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Scientific name : Mastigoteuthis flammea

Appearance : 1) The majority are no more than 60 cm (24 in) long.

2) The head end bears eight arms and two tentacles,

each a form of muscular hydrostat containing
many suckers along the edge.

3) The mouth is equipped with a sharp, horny beak.

Habitat : All the seas around the world.

Food : Other small fishes, shrimps and crabs.

Other Information : Squid are strong swimmers and certain species can "fly"
for short distances out of the water.


Scientific name : Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos

Appearance : 1) They breathe through five to seven gill slits.

2) Sharks have a covering of dermal denticles that protects

their skin from damage and parasites.

3) They also have several sets of replaceable teeth.

Habitat : Sharks are found in all seas and are common down to
depths of 2,000 metres .

Food : Sharks feed on squid or other fish.

Other Information : In general, sharks swim ("cruise") at an average speed of 8

kilometres per hour (5.0 mph) but when feeding or
attacking, the average shark can reach speeds upwards of
19 kilometres per hour (12 mph).

Sea Horse

Scientific name : Hippocampus sp

Appearance : 1) Seahorses range in size from 1.5 to 35.5 cm.

2) Unusual among fish, seahorses have a flexible, well-

defined neck.

3) They do not have scales but rather thin skin stretched

over a series of bony plates, which are arranged in rings
throughout their body.

4) They have long snouts, which they use to suck up food,

and eyes that can move independently of each other
(like those of a chameleon).

Habitat : Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and

temperate waters throughout the world, and prefer
to live in sheltered areas such sea
grass beds, estuaries, coral reefs or mangroves.

Food : Seahorses feed on small crustaceans floating in the water
or crawling on the bottom.

Other Information : 1) Seahorses swim upright.

2) Since they are poor swimmers, hey are most likely to be

found resting with their prehensile tails wound around a
stationary object.


Scientific name : Physeter macrocephalus

Appearance : 1) The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales.

2) Mature males average at 16 metres in length but can

reach 20.5 metres.

3) The sperm whale's distinctive shape comes from its very

large, block-shaped head, which can be one-quarter to
one-third of the animal's length.

4) The S-shaped blowhole is located very close to the front

of the head and shifted to the whale's left

Habitat : It is relatively abundant from the poles to the equator and is

found in all the oceans.

Food : The sperm whale feeds primarily on giant and colossal


Other Information : Whales may sleep with both sides of the brain. It appears
that some whales may fall into a deep sleep for about 7
percent of the time, most often between 6 p.m. and

Scientific name : Tursiops truncates

Appearance : 1) They vary in size from 1.2 m and 40 kg up to 9.5 m and

10 tonnes .

2) Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales.

Habitat : They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of

the continental shelves.

Food : Fish and squid are the main food.

Other Information : 1) Dolphins are often regarded as one of Earth's most

intelligent animals.

2) Most dolphins have acute eyesight, both in and out of

the water, and they can hear frequencies ten times or
more above the upper limit of adult human hearing.

Scientific name : Octopus vulgaris

Appearance : 1) Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms.

2) An octopus has a hard beak, with its mouth at the center

point of the arms.

3) Octopuses have no internal or external skeleton

allowing them to squeeze through tight places.

Habitat : The octopus inhabits many diverse regions of the ocean,

including coral reefs, pelagic waters, and the ocean floor.

Food : Octopuses eat mainly crabs, polychaete worms, and other

molluscs such as whelks and clams. Open-ocean
octopuses eat mainly prawns, fish and other cephalopods.

Other Information : 1) Octopuses are among the most intelligent and

behaviorally flexible of all invertebrates.

2) They have numerous strategies for defending themselves

against predators, including the expulsion of ink, the use
of camouflage and deimatic displays, their ability to jet
quickly through the water, and their ability to hide.

Scientific name : Anguilla rostrata

Appearance : 1) Eels are elongated fish, ranging in length from 5 cm to 4


2) Adults range in weight from 30 grams to over 25


Habitat : Most eels live in the shallow waters of the ocean and
burrow into sand, mud, or amongst rocks.

Food : The eels feed on other small fishes , prawn and

Other Information : Freshwater eels and marine eels are commonly used
in Japanese cuisine; foods such
unadon and unajū are popular, but expensive.

Scientific name : Dasyatis pastinaca

Appearance : 1) Most stingrays have one or more barbed stings on the

tail, which are used exclusively in self-defense.

2) The stinger may reach a length of approximately

35 cm (14 in), and its underside has two grooves
with venom glands.

3) The flattened bodies of stingrays allow them to

effectively conceal themselves in their


Habitat : Stingrays are common in coastal tropical

and subtropical marine waters throughout the

Food : Stingrays feed primarily on molluscs, crustaceans,

and occasionally on small fish.

Other Information : Stingrays are usually very docile and curious, their
usual reaction being to flee any disturbance, but
they will sometimes brush their fins past any new
object they encounter.

Porcupine Fish
Scientific name : Diodon nicthemerus

Appearance : 1) Porcupine fish are medium to large sized fish.

2) Porcupine fish have the ability to inflate their body by

swallowing water or air, thereby becoming rounder.

3) Sharp spines radiate outwards when the fish is inflated.

