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SECTION C [25 marks]

Exercise 1:
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

accident called crashed

crowd ground help

ambulance traffic jam injured

Begin your story with:

Adam and Roy were walking home from school yesterday. They were going to stop at Adam’s
house. Suddenly, …
SECTION C [25 marks]
Exercise 2:
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

building smoke firemen

traffic crowd policemen

hose hurt watch

Begin your story with:

Lim and his family were in their car going home after going to the library. Then the cars in front of
them stopped. Lim’s father got up to …
SECTION C [25 marks]
Exercise 3:
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

parents stuck crying

police neighbours worrried

ladder rescue climbed

Begin your story with:

One day, there was a big crowd outside Kelly’s house. When she looked out the window, she saw …
SECTION C [25 marks]
Exercise 4:
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

heavy rain village flooded

rescued roof boats

high belongings floating

Begin your story with:

The monsoon season …
SECTION C [25 marks]
Exercise 5:
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

evacuation rescue worker boat

teddy bear fell into dived into

drowning reunited thanked

Begin your story with:

The heavy rain for the past few days had caused havoc in Kampung Sentosa. Many villagers …
SECTION C [25 marks]
Exercise 6:
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your answer in the
space provided. Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

corner against victim

terrified trembled shouted

inform teacher thankful

Begin your story with:

As Johan walked towards the back gate of school, he …
Sample answers

Exercise 1
Adam and Roy were walking home from school yesterday. They were going to stop at Adam’s
house. Suddenly, they heard the screeching of car tires followed by a loud bang. They ran ahead and saw that
an accident had happened. A man was lying on the ground and he was injured. A passerby was next to him
trying to help him. The accident caused a traffic jam because the cars couldn't go past. A big crowd was
starting to gather at the accident scene. In just few minutes, they heard ambulance coming. They were glad to
see that the man wasn't too badly injured.

Exercise 2
Lim and his family were in their car going home after going to the library. Then the cars in front of
them stopped. Lim’s father got up to see what was happening. He saw that there was a cloud of smoke
coming from a big building that was on fire. Traffic had stopped because all the cars were slowing down to
look. However, there was a policeman who was directing traffic and trying to get the cars to move. As they
passed the scene of the fire, Lim could see the firemen worked hard to put out the fire. They were holding a
big hose and shooting water at the building. Luckily, no one was hurt but still, there were many people who
had crowded round the place to watch.

Exercise 3
One day, there was a big crowd outside Kelly’s house. When she looked out the window, she saw all
her neighbors were standing near a big tree opposite her house. She was surprised to see the police was there
too. When she looked up, she saw her neighbour’s son stucked up in the tree. He was crying because he
didn't know how to get down.
His parents were nearby and very worried. Luckily, the firemen brought a long ladder and put it
against the tree trunk. One of the firemen started to climb the tree to help get the boy down. The police were
there to control the traffic.
The boy finally calmed down and allowed the man to carry him down. Everyone was relieved the
boy was safe.

Exercise 4:
The monsoon is back again. Last week, it rained heavily for days. As a result, my village was
flooded. Many houses were damaged by this flood. A rescue team came in a boat and rescued the poor
villagers. Most of them were seen sitting on the roofs of their homes for safety purposes. The villagers
carried their belongings along with them. Chickens and ducks were seen floating away during the flood. The
victims were sent to a safer place to stay temporarily. The flood had caused a lot of damages to their
Exercise 5:
The heavy rain for the past few days had caused havoc in Kampung Sentosa. Many villagers were
waiting for evacuation. The rescue boat came with two rescue workers. A woman and her two small sons
stepped in. Suddenly, the son’s teddy bear fell into the water. The boy tried to reach out for it and fell into the
water too. The mother screamed in horror when she realized what had happened.
One of the rescue workers dived into the water. The little boy was getting weaker and was drowning.
The rescue worker swam as fast as he could to the boy. At last, he reached him. Finally, the boy reunited with
his mother. The mother thanked the rescue worker for saving her son.

Exercise 6:
As Johan walked towards the back gate of school, he saw an unpleasant sight at the corner of the
school building. Derek had one arm against the victim such that he was forced against the wall while Salim
just watching them. Johan was surprised to see that the victim was his classmate, Thomas. Thomas looked
terrified and he trembled in fear. Without delay, Johan shouted for help. Several students who heard the
outburst rushed to inform some teachers and soon, Mr Tan, the discipline teacher showed up. Mr Tan asked
Derek and Salim to follow him to his office. Thomas expressed his thankful for Johan’s help.

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