at least three examples.
(c) A small cyclotron of maximum radius 0.25m accelerates protons in a 1.7 T magnetic field. Calculate (i) the frequency
needed for the applied alternating voltage, and (ii) the kinetic energy of the protons when they leave the cyclotron.

PART-II: Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 80

Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.

(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL Marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(v) No Page /Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(vii) Use of Calculator is allowed
Q.2. (a) How does a vector quantity differ from a scalar quantity?(06) (20)
(b) A small airplane leaves an airport on an overcast day and is later sighted 215 km away in a direction making an angle
of 22° east of north. How far east and north is the airplane from the airport when sighted? (08)
(c) Explain the conservation of linear momentum and angular momentum. (06)
Q.3. (a) Describe Michelson-Morley experiment and show how negative results obtained from this experiment were
interpreted? (10) (20)
(b) What is time dilation in special relativity? Obtain an expression for time dilation regarding time interval between two
events measured from two different inertial frames. (10)
Q.4. (a) What is length contraction in special theory of relativity? (04) (20)
(b) What are isothermal and adiabatic changes? Explain with volume pressure diagram.
(c) Define the term Coherence. Drive an Expression for the Coherence length of a wave train that has a frequency
bandwidth v . (08)
Q.5. (a) Explain the formation of Newton’s rings and show that the radii of mth dark ring is proportional to the under root of
wavelength. (10) (20)
(b) What is diffraction grating? Define grating element. Explain how a plane transmission grating is used to determine
the wavelength of light. (10)
Q.6. (a) What is a LASER? Explain with neat diagram the process of absorption of light, spontaneous emission and
stimulated emission of light. (08) (20)
(b) Explain with the help of energy level diagram how stimulated emission results from electron impact of He-Ne Gas
LASER? (06)
(c) Explain how the viscosity of a given liquid is determined using Stokes's method experimentally? (06) (20)
Q.7. (a) Distinguish between the resolving power and the magnifying power of a Telescope: (08) (20)
(b) Discuss the applications of First Law of Thermodynamics. (06)
(c) Describe the Galileo’s principles of relativity. (06)
Q.8. Briefly discuss any FOUR of the following terms: (05 each)
(a) Standing waves (b) Dopplers effect
(c) Electromagnetic waves (d) Surface tension
(e) Components of vectors


PART-II: Time Allowed: 2 Hours & 30 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 80
Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(v) No Page /Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
(v) Use of Calculator is allowed

Q. 2. (a) State and prove Gauss’s law of electrostatics. Derive its differential form. (12)
(b) Use Gauss's law to calculate the electric field due to a line charge. (05)
(c) A point charge of 1.8 µC is at the centre of a cubical Gaussian surface 55 cm on edge. What is the net electric flux

through this surface? Use

�o = 8.854 �10 12 C2 / N.m2 .
Q.3. (a) Analyze the RLC series circuit using j-operator method and discuss its frequency response. Discuss the importance of
this circuit. (14)

(b) Find the impedance of a circuit consisting of a 1.5kW resistor, 5.0µF capacitor and 50mH inductor in series at a
frequency of 10 kHz. (04)
(c) What are the advantages of A.C. mains supply? (02) (20)
Q.4. (a) Describe the forward and reverse biased characteristics of a PN junction. (06)
(b) Explain the working of a bridge rectifier using a neat and labelled circuit diagram. (12)
(c) Why semiconductor devices are preferred over the vacuum tubes? (02)
Q.5. (a) What is meant by Compton Effect? Derive an expression for Compton shift in wavelength.
(b) A beam of X-rays is scattered by a carbon target. At 45 from the beam direction the scattered X-rays have a
wavelength of 2.2pm. What is the wavelength of the X-rays in the direct beam? (04)
Given that
h = 6.626×10-34 J.s,m o = 9.109×10-31 kg and
c = 2.998×108 m / s)
Q.6. (a) Derive expressions for half-life and mean life of a radioactive substance. (15)
(b) The activity of a certain radionuclide decreases to 15 percent of the original value in 10 days. Find its half-life.
(c) Give any two industrial or medical uses of radioisotopes. (02) (20)
Q.7. (a) Differentiate between nuclear fission and fusion. (03)
(b) Draw a labeled diagram of a nuclear reactor and explain the functions of various parts.
(c) Calculate the energy released in the following fission reaction induced by slow neutrons. (04)

92 U + 01 n � �236
�� 54 Xe + 38 Sr + 2 0 n
�92 u�
140 94 1

Express your answer in MeV

[Given that m( 235
92 U) = 235.043923 a.m.u

m( 140
54 Xe) =139.921640a.m.u.

m( 94
38 Sr) = 93.915360a.m.u.,

m( 01 n) =1.008665a.m.u
and1a.m.u.= 931.5MeV / c2]
Q.8. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (10each) (20)
(a) Modulation
(b) Common emitter single stage amplifier
(c) Bainbridge mass spectrometer

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