Annual Vs Semester Examination System in Physiotherapy in Pakistan: A Student Prospective

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Article  in  International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research · February 2018

DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.261


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12 authors, including:

Ayesha Basharat Muhammad Mustafa Qamar

University of Sargodha University of Sargodha


Tehreem Anwar
Lahore University of Management Sciences


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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research,
Int J Physiother Res 2018, Vol 6(1):2600-05. ISSN 2321-1822
Original Research Article
Ayesha Basharat, Muhammad Mustafa Qamar *, Mamuna Arshad, Hafsa Anwar,
Nadia Bashir, Tehreem Anwar, Sumaira Khalid, Jia Batool, Hira Zubair, Salma Naz,
Kiran Bashir, Rida Nawaz.
Department of Physiotherapy, Sargodha Medical College, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.
Background: Student learning is more important as compared to their marks, position holding learning plays an
important role to get what they desire to use it in their education career and farther in professional life. The
purpose of the study was to assess the quality of learning of doctor of physical therapy students at the graduate
level by considering marks obtained, knowledge retention, concentrated learning or deep conceptual learning,
mastery of practical/clinical skills, participation in curricular & extracurricular activities.
Materials and Methods: Data was taken from different DPT program offering institutes & universities of Punjab
province (Pakistan), 1000 DPT students (N=500 semester system & N=500 annual system) from 1st year to final
year. Self-administered Open and close-ended questionnaire were used to collect data about quality learning
on basis of evaluation in semester system and annual system examination.
Results: The annual system provides quality learning in terms of conceptual knowledge due to long duration
academic year, retention of knowledge, the involvement of curricular & extracurricular activities, acquisition
of practical skill, on other hand high marks, concentrated short quick learning study.
Conclusion: The study concluded that annual system provides quality learning as assessment process for
annual system provides god criteria for student learning capacities.
KEY WORDS: Quality Learning, Annual Examination System, Semester Examination System, DPT Students.

Address for correspondence: Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Qamar, Assistant Professor, Department
of Physiotherapy, Sargodha Medical College, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.
Access this Article online Journal Information

Quick Response code International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research

ICV for 2016 ISSN (E) 2321-1822 | ISSN (P) 2321-8975
Article Information

Received: 04 Nov 2017 Accepted: 08 Dec 2017

Peer Review: 05 Nov 2017 Published (O): 11 Feb 2018
DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.261 Revised: None Published (P): 11 Feb 2018

Examination system is a systematic process to
Education is described as a process of create pillars for society, conjures up an image
facilitating learning, acquisition of knowledge, of fear and dread. different examination system
reorganization, construction & reconstruction of was used all over the world [4, 5] mainly
values, habits, attitude, Perception & actions[1- semester & annual systems were in focused with
3]. Learning or knowledge acquiring mainly their unique characteristics used to evaluate
concerned with the experience of a person as a student and quality of education as students had
whole not imposing one characteristic or habit, to grab knowledge concepts of in short duration
also focusing on individual social, intellectual, of time in semester as compare to annual syst-
moral, emotional & physical growth in life [1]. em, but at same time students felt convenient
Int J Physiother Res 2018;6(1):2600-05. ISSN 2321-1822 2600