Habitat : The porcupine fish is found in shallow temperate and

tropical seas worldwide.

Food : Other small fishes.

Other Information : 1) Some species are poisonous, having a tetrodotoxin in

their internal organs, such as the ovaries and liver.

2) This neurotoxin is at least 1200 times more potent

than cyanide.

Viper Fish
Scientific name : Chauliodus danae

Appearance : 1) A viperfish is a saltwater fish in the genus Chauliodus,

with long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws.

2) They grow to lengths of 30 to 60 cm (12 - 24 inches).

Habitat : Viperfish stay near lower depths (250–5,000 feet) in the

daytime and shallow at night, primarily in tropical and
temperate waters.

Food : The viper fish feeds on small fishes.

Other Information : It is one of the fiercest predators in the deep sea and is
believed to attack its prey by luring them with a light
producing organ called a photophore, which is located on
the end of its dorsal spine.

Sword Fish
Scientific name : Xiphias gladius

Appearance : 1) The swordfish is named after its bill resembling

a sword .

2) They commonly reach 3 m (9.8 ft) in length, and the

maximum reported is 4.55 m (14.9 ft) in length and
650 kg (1,400 lb) in weight

Habitat : These fish are found widely in tropical and

temperate parts of Atlantic,
Pacific and Indian oceans, and can typically
be found from near the surface to a depth of
550 m (1,800 ft)

Food : Swordfish feed daily, pelagic fish such mackerel,

barracudinas, silver hake, rockfish, herring and lantern

Other Information : Swordfish are vigorous, powerful fighters. When
hooked or harpooned, they have been known to dive
so quickly that they have impaled their swords into
the ocean bottom up to their eyes.

Mud Skipper
Scientific name : Periophthalmus gracilis

Appearance : 1) These fish use their fins to move around in a series of


2) They can also flip their muscular body to catapult

themselves up to 2 feet (60 cm) into the air.

Habitat : They are found tropical,subtropical and temperate regions,

including the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic coast of Africa.

Food : It feeds on small prey such as small crabs and arthropods.

Other Information : Digging deep burrows in soft sediments allow the fish
to thermoregulate, avoid marine predators during the
high tide when the fish and burrow are submerged, and for
laying their eggs.

Scientific name : Pachygrapsus marmoratus

Appearance : Crabs have hard shell and a pair of claws.

Habitat : Crabs are found in all of the world's oceans.

Food : Crabs are omnivores, feeding primarily on algae, and

taking any other food, including molluscs, worms,
other crustaceans, fungi,bacteria and detritus,

Other Information : Crabs typically walk sideways.


Scientific name : Penaeus monodon

Appearance : The body of the shrimp is divided into two main

parts: the head and thorax which are fused
together to form the cephalothorax, and a long
narrow abdomen.

Habitat : They can be found feeding near the seafloor on most


Food : Cleaner shrimp feed on the parasites and necrotic tissue of

the reef fish.

Other Information : They usually live from one to seven years

Jelly Fish

Scientific name : Chrysaora fuscescens

Appearance : 1) A jelly fish has gelatinous umbrella-shaped bell and

trailing tentacles.

2) The bell can pulsate for locomotion, while stinging

tentacles can be used to capture prey.

Habitat : Jellyfish are found in every ocean, from the surface to

the deep sea.

Food : Jelly Fish are carnivorous, feeding on plankton,

crustaceans, fish eggs, small fish and other jellyfish.

Other Information : Jellyfish range from about one millimeter in bell height and
diameter to nearly two meters in bell height and diameter.

Star Fish

Scientific name : Protoreaster linckii

Appearance : 1) They have bony, calcified skin, which protects

them from most predators,
2) They wear striking colours that camouflage
them or scare off potential attackers.

Habitat : Sea bed

Food : Star fish feed on clams or oysters.

Other Information : 1) Sea stars have no brains and no blood.

2) Their nervous system is spread through their

arms and their “blood” is actually filtered sea


Scientific name : Archelon ischyros

Appearance : 1) A sea turtle can grow big up to 2 metres long.

2) It has four legs and a hard shell.

Habitat : 1) Sea turtles live in most part of the world.

2) They lay eggs on the shore. After the babies

hatch, they return to sea and live there.

Food : Common food sources include sea vegetation, small

crustaceans, molluscs, sea sponges cnidarians, and
other soft bodied creatures.

Other Information : It is a cold blooded animal.


Scientific name : Mya arenaria

Appearance : A clam's shell consists of two (usually equal) halves, which
are connected by a hinge joint and a ligament which can
be external or internal.

Habitat : Sea bed

Food : Clams feed on plankton by filter feeding.

Other Information : They are eaten in many parts of the world.


Scientific name : Homarus americanus

Appearance : 1) Clawed lobsters comprise a family of large

marine crustaceans.
2)They have long bodies with muscular tails, and on
the sea floor.
3) Three of their five pairs of legs have claws,
including the first pair, which are usually much
larger than the others.

Habitat : They live in crevices or burrows on the sea floor.

Food : Lobsters are omnivores and typically eat live prey

such as fish, molluscs, other crustaceans, worms,
and some plant life..

Other Information : According to Guinness World Records, the largest

lobster ever caught was in Nova Scotia, Canada,
weighing 20.15 kilograms.


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