in semester system as course divided & learnt grading & final exams. [11, 13, 14] The greatest
in short form as compare to annual system whole advantage in Semester system in Universities is
course leant & evaluated at end of year became that students get evaluated about their progress
master of course. so quick picking and screen- through continues feedback and tests.[15] pre-
ing more in semester exams put intellectual vious data determined that students motivation
challenge as well improve intellectual learning is an important factor in their performance and
in the semester system [4, 6, 7]. most students get motivation from their final
Each examination system has its own impor- results, and positions in exams & to achieve such
tance in different regards; as the annual exami- satisfaction can be achieved by proper planning
nation system gives an opportunity to grasp con- & management through the academic year. [16,
cepts and in the study of texts. In this system, 17]. Semester system provides flexibility to their
students get enough time to do mastery over students regarding improving their learning qual-
subjects, but in semester system students built ity by decreasing their workload but it does not
concepts in short duration. For cognitive learn- allow students to do mastery over subjects in-
ing semester system moves to the higher level volving in their course and making concepts [9,
of learning and student is evaluated on both in- 15, 18, 19].
tellectual and behavioral basis. Proper training Previous studies concluded that Semester sys-
of teachers, however, can help the students to tem of examination is accepted by the students
pass through examination in the Semester sys- and teachers in terms of marks obtained, per-
tem. [8, 9] Generally, the examination means sonality development and flexible environment
testing and estimating one’s academic ability for learning[20] while such system disagrees in
and performance by oral or written Examination terms of making concepts[15], doing mastery
which was based on the prescribed syllabus pro- over subjects[6], and taking part in extra-cur-
vided for the test within a specified period of ricular activities [15]. Semester system has a
time [8, 10]. disadvantage in making students overburdened
Annual system of Examination is the one which in their studies as well as financially [13, 14,
conducts one Examination at the end of year in 21].
which papers are set by external professors and This study submitted the importance of proper
are checked by external examiner under the su- examination system in improving learning skills
pervision of the concerned University, little or (including both theoretical & practical skills),
no role for internal assessment and examiner, further this study showed different problems
so there are little chances of biases for students faced by DPT students under different exami-
evaluation of students [4, 6, 11, 12] Annual sys- nation system in Pakistan as for Doctor of Physi-
tem allows teachers to teach student while tak- cal therapy students appear in both examina-
ing help from not only books but also by using tion system under different universities; & ulti-
modern technologies, multimedia, internet fa- mately study provided guidelines to improve
cilities to help students to get into the depth of education system for DPT students under dif-
any topic and to improve knowledge as, students ferent examination system to help in making
get enough time in annual system to make his policy in choosing system which provide better
grip strong on tough subjects by revising them, learning strategies to improve quality of
again and again, that help him in making strong learning(concept building, retention of knowl-
concepts [11, 12], that will improve not only his edge, curricular & extra-curricular activities)
theory but also his skills can be improved prac- rather choosing one which only focuses marks
tically[11]. obtained, or completion of syllabus.
In semester system students had the advantage The study which was conducted had its merit as
of appearing in exams after the short interval a 1st study in Pakistan in DPT students regard-
after almost every 6 months, marks are divided ing their judgment about the importance of ex-
into separate categories in term of assignments, amination system for quality learning in the field
presentations, midterm and final terms. of physical therapy. in Pakistan, students were
Students get more chances to improve their evaluated under two examination system,
Int J Physiother Res 2018;6(1):2600-05. ISSN 2321-1822 2601

semester & annual exam system. a large num- In this study, most students perceived that se-
ber of students were confused about quality of mester system is a better way for obtaining good
learning in which type of system is best ac- grades or marks and concentrated learning (Fig.
quired, as we observed the flaws in both exam 1, 2). Whereas mostly student thinks that an-
system as well found little data about merit & nual system provides retention of knowledge as
demerits of both systems in DPT examination compared to semester system (Fig. 3).
system. we tried to observe both systems on Fig. 2: Do you agree that Semester system is a kind 0f
basis of few characteristics that depicted qual- concentrated learning.
ity learning and the main concern of student’s
satisfaction about quality education.
A prime study conducted in Punjab (Pakistan)
for DPT students to focus on which types of ex-
amination system provide good student assess-
ment and quality learning based on marks ob-
tained, knowledge retention, conceptual learn-
ing, expertise in clinical skills, participation in
curricular & extracurricular activities.
A comparative cross-sectional survey was con-
ducted in which 1000 DPT students (N=500 se- Fig. 3: Do you agree that Annual system provides retention
mester & N=500 annual examination system) of knowledge.
were surveyed from both semester & annual A g re e
D is a g r e e
examination system, using convenience sam-
pling technique. Further inclusive criteria in- 39%
cluded 2nd year to final year DPT students & their
teachers from both government & private sec-
tors. We had personally collected data by a face-
to-face meeting with students as well contacted
them telephonically/emails. This data was free
from any bias and misinterpretation. It included
students of 2nd, 3rd, 4rth and 5th year DPT students
studying in various universities of Punjab. Mostly student believes that annual examina-
RESULT tion system provides better evaluation criteria
Fig. 1: A Which Examination System provides good for student curricular activities, a system where
grading/Marks criteria?. they can learn better practical skills in addition
to the provision of enough time for research
activates. However, they believe that in the se-
mester system students remain busier as com-
pared to the annual system.
The main focus of this study was to find out the
system of examination whether it’s annual or
semester regarding personality grooming, learn-
ing qualities, education status and to know which
system should be implemented in Pakistan for
DPT students, as a lot of studies had done in
other disciplines in Pakistan but no study is done
on topic that which examination/evaluation
Int J Physiother Res 2018;6(1):2600-05. ISSN 2321-1822 2602

Teachers will get enough time for research activities

Examination System Students Practical/Hands-on Techniques Skillfully Develop

Annual System

Examination System Student found liberty in Extracurricular Activities

Semester System

Examination System in which student found busier in academic activities

Fig. 4: Perception of Students Both

about usefulness of annual and Provides Better Evaluation Criteria for Student Curricular Activitity
semester system.
Semester system is a kind 0f concentrated learning

Annual system provides retention of knowledge

0 20 40 60 80

system provide quality learning. Doctor of physi- Annual and semester system regarding marks
cal therapy degree is awarded to students ap- obtained and the passing ratio of students. They
pear in both type of examination, Students of took 216 students of B.COM and 265 students
physical therapy in Pakistan were confused about of B.BA in 2010 and took 75 students of B.COM
their evaluation, knowledge gain & retention and 72 students of BBA in 2011. They did quali-
concerns. tative research, collected data through question-
A structured questionnaire was used including naires and face to face discussions with the stu-
a different question about both exam system and dents as well as staff in that university. They
filled by both exam system bachelor students concluded that students agreed with Semester
showed that students efficiency not only depend system as it provides good marks in Exam as
upon theory output as well practical skill learn- compared to the Annual system[11].
ing. It was considered that as prolong the time A study was conducted in five dominant Univer-
of annual system provides satisfaction in term sities of Pakistan, faculty of Islamic universities,
of theory and practical learning. But some Bahawalpur Pakistan including both
students were convinced that semester short Bahawalnagar and Rahimyar Khan Campus and
duration also provides same opportunities. 10 departments of Punjab University with the
The comparative analysis was conducted in dif- objective to rule out student’s consummation
ferent universities degree programs in Pakistan about semester exams who in different univer-
conducting semester & annual systems for stu- sities. [16] previous data consider student’s
dent evaluation to provide quality education. gratification in the context of coursework, teach-
Both systems are useful for proper students ers & teaching methods, time of coursework.
education assessments but each system has its They distributed self- administered question-
merits & demerits.[12, 22] Self-administered naires among students randomly and 5-point
questionnaire attempted to identify the system scale respectively. Results favored the semes-
which provides good quality of education to the ter system in providing a flexible environment
students to make them better professionals, and for improving marks obtained and make a stu-
group discussions using a semantic differential dent less burdened as they had to go through
scale. The questionnaires were distributed ran- short course, not whole and previous one [17,
domly among students. It was found that ma- 21, 23].
jority of student’s favored annual system [22] & Learning quality is judged by marks obtaining
semester system as both provides an opportu- criteria, knowledge retention, acquisition of con-
nity to do mastery over subjects, ease in cover- centrated learning, theoretical and practical
age of syllabus and constraints of concepts [12, skills development, the involvement in curricu-
14, 18, 22]. lar and extracurricular activities in both exami-
A comparative study was conducted in Govt. nation system. Present study results showed
College of Management Sciences, Peshawar and Semester system provides better marks to their
among other universities and their staff between students as compared to the annual system.
Int J Physiother Res 2018;6(1):2600-05. ISSN 2321-1822 2603

Second is knowledge gaining criteria to judge on concepts and meanwhile got enough time for
the learning quality, according to our results 61% their extracurricular activities like sports, re-
students’ favored annual system while 39% stu- search, festivals etc. Semester system, on the
dents favored semester system, semester sys- other hand, had got one big advantage of get-
tem is kind of examination system in which time ting high marks as depicted from result but the
of learning is very short for each subject or topic students relied on no or little extracurricular
so students had to pay attention what they are activities. The annual system provides a better
taught and lean those skill quickly and limited quality of learning in all its included criteria ex-
way so they had to adopt concentrated learning cept marks obtained.
that provides opportunity to develop quick learn- Recommendations: It was recommended that
ing skills as compare to annual system in which Annual system of Examination should be pro-
students had long year time to learn and ex- moted in Universities as student satisfaction is
plore. next criteria is theoretical and practical important regarding the system in which they
skill acquisition, according to our results 47% were studying and positive attitude and excel-
students favored annual & 37% favored semes- lent achievements were also considerable.
ter system and 16% agreed with both and the Therefore, the policymakers, administrators, and
last criteria to judge learning quality is involve- teacher need to co-operate for developing a
ment of curricular and extracurricular activities positive attitude among students through ensur-
and results showed that students remain busier ing availability of all the required resources. Few
in curricular activities in semester system as steps can be taken in this direction as— orga-
compare to annual system, at same time annual nizing workshops, seminars and conferences
system provide students an opportunity to in- etc. by the authority focusing on different mecha-
volve in both activities. Beside marks obtaining nisms of annual system and their benefits for
criteria annual system provides better opportu- the students’ community; reducing the student-
nities to students for extra-curricular activities. teacher ratio to a reasonable size; mobilizing
According to our research results taken from local resources; providing all the required infor-
1000 students, it was found, 47% students mation and resources such as study material,
agreed with practical techniques skillfully de- facilities for co-curricular activities, feedback,
velops in the annual system while 37% students adequate library and laboratory facility, com-
agreed that such techniques develop in semes- puter and internet facility.
ter system and 16%students agreed with both Conflicts of interest: None
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How to cite this article:

Ayesha Basharat, Muhammad Mustafa Qamar, Mamuna Arshad, Hafsa
Anwar, Nadia Bashir, Tehreem Anwar, Sumaira Khalid, Jia Batool, Hira Zubair,
Salma Naz, Kiran Bashir, Rida Nawaz. ANNUAL VS SEMESTER EXAMINATION
Physiother Res 2018;6(1):2600-2605. DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2017.261

Int J Physiother Res 2018;6(1):2600-05. ISSN 2321-1822 2605

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